wikitpowers · 6 months
anyone: “tmi? is that the series with the incest?” the tsc fandom:
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Timezone: GMT + 10
Genres: Urban and high Fantasy, sci fi
Fandoms: Original (can rp with canons)
Style: Short to long paragraphs
Method: Discord, gdocs, email
  Preferred partners: 18+ But if you are younger that’s totally fine, just let me know so I can keep my chatting age-appropriate. I’m studying to be a teacher so this is important, lying can get me in trouble. Please be honest.
Queer friendly folks please. Characters don’t have to be queer but a lot of mine are.
Email to start, discord if we get along!
Hello everyone!
My name’s Shio. I’ve been writing and roleplaying since I was about 14. I’m a little shy with strangers (which means I will just keep talking) but I calm down really quick.
I’m a very story based roleplayer, I enjoy building stories with rp partners and developing my own characters through rp. Most of my characters are from my own universes. I love to chat about writing, character development and plot points. It’s nice to get out of my own head. So if you love to chat about stories and share ideas I’m your girl!
I can and do rp in a variety of genres but mostly sci fi and fantasy. The two stories I’m working on are sci fi and urban fantasy.
For my preferred genre of sci fi, think Ursula Le Guin. All about exploring the inner world in fantastic new places, speculating about different forms of social government, how gender influences our behaviour ect ect. She’s very sociological.
Star Wars is also pretty good, and Dune, anything that’s a little bit magical. I’m not too concerned with ‘is it possible’ and more focused on internal consistency.
For fantasy, I’m a huge folklore and mythology nerd. I love Neil Gaiman and I think I’d love Terry Pratchett if I could ever get into it.
A lot of contemporary TV and fiction doesn’t go deep enough into lore for me, or else is very Christian-centric. (Think the later seasons of Supernatural.) I’m happy to rp these universes, I’m just likely to get nerd rage-y at the lore and want to lean more into Gaiman/mythology rules.
I like to rp original characters, but I’m happy to play with any of your fandom OCs or canons. I just feel more comfortable with my own people. I can do some canons but it's not my forte.
I love doing long form roleplay, but it really depends on what’s appropriate for pacing. As long as you give me a sentence or two to work with, we’re golden. Quality over quantity.  Generally I don't go over a paragraph or two unless it's setting the scene, but let me know your preference!
18+ RP - Only if we really get along and I’m comfortable with you and your characters. I don’t want to be poked just for smut. We all get in a bit of a silly mood sometimes but it’s about trust and chemistry. Plot first. And obviously only if you’re over 18 because… no.
  Usual triggers apply. No rape, non-con, paedophillia, incest ect.
Torture and violence is fine as long as it doesn’t overlap with sex.
Please no daddy kink because it squicks me, not even jokes. It just makes me uncomfortable.
If you do want to injure my characters that should be fine, just give me a heads up. I have specific no-nos I’d want you to be aware of. Consent is a castle, once we have solid foundations communication won’t be so necessary.
  Also I’m asexual so a lot of the time I just won't get some humour.
It’s not you I promise!
I’m perfectly comfortable chatting about TMI provided it’s in good humour and you’re 18+
  What I’m writing:
  - Angel x demon romance - social taboo, relationships as character development, exploring insecurities.
Cassiel - Gender neutral angel who loves humanity rather more than they should. Somewhat sarcastic and aloof. Age ???
Renart - Extremely sarcastic demonic trickster. Massive self esteem issues that end up hurting other people. He’ll be okay in the end. Age ?????
- A ghost hunting team who travel around England solving ghost crimes. Said angel and demon help out a lot.
Chiaki - A geeky gamer/tech girl. She has no powers but uses her technical know-how to help the team. She’s often the POV character. She can see ghosts but only because of her connection with her twin sister. Age 17.
Mai - Very shy and very gay. A medium. Strong psychometric powers. At some point is a ghost. Age 17.
Florence - The one adult in the room, though he doesn’t act like it. He’s a psychologist who exorcises ghosts. If he can’t exorcise them he sticks them in jam jars to take back to his London office and work out their feelings. He’s very knowledgeable but his use of magic is mostly restricted to breaking and creating seals and barriers. He takes on Chiaki as an apprentice.
- A retelling of Arthurian legend with some queerness thrown in.
  - A science fiction story based around a variety of worlds and cultures, the characters below are from the main plotline.
Resa - Escaped science project who joins the rebel force. Rough around the edges but just wants a family. Very acerbic.
Orion - Poster boy for the rebellion. Not as sociable as people think. Got some real ‘ends justify the means’ tunnel vision going on.
Dynamics and themes I love:
- Villains and heroes who respect each other. Hints of romantic tension is the best. As long as it’s consensual it can be as angsty or hilarious as you like.
- Magical girl solidarity. Hero solidarity. Everyone supports and loves each other.
- No matter how bad things get, there’s always hope.
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