bahrlee · 1 year
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Which Trump Kid Will Take the Fall for Years of Tax Fraud? Your thoughts 💭
https://t.co/KUPKWGuv0J via @VanityFair
Junior and Eric, it’s time to prove your loyalty.
BY BESS LEVIN |Published October 16,
2019 | Vanity Fair | Posted October 16, 2019 7:40 PM ET |
Last February, not long before he reported to prison, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen testified that his boss had regularly inflated his personal assets when it served his purposes to do so, like to obtain loans, and deflated them when reporting lower numbers was to his benefit—like, for instance, in order to reduce his tax liability. Shortly thereafter, the House Oversight and Reform Committee subpoenaed Donald Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, for eight years of his financial records, a move the president did not respond well to, suing committee chairman Elijah Cummings and fighting tooth and nail to keep such information under lock and key. Last week a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the subpoena, which Trump is likely to appeal again, possibly to the Supreme Court. And based on a new report by ProPublica, which highlights apparent tax fraud by the Trump Organization, you can understand why!
Documents obtained by reporter  Heather Vogell show major discrepancies in how the president’s companies reported expenses, profits, and occupancy rates for two buildings, making the properties appear more profitable to lenders and less profitable to tax authorities, just as Cohen testified. At 40 Wall Street, for example, the Trump Organization told Ladder Capital that the building was leased at 58.9% on December 31, 2012, and then shot up to 95% a few years later, knowing that lenders wanted to see rising occupancy levels, or “leasing momentum,” which was critical to obtaining a new $160 million loan with a lower interest rate. (Based on the figures the Trump Organization gave to them, Ladder’s underwriters predicted 40 Wall Street’s profits would more than double after 2015.) Yet, per ProPublica, as of 2018, the most recent year for which data is available, the building had never met profit expectations, lagging by more than 8%, which experts say is extremely unusual given the amount of due diligence underwriters are meant to do.
According to Kevin Riordan, a financing expert and real estate professor at Montclair State University, the rise in occupancy that the Trump Organization claimed was unusual, and what do you know? Documents submitted to tax officials showed no such surge. Instead the company told tax officials that the building was already 81% leased in 2012, the same figure it reported as of January 5, 2013. “There was a story crafted here,” Riordan said. “It’s contradicted by what we see in the tax filings.”
Also at 40 Wall Street, insurance costs for 2017—when Don Jr. and Eric had taken over the day-to-day business—were listed at $457,414 in loan records and $744,521 in tax documents, while Trump claimed to tax authorities in 2015 that he paid the actual owners of the building $1.65 million for the right to lease it out, despite telling the loan servicer the figure was $1.24 million. “It really feels like there’s two sets of books—it feels like a set of books for the tax guy and a set for the lender,” said Riordan. “It’s hard to argue numbers. That’s black and white.”
These discrepancies are “versions of fraud,” according to Berkeley professor of finance and real estate Nancy Wallace. “This kind of stuff is not okay.” And by not okay, she means potentially criminal. Per Vogell, New York City’s property tax forms clearly state that whoever signs them “affirms the truth of the statements made” and that “false filings are subject to all applicable civil and criminal penalties.”
Meanwhile, documents for the Trump International Hotel & Tower contain similar inconsistencies that, coincidentally, all worked out in Trump’s favor. The Trump Organization told tax officials it made roughly $822,000 renting space to commercial tenants at the building in 2017, but claimed to loan officials that the amount was $1.67 million. Examining eight years of data for the property, ProPublica found that the Trump Organization “reported gross income to tax authorities that was typically only about 81% of what it reported to the lender.” The business also seemed to leave out income it received for leasing the roof for TV antennas on its tax documents, leaving the line for that type of income blank on nine years of filings. And if you guessed such figures did appear on loan documents, as “major sources of income,” congratulations, you’ve cracked Trump’s (alleged!) scam.
While experts who spoke to ProPublica said there can sometimes be legal reasons for numbers to differ on tax and loan documents, they also said some of the discrepancies appeared to have no reasonable justification. “My gut reaction is it seems like there’s something amiss there,” said David Wilkes, a New York City tax lawyer who is chair of the National Association of Property Tax Attorneys.
The Trump Organization refused to respond on the record to the questions provided by ProPublica. A lawyer whose firm handles Trump’s property tax appeal filings for New York City said he was not authorized to discuss the documents. Ladder Capital declined to comment. A spokesperson for Mazars USA said it does not comment on its clients.
The First Daughter has her own set of problems.
BY ABIGAIL TRACY | Published MARCH 2, 2018 | Vanity Fair | Posted October 16, 2019 7:40 PM ET |
Even Ivanka Trump, the “princess royal” of the West Wing, is being sucked into the vortex of scandal that has encompassed her father’s administration. In the past week, her husband, Jared Kushner, lost his security clearance, lost his P.R. guard dog, was revealed as a top intelligence target for foreign spies, and was reported to have met with banking executives in the White House shortly before his family’s company received nearly half a billion dollars in loans. Donald Trump is said to be is “frustrated with Mr. Kushner, whom he now views as a liability” and “another problem to deal with,” and has suggested that both he and Ivanka move back to New York.
Ivanka, too, has her own set of problems. While the First Couple braced for an Intercept story that Kushner’s father had failed to secure a loan from the Qatari government just weeks before Kushner backed a blockade of Qatar, CNN dropped another  bombshell: United States counterintelligence officials are probing a Trump Organization real-estate deal in Canada in which Ivanka played a leading role.
The financing and negotiations surrounding the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver have come under F.B.I. scrutiny, according to current and former U.S. officials who spoke with CNN. It’s unclear why the F.B.I. is interested in the deal, which dates back to 2013, and in which Ivanka played a key role. But CNN reports that foreign buyers involved, as well as the timing of the $360 million project’s opening in February 2017, may have caught the agency’s attention. Like many Trump Organization deals, the New York-based company does not own the building but rather is paid licensing and marketing fees by the developer, the Holborn Group. Joo Kim Tiah, a member of one of Malaysia’s wealthiest families, runs the Canada-based development firm, and said in October 2015 that the First Daughter was closely involved: “Ivanka and myself approved everything, everything in this project,” he said during an interview.
Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Ivanka’s ethics counsel, dismissed the idea that there was anything untoward about the deal. “CNN is wrong that any hurdle, obstacle, concern, red flag, or problem has been raised with respect to Ms. Trump or her clearance application,” he said in a statement. He also denied that the investigation would impact Ivanka’s security clearance in any way: “Nothing in the new White House policy has changed Ms. Trump's ability to do the same work she has been doing since she joined the Administration.” Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer for the Trump Organization, similarly played down the report, saying that “the company’s role was and is limited to licensing its brand and managing the hotel. Accordingly, the company would have had no involvement in the financing of the project or the sale of units.”
Though it’s unclear whether special counsel Robert Mueller is interested in Ivanka’s involvement in the Vancouver deal, her husband’s contacts with foreign entities has certainly garnered his attention. Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that at least four foreign governments have discussed how they can use the Kushner Cos.’s financial woes and entanglements as leverage over the president’s son-in-law, The New York Times reported that Kushner Cos. received roughly $500 million in financing from two U.S. firms after Jared met with executives from the companies at the White House. (Christine Taylor, a spokeswoman for Kushner Cos., said in a statement that the Times story represented an “attempt to make insinuating connections that do not exist to disparage the financial institutions and companies involved.”)
The cascade of negative headlines has complicated matters for the duo in the White House. Amid an internal struggle with Kelly, who was responsible for altering the White House security-clearance policy—a move some saw as a targeted attack on Kushner—some aides have reportedly “expressed frustration that Mr. Kushner and his wife . . . have remained at the White House, despite Mr. Trump at times saying they never should have come to the White House and should leave.” The president, meanwhile, is reportedly mulling options to sideline them. Per the Times, while he has outwardly encouraged Jared and Ivanka to remain in their West Wing posts, he has also “privately asked Mr. Kelly for his help in moving them out.”
At least four national security officials registered their concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after the July 25 phone call.
BY ALISON DURKEE | Published October 11, 2019 | Vanity Fair | Posted October 16, 2019 7:40 PM ET |
For however “perfect” as he believed it to be, President Donald Trump's now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly raised concerns among administration officials as soon as Trump hung up the phone. As the Washington Post reported  Thursday, however, that wasn't the first time aides had raised objections about how the president was dealing with Ukraine. According to the Post, at least four national security officials were so “alarmed” by Trump's apparent attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals that they “raised concerns” with National Security Council legal adviser John Eisenberg both before and immediately after Trump's July 25 phone call. The officials “were not a swamp, not a deep state,” a former senior official told the Post—but were simply White House officials “who got concerned about this because this is not the way they want to see the government run.”
Concerns over Trump's Ukrainian dealings both before and after the call were widespread even among Trump's top advisers, the Post reports, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton and then-acting deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman. The alarm bells reportedly started going off after the abrupt ouster of former Ambassador to Ukraine Masha Yovanovitch, and the Post notes NSC officials “were alternately baffled and alarmed” by the behavior of Rudy Giuliani, who pressed for Yovanovitch's removal and very publicly declared his plan to press Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden. (In addition to the Biden conspiracy, Trump also “became increasingly focused” on baseless right-wing conspiracy theories regarding Ukraine's supposed role in the 2016 election.) Worry among NSC officials escalated even further after U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland—who got his job after donating $1 million to Trump's inauguration—declared that Trump had put him in charge of relations with Kiev. During a meeting with Bolton, then-U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, and Zelensky aides about corruption in Ukraine's energy sector, Sondland “blurted out that there were also ‘investigations that were dropped that need to be started up again,’” the Post reports. “Bolton went ballistic” after the meeting, one official told the Post, and senior NSC officials “huddled” about their Ukraine concerns in the ensuing days. The senior officials also looped in acting U.S. Ambassador Bill Taylor, whose ensuing explosive text messages with Sondland and Volker have since been publicly released.
For as concerned as officials already were about Trump's Ukraine behavior, their concerns “soared” once Trump spoke to Zelensky. In line with previous reports, including the whistle-blower report, the Post notes that Bolton and other senior officials were being contacted “within minutes” of the call's end by their subordinates expressing concern, and a rough transcript of the conversation was moved to a highly secure computer network meant for classified material “within hours.” “When people were listening to this in real time there were significant concerns about what was going on—alarm bells were kind of ringing,” one source told the Post. “People were trying to figure out what to do, how to get a grasp on the situation.” White House officials were reportedly seeking ways to officially report the conversation, the Post notes, which was made challenging by “the lack of a White House equivalent to the inspector general positions found at other agencies.” So they went to Eisenberg, who reportedly vowed to “follow-up.” It's not clear that Eisenberg actually took any action, though—and his lack of any clear response, the Post speculates, could have contributed to White House officials' decisions to share their concerns with the whistle-blower, a CIA employee who was first contacted by a White House official hours after Trump and Zelensky's phone call. (It is unclear whether any of the officials who spoke with Eisenberg are the same ones who spoke with the whistle-blower.)
The reports of how acute the alarm was over Trump's behavior within the White House ranks isn't great for the president as he continues to downplay the allegations and insist he was in the right—and come as damning reports concerning his and Giuliani's Ukraine scheming only continue to escalate. In addition to the fallout over Trump's phone call, new reports this week have raised concerns about how the administration handled the freezing and reinstatement of aid to Ukraine—which could suggest the existence of a “quid pro quo”—with the Washington Post reporting Thursday that political appointees intervened to freeze the aid over the objections of career staffers, who feared the move would be “improper.” The Associated Press, meanwhile, reported Thursday that Yovanovitch was fired after pushing back against Giuliani's rogue Ukraine operation, marking yet another bad story for the lawyer after his clients were arrested earlier Thursday.
While tensions are already running high in Trumpworld, the president and his allies also may soon face even more detrimental details coming to light, should Yovanovitch and Fiona Hill, Trump’s former top aide on Russia and Europe, testify as planned in the coming days. NBC News reports that Hill is expected to testify that Giuliani and Sondland circumvented the National Security Council to pursue their “shadow policy” on Ukraine, and her impending testimony has reportedly “stoked fear” in the White House given that she's not a Trump loyalist. If Hill, now a private citizen, is able to testify without the White House attempting to exert executive privilege over her testimony, it could also give Democrats the green light to seek testimony from other former White House officials, including Bolton—who's already been very clear that he's totally willing to trash talk his former employer.
The perpetually “acting” White House chief of staff finds himself embroiled in the white-hot center of the Ukraine scandal.
BY ERIC LUTZ | Published October 16, 2019 | Vanity Fair | Posted October 16, 2019 7:40 PM ET |
onald Trump’s increasingly brazen attempts to pressure Volodymyr Zelensky into opening an investigation into Joe Biden have put a number of his cronies under the microscope. Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer, may have the most to lose, as prosecutors in New York scrutinize his work in Ukraine. Energy Secretary Rick Perry also appears in an unflattering light, as do diplomats Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland, all of whom were apparently involved in the Trump-Giuliani scheme. More recently, the spotlight has turned to “Acting” Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, who is described in a new report as a lynchpin of Trump’s campaign to squeeze Zelensky.
According to the Washington Post, it was Mulvaney who coordinated Perry, Volker, and Sondland’s efforts to abscond with the Ukraine portfolio, moving the administration’s dealings with Kiev out of traditional foreign policy channels and onto more corrupt footing. Giuliani told the Post that he could not recall “any substantive conversation with Mick,” nor could he remember Mulvaney “approving, disapproving, getting involved, [or] having an interest” in the Ukraine imbroglio. But current and former United States officials have placed the acting chief of staff at the center of the scandal in Capitol Hill testimonies in recent days.
Fiona Hill, who had been Trump’s top Russia adviser, dropped Mulvaney’s name in her bombshell testimony on Monday. Speaking to House lawmakers, who are conducting an impeachment inquiry into the president, Hill  reportedly testified that then-national security adviser John Bolton had raised alarms about the pressure campaign on Ukraine, describing Giuliani as a “hand grenade” and instructing her to tell White House lawyers that he was “not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up.” Hill also told congressional investigators that Sondland had described an “agreement” with Mulvaney to broker a White House meeting for Zelensky, who took office in May, if he authorized probes into the Bidens and the origins of the Russia inquiry.
George Kent, the deputy assistant secretary of state responsible for Ukraine, went even further in his testimony Tuesday, telling lawmakers that Mulvaney had told him to “lay low” and focus on other countries in his portfolio—giving control of the administration’s Ukraine policy to the so-called “three amigos” in what the top State department official took as a troubling sign that the White House was pursuing its own political agenda. Mulvaney told Kent to defer to Perry, Volker, and Sondland on matters related to Ukraine, Kent said in his testimony, and felt he was being sidelined “because what he was saying was not welcome” in the administration.
Perry, Sondland, and Volker have all come under intense scrutiny in the Ukraine scandal; explosive text messages released earlier this month show Volker, then-ambassador to Kiev, and Sondland, envoy to the European Union, suggesting that a White House visit for Zelensky and security aid for Ukraine was contingent on the probes Trump and Giuliani were seeking. Bill Taylor, Charge d'Affaires at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, raised concerns about the apparent quid pro quo in exchanges with the other officials: “I think it’s crazy to withhold security for help with a political campaign,” he wrote to Sondland at one point. Volker abruptly resigned his post earlier this month, and Perry’s involvement in the scandal has threatened his job security as Energy secretary.
Could Mulvaney’s position as acting chief of staff become similarly tenuous? Already, the former congressman is facing questions about his misadventures with the “amigos”—Sondland, Volker, and Perry. He is also expected to be called before Congress to testify about the hold he placed on some $400 million in military aid for Ukraine, on Trump’s orders, days before the president’s July 25 phone call with Zelensky.
The White House has already begun an internal review of the matter,  reportedly encouraged by Mulvaney, that some insiders fear could be an effort to find a fall guy. But it’s also possible that Mulvaney, in his effort to please the president, could become a scapegoat himself.
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decanting-cerebral · 8 years
200 + 1: The Music Of 2016
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Africaine 808, Basar   [Golf Channel Recordings] Africans With Mainframes [Heiroglyphic Being + Noleian Reusse], K.M.T.   [Soul Jazz] Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra, Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra   [Glitterbeat] Alpha 606, Afro-Cuban Electronics   [Interdimensional Transmissions] Oren Ambarchi, Hubris   [Editions Mego] Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society, Real Enemies   [New Amsterdam] A$AP Ferg, Always Strive And Prosper   [RCA] Asda, The Abyss   [NoCorner] Atlantis Jazz Ensemble, Oceanic Suite   [Marlow Records] Audacity, Hyper Vessels   [Suicide Squeeze] Babyfeather, “BBF” Hosted By DJ Escrow   [Hyperdub] Azealia Banks, Slay-Z   [self-released] Kenny Barron Trio, Book Of Intuition   [Impulse!] Beekman, Beekman Vol. 2   [Ropeadope] Bent Shapes, Wolves Of Want   [Slumberland] Beyoncé, Lemonade   [Parkwood Entertainment] Big Ups, Before A Million Universes   [Exploding In Sound] BJ The Chicago Kid, In My Mind   [Motown/UMG] Black Bombaim & Peter Brotzmann   [Shhpuma] Black Milk & Nat Turner, The Rebellion Sessions   [Computer Ugly] Carla Bley/Andy Sheppard/Steve Swallow, Andando El Tiempo   [ECM] Jane Ira Bloom, Early Americans   [Outline] Bombino, Azel   [Partisan Records] Brookzill!, Throwback To The Future   [Tommy Boy]
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Danny Brown, Atrocity Exhibition   [Warp] Jaimeo Brown Transcendence, Work Songs   [Motema Music] Taylor Ho Bynum, Enter The PlusTet   [Firehouse 12] Uri Caine Trio, Calibrated Thickness   [816 Music] Will Calhoun, Celebrating Elvin Jones   [Motema] Car Seat Headrest, Teens Of Denial   [Matador] Causa Sui, Return to Sky   [El Paraiso] Cavern of Anti-Matter, void beats/invocation trex   [Duophonic] Chance The Rapper, Coloring Book   [self-released] The Chicago Plan, The Chicago Plan, [Clean Feed] Chimurenga Renaissance, Girlz With Gunz   [Glitterbeat] Brandy Clark, Big Day In A Small Town   [Warner Bros.] The Coathangers, Nosebleed Weekend   [Suicide Squeeze] Avishai Cohen, Into The Silence   [ECM] Leonard Cohen, You Want It Darker   [Sony] Kweku Collins, Nat Love   [Closed Sessions] Frankie Cosmos, Next Thing   [Bayonet Records] Andrew Cyrille Quartet, The Declaration Of Musical Independence   [ECM] Damana (Dag Magnus Narvesen Octet), Cornua Copiae   [Clean Feed] The Dead C, Trouble   [Ba Da Bing!] Deap Vally, Femejism   [Nevado Music] Death Grips, Bottomless Pit   [Third Worlds] Debo Band, Ere Gobez   [FPE Records] Jack DeJohnette, In Movement   [ECM] Olegario Diaz, Aleph In Chromatic   [SteepleChase]
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Whit Dickey / Kirk Knuffke, Fierce Silence   [Clean Feed] DJ Rude One, ONEderful   [2RBR] Pierre Dorge & New Jungle Orchestra, Ubi Zaa [SteepleChase] Dave Douglas, Dada People   [Greenleaf] Dre Hocevar, Transcendental Within The Sphere Of Indivisible Remainder   [Clean Feed] Mark Dresser Seven, Sedimental You   [Clean Feed] Dressy Bessy, Kingsized   [Yep Roc Records] Drive-By Truckers, American Band   [ATO Records] Earprint, Earprint   [Endectomorph] Harris Eisenstadt, Old Growth Forest   [Clean Feed] Eskimeaux, Year Of The Rabbit   [Double Double Whammy] Family Atlantica, Cosmic Unity   [Soundway] The Field, The Follower   [Kompakt] Fire!, She Sleeps She Sleeps   [Rune Grammofon] Flatbush Zombies, 3001: A Laced Odyssey   [Glorious Dead Recordings] Zélia Fonseca, O Terceiro Olho da Abelha   9Yellowbird] Michael Formanek / Ensemble Kolossus, The Distance   [ECM] Daniel Freedman, Imagine That   [Anzic Records] Free Nelson MandoomJazz, The Organ Grinder   [RareNoise] Fruit Bats, Absolute Loser   [Easy Sound Recording Company] Robbie Fulks, Upland Stories   [Bloodshot] Ras G, The El-Aylien Tapes   [Leaving Records] Gambari Band, Kokuma   [Membran Media] Giant Peach, Tarantula   [Don Giovanni Records] Bob Gluck [etc], Infinite Spirit: Revisiting Music Of The Mwandishi Band   [self-released]
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GoGo Penguin, Man Made Object   [Decca Records France] Brian Groder Trio, R Train On The D Line   [Latham Records] Los Hacheros, Bambulaye   [Jacob Plasse] Charlie Haden/Liberation Music Orchestra, Time/Life   [Impulse!] Mary Halvorson Octet, Away With You   [Firehouse 12] Handsome Family, Unseen   [Loose Music] PJ Harvey, The Hope Six Demolition Project   [Island] Alexander Hawkins & Evan Parker, Leaps In Leicester   [Clean Feed] The Heliocentrics, From The Deep   [Now-Again Records] The Fred Hersch Trio, Sunday Night At The Vanguard   [Palmetto] Hinds, Leave Me Alone   [Mom + Pop] Anna Högberg Attack, Anna Högberg Attack   [Omlott] Homeboy Sandman, Kindness For Weakness   [Stones Throw] HXLT, HXLT   [Def Jam] The I Don’t Cares, Wild Stab   [Dry Wood Music] Ethan Iverson, The Purity Of The Turf   [Criss Cross] Jigmastas, Resurgence Resurgence   [BBE] Julie Ruin, Hit Reset   [Hardly Art] Ka, Honor Killed The Samurai   [Iron Works] Matthew Shipp/Bobby Kapp, Cactus   [Northern Spy] Kaytranada, 99.9%   [XL] Allan Kingdom, Northern Lights   [So Cold Records] Aly Keïta, Kalo-Yele   [Intakt Records] Kel Assouf, Tikounen   [Igloo Records] Alicia Keys, Here   [RCA]
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The Knocks, 55   [Big Beat Records] Kirk Knuffke [& Jesse Stacken], Satie   [SteepleChase] Konono No. 1, Konono No. 1 Meets Batida   [Crammed Discs] Kool A.D., Official   [self-released] Glenn Kotche / So Percussion, Drumkit Quartets   [Cantaloupe Music] Krakauer’s Ancestral Groove, Checkpoint   [Table Pounding Records] Julian Lage, Arclight   [Mack Avenue] La Sera, Music For Listening To Music To   [Polyvinyl Record Co.] Lady Gaga, Joanne   [Interscope] Kendrick Lamar, untitled unmastered   [Aftermath/Interscope] Law Holt, City   [Soulpunk] Okkyung Lee / Christian Marclay, Amalgam   [Northern Spy] Steve Lehman/Sélébéyone, Sélébéyone   [Pi] Jinx Lennon, Past Pupils Stay Sane   [Septic Tiger] Jinx Lennon, Magic Bullets Of Madness To Uplift Grief Magnets   [Septic Tiger] James Brandon Lewis Trio, No Filter   [BNS] L’Orange & Mr Lif, Life & Death Of Scenery   [Mello Music] Baaba Maal, Traveller   [Knitting Factory] Luísa Maita, Fio da Memória   [Cumbancha] Mantra Percussion / Michael Gordon: Timber Remixed   [Cantaloupe Music] Milton Marsh, The Music Of Milton Marsh Revisited Vol. 1   [Alankara Records] Leyla McCalla, A Day For The Hunter, A Day For The Prey   [JazzVillage] Lori McKenna, The Bird & The Rifle   [CN Records] Allison Miller’s Boom Tic Boom, Otis Was A Polar Bear   [Royal Potato Family] Nick Millevoi, Desertion   [Shhpuma Records]
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Mr Fingers, Outer Acid EP   [Alleviated] Mr. Lif, Don’t Look Down   [Mello Music Group] Moksha, Beauty Of An Arbitrary Moment   [Jazzland] Heraldo do Monte, Heraldo do Monte   [Biscoito Fino] Moodymann, DJ-Kicks   [!K7 Records] Clara Moreno, Samba Esquema Novo De Novo   [Far Out] Maren Morris, Hero   [Sony] Murray, Allen & Carrrington Power Trio, Perfection   [Motema] Roy Nathanson & Friends, Nearness And You: Duets And Improvisations   [Clean Feed] Willie Nelson, Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin   [Sony] Nisennenmondai, #N/A, [On-U Sound] No Em Pingo D’Agua, Sambatologia   [Biscoito Fino] Nots, Cosmetic   [Goner] NxWorries, Yes Lawd!   [Stones Throw] Frank Ocean, Blond   [Boys Don’t Cry] Aruan Ortiz Trio, Hidden Voices   [Intakt Records] Anderson .Paak, Malibu   [Steel Wool / OBE] Jeff Parker, New Breed   [International Anthem] Aaron Parks, Groovements   [Sundance] Parquet Courts, Human Performance   [Rough Trade] Florian Pellissier Quintet, Cap De Bonne Esperance   [Heavenly Sweetness] Luis Perdomo, Spirits & Warriors   [Criss Cross Jazz] Pet Shop Boys, Super   [x2 Recordings] Ralph Peterson, Triangular III   [Onyx/Truth Revolution] Richard Poole / Marilyn Crispell / Gary Peacock, In Motion   [Intakt]
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Margo Price, Midwest Farmer’s Daughter   [Third Man Records] Psychic TV, Alienist   [Dais Records] Punkt3, Ordnung Herrscht   [Clean Feed] Quantic Presents Flowering Inferno, 1000 Watts   [Tru Thoughts] Isaiah Rashad, The Sun’s Tirade   [Top Dawg] Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau, Nearness   [Nonesuch] Renegades Of Jazz, Moyo Wangu   [Agogo] Eric Revis Trio [w/ Kris Davis and Gerald Cleaver], Crowded Solitudes   [Clean Feed] Rhythm Future Quartet, Travels    [Rhythm Future Quartet] Rihanna, Anti   [Westbury Road Entertainment] Jim Rotondi, Dark Blue   [Smoke Sessions] Rudy Royston, Rise Of Origin   [Greenleaf] Roswell Rudd, Jamie Saft, Trevor Dunn, Balázs Pándi, Strength & Power   [RareNoise] Wanda Sá, Cá entre nós   [Fina Flor] Sao Paulo Underground, Cantos Invisiveis   [Cuneiform] Savages, Adore Life   [Matador] Scarcity Of Tanks, Ringleader Lies   [Total Life] Mikael Seifu, Zelalem   [RVNG Intl.] Noura Mint Seymali, Arbina   [Glitterbeat] Shabaka & The Elders, Wisdom Of Ancestors   [Brownswood] Paul Simon, Stranger To Stranger   [Concord] Sleigh Bells, Jessica Rabbit   [Torn Clean] Wadada Leo Smith, America’s National Parks   [Cuneiform] Sneaks, Gymnastics   [Merge] Snowboy & The Latin Section, New York Afternoon   [Mark Cotgrove]
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Elza Soares, The Woman at the End of the World   [Mais Um Discos] Solange, A Seat At The Table   [Columbia] Sonzeira, Tam Tam Tam Reimagined   [Brownswood] So Pitted, neo   [Sub Pop] Vince Staples, Prima Donna   [Def Jam] Robert Stillman, Rainbow   [self-released] Sturgill Simpson, A Sailor’s Guide To Earth   [Atlantic] Sun Ra / Merzbow, Strange City   [Cold Spring] Swet Shop Boys, Cashmere   [Customs] Tegan And Sara, Love You To Death   [Warner Bros] The Thermals, We Disappear   [Saddle Creek] Thug Entrancer, Arcology   [Kemado/Mexican Summer] A Tribe Called Quest, We got it from Here...Thank You 4 Your service   [Epic] Trio Da Paz [Lubambo/Matta/Fonseca], 30   [Zoho Music] Ukandanz, Awo   [Atypeek Music] Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil, Dois Amigos, Um Seculo De Musica David Virelles, Antenna EP   [ECM] Dan Weiss, Sixteen: Drummers Suite   [Pi Recordings] Kanye West, The Life Of Pablo   [self-released] Waco Brothers, Going Down In History   [Bloodshot] Greg Ward, Touch My Beloved’s Thought   [Greenleaf Music] Warehouse, super low   [Bayonet] White Lung, Paradise   [Domino Recording Co] Wussy, Forever Sounds   [Shake It Records] Eri Yamamoto Trio, Life   [AUM Fidelity] La Yegros, Magnetismo   [Soundway] Yoni & Getti, Testarossa   [Joyful Noise]
-- jazz, pop, avant: a jumping off point for explorations. 
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helloholly · 8 years
Abstract: The Art of Design sat in my queue for a few days because I was worried it might suck.
But I really wanted it to be awesome.
           Typically, I do other things with the tv on. But, I couldn’t look away – the graphics were so expressive, it was continuously pulling me in. Christoph Niemann’s subtle but hilarious micro-expressions, Camera angles, Explore inducing music – and then these awesome little marker drawings. It was all so fascinating to me, several times I caught myself smiling so hard it made me laugh.
Christoph is so incredibly articulate – He managed to put to words many of the things I feel so often.
            “We can’t just make a film about you at your desk the whole day.” Was one of the funniest things said in the episode. THE funniest thing was when he talked about picturing himself sitting in starbucks by the window, and how he imagined it would be the most inspirational place to work – but it wasn’t. It was the most impossible place to work. The things he says after being aware that his vision of himself as an artist and the reality of it are so very painfully accurate.
            Anyone that knows me, knows I love Germany more than any place on earth (though, Barcelona is a close second). My school didn’t offer German, so I tried to teach myself. I bought a “Learn German” kit with cassette, mini dictionary, and pocket dictionary.  I carried the pocket dictionary to school with me so I could study on my breaks – I cried when I left it in my pocket and accidentally washed it. My classmates teased me for loving Germany so much – “Commy Holly” they called me. That didn’t really bother me since I didn’t know what Communism meant. Plus, I didn’t feel like I needed their approval to love Germany and was always kind of ‘different’. I asked one of my favorite teachers what it communism was, she laughed and told me the other kids were stupid (paraphrasing) for thinking Germany was a Communist country.
I’ve always loved how the German language sounds and how I feel when I speak in it. I was living in Germany when they won the World Cup in 2012 and I could feel the national pride swell. I remember driving behind some sort of construction vehicle with a small German flag at the top of it’s antennae, it was impossible to hold back happy tears. (I don’t even watch/care about soccer.)
            The first time I came to Germany in 2001, I looked everywhere for a souvenir German flag, a German t-shirt, anything with the German flag on it and only found that kindof thing at the airport. When I asked my friends I was visiting where I could find German flags and such, they looked at me wide eyed and surprised. Then told me since WWII, they didn’t feel like they could show their pride. “If we show pride in our country, the countries around us might think – ‘Oh no, Germany is rising up again, so we have to stay low.'” At 15 years old, that was heartbreaking.
As an American, I can go to any gas station in any state in any town and probably find something patriotic. We take our pride for granted.
            I felt at home in Germany. It’s truly the only geographical place I can say I Feel that way towards. In the documentary, Christoph talks about that same feeling of being at home in New York and about ‘owning’ a place no one you know has been before. Unlike Christoph who says he was immersed in American culture growing up in Germany (with the presence of the military, there are quite a few “mini Americas” there), I grew up in Texas but never felt like I “belonged” there. The first time I went to Germany was with my parents – also the first time for me to fly – and my mom and I distinctly remember the feeling of getting off the plane. Everything seemed so much fresher, we could breathe better. I stayed behind for a few weeks to travel and I remember getting on the plane to leave… looking out the window, feeling like I was leaving my heart behind, trying to swallow the lump in my throat and breathe into the emptiness in my chest.
            When I got back, no one was teasing me about Germany. The whole attitude had changed because I had done something with my dream. It was no longer “Why would you want to go there???” But instead they just sat back and were more like, “…huh.” and slight embarrassment. I could tell they were curious – the look on their faces gave away that feeling of wanting to know more about something, but knowing so little that you don’t even know what questions to ask.
            I visited Germany 2 more times while in highschool. In 2011, my husband received orders to Germany and we lived there for 4 years. It was absolutely incredible and terrifying. Living in Germany was the biggest thing I had ever dared to dream – and there I was living it. After 2 years, I soaked up as much German culture as I could (which is difficult when you live close to a military base). I had mastered the art of blending in, anywhere I went the natives assumed I was German – and I could usually pull it off as long as I didn’t get too involved in conversation. I so happy every morning to look out the window and seeing the German flag flying over my landlord’s car port.  I knew that struggle to have pride again.
            By year 4, I knew the time was coming to an end as my husband’s tour was ending. I felt like I had been on a 4 year sabbatical to live my dream, reveal in it, and thrive in it which was more than I could ever ask for. And increasingly had the feeling of, “What do I do now? I’ve accomplished my biggest dream and I’m still alive. I guess I need to dream bigger.”
When I came back, I had more appreciation for being a ‘spoiled American’ and felt more patriotic than ever. Living in Germany somehow made me feel more connected to everything I know. I’m sure I’ll visit again someday – but until then, I have sowed away in my “mental Get-away” box memories of beautiful tree trails, castles, and the best bread in the world.
            I got a lot out of that episode and it sparked so many feelings – I’m still absorbing all of the things about design and life he talked about. If every episode is like this, it’s probably going to take me 3 months to watch the whole series. ;D
Our view from our balcony in Eulenbis, Rheinland-Pfalz
Our view from our balcony in Eulenbis, Rheinland-Pfalz
Rainbow over Ramstein, Germany (taken from our balcony)
Little boat off the Rhine River
German Statue of Liberty on the Rhine River
Me loving Germany
Abstract : Germany Abstract: The Art of Design sat in my queue for a few days because I was worried it might suck.
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peninsularvau-blog · 7 years
Handy Tips for Caravaning.
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A caravanning experience is an incredible approach to see the nation.
It's an energizing time of flexibility, fun, and the excite of another experience. It's likewise a major advance.
At Peninsula RV Centre we understand that buying a caravan is an important investment regardless of price. We have a great range of quality used caravans and can cater to a broad scope of requirements. We know how important it is for you to choose Quality, Reliability and Value for Money.
Towing a troop is a ton harder than having to 'convey' a nonperforming copies accomplice amid the social tennis season; it adds a radical new measurement to any occasion. Factors, for example, what to bring, time spent out and about, and where to stop all of a sudden have considerably more noteworthy significance.
Nothing beats the opportunity of the open street; the feeling of enterprise and fun as you investigate new places and the adaptability that originates from bringing your settlement with you. Australia is an incredible nation brimming with magnificence and decent variety and there are loads of awesome individuals to meet. Try not to put it off. Connect that band and hit the street. so a couple of tips that may be convenient particularly, on the off chance that you are a learner.
1. Make an agenda
You'll require a far reaching exhibit of things while holidaying with a procession. Clearly a towing help is required, yet you have to choose one that is ideal for your vehicle.
Other basic caravanning things incorporate a fire quencher, wheel chocks, parade jack, influence control gadget, towing mirrors, additional coolant and oil, an extra fan belt, and protection tape.
Likewise with any pastime, a few things are fundamental for amateurs, while others can be acquired after some time for additional solace and comfort.
2.  Ensure your van is protected and secure
Once equipped with the fundamentals, you'll have to ensure your band (and vehicle) is protected to be on the open street. It's best to compose an agenda a long time before you withdraw and keep it inside your band for simple referral.
Among vital checks are that the towing help is fitted accurately, drawers and other free things are secure, and windows and entryways are bolted. Additionally, expel wheel chocks and the move wheel (or secure it), and raise the band's means. It is likewise basic that the lights of both your vehicle and train are operational and all tires are swelled effectively.
Try not to be too hard on the quickening agent; for security and efficiency.
3. Take it simple
Most likely you've been stuck behind a moderate moving band. Presently it's your swing to chafe different drivers! Normally, towing something the span of an enlarged elephant takes getting used to – and you should take additional care in any case – yet there is another essential thought: fuel utilization. Going at fast depletes your vehicle's fuel as it may be, not to mention when you are towing a troop. What's more, it's significantly more articulated when crashing into the breeze.
In the event that towing a train at a lessened speed, be aware of movement behind you, and utilize moderate vehicle turnouts where conceivable.
At the point when out and about, other imperative tips for caravanners incorporate staying away from the want to swerve if untamed life strays onto the street and monitoring side breezes caused by vast vehicles.
4. Have an encouraging start
Following on from the tip above, it pays to rise early and hit the street before the group join the gathering. This is particularly so while towing a procession out of the blue, as you'll feel substantially more certain driving in light movement.
5.  Be set up for restricted spaces
Regardless of the quality of your relationship, a caravanning excursion can be a test for you and your accomplice. One of the best tips for caravanning is to be set up for the way that you will go in bound encompasses. Give each other space, where suitable.
Give each other space, as the limits of a parade can test connections.
6. Work as a group
With regards to tips for utilizing a troop out of the blue, one of the greatest of all is the means by which to turn around the darn thing. Careful discipline brings about promising results.
7. Have a set-up schedule
In the event that you've invested significant energy in the street, the exact opposite thing you'll need to do is invest hours setting up your site. By and by, a training run is advantageous, as the procedure will turn out to be more effective after some time.
As each convoy varies, so too does the setting-up process. Notwithstanding, here's a short rundown: begin by unfastening the train, putting on its handbrake, and gathering your vehicle up. Once done, level the convoy, bring down each of the four corner steadies until the point when they are touching the ground, set up the gas and water frameworks, and interface the power. From here, head inside the troop and check the power and water supplies: warming, taps, broiler, cooler, and so forth.
It's an extraordinary life once the train is set up.
8. Don't take suppositions as gospel
Having an apparatus makes you an objective to cop guidance of kindred caravanners, and there's each shot you'll be hit with a bigger number of suppositions than a discussion back radio host. Instantly, you'll be educated about the best pastry kitchen, the least expensive brew, and option courses that are 'so considerably faster'. Essentially gesture and grin.
9. Pack up legitimately
For this tip, it's best to allude to point number three: take after your agenda. Nonetheless, there will be extra factors to consider, for example, killing the gas, separating electrics, and evacuating water and waste water supplies.
10.Take a course
In case you're not kidding about caravanning you ought to do it appropriately. While they may appear to be over the top, the different 'caravanning for amateurs' courses on offer will give awesome hypothetical and functional guidance, and lift your certainty. Then again, orchestrate a convoy expert to check your apparatus before you set off.
At any rate, have a trial keep running with your parade before starting an epic excursion. It's imperative to acclimate yourself with your new 'home far from home'.
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