lil-gae-disaster · 3 months
what I gotta do: study for latin, bake muffins, work out my oc, do my English homework
Me: I'M DONE WITH PLASTIC PROMISES!! Aggressive dancing on bed w Plastic Promises - Set It Off playing
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Bowling Confessions
A short follow up follow up fic to "Don't Let Me Go." Also note you are valid regardless whether you pass or not. Also, if you need anyone to talk to, I am here and my inbox is open.
TJ couldn't believe what had happened today. It was 2am and he knew he should be asleep but just couldn't. If you had asked him 24 hours ago if today's simple day of sledding would of ended with him getting his first boyfriend, he would have laughed in your face. He never imagined that Cyrus would like him back. But not only had Cyrus told him he liked him as much as he liked Cyrus, but Cyrus now knew he was trans and that didn't change anything in his eyes. He still loved him. To say TJ was relieved, was an understatement. All he has ever wanted was to be treated like any other guy. He knew it shouldn't matter if your cis or not, but also knew not everyone thought that way. Even people who are supposedly "allies" often misgendered trans folks without meaning too. That's why it meant so much to TJ that Cyrus saw him as a boy even after finding out his secret. 
But that's also the reason he still did not want to tell their other friends quite yet. He was still nervous about how they may react. Sure they almost immediately went downstairs and told everyone they were dating but that was easy. (Well except for Buffy pulling him aside to personally kick his ass if he ever hurts Cyrus.) It was easy because he was pretty sure everyone in that room was a little queer. He knew his sister, Amber, was a lesbian, having only dated Jonah out of some misguided internalized homophobia. Andi was pan and so into his sister. Jonah and Buffy were bi kids all the way. So yeah, telling them that hey he was gay and dating Cyrus was a piece of cake. But telling them he was trans was way scarier, and luckily Cyrus would never push him to tell when he was not ready.
There is one issue though, someone in that room earlier, other than Cyrus and Amber, knew TJ was trans; Marty. Marty was the person in the group that he knew the least about. Up until a month ago, he didn't even know who Marty was.(Apparently they were in some classes together but he doesn't remember him.) He is pretty sure Marty is a straight, cis boy but pretty harmless. But that straight, cis boy was also the person who walked in on him in the bathroom while he was changing. This is the boy who now knew he was trans. 
Sure, Marty was respectful enough not to out him but TJ had taken note of how much more quiet Marty was the rest of the day. He also noticed Marty staring at him from time to time. He may be over thinking it but he can't help but be worried. What if Marty doesn't feel comfortable around him and it makes hanging out Cyrus' friends weird? 
TJ sighs in annoyance at himself. Why is he wasting his night obsessing over this? He has better things to think about, like the fact that before leaving Cyrus' house, the shorter boy asked to take hm on a date tomorrow...err...later today at this point.
Ugh , he thinks to himself, as he looks to the clock. 3am. He needs to sleep. So he throws a pillow over his head in a desperate attempt to subdue his own racing thoughts. Eventually exhaustion wins out, and he drifts asleep.
It's about 4pm later that day, and TJ is waiting anxiously for Cyrus. They are supposed to meet at The Spoon for their first official date. Sure they have been to this same restaurant hundreds of times before but this time felt new, and exciting, and scary, all at once. He wanted today to go perfect. He spent two hours changing his outfit to find "the perfect date look." Amber also convinced him that Cyrus would like his hair with no gel. She may have also slipped in there the fact that Andi mentioned to her that Cyrus really likes TJ in his glasses, the glasses he only wears around the house typically. 
So here he was, in the middle of the diner, with his hair falling way more freely than he prefers and his dorky glasses on his face. He doesn't feel the most confident in how he looks right now. But he needs today to go well. So he is trying out his look. Part of him was nervous because what if yesterday was a fluke? What if Cyrus got there and realized this was all a mistake?
Every single one of those worries melt away when he sees Cyrus walk through the door. The moment Cyrus sets eyes on him, the brunette's face lights up. The way Cyrus stares at him makes TJ's face heat up in a deep red blush. Why or how Cyrus can make him feel so soft is a mystery to him but it can't be stopped. Cyrus walks to the table and stands for a moment in what looks to be awe. 
"You look so…" The brown eyed boy's voice breaks the silence. He kneads his lower lip trying to find the best word to describe how he thought TJ looked. Cute? No that was too soft. Beautiful? Not quite the right word either. He finally decides on the word. "Handsome." It was the right mix of affectionate and distinguished.
 Without thinking Cyrur runs his fingers through TJ's hair as he keeps standing by the edge of the table. "I really like your hair. It's so soft. Not that I don't  like it other times though…" Cyrus backtracks, turning slightly red himself for putting his foot in his mouth. "It's just that I like that I can touch it without feeling the gel. And I like your glasses, you look so...I'm sorry if I am saying the wrong things. I'm just nervous you know and I really like you and I think you look so good..and…you smell good, like citrus and...
TJ smiles to himself listening to his boyfriend rambling. He finally grabs Cyrus' hand and pulls him onto the booth bench next to him, before placing a small kiss on the boy's cheek that suddenly leaves him speechless. TJ takes the moment of quiet to say "I think you look pretty good, too, muffin.
"Thanks Teej…" Cyrus replies before settling against TJ as TJ casually wraps his arm around Cyrus' shoulders. As they sat and talked and ate it felt like neither boy can remember being nervous. Sitting like this feels like they should of been doing this all along. It felt natural to sit so close, enjoying each other's company.
When they finished  another renowned rendition of baby tater theater, followed closely by actually eating said baby taters, TJ asked "So what else do you have planned, underdog?"
"Nothing crazy. Buffy invited us to go bowling with her and Marty. Andi has family stuff going on so it would just be the 4 of us. It could be fun." Cyrus notices TJ's face change. It clouds over with what looks like worry. "Or we don't have to, sweetie…we can go to the park or something. "
"No Cy, I want to go. It is fine. I promise."
"Tell your face that then…" Cyrus says half jokingly. "What's up, my not-so-scary basketball guy?"
"It is nothing…" TJ says but knows he does not sound so convincing.
"Let's not start off this relationship with you lying to me. What is it?"
"I'm scared, okay?" TJ replies quietly.
"Of what?" Cyrus lowers his voice to match TJ's.
TJ takes in a deep breath like the air is suddenly heavier. It always feels heavier whenever he talks about his trans identity. It feels like if he says the wrong thing, he could mess something up. Sometimes it felt like he had to work harder than everyone else just to exist. Every once in awhile he wishes someone else he knew was going through this. 
As he thinks about this, Cyrus can see the distress on his face. Cyrus says, "You don't have to tell me, TJ… its okay. " Cyrus  smiles.
TJ returns the gesture with a weak smile. "No I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything all the time, actually. Its...its  Marty. He is the one who walked in on me yesterday, remember? And he was staring at me yesterday the entire time after that. I don't know if he is comfortable with me."
Cyrus reaches for TJ's free hand. "Like I said, we don't  have to go.'
"No we are going to go. I'm just nervous." TJ says in a soft voice, he barely recognizes as his own.
"To be honest, I don't know too much about Marty so I can't speak for him but I know Buffy. She really likes Marty and I can't see her being with someone who would treat you differently for something like being trans." Cyrus keeps his voice down so he doesn't bring unwanted attention to the green eyed boy.
TJ gives his boyfriend a small, unsure smile.  "I guess you are right…"
"Plus I will be with you the entire time." Cyrus says with a wide grin that TJ can't help but mirror. Maybe this will be okay TJ thinks to himself.
Boy was he wrong. From the moment TJ and Cyrus arrived at the bowling alley, it seemed like all Marty could do was stare at TJ. TJ would catch Marty eyeing him up and down, like he was trying to figure something out. It got to the point where even Cyrus noticed it, prompting him to wrap his arm around TJ's shoulder, almost like he was trying to protect him. 
Amazingly Buffy did not seem to notice. Cyrus really wanted to tell Buffy so she could talk some sense into this guy she likes so much. But telling her would be outing TJ so that was out of the question. So those two just keep up their banter, albeit Marty being a bit distracted.
TJ meanwhile tried to focus on Cyrus. He was trying to keep distracted from the blatant stares that bore into him. It is hard though. Even with the bumbers up, (at Cyrus' request) he was not doing well. All he could think about was how uncomfortable Marty is making him feel. He didn't do anything to deserve to feel like a freak on display. Finally when Buffy gets up to grab some food, TJ pulls away from Cyrus and walks up to Marty.
"Can we talk, over there?" TJ's voice comes out more abrasive than he intended as he points to an empty corner of the alley.
"Uh, yeah, sure man." Marty says in a voice that seems riddled with anxiety.
TJ leads the way to the corner of the room. As he passes Cyrus he hears him say "I'm here if you need anything." TJ blushes at those simple words as he continues to walk away. 
When they finally get to a secluded spot, TJ clears his throat and Marty looks at him. This is probably the first one on one conversation they have ever had. "So what is your deal?"
"What do you mean?" Marty asks as he looks to the floor.
"You know what I mean. You haven't stopped starring since you walked in on me yesterday. Is it because you know I'm...I'm trans?"
Marty looks up. He looks so insure. He says "Of course not, actually yea." TJ's eyes look hurt and angry at the same time. Before he can say anything else Marty continues. "But not in the way you think.'
"Oh so you aren't staring at me because you think I'm weird and a freak?" TJ says sarcastically. He is used to assuming the worst so that doesn't seem like a stretch.
"No! Of course not!"
"Then why have you been staring at me?!" He says in a hushed yell. Then he pauses. He notices the look of sadness and fear in the other boy's face. He recognizes that look from his own mirror. His voice softens "Hey man, are you okay?"
Marty shakes his head as his breathe catch as he tries to speak. After a long couple seconds, he chokes out, "I was staring because I couldn't actually believe their was another guy at school like me. I've been trying to figure out if it was all my imagination. I'm...I'm sorry if I made you feel weird."
"Wait…" TJ says in disbelief. "Did you say 'Guy at school like you?' as in...as in you're trans?" 
"Yea, I am." Marty gives a half smile.
"How did I not know this before?" 
"The same reason that no one knows about you. Sometimes if you manage to pass, it is way easier not to go around announcing your trans."
TJ huffs at his own dumb question. "I guess you are right."
Suddenly the world around TJ felt lighter. There was now another person he could confide in that probably understood this aspect of his life better than anyone else. He is suddenly glad his boyfriend brought him here.
"Can I ask you a question?" Marty says interrupting his thoughts.
"Yea, anything."
"How do you get your voice to sound so good? I catch mine cracking all the time and I am so worried is going to give me away."
TJ cracks a small smile. "My mom is a piano teacher and she understands all this pitch and tone stuff. It sounds dumb, but she helps me."
Marty frowns and TJ is worried he said something wrong. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No, you didn't. Not at all. Um, did you say your mom helps you? She knows?"
"Well yea, it would be hard to hide something like this." TJ says matter-of-factly. Marty knows too well it is hard to hide something like this.
"She supports you?" Marty continues to question.
"Yea, since I was little. So does my dad."
Marty looks away. "That must be nice."
TJ puts his hand on the other boy's shoulder as they stand across from each other. "I take it your parents aren't the most supportive?"
"Not really. My dad barely talks to me and my mom refuses to address me by anything but my dead name. Sometimes the teachers at school are more supportive than my own parents. At least they call me Marty." Marty looks devastated as he continues. TJ just let's the other boy get it out. "And it's hard you know? Like the one binder I saved up and bought, my mom found and threw out. So most of the time, I'm stuck with bandages and sports bras. And like I can't have friends over because my parents would out me. What if that's how Buffy finds out? I really like her and I can't even bring her to my house, without being forced out to her. I just...wish they would stop treating me like a bad daughter and start being proud of son they have. Like, come on, I am the fastest guy in school ...why don't they care, you know? Why don't they care about me."
TJ's heart broke for Marty. He suddenly felt 100x more thankful for his parents. He sat in quiet with the other boy for a while. After a bit TJ breaks the silence. "I'm sorry about your parents. You don't deserve that. But I can say for 100% sure if Buffy were to ever find out, she would not care. Anyone can see how much she cares about you.
"Yea, and I'm going to tell her but not today."
"Okay." TJ says simply. This is Marty's truth to tell on his time.
After a few more minutes, they walk back over to their awaiting friends. As TJ settles back into Cyrus' side, the shorter boy says "Everything okay?"
"Yea, everything is fine." He smiles and Cyrus doesn't push for more. The rest of the evening is a lot of fun. TJ's life could not be better. He has a cute boyfriend that he loves and so many great friends, now. Sometime soon he thinks he will tell the rest of them his truth.
That night after he and Cyrus spend too much time on the porch saying goodnight, he slips into his house. His mom sits on the couch watching an old movie. He simply sits down beside her, hugs her and whispers "Thanks mom."
Thanks for reading and thank you to @kippens-a-goodman for the idea to add Marty in!
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melodyalanaroster · 5 years
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Cousin Mels 2: The Superhero
VRRR!!!! VRRR!!!!!! The phone vibrated on the nightstand. A hand stretched out from beneath the comforter and grabbed it. “What now?” an exhausted voice sighed. Alana sat up in her bed and grinned. “Of course. I did promise her I’d take her today...” she chuckled.
It didn’t take long for her to put her glasses on, change clothes, brush her hair, brush her teeth, make sure Serenity had food and water and get into the elevator. When the elevator stopped on the floor beneath her apartment, Nora stepped in. Nora looked at Alana and smiled. “Good morning, Mels. Today must be the day.” Alana grinned. “Yeah. She’s already in the lobby.” Nora looked puzzled. “Why didn’t she just go to your apartment?” “If Seraphina was the one dropping her off, she would have gone there. But, it’s Kai and he refuses to release her to anyone but me... He’s mad at me, so he’s being an asshole and not moving from the lobby.” “He’s gonna get hurt with how he talks to you.” “I put him in his place the last time when Castiel was here. He knows better than to talk down to me this time.” “He was pretty steamed about that. I wonder why he’s like that...” Nora pondered. “It’s for several things. Remember, Kai is the cousin that accidentally got his fiancee pregnant only for his fiancee to force him into a shotgun wedding... Which ended in divorce just a couple of years later.” “Oh.” “Yeah. Since Ravenna’s birth, he’s become a more pretentious parent than Brian Griffin... Even though he’s a flaky parent. Seriously, he works all the time, and when he’s not working, he’s on his damn game systems. Seraphina and Kirk are raising his child for him.” “It sounds like he shouldn’t have been a dad...” Alana shook her head. “The child isn’t the problem. It’s that he married someone who used him to get away from her family. The problem is that he wasn’t more responsible with the situation. That and the women’s center they went to was a front for a religious group instead of being an actual medical center.” “Seriously? They went to one of “those” places?” “Yep. And now Ravenna is an innocent casualty in their idiotic existence.” “Why don’t you just pay the lawyer off?” Alana shook her head. “Because, idiocy must not be rewarded. In fact, I sent Chrystal the bill for the money I put towards the down payment on the wedding dress that she never wore.” “How well did that go down?��� “She bitched to Kai and Kai bitched to me. Something about how I have “more money than god” and shouldn’t be worrying about a hundred gold... And, he’s right to a certain extent... I do have access to quite the account and really shouldn’t be worrying about such trivial matters... But, it’s the principal of the thing. Seraphina ended up selling the dress behind Chrystal’s back and sent me the money.” “That was sneaky of her. What did you do with it?” “I stuck it in a college fund for Ravenna.” “Awe. That’s sweet.”
When the doors to the elevator opened and Alana stepped out, she was immediately shoved back by a little force. “MELS!” the little girl cheered as she wrapped her arms around Alana. “Hey kiddo! You ready?” Alana beamed. “Yeah! I can’t wait!” Alana looked at Kai who was glaring at her. “You’re gonna have to get over yourself, Kai.” “Just have her back here at a decent hour, Melody.” “Fine, but I want Sera to be with you when you pick her up.” “Fine.” Kai turned to Ravenna. “Aren’t you gonna give me a hug?” “But, Daddy, I wanna hurry up and be with Mels!” Alana looked at Ravenna. “Go give your dad a hug Kiddo. The movie isn’t going anywhere.” She smiled. Ravenna beamed at Alana then ran to her father and hugged him. “I love you daddy!” “Be good for Mels! I love you too!” Kai smiled at his daughter before walking out. Nora looked at Alana. “I see what you mean.” “Yeah.” Alana looked at Ravenna. “Hey, Kiddo, let’s go to the Cafe. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.” Ravenna smiled. “Sure!”
As they walked through the park on their way to the cafe, a familiar silhouette appeared. “Good morning Nathaniel!” Alana smiled. “Good morning Alana.” Nathaniel beamed. Ravenna clung to Alana. “Oh! Where are my manners? Nath, this is my cousin, Ravenna. She’s Kai’s daughter. Ravenna, this is Nathaniel... He’s a very good friend of mine.” Alana introduced. Nathaniel looked at Alana, confused. “Kai’s daughter? When did he?” Alana shook her head. “It’s a very long, convoluted story that I don’t really wanna go into right now.” “Alright.” Nathaniel nodded before turning to the child. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ravenna.” He smiled as he got to her level and held out his hand. Ravenna looked at Alana, who was looking at Nathaniel, lovingly, then looked at Nathaniel and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you too Nathaniel!” she beamed as she shook his hand. She then turned to Alana. “Is he an important friend, Mels?” Alana looked at Nathaniel, blushed, then looked back at Ravenna. “He’s a very important friend.” She grinned. “So? What are you two doing this morning?” Nathaniel asked. “Mels is taking me to see Captain Marvel!” Ravenna bubbled. “But first, we’re going to the cafe. Kai brought Ravenna to the Tower before I could even get some breakfast in me.” Alana sighed, her stomach rumbling. “You should join us, Nath!” Ravenna burst. Nathaniel looked at the child, then at Alana, shocked. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t be intruding?” He asked. “Nope! I like hanging out with Mels’ friends!” Ravenna chirped. Nathaniel smiled and looked at Alana. “May I?” Alana grinned, tiredly. “Come on. I’d like to eat before my blood sugar decides to bottom out.”
When they got to the cafe, the chose a table and sat down. It didn’t take long for Hyun to walk up to them. “Hey Alana! What can I do for you?” He asked. “Can I get a large white chocolate, hazelnut, frappe with an extra shot of coffee, whipped cream and chocolate drizzle for my drink. For my food, I’d like three large croissants and if you have a bit of hazelnut spread that I can put on them, that would also be highly appreciated. Oh, get Nathaniel a glass of water and a banana nut muffin... And Ravenna will have a chocolate muffin.” She ordered. “Alright! I’ll have that out for you in a jiffy!” Hyun smiled as he finished writing the order down and went back into the cafe. “Alana, you didn’t have to order me anything.” Nathaniel muttered. “You’re right, I didn’t have to. But I did. When was the last time you actually ate anything healthy?” Alana queried. Nathaniel looked down, silently. “That’s what I figured. So, for once, Mr. Jacott, you’re getting a somewhat healthy breakfast.” She smirked. “Look at you trying to take care of everyone... I thought you had stopped that.” Nathaniel grinned. “I did. Now I only take care of those who matter most to me. And you, dear sir, happen to be on that list.” Alana huffed. “Thank you.” Nathaniel blushed. “Alright, here you go!” Hyun began as he repeated the order and placed everything on the table in front of the respective people. “Thanks!” Ravenna chirped as she took the muffin and began eating. “Thanks Hyun. Can I go ahead and pay now?” Alana asked. “Sure. Let me just go get the bill.” Hyun smiled as he walked off. Alana dipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small compact. “Your meds?” Nathaniel inquired. “Yep. You know I have to take them every morning.” Alana stated as she began taking sips of her coffee and taking her medicine. A flash of sadness crossed Nathaniel’s face as he looked at her. “I’ll be okay, I promise.” Alana sighed as she took another sip of her coffee and began spreading the hazelnut spread across one of the croissants. Hyun quickly reappeared with the check. “I see you’ve got your cousin again.” He chatted. “Yeah, I’m taking her to see Captain Marvel today.” “You sure love those superhero movies.” “Of course. They’re cool.” “Considering you’re a real life superhero, that’s kind of funny.” “I may be super, and considered a hero by various people, but I am no superhero.” Alana and Hyun chatted as she paid the bill. “Well, it was great seeing you! You should come around more often!” Hyun chuckled. “Maybe when I have a lot less responsibility. It was good seeing you too.” Alana grinned. Nathaniel clenched his fists as Hyun walked off. “Calm down. I’m pretty sure everyone in this city knows that there’s no one for me but you.” Alana blurted out. Nathaniel and Ravenna looked at Alana in shock. “Oh, come on! As if you didn’t already know that!” Alana gasped. Nathaniel grinned and stroked her cheek, gently. “Yeah, I know. I just wasn’t expecting you to say it like that.” A look of realization appeared on Ravenna’s face. “Mels? By saying Nath is your “very important friend”, do you mean that he’s your “special someone”?” She asked. Nathaniel and Alana looked at each other, lovingly. “It’s complicated.” Alana replied. “It doesn’t look complicated to me.” Ravenna stated.
After they finished their food, they headed to the movie theater. Alana bought three tickets to Captain Marvel and they sat down in their seats. “Alana, before the movie starts, can you give me some context?” Nathaniel requested. “Sure. For the final end credits scene to Infinity War, Nick Fury pulls out a modified pager to contact someone before he turns to dust. The pager is seen on the ground with Captain Marvel’s symbol on it’s screen before the scene ends. This movie is to properly introduce her to the Marvel Cinematic Universe so that we can know more about her before seeing her in Endgame. This movie is set to take place in the Nineties, so we’ll be seeing younger versions of Fury and Coulson.” Alana explained. “Isn’t Coulson the guy who died in the first Avengers movie?” “Yes. But, if you follow the show Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, you find out that they brought him back to life. I stopped watching the show a while ago, so I’m not sure his actual fate at this point.” “Ah. What do you know about Captain Marvel?” “I know she’s insanely powerful. I know she’s been called Binary a few times when her power is at it’s max. I know she’s got Kree powers, and fights the Skrull. I also know there’s a ton of speculation that she might be the one to wield the Infinity Gauntlet and restore everything in Endgame... But, that’s about it.” “So, you really don’t know much about her.” “Not really. This is my true introduction to her.” “Okay then.”
Throughout the movie, Nathaniel would occasionally look at Alana and Ravenna, who both seemed to be having a great time. At one point, he lifted the armrest between him and Alana and she relaxed into his chest. “This is peaceful.” He thought. As Captain Marvel looked at Yon-Rogg and said “I have nothing to prove to you.”, His eyes flashed to the girls. Ravenna’s eyes were filled with wonder. Alana’s were filled with understanding. “It kind of reminds me of when she looked at Azrael and said “There’s nothing left for you to take from me.” when Azrael brought the Crown Jewels to the gym a few months ago.” He thought. He knew why Alana loved comic book movies, heck, this wasn’t the first one she’d taken him to. Each film was a story about a person overcoming impossible odds, pushing past their limits, and achieving new heights while saving everyone they loved, even Deadpool and Venom had attributes of that. “Now I see why she dragged me to the first Avengers movie all those years ago... She’s always loved that kind of thing, the difference between then and now is that she is more like the heroes and antiheroes she loves than she used to be...” He thought. He then realized why she was always buying superhero toys for Ravenna and showing her stuff like that. It was because she wanted the child to believe in herself and be a strong, confident, powerful, helpful, person. “Some things never change.” He thought as the movie ended. “Mels! Let’s go!” Ravenna urged. “Ravenna! I know you’ve seen enough Marvel movies to know we HAVE to stay through the end credits.” Alana retorted. Ravenna thought for a minute, realized Alana was right and sat back down. “Sorry.” She muttered. “It’s okay, just don’t be so impatient.” Alana sighed.
When the final end credits scene ended, they got up from their seats and left the theater. “THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!” Ravenna boomed. Nathaniel and Alana started laughing. “It was very impressive!” Nathaniel cheered. “I’ll admit, it wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was definitely great!” Alana approved. “Mels! With short hair, you’d look like Captain Marvel!” Ravenna laughed. “Oh? Maybe I should cosplay as her!” Alana suggested. “I would love to see that.” Nathaniel replied. “Yeah! You’d look super cool!” Ravenna agreed. “You know what? I just might!” Alana smiled. “I like Goose.” Nathaniel commented. Alana busted out laughing. “OF COURSE YOU’D LIKE GOOSE!” Her laughter rang through the street so loudly that people looked in their direction. “Goose is awesome! And she proves that cats are definitely the best! Then again, we already knew that!” She laughed. “I want a cat like that!” Ravenna cheered. “It would be super cool!” Alana commented as they walked towards the park.
When they got to the park, Ravenna immediately ran to the playground and started playing. Alana found a bench near the playground and sat down. “This is nice.” Nathaniel cooed as he sat down next to her. “Yeah, I just hope Kai isn’t a pain in the ass when he comes to pick her up.” “Can you tell me about that now?” “Sure.” Alana then preceded to tell Nathaniel about Kai, Chrystal, Ravenna’s entrance into existence and what happened when Kai picked Ravenna up from the Tower when Castiel was present. “Wow. I never expected that from him.” Nathaniel commented. “Yeah, so, now he thinks it’s perfectly okay to disrespect me if it looks like he’s being a “good father”. When, in all actuality, it’s driving his daughter away from him. I can understand his discontent with the situation, but he doesn’t need to take it out on me. I have enough stress without him adding to it.” “Just, wow.” “Yeah, and to make things more interesting, Ravenna occasionally calls Sera and Kirk momma and daddy. Honestly, it feels like Kai only acts like a father because it gives him something to brag about. Like, look! I made this beautiful little girl! I’m a great daddy! Look at my “Fuck Trophy!”. Which makes it worse considering he’s dating again.” “It sounds sleazy.” “It looks like it. I wouldn’t have as many issues with it if he wouldn’t attack me when I don’t act the way he deems “good” around his kid. Excuse me for not conforming to what the average woman is expected to be. I may be the “Patron Saint of Lost Children”, I may be good with Ravenna, but I’m not the maternal sort just yet. I’m honest with Ravenna, I don’t sugar coat it just because she’s a child. When she asks questions that she shouldn’t know the answer to just yet, I say “You’ll find out when you’re older.”. Anger flashed across Nathaniel’s face for a split second. “He shouldn’t treat you like that, Alana.” “What’s worse is, I’ve talked about it with Sera. When I explained it to her, I compared how Kai acts with Ravenna and how he treats people when she’s around to a parasite destroying it’s host. No, I don’t think Ravenna is a parasite, but I think Kai acts like she’s one and he’s the host. When she’s around, he goes from cool young adult, to pretentious, bullshit, parent. I don’t ever remember my mother doing anything like that. He’s not even doing it in a “protective parent” way. He tells Sam and me what to say, do and think when he and his kid are around. The thing about Sam in that situation is that she’s never really around, and when she is around, Ken usually shuts Kai up. You’d think that what I’ve become would tell him to give me the basic respect I deserve, but he refuses to remotely acknowledge it. And Sera excuses it because Kai is young. I’m five years younger than Kai and even I know that that’s not what you do in his situation.” Nathaniel shook his head. “I had no idea things between you and him had deteriorated so badly.” “There’s a lot of relationship shit that’s gone on in my family that you don’t know about yet.” Alana sighed.
A couple of hours later, Ravenna walked up to the bench singing a little tune. “Mels and Nathaniel, sittin’ in a tree...” She began. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G...” Alana mused as she winked at Nathaniel. Nathaniel grinned at Ravenna, smirked at Alana and kissed her head. Ravenna laughed playfully. Alana laughed as she felt her phone vibrate. She checked to see what it was. “Well, shit.” She sighed. “What?” Nathaniel asked. “Seraphina just texted me. They’re at the Tower, waiting. She says Kai is PISSED.” Alana rolled her eyes as she put her phone back in her pocket. “Come on Ravenna, Daddy and Gran Gran are already at the Tower. And Daddy is throwing a temper tantrum.” Alana stated as she looked at the child. Ravenna looked down. “I don’t wanna go home if he’s gonna act like that.” She muttered. “Don’t worry. Gran Gran and I aren’t above putting him in his place.” Alana sighed. “Do you want me to walk with you?” Nathaniel asked. “I’d very much appreciate it.” Alana muttered.
When they got back to the Black Tower, they realized that Alana’s assumptions of Kai’s temper tantrum was correct. “Nathaniel, guard Ravenna.” Alana commanded. As they opened the doors, Kai, who was pacing and cursing up a storm looked at them, rage filled his eyes. “I TOLD YOU TO HAVE HER BACK HERE AT A DECENT HOUR!” He yelled. Without replying to Kai’s yelling, Alana stormed up to him, kneed him in the gut and bitch slapped him so hard it made her hand hurt. “How DARE you speak to me in such a manor! Kai Cambridge! This is twice that you’ve disrespected me in my own home! Not once, TWICE! You are a disgrace as a father, a member of this family and as a man! It’s MY aunt who is raising your child. And what have you done to thank her for that? Not a GOD DAMN thing! Instead, you have disrespected both Sam and me, proven to your OWN DAUGHTER that you are nothing more than an insolent animal who thinks it’s okay to mistreat people when they don’t give you precisely what you want when you want it. As for how long we were out, we were only out a few hours. Long enough to get something to eat, see the movie, and have her play at the park. As for Nathaniel being present, Ravenna insisted he come when I introduced them because he’s one of my friends. We weren’t out obscenely late, we didn’t do anything irresponsible or bad. We ate, saw a movie and went to the park. How about you focus less on what kind of cousin I am and actually focus more no not being a SHIT FATHER!” Alana’s voice boomed through the lobby. Several lower R.D.R recruits, who were passing through the back of the lobby stopped dead in their tracks. The phrase “Holy shit!” could be heard coming from their direction. Kai slowly got to his feet. “Come on Ravenna! You’re never coming back to this wretched Tower again!” He demanded. “NO!” Ravenna cried as she continued to cling to Nathaniel. “Kai Cambridge THAT’S ENOUGH!” Seraphina boomed “But Sera!” Kai whined. “No! Mels has been a good influence on your daughter! You may be her father, but while you live in my house, you will live by my family’s rules! You need to grow up and treat Mels with the respect she has earned! She has not earned this animosity from you! As it is, look at what you’ve done! You made your daughter cry! Ravenna, Mels AND Nathaniel deserve apologies for your actions!” Sera grabbed her step-son and pulled him straight. “Gran Gran, I wanna stay with Mels tonight!” Ravenna pleaded. “Kiddo, I have training tomorrow and School on Monday. I can’t keep you this weekend.” Alana explained. “But Mels!” Ravenna cried. “Remember what I said in the park? Our family is full of strong women. Sera will make sure your dad knows and understands what he’s done.” She yawned. “Oh... Okay. I love you Mels! I’ll see you soon!” Ravenna sighed as she hugged Alana. “It was very nice meeting you Nath!” She smiled at Nathaniel and hugged him. “Be good munchkin. It was nice meeting you.” Nathaniel smiled. He shot Kai a look that said “If you EVER do that again, you’ll regret it!”. “It was good seeing you again Nathaniel.” Sera commented. “Likewise Sera.” Nathaniel took the hand Alana used to slap Kai and kissed it. “How badly does it hurt?” “Not as bad as it could.”
As they watched Ravenna, Seraphina and Kai leave the Tower, Alana yawned then looked at Nathaniel. “Do you wanna go upstairs and watch Infinity War?” She asked. Nathaniel looked at her and grinned. “How about we start with the first Iron Man movie.”
HOLY CRAP! I was NOT intending on this to focus more on Kai vs Alana! But, here we are! I wanted to do a Marvel themed blurb this week to celebrate Avengers: Endgame being released. I also wanted this to be the prelude to Alana cosplaying as Captain Marvel... I think I did well....
Credit for the stuff I used to make the Ravenna sprite goes to EMoralsG24 on DeviantArt.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Coronavirus, Russian Bounties, Poland’s Election: Your Monday Briefing
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Good morning.
We’re covering the world reaching 10 million coronavirus cases, a suspected Russian plot to pay bounties on U.S. troops and Europe’s first pandemic-era presidential election.
Coronavirus cases pass 10 million as U.S. infections surge
The number of coronavirus cases worldwide has reached 10 million, and the death toll passed 500,000 on Sunday, with daily infections escalating in the U.S., India and Brazil.
The grim milestone came as countries struggled to keep new infections at bay while also emerging from painful lockdowns.
The European Union will allow outsiders to enter again on July 1, but will bar most travelers from the U.S., Russia and other countries that are considered too risky because they have not controlled their outbreaks.
Cases in the U.S. have risen 65 percent over the past two weeks — they now total more than 2.5 million. Some administration officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, have said that increased testing explains the surge in cases, but health officials say otherwise.
Testing sites in the U.S. were overwhelmed over the weekend in the hard-hit states of Arizona, Florida and Texas.
A suspected Russian plot to pay bounties on U.S. troops
United States intelligence officers in Afghanistan warned superiors as early as January of a suspected Russian plot to pay bounties to the Taliban to kill American troops in Afghanistan.
The recovery of large amounts of American cash at a Taliban outpost and interrogations of captured militants and criminals helped determine that Russians had offered and paid bounties in 2019, one official told our reporters.
Military and intelligence officials are reviewing whether American and other coalition casualties were victims of the plot. They believe bounties led to at least one death of a U.S. service member, two officials said.
New: Some 291 Afghan soldiers were killed in Taliban attacks from June 19-25, according to the country’s National Security Council, making it the war’s deadliest week for Afghan forces. The violence is sapping optimism over a peace deal the U.S. signed with the Taliban that would negotiate an end to nearly two decades of war.
Poland votes in Europe’s first big pandemic-era election
Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, fell short of securing a majority of the vote on Sunday in Europe’s first socially distanced election, according to exit polls. There will be a runoff on July 12 against Warsaw’s mayor, Rafal Trzaskowski.
Turnout was high and voters at polling stations wore masks, brought their own pens and waited in lines with three feet of personal space in all directions.
The country’s nationalist party has made judicial changes that E.U. leaders say threaten independence and turned public television into the government’s propaganda arm.
Details: Polls said Mr. Duda received about 41 percent of the vote and Mr. Trzaskowski about 30 percent, with official results set to be released today. Mr. Trzaskowski has promised to draw the country closer to the European Union and to protect the rights of the L.G.B.T. community, while Mr. Duda has attacked homosexuality as an ideology comparable to communism.
New Irish prime minister: After four months of negotiations, Ireland’s Parliament has appointed Micheal Martin, a center-right politician, to lead as the country deals with the coronavirus, Brexit and fallout from a housing crisis. France also held municipal elections on Sunday.
If you have 15 minutes, this is worth it
A crucial warning ignored as the virus silently spread
Dr. Camilla Rothe, above, and her colleagues at Munich University Hospital were among the first to warn the world that people without symptoms could spread the coronavirus.
But even as evidence mounted from other scientists about symptomless transmission, health officials dismissed the finding. Our reporters pieced together why a crucial warning was ignored early in the pandemic as the virus was fanning unnoticed in French churches, Italian soccer stadiums and Austrian ski bars.
Here’s what else is happening
Wirecard: Investigators are still trying to piece together how one of Germany’s most feted companies fell from grace. Its auditors said last week that the company had engaged in fraud, but skeptics had long questioned the company’s worldwide revenue.
U.S. presidential campaign: Polls show that President Trump is losing support among a once-loyal group — older white voters — who have soured on the Republican Party and are largely backing Joe Biden in the six most important battleground states.
Russia: Kirill Serebrennikov, one of Russia’s most prominent directors, was convicted on Friday on an embezzlement charge that was widely seen as manufactured to justify a crackdown on independent theater.
Pride: Celebrations this year were cut back over coronavirus concerns, but Taiwan, which has controlled its outbreak, was able to hold an in-person event on Sunday, with a rainbow flag-led procession in central Taipei.
What we’re reading: This Rolling Stone profile of the largely forgotten singer-songwriter David Blue “reads like a classic detective story, with stops in the Greenwich Village of Bob Dylan, the Laurel Canyon of Joni Mitchell, the Montreal of Leonard Cohen — and a final scene you won’t be able to shake,” says Steve Reddicliffe, the deputy editor of the international edition of The Times.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: These crunchy-topped corn muffins use up whatever fruit you have around. They’re perfect for breakfast, warm, with softened butter on the side.
Read: Seven years after “Crazy Rich Asians,” Kevin Kwan is back — but Asia is not. His new novel, “Sex and Vanity,” begins with a very touristy idyll in Capri, then goes back home to Manhattan and the Hamptons, with one eye on Hollywood at all times.
Do: If you’re interested in strong, healthy muscles but wearied by burpees in the living room, you may want to consider heading to the nearest park for weight training. Here’s how to work out without a gym.
Staying safe at home is easier when you have plenty of things to read, cook, watch and do. At Home has our full collection of ideas.
And now for the Back Story on …
‘Hamilton’: A musical game changer
Michael Paulson has been covering theater at The Times since 2015. During those years, he’s written more than 100 articles that prominently mention “Hamilton,” a musical that explores America’s revolutionary origins through the life of Alexander Hamilton.
Now, “Hamilton” is streaming on Disney Plus, starting on July 3. Here’s an excerpt from what Michael wrote about his time on the Hamilbeat.
I sensed right from the start that this musical, with its cast made up mostly of actors of color and its score influenced by hip-hop and pop music, was going to be a huge story. I remember being determined, that summer, to land an article about the production on the front page, convinced that the paper needed to make a big early statement about the show as a game-changing reflection on our culture, our politics and our history. Ultimately, the Page 1 gods agreed. I was traveling in Spain when it happened; I felt so affirmed that I didn’t mind the time-zone-busting copy desk questions.
A feature that followed about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical upbringing was particularly fun to report — as we explored the Venn diagram in which show tunes and hip-hop overlap, he started playing random songs from his iTunes library and riffing about what each one meant to him.
The story I waited longest for was about Miranda’s relationship to Puerto Rico, where his parents grew up and where he spent his childhood summers. The island’s influence on his art had always struck me as significant and underexplored. I knew the best way to tell that story would be to see Puerto Rico through his eyes, at least as much as a journalist can, and when he announced that he was bringing “Hamilton” to San Juan, I had my peg. I asked to meet him there, and in fall 2018 he agreed; a devastating hurricane and campus unrest made the story more complex than either he or I could have anticipated, and I’m glad we did it.
That’s it for this briefing. Here’s Christian Löffler playing from a French castle to start your Monday.
— Isabella
Thank you To Melissa Clark for the recipe, and to Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the rest of the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is chronicling the human condition with one of the most influential photographers in history, Robert Frank. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Silly and frivolous (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • Dean Baquet, our executive editor, spoke to Longform Podcast about leading change at The New York Times.
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