#X-scape Off Road
ethereal-night-fairy · 5 months
To the Edge of Chaos
Pirate!Gaz x Female Reader (of mixed Arab decent)
A murder accusation and the death of a beloved father. Those where the events that led you to take refuge in this seedy tavern. Scared and left completely alone for the very first time, you try you're best to evade watchful eyes. Easier said than done when there were handsome pirates in the vicinity.
Warnings: MDNI, Crude language, talks of beheadimg and murder.
To the Edge of Chaos
Words: 1.1k
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“Did you hear!?,” The man next to you whispered. He must be a local if he's comfortable gossiping in a tavern like this. The smell of cheap alcohol was making you nauseous but this was the only safe place you could find for the time being.
“Everyone's heard by this stage,” the bar keep whispered back. “The city guards have been preventing people from talking about it since they announced the passing of the King. I heard they're going to behead her without trial.”
“I don't believe it for a second! Our princess would never do something like that!”
“Keep your voice down! They have ears all over the city,” the bar keep warned. But the bar was rowdy despite the news of the king's passing circulating. It felt like the city was celebrating, apart from a select few that is. You didn't realise how insignificant the royal family was in this part of the city. Though granted, the ports were often run by pirates these days despite the naval guard trying to stake their claim over the area.
You wonder where everything went wrong. It wasn't long ago that you were dressing as a servant boy to explore the city scape. Even though you should have been studying, should have been performing your royal duties. It seems that your selfishness has come to bite you in the ass. Had it not been for your uncle you would be on the road to your demise right about now. You've only narrowly escaped death for the time being. No one knows how you'll fare tomorrow.
That's how you found yourself in one of the few places the city guards couldn't reach you. The loyalty of the people here lay with the outlaws, the reject, the outcasts. An ideal place to find a temporary identity or a completely new one if one wanted. The bar buzzed with joy as the people guzzled their cheap rum and brandy. It tasted nothing like the refined wines you were raised on. Not that you had the luxury of being picky anymore. But at least you could enjoy the sweetness during these trying times. Probably not a good financial decision though. But you desperately needed something to take edge of the grief you were feeling. 
“The king loved his daughter, why would she have any reason to kill him?” The drunk patron drawled on despite the looks he was getting from the other patrons. The royal family really wasn't popular here. You scan your area staying on high alert, you couldn't have anyone mistaking you for someone who was supposed to be locked up and awaiting her death. You suppose sneaking out did pay off in this instance. You were so used to acting like a boy that it wasn't hard mimicking the mannerisms of the people around you. That and the disguise was good enough to fool the drunk for now. You just needed to get your hands on a more convincing ensemble if you wanted to survive.
“Aye nae one cares that wee bastard is dead, Never done nae good for the people like us! And his daughter too! Never even seen 'er face in public! Always hiding away in 'er big castle too full of 'erself tae care about 'er people dying in the slums!” A drunk man with an odd haircut shouts. Pirates. You watch the men around him laugh as they encourage him to keep going. The whole situation made you uneasy. Your reputation was horrible amongst the poor it seems. Or anyone for that matter. You were very much aware of the hate you received because of your mothers heritage. Despite her still being foreign royalty.
“Good thing we'll finally see 'er head come off! Good riddance!” You flinch as the man continues his rant stumbling as he tries to reach the bar for more alcohol. But someone from his group grabs him by the back of the neck before he can reach where you were sitting. Damn you wouldn't want to mess with his friend.
He was built like an oak tree. Not to mention his terrifying mask. You wouldn't be surprised if they called him the grim reaper. You remind yourself to keep away from those two. It's not long before the drunk man is hauled off outside while he airs out his lungs towards the person who was holding him like a pup. You watch as his crew boo and jeer the big man as he drags out the other to sober up.
Your eyes naturally drift back to the rowdy crowd who seemed at home in the tavern. Many women excitedly draped themselves on the arms of the most handsome or the ones that looked like they had money. You couldn't blame them. They were quite handsome you'll admit, and who didn't like money? You could use some right now.
One man in particular caught your eye. His laugh was akin to the warmth of the setting sun. Your hand absently caresses the necklace around your neck. The thought of him caressing skin no man has touched made your head spin with forbidden thoughts. Ones you desperately had to push down. Your necklace hums with magic concealing your feminine features, essentially presenting you as a boy to anyone.
You continue your not so discrete exploration of the handsome man's toned body. He would have make a nice personal gaurd. It stirs something in your heart but you push it down as soon as it surfaces. Now wasn't the time!
His dark sun kissed skin glowed under the light of their lanterns while multiple women tried and failed to monopolize his attention. Though you knew for a fact he enjoyed the commotion they were making for him. You could see it on his smug face and mischievous kohl covered eyes. They looked like pools of honey from where you sat. Stop it idiot! You need to focus!
It seemed the bearded man sitting next to him was also enjoying the attention he was receiving. They exchanged cigars as they continued to enjoy their drinks while the woman fawned for their undivided attention.
You study them for a bit before making up your mind. They'd do nicely. You needed money, and they looked like they had plenty to spare. You're sure they wouldn't mind a few coins missing. Though it was your first time stealing, it couldn't be that hard could it? A little flirting here, a little touching there and you'll have a couple coins in your purse in no time. You glance at your necklace debating if it was a good option to remove the enchantment for a short time. The people were all drunk anyway and it wasn't like anyone would recognise you here. You just needed to get one of them alone somehow. But how?
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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delumimi · 1 year
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Summary: Romantic night with your husband Leon. That’s it.
Gender: Smut with a touch of angst but very soft.
Pairing: ID!Leon Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: Just soft sex.
A/n: This is my first smut so don’t make fun of me 😭, i’ve been wanting to write a story like- just vanilla sex because y’all are so kinky it’s scary LMAO. Anyways enjoy your reading and as always let me know your thoughts on the comments, I’ll be answering.
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You and Leon were currently arriving from dinner at an Italian’s place, complaining that he could’ve made the exact same pasta at home but after the recent incident when he almost burned the entire house down, you weren’t trusting him again on the kitchen.
Teasing him about his luck on cooking being the same as driving, he gave you a roll of his eyes before getting in the car to start the way home.
The car ride was filled with music on the background and occasionally some small talk between Leon and you as his hand caressed yours kissing it on every stop.
“Tired?” He asked breaking the comfortable silence.
Turning to look at him, you answered.
“A little… Yeah.” You shrink from cold and you rub your arms up and down.
“Want me to turn the heater on?” He turned his head to look at you.
“It’s fine, we are about to arrive anyway.” You gave him a reassuring smile leaning a little him to kiss his cheek.
Smiling back, his eyes returned to the road again.
These types of rides were definitely your favorite, just you and Leon and nothing else to disturb you two after so many days of stress, you finally get to relax a little and pass time with eachother.
It surely has been a long time since you two got to relax and it saddened you.
After a few minutes you arrived home and of course Leon as the gentleman he is, opened the door for you.
“What a gentleman.” You tease him and you stepped out of the car.
“Only for you ma’am.” He helped you get on your feet before walking towards the house door.
Entering the key, Leon opened the door gesturing you to walk in first.
Letting a sigh of relief leave your lips at the feeling of being home, you took off your coat and place it on the sofa before turning to Leon.
You approach him slowly from behind, placing your hands on his chest and resting your head in his shoulder.
“Thank you for the dinner, love.” You said with an evident smile in your face.
You heard Leon chuckle a little before slightly turning his head to the side.
“Anything for you, don’t thank me.” He took one of your hands and kissed your knuckles, you felt your chest grow warm at the gesture.
Suddenly, you felt yourself drown in a feeling of nostalgia. Leon and you finally being able to relax brought you almost tears to your eyes and you think back at the times when Leon used to be trained, returning home at horrific hours of the night and with a lot of injuries that you would treat crying.
Marrying him was easy but waiting for him wasn’t. And the fact that he would be back on a mission tomorrow just made it worst for you.
You knew Leon wasn’t of your property but still… You want to be selfish.
You need it. You need him to stay.
You want to make him forget, get rid of his stress that tormented him every night. Not that you would ever told him, Leon already had enough with his own world and having to deal with your worries will make it worse.
But still, words like “stay” and “don’t leave” will always threat to scape out of your mouth.
Words like “I need you”.
Suddenly, you turned Leon’s body roughly before pushing him into a sweet but desperate kiss. Your hands roaming towards his chest and he gasped in your mouth clearly taken aback but not complaining. You don’t care of the lack of oxygen in your system at this moment, you need him closer.
Need him to stay.
After a while, Leon pulls away to stare deeply into your eyes and god… You will never get tired of the way those beautiful blue eyes looked at you with such an adoration that made your heart ache and skip a beat at the same time.
You caressed his face, lips touching and nose brushing, hands on his chest threatening to get lower.
“I’m glad to finally have you for me tonight.” You whisper in his lips.
“You can always have me to yourself, don’t you know that?” He responds softly.
“Except when you leave.” You closed your eyes, it’s time to tell him. “I know that you have your job and everything but my worry never ceases, you always leave with the promise of coming back to me and I believe you but Leon…” Your lips tremble. “I always need you by my side, I need you when you leave and I need you now and I always will.” You hear your heart on your ears. “Stay with me longer?” You finally open you eyes.
Leon’s bag drops to the floor.
He kisses you.
He kisses you as an apologetic way of saying sorry for everything, for the worries, for the nights you couldn’t sleep, for the tears that fell from your eyes at some point of having an anxiety attack waiting for his arrival.
You feel his tongue entering your mouth making a choked whimper escape your mouth, the familiar ache between your legs forming.
You try to cross your thighs to get some friction but Leon stops you, groaning you look at him with a frown on your face.
“I’ll make it up to you sweetness, patience is key.” A teasing smile forming on his lips.
“You’re no fun.”
“It’ll be worth it I promise.” His hands come down to grip your ass under the fabric of your blue dress. “I will have you naked in any time.” He whispers seductively in your ear, the words alone made a moan escape your lips before you feel him tapping the backside of your knees. Confused, you looked up.
“Let me carry you to heaven.” He says, and who are you to deny him?
You jump and instinctively your legs wrap around his waist, his muscles tense up as he lifts your body up, placing you in his arms gently. He looks at you with a hint of lust in his eyes, his body craving you. Leon’s hands come to rest around your ass again before you feel him rushing to the bedroom.
Leon places you carefully on the bed before leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate but sweet kiss. You spread your legs to make more space for him and your arms wrap around his neck. He only pulls away to take his shirt off, revealing his tone body to you and no matter how many times you see him naked, this man never fails to take away your breath.
You take a moment to look at him as your hands roam against his body, the details and scars painted on his chest… The thought of kissing every one of them crosses your mind, might leave it for another occasion though.
However, there’s one detail about him that makes your eyebrows furrow, the eye bags under his eyes. You knew about Leon’s constant nightmares, making him have trouble sleeping.
He refused to let you know so you wouldn’t worry but after one night of you waking up to see Leon sitting up with heavy breaths and a pale face, he commented on it. You two have made a deal to tell each other when something was wrong so you wouldn’t have to deal with the pain alone.
You thought you were past that.
Your hand comes to gently touch his face, especially his eye bags. He immediately melts under your touch.
“You look tired.” You speak quietly.
“I’ve been not sleeping properly…” He breaks eye contact with you obviously feeling a little guilty.
“You are never sleeping properly Leon…”
“You know me so well don’t you?” He chuckles gently before looking at you through his hair, making him look a little embarrassed and maybe even shy.
“I am your wife, Leon.”
His eyes soften a little before turning again into a lustful look, his hands roaming into your back making you arch against his chest.
“Of course you are,” He leans down, sucking at the sensitive spots on your neck making you whimper. “You’re always here to remind me.”
His hands find the zipper of your dress, not pulling so you could give him the look of confirmation and when you do, his fingers tug your dress off and he stares at you, his eyes filled with desire.
“My beautiful wife.” he whispers and his lips touch yours once more. You feel the possessiveness of his touch, your head spins a little. This man is driving you crazy.
The grip he used to have on your back comes to your breasts, his left hand squeezing one while the other plays with your right nipple, your back once again arching into his hands.
“Please Leon…” You begged, a squeal leaving your lips as he sucks your nipple.
And of course as the asshole he is, he slightly pulls away to look at you.
His fingers run along your chest as he shifts himself to get more comfortable. “Please.. What..?” He asks with a smirk.
Oh fuck this guy.
Wasn’t the begging enough for him?
You whine out of frustration and close your eyes, not getting along with the idea of you begging.
A few seconds of silence pass before Leon breaks the silence.
“Common love we don’t have all night, remember?”
You groan in annoyance before opening your eyes resigning yourself to humiliation.
“Please ugh- need you Leon, I need you to touch me- fuck me please I’m begging.” You look at him through your lashes.
And he was never strong enough to deny you.
He practically rips away you underwear, his fingers running down to your slit capturing the wetness, a raspy moan escaping his lips at the feeling.
And you weren’t doing any better than him, you were a moaning mess once you feel his fingers rubbing your clit and after what seemed like years, one finger enters you immediately curling.
“Fuuuck,” You arched into Leon, missing the feeling of him being close you wrap your arms and legs around him, you pulled his head down kissing him roughly but so desperately. “Please Leon don’t make me wait up anymore.” You were begging again.
That was all the confirmation he needed.
He begins to pull down his pants and his boxers following.
His hardening and aching cock was released out of his pants, you observe in awe as he strokes himself, looking at you with pink cheeks getting a little shy about the situation.
“Like what you see?” He asks.
“Yes but I don’t think I can wait up any longer.”
You sounded desperate but you didn’t even care at this point, you needed him inside you.
He chuckles at your response before lining up to your entrance.
“Well in that case, you will be taking a lot from me.”
With that final sentence, he pushes himself into you groaning at the sudden contact. His tip going in first slowly and your nails scratch his back, Leon hisses at the painful contact before groaning as he bottoms out inside of you. A mixture of pleasure and pain appears and you take a moment to collect yourself. Leon leans down to pepper kisses in your face making you smile at the warm gesture. The pain soon fades and now you are left with the feeling of pure euphoria. Feeling a little devil you purposely clench around him making him let out a whimper.
He laughs breathlessly before putting a hand on your neck and leaning down to capture your lips in a rough kiss.
“I’m gonna make you regret that.”
And with that, Leon’s pace increments roughly taking you aback, moaning like a mantra with every thrust of his hips brushing your g-spot, one of his hands squeezing at your neck while the other grips strongly on your hip, it will surely leave a mark by the time morning comes.
Moaning even louder when you felt him lean down to suck at your right breast. You truly didn’t mean to hurt Leon this time but when you felt his finger rub at your clit, you pulled at his hair- fucking hard.
“You…Should’ve…Told me…” He says between heavy breaths. “That you felt this way.” He takes the hand that was at your neck giving it a final squeeze before his lips connect at your neck, leaving purple marks and hickeys as he continues fucking you.
“And you should’ve told me you were- Ah!- having nightmares again…” You moan between thrusts as you feel him getting deeper.
Leon seems to read your mind and grabs both of your legs pushing them towards your chest, this new angle made him hit spots that had you seeing white lights.
How can this man be so good in bed?
You close your eyes at the stimulation, tears about to fall from your eyes as you feel Leon’s thrust grow faster and harder. You knew he was close by this.
“L-Leon…” You say his name between breaths and you feel him grab your face.
“Look at me.” He says with a demanding tone on his voice. “I want you to see me while you finish.” And god those words alone would make you cum right here in his arms. Obediently you open your eyes to make eye contact with him and you truly didn’t expect what you found in them.
A look of pure love and adoration.
Even when you two were this intimate, Leon never failed to remind you that he loved you, even like this: wrapped in each-others embrace in a lustful but still romantic way as you whisper “i love you’s” between moans and kisses.
“If I could have you like this everyday and never left to work,” Leon cups you face gently. “I would’ve never leave you, gorgeous.”
And of course you finish, and I mean who wouldn’t after those words? You finish and fucking hard to the point you see starts after your orgasm, clenching around him. Leon knows exactly how to get you to your breaking point more than yourself do, you loved that about him. After so many years of being in love with him and 5 years marrying him, you two have your difficulties but always know how to deal with them… Together, you will deal with everything together.
Leon’s expression twitch at the feeling and with some final thrusts and cursing words, he finishes inside of you.
And you embrace him because another thing you know about him is that he likes being hold, not that he would ever admit it out loud, he isn’t a man who likes sharing his emotions but you… You were special, you were the only one who got to see that side of him.
You hear his heavy breathes on you ear before he pulls out of you laying by your side so he won’t crush you.
Smiling a little and you turn so you could rest your head on his shoulder. He smiles down at you and kisses your head, his lips staying there for a moment.
“I’ll call Hunnigan and tell her I won’t be showing up tomorrow.” Leon breaks the silence, his fingers playing with your head.
“Really? You sure?” You hesitate.
“Yeah, would love to spent more time with you tomorrow.” Leon declares, a soft tone was heard on his voice.
And you believe him, you’ll believe all the promises he gave you because he was Leon Scott Kennedy.
A man of words and your husband.
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
For Survival
1.4k | Joel x f!Reader | masterlist
Consensual fucking between strangers. Sarah is not in the picture.
gif source: @dark-scape - hot t-shirt gif set
I will not simp for Joel Miller, I w- *smut explodes out of fingers*
It’s human nature to get excited by disaster and feel aroused by danger. Our bodies put us in a heightened state, allowing us to do what we need to do to survive. So when a hot, burly stranger manhandles you into his truck to evacuate, you understand the desire that floods your body, and you aren’t surprised when the feeling grows.
You keep replaying it in your mind - his big arm swinging that huge wrench. His gruff voice yelling, "get in the truck!" while you stand frozen. His strong arms wrapping around you, forcing you into the cab. The whiff of his musk when he buckles your seatbelt. His massive hand on your knee. The sincerity in his eyes when he reassures you it's going to be okay. His neck vein bulging as he shifts into drive and peels off.
It's just the two of you together. It’s hard to pry your eyes off Joel while he’s driving. His jeans fit a little too well, and his biceps are bursting out of his faded blue t-shirt.
He's talking, but it’s hard to listen to his plan when his voice is so fucking hot. For the past hour that you’ve been with him, you’ve only been getting wetter and warmer. You’re so hot for him that you finally have to take off your hoodie, leaving a thin tank top.
When you remove it, Joel does a double-take and checks out your body. You know that look. The arousal must have been bubbling under the surface. All it took was a glimpse to set it off. As you sit in traffic, he keeps looking over at you. You keep an eye on his tight ass jeans, and sure enough, a bulge is growing.
Traffic is at a total stand-still. Suddenly he’s much less decisive and focused.
“We need to find another way over to highway 71,” he says, furrowing his brow. “I can’t think–what’s between here–” He scratches his mustache with his fingers. “Fuck,” he says. The way he says it hardens your nipples. His voice could not be any sexier.
“Do you have a map?” you ask.
“There’s one in the tailgate,” he says. “Yeah,” he adds, thinking it through. “Let's pull off and get it out.”
His tan forearms flex as he veers off the road.
You ask, “Can you park somewhere I can pee while we’re at it?”
He parks in a secluded spot by the woods then unbuckles his seatbelt and sighs. His biceps bulge as he scratches the back of his neck and closes his eyes for a moment.
You’ve never been this desperate for anyone, ever. You've known him for an hour, but it feels like forever. You'd be dead if it weren't for him. Even on a normal day, he would be attractive, but the combination of the disaster and the way he saved you and was also rough with you at the same time . . . Your need for him is absurd, and your body can barely take it.
You feel him checking you out as you get out of the truck and go into the woods. When you return, he’s reading the map. Or trying to, at least.
As you get back into the cab of the truck, his eyes linger and rove your body.
He shakes himself out of it. “How familiar are you with this area?” he asks, pointing somewhere on the map.
“Can I see?” You lean over the stowaway console.
“Yeah, sorry.” He folds up the console and you slide over into the middle seat. Your arm brushes his and his face flushes.
"Ok, let's see here. . ." You’re looking at the map, but you’re so distracted that it’s just a bunch of lines and numbers. You suspect it might look the same to him.
He hands it over to you and you try your best to focus so you can read it. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch as he digs his wrist into the bulge in his pants. His hips lift ever so slightly as he does it, and he sighs.
You feel a stab of need, and it's just too much. You inhale deeply and prepare to throw caution to the wind.
“Look, I’ll be honest," you say. "I can’t focus either. I’m too horny."
His eyebrows shoot up and he smiles slightly. “What was that?”
You sigh. “It’s totally normal in this situation,” you say. “It’s just, this part of the nervous system, it doesn’t always differentiate . . .” you trail off.
He inhales deeply and nods with a barely perceptible smile. There's a twinkle in his eye.
You continue. “And until enough blood returns to the brain, mental processing is going to be a challenge.”
He gazes lustily at you in silence for what feels like forever. Your eyelids are weak with desire. You fold up the map and flash your eyebrows as you set it aside.
“Fuck it,” he says, and starts unbuckling his belt. His voice is low and gruff. “For survival.”
He pauses and asks, “Did you wanna go back over there and give me a minute?” He turns to read your face. He has the deepest, most expressive eyes. You really won't be able to function until you fuck this man.
You shake your head subtly. “No,” you say, not breaking eye contact. Then, to clarify your intentions, you boldly add, "I'm on birth control." This isn't a handjob situation. Your body has a primal need for his cock.
His pupils dilate and his chest rises and falls.
He leans in and your breath hitches. His large hand cradles the back of your head, then your mouths smash together. His tongue parts your lips and your bodies pull together like magnets. You grab the hard bulge in his jeans and his hips thrust into your hand. He breaks the kiss with a gruff moan.
You ache so badly for him. You unbutton your pants and feverishly kick them and your underwear off. He pulls his jeans down.
His hips rise as you straddle him and your needy bodies come together. He's big. His clothed hardness throbs into your aching clit. You reach into his underwear and free his warm, stiff member. He's rock hard and pre-cum is already pearling at the swollen tip. His large, rough hands yank you up against him with a grunt. A tingling rush floods your body as your naked loins meet. He winces in pleasure and you softly moan.
His hips move, gliding his smooth, stiff cock along your dripping seam. God, it feels good. His swollen tip finds your entrance, and you're twitching as it nestles there. You search each other's eyes, then he pulls you down hard. He grunts as he parts your insides and fills you up.
Fuck, he's so hard. You rise up letting an inch out and he pulls you back down again. You feel it building in your core. It's even hotter than you've spent the last hour imagining.
His rough hands knead your hips. He controls the rhythm and pace. There's a sense of urgency, but no pleasure is sacrificed. He expertly thumbs your clit.
"You're incredible," he says, breathing heavily. The feeling is mutual. You look into his sad eyes before your faces meet again and you devour each other's mouths.
You fuck like your lives depend on it. His thrusts are powerful and animalistic, but smooth. It's like fucking is his purpose in life. You suppose it is, on an evolutionary level. You kiss sloppily, moaning into each other's mouths and cheeks. He manhandles you on his cock like your body is part of his. The pulsing pressure builds deep within you until it can't build anymore.
Pleasure explodes from your solar plexus and floods your whole body, releasing the tension in massive waves. You've never come so hard.
He groans as you contract around his cock, then he erupts inside you, his hips grinding into you slower. There’s something so raw about the way you both come, groaning unrestrained, letting it all out. Each pulse of his cock extends your climax, until finally you're both finished. His large hands relax on your hips and he slumps back into the seat and headrest.
He stays inside you as you catch your breath.
If you die tonight, tomorrow, next week - at least you had this.
Next Story (not showing up in tags?): for survival 2
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dianesdiaries · 3 months
scorched earth| Homelander x Y/N
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Synopsis/AU;Homelander becomes a madman after Vought decides they have the better facilities of taking care of Ryan, realizing the pain and abandonment he went through Ryan would believe his dad left him to face. In a fitted rage, he destroys the Vought building one by one, taking a life every minute it takes to return his boy. Y/N is assigned to the special forces team responsible for 'cleaning up his mess', and ensuring that nobody gets hurt. By the time special units have reached the building, Homeland's already taken a liking to toppling down dominoes.
TW: lots of violence in this one! I didn't really know what to write but I thought it would be a cool idea to see homelander go cray cray again lol
NOTE: this is short but I feel like would make a rlly good part 2 lmk!
I searched the premises top to bottom, looking for any signs of imperfections left behind in his massacre. God knows what he had in store for the rest of the world, and not one person has a single clue what could've led to this trajectory. I watched as bright stars peaked in the sky, cameras and vans swarming the building like bees to a nest. My gun slinged along my arm as I slowly watched the stars get closer, and closer..
It was bodies.
The sound of bones mushing into pavement made my stomach hurl. But when it rains, it pours. Dozens of civilians began falling from the sky, bouncing off the concrete in sync to the sounds of blood curling screams arising amongst viewers. I know, I was assigned to special forces for a reason. But he's lost his damn mind.
"All units, Move in! NOW! RIGHT FUCKING NOW! I SEE ONE MORE BODY DROPS ITS GONNA BE YOU!" The chief demanded, his coffee splattered across his long tattered coat in a fuel of rage. Hoisting into gear, I took one last look at the pain behind me. News vans scampered back and forth across the roads looking for a way out, avoiding the bloody trouble Homelander had flung into their direction. But something was wrong. I began to sweat, and it didn't stop. Drops of water began covering into my helmet vision, tactical gear cooking my body as the temperature increased. Metal scraping against brick made my ears squeal, quickly retreating into the building for safety. Red lasers danced across the city scape, quickly sawing whatever came into its way.
The building couldn't be any more worst than outside. Scarlet red painted the walls like an artists' touch, the main floor wiped of human life. I was assigned no other job but to simply talk to him, my guys in route watching closely as we made our way to the elevator. Quickly, I swiped my feet at the feeling of someone's touch, backing away in terror. There lay A-Train, who once was the world's fastest man quickly turned to nothing but broken bones. He crawled gently towards my ankle, pleading with his eyes as he winced in pain. "Send a paramedic team in, now. He's still got time" I demanded, the group of SWAT enforced men looked at me puzzled. "You're going up there, alone?..." one brave suit asked, I couldn't see his face but his tone ensured everyone was equally as terrified. I could see right through the supes facade, Homelander didn't scare me not one bit. I nodded my head in approval, the boys quickly sweeping to A-Train's rescue as they steadily carried the poor runner out of the building. I stared at the hopeless elevator entrance ding open, inhaling deeply as the doors closed behind me. Soft elevator music hummed in my ear, steadying my heart beat to a soft thump. I had to be prepared for the worst of it all, he could cut me into two pieces by the time the door opened and nobody would know until it was too late.
The elevator came to a holt, its bright led numbers flickering as the music came to a stop. My feet jolted below me, holding steadily to the railing as I waited in silence. He knew I was here. He knew someone was coming. My heart roared through my chest as I struggled to catch my breath, what the fuck was I thinking taking this job?
distress fled into my body, watching the doors pry open to the grip of ruby-red gloves. I fled to the ground, covering my head with my heads, watching the door opening wider. And wider. His cold distilled blue eyes emerged from the peak, analyzing me through the small crack. Homelander demanded, "Take off the helmet and let me see your face", watching my hands unravel from fetal position as my breath quivered. Slowly emerging from my helmet, I took the might of speaking up. "Homelander, I know your stressed... I'm not sure what happened, but.. we can work through this-". In the blink of an eye, the metal doors tore as gracefully as paper, falling into the ever abyss of the metropolitan below. My pupils constricted at the sight of him, his face was dim in expression and yet said so many things. His once "all American dream" blue suit covered in the blood of his coworker's, his hair a frilled mess, mania scampered in his eyes to the sound of his laughs. The dazed man grabbed my neck in a grip, and pulled me towards the gravel of the roof. I could feel my heart drop into my stomach, watching him edge closer and closer to the end of the building. "Homelander, wait.. Homelander please d-don't do this! Listen, okay? I'm Y/N, now you know me. Just tell me what happened, I'll listen!", pleading for my life as my gear scraped across the floor. The crazed supe held my head against the edge, a thousand feet of death kissing my eyes in return.
"They took my son. Away from me. My son is gone. you're going to tell me where he is. Or you can go say hi to your friends for me" he said, my hands pushed in denial as I screamed at the force of his body swinging me back and forth. "Where is Ryan! Goddamnit-where is he!" Homelander roared, his eyes holding threat in a bright neon red, I could feel my life draining from me in the moment. I had to think quick. I could keep my job, and do as I'm told. Or, I could save my life. I could do what I was good at. What Butcher taught me best. Rationalizing.
"Listen- look, okay? I can help you find Ryan, but you got to let me go! Without me, not a single fucking person at Vought would tell you his whereabouts. Besides, what they did to you.. Could be happening to him as we speak. Y-You want that?", my words could be playing with fire. But I had to give it a shot. Homelander laughed in mockery of my bravery, hastily letting go of me as he clapped and laughed in rejoice. The man's madness made me sick to my core. I could feel fresh acid forming like a lump in my throat, but I had to keep composure. I couldn't show I was scared. He would kill me without hesitation. He paced back and forth in thought of my offer, hands on his hips as I tried to catch my breath and pushed up against a corner of the roof. The screams from below echoed like the gates of hell, I could tell it was riling him up. "I have an idea, but.. We need to do it my way. You understand? No diverting, no nothing" I exclaimed, he looked across at me as blood dripped off his icy blonde tips stained a muck brown. "We leave. Now. Before they find out you were responsible for this, we can pinpoint it on another supe and you get Ryan back. Homelander- if this gets on the news...", I carefully stared back into his cold gaze, gulping at the words stuck in my throat. "You might not ever see Ryan again if Vought finds out you did this" I said.
The supe almost took that as a challenge, raising his eyebrow at my comment. "Really? And what makes you think I'll listen to you?" he chuckled, approaching slowly as I backed my heels into the ground. He towered carelessly over me, crouching low to meet my gaze. The smell of death reeked off his clothes, his teeth blinked brighter than the sky filled with mourning souls. Without thinking, the man lifted me carefully and began to back away from the building, I could feel our bodies lift off the ground and up towards the clouds. It calmed me, to know that I was able to do something perfectly for once. The one moment that could've possibly ruined my entire life, I saved myself. But I couldn't save the others
"Before we go.. You want to see something cool? I've been meaning to do this for a while" he chuckled, stopping in position as we levitated above the downtown metropolitan. The feeling of course hot beams almost burned through my suit, as I watched the Vought building explode into an array of flames. The building's base was untouched, Homelander squealed in laughter watching people rush onto the streets like ants. "They had what was fucking coming for them. And they knew it. Nobody to blame but themselves, right Y/N? I mean, you have to agree. We're friends now. And you!-You Are going to get me my boy back", his head shook vigorously as if he agreed with his own sentence, looking at me for the approval of his message. I understood that he was setting me up, but two can play that game. "We need to see Butcher. Now. He'll know what to do" I explained, my eyes refused to watch the city below. I had nowhere to look but right into his eyes. And I prayed that he could feel the hatred feeling through my body. Effortlessly, the dazed supe began to track throughout the clouds, elevating so the bare naked eye could barely see us through the cotton-field of clouds.
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fuutakaijyama · 1 year
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synopsis: Nether of you expected tonight would've ended like this.
warning: automotive crash, cop chase, highway chase, brief mentions of police and gang violence, near death experience.
alo’s notes: i miss chifuyu so i wrote this
includes : x reader, mentions of toman, brief angst, hurt/comfort, brief romantic tension, brief sexual tension, you and chifuyu in your lana del rey era, mildly suggestive.
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It was supposed to be a regular night, you and Matsuno had started making your way towards the shrine, the only place you would meet at.
Then the next thing you saw was the edge of a cliff, Chifuyu above you as you fell onto the road, Chifuyu hugging you tightly as you felt your lungs fill with the smoke.
After that?
You're on Chifuyu’s bike, yours nowhere to be found, your hands wrapping around his waist as your head leaned against his defined back, your legs draped over him, your breath felt minty, a sensation similar to when you spit out chewed up mint gum.
“Chifuyu..?” You coughed out his name as he immediately jolted up your grip on his waist tightened while he pulled over to the side of the road.
He got off the bike, your leg hitting the side of the silent exhaust as your legs dangling just above the road causing you to flinch at the hot metal.
Chifuyu almost examines you, his hands softly gripping your cheek as he looks you up and down, his hands hugging your waist and thighs
“You're burnt..” He points out as his hands fall to your legs, head silently resting against your collarbone as he looks down at you.
You called out with no response, his hands trailing down to your knees as they felt around your figure for any sign of injury,
Still no response, without thinking you grabbed him by the wrist twirling him around before pulling him towards your face.
“Chifuyu. What's wrong with you?” You whispered, your voice carrying with it a clear tone of fear but also concern yet admiration, he hand trailed up your side before resting on your cheek.
“You crashed on the highway.. I didn't know what to do.. I.. couldn't do anything.”
You could hear the lump in his throat form, a look of shame in his eyes as he placed his head on your shoulder as his hands snaked around your waist just as he did before.
You hummed, rubbing his head and playing with his hair before you took your finger to his chin, flicking his head up to look at you.
“Let's go; Matsuno.”
He nodded, pulling your legs to sit properly on his bike, putting in the key again as you felt it shake against the pavement as he pulled off the wind in your hair as you looked at the scenery in front of you.
“Matsuno, can I play something..?” He held out his unlocked phone, the speaker he kept on the side of his handle swaying with the bike, scrolling through the tabs as you clicked on his music app and scrolled through his music apps as the sound of Lana Del Rey filled the highway, your hands still wrapped around him as you watched the city scapes.
“You really listen to this shit..?” He giggled at the choice of music not minding the song as he continued on his way to the city, the view of the bars which separated the road from the water were the only things you could focus on
“I mean it's not really bad, just keep it playing, it's a good song.” He quipped softly, his voice slow and supple as he continued on his way to your place, the back of his leg grazing your upper leg momentarily.
This windows caught the headlights of cars and trucks, finally, red and blue lights flashed behind you, demanding for you to turn towards the curb.
“Chifuyu, cops.” You rolled your eyes, hugging him tighter as you heard the sound of his engine rev, “Hold on tight, I don't have any money on me.” He sighed, merging into the center lane as the sound of the deafening engine and the smell of gas were the only thing to fill your senses, the view of blurry lights red, white, and yellow being the only thing you could make out.
Your stomach churned at the violent turns of the bike, your gut telling you that you should’ve not gone with Chifuyu and that it’d be better if you just got thrown on the side of the road and stayed there.
A deadly ring in your ears made you sick, the motion sickness was horrible, at last he started slowing down the feeling of falling and puking at the same time finally started to settle down, then it stopped, Chifuyu was out of breath, panting heavily as he wiped the beads of sweat off of his brows.
“You good there, sugar?” He’d turned to look at you, a smile on his face as he rubbed your knuckles with his sweaty hands, thumb rubbing on the bone as he kissed them, you nodded silently, hugging him close to you.
“I’m fine.. but you look..” You took a breath, his hand on your chest, the other hand on your waist trailing down to your ass, gripping it tightly as you let out a large whimper, your head jerking down then up to look at him. “..Fucking winded, yeah I know.”
He chuckled, pulling your frame closer, your face less than an inch away as he caved, grabbing you harshly as he tangled himself in your hair and hands, falling to the curb with you in his grip.
“Fuck, you're my favorite.”
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
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The innovative minds at Deckers X Lab today announce the launch of the all-new X-SCAPE SNEAKOUT GTX Low. Bridging the gaps between comfort, style, and function, the SNEAKOUT GTX Low is built for breaking new ground, both on and off-road.
The X-SCAPE SNEAKOUT GTX Low is designed with plant-based Sorona® yarn that is laminated to GORE-TEX fabric. This eco-efficient performance fabric expertly wicks away moisture for all day comfort come rain or shine. Coupled with a Matryx® mid-foot panel that ties laces in, the X-SCAPE SNEAKOUT achieves next-level lateral stability, without compromising on breathability. Additional features include the signature X-SCAPE X-Ponent HD midsole - a high rebounding and lightweight performance foam - complete with Meta-Rocker geometry and a flared swallow tail rear, promising a stable and energetic ride. Durability and traction are the name of the game with a Vibram® MegaGrip Litebase outsole, resulting in a sneaker that exudes confidence on all terrain. 
The X-SCAPE SNEAKOUT GTX Low is intended to be an all-purpose sneaker designed with a responsive insole and heel crash pad for taking on the day. Designed with comfort and support in mind, these light-weight shoes are perfect all-day exploration, whether cruising the city streets or hitting the local trail. 
X-SCAPE SNEAKOUT GTX LOW Features for Men's and Women's |
80% bio-based Sorona® knit upper ​ 
GORE-TEX® fabric 
Matryx® hydrophobic monofilament mid-foot panel ​ 
Super responsive ETPEE insole with poron pad heel crash pad 
Xponent HD midsole: high-rebound light weight HX-Impulse foam 
Vibram® MegaGrip Litebase outsole
Underfoot Geometry: Women’s: 108-73-92, 9mm drop, 13-23mm stack height, Men’s: 115-79-97mm. 6mm drop, 17-23mm stack height 
MSRP: $180
Product Page | LINK
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janaeekook · 4 years
.Crimson lace.
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pairing: bestfriend!seonghwa x reader (f)
warnings: dom!seonghwa, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (be safe kids)
word count: 4.9k
The roads were winding, twisting through the expansive mountain scape around you, Small flakes of snow falling along the road. You were in the passenger seat of your best friends car, the radio softly playing some pop song that Seonghwa seemed to know word for word.
It was that time of year, Seonghwa's family and their annual trip to their cabin. The past years you and Seonghwa had gone up a day earlier than the rest of his family to take up all the supplies for the week and check that the generator still worked properly.
"So what movies are we going to watch tonight?" You asked, curious as to what we would do before his parents, aunts, uncles, siblings and cousins came up tomorrow.
"I'll leave that to you." He said glancing over to you from the drivers seat. You smiled widely, knowing which movies you'd pick for the movie night that had become a tradition.
The smile that masked your face didn't fade as you watched each dainty snowflake powder from the sky. It was exquisitely beautiful, the grey early January sky, the chill of the outdoors cut off by the cars heat and the warm starbucks coffee that warmed you from the inside.
You hummed tugging your legs into a crossed position in the seat, the paper cup still in your clutch. You inspected the glove box, nothing but crumpled napkins, registration and a small first aid kit.
"We're almost there." Seonghwa informed you.
"How did you-"
"You act like I haven't known you my whole life." He chuckled, "You get antsy after long car rides."
You chuckled, forgetting that Seonghwa was indeed your bestfriend, and had been for years. He knew practically everything about you, neither of you ever saw each other as more than bestfriends bound at the hip.
He'd seen you half naked, passed out drunk on the bathroom floor, three times through the notebook after your first breakup, and he was by your side through all of it. Nursing you to health, loving you when you thought no one would, and giving you endless support when your dad passed away.
His parents were the same growing up, knowing your mom was busy working overtime to pay the bills; you'd stay over, that was when you and Seonghwa really grew close, you sleeping on the floor of his dragon themed bedroom.
As your mind continued to reminisce, the car was pulling up to the large cabin, It was large enough to house all 17 of us with its 7 bedrooms. The parents and grandparents got their rooms, the younger kids shared rooms, the girls in one and boys in the other. But as you and Seonghwa got older you started sharing the last bedroom.
It wasn't weird for you, you'd been sharing a bedroom and bed with him since you were both 4. His relatives however always asked if the two of you were dating, and you'd laugh it off because to the two of you it was utterly ridiculous.
You stretched your tired limbs when you stepped from the warmth of Seonghwa's car into the brisk outside winter air, "We made it!" You exclaimed lightly in excitement.
Seonghwa's chuckle sounded warm enough to melt the falling snow all away, "Did you doubt we would?"
You shrugged, grabbing one of the many large boxes of food and supplies that were piled in the back of his car.
"You're a scary driver." You teased, feigning fright. He smacked your arm before grabbing a box as well.
"Excuse me I am a wonderful driver."
You giggled, stopping promptly as you reached the entry way, Seonghwa taking his keys and unlocking the large wooden door. You took a deep breath in as you stepped through the door, the cabin always had a distinct smell a mixture of sandalwood and crisp apple.
"Wait!" You gasped making Seonghwa who stood in the kitchen whip around to look at you in slight concern which quickly faded upon studying your face. Bright eyes and an excited smile as you continued to hold onto the box of food.
"What?" He couldn't contain the contagious smile that spread across his face.
"Can we make a fort for our movie night?"
"Let's get everything inside, and the generator going, first and then talk about the plan for the night, ok?" He said and you nodded quickly in agreement. He watched as you skipped back out the door, and he couldn't help the smile that drew at his lips.
Anyone watching them could see the love and adoration in his eyes, anyone and everyone, except you. Seonghwa had started to feel more for you, he loved you and he wanted you to know. But you were oblivious to the signs he'd been displaying the past 2 years. Sometimes he grew frustrated and just wanted to grab your face and kiss you— but at what cost? What if you didn't feel the same?
Well he knew you didn't, he was just your bestfriend and nothing more. He never tested that boundary for fear of losing you, he could never picture a life without you, it just didn't make sense.
"Hwa!" He was pulled from his thoughts by your voice, "Get out here and help me."
He chuckled, "Ya, ya." Following your words out the door
The generator rolled with a start, humming lightly. Seonghwa stood dusting off his hands as he stood from his previously squat position before leaving the small shed with a huff of satisfaction hurrying the short distance back to the insulated cabin.
"You got it?" You asked the second you heard him come through the door.
"Try the lights." he said, and so you did, the dark room quickly being illuminated by the warm light.
"Haha! Look at that!" You exclaimed, he always loved the excitement you got from the smallest things. Lights, electricity, something so simple and everyday and yet it brought you the upmost joy.
He wanted to tell you how cute you were, "Aww is someone afraid of the dark?" He joked instead.
"Very funny, If I recall correctly you were the one that just had to have his Spiderman night light plugged in."
He scoffed, "At least I don't cry at the sight of an insect."
"Arachnophobia is a very real thing, Seonghwa."
"Then I hope none are lurking around the cabin." He said in an attempted spooky voice, wiggling his fingers as he moved his arm toward you, which you proceeded to hit out of the way. You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Jackass." You said, and he only replied with his melodic laugh, You threw a folded blanket at his chest, "Now help me with the fort."
You both threw blankets over the couch and propped them on various chairs from about the cabin. Purposely leaving the fluffiest and nicest blankets for the inside, where you also strung fairy lights randomly. It was as magical and cuddly-cozy-warm as ever. You climbed in wrapping yourself in a blanket then opened your laptop in front of you, Seonghwa joining with an armful of snacks.
You hummed, grabbing a handful of popcorn, "You know the way to my heart, Park."
"Its like I'm your bestfriend or something."
"Hm, so 10 Things I Hate About You, ya?"
"Whatever makes you happy." He said with a smile. That's all he wished, for you to be happy, and if sitting here with you in a makeshift fort of blankets and fairy lights, with snacks that were bad for you and cheesy hallmark movies, was what made you happy— then so be it. If you insisted, he would sit there all the days of his life with you.
He sighed lightly to himself, You've got it bad Seonghwa. He thought, though he knew, he'd known. Falling helplessly in love with his bestfriend, who saw him as just that, her bestfriend.
How truly infuriating it must be for him to see you look at others and not even consider him. Though that wasn't your fault. You didn't know. He wished you'd notice, but you still hadn't. It had been years, every holiday, coming up to the cabin— falling asleep next to the other.
He looked over to you, your eyes shut and lips parted slightly. It was unbelievable, you always insisted on a movie night but Seonghwa knew you'd be asleep by the end of the first. That's just how you worked; he studied your sleeping face with a smile, tuning out the movie. He thought you looked beautiful, truly.
Unconsciously you scooted toward Seonghwa's warmth. His lips forming a sad smile as he watched his sleeping bestfriend cuddle into his chest. You'd always been cuddly, ever since childhood— as if you had been starved of physical affection your entire life. So you'd always found reasons to hug him, or others and be close to them, not wishing them the same fate.
This is how he'd fallen in love with you. Why, he'd fallen in love with you. Simply for you and your heart.
Though he was still a teenage boy, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, that night, heart racing, skin damp with sweat and his boxers straining against him. He wanted to curse at himself, to ignore it and go back to sleep. But you moving in your sleep forced him to fight off a moan as your ass pressed against him unintentionally.
He nearly jumped off the floor and right up hurrying to the bathroom, where he shut and locked the door, before leaning against it. He looked at the clock that quietly ticked on the wall, 3:45 am. He sighed, annoyed then pulled his sweatpants down just enough to take himself into his hand, pumping himself as he searched for relief. And he did, cumming over his hand as he whispered your name.
The next morning you woke up, Seonghwa no longer next to you. You looked out of the fort finding him sitting on an uncovered part of the couch, eyes fixated on the TV.
"Seonghwa?" You croaked out, he turned to glance at you, his cheeks red but you assumed it was from the cold, "What's going on?" He didn't actually respond just turned up the volume on the TV.
Breaking: All roads on the highway north are closed after an unexpected snow storm dumped at least 5 feet of snow in the middle of the night, authorities are advising residents to be patient as they work to clear the roads.
"We're snowed in." He finally said.
"So- what does that mean about your family coming up?"
"They're not." His voice seemed strained, as if full of dread.
"Jeez, I can't be that awful to be around." You joked before stalking off into the kitchen to make some breakfast.
What you didn't know however was what truly was going through his head. This had to have been some twisted fate the universe had placed on him, working to test his strength in the process. How long could he hold out? How long could he restrain himself in these close quarters? Maybe it was the cold getting to his head, making him weaker.
"Do you want pancakes or waffles?" You asked from the kitchen, effectively knocking Seonghwa from his trance.
"Did you really just ask me that question?" He seemed borderline offended.
"Who else?" You snorted
"Waffles are 100 times better than pancakes, you know that." He stood walking into the kitchen and standing on the opposite side of the island.
"Excuse me? Pancakes are so much better than waffles, they're fluffy."
"But everything just spills off the top, waffles have indents to capture all of that flavor so you don't miss any of it. Plus pancakes are always raw in the center."
"Are not!" You turned around facing him fully now.
"Why'd you even ask me then if you like pancakes better."
"I don't know, maybe because I thought it was a simple question." You retaliated.
"Are we really fighting about pancakes and waffles?"
"Yes, now you can make your own breakfast."
"You're a pain in the ass." He said walking around the island and grabbing cereal from the cabinet.
"Dido." You said in a sing-song voice and smiled at him. He sighed, shaking his head at you with a smile across his own lips. This was what your friendship had always consisted of, joking play fights and comments. You were probably more comfortable around Seonghwa than your own family, partly because he felt like family to you. You threw a chocolate chip at him as he sat at the counter and you wondered in that moment what you would do without your bestfriend. The rest of the day passed at a snails pace, being snowed in only making you more aware of how seemingly little there was to do in the rather large cabin. You danced to music in the living room as Seonghwa laughed saying that you had 'not a single dancer bone in your body' to which you answered him by throwing a pillow at his head. That had led to a merciless pillow fight between you, which of course he ultimately won. Later in the day You sat, reading a book on the couch. You weren't exactly sure what the book was about, you had simply found it on the book shelf. It was interesting, interesting enough for you not to register that your bestfriend had entered the room again after having gone to change.
"Hey," He said, grabbing your attention, "I'm gonna go out, check the main roads. You gonna be ok?" Seonghwa asked pulling gloves onto his hands.
"Ya, I'll be fine." You smiled at him from the couch. When he walked out the door and you heard it close behind him you dropped the book, you needed to shower, and it'd just be easier if Seonghwa was out while you did.
You threw your hair in a bun as to keep it dry, stepping into the running water and washing your body. It was hot against your skin, and you sighed as your body relaxed. You took your time as the water ran over you. The past day had been a whirl-wind of surprises, with all the snow, we were able to call Seonghwa's family with the land line, but other than that there was no reception, No clear way to get home as the snow blocked the roads. The plows hadn't made it through the back roads. It wasn't too awful being stuck with Seonghwa-- if it was anyone other than your bestfriend you think you'd have pulled out all your hair already.  
Though not having your alone time already had you cranky, you sighed, washing your body. Finally feeling clean you shut off the water and stepped out, standing on the small shower mat you looked into the mirror, You allowed your eyes to scan you body decorated with water droplets. You felt-- pretty, as if your insecurities had been washed away, and saw your body for what it was, you. You smiled lightly before grabbing a towel and drying your skin. You left the humid bathroom and went to the bedroom, kneeling in front of your suitcase in hopes of finding something comfortable to wear. Though when you flipped open the lid you saw the crimson lace. You felt heat rush to your cheeks at the thought of why you even packed the scandalous piece of thin fabric. What were you even hoping to accomplish?  
You lifted the lingerie up, you bit your lip lightly, Seonghwa wasn't there it'll be fine if you wore if for a bit. right? You sighed again before you stood, dropping the towel, and letting it pool at your ankles. You pulled on the matching lace set, before looking over yourself in the full length mirror in the bedroom. It fit perfectly, and boy did it make your confidence soar. You felt empowered by your own body, beautiful. Any supposed imperfection, that prompted insecurities in your heart and mind, a mere reminder of how uniquely beautiful you were.
You weren't sure how long you stood there. But your heart stopped when the door was pushed open. Though you didn't yell, you didn't even move to cover yourself. No, you weren't frozen but deep down, you wanted him to see you-- even if you hadn't realized it.
"Hey, Y/n, the roads-" but he stopped mid-sentence when he was welcomed to the sight of you in next to nothing. His eyes seemed to cloud with a dark lust, you held your breath, he stepped closer, the tips of his fingers grabbed at one of the straps. His eyes fleeting over your body once more, as his fingers traced the crimson lace that covered your breast. His intense gaze met yours again when his hand fell away from your chest.
"What are you doing to me?" His voice a low whisper.
"You said you went to check the roads." Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, the way your bestfriends eyes ran over your body, drinking up each curve. It should have made you uncomfortable, but you couldn't help but feel desire creep into your thoughts.
"That was an hour ago."
"Oh." was all you could find in your mind to say. It was silent for a few beats before you decided to speak again, "Seonghwa."
"I need you to let me know if you're uncomfortable, because, I really don't want to hold back right now." You'd never heard Seonghwa sound so sultry before to someone, let alone yourself.
The whine that involuntarily slipped past your lips encouraged him to step forward and entrap your lips with his. It was a searing kiss, he pushed you back against the small desk that was behind you in the small bedroom.
You felt as the red lace of your panties pooled with arousal, your cheeks flushed, wondering how your childhood bestfriend made your body feel so uncontrollably hot, without even so much as a touch to your skin. He hiked you onto the small desk nudging your legs apart with his knee so he could stand between them.
"Was this your plan? Hm? Get me to lose control and fuck you?" His fingers traced your jaw hooking lightly under your chin, forcing your eyes to meet. His eyes held a hard questioning gaze, you tried to shake your head no but he held your chin in place, "Use your words."
"No- no hwa."
"No? You sure darling? You just happened to be wearing this?"
"Yes." Your tone was soft as your confidence, for the first time since you were children, wavered under his gaze.
The corner of his lip quirked up lightly, "Am I making you nervous darling?" His cocky tone oozing from each word.
"Seonghwa-" your voice breathy as you looked up into his eyes, his fingers moved over the wet patch on your red lace panties.
"That needy baby? Hm?" He asked when you whined.
"Please what?"
"Make me feel good."
Nothing more needed to be said as his lips were on yours again need and want burning between you. You'd never felt it before, you'd never wanted someone to touch you intimately so badly, especially not Seonghwa. But there was something forbidden about his touch that made your body hot with desire.
He got to his knees before you, his face now parallel with your cunt. He kissed over the thin fabric and your breath shuddered. He thought you looked beautiful, the red lace complimenting your skin tone perfectly.
"God you're perfect." And with that he pushed the barrier of fabric to the side running his tongue through your slick folds. The noises you made only further expressing how needy you really were, it felt wrongfully right. His mouth on you bringing you to the edge quicker than you imagined possible and it was just his tongue, he didn't need anything more to pleasure you.
"S-seonghwa-" your head lulled back in response to the overwhelming pleasure, your eyes squeezing shut, your ears tuning into the wet noises eliciting from between your legs.
Your head snapping back to the man between your legs when he pulled away. You whined with a solid pout on your lips having not finished.
"Not yet." Was all he said, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. He pulled you from the desk, his lips finding yours again as he pushed you back until the backs of your knees hit the edge of the bed. He eased you down onto the plush mattress, your lips never separating.
Removing his clothes you felt his own hot skin against yours. Everything seeming to melt together, the lines of your friendship, your bodies as you pulled eachother closer— feeling your need grow tenfold as his hips grinded down on yours.
Voice breathy in your throat you managed to push his name out, "Seonghwa-"
"Mmm, you sound so pretty saying my name."
"Seonghwa, please." Your voice more stern now, you needed relief from the pulsing between your thighs.
"Begging now, are we?" He smirked as he teased you and you rolled your eyes, "Don't worry darling, I'll make you cum on my cock."
And in that he didn't lie, his lips peppering you neck and collarbones before wrapping around your lace covered nipples. Removing his own clothes eagerly, but he froze.
"I'm on the pill, Hwa, please don't stop now." The desperation in your voice fueling his own need to be inside you. He craved to feel you warm around him.
Running the head of his cock over you folds caused his breath to catch in his throat, every late-night forbidden fantasy when he laid in his bed alone, dominant hand pumping himself to the thought of you. It was all about to become very real, a shaky moan leaving both your lips as he pressed into you. There was no going back after that, not as you came on him within minutes— no matter how much your head denied your want for him, your body couldn't.
Though when he came, soon after you, he didn't stop. You whined not because it was bad, but because the overstimulation burned in your stomach. It was intoxicating and Seonghwa continued to drill into you. Determination was clear on his face, his lower lip pulled between his teeth. Your eyes met his.
"God, I can't get enough of you." He panted out. Each breath grew sharper as he worked himself to his second consecutive high.
You couldn't speak, your brain was far to hazy, only your moans of pleasure and your thoughts screaming his name. The slapping of skin, over the bed creaking beneath you, and your incessant noises— becoming deafeningly loud.
Though you weren't all too worried about about being too loud. The dense snow covered forest beyond the walls of this cabin hushing it all, "Seonghwa!" Had only been a mere whisper to the trees. What had just happened between you and your bestfriend? You couldnt really say-- and he couldnt either as you both tugged on your clothes again. Neither one of you having any clue how to start the conversation at large. Though Seonghwa's voice finally broke the silence.
"That was-" He paused searching for the right word to use.
"Really good." You finished for him, another lapse of silence passed.
"I'll just- go and start a fire." Seonghwa said before leaving the room.
"I'll make dinner." You spoke quicker than you normally would and rushed off to find solitude in the kitchen. In the privacy of your own minds you thought the same thing, What was that? And why did you want more? Though was there even more to ask for when you'd seemed to have done everything?
The two of you slept separately that night, not wanting to fall into the temptation of the others skin. At least not before you figured everything out. But as you laid alone in the bed, and he in the living room in front of the fire, all that either of you could think of was your bodies pressed snuggly to the others. How it felt to have him inside you, the feeling of his hot lips on your skin. It was loud in your thoughts, and every time you tried to push it down and settle your heart, It only got louder. Sleep did eventually come to you, albeit reluctantly. It was rather short lived, you waking up to Seonghwa shaking you awake.
"They cleared the roads, my mom said we should just head home." You nodded in understanding, before watching his back as he left the room, studying the way he moved. It was effortless, graceful. You shook your head, bringing you back to reality.
By the time you were ready, Seonghwa had already had the car fully packed. You could sense that he was eager to get back home and have time for himself to think, and you didn't blame him because you wanted the same thing. You didn't want to walk on egg shells and give each other the silent treatment any longer. Yes, you wanted to figure it all out and for things to go back to normal between you two. But you couldn't help the instinct to run and hide because the feelings in your heart scared you. You'd grown so comfortable knowing Seonghwa as your bestfriend, that you weren't sure of how to react to that security changing overnight. That, your bestfriend could be more than that of a bestfriend.
It was January and the start of the last semester of senior year. A week and a half since you'd slept with you bestfriend. Seonghwa had effectively been avoiding you and you weren't exactly searching for him either, you didn't know how to start that conversation.
'hey, I know we broke every rule in the book between us but, bestfriends still?' You knew it simply wouldn't be that easy. The things he said, the way he touched you, and made you feel. The emotions now a constant linger in your mind.
You couldn't just move on like it were nothing, because it wasn't nothing. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea but you couldn't help but think, that you wanted it again. More of him, if that were even possible. You'd never thought you'd think of Hwa that way, not in a million years. Though you didn't know how to face him. But not seeing and talking to him after being so vulnerable with each other made your heart ache.
It wasn't until he showed up at your door on that rainy Saturday afternoon, that you saw him. Your heart picking up in speed. His wet hair sticking to his forehead, had he always looked this good doing something so simple? Wearing something so simple? You were sure he could hear your heart pounding in your chest.
"We need to talk." He said, almost as if he was trying to convince himself, he continued as he stepped through the door, "I can't- we can't avoid this anymore. I'm sorry, y/n, I shouldn't have came onto you like that, god I should've known this would mess everything up."
"You were vulnerable and I let my feelings get the better of me," he hung his head, "Y/n I'm so sorry, and you don't have to forgive me."
"Seonghwa, I'm not mad at you." you said quickly so he wouldn't interrupt you again.
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"Why are you?" You asked softly, trying to convey your thoughts, you sighed, "You're just as scared to face these feelings as I am."
His head snapped up and his eyes found yours for, what seemed to be, the first time since he'd been there. He searched your face for any sign that you weren't serious, he came up empty handed. Had you both been feeling this?
"You-?" His eyes continued to search yours, He had so many questions, When? Why him?
"-Love you." You finished his thought with a whisper, but he heard you loud and clear. His features visibly seemed to soften before he was kissing you again. You had longed for his lips to be on yours again since the moment they left, for you melted so easily into it.
He pulled back resting his forehead on your own, "I love you too." and he delved in for another kiss, before he quickly pulled back again, "Your mom."
His voice a low whisper with a tone of disappointment. But you only chuckled at him.
"She just left for her 72." You told him, and he smiled, already having plans for your alone time.
You shook your head at his eagerness as he practically dragged you up the stairs to your room, "You know we'll have to tell our parents eventually right?"
"I know," He said, turning to face you once you were both in you bedroom, "But lets just enjoy this alone time." His palms held your cheeks as he kissed you with such passion it felt as if he'd taken your breath away, But you leaned into his warmth anyway before kicking your door shut with your heel.
As the sun slipped beneath the horizon and the rain poured harder outside, he showed you how much he loved you, he told you, and you fully welcomed the lingering emotions. You became his, in the twisted sheets, the loving kisses, in the noises that escaped from your swollen lips, and the baroque, Crimson Lace.
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capsicle-evans · 3 years
Just for Show
Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: The Evans Christmas Family get together is coming soon and Chris has to come up with a plan as to who he is taking with him
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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“What do you recommend?” I lean in to whisper to Chris, everyone too busy looking at their own menu. “I don’t know what to pick”
“Mmm the chicken parmesan pasta is always a great idea” Chris points at the small picture of the dish. “If you pair it with white wine, it’s the cherry on too”
“Mmm I don’t think I should be ordering wine” I chuckle, placing the menu back on the table. “Wine gets me in a sexy mood”
“Uff, then the more reason to do it” He grins at me, placing a hand over my knee. Oh two can play this game, Evans.
“Maybe tonight” I grin, leaning in closer so that my perfume scent engulfs him. “But I’m warning you, Evans. I can get really messy when wine is involved”
“I can handle messy, Miss Y/L/N” He says this as his hand rises up to my thigh just a little bit.
“Then I’ll make sure to be in my worst behavior” I lean in as slowly as I can, Chris’ eyes so focused on me, his lips barely open. I close the distance between our lips, the kiss a little more hot that what would be considered appropriate for a family lunch but for everyone it can look like a small kiss because I grab Chris’ neck to pull him closer so that he can conceal me for when I grace my tongue over his lips.
When I pull away, Chris’ eyes are so dark and stormy, his chest heaving. “Nobody is watching, Y/N”
“Oops, I guess I forgot” I grin. Chris is about to say something when the waiter interrupts him.
“Can I get your drinks?”
I’m the first one to order so without taking my eyes away from Chris, I tell him what I want. “I’ll have a pinot grigio”
“Do you think you are going to be able to handle yourself?” Chris whispers into my ear while everyone is ordering.
“It’s not myself that I’m worried about, Chris” I sit sideways, trying to face. “After all, you were the one watching me shower”
“But you were the one who left the door opened” He winks at me before turning back to the waiter, leaving me with my mouth wide open.
“Yeah, were not going out with you looking like that” Chris stands up from his couch as I reach the first floor, ready to go out with Chris and his siblings.
“Why?” I pout, looking down at my outfit. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing, babe” Scott waves Chris off. “You look hot as fuck”
“Language” Lisa giggles, earning an eye roll from Chris. “No but you do look gorgeous, honey”
“I know! I never said she didn’t” Chris reaches my side and grabs my waist. “But so will the rest of the bar”
“Oh but I only have eyes for you” I bop his nose, knowing that Chris won’t actually force me to change.
“You’ll freeze to death” He counterparts, still trying to fight me.
“I’ll take a coat” I pat his chest before looking around the room. “Where are my girls?”
“Coming” Shanna shouts as she and Carly walk up to us.
“Lets goo” I clap my hands happily as we all get up, ready to leave.
I call already feel sweat running down the back of my neck, my whole body buzzing after the four shots of tequila Scott dared me to drink. It’s been so long since I’ve danced like this, so freely and feeling myself.
“Damn Y/N” Scott slaps my ass playfully, earning chuckles from his sisters. “You do know how to move”
“Thanks” I grin but then I roll my eyes. “Well, at least you notice it”
“Is this about my boring brother over there?” He nods his head to the direction where Chris is. He has a glass of whiskey in his hands, the other one on his phone, his eyes not moving away from the screen.
“Yeah, he hasn’t looked at me even for a minute since we got here” I try to not sound as disappointed as I actually feel but based on the look my fake in laws give me, I know that I’m not doing a good job at it.
“No no no, you go there and you force him to look at you, god every man in this bar probably wishes they could be grinding behind you” Shanna tells me, looking back at her brother. “If you don’t go, I’ll do it myself”
“You walk there and make him want you” Scott nods before giving me a soft push towards Chris’ direction.
I try to steady my breath, trying to come up with a plan to seduce Chris without making a fool of myself. I mean, I could blame it on the alcohol just in case, but I rather not have to do it.
When I close enough, without a warning, a grab the phone from his hand and before he has a chance to protest, I step myself in between his legs, sitting down in his lap. “Can you give me back my phone?”
“Nope” I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Can you give me your attention?”
“Why? Is the attention of all the men in this bar not enough?” he scoffs, leaning back and away from me.
“Is that what this is all about? Are you jealous?” I move from his lap to rest both of my knees in the little space between his legs and I place my arms around his neck again, so basically I’m laying on top of him. “You know I don’t care about that, right? I only want your attention”
“You don’t have to lie, Scott and the girls are not close enough to hear you” He rolls his eyes before moving them away from me.
“God you are so stupid” I groan, grabbing his head to bring his focus back to me. I bring my lips up to his mouth, my tongue darting out to get a taste of his mouth. His lips are warm and soft and I can’t help but moan when his tongue meets mine.
Thank god the lighting in this bar is so dark, otherwise people would have seen the entire show Chris and I are putting on. He finally sits up straighter, his hands grabbing the back of my thighs as I dig my hands into his blond mess. I pull his head back by his hair, making him look me in the eyes.
“Chris” I try to speak but I’m so out of breath that it comes out as a moan.
“Fuck” Chris curses, his chest heaving and his hands giving my thighs a hard squeeze that earns him another moan. “We can’t do this”
I’m about to step away from him, feeling rejected when he adds “not here”.
I give him a quick kiss before standing up and stretching my hand to him. “Come dance with me then”
Chris bits his lips, a grin trying to scape, before standing up and grabbing my hand. “Lead the way”
“You know, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dance, Captain” I walk backwards, my hand still in his. “That time at Robert’s house you denied me of such a pleasures”
“It was for your own good” He grins, pulling my arm to stop me on my tracks. “You wouldn’t have been able to keep you hands off me”
“Cocky much?” I roll my eyes, pressing my hands against his chest as his arms circle my waist.
“You know I am, Baby” He winks at me before giving my side a squeeze. “No but all jokes aside, my dance moves suuuck”
“I think I’ll be the judge of that, Cap” I pull him closer to me, keeping my eyes on his. “Now, let’s dance”
“MCDONALDS MCDONALDS MCDONALDS” Scott and I chant loudly as Chris, who is sitting between us in the back, rolls his eyes.
“Shanna, we are going to have to stop at McDonalds or they won’t stop” Chris leans forward to pop his head between his sisters. “Y/N alone is a force to be reckoned with but you add Scott to the mixture and it’s worse”
“Fine, I’ll look for one not to far away” Carly pulls out her phone to look for one close as Shanna just laughs.
“You are in for a good one, brother” She giggles as Carly gives her the directions.
We finally reach the restaurant and after ordering from the drive thru, we are back in the road to home.
“Don’t get ice cream on the couch” Chris looks at me sternly as he holds my ice cream cone.
“Or what?” I flash him a grin before leaning in to suck on the ice cream still in his hand.
“Fuck” He breaths out lowly, just for me to hear. “You are killing me, woman”
“Good” I dip my finger into the ice cream before rubbing it on his cheek. “Oops, let me clean that”
I lean in, sticking ny tongue out to seductively lick the sweetness of his cheek. “Better?”
“You two knock it off” Scott fake gags as he takes his eyes away from us.
“Nobody told you to look” Chris waves off his brother before grabbing me by the back of my neck to pull me to his lips.
“Stop it or I will jump of the car”
“Goodnight” Chris whispers to his siblings before closing the door to his bedroom.
“Tonight was so much fun” I beam at him, my cheeks still red from the alcohol and the hot kiss Chris gave me on the car.
“You know, I get what you got nominated for an Oscar” Chris chuckles, kicking his shoes off.
“What do you mean?” I frown, popping my head from the bathroom door as I pull up my pijama shorts.
“You and the whole act you put on today” He looks at me as I step back into the room. “I’m sure everyone is convinced we are in love now”
There’s a part in me that instantly breaks, I fell my legs go numb, like my whole body just got thrown down a hill. “Oh, yeah.. the act. I mean that’s what I’m here for after all”
“Thank you” Chris stands up from the edge of the bed to place a kiss on forehead before walking towards his closet to pull out his pillows and blankets.
“No problem” I whisper softly before walking up to the bed and letting the bed spread engulf me.
“Every thing okay?” Chris asks be as I turn my back to him.
“Yup, just tired” I reply, trying hard not to cry right then and there.
“Okay” I hear him say before laying down on his made up bed. God, men are so oblivious. “Good night”
I don’t reply, already feeling the tears in the back of my eyes and my throat drying up.
“Y/N?” Chris asks again when I don’t reply.
I don’t know what happens but suddenly I’m sitting up and facing him. “No, Chris, actually, everything’s not fine because I wasn’t acting and for a second there I thought you weren’t either. For me, pretending to be in love with you stopped being an act a long time ago. Fuck I don’t think it was an act at all. And I know I promised to help you with this little stunt but I feel like if I stay and I keep pretending that this is all fake to me, I’m going to end up so heartbroken beyond repair so I think it would be best if I leave tomorrow morning”
“Don’t. I don’t need your pity nor an apology or whatever it is that you are going to give me. I know that this isn’t your fault, you made it pretty clear that this was all an act and that you don’t want a relationship right now and I respect that but I also hope you respect my decision to remove myself from this situation before it gets me” I know that I’m crying now, big tears running down my cheeks.
“Can I talk?” Chris asks me from the floor where he is sitting.
“Sorry, yes” I clean my tears with the back of my hands as Chris moves to sit on the edge of the bed, next to me.
“The fact that you think that this was all on act to me is beyond me” Chris brings his hand up to caress my cheek. “I seriously thought I was being so obvious about how you made me feel that I was scared that you were just acting so that’s why I said what I said. I didn’t say it because I wanted it to me an act, a lie, I said it because I was trying to convince myself of it. Because I thought that that’s what it was to you, I didn’t want to make you feel like you had to love me back because I knew it was unfair. I’ve spent the last couple of days fighting this urge to hold you all the time, not just when my parents or my siblings are around”
“Chris, I-”
“I love you, Y/N”
Pleaseee dont hate me!! I had scheduled this to be posted on friday but I think I did it wrong since it didn’t! Sorry!!!
Also, this is not the last part, I’m doing one more so that should be up by friday.
Hope you like this❤️
Tag List: @patzammit @hollandprkr @hauntedmuffinoperarascal @denisemarieangelina @marianas-studyblr @justjulie1105 @itsscottiesstark @phillygirl19 @prettymuchawhore @cevansfics  @jennamarieee623 @chrisevanisliterallysir @spookyscot   @c00lkidvibes @duskangxls @supraveng @syms-things-5 @sabstrang
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Protect & Serve (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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WARNINGS: Cop!Steve, mentions of abuse, mentions of miscarriage, eventual STALKING/KIDNAPPING/NON-CON
Also this series will be based off of one of my worst fears, so you guys have fun with this.
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers​}
summary:  escaping an ugly past, you have no choice but to return home. While much has remained the same, Officer Rogers is a new addition who has won over the hearts of the town in your absence. And no one believes you when you start to see him for who he really is
You threw the last of your empty boxes into the garbage in front of your house. Your back ached, and your legs were screaming for a reprieve, but you’d been determined to finish unpacking by the end of the day. And so you had.
The cicadas were loud in the nearby trees, the dark sky decorated with stars. Though you were back down south, you’d forgotten how cool the nights could get. You tightened your sweater around you as you looked along the street. In the years past, so much had changed…but a lot had remained the same.
With a sigh, you turned to make your way back into the house. You’d been running like a train nonstop for the past 3 days, determined to completely unpack and get settled long before school started back. You wanted one less thing to worry about.
You placed your back against the door as you closed it, taking a calming breath and locking it. You closed your eyes, reminding yourself that you were safe. Your ex-husband was far away and none the wiser to your location. You had nothing to be afraid of. You chanted this to yourself until you were able to finally move away from the door.
Your modest house was so quiet, and you welcomed the silence as you made your way upstairs. The atmosphere was so peaceful, and for the first time in a long time, you could hear your own thoughts. Living with Aldrich for so long, you’d forgotten what that had felt like.
He was regularly criticizing anything he could think of, his biting words packaged in a smile that was a tad too wide. Kissing you a tad too harsh and grabbing you a tad too tight. You honestly didn’t know how you’d put up with it for so long. You were disappointed with yourself, but even more disappointed that it took a miscarriage for you to finally leave him.
It should never have come to that.
You settled into bed, somewhat uncomfortable, but only in a way that was unfamiliar to you. You were alone and safe and at peace for the first time in years. Determined to have a good night’s sleep, you pushed painful thoughts out of your mind, and vowed to make your regrets fuel your new future.
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The grocer handed your bags to you with a shy smile on his face, cheeks flushing when your fingers brushed over his.
“Thanks,” you told him.
“Have a good day,” he recited, something he probably said a hundred times a day.
You left with a quiet ‘you too’ thrown over your shoulder before making your way outside. The town was filled with both familiar and unfamiliar faces alike. Sure, you’d been gone for almost 10 years, but you hadn’t expected your small town to have expanded this much in a million years.
You noticed a scratch on the side of your car when you neared it, and you took a closer look. With a huff, you looked around, but no one was parked near you and no shopping carts were close by either. Convincing yourself that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you settled into your car and placed your groceries in the passenger seat.
As you drove down the familiar street, you chuckled to yourself, recalling how you vowed to never return here. The universe had a twisted sense of humor that way because here you were, almost 10 years later, seeking sanctuary in the one place you hated most. Perhaps, in a way, this was your life lesson.
You’d been so desperate to get out of this backwards small town that you’d run off with the first man to give you the chance. How foolish you were then to think you were in love. You were just barely an adult, could hardly even be called one. Aldrich Killian was older and gorgeous and most importantly, he’d been going places.
A chance of luck, or perhaps misfortune, had placed him in your nowhere town, and you’d fallen head over heels immediately. He took to you just the same, and there was no hesitation whatsoever to run off with him to the big city. You left everything and everyone behind without a backwards glance.
He hid his true nature well. So well that it took you an entire two years into the relationship to learn about the other women. Having traveled all the way to New York on his coattails, you’d been distraught…and hurt. You may have been silly then, but not that silly.
He came home the next day to find you gone. His money made it easy for him to track you down at a friend’s place though, and the romantic in you was swayed by the sight of the powerful man on his knees, begging for your forgiveness. Surprisingly, he was true to his word, and from then on out, you were the only one.
But your relief was short-lived. You soon came to find out that these other women had something in common with the way he treated them, and with them out of the picture, you soon had that very same thing in common too.
It started out small. A raised voice here, a harsh grip there, but then he’d slapped you. Real hard too. It had left your ears ringing, and you’d been so shocked, that you didn’t see the next one coming. It became a regular occurrence, but it was always followed up by gifts and apologetic words. He’d be good for a few days, and it became easy to believe things would change. But like clockwork, the cycle repeated.
You hadn’t even known that you were pregnant when he shoved you down the stairs. You could only blink in shock when the doctor told you that you’d suffered a miscarriage. That was one of the first things you heard when you woke up inside of the hospital, and the sudden loss of something you didn’t even know you had was heartbreaking.
So when they asked for the truth, suspicion already in their eyes as they looked at the fading bruises and the fresh ones, you gave it to them without hesitation. Proving it was easy enough, and the divorce papers had been drawn up in no time, but Aldrich had money. A lot of it too.
He didn’t even do some measly community service.
You scoffed in the quiet car, hands tightening on the wheel. All of that was over now. You were back home and far away from him. Things would be different now. They had to be…
You frowned when your car started to sputter, confusion filling you as your eyes widened. You looked at the dash, and your confusion grew as you realized you were completely out of gas. A disbelieving scoff left you as you had no choice but to turn your car off. You sat back in your seat with a sigh, blinking as you realized that you had no one to call.
All of your family was gone, and all of your former friends had long left. The ones that hadn’t, the bridge had been burned long ago. Grabbing yours keys and your purse and the few grocery bags you had, you decided you’d have to walk home. It wasn’t too far of a walk. In New York, it’d be considered nothing.
It was late in the evening though, and you were sure it was going to be dark before you reached your house. You didn’t feel comfortable just leaving your car on the side of the road, but you didn’t exactly have a choice. This stretch of road was lengthy, and the thought of being out here at night made you nervous.
You squinted when red and blue reflected off of the pavement from over your shoulder. You looked over just as a police cruiser pulled up beside you. Your heart skipped a beat when the person inside turned it off and proceeded to exit the car. He curved around the front of the car, and you blinked at the full sight of him.
His blond hair was neatly pushed away from his face, and you sharply inhaled at his handsome features. He was tall, and his blue eyes were focused entirely on you as he approached you. His smile was kind, inviting even, and you were tempted to return it, but something prevented you from doing so. He reminded you of your ex-husband, and you warily eyed the way his uniform hugged him, plastered to the bands of muscle that were his arms.
“Evening, ma’am,” he greeted.
“Good evening,” you murmured.
“Was that your car I passed not too long ago?”
You looked in the direction of where you left your car before nodding.
“I…ran out of gas. Which is odd because I was sure I had over half a tank when I left home,” you told him.
He chuckled, and you frowned at him. Catching sight of your glower, he shook his head, taking a step towards you.
“I’m not laughing at you, I promise. It just seems that the punks in this town got another victim.”
He pointed in the direction of your car.
“You got yourself an older model, one that doesn’t require the gas cap to be opened from the inside. They like to steal gas from whoever they can,” he explained.
With a scoff, you realized they were still pulling that mess the teens did before you left. How silly of you to think the kids here would move onto bigger and better things. The blond before you spoke before you had the chance to.
“You live far?”
You squinted up at him, hesitating before eventually shaking your head.
“Not really…no.”
You watched as he walked to the passenger side, opening the door as he faced you.
“Let me drive you home,” he offered.
Your face pinched, wondering how to refuse. You didn’t get in the car with strangers, no matter their profession. You started to shake your head.
“It’s not that far. I can walk-.”
“It’s going to get dark soon, and you need to get those groceries in the fridge.”
He wasn’t wrong, but still, you hesitated. He threw you a crooked smile, leaning his arm on the open door now.
“I won’t be able to rest if I don’t know you made it home, so if you don’t get in, I’ll just have to ride alongside you,” he teased.
Although, you got the feeling that he was entirely serious. Reluctantly, you walked towards the cruiser.
He closed the door for you as you made yourself comfortable, clicking your seatbelt into place.
“Are you really that responsible or is it just because you’re in the car with me?” he wondered with a chuckle as he sat beside you.
“Just that responsible,” you murmured as he started the car.
You gave him directions to your house, and he followed them with a hum.
“You’re new,” he suddenly said.
It was a statement, not a question, and you frowned.
“Hardly,” you said, shaking your head.
“Huh. I’ve never seen you around…”
You squirmed in your seat at his questions, and you fought with yourself. You told yourself that you were just so skittish after your ex-husband, and you told yourself to calm down. This man wasn’t him.
“I only recently moved back,” you eventually replied.
“How long you been gone?”
He took a left, and you blew out a breath.
“Almost…10 years?”
He let out a low whistle, tapping his finger on the wheel.
“No wonder. I moved to town about 6 years ago. 10 years is an awfully long time,” he noted. “What made you come back?”
He didn’t respond right away, and you could feel him eyeing you.
“I’m sorry,” he quietly said.
“Don’t be,” you honestly replied.
You pointed at your house, and he pulled into the yard. You tried not to be so obvious as you hurried to get out of his car. You were halted by a hand on your arm, and you looked over at him.
“Don’t worry about your car. I’ll get some gas in it and make sure it arrives here safe and sound,” he said with a smile.
“Oh, you don’t have to-.”
“Don’t worry about it. Consider as part of my job description.”
You nodded, finally throwing him a small smile.
“Thank you…” you eyed his badge. “Officer Rogers.”
He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Please…call me Steve.”
You simply replied with a strained smile before exiting the car. He watched you as you made your way to your door, and when you finally got it open, you waved him goodbye. He returned it, but he didn’t drive off. Not even when you closed and locked the door.
Through the window, you watched him sit there for a while, longer than you deemed necessary. Eventually, he pulled out of your yard, and you turned to put your groceries away with a frown.
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“Y/N Y/L/N… I haven’t seen you in ages…”
You glanced up at the familiar voice, and your eyes widened as they connected with familiar blue ones. You blinked.
“Wanda,” you greeted in surprise. “…hi.”
She placed her hand on the chair across from you, grinning as her reddish-brown hair spilled around her shoulders.
“So you’re back,” she said.
“So I am,” you nodded. “You look great!”
“You’re one to talk. When you skipped town, you were this confused little girl who didn’t know who she was trying to be. Now you come back here and you’re like something out of every miserable husband’s wet dream,” she teased.
You scoffed at that, shaking your head.
“Still as blind as ever, I see. Are you back in the old house?” she wondered.
You shook your head.
“No. I considered it, but… It’s too painful,” you told her.
She solemnly nodded, and you perked up.
“So…do you work here?” you wondered, glancing around the impressive diner.
She smirked.
“Sort of. It’s actually kind of mine now…”
Your lips parted, and a genuine smile fell over them.
“You bought it,” you said, in awe.
“I did,” she breathed, glancing around. “I always said I would…but part of me didn’t think I’d ever do it.”
“…but you did! And it looks amazing! You actually turned this place into something worth coming to,” you complimented her.
She hummed, taking the seat in front of you as she looked around with a wistful sigh.
“This could’ve been ours, you know…”
She looked at you, and you glanced away.
“Yeah, well… I was too busy chasing dick,” you replied, and she laughed.
“You were young and in love! If I’d had an Aldrich Killian offering to whisk me away from here, I’d have done the same too.”
“…and I would have locked you away to prevent you from ruining your life,” you threw back.
Her smile fell, and her eyes dimmed a tad as she studied you.
“Trouble in paradise?”
“There is no paradise. I’m not sure there ever was…”
There was a brief awkward silence, and she suddenly sighed.
“Was he the reason you didn’t come for the funerals?”
You didn’t reply, but there was no need to. She shook her head.
“I knew you wouldn’t just…not come. Everybody else was so convinced, but not me. I knew there had to be a good reason… Where did he drag you to anyway?”
You leaned back in your chair with a wistful smile.
“New York.”
“Was it at least fun?”
You mulled over her question before you shook your head.
“No. Aldrich…liked women,” you said with a shrug.
Wanda’s face fell at that.
“…and…when he gave those women up so I would stay, I found out that…he liked hitting women even more,” you quietly continued.
“Y/N,” she whispered, reaching across the table to take your hand.
“I’m past it…mostly. Some of us just have to learn our life lessons the hard way,” you told her with a shrug.
“Don’t say that. You loved him! That’s hardly worthy of a punishment. Sometimes, people are just shitty, and it has nothing to do with us.”
The bell over the door rang from behind you, and Wanda loudly welcomed them without even glancing up. Several voices filled the establishment, and you noted that they traveled and congregated to a table in the back corner, behind you. You heard footsteps approaching, and Wanda finally glanced up. You watched as she grinned at the newcomer.
You followed her gaze, and sure enough, it was the officer from the other day. You didn’t know if he was on break or getting off of a shift, but he was still in uniform. His hands were on his hips as he looked between you two, a slow smile moving along his pink lips.
“Wanda…ma’am,” he greeted.
Wanda gestured to you.
“This is my friend-.”
“We’ve actually already met, but I never did get the pleasure of learning your name…”
You cleared your throat, feeling put on the spot as Wanda looked at you.
“Y/N,” you told him.
His smile slowly widened, and he ran his eyes over your face, drinking you in.
“Y/N,” he greeted again. “It’s nice to put a name to the face.”
You simply replied with a tense smile as you laid your arms on the table.
“Wanda, me and the rest of the crew are going to have the usual,” he told her.
“Of course! I’ll get Gwen to get right on it.”
He smiled at her.
He looked to you, blue eyes connecting with yours.
“Y/N,” he acknowledged with a nod just before leaving.
“You’re in town for five minutes and already have an admirer,” she slyly said once he was out of earshot.
“No, I’m in town for five minutes, and you’re already trying to set me up,” you corrected.
She waved you off.
“I’m just saying…he’s nice. I’m not telling you to marry the guy, but he’s a good man. As squeaky clean as they come,” she told you.
“So you’re saying that’s what I need?” you sarcastically wondered.
“I’m not saying you need anything. I just think it’d be nice for you…and he clearly likes you. Leave it to you to be back for five minutes and catch the eye of the most sought-after man in town,” she breathed. “Every woman within a 75-mile radius has been trying to bag Steve Rogers ever since he breezed into the city limits 6 years ago.”
“Well then you take him.”
“I would, but I’m happily taken. Besides, he seems to have his eye on someone else. How did you meet him anyway?”
You happily told her of your embarrassing encounter with the man that was sitting not even 5 tables away.
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You watched as the tow truck pulled your car just beside the curb in front of your house. Officer Rogers and his cruiser were parked on the other side of the driveway, and the blond man leaned against the vehicle as he supervised the process. Only a few minutes later, and your car was back, and the truck was driving off as Steve waved them off.
You hugged your sweater to you as you approached him. He met you halfway, and you sent him an appreciative smile.
“Thank you,” you breathed. “You honestly didn’t have to do that. I could’ve easily put some gas in it and drove it home.”
“…but you would’ve had to walk to the gas station to fill a gas jug, and then walk to your car,” he said, shaking his head. “It was nothing, really.”
“Either way, I still feel bad. I was more than capable…”
He chuckled.
“So how do you know Wanda? You girls go way back or something?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “We were two troublemakers.”
He found that funny, maybe because Wanda was so different now. He rubbed the side of his neck, and his face slowly began to fall.
“When you told me your name, I thought it sounded familiar, you know. You’re Y/N Y/L/N…aren’t you?”
Your own visage grew solemn, and you slowly nodded.
“I’m sorry about your family. I know it happened years ago, but… I wanted to offer my condolences all the same,” he whispered.
You took a deep breath, chest clenching.
“Thank you. I really appreciate that…and for my car,” you added, trying to lighten the mood. “You really didn’t have to do that…nor drive me home that night.”
The corner of his lips quirked upwards ever so slightly, and his blue eyes sparkled.
“Well…if you’re feeling that bad about it…treat me to dinner,” he offered.
You blinked, taken off guard by his bold proposal, and your lips parted as words failed you. He ran his eyes over you as he waited for your response. You thought about Wanda’s words. She assured you that he was a good guy, and to be honest, you wanted a good guy…but not yet.
Your divorce had only been finalized a few months ago, and you really needed time to yourself. You were barely an adult when you ran off with Aldrich, and you’d spent the last decade with him. You wanted to know who you were when you weren’t with him. You owed yourself that.
“I uh…I’m flattered, really, but… I’m not really interested in anything like that for the time being,” you honestly replied.
His eyes dimmed just a bit, but the smile never wavered. You felt bad.
“I’m really sorry. Besides, it just…doesn’t seem appropriate for some reason.”
Steve sharply inhaled and nodded.
“I understand. Have a good night,” he said before taking a step back and turning to go to his car.
You sighed as you watched him go, but you knew that it was for the best. You made your way inside of your quiet house, hoping for a good night of sleep, but sleep did not easily find you.
Too many things were on your mind.
Seeing Wanda brought back so many memories that you would honestly rather forget. She reminded you of a time you spent sneaking out to meet her, idly dreaming of things you halfway hoped to accomplish. An already rocky relationship with your family that only crumbled when you took off.
You thought about how you didn’t talk to them for years, too busy following Aldrich around like a lost dog. You’d thought you had more time. You had put off what you knew you needed to do again and again. You thought the chance would always be there…until it wasn’t.
In a single night, your entire family had been ripped away from you. A car accident. Something so simple. Aldrich hadn’t even let you go to the funeral. By then, he’d grown possessive, and it wasn’t long after that he started putting his hands on you. Part of you thought he’d waited until you had no one to run to.
You sat up in bed when you heard a noise on the side of your house. You were upstairs, and the fact that it was loud enough to reach your ears worried you. Slowly, and quietly, you left your bed, creeping towards the window.
At first, you didn’t see anything and thought that you’d imagined it. However, what you thought was a part of the general darkness, moved. Your eyes widened, and you reached for your phone, immediately dialing 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
You stumbled over your address, the numbers and street name still new to you, but you shakily told her about the strange man in your yard. Your eyes didn’t leave him the entire time, and relief didn’t fill you when the silhouette eventually left.
One of the upsides to a small town was that it took no time for you to hear sirens coming from down the street. You hurriedly ran downstairs, opening the door as the cruiser pulled into your yard. Steve greeted you, and you did calm down a bit at the familiar face.
“Is he still here?” was the first thing he asked, one hand on his gun.
“I don’t know,” you whispered, placing one hand on your heart and the other on your forehead.
He briefly touched your shoulder before telling you he was going to secure the perimeter of the property. You stood in your doorway while he did so, trying, and failing, to convince yourself that you’d imagined it. After all, the worst thing to happen in your town was your family’s car accident. Strange men skulking about people’s homes was unheard of.
When Steve was done, he shook his head at you, one foot on your steps.
“It’s all clear.”
You didn’t know whether or not to be relieved.
“Are you sure it was a man? Not some animal?”
You shrugged.
“I…don’t know. I was trying to fall asleep just before so it’s possible. I’m sorry,” you apologized.
He sighed.
“It’s alright. This is my job, remember? This is what I’m here for,” he told you.
“Thank you,” you breathed. “I appreciate it, Steve.”
He paused, blue eyes connecting with yours as the corner of his lips curved upwards into a smirk.
“That’s Officer Rogers to you.”
You blinked, brows furrowing just a tad as he turned away.
“You try to get some sleep,” he threw over his shoulder.
You hurriedly closed your door as he drove away, frown deepening as you mulled over his cold behavior.
tags: @harryspet​ @darkficreposter​ @mcudarklibrary​ @jtargaryen18​ @kellyn1604​ @readermia​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nickyl316h​ @captainchrisstan​ @coconutqueen21​ @briannab1234​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​
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Homecoming part 2
Summary: Slow burn. You are forced to move back to your home town due to the pandemic. When your high school tormentors return to remind you why you never wanted to come back. This gets darker as it goes. I’m not a good writer folks sorry.
Warning: forced masturbation, groping
Any critiques to make me better are more than welcome.
Dark Steve Roger x black reader and [Dark Bucky x black reader comes in later], Cop AU
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4; Chapter 5
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After the run in with Steve and Bucky you were overly nervous when you finally made it to the grocery store. Even with your mask on you felt as if eyes were on you. You kept your head low and shopped for your needs as quickly as possible.
When you arrived back home you parked and got to unloading everything by yourself. It took two trips of you waddling back and forth before you finished. All the while you felt your purse buzz, you knew who it was, but you didn't want to think about it.
Had he followed you to the store? It was as if he knew you were home by now.
*Buzz Buzz
Every buzz sending a cold bolt throughout your body. It had been years since you ran off to the city, but it was as if seeing you today rekindled a spark in him.
*Buzz Buzz
Grabbing your bag from the table you rifled through the purse to find the culprit. As you suspected it all came from the same unknown number.
MSG unknown number: Hey Spit Roast WELCOME HOME!
The nickname once again filling you with anxiety and dread
MSG unknown number: Did you miss me? MSG unknown number: I missed you. MSG unknown number: I'm so excited to spend time with you again
You didn't want to think about what he used to do, but as more messages came in the more flash backs flooded in. The memory of the terror and torment he bestowed on you. Throwing your phone back in your purse you try an sooth the knot in your stomach.
*Buzz Buzz
MSG Steve: *sent image[dick] MSG Steve: *sent image[dick] MSG Steve: *sent image[dick] MSG You: Please stop. Im trying to have dinner
After your plea Steve surprisingly stopped. You were able to start cooking in peace. Calling your uncle to the kitchen for dinner you both  sit and eat.
He didn't ask how you were, because he could tell by looking at you. He finished his plate while you just stared at yours. You hadn't even noticed he left the kitchen until you heard the sound of the t.v. turning back on. Snapping out of it you clean the kitchen before heading back to your room.
Throwing your bag on your dresser before laying out on the bed. You tried to control you're breathing, tried to push him out, but the memories of him were relentless. He was living rent free in your mind and there was no way to evict him.
*Buzz Buzz
You knew the reprieve wouldn't last. Sitting up you walked to the dresser to grab your discarded bag to retrieve the phone.
MSG Steve: Show me what's mine
He wanted to you to expose yourself to him. Refusing him wasn't an option.
Maybe if I send him some random girl from the internet.
You searched on your phone to find someone. It didn't take long to find a girl that kind of looked like you. Cropping it just right you could probably pull it off. Your heart was pounding hard in your chest as you readied yourself to press send.
Holding your breath you waited. Hoping he just might fall for it.  
*Buzz Buzz
MSG Steve: ☹️😡 MSG Steve: I know you Y/N don't play with me.
You fucked up. He did know you. He had remembered you. He had violated you so many times how could he forget. You tried to be slick and you blew it completely. Your hands trembled as you remembered how harsh he was to you when you didn't play right.
What little food you had didn't stay long as you dropped your phone and made a mad dash to the waste bin by your nightstand. As you emptied your gut you hoped that your uncle was too preoccupied to notice.
How after so many years was he still hell bent on tormenting you?
After a few more dry heaves you wiped your mouth with your sleeve. Staring at the phone from the floor. You heard another buzz and braced yourself for the consequences.
Rising to your feet you walk over to the bed and pick it up again. With a deep breath you read it.
MSG Steve: be ready at 7pm and wear a dress 😘 MSG Steve: nite!
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*Bang Bang Bang
After a few minutes the front door swung open, your uncle filling the door frame staring Steve down. Both men visibly annoyed at the sight of each other.
"And to what do I owe the honor of your visit Steve?" Uncle Nick inquired.
"Tsk... Ha...its officer Rogers these Days Nick." Steve corrected with a smirk.
"It's General Fury last time I check my ranking" Uncle Nick parried.
Nick knew that Steve contributed to your grade school torment, though he never new the full extent. He did try to help you, tried to get them to stop, but he couldn't. You broke his heart when you skipped town, but he understood it was for the best.
"I'm here for Y/N" Steve huffed clenching his jaw.
"Oh really" he nodded, cocking a brow.
"Yes... really" his says, his mouth closes in a tight line, taking one step forward. Puffing out his chest taking a step forward, crossing his arms.
"Why don't you just go away and leave her alone?"
"Unc!" You shout from the kitchen.
"I don't want anyone else to have her" He answered Fury unabashed.
"Unc, it's fine" you say walking up from behind him, trying to wedged through the door and his body.
"You sure about this?" He asked in a hushed tone over his shoulder still blocking you.
Inhaling and sighing slowly you reply "yes."
Side stepping to let you pass you could feel his concern on your back as he watched you file out. Steve's face turns from stern to wholesome as you walked up to him. Placing a hand on your lower back you fight the urge to turn and run inside. Looking over his shoulder to Fury with a smirk as if he had just won a small victory over him. The sound of his chuckle prickled your skin as he led you down the walkway. Each step forward was harder than the next as approached the vehicle.  
Opening the passenger door for you it all of a sudden became hard to breathe. As you lower yourself to get inside your body started to tremble. When the door closed you felt almost suffocated. Your shaky hand reached for the seat belt as he walked around the car to the drivers side. Before he started the car you could tell he was looking at you, but you couldn't face him.
"I thought I told you to wear a dress?"
Instead you wore a pair of boot cut jeans, an oversized sweater and no makeup. You knew he would disapprove and you knew this bit of defiance would not go unpunished, but wearing a dress around Steve would be like showing red to a bull. You wanted to be covered from head to toe. Whenever he touched you your skin felt as if it were on fire, this small barrier of fabric would protect you for the time being.
"I don't have any" you lie as your body trembled. Hoping against hope he was too focused on the road to notice.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk we will have to change that" he said matter of factly as he turned on the radio.
Shifting your body to face the window you stare out at the changing land scape hoping the motion would settle your nerve. Steve rested his hand on the stick shift as he sped through the streets, but eventually found your thigh. At first you brushed him off, but every time he switched gears the hand would fall and squeeze your leg.
"You do that again and I will fuck you on the side of the road in the middle of rush hour." He spoke while keeping his eyes on the road. This time when his hand rested on your thigh you just  left it.
"You remember I asked you first. I wanted you. Remember? Mrs. Pepper's English class?" He chuckled lightly at the memory. Keeping his eyes on the road.
"We were kids Steve that was more than a decade ago" you say flatly facing the passenger window.
He didn't retort only allowing the radio to fill the silence as he drove on.
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Freshmen year of High school in Mrs. Pepper's English class was were you first met Steve. The scrawny little boy way shorter than you sat directly behind you. Aside from the occasional passing back of paper assignments you two never really spoke.
Until one day he passed you a note while Mrs. Peppers back was turned. Unfolding the letter and hiding it between the pages of your book you read it. In it he poured out his heart to you.
He talked about the way you wore your hair, your smile and how he was most definitely failing the class because all he could think about was you.
It was sweet and the first ever confession you ever received. But you were interested in someone else at the time. So without a second thought you wrote him back a reply.
It wasn't until the sound of him tearing the note hit your ears that your heart sank. When you told your bestie, Peggy, about it she scolded you for being so cold hearted.
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After the twenty minute drive he turned down a cul-de-sac. The car crawled to a stop in front of a white picket fence. Rolling into its driveway where a two story house sat. It looked like the American dream.
You looked at him with dread in your eyes. Steve was really taking you to see Peggy. He ignored your stare, putting the car into park and shoving the keys into his pocket.
"Peggy should be just about finished."  Smiling to himself as he smoothed out his hair in the rear-view mirror.
His hand fell from his hair landing on your lap again. You shifted uncomfortably as his hands trailed up your jeans. You squeeze your legs tightly together, but Steve doesn't stop until he reaches your crotch. You take your hands and try to push him away, but he doesn't budge.
"Don't" you say flatly. When Steve turned to look at you his sky blue eyes grew dark and you could see a familiar hunger in them. Turning to look at the house you hoped Peggy couldn't see or wouldn't walk out to greet her husband.
"Stop... please" your voice softly pleading. Tears threatening to fall as his finger dip low onto your crotch. The friction of his hand on your jeans sending a jolt throughout your body. When he felt the warmth between your legs he bit down on his bottom lip. Rubbing up and down the seam he watched as you fought against him and the wetness building between your thighs.
"Hope your hungry!" He spoke with a now chipper tone. His wholesome smile returning to match. Slipping his hand from you to unbuckled your belt. You sat there frozen as he then unfastened his own before pulling the strap back. Acting as if nothing had happened before he opened his door to get out.
You watched him from the car as he walked up to the porch, pulling out his house keys. You thought for a moment if there was something you could do or if there was somewhere to run, but you already knew the answer was no.
He waited at the door for you as you finally got out. Even outside of the car the air felt too thick to breathe. Making your way up the porch he open the door and you reluctantly followed.
"Honey I'm Home!" Steve sang out to his adoring wife who seemed to be busying herself about the house.
There was a shuffle in a distant room. A head popped out from around a door way and there you saw her, Peggy. She was breathtaking. She looked like Mary Tyler Moore from the Dick Van Dyke show you used to watch with your uncle. Her hair fixed, makeup immaculate and a dress that you would never cook in.
Running from the kitchen all smiles Peggy kissed Steve on the cheek.
"Oh honey I missed you" she embraced him as if he had been gone for centuries. "Who do you have..." her words stop short as she regarded you. Her smile almost falling when she sees your face.
"Hi Peg" you say meekly.
She looked to Steve as if to protest but something in her eyes told you she knew better of it.
"Oh Hi Y/N, Long time no see." She smiled brightly at you, but it was so fake and empty. Even after all this time she still held that grudge against you.
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Peggy and you had been friends all through grade school. You two used to be inseparable, always having sleepovers, eating lunch together and bus rides home.
That was until she started dating Steve. The scrawny kid that had once passed you a note with his heart attached had changed drastically over the summer. Puberty had hit him like a ton of bricks. Coming back over six foot tall, muscles and newly appointed captain of the football team. If his name wasn't Steve Rogers you would've sworn he was someone completely different.  
Despite his new found popularity and budding relationship he made time for you. He started of small by playfully tripping you every time you passed him. Then your lockers lock would break almost everyday you couldn't prove it was him, but he would always be close by when you discovered the broken lock. Your uncles house on more than one occasion would be egged or tepeed leaving you to clean up the carnage.
It wasn't until the day of the incident that everything became truly clear. Immediately after that Peggy ended your years long friendship.  
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*Knock knock
"That must be Bucky" Steve said while walking off to get the door. You wanted to say something to her in his absence, anything, but she just turned on her heals. Leaving you to go back to the kitchen from which she came.
As her body cut the corner to the kitchen you could hear the sounds of their voices. You wanted to vomit. You didn't want to be left alone with them. The closer they came the more rapid your heart beat inside your chest.
"Bucky why don't you help Peggy set the table while I give Y/N a tour." Steve suggested as he entered the dinning room.
Your back was facing them. Frozen in place as you waited for your school daze tormentors to make their moves.
"Sure Punk"
You could tell he was annoyed with the order, but complied as he always did. Making his way toward the kitchen he bumped your shoulder and you stumbled on to the chair placed at the dinner table.
Steve came behind you though he hadn't touched you yet the heat that radiated from his body electrified your skin. When he took you by the hand your stomach fell. Turning you around his heavy strides headed to the banister, ascending up the staircase you tried to pull back, but his hold on your hand was like steel. Engagement and marriage photos decorated the walls and as you passed each frame it felt as if Peggy's eyes watched you scornfully.
When he got to the top of the stair case he took a right. Opening a door that was less than a foot from the banister. Flicking a switch the room flooded with light.
"And this is the baby room" he said proudly.
The air smelled stale, as if it hadn't been aired out in ages. Stuffed animals stared out blankly from atop a shelf positioned high above a white crib. Next to it along the wall a window with sheer curtains, further over a changing table with a package of unused pamper sat on top. Opposite the changer a closet filled with baby clothes, shoes and a stroller still in its original packaging. The tiny room looked like it was ripped from an Instagram post.
He grabbed you're belly from behind and squeezed it tight.
Whispering in your ear. "I cant wait to hear the pitter patter of little feet."
A shivered rippled through your spine at the implication.  Pushing you to the center of the room you almost trip over the oval rug in the middle of the floor. The damn in your eyes broken instantaneously. Steve could hear your sobs, but he didn't care as.
"Steve.. Peggy is down stairs... please" Your voice was shaky, turning to look at him your face wet with tears. He stepped in further, but didn't close the door. You could tell by the look on his face what was coming next.
"Get into position"
It was a command you hadn't heard in ages, but it still filled you with the shame just the same as it had ever.
You sunk slowly to your knees. Unfastening your jeans, hooking your thumbs on your belt loops forcing them down past your thighs. Then you did the same with your panties.
From behind you could hear Steve start to rub the fabric of his jeans. He loved watching you, toying with you and playing with himself as you did as he commanded.
Lowering your head to the floor you keep your ass up facing him. With your head pressed to the floor you take one arm and snake it in-between your legs. Separating your folds with your fingers so that he could see your inner pink.
Holding there for a moment before moving on to massaging your clit. Rubbing it slowly with your finger tips. The sensation awaking your sex.
You wished you could press your face deep into the floor as you felt the pleasure build. Moaning as you feel yourself grow wet. Dragging your fingers down your slit you take two fingers and trace around your entrance. Slickening your fingers with the wetness of your cunt. Whimpering as you pressed them into yourself. Steve groaned at the sound of your pathetic noise and again at the sloppy wet sounds that you made as you pumped in and out of yourself.
He huffed out a deep grown. "Look at you, my Y/N, dripping wet like a little bitch in heat." He chuckled darkly.
You could feel yourself tightening and spasming, but you had to ask him for permission to cum. Steve always demanded it that way so you fought of the building climax.
"Are you close" he asked. You refused to answer only focusing on keeping yourself at bay.
The metallic jingle of his buckle could barely be heard, but the down ward pull of his zipper was louder as he step closer behind you. His jeans fell down his legs softly resting a top his shoes.
The sound of your sex became louder as Steve lowered himself to you.
"Show me Y/N, show me how you fuck yourself" he said as his hands glided up and down your ass.
"Look how needy you are for me, just for me"
Stroking himself with one hand while the other halted you. Holding your fingers inside you before slowly pumping them in and out.
"Do you want to cum for me" Steve asked whilst he readied himself behind you.
"Yes!" You begged and you could practically feel his elation.
The loud sound rang out through the room.
"Yes what?" He wanted you to call him by his high school nickname.
"Yes Captain" You whimper.
"Mmmmmm... I missed that" he hummed. Steve pulled your hand away you braced for him to violate you.
"Steve! Honey!" Peggy's voice called out through the open door from down stairs.
The tip of his cock was aligned with your sopping cunt, but Steve hesitated sticking it in.
"Steve dinner is ready!" Peggy called again. This time a bit closer than before.
As his nails dug into your ass a pain shot through your body. The grip he had on you only increased in intensity as you could tell he was debating on what to do.
"Fuck" he hissed. The pressure of Steve pushing himself off your butt had you collapsing at his release.
"Coming doll" he shouted back at her.
You could hear him pulling up his pants as you lay motionless on the floor. You had to leave town again, but with no money you knew there came no hope.
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The dinner was an awkward affair and if she knew what happened up stairs she wasn't letting on. At the round table Steve sat next to you while Bucky flanked your other side. Once seated Peggy brought out the food.  It all looked delicious there was a roasted dish no doubt at Steve suggestion, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables and a chilled bottled of white wine.
Steve poured you a glass of wine almost to the brim.
"Um I don't drink Steve" you lie as he finishes pouring your glass, but of course he ignored you. When you were around him you wanted to have all your senses. As Peggy served the group Bucky conversed with Steve while you stared at the plate you had no apatite for.
"Are you dating anybody? Anyone missing you in that big city?" Peggy asked with a sly smile as she took her place on the other side of Steve.
"Oh you know how it is now a days" Looking from her to him when you answered. Hoping that response was vague enough to not stroke Steve's ire, but you didn't see any of his familiar tics.
"Well, James is single. Didn't you two have a little thing in high school" she looked over at him, but he was more focused on the plate in front of him.
Could she see the sudden tension on your face you wondered?
Steve's hand glided up in your lap, giving it a squeeze. He had done this before every time you were forced to have dinner at his parents house. When he squeezed again you wondered if she knew about those dinners too. How you both got caught fucking in his room by his mother or that awful time with his father. How each time his she demanded you to stay. As if she wanted you to see your future.
Bucky had distracted Peggy with some mundane conversation about shopping or cooking. You couldn't really focus as you bit down on your fork when he tried to go into your pants again.
Putting the utensil down you slip your hands from the top of the table to unbutton your pants.
Leaning over to your ear. "A dress would've made things a lot more fun."
Even with Peggy at the table he was embolden. Trailing a hand up your thigh while smiling in his wife's face. Before he got to close you turned your wine glass over, spilling the liquid all over Steve.
"What the hell" Steve cursed as he grabbed a table cloth to bolt himself.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry Steve it was an accident" you lied. "Um you know its getting really late maybe I should go home now"
"Fuck fine come on" he stood up still drying himself off.
"You're a mess Honey. I’m sure James could take her home" Peggy interjected sweetly to her husband.
Steve’s jaw tightened you could tell he didn't like the idea, but sighed and resigned his objections.
"Buck would you mind?" The smile plastered on his face was faker than a three dollar bill.
"Sure thing Punk" Bucky patted Steve on the back of his shoulder as he got up. Pushing your chair back you hurry to follow him, you could feel Steve's eyes on your back.
They didn't see you two to the door, but you could hear Peggy wishing you both a goodnight and safe drive.
"Why did you do that?" Bucky as he riffled for the keys in his pocket.
*Buzz Buzz
You hadn't even made it to the car before your cellphone went off.
MSG Steve: Im going to fuck you for hours tomorrow. So get some rest 😈
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Chapter 3>>>
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years
I would lie and say you’re not in my mind.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
Type: Angst.
Summary: Reader finds herself alone, with no explanation as to where Wanda went. And life without her was a true nightmare she could only scape with not-so-nice coping mechanisms.
Wordcount: 2644
Warnings: Drug abuse, one suicidal thought and depression.
A/N: This is my submission for @jbbarnesnnoble writing challenge! I’m so sorry for the delay. Life and work got in the middle, leaving me drained to get some actual writing done. You can search this and other works with the tag #JBBNNMHAMChallenge which deals with different types of mental healt, as to raise awarenes about it.
A/N 2: Since it’s inspired in real events, I decided to twist this and give it a happy ending. People need to know there is hope. No matter how hard life becomes, you’ve got this and you shouldn’t suffer alone. Fight your fear and seek for help. I promise, life is worth living.
A huge than you to @marvelfansince08love for enduring her patience with my rants and mini meltdown about this monster. I could never thank you enough for puting up with my dumb ass, boo. I owe you a lot! <3
If you guys want more, I might have a plot for some kind of spin-off for this story. Just let me know. Also, criticism is welcomed.
"Miss Stark," one of the executives called your attention. "Your nose is bleeding."
Automatically, your fingers found your nose and yup, it was happening. Fucking hell.
Excusing yourself, you left the conference room with rapid steps to the closest bathroom, dismissing whoever you crossed on your way. You weren't new to this, after all.
Once you got the bleeding under control, you inspected yourself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was nothing like your old self. The circles under the eyes needed much more concealing and your smiles were forced. But at least you picked a black blouse today, which it'll do until you got a chance to go back home and change.
"Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Julia asked sheepishly.
"No. I'm capable of handling the rest of the day," you mumbled as you finished the last touches to your make-up.
"Mr. Stark could find-"
"Mr. Stark will find out shit," you cut your assistant. "This is just a sneeze that caused a vein to pop. Understood?" You could see how the woman in front of you shivered slightly and you almost laugh at it. You've become so pity.
"Y-yes, Miss. Is there anything else I can do?"
"No." You inspected yourself in the mirror once again before walking out. "Go over the rest of my day and make sure you send the informs to Stewart."
Fortunately, the day progressed smoothly with very few bumps. And none of them were about you, so you took it as a victory.
Kicking your high heels after closing the door behind you, you started to strip while walking towards the bathroom. The weekend was finally here, which meant you could wind out and enjoy your own company. After the latest events on Beto's, you made sure to lay low for a while. You didn't need another clingy bitch hanging from you all the time. You were just a gal wanting to have some release. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the middle of your calming bath, the sharp razor you kept for emergencies caught your eyes. 'God, it'd be so easy.' You thought to yourself. Just a little line in the right place would do it. The consuming pain would disappear and you'd be free. Hell, maybe you'd find her again in the afterlife.
Before you could continue the line of thoughts, your phone rang with your dad's personalized ringtone. Something you made sure of for when you were doing not-so-nice activities.
"Hey, dad." You absentmindedly sank deeper in the tub. The bubbly water covering up to under your jaw.
"Hi, Peanut." Tony's voice soothed your damaged soul the littlest bit. "It's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm fine," you answered nonchalantly. Lying has become second nature by now. "Living the life. How are you guys?"
"That's what I called you about. Pepper and I want you to come to spend the weekend here. We barely see you outside work so we thought it'd be nice to take advantage of the long weekend. Pleeeeaaase? With a cherry on top?" He finished in a child's voice and you felt your heart squeeze itself.
Truth was, you were tired of lying all the time. You were tired of faking and saying you were okay when you weren't.
"Okay," you sighed. 
"Yay!" Yup, he was a child. "We'll get your room ready. We'll have your favorite."
You didn't know the exact moment you started crying, your dad going a mile a minute talking about his latest invention and how he'd love for you to help him figure out the last touches.
Hanging up, you finally let out the awaiting sobs. Memories of an easier -and happier- time plaguing your mind, making it harder and harder to breathe. Life without her sucked balls.
After drying yourself and throwing on a fresh pair of pajamas, you quickly fixed your bag for the weekend, knowing fully well you'll wake up with just the right spare time before you had to leave for your dad's.
The next morning, you woke up before your alarm went off, which would be fine if it weren't for Wanda appearing in your dreams. Promises of a better life and reaching milestones together, fanning the painful fire in your heart.
Walking to your stash, you retrieved the white powder, forming three consecutive lines on your nightstand. A small straw between your fingers ready to be used. You wouldn't be able to consume when you were at your dad's, so you better took your chance before it was too late. Odin knew you needed the boost.
Stopping at a random café a few blocks from your home, you quickly got yourself a black coffee and a muffin before hitting the pedal once again, changing the playlist to something more upbeat. 
Soon enough, your mind drifted to the impromptu road trips you'd do with Wanda. Sometimes even a week-long trip. Just the two of you apart from the chaos of your lives. 
Out on the road, it was only laughs, music, and fast food with the occasional make-out sessions. God, if you could, you'd live in the past forever. 
Stepping out of your car, you couldn't help the smile that broke your face. Working in the same place as your dad didn't mean you've got to see him every day. And being honest, you were happy he offered you scape from her curse.
"Hi, dad." You answered once you reached him, returning his hug. And boy, didn't you felt safe in those strong arms. They never failed to soothe you.
After what seemed like hours of walking around your dad's property, you and Pepper came back to the house ready for a refreshing iced tea. But any trace of a nice calming bath dissipated away when you say your dad standing in the middle of the living room, his face stoic.
"What's this?" The quietness of his voice freezing your blood.
"I'm waiting, Y/N." 
You cringed at your dad's voice. The disappointment showing in his eyes made you regret not checking before you grabbed a random bag for this trip.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me this is not what I think it is," he begged, showing you and Pepper the almost empty baggy between his fingers. And you ignored him. He already knew the truth, after all. "Say it," he growled.
"So the bleeding nose-"
"Screw you," you muttered, cutting Pepper mid-sentence.
"Hey! That's no way to talk to her,"
"You know what?" You walked to your dad, looking up to his eyes. "Yes, I'm an addict. Good job, Sherlock. Now you can get rid of me as you did with my mom. After all, you never wanted me in the first place, so why should it matter." You snapped with burning tears in your eyes. "There's no need to keep faking it anymore." You walked away, leaving them mouth agape, trying to process your words.
Plopping down on your bed, you couldn't help the feeling of failure igniting inside you. The tears in your eyes burning your eyes as they appeared, flowing down your cheeks as the sadness and emptiness became just too much to handle.
You didn't remember when was the last time you were genuinely happy. And it sucked that it depended on someone. It sucked and you despised it more than anything. But then again, Wanda was everything you'd need to live in this world. Always positive, with a smile so bright that could light up the darkest room. Her eyes? God, you loved losing yourself in those green orbs of hers in the afterglow. And now you had to live without all these little things that made you happy. All the little moments of joy were gone, tuning you into this sack of bones and flesh, with no expectations for life.
It wasn't till much later that night that you left your room, after ignoring your dad's callings.
Padding your way to the bar, you served yourself a whiskey. The burning on your troat a welcomed feeling. Your mind going back to her, as it was the normalcy since she dusted away, leaving you with thousands of questions and a hole in your heart that you knew well you could never fill again. How could you, when you knew she was it? how could you even try to patch it up, when you knew there was no one else like her?
One whiskey turned into 5 and you didn't know when you started to cry, considering you thought there were no tears left after all these years. But the strong hand on your shoulder made you snap from your pity party, hurriedly drying your tears. Crying was for the weak, and boy were you weak.
"I'm sorry," you drowned the last of your drink before looking up, mustering the best stoic face you could.
"You don't need to fake around me, Peanut. We're family," your dad poured you another drink as he got one himself. 
"Look, what happened with your mother has nothing to do with you." He continued once he sat beside you. "And I would never leave you alone, Y/N. No matter how many headaches you give me." He joked but composed himself when you didn't react to it. "I- Pepper is pregnant. And we really want you in the baby's life. But.. Look, if there was a way to bring her back, I would. In a heartbeat. But Y/N, you have to understand, she wouldn't like this version of you. If not for yourself, do it for us,"
You wanted to speak, you wanted to answer him. But the lump in your throat was too big to swallow and the knife in your heart twisted when you saw your dad's eyes tearing up. And fuck did it hurt. To see him cry -for the first time- pained you like hell. And knowing you were the cause of those tears made you feel like you were the worst person alive. 
"I-," you paused to gather your bearings, but your dad beat you to it.
"I know, Peanut," his arms surrounded you in that way that only him could.
"I promise you," he continued once you broke away. "One day, it will get easier. Those feelings will never fully go away, but it will get easier." He dried your tear-stained cheeks softly. "You are not alone. And she'll always be with you,"
 And despite the grief eating you from the inside, you knew you had to live. For them. For her.
The next few months had been a true rollercoaster. You didn't know the abstinence would affect you so badly. And while others would have it much worse, you couldn't help the change of moods and the few tears you caused to those around you. Not to mention, the significant drop in your moods. But you also knew better. You've kept your word, and you hadn't touched it again. 
Under Natasha's supervision, you got rid of every secret stash you had at both, your apartment and your office, and you deleted the number of your dealer. And even if sometimes it seemed like hell would manifest itself as Nat was your watcher, you couldn't be more glad because, admittedly, the woman had balls and she did knew how to bribe you, to the point that you'd even quit drinking even if it was more of a social addiction, in your case. That, mixed with Natasha's friendship and support -as well as those around you- and the birth of Morgan, your little sister had you believing once more, even if you knew you'd never get to be the same person you once were. 
The little bundle of joy had come to this world with a few rays of sunshine for you, finally opening your eyes and making you realize that there was hope. Even if you never saw her again, life was worth living and you'd live it for her at your best capacity. 
So when Pepper asked you to babysit Morgan for a few days, considering she couldn't bring a 2 months old baby with her, you accepted in a heartbeat.
But as you were awoken by a fussing Morgan, after an eventful night in which you barely slept, you realized this might've not been your brightest idea.
Inhaling deeply, you got up and walked to her room, picking her up from her crib and rocking her as you made your way to the kitchen. Babies were a fucking clock. Which only served to add to your decision of never having kids. 
If you were on the verge of tears most of the time, wishing deeply for her parents to come back so you could have time for yourself, you knew you'd be mental if you had to live through this for the rest of your life.
Your ears catching the front door opening made you stop mid singing, turning around as you walked to the hushed words as you feed a calmed down Morgan just to stop dead in your tracks when you saw her. The only reason you stood still, was the baby in your arms. 
Your eyes scanned the room, looking for a sign that this was just a dream. That the image of your girlfriend was just a projection of your mind, like so many other times before during these 5 years since she disappeared from your arms. But the silence surrounding you all and 8 pairs of eyes inspecting you made you realize that this wasn't a dream.
The cries of Morgan took you all from your reverie and soon, Pepper was by your side, taking the baby from your arms before kissing the top of your head, something she always did whenever you felt unsettled.
"Is she real?" You questioned as you scrutinized a fidgety Wanda, who stood by the door, ready to run away if needed.
Natasha could sense your turmoil growing with every single second that passed and soon enough you felt a strong pair of arms supporting you, ready to catch you if you fell.
"She's here, Maliska. We brought her back," she spoke quietly, making sure you understood her words.
The wild thoughts on your mind got you walking towards her. The need to touch her and prove yourself that she was back, got your fingers itching. You could feel the blood running in your ears and you shaking steps as you got closer to who you thought was gone forever, leaving you empty and moving through life like a zombie.
The choke that broke through you when your hand cupped her cheek got you smiling as tears rolled down with every erratic thump of your heart.
"You're here," you whispered, afraid of breaking the spell you've found yourself into. 
But you couldn't stay in that thought for long because an intimately familiar pair of arms surrounded you as Wanda threw yourself at you, hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
Feeling her hot breath against your skin was all you needed to finally give in and hold her with all you had, knowing that she was here; with you.
You didn't know how long you both stood there, holding each other and basking in the calmness that surrounded you. All your previous tormenting thoughts dissipated in that exact moment. Wanda was back and you found the hole in your heart start to fill itself.
"Hi, Printsessa," Wanda murmured against your neck, kissing her way up to your jaw, peppering your face with kisses before she finally kissed your lips. And boy, did your knees trembled.
After 5 long years, the lips you've got used to kissing whenever you pleased were once against yours, igniting all the love and hope and good things you got to feel once upon a time.
You can find the continuation, here (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wannabe-fic-reader @natasha-danvers @jumbojamba47 @rooskaya-yelena @sananabdliw @aaron-despair @username23345 @nate-the-dreamer @higherfurther-romanova
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beauregard-s · 4 years
Take The Wheel (Richie Tozier x Reader)
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader (aged up)
Word Count: 3.8K
Warnings: NSFW. Sex, Oral (fem receiving), cursing and light dirty talking. Also mentions of alcohol.
Anon said:  “ alright for whatever reason I can only ever think of Richie concepts but that's okay he's my boy :0 Anyway, So like a Richie x Reader smut where Richie is teaching the reader to drive in an empty parking lot and he sits them in his lap so they're both in the drivers seat. And he gets a boner and then car sex boom that's the concept ”
A/n: I must say it’s some *chef’s kiss* concept. I really liked this one, and had a lot of Cigarettes After Sex’s help to write it lol. Hope I fulfilled your expectations, my dear anon.
“Come on, doll, it’s your eighteen!”
“I already said no, Richie.”
It’s been years since you both realized you were too big to share the old hammock anymore, but you acted like it wasn’t an important detail. You and Richie had spent the afternoon laying there, he previously napping and now smoking a cigarette while you went through a thriller book Ben had lent you a couple weeks before and you were taking too long to return to him. 
Richie had his long hanging down, foot on the floor and here and there he’d swing you both from side to side, softly, in a way the had your eyelids fighting not to shut close. 
“What are you doing when I’m not around, then?” He teased once more, and it was enough for you to softly hit his ribs with your bare foot, since you two were so tangled in such little space that your legs rested by his sides.
“You’ll always be around, Trashmouth.”
“Maybe I won’t...” He blew smoke through his parted lips when you shoot a look, narrowing your eyes at him from over the book. The little lopsided smile he had made your insides tingle. 
Next week you’d turn eighteen and, until present days, you had not learned how to drive. That’d be a result of very strict and overprotective parents, alongside a not so irrational - in your thoughts -, but for sure overscaled fear of taking the steering wheel. 
Usually, Richie was the one driving you around on his beat-up truck, blasting Tears For Fears, an arm slung out of his window. Sometimes it was Stan or Bill, Mike and Ben were busier but they were always down to give you a ride if you needed it. Beverly was a heckin' reckless driver, but she was the one who usually took you shopping and even Eddie had rebelled against Sonia Kaspbrak to get his license. 
You were the last “baby” among the grown-ups.  
“Come on, y/n, I can teach you. I’m the best driver-”
“Stan is the best driver,” you corrected.
“Stan is bullshit!” he went, now pointing at you with his lit cigarette. “And you shall never say such fallacy again.”
You laughed his fake offended tone off, but, yeah, he was right. Stan could be the most prudent one, but he was too prudent even for your coward standards. Richie was, indeed, the best driver. Reckless, but not too reckless at the point of almost run over people on the street - like Bev did at least a couple times -, also he was surprisingly skilled, but had some worrisome courage, for sure. And he had got a few speed tickets, yeah, but he always knew what he was doing. 
Those facts, plus the way he kept looking and expecting at you made you roll your eyes and break.
“Fine, Tozier,” it was enough for his smile to widen up “but don’t blame me if I shove your car through a wall or something.”
He laughed and tickled your feet by his side, what made you jump on your place and kick him harder than the last time, earning a grunt of pain from him.
“Don’t worry, toots. I got you.”
It was an empty and probably abandoned parking lot behind the library. What on Earth could go wrong?
That was exactly what you thought when Richie set things up the last day, but, now, when you looked blankly at his truck parked there, with its doors opened, just waiting for you, it didn’t seem such a good idea anymore.
“No fucking way, doll, it’s the tenth time you call out for my name, not that I’m complaining.”
You threw him a pissed look, but of course it wouldn’t do any harm on those mocking eyes of his. But you looked better at Richie, right there under the golden hour light. His dark curls messed by his fingers and by the breeze that gently hit you, glasses always full of fingerprints on its lenses, but not hiding his narrowed eyes due to the clarity. He seemed more freckled than ever.
All of that made you tingle inside, again. Had been like that for a while now, and every time it’d happen, every time you’d feel that weird sensation, you’d just turn away from his view, not that bold to face whatever it was.
“Come on, toots, it won’t bite you! Let’s go!”
He placed his hand on the small of your back, gently pushing you to the driver’s side. You hopped onto the seat and Richie was so damn tall you felt you were miles away from the wheel and couldn’t even dream about reaching the pedals. He helped you adjust the seat to your height and ran around the car while you buckled your safety belt. 
“Fasten your belt.” You enjoined, the second he closed his door and looked up at you with expectation.
“For God’s sake, y/n, we’re just driving around the lot,” he scoffed, and you rolled your eyes. “Easy now. It’s no big deal, come on, start the car.”
Maybe you’d be able to focus and make your legs stop shaking, but Richie’s hand reaching for your thigh to supposedly soothe you down didn’t make it possible. And he stayed just like that when you turned the keys and the truck roared.
“Okay, now let’s switch the gear and loosen the handbrake...”
You had no idea of the amount of work involving getting a car to move. Richie kept instructing you and, for your disbelief, yes, he was a good teacher. He was clear as water when he told you what to do, and his voice went down to a soft and patient tone that made the tingling feeling hit you wave after wave. But even like that, you couldn’t put the thing on the road. The engine kept dying and you just weren’t coordinated enough to get it to move.
Richie and you switched places and he tried to teach you through visuals, letting you watch him as he drove around. And you really tried to. You focused on his hands but you wouldn’t absorb his moves. You’d just absorb how he firmly gripped onto the wheel and how skilled he moved the gear around. You tried to learn from his feet pressing the pedals, but your eyes would trail up to his sculpted side profile in the fading, cold light. How his lips looked soft, talking to you and dictating how you’d have to switch the gear every time the engine roared in en specific pleading way.
But you were fucking drooling over how handsome Richie Tozier was.
Before you had a chance to actually start paying attention to the mechanisms, he stopped the car like it all was the easiest thing. “See? Just like learning how to ride a bicycle.”
You tittered, not sure if you couldn’t keep up with all the steps on properly driving because there were a lot of them, or only because you just could take your eyes off Richie himself. 
“I don’t know... I mean, I think I just can’t coordinate enough,” you shrugged.
He shushed you immediately.
“No fucking way! You’re learning how to drive, and I’m teaching you, doll!” he raised his brows, his determination making you laugh again. Richie bit down his lip for a while, sitting sideways on the seat so he could face you.
“Do you want to sit on my lap, then? So I can help you?”
You slowly raised a brow and your brain sent off the red alert with a neon sign of “bad idea”.
“How messed up could this be?” You sneered.
“Not messed up at all, that’s actually how I first learn how to drive,” he smirked.
“Richie, you were ten, and no, pretending you’re driving isn’t learning how to drive,” you laughed.
You remembered that story very well, how Mr. Tozier would put Richie on his lap while driving around safe places when he was a little boy. But now this was a whole, dissimilar situation. 
Richie rolled his eyes, leaning in towards you, and you swore you were all hooded eyes at him. 
“Come on, doll, just like the truck, I won’t bite you.”
The red alert in your head went off even louder, but, still, with him that close and with the evening’s darkness engulfing both of you, your lips had a different plan than your mind.
“Okay...” it was what scaped through them.
And the way Richie smiled at that answer warmed your heart beyond what was acceptable. 
You unbuckled your belt as he pushed his seat back and even like that, fitting in between him and the wheel was a difficult task. You propped yourself up from the passenger seat, passing a leg over the gearstick to sit it between his. You both were a mess of legs and arms.
“Okay, toots, careful now-fuck!”
“Holyshit, Richie, did I hit you?”
“No, just my thigh. Big Richie’s okay...”
“I hate you.”
You managed to settle down to his lap, not too comfortably, but enough to access everything around you. To feel all of him beneath you.
“No way, sugar, you love me,” he whispered from behind, very close to your ear.
With a simple turn of neck, you could see Richie over your shoulder, and there was where he rested his chin. He took your left hand and placed it on the wheel, under his own. Your right hands together met the gear stick. 
“I’m starting the car now,” he warned. His hand left yours just for a moment, and his truck roared again. It vibrated slightly and that way you couldn’t help to friction down against Richie’s lap.
You thought you felt him stiffening up, but soon enough his hand was back over yours and he helped you switching the gear. 
“Now can I speed up?” You asked, trying your best to don’t look back at him, or else your lips would almost touch.
“Yeah, slowly. And keep those beautiful eyes on the road, toots.”
You did as he told you, slowly pressed your foot down the accelerator, and the truck slowly and finally left its spot under your riding.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was something really childish to do, but it was unconscious. Richie kept his right hand over yours, helping you through the gears correctly, his left one was supposed to guide the wheel with you, but as soon as he heard your giggles he let go, his arm resting lazily on his open window.
You only sped up to an acceptable speed to keep during a parking lot training, but it was enough for a breeze to blow through the open windows. You felt somehow proud, even if you have been strolling for five minutes in circles behind the library. You didn’t even notice Richie letting go of the bare control he had, but you were pretty aware of his hands falling down to rest on your thighs.
And you were pretty aware of the forming hardness underneath you. You could feel him, and every time you made a turn your hips would be dragged around due to physics causes you never understood while in high school. Every time that happened you could hear Richie sighing really close to your neck.
His thumbs traced circles against the skin of your thighs, right where it met the hem of your skirt. You were already relaxed back against him by now.
“I’m so sorry, toots...” You heard both a certain embarrassment, but also some guts in his voice. He was also pretty aware of what was happening, but you wondered if he was aware of the growing heat inside your chest, and the wetness inside your panties.
Or if he was aware of the way you “helped” physics by dragging your hips down onto his.
“Don’t be, Rich.” You muttered.
His hands went for yours again, and his feet took the place yours once had. Richie himself stopped the car and as soon as he turned the motor down you noticed how silent it was because he didn’t turn on the radio earlier, probably because he didn’t want to distract you.
But he ended up doing way more than that.
It was starting to get dark, maybe a little too dark. Dark in a level that’d be perfect to do hidden things and they’d remain safe under its cover. Maybe that was why you felt it was safe enough to turn your body slightly to the side, just enough to face Richie, and you two kissed in the dim light.
No words needed, not a single trace of hesitation because you both knew you'd been aching for this for a long time now. You parted your lips under his tongue insistence within time, tried to fought him for dominance. Absurdly unsuccessful that was. Richie had a hand through your hair, slightly pulling it so you couldn’t turn your face away from him. Little did he know you wouldn’t do that anyway. 
He was the one who pulled away after a while. You could tell he was smirking, eyes on yours, and then down to check on your already slightly kiss-bruised lips. He leaned in then, his nose softly brushing all the way up your neck, sending goosebumps through your spine just so he could talk lowly in your ear.
“I want you in the backseat, y/n/n.” 
You didn't know if it was how he sounded deep, or how he called you by the nickname that only he’d call you, nothing generical, but he made you whimper untouched. You just nodded and Richie pushed you off his lap gently, helping you to pass through the front seats.
You didn’t think car sex was comfortable at all, having experienced it in other guys’ sedans, but Richie’s car got some valuable space. It was enough for you to be dragged into Richie’s lap without your head bumping into the ceiling, as soon as he joined you there, kissing you as his life depended on it.
Richie smelled like smoke and tasted like mint chapstick and cola, and the way he held you so tightly against him was driving you insane alone. Slowly the darkness was taking over and you couldn’t see much of him, but you could feel him everywhere. Hands on your hips and crawling up your sides, underneath your top inch by inch. You couldn’t help to grind your hips down against his, earning yourself a low grunt every time you did that.
It was happening, and you couldn’t believe it. Richie and you've been friends over the time, but you’d be lying if you said you never looked at him in a messed up way, here and there. Mainly when you’d get drunk together in parties and he started to get extra flirty towards your horny self. And now, what you have fantasized about was happening.
“I want you down on me so bad...” You moaned.
You widened your eyes because it wasn’t meant to escape your lips like that. But it did and made Richie pull away from the spot he had been kissing on your neck, looking up at you.
You expected him to laugh or scoff, but he raised a brow slightly, lips curving in a way that had your legs weak.
“Don’t ask me twice, doll.” He mumbled.
Richie held you by your thighs before pushing you down to the seat. You propped yourself up to rest your back against the side of the car, ready to push shoes and clothes off, but he got different plans. Richie made his best to fit properly in between your legs, hands pushing your skirt up so it was lumping around your waist.
With no warning, Richie just pulled your panties down your legs, taking them off skillfully and shoving them in his pocket. With a smirk, he leaned himself down on you, drawing a bold lick all the way up from your slit to your clit.
You moaned louder than would be safe. Just the vision of Richie in between your thighs like that was enough to make you purr like a kitten, but the way he kept his eyes up just to watch what he was doing to you was top-shelf.
His hands were on your thighs, keeping you as spread for him as the space allowed, tongue flicking through your wet folds. And the motherfucker dared to hum against you.
“Fuck, y/n/n... How can you taste so good, doll?”
Your chest weaved up and down as you panted, a complete moaning mess. Your hands went for Richie’s curls, messing them up even more as he took turns closing his eyes to savor you, and then looking up at your blank pleasured face.
“Richie...” You cried out.
He pulled away for a second, thumb still rubbing circles on your clit to keep your pace.
“What, babe, are you gonna cum for me?”
You did. As soon as he reattached his lips to your heat again, you came by his mouth only.
Richie smirked satisfied at the way your legs were shaking and your eyes shut closed, still lazily licking you down your high, and as soon as your breath calmed down he was sitting back up, pulling you into his lap again, holding you so close you lost your breath.
When you and Richie kissed again, you could still taste yourself on his lips. Your hands fumbled with his jeans, unbuckling it quickly because you needed more of him. He groaned at your eager manners, immediately bucking his hips up so you could pull his pants and underwear down to his thighs.
“Holy fuck, Richie...”
You couldn’t hold it back when you looked down at his cock, fully hard for you. Richie didn’t praise himself for nothing. You felt like some stupid depraved girl, but Richie seemed to like it judging by the melodic laugh he let out. A laugh that quickly turned into a deep moan when you took him in your hands, pumping slowly.
The way Richie’s mouth hung opened when he breathed out heavily and the sounds that came outta there made you clench around nothing. You didn’t delay much before aligning yourself over him, slowly lowering your hips.
Richie cursed out loud, hands gripping onto your waist for his life as he threw his head back. Now you were the one observing how his chest went up and down fast, how he licked his lips with eyes closed in bliss. You had all of him inside you, every inch. He was stretching you out, yes, but he felt too good filling you up like that.
Richie finally looked at you, all hooded eyes and hands going for your shirt. He lifted the fabric enough to expose your breasts, mumbling something about loving that you didn’t wear a bra much often before attaching his lips to your nipple.
Your hands on his shoulders for support must have squeezed too tightly, but he didn’t seem to notice it under the loud moans you gave him. Richie’s lips slid from a breast of yours to the other, taking a time to kiss the valley between them.
“Ride me, doll...” He softly demanded, and you did.
You held tightly onto him when you started to bounce up and down very slowly, trying to adjust to him, but as soon as you picked up your pace the previously silent and dark truck was filled with both your moans. Richie was loud and it was something you expected and now his hoarse groans only drove you closer to your high.
He gave you a hickey on your breast, right before his lips escalated to kiss and mark your neck as well.
“How good you feel around me, y/n/n...”
You melted more in his arms every time he'd fill you up, every little nibble he’d plant on the sweet spot of your neck. You felt your muscles tensing, clenching tightly around Richie’s cock right before you came undone once again.
As soon as you reached the peak, your loud moans were muffled by Richie’s hungry lips on yours. When your legs went numb, he kept thrusting up into you, hands grabbing handfuls of your ass until he came.
Richie came moaning into your mouth, while you drifted away from your orgasm and your fingers caressed back the curls that covered his face. You could barely see him by now, but the few traces you could discern made you smile numbly.
Holy shit. You were in love.
You fucked Richie in his car, and now you were in love.
No, you’ve been in love with him for a long time but only now, when the facts were spread right in front of your eyes, you admitted it. Only now, feeling the numerous small kisses he was spreading all over your shoulder and collarbone, and how his cold hands cupped your breasts gently, only now you admitted it.
Things were silent for a while, while Richie had his face buried against the crook of your neck and you still cockwarmed him. You didn’t want to leave him, you were afraid that as soon as you put yourself together, he’d check you out off his hook up list and drag you back to the friend zone.
“I fucking love you, y/n/n.”
You still breathed heavily when he whispered that, but you immediately felt like your lungs stopped working.
You pushed Richie away from you, making him look at your face in the dark, although you could only see the little reflection of his glasses.
“What the hell did you just say?”
“Nothing, I-Shit...”
“Richie.” You were serious, and that made him bite down his lips, thinking he had messed things up with you.
“I’m fucking in love with you, doll.”
You kissed him.
The second he finished that phrase you took his face in your hands and kissed him. A long, slow, and breathtaking kiss.
Richie’s arms wrapped around your waist and his glasses were for sure getting dirtier touching your face, but he didn’t care about it and nor did you.
Only your lips parted away a few moments later, but you kept your foreheads together, eyes closed and hearts going a mile a minute.
“I’m fucking in love with you too, Trashmouth” you mumbled.
You smiled in a cheesy way and somehow you knew he was doing the same.
“Although you’re a bad a drive instructor who ends up fucking your learner”
“Shut up, y/n.”
You laughed together and Richie hugged you against him. That was for sure a not recommend spot to be parked at that hour, but none of you minded that. He was still inside you and you'd keep him like that for at least some moments more because you needed your legs to stop trembling and you also needed to feel more of him against you like that.
"Rich..." You furrowed your brows lightly, curled into his chest. "Where the fuck are my panties?"
He chuckled.
"They are safe, toots. And, by the way, those are mine now."
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v-velvetykisscs · 4 years
Safety Net
about: kingpin! eren x reader (f), mafia! au
summary: following his father's mysterious passing, eren is appointed successor of yeager corporation – also known to the public as the “Titans” due to their immense influence in the underground world- eren is determined to find out what's happened to his father. however, after the misstep of one of his own affiliates lands him in trouble with his cynical half-brother he’s chosen to blatantly ignore for weeks as well as an impertinent woman full of empty threats and impressive bravado stumbles upon his operations, eren finds his hands are quite full. 
wc: 1,369 words
edit: 07/02/21
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The road is lit by the headlights of the grey, company truck ahead and the crescent moon above in the night sky. I glance out of the window at the rolling, illuminated scene. Skyscrapers, twinkling like fallen stars, taken right from the twilight scape. My eyes divert to the yellow street-light-tinged rain droplets staggering down the glass. The driver turns the windshield wipers on. The tires make their monotonous hiss over the rain-washed highway.
I sigh, brushing a stray hair off of my face. I look down at my phone for the millionth time.
Me: Where are you? 
Historia: Shiganshina District, The Sugar Shack, 62nd Street.
Me: I never took you for a party girl, Historia.
Historia: Well it’s nice to be able to unwind once in a while. Don’t you think?
Me: Yes, can I trust you to stay where you are?
Historia: Obviously, I’m not an imbecile
Me: Good girl. Be there in 5.
Suddenly, amidst all the grey buildings, We encounter one painted a vivid crimson. The shocking colour frames a painting two stories high that depicts a beautiful woman in a red-and-lilac kimono sniffing a flower. A few blocks later there is another painted a shocking pink. A two-story poster depicts a pair of anime girls in French maid costumes, breasts overflowing laced bodices. An invisible fishing line hoists up the backs of ruffled skirts to reveal the clefts of their butts. The driver rolls through the crowded broad boulevards and shops spilling out their glittering merchandise. There are women prancing down the empty roads in pastel platform shoes, beaming and laughing. They blend in with the dainty and cute toy shop behind them. She pauses at the red traffic light and taps a french-manicured nail against the steering wheel. 
Further down the street, a navy blue building catches my eye. The woman drives towards it, decelerating the car, cautiously looking into the wing mirror to make sure there’s some parking space. She hits the break, and I sweep my messenger bag off the bare passenger seat. I smile softly at her through the rear-view mirror. “I’ll make sure to leave a good review! Thank you!”
I slam the door of my car gently. There’s a blue neon insignia at the front that reads “The Sugar Shack”. I walk hurriedly towards it, ID in hand. I keep it up long enough for the brute bouncer to nod at me and move out of my way.
I’m standing at the threshold of the nightclub. Blue is the dominant colour: the small tables and chairs are blue; the very short faux leather backless dresses of the waitresses are blue; the mezzanine where the Dj is mixing every kind of music is blue; The floating led lights flash between hues of blue, they dance with the go-go dancers who are dressed in shiny mini-skirts rigid like plastic, they dance with the dozens of people that crowd the immense dance floor where the classic, twinkling mirrored ball dangles. The music is loud, the speakers rumble the bass sounds so hard that some of the glasses shake on the tables. I open my phone, and search for the messages app. I start composing a message:
Me: I’m here, where are you?
I decide to get a head start towards the bar where I imagine Historia chose to stay at so that I could easily find her. A stumpy, drunken man approaches me and yells in my ear, “Hey baby, care to show me a good t-?” I don’t let him finish his sentence before I walk past him. He is so out of it that he doesn’t trouble himself to chase after me. I continue my brisk walk but there’s only a wooden counter filled of empty or spilt drinks. Torn colourful parasols and dried up lemon slices. No Historia. I eye the waiter. His back is turned to me as he dries wet cups with a little white towel.  “Hey! Waiter!” I shout over the music. He turns, almost instantly, staring at me, still processing that I’ve called him. He blinks and gives me a warm beam. I mirror him. He has warm, chocolate eyes and a light brown messy hair-do. “Hi! I’m looking for my friend, I was wondering if you might’ve seen her tonight. She looks like this.” He nods. I unclasp my bag and take my phone out, turning it on, showing him my lock screen. A picture of me and Historia at graduation, wearing forest green robes and matching hats. “No, I’m afraid I haven’t, sorry.” He frowns sympathetically. “Well thank you anyways!” 
A response.
 Historia: I’m at the bar on the second floor! 
I head for the dance floor as soon as I read her text, making a bee line through the sea of sweaty bodies. Men and women are moving like uncoiling ropes, bobbing their heads to the aggressive, music beat. People press against me and I nudge them back like bowling pins. I take a deep breath and continue my trek through the narrow leeway of moving bodies. Soon enough I reach the staircase and I take them in twos. I get to the top and turn, My eyes zero-ing on a petite blonde sat on a swivel seat. My eyes widen. I power walk towards her. 
 She looks up at me and stumbles off the seat spreading her ams open to embrace me. I hold her close and smile. She laughs. She’s wearing a form-fitting glamorous knee-length light blue dress. Her hair is in a neat high bun.
“You look gorgeous” 
“Puh-lease Y/N, you look attractive in whatever you decide to wear.”
I look down at my black bootcut jeans, white tank top, red converse sneakers and black fur jacket. 
“You flatter me but I’m definitely underdressed.” 
Her cheerful expression slowly washes away from her face and she looks away, frowning. 
“Look, There’s something I have to tell you.”
I nod as I wait for her to speak.
“There’s something I’ve been keeping from you until now and I thought that you’d ought to know. Now.”
“What’s up?” 
She takes her blue orbs off of me and scans the rest of the room nervously, her eyes fixed on someone. I turn to mimic her and I lock eyes with a man in a tuxedo sat on a plush, red velvet futon. He has raven black hair with a pale complexion, his eyes are grey and he swirls a glass of rum in one hand. He stands, not breaking eye contact. Historia pinches my jacket sleeve.
“We should go.” She declares sternly.
I nod, this man looks like danger. We walk rapidly down the stairs together bursting through the crowd on the outside of the dance floor.
“The back exit!” I direct.
Historia follows me and I push the back door violently, it opens and we walk through it, into a dark alleyway. The faint, putrid odour of trash catches onto our nostrils as we walk through the maze of darkness. We make a turn and a tall man steps out of the shadows, Historia whimpers and I grab her hand, spinning her around the other way. We run and I turn around to see that the man isn’t alone. I hear a gun cocking and I tug at Historia’s hand so that she runs faster. 
We turn once again and she topples over. She winces and mewls and I try to pick her up. I’m not in control of my breathing anymore. I look up to see a faint light ahead; An exit. We’re near.
“Get up Toria, Now.” I whisper aggressively. She discards her heels and lifts herself up, wobbling. I grasp her hand again and we sprint as far as out feet take us. We emerge into the street light. An engine revs and a slick, black Lamborghini pulls up before our eyes.
“Get in! I know the guy.”
I don’t question her and yank the door handle open, she slips in and I follow shortly after, pulling the door in. As soon as I do, The engine starts back up and we’ve taken our leave.
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vminity21 · 4 years
Forgive Me | ksj
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Pairing: Actor!Seokjin X CoHost!Reader, actor!au 
Genre: angst/fluff
Warning(s): smut, shower sex, oral (f receive), quite handsy, nipple play, mention of infidelity, angst, strong use of language, mention of alcohol, Rated: R
Word Count: 12.9k
Summary: One mistake can change someone’s life in the blink of an eye which is what you will discover after sleeping with the enticing and handsome Kim Seokjin. When an unwanted scandal breaks loose, it can ruin both of your careers as you know it. As Seokjin fights for your forgiveness, you not only learn to forgive him, but you learn to forgive yourself.
- Book One of the BTS Actor Series -
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The frigid wind of winter nips your nose the moment you step foot outside. Bundled in many layers of clothing, your black, trench coat being most prominent, you shove your mitten hands in the front pockets, eyes scanning the clear path ahead. Leafless trees decorate the sides of the road sparsely while the grayish hue of the sky sprinkles few snowflakes onto the earth. You’ve never minded the cold weather though some find you insane for it; yet, you quicken your pace, urging for the destination you have in mind: the park. It’s not like you have anything else to do with your life other than writing an article about a film, or a critique on the food you’ve tried, or anything involving your opinion, which you’ve learned to embrace despite the backlash that may come with it.
Your dream, however, is to be in the spotlight, but not in the way others may think. Cameras angling in your direction as you stand alongside the main host- you can see yourself comedically mingling with every celebrity that guest stars the same as the skits you’d help direct or even feature in. Late night hosting has been something you’ve tried dabbling in, though callbacks for any auditions haven’t been received just yet. A warm sigh brushes past your lips at the anxiety you try to suppress. You can’t give up that easily, and you won’t. For now, under a pen name, you’ll remain writing critiques until a definite answer is established.
The slow roll of a car distracts you momentarily bringing a sense of comfort mixed in with prodding footsteps against the sidewalk. You moved to the city to achieve great things which lead you to find the magazine company you currently work for, and even now, with scattered thoughts, you can’t shake the lonely feeling within your chest. Your friends, of whom you left behind, not because you wanted to, but because of this job, you rarely get to visit. The same goes for your parents, which you’ve held a burden of guilt for because you also have not seen them since they helped you move to your vacant apartment.
Continuing down the line of vision, the grass has dimmed greatly since fall. The welcoming sign of the park passes your peripherals, the crunch of gravel beneath your shoes being the only sound you hear other than the gentle breeze. There’s an opening ahead, one that you’ve grown familiar with, where the trees break enough to reveal a glistening lake- one that ripples beneath the cloudy sky- serenading serenity to your soul once you edge closer to it.
Finding a tree, you nestle your shoulder against it whilst folding your arms across your chest, inhaling the crude scent of mud covering the rocks circling the brim of the water. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve traveled here, but with the exhaustion of being cooped up in your apartment, you longed for a different view. Time passes, but how much, you are uncertain; merely being lost in nature is all you’re enchanted by.
“Gorgeous isn’t it?”
A deep voice catches you off guard prompting you to whip your head around to the intruder who plagued your thumping heart. A quiet gasp escapes your mouth with the unexpected unraveling of the most handsome stranger you’ve ever come across. Rendered speechless, your eyes scape the dark jeans covering slim legs that lead to a gray hoodie hanging loosely off broad shoulders to now resting upon the pointed jaw that shines with full, pink lips parted in a side smile. His brown eyes never move their hold upon the soothing lake, and yet, you can’t seem to take your eyes off the way his jet, black hair parts upon his forehead. Attraction seeps within your bones and when he peers down at you- abruptly you avert your stare whilst the burning sensation of a blush dawns your cheeks and chest.
“It is,” you muse, noticing the crisp smell of cologne wafting in your direction, “How often do you come here?” The question rolls off your tongue, yet the curiosity is evident in your tone, especially since you haven’t seen him frequent this area the times that you have.
“Just this past week,” he slides his hands within his pockets, “I just moved here not too long ago,”
“What do you do?” To get a better visual of the fellow, you turn enough to where your back rests against the tree versus your shoulder, him rolling back on his heels while a quick draw of breath is seen within the air.
“I’m an actor,” he wets his lips, “Or, at least trying to be. I have an audition tomorrow morning, actually,” he nods, “But, I do a bit of cooking on the side, too,”
Impressed by his answer, it’s been a while since you’ve done this particular, but you attempt at a subtle flirt, “Well, that’s very dashing I must admit,”
Handsome Fellow chuckles, bowing his head enough to where you notice the reddened tips of his ears, “I’m Kim Seokjin by the way. Some call me Jin,” he offers a large hand, “And, what is your name and what do you do?”
Accepting his handshake, you reply, “I’m [Y/N], a columnist for a magazine company living my best life here in the city,” it takes you a few seconds to realize that you’re still shaking his hand prompting you to awkwardly return your hand into your coat pocket- the red tinge of your cheeks still present.
“Well [Y/N], a columnist for a magazine company living your best life, I am very honored to meet you,” Seokjin slightly bows- something in his eyes mesmerizing you to the point that you refrain from staring into them. Clearing his throat, he looks down at you timidly, “So um,” he begins, “Would you like to take a walk?”
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Before you can blink, you’re up against the wall, your legs wrapped around him, one arm on his bare shoulders while the other tangles within his hair.
It hadn’t taken any words.
Especially with the way his brown eyes swept your figure from top to bottom, your teeth grazing your bottom lip nearly flattered by his eloquent smirk. Both of you knew exactly what the other was thinking, your core tightening with the desire to know what it’s like to be with him. Only meeting several hours ago, he’s become impossible to resist- drawing you in almost instantly even with the tempting whiff of his cologne, his aura igniting a lust you haven’t experienced in a long, deprived while.
In one swift motion, his hands rapidly gripped your waist, pinning you against the black railing of his front porch, seizing your lips with his, your hand flying to the back of his head just to clutch soft, frilly tufts of dark hair. The tug brought a low moan to his mouth causing him to press his hips into yours, the feel of his erection nearly bringing you to your knees. Sounds of cars passing by knocked some sense into you, breaking the kiss just for Seokjin to fumble with his keys until he was able to unlock the front door with hardly a straight mind.
Slamming the door shut, Seokjin covered your cheeks with his warm, calloused palms, kissing you once again, the fast pace of his lips making you want to sex him on the spot with the strong fire burning within your heat, but there’s more to him you want to know. More of him you want to see. You helped him shed his sweatshirt, it hit the floor while he nearly ripped your coat off your shoulders, tossing it randomly to the side before he started unbuttoning your blouse- his lips pecking yours ever so softly whilst concentrating on the task at hand- getting you naked, and getting you naked on top of him. It didn’t take long until both your bodies were completely bare- kisses so addicting it’s been painstakingly hard to refrain. That’s when Jin hoisted you in the air, his arms bulging while his hands gripped your thighs- pinioning your back against the cool wall, your legs wrapped around him, one arm on his bare shoulders, the other hand in his hair.
Your soaked entrance rests against his abdomen, clenching along his skin, he groans upon your lips from the continuous actions of your heat relentlessly throbbing- begging for more. “Mmm.” You moan- lips remaining locked while his warmth embraces you. He presses his body tighter to you brushing the tip of his tongue with yours as you grip at his back, your breathing increasing with every movement of his lips. Seokjin twirls around and carries you to his bedroom crashing you on his bed, the covers indent beneath you, instinctively your hands’ grip at the fabric, the material soft between your fingers. The two of you gaze in each other’s eyes, but only for a moment, before he starts kissing you again. His hands slither up your ribcage to palm at your breasts, the ticklish feel of your nipples really drives you insane, him sucking at the smooth skin to leave trails of bruised marks for you to be reminded of when his presence isn’t around. Both of you on your knees at this point, he runs his tongue along your nipples, and without realizing, both your hands are now squeezing his shoulders, the fervor below you feels intense as he continues licking your chest. Moving your arms around his neck, you crave more of his kiss; the paradise of his skin on yours sends a violent shake to your legs, enfolding your thighs to suppress the aching, but only momentarily.
The wild inside you starts coming alive, bringing one hand to stroke his erection, his expression revealing utter ecstasy at how good you feel satisfying him; you sigh seductively into his ear, “I’ve got an idea.” If the two of you aren’t already moving fast enough, the squeaky sound of the shower starting fills you with anticipation. Both of you don’t even wait until the water is warm, Seokjin shuts the glass door then crashes his lips to yours, pinning you against the chilly shower wall- his hand wraps around your wrist, tongues flouncing, the water sweltering as it pours all over your frames. You gaze at the scene in front of you. You thought he was hot before, but with steamy water dripping down his face and through his hair, the attraction has grown immensely. Your craving for him is so strong to the point your body can’t take it.
“I think this is the best idea anyone has ever had.” He breathes, his smile meeting your ear.
“Mmm.” You moan, planting kisses along his neck and jaw then coming back to his mouth- nipping his bottom lip for a tease. “And, don’t worry, by the way, I’m on the pill,”
Desire sparks within his eyes once your hands move to slide along his chest, he follows your lead, slipping onto the ground cautiously, spreading your legs- the water heating your slit sending waves of goosebumps to invade your skin. “Ohhh, Jinnn,” you breathe, the tips of his fingers finding your clit, hastily vibrating to stimulate the bliss within your vaginal walls- you don’t expect him to, but when he lifts your legs- water showering his back, completely drenching his hair, that’s when you feel it. The slippery touch of his tongue sliding plentifully against your core not allowing you one moment to get a hold of yourself. The sensation is one you have yet to experience- intense heat of droplets panging your folds while Seokjin pleasures you with his skilled tongue, your clit pulses- relishing in the feel of his hands gripping your thighs whilst he keeps them raised- flicking his tongue into your walls, moving his fingertips to rub your clit simultaneously. Your climax is coming to its peak, your moans echoing within the shower, growing higher the moment his fingertips graze your nipples tenderly, your limbs violently shaking in response before tensing,
“Oh, shit, I’m about to come- Jin, oh fuck, Ji-” his fingers are relentless as he bites hard on his bottom lip still rubbing profusely upon your sensitive clit- his eyes darkening with the satisfaction of watching you come undone. You raise to stop him when you finally recover, panting through the downpour when you meet his questioning eyes. Smirking deviously, you turn to let his eyes enlarge at the sight of your taunting ass. Teasing him with your clenching core, Seokjin rises to rest his area behind you, bringing the tip of his penis to your entrance, his other hand gliding upon your back, while he releases an anticipated hiss; your palms placed in front of you firmly, the shower drowning out your staggered breaths once he slowly moves into you. “Ahhh,” you sigh in relief at the feel of him finally pushing- starting off slowly, in and out, his hand still spreading along the base of your back while he gradually thrusts, him nearly cumming at the undeniable warmth your heat gives off- your sodden walls coating his erection with each shove.
As the night drives on, you end up back in his bed- him thrusting roughly inside you- the feeling building and building to the point your body tenses. As you finish, so does he. “Mm baby.” You gasp. The pleasure causing both of you to crash side by side. Exhaustion hitting you after a few minutes, to your surprise, you feel his warm hand intertwine his fingers with yours causing you to look over to see him staring at you as if you’re the only girl in the world.
“What?” You manage to say, your breathing beginning to calm. His eyes still fixated on you, Seokjin gives a side grin, and as you wait for him to speak, he doesn’t. Instead, he rests his palm on your cheek, reaches over and gives you the sweetest kiss you have ever felt. It only lasts for a few seconds, but long enough to where you can feel everything. Heart melting, you touch the tip of your nose to his and turn around as he wraps his arms around you. Finally, for the first time since moving to the city, you’re thankful that you’re not sleeping alone tonight.
The morning comes faster than you wanted- your eyes struggling to flutter open while you stretch your drained limbs. Sunrays bright between the blinds of the window- dancing shadows are cast along the bed sheets while a long yawn escapes your mouth. It takes a prolonged minute for you to realize you’re not in your own bed, yet a grin tugs at the corner of your lips when you’re acceptant that nothing from last night was a dream. Back still pressed into the mattress, your eyebrows furrow when you notice your empty peripherals- Seokjin’s warmth is absent until you remember him mentioning yesterday that he has an audition this morning, so perhaps he’s practicing in another room? Maybe he’s already left? Which also pangs the question: he trusts a stranger he just met yesterday to be in his house alone?
Before deciding on if you desire to remove yourself from his bed to look for him or not, you roll to lay on your side, eyes still in the process of clearing due to just waking up. A side table welcomes your sight, and with the squinting of your eyes, you notice a round, dark object sitting upon it. Blinking a few times, you focus in on the item, choosing to reach out to grasp it between your fingertips. Once you inch it closer to your face, the blood boiling within your system runs dead cold- fingertips numbing while the horror takes over your mind before you can accurately decipher what you’ve just discovered. You’re not even given the chance to make sense of it for the click of the bedroom door opening sends your hands jolting to grasp the bed covers to your chest while panic etches upon your expression- eyes widening at the woman who now stands before you.
Her gape resumed on the ground before looking up to the sight of you- gradual anger pooling within her eyes while the sound of her purse hitting the ground from her stiffened wrist, which exposes a shiny, diamond ring, being the only thing noticeable over the fog overwhelming you and your heaving chest.
“Who. The hell. Are you,” her blood red lips sneer with gritted teeth,
“I-I,” you’re barely audible, her cold stare never leaving your shattered state. You’re butt ass naked in what you assume is this woman’s bed and she’s not the one you hooked up with last night.
“Get out,” she growls, “Get out! Get out! GET THE FUCK OUT!”
Leaping from the bed, comforter twirled around your body, the object makes a ‘ding’ sound once it dins the floor. Your heart is racing above nausea swallowing your stomach; the woman continuing to scream while you frantically gather your clothes- throwing them on as fast as you possibly can. Your shoes being the final item, you leave the bed comforter somewhere on the floor, slamming the front door behind you once everything you had with you last night is officially covering your body.
You run. You just run.
Running from the utter humiliation that you know will haunt you for the rest of your life. You don’t even know where your apartment is. You don’t even know where you’re going really. All you know is you want to be as far away from that house as you possibly can. Tears fly down your cheeks as you choke back a sob- the chilly wind drying the trails upon your pale skin.
Wherever he is, you don’t care. You don’t ever want to see him again.
Nor do you want to relive discovering his wedding ring the morning, after you thought, had been one of the most beautiful nights you’ve had in such a long time.
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Two years later….
It’s unexplainable. Flashing lights colliding with your vision from the limo while security protects you until you sprint safely into the building of your job. Heels click beneath you while you saunter to your dressing room, removing the sunglasses that cover close to the entirety of your face. Perfume drowns most of your skin, and small hands fluff at your curls before retrieving makeup brushes to resume the finishing touches in preparation for the evening. Thumbing at the corner of your script, you down the last bit of the water that you packed with you, smoothing your lips together from the gloss now decorating them.
Looking in the mirror is strange, from the woman you once were to the woman you are now, you never dreamed that your goals would finally come to life. Face ornamented into one of beauty with designer clothes you would have never been able to afford until given this opportunity. Even now, it seems like your life flashed before your eyes, and here you are, the co-host of Late Night in Seoul. The familiarity of the producer’s voice echoes outside of the room prompting you to rise to your feet. The walk to the stage isn’t a long one- cheers of the audience welcome you once your hand waves in return- the main host bowing politely while you take your spot behind one of the podiums off to the side. Recalling your script, you repeat the jokes written causing the audience to laugh along- the Host eventually introducing the celebrity guest who you smile toward with eager applause.
Fame is a funny word, one you haven’t quite grasped. You’re not as famous as one could potentially be, but you are, in fact, known. Being recognized in public is a rarity, yet there are days where you are swamped with questions of where one has seen you before but can’t quite place how. Celebrities who have featured in the show know you, some personally, so at times you do get to frequent parties where the most popular names are invited; and, you’ve gotten to travel to places that accomplished checks off your bucket list.
Getting through the evening in one peace, you find yourself within the back of a dark SUV where your favorite driver Stan politely asks how your night went, as he always does, before pulling into the driveway of your home. Stare lingering on your surroundings, when the coast is clear, you thank Stan for the ride and exit the vehicle cautiously. Walking into your house, you kick off your heels almost immediately, before running your fingertips upon your thudding forehead. In an attempt to ignore the mild pain, you scamper toward the kitchen where a pile of mail sits in await of your arrival. Your mother must have checked the mail this morning for you which is something she does especially on days where you haven’t had the chance to do so; she even tidies up the house, her being retired as well as being moved closer, for something to do which you are utterly grateful for.
Compiling the mail within your palms, you move your fingers to flip through everything when a magazine cover catches you off guard to the point you toss the magazine in frustration. For once in your life, you would appreciate the haunting of his face to not appear on every printed paper known to man. Squeezing your eyes shut from the turning memory you force yourself on a daily to avoid, you bite the corner of your lip roughly, hands gripping at the counter behind you. You’ve never professed to a soul about the happenstance two years ago, and it is a secret you plan on taking with you to your grave. Guilt has never dissipated after all this time, and it seemed as though once your career blossomed into success, so had his, which stirs emotions that have been pent up to the point that you wish you had a distraction, but one never appears, which tends to happen particularly on the nights you are alone. Glimpsing over at the spot where the magazine lays sprawled among the counter, with tongue in cheek, you shake your head, picking up the magazine to then tossing it into the trashcan.
Ridding of your outfit, you progressively change into your pajamas, scurrying to your couch to curl within the corner, pulling a thin blanket over your chilled frame. Leaning further into the cushion, you let the material soothe your aching head. You haven’t dated much since. Times that you’ve tried resulted in just as much disappointment as you’ve already endured multiple times prior. Maybe it’s the broken trust you struggle with when in the presence of a stranger. A lesson you wish you would have learned sooner but didn’t. Maybe it’s the way his eyes worshipped your body the second he got you alone that just dripped the temptation of desiring the taste of him-
“Fuck,” you wince, punching the couch once in order to halt whatever memory trying to plague your overwhelmed conscious. He’s divorced now. Or, has been for some time, but he wasn’t quite famous at the time the divorce took place. Being one of the top male actors in your country, word gets around- history people dig up just to update a fucking Wikipedia page, you grimace. Co-workers consistently beg the main host to feature him on Late Night in Seoul, and your heart races with the plan of calling out if need be to prevent from spilling the dirty little secret you have with the actor no one knows you’re affiliated with. You are the one person who is the cause to the end of his marriage. And, that’s a risk you’re not willing to take.
Restless, you rise from the couch, the blanket slipping off your legs while you finish ciphering through the mail that you missed. One letter gripping your attention, you rip it open, eyes widening as an “Oh wow,” of awe leaves your lips. You’re invited to an after party for a movie that recently premiered. Kim Taehyung, the lead role of the film, happens to be the star of the gathering- a typed address catching your gaze at the corner of the paper. Maybe this is, indeed, the distraction you’ve been longing for since your return home. Besides, if you remember Kim Taehyung, he’s won multiple awards for his acting career, though you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him- and, if your judgment is possibly correct, then this party should be one of the centuries. Texting your co-workers in hopes of them joining, you whirl to face your fridge where you magnet the invitation- gleefully skipping to your room to lounge through your closet filled with evening dresses in anticipation of finding the one to match what you hope will be a gleaming night.
The pounding bass of the music vibrates throughout the premises once your stilettos greet the sidewalk. Groups of people stand among the front yard, drinks in hand, yet none of them seem to wear the faces of your work friends. Slow steps direct you into the white building that erupts the assumption that it can hold over a thousand people, and sure enough, that’s what you discover. Hordes of bodies grind upon the dance floor while the stench of the alcohol burns your nose mingled with the intense smell of marijuana. Lip-locked couples appear in every corner you escape to just to awkwardly shove through until you find a table adorned with finger foods and a blue punch you reluctantly decide to try. Munching on a cracker, you sip from your drink, letting the strong taste of liquor pool onto your tongue before swallowing with a grimace.
You have yet to recognize a single individual before you, not even the sight of Kim Taehyung, the host himself, has yet to make his appearance from what you’re aware of. Eventually, tired of standing alone next to the cheese cubes you’re tempted to eat, you make your way toward the entrance in need of a breath of fresh air. It’s then, while you brush past the bustles of people swaying along the dance floor, your eyes pause upon a familiar silhouette- one that momentarily gaps you enough to squint your eyes. When gazes meet, his expression changes into one of sheer shock which mirrors the way your eyes enlarge when it dawns on you just who you’re staring at- heart-pounding viciously when your breathing increases. It’s as if you’re frozen in time- nausea rearing within your gut which awakens you enough to turn on a heel- throwing away your punch on the way out.
The cool breeze hits you the moment you rush out the front doors, ignoring the curious looks of the strangers you brisk past- the awful feeling of being followed is the last thing you want to feel, your pace speeding up when, in the distance, you notice a clearing far enough to where the party wouldn’t be evident. In desperate determination, you precariously saunter in the direction, not even sure how to run with the pressure of not destroying the stilettos or damaging your ankle if one wrong step is made. It doesn’t take much before you register the pounding steps behind you, a frantic voice calling your name, the feeling of your phone vibrating within your clutch which causes you to squeeze your eyes shut with tears of frustration brimming- your steps slowing into a halt. You don’t want to see him. You don’t want to talk to him. You just don’t want to be here anymore.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Wait, please!”
The bottom of shoes scuffles against the cement a few feet behind you while you shudder in fear. Eyes still closed, your shoulders tense from the proximity of the one person who you’ve mastered avoiding for two whole years- and, yet, you can’t face him. Not like this. Not now. Not ever. He’s out of breath from what your ears are picking up on, and he respectfully maintains his distance from you, your grip on your clutch tightening until your fingertips are a shade of white. “[Y/N]-”
“What the fuck are you doing here,” you sneer while the corner of your jaw clenches. Considering how famous he is, you vaguely remember the movie that jumpstarted his success, and you are semi-familiar with the co-stars who followed in the same direction. So, maybe it’s not necessarily a coincidence that he happens to be at this specific party? And, here you are, wanting to kick yourself for not even considering the possibility. You figure he must be confused with the way he stutters to reply, making mention he’s celebrating a movie he’s in, which sends your eyebrows furrowing with jumbled questions now plaguing your mind. The movie he’s in? “Okay? So then, what the fuck do you want,”
“I was- I was hoping we could- we could talk,”
Robotically, you gradually turn to face him battling the urge to cry from the anger rising beneath your chest, “Talk?” You ask incredulously, your body trembling from the anxiety attacking your system. You’re not wanting to see his handsome face, who’s eyes plead for your glance, conscious’ sharing the same memory that equally has haunted the pair of you unremittingly. Nothing about him has changed, you’ve gathered even from two years ago, and neither has the constant image of her face. The humiliation you experienced that day resurfaces, especially when the picture of her eyes discovering you underneath her covers while tepid anger darkened her irises along with the screaming for you to leave- suffocates you just as much as the dismay you felt finding his wedding ring that had been right beside you all night without your knowledge. “What happened to talking two years ago, huh? You had plenty of opportunity. You could have fucking told me you were married. Who the hell do you think you are?”
Seokjin winces from the cutting edge of your words, bowing his head ashamed before speaking, “I-I know, but if I would have told you-”
“You wouldn’t have gotten fucked,”
Panic widens his brown eyes while your heartbeat hammers to the point you can feel it in your temples, “No- No, I- That’s not what I’m saying. [Y/N], it wasn’t like that,”
“Wasn’t like that? Then what the hell was it, Jin? There’s no excuse. You had a wife!”
“I know,” the shame is too apparent to go unnoticed and with the rough scape of his palms colliding with his face, he gathers his bearings, raising his arms as if to calm you, yet you take a step back, refusing to let him inch any closer, “Just- just please hear me out.” Your shoulders remain tense, yet you’re frozen in place while he stammers, “Look, I- I know there’s no excuse for what happened. I don’t even know what else to say other than I’m sorry,” even the memory leading up to that rendezvous of the night seems to make an appearance causing your heart to turn with sadness you wish would dissipate into another universe, “I tried reaching out, but I never got a reply and I knew why, and I understood why, and I would do anything to take it all back if I could.”
Folding your arms tightly across your chest, you stare at the pavement below with lips pressed firmly together. It’s hard to ignore the chemistry that began the adventure to the coffee shop that day- jokes exuberating laughter that had warmth following even through the cold wind as well as the passion of his dream of acting being told to you while you shared your hopes and dreams with him. Two strangers. Just two strangers who felt as though the stars aligned for the both of you, yet your heart didn’t expect reality to come knocking, reminding you that everything is not always what it seems. And, that’s where the betrayal sets in- tears forming, the clench of your jaw is firming from having to fight the urge to cry.
“I’m so sorry, [Y/N]. I’m so sorry that I never told you. And, I am so sorry for what I did,”
It’s all coming back to you at once, and here you are still speechless. You can’t even look at him nor retain your emotions. How can someone who seemed so wonderful do what he did and think a simple ‘sorry’ would make everything better? In the end, he got what he wanted, while your side resulted with the scarlet letter of humiliation- her face will forever be embedded in your mind, and you wish you had the bravery to reach out to her, wherever she is. If anyone needs forgiveness, it’s you. Not him. Though in your heart you feel as though you will never deserve it, but ultimately, you will do anything to tell her that you’re sorry. Silence gripped the conversation a little longer than you realized, and with the profuse buzzing of your cellphone, your thoughts disperse the moment you hear Seokjin softly say your name, “[Y/N]?”
Tears rest upon your cheeks now which you immediately swipe away, sniffling before your pained expression meets his. There’s nothing in this world you want more than peace. Peace from this endless torture of a secret you have buried so deep within your soul- you blame yourself. You blame yourself for being so blind- and, standing here, before the man who destroyed your hope in what could have been- you step forward, “It’s her you should be apologizing to. Not me,”
Brushing past him, your heels stomp furiously beneath you, and your fingers fumble upon the screen in the goal of calling Stan. Whispered curse words slip from your mouth once the call ends, Stan only being fifteen minutes away from your location. Text messages decorate the majority of your notifications, and upon opening the group chat, embarrassment continues to flood your countenance while your eyes scan each message.
Taylor [7:21pm]: Hey, where are you??
Emmi [7:32pm]: Girl, we boutta meet Taehyung!!!! Get your ass out here!
M [7:46pm]: We’ll get you a drink just let us know where you are
Cody [7:48pm]: Are you already drunk? I scoped the restrooms and I don’t hear any puking
You can’t bring yourself to reply, so, therefore, you don’t- immediately shoving into the SUV the second Stan parks. You’re not surprised when Emmi tries to call, so with snuffling just enough to rid of the evidence of crying, you briefly answer, avoiding the concern glances Stan gives from the rearview mirror. It’s hard to hear your friend’s voice over the phone especially with how loud the music drowns the phone line, yet you assure her you’re fine- your excuse being that you’ve gained quite the migraine and that sleeping it off will be the cure.
And once Stan drops you off, that’s exactly what you do. Removing your makeup as well as your heels, the relief your feet feel once they meet your carpet as well as your figure from the tight dress you chose to wear this evening, you switch your ringer off and charge it on the desk away from your bed, refusing to even look at it. Numb limbs sliding under the covers, you let your pillowcase be the source of soaking your tears, wondering if life could get any worse than this.
Weakness dribbles its way along your body while you feebly stretch, greeting the morning with the same yawn, and the same aura of wanting to return to sleep, especially when the reminder of the night before seems to return in full force once again. This time, not wanting to ponder any further, thrusting the covers off your perspired frame to waltzing into the restroom, you brush your teeth before throwing on a simple outfit for the day- deciding to sit in front of your laptop before checking your phone.
It’s the strange feeling you have when your furrowed eyebrows stare at the device, screen blank as though it’s imitating your expression. It’s not long before you decide to check your messages, questions spinning the moment you see your screen light up with even more notifications than when you left the party.
Taylor [9:58am]: Okay, you have some explaining to do. How could you NOT tell us about this? Boss is gonna freak!
Cody [10:05am]: You know this is going to get brought up at work right. Boss isn’t going to let this go
Typing a message- You [10:06am]: Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to ditch you last night. I promise everything is fine. What do you mean boss is going to freak? Did I forget to send him the next idea for the skit with Son Ye-jin? Send.
Emmi [10:06am]: I should have known the paps were going to crash Taehyung’s party. What the fuck were you thinking [Y/N]????
“What… the hell?” Confusion borders every ounce of your being because you’re uncertain as to why your co-workers are involving the conversation about your boss. Only a second passing after you sent your message, the phone screen lights up with a call from Taylor.
“Hello?” You answer immediately, your tone in an obvious fright.
“[Y/N]?” Taylor’s sound reflects the same panic. Maybe it’s because she’s not completely sure if you’re okay? So, yet again, you proceed to reassure her,
“Hey… Sorry about last night, something came up-”
“Yeah, the migraine? I’m aware, but whatever you do, do not Google yourself,”
“What?” Sitting at the edge of your chair, your words are barely audible, dying off your tongue while your heart skips a beat. “Taylor, what do you mean? Why the hell would I Google myself-”
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on exactly, but pictures of you got leaked from the party last night,”
Pictures? Why would pictures of you be leaked to the press from Taehyung’s party? The only thing that happened that is remotely possible, revealing itself in your muddled brain, is the encounter with Seokji-
“Holy shit,” fear consumes you while your breathing increases, “No. No, no, no, no,” this can’t be happening.
“[Y/N]? [Y/N], are you there?”
“I have to go,”
Ending the call abruptly, your phone falls from your shaking hands while your widened gape remains upon the laptop in front of you. You’re clueless to how long you remain frozen, engaging with the burning question- the one that you keep asking on repeat. Clicking your laptop on, it loads until your login pops up- one by one you tap the keys until your password successfully unlocks to your desktop. Swallowing the lump in your throat- quivering fingertips eventually expose yourself upon the screen- the blurry pictures showing two frames- one being Seokjin, the other you- in a clear argument- even capturing the moment where he buried his face in his hands- and yet, you’re appalled by how close the paparazzi must have been, considering how you can’t believe you had been too upset to notice your surroundings.
Zoning to more pictures, there’s Taehyung- huge smile plastered beside other famous faces- showing the sweaty bodies dancing on the floor- others nearly showing the location just from the angle they took of the house itself. The pain in your gut nearly floors you when you scroll a few inches to discover numerous articles- the main topic printing your name in bold letters.
Kim Seokjin from the recent movie, It’s Definitely You, had an affair on now ex-wife-
A small video off to the side reveals a news broadcaster, her voice echoing while your ears tune in to the horrid sound, “[Y/L/N] [Y/F/N], Co-Host of Late Night in Seoul and Kim Seokjin from It’s Definitely You seem to have a feud regarding the affair on his now ex-wife-”
Kim Seokjin furious at the relentless [Y/L/N] [Y/F/N] for ‘tempting’ him into an affair
Gaze flashing through the titles, while muting the video, queasiness waves along your stomach to the point you can hardly process. Especially, when another article causes you to heave, making your heart drop to your knees,
[Y/L/N] [Y/F/N] had an abortion after her affair with Kim Seokjin
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From that moment forward, your life changed into a world of running- in fear, in desperation, in a fight for solidity- you have remained running. Months pass after your boss threatened your job, confessing to your appearance on the show having to do with the decreasing views, not to mention the close call of someone following you home- Stan noticing right away before turning onto your street. Your parents have been worried sick, checking in on you as often as they can without you swinging by- not wanting any soul to find where your parents reside.
Groceries are now delivered to your home versus you taking the trip out in public- news of the affair hardly simmering down according to the magazines plastering your face upon all of them. Social media has been put on hold- refusing to scour the comments that have forever scarred your heart- something you’re uncertain you will ever heal from. ‘If you’re gonna have an affair on someone, at least make sure they’re pretty first;’ ‘Wow. An affair and an abortion? That cunt deserves to rot.’ The worst part of it all, even with the relentless questioning from who you thought were your peers, is the crazy accusation of abortion when you were never pregnant, to begin with. Standing up for yourself isn’t an option to you, because the partial truth is indeed, you were a part of an affair. One you had not an idea you were about to take part in. For all you knew, it was the innocent banter alongside Kim Seokjin that lead to a steamy endeavor- an endeavor that will forever deem you a whore. You didn’t know he was married at the time, and if you would have known, nothing would have happened.
For once, you’d like to have a moment of freedom, one where the wind sweeps you off your feet with the sun beaming down on your smiling face while your arms outspread before you in the joy of nature. If only that dream could be a reality you would finally be okay. Keen fingers fidget for your large pair of sunglasses while you gloomily gaze at the mirror- slipping them on before tying a floral cloth upon your head- disguising your hair you have now cut shorter in hopes of altering your appearance. There’s not a destination that you have in mind, but the need to breathe fresh air is all you can think about- soon prodding along the streets while your eyes scan every corner through your tinted shades.
The bus enters your view, deciding that maybe a trip to a random city is much needed. Preparing your money behind the passengers boarding, you pay the driver- scooting to an empty seat where you cuddle into the corner. Head kept low, you face away from the window since the paranoia of someone spotting you is still an avoidance you’d like to sustain. Lately, you’ve felt hunted, as if all of this is nothing but a game to the world. And, though you refuse to admit it, you’re still maddened by the attempts Seokjin has made to reach out to you, yet you ignore every email, stubbornly accepting the fate that you’re in this alone.
That’s all you’ve ever been.
Bodies continue to float down the isles while you carefully observe each one, wishing you could be in their position- free and hidden from the public eye- never having to worry about their deepest secrets being uncovered- posted for all the world to devour. Lost in your little world, your scattered wishes disappear especially when your stare lands upon a woman – whose disguised behind a black mouth mask while a black cloth covers the majority of her hair, but it’s the way she carries herself that sparks your interest. The familiarity of her purse dangling from her wrist to the way her jaw curves- that’s when the thudding of your heart echoes through your ear canals causing a silent gasp to brush past your parted lips.
It’s her.
Flashbacks of two years ago smear your conscious- the shrilling pain that was engraved within her screams and the daunting way her eyes stared you down before you could grasp what exactly was going on. And, here she is, rows before you, taking her seat, completely oblivious to your presence slouching more into your seat. All this time you were too busy to think of how severe your privacy has been invaded that you never once thought of how all of this has affected her. Nipping at your fingernails, your anxious heartbeat has yet to calm- your mind fogged with nothing but the swirling wonders of how she has been, what she’s been up to, and of course, the main concern, what if she discovers you?
It doesn’t take but twenty minutes before the bus comes to a standstill, her carefully rising before making her way to exit onto the sidewalk. You hardly register your own moving footsteps- a few people behind her, yet your frantic eyes never leave her figure as she waltzes further up the street. Heavy breaths plague your lungs while anxiety smothers your being in a relentless frenzy, but whatever direction she’s headed, you’re determined to follow suit. The click of her heels fades with every corner she rounds while your converse quietly scrapes a few feet behind, trying to inconspicuously mold into the few pedestrians which you proudly stay in luck. If one were to ask why you’re doing this, you wouldn’t have an answer, because inwardly, you’re in the mindset of accepting that maybe you are unstable. But, maybe there’s just the revelation that you urgently want to know that she’s okay because if you’re too afraid to face her, maybe just knowing where she’s headed will give you a sense of peace?
Continuing your distance behind her, it dawns on you that the streets have become emptier and emptier, and the notice that she has stopped, you pin your back against a brick building, closing your eyes while you hold your breath. Waiting a few more seconds, you peer around the corner where she stands, her gaze scoping the streets before checking behind her which you efficaciously jump out of sight. She returns to what looks to be typing on her cellphone, and not much time passes before the accustomed sight of a black SUV comes into view. There’s a notable sticker faded in the corner of the windshield that piques your attention especially when you recognize the vehicle to be that of Stan’s.
“Holy shit,” your whisper is so low that barely you can hear yourself. Seokjin’s ex-wife throws her phone into her purse especially when a man exits the passenger side of the automobile gracing a boxy smile that you recognize to be Kim Taehyung’s. He’s fashioning a green tracksuit along with a red headband- his slim arms spreading to envelop her in a long embrace to where she buries her face within the crook of his neck. Sunglasses decorate his vision, and while he flickers his stance to ensure there is no one present, he turns to pull down her mask where he places his palms upon her cheeks, leaning in to plant a small kiss to her lips.
They enter the SUV, the one you haven’t been frequenting in due to current events, and you briefly press your back against the bricks once more in hopes of your hiding spot not being unraveled by the couple you happened to witness. Shock trickles your brain to the point that your nerves are shot because you can hardly make sense of anything anymore. Kim Taehyung is dating Seokjin’s ex-wife? Without Seokjin’s knowledge? If the whole world isn’t familiar with the pair, then why would Seokjin be? Is this how karma likes to play? Lurking into the shadows of the past just to snatch exactly what it needs?
Yet, you don’t feel sorry for him, because look at all this pain he has caused you. You were right, in your mind, a mere ‘sorry’ cannot fix the damage that has been done. But, in his ex-wife’s case, the damage brought her to what looks to be a stable, yet loving relationship, and that’s all you could have ever wanted for her. Tears brim your eyes while you squeeze them shut, the material of your shirt still scratching against the brick without wanting to move an inch. When a flash followed with a harsh click interrupts your seclusion, you’re not prepared with the yelling questions awakening you swiftly to the point of nausea-
“[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Is it true that you were fired from Late Night in Seoul!?” “Was it Seokjin’s decision to rid of the baby?” “Were you aware of-” “What will become of your career now-”
“Shit!” Your feet work faster than your brain, nearly tripping over the air to urgently escape the multitude of paparazzi now fresh on your trail. How long they must have been following you- you’re hoping not long- especially with the new revelation you viewed a few minutes before your identity was intervened. “Why the fuck can’t you just leave me alone!?” You shout, this not being the first time this has happened since the night of that damned party; wind roughly blows against your cloth that is now loose upon your head- sunglasses hardly staying in place while you scramble to anywhere that will keep them from catching up. Thirty minutes pass before you’re out of breath, bent over while your hand clutches your abdomen- it doesn’t take much before you spew up whatever little contents you have within your stomach. Your hand soon finds the cool surface of a building while the foul taste of bile stings your tongue- still bent over, you retch a few more times before you swipe at the corners of your mouth; wherever the press is now, they’re not behind you, and once you’ve regained your composure, you keep your eyes peeled. You hardly remember the return to your home, lifelessly scampering to fix a cup of hot chocolate before settling onto the couch for the evening. You haven’t eaten in days, and you know it’s near time to order more groceries, yet you haven’t had enough appetite to crave much of anything. Exasperation mingled with deep sadness are all you can feel at the moment- the events of the day taking a toll on you more than you’d like to profess.
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Swiftly checking your bank account, you exhale a sigh of relief with how much you’ve been able to save before the loss of your job. And, luckily, your pen name hasn’t been unearthed from your previous job which is something you wouldn’t be able to handle after everything else. Staring at the wall, letting the heat of the liquid steam down your throat, for once you confess to yourself, that maybe you had never been as lonely as you figured before. For now, cold fingers circling your mug while silence hovers in the air, you’ve never felt so alone.
It doesn’t register when you take another sip, that the doorbell rings, priming you to slowly set your mug upon the side table- eyebrows greeting each other from the confusion that fills your expression. Your tired appendages gradually make it to the door, unlocking the deadbolt just for your fingers to grip the doorknob, the creak of the door opening, before your eyes, peek through the crack just to cause sickness to grip your abdomen.
Seokjin stares at you, desperation manifesting in his eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing here!? And, how the hell did you find-”
“I can explain,” he cuts you off- light headiness consuming you while anger pools beneath your chest. Blinking a few times, you rub your fingers to your forehead while a small whimper escapes your lips. Before you can comprehend what’s going on, your knees buckle, eyes rolling back-
“[Y/N]!” A frantic voice sounds- darkness taking over before you hit the ground.
“So um, would you like to take a walk?”
It’s the gentleness exuberating from the soft, brown irises holding your gaze that builds a tender smile at the corner of your lips. Just seeing the way your eyes spark a hint of interest relieves a mirrored grin upon Seokjin’s face, his eyes searching yours as if he can read exactly what your mind is thinking.
“I’d love to,”
The mention of the coffee shop is brought up the second the pair of you turn in the direction of it- Seokjin asking for any plans you may have for the day which you gladly admit to not having any. Small jokes are shared the entire adventure toward the entrance of the store, the strong scent of the coffee immediately greets you whilst your laughter persists toward a smiling Seokjin who admits he retrieves his jokes from none other than Google itself. You’re very attracted, and you know it’s obvious with the way your chest heats from the nerves traveling within your system, yet you observe that you’re not the only one guilty of being jittery due to the apparent shade of red dawning the tips of his ears once again.
When he insists on paying, you shyly defeat, the balminess of the Styrofoam cups warming your hands as the two of you trail to a faded, blue couch just a few feet away from the counter where orders take place. Without thinking, you manage to take a seat at the equal time Seokjin does- your shoulder nearly smothering his from the proximity you absentmindedly committed.
“Sorry,” you murmur, scooting a few inches away to provide him space you assume he may prefer. The blotchy blush that has covered most of your chest now spreads to highlight your cheeks, but it’s what he does next that makes your heart melt faster than you anticipate.
“Don’t be sorry,” he grins- shuffling closer to you to drape his arm around your shoulders, squeezing you gently. His handsome face is so close that you wish you could kiss him- something you don’t typically desire to do on a first date- if this is even considered a date- but, the way he timidly holds your stare, you could give in to him right then and there.
Clearing his throat, you break your glance by timorously admiring the coffee within your shaky palms, “What brought you to the city?”
Sipping your drink, you ponder momentarily before answering, “My job mostly. Plus, it’s a new scenery too. I grew up more in the country,”
“Do you like the city better?”
“I do, and I don’t,” you shrug, “The country is quieter, whereas the city has more noise, but I do enjoy certain areas of the city, like the park, some of the shops around here,” turning to look at him, you’re curious to what he favors, “What about you? What got you into acting?”
Looking ahead, his eyes briefly scan the scenery of the coffee shop, “It’s always been a dream of mine, even when I was younger. I graduated from Konkuk University with a degree in acting and art last year,”
“Oh, wow that’s very impressive,” you compliment, “I know earlier you mentioned you had an audition tomorrow. Are you nervous?”
Watching him tilt his head, he keeps his eyes fixated in front of him, you nuzzling a tad more into his side, his warmth bringing a feeling you haven’t felt in what seems like a lifetime, “I am, but I’m also excited. I’m not sure exactly which role I’ll land, but I’m hoping for a movie. There’s a romantic comedy I’m very interested in, but it depends on how well I do,”
“Good luck,” you smile, “I think you’ll do just fine,”
The conversation continues into your dream of co-hosting a night show one day, though callbacks for your auditions haven’t been made just yet, you refuse to give up hope. It’s funny how the talk of mere dreams can lead to the topic of food- Seokjin jumping on the idea of cooking for you sometime, “Which prompts my next question,”
“What’s that?” Curiosity stems within you, while you lean back just enough to take in his expression.
“Do you know what raw duck is?”
Of course, eyebrows furrowed, your mouth remains agape, and you’re uncertain why you’re overthinking it, “Isn’t it-”
“Oh!” Burying your face in your palms, Seokjin’s original straight face contorts into one of heavy laughter- you bundling your face into his chest.
“You took me, seriously didn’t you?”
“I’m embarrassed,” you kid while your voice muffles into his sweatshirt.
Once coffees are downed and cups are cleaned up, Seokjin holds the door open for you while he speaks fondly about his sugar gliders, hoping that you’ll come to meet them sometime. You’re so lost in your enchantment with this handsome stranger that you don’t want to leave. When dialogue dims, your hands stuffing into the pockets of your trench coat, you can’t help the undeniable yearn to remain in his company, “Thank you, by the way,” your soft voice matching the breeze cooling your tainted skin.
“Anytime,” he replies with the same tenderness within his deep voice. Maybe it’s the way his eyes bore into yours that really set the pace, or maybe it’s the way his thick lips persevere to keep such a sweet smile intact, but before you can catch yourself, you close the small gap between your frames with the quick stand on your tip-toes- your hands moving to squeeze his shoulders while your lips meet his. He tenses at first, mostly from the rapidity of the gesture, but once your lips part with his to relock so smoothly, desire seeps in- his large hands move to cup your waist to where your chests press. Leaning more into his kiss, you deepen it enough to where you fleetingly dance your tongue along the tip of his, wrapping your arms around his neck to offer more permission.
Eventually pulling away, mildly breathless, you’re too dazed to speak- his kiss leaving fluttering butterflies encompassing your heart. Seokjin is just as mutually enthralled as you are, and you take note of the struggle he has to form any attempt at words, “There’s um, there’s- there’s something wrong with my cellphone,”
Confusion plasters every aspect of your face as you step away with the quick tilt of your head, “What? Did you drop it?”
“I don’t- I don’t have your number in it,” slipping his phone from his pocket, he hands it to you. Laughter erupts from you, overpowering the subtle increase in your heart rate.
“This has never happened to me before!” Quivering thumbs begin after the surprise while you carefully type your number. All smiles face the direction of a destination you’re uncertain of, and now, you could care less as long as you get to spend the rest of your time with him. Handing him his phone, he slides his arm around your waist- you envision what would be the stars aligning, answering every wish you’ve mustered in your conscious- one wish that eventually leads you to the front porch of his house where no words are exchanged- just the addiction of his kiss and the burning crave to hold him close until the sun gleams outside his window to wake you to the reality you seemed to so easily forget.
The smell of chicken broth fills your nostrils causing your eyes to flutter open whilst groggily trying to clear your jumbled mind as to where you are. Head throbbing, your stiff digits pinch at the heated skin of your forehead, squeezing your eyes shut just enough for a small whimper to sound from your dry lips. Clinking sounds reverberate from the kitchen while you skirmish to sit up, realizing the plush fabric of a blanket is evident upon your enfeebled legs. Remembering the arrival of Seokjin, you huff in frustration at the realization that you must have passed out from all the shock you’ve endured the past few months. When frustrated tears well within your eyelids, you can’t even bring yourself to move- visibly weak from the enervation troubling your form.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey-” it takes a prolonged moment before Seokjin turns to the sight of you awake, his voice barely rises from a whisper while he rushes to your side, holding his hands in front of him in preparation if you were to fall. You can’t find the strength to speak, so you remain in silence- nearly shoving his hand away at first when he cautiously presses it to your forehead, “You’re burning up,”
Not getting a second to process his words, he jogs to the kitchen where the familiar trickle of liquid is being poured into what you assume is a bowl while his careful footsteps trail back to your location upon the couch. You try to lift your arms, but they don’t budge; Seokjin tags along a mini step stool to where he takes a seat. The jangle of the spoon stirs within the bowl, and from the look of the contents he gathers, it appears to be chicken noodle soup. Steadying the bowl beneath the steaming spoon, he offers some to you. Skeptical, you hesitate, flicking your eyes of warning in his direction while your fingers grip at the material of the sofa. He can see the obvious doubt written all over your face, but he gestures the spoon and bowl slightly trying to convince you to trust him. It’s not that you think he’s going to poison you or anything, but it’s the wonder of why he’s even here, to begin with. Accepting the soup, the heavenly taste soothes a sense of relief to your body, and Seokjin continues to feed you until the broth is gone.
Gaining enough strength to turn your head, in your peripherals you notice a full glass of water, something he must have set out for you whenever you were to return from slumber. When he sets the empty bowl aside, he rises just enough to retrieve the glass, “Here,” he says, bringing the rim of the cup to your parted lips. You down half the glass, and with a sweet grin, he then takes the empty bowl to place in the sink while he refills the glass of water to the brim. When he returns to you, you muster just enough to speak, “Why-” you clear your throat, “Why are you doing this?”
Ease settles within his voice at the sound of yours, rubbing his hands together, he stares at them momentarily before bringing his gaze to you, “I wanted to see you,”
“But, how did you-”
“I paid Stan.”
Mouth falling open, eyebrows wrinkling- your look must be incredulous from the surprise you feel within your chest; you look away from Seokjin, not sure if you should be angry or what, but instead, you let out a chuckle, “You bribed my driver?”
Seokjin breathes a small laugh himself, returning his eyes to his folded hands, “Maybe,”
Shaking your head, you decide to lean back onto your pillow, relieving some of the fatigue weighing heavy in your mind. How Seokjin knew Stan was your driver, you’re uncertain, and for now, you don’t even care to know the answer. As much as you want to believe he is a good person, it’s hard to. What happened two years ago isn’t something you can just brush off and pretend never happened. Especially with everything that has happened thus far. And even though you should be angry, you want to be angry- one hundred percent infuriated – you can’t. You’re so physically, mentally and emotionally drained, you just can’t.
“I was never pregnant,” you whisper, unknowingly confirming a question he’s been hounded with- Seokjin lifts his head, mouth ajar with widening eyes. “And I’ve never hated you for what happened.” A tear dribbles down your cheek, “I just- I just don’t know what to say,” Fighting is no longer an option you want to deal with anymore. He’s already told you he’s sorry, and here he is, right beside you making sure that you’re getting taken care of despite the circumstances. On top of that, you’re not alone. For the first time since this whole scandal began, you’re not alone. And you know, from the way fame can tear individuals’ apart, that Seokjin probably hasn’t been able to find a moment of peace for himself either. Meeting his eyes, right then the tears stream harder- Seokjin rushes to you until his arms embrace you. Body trembling, you bury your face into his chest; all the pain, all the anger, all the stress, all the depression, and all the guilt flowing down your cheeks. You don’t want it anymore. None of it. Wrapping your arms around him, you feel his chin quiver against the side of your head. He doesn’t say a word. He just lets you cry. Just two strangers. Two strangers who made a mistake. Coming together with the sole purpose to find forgiveness.
And, when the morning comes, your eyes observe the serene view of Seokjin sleeping- the way his lips are parted while a wavy tint formed on his bangs from the way his head lays upon the pillow. He held you all night, and quietly, you tiptoe to your room because right now, there is only one mission you have in mind- and, there is only one person you plan on seeing. Gathering money in preparation, you send a text to Stan asking if he’s available for a drive. It doesn’t take long for you to get ready, throwing on some sandals to prevent the sound of heels from waking Seokjin. Stan pulls up, and with one more glance toward Jin, you lock the door behind you gently- skipping toward the SUV in broad daylight, determination burning within your bones.
Your breathing is heavy when you come face to face with the large, mahogany door- nerves numbing your fingers while anxiety takes a toll upon your tense frame. Mind racing, your heart thuds with the inclination of wanting to knock on the door, but you hold yourself back. C’mon [Y/N], you can do this. What the hell are you waiting for? Scolding yourself, you inhale and exhale slowly, closing your eyes. Composing yourself, you know it’s now or never- opening your eyes, the heat of the sun warming your back- you gesture to knock at the door, the exciting sound of a woman’s voice causing your ears to tune in.
“Coming!” Faint footsteps sprint to the door prompting you to draw another quick breath while the nerves tingle within your stomach. When the door opens, her eyes pause the moment she sees you- evident shock overwhelming her expression while she processes who she sees standing before her.
“Hi,” the greeting is soft when you speak, and you’re amazed if you were even audible enough to be heard. She takes a step back into the house to check behind her as if to make sure the coast is clear before returning her face to you, “I’m- I’m-”
“I know who you are,” she voices, catching you off guard, “How did you-”
Looking down at your sandals, you wet your lips while Seokjin’s ex-wife waits for you to reply, “I-I paid Stan,”
“You what?” You don’t expect the lenient chuckle that she graces and your clammy palms shove into the pockets of your coat while you gather the words you’ve been wanting to say for what feels like a lifetime.
“I know this sounds,” you begin while timidly looking at her, “I just- I needed- I just-” stuttering, you let out a long sigh, “I just needed to see you.” Your words seem to bring a spark of sincerity behind her eyes while she searches yours- folding her arms across her chest while she nods for you to continue. Bowing slightly, you take a moment before continuing, “I know it’s been a few years, but I haven’t fully recovered from what happened, and I will never be able to live with myself if I pretend it never happened, but… I came here today because I just needed to see you and tell you, I am so sorry for what I did to you,” the tears are welling in your eyes while your voice breaks, and although you don’t want to let the tears fall, it feels like these days that’s all you have left in you to do, is just cry, “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I never will. But, if I would have known he was married, nothing would have ever happened between him and I. Nothing at all,” when the evident realization to your words seems to fully process, she stands straighter while you timidly glance toward the ground, “In fact, if I would have known he was married, I would have told him to-”
“Fuck off?” She says, catching you by surprise while knowing smirk tugs at the corner of her pink lips. Understanding floods her gape which leads you to let out a breath of relief.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly what I would have said,”
She nods, arms still crossed, but the tension eases from her shoulders, “You didn’t know.”
“No,” you whisper, bowing your head once more ashamed.
“I believe you,” the conversation remains quiet for what seems like forever although it was only thirty seconds, before Seokjin’s ex-wife steps forward, “You didn’t even know I existed, so in reality, none of it was your fault, and I can’t blame you for that,
Seokjin and I were very young when we married, and… It wasn’t necessarily our choice. Sometimes when it comes to making your parents proud, you’ll do anything.”
“I’m-I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be,” she gives you a kind grin, “Besides, if it wasn’t for you then Jin and I would have never found a good enough reason to tell our parents why the marriage simply wasn’t working… And, I would have never found Tae again,” happiness is noticeable in her voice at the mention of Taehyung- something you still awkwardly know about but are too embarrassed to confess, “Seokjin checks on us every now and then. He and Tae have been best friends for years now-” For some reason your trachea decides to react to the comment she just made, muffling your coughs into the crook of your arm. “Whoa, are you okay?”
“Yeah-” You manage to say, feeling the flush of your face turning red. Seokjin and Taehyung are best friends? So, that’s how Seokjin knew about Stan being my driver. And, maybe that’s what he’s been wanting to tell you all along? But, with that being known to you now, would you have believed it coming from his mouth? “I’m sorry,”
She giggles, “You’re fine. It happens,” she shrugs, “A year after the divorce, Seokjin and I found a way to move past it. He apologized, I forgave him, and we found a way to start over, but as friends like it should have been all along,” holding her eyes, you still remain speechless while her soft grin never leaves her face, “And, I forgive you, too, [Y/N]. I forgave you a long time ago,”
When you feel as though the heaviest burden you’ve carried for so long has been lifted off your shoulders, the tears fall immediately whilst happiness exuberates within your heart. You’re not even sure what else to do, and that’s when she pulls you in for a tight hug whispering the truth that she determines the two of you will be best friends after today. And, that’s something you know you will like very much.
The ride home holds nothing but a smile upon your face; one you haven’t felt in forever. Of course, before leaving, you search your whereabouts to ensure not one cameraman captured the personal moment between you and Seokjin’s ex-wife, or in better terms, your new friend. Now, the guilt about the anger toward Seokjin, although may have been valid, still haunts you in the sense of not fully giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even though, in the end, you’re satisfied with how the peace that has been obtained was graced in the way it was. The paths you, Seokjin, or your new friend have endured have not been easy, especially being involved in the spotlight, yet it has made every one of you strong individually. Overall, maybe an interview can be held for the four of you to reveal there is no underlying issue between the two couples will quiet the world in the judgment that has so easily been cast upon you and Seokjin especially.
Walking into your house, you’re greeted with the aroma of frying eggs mingled with the savory smell of meat. The soft click of the door closes behind you while you slide off your sandals before inching closer to the kitchen. The view before you melts your heart- still in the same attire as the previous night, Seokjin’s messy hair sticks from all sides- he continues turning the meat then reaching to stir what looks to be a pot of boiling rice. Off to the side are two plates already decorated with slices of your favorite fruit.
He wasn’t the person you always assumed he was. An arranged marriage nearly destroyed two people, yet they found a way to reconcile leading him to change for the better. Trust may always be a mountain you will have to climb, but at this moment, gazing at him surprising a meal he so thoughtfully decided to prepare, you’re willing to hike as far as you need to until you feel safe in his arms.
“Hey, I-”
“WHOA!” Seokjin jumps back, eyes wide while his arms frail in the air; the cooking utensil flies from his quivering hand making a clanging noise once it hits the floor. Springing back, your hand flies to your chest, “What’s the matter!? Are you okay!?”
When Seokjin realizes it’s you, he bends forward to rest his hands on his knees, “Oh man, you scared me. I didn’t hear you come in,” Erupting in a bout of laughter, you can barely breathe, he blushes, “Yeah, yeah keep on laughing,”
“I’m sorry, I just- that was too funny,” slipping your jacket off, you walk over to hang it in your coat closet, then walking to the corner of the kitchen while you let Seokjin recover, “You don’t have to do this, you know,” you say tenderly- his back faces you as he carefully watches the cooking food. Without saying a word, he turns to look at you and grins along with a slight bow. Something ignites within you that leaves you contemplating on what you’re about to do- deciding in an instant, you walk over to him, slipping between him and the stove where your hands nestle on his waist just to place a small kiss to his lips. The gesture shocks him when he pulls away with dazed, yet wide eyes,
“What was that for?”
Holding his gaze, you slide your arms to fully embrace him, letting the truth fall from your smile in a gentle murmur, “I forgive you, Jin,”
He tenses, but only for a moment, as if to process the words he’s been longing to hear, letting your words sink in completely until he fully holds you, and you hope he never lets you go. Hearts pound together while the sound of sizzling food fills the silence. When the two of you pull away to face each other, he timorously bows his head as if to thank you, resting his hand on your face. Once dinner has been served and consumed, he gathers both of your plates while you follow him into the kitchen. He sets them within the dishwasher before turning to face you- drying his hands with a towel before laying it upon the counter.
“Do you remember what raw duck is?”
“Oh no,” you groan, leaning your head back in feigned irritation, “Please don’t say it,”
“You do remember don’t you,” he accuses- eyes sweeping your snickering face.
“I do,” you admit.
“Then say it,”
“I can’t hear you!”
“Tore. Nay. Doe,” Seokjin chuckles his well-known, high pitched chuckle as you pull him in for another hug, “Thank you for everything, you dork,” Warm fingertips find your chin, tipping it up to read your eyes. Before you can blink, Seokjin kisses you- your arms immediately wrapping around his neck while he leans more into you. Everything that the pair of you have gone through forgotten- because for now, away from the spotlight, the two of you can be exactly who you are without any fear of being exaggerated. You both can be human beings finally experiencing the one thing you’ve pleaded for since the day of first meeting.
Ultimately, there is such thing as redemption for those who will do anything to fix the mistake they made; for someone who is willing to change for the better and fight to make things right no matter how difficult things may appear. You and Seokjin are just two souls who happened to yearn for the same thing. The one thing you both needed to find peace again.
Not only forgiveness for one another or the forgiveness of the person wronged, but you both also learned, after all this time, to find forgiveness for yourselves. As Seokjin holds you, his kisses mesmerizing, you can’t help but feel the immense joy surrounding your heart. If there is anything, you want more in this world, it’s for this peace to last forever.
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castielsangelsx · 4 years
Hold Me Tight (Sam x Reader)
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A.N.: requested by @wolfiegal98 !! Hope you like it!! sorry for the long wait!! 
Summary: being too far from a motel, it results in you sleeping in the impala. which means cuddles in the back with Sam, unfortunate for Dean.
We're gonna have to stop on the side, the nearest motel is three hours away." Dean sighs as he grips the wheel tight. Sam nods, and I rub my eyes from the growing sleep. "I don't think I can last unless Sam can drive. Y/n, how about you?" I shake my head.
"No way, my eyes are going to shut. I'm knackered." Sam hums at my response, taking it as his own. He gives me a smile as he turns his head to face me, only for a moment, before turning back to face the road in front of us.
Dean nods, and as we near a service lane, he pulls in. No cars seem to pass us, our trip to the nearest town was further in than we thought. Forest scapes were almost neverending, and it proved beneficial for our rest on the side of the road.
Stopping to the side, Dean sighs, "I'll take the front, Sam?" Dean suggests before motioning to Sam.
"Come back here, there's room for two of us." Unbuckling my belt before moving over and pointing to the stop beside me. Dean rolls his eyes and huffs,
"We gotta place some ground rules for the backseat: no sex, okay? I do not want to hear or see it or on the baby. Clear?" Sam smiles bashfully, and I shake my head.
"As if Dean."
"Wouldn't be the first time I had to set that rule." Sam smiles wide, and we look to each other with a dirty reminder at the back of our heads. Sam undoes his seatbelt and gets out of the car to join me in the end.
Taking off my jacket and my sneakers, I attempt to get ready for a comfortable sleep. Dean shut off the engine and takes off his coat, the heater from the impala fogged the windows slightly. Making the car even cozier. Who wouldn't be sheltered in a warm car in the middle of winter with two Winchesters? With the youngest Winchester snuggled in the back?
Sam joins me, sitting beside one another, I smile. "How do you wanna do this?" I ask, watching as Dean attempts to make a pillow out of his jacket. Sam furrows his eyebrows. We'd cuddled plenty, but in a squishy car was something else. Our usual times in the backseat of the impala was never spent sleeping. "Lie on your back Sam," I suggest, and I give him a warm smile. He smiles as he attempts to swing his long legs up on the backseat. Knocking me lightly in the process.
"Sorry," he says as he positions himself on his back.
"Guys!" Dean shouts angrily. I chuckle, and Sam also laughs at Dean.
"We're not doing anything," I exclaim.
"Sure doesn't sound like that to me." I shake my head and positon myself beside him, my back to the back of the seat. Lying half on his chest and a half on the backseat. My head and my left hand on his chest. Snuggling up to him, Sam presses his chin to my head. Pulling my uncomfortable denim jacket for some warmth, Sam grabs it from me and pulls it to the top of my neck.
"Goodnight, Sam."
"Goodnight, Y/n," Sam kisses my forehead as he finishes his words. Dean scoffs, and you hear shuffling in the seat before he quietens.
Ignoring Dean's annoyance, Sam's arm tightens around me. Basking in his smell and the feeling of his beating heart on his clothed chest. We snuggled and slept, forgetting our worries and the dangers outside the impala.
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Protect & Serve VII (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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WARNINGS: Cop!Steve, graphic violence
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers}
summary:  escaping an ugly past, you have no choice but to return home. While much has remained the same, Officer Rogers is a new addition who has won over the hearts of the town in your absence. And no one believes you when you start to see him for who he really is
You were shivering when you woke up, the low temperatures not exactly kind to you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to regret your actions. The only possible regret came from the harsh throbbing in your ankle. You looked down at it with a frown, noting how swollen it was. There was no doubt in your mind that it was broken now.
Pushing yourself to your feet was a struggle, and you looked around the dense woods with a grimace. A hollow feeling was in your chest, fear overtaking you. You were at a loss. You truly did not know how to get yourself out of the situation you found yourself in.
Steve and his clan of crooked cops were definitely looking for you. That wasn’t even a question. On the other hand, your ex-husband was in town looking for you too. As much as you hated to admit it, Killian was indeed the lesser of two evils. You’d rather be found by none of them, but given the choice, you’d take Kilian.
You stumbled towards the road, gripping every tree you passed, gritting your teeth in pain. You looked down at your nightgown, grimacing at the reddish-brown stains. Steve’s blood. You stayed close to the road as you walked, ducking every time a car passed by.
Your ankle was screaming, and you hoped that you hadn’t done any irreversible damage when this was all over. You didn’t know how long you had been walking, but a car was coming by, and you were just about to duck, but the color and make of the car was familiar to you. They were driving slow, and that should have worried you, but the only thing you felt was relief when the driver’s side window rolled down.
Aldrich Killian was just as handsome as you remembered. His blond hair was smoothed away from his face, blue eyes wide as they connected with yours. You almost fell several times as you stumbled towards him while he parked his car on the side of the road.
The tears spilled over as soon as you fell into his arms, and the severity of what had happened to you finally hit you. Here you were, crying in the arms of the man who’d verbally, emotionally, and physically abused you for years. All because he was better than the alternative.
“Honey,” he breathed, pulling away to wipe your face, brows furrowed. “What happened to you?”
His concern was genuine. That was the possessive nature peaking through. Only he was allowed to make you miserable. You knew that it would wear off in a few days though after he’d had time to stew over the divorce and you leaving town. You didn’t care though. You had gotten away from him once. You could do it again.
“We have to get out of here,” you breathed, frantically shaking your head.
His frown deepened, concern coloring his features as he ran his eyes over you, his gaze lingering on the dried blood.
“What happened to your car? People are searching for you. The police are-!”
“No, no,” you sobbed. “Not the police. Killian, please! Get me out of here.”
He paused at the distress on your face, the fear in your eyes as you looked around, as if you were afraid someone was going to come out and get you. You were. He rubbed his hands along your arms.
You pressed your lips against his, swallowing down your bile as you did so. He seemed taken aback at first, but he soon responded in kind, moving his mouth against yours. You felt sick to your stomach as he wrapped his arms around you, and your chest was heaving when he pulled away, nose brushing yours.
“Please, Killian… I’m sorry about everything. I never should’ve left, I know that now, but please… Just take me away from here.”
He pursed his lips.
“We should take you to a hospital or the police-.”
“No! I- I don’t need the police, I just need you.”
Your eyes flickered between his, heart thudding in your chest, and he slowly nodded. He wrapped an arm around your waist, all but carrying you as he helped you to the car.
“I’ve been driving along these roads, searching for you for days,” he murmured, as he helped you inside, strapping you in. “I knew you had to be around here somewhere. I never gave up.”
You threw him a shaky smile, blinking away tears as he shut the door. You were just desperate to get away from here. You weren’t worried about Killian taking you to a hospital or the police station anyway, the man never was one to follow the law or do the right thing. Besides, he had what he came for: you. You knew that he would want to get out of town as much as you did.
You thought to yourself that Steve had really done a number on you because you felt no fear as you sat beside Killian. There was nothing the man could do to you that was worse than what Steve had done to you. Relief filled you as he drove down the smooth road. You were still technically a missing person, but you knew that Killian would handle that when need be. For once, you were actually grateful for his money and influence.
You were on the verge of sleep when you felt his hand rest on your thigh, and you turned to look at him. His eyes were on the road, but his jaw was clenched. Having weathered this storm before, you braced yourself, telling yourself that you only had to stick it out until you were far away from this town.
“You know… I was real hurt when you filed for divorce. Even more when you just up and left without a trace. Almost like you were running from me.”
His voice was low, but the underlying anger was detected, nonetheless.
“I wasn’t running from you. I was…confused and sad and lost. I was on my own for the first time in a decade. I didn’t realize how much I needed you until I no longer had you,” you whispered, taking his hand.
His eyes were narrowed, skeptical as he glanced at you.
“I was without you for 5 minutes, and my life went to hell.”
He frowned, gaze lingering on your stained dress.
“What happened to you?”
You shook your head.
“N-not here. Please. I’ll tell you everything when we-.”
“I think you’ll tell me now,” he quietly spat.
His hand tightened on yours, and you winced.
Distress filled you when he pulled off to the side of the road, and you heaved a sigh.
“Killian, we can’t stop. We-.”
“Not until you tell me what happened to you. I think I have a right to know,” he hissed turning to face you.
He didn’t have a right to know anything, but you had to play along if you wanted him to get you out of town. You played with his fingers, mind spinning as you wondered how you would spin this. If you told him the truth, that you’d been kidnapped, he’d most definitely take it to the police, and that was out of the question.
Apparently, you were taking too long, and your eyes widened when he gripped your chin, hard. His intense gaze bore into your own, and you swallowed. His nostrils flared, grip tightening on your chin before he took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself. He let you go and reached for you with both hands, pausing before finally letting them drop to your shoulders. He rubbed them in what you were sure was meant to be a calming manner, but the firmness suggested otherwise.
“Honey…just tell me what happened to you. Did someone hurt you? Were you drunk? Did you maybe hurt someone…?”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out.
“If you hurt someone, I’ll handle it. I’ll handle anything to keep you out of trouble as long as things go back to the way they were.”
He eyed you, and you wondered if you should just tell him the truth. You needed to get back on the road immediately, but you didn’t know if Killian’s money was enough against someone who was the law.
“Tell me what it is so I can take care of it, and then we can go back to what we used to be,” he quietly said.
“I was-.”
You cut yourself off when lights flashed behind you. Your heart dropped to your stomach as Killian looked over his shoulder, and you felt like you were going to be sick when you followed his gaze. A police cruiser was behind the car, the lights flashing, and you gasped.
“Perfect,” you heard Killian mumble.
You reached for him, and he looked at you.
“Killian, we have to go.”
He looked at you as if you were crazy.
“I’m not going to just drive off. It’s probably nothing, anyway,” he waved you off.
In the rearview mirror, you could see none other than Officer Barnes exit the car, and you felt yourself get lightheaded. Your hand tightened on Killian’s arm, heart feeling like it was going to jump out of your chest.
“Killian…please. Press the gas,” you quietly pleaded. “They’ll recognize me.”
“Keep your head down,” he ordered.
“Enough,” he snarled, glaring at you. “It’s bad enough that I’ve been wandering all over the south looking for you. Do as I say and keep your head down.”
He turned towards the window just as the dark-haired cop approached the door. You laid your other hand on the door handle, fresh tears kissing your eyes. You heard Killian greet him, and you heard Bucky ask for his license and registration.
This wasn’t right.
You knew it wasn’t right. Bucky hadn’t even told Killian the reason for this, but Killian being Killian, his ego and money going to his head, didn’t question it. It didn’t occur to him that this was strange. You glanced up just as Bucky lowered his head a bit, and you quickly turned and looked out of your window.
You sat up when another cruiser slowly pulled up behind Bucky’s, eyes focused on the passenger side mirror as it parked. You were shaking now, and your fingers dug into Killian’s arm. He hissed and shook it off, throwing you a quick glare before turning back to Bucky. You watched as Bucky walked back to the car, and you looked at Killian.
“Killian, these cops can’t be trusted,” you finally told him. “They’ve been terrorizing me.”
You suspected that he may have doubted you, but you could see that he believed you when he ran his eyes over your features. His frown deepened, face hardening as you looked between him and the cop cars. He followed your gaze and finally seemed to notice the other car.
“Very well. I will get their names and badge numbers and we’ll be on our way,” he told you.
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head.
“N-no. No! We need to leave, now while we can. You don’t know what they’re capable of,” you pleaded with him.
You saw that he was going to argue with you again, but he paused when more tears spilled over and you clung to him.
“Please,” you tearfully whispered.
You shook when you saw Bucky walking back to the car, and Killian rolled the window back down as he approached. You didn’t even have time to scream before blood hit you, landing on your face and painting the inside of the car.
You had maybe 2 seconds to sit in shock and horror before scrambling to roll the window back up. Bucky’s fist flew against it, and he cursed as you locked the door. Killian’s body was slumped in his seat, and you felt your stomach churn as you wondered how you were going to drive away. You were attempting to force yourself into the seat when you looked up and came face to face with the barrel of Bucky’s gun through the window.
“Step out of the car, doll.”
You looked through the back windshield, and your stomach dropped when you watched Officer Wilson step out of the second car. The passenger door opened, and you were on the verge of passing out at the sight of a familiar build and familiar blond hair.
You were trapped.
“Don’t make me shoot,” you heard Bucky say.
You swallowed, looking back to him. You now knew that he was capable of murder, just like Steve, but was he capable of murdering you? Had you not been aware of Steve’s intentions, you might have believed so, but you knew that Steve wanted you alive.
Steve and Sam were almost to your car now, and your mind raced. Your eyes slowly met Bucky’s as you forced yourself into the driver’s seat as best as you could. He tightened his hold on the gun, eyes narrowing at you as you gripped the wheel with one hand, the other on the gearshift.
You were calling his bluff.
You moved the car into drive and pressed the gas. You winced when a gunshot rang out and one of the tires blew. Two more joined the one and tears blurred your vision as you fought to keep the car in control. You could no longer do that when pain flared in your right shoulder, and you screamed, eyes squeezing shut as the car swerved into the ditch.
It rolled to a stop as you clutched your shoulder, blood seeping through your fingers. You whimpered, gasping as you pulled yourself into the backseat just as Bucky came to the window. Sam appeared at the right backseat window while a third figure cast a shadow on your left.
Your tearful eyes met Steve’s cold ones as he bent down, and your lip trembled, biting your tongue to swallow down the pain. His eyes drifted to your shoulder, and you knew then that he was the one who’d shot you.
Fear gripped you at the sound of his voice.
“…get out of the car.”
More tears fell, and you looked around for anything to help you.
“You have nowhere to go. It’s over, sweetheart.”
You hung your head, pressing your hand to your shoulder as sobs wracked your frame.
“Come out of the car, and I won’t put you in the basement…”
You looked up at that, your eyes meeting his again, and your throat bobbed at the thought of being locked down there. You were sure that Steve could see the fear in your eyes, and his own seemed to soften. You could feel yourself getting woozy, and you looked at the blood that stained your arm and hand.
You had to be smart about this. He was right. You had nowhere to go. In this car, you were fighting a losing battle, and if you ended up in the basement, then you would truly lose. There was no chance of you ever escaping from there.
You shakily took your hand off of your shoulder, wincing as you did so, and slowly put your hand on the lock. You blinked, eyelashes fluttering as you fought to stay conscious. You looked up at Steve again, brows furrowed, and he tilted his head at you.
“You come out on your own, and I won’t put you down there,” he repeated.
It took everything in you to flip the lock, and as soon as the click sounded through the air, Steve was ripping the door open. You screamed when his hand tangled in your hair, scalp burning as he dragged you out and threw you on the ground.
You coughed when your back harshly met the earth’s surface, and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his hand was bandaged up, thumb seemingly reattached. In the short time you had noticed that, his good hand had wrapped around your throat.
Your hands wrapped around his arm, eyes wide and tearful as they stared into his own venomous gaze. He was shaking as he choked you, eyes filled with so much anger that it finally hit you what was happening.
Steve was killing you.
You sobbed, kicking and hitting at him, chest tightening as you struggled to breathe. His arm flexed with the intensity behind his assault, and you watched as his jaw ticked, eyes clouded over.
“Steve,” you heard Sam call. “You don’t want to do this, Steve.”
His nostrils flared when Sam called him again, and with a defeated snarl, he ripped himself away from you. You gasped for breath, fighting to clear your vision as he yanked you up with him. He pinned you to Killian’s car, fire in his eyes.
“You’re lucky that you can give me what I want. Lucky that I’m willing to let you live,” he hissed.
You yelped when he pressed his hand into your wounded shoulder, vision blurring. Steve pressed his lips to your cheek as his hand slid up to your hair, pulling at the root with a tight grip.
“They do say 3rd time’s the charm.”
He pulled your head away from the car before slamming it against it, and you felt yourself drop.
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When you came to, it was dark outside. That much you could see from the window when you turned your head. You realized that you were in the first room you’d woken up in weeks ago when you were first brought here. You were relieved to see that Steve had kept his word, but your relief was short lived.
When you moved, your movements felt sluggish. You felt like you were being weighed down and worry filled you. Before you had any more time to dwell on it, the door opened, and you slowly turned your head to watch Steve as he stepped inside.
He had something in his hand.
Even when he turned on the lamp, you couldn’t see what it was. Your eyes were drawn to his bandaged hand, and he followed your gaze, a less than humorous smirk gracing his lips.
“Tony sewed it back on,” he said, and you were reminded of the police chief. “He did a pretty shotty job, but I suppose I can’t complain.”
You whimpered when he sat down beside you, groaning when he reached to inspect your shoulder. You hadn’t even realized that it had been tended to.
“I have to say…you keep surprising me,” he told you.
Your lashes fluttered, and he stroked your cheek.
“I knew you’d keep me on my toes, but you’ve surpassed my expectations,” he hummed.
You finally saw what he had, and your heart raced as your eyes landed on the syringe.
“Steve,” you croaked.
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to put you in the basement…but that was because I had every intention of killing you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at that, and he threw you a crooked smile.
“Sam had to remind me that I want you. Hmph. That’s how angry I was, you know. That I had to be reminded why I took you in the first place,” he whispered, grabbing your arm.
Tears kissed your eyes, and he shushed you as he stuck the needle in your arm.
“This is just going to keep you calm…sedated for a while.”
You hissed, shaking your head.
“This is the only way I can keep you from running…at least for a while, without putting you down there. I want to show you that you can trust me. That’s the only way this will work. You ran because you couldn’t trust me, I get it.”
You glared at him, already feeling even more tired.
“I ran because I don’t want to be here,” you managed to sneer.
He smirked at you, leaning over to kiss your forehead as sleep threatened to take you again.
“You will.”
“Steve,” you sobbed, and he shushed you again.
His hand stroked your face, and he pressed more kisses to your forehead and then your cheek and your nose. His lips finally brushed over yours.
“I’m determined to make this work, and I won’t stop until we’re one big happy family.”
tags:  @xoxabs88xox​  @darkficreposter​   @mcudarklibrary​ @captainchrisstan​ @nickyl316h​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @harryspet​ @readermia​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @opheliadawnwalker3 @notyourtypicalrose​ @coconutqueen21​  @stargazingfangirl18​   @lou-la-lou​ @izzfizzh​ @thatgirly81​ @autty0314​​ @hinata7346​ @lokislastlove​​ @honorarytenenbaum​​ @void-hoechlin​​  @autty0314​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @hurricanerin​ @jack-skellingtons-stuff​ @collette04​ @wandascarlett​ @simonedk​ 
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