krshush · 9 months
My Asst Manager isn't here today bc he Knows if he were, I'd be whacking him with a squeaky toy mallet for the way he scheduled us all week
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talenlee · 1 year
3e: Your Guild Leaders Are All Trans
3rd edition D&D doesn’t do much with queerness. It’s an interesting artifact of the late 90s, early 00s, where the whole edition was something that, to use the parlance of now, would be claimed as ‘woke propaganda’ now, was still something that didn’t feature a queer NPC until a Dragon Magazine published well into the release schedule of 3.5, and when it did, he drew heat that the editorial lineup of that magazine had to fight about it in the letters column of the next issue.
There are other areas that the game can be seen as surfacing queerness, and I’ve talked about one – the way that the D20-SRD component Unearthed Arcana introduces transphobia in the form of gender dysphoria as a byproduct of literal madness. That’s not great. It is, in fact, uh, bad. You can even have a multiple personality disorder identity which has a different gender to you, isn’t that cute?
But uh, okay, so that’s one way that explicitly not-cis-not-heteronormative culture showed up in 3rd edition. Uh… is there anything better? Anything that could be considered, um, nice?
There aren’t a lot of things that even mention the word gender. There’s a table for random NPCs. The Deck of Many Things can summon a knight that has the same gender as you, which implies you have one, I guess. Which is rude for any of y’all agender people reading this. Object Reading, the level 2 Psionic Power, can detect the gender of a previous owner of an item, which feels like it COULD be a cute idea for a mystery puzzle but it also winds up misgendering someone.
Like, you, cis author, are thinking of trying that idea, but uh, you know what, ask like twenty trans people about that plot twist first before you decide it’s okay, right?
The Disguise skill can get involved in gender, where changing the entire presentation of yourself as your gender is a -2 to the disguise check. The rules here get a little weird, because if your disguise check to disguise yourself as you, but a different gender fails, people know it’s you, but since you’re not trying to hide your identity, just your gender and intimate partners are really easily able to tell, this skill definitely doesn’t seem to be made with the idea of actually changing an actual gender in mind.
Know what can actually change your gender, though?
Cursed items.
There’s a really funny, dumb thing going on here. Because okay, so, magic items with curses or drawbacks cost less than the conventional thing they are. You can have a +2 sword with a curse attached to it, and that costs less than a +2 sword, because it’s just a less useful object. If an item has a drawback on it like it can only be used by Paladins or Rangers, it saves you money making it.
And you may think ‘huh, that’s a weird loophole for magic item crafters to abuse’ and yeah absolutely, and we tried, and every sensible Dungeonmaster looked at the obvious loophole abuse and stamped on our toes.
But still, it does mean that a cursed magical item, with a drawback, will persist its drawback as long as you have it. You don’t even need to be using it, it’s just there.
One of the curse drawbacks is that the magic item changes the gender of the user as long as they own it, even if they’re not using it. For it to be a slotless magical item, like a tattoo that gives you a +1 to a skill, then you can make it for 200 gold pieces. It doesn’t need to be obvious, removable or limited in any way. And then bam, you’re now the opposite gender to what you were, and that’s funny because it implies genders have opposites, rather than being two surprisingly similar camps that are very near one another in a very large, very wild forest full of some truly brave rugged individualists finding their own things to do out there.
How affordable is a 200 gp item? Well, as an unskilled hireling that a D&D character can recruit costs one silver piece a day and that’s enough for them to live on, and is enough money for that hireling to consider it worth doing. Like following an adventurer around is worth doing at one silver piece a day. You don’t need to feed or water them so it sounds like their day to day living is enough that that 1 silver piece covers those needs and then some because it’s not like ‘following an adventurer’ is a non-hazardous job. On the other hand, it’s not like players need to track their food in this game either.
At one extreme, it’s possible that 1/sp a day is just profit, and it’s possible that it’s much less. But let’s say half your wages go to living and the other half goes to surviving, it means that you could raise the money for this item, as an unskilled labourer, in something like two thousand days, or about five years. That’s rough but let me tell you, the idea that an unskilled labourer could meet their needs including food and lodging and medical needs, and afford to self-finance their transition as a one-time fee in five years is the kind of deal that a lot of trans folk right now would absolutely say compares favourably to whatever they’re having to put up with.
But also, for extraordinary needs, there are extraordinary measures.
See, a level 1 combat encounter, which you can engage with a large enough group of people with free weapons (clubs), or which you can with enough time and patience, make an elaborate trap to destroy, generates about 300 gp per, or, basically a few afternoons of work if you know how to find the right bandits. What I’m saying is, cheap medical transition is a potential onramp for young adventurers, and once you’ve taken out one Challenge Rating 1 encounter, why wouldn’t you keep going, it’s one of the best Get Rich Quick schemes available to you.
And from there, well, what are you going to do? Most queer folk I know are interested in uplifting one another, so the next step is construction of an organisation to put people in the path of this kind of opportunity. You could even start crafting these for a modest fee – making one of these tattoos is only 100 gp, and something like 12 XP, and that’s almost nothing.
I guess what I’m saying is the majority of guildleaders across any given 3e D&D game are probably trans, if you’re willing to weaponise the way that the game says ‘this thing transes your gender’ as a explicit drawback.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#DnD3E #DungeonsDragons #Games
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was exhausting and I have a horrible headache right now. But it was not a bad day. It was just a lot.
I slept better last night. I think having the fan on did help. Wasn't so quiet. When I woke up my alarm went off and I felt pretty good. James came and gave me a hug and they made the bed while I went to go get dressed. I didn't feel great about my clothes today. But it was fine. I would feel cute eventually. The problem really was I was cold but I didn't know what to wear I would also just too tired to think of a better outfit. I did appreciate that this dress has pockets. Because the black girl had yesterday does not. So even if they look very similar they are very different.
I checked on my mice and they were doing pretty good. Every warmed up their heating pad and fed them and then James helped me carry things to the car. And they told me I better be safe and that they would only be safe if I was safe. Which seems fair. And then they biked off and I took a moment to settle myself before I drove to camp.
I would go and drop my mice off in the girls between. And hope that Mom mouse would come find them. But I was not that lucky because as soon as I walked in there I found two more mice. I was so mad. That was not the plan. I just put them in with the other two and hoped for the best.
And for real for the first hour I was there I was just running back and forth to different buildings just getting the last pieces to set everything up. Was stupidly stressful for some reason. I just feel like I wasn't awake. Like I wasn't that tired but I was not thinking things through and not getting everything I needed. And then I went to get the schedules and I realized I accidentally gave them an hour and 45 minutes for lunch which messed up the whole afternoon. So I had to fix that and reprint them and then I went to the lodge to make sure everything was set up and then I didn't have anywhere to plug my laptop in so I had to figure out how to get an extension cord with the whole thing. And then I found an extension cord but it only had two prongs and so that wouldn't work. Thankfully Elizabeth would find something in the office that I could use and it would all work out but man was that stressful.
It was really grateful for my co-workers today making the program work so well. I hope they do come to me with some feedback because I know that I can trust them. And the kids today work right. They did come late which was fine. We started at 10:00. And I was able to get everything going basically right away. We were able to push the whole day about 15 minutes and that worked out wonderfully.
I really enjoyed this group. Just really nice kids. And enthusiastic. I love enthusiasm. And with both my intro and with brush making They were just all in and they did such a good job.
I did decide after watching the makeup brushes that we cannot use blue. Well ideally you would use glue they're just isn't enough time and it makes too big of a mess. So we're going to get more tape and string and that's just going to be the way we're going to make them from now on. Which honestly will make them sturdier for what they're doing today. And I ran around and helped a few people but everyone made brushes and all of the chaperones were awesome. It was a great way to start.
Once they were done I sent each group off with one of my co-workers. Elizabeth was awesome with fixing the schedule and getting all of the numbers done. Because I would have spent so much time figuring that out.
And doing that first half hour I would clean all of the tables so that they would be nice for lunch. And during second half hour I would do a loop and then sit down for a few minutes just to catch my breath.
I found an interesting little cluster of mini mushrooms. Pictured above. I thought that they were a plastic cow buried upside down but when I touched them they were mushrooms. It was very surprising.
I had a talk with the groups leader and showed him the mushroom picture. And we talked about having a hike at the end of the day. He originally had asked to do a fire but he changed his mind. And I said that it was probably fine but we should check with Elizabeth. And he was like okay but I could also tell that he didn't understand why I wasn't just saying yes. I don't really have that authority. And I also don't know any of the trails. So I didn't want to leave anyone in the wrong direction.
So at lunch they would talk about that and they were kind of a kerfuffle about it because none of their chaperone teachers wanted to walk so it was a little unsure about ratios and having enough people and it was a little strange. But it was fine. We would work it out.
And the last two programs went so well. I did my loops and checked on everyone and everything seemed to be going great. I haven't gotten any feedback that there were disasters yet. And everyone seemed like they were having a great time. Elizabeth said that she only heard one curse word all day. Which was when a child was struggling to use our fire sticks and just said that he was "sick of this shit". Which is objectively funny so you can't get in trouble when things are funny. But overall I was just here in a lot of positivity and laughing and it was good.
Plus it was just a beautiful day. I have been very cold in the morning but once it warmed up and I was able to just be in my T-shirt I felt pretty good. I was very happy with my shoe choice but the inside of my shoes has a hole in the lining that bothers the underside of my foot. I had put medical tape on it and that had held for a while but it seems like it's not holding anymore and I'm annoyed by that. I'll fix it but it's fine for now.
After our last program the plan was to have everyone come and meet at the totem pole and then go on a hike with Elizabeth in the front. I was going to join them. It was under the rest but I was still going to do it. I have been walking around knitting all day. I had figured out how to shove my ball of yarn in the folds of my tied t-shirt. But then as they were getting ready to leave some of the chaperones handed me a couple things to take back to the lodge and so I did that and I told Elizabeth I would catch up. But I never caught up.
Not for lack of trying but I couldn't figure out where they were. I could hear them because there were 50 people walking in a group. But I couldn't figure out which direction to go and I'm not very fast. So instead I just went up to the art building and cleaned up pigments socelia wouldn't have to worry about it. And then I went to the lodge to start cleaning up over there.
And we finished up and I said thank you to everyone and it was great. I do wish we would have gotten a little bit of a closing but it's good It's not a huge loss. They were very sweet kids and it was a good day.
Jesus was I exhausted. I was just so tired. The feet hurt so much and I just wanted to sit down but I knew that there was so much to do still. I started packing things up while Nick and Sarah were starting to wipe down and pack at the tables and chairs. They would also sweep with Celia. And I would go and get my car. I made a stop at the office to ask about paint for tomorrow and they said I should go grab Joe who had just parked up top. So I went up there and asked him and he asked if I could drive him to Tlingit to his paint shed storage. I had never been in there before so I drove up with him and we talked about how annoying it is when the car does not turn off all the way when you turn off the engine. And he gave me the paint and we chatted and it was nice. He's such a nice guy.
Then I worked on collecting old stuff. Appreciate my coworkers putting all of the things in the boxes for me. I had to make one stop at the art building and then go to the lodge to get the last of the things before I came back to the building again. But that was totally fine. And I got everything into the art shed and then put my fibers boxes on the tables to start resetting them.
I'm definitely going to have to spend some time making a reserve of all of my materials. Because while it doesn't take very long. I am so tired after the program that this just kind of a nightmare of two reset them. I think having no glue will help the next one. But I laid everything out and I figured out a good system. I had a video going and I was most of the way down when Celia came up and asked if she could help. I sent her to go find me more sticks. Because I need a hundred sticks every time. And she did a very good job finding sticks that were all the same size. Well I finished resetting the bags and making sure that all of the boxes have the same material and enough of everything.
Once that was done she left and I collected walkies and put them in my car with my laptop and drove down to the office.
The next 40ish minutes we would spend debriefing with Elizabeth. The group really enjoyed the day but next week we're having 90 kindergarteners. And they want it to be free choice. First of all. I love free choice. I think it's great idea and it's really really good. Within reason. There needs to be parameters and boundaries. And they want to have those. But when you're doing it with 90 kids it can get outrageous at the very quickly. And I don't know if any of us are really set up or ready for that. It would be different if they were running the programs but they still want us to run them and we don't really have lessons that are pop up. So I don't exactly know how we're going to do this.
I'm in charge of arts and crafts so I'm going to have a great time. And I suggested that I do a community painting. And asked if I could buy a drop cloth. Elizabeth said that it sounded good to her. And she gave me her work credit card and told me I could leave whenever I want. I took a minute to sit and complain with them about how it's not fair to ask a facility staff to change the way they do things when we are not employees of other company. Like we are not doing things the way that you do them but if you want to do anyway you should have your staff do it. But whatever. I still really enjoy them I just hope that we can come to a meeting of the mines and an agreement on the way we're going to proceed.
I would follow Elizabeth to her car because she had to figure out where her purse was. And when she gave me her card and reminded me to get a receipt I drove up to the girls the train to see if mice were still there.
This is a mixed bag. My two boy mice that have been thriving so much last night and we're still in the box. I was not thrilled I was hoping that Mom would have come and taken them. But there were two more mice on the ground. A boy and a girl. And they were not doing good. They were cold and the one was covered in spider webs. They were still moving but barely. I put them in the box. But the two I found this morning were not there anymore. I have no idea if one of the two I found this afternoon or the same ones. And then my two boys from last night were cold too because the little jar of formula I had left in there with them had not been closed all the way or something and had spilled all on the inside and so the rags that they have been cuddled in or damp. And everyone was so cold. I was so upset.
My first plan was to try to warm them up so I collect it all four of them and I put them in my shirt and tried to keep them warm for a few minutes but I realized that wasn't working and my best bet was to just finish my errands and get them home and try my best to warm them up then.
Put them in the car and wash my hands and then went to the Amish market.
I've been looking forward to this all day. I was going to get pretzels for me and pretzel hot dogs for James and a couple other treats. And it was great. I got out there after getting stuck in a little bit of traffic. And it was busy because they were having a sidewalk sale but I got everything that I wanted and everyone was so nice and I got two pretzels, two hot dogs pretzels, mini cheesecakes, cinnamon buns, two whoopie pies, and six deviled eggs. For less than $30. Amazing.
After that I drove down the street to go to home Depot. The drop cloth sizes were very bizarre so I hope the one that I picked works out the way that I'm imagining it will. I paid for that and I think the guy thought I was Jewish because he kept saying happy holidays and happy Rosh Hashanah to me. Which thank you. But it was very funny. He was Indian. He was very nice. And I love that for him. I love when people are very nice.
I went home and all the nice were alive but the two that I found at the end of the day we're not doing well. I had had James pull out our smaller electric heating pad because I thought we could put it under the case to keep everyone warm and that has been a great idea tonight and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I put that on I got everyone set up and I got milk.
But the two were just not doing good. I put them directly on the microwave heating pad to try to warm them up and they did get warm. They were breathing but it was shallow and the other two I put inside the washcloth like they had been fed them and they held the eyedropper and it was great. But an hour later I went back and the two new ones were stiff. They weren't breathing or moving. I picked them up and then other women's even dropped. They were gone.
I wrapped them up in a tissue together and James buried them in our plants. I'm just glad they were warm at the end.
The other two seem to be doing great. I fed them a few times and I've made sure that they're not too warm in there. The he can grab turns off every 2 hours so I don't know if they will be okay overnight but it's better that they have been so we'll see. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I might just leave some at home. But we'll see.
I was really happy to see James. They got me yellow flowers and they are so lovely. But I was exhausted. And then I was so sad about my nights. James would sit with me in the bedroom while I told him about the day and they told me drama at work. And they were very excited because they are going to be interviewing someone who is a former NFL player tonight. Which is what they're doing right now. So I'm trying to be quiet.
I'm so happy for them that their podcast is such a nice little bit of joy. I like listening to them laugh and I'm glad it gives them something to research.
And while they were doing that I was in the other room putting on clothing make Olympia costume. Don't want to wear a corset. And I wasn't loving my green dress that I usually wear as an overlay. So I picked my new blue dress that I've been loving and I'm going to layer that with a pee pieces and do skip pickups and I think it's going to be great. Plus it was really fun to put together.
I wasn't sure where the bag was that I keep all of our costume stuff in and I exhausted myself for a little while trying to find it. James took apart the closet and him to find it. It turned out I had taken everything up the tote bag and put them into a suitcase. So at least I know where it is now. And I hung up our costumes and I'm really excited for next weekend.
Speaking of excited. Just booked our Disney trip for January. So that is going to be really cool. It's expensive but not as bad as I thought. And we're doing it in three payments so it's not even a huge deal. I already have the money saved for it and I am excited for this big trip. It's going to be really cool. We're already working on a document with all the things that we would like to do while we're there. She goes to Disney all the time but I haven't been since I was in fourth grade. So I'm really excited to see things with her that she knows so well. I'm really going in with almost no expectations. Though I do think it's funny that and all my research so far I pretty much just want to do all the boat rides. Anything that's on water or slow. Those are the things I would like the most.
Now though I am really tired and a little dehydrated. I have taken a bath a little while ago and that was nice but I wish it had helped my achy body a little bit more. I think I would have been worse if I didn't take it though so I'm taking it as a positive still. Now though I am going to just rest and wait for James to be done their podcast. And tomorrow I'm hoping we'll be a good day.
You don't do field trips on Friday which is nice. I'm going to update some stuff in my lesson plans and my files so that they run a little smoother for our next one. I have a couple supplies that need to be fixed. And then I'm going to paint a door. And I don't know what else. I think it will just be a chill day. That is what I'm hoping. I'm hoping for it to be quiet.
Hope you all sleep well tonight. Be safe out there. Take care of yourselves. Until next time.
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trashydemigodmess · 1 year
"They told me all of my cages were mental, So I got wasted like all my potential. And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that. I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere, Fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here." - this is me trying, taylor swift
Rae passed it everyday on her way to the gym. The sign in the window. With its big, bold letters. Taunting her, haunting her. It followed her through her workout; contemplating, scheming, then pushing it away again. Maybe it’d resolve itself? Someone else would handle it and she wouldn’t have to worry about it gnawing at the back of her brain anymore. But she’d pass it again the next day, and the next, never changing. It had crawled under her skin like an itch. 
Today it made her stop in her tracks. She hoisted her gym bag up on her shoulder and sighed.
“AVAILABLE” The sign on the storefront read, “See Chiron for details”
It was on a corner, with a large front display window and a pretty, vintage white door. Just the right size for something small like a bakery or boutique or—
“Ugh.” Rae squinted. Then, after a pause, turned towards Camp.
She held her breath after speaking, expecting some sort of smug response, some sort of knowing glance. It felt like there were constant eyes on her back, everyone waiting for the other shoe to drop; To get her shit together, or teeter the other way and completely fall apart. It was a precarious line to balance, and she’d been going out of her way to balance on it for ages now, if out of spite and nothing else.
But, it was exhausting.
She saw people like Brent, happy and fulfilled and growing into their life. Hazel, with a house and an insane job and hopelessly in love. Even Ben, for fucks sake, falling in love with a celebrity! How’d she go from having it all together and getting out of Camp first, to now losing the race and falling all the way behind? She’d gone to Harvard, accomplished everything she was supposed to, and yet she still felt unsatisfied. There was always something just out of her reach, something she couldn’t put a finger on. Like she was unmoored and lost at sea, trying to follow the mirage in the distance. Showing back up in New Athens was supposed to be a victory lap. But two years later all she had to show for it was a big, empty apartment full of plants and her Dad breathing down her neck to find something to do with her life. It sounded stupid, but Rae felt terribly alone.
While so much else in Camp and New Athens had changed, The Big House looked exactly as it did the day she showed up at sixteen. Lots of dark wood, ancient texts, and artifacts she knew better than to touch mixed with pool noodles and clipboards and craft supplies. But, sitting in Chiron’s office was stained with bad memories. So she found herself fidgeting in the cushy chair in front of his desk, just as she had all the times she’d been there before.
“Oh, how wonderful,” Chiron smiled in reply, “I’m surprised none of your family has done this yet.”
Rae blinked, glanced around as if it were a prank. “That’s it?”
“Well, there is the paperwork and all of the legalities, of course.” The centaur adjusted his glasses as he sorted through some files in his desk, “However,” He glanced at her full gym attire, “If you don’t have time right now we can always schedule a time for you to come and do that later.”
“Oh.” Rae cleared her throat. Why was her heart racing? “Um, yeah, I can come in sometime this week. Whenever works best for you.” 
“Excellent,” Chiron pulled out his calendar—of course he still used a physical calendar—“Congratulations, Reagan, the shop is all yours.”
It was a terrible, crashing realization mixed with overwhelming relief as she walked back out into the sunshine. Rae hated it, but maybe it had always been that easy. Maybe the only thing that’d been in her way was…herself.
Not that she’d ever admit that to anyone, of course.
When she passed the shop on her way back to the gym she stopped again. This time, she pulled the sign off of the window, a small smile on her face as she shoved it in her purse and continued on her way.
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dankusner · 3 months
First Lady Jill Biden on What’s at Stake in 2024
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Dr. should be reserved for those with the following earned degrees: Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Podiatry, Doctor of Dental Surgery (or Dental Medicine).
Style Guide
Editor’s Note: The debate on June 27 spurred a discussion about whether President Joe Biden should remain the Democratic nominee.
Dr. Jill Biden, the first lady and Vogue’s August cover subject, has fiercely defended her husband and stood by him.
Reached by phone on June 30 at Camp David, where the Biden family had gathered for the weekend, she told Vogue that they “will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight.”
President Biden, she added, “will always do what’s best for the country.”
Whatever happens in the weeks and months between now and November, it is Dr. Biden who will remain the president’s closest confidant and advocate.
If you want to know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade.
Flashing police chaperone lights form a perimeter as you blaze down an empty highway, waiting cars backed up on entry ramps as you pass.
It’s as if the world is holding its breath.
For you.
Also, rules don’t apply: On a cool spring day, driving down suburban Minneapolis side streets, we run red lights and whip round curves so fast I can barely take in the commonplace American view.
Tract housing, big box stores, churches, office parks, semi-​industrial no-man’s-land. Finally, we arrive at our destination, Nine Mile Brewing, in Bloomington, Minnesota.
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,” commands someone—a Secret Service agent, maybe—as the motorcade pulls into a loading dock.
Politics, I will come to discover in the next few days, involves a lot of backstage spaces: service entrances, freight elevators, places where Very Important People can slip in and out of events unnoticed.
Politics also involves a lot of comically fast walking—to wit, at Nine Mile, an entourage of 30 or so are noisily hustling to follow a trim, blond woman in a pristine white suit as she strides nonchalantly past clanging, gurgling brewing vats, aiming for a back office.
This is my first glimpse of first lady Dr. Jill Biden: Exiting the sealed chamber of power into the middle of America, a vision of calm amid utter cacophony.
Dr. Biden lands in Minneapolis in April.
Sittings Editor: Max Ortega.
We’ve come to Minnesota this evening for two campaign events—early election season stuff to get the base excited.
The first, in a smallish function room at one end of the brewery, is for the Minnesota chapter of Women for Biden; about 200 people are gathered for the first lady’s address.
In the brewery’s main room, meanwhile, another 200 or so are sitting around drinking beers and watching live sports, seemingly unaware that a presidential race is going on, more or less under their noses.
Also meanwhile, because we’re running ahead of schedule, and not a moment of FLOTUS’s time can be wasted, the first lady has commandeered the brewery manager’s office, and is dialing into a fundraiser.
“Our democracy is on the line in this election,” she declares, straining to make her sense of urgency audible over speakerphone. A rather absurd juxtaposition, this lofty appeal to the central organizing concept of America—democracy—made from a cramped back room, amid time sheets and dented filing cabinets and flyers for local cover bands. By the end of the night, I’d find it fitting.
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“We are the first generation in half a century to give our daughters a country with fewer rights than we had,” she tells the Women for Biden crowd a few minutes later. “Book bans. Voting laws gutted.
Court decisions that strip away our most basic freedoms.
But circumstance is not destiny.”
The women here are fighting mad. Nice, Midwestern ladies, all of them, but gurgling away inside like those brewing vats—only with righteous fury, instead of beer. That’s what the Biden-Harris campaign is counting on: “We will decide our future,” the first lady tells them. Women gave Joe Biden his margin of victory in 2020, and since the Dobbs decision was handed down by the Supreme Court in June 2022, overturning Roe v. Wade, women have proved the decisive bulwark against this country’s reactionary forces, passing state ballot measures and constitutional amendments enshrining their reproductive rights, and helping limit Republicans’ midterm gains to a vanishingly narrow majority in the House. “When our bodies are on the line, when our daughters’ futures are at stake, when our country and its freedom hang in the balance, we are immovable and unstoppable,” the first lady continues, ramping up to a crescendo. “It’s time we show them, once again, just what we can do!”
We exit amid cheers, hustled out again as she shakes hands along the rope line. Glancing back, I see one young woman clinging to her, eyes brimming with tears, saying words I cannot hear. One of Dr. Biden’s minders tries to hurry her along but she brushes him off, to let the woman speak.
ON THE CLOCK Working in a brewery manager’s office in Bloomington, Minnesota, minutes before a campaign appearance. Michael Kors Collection coat and dress. The next time I see the first lady, it’s about 20 minutes later, and she’s stepping onstage at the ballroom of a nearby hotel. She has executed a remarkably swift wardrobe change—a total one-eighty, emerging to raucous applause at the launch event for Educators for Biden-Harris in a black T-shirt, black jeans, and black knee-high boots. She looks like she’s ready to party, and in a way, she is—these are her people. Teachers. Two days a week, Dr. Jill Biden shrugs off her FLOTUS identity and heads to Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA, for short), where she is a professor in the English department. Tonight, up on the dais with teachers union leaders and a diverse group of Minnesota educators, Dr. B (as her students refer to her) wears the kind of ear-to-ear grin you can’t fake. And when she commiserates with the crowd about having to figure out Zoom schooling “overnight” and dealing with students’ post-​pandemic mental health issues, she’s speaking from lived experience.
“When our bodies are on the line,” she tells the crowd, “when our country and its freedom hang in the balance, we are immovable and unstoppable.”
Something hits me then, listening to Jill Biden talk, not as first lady, but as a teacher. It’s hard to explain, but here goes. I knew, before I began working on this piece, that Jill Biden had broken new ground by insisting on keeping her job when she and her husband moved into the White House. To be honest, it didn’t strike me as that big a deal—more like a natural evolution. Women work; why not the first lady? Then I entered the White House bubble. And comprehended how easily, how quickly, it could become airless—a high-security world of motorcades and photo ops and handlers managing your priorities, your interactions, your time. What struck me in that hotel ballroom in Bloomington is that it is in fact a huge, monumental big deal that our current first lady makes a point of exiting that bubble twice a week to inhabit the America where the rest of us live. And to engage, through the work she considers her calling, with people doing their best to get by, who may or may not give a damn about politics.
Right in the midst of this revelation, I realized that Dr. B had shifted back into FLOTUS mode. “Democracy is on the line,” she said again. My mind returned to the brewery manager’s office. Such an everyday place. Full of the flotsam and jetsam of everyday affairs. What makes Jill Biden unique in current US politics, I mused, is that she is distinctively capable of speaking to, and from, two Americas. Not red and blue, the which-side-are-you-on divide shouted over on cable news, but rather, America, the exalted USA whose founding principles are under threat, and, ’Merica, as I like to think of it, that crazy quilt nation of Cheesecake Factories and cannabis dispensaries, pickleball courts and peewee football games, dirt roads and six-lane highways, where 336 million people are just, like, living their lives. And where, mostly, they just want their country to work. For themselves, for their families, for their communities. They want to be able to buy groceries and gas, send their kids to good, safe schools, obtain medical care when necessary, take a vacation now and then, drive on highway overpasses that aren’t crumbling and don’t have homeless encampments below, and wake up in the morning without a sense of dread that the climate is about to collapse. Is that too much to ask? And now they have to worry about democracy too?
Find Your Friends in Fashion CTA: JOIN VOGUE CLUB Jill Biden’s pitch, I take it, is that these Americas, abstract and quotidian, are two sides of the same coin—that this country only works if it’s true to its core values, and that the point of those core values is to meet the needs of its citizenry. Soaring FLOTUS rhetoric on the one hand; on the other, down-to-earth Dr. B.
As we leave the ballroom that night, I finally get a chance to introduce myself to the first lady. I’m not sure how best to address her, so I stumble a bit over my words. “Please,” she says, brushing off my hesitation with a wave of a hand. “Call me Jill.”
“So, today, a kid I haven’t seen in three weeks, he comes in to take the final essay, and he says, ‘Dr. B, can I talk to you after class?’ And I say, ‘Sure.’ ” A few days later, back in DC, the first lady is recounting an anecdote about her morning at NOVA. “Well, I knew why he hadn’t been in class,” she continues, explaining that the student in question had recently lost his mother. “He probably hasn’t been able to get out of bed. And I said, ‘I wish you would have called me, because there is help.’ And he said, ‘Well, I need help.’ So now I’m scrambling to find help for him.”
Were I to close my eyes, I’d take Jill Biden for just about any teacher unburdening in a drab break room. As it happens, however, the view before me is of her well-appointed East Wing office, and through the window beyond, the South Lawn. We’re drinking honey-​ginger tea—delicious—out of dainty china cups. The atmosphere is genteel, redolent of bygone civilities. Mass shootings, MAGA, the war in Gaza, it all feels so very far away. I ask the first lady what books she assigns her students. She reels off a few titles—Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime is a perennial favorite, she says—then notes that, of late, she prefers to assign articles “because books are expensive.”
“And whatever I give them,” she adds, “it has to be short. Because they leave my class and go straight to work, many of them. They may work until eight o’clock, then they have to do my homework, and they might have kids, too, or parents to take care of.” Some of the first lady’s students are immigrants, still polishing their English skills. Others are older women looking to reenter the workforce. A motley bunch, whose varied tales travel back into this ornate room, and from here, not infrequently, to the Executive Residence, and the ear of the president.
“When you’ve spent your life as an educator, grounded in the needs of students, it affects you,” notes Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest labor union. The job entails a certain attunement to the lives of others, and a sense of care. “She gets it,” Pringle adds, simply.
MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Dr. Biden at her alma mater, Upper Moreland High School in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Coach trench coat. The first lady is a longtime member of the NEA. Pringle first connected with her late in the COVID-plagued 2020 campaign—by happenstance, at a socially distanced rally at Upper Moreland High School, the first lady’s alma mater, where a few of the portraits for this story were shot. There’s been such a glut of news since then—the election itself, and January 6, and the invasion of Ukraine, and on and on, that it may be hard to recall the sheer scale of devastation COVID wrought on the American education system, with marginalized communities hit particularly hard by drawn-out school closures. Jill Biden, Pringle believes, helped make emergency funding for compensatory measures, such as tutoring, a top priority as soon as the new administration took office.
“She saw the gaps that emerged during the pandemic, especially with students of color, and her firsthand knowledge of that no doubt had a role to play with support for in-school help,” says Pringle, referring to features of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan for schools, signed by President Biden in March 2021. “So that’s just one example, where her stories connected with real solutions. And that was a five-alarm crisis.”
The stories-to-solutions pipeline isn’t limited to the first lady’s experience in the classroom. She’s long been an advocate for military families—her elder son, Beau, served in Iraq, and she takes the matter personally—and one recent initiative is helping frustrated spouses who have told her how hard it is to hold down a job when their partners get transferred from base to base. She’s pushed to make it easier for those with certain government jobs to work remotely—a small thing, grand scheme, but game-​changing in the context of someone’s actual life. “I said to Joe, ‘This is ridiculous, this is antiquated—what would I do if I couldn’t work?’ And he said, ‘Okay, let’s figure it out.’ ”
“Really, in so many different areas,” she says, “I tell him what I’m seeing, what I’m hearing—and he gets it. And this is where the magic happens.”
“I see her as a first lady in the Eleanor Roosevelt mold—getting out into the community, making sure those voices are getting heard in Washington,” says Dr. Jane O’Meara Sanders, wife of Senator (and ex-​presidential contender) Bernie Sanders, and cofounder of progressive think tank the Sanders Institute. “We’ve worked together on many issues over the years; she’s very compassionate, but she’s also practical. There’s an eye toward: What exactly is the need here? How can we help people?”
“When we were on the campaign trail in 2020, and it got down to our two husbands,” Dr. O’Meara Sanders adds with a laugh, “I used to think, Well, I’d vote for Jill for first lady.”
ON THE ROAD At a campaign stop in Bloomington, Minnesota. Lately, many of the stories Jill Biden has been hearing are focused on women’s health. At his State of the Union address earlier this year, the president announced that the first lady would be leading a new drive to supercharge research into women’s health—historically, an underfunded and understudied area of medicine. He called on Congress to invest $12 billion in the plan, which covers all aspects of female biology, from the teensiest endometrial cell to complex autoimmune disorders.
Dr. Carolyn Mazure, chair of the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, is a veteran in the field, and she has been crisscrossing the country with the first lady, meeting with researchers and other experts. She credits Dr. Biden with being a quick study, and for her knack for rallying far-flung stakeholders in and out of government. “You can already see the interest that’s been galvanized, the pace of change—it’s palpably different,” Dr. Mazure notes. “And, truly, that’s thanks to the first lady.”
One spur for this policy is, of course, Dobbs—the ruling made women’s bodies, and their access to medical care, a matter of frantic public debate. But as Dr. Mazure points out, reproduction is just one aspect of women’s health, and over the span of a lifetime, a rather small part. All cis women go through menopause, for example, and apparently the subject comes up a lot when people meet the first lady—“probably because of my age,” Dr. Biden comments with a smile. A recurring theme is confusion. “How do we deal with hair loss? And bones thinning? And insomnia? Where are our answers? And I went to Joe, and I said, ‘You’ve got to put money into this.’ And you know, he heard it, and he went into action.”
“People don’t mention her when they talk about Biden’s key advisers, but she’s his gut check and his closest confidant,” notes Katie Rogers, White House correspondent for The New York Times and author of the recently published American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, From Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden. “And she really believes in her husband’s ability to get things done for the American people—whether they’re his supporters or not. That’s why she’s fighting so hard for him to get a second term, because there are things they’ve got left on the agenda. And she’s told me she’ll travel twice as much, and fight twice as hard, because of the threats she sees—especially to women.”
“Every campaign is important, and every campaign is hard,” the first lady allows, over our afternoon tea. “Each campaign is unique. But this one, the urgency is different. We know what’s at stake. Joe is asking the American people to come together to draw a line in the sand against all this vitriol.”
Jill Biden believes we can step back from this brink. And see beyond our differences, as she’s always trying to do—in the classroom, and on the trail in this last campaign she’ll undertake on her husband’s behalf. “We don’t need more chaos,” she continues. That’s a story of America she refuses to tell. “Fundamentally, Americans care about each other. And this anger and animosity and divisiveness…it’s not who we are. We’re good people.”
What do we want from a first lady?
The more time I spend around Jill Biden, the more the question bedevils me. There’s no job description; first lady isn’t, technically, a “job.” Everyone who assumes the role makes up its contours for herself. Then we decide whether she’s met the moment.
In the early chapters of her memoir, Where the Light Enters, the young Jill Biden, née Jacobs, doesn’t come across as future first lady material, per se. Smart, willful, but a bit scattershot, like she wasn’t quite sure what to do with her brains or her mettle. Married at 18, blown sideways by divorce. Making her own way in the world, until she met Joe Biden, and took on a charge she wasn’t entirely certain she was capable of: becoming the wife of an ambitious US senator, and mom to two boys still grieving the sudden deaths of their mother and sister. From then on, her life has been a series of such takings-on, navigating headlong through challenges. Never more so, she must have thought at the time, than when she watched her son Beau march off to war in 2008—until, seven years later, when she watched him die. She’s still standing. Usually, in four-inch heels. What I am trying to say is that Jill Biden is very good at meeting a moment.
“You know, Joe’s really the talker, I’m more quiet,” the first lady mentions at one point, during our East Wing chat. For some reason, the comment stays with me, bouncing around my head on the Acela back to New York. Quiet. That word. We live in such loud times. An endless reverberation chamber. So many opinions. So much trauma, so much anger. So many people jockeying to be heard. And no one listening. Except, it seems, Jill Biden.
Wherever we went, I’d see people approach the first lady and open their hearts. They’d tell her about the children they worried about, the bills they struggled to pay. One particular incident stands out to me. We’d gone to Colorado for a roundtable at the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research in Aurora; it so happened that the event coincided with the 25th anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School, not many miles away. So after saying our goodbyes to the worthy scientists, we piled back into the motorcade to make an unannounced stop at the Columbine Memorial, a placid spot in a suburban park. It had been snowing all day, and en route to the Ring of Remembrance, where plaques for each of the victims are mounted, we filed past an older woman in a knit beanie, who was letting flakes pelt down on her as she slumped beside a row of crosses staked in the grass. She eyed us curiously—a large group, with Secret Service agents in tow—then joined our procession.
PAYING RESPECTS At the Columbine Memorial in Littleton, Colorado. As the first lady circled inside the ring, laying flowers, the woman in the beanie approached me.
“Who’s that?”
The first lady, I tell her.
“Can I talk to her?”
I wasn’t sure what to say. I was the wrong person to ask. And this woman—her energy, well, it was weird. A pair of Secret Service agents were ogling her warily. Maybe you should ask them, I suggested; I don’t know the protocol. By this point, the first lady was heading in our direction.
“What, she’s like three feet away and I can’t talk to her?!” She was getting aggressive.
Calm, gentle, the first lady walked up and introduced herself. Shook the woman’s hand. Held it, as the woman told her—in a burst, like she’d been holding it in—how she comes daily to tend those crosses, her private memorial, she’s been doing it for years, and that’s it, that’s all she wanted to say. And Jill Biden listened, gaze steady, taking it in. And then she replied, simply: Thank you. Because that was all that woman needed to hear.
Which brings me back to democracy. There’s a reason all this listening matters: It reflects a belief that all these people matter, every single person across the vast landscape of America, regardless of race or sex or class or creed. And that, by extension, their votes shouldn’t be suppressed, their rights shouldn’t be curtailed, nor their opportunities to flourish hamstrung by policies that favor the select few. And on the other side? Pick your poison. Christian nationalist, nativist, racist, misogynist, queerphobic, neofascist, techno-authoritarian—they boil down to the same idea, which is that some group or other ought to dominate everyone else. All they differ on is who occupies the magic circle. Or, in TV terms, sits on the Iron Throne.
HELLO FROM DENVER “You have to remember, she’s really not a creature of Washington,” says Mary Doody, one of the first lady’s oldest and closest friends. So that’s what Jill Biden is talking about when she says that democracy is on the line in this election. And I guess some folks are willing to roll the dice that they’ll wind up on top in the domination lottery. And perhaps others figure they’ve got nothing to lose. What do you say, I ask the first lady, to people who respond to a “we’ve got to protect democracy” pitch by asking, “Well, what’s democracy done for me lately?”
It’s the first and only time I see her temper spark.
“If people knew what Joe’s done—with the recovery act, and infrastructure, and CHIPS,” she starts, reeling off a few of the president’s first-term accomplishments: the American Rescue Plan of 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (passed the same year), and the CHIPS and Science Act, signed in 2022, crafted to spur domestic manufacture of semiconductors. “If they knew all of that—I mean, the bridge is being built in their city and they don’t know who did it. They don’t know who’s getting the lead out of their water. They don’t know who’s stopping the pipeline going through the parklands. They don’t know.” She seems bewildered by this. But then, where do people even get their news now? TikTok? Some guys’ podcast? “That’s why I’m trying to be out there,” the first lady goes on. “Why we’re all trying. To say, ‘This is what we’ve achieved, and this is how it affects your life.’  ”
“Each campaign is unique,” says the first lady. “But this one, the urgency is different. We know what’s at stake.”
She’s not wrong, of course, when she goes on to point out that people can’t expect her husband to do everything. And he’s managed to do quite a bit more than you’d think possible with a Congress that seems perpetually poised to blow itself up. Nor is she wrong when she reminds me that when the Bidens moved into the White House, COVID was still at full blast. “We were so slammed,” she says. “We’d never experienced anything like that. Financially, emotionally, socially—every aspect of our lives was affected. And Americans want things fixed fast. Well, it’s happening. Look at where we are now. Things are better. They’re still getting better. It takes time to stand things up again."
If her frustration is palpable, so is her empathy for Americans who are frustrated, too. “Look, I know that food prices are up,” she goes on. “I go to the grocery store when I’m in Wilmington. And I raised three kids, and did the food shopping for how many years before we got to this job? It’s not like I don’t know.”
It so happens that the same week I was traveling with the first lady, the Labor Department issued a new rule expanding overtime coverage to 4.3 million additional workers—the first meaningful change to the policy in decades. This probably didn’t make it into your X-formerly-known-as-Twitter feeds, but it goes to show that there are ways of addressing cost-of-living crunches aside from swatting down headline inflation.
“Joe Biden has been a very effective president for the working class,” says Dr. O’Meara Sanders. “And on a lot of other fronts too—he’s put a ton of money into renewables, he’s taken on student debt and the cost of prescription drugs. He’s made a lot of great appointments. I could go on.”
While I’ve got her on the phone, I ask Dr. O’Meara Sanders about the protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza who were present at several of the first lady’s campaign events—and how she responds to people on the left who intend to sit out this election over the issue. She sighs.
“Look, protest is essential in our democracy. And that’s what we’re fighting for—to have a democracy that supports that. You’ve got to think ahead.” That said, she adds, the same strategic and moral calculus applies to Democrats angry at Joe Biden for not supporting Israel enough. Everyone is entitled to vote their conscience, but if/when chips fall, can they live with the consequences?
“We could have an authoritarian country,” Dr. O’Meara Sanders continues. “That’s what’s up for a vote. So I guess what I’d say is—out of the frying pan, into what?”
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to exercise,” Jill Biden says to me, from her makeup chair the day of the Vogue photo shoot. It is late April in DC, and we were meant to do a SoulCycle class, but the plan got nixed so she could spend some time at home—home home, in Wilmington—with her husband. “It’s not that often Joe and I get to have a whole morning together, just coffee, you know, talking….” It says something about a decades-long marriage when spouses are genuinely eager to be around each other; in that moment, I feel I’ve gleaned a bit of Jill Biden’s inner life.
VIEW FROM THE GROUND “Look at where we are now," says Dr. Biden. "Things are better. They’re still getting better. It takes time to stand things up again.” Here’s the thing: Jill Biden is personable, a great hang, but she’s not immediately personal. I respect that about her. Days ago, we were strangers. Intimacy would be inauthentic. She’s happy to answer questions—go-to clothes for traveling (knit Gabriela Hearst dresses, has ’em in every color); book enjoyed recently (Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver)—but the deep self emerges only in flashes. At one point over tea, for example, we find ourselves talking about the American health care system—how byzantine and intimidating it can be. Yes, she agrees, and of course things have gotten better, because of the Affordable Care Act, but it’s still unfinished business, and that’s something her husband intends to tackle in a second term. “We are well-versed,” she adds, her eyes darting toward a painting by her desk—a watercolor of two half-unlaced combat boots.
“Those are Beau’s boots,” she says. Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015. For a second—just a second—it’s like she’s back there, in that hospital room. Then she returns to the present, and tells me that her memories of being overwhelmed by the medical system, in the course of Beau’s treatment, led directly to new insurance coverage for patient navigation services, so that other people won’t feel quite so lost and alone.
Jill Biden, I begin to suspect, doesn’t want to talk about her feelings. Less out of self-protectiveness than a conviction that at this moment, in this context, her feelings are not the point. The American people are the point. She’s quick to flip the camera around, as it were, as if to say—don’t look at me; look at what I see. Likewise, whatever may roil beneath the surface, she has chosen to respond to attacks on her family by putting the public’s needs first—maintaining a silent dignity as her son Hunter was convicted in a Delaware federal court on gun charges in June, and letting justice take its course.
“At her core, she’s a private person,” says senior adviser to the first lady Anthony Bernal, who has been close to Dr. Biden in some capacity since 2008. “Her family means everything to her—so of course, you could say her ‘Philly’ kicks in when her family gets attacked. It’s cruel. What mother wouldn’t feel that? Especially after everything they’ve gone through, all that tragedy and loss.”
There are loved ones the first lady opens up to, and places she feels totally free to be herself. Her eyes light up talking about the family beach house in Rehoboth, her favorite place in the world; she can cycle outside on the shore there, in the mornings. She���s an early riser. “That really creates a sense of peace for me,” she says, adding, with a gesture out her office window toward the DC skyline beyond, “I want to bring a bike down here, and ride on the canal….”
“You have to remember, she’s really not a creature of Washington,” says Mary Doody, one of the first lady’s oldest and closest friends. “When she first went to DC when Joe was vice president, she looked at it as an opportunity she didn’t want to waste—and now, even more so, there are so many things they want to accomplish. But she misses ‘normal.’ Going fabric shopping. Having lunch, going to nurseries together and looking at plants. Those kinds of things. She wants him to be reelected, because there’s more to do, but I guarantee you, when he leaves office, they won’t keep an apartment in DC. They’ll be home and happy to be home.”
In the meantime, however, there is one last campaign—and FLOTUS is on the march. Rallying supporters. Launching a revolution in women’s health research. Listening to the people of America—and asking, this once, that they listen back. Because what she’s saying is that the message has gotten through. The change is happening. Maybe not as fast as they’d like, and maybe not in quite the ways they’d imagined, but then, that’s how things work in a big, fractious democracy.
There’s a version of political power that operates the way a motorcade does—slicing through empty roads, flouting rules, making regular folks wait behind barricades. And there’s a version of political power as Jill Biden embodies it, and as she expressed it at the Women for Biden event in Bloomington. This is power from the ground up, built on listening and coalition building. “They underestimate our power because they don’t understand it,” the first lady told the crowd. “They see our empathy and compassion as a vulnerability. But we know they’re what give us the clarity to fight for what’s right.” And in so doing, chip away at the hard problems. That’s the gig. Negotiate, reconsider your assumptions, and sometimes, agree to disagree, agree to lose. Only a tyrant would say otherwise.
The August issue is here featuring Jill Biden. Subscribe to Vogue.
THE LISTENER Michael Kors Collection shirt. Irene Neuwirth earring. In this story: hair, Sally Hershberger; makeup, Fulvia Farolfi; tailor, Carol Ai.
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
This Summer
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Guess who’s back with another yoongi fic featuring my favourite trope so here’s another brother’s best friend au, I wanted to try a different setting for this one since I like summer camp aus a lot (and there’s not enough of it on this site I tell you) and I never did something similar to this also I’m sorry that there will be mistakes in here because I wrote this in three days but I’ll proofread it once I have the energy.
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🏕️Title: ‹This Summer›
🏕️Pairing: ‹brother’s best friend and camp counsellor! yoongi x new camp counsellor! reader ft. brother and camp counsellor! hoseok›
🏕️Genre: ‹brother’s best friend, summer camp, camp counsellor, romance, fluff, angst, smut, idiots to lovers›
🏕️Summary: ‹This summer you’re going to stop liking min yoongi for good. The plan is flawless until it’s not (but you’re not the only one with plans.)›
🏕️Warnings: ‹smut, making out, oral (both parties) receiving, penetrative sex, condom sex, dirty talk, yoongi is jealous of jungkook having your boobs against his chest, y/n avoids yoongi like it’s her life mission for like 5k straight, a lot of angst but there will be fluff too so don’t worry, awkward tension, sexual tension, clueless hobi, everyone is stupid in this, jungkook likes meddling with y/n’s life a little bit too much, poor tae facing yoongi’s wrath without any reason lol›
🏕️Word count: ‹12.3k›
🏕️Masterlist l read radio sweethearts if you want another brother's best friend yoongi l enjoy!
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Your brother is a ticking time bomb, no one knows when he’s going to take something into his head, he’s that annoying sibling that’s always full of energy and twists everyone around his pinky finger on family dinners. You love him with your whole heart, considering you ripped that mean girl’s hair out in elementary school when she called your baby brother (who is older than you but shh) ugly and made him cry.
Hoseok and you are polar opposites he’s cheery and positive always have a big smile on his face, ready to help all the old ladies with heavy shopping bags cross the street while you’re on the quiet side and often misunderstood.
It’s easy to see on holiday dinners and get-togethers that your relatives favour him over you because you’re less talkative and friendly, he has better achievements in life whilst you struggle with school but those you’re close with know the real you and awkward conversations about your nonexistent boyfriend because you’re so deeply in love with your brother’s best friend is not the best ice breaker your distant grandmas try to pull on you. Even so, when Yoongi decides to tag along to those said dinners accompanied by his parents and little sister, might just hell break loose.
The second man who basically acts like he lives in your house is your best friend slash knight in shining armour and partner in crime; simply named Jeon Jungkook for good measure who is your next-door neighbour. You have tons of unforgettable memories with him as he was the one you went to prom with, annoyed all the teachers on field trips with your loud rap battles and cried on each other's shoulders as you graduated high school together.
Your friendship with him came as a surprise to all your family members as they originally thought your brother and him will become close but instead, he spent most of his time with you while yoongi and hoseok with their other friends hang out separately. On rare occasions, your group would mix and go to see a popular movie or play games at the arcade on someone’s birthday.
Summer usually is the time when things are a little slow. No assignments to do or classes to attend, your brother leaves in early July for this summer camp that’s half a day far away from your home with his friends and the last two summers even Jungkook applied to be a camp counsellor as he likes to be surrounded by kids and nature just like your brother does so literally, everyone left for some time leaving you alone in your hometown with nothing to do but it was better this way because away from Hoseok meant that Yoongi will be far away too.
Your brother tries to persuade you every year to go with them but you always have to decline, sometimes your no is firmer than other times because Hoseok is excellent at using his puppy eyes on you.
However, this summer you had other plans. There’s no bell to ring once the last class is dismissed for the semester, tired from your finals you’re going to dedicate at least a week to catch up on your sleep and fix your eating habits but you have a big smile on your face as you climb into Jungkook’s run-down Ford slamming the car door behind your body since they don’t function properly sometimes. This car is his prized possession, got it for his 18th birthday after he successfully passed his test (at the forth try) and bragged about his driving license to you for over two weeks although you only dared to sit next to him after two months. Jungkook named his car Adonis and forbid you of disrespecting his little baby if you want to ever get a lift so you let him be.
Back to your important inner turmoil, you decided you will no longer simp over Min Yoongi your brother’s best friend and this summer you’ll get over him as a grown-up woman. Being in your second year at the local University that all the boys attend it’s surprisingly easy to avoid your brother and his friends and how everyone’s schedule seems to be so packed all the time during the semester, you don’t see them as much as you used to in high school.
”This was your last final, right?” Jungkook turns the ignition key ready to leave this hellhole of a place, holding your headrest with one hand as he turns to see the back of the car so he can back out of the parking lot without any accidents. You grab the smoothie from the cup holder before humming in agreement and take a sip whilst taking in your best friend’s features you haven’t seen for the past week.
”As soon as I get home I’m going to sleep till the next century.” Your dramatic response earns a chuckle and a jab to your left boob as he didn’t take his eyes off the road while delivering his hit. Jungkook wears his signature white tee with a pair of dark blue jeans no traces are left of the stress both of you went under, he was luckier than you as his finals ended a week ago.
”School sucks, we couldn’t even have fun together and I’m leaving next week. I’m going to miss you, you know. You really won’t come with us?” He tried to make you rethink your decision just like your brother but not even his bambi eyes can waver your summer plans, this time you fully intend to have one more Min Yoongiless summer, this silly crush you have on your brother’s best friend can’t continue.
”There’s always one place left for you at the camp Y/N. Hoseok would love to see you there too and we could spend so much time together.” The idea of spending a few weeks with Jungkook sounds nice but a voice in your head reminds you that Yoongi will be there too. He could be yelling at children and wear his trademark grumpy expression but you would still find something attractive about him. The worst part is that he’s never like that with you.
Yoongi is not as talkative as Jungkook or Hoseok, making him be more like you, at first you thought that your crush developed because he seemed to understand you in a different way your brother couldn’t. He cares for his friends, always making sure to show them by doing thoughtful gestures.
Hoseok tells his friends all the time that you and him are a package deal it’s either both of you or none of you, sometimes people have a problem with that but these five boys he hangs out with for years now are the good exception. You like them even though you don’t like all of Hoseok’s friends.
”I’m sorry Koo but I can’t, we talked about this before.” It’s not like you hate children because you don’t you’re not the best with them but they are ok, the heatwave is what you despise in summer camps. You love being in an air-conditioned place without bug bites all-around your ankles and not even the campfire with yummy marshmallows could persuade you to like outdoor activities.
Summer camps are just not your thing.
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”What do you mean you signed me up?” The black t-shirt slips through your fingertips, it has a band logo at the front you remember Hoseok liked back in high school, his suitcase is halfway filled with clothes when he decided to tell you he faked your signature to sign you up as the new summer camp counsellor.
You admit that you have a weird talent for making nice origamis that kids would probably love to learn and a good addition to the routine activities, he would have swayed you with compliments if it weren’t for the fact that he faked your signature and signed you up for something you definitely said no to but still decided to do it without your permission. You heard nice things about the camp itself since it got renovated two years ago and Hoseok’s friends are nice people, he said their co-workers are nice people and your best friend would be there too, don’t get the wrong impression there, you even heard that the camp leader Seokjin is nice and a fun person not strict at all unless it concerns the kid's safety because he will not allow that.
”Don’t be mad, please. Jungkook and I just thought that this could be a fun experience for you, things will get busy next year so it’s going to be the last summer together like this. Pretty please?”
You sighed defeatedly as you can’t possibly say no to that when he phrases it like that. Hoseok looks at you with his round big eyes full of hope. Your summer plan was flawless until…it’s not.
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Jungkook came almost knocking down your front door when you called him to come over after you were finally done helping Hoseok finish packing for the trip, you scolded your best friend for not stopping your brother as soon as he learned his scheme about ruining your summer plans you felt furious but he picked up on his way over to your house your favourite coffee flavoured candies and it made you forgive him too easily as you were soon munching on the treat.
It’s a huge disadvantage on your part that he knows your preferences so well. Now you can understand why he always seems so frustrated with you when you make him his favourite dish to get him to forgive you, this is just too much power to have over someone and when he crushes you with his tight hug listing out the things the two of you can do at the camp all of your remaining anger vanishes.
You will think about Min Yoongi later.
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That later, however, comes sooner than you anticipated. Sitting on the kitchen stool drinking your coffee while all Hoseok’s noisy friends get a fill of breakfast and a cup of coffee, you have the unfortunate fate of housing all the boys to dine before getting on the road and after a lost rock, paper, scissors thanks to your brother’s ridiculous bad luck you become the host.
The kitchen got filled with animated chit-chats as they place a toast or two on their plates over the noises you almost don’t hear Jungkook next to you asking for the jam but you pass him the jar silently. Yoongi and Jimin are the only ones missing from the group because Yoongi has to drive Jimin to his parent’s place to pick up his car that he got repaired recently so they were running a bit late.
Namjoon is a new addition to the group after Hoseok met him in Uni so you don’t know him that well but he’s nice as far as you’re concerned, you talked to him a few times and his interesting topics never fail to entertain you. Jin steals a toast from Namjoon’s plate so he doesn’t need to get up and fetch one for himself but Namjoon looks too tired to care as he munches on his remaining one toast that his friend can’t steal because it’s halfway in his mouth.
Seokjin’s parents run the bakery on the main road so everyone knows him, he got introduced to the friend group when you were still in high school and you and Jungkook were regulars at the shop. Jin always sneaked a pair of baguettes for the two of you exclusively after you were finished with school.
It’s nice to see all these familiar faces after the stressful semester you had, momentarily forgetting about your problems you feel thankful that Hoseok went out of his way to ruin your plans and sign you up for this train wreck of an adventure, it’s been a while since everyone was together like this.
The doorbell rang interrupting Jungkook and Seokjin’s argument about who’s going to get the last toast piece but Hoseok perked up at the sound yelling excitedly that Yoongi and Jimin are here. Your brother quickens his pace after rising from his seat to open the door for them and grins when they step through the threshold.
Greetings are exchanged between friends and the place becomes livelier as the last pieces decide to join the puzzle, Jimin sees you first and knocks into Jungkook’s shoulder while he tries to get to you to give you a warm hug.
It’s been a while since you last saw Yoongi face to face, you’re added to the boy's group chat so in some depth you knew how he’s doing. He has been over at your house a few times hanging out with Hoseok but you always stayed late inside the library on the days he visited using the weak excuse that you need to catch up on school work so you had no chance of crossing paths with him coincidently while you were searching for a glass of water in the kitchen it’s humiliating enough that he saw you exit your bathroom wearing only a towel when you were a teenager.
Your curves became more defined and your body matured a lot over the years and knowing that he saw you like that when you had no ass or boobs. It’s embarrassing. Hoseok liked you that way because it meant no man would thirst over you as he liked to call it. The memory of him telling the boys that you’re off-limits and made them swear at the ’bro code’ to stay away from you is crystal clear in your mind even if now you are in your twenties.
The memory only makes your situation difficult as Yoongi probably doesn’t feel the same way.
As soon as Jimin steps back and releases you from the hug he has Jungkook in a headlock the next second, wrestling with the younger playfully, Jungkook is probably the closest to Jimin after you.
”Hey, it’s nice to see you.”
Yoongi has a half-smile on his face as he approaches you hesitantly pulling you into a hug like Jimin did but his approach is more gentle and careful as he pats your back with featherlight touches. His scent envelops your senses tuning out everything else that’s not him, it feels like forever that you hugged him, normally the two of you greet each other but rarely hug like this.
”Yeah, you too.” You murmur the words into his shoulder but he must have heard you because the side of his lips turned slightly upwards after you separate.
There are two cars available for the eight of you and Seokjin yells that it’s a matter of a game of rock, paper, scissors and everyone agrees as this is the common way your group chose who is riding with who.
”Easy, the losers ride with Jimin and the winners with Yoongs.” Jungkook is the first one to initiate the rules and everyone agrees except Jimin who whines about why he takes the losers but no one pays attention as the bloody battle starts. The first contestants are Namjoon and Hoseok and your brother ends up loosing while yelling like a banshee and making up excuses that he wanted to show rock and not paper as Namjoon choose scissors as his weapon.
You come up next with Jungkook as your opponent and you let a wicked smile appear on your face because no one knows him better than you, you know his move before he even thinks it through and you show paper getting your well-deserved victory.
Just later you realise that winners ride with Yoongi that you reconsider your decision, you were so caught up in your rivalry that’s your friendship’s base foundation with Jungkook at this point that it slipped your mind entirely.
Taehyung and Jin are the last ones to compete and the battle ends with Taehyung winning the last space in Yoongi’s car leaving Seokjin to dramatically kneel like a wounded soldier making fake sobbing noises. Taehyung ends up changing seats with Jungkook last moment and finally, everything is set to get going.
Jungkook and Namjoon take over the backseat as they loaded their luggage at lightning speed so they can claim their spot first leaving you with the only option to have the passenger seat at the front.
Yoongi obviously got behind the steering wheel entrusted with the task of operating the car throughout this long drive to the summer camp sight. Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok got into Jimin’s car like it was decided by the game.
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The camp is bigger than you expected and the renovations got the place a little modern touch to it while still maintaining a close feel to nature with all the wooden houses and trees around but your favourite part is the lake at the far end of the campsite.
You share a room with a girl counsellor that spends her second year here, still, relatively new like yourself so it’s easy to befriend her. The campers will arrive the next day early in the morning Areum informs you as you two walk to the dining area to have the first meeting before everything starts.
By the end of the day, everyone knows you’re Hoseok’s little sister and new people approach you every now and then to confirm the facts and know a little bit more about you since everyone seems to like your noisy brother here (not that it surprises you), it looks like the counsellors are excited to start a new summer here and the atmosphere easily pulls you in, you watch Jimin and Jungkook have a water fight just to catch in the corner of your eye the figure of your brother pushing an unsuspecting Seokjin into the lake when he stands too close to the edge.
The day goes by like a flash as you hang out with Areum, she shows you her favourite places that consists of the greenhouse and the other side of the lake where there are built benches and tables for outdoor picnics.
Jungkook pouts during dinner fake crying that you replaced him and you have to forcefully spoon feed him to stop him from embarrassing you in front of all these unfamiliar people that gathered to have some quiet dinner. So everything goes smoothly, you have such a great time that it scares you.
It’s getting pretty late when all counsellors gather around the campfire to roast marshmallows and catch up with each other’s lives, you’re still new so you use this time to get to know Areum a little bit more since you and her are going to be responsible for entertaining the kids inside the art room alongside with Taehyung who teaches the kids how to paint.
You tell her about your silly hobby that landed you this job and she gets really excited to see your origami creations, you show the same enthusiasm when she reveals her major is classical statuary.
Even though Yoongi was always nearby it got easy to ignore his existence when so many new things surrounded you. It didn’t mean he fully left your thoughts throughout the day but made you feel that sense of false security that you could get over him. That all those years of pinning for your brother’s best friend could just vanish if you told your heart to stop skipping beats when he calls your name. Boose soon gets introduced to the mix and by the time midnight rolls around everyone is pleasantly buzzed and when Jungkook enters the state that he hangs off of you like a koala nuzzling his cheek into the crook of your neck you decided to call it a night.
You wake up with your head thumping inside your skull slightly feeling hangover; your roommate is in a similar state as you two approach the dining room getting small slices of bread to make a light sandwich.
You’re mid-bite into your food when you see Yoongi enter, walking alongside with your brother he catches your gaze sooner than you were able to look away and after they get their fills on their trays your loud brother flops down next to you with the loudest greeting that he could possibly muster up alerting everyone in the ten-metre radius.
Yoongi and you groan at the same time telling him to shut up like it’s a scripted response and your eyes meet for the barest of seconds before you focus on your half-eaten sandwich.
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It’s hard not to look at him. Despite his gruff exterior, he’s very good at dealing with children, your activity where kids can learn how to fold origami is always after his cookie baking lesson and he smells like rough cookie dough and chocolate ship when he leads the kids into the art room where you would have all the coloured papers ready at each desk and folded a sample beforehand so they can use it as a reference if the instructions don’t look clear enough in the printed page.
The idea for this lesson formed last night, you were up all night as you researched on the internet how to fold hearts. It kept you up till the sun rose as you were trying out every folding technique that would look pretty but easier to do for the kids, you even accidentally cut your finger with the scissor while you were working using only the faint light from the lamp on the bedside table.
Yoongi greets you like he usually would wearing a little smile at the corners as he lets the kids inside first holding the door open for them, he always leaves silently after he delivered the campers to the art room but this time the door slides closed behind his form as he got dragged into the room by a kid named Minsung holding onto Yoongi’s hand he stood awkwardly while everyone else had a decided seat to take.
”Can Yoongi join us today Y/N?” Minsung asks holding Yoongi’s hand as he leads him further into the art room and every kid looks expectantly at you waiting for you to agree and seeing their faces you nod with a smile pulling out the chair next to you beckoning the embarrassed man to sit beside you.
He didn’t think you would say yes if he’s being honest. After you finished high school and he and Hoseok went to University and got busy with life he started to see you less and less, at first he didn’t think much of it but after some time it looked like that you’re actively avoiding him.
He has no idea why (that’s what eats him from the inside out on sleepless nights) he doesn’t remember saying or doing something that would make you upset and even now when you keep bumping into each other you seem skittish around him and he doesn’t like that, hence he even talked to Hoseok about this and your own brother couldn’t give him an answer why you started avoiding him.
”Do you know how to fold origami?” You ask him slipping papers in front of him as soon as he seats himself beside you, your heart beats inside your chest violently when you get enveloped in his scent yet again reminding you of the hug you shared that you’re afraid he’s going to hear it.
”I barely know how to fold my clothes.” The nervous joke lightens the mood as the kids laugh loudly the poor attempt at making you be more comfortable with him earns a little snort that makes a blush creep up your face rapidly in embarrassment but Yoongi thinks you sound adorable. You think you sounded like a troll.
”It’s fine I’ll help you.” Your little smile is still there even though your eyes are no longer on Yoongi as you focus on the kids, you tell them first what they will make and then go into detail how they can fold it while using the instructions and clearing some of the confusing images for them to understand it better. Lastly, you encourage them to not be afraid to ask if they have questions and you’ll gladly help them. It falls silent after as everyone gets absorbed in their work and you start making extra origamis for the children as usual until someone needs help.
Yoongi looks intent on finding out using the illustrations how to proceed and even though your instructions were pretty clear and well detailed he couldn’t figure out how to do it, he wastes two papers before he even got to the third step.
You see him struggling and he clearly gets worked up over it considering the number of creases appearing on his forehead once you get back to your desk after helping a kid figure out the instructions you move your chair closer getting his attention with the movement, your knees touch in the process but neither of you makes any moves to instal more distance between your bodies.
”Can I show you?” You reach for the scrambled paper but stop midway to look up and ask for permission.
Yoongi nods his head sliding the mess closer to you, observing as you unfold the paper and restart making more accurate lines and you immediately see what’s wrong with his shape. His measurements are off, even when he folded the paper in half that seemed uneven because he tried to fold it in one go and the paper sometimes moves around if you’re not careful enough.
After you fixed it and slid the paper to be in front of him you tell him your advice in a soft-spoken way. Heart still hammering inside your chest due to the closeness you share. ”Don’t rush through the steps, take your time while you fold it.” Your fingers touch briefly when you pass him the paper and you resume your working so it would take away from the embarrassment of how loud your heart beats because of him.
He looks so good today wearing a black oversized t-shirt with small prints in the front and even when his hair is damp with sweat his smile is able to melt your resolves any time you gaze up at those dark eyes.
Kids can be very attentive and they easily see how Y/N looks so smitten with Yoongi if those stolen sideway glances are anything to go by, every time he shows up you became a nervous ball of a mess it’s not rocket science to know you have a huge crush on the boy, the only mystery that campers can’t figure out is why you tiptoe around each other when Yoongi doesn’t seem indifferent either.
They often catch him looking at you as they run around the campsite during leisure activities led by Hoseok.
Minsung and Soohyung share a knowing smile as they watch them fold origami and it’s not overlooked by either of them when you focus back to do your work and Yoongi takes glances in your direction mesmerized by you, the task seems easy when he watches you do it.
A knock is followed by the appearance of your camp leader Seokjin leaning onto the doorframe interrupting your little bubble, looking at the kids with a fond expression before he addresses Yoongi and they leave together to discuss something, the activity is almost over as you learn glancing at the clock and Jungkook soon appears where Jin was a little while ago to get the kids.
Jungkook and your brother are the ones responsible for the outdoor activities and at the end of the day not only the kids are tired but their counsellors too by constantly running around to ensure everyone's safety.
Yoongi wanted to talk to you and help you clean up, have a real conversation in private, but things never turn out as he wants them to there seems to be always an obstacle standing between you two so he follows Jin to discuss a camp-related issue while he wishes he could spend a little more time with you.
If only you would tell him what he did wrong so he can fix it, this awkward state you two got stuck in makes him sad for some reason.
There was a time when you were greeting him with a big smile on your face and ask him about his day, he vividly remembers your chubbier cheeks and crooked teeth when you were younger but he doesn’t mind your feminine growth over the years, Yoongi always thought you will grow up to be a beautiful woman.
He remembers your prom dress, it was in a navy blue colour that complimented your fuller curves he only started to notice in your last year in high school, Jungkook posed beside you like you were Mr and Mrs Smith as your parents took pictures of you two and he found himself smiling fondly at you.
It was Hoseok’s birthday when the air shifted from platonic to something else in the short span of ten seconds, both of you were a little tipsy and you were sitting at a corner table together because neither of you wanted to hit the dance floor, the bar was packed and guys tried to hit on you numerous times just to be chased away by your brother’s antics.
You didn’t seem to mind that he prevented every guy from making a move on you and as you were all alone in a small booth chest to chest to hear each other over the loud music while you tried to tell him a story about Jungkook choking on fries at Mcdonalds when the waitress suddenly slipped her number scribbled onto a napkin trying not to ugly laugh yourself. His nose accidentally bumped into yours as he suppressed a laugh and if the others didn’t choose that exact moment to take a breather and have more drinks he thinks he would have probably kissed you right then and there.
The other time he felt something different while he was around you was when you and his friends took a trip to Busan to see the sea and you wore that one piece bikini, the bottom and top half were connected by a line of fabric but let your sides and hips be visible under the little clothing you had on.
Guys turned their heads when you passed them and he couldn’t even blame them like Hoseok because he looked at you a few times as well trying to seem as subtle as he possibly can since Hoseok otherwise would have killed him knowing that his best friend was ogling at his little sister.
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”Don’t you dare!” Your yelling draws the attention of the kids and counsellors equally that’s how loud you are as your best friend approaches your form sitting under the umbrella trying to cool yourself down since today’s temperate is insanely (and unreasonably) hot. ”When we get home I’ll draw all your action figures a moustache using permanent markers. I’m not joking stop right there!”
Your horrific expression is validated since Jungkook has this shit-eating grin on his face when he’s about to do something you’ll most definitely not like, knowing him from your early stage of childhood when he was just a lanky anime fanatic and you were flat like a wooden board with huge pimples you’re an expert at distinguishing his different expressions and actions.
”You’re cute to think that will stop me.” Jungkook chuckles grabbing you by the waist as he drapes you over his shoulder effortlessly walking with you to the edge of the lake despite your efforts to break free from his grip, your friend jumps into the water with you still firmly clinging onto his body. The kids around you laugh at your friendly banter as you rise from the water like a lake monster and you duck Jungkook’s head underwater to make him pay for your ruined clothes and makeup.
Coming to help you, Jimin manoeuvres his boat next to you and stretches his hand out followed by a big grin to drag you out of the lake but it appears to be more difficult as you two almost flip over but you manage to unceremonially flop down next to him dragging your fingers through your hair to get the hairs out of your face.
”You really want war, Jeon. Just you wait but don’t blame me if I shave your hair off while you’re sleeping.” Coughing between your threatening words Jimin starts patting your back, rubbing your spine to help you feel better.
Jimin oars closer to the dock and you land your feet on the ground again without any more incidents occurring while Jungkook swims all the way, making comments about your appearance making the campers giggle alongside with him as your face gets warmer, once both of you are secure on land Jungkook hugs you close despite your distaste, your clothes cling to your body uncomfortably and droplets from his hair land on your cheek as he moulds your bodies together.
”Let me go, I’m not talking to you.” You try to push him away but instead of letting you go he scoops you up from the ground and spins you around, begging for your forgiveness but you don’t give in so easily.
Yoongi observes the scenes before him with a sour expression, he doesn’t even realise how he glares at Jungkook holding you that close to him while both of you are dripping of lake water, your boobs are entirely pushed against his chest as your best friend giggles midst of you struggling to break free.
Next to him Hoseok sits relaxed in his chair sipping his cold drink, shaking his head in faux amusement happy to see you have a good time here, your brother is normally very protective of you when it comes to guys but with Jungkook he knows that you guys are just best friends it’s hard to see you two otherwise when he witnessed your first period crying onto Jungkook’s shoulder that you’re going to bleed out and your poor friend almost dragged you to the hospital because he thought you were being real but soon learned that you overdramatise things when it’s that time of the month.
He often finds you in a weird position while you watch tv with Jungkook’s head on your tummy because the pressure and warmth of his head make the pain more bearable cuddling under blankets because you get needy when you’re on your period, your brother knows all of this because when your best friend is unavailable he has to fill the space and lay his head on your stomach until the feeling goes away.
He had his doubts in the early stage of your budding friendship when you first started to hang out with each other because things can get weird easily between friends if they are not the same gender but Jungkook proved to Hoseok multiple times that he supports you and would walk through fire for you. Nothing happened between you two in romantic aspects, there was no shift, even though someone who doesn’t see you daily interacting with him would assume something is going on.
”I’m going to change.” You announce to no one in particular, the way your shirt clings to your curves as you’re surrounded by male counsellors you don’t know adds extra pressure and their eyes on you make you uncomfortably fidget in place, your make up is probably smudged on your face giving you a panda effect.
”Wear this your bra is showing.” Jungkook gives you his wet shirt but the black material conceals your body to look decent enough and you thank him he could easily sense your distress and he feels a little bad that he pulled that trick on you. He had to coax you into wearing that bikini at the beach last year buttering you up with compliments so the two of you could finally get going, he knows better than anyone that you’re shy and insecure about your body if someone you don’t know sees you, you don’t hate your body but it makes you feel anxious if some stranger looks at you like you’re his meal for the evening and he totally gets it.
He glares at every single one of them who looks at you inappropriately alongside your brother who shares the same sentiment as him. You deserve to be treated right, that’s why he was super angry once you told him about your first time, that guy just stuck it in without making you cum.
Hoseok doesn’t know, however, you only told Jungkook about your unpleasant experience when you were tipsy, you had to tell him at a house party while playing truth or dare, you had to share something he didn’t know and considering he’s your best friend not much was there to confess. You hoped that he was drunk enough to forget about it the next day but he surprised you with ice cream and you talked it out with him, he can be immature sometimes though when the situation needs him to be serious he’s there for you. He never once made fun of you for something you felt insecure or not confident about.
Areum takes in your dishevelled look as soon as you step through the entrance of your current accommodation, opting for a quick shower to wash the dirty lake water off your skin you tell her what happened vaguely before disappearing behind the bathroom door and she snickers silently seeing your grumpy face.
Jungkook marches to the seat next to Hoseok the playful glint is still there as he rakes his fingers through his hair shaking the droplets out of his locks like a dog and the way female colleagues eye him didn’t go unnoticed by either Yoongi or Hoseok for that matter. Your best friend is not as dense as you think he is because for a while now he connected the dots why you seem to avoid Yoongi at all cost.
It shocked him at first but now observing your interactions closely he calls himself a fool that he didn’t realise it sooner. Your best friend knows about the ’you can’t woo my baby sister’ rule because it’s applied to him as well, Hoseok cornered him one day after you left to bring up snacks for a movie night and told him awfully descriptive outcomes what will happen to him if he tries anything on you all the while he pushed him against your lavender walls, that day he learned that smiley Hoseok can be scary sometimes.
It’s been years and his overprotectiveness lessened because you dated guys here and there and Hoseok was always supportive of you and your soon-to-be boyfriends, but you didn’t go to second dates with any of them.
He found it strange at first but after he found out about your little crush on your brother’s best friend some things clicked and your behaviour wasn’t soo odd anymore, Jungkook didn’t read too much into it at first because he thought it’s going to be a fleeting flame but it’s been years that you harbour feelings for the older man.
Yoongi was a harder nut to crack because he’s better at masking his feelings than you but he can see how his eyes linger on you when he thinks no one’s looking, his slip-ups are subtle ones and it would go over his head if he wouldn’t be so tuned in searching for his reactions.
His gut feeling tells him Yoongi feels the same way you do (his face might not be as expressive but his eyes are sparkling every time he finds you in the crowd) although he can’t be one hundred percent sure, the benefit of the doubt that makes him keep question every move and look he throws your way his confusing actions indicates that even Yoongi doesn’t know how he truly feels about you so Jungkook didn’t bring up the subject because he’s not sure how to approach this without making this more complicated.
He doesn’t want to give you hope when he can’t guarantee his intuition is right so he choose to silently observe and let things unfold naturally but it gets harder with time to ignore how you two are dancing around each other like idiots. Well, at least before now you straight out refuse to be in the same room as him.
At this point, he’s convinced that neither of you is going to make a move to let the other know about your romantic feelings, he wanted to respect the fact that you didn’t want him to know about your feelings towards your brother’s best friend but enough is enough and he’s tired of seeing you avoid the matter for another year like this.
His plan so far doesn’t seem to work, he convinced Hoseok to sign you up for the camp against your will but things don’t go forward as you keep avoiding the problem so he needs to give both of you a little push from the sidelines to end this.
He doesn’t like the idea of you hurting if he’s being wrong about this but the rejection would be better than living in denial, not knowing if he reciprocates your feelings, he hates seeing you cry but he’ll be there to kick ass and support you. Jungkook makes up his mind and calls Hoseok’s name to grab his attention.
”What do you think about one of your friends dating Y/N?”
Hoseok’s brow raises in question and Yoongi’s body stiffens at the mention trying to seem unaffected but Jungkook detects the slight change in his demeanour. ”Why do you ask? You’re not in love with my sister, are you Jeon?” He can’t stop laughing as he hears Hoseok accusing him immediately, he gets comfortable in his seat before answering. Waiting a little before responding to get a dramatic effect, he spends too much time with you as he realises he picked up some of your theatrical approaches.
”God, no. She’s my best friend I know too much about her to think like that.” His laughing subdues into small chuckles, he saw you at your worst and best moments, seen you naked by accident. You’re beautiful and funny but he doesn’t see you as a woman. Yoongi’s eyebrow twitches at the mention of ’knowing too much’ but Jungkook’s next words are the final blow for him to grip the armrest.
”I heard Taehyung is gonna ask her out and I wanted to know what you think about it.” Hoseok schools his features quickly after that, he didn’t know Taehyung liked you like that but he has no right to control your life or tell you who you can consider as a potential love interest. You can like whoever you want, he tried to show you his support when you introduced some of your dates to him and he’s going to keep his promise even when it comes to his friends.
You were always close but after he began to tell you who you can or can’t see your relationship became distant until he realised his mistakes, you forgave him easily because you love your brother a lot and he loves you just as much so after a heartfelt conversation between the two of you he promised not to do that to you ever again.
You’re aware he did this to protect you because you’re his precious little sister and big brothers could get unreasonably overprotective so after you almost drifted apart and even though you two talked it out. The fact that because of a boy you argued with Hoseok you decided you’ll never act on your feelings for Yoongi for the sake of your relationship. Jungkook doesn’t know that’s the main reason you keep avoiding Yoongi but he couldn’t have known because you two never touched upon the subject.
”It’s her decision.” Hoseok shrugs finally and Jungkook nods with a smile eyeing Yoongi who seem to absorb the answer he didn’t think he would get.
You’re aware of your feelings so it’s time for Yoongi to reflect on his thoughts and figure out what he wants.
Jungkook thinks that his plan might just work if he keeps up the good work. You can thank him later.
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Taehyung is an unsuspecting victim caught up in Jungkook’s spider web to get you guys together. He likes every kind of art-related stuff and Jungkook showed him some of the origamis you folded for him as he has a few of the smaller ones stuffed inside his wallet under your graduation photo and of course when Taehyung asked you to teach him you agreed with the biggest smile on your face.
You took it as a great opportunity to get to know him better because you’re the least close to him in the group, not because you don’t think he’s a nice guy but before this there were not many occasions to bond with him.
He has the talent for it you realise this soon and you two spend hours inside the art room together folding new pieces after you’re free, he even suggests as a beginner what’s easier to make so the kids can be encouraged rather than making them do hard ones and be disappointed by the end result.
He visits you often and brings you tea to chat about art at first but gradually you get to know more about each other’s personal lives all the while you make origamis together. You skip lunch sometimes when you get too caught up experimenting with new shapes and Jungkook notices the displeased expression on Yoongi’s face every time someone asks about you and Taehyung’s whereabouts just to hear you two are yet again holed up inside the art room laughing and chatting.
He got even grumpier than normal and lashes out without any reason, the others dismiss his behaviour as he probably had a bad day but his best friend knows something is up with him, it’s not like he lashes out on the children because he smiles at them like he used to but his quick mood changes are getting on everyone’s nerves lately. Hoseok knows that something bothers him but every time he asks about it he says it’s nothing.
Jungkook sits beside Hoseok as he goes on and on about he has no idea what’s gotten into Yoongi lately and he’s close to rolling his eyes at him, no wonder you two are siblings he thinks. Both of you are idiots.
Yoongi didn’t show up for breakfast and you’re nowhere to find as well, he knows you’re not with Taehyung because he sits at the table behind him with Jimin and Seokjin telling each other funny stories about the kids. He shows some of the origami pieces he folded and Jimin compliments him while Seokjin tries to stuck one inside his pocket so a friendly banter breaks out at their table.
”.. and he doesn’t even tell me what’s the problem. Hey, Jungkook are you listening to me at all?” Hoseok waves his hand in front of Jungkook’s face who munches on the garnish almost finished with eating while your brother’s plate is full of food because as soon as Jungkook joined him at the table, since he couldn’t find you in the crowd, started complaining about how difficult Yoongi is being as of late and it’s too early to deal with this bullshit.
”Yoongi is upset because Y/N hangs out with Taehyung too much. If you look at the signs you would have seen that he obviously likes your sister but because of that stupid rule you made neither of them is acting upon their feelings for each other.” The outburst momentarily shuts up Hoseok, his mouth hangs open like a fish out of water blinking rapidly and it’s noticeable how the wheels are turning inside his head as he processes the information.
”Yoongi likes my sister?!” The three surrounding tables turn after hearing Hoseok’s signature banshee yell and Jungkook audibly sighs at the shocked expression he’s sporting like he suddenly grew four heads and three legs. He just might because the food is weird sometimes.
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You tell Areum you have to pick something up from the art room and you’ll join her a bit later to eat breakfast hiding your hands in your hoodie’s pocket as mornings tend to be on the colder side, she gives you a thumbs up as she walks towards the dining room and you wait until she gets out of sight to turn on your heel.
You visit the art room first but what you’re searching for is not there and you head back to your cabin to see if you brought it back by accident without you realising it.
You made that origami star Taehyung whined to you about. He wanted to make one but it just can’t seem to look like it should be as he showed you his attempts. It took you a few tries to succeed as well since folding the edges were quite tricky to figure out.
On your way to the dining room, you bump into someone and the star you made end up on the ground slipping out of your grip. Raising your head instantly to apologise to the person, you were not ready to face Min Yoongi out of all people, he picks up the origami and hands it back dusting it off before giving it to you.
”Uh, everything’s alright? You seem to be in a bad mood.” You’re hesitant to address the elephant in the room, you didn’t really witness his mood swings as others because you spent most of your time in the art room but seeing him now with dark circles under his eyes a grim expression on his handsome face, it speaks volumes of how true it is, and you would hate to get on his bad side because you ask a question everyone probably asked before you.
”I’m fine.” Yoongi tilts his head towards the sky and sighs, you wait for him to say something else but that’s all he does before he walks past you.
You grimace at the lack of response, sure, things were awkward nowadays but he never straight out ignored you like that, he didn’t even look at you while he answered and left just like that.
When you join Jungkook and your brother for breakfast they have a weird aura around them and you’re itching to interrupt their silent talk as they eye each other like you’re not sitting right next to both of them.
What is wrong with anyone today, huh?
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”Okay we need to do something, things can’t continue like this.” Jungkook places his hands on each side of his hips as he captures everyone's attention when he climbs on top of one of the tables like he’s about to give a grand speech about something world-rocking kind of important matters.
”I agree. I can’t even say something to Yoongi that doesn’t end with him taking my head off.” Jimin and Taehyung agree immediately since they had to deal with his temper for the most part.
”And what do you suggest we do?” Hoseok puts his weight onto the broom as he speaks, after Jungkook told him that his best friend is in love with his sister everything made sense in a way.
Why he asked about you a lot like how’s school or how’ life going for you, made sure to get something for your birthday every year, he thought that he’s nice to you because you’re his little sister, after all, he told him to treat you right. He couldn’t be more wrong about it, however. They are supposed to be best friends and Hoseok didn’t even know he liked you like that.
”I think you should talk to her Hobi. She doesn’t act on her feelings because she thinks you wouldn’t like them together, maybe if you tell her it’s ok to date each other they will end our suffering. I don’t think I can manage this moody Yoongi for another day he looked like he’s about to murder me in my sleep.” Because of Jungkook’s scheme, Yoongi went extra hard on Taehyung and the poor soul didn’t have a clue why he’s suddenly replaced as Yoongi’s personal punching bag.
Hoseok makes sure to visit your cabin after they are done cleaning and it would be an understatement to say he feels a little nervous. It’s weird that he’s here to tell you to go after his best friend as it is.  
He already had a talk with Yoong in their cabin before he came here and his friend seemed terrified when Hoseok told him he knows that he’s in love with his sister.
All the colour drained from his face and he actually took pity on him that it feels him with so much dread that his best friend knows he likes a girl, even if it’s his sister he’s happy that he found someone he likes.
Hoseok tells him that nothing is going on between you and Taehyung so he should stop torturing him, Jungkook just tried to make him jealous by saying that, it felt nice for both of them to talk openly about everything.
Yoongi told him about the party when he almost kissed her or when they would stay up all night talking to each other about everything and nothing, he shares his genuine feelings and admits that for a while he didn’t know what he felt for her but he wants to be with her.
You had similar reactions like his friend, at first you tried to deny the fact but later when Hoseok reveals everything and speak about Jungkook’s plan, you gave up to lie and instead tell him you liked him for three years and you tried to move on but you couldn’t that’s why none of your previous relationships seemed to work out.
Your brother feels stupid for not seeing the signs, maybe Jungkook was right and he’s really an idiot.
It’s awkward knowing that he feels the same way about you you’re not gonna lie, it feels like a dream but at the same time, you’re afraid one day you’ll wake up and realise all of this was just a fragment of your imagination.
Hoseok’s support was a pleasant surprise and even though you want to strangle your best friend with your bare hands for meddling with your business and literally shouting out to the world you love Min Yoongi to the moon and back moments ago to have everyone witness your face flame up you decide against all expectations and you give him a bone-crushing hug because without him all of this wouldn’t have happened. All that matters is that he likes you back.
”How did you know?” You curiously ask and Jungkook feigns he’s thinking about the answer whilst pinching your cheek, that smirk he wears when he’s about to say something stupid makes you reconsider. You shouldn’t have asked.
”I mean I discovered it recently so you were quite good at hiding it because normally I always sniff out your secrets right off the bat but as soon as I focused on your reactions it was easy to tell.” He points at Yoongi standing a few feet away next to Hoseok and he suddenly burst out laughing.
”I saw you running into a fucking tree when you saw Yoongi wet because Hoseok threw him into the lake.” You clasp your hand over his runny mouth before he can embarrass you further, you were not ready to see Yoongi blush so cutely at the comment while Hoseok doubled over because he laughed so hard seeing your face after Jungkook said that.
You denied it in a high pitched squeal. ”That fucking tree wasn’t there that’s why!” Everyone seemed to find your excuse hilarious as they laughed continuously at your attempts of saving your last piece of dignity but even Yoongi chuckled couldn’t contain his biggest smile to take over his features as he thinks you look so cute when you’re embarrassed, and you like him back.
”Can we see a kiss at least if we had to put up with grumpy Yoongi for an entire week, I really started to fear for my life, you know?” Jimin chimed in, it was endearing to see Yoongi turn bashful in front of you.
”Now that it was brought up Jeon Jungkook I can’t believe you used me like that! I had no idea why you suggested that I try to learn making origamis from Y/N. Our friendship is over!” Taehyung points at your best friend accusingly and he only scratches the back of his neck.
”I did it for a good cause…wait Tae where are you going? Look I’m sorry…” Jungkook chases after the former boy trying to hug him from behind but Taehyung doesn’t reciprocate it and your friend starts whining at that telling him that he’s so sorry while Jimin and the others unoccupied at the moment resumes their staring at the both of you to move and kiss finally.
Even Namjoon and Seokjin who were silent until now joins in and chants alongside the others to ”kiss kiss kiss kissss”
You let out a shy chuckle taking the first steps in his direction and his eyes go wide in surprise when your shoe touch. Kissing his cheek instead you tiptoe to reach his height so you can easily circle your hands around his neck and pull him down to hug you, it reminds you of the hug you shared with him before the whole trip to the summer camp started but this time it felt different.
His embrace was warm and inviting as he held you by your waist his chest vibrated against you as he laughed when your friends demanded a real kiss.
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Yoongi found himself sitting beside you inside the art room as you explained how the kids can make bunny-shaped origami out of the grey coloured papers in front of them and his hand immediately found yours under the table to intertwine your fingers together once you sat down next to him.
You try to suppress a smile as you watch over the kids ensuring that they don’t cut themselves with the scissors but your body betrays you as you subconsciously lean into his frame he smells like vanilla extract and chocolate. He showed the kids how to make muffins in today’s lesson, it turned out good because Yoongi measured the ingredients while the kids only mixed and did simple tasks such as portioning out the dough or decorating the top of the treats.
Someone had two or three muffins left on their table as they worked, focused on their folding technique occasionally they stole bites making you and Yoongi giggling under your noses when you would catch chipmunk cheeks.
Yoongi helped you clean up after the lesson throwing out leftover papers and sweeping the floor before you joined the others for lunch.
Things changed in the group’s dynamics after you started dating Yoongi but overall they were happy to see both of you happy.
Even though Jungkook likes to make jokes about how you two are basically joined at the hip for days and soon after starts to complain about how you spend less time with him now that you have a boyfriend, he’s clearly happy for you. It’s a new situation for everyone and Hoseok has a hard time picturing you with his best friend but seeing you so happy with him he supports your relationship wholeheartedly.
After you’re done with the activities for the day you and Yoongi retreat into his cabin as everyone else stays at the campfire. They see the two of you slip away hand in hand, howbeit no one dares to comment on it but you see Jungkook having an inner battle to stop himself from yelling out ’use protection’ luckily Taehyung stuffs his mouth with a handful of chio chips before that could happen.
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Your boyfriend pulls you closer by tugging on your intertwined hands caging you between his arms and the door, kissing the corner of your mouth he moves downwards to kiss over your jawline and neck, smiles into the juncture of your neck when you chase after his lips as he pecks your cupid’s bow next, impatient to feel his lips against yours you pull at a fistful of his hair guiding his mouth to capture his lip between your teeth. Yoongi grunts into the kiss tasting your sweet mouth never cease his hunger for you, only leaves him wanting more and more.
”I can’t believe you’re mine.” He seals his words over your feverish skin with in between kisses, marking up your neck, nibbling and kissing every inch until your breath becomes laboured under his sweet attacks.
You weave your fingers into his hair whilst a soft mewl leaves your parted lips as his knee parts your legs to brush against your centre.
He presses his thighs further into your throbbing pussy swallowing the noises you make getting lost in your body heat. He wants to take his time with you licking every corner and dip until you shake and pant his name.
”Wait. What about my brother?” You jump a little when you feel his hand on your ribs travelling up until he cups your breast over the shirt you’re wearing. Kneading your flesh over the fabric your body relaxes into his touch it’s enough to leave you breathless seeing his expression so earnest to please you, pupils dilated as he looks at you under his hooded lids it’s hard to control his urges when you look good enough to eat.
”He stays over at Namjoon’s don’t worry about him.” Yoongi catches your earlobe with his mouth biting down on your shell playfully, the sensation makes you heave a gasp, the words barely registering in your brain.
”Off. I want this off.” Feeling especially bold today you sneak your hands under his shirt caressing his sides with your fingertips, pecking his collarbone that peaks through the collar of his clothing. A whine resonates within your throat when your boyfriend steps back to pull his shirt over his head revealing his stomach and shoulders for your hungry eyes to feast upon disliking the cold air that fills the space once his body is not there to keep you warm, you pull him close diving in to connect your lips in a heated kiss tongue licking into his mouth.
His hands wander under your clothes this time mapping out your smooth skin following the lines of your sides to find the opening on your bra, once he gets the clasp open he traces your spine with his index finger grabbing your ass with both hands as his wandering hands reach south. Your moan gets lost inside his busy mouth that explores your hot cavern at the same time his hands cup you over the fabric of your leggings. It doesn’t give your throbbing pussy justice when he decides to rub your clit and drag his fingers over the dampening material.
”Let’s move things to the bedroom shall we?” The innocent peck he places onto your cheek makes your heart flutter, excitement and love mix inside your veins sweetening your blood as your pulse quickens under his adoring gaze. You nod kissing him again before you let him guide you to his door, not separating from your sensually moving lips as he blindly closes it behind your entangled forms.
He removes your pants and shirt in one go, letting the garments form a pile on the floor promising your sweet release with each removed clothing until the only remaining barrier that keeps your naked glory from his piercing gaze is slipped down your shaved legs, he feels how soaked the material of your cotton underwear had become after so little foreplay and he finds himself insanely turned on by the discovery.
Yoongi eagerly encloses his mouth over your erect bud eliciting airy moans when he alternates between sucks and licks on your sensitive mound paying equal attention to both sides as he massages the neglected one with firm hands whilst he blows air to the saliva coated nipples and watch your expression morph into torturous pleasure but he’s not satisfied with your shy suppressed noises.
Your slick oozes out of your empty opening running down your thighs and stain the bedsheet your clit aches to be touched and your hole clenches around nothing as your lover keeps his head between your boobs kissing and licking your skin there until your nipples get too sensitive to his touch, red and swollen when he rolls it between his fingers. His leg parts your thighs keeping them wide open so you can’t get any stimulation until he decides to move lower.
Seeing how you shake under his body parted lips keep asking him to give you more, he doesn’t have the heart to deny you any longer as he starts to rub your thighs keeping your legs open for him to bury his face between your beautiful cunt swollen and needy for his touch he lets his tongue dip between your folds tasting you first before gently sucking on your clit.
He hears you call his name perfectly in tune with his tongue’s strokes as he intends to eat you up. Your essence covers his chin as he licks your hole clean lapping up everything your precious body can produce for him dipping inside the tip of his tongue your muscles tense up ready to get filled with something bigger and Yoongi’s cock twitches inside the confine of his underwear.
He doesn’t need to remove his undergarments to know his tip is red and slick with his precum desperate to fill your empty hole up but before that, he coats two of his fingers in your wetness and pushes them inside parting your walls gently to ease you into the feeling preparing you to take his cock.
Your hips buck into his hand as he curls his long fingers inside your velvety walls feeling your muscles constrict around his digits he moans with his head thrown back as he imagines his dick getting the same treatment later, your musky scent and visual laying beneath him taking what he gives you drives him crazy with need.
Perking up at the sound you open your eyes blinking to get the blurriness fade dreamy half-lidded eyes watch as his fingers fill you up and you almost close them again because of the pure ecstasy his expert hands give to your overwhelmed body.
You see the painful tent that formed inside his briefs before the numbing pleasure could consume you yet again and there’s a wet spot in the middle that lets you know he gets off on seeing you enjoy yourself. His hips unknowingly to him ruts against the sheets to get some kind of friction realising that he focused solely on your pleasure and put it aside to chase his, he’s so different from the partners you previously slept with and the sudden urge to please him overtakes your selfish side to just receive and receive.
You palm him over the wet spot following the outline of his hard dick to give him some well-deserved relief and he immediately grinds into your palm letting out breathy groans and low moans, you don’t mind at all when he gets lost in your touch instead and momentarily forgets about his goal to get you prepped nicely for his cock. The fingers he has inside you stills and your head clear out a little, you’re able to focus on his face learning what he likes as you study his reactions to your movements, you know his moans will probably become your favourite sounds.
You take advantage of his current state to switch positions, letting his fingers slip out of you as you get rid of his underwear grabbing his thighs to lower yourself while he sits down at the edge of the bed.
Taking his tip into your mouth to taste his precum you feel Yoongi’s nails digging into your scalp as you swallow around him trying to get him into your mouth as much as your poor jaw can handle. Holding the base of his cock to guide him back into your wet cavern you set a slow pace, stroking what you can’t fit.
”You look so good sucking my dick baby.” You learned that he tends to be on the quiet side even in the bedroom, his reactions however are good indicators of how you’re able to affect him with every swirl of your tongue. Letting him use the hand tangled in your hair to set the rhythm of your movements your vision blurs as tears swell in your eyes due to the quickened pace and force he starts to fuck your mouth but he pulls out before he could get too close to cumming.
”I need to have you know. Lie down on the bed with your legs spread wide for me.” You follow his instructions showing him your drenched swollen pussy as he climbs on the bed after you, admiring the way he ruined your cunt before he reaches for a condom retrieving the item from inside his drawer.
He touches himself in front of you watching you squirm under his gaze as you wait for him to roll the condom down his length, your body aches to finally be filled with something bigger.
”Yoongi. Fill me up.” You part your pussy lips for him revealing your hole clenching around nothing, beckoning him to fill you up Yoongi looks at the sinful image in front of him saving this memory of you for later when he’s alone with his hands but today he plans to have your cunt wrapped around his cock rather than his fingers.
Your drenched walls suck him in as he enters you, hips lowering in slow motion to bury his entire length inside, nice and steady, gripping his shoulders for support you moan into the sloppy kiss feeling so full.
You hear his guttural moan loud and clear just as his breath hits the shell of your ear and your walls squeeze around him, wet squelching sounds ring beside your mixed love language thriving off the sounds he grunts directly into your ear encouraging you to meet his movements in the middle.
It feels like you stand in front of the gates of heaven when Yoongi increases his pace thrusting in and out, not being able to stop as he feels his balls tighten with the need to cum he parts your legs even more as he watches his dick emerge from the pussy he owns now coated in your juices taking his hard length and moan out every time his tip curves to touch your sweet spot with each delivered stroke.
You cum first around his dick, he helps you ride out your pleasure only pulling out when you whine from oversensitivity and he rolls the condom off to finish as well, watching your spent pussy glistening with your cum he uses the sight in front of him to get off, he collects your slick to lubricate his shaft as he starts to jerk himself off faster.
Once your breathing evens out and you see the concentration on Yoongi’s face while he lucidly moves his hands up and down his throbbing cock with the desperate need to cum you touch his hips drawing soothing circles onto his sweaty skin taking him back into your mouth to help him reach his high.
He comes in your mouth with a soft cry throwing his head back as you keep sucking him licking his sensitive tip until he pulls your head off with a shaky hand stroking your cheeks with his thumb.
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”So friends and family, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Yoongi. You might have already met him before.” You joke in front of your relatives of all ages and you see in the corner of your eyes how Hoseok rolls his eyes.
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© helenazbmrskai lll Please do not copy, reblog and like instead!
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pitaparka · 4 years
when you sleep with him for the first time headcanons
note—it gets a little suggestive during oberyn's part, but nothing too crazy. i use sleep here in it's purest form by the way, so enjoy! let me know if you have any ideas for the next one! me and the boys are open to suggestions ;)
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- mando has always allowed you his bunk to sleep, whenever you like
- when you stayed with him on the razor crest and watched the kid, he was always more than willing to give it up anytime you needed sleep
- he didn't sleep much anyway, and usually your sleeping schedules didn't overlap
- but boba fett's ship doesn't have much space to begin with, let alone enough space for all of the crew mates he's happened to find recently
- which mean's you and mando, having already been living together and already know each other, were sleeping together, in the same small bunk, at the same time
- he offered to sleep on the floor, or pressed up against the wall
- but you got mad at him for even suggesting such a thing
- there was more than enough space for the two of you to sleep, you argued, though there was barely enough room for one
- it was comical, trying to press up against him, and find a spot comfortable enough for the both of you to lay
- it was jarring to you when he removed a single pauldron for you to rest your head on his clothed shoulder
- you felt like you had violated him in some way, seeing him just the lightest bit more bare than usual
- though you were slightly uncomfortable from the rest of the beskar pressing up into your body, you were lulled to sleep in minutes from the sound of his steady heartbeat
- the cots had never been a long term solution
- that you knew
- so when the morning comes around, and your cot drops your ass on the floor, you wish you gotten new sleeping arrangements the last time you were in town
- you were just wishing it had taken longer for them to fall apart the way they had
- there wasn't much on the green, in terms of furnishing markets
- the cots had been the only barrier between you and the floor, and now, there was nothing protecting you from the frigid, uninsulated ground of your broken down ship
- it was ezra who offered up the idea: put one blanket down on the floor, and use the other one to cover the both of you with
- you took a second to ponder it, thinking of any idea, any reason that could be used to save you from having to sleep next to ezra, the man who had been so warm and kind to you, but you had frozen him out, because of your ridiculous crush on him
- you offered up the idea of just disassembling the cots and using the cloths as protection from the cold
- but this wiseass pulls out the cloth from the cot and his blanket and compares the two, and there's no way the cloth is going to have any integrity making contact with the ground
- so you agree, and when nightfall comes, you're too exhausted from harvesting all day to fight with him
- he puts his blanket down as protection, and you all but collapse on top of in
- ezra does you the service of tucking you in, before climbing in next to you, and you're soothed by his warmth
- not soothed enough that you fall asleep immediately, still unnerved by the idea of sleeping so close to him, hearing him breathe, feeling him move
- but he throws his good arm over your body and pulls you into him, muttering something about the cold
- and your heart melts just a little bit as you fall asleep, pressed up against his chest
- frankie had been upset for weeks after his divorce, which was to be expected
- but everything had been so stressful on him, and you were getting worried for his mental health
- he hadn't been answering calls, he'd cancelled plans with you last minute, which is something he never did, and he hadn't been doing anything for himself, just living in a rut of paperwork, sleeping, eating, and going to work
- so when he calls you up to ask you to go camping with him, you obviously say yes
- it's almost a two hour drive to the campsite, and frankie is fairly quite, which isn't usual, but you get some good music going and some good conversation going, and soon enough, you and frankie are laughing and singing your heads off on your way there
- it's getting dark when you arrive, and you make quick work of getting everything out of his car when he realizes something is off
- "oh no" he exclaims, and you fear the worst
- "what? what's wrong?"
- "I brought the small tent."
- "how small is the small tent?"
- "i brought the four-person tent, not the ten person tent."
- "are you kidding frankie? i'm sure we'll fit in a four-person—“
- "i'm telling you, it's not as big as you think it is, trust me."
- when the tent is complete, four-person is an exaggeration
- it's a four-person tent if the four-people were sardine packed and the size of children
- it's going to be just enough room for both you and frankie to lie down in with your sleeping bags
- but that's for a later time, because frankie has marshmallows to roast and lots of things to tell you after he's been ignoring you for a whole week
- he apologizes and you sit next to him at the firepit on your site, and you listen to him talk, and give him advice, and rest your head on his shoulder
- and when it's late into the night and you two go to retreat to bed, you have to squish up against his broad shoulders that seem so much broader in the small tent
- and when he wakes with nightmares of his fighting buddies and far too many sleepless nights, he pulls you close to him, and falls asleep again, until the sunlight streams through the front flap of the tent far too early in the morning
- that day’s mission was harsh
- it had you spent, not only physically, but mentally as well
- as you lie awake in your bed, you realize you’re not getting to sleep tonight, whether or not you had another important mission that morning
- the hotel bed was creaky and entirely not your bed from home and the air conditioner was broken so it was freezing
- you figure there’s no better time than the present, and you’re well aware whiskey is right next door
- if he’s awake, you’ll ask him to have a drink with you, and if he’s asleep, you can just hop into bed with him
- he’s a deep sleeper anyway
- you’re careful turning the knob into his room, just in case he’s asleep, and you spot him in his bed, on his side, breathing softly, room cloaked in darkness
- you come around on his side of the bed and you whisper his name
- he stirs a little
- you debate going back to your room and just toughing it out, but he doesn’t give you the chance
- he’s up, groggy and hair tousled and in just a plain t-shirt
- “sweetheart? what are you doin’ here? what’s goin’ on?”
- you tell him you didn’t want to sleep alone tonight, and he wipes the sleep from his eyes and squints at you, using only the moonlight to help him see
- “what kind of gentleman would i be if i refused you my bed?”
- this makes you smile, and he lifts the covers for you to get in with him
- you plant your head on his shoulder and drape an arm over his chest, cozying up to him as close as possible
- his hand rests comfortably on your back, and he breathes rhythmically
- and you’re silently grateful he doesn’t ask questions, just lets you curl up into his side ands lets you fall asleep with him there
- it happened in a flurry of passion and kisses, hands roaming his body and yours after a far too close dance with death
- if it had not been for his bulletproof vest, he'd be lying in a hospital or a morgue
- but he wasn't
- his body was warm and so was yours and the ride to his apartment was far too quiet for your liking and his
- it was only appropriate you accompanied him for a drink after such a great victory for the DEA, but it had taken a toll on both of you, mentally
- you more so than him, which is why you ended up drinking much more than you normally would have when you drank with javi
- he tried to laugh away the stress, complaining about his sore and bruised ribs, but the room was still tense
- emotions ran rampant through your body, and when he brings it up, tears start to pool in your eyes at the thought seeing him for the last time, in a suit, at his own funeral he wouldn't attend if he had the choice
- he sets his drink down and pulls you into his arms, holding your waist and cupping the back of your neck, stroking behind your ear as he listens to you cry softly in his shoulder
- he reassures you he's fine, nothing happened to him, and you pull away from him, grab his face, and stare into his eyes
- he smiles kindly at your own red ringed eyes, irritated from crying, as you try to memorize each streak of brown in his own
- it's too much for the both of you, and you pull him into a kiss
- his mouth is surprisingly soft compared to your own drunk passion, and as much as he'd love to take you right then and there on his couch, he knows he'd regret it if you woke up the next morning and regretted it too
- so he entertains the kiss, not that he minds, and leads you to his bedroom
- where the silk sheets and heavy comforter that smell so strongly of javier peña pull you to sleep next to him, faster than you'd like to admit
- missy and your daughter had always gotten along very well
- you were very familiar with marcus, and could even call yourselves friends to an extent
- your daughters were very intelligent little girls, and knew that if they got the two of you talking when you came to pick your daughter from his house, they would have at least another hour to play while you two chatted endlessly about boring adult things
- for missy's birthday party, she had wanted all of her friends over for a huge sleepover, and of course her father caved
- he couldn't say no to her no matter how much he tried
- marcus, the genius he was, figured that if the kids were all under one roof having fun, why not let the adults have fun too?
- everyone was invited
- the kids would have lots of different fun activities to choose from, from swimming, to games in the backyard, and a movie night under the stars outside
- and the adults were welcome to stay, chat, drink, and play adult card games marcus had saved for special occasions
- the night of the sleepover, a dozen children and adults were packed into his backyard, watching some new movie he had rented the missy was excited about
- but it was freezing, and you hadn't expected to be outside for so long
- marcus realizes this and he leans over quietly, so not to disturb the movie
- "are you cold?"
- "oh! no, it's okay, i'll be fine—“ you try to excuse yourself, but he gets up without a word, and returns with a sweatshirt of his
- it fits snugly over your head, and completely eliminated the chill in your bones
- it doesn't take long for your eyes to start getting heavy, and soon enough, you're passed out on marcus' shoulder
- "what if we camp out here for the night?" he suggests, and the kids are more than excited
- the adults know what he's up to
- but they let him anyway
- it'll be great to tease him about later, and besides, you guys are adorable together
- working together with marcus was always a joy
- he was always very respectful and funny
- you knew he had his heart broken more than once in the past, so even though you dropped hints that you'd want something more with marcus, you let him take it at his own pace
- when you dropped by his place that night, with important new documents you had received right before you left work and chinese food, you're ecstatic when he lets you in
- you spend hours pouring over the documents, making sure every single detail was covered and examined, when you realize how tired you are, and how loud the rain is coming down outside his window
- "it's getting really late. i should leave," you say, but marcus stops you
- "you could always, y'know, stay the night if you wanted. i'd let you have my bed."
- you smiled at him, but politely decline, as you wouldn't want to kick him out of his bed, but you yawn again
- "look, you're exhausted, and it's pouring" he points out, "you know most accidents happen by people falling asleep behind the wheel when it's raining?"
- you laugh at him
- "you just made that up,"
- "i did, but you should stay. if you don't want to i totally understand, but you'd be missing out. my bed is really comfortable."
- "is that why you're always late to work?" you quip, and close the files
- he gasps in mock shock
- "that was one time, and my alarm didn't go off," he claims, smiling at you
- he lends you a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and you pretend to not see a slight blush on his face when you walk out into his bedroom with them on
- marcus was right when he said his bed was really comfortable
- somehow, in the middle of the night, you two find each other, his face pressed into your shoulder, your arms wrapped around him, and the rain comes down even harder
- "i just need some space from him, is all."
- that's all you had to tell him for max phillips to be on your side, rubbing your shoulder and telling you that all men suck anyway, you didn't need that jerk of a boyfriend to be happy
- well, now ex-boyfriend
- of course he had ulterior motives, and you knew this, but you didn’t care
- your heart wanted someone to watch movies with and eat a pint of ice cream out of the tub with you, and if max was the one who would do that, you’d settle with him for the night
- the way he pulled you into his arms, and pressed his body up against yours, was more than comforting
- he made funny jokes, tried tickling you, anything he could think of to get you to smile for him
- and for the most part, you did
- you were sick of your ex bringing the mood down the way he did, no matter how much you missed him
- the movie has gotten boring a long time ago, but you listened to max’s breathing, and felt his chest rise and fall behind you, and it was enough to lull you to sleep
- and he would’ve woken you up, to take you to his bed, but he was scared you’d leave to go home if he did
- so he took his couch throw, pulled it over the two of you, turned off the television, and settled back as you got comfortable on his chest
- this was a side of max phillips you’d never seen before, and you didn’t expect to see any time soon
- so you relished in it, and let sleep pull you in
- his head aches, and his eye is still bleeding on the plane back to washington d.c.
- the ride back is silent, save for the rumbling of the engine
- he rests his head against the wall of the airplane for most of the ride there, and you take comfort in knowing while he’s asleep, he’s not in pain
- when he starts getting restless, having what you think is a nightmare, you start holding his hand, stroking your thumb up and down his soft skin
- it takes him a minute, but he calms down, and you don’t let go of his hand
- with nothing to do but watch him sleep, you decide taking a nap too would be your best option
- which is when the plane hits a particularly rough patch of turbulence
- he bounces awake, nervous and alert, and you tell him it’s just the plane, everything’s fine
- when you pull him into your shoulder, he takes the opportunity to fall back asleep
- you can feel the tension in his neck just by having him rest his head on your shoulder
- you keep a firm grip on his hand, when your own eyes start to get heavy
- your head rests on his, and the rest of the ride there is smooth and painless
- he had been pursuing you for quite some time
- as the second son of a king, he was more than accustomed to people saying yes to appease him
- he was forward with you, and you were forward back with him, and he liked that
- it was your words that told him you weren't looking for anything long term, that if he were to pleasure you, and you him, he would be nothing more than a simple one night stand
- boy did he prove you wrong
- your legs were so weak afterward, you couldn't bare to get up
- he took incredibly good care of you, squeezing your sore thighs and rubbing your aching muscles, pressing kisses up and down your back, brushing the hair out of your face
- it only increased your attraction to him when he brought in more people, caring for them and having them care for you, and by the time you had finished, you felt as though you couldn't physically go another round that night
- he purred in your ear that every night with him would be a night like this, and you whined back, making him grin and capture your mouth in a passionate kiss
- you didn't mean to fall sleep with him, but all the nibbling bites at your ear and the serotonin coursing through your veins had you spent for the night
- he let you sleep, and even stayed for a while before being summoned for an important meeting
- you made a mental note that eventually, you two would need to do that again, because you slept like a baby the whole night through
- it's below freezing when you settle down for sleep that night
- no matter how much wind the tent tried to keep out, it just wasn't enough
- you're bundled up in all the clothes you had brought with you, the only blanket that could be spared, anything that could try to keep you warm, but nothing’s working
- the cold just bleeds through the blanket and your clothes, into your legs and chest and bones so that you can’t fall asleep if you tried
- you figure the only way you’ll be able to get any rest to be ready for the next day, is to go find a warmer place to sleep
- if the fire’s still going, you’ll rest there
- you shiver as you pick up your things, but your interrupted by tovar, who comes in with a thick fur blanket wrapped around his shoulders
- “where are you going?”
- “i was just going to sleep next to the fire,” you say, trying to keep the chill out of your voice
- “it’s going to be cold tonight. lay down.” he instructs, and you oblige
- he lays the blanket down over you and climbs underneath it next to you, so that your shoulders touch and watch him for a second before he turns over and tries to go to sleep without a word
- you pull the blanket up to your shoulders and you feel ten times warmer already, but it’s the heat from tovar that really entices you
- so you push back against him, your back against his, and fall asleep with the warmth of his muscles against yours
978 notes · View notes
flightfoot · 3 years
Friendship and Uncertainty
AO3 Thanks to @oblivionhold for betaing!
Marinette really didn't have a lot of great options in Prime Queen. She couldn't tell Nadja and her parents "Oh yeah, sorry, I double-booked myself as Ladybug, my bad! Guess my parents are gonna have to babysit instead!" And if she'd tried to make up an excuse about being busy, with how last-minute it was and how urgently Nadja needed childcare, I don't think her parents would've accepted it.
Her only viable alternative option would've been to cancel her interview with Nadja at the last-minute, citing some last-minute conflict with her civilian schedule. She could've transformed during a bathroom break, texted Chat, and told him as much, leaving him to interview with Nadja alone. I'd argue that this would've been the most responsible option, but not necessarily the best one. With how much the network was pressuring her, Nadja may have landed in hot water if she couldn't get one of her guests on, and Chat would've been disappointed as well.
The plan Marinette came up with in canon was her best shot at fulfilling all her responsibilities without anyone being mad or disappointed or hung out to dry. Manon got looked after by someone Marinette knew was a good babysitter, she got to go to the interview, and no one would have any clue things were remiss... at least, that was her plan. In canon, things got dicey for a bit with Alya calling into the show, but ultimately no one discovered Marinette had left the premises, and everyone was mostly happy.
But it was risky, and things could easily have gone wrong. Hence, this story.
It gives me a good reason to explore Alya feeling hurt and exploring her emotions while sticking closely to canon. There aren't a lot of fics that do that.
“Where is she?” 
Alya looked down at Manon. Nadja was worried about Marinette not being in the picture when she called, and she couldn’t blame her. Bringing over a friend to help babysit as well, or taking over babysitting momentarily while the hired babysitter was busy was one thing, but this was getting ridiculous.
Marinette had seemed weirdly anxious about talking to her parents. She’d chalked it up to Marinette being nervous about whatever she’d needed to tell them, but…
She let out a frustrated sigh. Marinette hadn’t even told her why she needed to talk to them so urgently. It almost felt like she was making up an excuse to ditch her with Manon.
“Marinette wouldn’t do that,” Alya murmured to herself. “She’d tell me if she needed me to cover for her, right?”
But the thought wouldn’t leave her brain.
Manon yawned.
Gears turned in Alya’s head. “Hey Manon, before you fall asleep, how about we go downstairs so you can use the bathroom?”
“I’m not gonna fall asleep!” Manon said, yawning again. But she stood up shakily and headed for the stairs, following Alya.
As Alya waited for Manon to finish in the bathroom near the kitchen, she heard a soft humming coming from the kitchen. Seizing on the opportunity, she hurried over (while keeping near enough that she could still hear when Manon opened the bathroom door).
“Ah, Alya!” Tom greeted her. “Did you kids need some snacks?”
“No, but-” Oh what the hell, why not? “Actually, that sounds great.”
“Anything for my daughter! And her friends of course,” he said, cheerily grabbing a few of hers and Marinette’s favorite cookies. 
“Speaking of Marinette, what’d she want to talk to you about?” she said, as casually as she could manage.
“She wanted to talk to me about something?” Tom asked, sounding perplexed.
“Maybe I just misheard her,” Alya said hastily. “I was playing with Manon and things got a little loud.”
Tom looked troubled. “Well, just let her know that if she needs to talk to me about anything, her papa is always willing to lend an ear.” She could almost see a lightbulb turn on above Tom’s head. “Oh! I’ve got a batch of Marinette’s favorite cookies in the oven right now! They should be ready in about twenty minutes. If you can send her down then, we can talk this out, see what’s troubling her! And if it was a mistake, well, I’ll never say no to watching her face when she bites into a strawberry macaron.”
Alya slapped on a smile. “Will do!”
The toilet flushed. 
“That’s my cue to leave. Thanks, Mr. Dupain!”
She walked to the bathroom on autopilot.
Marinette had lied.
“I’m so sorry Alya! I had no idea it would take so long to talk to my parents!” 
Alya didn’t look at her. “What did you guys talk about?” she asked tonelessly.
“Uh, you know… family stuff,” Marinette sounded nervous. 
Alya turned to her. “Marinette, I know you weren’t with your parents.”
“I- uh-”
“I went downstairs earlier and asked your dad what you two talked about, but he said he didn’t talk to you at all. Your dad wanted me to tell you that if you need to talk with him about anything, he’s willing to lend an ear. The batch of strawberry macarons he was making should be ready by now.” Her voice sounded dead, even to her own ears.
“Alya, I’m- I’m really sorry-”
She took a deep breath. “I’m not ready to talk with you about it right now,” she said evenly. “If I do, I might raise my voice, and I don’t want Manon to see us fighting.”
Marinette winced, glancing at the sleeping girl.
“Um… could we talk tomorrow…?” Marinette asked, sounding small. 
Alya nodded stiffly. Not like she could avoid it, tomorrow was a school day. 
As she headed down the ladder, she paused and looked up, “Oh, and Marinette?”
“I didn’t let anyone know you left. I’m still not happy you ditched me, but I didn’t rat you out.”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she started to stammer something. Alya shut the hatch.
Alya squeezed her eyes tight, letting out a small sob.
At that last moment, she’d been tempted to stay. To hear Marinette out. To see whether maybe, maybe, she had a good explanation. Some sort of excuse.
But she couldn’t.
If she stayed, with Marinette looking at her like that, clearly hurting… she wouldn’t be able to stay mad at her. Not when she felt worse than Alya herself did.
Alya wasn’t ready to let go of her anger and hurt yet. Not so soon.
Pausing only to text Nora that she was heading home, she hurried out the door.
“Little sis?”
Alya quickly wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself before Nora saw her.
It didn’t work.
“What happened? Who hurt you?” Nora asked, grabbing her shoulders. 
“No one!”
Even to her own ears, it sounded false.
Nora frowned. “Really? Your eyes are red, and I can see the tear streaks on your cheeks. You really expect me to believe that?”
She looked away.
“Hey, look, little sis-” Nora said softly.
“Don’t call me that.” She couldn’t muster up the energy to put any heat behind her words. 
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“Promise not to go after her?”
Nora blinked. “Her? ...wait, you were just at Baguette’s place- did something happen with Marinette?”
“Promise me,” she insisted.
Nora grimaced, before sighing. “Fiiiiine. Can I at least yell at her?”
“No. I want to handle this myself.”
“If you’re sure, little sis.”
Alya made a face, but explained what’d happened. How Marinette had called her over, ditched her with an excuse about her parents, how she’d learned Marinette was lying, everything.
“-and I just. I don’t understand why,” she finished. “I help her out all the time! Heck, I’ve even helped babysit Manon before! Why’d she lie to me?” She looked down at her lap, her fists tightening as she squeezed her pants legs, needing to get energy out. “I just- I feel used.”
Nora pulled her into a tight hug. She leaned into the pressure, listening to her sister’s heartbeat.
“Remember back in Martinique, with Maya?” Alya murmured.
“The neighbor girl?”
Alya nodded. “We played together a lot when I was a little. But sometimes… sometimes she’d get demanding, saying that if I didn’t do what she wanted - play some game she wanted, pick a role she wanted me to, whatever - she’d say that if I didn’t do it, she wouldn’t be friends with me anymore. There weren’t a lot of other kids my age in the area, so I agreed.” She gave a small smile. “Until one time she went too far. I stormed home in tears, scared that she wouldn’t play with me anymore, but not able to take it anymore.” Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, she continued. “You know what Mom did when she heard? When I told her how afraid I was that Maya wouldn’t want to play with me anymore? She told me to just wait. Less than an hour later Maya was knocking at the door, asking if I would come out to play. I stopped being afraid of her threat after that, and she stopped using it. I could say no.”
“I’m guessing this feels similar?” Nora said.
Alya nodded. “But it’s also weird! With Maya I understood what she was after. With Marinette, I don’t. Did she just really not want to babysit? Where’d she even go? And why-” Alya hesitated. “Why did she risk this? What was so important? Marinette, she- she doesn’t always think through other people’s feelings, but she DOES care about people! She doesn’t like hurting others! So why-”
Nora shook her head. “It’s no use speculating, you’ll just get your head turning ‘round and ‘round in circles ‘til you don’t know up from down. Just ask her tomorrow.”
Biting her lip, Alya sighed. “You’re right. Of course you’re right. I just don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight after all this.”
Nora smiled, pulling out a DVD from… okay she really wanted to know when Nora had hollowed out a copy of the Lord of the Rings trilogy collection, because on the one hand that was SUPER cool, and on the other hand it physically hurt her to see a book damaged like that. 
“I was saving this for your birthday,” Nora said, oblivious to Alya’s crisis, “But I think you need it now.”
She looked at the movie, letting out an inhumanly high-pitched squeal. “Majestia’s Early Days - Collector’s Edition?! How’d you even get this? I camped out on the website all day trying to snag a copy! They sold out in seconds,” she scowled, “Damn scalpers.”
Nora laughed. “Having fans can really come in handy. After one of my matches, I mentioned how bummed out my little sis was about not being able to get her hands on a copy. The next day one of my regular fans handed this to me, said he hoped you’d enjoy it.”
“If you see him again, tell him that he’s a wonderful person with excellent taste in boxers!”
Nora laughed, grinning from ear-to-ear. Alya bet her own grin dwarfed even Nora’s. 
“Let’s watch Majestia kick some ass.”
“Alya? What’s wrong?”
Nino lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve been staring down at the floor for the past minute, looking like your dogs just got kidnapped by subterranean monsters and you’re trying to figure out how to get them back and why they’d want them in the first place.”
She stifled a laugh. “You come up with that for one of your movie scripts?”
He adjusted his cap, grinning proudly. “No, but now that you mention it…”
“Do you even know anyone with a dog?”
“Maybe a shelter would help out? They’re always looking for more exposure. We could put a note during the credits that the pups are available for adoption!”
Hm… she could advertise their film on her blog too, maybe ask whether any of her readers worked at a local dog shelter…
“We could talk to Marinette, see whether she’d be up for making a monster costume! Or if she’s too busy, Halloween’s coming up and- Alya?”
She blinked, only just now noticing how tightly she’d been squeezing her shirt in her hands. “I’m- I’m fine.”
Nino frowned. “No, you’re not.”
She looked away. 
Nino slid into the seat next to her. “Look. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s clearly hurting you. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. If you just want to go back to talking about something unrelated to it, something fun, to keep your mind off it, I’m happy to oblige. But I’m always here to lend an ear if you need it.”
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Marinette called me over last night, wanted me to watch the Ladybug and Chat Noir interview with her. She also happened to be babysitting Manon, and thought it’d be more fun if we were all there together. Everything was fine at first,” she said, fidgeting. “I played around with Manon for a bit, Marinette got some pillows to lay on, and we got set up to watch the interview. Then Marinette said she needed to talk to her parents and that she might be gone for a while.”
She let out a humorless chuckle. “I waited for a while, but… no Marinette. Finally, I went downstairs and checked with her dad. He didn’t know anything about it. As far as he knew, she’d been upstairs in her room with me the entire time. Marinette came back a little while later, pretending that her talk with her parents had gone super long and I just… I couldn’t deal with it. I left. I said I’d talk with her about it today, but…”
“But you don’t feel ready now either?” Nino guessed.
She nodded. “I just keep on turning it around and around in my head. It doesn’t make sense. Sure, Marinette makes up excuses and disappears sometimes, but…” Something niggled in the back of her brain. “Hey Nino,” she asked carefully, trying to catch the strand of thought. “Has Marinette always been like this? Running off at a moment’s notice with fake-sounding reasons?”
Nino scratched his head. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “We’ve been in classes before, but we weren’t exactly close. I don’t think so? I think I would’ve noticed that. Not like we had akuma attacks distracting us last year.”
“Akuma attacks...” she murmured to herself.
There it was again. That niggling sensation, but even stronger this time. 
Marinette threw the classroom door open, pinwheeling her arms as she struggled to regain her balance. 
At the last second as she fell backwards, Adrien seemed to almost teleport through the door, catching her.
Nino smiled. “I swear Adrien has a ‘Marinette falling’ sense. He always arrives just in time to catch her.”
Alya snorted. “Now if only he had a ‘Marinette feeling’ sense.”
Frowning, Alya tried to grasp onto the threads of thought from before, but they’d scampered with the distraction. 
“...Can I sit here?” a soft voice asked.
Alya jumped a little, then scolded herself. She’d just seen Marinette arrive, she shouldn’t be able to startle her less than a minute later.
Nino got up slowly, giving Marinette a hard look, but moving to his regular seat without comment.
Marinette didn’t move. 
Oh. Marinette was waiting for her permission, not just for Nino to leave.
“Sure. I mean, you sat here first,” Alya said. “I’m not the Queen of Seats.”
Marinette snorted at the reference, the edges of her mouth twitching upwards.
Alya narrowed her eyes. She hadn’t noticed before, but from this close, she could see the bags under eyes, along with a slight puffiness.
Guilt settled in her stomach. She was pretty sure she knew why Marinette wouldn’t have gotten enough sleep, why she would’ve been crying.
“But she broke my trust!” part of her screamed. “She lied to me, used me!”
She still didn’t like seeing her friend hurt.
“So?” She asked as Marinette slid into her seat.
“So what?” Marinette asked nervously.
Alya narrowed her eyes. 
Marinette bit her lip. “I- I’m not sure what to say. I- I lied to you. You’re right. I called you over because I’d accidentally double-booked myself, but I couldn’t just TELL Nadja that and I couldn’t cancel on no notice, so I just… came up with what I thought was the best solution. Manon would get taken care of, Nadja, Mom, and Dad wouldn’t know anything unusual had happened, and I’d be back before you noticed anything was wrong. Everyone would be happy! At least, that’s what I planned…” she petered off, looking away.
She could get what Marinette was thinking now, when she called her over. Sometimes you couldn’t do the things you wanted without disappointing someone, without someone being upset with you. But if you lined things up just right, you might not need to upset anyone - so long as they never found out what you’d done. 
It still stung that Alya had been the tool she used to solve her problem, but at least she understood Marinette’s thought process. 
“What was so important?” she asked. “What was so vital that you had to sneak out, even if it meant lying to your friends and family?”
Marinette flinched. “I- I have to,” she whispered. “I don’t have a choice.”
Alarm bells rang in Alya’s head. “What do you mean?” she said urgently. “Is someone threatening you? Marinette, are you in danger?”
“No!” She thought for a moment. “Yes? Kind of? Not- not the way you’re thinking of!” she added hastily.
She didn’t know what she was thinking. Drugs? Gangs? A cult that’d ensnared Marinette in its clutches?
“Can I have your attention please?” Ms. Bustier said.
Alya turned to the front of the class, head still spinning. She still wasn’t totally sure how she felt about what Marinette had done, but she had bigger worries.
Something was wrong with Marinette. 
That girl could be slippery when she wanted to be. 
She managed to avoid talking to Alya for the rest of Bustier’s class, not responding to any note-passing and hurrying out of the classroom the second the bell rang. With Marinette going home for lunch she had little opportunity to talk to her then, and as for their next period… Alya may be brave, but she wasn’t stupid. No talking in Ms. Mendeleiv’s class.
With a sigh, she watched Marinette run out of Francois-Dupont, somehow managing to take the stairs two at a time without falling. Clearly whatever it was, Marinette didn’t want to talk about it. 
But if it was hurting her…
She shook her head. She’d been thinking about this all day. It was time to get her mind off it, do something else. 
Nodding, she turned towards the park. Maybe some time climbing trees would help take her mind off things. And if it didn’t, it’d at least give her practice catching her siblings when they inevitably got themselves stuck in some high-up area. She could swear they had teleportation skills that they’d been hiding their whole lives just to prank the rest of the family with.
Chuckling to herself, she almost missed the flash of red out of the corner of her eye.
She whipped around. “Ladybug?!” 
The superhero froze, looking caught out. “Alya!” she said, sounding strangled. “What’re you doing here?” 
She shrugged. “Just enjoying the weather,” she said, pulling out her phone. “Would you be up for another interview?”
Ladybug started shaking her head before she even finished the sentence. “No, NOPE, nada, absolutely not!” she said, making an “X” with her arms for emphasis. “Not after yesterday. Not happening.”
She stashed her phone. “You just want to talk off the record then?”
The superheroine’s eyes widened a fraction. She nodded. “There’s… there’s something I could use your advice on.”
Something fluttered in Alya’s chest. Her idol needed her help? “I’ll do what I can,” she said, more confidently than she felt.
After going to a secluded part of the park, Ladybug turned to her. “You know a lot about superheroes right? About how we have to maintain a double life?”
Alya nodded. “It’s a comic book staple. Often causes a lot of trouble for the hero, but not as much as having their identity leaked to the world.”
“Yeah, I know what that trouble’s like,” Ladybug muttered to herself. Speaking more loudly, she looked at Alya. “I- I messed up. Badly. I forgot that I’d-” She paused. “Sorry, I need to be careful about this. I don’t want to expose myself.”
Alya nodded. 
After a minute, Ladybug tried again. “I needed to do something as Ladybug, but as a civilian, I’d already agreed to another responsibility at the same time,” she said carefully. “I couldn’t tell anyone that I needed to do something Ladybug-related without spilling my secret identity, but I also couldn’t get out of my civilian responsibility so I- I tricked someone into doing it instead. And they found out and they’re mad at me and I can’t BLAME them but I can’t tell them everything and I just don’t know what to do!” She looked at Alya pleadingly.
Her stomach twisted. “Seems to be a lot of deception going on lately,” she muttered, surprising even herself with how bitter she sounded. She blinked as Ladybug winced. 
Stop projecting your feelings about the sleepover onto Ladybug’s situation, they’re not the same! She scolded herself.
What would she do in Ladybug’s shoes? She couldn’t tell anyone her identity. She’d still want to be friends with this person. Just heaping on lies would make it worse when those came to light, alienating the friend (or former friend) even further.
“Have you explained as much as you could why you did it without giving away your secret identity?” Alya asked slowly. “Just… let them know that you do care about them, that you didn’t lie to them lightly, that you care about your feelings and you didn’t have a lot of options.” Ah, screw it. Maybe it was just because it’d been recent and she was still hurting and worried, but perhaps hearing it would help Ladybug with her own friend problems. “One of my friends recently tricked me into covering for her,” she said. “I’m still not sure why.”
“O-oh, really?” Ladybug said… nervously? Probably because it reminded her of her own friend.
“She vaguely explained to me why,” she continued. “What she was thinking and feeling at the time. She had another commitment too, but she didn’t tell me what it was.” She let out a deep sigh. “At least she didn’t lie about it - I think. I’d rather she not tell me, than lie about it.” A pebble sat near her shoe. Absentmindedly, she kicked it. “With how distraught she was when she explained it... I think she was sincere. That she doesn’t view me as a tool. That she was just in a tough spot,” she said. “That helps a lot.”
“I- I did explain,” Ladybug said, hope lifting her voice. “I think she believed me.”
Alya nodded. “In that case… I don’t think there’s much more you can do. Give her space, and try to avoid doing it again if you can.” She bit her lip. “Which might not be totally under your control considering Hawkbutt.” 
Ladybug stifled a giggle. 
She gave a small smile, snorting at her own joke. “Anyway, could I ask you a favor? So long as you don’t have any other commitments already, I don’t want to land you in hot water with anyone else,” she added hastily.
“Nothing to do with the Ladyblog, right?” Ladybug asked suspiciously.
As much as she’d like that… “No,” she said, shaking her head. “Actually, it has to do with a friend of mine. You know Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“Uh- NOPE never heard that name in my life! Who’s Marinette?” Ladybug said hastily, gesticulating wildly.
Huh. Weird. She could’ve sworn that Marinette had mentioned meeting Ladybug before, but come to think of it, she couldn’t remember a single instance of Marinette and Ladybug being in the same place at the same time-
Never mind, there was that time with Alix’s race. But if that was the only time, no wonder Ladybug didn’t remember her. She wasn’t even sure that anyone had said Marinette’s name while Ladybug was within earshot.
Aaaaaand there was that niggling sensation again. She wished it’d either divulge what it was getting at or leave her alone. 
She whipped out her phone, pulling up a picture she and Marinette had taken together a couple months ago. “Marinette’s my best friend,” she said, surprising herself with how sure she sounded. “We’re going through a bit of a rough patch right now, but… well, I’m still worried about her. She was the one who lied to me yesterday, and when I confronted her about it, she said something about not having a choice. It sounds like she’s in danger but she won’t tell me from what, and I’m not sure what could be the problem and… I’m just worried.” Looking up from her phone, she locked eyes with the superhero. “Could you check up on her, please? Maybe she’d talk to you even if she wouldn’t talk to me. And- and even if she doesn’t, I’d feel better if a superhero was looking out for her.”
“You really care about her, huh?,” Ladybug said, giving her a soft smile. “Even though you’re fighting.”
She nodded. “I’m not happy with her, and there are some things we still need to work out, but- yeah. I want to make sure she’s okay.”
“You’re a good friend, Alya. I’m sure she’s fine, but I’ll look after her as best I can.”
“Buginette?” a boy’s voice called. A black figure landed next to Ladybug, crouched in the classic superhero landing pose, one knee bent, one hand punching the ground.
Oooh, new Ladyblog idea! Top ten Chat Noir poses! Seriously, that cat could be a model with the way he effortlessly mugged for the camera.
Ladybug groaned. “Did I forget the time already?” 
“It’s fine,” Chat said, resting his stick on his shoulders. “Waiting made seeing you all the sweeter.”
The spotted heroine groaned again, for a different reason this time. Alya saw the corners of her lips quirk upwards ever-so-slightly, belying her annoyance. “Come on, you alley cat. Race you to the Tower!”
“Oh, you’re on!” 
Alya watched them run off. Well, pole vault and swing off, but you know. Semantics.
Turning around, she headed back home.
She had an article to write.
Alya hummed as she walked into class, glancing at her phone. The Chat article had been a major hit, garnering several dozen comments within a few hours of posting, including from a user called “TheCatsMeow” who seemed weirdly invested in convincing everyone that Chat definitely had no experience modeling and his on-point posing was entirely due to natural talent and charisma. People picked the weirdest hills to die on. She’d been joking when she proposed that he was secretly a supermodel, but after having defended the possibility in a ten-commment-long exchange, she was starting to seriously consider it. Hm, maybe Adrien would have an idea of a possible identity lead…
Note to self: Don’t walk while looking at your phone. Sure she never listened when Mom told her that, but maybe this time she’d have the self-control to hold off! Optimism!
“Sorry,” she said instinctively. And blinked. “Marinette? You’re EARLY?!”
She should text her mom to buy a lottery ticket.
“Yeah,” Marinette said, chuckling nervously. She seemed to be in much better shape this time. A little down, but it looked like she’d gotten some decent sleep. “I- I just thought- if you wanted to talk- never mind. You need space.”
Suspicions percolated in her mind. “I should go to the restroom before class starts. How about you?”
Marinette’s head whipped up. “Yeah, sure, better to be safe than sorry. You know me, always needing to race to the toilet!” She rubbed the back of her neck.
“Every other akuma attack it seems like,” Alya said, walking down the hallway with her friend. “I swear, something about it being an inconvenient time makes you need to go even more.”
“Yep, that’s totally the reason!” Marinette agreed.
They walked for a moment in silence while she tried to gather her thoughts. “You know about my advice to Ladybug, don’t you?” she said at last.
“Ack-!” Marinette tripped on air, but managed to save herself at the last second. “Uh, no, that’s ridiculous, how could I know about that? It’s not like I was there or anything.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Uh huh. And it’s pure coincidence that you concluded I needed space the day after I gave that advice to Ladybug to help with her own friend problem?”
“Uuuuuh…” Marinette looked off to the side, before releasing a long sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. Ladybug talked to me last night, and well… your conversation came up. I figured our problems were similar enough, and you were the one giving the advice, so… maybe if I followed it, we could make up?”
Marinette wanted to go back to normal, to laugh and joke and just.. enjoy each other’s company again. And Alya… she wanted that too. 
She knew Marinette hadn’t meant to hurt her. And she understood why Marinette had done what she’d done. 
Well, except for what prompted Marinette to need to lie in the first place. She just had a gut feeling it was a cult, some sort of secret society. She was sure Miraculous had been around for awhile, that several historical figures had used them, and she could just bet that there was some sort of secret group watching over them from the shadows. She just needed a thread to follow, something that could lead her back to the guardians-
Abruptly, she stopped. “I- I want that too,” she said softly. “I don’t like fighting. I want my friend back.” She gave Marinette a hard look. “If Ladybug told you my advice, then you already know what I’m about to say. I don’t like being lied to - not like that. Not as part of a manipulation. You had your reasons, I get that, but I don’t think I could take that a second time. Unless someone’s in danger if you don’t, please, don’t lie to me. If you can’t tell me something or why you’re asking me to do a thing, just tell me that. I can’t promise to like it, but it’s better than being tricked.”
Marinette bit her lip and nodded. “I think- yeah. Yeah, I can do that,” she said, gaining confidence.
Alya smiled. “In that case…” she took off. “Race you to the bathrooms!”
“Hey, no running in the halls!” Marinette said, but her laughter undercut her words. As did her immediately overtaking Alya.
Girl could move fast when she wanted to.
(Several months later)
“And I… I’m Ladybug”
“This makes everything make so much more sense.”
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Seventeen
⚠WARNING: Swearing
• ────── ✾ ────── •
For five days Osamu ignores you. Your texts go unanswered, calls are sent to voicemails, meet ups at the café are now solo trips.
You’re beyond upset at this point. If this is his way of needing space, that’s fine. You’d be okay with giving him space - you just need to know if he wants space. Having this awful radio silence between you is driving you mad. What if he’s sick? What if he needs to go to the hospital? He lives alone and his family isn’t close, and he hasn’t mentioned other friends to you before. You’ve talked plenty about Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki - surely he would’ve offered up stories about his friends if he had them, no?
But you also worry that you’ve done something to really offend him. He’s a pretty laid back guy (all things considered) so you must have really pissed him off if he’s resorting to ignoring all forms of communication.
You just need to know. Even if it will be the end of your friendship (something your brain isn’t ready to comprehend, thank you very much) you have to know why Osamu doesn’t want to talk to you.
So you’ve changed plans. You decide to skip afternoon classes and set up camp at the cafe. You knew he visited the cafe at least once a day, and you thought that maybe he was coming at different times to avoid you but you weren’t gonna let that happen so you would change your schedule and ambush him.
It was literally the only idea you could think of and at this point you were desperate.
“Jasmine tea, right?” The barista greets you when you step up to the register.
“Yes please,” you answer, reaching to grab your wallet from your bag.
“Hey, I haven’t seen that one guy who you’d been studying with in awhile. He used to come all the time.” The barista sets down your tea and types at the register. “What was his name, Osamu?”
You nod, trying to swallow your disappointment and pass over money to pay. If the employees here haven’t noticed Osamu coming in then maybe he is sick. And the odds of you coming across him here are slim to none.
You thank the barista and grab a table in a different spot of the cafe. The whole point of this is to change up your routine and try to see if Osamu will stop by. The last thing you want is for him to walk in, see you sitting at the table, and leave. You sit at your table, pull out your notebooks and get settled. Hopefully you can get some studying done while waiting.
A faint bell to indicate a new person coming in rings, and you nearly snap your neck to look in the direction of the front door. But it’s a young woman talking on her cell phone who walks in, not Osamu. You sigh to yourself and open your books.
The front door bell rings again, and like before you quickly look up. To your dismay, a group of three guys probably close to your age walk into the café and make their way to the register.
You’ve been at the café for 45 minutes and this time it’s the 10th time you’ve been tricked by someone walking in. You feel yourself wilt and look back down at your books, ignoring the stinging in your eyes. This is pointless.
“We’ve checked the campus all morning, and Shin combed the library top to bottom.”
The group of guys waiting in line are standing close enough to your new table that you can just hear what they’re saying. You don’t really eavesdrop on people, but it’s hard when they’re not really trying to keep quiet. And you had given up on your homework ages ago, so you just sit staring at the table while listening to the three friends talk.
“We know that he’s studying here. We should just go up to the registrar’s office and find out where he’s taking classes.” A second voice speaks up.
“Yeah, and how is that going to work?” The first guy was speaking again. “We’re going to waltz onto a campus of a school we don’t go to and what, ask nicely if they can tell us where our friend is? We’ll get the cops called on us for sure.”
“Enough.” The third friend spoke, and you didn’t have to look to know that his voice commanded an air of respect. “We’re here for a few more days, we cannot argue amongst ourselves.”
“Kita, it’s a big campus in a big city. It’s gonna take more than a miracle to find him.”
You look up and around the café, and you can’t help but let your eyes wander to the three guys who’s conversation you had overheard. The shorter friend takes his coffee from the barista with a nod and moves towards the sugar and creamer station. “Him ignoring our phone calls is making things difficult.” The guy paused again to pour sugar into his coffee. “But it’s his mother’s birthday soon, and I know she would like him to be home for it.” You look away to gaze outside but continue to listen (eavesdrop) to them. You can’t help but think that the shortest guy’s accent sounds very familiar to you.
“To hell with the birthday.” The second guy speaks again, sounding agitated. “Osamu should be home with us, not holed up in this city alone.”
Your head snaps in their direction again. The shorter man with black and white hair is nearly dwarfed by two other men, one dark-skinned and the other with dark hair parted down the center. The shorter man and dark-skinned man are busy making their coffees but the one with dark, parted hair catches your movement. You stare at each other, him having no problem holding your gaze. You watch him pull his phone out of his pocket, tap at the screen (without looking away) and bring the phone up. A quick flash and you realize that this stranger has taken your photograph.
What the hell?!
You start, not expecting the action and look back down abashed. This is what you get for eavesdropping, you dummy. You chance a quick glance and see the shorter man giving the photog a stern look. You look away again but you can’t shut your ears off as you hear them speak again.
“Delete that photo right now Suna.”
“But she was looking right at me!”
“Delete it.”
Footsteps approaching your table make you look up again and your pulse quickens when you realize the shorter man is approaching you. Behind him the dark-skinned man is scolding the other friend, both looking cross with each other. But you can’t focus on them as the short man has finally arrived at your table. To your massive surprise he bows in front of you.
“I sincerely apologize for my friend. I assure you that he deleted the photo he took and he will not be doing anything like that again.”
Hearing his voice you can definitely pick up the same accent Osamu has. His eyes are gentle and kind and he does look remorseful for his friend’s actions. “Uhhh, no worries.” You stammer out, still dazed by everything that is happening.
Before you can think to voice your confusion out loud the man bows again and takes his leave. He doesn’t get a few feet from your table before you're blurting out.
“I heard you talking about Osamu.”
The two friends hear you (as did everyone in the cafe) but they immediately make their way to your table. The dark-skinned man is looking at you with surprise but it’s the other friend’s face who catches you by surprise. He stomps over and leans down to your eye level.
“Where is he?” You’re taken aback by the ferociousness in his voice, and the frantic frazzled look in his eyes. The shorter man steps back to the table and rests a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“We’re friends of Osamu from back home, and we’re having trouble finding him. Are you a friend of his?”
“Uh, yes. Well, I think so.” You weren’t sure of your status now after he’s been ignoring your calls and messages.
“Well which is it?” The other man asks aggressively. You don’t get a chance to answer as you all hear the café door open and you turn to look at the newcomer.
Your heart flutters when you see Osamu walk through the door. It’s the first time you’ve seen him since realizing that you like him more than a friend, and besides relief at seeing him in person after he’s been ignoring you, you feel comfort at seeing him.
You meet his gaze and watch him stop in his steps when he sees you. His eyes widen slightly in surprise, but it’s nothing compared to the look on his face when he takes in the full scene. Your heart twists when he pales, and before you can call out to him he takes off.
“Shit!” The man who took your photo takes off, expertly weaving through the small crowd in the café and following Osamu out the door. The second tall man chases after them a second later, having a bit more trouble getting through the other patrons.
The third, shortest friend remains, and you hear him heave a sigh. After a beat he speaks up. “May I join you?”
You start but not immediately. He doesn’t waste time in sitting down in the chair next to yours. Only when he gets situated do you realize what you’ve done - you’re letting someone who supposedly knows Osamu sit with you, someone that makes Osamu look like he’s seen a ghost and run away as fast as he can.
What if this man is dangerous? Did you just endanger Osamu’s life?
“We’re not here to hurt Osamu.” Your companion at your table speaks up. You have no idea how he was able to read your mind, and you feel even more suspicious. “My name is Kita Shinsuke - the one who took your photo is Suna Rintarou, and our other friend is Aran Ojiro. We’re friends of Osamu’s from Hyogo.”
You nod at his introduction, but you’re not buying it. Saying outright that you’re not going to hurt someone is exactly what someone who wants to hurt someone else would say.
Kita must sense your hesitation again and he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out his phone, taps the screen and sets it on the table facing you. He nudges it in your direction, and you cautiously pick it up. What you see on the screen nearly makes you drop the phone in surprise.
It’s a group of guys - you immediately recognize this Kita person with his black and white hair, as well as Suna and Aran. You also see Osamu, giving the camera a lazy smile.
And his exact replica, standing next to him with a wider, cockier smile.
His twin.
Besides the initial shock of seeing a picture of Osamu’s twin, you see Osamu looking happy. He’s got his small smirk you’ve only seen a few times, and even then it pales in comparison to the smile he’s wearing in the photo. It’s such a stark difference to the cold, apathetic Osamu you know now that your heart can’t help but twist.
You hand the phone back to Kita silently. He takes it and puts it away.
“How long have you been friends with Osamu?” He asks.
You swallow. “A few weeks.”
Kita nods. “And do you know about Atsumu?”
“Is that his twin?” Kita nods at your question. “Then yes, that’s how we became friends, kind of.”
Kita gives you a confused look (his expression barely changes but you can just detect it.) You clear your throat. “I lost my best friend a few months ago. We realized we both had something in common and we’ve been able to talk about it with each other.”
Surprise flickers across his face before a serious, somber look takes its place. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you reply automatically. You appreciate his gesture, and you’ve been handling these kinds of interactions with general strangers for months. If, for some godforsaken reason, the passing of Hajime comes up in conversation everyone immediately offers their condolences, you thank them, and then the conversation continues. You’ve long been able to push aside the wave of grief that comes with the briefest of mentions of his passing. You understand that sometimes the stranger you were talking with doesn’t really mean the words they’re saying.
But with this Kita Shinsuke, you feel the sincerity behind it. It only comes from someone who can understand what you’re going through because they’ve gone through it themselves.
“Can I ask how much you know about Osamu and Atsumu?” Kita asks.
You struggle to find an adequate answer, embarrassed by your lack of knowledge about Osamu’s past. He always seemed uncomfortable talking about Atsumu, and you never wanted to push him. Gosh, can you really say you have deep feelings for him when you don’t even know how to answer this simple question?
“I know he came to Sendai for school.” You answer carefully, putting your insecurities away for now. “I think he wanted to get out of Hyogo.”
Kita’s response is a hum. It’s thoughtful, and you can see gears turning behind his head. You wait for him to reply, unsure of what else to say.
“Osamu definitely wanted to get out of Hyogo, and he did come here to attend Sendai University.” Kita confirms. “But what you may not know is that he vanished from Hyogo, without a trace save for the letter he left for his parents to never call him again.”
Kita’s brief explanation feels anything but that. It shocks you to your core, freezing your lungs. Any reply you would have had to it was wiped clean, and you really can’t do anything but sit and stare.
Kita nods. His features soften, and you now see a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I understand his actions. I cannot imagine living in a place with constant painful reminders of his loss.
“But he didn’t give any hint of wanting to leave. He never told anyone his plan. One day we woke up and he was just gone. His parents are heartbroken. They had already lost one son, and now another that leaves no open channel of communication, no desire for any of us to reach him. To them, it feels like they’ve lost both sons.
Your heart clenches painfully. You know Kita isn’t accusing Osamu of anything - you can’t hear any blame in his voice. But you can’t help but feel the need to defend your friend for his actions that are, frankly, self-serving.
Kita goes on. “Aran, Suna and myself have an old schoolmate, one of Osamu’s old friends as well. He recently reached out to tell us that his cousin thought he recognized Osamu here at this campus when he came to play Sendai University’s mens’ basketball team. It was pure dumb luck, and honestly not even a hint of a confirmed lead, but we got a chance to find Osamu. We arrived two days ago and have spent all of our time searching every corner of the campus looking for him.”
You still can’t get over the new information you’ve learned about Osamu. Leaving his small town and the only people he knows with no plans on returning. You can’t help but remember little bits of information gleaned from your conversations with Osamu.
He moved to a new city and got a new phone and new phone number. He doesn’t have any friends or family here in Sendai. How unwilling he was to find a therapist and seek help for unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Now with the added information of knowing Osamu left home without a trace, you’re left with a revelation that sends you reeling.
He’s running away.
Osamu is trying to run away from the trauma of losing his brother. He’s doing his very best to shake off any trace of his past and reinvent himself in a new city. Zero contact with friends or family and no support to help him work through a disturbing life event that shouldn’t happen to anyone. And he’s shoving it all down.
Why? Why in the world would anyone want to do that to themselves? And is this what he’s been doing to you now? Running away from you?
A ringing disrupts your disturbing thoughts and you watch Kita bring his phone up to his ear. “Hello?” Whoever is on the other line must tell him some disappointing news because Kita’s face falls again. “Ok, I’ll meet you at the hotel.” He hands up the phone and sighs.
“Aran and Suna lost Osamu. Not surprisingly, since Osamu was always quick, and he knows the area better than we do.” He stands. “I will leave you to your studying. May I borrow a slip of paper and a pen?”
You wordlessly hand over a scrap piece of paper and pen, letting Kita bend down to write on the table. He hands the items back to you and straightens up. You look at the paper and see his full name and phone number written down.
“You have no obligation to, but if Osamu reaches out to you will you please let me know?”
You think of the messages you’ve sent him and the calls you’ve made - all unanswered. But you can’t bring yourself to tell that to Kita now. “I’ll try my best.”
“I greatly appreciate it.” Kita bows and makes to leave. But he hesitates and looks back at you. “We’re not here to drag him back to Hyogo against his will. If he wants to stay here in Sendai he can, he’s an adult. I just want him to know that he has people that care about him, people that miss him.”
You watch Kita pause, standing still. He swallows hard and you see his hands ball into fists. Watching Kita compose himself somehow hurts you the most in this entire interaction you’ve had with him.
When he speaks, his voice is strained. “I don’t think he knows that. I think he believes that he’s truly alone.”
Kita nods and takes his leave, leaving you sitting alone at your table in the café.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: Enter the Hyogo friends! But Osamu doesn't seem too happy to see them....are we gonna find out why? Also a sad Kita is literally the worst thing in the world and it makes me not okay! :')
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef @badkarma-a
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
Homesick - (Christen Press x reader)
Hey guys!!! Honestly heard this song and loved it so much and thought it would be good for an imagine. Halfway through writing it I thought it would have been better with an army service person but honestly was too tired to change it all. But I hope you enjoy!!!
You look so peaceful in our bed
I didn't wanna wake you when I left
To catch my plane
And I'll be trailing through the sky
Just another silhouette up high
Before you wake
I groan quietly as the alarm on my Fitbit buzzes awaking me from my peaceful night. I lay there for another minute before deciding I unfortunately have to get up. Ever so slowly I gently slip out from Christen's grasp and quietly get out of the bed.
I start to move around the room getting ready. The benefit of having everything packed the day before means I wasn't in a rush to pack and I all I had to do was get changed. As I check my watch I see I need to be leaving soon to make my flight. But as I look over at Christen who is still sleeping peacefully in the bed I smile softly at the sight.
She looked so serene and peaceful. She looked so relaxed as her chest rises and falls in slow rhythmic breaths. I frown knowing how hard she's been working lately on Re Inc alongside training and everything else that needs to be done. I sigh and bite the inside of my cheek. We had a traditional, sort of like an unspoken rule. Whenever one of us had to leave for somewhere we would always wake the other up to say goodbye. Sadly it was usually me doing the waking up having to travel a lot for work.
But knowing how stressed she been recently about Re Inc's new capsule launch and the upcoming Olympics, I didn't have the heart to wake her up.
Instead I settle for a gentle kiss on her forehead. I freeze as she stirs in her sleep as she shuffles around in the bed before burying her head into my pillow. With one last smile I creep out of the room leaving her a small note on the counter before leaving for the airport.
Knowing by the time she wakes up I'll be high in the sky.
You tell me that you had that dream again
When I didn't have to go
I wish that we could live inside your head
I had barely stepped into my hotel room when my phone rings. I drop my bags before fishing around in my pockets to find my phone. But I smile as I see the name pop up on my screen, "Morning Chris".
"You didn't wake me this morning..." I didn't even need to see her to know that she was pouting on the other end. I bite my lip, "I know but I know how hard you've been working and you just looked so beautiful and peaceful. I just couldn't do it". She giggles, "Maybe it's because of the dream I was having".
I flop back into the bed settling back into the mattress, "What were you dreaming about?" "You woke me up and told me that your gig was cancelled and you didn't have to leave". I chuckle and run my hand through my hair, "I like the sound of that. I wish we could live inside you head".
And I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
And I'm waking up at 6:00 a.m.
To call before you go to bed
And tell you 'bout the day I've planned
And listen to the one you had
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
I grin, "I'm sorry I didn't wake you up. But I have a surprise that will make you happy". She hums, "Oh yeah? What is it?" "Go look in the wardrobe" I tell her. I can hear her shuffling on her end as she no doubt goes to the wardrobe. Then I hear her coo over the phone, "Awe Y/n..." I smile, "I know it sucks being away from each other a lot of the time especially with conflicting schedules and stuff. But I hope this will help remind you I'm always here for you".
She giggles, "It's smells like you and a small bit of popcorn". I had left her one of my oversized sweater which she always loved to steal off me. She had spent many nights curled up in my sweater on the sofa for our movie nights. It was one of my favourites but I could never be mad at her for taking it. She just looked so adorable all swallowed up in the massive hoodie.
"This way" I tell her, "whenever you start to miss me. You can just put this on and think of the two of us cuddled up on the couch". She lets out a content sigh, "I love you". I smile, "I love you too".
Your friends, they ask you all the time
Why'd you wanna wait another night
When I'm not home?
And nothing seems to settle down
Just another day, another town
And we're alone
As much as I love my job it did suck at times. Being a photographer for hire was brilliant as I got to do what I loved and got to travel all over the world meeting amazing people. The problem with being in such high demand means I'm traveling a little too much at times.
It also meant that I was purely reliant on reputation alone. Thankfully I had spent years building it up. It didn't hurt that I was very versatile doing just about everything from travel pictures to modelling shoots. But in building up a reputation it meant that I couldn't turn down bookings.
And it seems that I always had the worst timing with luck. It seems that just as I finish up a job I get booked for another one. Postponing my return home. Things just never seems to settle down. Meaning spending even longer away from Christen. Or just when I come home she's leaving for camp or matches. I would be hopping town to town. The two of us alone.
But not really
But I can never let this go to waste
The further that I go
The more I seem to love you every day
But no matter how far away we are from each other. No matter the distance I travel it could never diminish how much I love Christen. It's as if the further I travel the more my love grows for her. I guess what they say is true.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
And I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
And I'm waking up at 6:00 a.m.
To call before you go to bed
And tell you 'bout the day I've planned
And listen to the one you had
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you
When I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
After touching down in New York and hailing down a taxi I slump back in the seat as they drive me to the hotel for the night. But the first thing I do is check the time difference. It just became apart of my routine everytime I went somewhere for work. I would always check the time difference between where I am with wherever Christen is.
I had made it a priority to always call Christen before she goes to bed no matter what unless it was organised before hand for some reason.
Of course I never told Christen this. Purely cause in doing so it means that I would have to be awake at insane hours in order to call her. Of course it was a pain but everything was worth it to hear about Christen's day.
As I get to the hotel I immediately slide into the bed not even bothering to change and instead just dropping my bags and getting comfortable underneath the warn blankets. Knowing I only have a few hour before needing to wake up to call Christen.
I groan lightly when I hear the alarm on my phone go off. I sit up in my bed with a yawn before taking my phone off the charge and dialling Christen's number. I rub the sleep from my eyes as it rings. But it doesn't take long as it only has the chance to ring twice before I hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice on the other end, "Hey Y/n!"
I smile tiredly, "Hey Love". "You okay? You sound tired. Early start?" I chuckle quietly she has no idea. "Eh it's okay I just woke up is all". I stifle a yawn, "But don't worry about that how was your day?"
I can't help but smile as she begins her long rant about her day. Starting off with the usual with her morning yoga and meditation and everything. Then tells me about Kelley acting like a crack head at training and work for Re Inc. "Mal was asking for you as well today" she tells me making me smile. "Awe" coo, "tell the little nugget I miss her too".
"Do you have much planned for the day?" She asks. I shrug although I know she can't see me, "Well other than the shoot I have today I don't really know. Maybe if I get a chance I can go explore maybe take a few pictures". She groans, "Uh I wish I could go exploring with you". I smile, "Maybe one day I'll bring you back with me and then we can explore together". "I would like that" she says softly.
There's a small pause before she speaks again. "So do you know when your going to be coming home?" She asks quietly. I sigh knowing it was coming. She asks every time and I hate it. Purely because I can never give her a good answer. I never liked giving her an answer only for her to be disappointed when another job calls me away again. "I don't know Chris" I sigh. "I have this gig which is a city wide shoot which could go on for days if we get delayed and then I might be getting called for another in England afterwards".
I could practically see the frown on her face, "Okay..." I sigh and play with the ring on my finger, "But you know that I'm doing everything in my power to get back home to you". "I know". I inhale deeply, "I love you so so so so much Christen Press". I smile as I hear her giggle down the line, "I love you too". "To the moon and back" I whisper. She sighs contently.
"To the moon and back"
I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
I groan quietly as I rub my eyes tired from constantly staring at the screen. When I glance up I see I've been editing these photos for over 3 hours now as the it now shows that it's nearing 4am. I slump back in the chair and stare up at the ceiling just taking a moment to rest my eyes.
I loved photography and taking pictures of different things. But this was the part I hated the most. Editing. Was simply the bain of my existence. It was just a slow process and took so long to do such small things. And as much as I wanted to just go to sleep I knew I couldn't. The longer I put these off the more pressure I'll be under to get them sent off.
It would also lead to just a bigger amount of pictures to edit and that didn't seem all that appealing either.
It didn't help that all my thoughts just seems to trail back to Christen. She's probably in the middle of team bonding or free time right now. Probably hanging with Tobin or someone right now. What I wouldn't give to just be cuddled up with her right now taking a nap.
I missed her so much right now
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone pinging. I sigh as I grab my phone only to see it's an Instagram notification. I scrunch my face "I've been tagged?" I shrug thinking it's just probably someone posting some photos I took for them but instantly smile when I see who it was.
It was a picture I had actually taken a while ago just for fun but it came out extremely well. It was a picture of Chris sitting on our sofa looking away from the camera and instead to the seat beside her. The light streaming in from the windows we're hitting her perfectly. But the best part was her sitting them in my baggy sweater adorning her small frame making her look even smaller than usual.
Christenpress Wish you were here next to me
I chuckle as I like the photo. Christen was such a tease. She knew that fans had suspicions that she was dating someone but would never come out and directly say who. It was quite funny seeing how many people speculated Christen and Tobin were dating from photos I had taken. Taking friendly gestures way out of context.
After staring at the picture for a while longer I switch off my phone and get back to editing the photos. Wanting to get these done as quickly as possible. Because the quicker I get these done.
The quicker I get home to her.
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you
When I'm homesick
The day had been longer than it should have been. The shoot had a rocky start with an overbearing manager interrupting the shoot constantly and questioning everything every 5 minutes. I was quickly coming to the end of my tether but I finally cracked. Not only was he making the model uncomfortable, he started questioning me. So I eventually kicked him off the shoot.
Which was the best decision as the model finally relaxed enough to continue on with the shoot. It ran much smoother after that but we had a lot of time to make up for. And along with the wardrobe changes and travelling between locations the day was just tiring overall.
It didn't help that homesickness hit my like a train today.
I don't know why but everything just remind me of Christen. It was almost crippling how much I missed her. Wanting nothing more than to be in her arms. But I plastered a smile on my face and grinned and bared it. The only thing getting me through the day was my phone.
My phone was my lifeline and my medicine for homesickness. Whenever I was having a bad day or just missing home all I had to do was turn on my phone. And I was met with Christen smiling up at me from my home screen. It was a picture that I think one of her teammates took. It was of a picture of a few of us at a party or team celebration I honestly couldn't remember. With Tobin, Pinoe and a few others either side of us while Christen was sitting on my lap with my arms wrapped around her and my chin resting on her shoulder. Both of us smiling at the camera. It was of It's my own way of always having her with me.
She has my sweater and I have my home screen. And that will keep us going until we're back together again.
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
I focus my camera waiting for the perfect moment until I quickly snap the photo. I grin as I see the outcome of the shots and swear that she could never take a bad photo ever. I wait anxiously taking the occasional picture until the whistle finally blows.
I pull the snood closer to my face and pull my hat down further down my face making me almost unrecognisable. As I make my way onto the field I snap pictures of the players trading after match pleasantries and talking to each other. I smile as I see her smiling and laughing with Tobin and Mal. I raise the camera to my eye and wave at them, "Hey! Can I get a picture?" 
They all nod before standing beside each other and smiling at me with their arms around each other. I quickly take the picture before lowering the camera, "Beautiful! Thank you but I was expecting a better reaction from you".
She looks at me confused before I lower my snood and smile at my girlfriend, "Hey Love". She gasps at me before launching herself into my arms giving me just enough time to move my camera away from getting crushed and catch her in my arms. I spin her around in my arms before putting her back on her feet. "Your here! Omg your actually here!" She squeals as she wraps her arms around my neck.
After passing off my phone to Mal with a smile I securely wrap my arms around her waist pulling her even closer to me, "Yes Darling. I'm here".
We sway side to side for a bit just enjoying being back in each others arms again. "I missed you" she whispers into my neck as I kiss the side of her head, "I missed you too. So so so much Chris".
She pulled back just even to look into my eyes before leaning in to kiss me. Finally being back in each others arms we were so happy to be back with each other. "I love you to the moon and back" I whisper pressing my forehead against hers.
"I love you to the moon and back"
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hotchnisslovechild · 3 years
Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn
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Rating: E Fandom: Big Shot Pairing: Marvyn Korn/Holly Barrett Word Count: 7900 Tags: 18+, Explicit Sexual Content, Only One Bed, Sharing a Bed, PWP, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Post S1 Summary: Away at a team camp, Holly and Marvyn have to share a hotel room.
AO3 Link or read below!
It was a 2-hour bus ride to Westmont College. Well, for Holly and the girls that is. Marvyn decided to drive to the team camp separately. He loved being with the girls and Holly, but 2 hours on a small bus all together? He would much rather enjoy some “Marvyn Time” and drive by himself. It worked out well that way actually; Holly and Marvyn needed their own car to drive to and from campus back to their hotel nearby. The girls were staying on campus, all paired up in dorms. Staying in dorm rooms was a hard pass for Holly and Marvyn, mostly Marvyn. Holly wouldn’t have minded staying in a room on campus but given the choice between sleeping on a hotel-quality, queen-sized mattress or a dorm-quality, twin-sized mattress, she’d pick hotel every time. Marvyn just flat out refused to sleep in a dorm. He loves hotels. Hell, he tried to live in one until his daughter moved in with him. People change his sheets and make the bed for him. There’s complimentary breakfast. What’s not to love about hotels?
Holly could not wait to get off the bus after those 2 hours. One thing about teenage girls is that they love to gossip. Holly witnesses it every day at school, but none of it really ever pertains to her. These girls usually just chat about boys and other girls, but Holly’s ears always perk up when she occasionally overhears the girls talking about their teachers to one another. It’s fun to hear what they think about her colleagues, but sometimes she fears she’s the subject of gossip amongst these girls when they are anywhere else in the school that isn’t Holly’s classroom.
That fear came true on that bus ride when she overheard the girls whispering at the back of the bus. The subject of those hushed words? Holly and Marvyn. It was a big bus, but not big enough. From the front of the bus, Holly could hear just about every word those girls whispered back and forth to one another in the back.
“Emma told me they go out for drinks and dinner all the time,” Destiny murmured to all of the girls leaning into the bus walkway.
“But isn’t she like his only friend?” Louise joked, getting some giggles from the other girls.
“I’m thinking they are a little more than just friends, if you know what I mean,” Samantha mumbled.
Mouse smacked her knee from the seat across from her. “Sam!” she gasped.
“What?” Samantha asked, “You don’t think those two could be hooking up?”
“I’d prefer not to think about that,” Mouse answered, hating the idea of her coaches doing it with each other.
“Guys, what if they are in the same hotel room for this camp?” Olive suggested, feeding into Samantha’s theory. “Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to stay in the dorms.”
Destiny let out a loud gasp at Olive’s suggestion and proceeded to be slapped and shushed by Louise for being too loud. They would all be dead if Holly could hear their conversation.
They had no clue that Holly could actually hear everything they were saying. And she was mortified. Her and Marvyn? What was it with these girls and starting rumors about who’s she’s dating? First, it was Felix, now it’s Marvyn. Sure, she goes out for drinks and dinner with Marvyn a lot. So what? Friends can go out for fun. Not only are they friends… they are colleagues. It’s always been strictly platonic and professional between them, and Holly plans on keeping it that way.
When they finally arrived at Westmont around 9PM, she helped the girls find their dorms and settle in while she waited for Marvyn to get there. Once he got there, Holly said goodnight to the girls and told them they need to get up for the scheduled team breakfast at 8AM in the main campus dining hall.
Marvyn didn’t even bother getting out of his car to say “hi” to the girls once he got there. He texted Holly telling her to walk out to his car, and to hurry up so they could get settled at the hotel.
Holly didn’t say a word during the 10 minutes it took to get to the hotel. Her face was still hot from overhearing the girls suggest that she and Marvyn were a thing. She could feel Marvyn’s curious gaze on her in the car, but she avoided his glances by staring out the window, thinking about a certain thing the girls unknowingly put into her head. Her stomach tightened as the thought of sleeping with Marvyn consumed her mind for the duration of the drive.
Holly started to second guess everything Marvyn did for her. When they got to the hotel, Marvyn rushed to open the door for Holly and get her suitcase out of the back seat. Is that what friends do? Is he just being nice? Holly asked herself, feeling like she was going a bit mad.
Walking up to the front desk, Marvyn greeted the receptionist. “Hi, I have two rooms booked under Korn.”
Holly watched as the woman behind the front desk punched keys on her keyboard. The receptionist started typing faster than before, almost frantic. Holly had no idea it was that hard to find a room reservation.
“Hmm,” the woman started, “I don’t see a reservation under that name. Could it be under a different name, perhaps?”
“Are you sure? Did you spell it right? It’s K-o-r-n. Korn,” Marvyn said, growing impatient. He just wanted to go to sleep. They had a busy few days coming up with the camp, and he needed to be well-rested if he was going to beat all of the other Southern California basketball teams at the camp.
“I’m afraid I don’t see a reservation for you, Mr. Korn.”
“Marvyn, don’t you have the confirmation in your email? You can pull that up on your phone,” Holly suggested, hating that they were causing the receptionist any trouble.
Marvyn pulled up the email confirmation on his phone and held it up to the clerk. “Here’s our confirmation number and reservation details. We have two queen-sized rooms. Three nights.”
The woman pulled the phone toward her, taking a closer look at the email. “Sir, I think there has been a mistake.”
“How could there be a mistake? The confirmation and details are right there,” he snapped, pointing at his phone. Holly elbowed him for snapping at the poor young woman.
“These reservations are for the Holiday Inn Express in Ventura. You’re at the Holiday Inn Express in Santa Barbara.
Holly looked at Marvyn in disbelief. Ventura was almost a half-hour away. She didn’t want to have to drive all the way there and have to commute 30 minutes to and from Westmont for 4 days.
“Well shit,” Marvyn muttered under his breath. This is why he doesn’t stay at anything less than 5-star hotels. This never would have happened if Holly just let him book two rooms at the Hotel Californian. But no, they were “too expensive and luxurious” for only staying 3 nights and spending most of their time at Westmont.
“Do you have two rooms available here?” Marvyn finally asked the woman.
“We’re pretty booked up. I’ll have to check what rooms we have available for 3 nights.”
“You better have some rooms because—”
Holly elbowed him again, sending him a glare that could kill. She turned to the clerk. “Thank you,” she said sincerely, “We’re sorry to cause so much trouble.”
“Oh, you are no trouble at all. It happens more often than you would think, “ the receptionist said as she typed away on her keyboard. Her face sunk. “I’m sorry but all we have available for three nights is one room. It should have two queen beds, but I’ll have to double check—”
“We’ll take it,” Marvyn interjected. He didn’t want to be standing in that lobby any longer. And he certainly did not want to drive all the way to Ventura.
“Marvyn,” Holly turned to him concerned, “We can’t share a room.”
“Well, you can find a ride to Ventura because I’m sure as hell not driving all the way over there.”
This was exactly what she didn’t need right now. She could hardly look Marvyn in the eye after hearing the girls speculate about them being in a relationship. How could she share a room with him? Everything about this was just mortifying.
She sighed. “Fine. I guess it’s not that big a deal” She took one of the keys the woman set out in front of them.
Holly’s jaw dropped to the floor when Marvyn opened the door for her to walk into the room. She could not believe what she was seeing. Was there seriously only one goddamn bed? Just when she thought this couldn’t get any worse.
“Now you have to be fucking kidding me,” Marvyn said when he finally walked through the doorway, carrying both of their suitcases. “I thought she said it would be two queens.”
“Well, you did cut her off and take the room before she could double check,” Holly retorted, clearly annoyed. She walked further into the room, setting her purse down on the polka dot armchair. The room was fairly big and had a great view of Santa Barbara.
Marvyn followed her into the room, still dragging their luggage along. Holly could still hardly look at him, so she busied herself with looking around the room.
“Did you want the bathroom first?” Marvyn asked coolly, breaking the awkward silence that settled in the room.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. I need to wash up after sitting on that old bus for 2 hours. I’ll be quick,” Holly said as she opened up her suitcase to grab her pajamas and toiletry bag. She practically ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
She set her bag and pajamas down on the counter and took a deep breath. How does he seem so unfazed by the giant bed-shaped elephant in the room? Holly thought as she stared at herself in the mirror. The fact that the receptionist “gave him the wrong information” seemed to affect him more than the fact that they were sharing a room and possibly sharing a bed. That is, if he doesn’t do the gentlemanly thing and offer to sleep on the floor or the chair. She sure as hell wasn’t sleeping anywhere besides that bed.
Holly was prepared to be in the comfort of her own room, so all she packed for nighttime attire was a pair of skimpy blue sleep shorts and a tank top. That would have been fine had things gone as planned and she had a room to herself, but Marvyn was going to be seeing a lot of leg, a lot more than would be considered appropriate. She shoved the thought out of her mind and got changed.
After she finished up washing her face and brushing her teeth, she knocked on the door. “Are you decent?” she called out from the bathroom.
“Yeah, you’re good to come out,” Marvyn responded. Holly took a deep, sobering breath as her hand hovered over the doorknob. She wished she could tell herself it’s just one night, but it’s three nights. He’ll take the chair or the floor, I’m sure, Holly tried to reassure herself.
When she finally mustered the courage to walk out into the main room, she’s stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing Marvyn. It took everything in her not to stare at him perched on the edge of the bed dressed in green boxers and a plain white undershirt that hugged his torso. She averted her gaze and quickly crossed her arms in front of her as she walked to her suitcase, a failed attempt to hide her hardening nipples. She wished she could blame it on the cold air in the room, but it’s really just from seeing Marvyn so… undressed. She hated the girls for putting the idea of them together in her mind. Yes, he’s a very attractive man, but she’s never thought about him in any sexual way. Now, it was nearly all she could think about, thanks to the girls. She was in deep shit.
And Marvyn was completely fucked. He hoped she didn’t notice him practically gawking at her when she came out of the bathroom, his eyes caught on the sight of her hardening nipples through her thin tank top. And those shorts. They were sinful is what they were. She was showing off more leg than he could handle. He was used to Holly wearing tight athletic clothing at practices and games. He knew she had a great body. But seeing her so bare made his mind run wild. He watched as she bent forward to put her clothes back into her suitcase. Her shorts were so damn small he could just barely see the black lace panties she was wearing underneath. He tore his eyes away. What the fuck is the matter with me? He scolded himself, thoroughly disturbed by his sudden sexual urges for his friend – his colleague. Now half hard, he finally excused himself to the bathroom.
I’m a man. I can’t help it, he repeated to himself over and over as he stared at his reflection. He couldn’t go back out there like that. The best he could do was will his erection away. There was no way he could discretely “take care” of it with Holly just several feet away.
He brushed his teeth and splashed his face with cold water, trying to distract himself from images of Holly’s legs and the swell of her breasts. As much as he wanted to sleep on that damn bed, getting in bed with her was no longer an option. He would have to offer to sleep on the chair or the floor.
Still half hard, he sucked in a breath before exiting the bathroom. He saw her sitting up on the right side of the bed reading a book. “I’ll sleep on the chair,” he announced.
“Are you sure?” Holly said out of courtesy.
“It’s either that or the floor. Which do you think I should choose?”
 “Whatever will hurt your back less, old man,” Holly joked, the banter coming back to them both easily, temporarily distracting them from the sexual tension that’s built between them in just one night.
“Don’t make me share that bed with you,” he said with a cocky smirk.
“Sleep on the chair. Maybe you will snore less sitting up.”
“I don’t snore,” he countered, slightly offended by her assumption.
“Yeah right. Just sleep on the chair. Keep the snoring to a minimum.” She went back to reading her book. She silently cheered that he offered to let her have the bed to herself. After her inappropriate thoughts about him that night, she wasn’t sure she would be able to keep her hands to herself if he hopped into bed with her.
He grabbed a pillow from the bed and tried to make himself comfortable in the big polka dot chair. “Am I good to turn off the lamp?” Holly asked once it seemed Marvyn got in a comfortable position.
“Yeah,” she heard him grunt as he shifted once more.
Close to 30 minutes went by of more shifting and grunting from the chair on the other side of the room. There was no falling asleep with how noisy he was being. She couldn’t tell if he was genuinely uncomfortable or if he was trying to get her to pity him and offer to switch places or let him sleep in the bed with her. “You good over there?” she whispered into the darkness of the room.
“Just fine,” he responded, feigning sincerity. It was probably the most uncomfortable chair he had ever sat in. It was lumpy and stiff, making noise with every move he made. Not to mention, his cock was still hard, his mind ridden with inappropriate and unprofessional thoughts of Holly
Holly hated what she was about to say next, knew she was probably going to regret it, want to take it back. But she really needed some good sleep tonight, so she went for it. “Just come sleep in the bed, Marvyn. You are driving me nuts with all your moving around.”
“You’re just trying to get in bed with me, aren’t you?” he teased, knowing that would push her buttons.
“Shut up, Marvyn. We’re both adults. We can share a bed without it being weird. Unless you would rather sleep on the floor?”
He didn’t even respond. He got up from the chair, holding his already sore back. God, am I really an old man? He said to himself silently, thinking about Holly’s joke from earlier.
“Just don’t hog the covers,” Holly said as she turned her back to him. She felt the mattress dip beside her, and a twinge of panic rose within her, her heart started to race. She hadn’t shared a bed with a man in a very long time. And it’s been even longer since she’s gotten laid. She shook the thought out of her head. She was absolutely not getting laid tonight. She was in a bed with Marvyn for Christ’s sake. He’s both a friend and a colleague. They couldn’t afford to ruin that. And did she really want to fuck the same man that Ms. Goodwin has? God, no.
Marvyn was wide awake. The twitch of his cock in his boxers was starting to get somewhat painful. He really shouldn’t be this goddamn horny; it had only been a couple months since he and Maggie were having sex. Granted, they only did so a few times. It took a lot longer than he expected to get past 2nd base with her. Something about “wanting to take it slow” and “doing it right”. Oh, he wanted to do it all right. Maggie was the first woman he’d been with since his ex-wife, and making the bald man cry each night wasn’t as satisfying as he hoped it would be. He wished he could fist himself right then and there, desperate to get rid of his uncomfortable and awkward hard on.
Holly also lay there wide awake, the silence too loud to even think about falling asleep. Desperate to get rid of the suffocating silence, she spoke, “This is so cliché, isn’t it?”
“What is?” Marvyn asked, genuinely unsure of what she was talking about.
“The whole two co-workers forced to share a bed thing. I thought this type of shit just happened in books to get the two main characters together,” she said matter-of-factly, not realizing until after she finished her sentence just how suggestive it was.
“Don’t get any ideas, Coach Barrett,”
“Oh, please. As if. Goodnight Marvyn.”
“Night,” she heard him whisper. Finally feeling relaxed, she dozed off to sleep to the sound of his breathing.
Marvyn woke just a few hours later, feeling pressure on his thigh. Dazed and confused, he looked up at the alarm clock next to his head, a green-lit 3:00 AM staring back at him. He turned back to see what was pressed up against his thigh. Lo and behold, Holly had thrown her leg over his thigh while they were sleeping. Pft, “as if” Marvyn silently mocked her words from earlier. His arm was trapped under her waist, ghosting over the swell of her ass. He instantly regretted lifting his other hand up to rest on her thigh, as he almost instantly got hard again.
They were hardly under the covers anymore, having kicked them off in their sleep. In the dimmed light coming from the streetlights outside, Marvyn could watch Holly as she slept. She really was a beautiful woman. He was surprised she hadn’t found anybody after her divorce. Any man would be lucky to have her. Not only was she incredibly good-humored and down-to-earth, but she also was just fucking sexy. He’d never really looked at her that way before that night, but it was hard not to when her breasts were practically falling out of her tank top and her shorts left next to nothing to the imagination.
He was abruptly shaken from his thoughts when he started to feel movement beside him. Not just any movement. No. The beautiful blonde woman beside him had started to rock her hips into his thigh. This can’t be happening. She has to be dreaming. I have to be dreaming right now Marvyn thought in a panic.
Her movements against the bare skin of his thigh grew faster, and she let out a soft moan, almost too quiet to hear. He started to feel how wet she was through her shorts. Marvyn’s heart was about to beat out of his chest, as he felt his cock twitch for what seemed like the millionth time that night, just aching to be touched. He had no clue what to do. Was he supposed to wake her up? Let her unconsciously get off on his thigh? There was no right way to go about it.
Holly slowly slipped into consciousness. She assumed the dream she was having must have been great based on how wet she was, slowly rocking against the thigh pressed firmly between her legs. It felt too good to stop. She tilted her hips back, seeking more friction against her clit. She sighed at the sensation. She became aware of the hands splayed on her lower back and on her thigh. The hardness pressed against her inner thigh then caught her attention.
Holy fuck! She thought frantically, suddenly remembering she went to sleep next to Marvyn last night. Before the panic set in, she felt the hand on her back move lower, resting firmly on her ass, which was only half covered by her sleep shorts. She nearly gasped when the hips underneath her began to rock into her thigh. She pressed her forehead against his shoulder as she continues her movements.
They both knew the other was awake, but they didn’t say a word, and they didn’t stop; they just kept grinding, getting each other off. Marvyn squeezed the swell of her ass through her shorts, his hand strong and firm against the silky fabric of her shorts and her soft skin. His fingers moved towards the edge of her shorts, daring to go further. She began rocking into him a bit harder, which he took as permission to go further, letting his fingers slip beneath the fabric of her shorts and run across the smoothness of her skin. His thumb brushed the lacy fabric of the black thong he got a sneak peek of earlier. He slid his other hand up her thigh to palm her other cheek, starting to guide her movements into him.
They stayed like that, grinding into one another for a good few minutes until Marvyn grew impatient, he had to touch her, feel her. He slowly moved his hand down her thigh, stopping at her knee which rested on his waist. Lifting her knee off of him, he encouraged her to spread her legs for him. Sliding his hand down her inner thigh, he turned his head to whisper in her ear. “Is this okay?” he asked, not wanting to push.
“Fuck, yes. Please,” she begged with a whisper. Just fucking touch me already! she wanted to yell at him.
He slid his hand past the waistband of her shorts, lifting up her tank top to rub the taut skin across her stomach, finally resting his hand on her breast, thumbing her rock-hard nipple. He was driving her insane. She lifted her hips, a silent beg for him to touch her where she needed it most.  He took the hint, trailing his hand back down her stomach, tight and coiled with anticipation. His movements became hesitant, worried about taking things too far, ruining their relationship as they knew it.
She felt his hand stop just above the waistband of her shorts. She wondered if he was unsure about touching her or just being a tease. Hoping it was the latter, she lifted her head up to whisper in his ear, “Don’t be such a tease.”
“Are you sure about his?” he asked innocently.
Hearing the nerves in his voice, she reached her hand up to rest on his, squeezing his hand to assure him how much she wanted this, how much she needed this. She guided his hand below her waistband. His hand ghosted her core through the fabric of her panties. She slid her hand up his arm to feel his biceps. He had great arms. She ached to see if his chest was just as toned and firm as his arms.
He could feel the heat of her through the thin lace fabric covering her core. Judging by how wet she was already, Holly clearly wanted this just as much as he did. The soft sighs in his ear egging him on. A rush of confidence coursed through him, realizing just how much of an effect he had on her by barely touching her. Hell, she was gasping and grinding on him in her sleep. Which could easily be from having not gotten laid in a while, but Marvyn would rather think it was because of him entirely.
He always prided himself on being particularly good at sex. He got a lot of practice in college; girls practically threw themselves at him. And he and Caren had a pretty fun and adventurous sex life for most of their marriage. He knew his way around a woman’s body: how it worked, how it reacted, how to manipulate it. And in that moment with Holly, he wanted to cherish every inch of her body, to pay attention to each subtle detail of her enjoyment…for hours.
It surprised him. This sudden sexual desire for his colleague – his assistant coach, technically his subordinate. They did do everything couples do, besides sex of course (until now). They went out to dinner, got drinks together. They trusted and respected each other, wanted the best for the other. If he had this close of a connection with any other woman, Marvyn was sure he would develop feelings for her. But this was Holly. They worked together. They were friends, yes, but their relationship was professional and strictly platonic. Whatever mentor/mentee, co-worker relationship and friendship they had was a whole lot more interesting for the both of them than some dating scenario. He always figured a crude, yet expert sexual encounter would ruin what they had together. But now, he wasn’t so sure. He wanted her. All of her.
His earlier hesitation quickly disappeared. He swiftly dipped his fingers beneath the lace of her underwear, ghosting his fingers over her wet center, teasing her. Her breath grew jagged with anticipation. His touch was a mere whisper on her skin, but it made her thighs tremble. There was no holding in the gasp that escaped her when he swiped through her slick with his deft fingers. He found her clit with his middle finger, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles, eliciting a breathy moan from her.
The position they were in wasn’t exactly comfortable, at least not for Marvyn. His right arm was still being crushed under her, and him lying on his back beside her wasn’t the most ideal if he wanted to give her the best finger-fuck of her life.
She was pleased when he moved to hover over her, basking under the weight of him above her. He was so much bigger than her. He was practically engulfing her.
“I want to see you,” he whispered, reaching to turn on one of the bedside lamps. It illuminated the room just right, not too bright, not too dark, just light enough to tear away the shadows on her cheeks and restore the glimmer in her bright blue eyes.
His right hand, still half-asleep from being under her for so long, moved to hold down her hip, keeping her still. She could already feel the bruises forming from how tight he was gripping her. The thought of him leaving a mark on her sent shockwaves of excitement through her.
He slid his other hand out from her sleep shorts, moving once more to set up on his knees. He brought his hand to Holly’s mouth, still wet with her slick.
“Open,” he directed, pressing his fingers against her lips. She obeyed, opening her mouth, and sucking on his fingers covered with her own arousal. She flicked her tongue against his knuckles, tasting herself, faintly, and feeling the roughness of his skin. He groaned and dragged his hand down to rest on her neck. No pressure. No real grasp or hold. But it stole her breath just the same.
He hadn’t even kissed her yet, something about that step feeling far too intimate. Somehow kissing her would be too far for Marvyn but rubbing her clit and letting her suck on his fingers isn’t too intimate.
Eager to feel his lips on her, Holly moved from fisting the bedsheets to fisting Marvyn’s t-shirt, pulling him down toward her. He kissed her then. It was heated, passionate, intimate. His hand still rested on her neck, his other gripping her hip, pushing her into the mattress. His tongue prodded at the seam of her lips, eager to explore her mouth.
That kiss may have been the best she’d ever had. She ran her fingers through his hair, using her grip to pull him closer to her, deepening the kiss. She lifted her hips up into him, searching for the friction her clit was craving. Her movements matched perfectly with Marvyn as he shifted his hips into hers. He was wedged between her legs, hot and hard, exactly where she wanted him. He'd be able to thrust into her right now if they weren't wearing clothes. Why the fuck are we still dressed? Holly screamed silently in her head.
The heat of his body on top of her was electrifying. She fisted his t-shirt sleeves in an attempt to keep him there, addicted to the feeling of being trapped underneath him.
His lips traveled down her jaw. He tilted her head to the side, giving him access to kiss her throat. She melted under him, a loud whimper escaping her. His mouth left a trail of hot, wet kisses down her throat, across her shoulder, and along her collarbone. Being kissed had never felt so perfect, so hot.
“You won’t be needing this,” he said, lifting her top over her head and throwing it somewhere off the bed. She loved seeing him take control like this. Outside of the bedroom was a different story. She hated when he belittled her, undermined her, told her what to do. It was infuriating. But in the bedroom, under his touch, she’d do nearly anything he asked of her.
He took hold of one of her now bare breasts, the textured skin of his thumb circling her nipple made her shudder. He lowered his head to give her other breast some attention, taking her nipple in his mouth. Her hands flew to the back of his head, holding him against her, never wanting him to stop.
“Marvyn,” she sighed. It was the first word she had spoken in nearly 10 minutes.
He continued in his path down her body, kissing down the taut lines of her stomach, setting tiny little fires across her body.
“You won’t be needing these either,” he repeated, tugging her sleep shorts and panties down her incredible legs. He couldn’t wait to be between her perfect thighs, tasting her, exploring her.
“Please,” she whimpered, guiding his head down where she wanted him most.
“Patience, Coach,” he teased. She felt him smile against her inner thigh as he kissed her there. She changed her mind. He was infuriating in bed too. Such a fucking tease.
Without warning, he licked her bottom to top, stopping at her clit to suck on it, humming into her, making her jolt as if she’d been shocked.
“Fuck!” She bucked her hips into his face. He grasped her inner thighs, pushing her in the mattress, holding her still, and spreading her further apart for him. He slid his tongue between her folds, tasting her wetness, before he found her clit again, locking his mouth around it, sucking hard. Her body almost caught on fire when he slid two fingers into her, pumping into her slowly. She had never been eaten out like this before. She had no idea it could feel this fucking good. Her ex-husband would do the bare minimum, never really caring if she got off or not. He didn’t explore her like this. He didn’t take his time with her the way Marvyn was, learning what she liked, noting every move that made her squirm and moan. She was sure Marvyn had to have watched some sort of online how-to video or something because there was just no way this man could use his tongue and his mouth so skillfully. He devoured her cunt like it was his birthright, as if he'd been programmed to put his mouth precisely here and there and lick her till she screamed. And he was clearly enjoying it too. He was moaning for fucks sake.
His name fell from her lips once more as she lifted her hips to the rhythm of his licks, seeking release. “Patience,” he repeated himself. He slid his fingers out of her, replacing them with his tongue. He felt the suck of her cunt on his tongue as he fucked her with it, imagining how incredible it would feel around his cock, which was still strained against the fabric of his boxers, leaking and painfully hard. But this wasn’t about him. At least not then. He wanted to make her cum, feel her release around his tongue and taste her before he fucked her.
“Okay, Holly,” he breathed against her, “You can let go now.” He dove back into her, placing his thumb over her clit and rubbing concentrated circles. He lapped at her folds and brought his other hand down to finger her.
“Marvyn!” she cried out desperately. The stimulation was almost too much. The pleasure was intense, earth-shatteringly so. It consumed her entire body from head to toe. Heaven and torture at the exact same time.
“I know. I know. Just let go for me,” he encouraged. She whined when he pushed another finger into her and curled it, reaching for the spot inside her that he knew would send her over the edge. He continued sucking and flicking at her clit, showing no mercy as he tore her apart, fucking her with his hand and mouth until she was screaming his name and banging her thighs against his ears. Her desperate screams did nothing to halt his movements as he guided her through her orgasm before pulling his fingers out and snaking his tongue into her, tasting her release.
He came up for air, finding her breathing heavy, eyes closed, with her head thrown back into the pillows. When she managed to catch her breath and regain a semblance of lucidity, she lifted her head to watch him begin a trail of wet kisses down her inner thigh. It was obscene. The sight of him between her legs, his chin dripping with her arousal. When he caught her gaze, he couldn’t help the smug smirk that graced his lips, satisfied with the sight of her almost completely wrecked without even fucking her yet.
He rose above her again to slot his mouth against hers. She let his tongue enter her mouth immediately, sucking her taste off of it. He trailed kisses across her cheek to her ear, sucking and nibbling on it for a short moment. “I want to feel you on my cock.”
“What the hell are you waiting for?” she asked breathlessly. He lifted himself off the bed, and she whimpered at the loss of his weight on top of her.
He was still far too overdressed, so he pulled his shirt up over his head. She lifted herself up on her elbows, getting a better look at the show he was putting on before her.
His cock still ached inside his boxers, heavy and hard, desperate to be inside her. When he finally set it free from its confines, it sprung straight up. She gasped at the sight of it, a flicker of nervousness flashed across her face. She had figured he’d be pretty well-endowed. He’s Marvyn Korn. Always bigger and better than everyone. But it was intimidating. She hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, and none of the toys she used at home did justice to the size of him.
“Protection…?” he said suddenly, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“I’m on the pill. I’m clean. Do you have a condom?”
He nodded and turned to walk toward his suitcase, giving Holly a nice view of his perfectly tight ass. He pulled out his wallet, fishing for the single condom he left in there from when he was dating Maggie.
“What are you? 17? Keeping a condom in your wallet?” she laughed.
“Ha. Ha,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her. He took his time opening the foil package and sliding the condom down his impressive length.
“You better hurry up. You should never keep a lady waiting.” When he looked up at her, he saw her leaning back against the pillows, legs spread, touching herself. Marvyn nearly came in his boxers at the sight of her rubbing her own cunt, still swollen and wet. She was fucking beautiful.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” he asked, crawling back onto the bed. Her fingers continued to move in practiced circles around her clit.
“I didn’t realize I needed your permission,” she challenged boldly, lifting her head slightly to look him in the eye. The look of lust and anticipation in her eyes went straight to his cock. He stroked himself through the latex barrier of the condom as he knelt between her thighs, trying to give himself some relief.
Her movements came to a halt. He watched her in awe as she brought her own fingers up to her mouth, licking them clean, humming a soft moan at the taste of herself.
“God, you’re filthy,” he commented. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit.
She’d had enough of the teasing, enough of the waiting. She wanted him inside her so fucking badly. “Just fuck me already,” she pleaded, reaching up to run her hands down his hairy chest and abs, confirming they were just as perfect as his arms.
“Filthy and eager,” he noted aloud.
“Marvyn, I swear to God—”             He thrust into her without warning, and she cried out his name. Holding still inside her, he let her adjust to the size of him. The way she felt around him was unreal. She was hot, wet, and so fucking tight. He moaned as he felt her cunt squeeze his cock as she willed her body to accustom his size.
He leaned down on top of her, smothering her body with his own. “Fuck,�� he groaned in her ear, “You feel so fucking good, Holly.” He sucked lightly at the skin on her neck, tasting it’s the sweat that started to bead up there.
“Christ,” she groaned, throwing her head back, clinging to his back, leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin from her nails, “So fucking… so big… so good,” she panted out incoherently as he increased the pace of his hips.
“You like getting fucked like this?” he grumbled in her ear, bringing his right hand to rest on her throat, not applying pressure, but making it known he could if he wanted to.
“Yes,” she managed, almost too quiet for Marvyn to hear.
“I like you like this. Taking my cock. Not putting up a fight,” he voiced lowly, biting at her ear.
She loved the dirty talk, but she hated how much his words turned her on. She lived to put up a fight, never one to accept being demeaned by someone else, especially a man. But having Marvyn so big and strong and sexy on top of her, dominating her, it was incredible, something she could only dream of.
She whined when he pulled out of her. He flipped her onto her stomach, gripped her hips, sure to leave bruises in the shape of his fingertips. Her arms were splayed in front of her, and her cheek pressed against the hotel bed sheets as he dragged her hips up to meet him. He positioned himself at her entrance, pushing her legs apart so she was wide open for him. He slammed into her. The sound of his low groans and slapping of skin on skin was so obscene it nearly forced her them both to come undone.
“Marvyn,” she breathed. He just barely heard her.
He fisted her hair, pulling back just hard enough so that she was looking back over her shoulder at him. “That’s it,” he praised, “I love the sound of my name on your lips. I love hearing you lose it for me.”
“God, Marvyn,” she gasped in between moans, loving the verbal praise, wanting more.
“You take me so well,” he grunted, “Like you were made for me, for my cock.” The words rolled out of his mouth before he could even register what he was saying. But he watched and took note of the way a smile crept to her lips and the way her walls clenched around his cock with each word – she got off on it. This new discovery egged him on. He pulled her body up against him, holding her to him by the base of her throat. “Fuck, Holly. I don’t know how I’m supposed to ever stop fucking you,” he growled in her ear.
“Then don’t,” she panted matter-of-factly. Her answer surprised him. He wasn’t expecting her to even respond to him with anything besides a moan. The implications of her response made his head spin. Did she want to do this again? He thought to himself hopefully.
Her head fell back on his shoulder. She brought her hands up to grope her breasts, tweak each nipple between her fingers. “I need you to touch me,” she begged.
“Ask. Nicely,” he growled, punctuation each word with a thrust into her swollen cunt.
“Marvyn,” she let out a sigh so sexy it would put a fucking pornstar out of business, ”Please touch me. I’m so close.” She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling a familiar coil tighten in her stomach.
“Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes, Marvyn, for fuck’s sake, touch me. Please. Let me cum all over you.” She was desperate for release.
Satisfied with her desperate pleas, he released his hand from her throat, moving it down to rub circles over her clit. When her legs began to shake, Marvyn fucked into her with a new urgency.
She cried out, screaming his name, her orgasm ripping through her with an intensity she had never experienced before. Her body went limp, relying on him to hold her up against him. His hand was still rubbing her clit as he fucked into her sensitive, overstimulated cunt. She hissed, pushing his hand away, the electric shocks pulsing through her body were just too fucking much.
“Come on, Marvyn,” she encouraged with what little energy she had left. “You fill me up so good. Please cum for me.” As dominant as he was with her, he got off on the praise too, his hips slamming into her harder and sloppier, chasing his own orgasm.
“God, Holly. The things… fuck…you do to me.” He was so gone, the feeling of his impending release leaving his brain fried.
“Show me, Marvyn,” she whispered huskily, “Please. For me.”
His head fell back, biting his lip to fight the loud groan that wanted to escape him. He paused deep inside her as he climaxed. He nearly blacked out; the force of his orgasm stronger than he’s had in a very long time.
He held onto the condom as he slowly pulled out of her. He got up from the bed, his legs unsteady, and walked to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He eyed the clean washcloths on the bathroom counter as he was walking out, grabbing one and wetting it a little in case Holly needed it to wipe herself off. Ever the gentleman.
But when he walked back into the room, he found Holly already fast asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he left the small towel on her bedside table. Before turning off the lamp, he took a moment to study her face, blissful, beautiful, and glowing. After turning off the light, he climbed into bed next to her. He kissed her temple before turning on his side to let sleep claim him.
When they both woke to their alarms a few hours later, things were…somewhat awkward between them. They danced around each other as they got ready for their day of camp with the girls, neither of them wanting to have that conversation, wanting instead to pretend that what happened was just some crazy sex dream for the both of them in order to avoid dealing with how it changed their relationship, their partnership, their friendship.
Holly looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, traced her fingers along the bruises he left on her hips and her neck. Dear God, he left fucking hickeys on her neck. She covered what she could with what little makeup she had brought on this trip. The girls won’t even notice, she thought wishfully.
They did in fact notice. Not only did they notice the poorly covered-up marks on her neck, but they also noticed the slight limp in her walk when she arrived to the camp with Marvyn.
“Looks like you guys owe me 10 bucks,” Samantha bragged to the other starters sitting at the table for breakfast.
“How do you even know they did it?” Louise questioned.
“Well, she did do a pretty terrible job at hiding those bruises on her neck,” Destiny commented.
“Wait, he left bruises on her?!” Mouse said a little too loudly, genuinely concerned.
The entire table shushed her.
“They’re hickeys, Mouse. Duh,” Samantha said. “Those two definitely got together.”
“She is kinda limping a bit, not gonna lie,” Destiny observed with a laugh. Louise shushed her, slapping her on the shoulder.
“I kind of hope you’re right, Sam,” Olive chimed in, “It’s kind of cute, like right out of a movie. Coach and assistant coach fall in love…”
“Bang in a hotel room while away at team camp,” Destiny continued, met with another hit on the shoulder from Louise.
“Guys, look,” Samantha whispered urgently, nodding her head towards the breakfast buffet.
The girls all zipped their heads around to see what Samantha was pointing at. They watched as Holly and Marvyn stepped through the buffet line together, side by side, with Marvyn’s hand resting on Holly’s lower back.
“How much more proof do you need?” Samantha asked. “Pay up!”
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sw124 · 3 years
BonelyHearts Reader Insert6
{Female!ReaderXSkeleton household}
Camping! Pt.6
Well yesterday was quite the day, so much for your enjoying your ‘leisure’ day out. You ended up soaked to your very bones all because of some jerk/jerks in a speed boat. It wasn’t so much getting soaked that bothered you, it was the fact that boat came so close to hitting you and Ash; that is what made you mad…but that was yesterday. An its not like the day ended badly, when you got dry clothes on and the skeletons practically waiting on you hand and foot to be sure you were ok.
You’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy it but you reminded them that you were fine and all warm again. That an you woke up again with the same skeletons in your tent, cuddled up next to you like little darlings. Well this was your last day of camping, that meant it was ‘your’ day. The past two days were dedicated to the skeletons but now it was your turn an you had only one special thing in mind.
“Human, what exactly do you have planned. We’ve done all the trails you wanted minus the …what was it..Grandfathers duff?” Asked Nox.
“Thats ‘Grandads Bluff’ and trust me when I tell you this activity will be great for everyone. But remember we need to pack up before we head off for our last activity, when we’ve finished it we’ll be going home; everyone got that?”
They all responded with a nod, you felt giddy as you helped them pack up. You had a wonderful surprise waiting for them! Packing didn’t take long at all, you handled most of the kitchen items while Papyrus and Boss dismantled the tents. Poplar helped Russ pack up the van while the others walked around picking up any litter left behind. It didn’t take long to get cleaned up really, in less then thirty minutes dishes were clean, tents dismantled and put away, campsite cleaned up and finally the van packed. Now that was done you could take the boys on the last activity of the day!
“Ok boys its gonna ten to fifteen minute walk to our destination so no whining.” You gave a playful wink and motioned the boys to follow you.
It was kinda funny to see some of their deadpan expressions but you digressed. You lead the way towards a road, sticking close to the shoulder of course. Though there weren’t any cars on this road there were ATV’er’s driving about; but they all were polite an stuck to their own side, time to time waving at you and the skeletons. Most if not all of them were simple ‘drive through rugged terrain’ people or parents taking their kids for rides.
Like you said it didn’t take long before you reached your destination…
“…..A ski lift?” Russ tilted his head.
“Well its not used for skiing now but during the autumn its used as a ‘special tour’ option. You take the lift up the mountain to enjoy the view of the local foliage, there at the top is the local ski resort. We’re taking the long ride up so it’ll take about an hour. By the time we get there it’ll be time for lunch so we’ll stop at their cafe to eat. Then comes the best part!”
You wriggle in your boots, ready to explode with excitement.
“The best part is the tram ride down the mountain, on the way down your served the best local drinks in the area. Non-alcoholic of course, the ride down will take just about the same amount of time as getting up give or take a minute. By the time we get back down the mountain it’ll be time to start heading home, you boys ready?”
They all looked at each other before nodding, when you got to where the chairs picked up the skiers you paused…thats right you had to see who was going with who. You looked and already Nox was arguing about going first…call you impatient but you hopped into a chair an let the boys figure it out for themselves.
You turned your back…and felt the chair sweep you up then it dropped its safety bar down. You squeaked like a little mouse as it lifted you up, you turned back to see the boys were still arguing…you waited at least a minute before shouting.
You laughed as you watched some of them scramble to get on the lift, Poplar and Ash were already getting on by the time the others heard you calling for them. Now that the boys were on the lift all you had to do….was relax and enjoy the ocean of autumn colors at your feet. This truly was a great idea, you slowly watched the wind blow waves of leaves over the trees. It really did look like water, a sea of cold fire…
A sudden thought hit you….there was a few spots on the mountain where special cameras were set up. They were to take pictures of people on the ski lifts, kinda like the camera’s on amusement park rides! They did this for the skiers as something commemorative or something. Oh this was gonna be fun, you hoped you’d see it so you could take a nice photo, if not something funny to laugh at.
[A beautifully peaceful ride later]
You gingerly slide off the lift chair and walked over to a small waiting area, there were some benches and a small kiosk to get your photo. The photo you got didn’t turn out like you hoped but it was still nice, the pictures was of you looking off to the side. You recalled that moment too, you caught sight of a hawk in the distance.
You decided to wait for the boys, you saw the photo’s drop in the kiosk. Not sure if it was ok or what you decided to look. The first photo of course was of Poplar and Ash, they looked like the spitting image of a happy elderly couple. The next was Stretch and Blue, where on earth did Stretch get the Groucho glasses…heh poor Blue didn’t notice he was given the ‘bunny ear’ treatment. Next was Boss and Red who were mostly enjoying the scenery, then it was a picture of Papyrus yelling at a sleepy Sans. Finally was Nox and Russ who much like Red and Boss were just enjoying the scenery…hehe Russ looked so cute.
You slipped the photos into your pocket and went to greet them, by the time you left the little kiosk Poplar and Ash were just getting off the lift. They greeted you and sat down to wait for the others, one by one the pairs of brothers came off the lift. Once you all regrouped you headed for the resort’s cafe.
“Here it is…” you sighed happily, it didn’t have a name other then ‘cafe’ but it just oozed with charm.
Inside the floors were a deep black mahogany with plush bright red carpets, the tables, chairs and table cloths all matched. What made it so charming was each table had a small fire pit in the center where you could roast marshmallows. But since you did that already you had booked a special treat for the boys…
“Fon…due?” Asked Nox.
“Yes, Fondue is a pot of melted cheese where you dip food items into such as bread, vegetables, meat an other things. Don’t worry I’ll be ordering the vegetarian special, it comes with the local favorites! Come on lets sit, I’m starting to get a little hungry now.”
“Yes lets have lunch!” Agreed Poplar, he seemed just as excited about the fondue.
Everyone gathered at one big round table, the waitress took down orders for drinks. Mostly of coffee’s and coco’s but you chose some tea for yourself. Before long your pot of fondue was delivered and everyone proceeded to dip pieces of bread and vegetables into the melted white substance. It had a slight sharp smell but the herbs were mostly the source of it, the taste…was pure velvet. You could taste the cream and hints of butter, instantly you thought of popcorn from a movie theater the moment you took bite of asparagus dipped in the white concoction.
All the vegetables you got were roasted, including some sweet potato chips and some eggplant. This really was a great place, once you an the boys had enough and paid the bill came the tram.
You walked over to check the schedule.
“The next ride will be leaving at 11:45am guys so we got about forty minutes to enjoy the sights around here. Please pay attention to the time ok guys?”
“Got it!” They said in unison.
You smile and walk away, everyone wandered around the outside admiring the scenery. You gravitate away from the boys and wander a bit towards the railing.
Everything was so quiet…so beautiful…but was interrupted by the sound of loud voices. You look to see four men stumbling towards you, hanging off one another, even from a distance you could smell the booze. You were about to move away but they caught sight of you.
“Hey baby, you alone wanna hang (hic!) out?”
You glared. “No, I’m here with my friends now leave me alone-“ just when you turned to head for the nearby staircase to get away from these jerks one of them grabs your arm.
“Hey aren’t you that bitch thats hanging out with them skeletons? Come on hang out with some real men, we got the goods to please a woman!” Well one of them was half sober enough to recognize you for some reason.
You rip your arm away from him.
“Get away from me you filthy piece of crap!” You stepped back…
“See told you she was a bitch, an I know what we do with bitches!” Before you could do anything one of the drunks raised his foot and kicked you…you stumbled back…and took a hard tumble down the stairs behind you.
It wasn’t many stairs but enough that when you landed…you landed hard. For a moment you laid still, you were still conscious so that was good….slowly you started rising to your knee’s, you put weight on your right foot; no problems there……but the moment you tried to step on your left foot….thats when you went down again.
Your ankle felt as if someone drove a spike into the joint and was twisting it around, you let out a pained scream when you put any weight on it. You winced and looked at your hands…oh your poor hands got bruised up good that was for sure…
“Human? Human where are you?!” You looked up, you saw Nox but thankfully no sign of the drunks.
“D-Down here!” You cried…tears were streaming down your face, the pain was almost too much.
You looked up, Nox was racing down full speed. You got scared thinking he’d fall too…give him some credit he had good balance. He reached you and noticed your disheveled self.
“What happened?!” His hands hovered over you.
You sobbed. “S-some drunk guy kicked me down the st-stairs…my ankle hurts real bad Nox…”
Normally you could tolerate a little pain but this…this wasn’t little, already Nox was checking the rest of you. Your arms, head (noting the slight bruised lip you had), neck, he already saw your hands but was now focusing on your legs. When he was satisfied he checked your ankle, slowly he removed your shoe and examined your ankle. His fingertips ghosted over your ankle, flinching when he touched parts near the joint.
“….Its just bruised thankfully, hang on.” He took out his phone and after a few taps made he put the phone to his cheek….and spoke.
“Russ get Boss to my location, a pack of drunks pushed the human down a flight of stairs, she has a bruised ankle an I need someone strong enough to carry her to the Tram.”
He had just put his phone in his pocket when you heard footsteps, already you saw Boss descending the stairs. He had such a graceful step to him despite practically running down those stairs, Russ wasn’t far behind him.
“Oh god, human…” Russ looked ready to cry, you tried to put on a brave smile but it hurt to smile…
Boss waisted no time gathering you into a princess carry, with almost no effort on his part escorted back up the stairs…where a group of worried skeletons were waiting for you.
[three hours later]
This wasn’t how you wanted your camping to end….sure you got the tram ride back but it wasn’t that special ‘lets have a warm drink while watching the woods slowly go by’ kind of ride. Now you were bundled up in a blanket sitting in your room, you just finished crying when Boss walked in with a mug of ‘golden flower’ tea.
“Thanks Boss…” you whimpered as you took the cup from him.
“Now human don’t be so melodramatic, sure the trip didn’t go completely as planned but we still had fun and we got you healed up.” Said Boss crossing his arms.
“Yeah…..thats true….” The tea was the perfect temperature, you hadn’t realized you had gulped it all down…well you were thirsty. “….You know maybe I should go sit in the living room with….everyone…maybe that’ll make me feel…..better…”
You forgot..’golden flower’ tea practically knocked your butt out, you drank it when you couldn’t get to sleep at night. You swayed a bit still bundled in that thick blanket, was you imagination or did you feel Boss wrapping his arms around you?
Oh he just picked you up….you all bundled in your blanket…you felt like a newborn baby swaddled after birth. Warm, safe and loved….you snuggled against the brooding skeletons chest as he walked you out of your room.
You could hear the others having a conversation but….you didn’t care….you could hear cooing but you didn’t care….instead…your mind drifted back to the camping…
Sleeping in a tent curled up with the skeleton family, sharing s’mores and hot coco…
Your mind drifted into a dream…where all you could think about…was you…
And the loving skeletons who were always…and always would be at your side…
[The ending was inspired by a drawing done by @mmhinman and again this is a reader insert dedicated to the @bonelyheartsclub ]
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forgedroyalseal · 2 years
My Reptuation’s Never Been Worse
Chapter Four:
TW: violence against women and children mentioned briefly
Though Will would never admit it, when Castle Araluen first came into view, he could have cried. Wave after wave of emotion crashed over him, too quickly to give him even a moment to catch his breath. Nostalgia. Homesickness. Fear. Anger. Regret. Sadness. Love. Swallowing hard he tried to clear his mind. He had to prepare himself to see King Duncan again. He was hoping to avoid making his presence known to anyone else at Castle Araluen, but he knew it would be nearly impossible. Even with the drastic chance to his style and appearance, there were still plenty of people who would be able to recognize him, especially if he was seen riding Tug or associating with Horace and Cassandra.
They weren’t stopped at the gates, the guards simply bowing low as Horace and Cassandra lead them through. Miles sat hunched in his saddle, looking around with an apprehensive look, as if he was expecting someone to jump out at them and toss them into the dungeon. Nyah on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear. Never in her life had she expect to see Castle Araluen and here she was, riding right through the gates in broad daylight.
“I can’t believe you live here.” She says to Horace and Cassandra as they dismounted from their horses.
“Neither can I.” Horace joked. Cassandra just offered a polite smile, still uncertain of why this girl was with them and what her relationship to Will was. She hadn’t learned anything more on their journey. Even when she tried to ask Miles, he closed up and mumbled some excuse to draw away from her. Horace’s instant acceptance of Nyah didn’t help warm her to Cassandra either. Maybe it was because she was a woman and wasn’t going to be swayed by Nyah’s beauty, or maybe (definitely) it was merely because she was intensely protect of Will, but Cassandra didn’t trust her. Out of the corner of her eye, Cassandra caught a glimpse of Will putting his hand on Nyah’s waist as he steadied her when she stumbled as she dismounted.
“She’s not a priority right now dear.” Horace whispered in her ear from behind her. Sighing she nodded. Right, the priority was getting Eisel settled and then convincing Will to stay.
“I’d like to meet with the king as soon as possible.” Will said as he strode up to her.
“Of course, but let’s get you all settled in your rooms first.”
Will shook his head, “You’re mad if you think I’m sleeping in the castle. We’ll camp outside of the walls.”
“Will, come on. Stay inside, please.” Horace pled, but Will’s stony expression didn’t shift.
“I won’t be changing my mind. Now, when can I speak to the king?”
Cassandra sighed, “I’ll bring you to his office. I’m not sure of his schedule today, but once he knows you are here, he’ll clear the day.”
They all followed Cassandra up to her father’s office. Turning to Nyah and Miles she says, “Perhaps it’s best if you two wait in the sitting room.” She gestures to the small, sunny room across the hall.
Miles looks to Will for his direction but darts into the room the moment Will nods. Nyah whispers something into Will’s ear and squeezes his hand then smiles at Cassandra, “Would it be possible for us to go down to the kitchen and fetch ourselves some water?”
“This place is a maze. I’ll have some refreshments sent up.” Cassandra beckons a footman over and conveys the request.
“Thank you your highness.” Nyah dips her knees slightly in an awkward curtsy, the crosses into the sitting room.
“Let me go in first and let dad know you are here.” Cassandra tells Will before slipping into her father’s office.
Horace turns to his friend, “Are you ready for this?”
“I’ve faced worse.” Will doesn’t meet Horace’s eyes.
Horace sighs, “I know.” He pauses then says, “This obviously isn’t the time, but at some point I need to talk to you in private. It’s been so long and I have so much to say to you. Living these past five years without you has felt like living with only one lung. Every breath hurts. Every step takes double the effort.”
Will finally looks up at Horace, opens his mouth to speak, but before any words are spoken, he’s interrupted by a footman waving them in.
Will walked in, shoulders back, chin up, trying his best to summon every ounce of confidence he could. But still, he felt hesitation. He clenched his hands into fists to hide how badly they were shaking. He wasn’t sure if it was from anger or fear (almost certainly both).
“Will!” King Duncan rushed over to Will, arms extended as if he was going to hug him. But Will took a half step back. It was small, but Duncan still clocked it and dropped his arms. “It’s good to see you Will. You have been missed.”
“I need to speak to you about the deteriorating state of Eisel.” Will cut to the point, his tone bordering between abrupt and official. But Duncan just nodded.
“So Cassie tells me. Please, sit.” Duncan gestures to a pair of armchairs.
“I’d rather stand.”
“As you’d like. I’ll have some coffee brought up.” Duncan motions to a footman, but Will shakes his head.
“Don’t bother on my account. I don’t drink it anymore.”
“Seriously?” Horace choked out from his spot next to Cassandra on the other side of the room.
“I lost the taste for it.” Will shrugged. But, like everything Will had said since they had found him, Horace suspected there was far more to the story.
“Alright. Then we can get started. Can you explain what is happening in Eisel.”
As Will told the king the gruesome details about what was was happening in Eisel, Horace noticed that Will spoke in a cold and disconnected way. It was as if he was reading from one of George’s law textbooks rather than talking about women and children getting brutally murdered. When he finished, he looked at Duncan expectantly.
Duncan shook his head. “I can’t believe this has been happening for so long without anyone noticing.”
Will frowned, “Plenty of people noticed. They just didn’t care.”
“Then it’s a good thing you found yourself there then. Let me consult with Crowley and we can create a plan.”
“Didn’t you hear me? The ranger there is just as bad as everyone else. You shouldn’t involve any rangers, the baron will just bribe them off.”
“Crowley won’t accept a bribe Will, he’s loyal to the crown.”
“You would have said that about Eisel’s ranger yesterday. Ranger’s are good at deceiving people, it’s what they are trained to do.”
The King sighed, “Will, I know you don’t trust Crowley anymore, but I need to consult with him about this. You can be here to explain the matter to him and assist us with coming up with a solution. Nothing will be done in secret.”
Will crossed his arms, but didn’t object. He knew that it would be nearly impossible to take care of Eisel without involving Crowley. It was exactly the type of thing that fell firmly into “Ranger Duties”.
“Walter, please summon Ranger Crowley. Tell him it’s urgent.” Duncan instructed his butler.
“Actually, I’d rather speak to Crowley in private. I’ll meet him in his office then we can both come to you and hammer out a plan.”
The king thought for a moment then nodded, “Yes, that will be fine”
“I’ll join you.”Horace said, crossing the room.
“No, I’ll-”
“Will, I’m coming with you. End of story.” Horace raised in eye brow in challenge, but Will just rolled his eyes and started towards Crowley’s office.
“I don’t need a babysitter you know. Unless you are meant to be my prison guard.” Will grumbled.
“You are a free man. I am here as your friend and for emotional support.”
Though it had been five years, Will still remembered the way to Crowley’s office. Without knocking, he shoved the door open.
“Oh for god’s sake.” Will groaned. Horace looked of his friend’s shoulder and saws the cause of his displeasure. In the armchairs by the fire sat Crowley, Gilan, and Halt. “What is this, some kind of reunion?”
At the sound of his voice, all three men jump out of their chairs. Their eyes widened in recognition. Gilan stared, slack jaw, at Will, his brain struggling to make sense of what it was seeing. Crowley pressed a hand to his face in shock. And Halt walked up to him and whispered, “It’s you. You’re home.”
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Day 12
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The days after finding water we're pretty chill, minus finding out that Jeanette's body was gone. There was still some obvious tension between you and Toni and Toni and Martha and Shelby. You hadn't really interacted with either Toni or Shelby in the past few days either, opting to hang around Fatin. You hadn't talked to Toni because you didn't know what to say after the argument the two of you had and you had revealed your feelings for her in front of everyone. Shelby on the other head, had seemed to be the one ignoring you... Well maybe not ignoring she was just very short with you which was totally against her personality. You all had also made a schedule, seeing as you were going to be here for a while. Everyone got one chore a day and every once and a while a day off. Today happened to be your day off and you were glad, your chest pains had been happening more often and that concerned you.
It also concerned you that you didn't know when you would be rescued. The hospital, who was against the retreat but couldn't exactly do anything about it, had given you medication to help with your problem. It was enough pills for three weeks, just in case, but they had been lost like the rest of your stuff. You had checked the pilot bag that held all the medical stuff you guys had but it didn't have what you were looking for either. You've managed to hide coughing up blood by coughing into the elbow of you red shirt or spitting it out while in the woods. You had also been losing your appetite, which has been harder to hide. You'd force down some food and pretend like it was a lot so the other wouldn't worry. But today, luckily, you were starving and prepared to fully eat whatever Rachel brought for food.
"Let's feast!" You hear a Rachel suddenly yell as she stand on top of a little hill, carrying what looks to be a big amount of food. You stood up and attached your leg before joining everyone around the fire. You watch, mouth watering, as Dot cooks all the mussels over the fire. When they're done cooking, the mussels are laid out in a big pile in the middle. Everyone stared at the pile wondering who will go first, since they all understood how little food they had been finding the past couple days. "Eat as much as you want guys, there was enough of them to fill 3 more bags. I just ran out of room." At Rachel's words you all dive in and eat the mussels, except for Shelby. "Why aren't you eating any?" Leah asks as she looks suspiciously at Shelby. Not this again. You think as you eat your tenth mussel, what could you say you were hungry.
"I'm actually allergic to shellfish. Ate one at a birthday party and my throat swelled up like a balloon." Shelby responded as she watched everyone else eat. "That's rough." You say as you grab 3 more mussels. "Damn y/n. Is it good?" Fatin asks jokingly as she grabs another mussels for herself. You roll your eyes and let out a chuckle as you flip her off before grabbing more food. "You know what this looks like..." Toni says, grabbing everyone's attention with a smirk. You mentally facepalm because you know exactly where this is going. "A pussy!" Nora yells out causing everyone to laugh, the girl had definitely come out of her shell more the past few days. Toni nods her head before licking the mussels shell provocatively. "I bet y/n knows what that feels like!" Dot yells out causing everyone to make an "ooo" sound like kids when their peer got in trouble. You and Toni's face both heated up at Dots words and you made sure to give her a hardy punch in the shoulder.
"Can you all stop!?" Shelby suddenly yells out causing everyone to freeze and look at her questioningly. "Shelby, chill out we are just having some fun." Dot says, not really understanding what all the fuss was about. "I am chill, I just don't find that very amusing." Shelby responded, her voice getting a little harsher when she says the word that. "What do you mean by that?" Toni asks as she send you a quick look and you almost immediately understood where this was going. The look was one you or Toni would give the other when known homophobes where in the area or if the two knew you were being judge for doing pda. Was this why Shelley had been short with you the past few days? You did not like where this was going and neither did Toni. "Just... pornographic gestures. I'm from a very Christian home and no one ever does things like that."
You wanted to believe Shelby, you really did, but it explained why you always felt this weird vibe from her. "Don't lie Shelby, I always knew I felt some sort of vibe from you, it's clear now what it was. Toni and I have felt that vibe enough times to know what you really mean." You say, glaring at Shelby. "What... What are you guys trying to say?" Martha asks getting worried now. She knew what you meant when you said vibe, you and Toni had both told her about it. "She's a fucking homophobe." Toni spits out glaring at Shelby. You nod you head in agreement, putting back the mussels you had picked up before all this started. Martha's eyes go wide and she sends a Shelby a pleasing look, hoping she'll deny what Toni had just said.
"Look..." Shelby says as she lets out a big sigh. "I have no hate in my heart for y'all. It was just that I was taught that that way of life is a sin." Toni immediately jumps up and point her finger angrily at Shelby, "Why you little..." Toni was too mad to even finish her sentence. Martha had dropped her head in disappointment and let Fatin wrap and arm around her in comfort. The rest of the girls were just watching as everything unfolded. "I feel sorry—" Shelby starts to say, digging her into an even deep hole. "Fuck you." Toni interrupts her before storming off, you nod your head repeatedly in agreement, not looking at anyone as you finish putting your leg on and following after Toni.
"Toni. Toni. Toni!" You yell as you follow the girl. "Goddamn leg... Goddamn sand..." You mumble as you follow Toni down the beach. Luckily, she does finally stop after she deemed that she was far away enough to breathe. Toni kicks the sand angrily, as she stares out into the water. "I can't fucking believe this, no I can I just hoped..." Toni trails off as she wraps her arm around herself. You walk up to her and wrap your arms around her in a comforting hug, "I know, I know..." "We just get so much shit at home..." Toni trails off as she lets herself relax into your hug. "I know." You say again because that's all you can say. You relax for a few minutes before you get hit with a sudden nausea.
"Oh fuck." You mumble out as you unwrap from around Toni and throw up near the two of you. "Y/n?" Toni reacts in shock as she watches you kneel over as you try and spit out the taste of vomit and blood. Toni ends up turning around to throw up as well. "I didn't know you were a sympathetic puker..." You try and joke as you take deep breathes and slowly lay in the sand, feelin exhausted from throwing up. Toni wiped her mouth before turning back around, "C'mon, we can't stay here the heat wont help at all." Toni says as she pulls you to your feet, trying to ignore how she slowly started feeling worse. Toni has to practically drag your body back towards camp. "Help!" She yelled out as soon as she saw people and Fatin came running over. She took your other arm and most of the weight so Toni could relax some.
Luckily, the other girls seemed to be doing better than you and Toni. Both you and Toni were splayed out on the ground with Martha sitting near by as the other girls moved around the camp doing whatever.  "Come on, lay on your side y/n." Martha mumbles worriedly as she listens to your labored breathing. Toni was at least a little more responsive and had tried to swallow water, while you didn't even react to someone moving your body. "Fuck, she's getting worse..." Dot said as she walked up to check on the three of you. "Where the hell is Leah with that medicine!?" Fatin almost yelled as she looked between you and Toni. Right as she said that, Leah broke through the tree line and ran towards Dot. "Why are they all dirty?" Dot yells out as she roots through the bag. "Only 2? I thought we had 3, I know we had 3!" Dot pulls out two tablets of halophen. "It's obvious who needs them the most." Shelby stated as she sat a little ways away from the group unfold. Dot bites her lip and looks at Martha, "Martha, you good?" "Yeah, I'll take a Pepto."
Dot nods her head and turns towards Fatin and hands her one of the tablets, "Figure out a way for her to take it." Fatin nods her head as she looks down at you. "Toni, I'm going to need you to take this." Shelby said as she took the other halophen tab from Dot. "I'm not taking shit from you." Toni says as angrily as she can. "It'll save your life Toni. Take the damn pill." "Should Shelby really be the one doing this." Rachel questions. "Am I not allowed to help her!?" Shelby says exasperatedly. She climbed on top of Toni and held her nose closed until she opened her mouth. As soon as she did, she stuff the pill in her mouth and covered it, forcing her to swallow. Shelby got off of Toni and turned her attention to you, ignoring how the other girls were looking at her.
"Have you gotten her to take it yet?" Fatin shakes her head no, "She's barely reacting to anything. I'm surprised she's still conscious." The girls sat silent for moment contemplating what to do. They start to panic when you cough up more blood. "Here, give it to me." Dot says as she snatches the tab and a nearby rock. She starts to crush the tab up as much as possible. "Just pour some in front of her nose and breath deep." The other girls don't really question Dot's idea and just follow what she says. "C'mon y/n, just one big breath and then you'll start to feel better."
You were leaning heavily against Toni as you and all the girls sat around the fire. You were still exhausted from today's earlier event. Luckily, they associated you coughing up blood to throwing up to much and you didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise. No one knew about what was wrong with you except for the people at the hospital and yourself. You were finally clear to sleep by Dot because she wanted to make sure the meds had actually worked and that you wouldn't fall asleep just to never wake up again. You were almost asleep when Toni suddenly stands up yelling Martha's name and running over to her. You shake yourself awake and shakily stand up to see what was happening. Your heart stopped when you noticed that Martha had fallen and made no attempts at getting back up.
"Toni you were dying!" "Who cares? I don't matter! fuck, I don't matter. I don't fucking matter."
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Can we get more beach trip headcannons except this time with female! manager, Thank you I love your work❤️❤️❤️
original beach training camp hcs here - worth reading for context
look at my ass saying ‘context’ as if this is some literary analysis
on the one hand, with the manager around, hanamiya’s no longer the only adult there to look after everything
on the other hand, manager-chan has to be a little mad to be even be working with the boys, and thus she’s only going to be adding to the chaos
for example, half the time, she’s telling hara that no he can’t just claim he has to protect her from the ‘’renowned okinawan beach ghost’ in order to get out of practice, and the other half of the time, she’s plotting with him at 2am about how they terrorise the others and make them think that the beach ghost does exist
side note: seto doesn’t believe in ghosts or anything that’s not explained by science; hanamiya’s the same but he pretends he worships satan every once in a while just for the sake of freaking people out; who knows if furuhashi believes in them in not, but, even if he saw a ghost, he wouldn’t be impressed
and yamazaki’s the type of say they’re stupid, and then start fucking screaming as he goes through a haunted house and then, once he’s out of there, claim that he was never phased in the slightest, and that it was furuhashi grabbing onto everyone’s arms (furuhashi’s a good target cause he’s not a large enough dick to dispute it and embarrass yamazaki; he just kinda raises an eyebrow and moves on)
road trip fic where everyone visits a haunted house and does all kinds of stupid shit when?
anyway that’s why yamazaki’s sitting in on the “reviving beach ghost” conversation (you can’t get scared if you are the ghost, am i right?)
the plan with the ghost is simple and is supposed to involve a) manager dressing up as the ghost (long black dress, hair over her face, etc), b) yamazaki making ghostly sounds (he’s good at sound effects, it’s not as stupid an idea as it sounds), c) hara’s gonna film it all (and also buy the necessary supplies, like fake blood etc)
the problem is that discussing satanically plans at 2am, after you’ve had a full day of practice (or a full day of dealing with these idiots), is that you’re not going to be awake at 7am
which is when hanamiya storms in wondering why half the team are missing
although the sight of people covered in dark cloaks (they’re just blankets; it got cold in the night) and pages filled with drawings of pentagrams (it took zaki that many tries before he could draw it without it it being wonky) may be a little unnerving
nothing is more terrifying than a fuming hanamiya dragging you out of bed when you’re still half asleep
and he also finds the written plans so, all in all, mission failed
Moving On
this is already fucking long and i’ve only just started shit
given that seto never plays in full matches, his fitness plan is a little more lenient - aka, sometimes when everyone else is off running and dribbling and whatnot, it’s just manager-chan and seto on the beach, enjoying their holiday
this is helpful as a) it prevents seto from being forgotten (see previous training camp post), and b) it gives their manager the time to very helpfully apply suncream for him, probably in a pattern, so he gets the image of a flower sunburnt to his stomach
the best part of it is that seto doesn’t even give a shit
catch him floating off on his back to the middle of the philippine sea with the flower shining against the sun like a message from god
actually that raises a very important point about the boy’s swimming abilities so,
yamazaki + hara: good swimmers, neither ever took lessons so their strokes aren’t too polished, but they can goof around in the sea and try to drown one another without anyone actually drowning (or, at least, that’s what the manager’s there for)
furuhashi: very good swimmer, even better diver. disappears without making a single ripple in the water, no bubbles either. he just appears all of a sudden from underneath your feet like “this is a pretty shell, isn’t it?” as if his dark presence at the sea bed hadn’t just made several people think there’s a shark about
seto’s real good at floating, and at a mediocre backstroke, and that’s all he ever does - or is bothered to do
matsumoto takes pride in the fact he’s a faster swimmer than anyone else on the team (except for furu that is), and he likes to do the butterfly stroke angrily up and down the shore to get rid of all his pent up stress (hanamiya never comments on it, cause hey it’s just extra fitness training)
and finally hanamiya was unable to swim for a very long time (and there is many a photo of him with swimming armbands, hidden in his bedroom, from when everyone was coming over, and he couldn’t let them know that he has a weakness
however, one time, hara had a pool party when hanamiya still couldn’t swim, and hara threw him into the pool, and he just somehow learned how to in those few seconds? talk about survival instinct
alright back to our scheduled program
furuhashi is damn good at fishing. like damn good, like doesn’t even need a rod, he just shoves his arm in, somehow grabs one, and guts it and prepares the meal there on the beach
having to eat dinner with a furuhashi whose hands and some of his chest are stained with blood (normally he’d wash it off, but he’s a little emo at heart. went through a phase as a child where he was really into blood vials, and satanic witchcraft and all that) may be a little disconcerting, but it’s also a lovely time :)
picture the scene, dear reader
all the lads, surrounded by the sunset, the evening tide and the lush green in the background, sat by a little stove fire over which furuhashi is frying the fish
matsumoto and the manager chatting about the competitions scheduled for after the team gets back (you’d think hanamiya would be involved in this discussion, but Coach Time TM is over, and now he and hara are challenging one another to watch over hot coals, as furuhashi patiently warms up more stones for them)
seto probably helping furuhashi out; either that, or telling yamazaki all the many illnesses he might catch from the ocean, as zaki takes a massive bite of seaweed and then spits it all out
everyone eventually getting dragged into the hot coals battle
someone almost definitely gets burnt (spoiler alert it’s zaki) and manager-chan has to bandage him up as he yells at a laughing hara that he was sabotaged and that he can handle heat better than anyone else here
he dives on the hot coals as if to make his point
and thus matsumoto and furuhashi have to carry him back to the hotel, cause now he’s got even more burns (and he’s also a little baby who doesn’t like pain, but don’t let him here you say that)
oh the woes of training camps when two of your group have very high IQs, and yet there is still only 1 brain cell being shared between 7 people
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peach-pops · 4 years
Roommate HC
Request:  hi i love ur account! do u think u could write a HC with kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto on how they would be as roommates! thank you!
Author’s Note: This request had me dying thank u so much! I made this to be platonic but if u guys want a part 2 to make them like each other/you want to see other roommate hc with other characters, let me know!
Warning: mentions of sex, adult language, reader thirsting over iwaizumi cause same 
Pairing: Kuroo || Oikawa || Bokuto 
Part two
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You can only be roommates if you’re hella close with Kuroo because if you’re living in a closed space together, shit is bound to happen. He’s basically you’re best friend so nothing is off-limits. 
Exhibit A: Shower rants
“ And I told her to mind her own damn business before I kicked her ass!” You said loudly as you sat on the counter of the sink while Kuroo was showering
“ You liar I know you didn’t say all that. Also, can you hand me my toothbrush?”
“ Mm, okay, I didn’t say it but I was thinking it!” You grabbed Kuroo’s toothbrush and opened the curtain to hand it to him,” it’s the thought that counts but then she told me that I was being a bitch! In front of the whole class!” 
Kuroo opened the shower curtain to poke his head out,” She called you a bitch in front of the class? What a fucking bitch.” 
I feel like Kuroo sleeps in a bit and waits until the last second to wake up so you’re basically his alarm clock 
Your favorite way to wake him up is to just bash his head with a pillow until he grabs it from you and hits you back with it ten times harder
“ I think you gave me a concussion.”
“ I- It’s a pillow, you big baby.” 
Getting ready in the morning is always pretty chill since Kuroo practically rolls out of the bed, looks at his hair, and decides yep, this is stylish 
If he has extra time in the morning, he’ll sit on your bed and watch you do your makeup/hair as you tell him your schedule for the day just cause he can 
Can we please remember that Kuroo is a big nerd so that means a lot of all-nighters at the dinner table. If you know he has a big test coming up, you order takeout from his favorite restaurant and you have to physically sit across from him so he actually takes a break to eat dinner
Sometimes he falls asleep at the table while studying so you always grab his phone to set a 15-minute alarm because while he needs to sleep, he also needs the time to study too 
On chill days, Kenma usually comes over and the two play video games until the middle of the night. While they’re always super loud, that’s a lie it’s just Kuroo, but whenever they get too loud you come out of your room and you just glare Kuroo down 
“ What’s wrong with your face?”
“ My face? This face will be the last thing you ever see if you don’t shut the fuck up. Kenma sweetie, ✨you’re doing great✨!”
OH okay this is just a bonus
so your upstairs neighbors are like bunnies if ya know what I mean. Like they go at it 25/8 and you and Kuroo can’t stand it because how are yall supposed to concentrate 
One night while you and Kuroo are watching a movie, you can literally hear your neighbors having crazy-ass sex and Kuroo gets so petty. He grabs a broom from the kitchen and starts hitting it against the ceiling like
 ‘ Shut! The! Hell! Up!” 
“ STOP! What if they get mad?” 
“ Who cares? I haven’t had sex in months. If I can’t get laid than no one can get laid!”
“ I don’t even want to think about you and *gags* sex in the same sentence.” 
So all in all, Kuroo is probably the easiest roommate to have and you two just work so well together
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Oikawa isn’t as bad as a roommate as people might think. He’s surprisingly clean and not only does he clean up after himself but he always cleans up after you. He will sass you on how messy you are though
“ Y/N-Chan, I can’t even see the floor to your bedroom, you’re disgusting! I can’t even look at you the same way!” 
“ If it’s bothering you then get the hell out of my room!” 
“ Your room is a biohazard, how can you live like this?” 
There’s only one bathroom in your apartment so it’s always a battle to get ready in the morning. His side of the sink has way more stuff than you and you even try out some of his products if they happen to find their way to your side
You can’t even hide it from Oikawa because once you leave the restroom, he notices right away 
“ Are you wearing that SPF moisturizer I bought from that new skincare store the other day?”
“ Wha- how did you know?”
“ I can smell it you rat, stop using my skincare products!” 
He says that but the next day when you wake up to use the restroom, you see that he bought you your own moisturizer and there’s a sticky note on it ‘ because you desperately need some’ 
Oikawa also always manages to lose his glasses in the morning so when he’s late, he always wakes you up to help him find his glasses which are somewhere around the apartment 
“ Bitch, how hard is it to keep it next to your nightstand before you go to bed?” 
“ I forget” 🥺👉🏼👈🏼Oikawa pouts as he squints back at you cause he’s a blind bitch 
If Oikawa is your roommate, that definitely means Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki are always over. One time in the middle of the night, you went to go get a glass of water and you screamed so loud when you saw a dark figure sleeping on your couch 
Your heart literally dropped to the floor but when you squinted your eyes, you could make out that it was Hanamaki just crashing on your couch 
Thank god, you actually thought there was a stranger-
What you didn’t know was that Matsukawa was sleeping on the floor of the living room and you tripped over his huge, built ass body 
“ Y/N? Is that you? Are you okay?”
“ I’m fine-”
“ Ow! Y/N, that’s my hand!”
“ Shit! Sorry- wait, Hajime? Is that you? What the hell-Who else is sleeping here?”
“ Meeeee!”
“Toru?!?! What are you doing out here?” You asked as you turned on the lights to find all four boys camped out in the living room. TF is this? Summercamp???
“ Duh, it’s a sleepover! Wanna join? You can lay next to me Y/N-Chan!”
“ Fuck no you weirdo. Except for you Hajime😚 my room is always open for you!” 🤩🥰🤪🤰🏻 
Oh speaking of frick fracking, you and Oikawa have a solid rule that if you’re planning on having sex, please let the other roommate know so there’s not a repeat of that one incident you’re not allowed to speak of 
Toru: Can you be out of the house from 8:30-9:30? I’m bringing someone over👉🏼👌🏼
Y/N: You bastard I was going to bring someone over!
Toru: Oh yeah? Who u trying to fuck?👀👀👀
Y/N: Hajime 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Besides all of that mess, Oikawa is such a fun roommate. If yall could live together forever, you definitely would because the banter never stops between the two of you, yall are like an old married couple uwu 
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JESUS you two take a while to mesh 
You two are best friends so when he suggested to move in together, you were all for it 
But it just took some getting used to 
Bokuto wakes up sooooo early to go run and this means blasting music in the shower at 5am & him blending the shit out a smoothie in the kitchen 
One time, this dude barged into your room around 5:20 in the morning and had THE AUDACITY to ask if you wanted to go run with him 
“ I feel bad leaving you here in the apartment alone, what if you miss me?”
“ If you ever wake me up this early to go run out of all things, I will shave your head do not test me owl.” 
He never asks you again don’t worry but he does walk in your room to whisper, rather loudly, that he’s leaving to go run just to give you a heads up
On some mornings when he knows you’re going to have a long day at school, he’ll make you breakfast and it’s actually super sweet cause you two will eat together in the kitchen and talk about what the plan for the day is 
If he’s ever too lazy to make breakfast, he’ll grab your favorite pastries during his run and bring it home cause he’s just that type of person 
Bokuto is a bit messy and you find yourself cleaning up after him a lot but he makes up for it by being an absolute sweetheart 
He assembled all the furniture in the apartment because he likes building stuff and he claims it’s manly. Don’t Mind my language but ✨U couldn’t give a shit ✨about building furniture so you were 100% okay with it
Akaashi came over to help put the couch together and that was arguably the most entertaining thing you had ever seen
“ Bokuto-San, I’m pretty sure these pieces don’t fit.”
“ Akaashi! Are you doubting my ability to read and follow instructions?!?!”
“ I think he’s right, those don’t fit at all.”
*cue emo bokuto ughhhhhhh this bitch*
Whenever Bokuto gets emo at home, you drop everything to help him get out of his funk. Not because what you’re doing isn’t important but if you don’t help, this dude will show up next to your bed full on close to crying
“ Ko, it’s two in the morning, why are you awake?”
“ Are you angry at me that I broke that plate earlier?”
“ Wha- no I’m not mad over a cheap plate. Just go to bed PLEASE!” 
No matter how busy yalls schedule gets, you two always make time to have a movie night at least once a week because he claims it’s good for roommate moral 
It’s just an excuse for him to snack through the pantry but whatever
He’s also the worst at grocery shopping. Like he notices all the snacks and desserts you like so he’ll buy so much of those things but will fail to get actual protein and vegetables 
I know it seems like I’m shitting on Bokuto and I’m not, I feel like Bokuto would also be such a fun roommate. There are some nights where you two will dance around together in your pajamas and camp out on the couch together and those are the moments where you’re thankful he’s your roommate
But he snores so loud I’M SORRY I HAD TO SAY IT 
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