#even if that soul was stolen....it was a life to edward enough. that IS humility actually
lemonduckisnowawake · 5 months
Everyone talks about how Roy killed Lust as a symbolic proof that he is devoted to actual love but no one talks about how Envy was outed by Riza almost immediately as a symbol of her always accepting what she has and even being content with it. Maybe love IS a narrative force and theme to be reckoned with (and rightly so!), but content when you have so many reasons not to be and when others sometimes have what you don't? That's super cool, too
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halfofxerxes-a · 7 years
Tagged by: @whclescme​
name: Van Hohenheim. Well, if he’s feeling snarky he includes Thespus Bombastus because yeah, he remembered fuk u dwarf nickname(s):  Hoho, Mr. Ho, that bum, hermit, and his favorite Sunshine.  age:  uh old. 420. (actually it’s 450) species:  Human, augmented human. Philosopher’s Stone
|| personal ||
religious belief:  None, but acknowledges that there is a personification of Truth; but he wonders if that is simply what his brain can comprehend of it rather than it being an actual entity. He’s leaning toward it being a personification of the knowledge inside the gate, a conversation with what he learned rather than it being an actual Thing In The Gate (which is probably why Edward figured out how to beat it and not him t b h) sins:  lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience ??? / justice primary goals in life:  Family. Death.  languages known: Xerxean, Xingese, Amestrian, various others. Quick with language. secrets: keeps journals on everyone he’s met. Most people have cute doodles in their entries because Hoho falls hopelessly in love with about 80% of the people he meets.  quirks:  Can’t stand water. Freaks him the fck out savvies:  a little ok at alchemy. Ok he’s a fucking master at alchemy and even without his stone he’s leagues above anyone else. Also he can rap like hell, but that doesn’t come up often. Is good at some forms of dance but dislikes showing people
|| physical ||
height:  6′1 weight:  idk ask Arakawa last time I gave a number it was Too Much. Somewhere around 200 pounds, I want to say 250 but I can’t visualize that very well   scars/birthmarks: Back is scared up and he has an old dog bite on his left side. I sometimes say right but I’m wrong, I gave it to his left. Obvs non-canon.  abilities/powers: alchemy and other science.  restrictions:  psychologically broken. Unable to truly trust anyone even if he says he does. Is held back by his empathy toward the souls inside of him, if he allowed them to fade into a conglomerate of screams, he would be able to move past the trauma of Xerxes, but as it is he’s stuck thinking about his old home more than what he’s doing in the moment and acting on what they want. Overly self critical and thoughtless in his outward actions.
|| favorites ||
favorite drink:  Water??? Juice is too sweet for him, and he doesn’t care for booze that much but drinks it because someone inside him was addicted. favorite pizza topping:  he doesn’t know what pizza is. (in the verses he does it’s anchovies) favorite color:  blue favorite music genre: whatever isn’t screaming. He’s got enough of that at home. favorite book genre: chemistry. favorite movie genre:  science. Boy does he love science documentaries. The ones that they’d show in a class to teach a core concept are the ones he adores. Get those hoky dramatizations out of there and bring the scientist back favorite season:  summer. Warm boi favorite butt type:  a butt attached to a good personality. favorite swear word: The ones he uses in Xerxean. He likes calling people goat fuckers among other things. favorite scent:  warm sand cooling after sunset. favorite quote:   the entirety of the periodic table.
|| fun stuff ||
bottom or top:  bottom sings in the shower: he avoids showering, when he has to he’s not thinking about singing likes bad puns:  only if he’s making them. morality:  lawful / neutral / chaotic / good? / neutral / evil build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean??? / baby-fat / pudgy / obese /other favorite food:  honey. theme music: yeah this is cheating also I just realized this was a choir of multiple voices but non-distinct from each other and the music itself was showing the nature of the stone from the fucking beginning and oh my god FMA is too good my dudes. their opinion on the mun: “I’m not really sure to make of Aang. We’ve been partners for a while now, and while there’s a lot of things about me they’re not pleased with, Aang still tolerates me to the point where they don’t really do anything else. That’s concerning, and I don’t want to be the reason they haven’t moved on with their life. Mostly it’s odd to comment my thoughts on them, because at the end of the day I’m still a half stolen creation that’s come to reside in their imagination, so my thoughts are ultimately their thoughts but filtered through a lens of the detachment of another person, and I think that’s important to keep in mind. Already they’ve done boneheaded things because they haven’t distanced themself enough from me, and the last thing I want to do is end up a voice in someone else’s head. Which is a weird want because I’m already just that, but the want for self care has to start somewhere. Final thoughts? Aang should get a muse that isn’t canonically depressed. Someone they can’t project their negative emotions onto. Ok, I’m done now. I have a lot more to say but I’mma stop there. No need dragging out this any longer.”
tagging: @xmemoriia @slothfulbear @zazaziing​ @crimsonandcarbon @deessedeopera
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