#ANYWAY. pls send me good writing vibes and also the ability to Not Ramble for 5 seconds so i can get to this fucking plot point
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
my dear, dear fake dating au friends... i need you all to know that i am not well. and it appears terminal.
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we are two-thirds (yes, only 2/3) of the way through the already-reduced chapter plan for ch6. lord help me 🥲🥲🥲🙏
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preternatural-fools · 6 years
idontevenknowhowmanyanonsivesenttoday but uH im just curious,, for all the boys,, how would you help your best friend/ s/o through an anxiety attack or just when they’re nervous/anxious in general,,? (( also pls don’t feel obligated to answer this right away or even at all if you don’t feel comfortable with answering smthn like this lol)) ,, — goodnight K and the boys, sleep well 😚😚 - chaotic anon🌌🖤🌌
((You can send in as many as you’d like!! No worries, hun!! And it’s morning now that I’m answering this so; Good Morning!! I hope you slept well and had a good day!! The boys say Good Morning 🖤))
I’m going to answer this a little bit differently~
((I think they’d all be relatively similar in the way that they handle it, so this sounds repetitive, but Imma write it out aNyWaY))
Psychic!Jimin: In my opinion, Jimin would be the best at this. Jimin can project calming thoughts and vibes to people, and so in a situation like this, if someone he was with or close with, was experiencing an anxiety attack or if they were nervous about something—he would sit (or stand, whatever the circumstances allow) with them, and let them know that he’s there with them. Maybe if the person doesn’t mind (because some people don’t like to be touched or hovered over when they’re having these moments) he’d hold their hand and while he’s sitting there with them, he would start projecting that calming energy to the person. He’d rub small circles on their hands, “Hey, look at me.”, and work on trying to calm them down from the inside out with the energy he’s sending. If they were just nervous or anxious about a situation or something coming up in general—that’s when I think he’d be more subtle; he’d pick up on their energy, give their hand a reassuring squeeze to let them know that he’s there and he’s with them. And sometimes that reassurance helps a lot in those situations. I think that he’d suggest talking about what triggered the anxiety—if there was a trigger—because he knows that sometimes attacks can come out of nowhere for no reason. 
Vamp!Tae: Vampires are good at picking up on emotions, so I think Tae would pick up on it pretty quickly and he would try to intervene (for lack of a better word) before the peak of the attack or before the nervousness/anxiousness jump starts overthinking, making way for more anxiety stemming from that overthinking. Like Jimin, he’d go for the soft, reassuring touch; take their hand, rub circles on their back, squeeze their knee. I think Tae would even go as far as to remove them from the situation if the circumstances call for that—step outside/away, to get away from the surrounding people or environment, and if they were getting overwhelmed by an action or task, he’d have them come sit down with him—somewhere quiet, “Hey, focus on me, just me.” He’d use that intensity he has; lock his gaze with theirs, maybe take a deep breath to get them to follow along and jump start that calming, coming down effect. Like Jimin, I think Tae would ask if they wanted to discuss what the anxiety stemmed from, if there was a root, and he’d talk to them about it and through it—try and rip it up from the root if possible. He’d let them know that he’s there for them—Tae would be more that willing to sit and ride it out with them, he wants them to know that he’s there for them no matter what and that they can lean on him if they need to. He understands anxiety is hard and hard to overcome at times, so there wouldn’t be any pressure to snap back to the present—he has all the time in the world to be there for them, no matter how long it takes.
Witch!Yoongi: Yoongi comes off pretty aloof and apathetic, but truth is—he’s really good at picking up on other people’s moods and emotions—it’s just the handling part that he struggles with—he get’s awkward. I feel like at first, he’d be a little stumped, like ‘shit what do I do’, but what can he do? Other than be there with them? And so that’s what he does; he’d encourage the person to come away from the situation, environment, task, or whatever—remove that external stimuli—and be with them while this rocks out. He’s a little awkward with comfort, but he gives me a hand on the knee/back vibe, occasionally taking his hands away because he’s afraid to add to the stress of the situation. He’d try to the best of his abilities to be there for some type of support, though he might struggle with what to say or do, “Hey, it’s okay, I’m here, we can do this, it’ll be okay.” Emphasis on the ‘we’ so they know he’s there with and for them. He’d definitely gives me the type of vibe that he would use and encourage the ‘take deep breaths with me’ technique, “Let’s talk about this, rationally, your anxiety isn’t in control here—you are, what’s going on?” And if there isn’t a specific trigger—he’d just be there with them and wait until they felt like that they’re down and coming back to the present. And if they were just nervous/anxious in general, I think he’d give them a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, we got this, we have nothing to worry about.”
Fae!Kook: Fae Persuasion. Instantly, as soon as he catches on, he’d snap his gaze to theirs, reaching out to make skin to skin contact, and talk them down. “Hey, listen to me…” And he’d say whatever fits the situation best. “We’re here, now, grounded on this earth, me and you—just me and you.” And maybe he’d even use some of that telepathy to make it seem like they really are the only two people there; he’d change the environment, change the location—take them anywhere else, within the own loop of their own mind, and stand and talk with them until they came down. Suck them out of the situation until they’re ready to come back. He’s a little spotty with emotions sometimes, he’s not always sure how to approach them, but he’d be more than open—more than willing—to listen to them talk if they wanted to talk, even if they just ramble, and if they don’t—he’d leave it at that. Sometimes just listening helps a lot. He’d hold their hand through it, talk to them about positive things, talk them out of what they were feeling, and just rewrite the situation. When he says, “You’re okay, it’s okay.” They believe it, and it works great for pulling them out of it. Is that cheating a little? Sure. Does it work? Yeah.
Necromancer!Hoseok: He deals with anxiety himself, can he handle his own anxiety? Not entirely. Would he be more than willing to help them deal with theirs? Absolutely. What does he do? The things he likes when he’s struggling with his anxiety. He shifts all of his attention to them, careful to approach them physically—not wanting to crowd and overwhelm them with his presence. “Hey...” He talks softly, calmly, “Take a deep breath, breathe it out, let it out.” He rubs small circles into their hand, “I’m here, okay? I’m right here.” He reminds them that they’re not alone, they’re grounded—they’re in the now, and this will pass. He’s gentle in the way he approaches it, “What’s going on? What has you worried?” He asks, he knows better than anyone that anxiety doesn’t always have a source, but if it does—he’ll work it out with them. But in the instances it doesn’t have a source—sometimes anxiety just needs to run its course—yeah, that sucks—but sometimes that’s all you can do. Ride it out, and he’ll ride it with them. General anxiety can be more annoying to deal with, because it’s kind of displaced and it’s just there, and so he’s just there with it; rubbing soft circles into their hand, throwing them a soft smile and nudging them. Anxiety is there, but so is he. 
Werewolf!Namjoon: He gives me a mix between Tae and Hoseok; He knows anxiety, but he knows how to handle it relatively well. He’d catch on and direct their attention to him, “Hey, I’m here, focus on me.” He’d want to reach out and touch the person, asking before he did so, so that he doesn’t overload them. He’d put his hand on their back, staying by their side and riding it out with them, “Take a deep breath, come on, do it with me—we’re can do this together.” He doesn’t want to assume that he knows what they’re going through, so he doesn’t say much, but he wants them to know he’s there with them and so he stays there, rubbing circles into their skin. Like Hoseok, he knows that sometimes anxiety just has to run its course, and he lets it, making sure to stay with them while they work it through. When it’s over, he asks if they’re okay, if anything specific is bothering them, if there’s anything he can help with or do to ease the anxiety, if there’s anything they want to take about, just to get it out. He understands that he might not be able to do that—but he wants them to know he’s there and willing to help. He wants to be their support when they feel like they don’t have any.
I’m a little on the fence with this—just because I’m personally not someone who likes to be hovered over when I’m anxious, but at the same time all I want is that comfort jsfhsddskj but I think it worked out okay~~ Sorry it got kind of repetitive, but I wanted them to be able to be supportive while also incorporating their personalities/characters into it. 
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