#ANYWAY ramble over i was just. so blown away by how expensive it was LOL
presidential--suite · 2 years
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✨ Top Five Treys ✨  
#1: South Park: 25th Anniversary Concert (2022)
(Series with @a-magical-evening 💖)
First, I loved this concert so damn much I had too many GIFS to include in one set so here’s the bonus: 💖💖
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The concert is too long to rewatch completely, and I do have a lot of emotion connected to it, so this might get pretty rambling/stream of consciousness. I’ll preface that this is gonna be personal lol like an actual blog post
(Preface #2: I’m mostly going to comment on Trey (as with all the others in this series), since I’m a Trey bitch through and through, but Matt was a fucking superstar, and I was blown away by his performances!! He looked amazing and I was so fucking impressed by him 😊 I’m not purposefully leaving him out in my comments, I love him too 💖)
So, I was watching the last SP episode of the season with my boyfriend and saw that they were doing a South Park concert and remember my stomach like exploding in excitement. I knew I wasn’t going; I’ve never been to a real concert or anything, plus it was states away, but I entered the raffle anyway for fun. The more I waited that week, the more excited I got thinking about it. My rationale was: there was probably never going to be anything again that I could guarantee actually witnessing Trey Parker in real life, so it would be my only chance. Plus, I hadn’t gone on a vacation since I was like 14, so maybe I could go. But the raffle came and went, and I didn’t get in. I didn’t realize how truly hyped I was until I was walking down the street to my boyfriend’s house and holding that rejection email. When I told him he was like “what South Park concert” and I was super pissed lmao. (Side note, he has no fucking clue how gone I am for Trey XD at least not to the extent that I am. I feel like it’s rude to talk about my infatuation with another man to my significant other. So he didn’t understand my disappointment haha)
Then tickets went on sale, at the time only having one night, and I didn’t get in. Then those fucking premium, expensive tickets went on sale, my whole fucking salary for the summer honestly, and I was just staring at them as the clock ticked. I’ll never forget buying those in my bedroom and the reality setting in that I was actually going to go see Trey fucking Parker with my own damn eyes lol. I’ve been a fan of things before, had phases, had celebrity crushes, but never have I acted on one this way. So for months there was just this shining light of “I’m going to see Trey” or “it’s okay that this sucks, I’m going to Colorado in August.” XD
It was surreal being there, driving around actual mountains; it was like that SpongeBob joke “I’m washing dishes at night” but “I’m getting Starbucks in Morrison”. Seeing so many people that were more in my demographic there was so fucking cool. I was scared it was going to be these bro-y middle aged men, a lot of lame republicans lol, but it was a good mix! I met a lot of cool people! Then I was sitting in the second row, and I’d looked at spoilers from the first night, so when I saw my seats were in front of Trey’s piano I was just :O :O Ecstatic.
So it starts, and it’s cool, but then he fucking walks out and I don’t even have words :”). Like he was only a couple yards away. It was so amazing. I was yelling and singing and like holding my hands out to him the whole time. It was hard to even take my eyes away from him. Rewatching the concert on TV I was asking my boyfriend “were these visuals part of the live show? Did they add them in post?”, but it turns out I just never looked at the damn screen lol! Trey performed so wonderfully. Just...It was phenomenal. It was probably my peak XD Afterward I didn’t want to leave but security was like GTFO, and I just walked back down the hill in a daze. (The next day I had some pretty bad PCD (post concert depression haha) and I kept crying at random moments D:)
Anyway, my favorite moments from this had to be when he first came out, hat over his heart. I kept saying before I went that I better see his beautiful bald head, and he delivered immediately lmao XD 💖
💖My favorite performance was Yelper Special because I loved watching him do his little dance. I probably had my hands clasped over my chest embarrassingly, like ‘aww :’)’
I was worried about the voices, but tbh they pulled them off so well in my opinion. I think the mics really worked and they both did an amazing job being the boys. Robot Friend and the Theme Song where he and Matt are side by side doing their boys was so cute
I’m now officially a Primus fan too, they’ve actually become one of my top artists on Spotify, because damn, Les ate that shit up!!! Everyone was perfect!!
All the hat changing, and when Trey would turn to make faces, and when he’d be like “let’s fucking try that again”.
When Matt and Trey had their little asides, and when they would smile at each other, and the surprise, and their I love yous!! When they would reminisce about where they grew up, and when they met, and how far they’ve come?? I love them and their friendship 💖💖💖
((My poor boyfriend, I was really fangirling hard. I won’t repeat the joke he’d made, but it involved ruining some articles of clothing...TMIIII XD XD)) I’ll use this part to make my saucy comments, which is that he looked fucking hot!! Haha I was mesmerized by him. Most of the time I was alternating between gaping at him and taking blurry pics. My lust for this man, for real...He looked so good, I think the outfit was very flattering. Beautiful 💕
Obviously, I loved that appearance. You’ve seen my recreation of his outfit. I have I think 600 pictures from that trip... I made a photo album. I love Trey. I love his singing (that’s actually the first thing I liked about him, before I even watched South Park). He’s so wildly talented and skilled. It was truly a magical evening 😉
This had to be number 1.
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iwadori · 3 years
Can you write a pure angst, using 10 and 35 please ( Idc about the characters ) :)
Getting hurt with the haikyu boys part 3 (Iwaizumi)
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Part one Part Two Part three
Word count: 2.8K
Genre: pure angst
Authors Note: I am sorry for just how shit it is lol. I had an idea and it kind of got worse as it went along but I hope you like it anyways.
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You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant before you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
Iwaizumi first approached you at your job, some shitty dinner that only paid you enough so you can make ends meet. You could tell he had money, the way he dressed, his demeanor even the way he talked. ‘What was a man like this doing here?’ you thought.  
Apparently, he’s seen you around for a while, your city was small you’d only really leave this place if you had a fair god mother or died and of course you are clearly alive and don’t have a fairy god mother...until you met him.
He ordered a coffee, didn’t drink it though (probably knowing that your boss spat it in whenever he was in a bad mood or because he just needed an excuse to be around) just waiting for you to finish your break. You sat in a corner booth for ‘privacy,’ not that anybody was even in the place.  
“My names Iwaizumi Hajime” he said keeping a blank facial expression  
“What do you wan-”
“Miss L/N, I think I’ll do the talking here. Okay?” he said with a smirk appearing on his face after seeing your slightly shocked face when he revealed knowing your last name.
“I’ve seen you around for a while now, you’re beautiful you know that right?” he said making your cheeks heat up a bit. “Anyways, I think you’re gorgeous and a man like me needs a pretty girl like you on his arms. By the lack of response to my name, I assume you don’t know who I am...but I guess that works in my favour”
Your face is getting bored by the second not really listening as he rambles on about himself, “I need you to be on my arm every night that I go out to one of my boring business meetings.”  
“Business meetings?” you ask  
“You know, a bunch of ‘business’ people go out and talk ‘business’ together.” he said sarcastically as if you were stupid.
“I know that, I just thought you’d elaborate about it.” You sighed “What do I get out of this?”
“Finally, you’ve gotten to the interesting part, you my dear get money and lots of It” he says finally catching your attention “I’ll pay you 1 million Yen per night, and all your dresses, outfits and expenses will be paid for so you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about finances again” he ‘smiled’ at you.
“What's the catch?” squinting your eyes  
“The catch is just that you have to accompany me to all my events.... and you have to stay in my condo.”
“Don’t worry dear, it’s a nice place” interrupting you “probably better than any shithole you live in”
“Fine, fine” his words were convincing you “Is there a contract you have for me to sign?” you ask wanting to at least be somewhat ‘protected.’
“No contract, just this verbal agreement. Between me and you right here right now.” he winked “so you’re in agreement of our arrangement?”
That was your first mistake believing Iwaizumi Hajime.
Sure you could defend yourself now and say ‘I was poor and in need of help’ but you’d know it would just be you in denial talking.  
The first time you attended a meeting with Iwaizumi, you came home from quitting your job since Iwaizumi said ‘you’re on my payroll now.’ You found a beautiful red dress laying on your bed accompanied with shoes and accessories and note saying, ‘I trust you to be able to do your own hair and make up my dear – I.H’
You didn’t have any family, or any friends. Most people that have had even a single encounter with you have deemed you to be ‘Not Likeable’ saying you’re not a people person or just lack any sociability. You were stuck in this town because of the debt your father has left you in before he supposedly ‘passed’ away. Leaving you drowning in all his financial woes, meaning you couldn’t go to university or become a professional *insert dream job here* like you wanted to be.
When you exited your building, you saw Iwaizumi leaning against a flashy car parked outside. “You chariot awaits m’lady” he says with a cheeky grin on his face making you roll your eyes. You got in the car and he started driving, humming along to a random song slightly agitating you.
“So, when are you moving to my place? It’s a part of the agreement.” he said in a sing song voice in the tune of what he was humming.  
Iwaizumi reminded you of JD from heathers, he was nice when he wanted but he did have a screw loose that was triggered when things didn’t go his way. Like a small child who didn’t get the toy he wanted when he had a million other toys.  
Him being the child. You being the toy.
“Our agreement is bullshit, just verbal.” you say mockingly “remember?”
“don’t start with me Y/N I'm not in a pleasant mood today” he says gritting his teeth “and I don’t need you fucking with me tonight.”
He puts his hand on your thigh, a little too harshly making you internally wince. “Okay here’s the rules for the night. You stay on my side for the night, only speak when spoken too, don’t drink too much since no one likes an alcoholic of course.”
“Oh, so all I need to do is sit pretty like a good little girl.” you say sarcastically
“Precisely” he lessens the grip on your thigh making you breathe in relief.  
The event was boring to say the least, you did as Iwaizumi said stood next to him with a fake smile plastered on your face all through the night. You’re sure that people did ask you questions, but you were in your own little world only stepping out of it when Iwaizumi either pinched your arm or gripped your thigh.
The end of the night was ‘eventful’ to say the least, before you entered the car a hand wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a back alley. “We couldn’t end the night so boring, could we?” it was Iwaizumi, of course it was.
He started peppering your neck with kisses and roaming his hands all over your body. He eventually trailed the kisses from your neck to your lips, leading you both into a full blown make out session. It was fast and you couldn’t really think straight. Iwaizumi was getting a bit too forceful, gripping and kissing harder than he needed to, leaving marks as if to say ‘you’re mine now.’
That was your second mistake. Getting sexual with Iwaizumi Hajime.
He said you had to go back to his house which was basically now yours. You complied, obviously had no other choice since he didn’t offer or ask. He told you too.
Waking up in the Iwaizumi residence was an ‘experience.’ Iwaizumi wanted you awake when he was awake and asleep when he was, never giving you a moment too yourself. You swiftly came to the learn of the reason why he wanted you in his ‘care’ (as he called it anyways) he wanted his eyes on you all the time.
You carried on attending the events bored out of your mind and the nights went the same way. Fancy dress, long car ride, not paying attention, getting fucked in the back alley then sleep in Iwaizumi’s expensive silk sheets.
You didn’t know much about Iwaizumi besides what you could find. In the day time, Iwaizumi spends it cooped up in his office whilst giving you the ‘permission’ to roam around the house. Iwaizumi kept all his important stuff in a small box under a creepy floorboard in his basement original idea I know. All the information in there was just stuff about generic stuff about his childhood. Him being brought up into wealth, how much he weighed as a baby and all the allergies and boring shit that he had.
Iwaizumi Hajime was an enigma.
You and Iwaizumi did get along. Sometimes. You did do things that weren’t strictly fucking and going to business meetings. He took you on what you could only be able to describe as dates, and outings showing you off to all his actual friends. That’s when you learnt the difference of the ‘two’ men, Iwaizumi and Hajime.
Although they were the same person by name, Iwaizumi was rough around the edges and cold at heart not caring about you at all. Hajime, whilst still being rough around the edges, basically made you out to be his girlfriend giving you the love and care you needed. You really liked the times when you were with Hajime.
That was your third mistake, falling in love with Iwaizumi Hajime.
As things progressed, your quality of life seemed to dwindle (not that it was great in the first place.) Iwaizumi was barely in the house, claiming that for these particular ‘business meetings’ he didn’t need you.
On one night, a simple phone call definitely changed your whole dynamic.
“Yes babe, I’m coming over tomorrow I can’t wait to see you and the girls again.” he said to the other person on the phone.
“Why do you question my love for you, of course I love you.” he said again
“I love you, the girls even the dumb dog that Haru forced me to get for her 8th birthday I love. You guys are my family. My lovely wife and out girls”
Your stomach churned, you backed out of the hallway that you were in. He had a family, of course he had a family. You went into the guest room, where you kept all your things, you couldn’t do this anymore. Although you pretty much lost all your morals when you formed this whole agreement but you refuse to sleep with a married man with kids. You couldn’t. Being the reason why a family might break up is something you wouldn’t ever do.
Iwaizumi heard all your commotion and entered the guess “Woah darling who’s moving out?” he asked jokingly  
“Hmm probably your wife and kids, after they realise their husband is a CHEATER!” you spat
“Woah, woah Y/N” he said getting closer to you “You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about”
“I think I know pretty well; you’ve always been a pompous ass Iwaizumi; it was my bad for thinking that you weren’t married throughout all of this.” You finished packing up as much close as you possible can and headed out the room.
“You need to watch your mouth Y/N” he says aggressively  
“Or what Iwaizumi, or should I say Hajime” you shout “Or is that only reserved for your WIFE!”
This seem to really tick him off, “You don’t know anything Y/N, you really think I could love a dirty slut like you? Huh? Well, I didn’t know that you were important enough to be able to know the details of my personal life.”
“I'm not a slut” you mumbled. Which was completely true, Iwaizumi didn’t notice that the first time you slept together was the first time that you slept with anyone.
“repeat that again for me y/n?” he said mockingly
“IM NOT A SLUT!” you shout in his face
“You are what I say you are darling”
“Fuck you.” You try and push past him hard, to get out the house but you’re no match against his anger and brute strength. So, when he slams you against the wall, he banging your head. Leaving you concussed and bleeding. Before you completely pass out all you hear is a repetition of Iwaizumi Hajime murmuring “I'm sorry, I’m sorry” whilst wrapping his arms around your comatose body.
You woke up, thinking that was all a dream but the ache in the back of your head proved otherwise.  
“Y/N, darling your awake!” he said making you flinch
You moved away from him when he sat on your bed looking at you with ‘love’ and ‘care’ in his eyes. He goes to stroke your cheek whispering “you’re so be-”
“Fuck off” you say. That bang to the head was a wakeup call literally reminding you of all the hot and cold moments you had with Iwaizumi that you submerged into your head for the sole reason of ‘wanting to be happy.’ But you weren’t happy. Deep down you knew that.
“But y/n, darling I love you.” he said and you closed your eyes shut wanting to tune him out “I love you Y/N.”
“You don’t" you replied back harshly with your eyes still shut tightly
“But I do Y/N, I love you” he repeated the ‘I love you’s’ over and over making you want to scream out in frustation.
“Shut up!” you yelled “You don’t love me, stop saying that” your head throbbing with every word “Just stop. Make it stop! Kill me if you have to! Just make it stop” you say thumping at Iwaizumi’s chest becoming a hysterical crying mess. You weren’t talking about the physical paint he caused you (even though that hurt ALOT) you were talking about the constant heartache it was just being around him.
He didn’t know what to do. So, he just put his arms round you again and you yelled your frustrations about him to him into his chest.
You woke up into a new place, not your old one or Iwaizumis just something brand new.  
With a note on your bed side table saying:
‘I love you and I’m sorry’
Making you tear it up and toss it out.
You had no further contact with Iwaizumi, you figured that the new house you lived in was already paid for, but you didn’t want Iwaizumi to show up one day saying that you owed him money so you decided to get a job. A small one, that didn’t require any strenuous Labour or heavy shift times.
It was a few weeks after Iwaizumi left you and you felt sick and heartbroken. After finishing your shift at your job you felt hot headed and extremely ill making you run to your toilet to spill out your guts.
Which lead you to your predicament now.
You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant befonhre you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
You didn’t know what to do. There was only thing you could do, but you certainly didn’t want that. ‘Call him’ the voice in your head urged. ‘That would be the best option right?’ you thought ‘I mean he did love you afterall...’
It took a whole day of pacing around and wondering on what you should do. But you knew that leaving the situation longer would only make it worse. So you kept his business card on you when he gave it to you since that was the only phone number you had. He was all you actually had.
You called and the phone rang 4 times, your heart beating faster and faster as it rang.
“Hello this is Sakura Iwaizumi speaking” a feminine voice said “Who is calling?” you hear someone say in the background. ‘Iwaizumi’ you thought, your face smiling. You realised you haven’t responded so you rushed out  
“I’m Y/N L/N, I need to speak with Iwaizumi.”
“Haji dear, there's a girl on the phone for you... someone of the name called Y/N L/N”
You heard muffles in the background and Iwaizumi saying “Just hang up the phone she’s not worth it.” Your heart stung ‘She’s not worth it.’ Did he really mean that? As much as you claim to hate him, you didn’t really. As you’ve said before you always liked his loving and caring side over his cold hearted one.
You put the phone down and just cried, wailing your heart out for him. Why? You don’t really know to be honest. This was all a dumb agreement, he used you because he was bored and he probably already knew you were pregnant from when he gave you that concussion. But ‘he doesn’t want you’ you reminded yourself because ‘I’m not worth it.’
AUTHORS NOTE: once again, i’m sorry lol. But im most likely going to do a part two of my ‘long shot’ series with Akaashi or a character of your choosing. 
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poledancingghostson · 7 years
Let’s Pretty Woman This Shit
My @falsettossecretsnowmen person is @trans-mendel who requested anything with Mendel. They also suggested a college au or Whizzer giving Mendel a makeover, so I combined the two into this! This is actually my first time trying to write Mendel, so go easy on me lol
Anyway, here you are!
He’s flipping through magazines while his computer sits open on his bed, his essay for intro to some shit he needs for GEs open on Google Docs with only a few paragraphs written. He lounges as well as he can in the tiny dorm room, leaning awkwardly against the corner where the walls meet, one leg dangling off the side of the small bed.
He’s in the middle of some article about new trends for the new year, when the door opens violently, a panicked Mendel standing in the doorway. He lets the heavy door slam shut behind him. “Whizzer! Emergency! I need help!”
Whizzer only looks up from the magazine for a second. “Yeah, I can’t right now. Busy. Essay due tomorrow.”
“Working hard I can tell,” Mendel mutters.
Whizzer rolls his eyes. “Study break.”
Mendel picks up Whizzer’s computer and looks at the document. “Psych 101? I took this freshman year,” he scoffs.
“Good for you.”
“No, I mean, I can help you!” He suggests. “If you help me.”
Whizzer sighs and puts the magazine down. “Fine. What’s the emergency?”
Mendel’s face goes red and he turns away. “Well, you know, um, the girl– the one– we’re friends with her– she dated your– you know–”
“Trina?” Whizzer asks.
“That’s the one!” Mendel exclaims. “Right! So I– she– she asked me– and I don’t– well, she finally agreed to– well I agreed, I guess, I–”
“Oh, shit! You’re finally gonna go out with her?” After being roommates with Mendel for a year and a half, Whizzer has finally gotten pretty good at interpreting his nervous ramblings.
“Yeah! And I’m happy! I’m really really happy– I mean I wish I had asked her– I’m really happy, but– I mean, look at– I haven’t been on a date in a while and I don’t know– my clothes are all, like, not–”
“Yes, what?” Mendel asks.
“Yes, I will give you a goddamn makeover. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to overhaul your fucking closet? I mean, I get you’re doing the whole hippie stoner thing, but you don’t even actually smoke weed so there’s not even a point to dressing like you live, you know, on Venice Beach.”
Mendel looks vaguely offended, but he ignores it. “I owe you,” he says. He opens his closet door and turns to Whizzer, who just shakes his head.
“No way. We’re going shopping. Get your coat, Bachfeld.” He hops off his bed and pulls a black pea-coat and a dark red scarf from his overflowing, yet well-organised, wardrobe. “Let’s Pretty Woman this shit.”
Mendel nods enthusiastically. “I haven’t seen that movie!”
“No,” Whizzer sighs, hardly even glancing up from his cellphone.
“You didn’t even look!” Mendel complains.
Whizzer looks up at him and raises his eyebrows. “You look like a fuckboy.”
“You’re saying no to everything!”
“Because nothing works,” Whizzer shrugs.
Mendel groans. “You picked all these things out for me!”
“It’s not my fault you can’t pull any of them off!” Whizzer’s phone buzzes. You still coming over tonight? It’s from Marvin.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
“I’m aware,” Whizzer smiles. “Now go try on the next outfit.”
shit cant. mendel’s helping me finish an essay.
you dont have to lie
Whizzer rolls his eyes. no I really have a psych paper due tomorrow asshole
Mendel opens the door to the dressing room, raising his arms in a “is this one okay?” gesture. Whizzer looks up and a smile grows on his face. “It’s amazing! Like it's…” The grin slowly sinks. “Too amazing. Not believable. Next!”
Mendel groans. “What does that even mean?” He protests. But he turns around and shuts the door without another argument.
“You’re doing great sweetie!” Whizzer calls, once he’s shut the door.
“You’re the worst!” Mendel responds.
Whizzer looks down at his phone again. Another message from Marvin: yeah right
you dont believe me?
you have never once blown me off for school work
first time for everything, marv. Whizzer waits a while but there’s no response.
He sighs. im gonna need a study break and some coffee at some point. say 10pm?
Whizzer smiles when his phone buzzes again. same stupidly expensive drink as always?
awe you know me so well
Mendel emerges once again, looking utterly defeated at this point. “Please tell me this one works. I can’t do this anymore.”
Whizzer nods slowly and looks him up and down. Plain, light blue sweater. Formal but soft and comfortable and not too fitted. Dark blue slim Levi’s. Not too tight. “Simple. Comfortable. I like it.”
Mendel sighs with relief. “Finally!”
Whizzer frowns. “Well, actually…”
“I’m joking!” Whizzer laughs. “You look good. I promise.”
It’s dark when they finally leave the mall, shopping bags in hand. The already frigid Syracuse winter hits them even harder at night. Mendel jumps around a bit to keep warm, while Whizzer just stands there, trying to will his body to warm up through pure stubbornness. “This driver better hurry the fuck up,” Whizzer mumbles through gritted teeth.
“I told you to call the Lyft before we got outside!”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up.”
“You’re just mad cause I’m right.”
Whizzer raises an eyebrow. “I’ll give you this one. Only because it happens so rarely.”
Just then, a black Ford Fusion pulls up in front of them. “Wee…sar?” The driver asks in a thick accent when Whizzer approaches the car.
“Yeah, close enough.”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” The string of uncharacteristic expletives greets Whizzer when he returns to his room the next night. They had pulled an all-nighter the night before, getting Whizzer’s paper done –Mendel, Whizzer, and eventually Marvin too. They were all past exhausted this morning. But at least it was done. Whizzer had nearly cried with relief.
“What’s wrong, Mendel?” Whizzer asks, shedding his coat and scarf and draping them over his bed.
Mendel is wearing the clothes Whizzer had picked out for him and is jumping up and down nervously. “I can’t do it! I can’t just, like, go on a date with her! What was I thinking? Who do I think I am? I practically never even see her outside of group settings! This is going to be a disaster and she’s going to hate me and-”
“Woah, slow down,” Whizzer laughs. “It’s going to be fine.” He sits on his bed and starts to scroll absently through Instagram.
“You can’t be sure of that!” Mendel whines.
“No, you’re right, it might be a disaster.”
“Wow, thanks.”
Whizzer puts the phone down and looks up at him. “It could also be great, though! You just need some fucking confidence. Stand up straight and smile.”
“Easier said than done.”
“Take the leap, kid. Buck up and grow some fucking balls.”
“Thanks,” Mendel grumbles. “I think.”
“Just have fun tonight!” Whizzer says with a smile. “And try to form coherent sentences!”
“Very funny.” Mendel slips on his boots and picks up his coat.
“Confidence, baby,” Whizzer reminds him. He stands up and picks up one of his scarves, looking at Mendel thoughtfully before tying it loosely around his neck.  “There. Final addition. Now go on. Pretty woman this shit.”
“Yeah, I still haven’t seen that movie.”
WOW OKAY I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT! Sorry for a lack of symbolism or deep meaning in that but it was fun to write and I hope it’s fun to read! I actually hadn’t, like, written a one-shot before this. I don’t think it’s really my strong-suit honestly, but I tried and I hope I didn’t butcher Mendel’s character too much!!
Happy Holidays!! Happy December!!
Here it is on AO3 !
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quell-tea-salon · 7 years
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Yumeiro Cast Dream Show 2017 event report!
In my short time in Japan I’ve attended quite a few concerts and seiyuu events, and this concert is honestly one of the best that I’ve experienced. I know this blog is mostly for QUELL, but I don’t have anywhere else to share this from... Feel free to scroll past if this isn’t for you.
I’ll also be rambling a lot about Hatanaka Tasuku and Hayashi Yuu ;w;
I recall regretting applying for tickets at some point, because having to travel from Kyoto to Tokyo (or rather, Chiba, since the venue was Makuhari Messe) just for the concert was a huge pain, and very expensive. Boy, am I glad I did though. To begin with, getting tickets to ANY popular event is a tough process. You have to enter a draw to have a shot at getting a ticket, and if you miss out on that, you’ll have to buy the tickets when they go on sale later, and they usually sell out in under ten seconds. I’m not kidding. I’ve experienced this pain. On multiple occasions. Anyway, the first draw was opened to players only (the URL link was a banner in the game’s home screen), which is a really nice gesture. I managed to get a ticket in this draw :)
I arrived at the venue about 30 minutes before the show and bypassed the merchandise corner, as the queue looked scary and I didn’t have much time. Jumped in the queue to take a photograph of the standees (pictured above; and yes, there was a queue for this too), which took about 15 minutes, and then rushed over to join a queue for one of the bathrooms (all of them had long queues /pukes blood). I started chatting with a lady in a cute dress in line behind me and found out that we both have Kaito as our fav (plus Subaru for me). She was happy to find another Kaito fan and whipped out a couple of beautifully packaged small prints from her bag and handed them to me *_* Turns out she’s an artists and draws a lot of Kaito!! I was so surprised but flattered and felt bad about not having anything on hand to give her in return... I just gave her the kiwi bird badge from my backpack that I picked up while traveling in New Zealand, sweats...
Minutes till starting time and we were still caught in the queue, though getting very close to the bathroom. We debated giving up and leaving to find our seats so we wouldn’t miss the opening act, but decided to stay since having to leave halfway through the show for the bathroom would be worse. A few minutes later we heard screams coming from the arena and thought that the show had started, but the girl behind us assured us that they were just playing some promotional videos on the big screen and that nothing was happening on stage. We passed the message on to the group of girls in front of us as we heard them fretting about the same thing. Community spirit!
I parted ways with my new friend after leaving the bathroom and went to find my seat; inside the arena the lights had already been dimmed and clearly something was about to start. I was still stumbling around in the dark when all seven members of Yumeiro Company burst onto stage to the tune of CALL HEAVEN!! and by the time I found my spot they were probably halfway through the song;;;;
My seat was on the third floor, but quite close to the left side of the stage, so in a way it was a good spot as I could just barely make out the faces of the performers standing on my side of the stage. Their formation, from right to left: Subaru, Kaito, Sousei, Kyouya, Hinata, Iori, and Jin. I was still shaky from scrambling to find my seat and honestly don’t remember much, but I know that they were all dressed sharply in formal suits, and that the chorus had a dance routine that was fun and cheerful, fitting of a musical show. As we all know, the cast of YumeCast has a lot of strong singers, so I could relax and appreciate the vocals. I managed to find my pen light too and was ready to finally join the party :3
After the opening act I thought they would break for an introductory talk, but they launched straight into the next song. Everyone except Kyoya left the stage as the intro for Kyoya’s solo, Kimi ni Chikatta Monogatari started playing, and we all scrambled to change our pen lights to pink. Tbh I think Ohsaka Ryota’s one of the less experienced singers in the group, but I was pleasantly surprised by his solid performance. He definitely leveled up a lot since the start of YumeCast, and each of his graceful, princely gestures was very much Kyoya.
Hinata jumped onto stage next to perform Glass no Shoes ha Niawanai (I should mention that these solos were game-sized length and played back to back like a medley). We all melted at how cute he was, and he even slipped in a few lines directed at “oneesan! ;)” *Audience screams and dies* Uemura Yuuto’s usually a good singer but he went off-pitch a few times, probably due to nerves...
Iori was next with Tsumetai Yozora wo Terasu no ha. This is the third time I’ve seen Hanae Natsuki live, and you can tell he’s a seasoned performer by how comfortable he is on stage, and how his vocals are always clear and steady. His lines as Iori made a lot of people in the audience scream, but honestly whenever I see Hanae his joker character is all I register and I couldn’t really appreciate Iori LOL.
Kaito appeared on stage, rocking along to PASSION LASER BEAM, and this is where I died. Hayashi Yuu is phenomenal to watch live, he’s arguably one of the best singers of the group and is amazing at working the crowd, which isn’t surprising considering he’s the vocalist of Screen Mode. Hayashu brought a living, breathing Kaito onto stage in all his haughty glory T_____T It’s my dream to one day catch Screen Mode live as well...
Jin’s Kokoro no (ry was up next. I have to admit that I’m not a fan of Jin’s singing, I think it forces Ono Yuuki to fake a lower register which stifles his singing and it sounds unnatural, which is a shame when Onoyuu has such a lovely smooth voice. Onoyuu kept his fooling around to a minimum at this point, but he couldn’t stop his sunny trademark grin ww
SUBARU! WITH BACKDANCERS!!! Performing You & Me... de, Wave!!! If I had to pick a fav moment in the show, this would be it. Hatanaka Tasuku is SUCH a skilled singer, there’s so much energy in his voice, and his solo even included an intense dance routine which was amazing to watch. This is my fav solo charasong from YumeCast and Subaru completely smashed it... I’m buying the DVD later so I can watch it again ;____; I was so blown-away by the performance that I didn’t even notice what he was wearing >< I also noticed that one of the security staff near my block, who, up till then, was doing a good job of checking on the audience, couldn’t help but look at the stage once Subaru started singing. He watched up till the 2nd chorus lol before turning back to his job.
[OOT: This is my second time meeting Tasuku and each time I see him I feel like a proud mother watching her son grow by leaps and bounds >< The first time I met him was at the 5th fan meeting for Nariyuki Night, hosted by Tasuku and Yonaga Tsubasa. It was a small, cosy event of maybe 200 people, and it blew my mind that we got to see them at such a close distance. The coolest part was that they implemented a bunch of interactive activities to get the audience involved, one of which was a game where they had to guess an item based on clues shown on screen and borrow it from the audience.... Which meant that they had to run up and down the aisles of the seats, and at one point Yonaga grabbed a girl’s hand and escorted her down to the stage *_* Tasuku came by my seat and stopped to think about clues, so I literally had him standing next to me for like half a minute ahjghadllkjad. Also they were dressed in school uniform as one of the many suggestions for the “summer theme”; Yonaga in a beige vest, short sleeves, and colourful hairclips in his hair (he really looked like Nagisa from Free!), and Tasuku with a loose red tie and long shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Cute af. Prior to that I’d only seen Tasuku on livestreams and heard him on radio, and I’m glad to report that he’s every bit as earnest and clumsy in person as he is on air, like an awkward oversized puppy still learning how to walk but excited for someone to throw him a ball ;w;]
The last solo was Sousei’s Dare mo ga Ashi(ry. I was looking forward to this as I’ve been a fan of Toyonaga Toshiyuki since his Tenimyu days, and I love his singing voice. He wasn’t as smooth as in the recorded version, but still a delight to hear live.
Without giving us time to catch our breath, the show moved on to the next song. Hinata appeared on stage in a dark suit and a cape, accompanied by dancers dressed in ghoulish outfits. It was Mysterious Mission! This was a super fun song with a cute zombie dance, and at one point Hinata was hoisted up onto the shoulders of the backdancers in a sort of ALL HAIL YOUR CUTE MONSTER LORD routine. An oh, all the songs from this point on were performed in full :3
Next, Subaru and Jin appeared in santa outfits for Holy Melody Night. This is probably one of my least favourite songs in YumeCast, imo it’s the wrong key for both singers and doesn’t really showcase their voices. They were both so cute on stage though! Running from one end of the stage to the other and waving at us with huge smiles. The concert hall was enveloped in a warm, sparkly atmosphere ;w;
Next was the moment I had been waiting for - Kaito’s Kamigami no Senen (still not sure about the reading for the last 2 kanji tbh). I was hoping that this song would be included in the set list T_______T Kaito caused a stir when he appeared on the stage at the back of the arena, which I wasn’t even aware of. Dressed in graceful white robes and enveloped in mist, he was so beautiful to watch, I forgot to breathe... This song is a Big Deal for me because it’s an unseen side of both Kaito and Hayashu; before Kamigami neither have ever performed with such delicate vocals afaik. Even Screen Mode’s ballads have a completely different feel. When the song ended, the audience quietly broke into applause, instead of the cheering or screaming that happened with other songs...
Kyoya appeared back on the main stage with Sand Mirage, dressed in an Arabian Nights-esque costume and matching dancers. I’m very fond of this song, it’s so catchy and seems to fit Kyoya’s vocal range the most! And it definitely showed off his singing skills. Beautiful vibrato on the notes at the end of the chorus ;3;
Sousei and Iori gracefully descended upon the second stage in butler outfits. The yandere Tapestry song! They started off with a short skit, probably lines from the musical, and when Hanae fumbled one of his lines Tosshi teased him about it ww This is one of my favourite duets but sadly the vocals were rather shaky, with both singing off-key at many instances. A+ for the skit, the bedroom lines directed at “ojousama”, and Sousei’s psychotic laugh at the end.
I should love Final Approach since it features my two favs Subaru and Kaito, but unfortunately it’s one of the most boring songs for me... It didn’t stop me from appreciating the singing though. And the beautiful harmonies in the chorus. And the two boys in pilot outfits. And the high-five halfway through the song!! This was also the moment I understood the reason why some people bring two or more pen lights as I couldn’t decide whose colour to use...
Jin and Kyoya rose up from platforms under the stage in shinsengumi robes for Hi ha Noboru(ry. The katanas holstered on their hips were drawn for a fight scene vs the back dancers! The stage was bathed in violet and blue to match the moody atmosphere.
Then Iori and Kaito hopped onto stage and we all bobbed along to Sekai ha Koi to SWEETS! AND! KISS! *waves pen light frantically* This is such a cute song and both Iori and Kaito were super cute, throwing saccharine lines at the audience and getting everyone to join in the fun ;w; Iirc both of them even threw us some flying kisses....
Next, Stronger Than Medicine with Hina and Sousei. In white doctor’s coats and supported by a big group of dancers, Hina played the experienced head doctor while Sousei tagged along like a clueless junior lol. Parts of the dance were very cute and funny for comedic effect, and though for the most part it wasn’t an intense dance routine Tosshi still managed to show off his dancer background >< I kinda wished that we got to see him dance in a more high-tempo song, but Sousei gets all the ballads...
Around this time I noticed that a group of staff were busy setting up some sort of elevated platform-trolley thing at the end of the corridor between the 2nd and 3rd floor; I’d seen something similar happen at the Yuri on Stage event and my heartbeat jumped as I guessed what would happen next...
When the lights turned back on, the rest of the crew had joined Hina and Sousei on stage, and everyone was in their blue and white sailor outifts for Sunshine World Tour! This was the FIRST break in the show, can you believe it? The cast FINALLY introduced themselves (still in-character), and then Sousei announced that the show was about to come to and end, which came as a surprise because it honestly didn’t feel like the show started that long ago, even though we had actually sat through a LOT of songs. The audience began to whine “Ehhhhhhh?” Then the music for Sunshine World Tour started and the cast split into 2 groups, making the audience scream when they headed into the crowd, climbed up the stairs to the 3rd floor, and boarded one of the two trolleys on either end of the corridor. The audience went crazy when they realised what was happening! On the trolley that started from my end of the hall were Kyoya, Jin-san, and Hina, singing and waving enthusiastically at the audience as they traveled around the U-shaped concert hall. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they passed right in front of me... From my seat in the 2nd row they were SO CLOSE, and even at eye level! I honestly could’ve hi-fived them if I stretched out my arm. When the 2nd trolley came by I had my pen light set to orange and hoped Kaito would wave at me, but he was busy engaging the upper floors. Iori met my eyes though and gave me the sweetest smile ;w; They were meant to sing Sunshine World Tour, but very little singing was done as everyone was busy greeting and waving at the audience wwwwwwww It was a real treat for everyone on the 2nd and 3rd floors...
After the trolleys reached the opposite ends of the hall, the cast made their way back to the main stage and we were asked to sing along to the the chorus for a while as lyrics popped up on the screen :D After the song ended, the cast said their thanks and waved goodbye before disappearing backstage. The lights dimmed again and the audience began to chant “Encore~! Encore~!”
We were probably in the dark for about 5 minutes before the cast came back onto stage, dressed in Dream Show 2017 t-shirts. The cast could finally introduce themselves lol. “We can finally speak! As ourselves!!” “It is okay? Can I really start talking? OKAY I’M DOING IT :DDD” Onoyu let loose and chaos descended upon the stage wwwwww There was no outline for this talk segment so they pretty much did whatever they wanted www
What I can recall, in dot points:
Thanked us for all the love and support which allowed YumeCast to reach it’s 2nd anniversary
Ohsaka was super nervous as it’s his first concert, and Tosshi said that he kept muttering “I’m so nervous” up till the moment before their first appearance on stage, yet once he stepped onto stage he slipped right into character and looked so calm and confident
Tosshi and Onoyu admitted that they sing with their faces (their facial expressions are “noisy”)
Tosshi praised Ohsaka for bringing the rowdy team together like a real Kyoya, and Ohsaka lamented the fact that nobody listens to him while the rest of the team surrounded him and danced and hooted like gorillas www
Tosshi thanked the crew and staff for all their hard work behind the scenes, from dance choreography to costumes. Staff were always on standby backstage, ready to help them change into their next outfits, and as he watched the staff work frantically to keep the show running he truly felt like he was part of a real life Yumeiro Company troupe.
Up till the last rehearsal, Hayashu got one of the hand gestures for CALL HEAVEN!! wrong (he made a fox shape instead of a “W” for “welcome”)
Tasuku and Yuuto put in a lot of practice for their dances. Yuuto practiced his zombie shuffle even while out walking in public and got stared at. “My favourite part of the dance is when they lift me up! :D”
Hanae said it was unfair that Hinata could capture everyone’s hearts just with his “Onee~san♥”, so someone suggested everyone do their own version of “oneesan“ and put them to a vote.
Tasuku was up first... and promptly tripped over his first line, in typical Tasuku fashion wwwww I love him, he’s so clumsy and uncoordinated ;3; They gave him a second chance and this time he said something along the lines of “Thank you for your support this past two years!” and ended on a very cute and energetic “oneesan!!!!” Ughhh PUPPYYYYY
Kaito’s embarrassed tsundere “O.. onee...san...”
Sousei’s calm, somewhat sly “Oneesan :)”
The audience cracked up at Kyoya’s “Oneesan, jiken desu.” (Oneesan, there’s been an accident.) I had to look this up but it’s apparently a famous line from an old TV drama called HOTEL, lol
Kyoya’s take 2. A heartfelt message to all the scriptwriters in the audience, followed by the sweetest “...oneesan”.
Hanae did a skit where Iori was surprised but ecstatic about receiving a present from the MC in the form of a limited edition shoebill merch. “Thank you, oneesan!!”
Zun-san..... was Zun-san. “How about we spend the night together? My one and only oneesan♥”
Finally, the last boss. Hinata started to speak in that saccharine-sweet voice, “Boku,” and already half of the audience were screaming from that first word... “I’ll keep on working hard, so keep your eyes on me, okay? Oneesan♥“ *dying whale sounds from audience*
“Why did we even have this competition, we already knew who the winner would be.”
“You had them at “Boku”...”
Tosshi pointed out that they shouldn’t leave out the handful of guys in the audience, so everyone banded together and yelled “Thank you, oniisan!” and the guys responded with “Yeaaaaaaah!!!” haha
Farewell messages, final thoughts, and thank you’s
Ohsaka admitted that in his first year of playing Kyoya he had regrets about accepting the role, but after some time he found ways to connect with Kyoya and he’s very happy to be part of YumeCast. (I had a feeling that he wasn’t enjoying himself when I watched him on YumeCast livestream... turns out my hunch was correct :0 I’m glad that he’s found his place now!)
Next they showed a video announcing upcoming projects (live action musicals, new CD’s, drama CD’s) and the release of the DVD/BD of Dream Show 2017. Everyone else perched on the staircase to watch the video but Tasuku made himself small and sat on the floor with his knees folded primly. Smol puppy....
Lastly, the crew performed NEVER END STORIES as confetti cannons shot glitter over the arena. Then the dancers joined the cast on stage for the final farewell. Everyone took their turn bowing and saying thanks. Kyoya was last to leave the stage, and he lingered for a few moments to thank the audience. Sousei, who was near Kyoya, came up to him and said “Kyoya, let’s go :)” and Kyoya nodded before retreating from the stage. *Audience dies again*
After the show, I remember feeling so happy and satisfied. Of course, every event I’ve attended has been fun, but none of them made me feel as loved and appreciated as YumeCast Dream Show 2017. They knew what we wanted, and they delivered. I rate it 10/10 for being jam-packed with content (honestly, nobody expected them to perform this many songs), and it was very impressive that every song had its own set of costumes and choreography. It really felt like watching a musical show. The concert felt like it ended too soon because everything moved so quickly, but it had actually run for just over 2 hours. I do wish that they had given the cast more talk time, but i guess that was sacrificed to make space for more songs. I can live with that.
I’ve been playing YumeCast for almost a year now and have considered quitting several times since the gameplay gets pretty repetitive after a while (plus new games coming into my life), but after this concert I have fallen in love all over again and will continue to support YumeCast ;3; Honestly, just from watching the monthly livestreams you can tell how hard they try to keep us happy.
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