scarletrosii · 8 months
Sunday was a full work day for me, I worked in the morning and night, both jobs, which happens occasionally on Sundays, not often but occasionally. But last Sunday, the 8th, I came home to find things moved in the living room. Mainly, my bookshelves. The ones I drove like 6 hours to the nearest ikea in a downpour for.
I was annoyed, but I had told roomate she could move things in shared area bc she had a better sense of decor than I did. So I looked to the only place she'd put them, which was around the corner.
There were shelves up.
Now you might be thinking, Scarlet, bookshelves are supposed to have shelves lol. You're not far off, but the thing is, I made it very very clear nobody is to go in my room. Ever. Unless death is actively happening. EVER. Very clear. What does this have to do with my shelves?
The pegs are in my room. In a cup, on a dresser I have almost immediately inside the room. I never took them out bc I wanted to fix one of the shelves first, it got damaged during the move.
Again, why does this matter.
What matters is HOW she put the shelves up. She put screws. In my bookshelves. The ones I spent over 100 dollars on. The ones I had been dreaming of for over two years before finally getting. The ones that the trip almost cost my van.
This was over two days ago. I thought I had given myself enough time, to calm down, so I'd be able to have a discussion rationally.
Another full day today, I get home and take another look at my shelves and nope. I'm hardly calm. Rage tastes like raw blood, and my teeth are dripping with it.
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