bunnykitty13 · 5 years
Listen shut the up heck ur mouth!!!!! YES I speak for EVERYONE when I say WE 💕L💕O💕V💕E💕 ur ocs and YES we WANT to hear more about THEM and DAMN RIGHT u can gush abt them more and just know that we are reading ur ideas and just ❤💕💞❤💕❤💞❤💕❤💞💕❤💞❤💕❤💞❤💕❤💞❤💕❤💞 doesn't have to be art; could be writing but still 13/10 ur creative as hell and ur ocs are dynamic and I would give myself an allergic reaction for tHEM TBH
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Stag Do//Draco Malfoy x SW reader
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Request: hello, i’ve been looking for a fic like this everywhere so i was wondering if you could write it? :) i’d love like a draco x sw one shot if thats possible? thankyou :)
A/N: Hi anon! This is such a super idea, thankyou for giving it to me! For everyone that doesn’t know, SW means Sex Worker. I wrote this in the way I did because I love the idea of Draco not knowing how to act with a stripper/lap dancer, let’s be honest he’d have no idea. I hope you enjoy this fic and that it did your dreams justice! Reminder to everyone else that my requests are open for Draco, George, Lucius, Sirius, Remus, Harry and Ron!
Set: Post War
Word Count: 1,061
Warnings: drink, strip club, swearing
How the FUCK did he get here? Draco was stood outside in the long line of a wizarding strip club, rocking back and forth on his feet as his head spun. He groaned as he felt the alcohol heat his whole body. Blaise Zabini was getting married in a week and had decided that this was the groups next destination. Malfoy grimaced at the thought of what went on inside these places and began to play with the rings on his fingers as the line quickly moved along. Crabbe and Goyle had horrible, twisted smirks on their faces, counting out the galleon notes they’d taken out of the bank a few moments before.  Zabini and Nott were in deep conversation, with similar grins. Draco tried to loosen up and took another swig of the fire whisky bottle he’d been nursing most of the night. The line was moving very quickly, and eventually the group of boys were at the front. 
“Alright lads?” A burly wizard with a twisted dark wood wand stood at the door, acknowledging the boys smirks with one of his own. “Former Slytherin’s yeah?” The boys, apart from Draco laughed with him, explaining that they definitely were. After a few minutes of light conversation, the security guard motioned them inside. Draco stumbled up the stairs behind his friends with baited breath, unsure on what to expect when he reached the top. As he walked out into the club, he was met with the smell of heavy cigarette smoke, old whiskey and strong perfume. The room was completely dark, bar the red lights that glowed from the ceiling and around the bar at the far end. Most of the room was filled by a large stage, which had girls scantily clad dancing on it. The music was pounding from the speakers and the room was so hot, Draco had to remove his black suit jacket, flinging it over his arm. The men took their seats in a booth facing the stage. 
“What does Pansy think about you being here then Theo?” Nott laughed at Goyle’s comment and shrugged.
“What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.” Draco looked around the room, quietly focusing on the girls. Sure, they were pretty, but none of them really took him away. Blaise took to the petite blonde wearing pink and motioned her over. Malfoy sat there a little uncomfortable, simply surveying the scene. His other friends soon were paying for rooms with the girls or for dances, but Draco continued to sit in silence. A new group of women arrived on the stage and this was the first time that night Draco actually bothered to watch. There was a girl, on the side of the stage closest to him that took his breath away. She had Y/C/H that flowed so beautifully from her head he wasn’t quite sure if it was real. Her Y/C/E beamed as she danced in perfect rhythm with the music, her body clad in the most stunning black lingerie he’d ever seen. Draco sat back and just watched, so intently he was worried his eyes were burning through her, but she simply flashed him smile with her perfect teeth. The song finished and he simply watched as she walked away, her eyes looking back at him twice before she disappeared. Draco slumped back in his seat then, pretty sure he’d never see her again. Just as he did, he caught a glimpse of her hair in the corner of his eye and he watched as the girl walked out of the fire exit at the back of the club. He looked at the boys and back at the door, before deciding to do something crazy. 
“I’m just gonna go and-” He began, but it was a sentence he never finished. As Draco pushed open the door he’d seen her leave through, his pale palms were beginning to become clammy, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He turned the corner and there she was, leant up against the wall in a large coat and heals, smoking a cigarette. She looked like a girl from a film, Draco decided. She simply smiled when she saw him, looking at him gently. 
“A Malfoy...in my club?” She asked teasingly as Draco awkwardly walked towards her, saying nothing. She offered him a cigarette which he accepted. The two of them smoked in silence. 
“So, you must be Draco with hair like that.” Was all she said before flicking her cigarette away into the night. All Draco did was nod, he internally cursed himself. 
“I’m Y/N by the way, Y/N Y/L/N,” Draco racked his brain trying to work out who the hell this girl was, “you know, the disgrace to her pure blood family. I was two years below you at Hogwarts.” It clicked as she spoke. Y/N the daughter of death eaters who she’d fought against. He heard his father say such horrible things about her career, but he thought she was talented and brave.
“I remember.” Was all he could manage. Draco was internally attempting to regain his calm and bratty composure, but with little success.
“I saw you watching me dance earlier,” she said breaking up his thoughts, “why didn’t you ask me for a dance?” Draco looked down at her smiling now, the girl pulled the huge coat she was wearing closer to her body, as she leant onto the huge dumpster in the alley way they were in.
“I’m a gentleman,” Draco said casually, “It’s more my style to take you on a date first.” Y/N began to laugh, covering her mouth with her hands.
“You’d like to take me on a date?” She said, attempting to be serious. Draco huffed, annoyed his advances had become a joke. 
“I know it’s not usual custom for these places but I’m not a usual custom to these places either.” The girl stopped giggling then and came a little closer.
“I get off in five,” She said looking up at him, “I’m starving and wouldn’t mind taking up your offer.” Draco simply blinked at her unsure of what to say. After a quick pause, the alcohol once more overcame him. 
“Deal.” Was all he said, and he watched as the pretty witch wandered back inside, looking back and grinning at him. 
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