tik-ket · 8 months
Genuine question guys, some please answer- but where the duck did the "canary " nickname came from? Like,, nadakhan never called him that in the show right? Then where did it come from?
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elmariachu · 3 years
How would each of The OBEY ME BROTHERS react to MC finding them the most attractive? (The brothers x Fem!MC)
<Summary> : OM Boys & Fem! MC Playing truth or dare, MC gets asked which brother she finds the most attractive as well as their collective responses/reactions based on the brother. [HC/dialogue..]
Part 2
MC : I'll go for Truth.
Asmo : So~ MC~ Who would you say is the most attractive one out of us???
MC : Oh.. Uhm... *Hesitates*
Asmo : It's me isn't it?~You can say it, don't be shy my dear *chirps merrily..*
Mammon : Pft, shut it, Asmo! Oi, Mc! yer obviously gonna pick me right? I was yer first ye know!
Levi : ..What kind of a question is that?.. *mumbles* I'm not even gonna be on that list..probably.
Satan : How is that related to the question at all, Mammon? If MC has even a bit of common sense, which she does, she would pick me. *Locks eyes* Right? MC.
Belphie : ..wakes up Huh..? What are you arguing about? mMmh..
Beel : Asmo asked MC who she thinks is the most attractive.
Belphie : Out of us? Huuh, I'm interested.
Beel : ...I am curious to know too.
MC : ...*avoids eye contact and tries to think*
Lucifer : What's wrong, MC? Cat bite your tongue? *chuckle* [Knows it's gonna be him and wants to hear her say it already]
Satan : MC, if you are worried about offending us, don't fret. You can be candid. [In his mind it's obviousy gonna be him, do you see the way she blushes at only the sight of his face at times?]
MC : Aaah. But.. it's... Erm. I have to pick only one? *nervous, feeling all eyes on her*
Asmo : Well, of course! My dear~ We all know who it's going to be so don't hold back.
Feeling their patience running thin
MC : But how would you even define ... attractiveness...? I uhm, I think you're all attractive. Objectively..
Mammon : Oi.. What are ye so nervous for? Just say my name MC!
Satan : You're overthinking it, MC. [Just say whatever name comes to your head. Which is gonna be him, of course.]
Levi : .. *mumbles* I want this to be over with, seriously! It's giving me so much anxiety...
Beel : *Stares at MC intently* Hmm..
Belphie : *Laying down on his pillow with one eye open, scanning MC's face* Say it already~
Lucifer : I agree with Satan, You're giving it too much thought MC. Base it on your preferences. Let's get this done with and move on.
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be...
Lucifer :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Lucifer!
*A few are not all that surprised, but most are pretty irritated*
*MC peeks at him with her head hanging, wanting to gauge his reaction despite her embarassment*
Lucifer :*eyes widen slightly, a pink tint forming on his cheeks, but he maintains his composure*
Lucifer : *chuckle* Well, naturally. [Smugness apparent in his expression, eyes closed, conceited smirk, crossed arms, the whole package]
Mammon : *stands up dramatically* WHAT? MC, are ya serious? Yer gonna pick *HIM*?
Lucifer : *shoots him a baleful glare which puts him back in his seat rather quickly*
Satan : MC, you must be blind. *Clearly annoyed*
MC: ...You said you wouldn't be upset. *apologetically looks at Satan*
Satan : You didn't have to go and choose the worst of us, though.
Lucifer : Satan.
Satan : Tch.
Asmo : I see how you can think that, but I'm really hurt you didn't pick me, MC!~ *fake cries*
Levi : *Wasn't even listening, already had his D.D.D. out and was gaming so as not to hear her answer*
Belphie : Ugh. How lame. *goes back to sleep*
Beel : Hm? *Looks down at him* Are you disappointed, Belphie?
Belphie : I'm annoyed she'd pick someone as narcissistic as Lucifer, that's just inflating his already gigantic ego.
Belphie : If anything she should've picked you, Beel.
Beel: ...Well. *poor boy thinks she should've picked belphie bc he's just so cute*
Mammon :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Mammon!
*Incredulous looks shooting from all around the room, their shock is almost palpable, especially Mammon's*
Mammon: *Was the first to snap out of his shock to speak* Wh-what?.. [she picked him? wow. I mean. He wanted her to, part of him believed she might, but she really did...?]
Mammon : W-well, of course! You would choose the *great* Mammon. That's a good human!
[he feigns confidence, is genuinely happy, still thinks she didn't totally mean it for some reason.]
Satan : I'm convinced that you have something wrong your eyesight, MC. *even more annoyed than the last scenario*
Asmo : PFFFT- This must be a joke, right? MC? Tell me you're joking dear. Picking Mammon when I'm here? [genuinely thinks she's pranking them]
Levi : *takes his earphones off in time to hear* Wait, did I hear that right? Did she say Mammon?
*receives glum nods from a couple brothers*
Mammon : H-hey! Stop laughing! You're all jealous aren't ya! Bet yer mad it ain't you!
Belphie : No, we're surprised more than anything.
Satan : MC, are you sure you weren't coerced into doing this?
Lucifer : *sigh* MC. I didn't realize you had such strange tastes. I'm disappointed.
Poor guy gets flamed.
Beel :*pretty surprised, expected her answer to be Asmo, Lucifer or Satan. Assumes she doesn't find him attractive and is kind of sad*
Levi :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Levi!
*Once again, everyone finds it a bit hard to believe, though they're kind of happy for him.*
*They're not sure how to react, & no word is uttered for a while*
Levi : Uh.. Yes? Do you need something MC? [why is she shouting out his name right before a big revelation like that? Did she want his help in delivering the answer?] *Is genuinely confused*
Levi : *upon receiving no response, puts his earphones back in*
Asmo : Heeeh? It's Levi? Really??
Mammon : Levi? You're gonna pick that anti-social shut-in over ME, *THE* Mammon ? REALLY?
Satan : Huh. I didn't expect that. [What a peculiar taste this human has.]
Levi : *Takes off his earphones again, upon hearing his name being mentioned too much*
Levi : You're being distracting, what do you normies want? *is annoyed*
Mammon : Oi Levi, you absolute idiot. She picked you.
Levi : Picked me for what? Why are you involving me in your normie plans.
Asmo : Ugh, seriously? He doesn't even realize it.
Asmo : MC sweetie! You can always take it back, I'm the better choice anyway~
Lucifer : I doubt he will ever even begin to believe it, this is futile. Let's move on.
Belphie : "Pshh. MC is probably the first person to find him attractive. How funny."
Beel : ... [Not much to say, he's just like "oh? I see". They do spend a lot of time together after all. Finds it endearing, he has someone who's attracted to him now.] MY PRECIOUS BABY
Levi : *takes him a good minute to realize what's actually going on, only after seeing MC's flushed face, her growing frustration at his responses, the remarks of his brothers all jumbled together that he starts to understand*
Levi : *All comes down on him at once, blood rushes to his head and he shortcircuits as MC stares at him*
Mammon : O-oi! Levi! Are you okay?
Boy is not okay.
Satan :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Satan!
*Again, Satan was an expected response, not much surprise there, he was arguably the most held-together one of the bunch*
Satan : [Oh? He knew she'd choose him. Her prior reactions proved that much. But was still a bit taken aback, she singled him out, it pleased him.]
Satan : Is that so? I'm honored, MC. *shoots MC playful smirk, feigning surprise*
Mammon : Seriously? Satan? Booo! [thinks he's one of the lame options, he's so uptight, he reminds him of lucifer, then again thinks the only non-lame choice is himself.]
Lucifer : Hm. Satan? He's a reasonable enough choice. If I hadn't picked myself, I would have done the same.
Satan : [the hell did he just say?] *mumbles* ..Disgusting.
Satan : No one asked for your input, Lucifer.
Levi : That's a TMI bro. *isn't surprised by the answer either, typical basic normie answer, is secretly salty*
Lucifer : What does that mean? Leviathan? And Satan, care to repeat what you said? *cue sadistic smile*
Satan : TCH.
MC : ...
Belphie : Hm, Satan's not too bad of a choice. at least she didn't pick Lucifer. [as close to a compliment as you'll get from belphie, just take it]
Beel : ...I suppose. [Again, expected Satan to be the answer, is used to seeing people swoon for him effortlessly..]
Satan is the pretty boy apparently
Will drop Asmo, Beel, & Belphie next!
Part 2 !
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hi, hc request... can u make a part 2 to your laurie!bucky x amy!reader hcs? i really wanna know what happens after the ending like a peak into their relationship and all 👉🏼👈🏼
hello!!! yes, yes i can!! i hope you enjoy it x
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y/n stood there in a heavy wedding dress, drenched in rain water with some of her makeup running down her face, hair wet with water beads rolling down her face.
bucky opened the door wide so she could get inside his flat, her dress barely fitting through the door even when half the volume had been diminished by the rain
"oh my god" she mumbled to herself, hands grabbing her skirt as she tried to turn around "oh my god, i just left ben at the altar" "doll, calm down, just sit down" "i can't sit down, this is taffeta" "i don't know what the heck that means, doll" "it's gonna wrinkle" "it's drenched"
she started walking around in his living room, leaving a track of water as she paced with her own thoughts. what was she doing? she had just left ben in the altar and for what? what was she doing? she was standing in the living room of a guy who she had been in love with since she could remember, the same guy who had been in love with her sister, in her wedding dress.
"this is all your fault" she pointed as him, dropping her skirt to the ground, the fabric almost glueing to the floor "how is this my fault?" "you told me not to marry him" "because you shouldn't marry him!" "see that's what i mean. you can't just say that, you can't just barge into my life and ask me not to marry him. he's a nice man and he loves me." "but do you love him?"
y/n remained silent, fists balled up by her side as he rose his eyebrows in a cockish manner before clicking his tongue "that's the problem, isn't it doll?" "no, that's not. i don't ... love him but i like him, he's nice and he likes me back." "like? you're not a like kinda of girl" "because you'd know. last time i checked every time we were in the same room, you only spoke to my MARRIED sister” “well at least one of you got to the altar” “fuck you bucky” 
bucky took a step back trying to collect himself, emotions running too high between both of them. y/n held up her forehead, wondering if she had made the right decision running away. of course she had, she didn’t want to get married, but maybe she shouldn’t have come here, to his place. “i’m sorry” “i’m sorry too. i didn’t mean to ruin your day” “you never ruin my day, dollface” “don’t call me that. you always called my sister that” “okay. uhm ... why don’t you go shower and take a nap or something? maybe it’ll make you feel better”
he watched her leave in her drenched wedding dress yet his mind couldn’t help but betray him as he imagined what things would’ve been if they were different. 
he had always found her so interesting, the way she would give everyone the side eye when they were talking during her study sessions or how she’d always pack an extra lunch just in case someone forgot
she had always been there not just for everyone she cared for but also for him. she’d even joked with him after her sister chose steve “well, that’s on her. what kind of last name is rogers? it totally does not go with annabelle”
he let her sleep in his bedroom for the night, taking his spot in the couch which made sure he woke up bright and early yet she beat him to the curve, standing in the middle of the kitchen nursing her usual cup of tea with entirely way too much milk. she was wearing the understructure of her dress which made her look adorable.
“you’re early” “i’ve searched and there’s no places to rent in new york at the moment” “thought you had a place in the upper east” “ben has a place, i am just living there” “no way you were living with him” “it was cheap rent, buck” “you graduated from yale, y/n” “yeah but it’s new york, everything is overpriced and landlords don’t sell or rent to a woman unless they tell them daddy is paying” “you can stay here” “no i can’t. you only have one bedroom” “and it’s yours” “buck” “what other choice do you have? your sister and steve?” “god no, they’re trying for a baby, living with them would be like living in a porno set” “oh” 
“oh ...” she grabbed his hand in hers “i’m sorry buck, i didn’t mean to...” “i’m not in love with annabelle anymore, y/n. i just thought ... thought steve would’ve said something” “i’m sure he’ll tell you when they’re successful” “not really, steve hates me” “steve doesn’t hate. he’s probably just busy boning my sister” “i can’t believe you ran away” “you told me not to marry him” “yeah but not leave him at the altar” “oh shut up bucky.” “you’re staying here until we can find a place” “bu ...” “let’s be roomies”
things just seemed to work out for the two of them as “roomies” and bucky had grown way to accustomed to her being around
the two of them just seemed to fit with y/n ending up being the most serious one while bucky just stood there, making her smile whenever she would get too caught up on her work and ways
“buck, go grab the kale” “why are we having kale?” “because it’s healthy for you buck” “but kale” “go get the kale” “yes m’am”
he’d grab the kale before starting to tickle her with it “oh my god, behave” “okay milady, i will tickle you with a carrot” 
the old ladies at the market would probably be shocked thinking it was some sort of euphemism which only made y/n want to hide and bucky chuckle
“next time i’m gonna ask what flavoured condoms you like” “this is why you’re single” “OH HONEY DO YO...” cut to y/n dragging him out of a shop “i hate you” “no you don’t” “you go home and i get takeaway” “no pasta” “but buck” “you always order pasta” “well it’s pasta night” “no” “the ladies at the shop think i’m gonna be tickled by your carrot” “as if that would be so bad” “i’ve seen you naked, it’s not a very impressive carrot” “you take that back” “pasta night” “ok pasta night” “then i take that back”
he got back inside their now shared flat, letters still on the ground from the post man coming late this morning, the couch filled with blankets and pillows which she had brought over to make his couch bed comfortable despite her fighting with him every single night about how he should be sleeping in his bed and not the other way around
he sat on the couch, smiling at the little heart shaped pillow and quilted heavy blanket with her initials on it
as he set himself comfortably against all the cozy blankets and pillows, someone knocked on the door. that’s fast, he thought to himself.
he groaned out as he got up from the couch, opening the door to whom he thought would be y/n yet turned out to be her sister
“annabelle, what’s up?” “where is she?” she barged into his flat, looking around like an apex predator “hm, annie, you first ask if you can get in, then you get in” “where is my sister, james?” “y/n?” “do i have another sister?” “i’m just joking, annie. she went down to wills to get dinner” “good. we need to talk.” “is steve okay?” “yes, he says hi but it’s not about steve”
bucky pointed at the couch, inviting her to seat. the older sister took her jacket off, throwing it over the couch before sitting down. “you should be ashamed of yourself” “excuse me?” “my sister is clearly not going through a quiet moment and you jump in to date her?” “i am not dating y/n, annie. she’s my roommate” “roommate? you have one bedroom and you don’t even have a wardrobe!  of all the things you could’ve done to get back at me, you joke around with my sister?” “not everything is about you annabelle. she’s my roommate, that’s it” “she’s my sister. she should be with me and steve in our guest room, with her family. not with you.” “is there a problem she’s here?” “you’re lying to me!” “i’m not lying. she’s here, she came here to my house and i took her in and maybe you should’ve noticed she didn’t want to marry ben.” “how is this my fault? you spoke to her at her graduation, what did you tell her?” “nothing” “she was upset after you spoke to her” “it’s none of your business” “no. it is. she’s always had this childish crush on you and now you’re bunking together? no. tell her to go home to me and steve” “oh i’m sorry if she doesn’t want to go your sex filled home” “what’s your problem?” “i don’t want you with my sister.  so send her home.”
bucky couldn’t even argue further with annabelle before she was walking furiously out the door.
y/n came back a few minutes later, carrying a brown paper bag “will gave me free garlic bread” “did you flirt with him for it?” “i only use my female charms for free garlic bread, you know that” “annie was here” “my sister?” “yeah. she wants you home with steve and her” “oh” “she also made it very clear she doesn’t want you with me” “we’re not together” “why are we not together?”
y/n stopped in her tracks, her hands letting go the cutlery she was holding “we live together, you know i’m in love with you. why are we not together?” “you’re in love with my sister that’s why you think you’re in love with me” “you look nothing like your sister and you’re being unfair. i love you, i saw you in that stupid wedding dress 5 months ago and all i kept thinking about was how much i want to see you walking down the aisle to me.” “what?” “i’ve been beating myself up feeling guilty about being happy you ran away from your wedding but you know what? i’m happy you did because i don’t want you to marry him” “i know, you told me” “i want you to marry me” “what?” “heck let’s do it in your parents’ summer house in the hamptoms. i’ll even wear a stupid tux and i’ll work in my father’s company and ...” 
she walked up to him, hands coming up to cup his face “buck, you’re rambling” “i don’t know what else to tell you. yes i liked your sister once but i loved you for the past two years.” “good” “what do you mean?” “you don’t marry like, you marry love”
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You got any spicy Green Cu- I mean Achilles headcanons?
My friend, Achilles will forever be known as Green Cú, he cannot escape his fate -
Achilles Headcanons (FGO)
Yes, he has stolen Proto Cú's AND Fsn Cú's spears before (numerous times, too)
And yes, they would have beaten his ass for it if he wasn't so quick on his feet
He usually wakes up early, or hasn't even gone to bed in the first place. Whoever the chef of the day is (usually EMIYA), in the quiet mornings of Chaldea he'll sit down and ask anything that comes to mind while watching them cook
"Can our feet just be regarded as another pair of hands, just on the ground? Ground hands??"
"Achilles, for the love of god - "
"I didn't hear a no!"
If he's ever adventured on his own to places he thinks are good spots for picnics (read: romantic outings), he'll never tell another soul
He usually just takes the Servants who look like they want the day to just not exist in the first place there, whether they want to or not
"Yo! I found this place the other day and I think you'd like it - What? You don't want to go? Too late, you're going!"
Has a massive soft spot for Atalanta and the children Servants
Nursery Rhyme wants him to read out loud? You bet he's dropping whatever he's doing to go read
Jack is feeling a little stabby? Sparring session in T-Minus 30 seconds, with the added bonus of tips to improve fighting styles
Atalanta is questioning her capabilities? Movie marathon in her room, coupled with reassuring pats and hugs that she is doing just fine
"Y'know I look up to you, Ane-san. You're more than enough."
Will also deny that he has a soft spot for them
"What? Me? Never." (Proceeds to learn how to cook foods foreign to him so that he can make them their favorite dishes whenever they feel down)
It's kind of obvious at this point, but a favorite hc of mine is that Achilles has a high EQ. He just...knows when someone is feeling even a little bit off, and will do what he can to help
Yes, he still challenges Chiron to sparring sessions whenever he can
(Chiron usually beats him, but there are some notable times when Achilles one-ups him using skill alone and not pure strength)
Merlin gives him the worst ideas, like stealing Cascú's staff next
Green Cú only has one braincell and prefers to go with the flow, so you betcha he took that staff
"Hm? Where did- ACHILLES!!!"
Achilles usually hands the stolen goods to Merlin and is off like a whirlwind, the mage just smiling in amusement when the Servant Achilles stole from barges into the room a minute later
Stealing from Cascú was a bad idea because then Merlin plants the idea of stealing from Alter Cú next
...Achilles did not show up to dinner that night
Atalanta and Chiron are the first to notice. Admittedly, if it weren't for Jack and Nursery Rhyme asking for her to get Achilles to tell them another story from his past (which, yes, he does censor his swearing for them), she wouldn't have noticed
"Where's Achilles?"
Alter Cú chose that moment to walk by, a red substance that suspiciously looked like blood splattered on his front
"He's not coming."
...And that was that
Surprisingly, though, Achilles comes to be friends with even the most unapproachable of Servants
(Yes this includes Alter Cú)
King Hassan says that he's going somewhere alone? Achilles is volunteering to go with him, even giving him a friendly pat on the arm as they walk together
Can somehow decipher Hercules' roars
*Roar of the damned* "Oh, you want some lemonade? Coming right up, my man!"
Usually has nicknames for people he cares about (which is nearly everybody)
Proto Cú? "Yo, Bolt!" (He watched Bolt with the kids and thought it fit, he knew how much Proto hated being called "Kid" and plus, both of then were, well...dogs)
Fsn Cú? "Oi, Blue!" (Yes he stole Robin's nickname for Cú), sometimes "Blue Me" even though we all know he's the Green Cú
Cascú? "Mage-san, come take a look at this." Also calls him Grandpa whenever he wants to annoy him (gets whacked on the head with a staff for that one without fail)
Alter Cú? "You doin' alright, Big Guy?" (Overtime, Alter Cú just accepts the name because once Achilles likes you, you're stuck with him and his antics)
King Hassan? He's just called Grandpa outright. "Hey Jiji, how've you been?"
Nope nope nope, does not like Archer Gil or Ozy
They both rub him the wrong way, and he tries to not be stuck with them for long periods of time
He just...doesn't understand Mephistopheles
Oh, Mordred got summoned? It's Bro Time
To be honest, he was a little hesitant about Mordred, but once he saw that Mordred frankly didn't give a damn what side you were on before, the two became fast friends
What better way to hang out than to spar?
...Achilles likes fighting, it's why he gets along so well with the Cús
Pranks? He's in, as long as nobody gets to hurt in the process
(He's secretly a worrywart because he's all-too-familiar with how he was nearly invincible, save for his heel)
Despite that tendency, he's very laidback with everyone and is a honest as he can be
"Honesty's the best policy, don'tcha think?"
Asterios has a big spot in Achilles' heart
Achilles is just...soft for him, Asterios is so pure and innocent and fills Achilles with the need to protect him (despite Asterios being perfectly capable, he can take a hit and dish it out just as well)
This friendship is one of the purest things to ever occur in Chaldea
It started out when Asterios was fretting over breaking one of Master's glass animals. It had been a collective gift to show their appreciation for Humanity's Last Master, and they had exchanged tearful hugs with everyone (it took hours, there were a lot of Servants)
Achilles happened to come across him first, unafraid to approach and calming him down with reassuring words that "No, Master won't hate ya or kick ya out; they care about you too much. Let's hurry and buy another one, alright?"
Achilles also calls Asterios "Big Guy", it just...fits
They've become such close friends that whenever they see each other in the halls, Asterios gives him a wide happy smile while opening his arms to catch the sudden green blur that was close to moving at Mach speeds
And, finally, the nickname everyone has decided for Achilles is Carrot Top; Green Cú is what the Cú's call him
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kageyama-tho · 5 years
Based of your crushing hcs for Iwa, can I please get him hardcore crushing on a girl and she really likes him too but he starts to ignore her since he wants to deny his feelings and she’s pretty hurt when he straight up scowls and ignores her when she tried to greet him ect, so she just avoids him at all costs because of how heartbroken she is. and it takes Oikawa of all people to set that boy straight. It’s up to you whether reader forgives him or not
aw aw aw
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Iwaizumi :
At this point, the ace was becoming quite familiar with his feelings that have been lingering and intensifying within every thought. All those thoughts had you as the main character in the romanticised scenarios in his head. Hate - that was what he wanted to feel as you were plaguing his mind eventually. 
His attempts at finding anything wrong with you that could possibly cause him to dislike you were useless. Nobody is perfect, but you? He couldn’t think of anything he could dislike. Truth was though, Iwaizumi refused to admit he liked you. “Stupid girl.” the two words echoed in his already occupied brain. But there was irony in that. Of course you are intelligent and he recognised that a long time ago - no, the irony was that the negative bubbles were burrowed in his mind while his eyes quite penetrated through your being. He was admiring every feature of your hair, your face, your figure, the beauty of your heart - while simultaneously hating on you. 
He watched as you quickly turned your head and playfully winked at him. His cheeks burned from the heat, especially when the wink was followed by the cuteness of your smile. The ace swiftly turned away, pretending he didn’t just fully fall for you.
There is no denying you instantly noticed the change in his behaviour. You were concerned that all of a sudden all your texts were ignored and well, there wasn’t much contact in the real world either. It did hurt you, but at the same time - the staring and your instinct! It just had to tell you something, right? He definitely wanted to talk to you and you were going to find out what happened. Your first thought was ‘maybe he is going through a difficult time and doesn’t know how to approach people about it so he does the exact opposite’. It is important to think about the ‘other side’. The other person may be suffering too, some people react a certain way because of any reason, any issue. You thought that maybe you had said something wrong, but you failed to see a fault of your own.
It was okay if he didn’t want to be friends anymore, not everyone clicks with everyone. But you two were progressing with your friendship so you were confused about the sudden switch of behaviour. You were certain that the part that triggered your sensitive side was the fact that you yourself developed a crush on him. You just saw the most beautiful qualities he possessed.
You gained a speck of hope when you caught him looking at you that day, but the hope vanished not long after. You sauntered through the small crowd of your classmates and ran up behind Iwaizumi to catch up with him and walk beside him. Usually he waited for you by your desk because you took longer to collect all your books and copies. 
“Yo, Iwa!” 
The colour faded from your face, as well as your contagious smile when he grimaced with disgust or displeasure. It just signified he didn’t want you around. He didn’t even say anything, just decided to walk on faster, leaving you behind. The look on his face - it was as if you just annoyed him. Surprisingly, you accepted it - you accepted it with tears almost overflowing your glistening eyes. It is painful, when you care and desperately want someone in your life but they push you away... so harshly. You never needed him, you just wanted him in your life. Not many people have that opportunity where you yourself want them to be part of your life. You wanted to offer him a piece of your heart, your soul. But he crushed it. You were very aware that through time - two weeks, two months, however long, you would build yourself back up on your own without anyone’s help. But in the meantime, it would hurt.
So it happened, none of you spoke to each other. Both of you were in pain and silently suffering. The only difference was - you kept your head up, confidently walking through the hall when you passed each other - but he, in contrast to you, kept his head down and couldn’t even look you in the eye. Which one is guilty?
“Iwa-chan, stop looking so scary it’s distracting me.” Oikawa commented, targeting his ace with a volleyball. The setter cocked an eyebrow when he received no attention, only to realise it was his dear friend who was distracted.
Oikawa glanced at Iwaizumi, immediately knowing a thing or two. “Why the long face, huh? Still ignoring L/N-chan? She’s too cute to be ignored, ya know.” he sighed. “So harsh. Hm, did I not see her cry the other day?”
The setter plucked his chin with his fingers, genuinely thinking if it was you he saw crying or not, but he also did intend to stimulate a reaction from the wing spiker.
Iwaizumi darted his startled eyes towards Tooru. “W-Wait why was she crying?”
“Isn’t it obvious? She has feelings for you and you completely broke her heart. I would cry too, at least five times a day.” Oikawa mostly teased, but he did think you were cool so he didn’t want you to be upset. Obviously he understood that the ace had developed a deep connection with you and was stupid enough to deny it. His actions hurt you and the setter is no idiot, he just knew.
“I have to talk to her.” Iwaizumi’s tone was solemn and the captain only smiled at him.
“Ah, don’t keep her waiting. You have some explaining to do.”
The ace was still in his practice uniform as he ran out the door.
“How do you know she has feelings for him?” Hanamaki questioned, curious about the whole situation.
“I don’t! But I have a good feeling about this.”
Iwaizumi was flooding with anxiety to even face you, but he wanted to make it right with you. He was sick of this, he felt so stupid for moving through with it. His heart hammered in his chest, he feared he already lost you and there was no saving anything. He texted you, asking you to meet him just outside of the school gates. The man was shivering from the anxiety consuming him from the inside, he was more than nervous. Maybe he even preferred that you didn’t text him back but - oh, never mind that, you texted back, agreeing to see him and talk. He waited impatiently, walking around aimlessly and kicking gravel to waste time.
It was until you appeared in front of him and you caught his attention. You’d always smile when you saw him, but right there in front of him, your facial expression was dropped completely. You just shrugged, waiting for him to speak. There was a fleeting moment of uncomfortable silence and the slight breeze jostled your hair.
“I’m sorry.” he blurted out, but slowly. There was an immense amount of regret in his voice and you could tell how much it affected him - but what about you?
“I was stupid. I’m really sorry. You didn’t deserve that. I-I just...” he paused momentarily, building up his courage on his path. “I thought it’d be better this way.”
You scoffed, shaking your head and letting out a pitiful laugh. “For who exactly? Yourself?”
“I like you.”
You tipped your head up, studying his face with skepticism. “You like me so you decided to ignore me and switch up on me?”
He massaged his face for a second. “You have every right to be mad at me.”
“I know. Continue.”
“But I just didn’t know how to. I knew you wouldn’t want to be with me. I just panicked. I know it’s a shitty excuse but I just never felt this way before.”
You pursed your lips. “I thought I made it obvious that I do like you? I wasn’t even hiding it? Like?”
He pushed his hands into his pockets, straightening his posture. “Really?”
“Yes, you dumbass. God. Honestly. I wish I was more angry about this. You treated me like shit, you don’t deserve my forgiveness. But I also know you.”
He wanted to smile but he held it in. “I am a dumbass and I am sorry and I swear I’ll make it up to you. I’ll never do this again, I promise. Please give me another chance. I’ll be better.”
“Some of my friends are about to be real mad at me.” you damned your ability to forgive. But your instinct was feeling positive about this. You cared about Iwaizumi and you looked at his side too. But your friends were going to hang your ass on the wall for this. Their minds could still be changed, it’s all up to him. “But I’ll give you a chance,”
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elmariachu · 3 years
How would each of The OBEY ME BROTHERS react to MC finding them the most attractive? (The brothers x Fem!MC) -Part 2!-
<Summary> : OM Boys & Fem! MC Playing truth or dare, MC gets asked which brother she finds the most attractive as well as their collective responses/reactions based on the brother. [HC/dialogue..]
Part one
Asmo :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Asmo!
* There's a " yeah, imagined so" vibe going on in the room*
*Asmo is REALLY flattered and delighted. Although he likes to say he saw it coming, he definitely loved hearing her lips mouth his name like that and reassure him nonetheless*
Asmo : Ohhh!~ Thank you dear. That comes as no surprise, though! *starts making his way towards MC, all smiley and cheerful*
Satan : *Sigh* Are you sure you're not just saying that to please him, MC?
Asmo : What's that~ Are you perhaps jealous, Satan? Well, I can't help being this gorgeous, you can't blame MC for thinking the same! *answers back as he smooches MC's cheeks and giggles, moving a bit too close to her face*
Mammon : O..oi, aren't ya getting a bit too comfortable?
Asmo : *ignores him and focuses attention on MC*
Asmo : I'm just so happy that you picked me dear!!!! *happy asmo squeals* Surely, you don't mind it?
*MC.exe has stopped functionning*
Levi : I think you broke her-
Levi : ...and stop it with the pda already..!
Asmo : Tell me, what part of me do you find attractive? Is it my face? My body? Is it Both? Tell me everything~ You can touch me anywhere you'd like, dear. *is practically breathing down MC's neck*
Mammon : H-HEY! *stands up halfway* Stop that, ya perv!
[Asmo gives him an uncharacteristic death glare, causing him to flinch]
Lucifer : Settle down, Asmodeus.
Belphie : Yikes, they're taking it too far. I'm going back to bed.*
Beel : ...*chomps down on whatever food he had at the time and blushes a bit, He wonders how soft MC's cheeks feel, He'd like to poke them too, someday*
sharp inhale
Beel :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Beelzebub!
*Why did she use his full name? She never does that. Well, doesn't matter.* hint : she means BUSINESS
*Everyone is sort of surprised? But not really, Beel is an attractive dude, the tallest of the bunch, which they assumed is something most girls like? Also very protective and loyal*
[Belphie is especially elated at hearing this]
Asmo : Oh?~~You're going for Beel then, MC? I did remember you saying you were more into bulkier figures the other day over text! But you know, slender bodies are more elegant and malleable!~
Levi : Yikes.. Can I unhear that? PLEASE? *on the verge of throwing up*
Satan : Hm, Beel, is it? I'd suggest you be careful he doesn't end up eating you whole. *He cheekily snickers at MC, causing her to giggle too*
Lucifer : I'll have to join in with Satan on that one. Beelzebub is practically harmless, but if he lets himself get carried away, unfortunate incidents may occur. Be on your guard.
MC : ... Sure. *just what are they thinking?*
Beel : *Initially thinks she maybe likes how toned his body is and that's that, given how much he works out and how much she praises him and hopes to achieve an athletic body too.. But then as all eyes land on him, anticipating his reaction; especially those of MC who is looking at him with a red face, definitely letting her intent show, the realization overtakes him*
Beel : *Poor baby is blushing, he never expected her to choose him out of everybody, he's glad she feels the same way and that the attraction is mutual... Will probably start seeing MC under a bit of a different light after this incident, which is exactly what she had hoped for*
Beel : I'm.. glad, MC. *He beams*
Belphie : *grinning widely* You have good taste after all, MC.
Beel : *looks down at him then blinks at MC*
MC : *flashes Beel a loving smile* Of course I do.
mans is dense asf, but wholesome so its ok,,
Belphie :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Belphie!
*Belphie is always asleep? But... they do think he's pretty adorable when he's sleeping so maybe that's why?*
Belphie : *Who had just sunk into a deep sleep, snaps his eyes open at the mention of his name. Still half-asleep, he's trying to process the meaning of all of this*
Asmo : Ohh~ So it's belphie? He is pretty adorable isn't he? Not more adorable than me though!
Satan : Belphegor is your choice? I wouldn't have imagined. *He thought it to be him, what the hell MC?*
Beel : Belphie is a good choice.. MC! I agree. *Smiles brightly, instantly likes MC more, if there's even room for that.*
Mammon : Tch. That's what you were nervous for? *picking a brat like belphie over him, your one and only, your first demon? he's a pouty boy*
Lucifer : You two have been spending an awful lot of time recently together, haven't you? How are you managing your tasks, MC?
*is he seriously turning this into a lecture? Ugh. Just because all you two mostly do is nap, doesn't mean you're not getting things done! You've been busy! ...Cuddling & napping with the 7th demon...*
MC : ...Well.
Belphie : *Shut up stupid Lucifer, don't ruin this for him, this is the perfect opportunity for him to tease MC*
Belphie : *he smirks with half-lidded eyes* You think I'm the most attractive then? That's quite the compliment. Do you stare at my face when I'm sleeping? I did remember you telling me I looked dreamy when I had my eyes closed. Quite creepy, I'd say.
MC : *Is extremely embarassed, wants the ground to swallow them then and there* That's not..-
Lucifer : Belphegor, cut it out. Now.
MC : *Is able to breathe for a split second*
Lucifer : Well? MC. You still haven't responded to my question.
MC : . . .
Lucifer : Meet me at my room after this. Understood?
MC: Yes. *fml*
luci the wet blanket
Here's the second part, sorry for not posting this all at once but I got motivated to finish it soon after! Hope you enjoyed xxxxxx
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