#AND the camo person scheduled did not show up at all. AWESOME.
krshush · 9 months
My Asst Manager isn't here today bc he Knows if he were, I'd be whacking him with a squeaky toy mallet for the way he scheduled us all week
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andieperrie18 · 7 years
KAREN ( Peter Parker X Reader )
Supp guys! I know you all are waiting for the Get Some part 2. But i wanna post this first. Don't you worry people I will follow up the part two Of Get Some. For now enjoy this one.
" Oh dear. . . " said as she looked at the computer screen.
" Voice System Deleted. . " the screen flashed this word as her mouth dropped. She just wanted to see the Spiderman Suit that his dad made for Peter. It was all done until she deleted the voice command.
She heard foots steps as she immidiately placed a camo microchip so she could haywire the suit. The foot steps got louder as Y/n muttered profanities then ran out and hid in a corner. Happy entered the room as he saw the case the contained the suit open. He looked around as Y/n hid down. After scanning around, he closed the case and left to deliver the uniform.
" This is bad. " The girl said as she dashed her way to her room. She popped open her laptop as she locates the laptop.
" Friday, how long does it take to make the suit's voice command? " she said as her fingers tapped away the codes.
" I cannot say the approximate time but it could take a month or more, Ms. Stark. " the computer answered as Y/n muttered, " Crap. "
" Is there a way for me to help the suit work. With out the voice command of the suit. It would be useless. " she asked as she struggled to maintain calm.
" You did put a microchip on the suit maam. You could run the suit while you remake the voice command of the suit. " the computer suggested.
" What?!, but that would mean I would- " "Yes, Sorry Ma'am but that is all I can get. I could call Mr. Stark about it. " the computer stated as Y/n held her forehead in stress. She didn't think her clumsiness would actually lead to this. But she had to fix this.
" No Friday. Alright, I'll run the suit. Do me a favor and recreate the suit's designed voice command. I'll take care in transfering to the suit.
From that moment, You would always be alerted when Peter would wear the suit. You tried her best to make her voice as robotic as possible. It was funny that Peter would call her suit Lady. You go to the same school as him and no one really knew that you are a daughter of the Iron Man. You liked Peter too. Ever since you two met, your feelings for him continued to develope but he like Liz Allan, the beauty and brains of Midtown School. You kept a low profile and had your name changed to Potts so the relation isn't near.
Peter found you fun to talk to. He would sometimes sleep with the suit on just to talk you, unknown to him that you were just running the suit.
" Y/n, are you ok? You've been really distant?" Ned asked you as Peter stood beside him lookin at you. You opened her mouth to answer. " I - I, you see I've been busy. I'm building the Lightsaber at the moment and I wanna use it as soon as possible so yeah I gotta go, bye! " you said and ran out. You leave school early cause you have taken the schedule of when and what time Peter would suit up and patrol Queens.
Now you were, at your seat as you work with Peter. You were trying to wake him up. It seems that he was knocked out badly.
A few moments later, Peter woke up from a shake. He sat up and growned.
" Ughh. . . My head. " he groaned as you snapped back to your holographic screen and hurriedly placed the mic on and tried to be as calm as possible.
" You appear to have a mild concusion. " she said as she began to monitor his health status.
" Ok stable. " you said off mic so Peter would'nt hear.
" So hey. . . Where am I right now? " she heard Peter ask.
" I'm not sure, the container walls are hindering my sensors. " you reasoned as you tried to scan but fails. You can see Peter scanning his surrounding as well.
" Wait a minute, they must've hijacked the truck and took'em in to their evil lair. So lady we're goin to find our way this one. " He replied as you tried tried to find a way to help him.
Peter began backing up trying to much momentum to break down the door. You watched as he counted down run towards the door breaking it open. Peter stumble his way out as he stood wobbly as he got out.
" Uh,. Huh? " he looked around to scan the unfamiliar surroundings the room was big and contained alot of same black metal containers.
" what is this place? " he asked as you began to scan the place yourself and began to research.
" Suit lady where am I? " you heard Peter ask as you finished reading the info you've found about the place he was in.
" You're in the most secured facility in the eastern seaboard. The Damage Control Deep Storage Vault. " " No! Seriously. " he cursed as you took a sip of your coffee and sat back. It was useless to get out of that vault.
You watched him groaned as he tries to open the sealed doors.
" Ugh. . . Gosh Peter, be thankful your cute cause I might have flew their by now to give you an Iron Slap. " you muttered of mic as you rubbed your temple as you watch the poor boy find his way out. You sighed as you turn on the mic.
" The doors must likely remain close till morning. " You said as you held back your sarcasm for the sake of the voice command protocol.
Peter finally settled down and built a bed swing using his web as You watched him with your hands under your chin with your elbows resting on the table.
You stared at Peter at the screen as he settled down at the bed.
" Hey suit lady, I kinda feel bad calling you suit lady. You know?" Peter said as sincerity coated his voice. ' How sweet. ' you thought as you watched him.
" I should probably give you a name. A Glitz? No no no, god thats-thats weird. " he said as you laughed at his dorkiness.
" Its ok. " you said through the mic.
Peter swung off the swing as you watched him fall off as you voice out a small giggle that Peter heard making him smile inside the mask, " What about Karen? " he stated.
You watch him land on the floor on purpose. The name suits the voice command. It was programmed to be a female voice.
" You could Call me Karen, if you would like? " you stated with your smile neverr leaving your lips as you stood from the couch and leaned on the table inside your room.
Peter felt something in ' Karen's ' voice like he could hear a smile behind it but it felt weird and nice at the same time
" Hey Karen, what else can this suit do?" he asked as you watched him hang upside down as he read his chemistry book in coincidence that you too was actually reading.
You activated the flight suit as you heard him gasp through your earpiece.
" What! " he gasped.
Peter was practically rummaging all the suits ability as you just showed him all its abilities. He was now playind the laser symbol on the white gray walls of the vault.
" Ricochet Web." You stated as he repeated it making you activate the command as he shot a web making it jump back to him almost hitting him.
" Cool. "
" Spider web. " you said as countless spider webs shot out of Peter's wrist as he walked around making you laughed at his clueless-ness of how the web works. You then spoke out another command.
" Web Grenade. "
" WEB GRENADE! " you heard him yell as he shot a web making spread across the wall.
You continued to tell him all the commands until he was now using the web into a jumping rope. You could practically feel his boredom as your head dropped to your elbows.
" Should I tell Liz that I'm Spiderman? "
Your head shot up from the sketchpad on your lap. You were sketching out Peter's face in a smile. The name of the girl utterly made you feel jealous as you rolled your eyes and angrily flipped the sketch pad into another page.
" Whose Liz? " you said trying to stay calm as possible as stroked the black color pencil on the pad heavily.
" Who's Liz? Haha she's the best, she's awesome. She's just a girl who goes to my school. And yeah, I'd really want to tell her. It's kinda weird ya know? " he said in a dreamy tone.
You sighed as you looked at him in a sad look.
" Hey, I'm spiderman. " he said as you continued to gawking at him at the screen.
" What's weird about that? " your tone came out softer.
" What if she is expecting someone like Tony Stark? Could you imagine how disappointed she would be if it was me. " he confessed. You didn't minded the protocol and spoke.
" Well, If I were Her? I wouldn't be disappointed at all. " you stated with a warm smile.
Peter felt warmth surge his chest. " Thanks Karen, you know you sound alot like Y/n. " he said as curiousity struck you when you heard your name.
" and who is this Y/n? " you asked.
" Well, practically the coolest person and friend ever. She likes Star Wars and she is really a great friend. I think I'm practically thinking that she is my best friend. " he confessed.
' Best Friend. Huh . . .' you mumbled sadly.
" But . . . " Peter continued as you shot up.
" I've been feeling funny around her. I would find myself practically staring at her in Chemistry class, or when in lunch I would let her rest her head on my shoulder. I'm feeling really weird when I'm with her. " he confessed. Red dusted its way to your cheek as you looked down and smiled.
" Until she suddenly began to be distant. I miss her. " he stated sadly with a sigh. Now you felt bad.
" Maybe she's just working in something? " you reasoned out.
" Well I wish she could tell me. I'm . . . Getting really worried for her. I Miss her. . . So much. " he stated.
" I miss You too Peter. " you accidentally said.
" what?" Peter asked as you panicked and covered the mic. " I mean't that She Misses You too. " you answered as your breath hitched.
" Thanks, its really nice to have someone to talk too. " he replied.
" Your Welcome. " you replied with a smile. With a hint of relief, you felt butterflies surge into your stomach.
Should I make a part two?
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