#falsettos secret snowmen
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A man in my prime. You gotta die sometime.
My Secret Snowmen gift for @grorges
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weisenbachfeldz · 7 years
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part 2 of my secret snowman gift for @flew-off-with-whizzer-brown ! (based on the prompt “warm” - i used it as some loving (warm) relationships plus some warm colors) happy holidays!!
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jesterhat · 7 years
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{ lovers fight and sing -- FORTISSIMO }
happy holidays to PARIS from your secret snowman! [pt 1 of 2]
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irlmarvinfalsettos · 7 years
What They See
This is my @falsettossecretsnowmen​ ! I was to give to @just-gay-ok​ !! Hopefully you like it!
Prompt: Whizzer takes pictures of Marvin when he’s not paying attention. Marvin writes poetry about Whizzer when he’s sleeping. Fluffflufffluff(maybe some angst because i’m a hoe for angst)fluff
A/N: This is actually my first falsettos fic but I’m still really proud with how it turned out. 
Marvin had never considered himself a good writer.
He did it on occasion, finding inspiration here and there, but he never thought anything he produced would be seen as better than decent. His favourite thing to write was poems, seeing them as simple and quick. Marvin rarely had any time to write anything more complex than a poem, so they quickly became his favourite type of literature.
It allowed him to express himself, something he always found difficulty doing. It helped, but he still found expressing how he felt in words a challenge.
Of course, there was a favourite topic that Marvin loved to write about in poems. No matter how many poems he wrote, he found that he could always come up with another thing to write about this one thing.
And that was Whizzer.
He remembered the first time he had actually became inspired to write a poem about Whizzer. He also recalled that once he started writing poems about Whizzer, he couldn’t stop.
Marvin and Whizzer laid in their bed, Whizzer comfortably resting on Marvin’s chest fast asleep. Marvin was still awake, however, admiring his lover as he slept. He gently ran his hand through Whizzer’s hair, occasionally twirling a strand around his finger.
He laid there, thinking about all the things he loved about the man on his chest. It made him smile. Having glanced over at the nightstand beside the bed, he noticed his notepad and pencil lying there. He was tempted to write something.
Giving in to the temptation, he reached his free hand over as best he could, making sure not to disturb Whizzer in the process, and grabbed the notepad and pencil. Unfortunately, he accidentally caused Whizzer to move off Marvin and on his back. As much as Marvin wanted Whizzer still using his chest as a pillow, he knew that this would make it easier to write.
Looking down at his lover, luckily still asleep, he hovered his pencil over the paper. He knew what he wanted to write about, but he still wasn’t sure how to put how he felt into words. He sighed, wanting to write something meaningful down, even though he knew it would only be thrown out afterwards.
After a few more moments of thought, Marvin finally put his pencil on the paper.
He never told Whizzer about any of his poems he’s written; Marvin never saw any of them as good enough to even show. He did his best to hide them from Whizzer, but he had almost caught Marvin in the midst of writing his poems on several occasions.
Marvin sat at his desk, completely focused on his newest poem. He was struggling to come up with a certain word he wanted that fit, and he felt himself become frustrated. He was so enthralled in his writing that he didn’t hear Whizzer approach him.
“What are you writing?” Whizzer asked, hooking his chin on Marvin’s shoulder to look down at his desk.
The sound of Whizzer’s voice startled Marvin out of his focus, causing him to jump slightly before quickly covering the poem with his hands, “Oh, uh… It’s nothing…” he lied.
Whizzer had chuckled at how jumpy Marvin was, “Oh nothing huh? Then you won’t mind if I take a look at it, right?” He asked, reaching down to grab the paper.
Marvin stood up from his chair, taking the paper with him so Whizzer couldn’t take it and see what he’s written. “I told you Whiz, it’s nothing. Just… it’s just… something for work. Yeah, that’s all it is,” he explained, moving away from Whizzer every time he tried to take the paper, “It’s just boring work stuff Whiz, really. You wouldn’t find it interesting.”
“If it’s boring work stuff, why are you so set on hiding it from me?” Whizzer asked, crossing his arms and slightly glaring at Marvin, not liking how secretive he was acting.
Marvin stared at Whizzer for a moment before answering, “Confidentiality and all that.” He gave Whizzer a smile as he held his breath, hoping Whizzer would accept his reasoning. He did, which let Marvin breath, but he could tell that the whole thing was a stretch.
Marvin was just glad that Whizzer hasn’t actually read any of his poems since most of the time, he threw them away after he finished writing them; he didn’t see the need to keep them around. Once he finished his writings, he refused to read them over, they normally made him cringe. It also made it so there was a small chance of Whizzer ever finding them.
At least, that’s what he thought.
Marvin stood beside the trash can, re-reading the poem he had just written. He had to admit it to himself, this poem of his was actually decent. But, he wasn’t going to keep it so he crumpled it and tossed it out. What he wasn’t aware of was Whizzer peeking in on him, watching Marvin as he threw out his paper for “work.”
After Marvin left the room, Whizzer took it upon himself to snoop. He quickly and quietly went into Marvin’s study to grab whatever it was Marvin had just thrown out. He read the paper and found himself surprised.
“What They See My eyes, they love to fall onto to you They love it so much that there’s nothing I can do But why is that the case? Why, when they fall on you, my heart begins to race? It’s because of what they see My eyes, they see you and they think it cannot be My eyes, they see you and they do not understand That a man so lovely can walk across this land When they look at you, they see the stars that shine bright They see a candle in a dark room, its only source of light They see the whole world all wrapped in one They see a man who’s just so fun That’s what they see And it’s everything I want it to be.”
Whizzer was in shock and found himself reading the poem over and over again. He couldn’t believe it. Marvin thought that about him? He felt tears form in his eyes, completely amazed by what was written. He didn’t understand why Marvin would ever want to hide this.
Whizzer sat around for a few more moments, trying to wrap his head around the words on the page. Finally, he looked around, making sure Marvin wasn’t in his line of sight, and quickly shoved the poem in his pocket to keep for safe keeping.
Marvin hadn’t realized that Whizzer managed to get his hands on a few of the poems over time; he was really oblivious to things happening around him. Marvin was also oblivious to the fact that Whizzer took it upon himself to take photos of his lover.
Whizzer always considered himself a great photographer.
It was his passion in life. It was something he did whenever he could. He never threw any of his photos away, no matter how terrible some may say they were. He saw each photo as a memory, and that was something he liked to hold on to.
Whizzer had a few different things that were his favourite to photograph. He had a huge soft spot for anything nature; he did his best to get out and capture the beauty whenever he could. It had gotten to a point where most of his photo gallery were photos involving nature. But his favourite thing to photograph?
Well, that was Marvin.
He had so many photos of Marvin that he lost count. He was Whizzer’s favourite memory to capture, yet Marvin never noticed how often his photo was being taken, despite how obvious it was.
Marvin sat across from Jason, his eyes glued to the chessboard in front of him. It was his turn and he was thinking six moves ahead; son or not, he wasn’t taking it easy on Jason. The kid knew how to handle himself.
Whizzer, on the other hand, had went to get his camera, knowing that this would be a perfect time to snap a photo. He didn’t have many of Marvin and Jason, so he figured that adding another one wouldn’t hurt anyone.
He returned and Marvin had still yet to go. He chuckled to himself, knowing how invested Marvin could get into a game of chess. He brought the camera up to his face, positioning himself to capture the perfect photo.
There was a click noise as Whizzer took the shot, causing Jason to look over, giving Whizzer a look. Marvin, however, still had all of his attention on the board, not even hearing the click happen.
Whizzer had so many photos of Marvin that it was surprising that Marvin still hadn’t noticed the amount of times Whizzer had gotten out his camera. Marvin was known to be extremely oblivious, but this was unbelievable.
With the number of photos Whizzer had of Marvin, he needed a special place to put them. A place where hopefully Marvin wouldn’t find so easily. It also happened to be the same place that Whizzer put the poems he managed to take from Marvin.
Whizzer was fighting against his clothes, trying to hide the small box in the back of the closet when Marvin walked into the room. He didn’t say anything at first so Whizzer wasn’t aware of his presence until he felt a hand on his hip. It caused him to jump in surprise, letting out a small yelp.
“Are you rearranging the closet again?” Marvin asked after Whizzer turned around to face him, “what is this? The fourth time you’ve done this in the past few weeks?”
Whizzer scoffed, lightly shoving Marvin, hoping he could make them move away from the closet. “That would’ve been the third time. And anyways, that’s not what I was doing, I was just… looking for something,” he said, hoping he could pull off this charade.
It caused Marvin to laugh softly, “Find something?” he repeated, shaking his head, “there’s no way you’re finding anything in there. You have too much shit.” Marvin’s statement was only met with another light shove from Whizzer.
“Whatever, I’ll find it later,” Whizzer said, planning to get Marvin away from the closet since he had yet to properly hide his little box. It ended up working out, much to Whizzer’s relief, because Marvin seemed to have plans of his own.
Marvin never actually found the box. The main reason being that he never knew it existed. Another reason being that Marvin knew that if he even touched Whizzer’s clothing, there was the risk of Whizzer getting pissed; so, even if he had known it was there, he wasn’t risking going through the closet to find.
It wasn’t until it was brought to his attention that Marvin managed to find it.
Marvin and Whizzer laid in the hospital bed. Whizzer was getting weaker and weaker each day, they both knew that Whizzer’s time was running short.
Marvin had his arms wrapped around Whizzer, as if he could protect Whizzer from anything and everything. He was well aware he couldn’t, but Marvin liked to think that he could regardless.
Neither of them spoke for a long while; there was nothing much left to say. It wasn’t until Whizzer spoke that the silence was finally broken.
“I have this box,” Whizzer started, his voice quiet. At first, Marvin shushed him, want him to conserve as much energy as he could, but Whizzer ignore it, “the box… it’s in our closet. I want you to see what’s in it… but… but only after… y’know.” He didn’t say it, but they both knew what Whizzer was referring to.
Marvin nodded, “All right Whiz,” he spoke gently. It was all he said, and all was silent again.
So now, Marvin sat on his bedroom floor. It was after the funeral and he had the box lying in front of him. It had taken him a bit to battle against all the clothing, but he managed to get it out.
The box was yet to be opened, he had been holding off on the big reveal, not knowing what to expect inside. Instead, he sat and stared at it for the longest time.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Marvin slowly moved his hands to grab the lid of the box. He took a deep breath and lifted the lid, preparing himself for whatever the contents of the box were. But after looking inside, he realized that nothing could’ve prepared him for this.
It was him.
Photos upon photos of him. Him sleeping, eating, smiling, laughing, everything. Marvin looked at each photo one at a time, remembering every moment that these pictures captured. At some point he started to cry, he didn’t know when, but at one point he realized that his vision became blurry from tears.
After going through the, what seemed like, hundreds of photos, Marvin noticed folded up pieces of papers. He reached down, and unfolded one, seeing what it was. He read the first few words and he knew.
They were his poems.
How did Whizzer even get these? He had thrown them away, never to be seen or heard from again. He reached down and grabbed the rest of the papers, seeing what other poems Whizzer was able to grab. He looked at the titles to see which specific poems Whizzer had. Some were a lot better than others in his opinion, but there was one he came across one that stuck out to him.
“What They See”
That was, by far, Marvin’s favourite poem he had written. He was actually quite glad Whizzer found that one. He smiled through his tears, wishing Whizzer was here now, with him as he went through the box.
He looked around, looking at all the scattered photos and poems on the floor with him. He glanced back at the poem in his hand. He had once described what his eyes saw, but what they see now is entirely different.
Now, his eyes saw what was and what will never be again.
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Falsettos Secret Snowmen Gift Exchange Sign-Ups
Hey Falsettos Fans!!
Do you love making Falsettos content? Do you love receiving Falsettos content? Do you love the idea of doing both these things especially for the holidays? 
Then sign up for the Falsettos Secret Snowmen Gift Exchange! Sign ups are open from now (right now!) until midnight on November 15th. This exchange will work just like a traditional Secret Santa, but with more Falsettos fan content and non-denominational holiday fun! Once you receive your giftee assignment, you’ll have until December 22nd to make them a gift--but don’t worry, you’ll receive three prompts/requests/ideas from them, and you’ll be able to ask them as many questions as you want (on anon, of course!)
If this sounds like fun to you, and I sincerely hope it does, please sign up here. 
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haamily · 7 years
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Here’s my gift to @skomiscreams for @falsettossecretsnowmen! Based on the first prompt, Whizzer and Marvin being a cute couple. 
Idk, for some reason I though fishing would really be a Marvin sorta thing.
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singaroundelay · 7 years
[FIC] Of Lessons in Batting Practice and Family Bonds
Author: singaroundelay Rating: Teen Pairing: Marvin/Whizzer Summary: It’s my @falsettossecretsnowmen fic for @insertmusicalquotehere ! I hope I managed to combine two prompts for you: Whizzer/Marvin any fluff along with Whizzer and Jason any baseball. I hope you like it <3 Just another Saturday afternoon spent at the batting cages — because the Mets’ star baseball player is definitely going to give his not-son Jason pointers. But in the end, it’s Jason who teaches Whizzer a lesson in what makes a blended family. — Whizzer chuckles. “Go take care of your hand. I need that thing later so make sure it’s not broken. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a hellish six weeks of teaching you to use your left hand.”
“EW GROSS!” Jason drops the bat and clamps his hands over his ears. “La-la-la-la I can’t hear you.”
“He means to write with!” Marvin says, wiping away tears. Whizzer isn’t sure if they’re tears of pain, laughter, or a mixture of both.
Continue Reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13096446
[And remember, like with art, if you like it, please reblog it to share the love <3]
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poledancingghostson · 7 years
Let’s Pretty Woman This Shit
My @falsettossecretsnowmen person is @trans-mendel who requested anything with Mendel. They also suggested a college au or Whizzer giving Mendel a makeover, so I combined the two into this! This is actually my first time trying to write Mendel, so go easy on me lol
Anyway, here you are!
He’s flipping through magazines while his computer sits open on his bed, his essay for intro to some shit he needs for GEs open on Google Docs with only a few paragraphs written. He lounges as well as he can in the tiny dorm room, leaning awkwardly against the corner where the walls meet, one leg dangling off the side of the small bed.
He’s in the middle of some article about new trends for the new year, when the door opens violently, a panicked Mendel standing in the doorway. He lets the heavy door slam shut behind him. “Whizzer! Emergency! I need help!”
Whizzer only looks up from the magazine for a second. “Yeah, I can’t right now. Busy. Essay due tomorrow.”
“Working hard I can tell,” Mendel mutters.
Whizzer rolls his eyes. “Study break.”
Mendel picks up Whizzer’s computer and looks at the document. “Psych 101? I took this freshman year,” he scoffs.
“Good for you.”
“No, I mean, I can help you!” He suggests. “If you help me.”
Whizzer sighs and puts the magazine down. “Fine. What’s the emergency?”
Mendel’s face goes red and he turns away. “Well, you know, um, the girl– the one– we’re friends with her– she dated your– you know–”
“Trina?” Whizzer asks.
“That’s the one!” Mendel exclaims. “Right! So I– she– she asked me– and I don’t– well, she finally agreed to– well I agreed, I guess, I–”
“Oh, shit! You’re finally gonna go out with her?” After being roommates with Mendel for a year and a half, Whizzer has finally gotten pretty good at interpreting his nervous ramblings.
“Yeah! And I’m happy! I’m really really happy– I mean I wish I had asked her– I’m really happy, but– I mean, look at– I haven’t been on a date in a while and I don’t know– my clothes are all, like, not–”
“Yes, what?” Mendel asks.
“Yes, I will give you a goddamn makeover. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to overhaul your fucking closet? I mean, I get you’re doing the whole hippie stoner thing, but you don’t even actually smoke weed so there’s not even a point to dressing like you live, you know, on Venice Beach.”
Mendel looks vaguely offended, but he ignores it. “I owe you,” he says. He opens his closet door and turns to Whizzer, who just shakes his head.
“No way. We’re going shopping. Get your coat, Bachfeld.” He hops off his bed and pulls a black pea-coat and a dark red scarf from his overflowing, yet well-organised, wardrobe. “Let’s Pretty Woman this shit.”
Mendel nods enthusiastically. “I haven’t seen that movie!”
“No,” Whizzer sighs, hardly even glancing up from his cellphone.
“You didn’t even look!” Mendel complains.
Whizzer looks up at him and raises his eyebrows. “You look like a fuckboy.”
“You’re saying no to everything!”
“Because nothing works,” Whizzer shrugs.
Mendel groans. “You picked all these things out for me!”
“It’s not my fault you can’t pull any of them off!” Whizzer’s phone buzzes. You still coming over tonight? It’s from Marvin.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
“I’m aware,” Whizzer smiles. “Now go try on the next outfit.”
shit cant. mendel’s helping me finish an essay.
you dont have to lie
Whizzer rolls his eyes. no I really have a psych paper due tomorrow asshole
Mendel opens the door to the dressing room, raising his arms in a “is this one okay?” gesture. Whizzer looks up and a smile grows on his face. “It’s amazing! Like it's…” The grin slowly sinks. “Too amazing. Not believable. Next!”
Mendel groans. “What does that even mean?” He protests. But he turns around and shuts the door without another argument.
“You’re doing great sweetie!” Whizzer calls, once he’s shut the door.
“You’re the worst!” Mendel responds.
Whizzer looks down at his phone again. Another message from Marvin: yeah right
you dont believe me?
you have never once blown me off for school work
first time for everything, marv. Whizzer waits a while but there’s no response.
He sighs. im gonna need a study break and some coffee at some point. say 10pm?
Whizzer smiles when his phone buzzes again. same stupidly expensive drink as always?
awe you know me so well
Mendel emerges once again, looking utterly defeated at this point. “Please tell me this one works. I can’t do this anymore.”
Whizzer nods slowly and looks him up and down. Plain, light blue sweater. Formal but soft and comfortable and not too fitted. Dark blue slim Levi’s. Not too tight. “Simple. Comfortable. I like it.”
Mendel sighs with relief. “Finally!”
Whizzer frowns. “Well, actually…”
“I’m joking!” Whizzer laughs. “You look good. I promise.”
It’s dark when they finally leave the mall, shopping bags in hand. The already frigid Syracuse winter hits them even harder at night. Mendel jumps around a bit to keep warm, while Whizzer just stands there, trying to will his body to warm up through pure stubbornness. “This driver better hurry the fuck up,” Whizzer mumbles through gritted teeth.
“I told you to call the Lyft before we got outside!”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up.”
“You’re just mad cause I’m right.”
Whizzer raises an eyebrow. “I’ll give you this one. Only because it happens so rarely.”
Just then, a black Ford Fusion pulls up in front of them. “Wee…sar?” The driver asks in a thick accent when Whizzer approaches the car.
“Yeah, close enough.”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” The string of uncharacteristic expletives greets Whizzer when he returns to his room the next night. They had pulled an all-nighter the night before, getting Whizzer’s paper done –Mendel, Whizzer, and eventually Marvin too. They were all past exhausted this morning. But at least it was done. Whizzer had nearly cried with relief.
“What’s wrong, Mendel?” Whizzer asks, shedding his coat and scarf and draping them over his bed.
Mendel is wearing the clothes Whizzer had picked out for him and is jumping up and down nervously. “I can’t do it! I can’t just, like, go on a date with her! What was I thinking? Who do I think I am? I practically never even see her outside of group settings! This is going to be a disaster and she’s going to hate me and-”
“Woah, slow down,” Whizzer laughs. “It’s going to be fine.” He sits on his bed and starts to scroll absently through Instagram.
“You can’t be sure of that!” Mendel whines.
“No, you’re right, it might be a disaster.”
“Wow, thanks.”
Whizzer puts the phone down and looks up at him. “It could also be great, though! You just need some fucking confidence. Stand up straight and smile.”
“Easier said than done.”
“Take the leap, kid. Buck up and grow some fucking balls.”
“Thanks,” Mendel grumbles. “I think.”
“Just have fun tonight!” Whizzer says with a smile. “And try to form coherent sentences!”
“Very funny.” Mendel slips on his boots and picks up his coat.
“Confidence, baby,” Whizzer reminds him. He stands up and picks up one of his scarves, looking at Mendel thoughtfully before tying it loosely around his neck.  “There. Final addition. Now go on. Pretty woman this shit.”
“Yeah, I still haven’t seen that movie.”
WOW OKAY I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT! Sorry for a lack of symbolism or deep meaning in that but it was fun to write and I hope it’s fun to read! I actually hadn’t, like, written a one-shot before this. I don’t think it’s really my strong-suit honestly, but I tried and I hope I didn’t butcher Mendel’s character too much!!
Happy Holidays!! Happy December!!
Here it is on AO3 !
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generalshucks · 7 years
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oh uhm...oops i did it.  Sorry if its not super duper good?  i’m just a lil baby artist, i started digital art this year sO yyyeah.  Hopefully u like it anyways @decidueye (for @falsettossecretsnowmen)
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mx-xcitement · 7 years
Secret Snowman Gift
For the @falsettossecretsnowmen gift exchange, I was assigned a gift for @sonnydelagay and I chose to go with the prompt of Whizzvin at a pride event. I hope Alexander and anyone else who reads enjoys, and happy holidays!!
Late one evening, Marvin was changing out of his work clothes when his phone chimed. He didn’t open the message, but he looked at the screen long enough to see that it was from Whizzer. Marvin sighed and called out to the living room. “Why are you texting me? You’re a room away.”
“I sent you a link, you have to open it,” Whizzer replied. Marvin rolled his eyes and clicked on the link, sending him to an event page for their local pride parade. He put his phone down and finished changing before meeting Whizzer back out in the living room. Marvin had never been to pride, and he didn’t necessarily plan on ever going. He was far too reserved to see the appeal of it. However, he knew that Whizzer would try to change his mind. When Marvin sat down on the couch, Whizzer kept his eyes on Marvin, eyebrows raised and a slight smile appearing on his face. “Well?”
Marvin shrugged. “I read the thing you sent me.”
“And? I don’t know what you expect from me here.”
Marvin opened a book that had been resting on the coffee table but hadn’t even read a full sentence when Whizzer smacked him on the arm with the magazine he was flipping through. “Now, tell me what that was for?”
Whizzer rolled his eyes and sat up, tossing the magazine aside. “Come on Marv, please? It’ll be fun, I promise. I bet you didn’t even consider going, did you?” Whizzer had been to his fair share of pride events, but he always just went with Cordelia. Once Cordelia met Charlotte, though, Whizzer began to feel like a third wheel, so he started to alone, and eventually not at all. Now that he had Marvin, though, Whizzer wanted to start attending again. He knew Marvin wouldn’t like the idea at first, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying to get Marvin to budge.
“Whizzer, I think you’ve known me long enough to know that this,” Marvin gestured to his phone, showing a picture of a main roadway lined with people dressed colorfully and shooting off confetti poppers, “is just about the farthest thing from my typical fare. Besides, you know I’m...not one to flaunt.” That simply meant that Marvin wasn’t yet out to a majority of the people he worked with, which Whizzer thought was a bit ridiculous.
“Marvin, do you really think any of your boring hetero coworkers are going to be there? They won’t even know there’s a pride parade going on unless they’re driving and they see the road’s closed off. There’s nothing to worry about. I can assure you, I’ve gone to these things before I came out to everyone. It’s totally safe. And if you do, by chance, run into someone you know, it’s not like they’re going to stab you in the back and out you in front of everyone the very next day.” Marvin let out a long sigh, and Whizzer took his hands. “Look, it would mean a lot to me if you went with me. Can you please at least sleep on it?”
Maybe it was the heartfelt sincerity of Whizzer’s plea, or maybe just the puppy-dog eyes he was making, but something about Whizzer had Marvin convinced. “I won’t sleep on it because I’ve already made up my mind. I’ll go with you.” Whizzer’s face lit up almost instantly, and Marvin kissed him. He trusted that Whizzer wouldn’t let him down, or lead him into a situation that would end badly.
Three weeks later, Whizzer was leaning against the front door of his and Marvin’s apartment, checking the time frequently. “Hurry it up! If you take any longer, we’ll be late.” Usually when they went out together, Marvin was the one waiting on Whizzer to finish getting ready, but Whizzer had been ready for what felt like hours now.
“Isn’t there some kind of dress code or something? Like aren’t you supposed to wear something that reflects your astounding gayness?” After a moment with no response, Whizzer stormed into the bedroom and walked past Marvin to the closet. Marvin looked Whizzer over. “Oh.” Whizzer looked good dressed in a light pink tank top and a pair of white shorts. By Whizzer’s standards, though, his outfit was nothing out of the ordinary. Now that he thought back, Marvin had recalled Whizzer saying that wearing all the colors of the rainbow was “too tacky for him, even at pride.”
After a minute or so of Whizzer rifling through clothes, he thrust into Marvin’s hands the outfit that he usually reserved for their games of racquetball. “Here. It’s the least horrible thing you own, and it’s even got a little touch of rainbow.” Marvin gave Whizzer a doubtful look, but he could tell that there was no point in trying to protest. Even if Marvin had a chance of getting to put on something different, he knew that Whizzer didn’t want to wait any longer, so he caved. The second Marvin was dressed, Whizzer pulled him out the door by the wrist. The parade started just a few blocks from their building, so they were able to walk down. Marvin felt ridiculous dressed so lightly in public, but when he got a look at Whizzer’s face, he could tell that he had never been happier. Marvin smiled and took Whizzer’s hand, and Whizzer started to swing their arms as they walked.
The crowd of people that was forming could have been seen from a mile away. It looked like a sea of rainbow taking over Manhattan, and the sound of people talking and laughing seemed somehow louder than the usual street noise. For the second time that day, Marvin was being pulled along by Whizzer. “Come on, we have to find Cordelia and Charlotte.” Whizzer hadn’t told Marvin that they were supposed to meet their neighbors here. Of course, Marvin didn’t mind in the slightest, but he was a bit concerned about how they were supposed to find anyone in the crowd.
“Are you serious? Couldn’t we have all left together so we wouldn’t have to find them at all?”
“Well, we were supposed to, but somebody took forever to get ready, so here we are.” Marvin thought to retort, but Whizzer had a fair point, so he kept quiet and kept an eye out for his neighbors. All in the blink of an eye, Whizzer pointed straight ahead and shouted, “There they are!” At the corner of the block, Charlotte was standing firmly in one spot, with Cordelia sitting on her shoulders. It was obvious when Cordelia noticed Whizzer because she started shouting and waving her arms frantically, very nearly knocking the two women over.
Whizzer and Marvin wove through a swarm of people to meet Charlotte and Cordelia, who were still catching their breath. Although subtle compared to many others nearby, the lesbians’ outfits were more pronounced than Marvin and Whizzer’s; Cordelia wore a white t-shirt with a heart bearing the colors of the lesbian pride flag on it. It read, “If lost, please return to Charlotte.” Her wife’s shirt was nearly identical, reading, “I’m Charlotte.”  
Once Cordelia climbed down from Charlotte’s shoulders and the four were able to properly greet one another, Whizzer led the group to a more open spot closer to the street. Just before the parade officially began, Whizzer took out his camera for a few pictures. Several were candids of people in the crowd, but he took a few of his lover and his friends. Once people started walking, Whizzer made sure that he, Marvin, Cordelia, and Charlotte were as close to the front as often as possible.
Throughout the afternoon, the four friends struck up a number of conversations with plenty of colorful characters. Marvin particularly liked the folks dressed up the most extravagantly, because not only were they the most fun to talk to, they made Marvin feel a thousand times better about his outfit. If the guy next to him felt comfortable wearing an outfit made entirely of hot pink feathers, then Marvin’s rainbow racquetball shorts were nothing.
After the parade had ended, the pair of couples went out for drinks together. It had been quite some time since they had gone out at all, let alone all together. It was easy to lose track of time sharing stories, and by the end of the night, all four friends were grateful that they were still near enough to comfortably walk home. The trip came with its own events to laugh about the next day, and a couple more pictures taken by Whizzer. He and Marvin said goodnight to Charlotte and Cordelia once they got up to their floor in their building, and Marvin nearly collapsed on the bed. Earlier, he had planned on continuing the festivities once he and Whizzer made it home, but now it seemed that they both agreed to get some much needed rest.
The next day, Marvin sat down next to Whizzer with a cup of coffee as Whizzer spread out his newly developed photos. One by one, Whizzer walked Marvin through each of them, explaining at what point in the day they were each taken, and why he thought the moments were worthy of capturing. After a while, Marvin began to notice a pattern in the photos. “Why did you take so many of me?” Whizzer had photographed Marvin before, but about ten or so pictures on the table featured Marvin prominently.
Whizzer grinned and pulled the pictures of Marvin towards him. “Look at them. In all of these pictures, you’re smiling. More than you do on any given day, I might add.” As Marvin leaned in to inspect further, Whizzer leaned in and kissed Marvin’s cheek. “I told you you’d have fun. Wasn’t I right?”
When Whizzer smiled and raised his eyebrow like that, Marvin hated to admit that he was right. But he was; Marvin had had the time of his life yesterday, all thanks to Whizzer. “Okay, fine, you’re right. It wouldn’t have been as fun without you, though. Thank you.” While Whizzer finished sorting his photos, Marvin rested his head on Whizzer’s shoulder.
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sonnydelagay · 7 years
whats up it’s nearly midnight but i have no concept of the passage of time so it doesn’t really matter
here’s the belated second part of @andrewrcnnells ‘s ss gift i haven’t read over it to edit/double check anything nor do i plan on doing so all i want to do is sleep hope u enjoy
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sin-of-omission · 7 years
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For @falsettossecretsnowmen I got @levizoe and I ran with the prompt of “Paranormal Falsettos”. I haven’t done edits in so long, but I thought these were fun, and can also be used as phone wallpaper!! Happy Holidays, hope you like it!
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Secret Santa Gift- High School AU One-shot
Sorry I’ve been super inactive but I’ve been busy between finishing my production and school and working on this for @singaroundelay for the @falsettossecretsnowmen event. Hope you like it!
Marvin felt totally out of place walking to the stands. He really wasn’t a sports person and if he was being honest he didn’t totally understand the game of baseball. Yet, there he was sitting amongst the crowd of his peers as the two teams warmed up. The longer he sat as people talked around him, the more he wondered if maybe he should just leave. He could say he had an assignment to finish or claim a headache. Surely, Whizzer would understand. He sighed and pushed the thoughts from his mind. That’s part of why they broke up in the first place. This was what Whizzer was passionate about so he could sit through it. 
Whizzer was worth it. 
As if he could read Marvin’s thoughts, Whizzer walked by and winked as he noticed Marvin. Marvin decided then that seeing Whizzer in those tight baseball pants already made staying to watch the game worth it. “Oh, hi Marvin. Didn’t expect to see you here,” a voice said next to him. “Hey Trina. Mendel. Still bringing your kid brother on your dates, I see,” Marvin teased. “Jason wanted to come,” Trina said as they sat down. “How are you, kid?” Marvin asked. He was never that close to Jason when he and Trina were dating but over time their relationship has gotten better. “I’m alright. I thought you weren’t into baseball,” Jason said sitting next to Marvin. “Well, I’m not into baseball but I’m pretty into Whizzer,” Marvin admitted. He smiled a bit as he heard Trina complain about him under her breath. “Whizzer’s been doing great lately!” Jason said excitedly. Jason had always held a fascination for Whizzer, especially when it came to his baseball. It was cute to watch the way the kid idolized Whizzer. “I even heard that a bunch of scouts have been coming to watch him. Whizzer would probably play wherever he wanted to.” “Is that so?” Marvin asked. Jason nodded and began to talk on and on about the way Whizzer pitched and his statistics. Marvin did his best to pay attention even though he had no clue what half of what Jason was saying was. “See, Cordelia. I told you everyone would already be here.” Marvin could hear Charlotte before he saw her walking towards them. “Oh, relax. We didn’t miss anything,” Cordelia said sitting on the other side of Marvin. “We didn’t miss anything, right Marvin?” “Not unless you wanted to watch guys stretch in tight pants,” Marvin teased before giving Cordelia a quick kiss on the cheek. “Then we’re right on time,” Charlotte said. Marvin couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his mouth. "Hi everyone," Cordelia said smiling "So what made you late this time?" Marvin asked curiously. "Delia burned some cookies in Home Ec and had to clean out the oven," Charlotte said. "You didn't have to stay and help," Cordelia reminded her. "Oh yes, what a wonderful girlfriend I would've been, leaving you behind to come sit around doing nothing," Charlotte said. "How sweet of you," Marvin teased.
Although Marvin knew very little about baseball, he knew enough to know that Whizzer was playing really well. He was scoring and helping his teammates score and striking people out. Jason was enamored by Whizzer as usual and made sure Marvin knew just how well he was playing. Before long the game was over and their school had won by a landslide. As much as Jason protested, Mendel and Trina left with him right after the game and Cordelia accompanied Charlotte home to work on an assignment so Marvin was left waiting for Whizzer alone. As he walked to his car, he noticed Whizzer talking with a man outside the locker rooms. He leaned against his car and watched as the two of them spoke. He couldn’t help but think back to Jason’s word about scouts watching Whizzer. Marvin smiled as Whizzer finally shook hands with the man and walked to his car. “Who was that,” Marvin asked helping Whizzer put his gear in the trunk. “Oh, just some scout asking a couple questions,” Whizzer said with a shrug. “Oh, really? And what did you tell him?” Marvin asked. “Just that I’d been talking to other teams and school but was keeping my options open,” Whizzer said with a smirk. “That ought to light a fire under their asses.” “You know, a little birdie told me that you’ve got scouts coming to every game now,” Marvin said as and Whizzer slid into the car. “Is that so?” Whizzer asked with a soft laugh. “I guess I’ve gotta bring you to every game so I can keep playing well.” “If that’s what it takes,” Marvin said smiling. “Really? You’d come to my games?” Whizzer asked. “If you wanted me to, yeah. I may not like baseball but it’s what your passionate about so of course I’d go and support you,” Marvin told him. “Aw, look at you being all sweet. I guess you actually have a heart,” Whizzer teased. “Oh shut up,” Marvin said shoving him. “You know, if I play this good when you’re around, what if I turn to complete crap when you go to college? What if you're my lucky charm? I guess this means you’ll have to stay with me next year instead of running off,” Whizzer said as they pulled into the parking garage for Marvin’s apartment complex. “You don’t need me to play well. Besides, nothing’s set in stone yet. You might be worrying over nothing,” Marvin said as he turned the car off. “I’m gonna miss you if you go away,” Whizzer said turning to look at Marvin. “Then I guess I’ll just have to bring you with me,” Marvin said before kissing Whizzer. "As much as I’d love to make out in your car, I really need a proper shower,” Whizzer said against his mouth. “If you insist,” Marvin told him pulling away. "Besides, I know for a fact you have not started on calculus." "Please, calculus is so easy it's boring. I could finish it on the ride to school if I had to," Whizzer said as they walked up the stairs to their shared apartment. "Well, not all of us are gifted with the ability to differentiate functions at will so you could help me for once," Marvin said bumping his shoulders. Whizzer gave a dramatic sigh. "If I have to," he teased but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Hey, no matter where either of us go for college or baseball or whatever, we'll be alright," Marvin promised as they stopped in front of the door to their apartment. Whizzer nodded. "Everything will be alright," Whizzer said smiling.
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weisenbachfeldz · 7 years
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marvin doesn’t share his devotion to... style
(for my secret snowman @flew-off-with-whizzer-brown ! based on the prompt “ugly hannukah sweater” <3)
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My @falsettossecretsnowmen gift for @art-hoodie, who gave me a prompt to write about the women in the show and their relationship.  My first ever Falsettos fanfiction, and my first time writing any fan fiction in three years which is crazy. I really hope you like it, happy holidays!
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Secret Snowman Gift!
Here’s my gift for @tevetina
I tried to incorporate all three of your requests; I hope I did them justice. 
Happy Holidays!!
Whizzer stares out the window, watching as the sun set behind the Manhattan skyline in brilliant, blinding orange. He remembers, faintly, a time when the sight of that skyline filled him with inexpressible excitement, when that skyline represented a world of possibility for him—a way out of Brooklyn, out of his dad’s shitty apartment and oppressive parenting-style (or, rather, lack-thereof), and into a place where he could unapologetically be himself, without fear of punishment. Now, the sight of that skyline left Whizzer empty.  After all, look where all that “possibility” had led him: a cold, sterile hospital room that smelled too strongly of bleach and had buzzing florescent lights that didn’t do his complexion any favors.
“Hey.” It’s soft, barely whispered, but enough to snap Whizzer back into reality. He turns, plastering a smile across his face, to see Marvin’s just woken up from his nap.
“Hey there, sleepy head.” Whizzer says. “How’re you feelin’?” He crosses as he says this, and pushes Marvin’s hair out of his face; it’s damp with sweat and clinging to his forehead. Whizzer discreetly wipes his hand on his pants.
“Better with you here,” Marvin replies, trying to sit up a little in the bed. “But still terrible. It’s like someone moved the Sahara inside my mouth.” He reaches for the pitcher of water on his little bedtable, but Whizzer automatically moves to grab it for him, and pours him a glass of water in a pink plastic cup.
“These are so ugly.” He remarks, placing the cup in Marvin’s hand.
“I could have done that myself, you know.” Marvin says with a frown.
“I know, sweetheart.” Whizzer replies with a gentle nod, choosing not to point out how badly Marvin’s hand shook when he’d tried to get it on his own. “Move over.” He nudges Marvin over to the side, causing his lover to dribble water on himself in the process, and falls into the bed beside him. He yawns and leans into Marvin, nuzzling against his shoulder like he would have done in their bed at home.
“You don’t have to stay here,” Marvin points out. “I’ll still be here tomorrow, even if you do go home and get a good night’s sleep.”
Whizzer laughs, locking his fingers with Marvin’s. “It’s going to take more than that to convince me to leave you here alone.” Marvin purses his lips, considering this statement for a moment.
“Okay then,” he says finally. “What would you tell me, to get me to take care of myself, if our roles were reversed?”
“Well,” Whizzer says, thinking it over for half a second. “I’d probably say something like…’Marvin, just go home, and turn on the TV. Drink a little somethin’ till you’re dead—think of me around, sleeping soundly in our bed.’” He pauses, then adds, “But I wouldn’t really want you to leave, so I’d tell you there’s nothing to fear, and beg you to stay right here. And finish with an ‘I love you’, so you couldn’t say no.”
Marvin smiles and presses a weak kiss to the top of Whizzer’s head. “I love you, too.”
 Whizzer managed to get Marvin back to sleep not long after their little exchange—a task that was becoming easier and easier with each passing day, and which did nothing to quell the growing pit in Whizzer’s stomach. He’s just slipping out of the hospital room when Charlotte catches him in the hall.
“Whizzer, wait.” It’s as close to a yell as she can reasonably get, given it’s nearly eleven o’clock at night, and most of the hospital is asleep. Whizzer stops and waits for her, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up again; he’d been hypnotized by the idea of passing out on Mendel and Trina’s couch—something he’d been doing more often lately, given how much closer their place was to the hospital.
Charlotte’s wearing a grim expression, and holding her clipboard close to her chest. Whizzer’s anxiety spikes, and he can feel his arms go a little numb, a nervous reaction he’s had since he was little.
Charlotte sighs, “Look, Whizzer…something bad is happening to Marvin. Something very bad. Something that kills.” Whizzer winces at her bluntness. “Something…infectious, that spreads from one man to another.” She looks at him expectantly, her eyebrows knit together in worry.
It clicks a little slower than Whizzer would care to admit.
“Oh.” He says slowly, because it’s all he can muster. “I have to go now.”  He turns, not entirely sure of where he’s going, because his vision has clouded over and his head is swimming.
“Whizzer?” Charlotte calls after him. “Whizzer, I’m sorry!”
“Whizzer?” Jason’s voice is softer than usual, as if all the life and energy that normally filled him had been sucked out. He’s sat himself down in the hard plastic armchair next to Whizzer, who’s been asked to leave Marvin’s hospital room, because, as one of the nasty nurses put it, he’s not Marvin’s “family”.
“Yeah, pal?” Whizzer asks.
“I need your help with something.”
Whizzer keeps draping and re-draping the garment bag over his forearm; it won’t sit straight, and he’ll be damned if the clothes inside it end up wrinkled because of that.
Trina gently places her hand on his shoulder. “Everything will be alright.” She smiles as she says this, but her eyes give away the uncertainty that her voice doesn’t. Whizzer offers her a weak grin in return, knowing he looks more uncertain of the sentiment as she does.
Whizzer takes a deep breath before he rushes through the door, with a more enthusiastic “Surprise!” than he thought he could manage. He claps a hand down on Jason’s shoulder, explaining how the whole affair was Jason’s brilliant idea.
“I brought the prayer shawl!” Mendel chimes in.
“It’s Jason’s Bar Mitzvah?” Marvin asks, trying to stand up to greet them all. Whizzer pretends not to worry at the way Marvin has to lean into his bed to get the support he needs to stay upright. Whizzer crosses to him and gives Marvin his hand as support. Marvin laces shaking fingers between Whizzer’s and beams; Whizzer can’t help but notice the tears welled up in Marvin’s eyes.
“I brought you a change of clothes.” He explains, clearing his throat slightly and gesturing with the garment bag. “We’ll change you into as much as we can; you’ll look good in the pictures.” Whizzer doesn’t add “Well, as good as you can”; Marvin’s eyes are rimmed with dark purple, his lips colorless, and his cheeks thin and pale. He looks like a walking corpse, and there’s little Whizzer can do to dress that up, though he does wonder if Cordelia or Trina might have some blush in their purse he could use to put a little life back into his lover’s face.
Marvin laughs, snapping Whizzer out of his worried wondering. “I love you. Marry me?”
“We’ll see.” Whizzer says, kissing Marvin’s nose. “You know I want a summer wedding, and who can say where my affections will lie by June?”
Marvin rolls his eyes at that, making a motion with his arm that should push Whizzer away, but does little to move either of them at the moment.
“Come on, now; let’s get you changed.”
What comes after the makeshift ceremony can hardly be called a reception, but Whizzer wouldn’t trade it for a Bar Mitzvah at the Ritz, even if he had the chance.
Trina’s found an NPR station that plays all instrumentals on the boom box that was Charlotte’s gift to Jason—a gift which she insisted he open immediately. Trina proudly declares it better than the band she’d looked into—and much cheaper too. She and Mendel are waltzing around the room, giggling like teenagers; Charlotte and Jason are doing the tango, while Cordelia claps and cheers them on from her place by the appetizers; Marvin is leaning into Whizzer’s shoulder as they sway back and forth, like two teenagers at the prom who’ve no real idea how to dance.
For a moment, Whizzer forgets they’re even in a hospital room. For a moment, he forgets that Marvin’s sick. For a moment, there’s no oppressive weight in the room, no tensions between them, no fears of the future looming over everything.
For just a moment, everything—every single thing—is perfect.
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