#AND CL0TH!!!!!!! i miss cl0th too
sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
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grubhivemind · 7 years
KOUGAH: =He knows that it is rather late but Kougah has asked Jace if he could come over. Seeing as he is to court Jace he plans on doing it properly without missing any steps to it. He has everything he needed in a basket and now knocks. There are quite a few things he needs to start with so it's pretty loaded honestly. He's been a busy, busy boy=
JACE: -it's never too late to visit him, honestly!! he's usually awake anyhow, but he'd get out of bed just to entertain this particular guest. he eagerly opens up the door when he hears the knock and smiles brightly at his visitor.- Hi!
KOUGAH: =A cute smile on a cute boy= Hell0. Thank y0u f0r all0w1ng me 0ver. =nods to him and also... soft face touch. The affectionate one. He'd nuzzle his face but that'd probably be weird???=
JACE: -gosh... he touches kougah's hand in return before he takes it up in his own to guide him inside.- Of course... Youre always welcome over!
KOUGAH: =Yess... holds his hand= 1 apprec1ate that. 
KOUGAH: 1've als0 begun tak1ng measures t0 better pr0tect y0ur h0me as well as y0u... th0ugh t0 d0 well. 
KOUGAH: 1t 1s m0stly. The th0ught. Beh1nd 1t.
JACE: -blinks at him.- Youve been... protecting my apartment???? -what does he mean...-
KOUGAH: T0 the best 0f my ab1l1t1es. 
KOUGAH: 1've el1m1nated the p0ss1b1l1ty 0f a few phys1cal threats.... th0ugh 1 supp0se n0t very many pe0ple here have sens1t1ve n0ses. And 1 d0n't th1nk traps w001d be acceptable. Th0ugh f0r th0se wh0 may reg1ster the d0m1nate scent 0f a predat0r they w0n't trespass. 
KOUGAH: =Turns to the door then pauses..... this is one of those... temporary lodgings= 
KOUGAH: Hm.... am 1 perm1tted t0 etch runes 1nt0 y0ur d00r?
JACE: Uhhh. 
JACE: I dont think my landlord would be okay with that........
KOUGAH: Hm.... 
KOUGAH: That was the preferred meth0d. But 1 als0 have th1s cl0th 1've sewn them into. 1 have c0me prepared. =Puts the basket down and offers Jace the grey cloth and it does have all sorts of symbols sewn with black thread= 
KOUGAH: =He also hands Jace a sizable tooth. It's the half the size of his forearm= Th1s 1s fr0m a k1ll 1 w1ll br1ng t0 y0u later. I'm aware humans d0n't eat raw meat s0 1'm prepar1ng 1t f0r y0u. =Yes... a good provider=
JACE: :o -he's admiring the runes on the cloth with much interest and then...- 
JACE: ... O h hhh.... Oh. Wow. Would you look at that. -takes it??? holds it in his hand???? screams internally.- 
JACE: Ummm. Thank you.  I really appreciate the effort that you went through. 
JACE: .... -mutter mumble- (But I dont...) 
JACE: (Eat meat at all...) -mumble mutter-
KOUGAH: =He has good hearing so he catches the mutter, one ear lowers and he slowly puts a wrapped parcel back into the basket and nods deeply at Jace. Wheezing internally= 0h.... 1. Am very s0rry... 
KOUGAH: 1 sh001d have 1nqu1red that bef0re. Tell1ng y0u. 
KOUGAH: Everyth1ng... 1 w1ll st1ll make use 0f the-- 
KOUGAH: Ah... 1 can. take the t00th. 1f y0u w1sh. =hhhhhh=
JACE: ........... Yes. -casually shoves it back at him.-
JACE: Im sorry!! You went to all that trouble. :(
KOUGAH: =He's quick to put it out of sight and lifts his hands, sweating= N0. 1 h0nestly. Had assumed. 1t was wr0ng 0f me. 
KOUGAH: 1'm aware 0f. Alternat1ve l1festyles. Th0ugh 1 d1d n0t ask 1f y0u ate meat. 
KOUGAH: That was a blunder 0n my part and 1 accept full resp0ns1b1lty.
JACE: Well... I dont mind. Most people dont ask anyway... 
JACE: Im just glad you thought of me. And... Uhhh. Prepared a meal for me! Thats really sweet. Honest.
KOUGAH: 0f c0urse... 1 seek t0 sh0w y0u that 1 am a pr0f1c1ent meal pr0v1der as well as sh0w1ng my strength. 
KOUGAH: 1nstead 1 w1ll.... f0rage. =Yes.... he's gonna... gather so many things=
JACE: ... -grins a little about that.- Thats... definitely a desirable skill. Hehehe. -kougah's cute.- 
JACE: What else would you like to show me...? -:eyes:-
KOUGAH: 1 als0 have br0ught y0u s0me freshly made med1c1nal herbs... and 1. Am h0nestly unsure ab0ut 1f th1s w1ll w0rk away fr0m the m0unta1n. 
KOUGAH: But... hm. Well. Usually c0urters and c0uples w001d release themselves t0 run un1nh1b1ted. Unt1ed t0 anyth1ng phys1cal. 0nly all0w1ng the purest and m0st vulnerable parts 0f themselves play and bec0me fam1l1ar... but w d0 n0t kn0w 1f y0u can pr0ject y0ur c0nsc0usness fr0m y0ur b0dy.
JACE: -calculating meme as he explains until it all comes together at the end.- Oh! ... 
JACE: Yeah ummm. I cant say Ive ever astral projected before. But... that doesnt necessarily mean I cant??? Stranger things have happened...
KOUGAH: Y0u're very smart. 1 bel1eve y0u w1ll be able t0. 
KOUGAH: 0nce d0ne 1t 1s a useful sk1ll f0r l1ghter med1tat10n. 
KOUGAH: =stares at Jace from his squat= D0 y0u med1tate?
JACE: Oh, yeah! Sometimes... It helps with the anxiety... Um. You know, whenever I can focus on sitting down and actually doing it...
KOUGAH: =nods= Then that w1ll be useful. As y0u are already tra1ned trained 1n 1t. 
KOUGAH: 1t 1s a g00d pract1ce. 1n detach1ng y0ur sp1rt fr0m y0ur phys1cal f0rm y0u channel y0ur aur1c energ1es t0 man1fest 1n an appar1tion-l1ke 1mage.
JACE: -looks around thoughtfully, then starts picking up some things from the floor to dump into his sylladex.- Can we do that now? Can you show me how to do that? :O 
JACE: -after clearing a spot, he sits down crosslegged on the floor.- :)
KOUGAH: =Watches him clean then sets the basket to the side, nodding once= Yes. 1'm glad y0u're s0 eager. =He really is though.... it's really a vulnerable thing, not only leaving yourself utterly defenseless with the trust that you won't be attacked but also baring your form where it can be manipulated.... He's a little sweaty though he's supposed to be relaxing.= 
KOUGAH: 1t's c0ns1derably stra1ght f0rward. 
KOUGAH: Relax1ng y0urself then f0cus1ng 0n the energy that res1des 1n the c0re 0f y0ur be1ng, w1ll1ng that t0 man1fest 1nt0 the f0rm y0u des1re th0ugh 1t 1s eas1est t0 all0w 1t t0 f0rm naturally. =Exhales and lets his shoulders fall, moving from his squat to sit on his legs. A small moment of silence passes but then a light blue luminous light floats out of Kougah like smoke, taking the form of a wolf of course. One that sits before his body and watches Jace, it seems (and is) tangible by the depths and details of the shadows in its fur=
JACE: -eyes widen at the sight of the apparition. wow, kougah makes it look so easy... he's tempted to reach out to touch the spirit beast, it looks so inviting. and though he's a little hesitant at first, he does splay his fingers out over it's fur.- Oh... Wow... -looks past it at kougah, HOPING that's alright.-
KOUGAH: =The fur is soft, very soft and it's deceptively warm to the touch despite the cool, icy blue of it. As Jace looks past him though the wolf huffs out it's nose and sits up straighter. Hello. It is I. In the form I would be in if I weren't such an unfortunate creature=
JACE: -wow... looks at wolf kougah with shiny eyes, a smile spreading across his face.- Wow... Youre a beautiful wolf. Hehe. -pets him up, taking advantage of this before he gives it a try himself.-
KOUGAH: =What is this feeling? .... Confidence. Yes, he is feeling prideful because this form is absolutely gorgeous and large and majestic and he's only one of those things and not so much the other's as a troll. The wolf  drinks in all this affection readily, the energy thrumming and pulsing  under Jace's hand. A little warmer and just the yellow creeping into the edges of this light. A good, warm happy feeling=
JACE: -the warmth tingles at his fingertips and up his arm until it settles in his stomach with a happy flutter. it's relaxing enough that he feels he can give this a shot too, drawing his hand back and closing his eyes so he can focus.- 
JACE: -honestly, he isn't even sure what his spirit would manifest in the form of... he knows he LIKES monkeys best, but does that mean they ARE him? okay, he probably shouldn't overthink that... it'll only make things more difficult. instead, he thinks of that proud look about kougah as he took on this new form. jace knows deep down there's a part of him he's proud of too, the part of him that represents him in ways more powerful than all the things he finds ugly about himself...- 
JACE: -there's a long moment of silence before he finally shows results. the tendrils of his inner self slowly creep from his body, twisting and turning with uncertainty until they form a spindly limbed, prehensile tailed spider monkey. and the cute little monkey is surprised he exists!- :O
KOUGAH: =Intently watches as Jace concentrates and gives him space to focus, it isn't easy letting go and just allowing things to happen and it was also something easily disrupted. Kougah just sits and stares, his ears perk as the energy starts to creep out. Honestly he is curious as to which form Jace takes on. He won't use it to judge character or read (too much) into it but every shape is interesting and has a purpose of its own= 
KOUGAH: =The monkey is greeted with a NOBLE lowering of the wolf's head, tail wagging happily. A monkey is very good, a nice reflection of Jace's intellect and gleeful personality. More warm yellow is shown in the blue, good job.=
JACE: -a happy warm glow eminates from him as well at the perceived praise and he romps on over to kougah again, a little awkwardly as he tries to understand this form, but ultimately winds up in kougah's space again. he paws at his bowed head and just... kinda hugs his snoot. this is so surreal and amazing and he's grateful for this new experience.-
KOUGAH: =Its a learning experience. How to move and really let your spirit just move naturally. Their touch grows warmer between them, some feelings pass. Jace's excitement and thankfulness repeated back to him but in Kougah's own emotion. It is a very vulnerable state. Jace can feel the slight embarrassment from this pass of information, a flicker of interest and  curiosity, then so many warm feelings as he nuzzles him gently. Him lick.=
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