svampira · 10 months
Carini i nuovi episodi comunque👍
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franollie · 2 months
“modern comics are bad” “how do we save modern comics” dc reintroduce anita fite with an Empress/Wonder Girl mini series and you will make 10 billion dollars.
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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Joël's face is sour, his eyes hooded. Roy splays his palms outward in an expression of innocence.
Roy: What? What's wrong? I was just giving Saff a hug. You know how I'm a total hug whore, dude... Joël: Why were you and Saffy hugging? Roy: Because hugs are awesome. Duh. You want a hug? You look like you need one- Joël: Shut up. The only person I've ever seen Saffy hug voluntarily is Jared. She doesn't even like hugging her own mother.
His bottom lip juts out further.
Joël: She hasn't given me a hug since she was 11 years old.
Roy scratches his head.
Roy: Wow. You're all pouty because Saffron'll give me a hug and not you? Joël: I'm not pouty. Roy: You are totally pouty, dude. And I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this , but huggability is just something you're born with. You've either got it or you don't, you know what I'm saying? And I was lucky enough to be born with it, along with good looks, charisma, athleticism and intellectual prowess. You were obviously standing behind the door when all those things were handed out, which is really sucky, but look on the bright side, at least you can bask in the rays of my awesomeness- Joël: Tell me why you were hugging or I'll get Anita to taser the truth out of you. Roy:  Aren't we supposed to be going to the gym tonight? You'd better hurry up and get changed or- Joël: ANITAAAAAAA- Roy: Alright, ALRIGHT. Jesus tap dancing Christ. I was giving her a hug to thank her for....for ironing my shirts. Joël: She what? She ironed your shirts? Saffron? Roy: Yeah. So what? Joël: How much are you paying her? Roy: Nothing. She's just doing it out of the goodness of her heart. Joël: Listen, arsewipe, you have exactly five seconds to tell me how much money she's extorting from you or- Roy: I'm not giving her money! I just -I promised her VIP tickets to the next couple of Llamas games. Joël: Nice try, fucktard, but I know Saffron has zero interest in football. Roy: It's true, you can ask her yourself. They're probably for a friend of hers. I dunno, I didn't interrogate her about why she wanted them. Chill, would you? It's not a big deal, dude. 
Joël stares at him for several moments, then finally relaxes his shoulders.
Joël: Huh. Alright. I'll go and get changed. Roy: Dude? Can we not tell Anita about the shirt-ironing thing? Joël: Why? Roy: I just don't think it would sit right with her, the fact that her daughter's doing menial chores for me. It might offend her feminist sensibilities or some shit. No point creating unnecessary drama, right? Joël: Yeah, alright. Anything for a quiet life.
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