#ANYWAY. so i pirated the book because literally my only other choices were learn french or spend a solid 3 days’ wages on ONE book
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Hate when you finally find a copy of a book you’ve been searching for for ages and then as soon as you start it you’re like “actually I’m not in the mood to read this right now”
#i had to pirate it because it’s damn near unavailable in the uk for some reason#my options were £200 hardback or £6.99 ebook but it’s in french#and i just don’t see myself learning french that fast. plus i don’t trust those insanely expensive listings#has anyone ever bought like an out of print book or tarot deck or something for a random expensive price like £86.37#and had it actually arrive? because i want to know what’s going through the heads of people who list those kinds of prices#like yeah at an auction an out of print book could absolutely reach that but amazon is not an auction site lmao#ANYWAY. so i pirated the book because literally my only other choices were learn french or spend a solid 3 days’ wages on ONE book#and neither of those things were happening#and now i don’t even want to read it. like i don’t Not want to read it but i’m just like.. i feel like the reason this went out of print#(in the uk anyway) is that it’s not as good as his other two. like the horror showed up in the PROLOGUE. i’m sure there’s more to it#but like where is the suspense. where is the buildup. brother you put me through hell and back with the other books and now you’re showing#me a cryptid on page 3? what is the reason#i mean yeah in both of the other books horrifying stuff did start happening right from the beginning; but it was literally just a quick#taster of what was to come. it wasn’t like. the WHOLE thing. you’re telling me a cryptid that eats motherfuckers is NOT the main horror????#in that case i am completely unequipped to read this at the present moment. i have too many shifts booked in the near future to sign myself#up for a night of sleep THAT bad. so. it’s going back on the proverbial shelf. sorry.#watch me put off reading this for so long that it gets an affordable reprint lmao#personal
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kilesplaysthings · 6 years
IkeSen Custom MC/OC Meme
(just so you know, i’m pulling this straight outta thin air lol it’s late and i’m brainstorming as i fill this out XD)
Hello there, time-traveler / feudal heroine / warlord! What’s your name?
Oh hey there! My name is Ana Hill (I’ve been told I need to work on my Japanese letters - and I probably should be writing this in Japanese too - but hey, what Ieyasu doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?!)
Age? Height?
21! Uh, I guess about 5′3 or so?
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
Well, before I pulled a Marty McFly back into the Sengoku, my style was..um..nothing? I dunno, a simple t-shirt and jeans did the job for me. And Converse. Man..I miss my Converse.. Well, at my job I had to wear a nice pantsuit as well. Not too big on skirts, but I liked wearing dresses now and then. Heels were ok, but only for formal occasions. Now that I’m here in the good ol’ 1500s, I like to rock the kimono, if you know what I mean. Though I’ve been seriously considering swiping one of Mitsunari’s..or Ieyasu’s Hakama sometimes (they seem closer to my size, I think). Those look very comfortable!
Where are you from?
Glouchester, Massachusetts (USA) 
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons?
Ooh boy, here we go. Pros: It’s quieter here, plus the scenery is beautiful, like the different castles and shrines I’ve seen, not to mention all the nature!! Oh, and no pollution, either!! I get to be up close and personal with a lot of wildlife too, like horses! I’ve learned how to ride one too! Which is something I’ve always wanted to learn! Since I’ve been set up as a Princess I’ve been treated pretty well and everyone is very kind and helpful. And there’s a lot of lovely kimono I’ve been allowed to try on. Cons: Language barrier is worse in this time period. I could get by with speaking Japanese back in the modern day, but here, it’s different.. and I’m completely lost when it comes to reading their alphabet! I had no idea the letters changed over time! Also, they don’t call it the Sengoku era for nothing! It’s one thing to see it in the movies, it’s another thing to hear about and see the real thing. There are some things I don’t think I’ll ever un-see.. As for more lighthearted matters, I do miss wifi, not gonna lie.. and air conditioning... what I wouldn’t give for air conditioning again.....(and tampons but ANYWAYS)
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
I do miss my grandparents, but also my time was also the time where I had to watch my mom die... so... a little bit of yes and a little bit of no...
What’s your home life like?
I lived with my grandparents, whose parents actually immigrated from Portugal. My dad was of some other nationality, like German or Dutch, I think. He skipped out on us when I was a kid. My mom died in my teens. You know, being able to actually speak a little Portuguese helps with the warlords? At least, with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Didn’t realize there were Portuguese merchants that visited Japan back then. The more you know, I guess!
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work?
My line of work WAS being an English teacher in Kyoto. There was a cool exchange program in school that allowed us to go to Japan and I loved it. After that I learned that you could get a job that allowed you to teach English over there. I loved Japan, and I wanted to be a teacher. The rest is history. heh...
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period?
I’m a big movie buff. American film, French film, Japanese film, Korean film.. name it, I’ll watch it. It’s just a hobby of mine. Nothing very useful for the Sengoku period, though. Watching Kurosawa films does NOT make one a Sengoku scholar, I found. Though it is fun seeing all those warlords baffled at my lame 80s references.
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place?
Azuchi. Nobunaga and Masamune were names I recognized. And Nobunaga can speak some Portuguese, so I went along with him. Good choice? Bad choice? We’ll see...
How do you feel about killing and violence?
It’s the Sengoku period. It’s just what goes on here. That doesn’t mean I like it, and that it doesn’t scare me half to death, but I just kinda...live with it? I couldn’t kill a person myself, though. Unless maybe in self-defense.
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice?
Fighting kind of scares me. I did agree to learn how to shoot a bow. And Masamune gave me a dagger to protect myself.
What are you fighting for?
To survive? Being a Princess of Azuchi isn’t always safe, I’ve found. Especially when its Lord decides to drag me into battle even though he knows I don’t know a thing about fighting??!!
What are your feelings about authority?
Hey man, I don’t like dictators, but I come from a different time period. I can’t just assume that people are gonna understand or agree with the morals that I’m used to. If someone is pointing a sword or a pistol in my face, I’m not gonna act stupid and be disrespectful, you know? There’s a time and a place for things.
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
If it’s someone I know and am close with, I don’t mind it at all! But if they’re a stranger, I get uncomfortable.
…do you invade people’s personal space?
I wouldn’t say so, unless, again, if you’re someone I am close with. 
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
I tend to be more on the open side. I can keep a secret, though, if need be (though it depends on if I think its something that should be kept secret).
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
With a real person that I actually know? Yes...
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
I can be a bit of a cuddler. Again, if I know you, I like to be close. Kissing is..yes. I like it.. I also like to play with hair and have mine played with. Honestly, just snuggling close to someone and talking about anything and everything is a perfect way to spend an afternoon for me. I’m not too complicated. I grew up in a small house where we shared everything. I’m used to simple things and am easy to please.
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love?
Simple, everyday things please me. A nice comment, a random hug or kiss, a sweet gesture; just something that shows they were thinking of me... I grew up being taught that family is very important, so knowing that I am wanted and that I can be a part of someone else’s family would be a wonderful thing.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)?
Hmmmm...maybe? When I was little, my grandfather once said my grandmother was fofo, which means cute or soft. Maybe I’d call him that...
How do you feel about…
Nobunaga? Weird. A mix of scary, funny, childish, and admirable all rolled up into that...admittedly attractive...mountain of a man. Good conversationalist too. It’s extremely entertaining telling him all of the stories from movies and books back at home.
Hideyoshi?  Scary at first, but super sweet once he got used to me. Very helpful and considerate. I’m slowly but surely winding him down and helping him chill out about Nobunaga sneaking out to get candy (because I want some of my own, darn it!!!)
Masamune? Also Scary. But man can he cook! Also he has a PET TIGER. One of these days, im stealing Shogetsu and keeping him for myself!
Ieyasu? Porcupine. Also a good teacher, but super strict! Gave me a real appreciation for herbal medicines.
Mitsunari? He’s SO CUTE? Literally, the cutest person I’ve ever seen?? Good study buddy, too. He’s helping me learn the language better and I’m teaching him English!
Mitsuhide? Scary. But cool. But scary. But funny. I can’t tell you how many times he’s made fun of the way I’ve stared at him since we’ve met.
Shingen? Hot. Too hot. Dangerous. gotta keep your eye on that one. May or may not have imagined him in a suit.
Kenshin? He’s got..two different colored eyes? Like a cat? Intimidating as all get-out. All he thinks about is war. Needs a hobby like stamp collecting. I want to touch his fluffy haori.
Yukimura? Reminds me of a guy I knew in school. Kind of a jock, but not the kind that has a way with the ladies. Lovable but awkward. That kind of guy. He’s funny when he’s with Sasuke though. Hilarious to tease too. He called me an enchantress one time and I tried to sing that one song from Hocus Pocus to him. Didn’t go well.
Sasuke?  Bestest pal ever. Would 100% time travel with him again. We have so many inside jokes we could write a book. (omg we should do that.. gotta remind myself to tell him that next time I see him!!) It’s a shame he lives so far away.
Kennyo? A warrior monk who wants to kill but also loves animals? Doesn’t compute. If only I could get him to a therapist...
Motonari?  I’m gonna teach him the “Pirates Life for Me” song one of these days...that is, if he doesn’t try to kill me or kidnap me or something first...
Any other friends/notables?
I did have some friends when I was teaching English, yes. I also got along with my students pretty well too. Mostly, it’s my grandparents I worry about while I’m stuck here...
Freestyle! Tell us anything else you’d like to share!
I have a massive sweet tooth like big man Nobunaga here. Hideyoshi has accused me of encouraging his addiction.. it’s true, sadly. Portuguese merchants are my best friends and I’ve haggled them enough that I get some of their delicacies for lower prices. I’m becoming Nobunaga’s best friend because of this, I think. My name might as well be Lucky Charm. Shingen may or may not have recruited me to his sweet dumpling team though. Those are super good...
*goes to think about all the sweets she misses*
Thanks for introducing yourself! ♡
(you rock, @nyktoon-ikemenlove !)
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