#ALTHO I'm personally ignoring the 'trolls ascend at 7-8 sweeps' thing and shunting it to 10 sweeps in my canon as I've had so far
anontrolls · 7 years
Hiveswap (Head)canons
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A list of some of the interesting Hiveswap headcanons that were introduced in the game so far! We’ve gotten a convoluted and ridiculous new sport, totalitarian and terrifying caste restrictions, and some really cool xeno facts about drones and sopor.
Facts gathered with the help of @activatingaggro and other people chattering about it on the Discord RP server, since I haven’t played the game yet myself.
Alternia is a mostly land-based planet with few oceans and little water.
All communications are monitored by the Empire.
Dreams are policed by chucklevoodoos.
Planetary Alternia has little to no adult trolls on it.
Drones are frequently and judiciously used as law enforcement, or just to casually cull the lowblood population.
When a troll approaches 7 sweeps old, they undergo the mysterious Rites of Maturation to ascend and leave the planet, never to return.
However, if you receive a job offer before your Rites of Maturation, you can do that instead.
If a troll loses their lusus, it is insinuated to be illegal for them to be adopted by another.
It has also been insinuated that slavery is fairly common but tends to be brushed under the carpet.
On top of being primarily insect-based like we saw in Homestuck, troll technology frequently energy-based, and psionic-based tech exists.
Psionics often run the risk of ruining certain technology in a way similar to how magnets do.
There is a popular sport called Stickball. It’s really complicated, and is played in two 11-hour parts, and involves things like Pushers, Dozer balls that make you fall asleep on contact, implied-to-be-feline Prowler beasts for each team, and Stitcher balls that are actually just yarn you have to roll into a ball before you can use it to score, a troll called a Wrangler that can set lusi on the enemy team, and Zappers that blast players.
Trolls aren’t allowed to own over a certain amount of money or certain luxuries or consume certain media and information, based on their caste. Rustbloods in particular only receive enough resources to survive.
Neighborhoods are also segregated by caste.
Certain lusii are known for being associated with certain characteristics, and some are rare for set castes: sloths are rare for rustbloods, deercat bond with ambitious lowbloods, ect.
Maroonblood psionics are commonly (but not always) telekinesis and some sort of communion with the dead. For example, powers like pyrokinesis are possible.
Brownblood psionics are commonly (but not always) animal communion.
Lowbloods are at high risk of getting culled for extremely minor issues (such as complaining about the quality of a product they bought or setting cutlery wrong at a table) and there are no consequences for a highblood killing a lowblood.
Psionic trolls in particular may be killed before conscription if they are too powerful.
Most lowbloods go into service-based jobs such as to be butlers, janitors, etc.
Blueblood strength such as Equius’s is a caste standard, though maybe not to the extreme that the Zahhaks had it.
Subjuggulators may be rare and niche, but they are a government-integrated group that enforce the Empress’s will.
The reigning heiress has total control over planetary Alternia if she so chooses, and can do things like forcing the populace to buy her products under threat of culling.
There are only two fuchsias publicly known at a time: the reigning heiress (on Alternia) and the Condesce (who is out conquering).
Drones are organic monstrosities with no brains - in fact, their heads pop off and their nervous systems are entirely located in their guts.
Sopor slime emits pacification, and you can have things like bean bags filled with it that will be relaxing to lay on.
Sopor slime is physically and mentally draining to sleep in, and has been known to injure unprepared (dehydrated, etc) trolls.
Most lusi are unaffected by the daymares and aggression that trolls are and thus don’t need sopor slime.
Technology is really insectoid - for example, console controllers are bugs that are laid by the console.
‘Grubjuice’ and ‘grubsauce’ are a thing, and rustbloods at least are not allowed to ask about it. Grubjuice is a chunky drink, however. Take that as you will.
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