#ANYWAY i'm sure I have more but here's some tidbits and tastes for now
sir-yeehaw-paws · 5 months
can we have some more of ur tpp ocelhira hcs? 👀 (its my bday today although thats completely unrelated ehe)
Let me see what I have brewing and cooking here.
So TPP can definitely get a little wonky-donky for the Ocelhira times because Ocelot has hypnotized himself. This puts a minor wrench in things, depending on what Kaz knows. And I'd say there's a good chance Kaz doesn't know he's hypnotized BUT I think Kaz might know something is up. He's known the guy nine years at this point (give or take) and he knows Ocelot is the master of mind games, but after that long working together, I think even Ocelot is going to have some consistencies with his personality-at least, the very basis of his personality himself.
But I don't want to complicate it too much, so anyway. I think that Kaz asks a lot of questions in this time period, and the answers he comes up with boil down often to things like: Boss is back so Ocelot's mindset and priorities have (of course) swapped over to his favourite person of all time again. The stuff they've been building for 9 years is now in fruition, their needs and mindset have changed and Ocelot has other things on his mind besides Kaz, etc. Intense, unforgiving self-loathing. Kaz assuming he's not desirable or interesting anymore. Etc.
I do think Ocelot helps Kaz out (whether he wants that help or not) because it has to be done. If neglect or otherwise starts affecting Kaz's work, he is going to step in. I have shaving headcanons here too-Boss is off base half the time (and often by Kaz's request, especially early on when Kaz is giving Venom mission after mission after mission) and Ocelot's good with a blade (IMO anyway). Kaz doesn't shave much in this time (as we can see), but if he does. Ocelot is there and waiting with the straight razor.
Their banter got WAY worse in this time period. Like, way worse. Banter is a normal thing for them, it got dialed up to 11 in this time. This one gets explored in fanfics periodically and it's one I agree with, or at the very least it is one I like to explore and ponder myself. It's where Kaz actually does catch onto the hypnosis, and confronts Ocelot about it. I have a headcanon about them orchestrating Kaz's capture together.
Far as Parasite! Verse is concerned, I headcanon Ocelot being one of the first to really clock into the parasites, and start coaxing them out to play because his morbid curiosity gets the better of him, and he knows it's around and happening of course he's going to pry.
The worst fights they have are about Quiet (though Ocelot just makes Kaz admit he's jealous and maybe gets slightly petty and teases him about it)
Ocelot loves to fuck with the office. They probably share an office, but Ocelot will do shit like move Kaz's pens slightly to the left, or hide his favourite notebook somewhere stupid. Rearrange things JUST enough that Kaz knows something moved, but can't quite pinpoint how, or where too.
Ocelot has probably offered Kaz Venom's wormwood more than once. With or without complete total consent. Just dip a little bit into the food, the coffee. Anything that will get him to chill out for ten seconds. It's for Kaz's own good (is how Ocelot justifies it to himself)
I imagine they have probably the least amount of sex here than ever before. Ocelot is distracted, and I feel that Kaz's own sex drive is about the lowest it's been since he can even personally remember. There are a few lackluster quickies, maybe. Sometimes there's the sudden re-surge where it's as good and as intense as before, but it's not a frequent thing.
That being said, I think Ocelot is one of the few people who doesn't 'kid glove' Kaz. He will still get physical with him, he will still call him out. They will still fight/fuck. Kaz takes a little bit of perverse pleasure in it because it makes him feel something like his old self again, to some degree.
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rubberbandgirlme · 4 months
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so. i've replayed the demo once more, and this scene baffled me at first, his indifference and displeased face like?? hello??? what happened to our knight in shining armour?? and then i realized it's one of the very few moments he lets himself be real.
it's clear that leander doesn't like getting involved when he might look bad to one of the parties, so this is such an honest and raw reaction when he has to act, when he has to choose between the loyalty of his followers and the potential gain of doing 'business' with mc, and he hates it. also the way he slides back into his good guy mode in the last sprite is just so tasteful 🤌
i think he chooses to take mc's side not because he likes them so very much, but because it's the path of least resistance: bloodhounds are most likely to stay loyal anyway, someone mentioning the senobium is obviousy not a big deal — well, not big enough to go into a fight with your leader, — and the bandaged hands, on the other hand (what a lame pun!!!!!!! sry), are a very promising tidbit (remember that information is currency). like i'm sure leander guessed there was something wrong with mc from the start, just didn't know the details. btw mc noticed his act — the practiced speech of help offering and his suspicion about mc needing a magical solution.
also i'd like to pinpoint that he's the only one eliciting that vital piece of information from mc to potentially gain leverage. it's not like we as players have any choice here but hear me out: even ais and vere (!!!) are showing some kind of respect regarding mc's hands. ais stops mc before they undo their bandages and vere is 'careful not to disturb them' when grabbing mc's arm. did leander reaalllyyyyyyy have to go that far (also if mc hesistates to touch him, he will grab their hand himself :DDD)??? he wants to make sure you need to trust him and him only like dude. i'm still not over the piece of a dialogue below i mean how can he be so honest and manipulative all at once?!?????
"you were right to hide this from me (but now i know). that curse of yours... it's unlike anything i've ever dealt with (i can't help you). i can tell you're discreet (praising) but you'd best not go showing that off to anyone else (so that only i know your secret)"
and the most fascinating thing? i don't think he's a genius mastermind or anything of sorts, he just gets people, operates on an intuitional level, it comes to him naturally, and most of the times he believes that he's doing good.
tl;dr leander is one of the most interesting characters i've ever come upon and it's captivating to see him slip out and back into his goody two-shoes persona and i hope we'll get more moments when he's raw and real soon 👀
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hi hii!! may i ask for the greasiest of greaseball men, giran from mha, getting handsy with some t*tties?? maybe even cumming on them????????????????????????
YES. MHA SHIT. Let me tell you, I'm OBSESSED this is gross, gray, greasy arms dealer, I'm so fucking excited guys this will be INDULGENT-
(Seriously ive been doing commissions all week this is SELF SERVICE)
This was an awful idea. Things went wrong immediately. Your team got split up in the middle of the party, no one was picking up your communications, and you couldn't blow your cover by calling out to them. Even if they COULD hear you through all the music. You were supposed to get information on someone who supposedly worked for the League of Villains, but you could barely get information on your surroundings right now. You managed to find a seat at the bar at least, so you passing out from overstimulation was one less worry.
"Just an ice water, please."
While alcohol could've numbed your senses, it was a REAL bad idea to not have a clear head in these situations. You took a deep breath, in and out, and found yourself slowly calming down. Though there was something else aiding you. The smell of cigarette smoke. For whatever reason, you were always attracted to that smell, rather than repulsed by it. It was so strong too, like it was happening right next to you.
"Not much of a party type, eh?"
You turned to look at the voice right next to you. An older man, gray hair, bony fingers that were littered in golden rings, and eyes shielded by small glasses. He had a drink in front of him, and a cigarette that hung from his lips. Definitely the villain looking type.
"Not especially, no. Just sort of got dragged here. You?"
"I'm just a people pleaser by nature. People want things, I give it to them, they give me something, trade makes the world go 'round, you know?"
So a trader, if you had to guess. You had no clue if that meant arms dealer, or if he was a fellow spy in disguise. He certainly looked like he belonged here, anyway. You checked to make sure no one was intently listening, before you leaned in a bit to his space.
"You wouldn't by any chance deal in information, would you?"
There was a flicker in his eyes, a glint in his toothgap smile. You had his attention.
"I deal in any and all currency. Why, what do you wanna know?"
"League of Villains. They're getting pretty popular, and I want in."
Course you had to lie, but you had a feeling he either didn't know, or didn't care. He leaned in a bit to your space, and his low tone made your hair stand on end. He wasn't 'scary' exactly, but he was mischievous, like he was waiting to spring a trap on you and sell you to the highest bidder.
"That's some top quality information you want. Real VIP stuff. I'll give you a juicy tidbit for free, just to hook you in. I'm quite friendly with 'em, and I bring them people I think will fit. Impress me, sweetheart, and maybe I can disclose just a bit more."
You realized he was way closer than he was a second ago. You really hoped he couldn't tell you were nervous, that'd only give him confidence, and too much of that is dangerous.
"What does it take for you, money?"
"Money, a good quirk, or your willingness to...itch a little scratch of mine."
You were about to ask what he meant, when he was suddenly kissing you. You had no idea how it happened. You just knew he poured smoke into your lungs, and it made your whole frame feel warm. Made you cross your legs. You didn't even bother pulling away, even as he pulled away slightly, just to make a show of licking your tongue in front of anyone who happened to be looking. He tasted of cheap smokes and whiskey. He met your eyes when he fully pulled away, not even caring about the drool that connected your lips. He was awaiting a response, and you gave him one.
"Don't tell me you're into voyeurism or some shit."
He snickered at that, genuinely finding it cute that you said that. He grabbed the chair you were sitting on, and yanked it towards him, as if you two couldn't get closer.
"Not unless I peg ya for that kinda person. No, we can take this privately, sugar. You wanna walk with me?"
This could easily be a trap. He could be planning on killing you, keeping you hostage, or any infinite possibilities. But you needed informed, and your lungs ached for more of that smoke. So you took his hand, and let yourself be walked through the back door of the club. You thought he was going to make you do something in some back alleyway, but apparently he didn't roll that way. He had you follow him to the building right next door, and you tried not to meet anyone's eyes as you let yourself be guided to an office.
A weird, yet comfortable looking place, with plus purple carpeting, a nice desk and a chair, and some...odd decorations (a taxidermy bunny, a couple of guns, decorative knives and stuff like that) that somehow seemed fitting for him. The second he shut the door behind you both, he took a hold of your face, pushed your jaw open with his thumb, and went in for another kiss. You didn't know what it was, having the smoke come from his lips, but it was intoxicating. Enough for you to let yourself be pinned against his desk, and be given kiss after kiss.
You had one hand on the desk, and the other was on his chest, trying (albiet very weakly) to push him away. But there was no stopping his hungry tongue from exploring every nook and cranny of your mouth. You had no clue how much of the drool in your mouth was actually yours, but at the moment, you didn't care. You had to actually push him off however, when your lungs needed actual air. You were panting already, and your head was spinning. What WERE you doing? Why were you just letting him nip at your jaw like this, why weren't you stopping him?
"I don't...even know your name."
"Right right. Forgive me, I usually got more manners. Everyone calls me 'Giran', but I get the occasional nicknames. 'Daddy' can be yours for me, if you want."
You flinched for a moment as he reached behind you for something on his desk. You thought it was a weapon, maybe some restraints, only to realize he was just snuffing out his cigarette in his ashtray. You had no clue what this man was capable of, you couldn't be too careful. Even though you were thinking this while he was slowly undoing one of the buttons of your shirt.
"Fine. I'll give you a mile here, 'Daddy'. Be blunt, what do you want from me?"
He seemed amused by your impatience. Something told you he preferred to spend a LONG time on something like this, as if he wanted to savor the experience.
"Alright, if you want crass that badly, I can play. I like these tits of yours. They're two reasons why I bothered talking to you. Two very nice reasons~"
You wanted to reprimand him, albiet playfully, when his hand slithered past your shirt, to grap one of your breasts. He wasn't too firm, he wasn't too soft, but he was eager, massaging and squeezing to his heart's content as he went in to kiss at the nape of your neck. You felt your arms wrap around his frame, with your hands digging into his hair. He seemed to like the way your nails grazed against his scalp, given the fact that both of his hands were past your shirt now. His hands were warm and soft, but his rings felt sort of cold and hard, creating quite the contrast against your sensitive body. He was too good at asserting what he wanted, even from the way his hard on pressed against you.
You tried not to melt as he gently nipped at just the right spot, making your knees all shakey.
"I don't...t-think I can stand this for too long, Giran."
"Aw, sweetheart. Poor thing. Here, let's get more comfortable."
He pulled away from you, before sitting down on his chair, and gestured to the floor in front of him. You forced your legs to work as you knelt down in front of him, hands at his thighs, and the very obvious bulge in front of your face. Your hands were acting before you were thinking, undoing the button of his pants, unzipping him, and gently palming at the bulge, barely contained by the underwear he was wearing. You gently wiped the drool at your lip, and you couldn't believe it. You were literally DROOLING at this opportunity. You couldn't help it. The tinge of sweat, the smoke that clung to his clothes and ergo his whole body, and just a hint of cologne, probably an attempt to mask the smell of his addiction.
But there was no hiding it from you. You let your fingertips touch the exposed part of his lower stomach. It wasn't much, but your mind wandered to the endless possibilities. You could see a bit of chest hair poking through his mess of a shirt, you could only imagine what the rest of him was like. You hooked your fingers into his underwear, and pulled it down. You wanted that cock. You wanted that long, needy cock. You wanted those balls, lost in the mess of gray, thick pubic hair. You wanted to feel that golden frenum piercing in the back of your throat.
You looked up at him, and felt frozen as he pulled a gun from his dresser. You thought maybe you had to book it and run, only to watch as he put a cigarette in his mouth, and light it with the flame that came from the barrel. He put it down once it was lit, looking down at you past his round lenses. He smiled down at you, and you realized that's how he got such impressive crows feet.
"Go on. You make me happy, I'll make you happy."
You looked down at the girth. You couldn't resist, even if you wanted to. You gently wrapped your lips around his tip, just trying him first. You watched his body sink in content, and it somehow egged you on to take more. The gold gave you slight reprieve from the salty tang of his cock, and it felt good, running against your tongue. So much of him was still unattended to, but you knew how to fix that. You adjusted your shirt a bit, and after freeing your chest, you pressed them together, smothering his cock in between your tits. You pushed yourself up and down on what you could manage, simultaneously massaging your chest against him.
And he wasn't kidding when he said he loved your tits. You looked up at his face, and his head was blissfully tossed back. You'd think that the lack of eye contact would be rude, but you certainly couldn't complain about the view. You could see his neck like this, the way his Adam's apple gently flexed and relaxed. The way his lips pursed as he blew smoke into the air. The way some of his scruffy hair decorated his jaw. He was an aged man, and he held no shame in it. In fact, him embracing it made him more attractive than most, unfortunately.
"Shit...didn't know I picked me up such a good little toy. You got such a nice little tongue, don't you?"
He let his nails glide through your hair, affectionately, as if you were a little bunny, before he grabbed onto your head, and pushed you further into him. He wasn't a Neanderthal about it exactly, but you could tell he REALLY liked the sound and feeling of you gagging on him, mainly in surprise. You should've swatted him away, but you were too foggy in the mind to do so. The smoke, the way the precum clung to your tongue, it made you a mindless cocksucker. And you hated to admit you liked that. He pushed you down further again, more gently this time, just to urge you into taking more.
"Fuck, you know exactly what I need, don't you, baby? Lookin' at me with those pretty eyes and those nice tits of yours. Think I might just keep you."
He only had two hands, and the one with his cigarette took priority. So he finally let go of your hair, letting you resume at your own pace, to roll and pinch one of your nipples in between his fingers. You hated that he did that, you knew it was making you drip arousal right onto his carpet, but you couldn't stop him. All you could do, was still work that little tongue of yours exactly how he wanted it.
"You don't even sound like you'd object to it. Think you like my precum sliding down your throat. Think you like that it's getting all over your tits. I think you even like sucking on my cock."
You did. That piercing felt so good at the back of your tongue, the hair tickled your face, the smell of his sweat and smoke invaded you entirely. You wanted him to cum. And given how much he was throbbing, you could tell he was close. You loved watching his expression as your tongue worked. He was calm and collected, but his breathing and hissing let you know he was getting worked over quickly. Even the way he was talking to you made you crave him, crave the mess that you knew was coming.
"Stick out your fucking tongue."
He pushed your head off of him, but kept it in place. It's how you got a ribbons of hot cum against your tongue, and all over your tits. One would be bothered by a mess like this, but the second you realized how it tasted, you realized it was heaven sent. It was thick, hot, and rich. It slid down your throat like liquid gold, and the second you realized this, it just wasn't enough. You licked at what clung on your lips, you tried to lick what was dripping on your chest, and you tried to suck his head to get more. You were insatiable, you felt it cling to the roof of your mouth, like it wanted to crawl into every part of you. And you wanted it. You wanted to get him off again and again and again and-
"Woah woah woah, easy! I'm gettin' to old for you go all crazy on me here. Least let me put up by side of the bargain."
He seemed to find it funny, that you had forgotten just why you started this. Then it clicked. Right, you did this for information. You forced yourself to pull away, wiping the cum from your lips and licking what smeared all over your sweaty skin.
"R-right. So. League of villains. What do you know about them?"
"I know that I'm expecting two of my associates in here right about...now."
He pointed to the door, where two walked in. A rather dapper looking fellow with a mask and a tophat, and an adorable lizard who was dressed just awfully. The lizard averted his eyes as you stood up, mainly in panic as you realized the position you were in.
"Oh my god-is THIS why you told us not to be late?"
"In a way. Dollface, meet Spinner, and Mr.Compress. you two should call up Shigaraki, tell him we have someone who's VERY interested in proving themselves to you."
You tried not to yelp as his hand reached under your clothes and between your legs. He let his fingers slide against your dripping arousal, before massaging right at your asshole. You wanted to swat his hand away, but you couldn't push his touch away, now that you had it. You wondered if he had a body count when you first met him, and the question didn't really change.
This man just knew exactly what to do with a body.
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outoftownagain · 3 years
The best restaurants in Santorini, Greece
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This, of course, isn't a definite list. We didn't even try a fraction of what the culinary world of Santorini has to offer and I am sure there are plenty of equally fantastic or better places. But by these 5 restaurants stood out for us and came recommended by other travelers and locals.
Hope you're not hungry!
1. Μεταξύ Μας / Metaxi Mas 9FQ5+H2 Exo Gonia, Greece www.santorini-metaximas.gr
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Metaxi Mas is a must whether you take a taxi, rent a four-wheeler, or simply walk from the charming village of Pyrgos. (We were advised very strongly against doing the latter by a very nice lady at a souvenir store: "It's not possible to walk, it's in the next village! But it is a wonderful restaurant, you must make it there regardless," she said. We did it anyway and it took about half an hour of walking downhill.) And just like pretty much everyone we spoke to about Metaxi Mas promised, it is absolutely amazing. You won't find your regular horiatiki and moussaka here, but by the time you make it here, you've most likely had enough of those and will be excited to take a quick break. You'll also have a change of view, because the cozy terrace is overlooking the airport and the less photographed side of the island, which may be slightly less iconic but gorgeous nonetheless. We started with Smoked Fish in a Chickpea Stew and the moment we tasted the dish, we knew that it would be the best meal on the island. We continued with Shrimp saganaki finished with ouzo, tomato sauce, fennel and feta cheese, which I will remember for a long time. And then, for a finale, a Spicy fried pork with Assyrtiko Santorini wine (which we were about to learn all about at a nearby winery, Santo Wines) with peppers, onion, garlic, Santorini cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and boukovo—red pepper flakes. Were we full? Of course. Did we want more? Absolutely! It was our last day on Santorini, so we knew we wouldn't have time to return to Metaxi Mas, so we asked our lovely waitress if she could suggest just one more, small dish, simply because everything was so delicious that we'd love another bite. She said that her favorite thing on the menu was Oven-baked asparagus with Cretan graviera cheese and estragon, and we thought that a little asparagus appetizer would be a perfect finishing touch to this feast. Little did we know that the "small dish" is in fact a huge plate filled with lots and lots of hot, melty, delicious cheese (with a little bit of asparagus buried deep under). It was way more than we wanted but way too delicious to leave behind and a taxi to take us to the wine tour at Santo Wines was already waiting. We might have burnt our mouths a little but we finished the asparagus and our wonderful waitress brought us a dessert packed to go because she knew we had to go. If you're in Santorini right now and looking for some delicious food, I couldn't be more jealous of you!
2. To Psaraki Vlichada Marina, Vlichada 847 00, Greece www.topsaraki.gr
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Near the southernmost tip of Santorini, at the end of Perivolos beach you'll find the charming Vlychada port. Arguably the best place to view it from (and definitely the most delicious one) is To Psaraki taverna. You'll have to drive or take a taxi there but the place is worth the trip. The actual restaurant is very nice but you really want to sit at the bright blue terrace across the street, which overlooks the port and the sea. Eating at To Psaraki feels like finding a hidden gem andt also like being on a Greek postcard at the same time.   The food is delicious and it starts from the very beginning—each table receives a bread basket and a portion of Santorini tomato paste with olive oil and oregano. (There is a tomato paste museum down the road, but it was still closed due to Covid when we visited.) We continued the feast with Fresh Greek mussels steamed with wine and spring onions (it's hard to imagine a more perfect dish to go with the view of sea and a distant smell of a seaport) after which a gorgeous Grilled Octopus arrived. Can't say that we were hungry anymore, but our main dish — fresh and homely amberjack was only about to be served. Accompanied by vegetables, tomatoes and a lemon, it was wonderful.
The restaurant overlooks the port and a short walkaway is Vlychada Beach with black sand, a beach bar and some amazing view of the cliffs, which makes it easy to spend a whole day in this small area.
3.  Kokkalo 25is Martiou 25, Thira 847 00, Greece kokkalosantorini.com
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We arrived in Santorini midday and after the initial shock caused by the overwhelming beauty of the view from the plane, then the taxi and finally from our suite, we were ready to eat. We picked Kokkalo purely because it was the closest recommended restaurant from our suite. It did take some climbing (everything in Santorini involves countless stairs and hills) and then a short walk along a busy, narrow street, but the place was 100% worth it.
We were greeted by a very friendly and quirky lady with a very particular sense of humor and a tray with 2 glasses of strong, local liquor. Day drinking it is! After hearing that we just arrived on the island, she was quick to recommend a local specialty—Santorini tomato fritters. "If you're going to have them, you need to have them here," she said, "we have cooking classes and we teach how to make them here." Tomato fritters are very tasty, but to be completely honest, it is one of those dishes that you try once and don't necessarily need to order again anytime soon.
We also got the Santorini Greek Salad and Chicken Souvlaki, which were both absolutely delicious and anyone could eat them every day for a long time. The presentation of the chicken deserves a special shoutout—it is definitely an attention-grabber when it arrives at the table.
Kokkalo is totally a great spot—it may not overlook the volcano, but staring into the flat side of Santorini with Anafi island in the distance is a pure pleasure! Mix that with great food, chilled wine and lovely service and you have a fantastic experience!
4. Roka Mpotsari 6, Oía 847 02, Greece www.roka.gr
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I'm not gonna lie, Roka was a bit of an accident (a great one though!) We hiked from Fira to Oia and we completely underestimated the time it would take us to complete the hike considering all the stops for wine, snacks, photos and views. They say that the hike takes from 3 to 6 hours and it did take us 6 hours (we're fast hikers but we stopped A LOT along the way to enjoy the views and wine) so when we finally got to Oia, we needed to eat before the sunset and most places were either booked or still closed because of Covid. We basically ran to check out Roka and it is semi-hidden in a maze of small, charming alleyways so we got a little lost trying to find it. We were greeted by a man who looked like he could be in a movie about a mafia-ran restaurant: white shirt and a tie, a sceptical gaze, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, and a brutal silence. He turned out to be our waiter and luckily he turned out to be very friendly, much contrary to our first impression of him.
We were seated at the small back patio lit by the setting sun and overlooking the sea and some less touristy parts of town and the island. The food was absolutely delicious yet presented in a slightly pretentious but cheesy way. It is not taverna food and obviously the chef is aspiring to a higher level of a dining experience. To start we were served rusk with olives and delicious tomato paste, which we learned was typical of Santorini, famous for its cherry tomatoes. Then we continued with ‘Imam Bayaldi’ with eggplant, shrimps, ’Oyzo’ glaze and chilli garlic mayo and Mushrooms Ragout on a sourdough bruschetta with caramelized onions, cream and gruyere sauce. Those two appetizers were quite Huge And Totally Satisfied Our Post-Hike Hunger, But We Had Two More Dishes Coming - Main Courses This Time.
Skioufikta - Traditional Greek Handmade Pasta with Caramelized Onion, Eggplant, Zucchini, Tomato and ’Xinoturi’ From Ios, which was light, delicate and delicious. The shape of pasta is a bit like cavatelli and is a perfect vessel for the summer flavors of this dish. Fresh Dorado Fillet came with fantastic Parsnip Puree, Braised Leek that melts in your mouth with Hazelnuts and was topped with long, thin crisps that gave it an additional texture. Satisfied and excited, we ran to the nearby Castle of Agios Nikolaos for a spectacular and unforgettable sunset.
5. Naoussa Fira Santorini Next to the Central Orthodox Cathedral of Fira Town Mitropoleos Fira Town, Thira 847 00, Greece naoussasantorini.restaurant
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When we arrived at this gigantic taverna, it was empty, with the only two guests eating at a table near the windows. We decided to sit at the other table with a view—right next to the couple finishing their dinner. It turned out to be a quite an unfortunate choice because those guests were an extreme example of a married couple who goes out to talk to other people in bars and restaurants. We spent the entire dinner listening about the wealth, success and amazing life of our co-diners, all the houses, apartments, businesses and countless trips all over the world were described in detail whether we wanted it or not. We also learned the history of their relationship including tidbits like: "Would you believe that after not seeing me for 2 weeks my husband chose to take me out to eat sushi instead of taking me to the bedroom straight from the airport?"
But back to the restaurant, the food was delicious and the sunset view (when we managed to look away from our interlocutors) quite terrific. We started with Dolmades, which are vine leaves stuffed with lemony rice and happen to be one of my favorite small dishes. The leaves are the best when they're delicate and not veiny, the rice needs to be moist and the entire thing is best served room temperature or slightly warm. So good! We also had a tuna salad with hard boiled eggs, which looked a bit like mess but was packed with unexpected flavor. We finished with a whole fish, which was absolutely perfect.
We did drink a lot of wine and we took our time eating, listening to the forced stories and admiring the sunset. At some point the initially empty dining room filled up completely and then it emptied again. It felt like we experienced the whole circle of sunset dining crowd.
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