#AND i will not forget to say that lan fan killed bradley as an example of how virtue does not exclude anger
lemonduckisnowawake · 5 months
Everyone talks about how Roy killed Lust as a symbolic proof that he is devoted to actual love but no one talks about how Envy was outed by Riza almost immediately as a symbol of her always accepting what she has and even being content with it. Maybe love IS a narrative force and theme to be reckoned with (and rightly so!), but content when you have so many reasons not to be and when others sometimes have what you don't? That's super cool, too
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 22
Last time: Havoc took a forced retirement, Ed drew Scar out as Goth Bait, and 2/3rds of the Xing Contingent bumped into Gluttony and Wrath. Onwards!
Huh, [Narrator]’s recapping what happened last episode. That’s a first. And like before, Ling freaks out at Lan Fan getting hurt by Bradley. Come on buddy, you’ve been all lazy and goofy up until now, but this is anime. I expect Authority Equals Asskicking to be in full effect here. Ooh, Lan Fan managed to break one of Bradley’s swords, he commends her cleverness. Doesn’t stop him from letting Gluttony get his grub on, though. Gluttony leaps… Oh. Oh boy. Ling ain’t playing around no more. The Prince has some drums starting up as he slices Gluttony’s head in two, eyes open and glaring. Fighty fighty fight time! Never mind, he’s more concerned about getting his injured bodyguard out of harms way right now. Bradley’s not about to let him get away, however, and [clanking swords] ring out as Ling… actually manages to hold his own even with only one sword to Bradley’s two and the injured Lan Fan over his shoulder. The Fuhrer’s impressed, and notes that all of Ling’s hopping around keeps putting him in his eyepatch blind-spot.
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Suddenly Gluttony! Ouch, Ling takes a hard hit to the gut and crashes into the building across the street, struggling back to his feet to [fast paced, tense music]. The Goths catch up. But Bradley just comments about having privacy… and questions, like who the heck they are and how they sensed Gluttony. Ling’s still looking for an escape, but that isn’t happening with Lan Fan still needing to be carried. Lan takes offense to the suggestion that he drop her, calls the Fuhrer out on his callousness. [Prince Ling]: “A ruler’s duty is to his people. Without them, he is no king at all!” Ooh, Lan Fan’s awake! [Prince Ling]: “King Bradley! You’re no true king. Not now or ever!” [Fuhrer Bradley]: “Naive boy! Don’t you understand that there are no true kings in this world!” Aha, flashbang! Later, chumps!... Or not. [Bradley]: “Nice try… But your flash bomb didn’t succeed in blinding this eye!”
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Right, the eyepatch is just to disguise his marked eye, it still works just fine. Whoops. Episode 22: “Backs in the Distance” Flashback? Aw man, Winry’s parents? Well, they clearly don’t realise that they’re in an anime, otherwise Papa Rockbell wouldn’t be talking about how “we won’t be away too long” and asking her to “take care of things while we’re gone”. Modern!Winry wakes up to Gracia? Aw man, looks like she’s going with them to visit the cemetery. Somber music as they lay flowers at Maes’ grave, Winry drawing parallels to the last time she saw him or her parents. But we get some [heart-warming music] as Gracia asks her to stop by and visit every once in a while, and sweet little Elicia grabs her hand with a smile on her face. ...this still doesn’t make up for losing Hughes, but at least his family is doing better. Winry’s walking through the street back to her hotel, when she overhears some NPCs chattering about how the Elric Brothers are causing havoc. Exasperated!Winry gripes about them being in another fight and speeds up. Then speeds up again when she hears that they’re going after Scar. Oh, I get the title now! Winry’s thinking about how the last time she saw Ed was him walking down the hallway away from her. [Winry]: “No… not again. Please…” [Explosions] are going off as Ed throws up barrier upon barrier that Scar just Hand-O’-Dooms his way through- Side note: I gotta comment on how different mediums affect the same event. Because I’m watching Ed panic as the pipe he was climbing slowly falls towards Scar, and I imagine that it was far more humorous in the original manga, different panels showing Ed falling. In animation however, while there’s still some humor I’m getting a much more drama/danger feel, especially with the “Oh crud dangerous fight uh oh” music playing. A very appreciative Ed is saved by Al, who notes that Ling hasn’t fired off the signal flare yet. I’m assuming the plan was Ling would tell them when the Goths showed up? ‘Cause you might be waiting for a while. Al buys some time by calling Scar out on his hypocrisy, using Alchemy to target State Alchemists and victims like Nina. [Scar]: “Interesting… You two saw that abomination as well, did you? Alchemy created that tragic creature. So that’s the science you would spend your lives following?” Hoo boy. Here we go. Scar’s still going on about how That Bastard made the Thing because “a man thought he could create”, saying that creation is the province of God alone. [Ed]: “Maybe you’re right… But why did you have to kill her?! You stole what little life she had left!” [Scar]: “Foolish as you are, you must still have known that chimera could never have returned to her human state.” Ugh. Scar’s talking about how Chimera!Nina would have lived out “its” life as a lab specimen, a mere test subject. The Brothers are immobilized by the knowledge that Scar’s right, she would have just been locked away as an example of a failed Chimera. They didn’t want to think about it, so they just did nothing. Uh, Winry? Winry, could you stay away from the rubble and the groaning cops? You aren’t an Alchemist, it’s not safe for your here. Crap, she’s close enough to hear Ed admitting that Alchemy’s caused some serious harm, but that still doesn’t make his killings right. Like- oh no. Oh no no no. Shut up Ed shut up right now. Ed didn’t shut up, even with me and Al trying to warn him. Winry arrived just in time to hear Ed call Scar out on the murder of her parents. Winry… As Winry’s collapsing in grief, Scar’s silent. Scar? Scar, you’ve done some terrible things. But if my theory is correct, now’s the time to speak up. Wait. Winry, no. Winry, NO. Don’t grab that gun, you’re still a civilian, don’t make yourself a threat to Scar! [Flashback!Elder]: “I know the animosity you feel… but your vengeance will only sow the seeds of further violence. What you’re doing is senseless revenge and it’s feeding a fruitless cycle of death. You must end this cycle once and for all.” Wow. Ok then, that’s a mid-episode name card with a crying Winry pointing a gun at me. Yikes. Yup, called it. We’re getting a Scar flashback where he’s yelling for his brother, finds him pulling an Archimedes and going over notes even as armed forces march into the town.
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We’ve got Scar with his bare arms, and Brother with tattooed arms: Right for Deconstruction, Left for Reconstruction. Seems he’s a student of Alkahestry, added his own touches and found that the alchemy of the land is unusual? Scar’s having none of it, but he’s dragged aside by some other Ishvalans. Said Ishvalans are arguing with Scar, saying that they need Brother to continue his research in order to stand up against the State Alchemists. Scar rants about the destructive nature of the research, that the other Ishvalans don’t see the danger they’re creating by supporting this “pay them back in kind” mentality. Then the artillery starts firing, and the Blue Eyes start marching in. Images of Ishvalans being slaughtered, walls bent up around the town to pen them in as the guns fire. Remnants of Alchemy among corpses, Scar looking on in shock at the evils of Alchemy. Eventually, he meets up with his parents and they prepare to flee, when Brother catches up. And gives his notes to Scar in case something happens to him? What, is he staying? No, he’s just so terrified that his legs won’t stop shaking. “Some big brother.” … Then Mister Smiley shows up. And Brother throws himself in front of Scar. In the aftermath, it’s surprisingly only Brother who’s still up and moving, he stumbles across Scar who’s missing his right arm and bleeding out. Brother cries out for help, but there’s no-one there. Just him, and his arms. Scar comes back to consciousness to the sound of doctors and the injured. Two of them have Blue Eyes. And while he sees Brother’s arm, he doesn’t see Brother. Scar… does not handle this well. So it was Scar. Scared out of his mind, wracked in pain and grief… but it was Scar. [Scar]: “Go on, shoot.” Leto-damn it, Scar! It’s like I said, he’s warning Winry that the moment she pulls that trigger she will be his enemy. He says that he’s fine dying, since until one of them is gone the chain of hatred will continue [Scar]: “But don’t ever forget! Don’t ever forget it was the Amestrians who first pulled the trigger during the civil war! It was your people!” As Winry struggles Scar starts fighting again, Ed yells at Winry to not shoot, Scar lunges forward… and freezes at the sight of Ed throwing himself in front of Winry. Just like his Brother when Mister Smiley murdered his own family. Al takes advantage of Scar’s own hesitation to attack and drive him away, yells at Ed to get Winry somewhere safe. Ed gently asks Winry to let go of the gun, says it’s ok that she couldn’t shoot. She cries about how she couldn’t shoot a murderer, one who was even trying to kill Ed and Al. Because you aren’t that kind of person, Winry. You delivered a baby and saved two lives, and gave Ed his arm and leg back. You’re a creator, not a destroyer. You had every reason to pull that trigger. But you didn’t. Thank you for not continuing the chain of hatred. And that’s where we leave off. Leto, this episode. Ok, let’s… oh my freaking god, it took me thinking back to summarize things to recall that Ling is fighting the Goths. That’s still a thing! For crying out loud this show. Anyways, Ling’s in a bad spot, he can’t get any reinforcements unless Fu can get back from Xing in time for a rescue, although if that happens I’m leaning towards him just passing off Lan Fan. Seriously, Ling got some major points this episode protecting his bodyguard and calling out Bradley as a poor leader. Now the question is how long he can hold out. Scar… I don’t know what to think about Scar. We knew that he’s killed before, mostly arrogant State Alchemists and jerks like That Bastard, maybe Nina as a mercy kill. But confirmation that he killed the Rockbells? Yes it was in grief and pain at his family and town being obliterated, but he’s still responsible for the death of two people who were just trying to help. He needs to answer for that. I don’t want to see him die, but after all that he’s done I don’t see how he can still live. Winry, I’m sorry that you’ve gone through so much pain lately. I’d say I hope things get better for you soon, but we’re three episodes away from the Season 1 finale so I don’t see that happening. Tell you what, I’ll approve of three Wrench-Whacks to Ed’s head next time he messes up, my treat. Next episode title: Girl On The Battlefield Well, there’s no shortage of Awesome Ladies in this show, but I am going to really hope that means May Chang, we’ve seen next to nothing of the little girl since that episode way back even when she’s so prominent in the intro.
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