haunted-xander · 5 months
There is something so foul about Terranort taking out Ven first at the keyblade graveyard
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themattress · 6 years
@ultraericthered: Wow, the anon actually messaged me again trying to counter with "Sora was a dumbass and Riku was emo in KH2, and it's script spammed Sora! Donald! Goofy!". Cause Sora SOMETIMES acting dumb and Riku being emo as a largely offscreen presence who isn't even his natural self is the same as regularly dumb and/or emo main characters, and the main characters' names getting spammed can be equated to spamming terminology for ridiculous sounding lines of dialogue, sure.
Oh, he or she is clearly getting desperate. They also messaged me, saying:
"Skip Scene" You can do that with Birth by Sleep and not unlock the secret ending. Also BBS didn't have the characters acting like a dumbass (Sora in 2) or emo (Riku/Roxas in 2) and didn't pad out their character slots with useless characters (Namine and HPO in 2), and didn't rehash Disney as badly as 2 did.
Yeah, you could use Skip Scene on various dumb BBS scenes and you could not unlock Blank Points. The problem is even if you don’t, those dumb scenes that you skip are still important to the story, and whether you unlock Blank Points or not, the series is still going to continue on from where it left off. You can’t really ignore it when it literally affects where the series’ narrative goes next.
BBS didnt have the characters acting dumbass / emo....dude, are you HIGH right now? Are you mentally defective? Or are you just straight-up lying? Literally every single one of the heroes in BBS (Terra, Aqua, Ven and Master Eraqus) went “emo” at some point or other (even Ven, the designated cheerful one, winds up suicidal at the game’s climax - “I want you to put an end to me”, remember?), and they are all some of the biggest dumbasses in the entire series. Master Xehanort’s entire evil plan hinged on them behaving in the stupidest ways possible and choosing to do the stupidest things possible, and it succeeded because they did so each and every time! Nothing Sora did in KH2 comes close to the level of stupidity that Terra, Aqua, Ven and Eraqus consistently displayed throughout BBS. I would seriously like you to name one thing Sora did that was as monumentally idiotic as:
- Terra blindly trusting and getting tricked by obvious villains over and over again, including Master Xehanort, to the point where he literally KNOWS that Xehanort wants him to be consumed by his own rage and hatred and then just...lets himself be consumed by his own rage and hatred, allowing Xehanort to take over his body.
- Aqua sacrificing herself to the Realm of Darkness in order to save someone she knows damn well is possesed by the most evil and dangerous man in the universe, and also knowing that if she's trapped in the Realm of Darkness then she is condeming her other friend to never be able to reunite with his body since she's literally the only one who can access the room where it's stored.  
- Ven doing everything that Vanitas and Xehanort remotely hint that he should do, putting himself right where he wants them and also setting up Terra and Eraqus for their downfalls.
- Eraqus not only causing Terra, Aqua and Ven's own stupidity by bringing them up in a repressive, uber-strict and sheltered environment and forcing his fanatical dogma on them, but also trusting Xehanort again despite Xehanort having literally scarred him in the past after having raved about his motivations for wanting to destroy the universe, having accepted Ven into his custody despite knowing that he could be used to forge the X-Blade, inviting Xehanort to the Mark of Mastery exam and then not suspecting that Xehanort rigged said exam, not telling his pupils anything about his negative history with Xehanort and how he probably shouldn't be trusted, and then deciding to immediately resort to murdering Ven when he learns the truth about himself before deciding to immediately resort to murdering Terra when he very reasonably tries to defend Ven's life.
Also, Namine who was literally the only one who could possibly restore Sora to normal and awaken him for his KH2 journey, and who later is the one to spring Kairi from her prison cell and rescue everyone from the collapsing Alter of Naught...useless?  Hayner, Pence and Olette who are the sole reason Sora, Donald, Goofy and Mickey were able to find a way into the World That Never Was...useless? I do not think that word means what you think it means.
And for the biggest laugh of all: BBS “didn't rehash Disney as badly as 2 did.“
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  Let’s do the math, shall we? KH2 had 11 Disney worlds, 12 if you count Timeless River separately from Disney Castle. Out of these worlds, only 4 of them rehashed the plots of their source material: Land of Dragons, Port Royal, Pride Land, and Atlantica. What’s more, Land of Dragons, Port Royal and Pride Land only did so on the first visits to them, but not the second visits. All the other Disney worlds and visits did the same thing the original KH did: used various elements from the source material, but repackaged them in new stories that are specifically suited to the KH universe and to Sora, Donald and Goofy’s current adventure.  
BBS had only 7 Disney worlds,with the first 3 of them rehashing their source material’s plots: Dwarf Woodland, Castle of Dreams, and Enchanted Dominion. Unlike in KH2, this happens across every visit to these worlds, by all three characters. And unlike in KH and KH2, they aren’t specifically suited to the KH universe and what Terra, Aqua and Ven are supposed to be doing. Seriously, watch the KH2 Disney world visits and compare them to the BBS ones. Notice in KH2 how Sora, Donald and Goofy are constantly being included in the action, are constantly interacting with the local denizens of those worlds. And then notice how many times in BBS that Terra, Aqua and Ven are awkwardly and hilariously ignored by the characters and events of the world, the stories of the Disney movies just playing out while the Keyblade-wielders stand totally silent in the background. The Disney stuff is painfully shoehorned into the original stuff while the original stuff is painfully shoehorned into the Disney stuff. They just don’t blend as well together as they did in KH and, yes, in KH2.
Sorry, pal, but your opinion isn’t going to sway me, or the many, MANY others who hold similar views as me if both the sales numbers and critical review scores are to be believed (both of which have KH2 well above BBS). KH2 is a gaming masterpiece. A flawed masterpiece, to be sure, but a masterpiece nonetheless. BBS is just a good, solid game, one that at the end of the day, most people will remember and cherish far less than they do KH2.
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ravenaveira · 6 years
Who’s most likely on the chopping block SPOILERS AHEAD
Ok in the latest trailer we see literally everybody's getting bodied and it looks like pretty much everyone's gonna die or at least a majority of them will but realistically speaking I dont think KH3 is gonna be THAT dark
HOWEVER I do believe there will be SOME deaths as KH3 is supposed to be the darkest kh game I dont see Nomura letting this be a and they all lived happily ever after ending, but I believe its going to be a more bittersweet ending where the good side wins but at a great cost
So the next question is, whos actually gonna die? well I have some theories on whos the most likely to die and whos most likely gonna survive
For starters Mickey Donald and Goofy are pretty much set in stone they’ll be fine, its not TOTALLY impossible but I highly doubt Nomura or Disney would kill off those iconic characters so lets just mark them off right now to the SAFE list
Aqua, Terra, Ventus and Lea are more unknown, they could die or they could not but I’ll explain why its so up in the air
Aqua can and will be saved so it doesnt make much sense for her to die after we go through all this to save her, that being said she could die trying to protect everyone just like she did in the past but I still think to bring her back only to kill her off is highly unlikely so IMO Aqua is safe
Terra is a gamble, hes been on thin ice since BBS and I always assumed he would eventually die anyway I just didnt know when but I always figured he would eventually muster up the strength to free himself and die to protect his friends, I felt like Terra would possibly end himself to prevent Xehanort from using him to hurt any more people, in this case, I see Terra possibly doing that in this situation and I feel like Terra’s ‘death’ is long overdue since at least to me its been hinted thats where his arc was heading since the end of BBS, so IMO Terra is marked for death
Ventus is also a high possibility, if it wasnt Xehanort it was Vanitas trying to kill Ven although in Vanitas case his reasoning is alot more complicated but the fact remains they have both tried to ‘kill’ him in some way shape or form and have been searching for him for years and now that they’ve finally FOUND him the chances are pretty high that Ven is gonna die, he is in a VERY vulnerable position and unable to fight or defend himself and thanks to Aqua nobody knows where he is or how to save him so Ven is definitely in the danger zone and thats why IMO Ventus is hanging by a thread
Lea is a gamble too, he’s already ‘died’ once, became Axel, died again and became Lea again, to have him die a 3rd time seems excessive but it would be heart-wrenching if he is killed by one of his former friends Saix, Xion or Roxas which although having Lea die AGAIN as I said would be excessive this would DEFINITELY be a dark and tragic ending for Lea and the impact would be much bigger than it was the previous times and it’ll hold that much more weight to it seeing him suffer from the loss of Isa and then keep remembering Xion and Roxas as well only to have one of them be the one to take him down for good is just beyond sad, so even though it may be excessive the impact would be massive which is why IMO Lea is marked for death 
Now to move on to the main two, Riku and Kairi
For starters even with my personal bias against Kairi Im not stupid enough to think shes gonna die infact I think its the opposite, Kairi is HIGHLY unlikely to die and here’s why
She’s part of the main trio that we’ve followed from the start, she’s Sora’s love interest, she’s technically the main female, she’s a princess of heart, she’s a keyblade wielder, in other words she’s too tightly woven into the story that for Nomura to take her out would not only be bold af but also extremely unexpected, its not often that you see a member of the main cast killed off but if they are its almost never the love interest which is why I believe Kairi is safe
Their also hyping up the romance way too much for them to just kill her off, unless this whole ‘oath’ and ‘dont think twice’ is just one big red herring and they pull a 180 not only would that be risky af but also pretty danm genius cuz nobody would see that coming but I will not be mad at it and infact would appreciate Nomura even more for takin such a huge risk that not many others would take, although I already know majority of the fandom wouldnt agree with me on that and I think Nomura is aware of the shitstorm he would get if he did that aswell so yea Kairi is definitely safe
Riku not so much, unlike Kairi, Riku is not a love interest or atleast not the one Nomura intended, true Riku is also a part of the main trio but the rival/best friend always has the higher chance of dying to protect the MC than the main female/love interest does
You also have to look at Riku’s character arc, his growth from giving into the darkness and doing horrible things to his journey of redemption, I believe his final atonement would be giving his life to protect Sora who in the past he had hurt so much, this and it leaves Sora still alive to save the world and defeat Xehanort since in the scene we see Sora doesnt have his keyblade and hes on his knees about to be attacked by a swarm of heartless and Riku being the last man standing protects him and if not for Riku, Sora would have died there, but Riku despite all odds against him, gives his all in protecting Sora
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Someone made an interesting comparison of when Axel was fading away after ‘putting his whole being into an attack’ from the looks of the trailer Riku is DEFINITELY giving his all in this attack, Riku is ready and willing to die for Sora which is why Riku IMO is marked for death
But I also dont think Riku is gone for good, I think he might become a nobody and he IS the only one in the main trio who hasnt had a nobody, granted because he’s never been in a situation TO have one but now is the perfect time with the perfect setup for this to happen and come into play
How exactly this will play out in the future? I have no idea and until we play the game I cant think of any theories BUT I dont think Riku’s gonna be gone for good, I think he’ll have a Lea situation where he becomes a nobody, ‘dies’ then returns to being his somebody again, or in other words is revived/reborn
Anyway thats all for my theories on who’s most likely to die on the heroes side but what about the villains?
Saix is definitely marked for death, same for most of the seekers of darkness, Vanitas and Ventus MIGHT actually make peace and accept one another and reunite so in a way you could say Vanitas ‘dies’ or he could go tragically and be killed being separated from Ven forever once again
And of course Xehanort is definitely gonna die, he’s the only one I am atleast 98% sure is going to die because at this point he has to unless they go the Iron Blooded Orphans route where literally almost all of the good guys DIE and the bad guys actually WIN with our heroes just having to live in hiding defeated Xehanort is almost gauranteed to die so IMO Xehanort is dead
Now to explain my ranking before I end this post so some of you who may be confused understand what I mean
Marked for death - means they have a target on their back and are within the enemies crosshairs and are highly likely to die unless they are saved by some deus ex machina and a miracle happens
Hanging by a thread - means that they are close to death but not quite sure if they’ll actually die hence why their hanging by a thread, maybe it’ll snap maybe it wont just gotta wait and see how things play out
Safe is self explanatory and the same applies for Dead
Thats everything, let me know if you agree or disagree or you think someone else will die that I didnt mention and why
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