#ALSO if u dont like what someone blogs. just blacklist it? or unfollow?? or block?? bro who cares.
pendraegon · 3 years
i say this as someone who is KNOWN for having batshit anons and like. i’m pretty thickskinned and most things don’t phase me but god. there was a point that i genuinely HATED getting any notifications in my ask box (i’m okay now dw y’all can send me things i don’t mind aoskfjdsa). that seeing the number tick up on there instantly put me on edge because the things that anons would send me were so inappropriate. not that it was like nsfw or any nasty shit but the MESSAGE of it, the TONE. i’m a friendly person i would say but i’m not your friend. if we’re mutuals, that still doesn’t make you my friend. you’re my friend when friendship has actually been established. i don’t get how it is that people decide to turn their brains off in interpersonal relationships just because it’s online. it’s creepy and it’s exhausting.
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rudystree · 2 years
"#she literally isn't even famous" ok but literally this I feel like you're being a bit of a hypocrite. I fully agree with you that the ppl cyber bulling her are weird and crazy, but so is the way in which you fervently adore her when she isn't 1. a celebrity, 2. an influencer and ppl wouldn't even know who she is if she wasn't Rudy's gf. It's so random how u put on her a pedestal because technically she isn't supposed to be clout chasing. Shes literally just a PA on a show. I dont see the other crew members having fan pages and "protection squads" some ppl who hate her are disturbing but also there's ppl who rightfully dislike her and the amount of fame she gets for no reason. You guys never verbalize the fact that you only idolize her bz. you're vicariously living through her cuz she's yt and you like Rudy romantically. Same sentiment, just at different ends of the hate/love spectrum.
let me explain why i completely disagree. you act like being extremely hateful and being extremely supportive are the same thing. i’m not hurting anyone. there is nothing wrong with hyping someone up, complimenting others, trying to balance out the negative. in this shitty world there is never enough love going around.
elaine isn’t famous, she isn’t a celebrity, but she does have a large instagram following and it is completely normal imo for someone in the public eye to have supporters who don’t know them personally. think of like, any YouTuber/tik toker, etc.; mariah has fan pages too. we just enjoy her content and think she’s adorable, that’s all. she’s just a young photographer trying to live her life in peace and sharing her experiences, that’s not ‘clout chasing’. being rich or famous isn’t a prerequisite for having people care about you.
i don’t ‘idolize’ anybody, and i have no romantic interest in rudy. i simply admire them both. that’s why i made a blog for them. if that bothers you in any way, you are absolutely welcome to unfollow/block/blacklist tags. everyone can stay in their own lane and post about what makes them happy, as long as you don’t hurt anyone.
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