astraystayyh · 9 months
Alright I only have one thing to say Sahar. Thank you. Thank you so much for invisible thread and for literary just existing. I cannot explain properly I words how amazing this fic is. You don't even deserve words you deserve poems darling.
One of the things that stood out to me the most was how you represented reader's PTSD because of her mother. As a person who went through a very similar experience (and I do have PTSD yay) this is detailed correctly to the last word. The way you explained reader's guilt properly and her not feeling upset even though her mom died is a very real thing that I have seen happen to me and some of the people around me who've gone through similar experiences. I don't why I'm so fixated on these amazing descriptions but maybe it's because it's not often that I see these things portrayed correctly in media, even in books. Ma'am I will pay you to become an actual author.
I also noticed the way you wrote Y/N's hesitance to love again which was very beautifully conveyed in the first paragraphs. It's like we've known loneliness and desperation for so long that it's the only feeling we have and we accept that it is our destiny. But then Minho steps in and Y/N just feels something else. Something other than loneliness and longing for people to love her. She finally feels proper love and she receives it too. And that's just so comforting.
The colour thing omg I will ramble about this and no one can stop me! It was so painfully beautiful, and I mean that in a good way. Minho's little breakdown and Y/N just straight up feeling guilty is just so.... I can't explain this emotion (143 I love you hehe). It's almost like this is what is a good relationship when you and your partner both are dependent on each other for support both mental and literally everything else. And Minho also feeling guilty that he broke down? It's almost like this one quote I made in 9th grade and I recently also read on the internet "We may be going to Hell, but we know that we have held Heaven in our arms."
One of the reasons I feel like why this story is so comforting is because it portrays love, not as all roses and Cupids but as actual human love. It portrays love in laughter, in the little inside habits we have, in just sitting in silence knowing that we are fluent in it, in baking cakes, in remembering details, in risking everything to get something the other wants and most importantly, in finding solace in one and other. Babes whatever writing pill you're on, GIMME IT.
Overall, this is now in my "I'm coming back to this after angst" fic list! And I'm gonna read this so many times, my gf's gonna think I'm mental.
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I offer this Minho picture to you as a gift for creating such a beautiful piece of literature.
I'm sorry if this too long by the way. I was gonna write a 4 page essay but Tumblr said no. Love you babes! I hope you have a great life and find your Minho too!
(PS: I noticed a few days ago an anon translated your name into their native language so I wanted to tell you that in my native languages, Sahar means adventure (in hindi) and the thorns of a rose (in Telugu))
i can't tell you how much times i reread this since you sent it in ☹️☹️☹️ i just want to thank you first for taking the time to write me such sweet and thoughtful feedback, it truly means the world and more to me 🥹 like you've just made all the nights i spent working on this fic worth it!!!
I'm so happy you found yn's reactions realistic :") i really tried to make them as human as they can be, and not too optimistic where everything is forgotten as soon as she's with minho,, i was really afraid it wouldn't be realistic so thank you for letting me know <33
!!!!!!!! yessss,, with minho she no longer longs for love she just receives it freely, without even asking for it,,, and i feel like that's what healthy relationships are about, just a healthy nurturing love
I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THE COLORS THINGIE,, it was such a big part of how they opened up to each other in pt.1 so i figured I NEED TO HAVE IT,, anddd yes both of them are so.. cautious around each other, like they don't want to hurt the other at all costs :(( and that's such a pretty quote wow
your description of what kind of love this is MADE ME SO WARM INSIDE,,, ahhhh love can be so beautiful when it's with the right person 🥹
im genuinely so so so HAPPY you liked this fic and that you found it this comforting ☹️☹️ i don't even know what to say apart from thank you, for being so sweet and for just existing as well!!! i hope you're happy and healthy always <3
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
Hii! I hope you're having a nice day or night I would like to request Skz reacting to their idol!s/o performing on MAMA Awards with a very cool and dark concept with their own group, something similar to Itzy's 2021 Mama performance or (G)I-DLE's MMA 2022 performance? Ty!!!
s/o performing on MAMA with dark concept ♡
author's note. thank u for the req!! i hope u like the outcome ^^ i tried my best, i added some like,, solo stage moments??
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┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
so so so soooo proud
staring at you in awe all the time like,, with all due respect to your members – he’s mesmerized
not only by your beauty, duh but your outfit is something that he just can’t help but stare
he’s extremely proud because he knew how nervous you were before the performance
but oh dude when you drop a diss at mama
the kids look at him in shock but he didn’t know either
the mischievous look in your eye makes him even more mesmerized
after the performance chan mentions it, not to make people suspect anything
"the performances were really, really good. personally, i enjoyed the dark ones"
mhm we all know which specific one !!
┆彡 MINHO [ 민호 ]
minho is as anxious as you — it’s first time performing such a dark concept and you’re going to have a solo in it
he knew it since he helped you practice
hence why he’s nervous. not to get him wrong, he knows you’ll slay but it’s a hard dance break
he gets chills the second you enter the stage, a powerful walk along your members
the performance is smooth-sailing and then there’s time for your solo
and keeping it short: you destroyed the stage
minho couldn’t be more proud, especially that you were on everyone’s lips in the industry even weeks after mama
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
mf can’t sit still in one place when he knows it’s your turn perform
his members have to calm him down 😭
you wouldn’t tell him what’s the concept – only that it’s dark and cool concept
he mouths the lyrics of the song, amazed by the stage and outfits
he’s kind of disappointed when it’s over and light go out
but then boom, suddenly there’s a light shining on you and your leader
changbin frowns, not sure what’s happening – and suddenly you have a solo stage, performing a quite sexy dance to tease your next album 🫣
(the members have to tug his clothes to remind him to close his mouth)
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
he’s more excited than you 😭
asks you to send pics of your outfit and makes up and everything !!
absolutely stunned once you enter the stage w your members, dark and elegant suits on
he was sure that you told him everything mhmm
but when suddenly your members run up to you and seem to rip your clothes, he lets out a loud gasp (drawing attention from the idols nearby)
and suddenly there’s a reveal of gold shimmering dress underneath, your maknae putting a crown on your head
he’s so so confused but loves it, his inner artist is buzzing with excitement how to capture that on canvas once he’s home
and he grabs onto chan with tight grip when you hint the next album name, pointing at the crown
be ready to have a lecture ehh didn’t you spoil anything!! why he didn’t know!! and how proud he is<3
┆彡 JISUNG [ 지성 ]
flustered babyyyyy >.<
he thought it’s a cute concept because your latest album was lovey-dovey
but his mouth falls agape as soon as a mysterious melody reaches his ears and two of your members come in, dressed head to toe in black elegant outfits
he noticed there’s a ?? small podium ?? but didn’t pay any attention to it once you joined your members on stage, also dressed in a mind-blowing dark dress with silver jewelry
you performed one of your popular songs and then three of your members had a cute solo stage, a dance break with a song from your newest album
but the music got cut and the light focused on you, smokey makeup and… fake blood on your face?
you jumped from the podium (like that one wony stage hehe) and your members formed a regular ending position with screens hinting that’s a beginning of new era
dude was speechless and for a moment forgot he’s an idol,, fanboying over his cool n badass gf ^^
(all the fansites thought its adorable meanwhile his member were giggling at him hehe)
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
woah there do you want him (and your fans) dead??
you haven’t spoiled anything to him and now he’s shocked, flustered, amused, amazed and all the other things at once ;; his brain is going 28202729 km per hour like!!
because goddamn you look so hot in such concept…!
and when you start rapping at your solo stage, throwing a snarky comment at mama there and here
felix is just blushing and giggling like a teenage girl,, but also he’s kind of feeling intimidated by your sudden powerful aura
not that he minds tho~
will fight the haters of ur performance if he sees any, literally defending you like a lioness defends her cubs (on anon accs tho lol)
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
to be honest your performance is the only reason why he’s at mama …
he knew how excited you were abt it, saying it’s gonna tease your next comeback
so naturally, he was intrigued
but he wasn’t expecting that
you literally owned the stage,, all of your members too ofc
but there was just something so fresh seeing you in a dark concept with smokey makeup,, kicking a prop chair and loosening your tie…
he was stunned!!!
and seungmin couldn’t help but feel the overflowing sense of pride that it’s his girl right here, catching everyone’s attention
( especially after you cursed in a part of a song that was supposed to be censored )
┆彡 JEONGIN [ 정인 ]
this man almost made you spoil the whole performance for him 😭😭
he’s just as excited as you are, buzzing with excitement
he was even squeezing chan’s hand once you entered the stage
everything was so enchanting – the rock version of your newest song, the mysterious background, dark and elegant outfits
when suddenly a backup dancer handed you a guitar
and you had an electric guitar solo, the accessories you had shimmering in the light
literally everyone was focused at you and your skills, jeongin staring in awe and mouth hanging open
( he just wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that “that’s my gf y’all!!” but sadly he couldn’t !!!? <\\3 )
after the solo you joined your members in finishing the choreography,,, he even missed the big spoiler for the next album that your main rapper did in the choreo
bc he was so so focused at you,, he could see how proud you were
and so was he!! expect a lot of kisses n praises after the performance!!
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @litepowee ,, @ocean-minho ,, @lessthanpast ,, @s-e-s-a-I-e-n-e ,, @fire-08
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writingmeraki · 1 year
i heart u !
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a min ho drabble !
genre : fluff. ( disgustingly cute )
pairing : minho x gn!reader, established relationship.
warnings : none except Minho is a menace but he's your menace :D ( not edited or proofread. )
author's note : this was a pretty random idea I got 😭 but also a little gift as a celebration to xo kitty getting a season 2 !!!! 🥳 ( praying for more minho screen time but also dae my boy deserving better :( confused on yuri & kitty endgame 🤞or minho & kitty ) anyways enjoy this minho brainrot i offer u and let me know what you think !!! let's also ignore the quality of the minho pics thanks xx also this is my third time trying to upload this i will cri if this doesn't upload now
word count : 1.1k
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It'd been exactly two hours, twenty seven minutes and four seconds, five seconds, six seconds…
"You know I can feel your eyes burning into my face."
Putting down your biology textbook aside for a minute before you turned to face the one who’d been looking at you as though you’d disappear at any given moment.
Minho stared at you, now narrowing his eyes as he scoffed lightly,
"I'm not staring."
You deadpanned him as you raised an eyebrow.
"Okay then, do what you called me here to do. Study."
You nonchalantly said, ignoring the slight pout forming on your boyfriend's face because today you definitely didn't need to waste any time.
"Oh come onnnn it's been almost 3 hours!"
He said in a whiny tone that even if you didn't want to, made you bite your inner cheek to prevent yourself from grinning.
You wouldn't think he would complain about not getting attention because he didn't ever have to actually. If he wanted it, he'd get it unasked, be it from your friends or you.
But lately, both Q and Dae had been busy with their own studies, hence that also meant spending less time with their other best friend.
And as for you, you weren't one to deny your oh so lovely boyfriend of attention, in fact you'd welcome him with open arms when he would suddenly hug you tightly or when he'd kiss you at any given moment.
Unfortunately for him, you'd also been busy with your own studies, having to work a bit harder since you struggled in a few subjects.
Still, you paid no mind as you continued to read over the text about chromosomal disorders even if you could see from the corner of your eye that Minho had moved closer to you.
You had both decided to study together, having done your studying alone in your dorm but on his insistence to study together, you agreed to come over to his place, currently sitting at his desk with all your necessary items laid out.
"Why do you even need to continue studying when you have the most handsome, amazing, fantastic and bloody hot guy right by your side?"
Snorting at him, you turned your gaze to look at him from the corner of your eye,
"Please, I'd never say bloody hot, that is such a…British thing to say."
"So you do admit everything else is right?"
He smugly said as he smirked at you.
"I don't have time to feed your ego, I'm busy."
Sighing, you turned away from him as you now moved your chair to have your back facing him.
If you could have been able to see his expression, you'd probably have laughed because he just puffed and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. He felt even more frustrated because frankly he was tired of studying now.
Suddenly he got an idea that he knew would make you give in to him and as much as he found your current ignorance appealing, he'd never admit that to you, he wanted your attention then and there, and with him.
Scribbling on a piece of paper, a cheesy equation he'd found on instagram while scrolling on his explore page, yet he knew you'd find it adorable.
9x - 7i > 3 ( 3x - 7u )
9x - 7i > 9x - 21u
-7i > - 21u
i <3 u.
Lastly, finishing it off by drawing a small heart and adding a " ;) " at the end.
He folded the paper and quietly moved behind you, putting his hand above your head and slipping the note on the page you were reading.
Your gaze shifted to the sudden movement, curiously eyeing the note that was laid in front of you.
Putting your book on your lap, you opened the note with a little suspicion, Minho's face having a small grin upon successfully diverting your attention.
The second you opened the note, you read over the contents still keeping a straight face up until you saw the small "i <3 u” with a little winky face.
Snorting at the cheesiness of the note with an equation you were pretty sure you’d seen saved one of your plenty Pinterest boards,
“Love, we don’t even have a maths exam next, we have biology.”
Turning your chair you faced him, you bit your lower lip to prevent the grin from showing on your face.
It was Minho’s turn to now deadpan you,
“Even after I wrote such a…such a meaningful message portraying my true feelings, yet you’re still worried about studying when it’s almost been three hours already and you’re not even paying attention to me or what I want to say.”
“Babe I’m pretty sure I already saw this on Pinterest...and not to mention this is just 8th grade algebra.”
He glared at your words after his overdramatic speech to which you couldn’t help but burst out in giggles, he seemed like an angry little puppy when he glared at you like that.
“Okay okay fine, what do you want to do? I should take a study break anyways”
You asked putting aside the book, making sure to carefully place the note between the pages acting as a bookmark you’d always cherish.
With those words, it was as if a switch was flipped on his attitude and his eyes lit up as he grinned,excited to finally have your attention.
“So what I'm saying is we should…”
[ A few hours later, still, your “fifteen-minute break from studying suddenly extended to hours, as usual. ]
Laying on Minho’s bed, you’d both finished watching the final episode of a show that you binged on together, the laptop going into sleep mode since having been ditched after a while.
Minho laid down with his head in your lap, you sitting upright as you caressed his hair, something you loved to do and well who was Minho do deny his lover's affection when he admittedly loved it just as much, maybe even more.
"You know, I know I say you should be lucky to have me but honestly I got lucky having you."
He said randomly while looking at you, a gentle smile on his face and gaze shining with sincerity.
Even if it was quite a simple sentence, your heart still fluttered at the sincere tone and you too now had a small grin forming.
You hummed, now smiling at him, nodding as you pushed your fingers through his hair strands, gently patting them down as well.
"I meant it though. What I wrote in that…note." He said grinning up at you.
"Though I'm sad you didn't take me seriously at first." He slightly pouted to which you giggled at how offended his tone was.
"That's because you're an absolute idiot." You told biting your lip and just as he was about to protest, you leaned down and pecked his lips to shut him up, smiling at the way he complied so easily to you.
Moving back a bit, you whispered so tenderly as if the words should only be between you two.
"But you're still my idiot and I love you too."
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
links : main navi !
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ayacokeandpepsi · 3 months
Most likely to
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Enhypen + stray kids headcannons nsfw
Cw: smut
Take you to a love hotel
Bang Chan, Jake
Wake you up with head
Felix, Niki
Drunk sex
Bang Chan, sunghoon
Shower sex
Jay, Seungmin, Heeseung
Sunoo, IN, Han
Date an older girl
Niki, Bang Chan
Date a younger girl
Heeseung, Jay, Minho, Felix
Date a fan
Heeseung, Niki, Bangchan, Sunoo, Jake
Date an idol
Date a staff
Jay, Felix, Han, Sunghoon, Jake
Send you audios
Heeseung, Niki, Felix, Seungmin
Send you pics
Heeseung, Bangchan, Jake, Changbin, IN
Send you dirty messages
Minho, Jake, Heeseung, Seungmin, Sunoo
Use handcuffs on you
Jay, Heeseung ☠️, Minho
Want to be tied up by you
Changbin, Jake
Jerk off to edits of themself/fics of themself
Jake, Heeseung, Bangchan
Jerk off to an attractive fan
Heeseung, Niki, Bangchan, Felix, Jay, Jake
Ask a fan for their number
Heeseung, Jake, Niki, Felix, Bangchan, Hyunjin
Buy you lingerie
Minho, Jay, Sunghoon, Jungwon
Have a folder of your nudes saved in his phone
Heeseung, Han, Sunoo, Felix, IN, Seungmin
Jerk off while eating you out
Heeseung, hyunjin
Prefer it unshaven
Niki, Han, Jay, Minho
Morning sex
Jungwon, Felix, Niki, Han
Night sex
Sunoo, Sunghoon, Bangchan, Felix 😭
Hook up with a fan
Heeseung, Jake, Hyunjin
Have a happy trail
Bangchan, Jay, Niki, Minho, Hyunjin
Okay let me know what I missed lmao
Heeseung is in this a lot because let’s Bffr he’s a whore ☠️
Hope u enjoyed this!!!
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jhopezwrld · 10 months
omg can i request an ateez or stray kids reaction to finding out their s/o having nipple piercings 🤭🤭🤭 i’m giggling
oh i hear sum purring…. IM DOING BOTH CUS IM A SLUTTTTT🫶🏽 ateez next hehe
warnings: smutty, mentions of consensual recording/picture taking, sorta pervy!changbin
chan: oh the minute he sees them he’s busting in his pants like he’d be so obsessed with them i just know it. he’d immediately ask if he could touch them and when you give him permission just know his hands (and his mouth) will not leave your tits alone until you physically cannot take it anymore. he’d also very hesitantly ask if you’d let him take a picture of them so he could look back on it every time he’s away from you. plz do him one better and let him cum on them and record it he would probably die of happiness. your nipple piercings are now his number one obsession.
minho: oh i just know he’s planning on how he’s gonna buy u all kinds of pretty and sparkly nipple rings so that he can admire how pretty they look while he tit fucks you bc there’s no way that ISNT happening. he’s probably gonna sit u in his lap and just play with them cus he’s meanie and a tease but also bc he’s so infatuated with them. he will never leave them alone honestly he’s so obsessed with them he’d probably accidentally (or not so accidentally) tell the boys ab them and now everyone knows u got pierced nips and jeongin can’t even look you in the eyes 😭
changbin: binnie is already such a simp for u but once he sees ur piercings he probably falls a little more in love with u i’m not even joking. i just know he’d be OBSESSED with them and would think ab them 24/7. he’d always try to convince you to go braless just so he can admire how pretty the rings look thru ur shirt. he’d probably keep it super cold in his room just so ur nipples are constantly poking out of ur shirt and he can just..stare at them. sorry idc changbin is an undercover pervert like he won’t say anything to u and will try to hide his nasty intentions but is secretly getting off on how oblivious you seem
hyunjin: loves them but is lowkey mad u didn’t tell him when u got them done bc he probably would’ve gone with u to get one too LMAO. he’d 100% wanna draw you nude as soon as he sees them tho like he just thinks they look so pretty on u and that u look so perfect and he just needs to sketch you so he can memorialize the image forever. i lowkey see him just playing with them casually too like he’d 100% stick his hand down ur shirt to wiggle the little bar or twist your ring in circles during a movie night or something (it always leads to sex btw).
jisung: boy would be in disbelief. he’s the ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ kinda mf but if u actually send him a picture oh he’s freaking OUT! immediately removing himself from whatever area he’s in so he can go into the bathroom and jerk off real quick. i feel like jisung is so easy to rile up so probable just the mere thought of you + nipple piercings has him shifting around uncomfortably and adjusting himself in his pants. he’d fly home as soon as he could and just pounce on u. like he’d literally yank you into his lap and pull your shirt down to see them. as soon as he gets his hands/mouth on them i’m like 90% sure he cums in his pants
felix: he’s so sweet about it omg. as soon as he finds out he’s asking u all kinds of questions like ‘did it hurt?’ ‘are they healed’ or ‘did you get both or just one?’. felix is a shy bby so he probably won’t ask to see them himself but the way his eyes keep flicking from your face to your chest makes it so obvious so plz just lift up ur shirt for him. he’d be in AWE like almost drooling type shit. he’d also be too nervous to touch them himself so you’d either have to reassure him that it’s ok and he can cop a feel, or you’d have to physically grab his hands and put them on your tits. he’d be so gentle while touching them and would probably try to hide his boner but his lil whines make it pretty clear how he’s feeling.
seungmin: he’s so annoying he’d probably try to act so nonchalant ab it. ‘oh u got ur nipples pierced? cool.’ but on the inside he’d be freaking out. he wouldn’t ask to see them not bc he’s shy but bc he doesn’t want u to know he’s extremely excited ab this so he’ll wait for u to show him urself but once u do hoooooo boy he’s going to TOWN on u so prepare urself. dom seungmin mode activated u are not leaving that bed for days i’m telling u. he’s trying all types of positions so he can see how pretty they sparkle in the light while he fucks you. when you get a package in the mail with like 10 different kinds of nipple rings don’t look at seungmin bc it definitely wasn’t him (it was)
jeongin: went back & forth on this one but honestly i think he'd be so nervous about even looking at them. he only noticed because it was particularly cold in his dorm and you had decided to forgo a bra since you were spending the night. he doesn't even know how to react when he realizes, but the crimson blush creeping up his neck and cheeks, and the fact that he cannot look at your face make it pretty clear that he noticed them. i feel like innie is so shy when it comes to anything remotely sexual so do not expect him to be the first to mention your piercings. instead he will silently suffer and would probably go to bed with a boner unless you help him out (plz help him he's so hard its painful).
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 9 months
hi can you do part 2 of the quokkas giggles with 15, 20, and 21?
Quokka’s Giggles - Part 2
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enjoy this ridiculously cute pic i found of him <3
i almost forgot hanji was shirtless 😭🫣
𝒍𝒆𝒆: Minho and Jisung
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Minho and Jisung 
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭i𝘯𝘨! 💗
𝕥𝕨: tickle fights, playful pillow attacks, swearing, shirtless minsung, and cuteness 🥹, minho faints…out of ticklishness 😭🤚🏻
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @dandyboyseungmo @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae
if you wanna join the tag list, please reply!
15. “Apologies mean nothing to me.”
20. “You have such a cute laugh!”
21. “you’re usually so tough…”
“Wait, wait, WHAT!? HAHANNIEEE!" Lee Know yelled as Jisung scribbled over his tummy, involuntarily twitching under the mean touch. 
“What is it hyung?” Han asked. He knew he was being a little shit, and the thought of it made him smile. 
“IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” Minho spat out, laughing freely as he hiccuped. 
Jisung laughed. Minho really was the cutest. “Of course it does, hyung! I’m tickling you!” Han remarked, loving the way Minho’s face turned red at the statement. 
However, Lee Know being the ler he was, had to change the roles somehow. He dug into Han’s bare waist while the younger was still violating his sides. 
“naHAHAHA HYUHUNG! STAHAHAP!” Jisung screeched, his arms going weak as he stopped tickling Minho in favor of snapping his arms down to protect his poor torso. 
“Nope!” Minho exclaimed cheerfully as he dug into Jisung’s thighs.
Big mistake. The younger was not as sensitive to that spot as Minho originally thought, and was able to gain enough leverage to fight back. 
Han used pure ab strength to pull himself up, toppling an unsuspecting Lee Know off his waist as he wrestled the older out of his t-shirt. 
“Wait! WAHAHAHAIT HAHAHAN! IHIHIM SAHAHARRY!”  Minho screamed as Jisung squished the older’s bare stomach, the skin incredibly sensitive as it squirmed involuntarily. 
“Apologies mean nothing to me.” Jisung commented, smiling at the older. 
He lightly scribbled over Minho’s bare stomach, loving the way it bounced up and down to escape, but failing miserably. 
“You have such a cute laugh!” Jisung commented as he swirled his finger around Lee Know’s belly button. 
“AHHH STAHAHAP!” Minho jolted, loving hating the effect tickled had on him. 
“HAHA you’re soho sensitive to bahare tihickles! You’re usually so tough!” Han commented while giggling, switching to scratching at the older’s sides as the bunny in question turned a bright red at the comment. 
Han switched between one side to another, while his other hand held up Lee Know’s. 
Minho couldn’t handle the feeling, jerking from one side to another while letting out an adorable squeal every time. 
When Han managed to scratch his finger into Lee Know’s belly button, the older finally managed to free his hands, immediately shooting them towards Jisung’s ribs, clawing lightly as he tried to weaken the younger. 
“hyuHUNG! stahahap!” Han pushed feebly at the older’s wrists as he squirmed to one side. 
Minho didn’t reply, instead continuing to soak in the cute quokka’s giggles. 
Jisung’s hands remained free, covering his red tinted face as his giggles muffled slightly.
Soon enough, Han couldn’t handle the light tickling, instead he decided to go for the kill before the older was able to fight back. 
He suddenly ducked down, ignoring the shriek of surprise it earned him as he barely pulled the older’s pant line down. 
Lee Know knew what was coming. Han loved to use the weakness of his v-line against him. Minho couldn’t help but beg, knowing he wasn’t even prepared for this level of tickle torture. 
Jisung took a deep breath and blew it all out like a trumpet on the older’s v-line, fingers sneaking back up to Minho’s ribs and digging riiight underneath his top rib, knowing from experience that it was his second-worst spot. 
“HAHAHAHA PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHAHANT BREEEAAATHE! STAHAHAHAP!” Lee Know screeched as loud as he could, voice getting higher pitched as he cackled. 
Minho’s hands dug hard into Jisung’s sides, however the younger didn’t let up, only squirming slightly as he giggled into the older’s tummy, resulting in a loud scream before Lee Know’s laughter cut out. 
Jisung almost started laughing himself at how hard the older went into silent laughter. 
Minho looked like he was insane, back arched up and feet digging into the mattress as Jisung kept blowing agonisingly ticklish raspberries into his v-line. 
When Minho screamed again, it was so raw Jisung had to check on the older, and right as he lifted his head, Lee Know was gone, fallen into a laughter-filled sleep as he lost consciousness. 
When Minho came back to the world of the living, he giggled immediately as he scratched at his v-line, ghost tickles almost overwhelming him. 
He panted as he realised he was now wearing a shirt, and when the door opened, Jisung walked in with a glass of water and an extremely guilty face. 
“OH! Hyung you’re awake! I’m so so SO sorry I got so carried away that I didn’t even realize that you needed a break and then you fainted and I felt so bad-” Jisung rambled as he hugged the older, happy that he somehow didn’t kill the bunny with tickles. 
“ahhhh hannie…han…JISUNG!” Minho screeched, catching the younger’s attention immediately as the boy in question stopped his rambling. 
“That was the best laugh i’ve had in a long time. Thank you.” Lee Know admitted, face flushing red. 
Jisung’s mouth dropped open as he gazed at the older, clearly shocked. 
“You mean, you’re okay with the fact that i almost KILLED you with tickles?!” Jisung yelled, Minho flinching at the volume as his face went even redder. 
“I-I mean i d-didn’t hate it?” Lee Know confessed, staring at the younger with happy tear-filled eyes. 
Jisung almost squealed at how cute the older looked, and he couldn’t resist the urge, leaning over and squishing Minho’s cheek as he pulled the bunny into a hug, resting Lee Know’s head on his chest. 
“That’s so cute hyunggg!” Jisung whined playfully, rocking the bunny back and forth in his arms. 
“wait. are you wearing my shirt?” Minho deadpanned. 
“oh shoot.”
i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
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stayconnecteed · 5 months
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I- they- they're- look at them- he's holding his hand- they're laughing- Minho looks so cute- *Continues sobbing incoherently*
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ONG THEY'RE SO CUTE 😭😭 i love them fr fr
just- okay, hear me out on this one. i feel like this is something they do a lot, since minho doesn't know how to swim (and doesn't have the patience to learn) but jisung enjoys a lot their dates and making out on private pools 👀 just imagine them if they had kids 😭 minho sitting on the edge, his legs under the water while jisung teaches their little one how to properly swim AAAAAA
OR EVEN BETTER. omg i just had this thought and had to go search for *the* pic, the pic in question being this one:
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remember that little oneshot i wrote? let's move on time and say you're all together, in a relationship. they include you on the dates (of fckn course) SO minho didn't want to swim and jisung decided to accompany him, both of them sitting under the private, well idk how to say in english, but let's call it the umbrella people use in the beach, the shadow umbrella yk? they're there, with some iced coffee or some puddings, the ice creams waiting for you inside the hotel.
oh, but you were so hot you needed to swim. you always loved to be under water, the wide mass of water calming your senses. the fact that the temperature was so high was just another excuse to spend hours and hours there. sorry not sorry but you didn't care your boys didn't want to share the experience. what you didn't know was that they enjoyed the pool for different reasons - seeing you so happy made them flash lovesick smiles to each other, admiring the way you moved through the water and hours turn into seconds.
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pinkbrries · 11 months
[a/n: i only added the most notable relationships!! this doesn’t mean hannah doesn’t get along with other sm artists! she just has a closer bond with these groups/artists]
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besties with all of them<3 during trainee days you’d always find her around her unnies and following them like a duckling, especially with irene. they would always comfort her and baby her (since hannah and yeri are the same age).
she’s always sitting with them during isac’s or walking with them during ending stages at events/concerts.
irene is her mom and is always beside her, if she sees a male idol looking at her baby she instantly gives them the /deadly stare/ she usually makes every time men are around😭
wendy is always vibing or laughing with her, joy is the one that always gives her advice, seulgi is the one looking after her and yeri and hannah share the chaotic siblings energy
yeri: i remember the first time i saw hannah, she was as tall as my waist / hannah: what are you even talking about😭 you’ve always been shorter than me
they’re always laughing, spilling the tea or taking pics together. they all have such a wholesome relationship:’)
like the little social butterfly hannah is, she connected immediately with sehun and chanyeol. one day they were total strangers, and at the next day you’d find them laughing their ass off because of the most random thing😭 the shared brain cell goes strong here
there would be times that hannah would always be around the pair even during their practice (because they would invite her) that junmyeon didn’t have any other choice but to adopt the neo (adding one more parent to hannah’s list rip)
eventually she became close with minseok, jongdae, yixing and kyungsoo too, the aforementioned even having a tiny soft spot for the girl even if she’s loud af<3
the way the exos hyped her up during that sm family collaboration interview 😭 she breathed on the mic and you could hear suho saying “wah hannah so cool!!” and baekhyun screaming “hannah swag!” ASDJJFA
and after superm happened? she’s besties now with jongin and baek<33
member she’s the closest with: baekhyun, kai, chanyeol, sehun.
the first member she became close is key, so hannah is kibum’s adoration. literally. one day he saw the girl and went like that's it, i found my favorite neo
he is always roasting and teasing her tho😭 fans say it’s like a “fresh breath of air” seeing them together because it’s always hannah roasting the neos so they really enjoy keyXhannah interactions ASFKLJFS
*during an instagram live* hannah: any positive aspects about the military? / key: i could use my phone whenever i want / hannah: oppa? then why you didn’t answer calls!! / key: yah! you only invited me to complain about me???
taemin and her became besties because of superm, she became close to minho since they acted on a drama together and jinki and jonghyun eventually joined the club because they would always see her around the other members 🤝 that’s when hannah realized that shinee are, indeed, the most chaotic people she has ever met😭 (in a good way tho, she loves them<3)
they’re the only ones that have the “oppa” privilege ajslask😭
member she’s the closest with: taemin, kibum.
big sisters energy<33
the way all of them have always hyped her up since always, everytime they would have the chance they'd go “hannah cute!” or “hannah you got this!”
hannah was almost tears when she met some of them when she moved agencies,,, wtf this is literally her childhood idols??
tiktok challenges? you bet hannah is the first one that gets the invitation to join
hannah thinks all of them are probably the most lovable ppl ever, fr
hyoyeon and hannah became closer because of mnet’s “good girl” and since then, hyo is always so excited whenever they have the opportunity to spend time together
taeyeon is also another member she became really close with,,, no one knows how it happened but everyone loves the interactions so !!
yoona and sunny are such supportive sunbaes with her too:((
oh man, she's even close with jessica and tiffany (we love our foreign girlies) like,,, hannah you'll always be famous DKSJDK
all the snsd always look at hannah with proud eyes<3
always giving her advice or looking up after her. hannah knows she can really trust them🥺
member she’s the closest with: taeyeon, hyo, tiffany (former)
she met winter, ning ning and karina when she started training under sm
she’s now the big sister figure for the aespa girls
has the softest spot for ning ning, but can you blame her? she’s so cute
pls they sometimes talk in tiny with her and hannah goes 🥺 these are my girlies
always hypes them up and she’s their #1 fan now
member she’s the closest with: ning ning.
oh man,,, she was SHAKING when she first met her
not a joke, even johnny always teases her about that encounter DSKJDKS
but hannah realized that boa is a humble queen,,, and hannah couldnt help but ask for an autograph for her mom HELP
the way she got invited several times by her to eat,, everyone was impressed when hannah referred to her as "unnie" like,,,, hannah you're literally so slay
boa has referred to hannah as very dear dongsaeng to her
"Hanan is such a talented, charismatic and hard working girl. She's the perfect example of what an idol should be" (deserved honestly)
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subskz · 1 year
my rinnie you will not believe the dream i just had…
i apologize if the way i’m about to describe it sounds like a wattpad fic but anyways i was hanging around skz and lino was chilling a few feet away from the group so i sought him out specifically to see what he was up to and he just started staring at me so deeply with this piercing yet soft gaze it was so . mesmerizing? couldn’t help but stare back at him and especially looking at his lips that were glossy n cherry red i felt like i was going mad!! there was this overwhelming kindhearted, gentle (?) energy from him and he looked so cute with those doe eyes looking at me expectantly like 🥺 cause at that point i just walked up to him and literally said nothing lmfao
think i managed to stutter out that he was beautiful or something and ended up babbling out a string of compliments while still staring at his lips and he just shyly smiled and his ears got red but he still kept composure while still staring me down with his catlike stare only it was much more friendlier and warm than he’s usually painted out to be it was really interesting?? especially bc i haven’t thought about him this way in a while but oh man he’s been wreaking havoc on me bit these days.. woke up immediately and had to tell you about it because you’re our resident lino lover ♡︎♡︎
so to this i propose you: typical brat lino but instead of punishing him like he wants, you praise him instead and compliment him until he gets embarrassed :p
hello my angel i missed you!! 🥰 what better message to come back to than a dream like this…so tender and sweet and w my favorite boy nonetheless…i would say i’m jealous but if anyone deserves to have all these lovely dreams abt skz it’s you <3
that’s just the lino effect isn’t it!! the most captivating stare that could pierce a hole right through you w its intensity or make ur heart feel like its gonna erupt outta ur chest w its gleam and aegyosal ㅠㅠ there really is such a warmth and gentleness to his eyes esp when his smile reaches them! and u mentioning his cherry red lips when he recently revealed that he uses cherry flavored lip balm is truly the cherry (hehe) on top <33
PLEASE rambling abt his beauty is a completely reasonable reaction to lee minho lmao and his ears turning red n betraying him too…oh i’m inconsolable over this ur mind really knows how to hit where it hurts 😭 the fact that u thought to tell me is so sweet too thank u so much for sharing it and reminding me that i am maybe a lil bit in love w him…did his gaze perhaps look smth like these pics?
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you know a softie like me can’t resist such a perfect concept, i love to believe that countering all of lino’s pointlessly convoluted games w a simple approach like that is the best way to get him to break sometimes…all he really wants is ur attention after all! there’s only so much praise and adoration he can be showered in before that crack in his bravado appears and suddenly he feels so silly for ever causing trouble in the first place. cup his cheeks, fawn over him until his face heats up under your palms, and he’ll be putty in your hands in no time 💗
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moonjxsung · 6 months
Your Circus MV tattoo is so pretty and creative oh my god 🥺🤧 I love unique tattoos like that. And not you manifesting BTS getting their 7 tattoos girl your mind.
ALSO YOUR HAIR LOOKS SO PRETTY ❤️❣️🍓 The color is so nice!!
My Taeyeon tattoos are the lyrics ‘난 다시 떠올라’ from her song I which translates to ‘I rise again’ above my elbow (this song is really important to me and this lyric in specific always made me feel like no matter how bad I get I will always rise again). I also have a very faded I on my thumb which is just a copy of a tattoo she has as well lol
And for Minho I always wanted to get a commission from some artist I like of him drawn maybe in ghibli style with Jureumi (I love Jureumi my beloved) or his cats maybe and tattoo the outline of that.
(Sorry for the ridiculously long ask but atp it’s like my thing, I can’t shut up sorry)
THANK YOU BESTIE AHHH honestly I debated whether or not to get it for such a long time and the first time I scheduled it I got really sick and I was on medication that rejected tattoo ink so I had to reschedule and I took it as a sign from the universe not to get it done 😭 lost my $150 deposit and everything 💔 but I rescheduled anyway and it’s my favorite now 🫶👼 I KNOW literally the minute I saw the bts posts about their tattoos I had people texting me “wait didn’t you JUST get one??” 😭 manifesting matching tattoos with my hobi is so surreal tbh. A JUREUMI TATTOO SOUNDS ADORABLE OH MY GOSHHH and I love your Taeyeon tattoo that sounds so beautiful!! 🥹 ahhh if you get a Minho tattoo I want to see pics so bad if you’re able to but no pressure ofc 😭🫶 BESTIE your request has been one of the most fun to write so far I feel like the minute I received it I was like oh this is SO MINHO. I’m so excited for you to read it 🥹🩷 sending you so so much love always ILYYYY
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linorangge · 2 years
Hyunjin as Your Boyfriend ! <3
(keep in mind this is a head canon !) requested by @minracha
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how you met:
- hyunjin and lee know were on their usual weekly outing
- they were at one of those sushi conveyer belt places
- and so were u 🙀
- you put ur phone on the conveyer belt to video ppl as it passed by (a trend obvi)
- hyunjin saw the phone and got excited and grabbed it
- he had the phone for quite a bit which lengthened the vid by like 3 mins
- he’d introduced himself and lee know and talked abt their day and hobbies
- bro would not shut up
- lee know had to force him to put the phone back on the conveyer belt
- he gave the phone camera a kiss b4 putting it back
- and then once ur phone FINALLY came around
- u saw hyunnie ofc thru the majority
- u thought he was so damn handsome
- just the most prettiest man you’d ever seen
- so u (tried to) casually skim the restaurant to look for him
- and u found him and u were like
- “im the person w the phone on conveyer belt”
- he was so friendly and bubbly to u
- just wouldn’t stfu either
- invited u to SIT DOWN WITH THEM 😭
- “no thx i’m here w sum friends anyways”
- “no rlly i insist, just chat a little more w us”
- “hyunjin—“
- “oh that reminds me, what’s YOUR name?”
- and like we established
- he would not stfu
- lee know was embarrassed and felt sorry for you
- until he noticed u leaning into the convo and smiling and laughing EXTRA hard
- and then he observed hyunjin better
- hyunjin was ALSO smiling SO hard
- bro was borderline screaming at whatever u were saying
- and it had finally clicked for lee know
- u were attracted to each other
- and so, mr minho played wingman
- “ima go, i’ve got sum things to attend to, i’ll see u later hyunjin”
- “where to? do u want me to go?”
- “no worries man, enjoy urself with ur new friend”
- lee know winked at him, as if he could be MORE obvious
- hyunjin caught the hint and made a mental note to thank him later
- and u both sat there until closing and they practically kicked both of u out
- and even after that hyunjin walked u back to ur place where u exchanged numbers
- he texted u as soon as he got home
- from then on u never stopped talking
- whether to text or call
- hyunjin formally asked u on a date one night when you’d invited him and some friends over for a housewarming party
- u said yes ofc
- he took u to his fav sashimi place and then to a flower shop where u took pics and made one of the first of many beautiful memories
- he kissed you after he walked u home that night
- and after more dates, lots of kissing
- you weren’t sure what your boundaries were since u weren’t “official” yet
- u asked him
- and that sparked the question
- “well it’s not like there’s anything stopping us so…”
- “so?”
- “be mine?”
- “took u long enough”
hyunjin as your boyfriend:
- totally the type of mf to gas u up a little too much
- just
- “damn u got a bf or ??????”
- “how many men r u with???? one???? why??? u deserve TWO boyfriends”
- “jk pls don’t cheat on me i could never lose u”
- the type to text u updates thru out the day
- “just bought an iced latte seungmins gonna bitch at me for not getting him one”
- “just got outta practice, it was for a vid and we had to reshoot it three times 🧍”
- “lee know is being mean 2 me ☹️”
- he for sure laughs at everything u say
- even if it’s not funny, HE thinks it’s funny
- “haha and then i said, that’s not a camel , that’s my wife”
- hyunjin: 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- swears ON GOD to the members that ur hilarious
- walking u home after dates after hanging out became a quick tradition
- he likes to hold ur hand and just stare at u while u walk
- softly smiling all gross and mushy
- he likes to play w ur hair, and likes it especially when u play with his
- back hugger 100%
- with the chin on the shoulder and everything ugh
- keeps it rather basic w pet names, my love, babe/baby
- pda... rather into it
- likes to kiss u and hug u regardless if ur in public or not
- sends u his art/wips
- he tends to take secret pics of u to use them as drawing references later
- he loves showing u off to lit rally anyone who'll listen
- most likely in skz to go public w ur relationship regardless of backlash
- asks u to take his pics a lot esp if they're to upload on insta
- he believes in keeping weekly dates a thing
- if he somehow misses a week due to a busy schedule or something he beats himself up over it :(
- u do ur best to make him feel less shitty
- the members feel he's gotten more eccentric since getting w you
- is that a bad thing? sometimes
- overall happy for him and glad ur in his life :)
first time I love you was said:
- he said it
- it was your one yr anniversary !! :0
- but he was on tour :( and far from home (spiderman?)
- he was in Europe, and u were in korea
- it was a 7 hr time diff and while it was 12 at night in Korea, it was 5pm in europe
- hyunjin lit rally cried bc he felt so bad he couldn't be w u in person for the anniversary
- u did what u could to reassure him
- and mid cry on facetime
- he was like "its just... I love u so much and you've been there for me and I want to repay u and-"
- dawg was SOBBING as if you'd broken up w him or sum shit
- "you love me?"
- "omg... I mean its true, after a year of being by your side how could I not love you?"
- "hyunjin... I love you too... but pls stop crying, you only have a month left of the tour"
- "a month is so long tho 😭"
- and then u stayed on the phone with him for a few more hrs trying to comfort him
- u reassured him and just... were his comfort
- sigh
- stream flip that by loona
- soz this took awhile, work is a pain !!
- we got Jisung, Felix and Jeongin left :P
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astraystayyh · 3 months
Yes you absolutely need to write more Seungmin!! Actually, you write all the boys really well, it's satisfying to read, so I will say you need to give all of them a chance every once in a while. Jeongin's fic was ungodly heartwarming, I melted that day TuT (it's hard to be ot8)
I like longer fics because of development. Not to say shorter ones doesn't do that, depending on the author it's really well developed, but longer fics just have that ✨thing✨. Minho's "Echoes of love" was quite big. Are you thinking of something even bigger?
I like to write longer ones, too, but I fail everytime ;u; So i admire those who can. I'm rooting for you!
Are you feeling better? I hope so. If not, try to take a rest. You're more than allowed too, don't ever forget that.
- 🍒
(I tried to put a pic of Hyunjin with ponytail for u, but Tumblr isn't helping me here 😞)
i love seungmin and i LOVE writing comfort pieces for him like he has this incredibly soothing aura, so many of my hurt/comfort drabbles are starring him :,)) but YES i wanna write longer fics for all the boys,,, im planning to in the quotes series hehe and i agree!!! longer fics just leave more room for development and just that emotional layer and growth,, also gets you MORE attached to the characters because you think about them so much :,)
and yesss writing them is harder like it takes me months at times 😭😭 i believe in you tooo!!! im sure you’ll write an amazing long fic one day <333
also yes!!! echoes of love was really particular to me since it wasn’t “action heavy”, it had a slower tempo because it was day by day and just the slooowest burn of grieving yet remembering, forgetting yet loving,,, but the newer fics will have more of a plot (and plottwists hehehe) im really excited actually!!! i hope you’ll like them 🥹
im so happy you think i characterize the boys well :,)) that is one of my favorite compliments because writing for skz makes me the happiest so aaaa im very glad u think so 🥹 ALSO thank youuu for reading the innie fic,,, i wanted it to be cute so IM HAPPY TO HEAR THIS 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
i am feeling better!!! thank youuu for asking my love 🥹 i also got my results and passed all my classes so thats a weight off of my shoulders :,)) i hope you are doing well toooo my love, don’t forget to eat and drink and take breaks and most importantly be kind to yourself 🩷 i love you 🫶🏻
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yrqrnc · 5 months
fall !! your new theme is so so so pretty !! i didn't even notice it until now, it's seriously so so so aesthetic and everything omg ur aesthetic taste is immaculate ~~
u haven't been active recently so i'll just leave this in ur ask box for whenever u log back into tumblr. please have an adorable lq minho icon bc u bias him and are therefore a fellow leeknower (like me !!! i am obsessed with him !!!!)
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i know u haven't been active recently so i hope you've been doing okay !! please take care, i've been missing your reblogs of moodboards on my dashboard AND ur amazing hcs T-T
IRENE I ADORE YOU SO MUCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND 😭😭😭 thank you so much for checking up on me, even though you sent this long long time back and i'm only getting to it now :(
thank you for all the appreciation omggg i have always loved your themes too pls ☹️ THANK YOU AGAIN, for blessing me w minho pics bcs this man always makes my day better and yOU TOO
ilyily <3<3
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leetaehwan · 1 year
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tagged by @lee-minhoe to post 9 of my favorite shows: kdrama edition ! 💖 commentary under the cut !
tagging (if u want!): @ambivartence @minchanz @shorelinnes @leewonseo
in order of pics (L to R, first to bottom row):
extraordinary attorney woo - so fun so interesting i laughed i cried it def lives up to the hype . plus kang taeoh and kang kiyoung my BELOVEDS <;33
he is psychometric - we all know i had to put my AWARD WINNING main mans in here and this is the first of his that i watched and undoubtedly my fav so far . he’s cute he’s a lil goofy he’s VERY traumatized he solves crimes whats not to love 🖤 also jus2 has a song on the ost and she slaps
twenty-five twenty-one - NAM JOOHYUK 😭😭 okay while i do have some ✨opinions✨ overall i really enjoyed this one it’s fun it’s sporty it’s partially set in the 90s so the fashion slays . but also the story between the two female leads 🥲🥲🥲
true beauty - love triangle for the times i’ll say it ! cha eunwoo and hwang in youp my BELOVEDS <33 i had suuuuper bad second male lead syndrome for this one but it was fun to watch!
strong woman do bongsoon - UGH HER!!! idk if this is a hot take or not but i feel like this has everything u would want in a kdrama . we have love we have family we have ✨drama✨ we have comedic absurdity we have PARK HYUNSIK <33 and we have just a lil magic too like it’s all here . this show is p silly and like not that deep but she holds a special place in my heart
the fabulous - super fun (short!) one about a group of friends trying to make their way through life and love in the seoul fashion industry. ft choi minho 😍😍
rookie historian goo haeryung - super cool period drama about female historians in the joseon royal court . a love story with just the right amount of royal drama and mystery . also ft. cha eunwoo my beloved
business proposal - big fake dating we know her we love her she's a hoot and a half ! i also loved the second couple the bi panic was so real also ahn hyo seop <;33
abyss - a kinda sci-fi kinda murder mystery type deal , again with ahn hyo seop 🥰🥰
honorable mentions: hwarang: warrior poets society, hotel del luna, bring it on ghost, bride of habaek, alchemy of souls, nevertheless
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stayconnecteed · 5 months
Mom I love him🥹❤️ Also
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first link & second link (both the death of me skjhfksjhfk)
you're always blessing my inbox cubbs 😭😭
first of all, mom i love him (too) and second of all, yeah, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LIT SAW THOSE PICS ON TWITTER THIS MORNING AND SCREAMED AND THEN- he's glowing 🥺🥺
the first video made me gasp, and then i melted i swear. he's so so pretty and his side profile is just WOAH just a few hours ago i was talking to moony about a post on ig i found, it had a pic of him at the beginning of 2023 and then the last pic of the year, and the evolution is breathtaking. quoting moony (my baby @starlostastronaut) "before he was more like boyish cute type, now he's a handsome gentleman" AND SHE'S FUCKING RIGHT OFC
i absolutely love his vibe, and with those airport pics (i recently posted some airport minho pics idk what is going on on those airports but waaaah!!) i can assume 2024 is going to be fucking amazing!!
the second video is just seungmin being my spiritual animal KAJDSHKJADSHKAJ I LOVE HIM
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subskz · 11 months
Pink's Moodboard for BB chptr 4:
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brb as i throttle y/n and minho :)
Also... very close to making a BB playlist. Like, trust, the brain is braining (that being said, if there's a song you would want on there lmk)
THE CAT W THE CIGARETTE IS SENDING ME 😭😭😭 I AM SORRY PINK MY ANGEL…hope the drama of it all wasn’t too much LMAO our babies…our maladjusted silly lil meow meows -_-; that first pic is you and i getting lino’s ass for having a paw in all this!
a bb playlist no WAY that’s so incredibly sweet of you ㅠㅠ i would be honored if ur big brain whipped smth up but no pressure at all! i do actually have a lil list of songs in my head that remind me of the story hehe. if u do decide to make a playlist there’s no need to include any of these, bc i’d love to see ur personal vision for it! but here are a few just in case~
disloyal order of water buffaloes - fall out boy (this is the main song bb is inspired by and where the title comes from!)
are you bored yet - wallows ft. clairo
washing machine heart - mitski
i am you - skz (a bit on the nose lol)
you are the moon - the hush sound (this one reminds me of how the reader sees channie ㅠ it heavily inspires the 2nd half of the final part!)
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