kafus · 9 months
why 100%ing the pokeathlon in HGSS is one of the longest challenges in all of pokemon
ok so the pokeathlon right. the fun minigame collection in HGSS that is sort of but not really a replacement for sinnoh contests. one of the achievements you have to get to upgrade the HGSS trainer card to 5 stars is beating all 10 preset records for each minigame in the pokeathlon, and this is probably what it's most known for outside of just being a fun minigame collection. i think most people beat all the records if they're going for completion and call it a day but despite how easy it is to get that trainer card level, it's actually barely scraping the surface of what this game expects out of you for 100% completion. i genuinely think it's one of the most insane pokemon challenges in terms of the amount of grinding and for WHAT??? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING AAAAA
okay deep breath hear me out. all of the images in this post are pictures of one of my own HGSS files that i have been slowly working on 100% completing the pokeathlon in. i am not done yet and you will soon see why
in the basement of the pokeathlon, there are four rooms that get progressively unlocked as you play. the first one ("solidarity room") is there at default, then you unlock the "trust room" by winning a medal in all five courses at least once, then you unlock the "potential room" by winning a medal for all five courses on the same pokemon (AKA what is called a "medalist pokemon"), and then lastly you unlock the "friendship room" by beating all the preset 1st records, which also gets you the aforementioned trainer card level. each of these rooms is there to display various pokeathlon achievements and holy shit there are a lot of them that just get more crazy as you go further back in the rooms so BUCKLE UP
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this is the solidarity room, aka the first room. very easy stuff, the only records down here are in the glass case and they show your highest collective score in each of the five pokeathlon courses. for 100% completion of this room you need to get a score of at least 450 in each course and you can tell you've done this when there are two trophy icons filled in next to each on the right hand side. a couple examples:
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the only one in particular that took me more than one or two attempts to get the score i needed was the jump course for some reason and i have no idea why honestly, i think i just suck at lamp jump. on the other hand the skill course is extremely easy entirely because snow throw can be cheesed (video of me doing this here)
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next up is the trust room. mainly it features the glass case that shows off every pokemon you've ever received a medal on and also totals how many full medalist pokemon you have, as shown below (i don't currently have any pokemon who AREN'T medalists here, but medalist pokemon are given the red ribbon on the bottom screen, so any non-medalist pokemon won't have that icon):
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yes i have 73 medalist pokemon at the time of writing this post. don't worry about the trophies right now, we're going to talk about it later
despite the glass case being the main thing here, the flag, jersey, and golden shoes on the back wall aren't actually there at first. they show up for accomplishing certain things. from left to right you have to switch 200 times in any minigame that requires swapping mons, join the pokeathlon (not necessarily win) 50 times, and dash in any minigame where you flick the stylus to dash 5000 times. these numbers might sound kind of high but it's potatoes compared to later and if you're trying to 100% the pokeathlon these will just naturally show up here eventually without you even thinking about it
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amusingly after you get them and interact with them, it doesn't actually tell you what you did to get them there lol. it's just like wow! those are yours! crazy!
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next up, the potential room: yet another glass case and a couple of tables on the back for more golden items that appear as you achieve stuff. the glass case this time contains all the records for each individual minigame, including those 1st records you have to beat as i've mentioned a few times.
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here are some of my records that i am not so subtly taking the opportunity to show off here lol. i have played so much pokeathlon that all of the 1st records are completely gone from the list, i've overwritten the entire list from each event LOL. on the bottom screen, 1st records you've beaten get a little ribbon on the event icon... but hold on, there's trophies too!
yes there's actually two records to beat for each event, the one that gives you the little trophy is called the mastery record and some of them, unlike the 1st records, are actually pretty damn difficult to achieve. circle push requires 60 points for example, which requires you to get a score of at least 60 - and the theoretical highest score you can get, aka a perfect score, is 66!! that's only 6 points off from perfect!! and don't even get me started on pennant capture, imo it's by far the hardest mastery record, it requires you to pick up 50 entire flags in one game and for a variety of reasons this is very difficult and required me to soft reset over and over doing attempts for multiple hours lol. the mastery records are really where i'm like, damn as a kid with undeveloped motor skills this would make me fucking explode (and it did when i was a child. it almost did even as an adult. fuck pennant capture)
oh yeah btw that "Link" button in the top right is specifically for local wireless playing pokeathlon with friends and there are zero achievements related to it, there's no preset records and no local play is required for completion. figured i'd mention lol
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anyway as for the two things in the back, the first with the golden pokegear is for 100 first place wins overall and the one i don't have on the right side is for winning each individual minigame/event in first place... 50 times. 50 times each. there's 10 individual minigames, and some of them don't repeat on any other course, so you can start imagining just how many pokeathlon playthroughs this takes. this is getting ridiculous considering the amount of time investment needed but it Gets Worse!
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ah yes the last room. the friendship room. it's cute, it has a statue of you and the last three pokemon you won the pokeathlon with, so you can go in with a team of 3 pokemon you care about and take a photo of your screen surrounded by statues of your favorite guys. here the mons are just random though lol
however there's more to this room and this is where the true insanity of the pokeathlon reveals itself. if you interact with your statue, you get this screen:
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as you can see, all of the trophies from the previous rooms are totaled here! the collective trophies are the ones from getting a good score on each course from the solidarity room, the trust trophies are from the amount of medalist pokemon you have shown off in the trust room, the potential trophies are from all the 1st records and mastery records you've beaten in the trust room, and the friendship trophies... well those are actually obtained from the big point score on the top screen, of which you need a minimum of 4500 to get the 10th and final friendship trophy. this total is made up of the sum of all five course high scores, the highest score from each individual minigame (after converting to athlete points, AKA the currency earned), and one point per each medal shown off in the trust room, so five points for each medalist pokemon.
and that's the issue. medalist pokemon. you may have noticed that despite me having a whopping 73 medalist pokemon at the moment as well as getting every other trophy in the pokeathlon, i only have 6 of the 10 trust trophies. do you know how many medalist pokemon you need to 100% the pokeathlon and get that last trust trophy? 200 OF THEM.
let me break down why this is fucking ridiculous. so first of all i've been waiting to mention this until now, but medalist pokemon aren't actually logged by individual pokemon, they're logged by species. this means if you go in with a cyndaquil, and then go in with a different cyndaquil, winning medals on both cyndaquils does not count as more medals after you've already gotten them on that first cyndaquil once. this means that to even attempt getting 200 medalist pokemon, you have to OWN 200 individual pokemon species - as of gen 4 there were 493 pokemon in the national dex including mythicals and stuff; that's a little under half the entire fucking pokedex!! think of it this way, there's 30 pokemon per PC box, and assuming no duplicates, you would need to fill 6 and 2/3 PC boxes with different pokemon species.
pokedex requirement aside, let's break down how many times you have to play the pokeathlon minigames MINIMUM assuming you win first place every single time and don't ever bring repeat species on accident. it's math time babey
you need 200 medalist pokemon but you join the pokeathlon with a team of 3 pokemon at a time, so let's divide that by three and round upwards. 200 / 3 = 67 full medalist runs. for each medalist, you have to beat all 5 courses, so let's multiply 67 by 5 to get 335 total pokeathlon wins. but wait, each course has three minigames! so the total amount of minigames you have to play MINIMUM to get 200 medalist pokemon is 1005. and again, that's at minimum assuming you don't fuck anything up!! these minigames aren't exactly short either, they last 1-2 minutes each and this doesn't count spamming A through dialogue and menus, picking your pokemon each time before each course, watching the cutscene of points getting totaled at the end... 1-2 minutes might sound short but even if we take out all that time menuing and assuming every course is JUST 1 minute for math's sake, that's 1005 minutes - that's 16 hours and 45 minutes of JUST pokeathlon gameplay, and that is absolutely an underestimate.
as you can imagine as a person with chronic pain these minigames are kind of painful after a while and so i'm definitely going slow with this grind but i intend to have every trust trophy eventually. i'm not the first to do it but i've seen very few people online who have even wanted to make the attempt and i want to be able to look at that friendship trophy screen and feel accomplished. (i'm also going to get that last achievement in the potential room but if i don't have it somehow at the end of getting all these medalists i'll worry about it then)
side note i think it's really funny how there's something called the Supreme Cup which is just pokeathlon but harder and the only thing worth doing it for is extra athlete points for winning (300 instead of 100), there's literally 0 achievements tied to it lol
oh, and an aside about how ridiculous the pokeathlon is - the data cards. despite all my rambling here about all these different rooms with various achievements, there's actually even more pokeathlon data that is accessible... for a price.
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the lady behind the counter here will sell you data cards for athlete points which let you view more personal pokeathlon data on the computer screen right next to her. the issue is some of these are really expensive, most of them 1000 points or more, which is a minimum of two full pokeathlon courses probably won at first place each. and there's also one card that costs 9999 for some fucking reason, it's the one that shows your total pokeathlon playtime, which i think is really funny. you also can't buy it right away, you have to buy most of the prior ones first. they really said ok here's your reward for grinding enough AP to buy all those data cards including this 9999 one: checking how much time you've wasted on getting here! in total getting all the data cards costs 39499 AP. just to view all your data!! if you get an average of 500 AP per pokeathlon course, that's a minimum of like 79 pokeathlon wins!!
i assume most people have never bought a data card much less all of them, like most people are going to use all that AP for purchasing evolution stones and heart scales from the main shop on the right, but it's kind of nutty how much data the pokeathlon actually saves. very minute stuff. since i've bought all of them, here's my current stats at the time of writing this:
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anyways don't do this unless you have a lot of time on your hands to tediously replay the same minigames hundreds of times, and if you do for the love of god rest your wrists btw. these minigames were not built for my bones and they probably weren't for you eitherSFDKSFD
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
moon river, miles morales x reader
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pairing: earth 42! miles morales x spider!reader
synopsis: you clean out miles’ room taking anything you could with you. you stumbled across a picture of the two of you when you were younger and your heart filled with rage
wc: 2.7k
warnings!: swearing, violence, slight gory details
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: the end! this story idea came to me when i was non stop day dreaming and creating scenarios in my head so i decided to just write it down. i love it actually
prev ♱
it's been three days since miles' funeral and you've spent the nights wrapped up in his bed surrounded by things that were his.
during the day you've been visiting may to upgrade your suit and also help you learn how to use some new gadgets. you didn't tell her why you needed the suit upgrade or updated spider shooters that made your webs stronger, but she obliged. you were hurting about miles, bad. you had been skipping school to sneak into his bedroom.
you were currently in miles' bed in the purple hoodie he always wore, your teddy bear and his favorite hello kitty plushie of yours in hand. you had tears running down your cheeks as you looked through the videos and pictures you'd taken together. suddenly, his mom knocked and came into the room "ohh cariño, i miss him too." she said sitting next to you, rubbing your back.
"tell you what? how about you take some of his things? keep them for yourself?" she offered. you furrowed your eyebrows "but won't you want anything to keep?" "ahh no te preocupes por eso cariño, i already ran through here, you should see my room" she chuckled. "are you sure?" you asked, wiping your tears. "i'm sure." she smiled placing a hand on your knee.
you left her house with a garbage bag full of his things. clothes, cologne, the pictures he kept around his room of the two of you, you searched thoroughly around his room for any more of his prowler gear to take, you even got the secret stuffed rabbit he hid under his bed.
when you got home and in your room, you began putting his things all around your room. you sat on on the bed, hot tears stinging your eyes as you stared at a polaroid your mom took of you and miles when you were 10. he was on your back, an arm wrapped around your neck other hand holding an ice cream. you had one in your hand and you both had the biggest smiles on your face, in the middle of laughing.
your heart twisted with anger, the love of your life was taken from you. thanks to that oversized fucker, and you weren't just gonna let him get away with it.
you got up and opened the faulty ceiling tile in your bathroom, grabbing the prowler glove and shoving it in your bookbag along with your updated spider suit and shooters. you crawled out of your window and swung in the direction of a bus station.
you knew the lab that kingpin was rumored to frequent alot, having gone there for a field trip with your class. so you decided to start there, taking a bus to save your energy. when you got to hudson valley you moved up into the mountains using binoculars to stake out the place. you saw the familiar black bmw that kingpin would drive around in.
your blood was boiling, holding back tears as you quickly got dressed in your spider suit. the upgraded suit had relatively the same design but now the spider logo legs sprawled down across your body, your new web shooters strengthened your webs, and the best part about your new suit was that it could turn invisible - camouflage.
you grabbed the prowler glove and shoved it into seemingly nowhere, thank god for hammerspace.
you made your self invisible and crawled all around the walls of alchemax looking for a way to sneak in. you found a vent at the top and crawled through using your senses to find kingpin.
you heard his gravelly voice and peeked through the cracks of the vent. he was talking to some woman about some collider? "olivia i don't care! just go ahead with that damn project!" he shouted at the lady.
you tried to move down closer to the vent but instead you pressed to hard on it and it fell down. pin and olivia shot their heads in the direction of you hitting the ground, knocking some things off a table.
the woman grabbed some goggles from her table and looked around, spotting you on the floor. "ah we got little spider-girl here" she giggled. suddenly four octopus like machines appeared from her back. "you know i've always wanted to meet you, your powers are so interesting to me." she shot a mechanical arm at you, letting it squeeze around your body.
"i'm not here to fight you you damn squid" you scoffed, wriggling your way out it. you shot webs at her feet making her fall on her back. she recovered quickly, throwing you against the wall with one of her arms. "octopus, actually" she corrected you. you got up and tried turning invisible to sneak away but she caught you "might as well save that, i can see you" she chuckled going to grab you again. you quickly moved your hands out in front of you grabbing the tentacle, breaking it.
she growled and you swung out of her reach, jumping back down to throw her to the floor, her glasses fell off and you stomped at them breaking them. another arm shot at you, roughly throwing you down to the ground. you groaned before snapping back to the reality of the situation.
you looked around for a second now realizing that kingpin was no longer in the room. you swung through the doors of the building looking for any sign of that oaf. the alarms in the building were now going off, workers running out of the building. every now and then some worker would try to fight you, you quickly beating them down.
you snuck into the doors of the collider room, mouth agape at what you saw. olivia burst in the room behind you, throwing you down onto a desk. "olivia take care of that damn insect!" you heard kingpin say from the front of the room. "what's it look like i'm doing?!" she yelled out, giving you another blow.
when a tentacle was thrown at you, you grabbed it and then grabbed the other one she threw at you. you pulled her up into the air before throwing into a wall. you grabbed a nearby pipe and blow after blow you beat olivia with it. you reached down pulling her head up by her hair "i said i wasn't here to fight you" you growled throwing her head back down to the floor.
"yo pin, come on man you can't fight your own fucking battles or what?!" you screamed out, jumping at him, throwing a blow to his head. he grabbed you and slammed you down “i killed one spider, i can do it again” he whispered, throwing a punch to your face.
you sneakily grabbed the prowler glove, putting it on. you shot an air blast to his chest that threw him across the room. “took prowler’s little toy huh?” he coughed. you got up and swung the claws through his chest opening the wound he previously had, making him scream out. you shot explosives out of the glove directly at pin, one missing as it hit the wall instead. the room began to shake as pipes began to burst.
you didn't notice him grab his gun, shooting at your arm and your stomach somehow catching the same spot he stabbed a week ago. you cried out, the wound beginning to secrete blood, he was about to shoot again, aiming for your head but you flipped out of the way.
fueled by adrenaline, you growled throwing webs at his feet hanging him upside down before throwing him up against the glass. you jumped on him, legs wrapped around his neck, hitting him with the sharp knuckles of the glove. he wailed out as blood began rushing from his nose and his cheek. you shot another web, wrapping around his back swinging back down onto his back making him gag. you jumped on top of him, sinking the prowler claws into his chest making him wail out. you kept sinking it deeper and deeper inside him, twisting it like he had done to you. the brick of the roof began to crumble, rubble falling all around you
“i am going to watch you suffer and die just like you made me watch miles.” you growled, venom laced your voice. you got up quickly to grab a piece of rubble that was falling from the walls, lifting it into the air. “i am going to beat you bloody” just then some glowing orange and purple portal opened next to you and three people jumped out in spider suits.
“oy you cant kill ‘im mate” the tall one said running over to pull you off. “what who the fuck are you, let me go!” you screamed out trying to pull away from his grip. the other two people began tying pin up with their webs, hanging him in a spiderweb on the ceiling. “the police are coming and you can’t be seen here.” a feminine voice said from under the mask. “you gotta come with us” the other spoke, moving closer to the portal.
“you expect me to go in some fucking portal with three random cunts that just popped out of it.” you spat backing away from them. “listen we can explain on the way. either you stay here and get caught up with the police or you come where we can help you” the girl said, pointing to the blood that stained your suit. you thought about it for a minute before stepping into the portal after the three of them jumped in. the portal dropped you in some elevator that was going upside down. you looked out and saw what looked like a futuristic new york, flying cars, futurist buildings.
the three of them tugged off their masks. the tall one was revealed to be dark skin, piercings littered his dark skin. the other one had the side of her blonde head shaved, piercing on her eyebrow.
your heart felt like it stopped when the third one took his off. you saw familiar brown eyes staring back at you, gorgeous brown skin you haven’t seen in a week, the only difference was his air that was out in a curly afro. “miles?” you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. you fought to hold them back, not ready to cry in front of these people. it hit you like a train seeing that face. “yeah. b-but i’m not your miles.” he said, looking down. your eyebrows furrowed wondering what the hell that meant.
“we’ll explain everything when we get to miguel.” the girl said. “i’m gwen by the way.” she told you. “hobie” the tall one spoke reaching out a hand to dap you up. “i’m assuming you already know mine?” you asked to which they nodded.
the elevator doors opened and you saw an array of people scattered all across the building, all dressed in different spider suits. some walking right side up, some upside down, some on the walls. there were so many, you couldn’t even count. there was even a cat!
“welcome to spider society” miles said to you. “miguel actually started this whole thing two years ago after me and miles messed up the multiverse or whatever. all of these people are all spider-man, each belonging to their own universe. i’m from earth 65, hobie’s from 138, miles is from 1610, and you’re from 42” gwen explained to you leading the way to wherever she was taking you.
you groaned, injuries becoming apparent to you again. you tripped a bit before miles caught you “yeah we gotta get you to the infirmary” he said.
after about 10 minutes in the infirmary, you were bandaged and taken care of. gwen, hobie, and miles stayed outside to wait for you before taking you on a short tour throughout the building, and then to some dark and gloomy office.
a man, who you knew to be miguel was standing on a floating platform, it descending as slow as it possibly could. “is he?-“ “uh yeah just let him do his thing” miles chuckled.
the man came down off the platform, muscular body clad in a blue and orange spider suit. “what am i doing here?” you spoke up. he looked at you before turning away “you are here because you’ve proved yourself to be spider-girl.” he told you.
“LYLA, do the information explaining thing” he said, a small hologram appearing by his shoulders. “there are these things called cannon events and every cannon event is what holds the spider-verse together. it’s what makes spidermen, spidermen.” he said, going on to show and tell you about how every single one of them lost a loved one. you watched holograms appear of multiple spider people kneeling over a dying relative, last one ending with you kneeling over miles. he told you about his dead daughter and how he tried to redo everything by placing himself in another universe.
“we track cannon events using high technology, making sure everything is in order.” he said, making you furrow your eyebrows. “wait so you know when these things are gonna happen? when these people are gonna die? did you know that miles was gonna die?” you asked, fists clenching. miguel turned his head to the side, sorrowful expression on his face and nod his head.
“wait so you knew he was gonna die and you didn’t do anything?” you said, growing angry. “we couldn’t do anything, it was a cannon event, it was supposed to happen-“ you interrupted him “oh so you couldn’t do shit when miles was dying but when i attack kingpin now you wanna send your fucking people to stop me.” you spat. “that’s not how it works-“ he tried to explain, but you wouldn’t let him.
“nah you picking and choosing who gets to die because of some fucking code” you spat, the hologram on his shoulder getting upset. “you get to sit up here on your slow ass platform and play god? who put you in charge.” you growled, beginning to walk away. “listen, i created this to protect the multiverse, i am and have been protecting every world. i don’t play god, i keep things in order because if they’re not, worlds could begin falling apart. i brought you here because you are a good spider-man and we could use someone like you on the force” he explained.
“whatever, send me home.” you whispered. “listen” another voice interrupted miguel. “wait, listen just stick around for a day. if you really want to go home and never be apart of this, then we’ll send you home when the day’s over.” miles said resting a hand on your shoulder.
you agreed and the four of you were dismissed from miguel’s office until further notice. they were about to show you around when an older looking peter parker with a pink robe and a baby in his carrier walked up to you. “hey guys” he exclaimed, wrapping an arm around miles. the baby in his carrier shot a web at you and began crawling around your shoulders. “ah you must be y/n! you gonna join this little club?” he asked you. “not yet.” miles answered for you, giving you a small smile.
they showed you around, jumping through different universes to show you around. you visited their friend, pav’s, universe in mumbattan and hung around there for a while.
after about an hour, gwen and hobie had to report back to their own universes to deal with whatever crimes were happening there. leaving you and miles alone.
“hey, um you know i really think you should join” he said, arms awkwardly behind his back. “i saw the way you held your own there with kingpin and doc ock. you’re really good at what we do.” he complimented. “thanks” you mumbled smiling at him. “listen i know you have your doubts about this place, believe me i had them to at first. when i showed up here, uninvited by the way, miguel told me my dad was gonna die and i couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. so i forced my way back home and i ended up proving him wrong, but then again i am some sort of original anamoly so my universe kind of fixes itself.” he told you.
“i think you should stick around, these watches are pretty cool, you could literally go anywhere” he said, geeky smile on his face. “plus it’d be nice to have a new friend around here, you and me are a lot alike” he told you. “well for one we both got that whole invisible thing going on” he showed you, making himself fully invisible. “and who knows what other powers you could have if you stayed here and trained with us and grow as spider-girl!” he exclaimed.
“yeah, i guess you’re right” you whispered. “so you in?” he asked, hoping smile on his face as he extended his arm out to you. you thought before making your decision “i’m in.” you smiled, taking his hand.
taglist ʚɞ
@itsberrydreemurstuff @alecmores @darksidescorner @insomniafrog @gwennesy @randomhoex @fiannee @am-3-thyst @melanie456 @missussmorales @spritecactus @laiflower @catushi @chispita279 @spideys2cute @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
idk if ur into this or if I'm the only one who has had a raging popstar/rockstar fantasy for myself ever since I was young so I insert it into as many fanfic scenarios as possible but any thoughts on your modern!coryo with an up and coming independent singer!reader 🫣 bc I have thoughts I imagine theyre still in the phase where they have to be creative with their outfits and have to make/bedazzle some things themselves and coryo is so down bad he's just hunched over something pink with some fabric glue, a stoning tool, and rhinestones all over the place. or or or your your whole setup getting an upgrade bc you once mentioned to him that one of the lights was behaving oddly
I think about this too bc I can sing pretty well but I'm very introverted, so I don't like to do it in front of people, and I just imagine it 💀
Modern!Coryo loves a pet project when it's important to someone he cares about (and he really only cares about you so....). He has momager vibes, but he never directs it towards you. His back hurts from the hours he spends perfecting your costumes (He's working on getting you to let him pay for everything, but baby steps are fine for now), and he hides all the packages he ordered for your state of the art set up so he can surprise you. You won't let him use his connections to jump start your career, but he never stops dropping hints about the producers or record label execs he could arrange meetings with.
He's in the comments of your tiktoks sending death threats to 12-year-olds who say you're cringe. (Your first toxic stan <3) Anthony Fantano gives you less than a 10 and he's ready to jump him. He'll be unironically saying you've made the song of the summer, and the spring, and the fall, and the winter. Your top listener on spotify and he's like that video of louis partridge at olivia rodrigo's concert putting his cup in his mouth so he could take videos/pictures of her. Has instagram highlights dedicated to your career (reposting your content, gig videos/pictures, promo stuff, etc.)
Given the fact that he comes from a family with dark secrets and is involved in the political industry, he knows how seedy the entertainment business is. A part of him wants to keep you relatively unknown, you'd be safer that way. But you seem so happy, he supposes he can let you grow. He's breathing down your neck every second though, gets you a whole crew of bodyguards even when you're only playing small venues. He runs your official social media like it's the military, but he's so sweet when he's presenting you with a fruit basket, those expensive boxes of roses that cost hundreds of dollars, and a custom-made award when you finish a small gig and joke about one day making it to the grammys.
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arabaka · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ CONTENT WARNINGS: 18+!!! fem!reader. references to breasts/pussy. you send nudes to reigen and reigen leaves you a nice lil voicemail.
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despite all your urging, reigen just will not upgrade from that flip phone of his so you have to resort to the only alternative you have: email. because you are not about to send a top-tier nude only for it to get compressed to hell and back by the archaic technology's pixel limitations.
you're a fiend when it comes to teasing reigen; you don't just stop at one nude. no, no- that's no fun. the first of many in the email thread starts tame enough but it's still wickedly enticing: a mirror selfie, showing you with the same tussled hair you woke up with and dressed in nothing but one of reigen's sleep shirts. the bottom hem is riding up just enough to give him an appetizing view of your thighs but just you in his shirt is enough to drive him wild. he's in front of a client when he gets the email notification and he knows your scheme but he can never resist opening any message from you up as soon as he receives it. it's fine, he can recover.
the second image is another mirror selfie, the motif for the day it seems. only now the shirt is raised, your panties on full display. he has to minimize the window fast, lest he incur further damage than the twitch in his pants.
the third is the first with a caption: "miss you arataka" the shirt's long been tossed aside, but instead of seeing the matching bra to your underwear, he's given an eye full of your bare breasts. your free hand has one of your tits squeezed, the expression on your face impish because you know reigen is going to go so red, so hot that steam will practically be shooting from his ears. you're right, but now reigen has to relieve himself in the bathroom because if he doesn't, he'll still be hard by the time his next appointment comes in.
the last is the piece de resistance: a video. like all the others, you're still in front of the mirror and perched at the end your bed. you have your legs spread, giving the camera (and reigen) a perfect view of your dewy pussy, your clit puffy as you roll circles around the hood with your index finger. the phone captures your breathy moans perfectly, picking up on every incantation of arataka and every rolling groan. you grind your hips against your own hand, lightly so as not to lose your balance but the friction is enough for you to bite your lip. the video abruptly ends, much to reigen's behest.
and he's sure to let you know his dismay.
because reigen doesn't prefer to send nudes. no, his form of phone sex is voicemails.
"oi- what's going on today?" you can hear the cling of his belt buckle in the background. "you know i'd go home to you but every client's confirmed today... this'll have to do." the last sentence is more for him than you. you hear the rustling of his slacks, the relief in his groan when he finally frees his aching cock. reigen spits into his hand p-tuhh! and then you hear the squelch of his strokes, the sound getting louder and faster by the second. "hhhnn-- haah-- haah," now his noises are getting you going. "you look so good. hngh, need to fill you up. you better be ready for me when i get home." he grunts and you hear a thump! as his back falls to the wall, reigen's pants a continued soundtrack as he masturbates to the pictures and videos you spoiled him with throughout the day. this doesn't go on for long, it's hard for reigen to contain himself when it comes to you. and so, the finale to his voicemail is the delicious sound of him cumming, no doubt into his own hand, all the while he croons your name. "see you in a bit." he rasps into the phone's microphone before you hear a click.
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*₊˚💬୧ hehehe last piece for the year! thank you to everyone for all your encouragement, laughs, and love. it means the world to me and i hope we get to bond more over stupid sexy animemen in 2023. also not sober atm so THIS IS NOT PROOF READ AIGHT!!!
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billthedrake · 2 years
Business travel is OK, until it's not.
Thunderstorms back east had cancelled one flight and seriously delayed another. Even with the time difference, it was almost 9 when we landed in Denver. At least Carson and I had status and were upgraded to business class. We were the first off the plane, rolling our business carry ons behind us through the airport, making our way toward the rental car area.
Carson Wells is one of the sales guys in our group. The dude's young, about 30, but he's good at his job and moreover has a crazy ambition. It's why he was paired with me on a prospect this big.
I'll be honest, I used to hate the folks in Sales. I felt like we did the work, and they cashed in their commission checks. And Carson was the very type who annoyed the crap out of me. Fratty, capable only of small talk, nice almost to the point of seeming fake. But times like this I was grateful I was paired with him: the guy didn't get stressed out about travel hiccups.
"I love Denver, man," he said in a tone that would sound chipper if it weren't such a masculine bro kind of voice. "Shame we don't have the time to go hiking or anything while we're out here."
For some reason, I was in the mood for Wells' small talk. "You into outdoor sports? I pictured you as more a country club guy," I teased.
"That too," Carson said as he flashed his smile. Pearly white teeth, fucking perfectly formed dimples, well trimmed blondish-brown beard. Yeah, one reason my defenses were down was because Carson Wells was stunningly cute and stunningly hot.
Down boy, I thought to myself. It's not like my dick was chubbing or anything, but I knew how to be a professional at work, and with colleagues. Even ones as hot as Carson. Besides, the dude was grade-A hetero.
Carson had reserved the car and we strutted right over to pick up the key. Of course, Carson went for an upgraded model. I thought of lecturing him about costs, but figured I'd let his manager deal with that headache. Besides, if we reeled this big fish in, no one would give a fuck how much Carson ran up on his business credit card this trip.
We were both tired from the long day and once we checked into the hotel it was time to go to our respective rooms and call it a night.
If you've seen one Marriott you've seen them all. At least this one had a good view of the mountains, though it would be morning before I'd have time to appreciate it. For now, I undressed and brushed my teeth and slipped into bed. I didn't even have my daily masturbation time, I was so tired.
The presentation the next day went well. Really well. Carson brought the dynamic sales pitch, and I brought the gravitas. Of course we didn't know what they'd decide yet, but you sometimes get a vibe from a prospect, and that vibe was positive.
Carson was getting it too. We stopped at a trendy restaurant near our hotel that was half steak house, half small plate kind of place. Carson joked it was the kind of place he'd take chicks to if he wanted to impress them. Honestly, I didn't care where we ate. I don't eat a lot on the day of a sales call, and now my appetite was catching up with me.
"I think this calls for the good stuff," Carson announced as he strutted up to the bar, me a couple paces behind. God, he was so sexy in that post-pitch mode, his 5'11" body filling out his trim-cut tailored suit just right, and those thick thighs leading up to an amazing ass...
"Best bourbon you have," he asked the bartender. Then, he flashed those dimples as he turned to me. "Oh I forgot, you gay guys don't drink bourbon, right?"
I rolled my eyes. "It sounds like you're scripting the next HR compliance video, Wells."
He chuckled. "Is that a yes or no, Boss?" I technically wasn't his boss, but I was an officer and somehow Boss had become his playful nickname for me.
"Sure," I said, adding that the prospect was ultimately gonna pay for this round.
"Damn straight," Carson grinned, his green eyes twinkling.
We sat the bar, sipping some pretty damn amazing whiskey. Carson had his legs spread, effortlessly manspreading. I didn't stare or scope him out or anything, but let's say I enjoyed the view.
Our conversation was all business as our food arrived, and even as we ordered another drink.
"Maybe grab another back at the hotel bar?" he asked as we nearly finished that round. It was getting dark out but still wasn't too late. "I'm in the mood to celebrate."
I nodded, signalling for the check. "Sounds good. Only we haven't won the client yet."
"We're gonna win 'em, Bill. You know it, too."
I shrugged. "Yeah," I conceded.
Carson laughed. "Didn't think you'd be so superstitious."
I nudged my leg against his. Hopefully more a buddy nudge than a flirty one, but the booze was loosening me up. "I'm surprised you're not, Wells."
We paid up and made our way back to the boring bar at our boring hotel. It felt great to unwind there. I knew Carson was eager to have more than one other drink, and I wouldn't mind getting a little tight myself. It had been a tough week.
"You're buying this time, Boss," he said. "Just don't order me some well-liquor shit."
I was tempted to get him a cheap domestic beer, just for being a smart ass, but ended up splurging on another top-shelf bourbon.
"Here's to the Dream Team," he toasted as we clinked our glasses. We were just about the only ones in the bar area, seated on one of the couches.
"You did great, man," I said.
He smiled again. Fuck, those pearly whites. "Man, that's probably the first time you've ever thrown me a compliment."
"No it isn't..." I objected. Now that I was in a managerial role, I knew it was my job to provide positive feedback to everyone on my team.
"For real," he said, with a smile that said he wasn't too upset. Or maybe Carson was just being his frat-boy nice. "You're kind of intense, Boss."
"Oh," I said. Not sure what to make of it. Though Carson wasn't the first person with that opinion of me.
He nodded. "I'm gonna say something that's not HR-approved... but you've mellowed out a lot since you broke up with Rob."
Rob was my ex-husband. I still couldn't tell if it ended amicably or bitterly. But it had been a big shift in my life. "It was a divorce," I corrected Carson.
"Yeah, divorce. Sorry. I know that was an asshole thing to say. It's just, well, you seem happier now. I hope you are, Bill."
Something about his sincerity, combined with the booze, had me opening up unexpectedly. "There's good and bad," I replied in a measured way. "But the freedom is nicer than I expected."
Carson nudged my knee with his, in what I would have guessed was a flirtation, and gave ne a "you dog" kind of look. "I bet," he smirked. Then he got an impish look on his cute face. "Maybe I shouldn't admit this to you, man, but I sometimes have fun with guys."
I gulped. This was major HR-inappropriate territory. "Is that right?" I asked with my best poker face.
The man nodded. The sexual part of my brain was just thinking how incredibly fuckable my coworker was. His voice made him even hotter, I thought. "Not the whole nine yards like you gay guys, but yeah..."
"How do you know what I do in bed?" I had to tease.
He laughed and shrugeed. Again, flashing that killer smile. "You got me there, Boss. Guess I shouldn't make assumptions." We paused and, fuck, our eyes met, like really met. I wasn't imagining it: Carson Wells was fucking flirting with me. "Can I trust you with this, man?" he asked.
I gave some motion of my hand that was some combo of crossing my heart and scout's honor.
He bit his lip nervously, playfully, and then lowered his voice to almost a whisper. "Um, yeah, I'm into sucking a guy's dick." He blushed as he said it, but I had to be impressed by how forthright he was. It was the last thing I expected from Carson's mouth. His nervousness carried him on. "I mean, just the feel of a hard cock in my mouth.... it's wild, kind of a taboo you know for a guy like me."
"I can imagine," I said. Not wanting to either encourage or discourage Carson. My dick was getting rock hard in my suit. And there was no way it was going down soon.
"Yeah," Carson beamed, glad I wasn't judging him or giving him any flak for his bi streak. "I mean it's crazy, I don't even need my dick sucked or anything, just that act is enough to get me going, you know?"
I nodded but replied. "Not exactly, Carson. I guess I'm more a receiving is better than giving kind of guy," I joked.
"Did Rob do that for you?" he asked.
This was definitely inappropriate conversation. But fuck it. "That and more," I replied. "Rob was a big ol' bottom."
"Hot," Carson said. There was something weird about our dynamic now. Buddy-buddy, but also like lusty. Carson took a sip of bourbon, but he was nearing the bottom of his glass. "Another round, Boss?"
I held mine up and swirled the last half centimeter of brown liquid in the rocks glass. "I shouldn't, man." I was already pretty buzzed.
"Come on," he urged. "We're the fucking Dream Team."
I caved and nodded. If my boner was riding a good ridge in my trousers it downright throbbed watching Carson's hot suited body get up and strut over to the bar. I needed to find some self control, in case Wells was actually gonna proposition me. Maybe he just wanted someone to talk to about his bi side. Or maybe he liked teasing me as an ego boost.
He was all smiles when he came back with two more drinks. We clinked glasses and had our first sips. "To a killer day," he smirked.
"Yep," I said. I wasn't drunk at least. But I was starting to feel really nice.
He looked around. I thought he was just idly checking out our environment, but I realized he was seeing if the coast was clear. His eyes flitted back to my crotch.
"You look like you're packing a lot down there, Boss," he said. That sexual edge somehow changing his frat-bro voice.
"Sorry," I muttered. Trying to cross my legs.
"Don't hide it, man," he urged. "No one can see it from a distance, not in those pants."
I blushed as I spread my legs again, manspreading as I faced this hunky sales guy. This was so wild and wrong, but my dick was rock hard.
"Nice boner, Boss," he smirked.
"Thanks," I said. Maybe I thought if I limited my words there'd be less cause to get me fired.
"How big is it?" he asked.
"How big?" I chuckled. Wells was the last dude I imagined to be asking me for my dick size. "7 and a half," I replied. "I've not measured the width."
"It's pretty thick," Carson put out there, his eyes back on my boner. "But not too fat to suck."
"Jesus," I exhaled.
Carson's green eyes twinkled. "Am I getting you worked up, Boss?" Jesus, he loved flirting all right.
"You know you are, damnit."
"This is just between us, right?" he clarified.
"It better be," I hissed. "Not how I expected this trip to go..."
"You upset?" he felt me out.
"Depends on if I'm thinking with my brain or my dick," I answered honestly.
That made Carson smile. "How bout your dick?"
"My dick wants to get sucked," I said bluntly.
Carson nodded, almost serious, maybe the reality was making him less chipper. "Let's do this, Bill," he grunted and tossed back of the liquor, like he was building up courage.
I didn't do mine like a frat boy shot, but sipped a good amount of the remainder and set the glass down before standing up, just hoping my erection wasn't too obvious.
I couldn't believe this was actually gonna happen. Carson didn't seem to believe it either. We rode the elevator silently, almost scared to look at one another. Then he followed me to my room.
My heart pounded, because I didn't know how this was actually going to go down. I didn't want anything messy with my coworker - hell, I'd probably be the senior investment guy brought in for half of Wells's prospects - but it was probably too late for that.
I tried to think of how this would go down. For a half minute, a part deep in my brain wanted to put a stop to this. But as I walked to where our rooms were, adjacent to one another, I stopped at mine and Carson looked at me with a look of horny expectation behind his straight-bro smile. I tapped the key card and ushered him inside.
The thing that helped my conscience somehow was that Wells didn't kiss me or make any move to make out with me. Like he'd had some practice he crouched in front of me, looking incredible in his slim-cut suit and gym-toned build, wasting no time reaching forward ot unbuckle my nelt. This wasn't gonna be a messy office place romance, this was just going to be a blowjob. As no-strings as they get.
"Fuck!" I hissed as the zipper came down and Carson tugged my boxer briefs below my hard prick. My dick jerked to attention, harder than I recall it ever being. This felt naughty and sexual in a way that half made me glad to be a divorced man.
"You sold yourself short, Boss," Carson teased as he ran his finger up and down my bone. "You got an amazing cock."
And like that, the sales guy was taking me into his mouth.
This wasn't Carson's first dick. It wasn't his fifth. The dude wasn't lying, he loved sucking cock, and it was clear he'd had some practice. I just stood there, hands on my hips and let him do his stuff. I got off on the mind-fuck of co-worker sex and the straight-dude fantasy come to life. I mean, Carson Wells clearly wasn't 100% straight but he was as close as I'd get to having a hetero guy blow me.
And the fact he loved this, really loved this, meant I was getting quality head. Regular, half-suction mouth strokes up and down about four or five inches of my cock, with increasing base.
"It's not gonna take me long," I warned him. If it hadn't been for the bourbon I would have nutted already. Wells was that good.
He was going for it now, kind of twisting the base of my cock with his fist as he bobbed more frantically. I placed my hand on the top of his skull, and that got an excited, deep moan from the guy. I started small thrusts timed with his sucking. Nothing too intense, I'm not an asshole. But I was getting real close, and my excitement was pushing me over that finish line.
"Oh shit! Oh fuck!" I hissed, trying not to be too loud. My cum was incredible. Maybe because Carson did this sucking thing all through my ejaculation that just added to the pleasure. My knees buckled a little.
I was finally was spent, and Carson gave one final lick at the tip before pulling back. "That was hot, Boss," he hissed, mouth full of cum and saliva.
"Damn... it was, man." I looked down. "Need me to get you off?" Once I cum I'm usually out of sex mode. But I know how to take care of a guy's needs.
He shook his head as he stood up. For real, Carson had a hardon riding up his suit pants. Not as big as mine but showing a good tent. "Nah, I'm good... I'm gonna go back to my room now, if that's OK."
It wasn't awkward as it seemed for some reason. Maybe because my swimmers were in Carson's belly now. "Yeah, that's fine... if you're sure." I felt a little guilty for the no-recip thing. But not too guilty, I suppose.
He flashed a grin. "Yeah, I'm sure. See ya bright and early tomorrow?"
"Yeah," I nodded, tucking back in and pulling up my trousers. "Have a good night, Wells. And thanks again." I was tipsy but maybe sobering up some now.
"My pleasure, Boss," he said. He paused and looked at me, and God I half expected a kiss to come right then. But he patted my arm and then walked past to the door. And left me in my room.
"Fuck!" I growled, and had to laugh at how crazy it was I just let that happen. I knew I'd made a terrible mistake, but Carson seemed game to make it with me. And I knew if I had that chance, I'd make it again.
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cottonundiestf · 10 months
Well...seems more results came in, let's see here..........ohoho~
Seems like things are coming along just fine for you, my precious test subject...guess I should be fine to kick things up another notch or two, then?
With how you are only just now adjusting to your newfound height advantage, maybe we should make things a bit more troublesome for you. Going from a "mere" 6'2" all the way up to a staggering 6'6" should be a great vantage point to tower over everyone else in the office. Plus, it means most of them would basically be forced to look at either your chest or your rear, considering how much some of them would need to crane their necks to get a glimpse of your face...
Speaking of your chest and rear though, those are going to need some solid upgrades as well. F cups? 52 inch hips? Those just aren't enough now, given your amazon-esque appeal. Shifting things to, say, J cups and an additional four inches of ass? Now that would make you quite the view in the office, wouldn't it, Layla?
Because I can tell that by now, my not-so-little attention whore must be absolutely LOVING these changes, even if you still aren't able to see that your body is any different from before. You mentioned how work is becoming more of a struggle, and I can definitely see why, given just how mind-blowingly horny you constantly are. After all, with such a powerful libido, you must have a sex drive that rivals even the sluttiest of college whores.
You just want more: more stares, more attention, more people lusting over you. Wasn't that the main reason you started up that OnlyFans account? Sure, you can claim it is just to have a secondary source of income, but subconsciously, you know it's because you love knowing that there are men and women out there who are spending their time pleasuring themselves to pictures and videos of you. You want them to see you as a whore, a slut, a sex object, or maybe even a baby machine? The thought of being pregnant has crossed your mind a lot more recently...
But of course, having an account like that AND being an office worker? There's no way you could maintain that Professional demeanor of yours anymore. After all, with knowing how hot you are, and how your co-workers and bosses are probably all not-so-secretly subbed to your OF page, how could you be Professional when instead you could just utilize that to become more Controlling? Especially when it means you're getting paid more to do less, giving you more time to schedule photoshoots and film videos of yourself for everyone out there who is simping over you.
Ah, but with how controlling you've become, there's no need for all those smarts of yours, are there? I mean, sure, they are useful for those dorky little cosplay shoots that you do to drive in some bigger payouts from your subscribers, but really, who needs intelligence when you've got a body like that? Dropping down about three (3) points in Intelligence should be fine, but since I'm feeling generous, have a five (5) point increase to your Charisma as well~!
Hmm...that should just about do it. Now then, Layla, remember - stay horny for me, always stay horny, and I can't wait to see how these changes play out this time around~!
Lately, walking around the office is an exercise in getting unbelievably horny because I can feel people looking at me as I walk around. I'm hard to miss; I can vaguely remember shooting up to this height in high school. I thought being this tall would be dysphoric, but when my ass and tits ballooned along with my height, I realized how much I loved how my body was built for attention.
I'm pretty sure I'm only kept around at work for my body, because I'm painfully average compared to my smart coworkers. But it's okay; I can see the subscriptions on my OF. I know they'd love to climb my statuesque body and fill me up. Make my belly big... it's the darnedest thing; I can't get pregnant, but I can't stop thinking about it...
(Sorry for the wait!)
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
A couple ways to improve Sims 4 performance (in order of ascending complexity/cost)
When you run your game, close all other applications. The more you're asking your computer to do at once, the slower it'll run. When you're playing the Sims, close your discord, your web browser, music players, and any other applications you're running.
Delete unused files and empty your computer's trash. If your computer's hard drive is full or nearly full, your computer will run more slowly. You should regularly empty the trash on your computer and delete old and unused files. If you need to store a lot of files (especially big files like pictures and video), move them off your computer's hard drive and onto a small, portable drive or cloud storage before deleting them off your computer.
Clean out your computer's fans. Computers generate heat as they run, which is why your computer has built-in fans. They're intended to cool your computer as it runs, but dust accumulates inside over time, decreasing the fan's effectiveness. For around $10, you can buy canned air to blow the dust out of your fans, increasing their cooling capacity.
Invest in a laptop cooling pad. To help keep your laptop from overheating, you can get an external fan system. Laptop cooling pads cost between $15 and $40, and plug into your laptop via a USB port. Extra external fans support your laptop's built-in cooling systems and help keep your laptop from overheating. If I forget to turn on my fans before opening the game, I have a ton of lag even without running Gshade/reshade. When I turn the fans on, my game is running more smoothly within minutes, with significant reductions in lag and fewer dropped frames.
Upgrade your computer's RAM. If you're comfortable taking your laptop apart (it sounds intimidating, but for most PCs it's actually pretty quick and easy! they're designed to be taken apart and put back together), you can easily swap out your computer's default RAM stick for one with a greater capacity. My computer comes with 4 GB of built-in RAM plus 8 GB of removable RAM for a total of 12 GB. For $35 plus 20 minutes of work, I was able to swap out the 8 GB RAM stick for a 16 GB RAM stick, bringing my total to 20 GB. My game runs a lot more smoothly now! To check if this is possible for your device, go into your device settings and check to see if your computer is at its maximum RAM capacity. If not, google "[your exact device model] compatible RAM" and order a compatible RAM stick. If you've never taken a laptop apart before (and hell, even if you have) I'd recommend finding and watching a video tutorial to show you exactly how to take your computer apart and what to look for (google "[your exact device model] RAM upgrade tutorial."
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morgana-lefay · 11 months
did you go to till's concert, yesterday? how do you know about the protesters? was it in the media too?
Hello, Anon. No, I wasn't at Till's concert. I saw it on Luis Bawzaski's Instagram stories (you've probably seen his videos from last tour, with his tag, going around here). You could see a lot of very loud people, with many signs against Till, with some slogans like "No stage for Lindemann". There were also fans, happily posing for pictures, with the protesters as background (but they were keeping their distance). After that, I just searched on Google, to see if the media was talking about it and some German sites were. Some said there were 600 protesters, other talked about 300...not sure it they were that many, but from the background noise I could hear, they looked like a lot, indeed, but I wasn't there. I got the info I commented about on my post on this article here: https://www.rollingstone.de/till-lindemann-tourstart-in-leipzig-und-300-protestierende-vor-der-venue-2663399/ I don't speak German, so I translated the page to English and that was it.
Now there's a new article, talking about upgrade in security for tonight's concert in Düsseldorf, since there will be new protests and it seems that the police is also investigating someone on concert goers side (I refuse to call them fans, they're just assholes, if that's true) that, apparently, made a Nazi salute. https://www.rollingstone.de/till-lindemann-sicherheitsmassnahmen-fuer-duesseldorfer-konzert-angepasst-2663651/
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rishabhsharma · 11 months
How to Sell Your iPhone 14 Pro Max: A Comprehensive Guide
The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a technological marvel, but as new models continue to roll out, you might be thinking about upgrading or simply parting ways with your current device. Selling your iPhone 14 Pro Max can be a great way to recoup some of your investment and ensure your old device finds a new home where it will be appreciated. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of sell your iPhone 14 Pro Max, from preparation to the sale itself.
Gather Your Accessories
Before you put your iPhone 14 Pro Max up for sale, make sure you've gathered all the accessories that originally came with it. This includes the charging cable, power adapter, and the original box. Having all the accessories in good condition can significantly increase the resale value of your phone.
Backup Your Data
Your iPhone likely contains a lot of personal data, from photos and videos to contacts and messages. Before selling it, ensure that you've backed up all your data to iCloud or your computer. You can do this by going to Settings iCloud Backup and selecting "Back Up Now." Afterward, you can erase all content and settings by going to Settings Unlock Your Phone
If your iPhone 14 Pro Max is locked to a specific carrier, it's a good idea to contact your carrier and unlock it. An unlocked phone is more attractive to potential buyers as it can be used with any carrier, providing more flexibility.
Determine the Value
Before listing your iPhone, it's important to research its current market value. Various factors influence the price, including its condition, storage capacity, and any additional accessories. Online marketplaces and smartphone resale websites can provide a general idea of what you can expect to get for your device.
Choose a Selling Platform
When it comes to selling your iPhone 14 Pro Max, you have several options. You can list it on popular online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace, or use dedicated smartphone resale websites like Gazelle or Swappa. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that aligns best with your preferences and needs.
Create a Detailed Listing
When creating your listing, provide detailed information about your iPhone. Be sure to include:
The model, storage capacity, and color.
The phone's condition (e.g., like new, good, fair) and any cosmetic imperfections.
The accessories included.
Whether the phone is unlocked or locked to a specific carrier.
The price you're asking.
High-quality photos are also crucial. Take clear, well-lit pictures that showcase your iPhone from various angles.
Set a Competitive Price
Price your iPhone competitively. Research similar listings on your chosen platform to get an idea of the market value. Offering a competitive price will attract more potential buyers.
Meet Safely
When you find a potential buyer, arrange a safe and public meeting place to complete the sale. Many police stations offer their facilities as secure meeting spots for such transactions. Always take precautions to ensure your safety and privacy during the exchange.
Complete the Sale
Once you meet the buyer and are satisfied with the terms of the sale, transfer ownership of the iPhone 14 Pro Max by:
Disabling "Find My iPhone" in the settings.
Removing your Apple ID from the device.
Providing the buyer with the necessary login credentials and any necessary assistance.
Selling your iPhone 14 Pro Max can be a straightforward process with the right preparation and research. By gathering your accessories, backing up your data, unlocking your iphone, determining its value, choosing the right selling platform, creating a detailed listing, setting a competitive price, and following safe practices during the sale, you can ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Whether you're upgrading to the latest model or simply looking to declutter, selling your iPhone can be a win-win situation for both you and the new owner.
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atiquzzaman2218 · 1 year
Exploring the Vast Visual Universe: Alamy's Treasure Trove of Creativity
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Hey there, fellow wanderers of the digital world! 🌍 Have you ever found yourself lost in the mesmerizing maze of stock photos, vectors, and videos, searching for that perfect image to make your project pop? Well, let me introduce you to a place where creativity knows no bounds, and imagination finds its canvas – Alamy! With a staggering collection of 343,358,457 stock photos, 360° panoramic images, vectors, and videos, this is your ticket to visual wonderland. And hey, did I mention you can save up to 30% when you upgrade to an image pack? Buckle up as we embark on a journey through Alamy's expansive universe of creativity!
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In a nutshell, Alamy isn't just a stock photo platform; it's a gateway to a realm where imagination meets pixels, where vectors weave dreams, and where videos capture emotions. With 343,358,457 assets to explore and the opportunity to save up to 30% with an image pack upgrade, Alamy is the visual playground you've been waiting for. So, my fellow explorers, gear up to dive into a universe of creativity that knows no bounds. Happy browsing, happy creating, and may your imagination forever run wild amidst Alamy's treasure trove!
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Some upgrades could make a distinction and that is actually the case while you swap your previous router for a brand new one. Finest Wi-Fi Router.Even for those who do not plan to improve your web plan alongside your router, you may seemingly see an enormous distinction with regards to your case. Web velocity. As a result of the final router is used Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E Not like older wi-fi requirements. Along with elevated velocity, a brand new Wi-Fi router will seemingly include larger vary, which means extra of your property shall be coated by a powerful wi-fi sign. Nevertheless, for those who nonetheless have Wi-Fi lifeless spot The place your machine loses connection, you'll be able to take one in every of these The most effective mesh Wi-Fi system As a substitute.When you could spend loads on a brand new Wi-Fi router, you do not have to. Now that Wi-Fi 6E will quickly get replaced Wi-Fi 7, Wi-Fi 6 router Cheaper than ever and you've got loads of choices to select from.In case your previous Wi-Fi router has been gradual currently, listed below are 5 the reason why you need to take into account upgrading to a more moderen, extra trendy router as a substitute.1. Quick tempo(Picture credit score: Future)For many who have not upgraded their Wi-Fi router up to now few years, there are a number of technological developments that may assist velocity up your machine with out getting a sooner web plan.For instance with Wi-Fi 6, OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division A number of Entry) subdivides your Wi-Fi router's channels into subcarriers. This enables your router to speak with a number of gadgets concurrently opposed to every having to attend their flip to obtain a sign.(Picture credit score: Intel)Though beamforming dates again to 802.11n (retroactively generally known as Wi-Fi 4), it noticed some main enhancements with the discharge of Wi-Fi 6. Up to now, Wi-Fi routers broadcast knowledge in all instructions however now with beamforming, your router can detect the place a tool requesting knowledge is situated and ship the data on to it.In case you have a little bit extra to spend, Wi-Fi 6E provides an entire new band that is sooner and fewer congested. Along with the two.4- and 5 GHz bands present in most routers, Wi-Fi 6E routers have a 6 GHz band that may attain speeds of over one gigabit. Nevertheless, there's a draw back. The 6GHz band could also be sooner however has a a lot shorter vary than each 2.4- and 5GHz. Subsequently, Wi-Fi 6E makes probably the most sense while you're utilizing one greatest laptop computer In the identical room as your router.2. Extra gadgets(Picture credit score: Shutterstock)As our each day lives turn into extra related, we now have extra gadgets on our community than ever earlier than, from our laptops to the most effective telephones. However a number of have to be added The most effective sensible residence gadgets In your community, your previous Wi-Fi router will be simply overwhelmed.With a brand new Wi-Fi router, you may have a a lot simpler time protecting all of your gadgets related collectively Additionally, you could have extra vary to work with, reminiscent of gadgets The most effective video doorbell And Finest residence safety cameras There shall be a powerful sign.When looking for a brand new Wi-Fi router, be aware what number of gadgets it will probably assist as most producers listing this on their product pages. You may additionally wish to take the time to depend what number of gadgets are at the moment related to your community when leaving some wiggle room for brand new gadgets and for visitors to reach.3. Improved safetySimilar to your pc or smartphone, networking corporations launch safety patches and updates for his or her Wi-Fi routers to guard you from the newest on-line threats. Nevertheless, in case you have an older Wi-Fi router, you might now not obtain safety updates. This leaves you and all gadgets related to your Wi-Fi router susceptible to assault.
Not solely will a brand new Wi-Fi router get safety updates for subsequent 12 months, they're additionally straightforward to obtain and set up since most new gadgets include their very own apps. In fact, you'll be able to replace your router manually however doing so is usually a trouble, particularly if you're not that tech savvy.On the identical time, older Wi-Fi routers most likely do not assist it WPA3 or Wi-Fi Safe Entry model 3 which is an encrypted safety protocol Wi-Fi alliance. This helps defend knowledge despatched to and out of your machine over your property community.4. No extra Wi-Fi lifeless zones(Picture credit score: Shutterstock)A brand new router will seemingly present extra vary than your previous Wi-Fi router. With extra vary, Wi-Fi indicators despatched out of your router can attain extra areas of your property. That approach you do not have to take care of Wi-Fi lifeless zones.In case you have a really massive residence or thick or brick partitions, it could be value upgrading to a mesh Wi-Fi system as a substitute. Not like a conventional Wi-Fi router, a mesh router system consists of a number of models unfold all through your property. whereas performing as a essential router or gateway that connects to a Finest cable modem, others are nodes or satellites that relay your Wi-Fi sign to different areas of your property. Whereas they'll price a bit greater than a daily Wi-Fi router, we have rounded it up Finest low-cost pretend Wi-Fi system Beneath $100.(Picture credit score: Shutterstock)Possibly you could have already up to date your router just lately and do not wish to do it once more. In that case, you need to use among the best Wi-Fi extenders to unfold your Wi-Fi sign additional and remove lifeless spots. Simply do not forget that most Wi-Fi extenders create separate networks and you may must manually swap between them and your essential community as you progress round your property.5. Simple community administration(Picture credit score: Sensible/Tom's Information)Along with letting you obtain and set up the newest updates extra simply, the apps that include new Wi-Fi routers make it straightforward to handle your community and all of the gadgets related to it. For instance, you'll be able to prioritize sure gadgets eg Finest Good TV so that they all the time have sufficient bandwidth and you'll block gadgets from becoming a member of your community Many of those apps include built-in Parental management software program which lets you set deadlines and filter content material by age. They make it straightforward to set one up Visitor community In order that your family and friends can take part when visiting.Suggestions for upgrading your Wi-Fi router(Picture credit score: Shutterstock)Upgrading to a brand new Wi-Fi router could seem to be a frightening and costly process, nevertheless it does not should be. In the event you're switching to a router that has its personal app, you may must undergo the setup course of, and every producer's website has loads of useful tutorials and guides.As for prices, investing in your individual networking gear can truly prevent cash in the long term as a result of you do not have to pay Gear rental payment out of your ISP. Nevertheless, you may wish to search for offers and take into account planning your improve Amazon Prime DayBlack Friday and even Cyber ​​Monday. Whereas most of us take into consideration our Wi-Fi routers when one thing goes unsuitable, including a brand new router to your property community can profit everybody in your loved ones and make it as quick as the remainder of your property gadgets.Extra from Tom's InformationThe most effective offers on a few of our favourite Wi-Fi routers
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pariahuja · 2 years
Buy Smart TV Online To Get A Quality Watching Experience
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Read this blog and know about why we buy Smart TV online in India is the perfect solution for a good watching experience. As we know In today's digital age, Smart TVs have become the latest must-have for any entertainment setup. With a variety of models available to choose from, there is no better way to upgrade your home theater system than to buy a smart TV online. Learn all about the different features and benefits that come with Smart TVs and why they are the perfect option for your next entertainment purchase!
Are you looking for the best way to access all your favorite movies, shows, and content in one place? Do you want to get the highest quality viewing experience without breaking the bank? Smart TVs are the perfect solution--and they're now available to buy online. Look no further than buy smart LED TV! With features such as high-resolution displays, internet connectivity, and voice control, these TVs are sure to take your viewing experience to the next level.
How We Buy Smart TV Online Without Any Doubt
When it comes to buying a Smart TV, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure that you get a quality product. With so many options available on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start. However, by following these simple tips, you can be sure that you'll find the perfect television for your home without any doubt.
The first thing you need to do is research the different types of Smart TVs available. There are many different brands and models on the market, so it's important to take the time to read reviews and compare features. Once you've narrowed down your options, you can then begin looking at prices.
It's important to remember that not all Smart TVs are created equal. You'll want to make sure that you're getting a television with the features and specifications that you need. Otherwise, you may end up being disappointed with your purchase.
When looking at prices, don't just go for the cheapest option. Instead, consider how much use you're likely to get out of the television. If you only watch TV occasionally, then a cheaper model may be fine. However, if you plan on using your Smart TV regularly, then spending a bit more money upfront can save you money in the long run.
Finally, don't forget about customer service when choosing a retailer to buy smart LED TV from. Make sure that they have a good reputation and offer good customer service in case you have any problems
How Smart TV Gives The Best Picture Quality?
When it comes to finding the best picture quality in a TV, there are many factors to consider. But if you're looking for the best of the best, you'll want to check out a smart TV. Smart TVs come with a range of features that make them ideal for getting the best picture quality possible.
For starters, smart TVs come with built-in apps and services that give you access to the latest and greatest in 4K content. Whether you're streaming from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or another service, you'll be able to find 4K content that will look great on your smart TV.
In addition to having access to 4K content, smart TVs also come with advanced picture processing technology that can take your image quality to the next level. Many smart TVs come with HDR support, which can dramatically improve your image quality by increasing contrast and color accuracy. You should also know about washing machine online purchase in India.
Finally, smart TVs also come with a variety of connectivity options that allow you to hook up your TV to other devices in your home. This means you can use your smart TV as a central hub for all your home entertainment needs. Whether you're watching movies from your Blu-ray player or streaming music from your smartphone, you'll be able to do it all through your smart TV.
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fahadventure · 2 years
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If you're already here in My Free Digital Journey - 2, I'm hoping that you have joined me in My Free Digital Journey - 1 which has showed you some way to come here :). While not all of the online courses were free, I had to dig deep & research for the best kinds of courses which would both be free and valuable for the future. Here, I'm listing down the other platforms and courses that I found beneficial:
SEO : One of the best words, I found in internet to learn was SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Though, through the Digital Marketing Course, I somehow gathered a knowledge on it, I needed to upgrade my knowledge and here came LinkedIn Learning. I found few of the best online courses, some of which were free or with one-month-free trials and chose SEO Foundations LinkedIn Learning course to carry on.
There were separate videos, lectures on various aspects of SEO followed by short questions after every chapter, an exam, full of insights, after which you will be entitled with a valuable certificate from LinkedIn which looks like the picture below:
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You can also have one, by joining the LinkedIn Learning and get certified on SEO Foundations to see numerous possibilities of your successful future in any reputed digital marketing agency or own one! 
#seo #linkedinlearning #semrush #semrushacademy #html #metatags #header #h1 #h2 #onpageseo #technicalseo #searchengineoptimization #snippets #rankingfactors
SEO Tools: Now that I have known the basics of SEO, my curious mind started to look for other relevant fields and soon found the courses on Semrush Academy. It took me just a few days, to learn and complete the two major aspects of SEO, On-page and Off-page SEO. Though this course talked about mainly The On-page and technical SEO followed by exams and certifications, this is also a free SEO Tool which is widely used for various purpose, like SEO checker and for SEO Marketing, digital marketing too.
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You can also have one, by joining the Semrush Academy to see numerous possibilities of your SEO career! There are multiple SEO courses available here but I found On-page and Technical SEO Test easy & useful! 
Content Marketing: Even if you are overwhelmingly good at SEO and works related to it, you might struggle in the initial few days to understand the market and find the jobs. Meanwhile, what you can continue is, writing for other (freelancing) or writing on your own (blogging) altogether known as Content Marketing. Content Marketing definition varies depending on your work and goals, but it is a part of SEO Marketing where you can learn to apply your SEO skills and experiment with it. Consider it as an art and master the crafts through Hubspot Academy. The free certification I completed here made me Content Marketing Certified .
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You can also have one from here
#Contentmarketing #ContentMarketingCourses #ContentMarketingOnline #ContentMarketingExamples
Coding for beginners: Now that you have made a long way, knowing about the basics of SEO, some in-depth knowledge and a little bit of Content marketing, you can really ace the a top level, if you also know a few languages of the Coding world. Datacamp will provide you the platform to learn about it for free with the most modern trends going on in programming and coding, through the language of Python. The one I got enrolled and completed successfully was Introduction to Python, where you can learn and do experiments with Ipython, an advanced version of Python for tackling coding challenges. You can also join the coding bootcamp, taking place locally or anywhere near you. 
#learning #coding #python #numpy #datacamp #strings #type #boolean #floats #integer #Ipython #Ipythonshell
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Bonus Certification: If you've completed all those courses (or more or less) and now thinking about how to decorate or make the most out of these certificates online, simply look for one of those renowned sites who'll appreciate and acknowledge your skills. I got a Golden Certificate from Digital Defynd for having 11 online certificates from various platforms. The other categories are Prime (1-4 certificates), Silver (5-9), Diamond (15-19) and Platinum (20+ courses). You can also find other digital defynd courses from the platform. So, don't wait anymore and start showing off! 
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That's all from my part! I'll hopefully write down the details of all those courses one by one soon, so that you can have an extended idea on what and how to choose from! You can read the same article in My Free Digital Journey — 2 . If you haven’t read the first part of this article, you can look up My Free Digital Journey — 1 !
Till then, master your skills in SEO, SEO tools and SEO marketing, Content Marketing, Coding and Introduction to python through LinkedIn Learning, Semrush Academy, Hubspot Academy, Datacamp and other platforms suitable for you.
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lossantosdaily · 2 years
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Picture credits: Grey__Party
We reached out to Grey upon a suggestion from some of the youth services that he has helped. We asked Grey if we could ask a few questions. We were very lucky to be invited to Grey's home for the interview and appreciate that he was very happy to answer our questions.
Since our last article, what other things have you done/implemented for the youth?
"We have improved community programs to help the youth and young adults to follow their passions. Free classes and creative rooms that we have upgraded since we last spoke. This Christmas break, those in college will be able to work part-time for my shop, Manor, in all three locations. Along with programs to help them learn to trade with auto cars and bikes. Along with intern programs for ULSA students who are interested in trade or design. We also have follow-ups to check on students who have signed up for the free program."
What are your future plans?
"The future is bright and beautiful, continuing the same motives that we have for South LS, especially in the small business sector. As well as helping those who have been in prison be able to work again. I haven't been happy with high fashion due to its lack of acknowledging models and child abuse that goes on in the industry, so I most likely will be taking a step away from OffTrick. It did what it was supposed to do, create a world that most didn't think I was able to do. But my focus and my heart are with ManorDem. This year, we have financially improved rapidly, especially with the city always coming to sell out one of the skate videos we drop. That shit brings me to tears, seeing where the brand started. Personally, I can't complain, I just love getting shit done and building."
"I have a home, just finished in Vice City, currently doing Christmas shopping for family, got my parents a new home in the hills, and getting ready for my birthday on the 24th of this month. You know me and cars, so that's a given."
We also had the offer to see Grey's garage which we accepted.
Do you have any upcoming projects? "Upcoming projects, yes! A new film coming from me and my skate team producer, Spike Bonze. The date is coming soon. The new ManorDem collection is out now, and in all 3 stores in Liberty City, Los Santos, and London." How do you feel knowing that you've helped the youth and young adults so much?
"It honestly gets me emotional. I was like them at a point thinking that my block was it until I pushed myself and realized that the world is bigger. Even with some gang members, you can see a change, not all of them of course, but a solid majority that is trying to seek a better life. I think that's why I'm safe in any hood I got to, because yeah I bring million dollar cars around, however, I'm also dropping jewels and letting them know how they can get it too. They know my heart, and where I'm coming from. They see, when I put on for myself it's really for them letting them know that they can do it too. We have hired tons of folks who don't own small businesses from that area, got them warehouse work, or just any legal work in general. Just noticing a different vibe now, the people are focused not only with my help, by helping themselves. Anything other than that is a distraction."
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softshuji · 2 years
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sailorkamino · 2 years
Heat of the Moment
relationship: alpha!stucky x omega!reader
word count: 3.4k
summary: You've haven't been with Bucky and Steve for very long but you already know that you want to be bonded to them. The opportunity comes sooner than later when Bucky suddenly goes into rut for the first time since the 40's.
warnings: body insecurities(bucky doesn't like his prosthetic/scars), threesome/poly relationship, p in v sex, knotting/abo dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, possessive stucky, breeding kink, handjobs, fingering, some cum play, oral fixation/finger sucking, brief vagina spanking, breast play, unprotected sex, biting, mentioned oral sex, metal arm kink, praise kink, pet names(doll, puppy, angel, peach, pretty girl, sweets)
a/n: the much requested part 2 of happy ending! this is also my 1st full length smut. i've been hesistant to write smut bc i worry about the pacing, i would love some feedback!
smut! minors dni
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Bucky is a little, well, clingy today. More than usual.
When you giggle at your phone he’s suddenly poking your sides with his socked feet. “What’s so funny?” He asks with a pout. “Just a meme of Stevie,” you hum, typing a response. Meanwhile the blonde focuses on his crossword (he’s long since given up understanding internet humor). Bucky frowns as he sits up, feeling left out. “What’s a me-me?”
You grin as you boop his nose, “you’re so cute. It’s called a meme and a funny picture or video from the internet.” You show him the blurry image of your boyfriend with a glass in his hand. He appears to be in the middle of talking, with his mouth curled up in a goofy smirk while winking dramatically.
Under it was a bubble of text from you that read: “omg is that when Thor brought Asgardian mead?” That’s when he sees the contact at the top of the screen: a picture of Natasha with the name ‘Red Scare’ below it. And a kissy face. Suddenly the me-me doesn’t seem as funny anymore.
He’s quiet for a moment before suddenly wrapping you in his thick arms, pulling you against his chest and laying down. You squeal in surprise but giggle as he places loud kisses against your face, his stubble tickling your skin. He smirks in satisfaction when he notices your phone dropped on the floor. Steve watches curiously. He's known Bucky long enough to spot the thinly veiled jealousy but says nothing, simply enjoying your shrieks of laughter and the other alpha’s satisfied scent.
Later that day when the blonde announces he is going on a run (because even on a lazy day he has to exercise) Bucky is not happy. “Do you remember this morning when you asked me to stay in bed? And I told you if I stay in bed now I’m gonna have to run later?” Steve asks as if he’s talking to a child. Bucky grumbles, curling into your side like a large cat.
You kiss his head while scratching his back. Your attempts to sooth him seem to work as he winds his mismatched arms around your waist. Your other boyfriend smiles at the sight and is just stepping out the door when Bucky speaks up.
“Will Sam be there?”
The deep growl in his voice has you (embarrassingly enough) clenching your thighs in an attempt to hide your sudden arousal. You hope they won’t notice but of course they do. You feel their burning gaze fix on you for a moment before they try to mask their reactions. You had yet to do anything beyond heavy petting together, Bucky is very bodyshy thanks to Hydra and you and Steve don’t want to pressure him.
You watch the blonde clench his jaw before managing an answer, his voice sounding strained. “No, he’s busy with Tony. Something about upgrading Redwing.”
Bucky responds with a simple “good” before leaning in to nibble on your earlobe. You shiver as Steve blushes, obviously affected by the possessiveness in your partner’s tone, before hurriedly exiting the apartment. You suppress a smirk at the thought of Captain America himself trying to hide an erection in those grey sweatpants he insists on wearing.
After about an hour of restlessness Bucky manhandles you into his lap, making you gasp in surprise. A teasing smirk plays on his lips, “why don’t we give Stevie a little show when he gets home?”
You nod embarrassingly fast as his lips descend upon yours, a little rougher than usual but you love it. Eventually his mouth pulls away from yours, making you whine in protest but it turns into a moan as he trails kisses across your jaw and neck. Suddenly the omega part of your brain starts nagging you: nest. Nest. Nest.
You try to focus on Bucky but being the annoyingly perfect alpha he is, he quickly notices your conflict. “Hey, what’s wrong, baby doll?”
You pout, not feeling like talking and really just wanting to kiss him again, but he holds you in place by grabbing the back of your neck. You can’t help but whine at his grip. You feel his cock harden under you but he remains stern. “What’s. Wrong.”
That time it doesn’t sound like a question. You start playing with his hair, not knowing how to explain yourself. “I don’t know. Can we… go to bed? It’s comfier.
Bucky wants to hit himself. Of course! Omegas like soft things! He glares at the couch under you, planning to buy a new one as soon as possible. It’s not good enough for you. Without a word he stands with you in his arms, making you cling to him with a suprised squeak. He looks at your favorite blanket for a moment before grabbing it as well, carrying you both to your bedroom.
When Steve opens your suite he’s almost knocked down by the scent. It’s you and Bucky but stronger. And sweeter. He can hear you two talking now in hushed voices. “Alpha’s home,” Bucky giggles, followed by kissing noises. Despite the need rushing through his body Steve grins. His mates are adorable.
He stalks to your bedroom, swinging the door open a little too roughly. You jump at the loud sound. Steve wants to apologize but he’s too distracted by the gorgeous sight in front of him. You and Bucky are tangled up amongst the softest pillows and blankets you own. You’re still in Bucky’s pajama shirt you were wearing when he left but you’ve lost your sweatpants, leaving you in lacy blue panties.
“Why didn’t you call me?” He asks, a protective growl in his voice. You pause, a confused pout on your lips. “I’m sorry, I thought it was ok for us to do stuff alone” you mumble, scent becoming distressed. Alpha’s upset with you. Normally you would have no problem sassing Steve but you’re feeling especially sensitive today and don’t like his gruff tone.
Bucky pulls you closer, wrapping you in a blanket and sending a disgruntled look to Steve for upsetting you. The blonde shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. “What? No ─ that’s not what I meant. I love seeing you and Buck together, you never need my permission for that. Or anything.”
You peer at him from your spot tucked against Bucky. “Oh… then why did you sound all growly?”
Steve runs a hand through his short hair in exasperation. “Do you not realize what’s going on?”
You crane your head to look up at Bucky, who seems equally puzzled. “We were kissing…” he trails off innocently. “I think you two are scent blind,” the blonde grumbles, finally approaching the bed. “You’re in rut,” he states, pointing at Bucky. “And it’s sending you into heat,” he points at you.
You furrow your brow. “But it’s not my team for my heat yet.” You look at the brunet quizzically. “When’s the last rut you had?”
“I don’t know, before the war I guess?”
You let out a sad whine as you nuzzle into his neck. Steve takes his boyfriend’s hands with a pained look on his face, “oh, Buck.” Suddenly, insecurity creeps into your mind. You pull away from Bucky’s hold to meet his eyes. “Wait, is that the only reason you want this? Because of your rut?”
“Of course not, angel. I’ve wanted you since the second I saw you.”
“What took you so long!?” You whine, offended at the thought of being deprived of Bucky dick for so long. He lets out a sad sigh, avoiding eye contact. “I was afraid of losing control and hurting one of you. Plus my arm… it ain’t pretty.”
You feel your heartbreak at the confession. Steve’s face turns deadly serious as he cups his boyfriend’s face. “Buck, look at me. You’re beautiful. I’m just as attracted to you as I was back then and I always will be. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you, alpha.”
“Exactly. I actually find it kind of sexy,” you purr, stroking Bucky’s jaw line. You watch with satisfaction as it clenches under your feathery touch.
“Doll…” He trails off, obviously not convinced.
“I’m serious. A super strong arm that never gets tired? That’s straight out of a wet dream.” His gaze grows darker, making you shiver. “Really?” He asks lowly. You crawl into his lap with an affirmative hum. “I’ve thought about how good your arm would feel when I’m in heat. How nice and cool it would be against my body.”
Steve watches the two of you closely, overcome with affection and lust. Watching you comfort Bucky reassures what he already knew ─ you’re perfect for them. “Yeah?” Bucky whispers. “Yeah,” you purr, lips brushing his. “Knot me, alpha. Please.” Steve licks his lips, voice rough when he speaks. “Don’t make our girl wait, Buck.”
Something in Bucky seems to snap as he rolls you over, pinning you under his body. “Tell me what you need, pup.”
“Wanna feel you,” You whimper, tugging at his clothes desperately. He rumbles a “good girl” in approval then sits up so he’s straddling you, pulling his shirt off over his head. You try not to drool as your hands wander his sculpted body, fingers running over the thin trail of hair that leads to his bulge.
Steve grabs him by the back of his head, smashing their lips together. You feel your panties dampen at the sight. You reach out to the blonde’s shirt (that’s still on for some reason) and pull gently, hoping that will send your message. He pulls away from Bucky, looking down at you with a smirk. “Need something, peach?”
His dominant tone has you squirming but Bucky’s strong thighs hold you in place. “Off,” you simply demand, looking up at him through your lashes. He grins, discarding both his shirt and his pants. You hold back a whine at the sight of his perfect body, tugging him in bed so you can kiss him too.
“I think you’re a little overdressed,” Bucky teases gruffly as you and the blonde pull apart. You’re about to sit up to help him take off your top but a loud rip makes you freeze. “Sorry doll,” he grunts, not sounding very sorry as he discards the torn fabric, hands going straight for your breasts. “God, these tits.”
Steve nips your jaw. “Don’t apologize. She liked it.” He grabs your cheeks in one large hand, making you look at him. “You love how strong our alpha is, don’t you, peach?”
“Yes, yes, I love it,” you babble, gasping again when Bucky does the same thing to your panties. “Oh baby doll, you’re so beautiful. Look at how wet you are,” he muses, kneeling between your thighs so he can slowly rub your clit. He uses his metal hand to hold down your hips as begans to finger you. “Need you, alphas,” you whimper, a new wave of heat crashing through you as Steve plays with your swollen nipples.
“I know, I know, pretty girl, but I gotta stretch you out first. You’re so fucking tight,” Bucky groans. He scissors his fingers inside of you until you're arching off the bed, shoving more of your breasts in Steve’s face. “I’m ready, I’m ready, please,” you beg.
Bucky growls, taking off his underwear in one swift motion then goes back to kneeling between your thighs. He pushes your legs into the air so he can rub his cock against your hole. You gasp at the size. “Tell me if I hurt you doll.”
You nod desperately. “I will, Buck. Promise.”
He smirks at your neediness, finally pushing in with a deep groan. You whimper at the fullness when he bottoms out, heavy balls resting against your ass. He studies your face, making sure you aren’t in pain. Normally you would coo at his sweetness but all you can manage is a whimper of, “please alpha.”
Bucky growls, thrusting into you so hard the bed shakes. He’s borderline feral from going so long without a rut as his hips snap against yours. “Good girl. Just lay there and take it” he growls roughly. Both you and Steve moan at his words.
You notice the blonde jacking himself off beside you and clumsily put your hand over his. “Aw, you wanna make me cum, sweets?” He pants. You nod desperately as Bucky grunts above you. “Cum on her tits.”
Steve obeys, moving so he’s kneeling beside you with his large dick pointed at your chest. You continue to twist your hand around him, sighing lovingly. “I really love your cocks.” Both men chuckle breathlessly at your words. “So good for us. Isn’t she, Buck?” Steve coos, looking at your other partner.
“The best. Our perfect mate,” Bucky praises gruffly. You preen at his words. Suddenly you twist off the bed with a loud moan as he hits your G spot. “There, there! Don’t stop!”
“I don’t plan to,” Bucky pants, lifting your hips so he can angle himself even deeper inside of you. “That’s right, pup. Fucking scream for me.”
“I’m gonna cum,” Steve groans, twitching in your grasp. “Make a mess on me,” you whimper through labored breaths, peering up at him. With a growl he releases on your chest and face. You use your tongue to lick away some of his cum as Bucky grunts above you. “You want my knot, pup?”
“Please, I want it so bad,” you whimper. The sight of you pleading, covered in your other partner’s seed, is enough to push him over the edge. “Cum for me,” he commands gruffly. Your orgasm hits you hard, making you cry out in pleasure as Bucky fills you up. You whimper as the brunet leans over you but it turns into a gasp when he sinks his teeth into your neck. The sharp sting quickly fades to ecstasy.
You're overwhelmed as you feel the bond form between you, simply whining into warm skin. He gently kisses the small wound, nuzzling into you. Steve watches with soft eyes. “Come on, sweetheart. Why don’t you be a good girl and bite him back?”
You’re filled with a new rush of energy as you angle his head to the side, placing your own mark on him. He moans in your ear, “oh doll, I can feel ya.” You sigh happily, pecking his shoulder. “I feel you too, Buck.”
He rumbles happily before rolling the two of you over so you’re spooning. You whimper as his knot is jostled inside of you but it turns into a content sigh when he throws his metal arm across your sweaty body. Steve moves to get up, making you whine in panic. He coos soothingly, “aw, it’s alright peach. I’m just getting a rag to clean you up.”
You start to get restless as Bucky’s knot goes down inside of you, squirming as the familiar need washes over you. “You need to be fucked again, sweetheart?” Steve asks, trailing a large hand to your sex. He groans at the sight, “oh alpha, her hole is just leaking.”
Bucky growls possessively, rutting into you unexpectedly. “Don’t want my cum dripping out of you, puppy,” he grits out against the shell of your ear. You whimper helplessly in his strong hold. “Don’t worry Buck, we’ll keep her full,” Steve soothes, cupping your pussy. “Then when she needs a rest we’ll fuck each other.”
You whimper at his filthy words as Bucky growls behind you. “I get to fuck you first. I missed that tight ass.” He kisses behind your ear, “you wanna watch me bend Stevie over? Make him cum untouched?” You clench around him at the mental image. “Yes, please.”
Bucky hums against your skin. “But first, Steve needs to bond you, doesn’t he? I think you’re ready for another knot.” As always, he’s right. Your tummy starts fluttering in anticipation. “I’m gonna pull out,” the brunet announces, squeezing your hip.
Before you can protest you’re suddenly empty. You can only whine for a moment as Steve rolls you over on your back. Once he gets you into position he wastes no time thrusting his cock inside of you. You squeak in surprise as his thrusts rock your body, making Bucky coo. “Fuck, you’re big,” you whine. Steve smirks proudly, “you can take it, sweets. You were made for us.”
You whine at his words as Bucky descends onto your breasts, still sensitive from Steve’s earlier activities.
“Am I hitting your sweet spot, pretty girl?” The blonde grunts above you. You can tell by his smug tone he already knows the answer. “Yes, so good,” you mewl as you fist one hand in Bucky’s locks. His beard scratches your sensitive skin, quickly soothed by his warmed mouth.
“Fuck, I love these tits. Imagine ‘em when she’s pregnant,” Bucky growls against your heated skin. He’s too far gone to have a filter at this point but you love it, a high pitched moan leaving your lips. “You like that peach? Wanna be knocked up by your alphas?” Steve pants.
Your head is too fuzzy to respond, overwhelmed in the best way. Bucky gently slaps your clit at your lack of response, shocking both you and Steve. You clench around his cock at the light sting. “Answer your alpha, doll,” Bucky demands. You whimper. “Yes Stevie, I want you to knock me up,” you manage, looking to the brunet for approval.
He rumbles happily as the man above you slams into you even harder. Bucky runs a thumb over your swollen lip. You instantly kiss the digit. He smirks as he gets an idea, shoving two fingers in your mouth. You began to suck on them with a content look on your face.
“You just needed something in your mouth, didn’t ya, baby doll? I would let you suck my dick but I don’t wanna be in Stevie’s way when he bite’s ya.”
“After,” you manage to respond around his thick fingers. He smirks, the scent of pleased alpha making your head spin. “Ya hear that Stevie? Our pretty ‘mega wants to suck us off.”
“You’re gonna look so good on your knees, peach,” Steve growls above you. You can only whimper at the filthy promise as a familiar pressure begans to build in your stomach. “Gonna cum,” you mewl around Bucky’s fingers, spit running down your chin. “Me too, sweets. You gonna milk my knot?” The blonde growls, hips snapping against you.
Bucky pulls his wet digits from your mouth and uses them to rub your sensitive clit. “Go on doll, make a mess,” he urgers. The stimulation is all you need to push you over. Your arch of the bed with a gasp. The blonde continues to hit your g spot as your legs tremble, before he cums inside you with a growl. He bends over to bite you under Bucky’s mark as his seed drips down your thighs.
You lay on the bed, feeling physically and emotionally exhausted from bonding with two super soldiers. Your mates move around you to clean you up and tuck you in. They grab any pillows or stuffed animals that fell from your nest and place them around you.
Steve fetches you some gatorade as Bucky curls up behind you. When the blonde returns he makes you sit up, despite your multiple protests, to sip on the healthy drink. “Good girl,” he praises, petting your head. You grin at his words as you sink back into your pillows. “Rest now, princess. When you wake up it’ll be time to eat,” Bucky croons sweetly in your ear. “Then I can eat you.”
You whimper as Steve joins you in bed. “Don’t get her excited, she needs rest,” he lightly scolds, wrapping around you protectively. Bucky looks at his boyfriend teasingly. "I know, that’s why I’m gonna fuck you while she rests.” You pout. "Wanna watch,” you protest drowsily with a yawn. Steve pets your hair soothingly. “Of course, sweet girl. We’ll wait for you ─ won’t we, Bucky?”
Bucky peers at him through dark lashes. “Yes, alpha. I’ll be good,” he coos, only half jokingly. Steve’s cock twitches against your soft thigh. “Tease,” he growls. He only smirks in response. Enclosed in their strong arms and comforting scents you let yourself drift to sleep.
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