frogboyandzombieface Β· 2 years
hii, how was your day?
hiiiiii!!! <333πŸ’• my day wasn't too bad ngl ! i lazed around in bed a lot for the start though which i do a lot in the morning (i dropped out of school 2 yrs ago cuz mental healthπŸ€ͺhaha ) and stayed with my two dogs who are adorable and lovely and i will do Anything for them. and then i did a bit of writing but kept getting distracted by playing video games 😭
then i cooked a stir fry dinner with my dad and my parents argued for the millionth time about the fact that my dad never cooks or he has to bring in the fact that me and my brother never do anything around the house (completely untrue and also he kinda forgets i have mental ilness which hinders it like a Lot) and it ruined my mood a bit especially when he ragged on me never doing anything and being lazy etc even though i legit have a high stress job at a fast food restaurant and im about to go into tafe courses like .. idk sorry don't meant to dump all my shit on u guys it's all chill <3
but like yeah then we went out for ice cream cuz my mum wanted me to get some driving practice in (in aus u have to get 120 hrs of driving as a learner before going on probation plates, and also have to be 18, been tryna get my hours up) and the ice cream was BANGER (got strawberry sorbet and this like choc brownie shit it was lit)
then went home and started calling with my best friend !! ive known them since we were like 3 yrs old, and we recorded the second ep of our podcast we do (tomorrow im gonna plug it here once it's edited and posted cuz fuck it i want everyone to listen to us talk abt bullshit) and then we talked a bit, they went to bed and now i am here at 1am in my bed bored and my dogs snoring next to me . so like
not the worst day but it was kinda slow though picked up later on!!! thanks so much for asking non ur so nice <333 i hope you've had a good day or night etc too whoever u are !!!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’•
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