tervaneula · 11 months
So i read " breath and let go " rottmnt and i kid you not i was bit worried about the whole " rope " thing even with tags on, maybe back in my mind i don't like it and have bad memory of it? But don't remember but also will try to not let it get in my way of reading your fic because it's a joy to be honest.
It slowly tells how leo's getting " tited up " and i honestly couldn't stop imagining him turning to some type of a swing? The type you put into your garden and am over here like " bro when Usagi's gonna sit on him?🤣 ".
The " gyaku-ebi " i tried to search for this - i believe a way to tie up someone? Something? - but found nothing. So i gave up and said " yep leo is working part time job as a swing ".
It turned out its not their first time doing it and i loved how Usagi's so gentle with his lover way more than carrying an egg, he even went to lower him slowly, had a futon under him for safety and even went to massage him after he untied him, someone give this rabbit a rope- i mean an Oscar!
The fic ends so beautifully with a cuddle in bed with a candle light and a sweet smell from Usagi's fur... Wonder if he took shower before this whole rope session(?).
I know i don't like ropes, but at the same time this fic gave some... Peace? Calmness? I feel so at peace in the last part where the two cuddles in bed, just... Sit there, with my phone at hand... As i feel peaceful and content.
Thank you so much for making this fic Terv🤍
Okay. Whoa, OKAY, I don't think I'm ever going to be over this– you left your comfort zone just to read my fic??? That's... incredible. Oh my god. I really cannot tell you how big this is to me. Thank you so, so much 😭😭😭 It was so brave of you and I'm in awe! 💓💓💓
Gyaku-ebi basically means "reverse shrimp" so to think of the positioning as a swing is not that far off in my mind! XD I don't think Yuichi could comfortably sit on Leonardo's back because of the shell and how Leonardo's limbs were placed but the thought is really funny.
AND YESYESYESYES I LOVE THAT YOU APPRECIATE THE GENTLENESS that was one of the big reasons why I wanted to write this scene in the first place! I need to show the care Yuichi treats Leonardo with like I need air, it's so important to me ;_; And Yuichi probably uses a fragrance oil!
"I know i don't like ropes, but at the same time this fic gave some… Peace? Calmness? I feel so at peace in the last part where the two cuddles in bed, just… Sit there, with my phone at hand… As i feel peaceful and content."
But god. This. Oh man. I seriously have tears in my eyes. I almost can't believe what I'm seeing here like... that was the purpose of this little story. To let me feel peace and calm, to actually give that feeling to Leonardo. And here you're saying that you felt it too, despite your dislike of ropes? I love you so much. Holy heck. This is just... unfathomable to me. Thank you SO MUCH for reading this fic and commenting so beautifully on it, you have no idea what it means to me. Please take care, you are AMAZING.
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