makiitabaki · 5 months
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bitchiswild · 9 months
oh are like a english person?
I was born and raised in the United States, I was fluent when I was younger but school,friends and my sister got me speaking English more. My parents and grandma still speak to me in Vietnamese, I understand a lot more than I speak😩 but don’t ask me to translate cause idk 😭😭
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deadboystims · 3 months
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✦ ┊ cheesy americana stimboard for anon 💥🦅🇺🇸
sources : 1 , 2 , 3 ┊ 4 , 5 , 6 ┊ 7 , 8 , 9
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sandwich2451 · 10 months
okay I'm sure everyone on the planet has pointed this out already but panem used to be north america right? so in tbosas in the beginning somewhere (and I'm sure this is mentioned in thg too i just read it a year ago) coriolanus mentions that it's the fourth of July. on the day of the Reaping.
iMAGINE HOW FUCKING CRUEL these people are in the capitol. how they took the day of celebrating liberty (because america raahhh freedom whatever) and literally twisted its meaning so that i became a symbol for their control. their liberties. because for the capitol to be free the districts had to all be oppressed and shackled.
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pub-lius · 1 year
RAAHHH AMERICA (lafayette pt.3)
welcome back to this i guess. i can guarantee you the whole revolution will take several posts because this is by far the longest part of my notes (obviously) soooo there will still be quite a few more of these posts for @thereallvrb0y because i still have Hamilton to do after this! that will be fun im excited. so anyway, if you missed pt. 2, here you go, and lets get right into it
Arrival in America and Becoming a Major General
Lafayette and his posse landed on the shore of North Island off the coast of South Carolina, and they were... lost! They couldn't find anyone, so they rowed further inland to try to find any sign of civilization, and they found enslaved black men fishing for oysters, and they brought them back to the plantation house.
From there, they traveled to Philadelphia. There's a common theme throughout the Frenchmen's accounts: everyone fucking loved Lafayette. Like literally everyone was so happy to see him, but literally hated the other French guys with him, so everyone else was really uncomfortable but Lafayette saw nothing wrong with what was going on.
The reason why the Americans were so hostile to the other Frenchmen was because of Silas Deane. I mentioned in pt. 2 that Deane did not do any research into whether or not Lafayette had qualifications, and he did that with every other French officer he sent over. and he sent. a lot. There was one particular incident where he sent some French engineers that ended up being completely incompetent, and when the public (and Washington's staff) heard about that, they were like "okay, we're done with the French"
But Lafayette was different because, again, he was so fucking rich. Everyone saw him as a symbol of French alliance, and a sign of hope that maybe, with foreign assistance, they could win the war. Of course, they didn't know Lafayette was there illegally, but yk. it was something.
By the way, literally everything went wrong on every journey this group went on. From North Island to Charleston saw several of the party getting sick, losing horses, risk of being mugged, and having to walk BAREFOOT through the woods at one point.
Then, on the 650 mile trip from Charleston to Philadelphia, it got. worse. They started out with 12 officers and servants in open carriages. The carriages broke after four days, they had to leave behind their luggage, and continue on horseback. Over the next 10 days, their horses collapsed, they got sick again, and everything continued to go horribly wrong.
“I started out brilliantly by carriage… we are all on horseback, after having broken the carriage, in my usual laudable fashion, and I hope to write to you in a few days that we have arrived on foot.” -Lafayette to Adrienne
The trip began on June 26, 1777, and they arrived in Philadelphia on July 27. The principal driving force for them to not give up and turn back was how enthusiastic, optimistic, and determined Lafayette was. The entire time they were literally passing out from exhaustion and exposure, Lafayette was having a grand ole time. He wasn't immune to all the horrible shit they were experiencing, he just acted like he was. He was just. so happy to be there.
So, they arrived in Philadelphia, the current seat of the Continental Congress. And they thought "oh, okay, we'll just go to the president, show him our papers, and we'll be given a command! right?"
They arrived at John Hancock's house, but he was like "what the fuck are these homeless french dudes doing at my house dressed in rags, get them out and take them to Robert Morris" (bc they had to get rid of their luggage and it was the summer they were kinda wearing the least amount as possible and were covered in filth)
Also btw the reason Hancock referred them to Morris was bc Morris was a member of the Committee of Congress for Secret Correspondence, and so he handled Deane's illegal bullshit, one of which was Lafayette being there
So, the French Gang (tm) went to Independence Hall to meet Morris, but didn't even get inside (James Lovell was also there because he spoke French). Lovell explained what happened with the engineers, basically telling them "yeah sooo we don't really trust French people anymore whoops"
The French Gang was like "what ze fuck" and they were like "okay goodnight!" so they went back to their accommodations, but the next day Lovell and WILLIAM FUCKING DUER showed up and were like "uhhhh hey guys so we actually made a mistake, but if you're willing to negotiate, Mr. Marquis de Lafayette, you could be a major general!" And Lafayette didn't question the sudden change, and went into negotiations.
By the way, the reason they changed their minds overnight was PROBABLY because Benjamin Franklin's letter of recommendation had arrived telling them "that Lafayette guy is RICH. AS. FUCK. do whatever he wants that you realistically can because he is literally so rich, you want this guy to like you." They literally just wanted an in with Versailles.
Alsooo this really only benefitted Lafayette, like Congress didn't make any offers to Lafayette's comrades, so most of them went back to France. so. that kinda sucks.
George Washington and His Staff
General George Washington was um. in a rough spot. Stationed in Chester, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, he had a lot on his hand, namely worrying about whether or not the British were going to try to attack the seat of Congress. This is the pre-Laurens era for the aides de camp, so we got Alexander Hamilton, Tench Tilghman, Richard Kidder Meade, Robert Hanson Harrison, John Fitzgerald, Joseph Reed, Caleb Gibbs, and another guy that was so sick I can't even remember his name, for Washington's staff.
One big issue being faced by Washington's staff was the issue of French officers.
"We are already greatly embarrassed with the Frenchmen among us... It were to be wished that our agents in France, instead of courting them to come out, were instructed to give no encouragement but where they could not help it... Be assured, Sir, we shall never be able to satisfy them [The French]; and they can be of no use to us, at least for sometime. Their ignorance of our language, of the disposition of the people, the resources and difficiencies (sic) of the country, their own habits and tempers—all these are disqualifications that put it out of their power to be of any real use or service to us." -Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, May 6, 1777
These sentiments were shared by General Washington. I mean, Washington's staff had dealt with the French engineers problem, and so they definitely were under the impression that all the French guys being sent over from Deane's office were just underqualified noblemen who thought they were better than everyone else. They definitely thought this about Lafayette at first.
On the complete other extreme, Lafayette was amazed by Washington the first time they met at City Tavern in Philadelphia on July 31. He thought he was absolutely incredible and an amazing leader. Pretty soon, Lafayette integrated himself in Washington's office, which was actually on par with orders from Franklin who basically told Washington "this guy CANNOT die because he will be FINANCIALLY FUCKED if he does", so they put him in the safest possible place in the army.
And that lasted about a month, until the Battle of Brandywine in September 1777.
Active Military Service
Prior to Brandywine, British General Howe had somehow disappeared, until he arrived at the Head of Elk, Maryland in late July with 17,000 British and Hessian troops under his belt, making their way northeast towards Philadelphia.
Blocking the British troops from reaching Philadelphia, 10,500 Americans were positioned along Brandywine Creek, knowing the British would likely cross at Chadds Ford. For his protection, Lafayette was positioned at the rear with General Sullivan's division, which, they thought, would see the least amount of action.
The battle began by late morning, and it was very foggy out, which was always a recipe for disaster. Contrary to their expectations, they ended up facing only half the British troops at Chadds Ford, while Howe lead a second column further north, attacking the Americans at the rear, where Sullivan was stationed.
Everything quickly devolved into chaos as the Americans were taken by surprise, and couldn't really see clearly because of the fog. Lafayette was trying to rally the confused troops before he was shot in the left calf with a musketball. He attempted to continue fighting, but an unidentified aide forced him off the field.
This was literally the best possible thing for Lafayette's PR. Everyone was so pleasantly surprised by the fact that a French nobleman had taken a bullet for the American cause, and it would be key to Lafayette getting his own command (finally).
Lafayette was put in a small Philadelphia town called Bethlehem to recover from his wounds. He spent a lot of his time learning about the local religious sect, the Moravians. This is the first instance I can find of Lafayette's interest in anthropology. (btw they almost convinced him to join this religion and im like. not convinced that this isn't a cult. keep that in mind, lafayette almost joined a possible cult).
He also spent his time writing letters to French relatives and officials, advocating for the American cause. While he wasn't successful necessarily in the specific endeavors he was attempting, but this established himself as an intermediary between France and America! which is super cool!
Lafayette would rejoin Washington's troops on October 9, and would soon be named the commander of his own division on December 1, right before the Continental Army would go into winter encampment at Valley Forge *epic clifffhanger sound effect*
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cicadaland · 5 months
dude I can't stand the whole RAAHHH AMERICA 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 meme like for me personally I hate this country so much I can't even pretend to like it as a joke
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
Hi! I'm the "fav things about Logan" anon
And I was thinking about the fact that he has his flag on his helmet and the whole "proud to be from Florida" thing
It made me realise that when other drivers have their flags on the helmet everyone is like "aw, look at him, he loves his country so much, that's so cute" but when Logan does than they suddenly change opinion to "raahhh American, wtf is a kilometer" or "we know he's from America there's no need to say it all the time, he's too patriotic, he's too American"
And I hate these double standards that people have because even if I don't understand all the love for America (I'm from Italy), I understand that he does it because it's home for him and he's proud of his country and representing it
Also, thank you for sharing all those cute things about him, some of them I have never noticed before
Felt like this had to be written without being anonymous because I hate when people say something rude about Logan, but if someone else does the same thing he does, then it's cute.
(Sorry if this is extremely long, and I probably repeated myself a lot, but I get very mad at these things, lol)
HELLO! yes. i agree. 100%. i think i have only directly yelled about it on my twitter actually BUT i feel like as a sport with drivers from several different countries who are often one of if not the only driver from their country on the grid at any given time it's like. they should all be allowed to be Like That. most of the grid leans into their nationality and is proud of it especially around their home races like that's part of the whole thing!!
clearly i like his helmet i actually like his helmet a lot lol but i remember when it was like revealed or whatever there were people who were very much like. omg we know he's the american driver he doesn't have to do all that like SHUT. up. sorry. he's not the only driver with his flag on his helmet and also he's been putting the american flag on his helmet literally since forever it was on his helmet when he was karting at age 14 you can pry the stars and stripes out of his cold dead hands he IS the american in europe and he will not let you forget
also as the first full-time american driver on the grid since 2007 or whatever i think he should be allowed to be annoying about it. put the flag all over your helmet. whatever. my main point is i think the nature of formula 1 lends itself to having drivers who are loud about where they're from and i like that. i like rooting for my guy obv not just bc he's american but even as someone who isn't particularly patriotic in general i still like it. I LIKE HIS HELMET. i like all his helmets actually maybe i should just do a post yelling about them like i did his sunglasses
last thing it continues to amuse me that the first full-time american driver in a while is the way that he is. all patriotic and proud of where he's from even if he's lived in europe for nearly half his life at this point. also it fascinates me how well he's retained his accent like compare him to jak crawford who i know is from north carolina... Hello. jak barely has his american accent anymore
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rai-scutum · 10 months
Hot take: I love haas because Stewart haas and raahhh America but how is it that they deserve the grid spot more than Andretti motherfucking motorsports
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Hetalia: World Stars Episode #14: Let's Celebrate Christmas! Transcript
This episode has Krampus, Japan's first Christmas tree, Britain and Japan's Christmas cards, and red underwear.
Italy: Wow, the entire town turns into one big party!
Japan: Hai, but I feel bad our Christmas celebration is so different from what you are accustomed to.
(Hai: Yes → Japanese)
Germany: Well, stop it.
(Japan: Eheuh!)
Germany: You should be proud of the culture you created. We all celebrate Christmas in our own way. If we take a look back through history…
Italy: What?! Don’t give us a lecture; that’s boring! I have a better idea! Wait!
Italy: If you want to see how other countries spend Christmas, I have pictures I can show you.
Japan: Thank you, I would like that.
Italy: First up is America.
Japan: Hai, he sent me this picture also; he can turn anything into a big, flashy event.
(America: Hahaha!)
(Hai: Yes → Japanese)
Italy: And here’s Australiaaaa!
Japan: Right, southern hemisphere.
(Australia: Haha!)
Demons: Grr…
Italy: Hehehehe!
(Demons: Grr…)
Japan: What?! Is this what Christmas is like in hell?!
(Demons: Grr…)
Germany: Close. It’s Austria.
Austria: Krampus is a horned monster that is most well-known in the areas of Austria and Hungary.
{Caption: Lala la…la la…}
Krampus: Are you kids behaving? Let’s find out!
Austria: It appears just before Christmas to punish bad children before St. Nicolas arrives, which is a tradition some of you dummies could stand to adopt.
(Krampus: Grr…ahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!)
Krampus: Raaaaahhh!
(Austria: Euh?)
Voice: Waahhh!
Austria: Ehneah!
Voice: Wah, aahhhhh!
(Austria: Ehn ehn!)
(Krampus: Raahhh!)
Japan: I do love Christmas trees.
(Germany: Ehm)
(Italy: Ve!)
Japan: I can remember the first time I ever saw one.
{Caption: Around the time Japan opened to the world}
Japan: You want to…decorate a living tree?
Prussia: Of course! It’s tradition; we can’t have Christmas without it!
{Caption: Prussia, who is like an older brother to Germany, came to sign the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Prussia and Japan}
Prussia: So find me a cool-looking tree! I’m counting on you!
Japan: Ehah…
(Prussia: Counting on you!)
Prussia: Counting on you!
Japan: What to do? It would be very rude for me to pick out a tree at random.
(Prussia: Counting on you! Counting on you!)
Japan: It must be special. A kadomatsu? Or perhaps…ehem…Prussia. I grew this bonsai tree with lots and lots of love and it is very precious to me. Please take good care of it.
Prussia: Woah, that is a cool-looking tree! But still wrong!
Narrator: After Prussia dropped that tannenbaum on Japan, he took matters into his own hands.
(Tannenbaum: Christmas tree → German. It's also a pun on "bomb"/"baum")
Narrator: He felt he wouldn’t rest until he found a fir tree.
Prussia: I won’t rest until I find a fir tree! Ha! Jackpot!
Britain: Have a look at this, old chap. We received a Christmas card from Japan.
Wales: A Christmas card from Asia?
{Text on card #1: Merry Christmas}
{Text on card #2: Japan}
Wales: Goodness. How exotic.
Britain: It would seem he’s trying to understand and engage with my culture on a deeper level.
(Japan: Ehehehe! Eheheheheh!)
Britain: And in that case…I probably ought to reciprocate in kind.
Wales: I think it’ll be a smashing idea to use your knowledge of his culture and send back a Japanese-style drawing of him.
Britain: Do you think he would like that?! If I got anything wrong, I would feel terribly embarrassed. But I suppose I could give it a try.
{Caption: Draw, draw, draw, draw…}
Britain: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Hey, chum, you’ve seen that hakama thing Japan wears as bottoms, right? Are those trousers, you think?
Wales: It looks more like a skirt to me.
{Caption: Draw, draw, draw, draw…}
Britain: And I know he said they layer their kimonos collars in a certain way…
Wales: I think it’s right over left for men and women are the other way around.
(Britain: Eh-hm, Eh-hm, hm, hm, hm)
Narrator: Nope! Right over left is only for dead people.
Britain: There! All done with Japan! Now, to fill in the background.
Wales: Here’s a picture of some Chinese scenery.
Britain: Eh-hm, eh-hm, hmhmhmhmhm…
Japan: We have finally deepened our understanding of each other.
{Text on card #1: Fortune}
{Text on card #2: JAPAN}
Japan: But not by much.
Britain: P.S. I didn’t forget to include a ninja; he’s just ninja-hiding somewhere in the trees!
{Caption: December 31}
Italy: Oh, Germany! I brought a gift to say thank you for being nice to me again this year!
Germany: A surprise present from you on December 31st? Ja, I know what this is going to be.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Italy: Of course you do! ‘Cause nothing says friendship quite like a brand new pair of Santa panties! In Italy, it says that ringing in the new year with a pair of red underwear will bring you good fortune and lots of happiness! Yay!
Germany: Well…there’s actually an ongoing study about how different colors may affect one’s mood and outlook.
Italy: Ve! Come on, I know they’re here somewhere! Auah!
Germany: Ehm…
Italy: Uh, don’t you worry, I’ll be cool; I can fix this. Just turn around for a moment, okay?
Germany: I don’t want the underwear you are wearing!
{Caption #1: Underwear}
Italy: And here to you for supporting Hetalia! Happy New Year!
{Caption #2: Happy New Year!!}
Germany: Don’t sign off naked!
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