zoeballs · 2 years
(Download PDF/Epub) 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy - Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy
[*] Read PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy
 Struggling With Social Media Marketing?Few likes on your company's Facebook page? Not seeing social media ROI? Unsure how to make the most of social media marketing, or even where to start? 500 Social Media Marketing Tips can help!500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media for business, covering all of the web's biggest players, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and many more! This book provides simply-written expert tips, sharing secrets about how to build your brand in social media spaces, attract and engage with customers, increase sales, and generally maintain an awesome social media strategy. In addition, you'll gain access to over 100 (and growing!) FREE social media video tutorials.
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blogmvaidoso · 5 years
7 Redes Sociais: O LIVRO DO MOMENTO!
7 Redes Sociais: O LIVRO DO MOMENTO!
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Olá vaidoso’s 😉
Hoje, venho falar-vos o “meu” livro do momento! Uma leitura agradável e fácil, é a minha praia. Adquiri-o recentemente, já o li com imenso entusiasmo e, já o estou a (re)ler de novo. Falo-vos das 500 Dicas de Marketing nas Redes Sociais, de Andrew Macarthy, um guia sobre Estratégias Essenciaispara as Redes Sociais Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube e…
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peach-salinger · 6 years
✧・*゚scottish surnames
→ link to my scottish female name masterlist → link to my scottish male name masterlist
under the cut are 733 scottish surnames. this masterlist was created for all in one breath rp at the request of lovely el, but feel free to link on your own sites! names are listed in alphabetical order. ❝mac❞, ❝mc❞ and ❝m❞ are split into three sections because i mean... look at them. please like♡ or reblog if you found this useful.
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abbot(son), abercrombie, abernethy, adam(son), agnew, aikenhead, aitken, akins, allan(nach/son), anderson, (mac)andie, (mac)andrew, angus, annand, archbold/archibald, ard, aris, (mac)arthur
(mac)bain/bayne, baird, baker, balfour, bannatyne, bannerman, barron, baxter, beaton, beith, bell, bethune, beveridge, birse, bisset, bishop, black(ie), blain/blane, blair, blue, blyth, borthwick, bowie, boyd, boyle, braden, bradley, braithnoch, (mac)bratney, breck, bretnoch, brewster, (mac)bridan/brydan/bryden, brodie, brolochan, broun/brown, bruce, buchanan, budge, buglass, buie, buist, burnie, butter/buttar
caie, (mac)caig, (mac)cail, caird, cairnie, (mac)callan(ach), calbraith, (mac)callum, calvin, cambridge, cameron, campbell, canch, (mac)candlish, carberry, carmichael, carrocher, carter, cassie, (mac)caskie, catach, catto, cattenach, causland, chambers, chandlish, charleson, charteris, chisholm, christie, (mac)chrystal, (mac)clanachan/clenachan, clark/clerk, (mac)clean, cleland, clerie, (mac)clinton, cloud, cochrane, cockburn, coles, colinson, colquhoun, comish, comiskey, comyn, conn(an), cook, corbett, corkhill, (mac)cormack, coull, coulthard, (mac)cowan, cowley, crabbie, craig, crane, cranna, crawford/crawfurd, crerar, cretney, crockett, crosby, cruikshank, (mac)crum, cubbin, cullen, cumming, cunningham, currie, cuthbertson
dallas, dalglish, dalziel, darach/darroch, davidson, davie, day, deason, de lundin, dewar, dickin, dickson, docherty, dockter, doig, dollar, (mac)donald(son), donelson, donn, douglas, dorward, (mac)dow(all), dowell, (macil)downie, drain, drummond, (mc)duff(ie)/duff(y), duguid, dunnet, dunbar, duncan, dunn, durward, duthie
E, F
eggo, elphinstone, erskine, faed, (mac)farquhar(son), fee, fergus(on), (mac)ferries, fettes, fiddes, findlay, finn, finlayson, fisher, fishwick, fitzgerald, flanagan, fleming, fletcher, forbes, forrest, foulis/fowlis, fraser, fullarton, fulton, furgeson
gall(ie), galbraith, gammie, gardyne, (mac)garvie, gatt, gault, geddes, gellion, gibb(son), gilbert, gilbride, (mac)gilchrist, gilfillan, (mac)gill(ivray/ony), gillanders, gillespie, gillies, gilliland, gilmartin, gilmichael, gilmore, gilroy, gilzean, (mac)glashan, glass, gloag, glover, godfrey, gollach, gordon, (mac)gorrie, gourlay, gow, graeme/graham, grant, grassick, grassie, gray, gregg, (mac)gregor(y), greer, greig, grierson, grieve, grimmond, (mac)gruer, gunn, guthrie
hall, hamill, (mac)hardie/hardy, harper, harvie, hassan, hatton, hay, henderson, hendry, henry, hepburn, herron, hood, hosier, howie, hugston, huie, hume, humphrey, hunter, (mac)hutcheon, hutcheson
I, J, K
(mac)innes, irving, iverach, ivory, jamieson, jarvie, jeffrey(s), johnson, johnston, jorie, (mac)kay, (mac)kean, keenan, keillor, keir, keith, kelly, kelso, keogh, kemp, kennedy, (mac)kerr(acher), kesson, king, kynoch
laing, laird, (mac)laine/lane, lamond, lamont, landsborough, landsburgh, lang/laing, larnach, laurie/lawrie, lees, lennie, lennox, leslie, lindsay, little(son), lithgow, livingston(e), lobban, logan, lorne, lothian, lovat, love, loynachan, luke, luther
mac ruaidhrí, mac somhairle, mac suibhne, macadam, macadie, macaffer, macainsh, macalasdair, macallister, macalonie, macalpine, macanroy, macara, macarthy, macaskill, macaskin, macaughtrie, macaulay, macauslan, macbean, macbeath, macbeth(ock), macbey, macbriden, macbryde, maccabe, maccadie, maccaffer, maccaffey/maccaffie, maccalman, maccambridge, maccann, maccance, maccartney, maccavity, maccaw, macdowell, maccheyne, maccodrum, maccomb(ie), maccorkindale, maccormick, maccoll, macconie, macconnachie, macconnell, maccoshin, maccoskrie, maccorquodale, macclaren, maccleary, macclew, maccloy, macclumpha, macclung, macclure, macclurg, maccraig, maccrain, maccreadie, maccrimmon, maccrindle, maccririe, maccrone, maccrosson, maccuaig, maccuidh, maccuish, macculloch, maccurley, macdermid/macdiarmid, macdougall, macdui, macduthy, maceachainn, maceachen, macelfrish, macewan/macewen, macfadyen, macfadzean, macfall, macfarlane/macpharlane, macfater/macphater, macfeat, macfee, macfigan, macgarrie, macgarva, macgeachen/macgeechan, macgeorge, macghie, macgibbon, macgillonie, macgiven, macglip, macgriogair, macgruther, macguire, macgurk, machaffie, macheth, machugh, macichan, macinnally, macindeoir, macindoe, macinesker, macinlay, macinroy, macintosh, macintyre, macisaac, maciver/macivor, macilherran, macilroy, macjarrow, mackail, mackeegan, mackeggie, mackellar, mackelvie, mackendrick, mackenna, mackenzie, mackerlich, mackerral, mackerron, mackerrow, mackessock, mackettrick, mackichan, mackie, mackilligan, mackillop, mackim(mie), mackinven, mackirdy/mackirdie, mackrycul, maclafferty, maclagan, maclarty, maclatchie/letchie, maclaverty, maclearnan, macleay, maclehose, macleish, maclellan(d), macleman, macleod, macleòid, maclintock, macllwraith, maclucas, macluckie, maclugash, macmann(us), macmaster, macmeeken, macmichael, macmillan, macminn, macmorrow, macmurchie, macmurdo, macmurray, macnab, macnair, macnally, macnaught(on), macnee, macneish/macnish, macnicol, macninder, macnucator, macpartland, macphail, macphatrick, macphee, macphedran, macpherson, macquarrie, macqueen, macquien, macquilken, macrae/machray, macraild, macrob(bie/bert), macrory, macrostie, macshane, macsherry, macsorley, macsporran, macsween, mactavish, mactear, macturk, macusbaig, macvannan, macvarish, macvaxter, macvean, macveigh/macvey, macvicar, macvitie, macvurich, macwalter, macwattie, macwhannell, macwhillan, macwhinnie
mccabe, mccain, mcclelland, mcclintock, mcconell, mccracken, mccune, mccurdy, mcdiarmid, mcelshender, mceuen, mcewing, mcfadden, mcgeachie/mcgeachy, mcgowan, mcilroy, mcinnis, mcivor, mckechnie, mckeown, mclarty, mclennan, mcneill(age/ie), mcowen, mcphee, mcpherson, mcwhirter
maduthy, magruder, mahaffie, main(s), mair, major, malcolm(son), malloch, manson, marr, marno(ch), (mac)martin, marquis, massie, matheson, mathewson, maver/mavor, maxwell, may, mearns, meechan, meiklejohn, meldrum, mellis(h), menzies, mercer, micklewain, milfrederick, millar/miller, milligan, milliken, milne, milroy, milvain, milwain, moannach, moat, moffat, mollinson, moncrief, monk, montgomery, moore, moray, morgan, (mac)morran, morrison, morrow, morton, mossman, mucklehose, muir(head), mulloy, munn, munro, (mac)murchie/murchy, murchison, murdoch, murphy
N, O, P, Q
nairn, naughton, navin, neeve, neil, neish, nelson, ness, nevin, nicalasdair, niceachainn, (mac)nichol(son), nicleòid, (mac)niven, noble, ochiltree, ogg, ogilvy, o'kean, oliver, omay/omey, orchard(son), orr, osborne, park, paterson, patrick, patten, peacock, peat, peters, philp, polson, power, purcell, purser, qualtrough, quayle, quillan, quiller, quinn, quirk
R, S
(mac)ranald(son), randall, rankin, reid, reoch, revie, riach, (mac)ritchie, roberts(on), rose, ross, rothes, roy, ryrie, salmon(d), scott, selkirk, sellar, shannon, sharpe, shaw, sheen, shiach, sillars, sim(son/pson), sinclair, skene, skinner, sloan, smith, somerville, soutar/souter, stein, stenhouse, stewart/stuart, strachan, stronach, sutherland, (mac)swan(son/ston), swinton
T, U, V, W, Y
taggart, tallach, tawse, taylor, thom(son), todd, tolmie, tosh, tough, tulloch, turner, tyre, ulrick, urquhart, vass, wallace, walker, walsh, warnock, warren, ward, watt, watson, wayne, weir, welsh, whiston, whyte, wilkins(on), (mac)william(son), wilson, winning, wright, young
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gqgw · 2 years
Read Book 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy BY Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Visit Here => https://best.kindledeals.club/B007L50HE6
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Struggling With Social Media Marketing?Few likes on your company's Facebook page? Not seeing social media ROI? Unsure how to make the most of social media marketing, or even where to start? 500 Social Media Marketing Tips can help!500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media for business, covering all of the web's biggest players, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and many more! This book provides simply-written expert tips, sharing secrets about how to build your brand in social media spaces, attract and engage with customers, increase sales, and generally maintain an awesome social media strategy. In addition, you'll gain access to over 100 (and growing!) FREE social media video tutorials.
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clb91y · 2 years
[PDF] Download 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! EBOOK -- Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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Updated FOR 2019! Always The Newest Social Media Strategy Struggling with social media marketing for business? No likes, comments and clicks, no matter what you try? Feeling overwhelmed or just don't even know where to begin? This book will help.The key to success on social media is to build a strong and consistent social media marketing plan: with ideas that drive brand awareness, attract loyal customers, and help you reach your business goals - like increasing website traffic, delivering top customer service, or making sales. And that's what you'll learn in 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media success for business, featuring hundreds of actionable strategies for success on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and more! DOWNLOAD:: 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business The goal of this book is simple: I will show you how to build and grow a successful social
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ogloverc · 2 years
Read Book 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! EBOOK BY Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
[*] Read PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
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sim69p · 2 years
[PDF] Download 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! PDF BY Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
[*] Read PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
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kjohnsw · 2 years
Read 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! -- Andrew Macarthy
Download Or Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! - Andrew Macarthy Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
[*] Read PDF Here => 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
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dollymias · 2 years
[PDF Download] 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy Writen By Andrew Macarthy
 Read PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy Ebook Online PDF Download and Download PDF 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy Ebook Online PDF Download.
500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice Hints and Strategy
By : Andrew Macarthy
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 DESCRIPTION : Struggling With Social Media Marketing?Few likes on your company's Facebook page? Not seeing social media ROI? Unsure how to make the most of social media marketing, or even where to start? 500 Social Media Marketing Tips can help!500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media for business, covering all of the web's biggest players, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and many more! This book provides simply-written expert tips, sharing secrets about how to build your brand in social media spaces, attract and engage with customers, increase sales, and generally maintain an awesome social media strategy. In addition, you'll gain access to over 100 (and growing!) FREE social media video tutorials.
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stitchzdotnet · 3 years
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How to Create A Snapchat Geofilter For Business #socialmedia #snap #smallbiz #tips https://www.andrewmacarthy.com/andrew-macarthy-social-media/snapchat-geofilters-for-business-on-demand-template
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[R.A.R] 500 Social Media Marketing Tips Essential Advice  Hints and Strategy for Business Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Pinterest  Linkedin  Youtube  Snapchat  and More! FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
[R.A.R] 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More!
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[PDF] Download 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Andrew Macarthy Publisher : Independently Published ISBN : 179279603X Publication Date : 2018-12-28 Language : Pages : 244
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
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Synopsis : [R.A.R] 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, and More! FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
Updated FOR 2019! Always The Newest Social Media Strategy Struggling with social media marketing for business? No likes, comments and clicks, no matter what you try? Feeling overwhelmed or just don't even know where to begin? This book will help.The key to success on social media is to build a strong and consistent social media marketing plan: with ideas that drive brand awareness, attract loyal customers, and help you reach your business goals - like increasing website traffic, delivering top customer service, or making sales. And that's what you'll learn in 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media success for business, featuring hundreds of actionable strategies for success on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and more! DOWNLOAD:: 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business The goal of this book is simple: I will show you how to build and grow a successful social media marketing strategy for your business. Unlike other books on the subject, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips is uncluttered and concise to ensure that you'll take away something valuable every single time you read, whether it's for five minutes at breakfast, half an hour on your commute, or all day at the weekend!You will learn: - Why Every Business Needs A Social Media Marketing Strategy- The Key Foundations For Every Successful Social Media Marketing Plan- The Most Effective Content to Share on Social Media (And How to Make It)- Hundreds of Tips to Grow Your Audience and Succeed on All The Biggest Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn.- How to Use Blogging to Underpin and Drive your Social Media Marketing Efforts- Plus: Access to Over 250 Social Media Marketing Video Tutorials and FREE Monthly Book Updates Forever (Kindle version only) Ready to Kick Start Your Social Media Marketing? Join over 80,000 people are already using 500 Social Media Marketing Tips to make the most of everything social media has to offer your business. Download now to stop worrying and, in no time, start seeing the benefits that a strong social media strategy can deliver.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy now' button.
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fdasdfgdsffgff · 3 years
(PDF/Books) Read 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, and More! by Andrew Macarthy
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  Read/Download Visit :
Book Details :
Author : Andrew Macarthy
Pages : pages
Publisher : Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Language :
ISBN-10 : 1983805912
ISBN-13 : 9781983805912
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, and More! .Updated for 2018! Always The Newest Social Media StrategyStruggling with social media marketing for business? No likes, comments and clicks, no matter what you try? Feeling overwhelmed or just don't even know where to begin? This book will help.The key to success on social media is to build a strong and consistent social media marketing plan: with ideas that drive brand awareness, attract loyal customers, and help you reach your business goals - like increasing website traffic, delivering top customer service, or making sales. And that's what you'll learn in 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.500 Social Media Marketing Tips is your guide to social media success for business, featuring hundreds of actionable strategies for success on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and more!READ 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business.The goal of this book is simple: I will show you how to build and grow a successful social media .
Andrew Macarthy book 500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, and More!.
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Watch "Andrew McCarthy gets why Pretty In Pink still resonates" on YouTube
The CHOICE of Andrew Macarthy as Blain over the option of a beefy jock guy alone made that film what it was.
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booksfreenet-blog · 4 years
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500 Social Media Marketing Tips by Andrew Macarthy
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unionmetrics · 8 years
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Image source: The Found Animals Foundation.
Friday Reads | A quick collection of the best things we’ve been reading recently. This week it’s still all about video content marketing. 
If you’ve been resisting vertical video, here are 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Start Making Vertical Video for Social Media from Andrew Macarthy also for SMT. (Hint: Most people are already holding their phones vertically if they’re viewing video on mobile.)
And here’s a good question from the staff at Marketing Charts: Are Viewers Watching Business-Related Videos to Completion?
“While the average length of a business-related video was found to be 8 minutes, the majority of videos produced by businesses are 2 minutes or less in length, with 21% being up to a minute long and another 35% being 1-2 minutes long. Not surprisingly, shorter videos hold viewers’ attention the longest: those less than 90 seconds long had a completion rate of 53%, compared to a 10% completion rate for the longest videos (at least 30 minutes).”
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Thanks for reading and happy Friday, Tumblr! 
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soccernetghana · 4 years
FEATURE: Oliver Arthur, ArthurLegacy and the talent-export model in Ghana football
[caption id="attachment_615029" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Arthur Legacy CEO Oliver Arthur.[/caption] The untold story of the rise of Oliver Arthur and his leading ArthurLegacy sports business franchise is remarkable. The company has an enviable pedigree thriving beyond Ghana football. In anticipation, Arthur could rise to the level of modern football’s ''super-agents'' in Jorge Mendes, Mino Raiola and Pini Zahavi. Arthur enshrines a model of player development into a needs-driven football business scenario that has become an important reference of Ghana football. In the ArthurLegacy talent-export model, self-development is principal – Arthur does not go looking for players others developed. The vision is built on developing players from their formative years and having lifetime relationships with them, stretching beyond their playing careers. [caption id="attachment_113193" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Mumuni Abubakar (left) and agent Oliver Arthur (middle) during his trial at Liverpool[/caption] Aside an association with a Nigerian quartet –  Orji Okwonkow (Bologna), Umar Sadiq (Partizan), Kingsley Michael Dogo (Bologna), and Abdullahi Nura (ex-AS Roma) – Arthur manages more Ghanaian players in Italy than everyone else. Today, counting mainly from Italian football, ArthurLegacy’s fleet includes an impressive list of plus-33 current players and many former clients. [caption id="attachment_732521" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] Oliver Arthur’s client Orji Okwonkwo named Montreal Impact MVP for the season[/caption] The newer generation of youngsters coming through the system are led by Philip Yebaoh Ankrah (Hellas Verona), Salim Abubakar (Sassuolo), Carl Davordzie (Parma), Kwaku Osei Bonsu (Caracas FC), Ahmed Awuah Ankrah (Parma), Justin Kumi (Sassuolo), Ibrahim Mustapha (RS Belgrade), Kingsley Ofori Asante (Cremona), Edmund Addo (FK Senica) and Brian Odei (Sassuolo). The company’s strategy also focuses on the Under-16s. Isaac Annan (Parma), Mike Aidoo (Chievo Verona) and Enoch Owusu (Inter Milan) are such examples. [caption id="attachment_308673" align="aligncenter" width="615"] Oliver Arthur and Godfred Donsah[/caption] The other generation of players, current and former, includes Richmond Boakye-Yiadom (RS Belgrade), Godfred Donsah (Cercle Brugge), Bright Addae (ex-Parma), Hans Nunoo Sarpei (VfB Stuttgart), Derrick Appiah (ex-AS Monaco), Patrick Asmah (ex-Atalanta), Augustine Okrah (ex-BK Häcken), Evans Osei (ex-Torino), Salifu Alimeyaw (ex-Hellas Verona), and Afriyie Acquah (Yeni Malatyaspor). The story began in Accra on 23 March 1974 when Oliver Kwame Afful Arthur was born to the late Yaw Arthur and madam Beatrice Tawiah. [caption id="attachment_303572" align="aligncenter" width="429"] Oliver Arthur (right) and his father Jospeh.[/caption] A Fante speaker, his hometown is Enyan Abaasa (Central Region). His education was at Suhum Secondary (1987-92) and Accra Academy (1992-94), which propelled him to the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (1998-2000) and a later career as a travel agent at 2020 Travel and Tours, Alitalia and Air Maroc respectively. The destiny of ArthurLegacy did not start right away after his career at Dansoman United FC where he played Colts football for the U-17 team and was a promising winger until parental pressure forced him to quit to focus on his schooling. [caption id="attachment_229323" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Richmond Boakye-Yiadom and his agent Oliver Arthur[/caption]   Arthur began full-time life in football as a Chief Executive Officer of the then lower-tier Bechem United FC, in the mid 2000s. He would later resign from this Bechem role to pursue a new philosophy –  doing transfer deals and managing players on a full self-funding model. He would also adopt to a principally Italian transfer market and be perpetually heard praising a certain Mauro Barnebei for his agency career. He met Italian football agent Barnebei while working at Alitalia and he helped him develop a concept to setup an agency. Barnebei had a registered company in Morocco called Atlas Sports and was also a match agent. [caption id="attachment_261110" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Oliver Arthur (left) and Ralph Gyambrah (now Bono & Ahafo Regional FA chairman).[/caption] Arthur brought his brother  Roy Arthur and friends Kojo Frempong, Ralph Gyambrah and Percy Allotey to form Atlas Sports in 2006. Bechem United owner Owusu-Achau joined the company, using his club as a development partner. He had served as part-time manager of the Under-17 team of Liberty Professionals between 2003 and late 2004. Despite leaving, he occasionally returned to Liberty to process their visas, famously he did the visas for the first travels of Kwadwo Asamoah and Rabiu Mohammed. [caption id="attachment_342821" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Oliver Arthur[/caption] He credits Barnebei, the Liberty Professionals duo of Alhaji Sly Tetteh and Felix Ansong and  Bechem United Chairman, Kingsley Owusu-Achau for his rise in football. Atlas Sports managed both D.C. United and Bechem United officially, helping the clubs to travel abroad for scouting events like the Trofeo "Nereo Rocco", Trofeo Karol Wojtyla and Citta di Gradisca-Trofeo Nereo Rocco U-16/17 tournaments in Italy. Atlas succeeded in securing transfer deals for a number of players, including Isaac Cofie, Yusif Raman Chibsah, and Alfred Duncan with the help of partner agent Leonardo Guisti. Arthur’s role in the development of a number of other players is also we documented –  Hotter Este Edmund, Nii Nortey Ashong, Massahudu Alhassan, Maxwell Boadu Acosty, Godfred Adofo, Kofi Adjei, Eric Warden, and Azian Tano Innocent. [caption id="attachment_736206" align="aligncenter" width="765"] Afriyie Acquah and his agent Oliver Arthur[/caption] In 2010, Atlas was dissolved due to irreconcilable differences within partners and Arthur went solo, just like everyone else. The relationship with Guisti later collapsed, leading to Arthur losing eight of the nine players their partnership co-managed. Only Richmond Boakye-Yiadom went with Arthur. Guisti went with the rest of the players including Duncan, Chibsah, Salifu Amidu and Cofie. This redefined Arthur’s career and ushered in the ArthurLegacy era. The incorporation of ArthurLegacy came in 2012 to usher in a golden generation. ArthurLegacy would become a huge success, with the help of ace Italian agent Paolo Busardo. [caption id="attachment_273558" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Augustine Okrah (left) and his agent Oliver Arthur.[/caption] The strategy of ArthurLegacy always focused on maintaining a significant presence in  Italian football with a crop of highly enterprising youngsters throughout the system. Arthur is stronger there and in the 70-plus deals he has brokered in his career, just a few were outside Italy – for a example: Appiah in France (AS Monaco), Okrah in Sweden and Sudan (BK Häcken and Al-Merrikh), Boakye in Serbia and Netherlands (Red Star Belgrade and Roda), Acquah in Germany and Turkey (Hoffenheim and Yeni Malatyaspor), Cofie in Spain and Turkey (Sporting de Gijón). ArthurLegacy built two flagship events into the new vision – the ArthurLegacy Invitational Scouting Tournament and CTB (Calcio Trade Ball).    The invitational tournaments are staged specifically for top European clubs, agents and scouts. Held under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Ghana on a biennial basis, CTB celebrates the contribution of Italy to the development of Ghana football and promotes Ghana-Italy cultural relations. [caption id="attachment_537396" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Maxwell Mensah and ArthurLegacy Sports CEO Oliver Arthur at the Stadio Renato Dell’Ara.[/caption] ArthurLegacy has invested in high-calibre management – in a network of people with talent and unique qualities, in Ghana and beyond. Former Accra Hearts of Oak defender Maxwell Mensah joined ArthurLegacy in retirement and is now the company’s management and scouting team. Shiraj Ahmed,  a practicing economist with two master’s degrees, is a long-serving employee. His sister, Kathleen Arthur, brings in a wealth of corporate-level experience into her General Manager role whilst Sintim-Pako Antwi, Stephen Domfeh and James Annan are specialist scouts and managers with vast experience in player development in Europe. Gideon Attoh, renowned for his local scouting pedigree, is the company's Chief Scout. [caption id="attachment_397802" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Afriyie Acquah and family of agent Oliver Arthur having lunch.[/caption] Bertha is Arthur's wife with whom he has three sons – Jason Jojo Jaidoo Arthur (2007), Kevin Kobina Fosu Arthur (2010) and Andrew Ekow Afful Arthur (2017). She is a highly educated interior decorator who runs a successful company called Signature By Bertha and has been a key decision maker in transfers from the beginning. Many credits her astute business mind for the rise of ArthurLegacy. Arthur does not like the headlines; his philanthropic works are also publicity shy. Arthur donates clothes and food once a year and supports students with fees in Macarthy Kope-a village in Ada, Greater Accra Region. He has also donated to the SOS village in the past and does much more charity work without publicity. Arthur is described by most of his players as a 'humanist' due to his player welfare care and that is manifested in the fact that he still maintains tight relationships with all his former players. [caption id="attachment_409559" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Yaw Ackah (left), super agent Oliver Arthur and Razak Abdul Rahim.[/caption] All the signs are that Oliver Arthur is on his way to producing a Lionel Messi or a Cristiano Ronaldo or a Thierry Henry or a Zinedine Zidane or all of them combined. Hopefully, that becomes a reality for the benefit of Ghana football. source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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