#i mean yeah in both of the other books horrifying stuff did start happening right from the beginning; but it was literally just a quick
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Hate when you finally find a copy of a book you’ve been searching for for ages and then as soon as you start it you’re like “actually I’m not in the mood to read this right now”
#i had to pirate it because it’s damn near unavailable in the uk for some reason#my options were £200 hardback or £6.99 ebook but it’s in french#and i just don’t see myself learning french that fast. plus i don’t trust those insanely expensive listings#has anyone ever bought like an out of print book or tarot deck or something for a random expensive price like £86.37#and had it actually arrive? because i want to know what’s going through the heads of people who list those kinds of prices#like yeah at an auction an out of print book could absolutely reach that but amazon is not an auction site lmao#ANYWAY. so i pirated the book because literally my only other choices were learn french or spend a solid 3 days’ wages on ONE book#and neither of those things were happening#and now i don’t even want to read it. like i don’t Not want to read it but i’m just like.. i feel like the reason this went out of print#(in the uk anyway) is that it’s not as good as his other two. like the horror showed up in the PROLOGUE. i’m sure there’s more to it#but like where is the suspense. where is the buildup. brother you put me through hell and back with the other books and now you’re showing#me a cryptid on page 3? what is the reason#i mean yeah in both of the other books horrifying stuff did start happening right from the beginning; but it was literally just a quick#taster of what was to come. it wasn’t like. the WHOLE thing. you’re telling me a cryptid that eats motherfuckers is NOT the main horror????#in that case i am completely unequipped to read this at the present moment. i have too many shifts booked in the near future to sign myself#up for a night of sleep THAT bad. so. it’s going back on the proverbial shelf. sorry.#watch me put off reading this for so long that it gets an affordable reprint lmao#personal
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
An Honest Talk
(Got to the episode where Valerie gets the ghost hunting stuff. I just want her to be happy and not Filled With Vengeful Rage so, here's this.)
Jazz sees the whole thing.
Really, Valerie isn't even good at hiding it. As soon as that Ghost Hunter shows up at that school game, Jazz figures it out. Not just because her voice is the same, but because of the insults she shouts while hanging in that basketball hoop. Sure, Jazz is in a higher grade, but she's heard that A-Lister group plenty of times in the hallways and after school.
They're real jerks. But not murderous jerks.
So she decides to do something about it. No-one attacks her baby brother. ... Well, except other ghosts. But Jazz can't always help with those.
This? No problem.
"Hey, Valerie."
Valerie jolts, yelping and almost dropping what is clearly some kind of ghost-detecting device. "Who are- ugh, aren't you Fenton's sister? What do you want?"
"To talk to you," Jazz says in her most empathetic voice. "I noticed you're having kind of a rough time."
"Why do you care?"
"Because my brother does." Cares about not being pummeled, at least. But Jazz is sure Danny hopes the best for his schoolmate, even with the attacks.
Valerie huffs. "Great, pity from the loser kids."
"Come on, it won't hurt to talk about it?"
"Talk about what? That some ghost kid and his dog ruined my life? That we're broke, and all my friends hate me for it? yeah, talking will fix everything."
Jazz sits down on a bench, and pats the seat next to her. Valerie looks away.
But then... she sighs. And sits. "I keep thinking about that five hundred dollar shirt I ruined. Maybe if e hadn't bought that, or I hadn't worn it to school, we'd be a little better off right now."
"It's not your fault."
Valerie grits her teeth. "Yeah. It's that ghost kid's."
"Ghost kid?"
"... You believe in ghosts, right? Because of your parents?"
Jazz nods. "Plus, that thing during the school game,, Kind of hard to deny."
"Heh. Yeah. ... That dog broke into the place my dad was working for. he was showing off what he did for their security, and none of it stopped the dog or the kid. And then they showed up again at the garage sale and wrecked our moving van, and the dog stole my lunch after all my friends rejected me!"
Valerie wipes her eyes, scowling. "It's not fair!"
Jazz hands her a tissue. "It's not, not at all."
"I wanna destroy that kid," Valerie growls. "Like he destroyed me."
"... Valerie... how old is he?"
"About my age, I think."
"And he's a ghost."
"Yeah. And?"
"So... how do you think a ghost kid comes to be?"
Valerie doesn't reply. But after a moment, her eyes widen a little. "Oh... no, no, but... but he's a kid. He can't be any older than me."
"Yeah," Jazz says softly. "So something horrible must have happened to him already."
Valerie looks at the device in her hands. "... But... he still ruined my life." She sounds a bit unsure now.
"Maybe he didn't mean to. I mean... imagine one day you wake up and everything is... different. Suddenly you've got no gravity, and-and no-one can see you sometimes and you're this weird thing-"
God, how scared was Danny when it happened? She's pretty sure by now that it was The Accident that did it, she can't think of anything else that explains it. What was it like for him, waking up as something different?
"It would be tough," Jazz finishes, looking at Valerie.
Valerie still won't meet her eyes, looking at the beeping device. "Then why is he following me around?"
"... Well... does he show up first, or the dog?"
Valerie thinks for a long moment. "... The dog. It's always the dog."
"So maybe he's trying to catch it."
"... I mean, I guess that could be it. But he's been fighting me!"
"And you've been fighting him."
"But-! ... Aw, geez..." Valerie deflates. "What do I do now, then? I can't... I can't keep attacking some kid who... we've barely lived, I can't just make it so that he's barely lived twice."
Jazz stands up and offers her hand. "How about we try talking to him?"
Valerie looks at her. "For real?" She's skeptical.
Jazz nods. "For real. Maybe we can clear some things up."
Valerie turns away again. And then, with a hefty sigh...
Takes Jazz's hand.
"Cujo?" Danny calls out. "Cujo! We need to get you back to the Ghost Zone, buddy! Come on, where is he?"
Someone clears their throat behind him, and he yelps as he shoots up in the air.
He turns around, and sees possibly the worst thing he could see right now.
His sister, and his hunter.
"Hello, Ghost Boy!" Jazz calls out.
"Um... hi." Danny waves, still looking startled.
Jazz nudges Valerie, and Valerie huffs. "Hi," she says shortly. Jazz smile at her, though.
"I'm here to mediate a talk between you two," Jazz says, walking closer (and somewhat pulling Valerie along behind her). "I figured there might be more to this story than we all three think."
"Um, you're not- I mean, I'm a ghost, you're just... casual about this?"
Jazz nods. "My parents are well-versed with ghosts, this is nothing."
A straight-up lie. Jazz hadn't even believed in ghosts until she peeled Spectra. But maybe it's to save face for Valerie? Or maybe Jazz recognizes him as the ghost from that day.
"Anyway," Jazz says, "Valerie here has something to say."
Valerie, arms cross and back hunched angrily, glares at Danny. "Who are you, and why are you out to get me?"
Danny floats back down to the ground, standing on it now. "I'm, um... Phantom-"
Valerie gives him a disbelieving look.
"Uh, Ghost Names are uh, different! It's this whole thing. And, I'm not out to get you, I swear. It's all been terrible coincidences."
Valerie scoffs.
"Val, we're here to listen," Jazz reminds gently. "Let him explain his side of things, and then you can explain yours, and we'll come to a solution. Trust me, I read a book about this."
Danny doesn't doubt it. "I don't own that dog, I found him wandering around outside. I thought he was cute at first, and then he turned into the big dog that keeps haunting you."
"And why's he doing that?" she snips.
"I don't know yet." Danny rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. "I'm trying to send him back to the Ghost Zone, but he keeps coming back out! I'm starting to think it's some cliche 'unfinished business' thing. But until I can figure it out I don't know how to get rid of him. All I can do is try to minimize the damage."
"Doing a great job." Valerie rolls her eyes. "Ruining my father's business, ruining our garage sale, ruining my lunch!"
"I swear, I was trying to help! He's really, really hard to get under control! He's like five times my size!"
"And you can't grow bigger and handle it that way?" Valerie retorts.
"No! I'm only a few months into this, I-"
He cuts himself off at the look on Valerie's face. "What?"
"A few months? ... So... so I could've known you?" Horrified, is the best word for her expression.
Danny shrinks, holding his bicep and hunching a little. "Um, nevermind. I just mean I'm not super powerful."
"No, no, we're going back. Did I know you? Is this a revenge thing?"
"What? No! I already told you, I'm trying to help prevent things from getting worse! And... no. I'm a loser kid, and you're popular."
"... Was," Valerie says quietly. "... All my friends ditched me when I lost my money."
"That's awful."
Valerie nods. "I don't know why I thought they liked me for more than money, looking back. But it still hurts. Being a lonely loser is the worst."
"Tell me about it," Danny mutters. "I mean, I have friends, but sometimes some stuff just makes you feel alone no matter what."
He thinks he sees Jazz tear up at that, but he's not sure. He's distracted by Valerie letting out a sob.
"I don't have anything left," she says, voice quavering. "I don't have the popularity, I don't have money, I don't have the grades..."
"... So you turned to revenge?" Jazz's voice is soft.
Valerie sobs again, and Jazz gives her some comforting slow pats on the back. She looks at Danny, nodding at Valerie.
Danny gets the hint. "You... you could, um, make something, more?"
Valerie gives a somewhat bitter teary chuckle. "What is that supposed to mean, huh? I'm already hunting ghosts. It's... something."
"... You could try to make new friends."
"Oh sure, that's easy. I'm a social pariah."
"So am I. But even just one or two friends helps a lot."
"You got a lot of ghost buddies?"
"... Humans, actually. An if I can make friends with some high school kids as a loser and a ghost, you can make friends too. You just might have to lower your social radar a bit."
Valerie rubs her arm. "... You're really not out to get me, are you?"
"No, I'm not. I want to protect people, not hurt them."
"... I'm sorry I shot those missiles at you."
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep the dog contained."
"... I'm sorry you're a ghost so young."
Danny snuffles a little. "... Thanks." Sometimes he is, too.
Valerie looks at her hand, and then holds it out to him. "Truce? I won't mess with you. I can't promise the same about that dog if it keeps showing up, but I won't mess with you."
Danny sighs. "So you're keeping the weapons."
"Oh, you know I am. Even if I'm not hunting you, now that I know about ghosts I want to be prepared."
"I guess I understand that." Danny shakes her hand. "Truce."
Jazz grins. "See? Just needed a real, meaningful talk!"
Valerie laughs a little, wiping her eyes again. "Yeah, I guess. But... now what? Who do I blame for this?"
"Probably the boss who decided that Ghosts Suddenly Existing was your father's fault," Danny says.
Valerie's eyes harden. "Yeah. Yeah, I can go with that."
"But," Danny and Jazz say at once. They look at each other, and Jazz let's Danny speak.
"But," Danny says again, "Maybe focus on making some more friends, first. One thing about us losers, is we don't ditch someone just for money reasons."
"... I'll give it a shot." Valerie smiles a little at Danny. "With better aim than the ones I took at you."
Danny chuckles a bit.
They both wave goodbye, Jazz and Valerie leaving Danny to continue his search.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker all look up. Valerie is standing nervously with her brown paper bag of lunch. Tucker brightens up, and Sam gives a little, slightly suspicious, wave.
Danny scoots over. "Wanna sit with us?"
Valerie looks over at the A-Lister table. They're all staring, smirking, whispering.
She looks back at the 'losers'.
They're looking at her with... openness.
"Yeah. Sure."
She sits down, and gets out her lunch. For a minute, she just listens to them talk while she unpacks the sandwich.
"Hey, is that peanut butter and honey?" Sam asks. Valerie nods.
Sam holds up a thick roast beef sandwich. "My parents are trying to get me to eat meat again, but I'm staying vegetarian. Want to trade?"
Valerie blinks. "Uh... sure?"
They swap sandwiches. Valerie looks at the sandwich, mentally trying to figure out the carbs and calories and fat content-
She looks around the table. No-one else is analyzing their food. Or, judging hers.
She takes a bite. It's pretty good.
This... is pretty good.
She smiles, and laughs a little at a joke Danny makes.
Yeah. This is pretty good.
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mymoonagedaydream · 3 years
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Part 6
Summary: Why is it that being ‘just friends’ is always so much more difficult than it sounds?
Pairing: Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: Yooo it's the finale and my 100th post. What a time to be alive, stay safe and stay sexy guys, god love ya.
You and Bucky were friends again.
That’s how your chat had concluded, friends again. It might not have been exactly what you wanted deep down, but you knew it was the right thing for both of you, even if it was just while you sorted your heads out- jumping straight into any sort of romance without a buffer period would’ve been like surviving a shark attack and then booking scuba-diving lessons for the next day. You just needed a little rest.  
That being said, when you started to hang out again, it became pretty clear that the two of you were still circling each other.
You could tell he was making an effort to get things back to normal but, whether for better or worse, that involved him reverting back to his usual, mega-flirtatious self. Buck’s teasing was almost enough to drag you kicking and screaming away from your inhibitions in small doses, so you were reasonably a little worried now that he was single and available to hang out with you and Sam almost every day.
Something was inevitably going to happen, you just didn’t know what.
You weren’t expecting a grand gesture or some huge, moving event to set in stone that the two of you were meant to be together, but you were definitely determined to wait until it felt right- or until you knew for sure that it would never feel right and it was time to move on.  
Either way, you were just glad to have your friend back for now.
The only worrying thing was that you hadn’t heard from Cece. She knew vaguely when you were planning talking to Bucky, so you figured she’d be in touch soon afterwards, but you’d heard nothing.
That was, until you went round to Sam’s a few days later.
Pizza was ordered and a couple shitty movies were stuck on while the three of you goofed around, but the tone of the evening really shifted when Sam retreated into the bathroom for a shower. You and Buck were left alone.
He lowered the volume on the TV and pointed an apprehensive gaze towards you, which immediately set alarm bells ringing in your head. ‘So.’
‘I spoke to Cece.’
‘Yeah? Well that makes one of us, she’s been ignoring me.’ He winced slightly and grimaced, which made your stomach drop, a tingle of alarm travelling up your spine. ‘What did you talk to her about, Buck?’
‘Just... stuff.’
This was definitely not good. ‘What stuff, Buck?’
‘I’m really sorry.’
‘Oh jesus fuck.’
‘I didn’t mean to tell her that bit, I just-’ He shifted himself forwards, perching on the edge of his seat and grasping his hands together. ‘I just thought she deserved to know the truth. I swear I wasn’t gonna tell her it was you, but she guessed and I didn’t know what to say. Apart from my mom you’re kinda the only other woman I talk to.’
You put your head in your hands, horrified imagining what Cece must think of you. There you were giving advice and comforting her while in the background you and her boyfriend were playing the ultimate game of will-they-won't-they.
‘Are you pissed at me?’
Despite your panic, you struggled not to laugh at how timidly he asked you that. ‘About this specifically, or just generally?’
‘I guess both,’ he was obviously relieved at your playful tone, ‘but we can focus on this for now.’
‘No, I- ah fuck.’ You were struggling to string together your thoughts. ‘I’m not pissed, Buck. It’s not like we were best friends or anything, and she probably would’ve found out at some point, I just maybe would’ve preferred a little time between me comforting her and me being exposed as the other woman.’ 
He sighed loudly, still staring at you, obviously not knowing what to say next. It sounded like it wasn’t his fault, but you could tell he felt terrible for letting it slip.
‘You were right, she deserved to know. It was really mature of you to tell her.’
‘You think?’
‘Yeah, for sure. I’m impressed.’
‘Thanks.’ A smug smirk slowly spread across his face. ‘You know, that’s just one of my many great qualities.’
‘How many times do I have to tell you that being able to eat a Big Mac in one mouthful isn’t a great quality.’
‘That’s your opinion.’
The two of you carried on chatting shit, eventually straying far away from the Cece topic and never really revisiting it. 
It was strange, even though you knew that she was somewhere out there probably hating your guts, it kind of felt like a loose end had been tied up. Bucky had told his whole truth and so could move forward with a totally clear conscience, Cece knew there was a real reason behind the break-up so- even though it definitely fucking sucked for her to hear- she could begin to properly get over it, and you now didn’t have to waste the next years of your life as a go-between for the two of them.
Hopefully, things were going to be much simpler now.
There were many instances in your friendship with Sam that had led you very close to homicide, and this night a few weeks later was one of them. He’d invited you for a night out with him and Buck, which sounded great, until he told you which bar he was taking you to.
Back to the scene of the fucking crime, just being there gave you Vietnam flashbacks.
The only solution you could possibly think of was to get so blackout drunk that you couldn’t even see your surroundings, never mind be haunted by them. It seemed like Buck had exactly the same idea, and Sam obviously just didn’t want to be left out, because he matched the two of you shot-for-shot all evening.
After a couple hours of hard drinking, Sam wobbled over to the bar to get another round- a good half hour passed before you and Buck realised that he’d managed to pull.
Well, either he’d pulled or some random girl at the bar had requested he give her a dental exam using only his tongue. Watching them go at it was like looking directly at the sun, your eyes started to sting after a couple seconds.
Once your corneas had been adequately burned, you let your gaze wander over the rest of the strangers holding up the bar, a couple of dudes catching your eye but none leaving a lasting impression. Bucky obviously noticed what you were doing.
‘Anyone you like the look of?’
‘Not really.’ You shrugged, making a huge effort to appear nonchalant. ‘You?’
His eyes stayed fixed on you. ‘Definitely.’
For some reason, your drunken self was absolutely fine with maintaining heated eye contact, in silence, for an unreasonably long period of time. The tension between the two of you just kept rising until it was pretty much off the charts.
It was you who eventually broke the spell. ‘You want to stop fucking me with your eyes?’
‘You want me to do it with something else instead?’
A dirty chuckle tried to escape your throat but you just about managed to stay composed. ‘I still haven’t decided.’
‘Haven’t decided or just don’t think I’ve been punished enough yet?’
You shrugged again, getting a cheeky smirk over the rim of his glass in return. Scanning your eyes over the bar one more time, you suddenly realised that Sam had disappeared, along with the girl he’d been eating alive.
‘You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.’ Hovering out of your chair a little, you took a proper look around but still couldn’t see him. ‘Sam ditched us.’
‘Eh, let him have his fun. He was kind of a third wheel anyway.’
You collapsed back into your seat, raising an eyebrow at him. ‘You’re relentless tonight.’
‘And you’re hotter than hell and half of Georgia, what’re we gonna do about it?’
The look he was giving you made your head feel foggy, apparently copious amounts of alcohol and weeks of gradually building sexual tension was not a good mix.
You needed a minute.
After letting a brief excuse spill from your mouth, you jogged to the bathroom, figuring that leaving Bucky at the table a little confused was better than passing out or trying to shred his jeans off his body with your bare hands.
You steadied yourself on the sink, the same one that Cece had wept into a couple weeks earlier, splashed some cold water on your face and gave yourself a stern talking to. It was obvious what you wanted, at this point you were probably punishing yourself more than you were punishing him.
It felt right. It really did.
Squaring your shoulders, you took a deep breath and gave yourself a firm nod in the mirror. You’d never before felt so wobbly whilst simultaneously feeling like you could take on the whole fucking world.
You marched back into the bar and headed straight towards the front door, somehow managing to catch Bucky’s eye on your way out. A small follow me gesture was enough to tell him what was about to happen. He scrambled to his feet so fast it looked like someone had started a fire under his ass, the last few drops of his drink getting rapidly gulped down as his jacket was ripped from the back of his chair.
He met you out on the sidewalk. No words were exchanged, he immediately scooped you up into his arms and crashed his lips against yours. The next thing you knew, your back was firmly pressed against the cold brick wall, legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist.
Mouths connected with necks and hands grasped desperately at clothes, you could barely tell where you ended and he began.
He pulled away for a brief second. ‘Back to your place?’
‘What, you mean my parents’ house?’
‘Yeah, I wanna meet ‘em.’
You laughed far more loudly than intended before pushing him away and hurriedly making your way down the street, a hand firmly wrapped around his wrist. ‘In your dreams, asshole.’
You were unceremoniously woken up the next morning by an obnoxiously loud banging sound.
Figuring it was probably just your parents making sure you were still alive, you ignored it and tried to get back to sleep.
But the noise didn’t stop.
Slight irritation rose in your chest. You tried to yank the pillow out from under your head, with the intention of smothering yourself with it, but for some reason it wouldn’t budge. Something was holding it down.
A few seconds later, a combination of the loud banging and all your wriggling around stirred that something into action. 
You were grasped firmly around the waist and pulled backwards, the length of this mystery presence’s body pressing firmly into the back of yours, a warm sensation spreading down your back and through all your limbs.
‘What the hell d’you want, man?’
The loud voice right next to your fucking ear was enough to knock you out of your half-asleep dream state, just in time for you to make full eye contact with Sam as he burst through the door.
‘Hey can I-’ He looked at you, then at Bucky, then calmly nodded and backed out of the room without another word.
After that, it quickly became apparent that you were not in your own bedroom. The dirty gym shorts on the floor and the ridiculously strong smell of cologne should’ve told you that straight away but, in your defence, you were very hungover.
‘Looks like the cat’s out of the bag.’
‘Well could you push it back in please, it’s poking the hell out of me and I’m trying to sleep.’
A low chuckle vibrated along your neck, making all your hairs stand on end. Buck somehow managed to flip you over in one swift movement so you were facing him, from which position he was able to pull your leg up, bringing your thigh to rest on his hip. Without a thought, your hand automatically moved up to rest gently on his cheek.
Lying there, nose to nose with him, it still felt right.
‘So,’ his eyes flickered open, a faint smile dawning on his lips, ‘have you decided yet?’
You settled yourself into him, letting his arms enclose you, feeling your whole body completely relaxing. You never thought you’d actually get here. It felt so nice just being close to him like this, but there was no way you could let him know that. He was cocky enough already.
‘Not yet, I’ll let you know.’
‘Fingers crossed.’
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headheartbellarke · 4 years
Paper Rings | OWEN JOYNER
Requested by anon: “Owen request? A series of events that leads Owen to finally working up the courage to propose to his girlfriend?” PAIRING(s): Owen Joyner x fem!reader WARNING(s): some language, mentions of abuse, panic attack, anxiety, and fluff haha WORDS: 3.7k SUMMARY: Five times Owen almost asks his girlfriend to marry him, and one time he actually does.
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    Charlie looks around, feeling out of place amongst the big mirrors, bright lights, and the sparkling diamonds. When his best friend, Owen, told him that he wanted a ‘guys night’ (he’s still unsure as to why he wants to have one: they live together, it’s guys’ night every night – he was expecting bars, or clubs, or fancy restaurants; things they don’t get to do every night, because of work. But he definitely wasn’t expecting to be dragged into a jewellery store.
  “O, buddy, what are we doing here?”
  Owen shushes him, walking ahead to a counter. A woman with kind eyes greets him. “Mr. Joyner!”
  He smiles, familiarity pooling in his eyes.
  Charlie frowns. He didn’t expect Owen to be into jewellery – sure, he buys stuff for his sister and mother, but he always takes them with him.
  He thinks of Y/N, Owen’s girlfriend of about five years – there’s a possibility that he may be buying something for her, but it’s highly unlikely. Y/N has been pretty vocal about the fact that she hates diamonds, and who’s to blame her, really? Her father used to buy her mother a diamond necklace after every time he hit her or when he came home smelling of another woman’s perfume.
  Charlie exclaims, “Owen! I’m gonna die if you don’t tell me what’s going on!”
   “I know, I know.” He shushes him, again, and Charlie feels like a child, even though he’s older than the blonde boy. Owen turns to the woman in front of him, Miranda, as her name tag reads, and says, “I hope it’s ready.”
  She nods, excitedly. “Yes! I have it right here with me.”
  She disappears beneath the counter, and Charlie expects her to return with a big box, like a magician’s apprentice. But, instead, she emerges with a small, tiny box and he wonders –
  As realization dawns upon him, he feels a rush of euphoria. “Oh my god, are you –”
  Owen nods, his face aglow with anticipation, hope and adoration. “I – I walked into this store a couple of weeks ago, after I decided that I wanted to marry her, I mean, I’ve known it for a while, you know? I can’t see myself being with anyone but her for the rest of my life, and I want a family with her. She’s my soulmate, dude. And I – I think it’s the right time, too. She’s got that amazing job, and my career’s going great, so, yeah. I wanna marry her.”
  Charlie sniffs, feeling tears at the back of his eyes. “Bro.”
  His friend grins. “Bro.”
  Charlie pulls him into a hug, but Owen pushes him away, and they swat each other’s hands for a second before Owen whisper shouts, “Do you wanna see the ring or not?!”
  Charlie’s eyes widen and he nods. They turn to the woman in front of them, and she points to the box placed on the counter before them. “If you’re ready.”
  Owen nods, and Charlie feels amazed at the determination clouding his irises. He opens the box, and the Canadian boy gasps.
  Inside sits a simple platinum ring. Except at the middle, there’s a diamond shaped like a star. It’s so beautifully built, every edge looking like they’re fit to cut steel. And the entire ring – it’s so simple, yet beautiful, and Charlie knows why he picked it.  
  It’s a mirror of the way Owen sees Y/N – something gorgeous, something priceless, something elegant, yet something so simple to him, and something that will always makes sense, no matter what.
    Owen inhales, staring at his reflection in the full body length mirror in front of him. He’s going to do it today – he is going to ask his best friend, his soulmate and the love of his life to marry him. He has planned it all – even Charlie went out with the rest of the cast tonight to give the twenty-three-year-olds some privacy. (Charlie, Y/N, and Owen live together in Vancouver, at least while shooting the fourth season of Julie and The Phantoms, so, as one can guess, it’s really difficult to get a moment alone – but since the both of them love Charlie so fucking much, they don’t really mind.)
  He straightens his tie and hears soft footsteps in the hallway outside his room. Y/N’s head pokes in, her face lit up like Christmas lights.
   “Don’t you look sharp!” She says, while walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso. Owen smiles, catching her eyes in the reflection. “Are the bad puns ever going to stop?”
  She gasps, dramatically, and exclaims, “You don’t gotta be so mean about it!”
  He shakes his head, and feels love swell in his chest for the woman behind him. “I love you so much, you know that, right?”
  A mischievous glint appears in her eyes. “I could use a reminder.”
  Owen grins, turning backwards and cups her face in his hands, about to kiss her, when a voice stops him.
  “I think I just broke the coffee machine!”
  Y/N’s eyes widen, and she yells, “You did what?!”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “Is that –”
  She casts him an apologetic glance. “Zoe, yeah. I forgot to tell you, but Cece had to go out last minute, so I offered to watch her for the evening!”
  Usually, Owen loves kids, especially Y/N’s cousins like Zoe, but right now, he feels like jumping off a cliff. She seems to sense that as she runs her hands down his arms, and says, “I’m sorry! I know you said that tonight was gonna be just us, but you love Zoe, don’t you? And it’s gonna be fun, I promise!”
  It’s not. Owen had booked a table at Y/N’s favorite restaurant in Vancouver, and he would have proposed midway through the dinner, when the musicians there would start to play ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift, and when they got to the bridge, he would have dropped to a knee.
  Ignoring the weight in his chest, he plasters a smile on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry, I just – it’s been a while since we’ve been alone, you know? With work and all. But I’m sure it’s gonna be great with Zoe, too!”
  She nods. “Thank you. We can go out alone next week when Charlie has that photoshoot with Madi!”
  He nods. “Absolutely.”
  The little black box stays hidden in the pocket of the beige coat in his closet that he never wears.
    As Y/N smiles at him, Owen thinks that this is it. This is the moment he’s gonna ask her to marry him.
  As the light from the fire illuminates her face, he thinks about how perfect this weekend has been. After long days, and even longer nights of filming, they finally got a weekend off, and Charlie immediately booked a cabin in North Vancouver.
  And there’s no one better at planning trips than Charlie.
  Along with Owen, Y/N, and Charlie; Madison, Jadah, Jeremy and his wife, Carolynn, Savannah, Sacha, and Tori are here, too, everyone basking in the peace. Throughout the weekend, they’ve done anything and everything they can do in snow – from skiing, to making snow angels, and finally, as the shades of evening rolled on the last day of their trip, they are tired.
  After dinner, everyone wordlessly returned to their rooms, and Owen knows that they’re all fast asleep, right now – except Y/N, who is still as bubbly as champagne.
  When they returned to their room, Y/N quickly lit the fire – because no matter if it’s snowing or if it’s fifty degrees outside – she is always freezing.
  It’s the opposite in Owen’s case, though – he’s always warm, and that’s why Y/N wasted no time to settle in his lap.
  Owen quickly pats his pocket to check if the ring’s still there. It is, and it’s been there for the whole weekend. He’s been searching for opportunities, but they were always either with someone, or it wasn’t a good time.
  “O?” She asks, her voice soft.
  “Hmm?” He replies, threading his fingers through her hair.
  Her eyes brighten up, putting the fire in front of them to shame. “I’ve just had an idea.”
  “Later. First, I have something to ask you.” He says, his hand reaching into his pocket again.
  She smiles. “I know what you’re gonna ask.”
  Owen’s surprised. “You do?”
  She nods excitedly. “Yeah. Charlie told me!”
  He must have had a horrified look on his face because her eyes widen quickly. “Oh, he didn’t want to, believe me! But, now that I know, tell me, when are you gonna do it?”
  Owen stammers, suddenly feeling breathless in this room. The anxiety starts to pool in his stomach, along with an anger, directed towards Charlie. “I – I – I can’t believe he told you this…”
  She shrugs. “You know that he can’t hide anything from me. He’s like the brother I never asked for. Anyway, so he was showing me some of the designs, and I love you, but I don’t think you can handle a tooth piercing.”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “What?”
  “Like, totally no offence, but you passed out when the dentist came to do a routine check up on your teeth. I don’t wanna imagine what would happen if you got them pierced.”
  “What are talking about?!”
  “Charlie and your matching piercings, dummy! What else would I be talking about?” She looks at him as if he’s grown a third head.
  Owen’s lips part. “We are not getting matching piercings – I wasn’t gonna ask you that!”
  “Oh!” Her eyes widen. “What were you gonna ask, then?”
  He gulps, thinking to himself – this is it. This is it. This is it.
  “Do you wanna go home for New Year’s?”
  He mentally curses when that question comes out of his mouth, and even with Y/N’s bright smile, he starts to feel queasy inside, knowing that he still isn’t confident enough to actually ask her.
    Owen wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and stands up. “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
  She nods, her eyes sweeping across the mostly empty LA beach. He brought her here today to finally ask her to marry him – his past attempts have been nothing short of disastrous.
  As he opens his mouth, he feels a pang in his heart, and his mind starts to race. All kinds of thoughts race through his mind, like – what if she says no? what if she hates him for ruining what they have? What if Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift becomes his most relatable song? What if she –
  Y/N stands up, and her hand finds that of Owen’s, a reassurance, and he knows that she can sense his anxiety. She doesn’t ask him to talk about it – she knows that he will, eventually, when he’s ready. For now, she shows him that she’s here for him, and somehow that is enough.
  As she brushes his hair, his mind starts to calm down, his erratic breathing slowing down and involuntarily matching the pace of her breathing. She whispers, softly, “You’re okay. You’re safe. Everything is okay. You’re okay. I love you. I love you –”
  She keeps repeating that, until it’s like a mantra in Owen’s head, turning the racing thoughts to mere background noise.
  He opens his eyes, and looks into hers, and finally feels calm. He exhales. “That… uh....”
  She nods, comfort flooding through her eyes. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
  He shakes his head, taking his hand in hers. “I – I – I think that maybe you and I should, uh, get – um, matching tattoos. Yeah. That’s what I wanted to ask you.” He lies.
  She nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Of course. You don’t even have to ask – we’ve always talked about it, and I think that now is the perfect time! Do you wanna –”
  As Y/N talks about designs, he thinks that he’s a fucking coward.
    As Owen laughs, he feels confident, for once. He knows that tonight he’ll be able to ask her to marry him, especially in front of all his family – he loves his family, and so does Y/N and vice versa. He remembers the first time he brought her home three months after they’d started dating. He remembers feeling absolutely euphoric about the fact that she fit right in with his family. That was also the day that she had told him, for the first time, that she loves him.
  He looks around the table, and watches Y/N talk animatedly to his mother. His parents think of her as their own daughter, especially after finding out about her rocky relationship with her father. Y/N’s mother sits next to Owen, and he loves how carefree she looks – her ex-husband, really, was an asshole.
  He takes the little box out of his pocket, and his cousin, Elias, gasps. “Is that an engagement ring?” He whispers, his face scrunching as if the sentence left a bad taste in his mouth.
  Owen nods. “Yes. Elias, I would appreciate it if you kept it down.”
  His cousin raises his hands. “Always, homie.”
  He rolls his eyes. “Right.”
  Elias looks around. “Hey, do you think that it’s a good idea to propose now?”
  “What do you mean?” Owen’s brows furrow.
  “I mean people do it in private for a reason. What if she says no and then you get embarrassed in front of your entire family and hers? It’s sympathetic looks for the rest of your life, bro. And your parents wouldn’t be able to talk to her, nor to her mom, ‘cause it’d be, ya know, friggin’ embarrassing. Everyone’s probably gonna hate you.”
  Owen’s eyes widen, and he toys with the truth in his cousin’s words. Elias shrugs, and takes a sip of his water. “But it’s up to you, dude.”
  Slowly, Owen slides the ring back into his pocket.
    Owen looks around, checking if any distractions could be in this room. None. How could it, though? He’s standing in an empty classroom, in the middle of winter break. Nobody in their right minds would be here.
  Well, that would mean that Owen’s not in his right mind. To be really, really, really honest – he is kind of losing it. He has been trying to propose to Y/N for the past month, but every time – every god damn time, something comes up and ruins everything.
  So, he decided to break into his middle school. Well, ‘break into’ isn’t the right phrase – he asked the guard to give him the keys for the night, and even thanked him with a hundred dollar note. Unlike his girlfriend, he’s incapable of breaking rules.
  The guard thought that it was very romantic of him, but really, he’s just tired and wants to get married already. He taps his foot anxiously, and finally hears the door opening, signalling Y/N’s arrival.
  God, she looks absolutely adorable. Her nose is crimson from the cold, and she is bundled under what seems to be ten layers of clothing. She huffs, grinning when she notices him.
  “Are we here to make out? Because your house was much more comfortable and so, so warm.”
  Owen shakes his head. “Nope.”
  “Well, are you gonna murder me, O? Because, well, it’s certainly the perfect location.”
  “I have to tell you something.” He says, taking a step toward her. He looks around and sees that there is nothing that could possibly ruin this moment, and smiles brightly, preparing himself. Y/N’s eyes gleam with anticipation, as she nods for him to continue.
  “Y/N, I still remember the day that I met you. I remember the way you smiled at me even though I had spilled black coffee all over you and ruined your very pretty, white dress.”
  She laughs. “I was really mad at first, yeah. But the cutest boy in all of Oklahoma was in front of me, and well, you know that I was a goner.”
  He smiles fondly. “And the beautifulest girl in the world was in front of me.”
  “That’s not a word.”
  “I know. And then you laughed at my dumb jokes, and even agreed to go on a date with me.”
  “To compensate for that absolutely gorgeous dress.” She clarifies, a teasing smile on her face.
  He grins sheepishly. “And then somehow, somewhere we fell in love, and somehow, you became my other half, and somehow, I can’t imagine a world without you. I don’t want to. You are my best friend, and you are the one person around whom I can be completely myself and face no judgements.”
  “No, I do judge you. You’re a little questionable.”
  “And what would I do without your wicked sense of humour?”
  “Honestly? You’d be lost without me. I mean, you forget to even put your socks in the washing machine.”
  “You’re not supposed to wash them. They go on your feet. Obviously.”
  “That is disgusting, and you know it.”
  He laughs. “I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, and I… I… I want a family with you, you know? I know that we’ve never talked about this, and I don’t know how you would feel about one, but still, if you’re up for it, I’m too. But, if you don’t, that’s okay, too. More than okay.”
  For a moment, an unrecognizable expression crosses her face, and he wonders if he’s hurt her. But then the biggest smile blooms on her face.
  “We should have talked about this. But I would like a family with you, too. I mean, I’ve never really wanted one, and you know why. But, after seeing you and your family, I realized that a part of me does want it. I do want to have the home that I never got to have with you and I wanna do better. I know that you’ll be an amazing dad, and I wanna raise my kid the way that kids should be raised. And I want it with no one else but you.”
  Owen feels as if he’s on cloud nine, and he stares at her for a moment, wondering how lucky he is to find a girl like her. He says, “Y/N, I –”
  Before he can ask her the question, though, her ringtone cuts through the silence of the empty classroom. She whispers an apology and takes her phone out from her jeans pocket.
  She accepts the call and speaks into the phone. “Hey, Luka, what’s up? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Luka, slow down.”
  She exchanges a panicked look with Owen.
  Speaking of Owen, he’s losing it. Absolutely. He was so close. And for the first time, he had both confidence and hope. And something had to happen. He starts to feel annoyed at Luka, his sister, and then immediately feels bad about it, but then starts to feel annoyed again.
  “Oh no, you did what? Do you need me to come?”
  At Y/N’s last sentence, Owen bursts out. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
  Y/N raises her brows at him. He feels anger replacing all his emotions, anger towards the world, it’s timings, and mostly, towards himself.
  Sensing his rage, Y/N gives him a weird look. “What is wrong with you?” She whispers.
  “Everything. Everything is wrong!” He whispers back.
  He starts to feel breathless, and the familiar sensation of a panic attack starts to overcome him. He looks around, trying to focus on something, anything, when he spots the door.
  He looks at his girlfriend, and says, “I love you, but I’m gonna lose it.” With that, he walks by her, and out the doors, while she yells after him.
    It’s been twenty minutes since he last talked to Y/N, and he has lost all hope. He’s now sitting on a park bench a couple of minutes away from the school, and he is listing all the reasons why his life is absolutely shit.
  “Hey, you okay?”
  Owen looks up, and notices Y/N walking up to the bench, with a concerned look in her eyes.
  “I – I just… I’ve been trying to ask you something, Y/N, for the past month. And every time I try to do it, I’m either interrupted, or I’m not confident enough. And, today, there were no distractions, and I was finally feeling confident and hopeful and then my sister decides to ruin it – is she okay, by the way?”
  She nods and sits down beside him. “Yeah, she misplaced her dress for tonight.”
  He grits his teeth in annoyance. He loves her, but his sister has the worst timing.
  Y/N rests a hand on his, an odd look taking over her features. “You should know by now that the answer will always, and obviously be a yes.”
  Owen sharply turns towards her. “What?”
  A brilliant smile makes its way onto her face. “You are gonna propose, aren’t you?”
  A gasp involuntarily escapes him. “How’d you know?”
  “Well, you just said some pretty nice things about me. Also, I can see the outline of the ring box, and you keep checking your pocket for it every two minutes, even if you don’t realize it. You’re literally doing it right now.”
  In his defence, he wasn’t, or rather, isn’t consciously doing it. He slowly retracts his hand from his pocket and gives her a sheepish smile.
  She stands up. “Really, O, are you gonna do it or not –”
  “Yep, yep, yep.” He clears his throat and stands in front of her and drops to a knee. He takes the ring out, and flips open the box, and as the diamond’s reflected light dances across her face, Y/N gasps.
  “Oh my god, that’s gorgeous!”
  He grins. “I have great taste.”
  She smiles teasingly. “I know, baby.”
  “Will you ma–”
  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
  “You didn’t even let me finish!”
  “Someone would’ve probably interrupted you and I couldn’t take the chance of you losing your shit again.”
  “You do have a point.”
  “I always do.”
  He slides the ring onto her finger, and she kneels in front of him to match their heights. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he wraps his around her waist, both desperate to be closer, closer, closer.
  “I love you so much.” He whispers into her hair, and she kisses his shoulder.
  “I love you. Forever.”
  She untangles herself from him, and as she kisses him, Owen realizes that he had no reason to be worried at all.
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reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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givemethatgold · 3 years
Fix’er Upper - Part Twelve
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of drug use, fluff, smidge of angst? Length: 1.7k Notes: Managed to whip up this bad boy during a quiet moment today and should probably make y’all wait for it but I don’t really do posting schedules (as you’ve noticed) so enjoy. Not beta’d, not proof read, I’ll die on this messy hill.
Series Masterlist
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Surprisingly, life didn't change too much after that night. Frankie continued to run his acreage and oversee the making of this year's cider. With some encouragement and support from you, he was starting to expand the business and already had a few pubs in the closest city clamouring to have his product on tap.
Meanwhile, the improvements on the house were nearing an end, for the indoors list anyways. The first thing Frankie had helped you do was to install your new soaker tub, immediately followed by christening it by making soft, slow love to you inside of it.
There hadn't even been any water, your impatience to be close to each other wouldn't allow for that. You had just stripped out of your coveralls, convenient work-wear for people who fucked like rabbits you had to admit, and sat in his lap with your arms and legs wrapped around him. His hands guiding your hips in a slow rocking motion, breathing each other's air as your open mouths hovered in a not-quite kiss, only breaking eye contact when you threw your head back as you came.
Autumn passed quickly and Winter had gripped Vermont, cloaking the countryside in a heavy blanket of white. Christmas was a cozy affair, you and Frankie had been asked to join Jacquie and Mark in their family's merriment. It had stirred something inside of you, watching a functional family laugh, sing, argue, eat, and love with such abandon. 
It was everything you'd dreamt, initially, for your future with Brad. Now? Now you were starting to picture that future with Frankie's face as the patriarch, you just haven't built up the nerve to broach the subject yet. 
You'd started working at the bakery, enjoying the early mornings surrounded by rising dough and sculling back coffees with the adorable older ladies who ran the place. You'd also begun doing the books for Morales Acres and Catfish Brewery. Frankie was a veritable genius but he claimed he had no patience for keeping receipts and tracking numbers.
You had a sneaking suspicion he was playing dumb in an effort to give you more time together but you really didn't mind. Your break-of-dawn mornings at the bakery had you tired, but after a full day of renovating or bookkeeping, you were downright exhausted and ready for bed by eight pm. This, mixed with Frankie monitoring the brewing, bottling, and distribution of his cider and networking at bars and pubs throughout the state meant the two of you rarely saw each other.
All of your hard work in your own house had made you a popular friend to call when someone needed decorating advice, or a helping hand once they realized they couldn't tile their kitchen backsplash solo. You never charged for your time, although payment had initially been offered until work had got around that you preferred a good meal and conversation over money. I mean, sure, you could use the cash but it just didn't seem right. And you loved helping people and making deeper connections with the town you now truly felt you belonged in.
Tuesday evenings had become an unofficial date night for the two of you. The bakery was closed on Wednesdays and bar owners tended to be less interested in business halfway through the week, something to do with the rush of the previous weekend having worn off and the worry of setting up for another one starting to grow.
This meant you could stay up late, enjoy a proper homemade dinner, maybe even watch a movie or share a bottle of wine while soaking in your big ass tub. It usually ended as a sleepover, your house being the preferred location; Frankie's loft was perfectly fine but it did lack a certain homey appeal.
This pattern, this life, that you'd created for yourself was making you happier than you'd ever been in your entire life. You weren't one hundred percent content, not yet anyway, but the path to getting there was on a direct trajectory. You still wanted to finish your college degree, maybe switch it over to horticulture. Building a greenhouse and selling flowers was still a pipe dream but something your heart truly longed for, something that Frankie was constantly encouraging you to do.
"Look, hun," he had called out to you a few weeks ago while supposedly researching the new line of bottles. "There's an auction next county over and they have all this confiscated stuff from a grow op that got busted!"
"What?" You'd made a face and laughed at the absurdity of it all. "What on earth would you use from a pot farm?"
He just gave you a salacious wink as an answer.
Frankie had been open about his past drug abuse and while some recovering addicts may want all mention of it banned from a conversation, Frankie found levity in treating the topic like any other person would.
It had taken you a couple of hours to realize why he'd brought up the auction. It had hit you with a jolt, knowing that he’d remembered your rambling from on top of the Ferris wheel. You didn't realize he'd been listening when you'd told him about your idea of taking over the flower stand at the market once the current couple retired.
Your heart had swelled and there was a concerted effort to prevent the sudden onset of tears from running down your face. God, you loved this man, maybe one of these days you should tell him...
This particular routine was working well for the two of you. It gave each of you your own space to relax, destress, enjoy the shitty tv shows you were too embarrassed to watch in front of another living person. It also forced the two of you to take your relationship slowly, communication being a constant learning curve. You were both really good and telling each other when you needed time alone, when you were feeling stressed or sad. You each had learned the tells for when the other was angry or just hungry, if it was hormones or if there was something that was actually pissing you off.
The thing you each seemed to struggle with was expressing the softer side of the relationship. Neither of you appeared to have the Words of Affirmation love language skill, yet you both craved to hear it. You showed how much you cared for Frankie with your acts of service; helping him with the boring side of the business, baking, deep cleaning the loft, even scrubbing out the massive fermenter in the Catfish Cider warehouse.
Frankie, on the other hand, showed his love through physical touch. At first, you had assumed it was a staking-his-claim kind of thing but then you noticed how he'd do it all the time. A hand on your lower back while walking, caressing your hand with his thumb when driving in the truck, carding his fingers through your hair while you watched tv.
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This week's date night found you at his place, relaxing in the loft after a busy workday. You were making dinner while he 'helped' by sneaking bites of the prepped ingredients, arm slung around you with a hand in your back pocket.
"What're you looking for?" He asked, taking advantage of your distracted searching through his cupboards to sneak a few more pinches of grated cheese.
"A can opener!" You replied, exasperation raising your voice an octave. "I could have sworn I saw a white one around here somewhere..."
“No, pretty sure that one's yours. I don't think I have one?"
"Frankie," you deadpanned "how did you survive as a bachelor without canned food?"
"I ate a lot of take-out?" He looked indignant at your laughter, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Can you stop judging me long enough to eat some burritos?"
Smoothing his playful scowl with a kiss, you sat down at the counter and enjoyed your first meal together of the week.
An idea was formulating in the back of your mind, though, and you barely tasted anything. As the evening progressed, the idea grew and you were liking it more and more. The final straw was you not having a toothbrush in his bathroom anymore, having forgotten that it had fallen off the counter and into the trashcan the last time you'd spent the night.
Using his, with a strange mixture of distaste and nonchalance, before making your way over to the bed, you began to plan how the conversation could go:
Hey Frankie, so you know how I have a big house all to myself? Yeah... And it had everything we need in it? Yeah... And there's more than enough room for two adults to store all of their things? Yeah... And I wouldn't have to use your toothbrush ever again? Yea- wait what? I think you should move in with me.
It wasn't very romantic but it was the most likely, considering your dynamic. Just as you were crawling into bed and snuggling under the arm he'd raised to allow you to get closer, his cell phone rang.
"Hello? - This is he. - Yeah, biological. - Oh god, when?"
The immediate change in his tone from questioning to horrified caught your attention, sitting up to face him you grabbed his free hand, silently letting him know you were there for support.
His eyes were out of focus and a panicked expression was slowly morphing his face as the conversation went on, but he gave your hand a squeeze back in acknowledgement.
"Yes, in Vermont. Do you have my address? - Okay, good, good...okay - When? - I'll have something ready. Umm... does she... does she remember me? - Oh. Okay, thank you."
Slowly lowering the phone from his ear, Frankie sat staring into nothingness for what felt like hours. His side of the conversation and the way he was reacting had you rattled. You could guess as to what was happening but weren't sure if now was the right time to pry.
"Babe? Is, is everything okay?"
Gripping his hand tighter and rubbing his back you sat with him for a few more minutes before trying again. You didn’t want to push him but your heart was constricting in your chest from nervousness and concern for him.
"Can I get you anything? What do you need?"
His hand was now completely dead in yours; eventually, he turned his head towards you, eyes never fully focusing, and shook his head.
"I- she- fuck... I think you should go.”
Part Thirteen
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part Three)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, some fluffy angst too so it’s not really angst is it lmao
Word count: 1,988
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Previous | Next | Second Chance Masterlist
“Oh,” the girl beside you seemed surprised that your eyes opened, squinting against the light, “you’re awake. How do you feel?”
You only groaned in reply. You definitely didn’t feel as awful as you recalled, but you still didn’t feel good.
“We’ve cleaned the remaining wolfsbane from your system, so you should make a full recovery,” the girl told you, her voice soft and soothing.
She definitely didn’t look like she was from here. She had brown skin, round eyes, and long black hair that she kept clipped back away from her face. Had you seen her before when you were dying? No, you couldn’t tell. Your memories from then were too foggy.
Wait, you were dying. How were you alive?
You opened your mouth to speak, but your eyes finally adjusted enough where you could see the person laying on a cot behind the girl. His eyes were closed, and you couldn’t tell if he was passed out or sleeping, but you just felt very strongly toward him. Much stronger than you’d felt about anybody ever. He was absolutely beautiful, and all you wanted to do was walk the couple feet of space between your cot and his to stroke his hair and cheek.
You didn’t know why you felt so strongly about a stranger, but you also weren’t questioning it. You were a curious person, yes, but you tended to just roll with the punches.
The girl noticed your gaze had drifted behind her, and she chuckled, “Would you like to be closer? It’s better for mates to heal if they’re as close as possible, and he needs all the healing he can get.”
Mates? That wasn’t something you’d heard about before, but you could probably guess what it implied. Either way, your head was nodding before your brain could really think much about it.
The girl stood and moved her stool out of the way before wheeling your cot closer to his until they were pressed together. Your face was almost right next to his now, and you observed every single detail of him. You didn’t even know his name or anything about him, but your heart and your instincts already told you you’d do anything for him.
“They’re cute,” Minjee commented once she entered the room as her partner continued to stand by the doorway and watch the two of you.
Prajya hummed in reply, her hand finding Minjee’s, “I don’t think the girl knows anything about herself. I told her he’s her mate and she seemed a little clueless.”
“Well, she is young,” Minjee noted. “Maybe nobody’s told her about creatures like her.”
Prajya nodded slowly before turning her head to look at her partner, “Did things with the other wolf go well?”
Minjee nodded, “Perfect, actually. Sura’s just finishing a few minor things and getting him settled into a bed to recover. His brother and the girls are still waiting in the living room.”
“I should go see if they need anything,” Prajya decided, pressing a quick kiss to Minjee’s cheek before she left.
Minjee turned back to the two of you after her girlfriend had left, but saw that you weren’t awake anymore. Your eyes were closed, one of your hands resting on Joshua’s as he slept. Minjee smiled to herself, thinking both of you looked like you were doing better already.
Josh still wasn’t awake. Even Hansol had woken up before his older brother did. Wonwoo had already brought Soomin and Suvi back to the house, and Joshua still wasn’t awake. It worried Hansol that he was asleep for so long, but Minjee assured him it was just because he had exerted his power too much.
“Is he going to get it back...?” Hansol wondered, his yellow eyes warily watching Joshua sleep beside you.
“Yes, with time,” Minjee replied with a warm smile. “You really have nothing to worry about, Hansol. Besides, he has his mate with him, so the healing will be faster.”
“Yeah, if he isn’t stubborn about it,” he muttered to himself, the human girl unable to make out what he said.
That was something else that was worrying Hansol. Joshua already had a mate and lost her. Would he really be so open about a new mate? Even if he did use the remaining energy he had in him just to save you, he did that on pure instinct. It didn’t necessarily mean things would go smoothly when he’d wake up.
“Who is she, anyway?” Kyung wondered, nodding her head in your direction. 
You were still sleeping beside him, your hand still in his. Neither of you had even moved, either, but Minjee also promised that was nothing to worry about.
“I’m not sure of her name,” Minjee sighed, “but my partners and I found her when we were out checking traps one night. My mate, Sura, knows where some of the werewolf hunters place traps regularly. He likes to patrol them and see if anyone was caught so we can help. We found her in one of them. Sura said she might be a werecoyote.”
“Werecoyote?” Hansol repeated.
The doctor nodded, “Yes. He noticed she doesn’t smell quite like werewolf, but she’s definitely something.”
The two mated wolves could admit they noticed the same thing but kept to themselves about it. They thought maybe it was just because of the wolfsbane.
The pair looked between the two of you. While Joshua seemed peaceful now, both Hansol and Kyung weren’t sure how he’d react when he woke up. They could practically already see the sour look on his face before grumbling something about not wanting a new mate. They hoped maybe they’d be wrong, but…
“What do you think she’ll do if he denies her?” Kyung wondered to her mate, unsure if you’d be as patient and understanding as Hansol. They didn’t know anything about you.
Hansol let out a quiet sigh, “I don’t know, but they’ll both just...eventually...” he didn’t even want to say it, but after a beat of silence, he quietly said, “die.”
“Werecoyotes are creatures I’ve never encountered,” Soomin hummed thoughtfully as she flipped through Beom’s book of creatures.
Once Wonwoo had returned home with her and Suvi, the youngest excitedly began talking about how Joshua had imprinted and saved his new mate. Meanwhile, the rest of the pack seemed shocked and almost horrified. They knew how Joshua was, and they knew he wouldn’t want another mate. What happened with Lilly messed him up pretty badly, but it also made him afraid of himself for a long time. He’d be too scared to be with someone else.
While Suvi was explaining what happened and the pack began spewing questions, Soomin was already looking through Beom’s stuff to find some answers.
“I think Beom had told me a story or two of werecoyotes, though,” Soomin continued.
“I met a few,” Yeji chimed in. “They didn’t really seem too different from you guys.”
“They’re not -- not really, other than some minor stuff,” Soomin said after finally reaching the page she was looking for. She scanned it over, using her finger to guide her eyes. “Overall, they’re essentially the same, just a little weaker -- smaller, not as strong, but they are a little quicker because of their smaller size. It makes them more agile.”
“Anyone can outrun that old man,” Jeonghan scoffed.
“Who’s the oldest, anyway?” Suvi asked.
“Nobody really knows anymore, but we just assume it’s Josh,” Jun shrugged. “Years start to blend together after a while.”
“Speaking of not knowing things,” Danbi spoke up as she looked around the packed living room, “where’s Soonyoung?”
“It’s nighttime, so he’s in town,” Jihoon sighed.
“I thought we were still being careful?”
“Since when does Soonyoung follow rules?” Seungcheol asked with a quirked brow.
Soomin cleared her throat to grab the pack’s attention and bring them back to the bigger matter at hand: you. Once they were paying attention again, she continued, “Werecoyotes have the same heightened senses, the same weaknesses, and the same instincts as werewolves. However, because they’re smaller and weaker, they recover slower and are more likely to die from things like silver bullets.”
“So Joshua’s new mate is essentially a hyperactive accident-prone child?” Wonwoo snorted.
Soomin frowned, finally looking up from the book to look at her mate, “That’s mean. And she may very well act mature. Just because they’re faster than werewolves doesn’t make them hyper.”
“You said werecoyotes are just werewolves, basically,” Jeonghan shrugged. “You’ve seen our pack.”
Seungcheol nodded, “Seokmin specifically.”
“Hey,” the young wolf whined.
“Let’s not judge her just yet,” Soomin sighed.
Jihoon raised his eyebrows, “You didn’t even meet her?”
“She was passed out,” Suvi was the one to explain. “Her and Joshua were sleeping beside each other when we left.”
“I wish I could be there when they wake up,” Seungkwan chuckled. “I’m sure that’ll be a mess.”
It wasn’t until the sun was about to peak over the horizon that Josh finally groaned and rubbed his eyes with one hand. The other felt warm with a light weight in it that kept him from moving it.
The older wolf’s eyes opened before slowly looking to his left hand. He saw another hand in his and his eyes followed the arm up to the owner. He recognized your face. Not only did he remember what had happened as soon as he saw you, but he was bombarded with your face in his dreams -- well, more like nightmares. All he dreamt about was you and Lilly.
He wanted to snatch his hand away. He wanted to growl at you and wake you up and tell you to keep your hands to yourself. He wanted to yell at you to not touch him.
But he was too exhausted to do anything but lay there and glare at you with golden eyes.
“Oh, good,” a voice made him turn his head, “you’re finally awake.”
Joshua was briefly introduced to Prajya during his first check-up. She was a nice girl, but she had a little...bite to her. Josh liked her from the get go.
“See you’ve noticed your little friend,” Prajya chuckled. “You don’t seem too fond of her, though.”
His face scrunched up in almost disgust, “What is that?”
Prajya let out a snort at his reaction to his mate.
In your sleep, your nose wiggled a few times before you reached up to scratch it. Joshua rolled his eyes feeling his heart swell at how cute you seemed. He wanted his instincts to fuck off.
“I think you already know,” she replied in amusement.
“Who is she?” he asked.
The foreign girl just shrugged, “Beats me. We didn’t get a name from her or where she came from or anything.”
Unable to resist the curiosity, he slowly wondered, “...What happened to her?”
“Caught in a net that had barbs laced with wolfsbane,” she sighed as she leaned back against a wall and studied your face. “We were sure she was going to die until you showed up and--”
“Don’t,” he said sharply before dropping his tone to be only grumpy rather than angry, “mention it.”
Prajya just shrugged, “If you didn’t want it mentioned, you shouldn’t have done it. Kyung was right, you are a grumpy old man.”
He let out an exasperated sigh. Of course Kyung was gossiping with her old friends about him. The new alpha was a piece of work.
But she wasn’t really wrong, and even he knew that.
Prajya was silent as she watched Joshua watch you. It was clear that even though he openly showed his distaste for his new mate, his instincts were strong and hard to ignore. Even through the disgust and annoyance on his face, Prajya could see the love and adoration clear in his eyes.
The grumpy, old werewolf, and the young, carefree werecoyote. This would be interesting to see.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Six: (Firsts, Sweets, Coffee Shop)
A/N: First Kisses woo! One more day, thanks for sticking with me! Word Count: 2,451
The first time Mitsuri tried to kiss Shinobu was after the second date. They had gone out to dinner and then watched the stars under a blanket with two to-go cups of hot cocoa. It had been a lot of fun.
Mitsuri had been on a couple dates before dating Shinobu, she had also read multiple books and seen many movies about romance so she knew that after the second outing seemed to be the best time to ask for a kiss.
The problem was, that as Shinobu walked her to her front door, she got cold feet and she just knew she was sweating like crazy. So instead of going in for the kiss, she panicked and did something else. She patted Shinobu on the head like a child. She didn’t know why she did that. It wasn’t like she’d never kissed someone before, but it would be her first time kissing Shinobu and she was afraid of messing it up somehow.
Horrified with herself, she stumbled over her words, apologizing profusely for the strange gesture. Thankfully Shinobu was understanding and laughed it off. Mitsuri did not kiss her that night, but that was okay she told herself, there was always next time!
The first time Shinobu had almost kissed Mitsuri, was after their fourth date. They had gone beachcombing, which eventually dissolved into just picking up whatever trash the waves brought in to toss into garbage bins.
They had lost track of time and Shinobu had developed a bit of a sunburn since her sunscreen wasn’t reapplied. Mitsuri only seemed to tan right before her eyes. She wasn’t overly envious though, it just made sense that such a bright girl would do so well in the dazzling sun.
It was still too cold to swim, but their hard work left them wishing for a bit of a chill and they kicked off their shoes and socks to wade in the salty surf. Mitsuri had splashed playfully at Shinobu, but little had she known that she had just signed a declaration of war.
They chased each other around, splashing each other until they would have looked no different if they had lost their footing and tumbled into the ocean. Mitsuri was breathless from laughing and the horizon was growing pink and orange, Shinobu felt compelled to pull her closer.
She leaned in, opening her mouth to ask for permission but instead a yelp escaped her lips. Mitsuri had bent herself so her shoulder was level with Shinobu’s hips and hoisted the smaller girl up and over her shoulder with a victorious cheer.
The attempt was thwarted, but Mitsuri was happy. Shinobu let her have her fun and they went home. There was always next time, Shinobu thought.
Next time had yet to come and it was driving them both a bit crazy. Something always came up or someone would get cold feet or was sure the other was going to make the move. What started out as something exciting became kind of a point of dread. When it finally happened, what if all that build up lead to an unsatisfying end? Filled with unfounded fear of disappointing the other, nearly a month of dating regularly went by without so much as a peck on the cheek. It was frustrating for everyone to say the least. Everyone being Kanae, some of the track team, their classmates, friends and basically anyone close enough to keep tabs on their relationship.
Little did either of them realize that today would finally be the day of the first of many kisses!
“Are you coming to my meet tonight?” Shinobu had asked Mitsuri that morning as they walked into the school.
“Of course, what kind of a question is that?” Mitsuri huffed, offended that Shinobu even felt she had to ask.
“Just making sure. You’re allowed to miss one every once in awhile you know.”
“I’ve never missed one and I’m not starting now.” Mitsuri nodded resolutely.
“Alright,” Shinobu chuckled, “see you in the bleachers then.”
“See you.”
They stared at each other a moment, a bit longingly, before turning off in different directions to their respective classrooms for the day.
“You two look kind of pathetic, you know that?”
Mitsuri jumped in her skin at the teasing voice, turning to meet not one, but three of her classmates who had apparently watched the interaction from the stairwell.
“Makio, no need to be so harsh.” Hinatsuru scolded from beside her.
“Yeah, don’t be mean, Maki-chan!” Suma whined, pulling on her sleeve.
“Wh— Were you three standing there the whole time?” Mitsuri stammered.
“Doesn’t matter,” Makio waved her off, “what matters is that you and Kochou haven’t kissed yet, right?”
Mitsuri spluttered for a second before attempting to recover. “Just because you haven’t seen us do it, doesn’t mean we haven’t! I mean, if you saw us every time we were together, that would be stalking!”
“I don’t need to see every moment you two have spent together. It was obvious enough just then. It’s like your dancing around each other, waiting for someone to make the first move. It’s a wonder you two ended up together in the first place.” Makio laughed.
“Again, rude.” Hinatsuru complained. Suma nodded along with a big frown.
“I don’t need to listen to this. We’ll be late for class,” Mitsuri turned her nose up on the girls and started making her way to the classroom but Makio pulled her back.
“Hey, come on, I just wanna help you. You know I’m on the track team, Hina was on the volleyball team with you... Suma is a total nerd and only does boring stuff like calligraphy and theatre but she’s invested by proxy to us so...”
“Hey!” Suma interjected but was quickly silenced as Makio continued to speak.
“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, we wanna help you kiss Kochou and I have the perfect opportunity in mind!”
Mitsuri tilted her head and squinted, appraising each face before her with slight wariness.
“What doesn’t it matter to you if we kiss or not?” She asked.
“Do you wanna sit here and ask questions all day or do you want a sure fire way to kiss your girl?” Makio nearly yelled. Mitsuri nodded furiously.
“Okay good, we’re on the same page. You know the track meet tonight?”
Mitsuri nodded.
“Did you know Kochou is milliseconds away from beating the national record in the hundred meter dash?”
“No,” Mitsuri blinked, surprised, “she hadn’t told me that. That’s really awesome.”
“I know, right? So, when she breaks the record tonight, because she totally will, you should give her a congratulatory kiss!” Makio nodded, smiling confidently.
“Oh I don’t know...”
“Don’t worry Mitsuri-san, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Hinatsuru reassured. “After the event, just tell her how happy you are for her and give her a little peck. It’s easier than you think.”
“We’ll cheer you on, Kanroji-san!” Suma added.
“I, um, okay. I’ll think about it.” Mitsuri could feel her skin heat up just thinking about it.
The other three third years cheered and patted Mitsuri on the back, together they filed into their classroom and for the rest of the day, Mitsuri could only think of what it would be like to kiss Shinobu. Not that she hadn’t thought about it excessively before, but today it might actually happen!
Mitsuri maneuvered through the crowd as the official start of the track meet neared. She searched the bleachers for Kanae and Kanao since they were coming to watch as well. Suma and Hinatsuru tagged along with her for moral support, or so they claimed.
Mitsuri skipped over to Shinobu hanging over the fence to the track.
“How was warm ups? Do you feel good?” Mitsuri asked once she met up with her.
“I feel great,” Shinobu grinned, “I have a good feeling about this one. Not even Tomioka can kill my mood.”
Before Mitsuri could speak, the booth speaker squealed to life, making everyone in the area wince and groan.
“Sorry about that everyone.” A seraphic voice soothed over the rude awakening.
“Hm? What’s Tamayo-sensei doing in the booth? That’s usually Yushirou-sensei’s job.” Shinobu wondered.
“Unfortunately your usual announcer is ill, so I will be relaying the results for you all today.” The school nurse informed, giggling a little at her own word play. “We’ll be starting soon with the field events.”
“Well, I’ll see you later then.” Shinobu bid Mitsuri farewell. “Kanae and Kanao are in the third row near the far right.”
“Thanks, see you. Good luck!” Mitsuri grinned, patting Shinobu’s hand.
“Yeah, she’ll see you all right!” Makio yelled from the track.
“What the hell are you yelling about?”
“None of your business, Ume!” Makio yelled at her disgruntled stretching partner.
“What is Makio-senpai going on about?” Shinobu asked, her brow quirked in confusion.
“Nothing I’m sure!” Mitsuri laughed nervously. “Don’t you have high jump soon?”
“You’re right, I better get going.” With one last squeeze of the hand and a loving smile, Shinobu jogged over to the center of the field where the mats were set up.
“That was close!” Suma cried, her hands placed over her frantic heart.
“Come Mitsuri-san, let’s get our seats.” Hinatsuru beckoned.
They navigated through the people and found Kanae waving at them and sat down, watching the field events unfold.
Shinobu had cleaned up rather well in her field events. She got third in the high jump but it was a new record for their school. Not a national record, but still impressive in Mitsuri’s book. Then she got second in the long jump and first in the triple jump with another school record, beating her previous record by a few centimeters.
Next were the running events. Hurdles unfortunately didn’t go her way and she got fourth. Kanae giggled from beside Mitsuri, commenting on her sister’s sourness over the loss.
Finally, the final heat for the hundred meter dash began lining up and Mitsuri felt her heart pounding in her chest. This was it.
“Hm? Mitsuri-chan, are you feeling alright? You look ill.” Kanae spoke up after catching Mitsuri trembling.
“I’m okay!” She squeaked.
“Worried about Shinobu? It’s okay, she’ll do just fine. She’ll shake it out.” Kanae smiled. “Right, Kanao?”
Kanao nodded, her eyes not leaving the track.
Hinatsuru pulled Mitsuri close to whisper in her ear.
“Even if she doesn’t beat the record, I think a kiss would make her feel better anyway, no?” She winked.
Mitsuri gulped, a bead of sweat ran down her cheek as she gave her a shaky smile and single nod before turning her attention back to Shinobu, looking oh so determined and beautiful as ever.
Mitsuri tightened her hands into fists on her lap, waiting for the race to start with a pop. It would be over in a matter of seconds. Suddenly the nerves in her stomach became a rush of adrenaline.
The gun sounded, and as the girls on the track broke into their sprints, Mitsuri shot out of her seat, startling those around her as she pounded down the bleachers and followed the fence line.
“Where is she going?” Kanae asked.
“Oh dear,” Hinatsuru chuckled.
“Wait, is she going for it right now? I thought the plan was after the meet?” Suma screeched.
“I guess we didn’t make that point clear enough...”
“I’m lost, what is Mitsuri doing?” Kanae asked again.
“Uh,” Suma blushed, “she’s going to, um, well,” she pressed the tips of her two index fingers together and looked away bashfully, “kiss your sister?”
“Oh,” Kanae blinked, “well good for them!” She clapped.
Mitsuri kept running alongside the fence watching with excitement as Shinobu cleared the finish line well before her competitors.
“Kochou Shinobu wins by a noticeable margin.” Tamayo stated over the intercom, “That might not only be a new record for the academy, but also on the national level. Well done Kochou-san.”
Mitsuri pushed herself up over the fence, running the last of the distance to Shinobu on the track behind the group of winded girls.
“Oh? A non competitor has appeared to enter the track. They are running quite hard. I hope they don’t hurt themself.” Tamayo reported.
The runners all looked to each other, breathing heavily, before turning to look behind them. None more surprised than Shinobu to see who was coming down the track.
“Mitsuri?” Shinobu questioned, trying to concentrate on regulation her breathing.
“Shinobu!” Mitsuri cheered in return, wrapping the sprinter up in her arms. “Con—“ she took a deep breath, “congratulations!” She wheezed.
“Thank you,” Shinobu laughed, not nearly as breathless as Mitsuri, “you didn’t need to run all the way down—“
Soft, hot lips smushed into Shinobu’s and she stumbled back a bit at the force. Just as quickly as it started Mitsuri pulled back, an apology already forming on her tongue.
If only she could get the words out beyond stuttered, breathless nonsense. Shinobu didn’t seem to mind though, she pulled Mitsuri back down and returned the kiss with vigor and Mitsuri’s heart soared. It was like they were in their own little world.
Except they weren’t.
“I believe that’s a first... Um, girls? That’s very sweet, but we do have to get through relays still.” Tamayo called over the loudspeaker, startling the girls apart.
“Sorry!” They called out in unison.
They jogged off to the sidelines and upon noticing all the eyes still on them, Shinobu pulled Mitsuri further out of the way so they could have a moment of privacy.
“Was that okay?” Mitsuri asked, finally finding her words. “It was really sudden, wasn’t it? I should have asked first, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Shinobu promised, still holding Mitsuri’s hand, “I’ve wanted to do that for awhile now. Next time let’s try to have a private moment to ourselves though, alright?” Shinobu blushed, no doubt thinking of all the people who had witnessed their display of overt affection.
“...like right now?” Mitsuri asked shyly, looking around the the empty corner they found themselves in.
Shinobu looked around as well, ears burning. “Yeah... now is good.”
Shinobu ran back to the track and vaulted over the fence, coach Tomioka gave her a deadpanned look.
“What? I made it back, didn’t I?” She said as she ran by, making it to her relay team just in time.
“Get it all out of your system, Kochou?” Makio teased.
“I don’t know what you mean, Senpai.” Shinobu responded cooly, as she started jogging to her position on the track.
“Sure you don’t. You have sparkly lip gloss smeared across your cheek by the way.”
Makio, Ozaki, and Makomo giggled and guffawed as Shinobu wiped at her face.
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thefledglingdm · 3 years
Umm can I request directors commentary for literally any Leopika fic you’ve written??? Love your stuff!
ahhahaha thank you so much! yes, absolutely! this is going to be long, because i have decided to do that scene in light of my life, pain of my ass. beware LONG BULLSHIT and spoilers below the cut!
ok to set the scene. i was TERRIFIED to write this part. because this is the climax, you know? we've had 150k words of build-up and emotional tension to this scene. while this has been a romantic story, this is the actual climax of the story. we've spent all this time in kurapika's head as he's dealt with his anxiety, his need for control, his fear of letting go. how he's changed as he's opened up his heart and his life to people outside. and finally he's actually working through all of his emotions and the progress he's made out loud, in front of everyone. and because he forgot about giving his speech until like five minutes before (sorry, kp), he is forced to speak from the heart.
For five agonizing seconds, Kurapika stood alone in the middle of a silent room. Above him, the string lights coalesced into a single shared point of soft white light that illuminated his space.
i so wish this could be adapted to, like, netflix or made into a movie. i put so much into this imagery. the play on light? the cinnamon topography? *chef's kiss* yes please netflix CALL ME.
Everyone in his life was staring at him expectantly, Pairo and Altair and Gon and Killua and Nanika and Alluka and Kalluto and his parents. And approximately a hundred other people on top of that, extended family on both sides, industry insiders, coworkers. All staring at him and waiting for him to say something amazing and powerful and deep about love and what did Kurapika know about love, anyway? He was a thirty-two year old trans man so terrified of his own emotions, so paralyzed by his fear of loss, that he did not figure out he was in love with his best friend until three weeks ago.
this is me screwing the knife in deeper for poor kurapika, sorry. this is so incredibly horrifying for a person with anxiety, as someone with anxiety. behold, the terrifying ordeal of being known.
Five seconds. Kurapika finally found Leorio standing near the back, leaning against the bar. He wondered if Leorio picked the same spot where they sat together the very first time they came here on purpose. Leorio sent him a wink and a thumbs-up.
the terrifying ordeal of being known and being so, so loved anyway. it was great to write in a way that showed leorio realized he was in love with kurapika first (indeed, realized that kurapika was in love with him before kurapika knew himself), because these little interactions shows so much how leorio is inviting and allowing kurapika to come to him on his own time. and supporting him the whole way, because they are friends!!!!
Breathe, Kurapika thought. Just breathe. It’s going to be okay.
this statement was not supposed to be a running theme/motif, but i'm super glad it did! i wrote it as a one-off line for melody, but then i was like, hang on, that's kinda good? every other time i write i'm like, hey, you could make a theme out of this!
“Um,” Kurapika started, his voice cracking. Christ, he sounded seventeen again. He cleared his throat.
my friends told me about how their voices changed and dropped on T. any trans person is stronger and more powerful than any us marine.
“For those of you who may not know, I’m Pairo’s brother. Kurapika. His older one, just to be clear.”
this is definitely something that has happened like a hundred times.
There was a smattering of chuckles around the room. He twisted to look at Pairo. “I’ve known Pairo since he was a toddler dragging a ragged, threadbare T-Rex plushie around behind him. I was there when he read his first chapter book on his own – Dino Hunter, of course – because he came bursting into my room at two o’clock in the morning to tell me about it.” Another round of laughter. “I was there when he got his first notebook, when he won his first writing contest, when he was published in his first magazine. I was the first person he told about liking boys instead of girls. I’ve watched him grow and learn and fall in love. And now Altair is part of our family, too.”
pairo and kurapika's lives as brothers were amazing. dino hunter is a reference to the book they both read in the manga that led to kurapika wanting to leave the kurta and explore the world.
i also thought that writing fit pairo well because it's a pretty accessible career for his eyes. he could type, he could enhance the screen and font when he needed, and he could do talk-to-type. one day i want to write a side-story of when pairo and altair met, because i have it perfectly formulated in my head and it's adorable.
Kurapika took a deep breath, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. He confessed, “To be perfectly honest, I was scared when Pairo asked me to do this, because I’ve run out of things to teach him. He’s run on ahead of me in life. Settled down, moved in with his boyfriend – now husband, congratulations on that by the way – and gotten married, while I’m perpetually single and living alone in my loft apartment with an absolutely spoiled monster of a cat. Stop laughing, that wasn’t supposed to be a joke.”
emperor the cat was also not intended to be a character. i came up with him like, right before i started writing the chapter.
i think it was hard for kurapika to watch his brother fall in love and move on ahead in life. even if he was genuinely happy for them both. i had a conversation with a coworker a few months ago where we both talked about how we feel like we are "behind," even though we're both very accomplished. she felt like she was "behind" because i have a master's degree; i felt like i was "behind" because she was happily married and already had a child on the way (who is here and beautiful and perfect). and i imagine kurapika wondered if he was falling behind or missing something when he saw his brother succeed in love and business without really trying.
but there's no competition at all, of course. the world spins on, and we grow and change and find our place in our own time. there's no race.
The room quieted again. Kurapika went on, his eyes flicking over the crowd. He was starting to smile, too, now.
he's starting to realize this is okay, he's not going to mess up, he may actually have something worthwhile to say or share. he's getting more comfortable in all this.
“But I’m also a wedding planner – I know, ironic – and I’ve learned a lot about love from my clients. So if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to share some of those lessons now.”
No one from the back shouted at him to shut the fuck up, that he didn’t have a single clue what he was talking about, so he thought he was safe to carry on.
how funny would that have been??? like, it would have been fucked-up and humiliating, but in any other situation?? hilarious. just killua looking like that dude in mean girls being like HE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE except it's like HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.
He thought back to Light of My Life’s various couples, musing over their own rocky paths to the altar and the beautiful, fractured glimpses into their lives they gifted Kurapika and his team. What did they teach him? What did they teach his heart, that terrifying, terrified lump of meat frantically beating in his chest?
More than you think, his heart seemed to be telling him. Trust me; I will guide you through this. Trust me, trust me, trust me.
*"listen to your heart" plays in the background*
also like. trusting oneself and your perceptions and your feelings and your heart is so necessary. it's an important part of healing. and being honest with yourself and your feelings is part of a foundation for all healthy relationships, i think.
also i really like writing alliteratively. the play on words with "terrifying, terrified" was. inspired? terrifying, because kurapika for a long time feared his own heart and feelings, viewing them as a loss of control; and terrified, because his heart is afraid, too. and they are taking this leap together!
And Kurapika explained: “Love isn’t just found in eloquent professions or grand, romantic gestures. It’s supporting each other through your lowest, worst moments and coming out the other side stronger for it. It’s standing together, hand in hand, against the world. It’s in looking at someone simply existing in the world and seeing them as they are: good, beautiful, strong, intelligent, kind. It’s in your communication and your foundation and trusting that all good things will come together in time. It’s in the family that you build together. It’s in the work you each put in to get through the hard times. Together.”
me: yeah uh-huh jj you really did summarize the fic so far.
this is also where i started being sappy and thinking about love. friendly and romantic love. the love i've seen in my friends, the love i feel myself in my relationships.
There. That’s what his clients taught him. Menchi and Buhara; Morena and Theta; Pokkle and Ponzu; Knov and Morel; Knuckle and Shoot; Canary and Amane. But so many more people showed him what love was. He pictured Pairo and Altair on his couch, laughing at him and judging him and helping him put his own puzzle-piece heart together into something cohesive and beautiful. He smiled at his brothers and saw the way they were clutching each others hands, mouths beaming and eyes dewy.
they LOVE their brother so MUCH. their view of the outside looking in for the past year, watching kurapika fall in love, go soft, be happier than they've ever seen him.
He told them, “It’s in the way you can communicate in gestures and looks, and sometimes, without looking at all. It’s in banter and private jokes and finishing each other’s sentences. It’s in casual touches and... pouring their coffee before your own.”
my coffee is never as good as when my partner makes it. my honey-lemon tea is never as good as it is when my partner makes it. my jokes are never as funny as they are when my partner and i finish each other's sentences, build off of each other's quips. we can communicate across rooms with nothing but a look. these little signs of love are everywhere and expressed in so many tiny ways. these examples here are between people in romantic relationships, but these apply to platonic friendships as well.
His eyes swept the room and found Killua and Gon. Gon had his camera hefted onto one shoulder, and Killua stood behind him, arms around his waist and chin on his shoulder. “It’s on the first day you wake up and realize the way you look at the world has changed. The way you open your hands and your heart and give what you have, simply for the joy of being received.”
to love? transcendent. to be loved? incandescent. to love and know that it is valued and cherished and requited?
and this was a callback to killua talking about, of course, how he fell in love with gon like melting ice. like sinking into a bath. and this was also a quieter callback to how gon fell in love. because it wasn't just that he had/has so much love to give, but because for the first time in his life, he got to see it truly received. accepted.
Kurapika saw Killua’s breath catch and Gon’s hand flex over the fingers interlaced over his middle. Heedless of their surroundings and of the running camera, Gon twisted to kiss Killua on the mouth.
SMOOCHES ahahaha!
He turned his head back to Leorio. The man had not moved; indeed, he looked like he was nailed to the floor. His eyes were so intense as they watched him that Kurapika was almost surprised he had not yet burst into flame. Kurapika said, “It’s in the moment you see someone you’ve never met before, but you look at them and just know, to your core, that this is really going to be something.”
leorio realizing something is happening here. something huge is about to happen, is about to change. and he's trying so hard not to dare to hope it might be good. it might be everything.
A chorus of oohs went around the room. Even from this distance Kurapika saw the way Leorio’s face went red, and he ducked his chin, looking bashful and embarrassed.
leorio: holy shit holy shit holy SHIT IT'S HAPPENINGGGG
How was I such a fool before, Kurapika wondered, How was I so blind, so willfully ignorant and oblivious. How did it take me so long to realize you were talking about me. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I’m sorry I made you wait for so long.
this is important because it's not just kurapika realizing and accepting his feelings for leorio. this is kurapika's version of realizing that leorio feels the same for him. leorio is in love with him, too. and he's wondering how it was possible he was so scared and blind for so long. he fears he may have hurt leorio by holding off on this for so long, so he wants to be brave, take the leap, and see what they could be.
Kurapika did not want this man to wait another second. He did not want Leorio to spend another moment trapped in this limbo. So he confessed in the middle of a silent room in front of over a hundred people, “It's the first time you hear them laugh, and your entire world’s axis shifts beneath your feet.”
i remember the first time i met my partner. i remember the first time i looked at them and felt my world shift a little to the right. i remember falling in love and thinking that this one was unlike all the others. it was warm, golden, comforting.
Kurapika watched the confused frown on Leorio’s face when he heard that, amused by the almost puppyish tilt to his head as he considered it. He knew the moment Leorio realized what he meant when his eyes blew wide, amazed and awed and achingly soft. His lips parted.
gOD he is so CUTE. he's like oh hmm huh what does that mean
and then he remembers
i promise, he's not a huge dickwad!
and leorio laughing at gon's accidental gaffe and his sweet earnestness. and kurapika walking in. leorio realizing kurapika wanted to know him before they ever even met.
Kurapika made himself turn away from the arresting sight. “One of my favorite venues lately was the Roseview Ballroom downtown. Among its many beautiful, gaudy attractions are its murals depicting scenes from Shakespeare’s plays all across the ceiling. One is a famous quote from Twelfth Night: ‘journeys end in lovers meeting, every wise man’s son doth know.’ But the more I think about it, the less I agree.”
i'm such a WHORE for shakespeare, as any readers of mine will know. check out my modern college adaptation of much ado about nothing.
He turned to meet Pairo’s eyes again, repeating, “‘Journeys end in lovers meeting.’ But nothing is ending here. It’s just changing.”
life does not end when we start relationships! or when they end! or when we move, change jobs, graduate, go to school, drop out of school. happy endings in stories still aren't endings. the greatest constant in life is change.
“Because what I’ve learned in this job, Pairo and Altair, what nugget of wisdom I have to give you, is this. Love is looking at a world that can be terrifying, cold, capricious, and indifferent, and finding the person whose hand you want to hold through it all anyway. Because you want every laugh, every tear, every wrinkle, every spark of joy. Love is life’s greatest leap of faith, because you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But you know exactly who you want to spend all those tomorrows with.”
me finishing this: dammit i just wrote out my wedding vows.
Kurapika looked around the room again. At Gon and Killua; at Kalluto, Nanika, and Alluka; at his parents; at his brothers. At Leorio.
He concluded, “So you simply breathe. And you trust it will be okay.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when Kurapika dropped the microphone.
DAMN ME TOO THIS SHIT WAS GOOD TF?????? sorry my writing has peaked here.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Breaking Protocol
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Spencer Reid x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2151 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Spencer kept in touch with the daughter of a serial killer they took down. They think there's a copycat which brings them to her door once again
As a general rule, the BAU team didn’t keep in very much contact with the people they saved. The victims' families, or sometimes the victims themselves were kept at arm's length, due to protocol. 
However, protocol never said anything about the Unsub’s families. 
Your father, a gruesome and heinous serial killer, who murdered your mother along with seventeen other women had brought the FBI’s behavioral analysis unit to your door. 
It was your sparkling wit and kind eyes that kept one Dr.Spencer Reid there for far beyond when the case had ended. 
There was something special about you, something that Spencer recognized almost immediately, but the more he spoke to you, the more pain he found behind those kind eyes that drew him in. 
You were in constant pain, a constant pain that you couldn’t avoid. Everytime you closed your eyes, you saw him there, the way they found him when you called the police. He was covered in blood, holding a knife, poised over her body. 
You didn’t even know her. You had never seen her before in your life, but there she was, lying dead on the kitchen floor. 
And yet, you remained as gentle as anyone could have been. It confused Spencer, and naturally he wanted to know what it was that made you that way. 
So he kept coming to visit you, even months after your father’s initial arrest. He just wanted to make sure you were okay, for whatever reason. 
It didn’t make any sense and he was painfully aware of that but it wasn’t something he had any control over. He cared about you and that was never going to change. 
...For whatever reason. 
At this point, you two didn’t speak much with Spencer only making monthly visits when he was in the area and calling at least once a week to check up on you. 
Until today. 
You had heard a few things here and there on the news, but you kept away from all that nasty stuff to avoid the nightmares. It was hard for someone with your past to ever really move on.
That had become clear to you but the point wasn’t that you were moving on, it was that you were doing your best. 
It was all you could do.
Though, all thoughts came falling away as soon as you heard that knock on your door. It was familiar and you couldn’t have mistaken it but that didn’t confuse you any less.
Spencer wasn’t supposed to be in the area for another week or so, but there was no one else who knocked that way. It was a signature of Reid’s so that you knew it was him. 
He liked to have a special thing between just the two of you. 
Not that it helped you in any way right now. 
“You aren’t supposed to be here for another week-” you started, swinging the door open without hesitation, only stopping when you realized Spencer wasn’t alone. 
In fact, he couldn’t have been farther from it. There were three men standing on your doorstep, each holding badges up to your screen with muted intentions. You had no idea what this was about, but it didn’t really matter. 
Knowing Spencer as well as you did, you knew it was only a matter of time before he filled you in with more detail than anyone could have ever needed. 
“Sorry, I should have called first” he shrugged, knowing that a heads up would have been nice but this whole thing had to be by the books and nothing was going to change that. 
Not even how much he cared about you. 
“Not a problem at all, what can I do for you?” you wondered, opening the door to them, letting them slip into your house without hesitation. Whatever it was they needed to talk about, you weren’t worried. 
Spencer had made it very clear that if there was any development in your father’s case or something changed, he was going to make sure you knew before anyone else. 
Even if it meant breaking protocol, which he did frequently where you were concerned. 
This was going to be a hard conversation to have, and Reid knew that, but luckily he knew you well enough to know that you could handle it. You were adults, and you weren’t living under some illusion over who your father was. 
You knew that he was a monster, and you also knew that he was going to spend the rest of his life rotting in prison. Still, having to relive the things he’d done was going to be had. 
After all, you were sure that you’d put that all behind you after he was locked up. 
“Y/N, we have to talk about your father” Spencer started, counting on Alvez to let him take the lead on this whole thing. They weren’t sure what exactly it was going on between the two of you, but they could tell you had a bond. 
It might have been odd, but if it could help them find whoever was committing these murderers, no one was about to stop him. 
“Why? Did something happen?” you asked, terrified that perhaps he’d gotten out or something had happened. It horrified you, but you knew well enough to keep calm. 
Whatever it was that was going on, you just had to trust that Spencer was going to take care of you. Besides, there was no way your dad had managed to get out of there. 
He had been locked in max security a few years ago and wasn’t ever getting out. That was what Spencer had assured you and that was what you needed to be the case. 
You had to make this work.
“Not exactly. There have been a series of murders following your father’s original schematic. All signs point to a-” 
“A copycat?” you filled in, fully aware that must have been what he was alluding to. It had always been a fear of yours, something you had talked to Spencer about a few times but you never thought it could actually happen. 
After all, what kind of person could actually idolize the monster you were forced to call family? You had always assumed that no one would be that sick, but clearly you were wrong. 
Someone had an interest in his brutality.
“Yeah, and I was hoping you could help me? No one knew him better than you, after all. If anyone could get inside his head, it would be you” Spencer informed, giving you that look he always did when you talked about the past. 
He didn’t like it. 
It hurt him to have to see you relive all those horrible memories, but it was just something you had to do. He wouldn’t ask if he didn’t absolutely need your help, and you knew that. 
You knew that he needed you, and you weren’t about to turn your back on him. 
So, you nodded.
Whatever it was that Spencer needed you to do, you would be able to figure it out with him by your side. 
~ “Do you want to talk about it? Before I bring you into the bureau, I mean?” he asked, sitting down beside you at your dining room table, where you were staring out your kitchen window. 
You had been like that since the rest of the team left, content with the fact that Spencer was going to bring you to the BAU after having a brief conversation with you.
Though, it had become clear by that point that the conversation was going to be anything but brief. 
“Talk about what Spence? My dad and all those girls he murdered? The fact that somebody is taking a page out of his handbook? Or we could talk about the simple fact that even locked up, he’s ruining my life” 
Your words were a ramble at best but that didn’t make it any harder for Spencer to piece together what you were getting at. This was hard on you and no one knew that better than him.
You were completely different when your dad was around, even from behind bulletproof glass, and it was only natural that you tried to avoid all mention of him.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m not going to let anything happen to you” he assured, reaching out to take your hand in his own, a strange gesture coming from him. Even with you, Spencer had never been too keen on that. 
Perhaps it would have been comforting, had you been worried about you. Though, you couldn’t have been worried about yourself at a time like this. You were really just having a hard time believing this. 
How was it possible that someone was going to do this? Of all the things your dad was, a role model wouldn’t even make the list. 
“I’m not worried about that Spencer, I’m worried about everybody else” you sighed, trying to rationalize why in the world they would even need you for all of this. 
Spencer knew your father’s M.O and case like the back of his hand, and probably better, after everything you had been through together and any information you had, Spencer had too. 
It was all locked up in his beautiful brain, and besides, it could be so dangerous for you two to be in the BAU together. After all, you didn’t know what kind of trouble Spencer could get into for keeping contact with you all this time. 
It may have been against some kind of rule or protocol for all you knew. 
“Tell me the truth Spencer, why do you want me to be part of this so bad?” you wondered, knowing that if it was just for information, they didn’t really need you. 
You just had a feeling that there had to be something more going on, and as well as you knew him, you knew better than to believe that Spencer could avoid the truth with you for that long. 
Not after all the time you two had spent together. 
“I think you may have something new to add-” he started, but you stopped him before he could get further into whatever he was going to say. You didn’t have to have to be a genius to know that he had some kind of ulterior motive. 
You just had to figure out what it was. 
“We both know you don’t need me for that Spencer. What is this really about?” you hummed, turning your attention away from the window completely. Whatever this was, there had to be some reason he was keeping it from you. 
After all, he had never kept anything from you before. Under the circumstances of which you two met, nothing else really seemed that important. 
This was the first time you had ever known Spencer to hesitate where the truth was concerned.  
...But eventually the truth came. 
“Fine. I want to keep you safe” 
It was nothing more than a whisper but you caught it just fine due to the close proximity between the two of you. Now, you were much less concerned with the copycat or anything else. 
Instead, you were focused on the emotion on Spencer’s face and the obvious distress there. 
Something was wrong, “If a copycat is deeply obsessed with your father, there is a good chance that they will want you or at least, victimize you” he warned, running his hands through his hair gingerly. 
He could hardly breathe just thinking about what could happen to you. Your father never went after you because you were off limits for him but he killed his victims that bore a strong resemblance to you. 
If your father killed surrogates in your place, there was no reason to think someone idolizing him wouldn’t go after you. They would lack the personal connection that kept your dad from hurting you. 
…And Spencer wasn’t about to let that happen. 
It made sense, but you also didn’t understand why he cared so much. Though, before you could tell him that you thought it was silly, you realized that the hold Spencer had on your hand had only tightened when talking about it. 
He was scared. 
Realizing that stopped all joking and teasing in their tracks, as you thought about it. Spencer genuinely believed that you were in danger and had interwoven you into the investigation to keep you under close watch. 
“Okay Spence. Let me pack a bag” you decided, before stepping away to grab a change of clothes and some of your essentials. If this was so important to him, it wouldn’t kill you to make him feel better. 
After all, it wasn’t every day that you saw Spencer that shook up. You just had to hope that staying with him for a few days would be enough to convince him that you weren’t in any danger. 
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years
Ralvez x Reader (polyam)
Authors Note: I know this is a bit short, but I wanted to get this out soon. I also have finals that I'm studying for so it's a but shorter than most of my fics. I also saw that a lot of people had only Ralvez x Reader smut and I know that's what most people probably want. I just wanted to do something different but I will write that in the near future. I also don't know a lot a lot about polyamory, but I did look up some stuff up just to get a sense of different dynamics. Also thanks to the anon who requested this.
Content Warning: past toxic relationship (very very brief mention), slight age gap
Word Count: 1.2k
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Most people are lucky to have a significant other that is perfect for them, so I must have the world's best luck to not only have one but two seemingly perfect boyfriends. We've always worked in perfect harmony. I think Luke and Spencer always appreciated that they could come home to a house that's full of life and not some empty apartment. They get to come home to me and the dogs now. At first, it was Luke and Spencer, upon meeting they clicked instantly. When Spencer went to prison they were already together, but they didn't tell their team because it was so early. Luke had to take some pretty drastic measures to ensure Spencer's safety. It bonded them even more than before. They're so close and that's why when we all started dating I was nervous because they were already so close. I was scared of the same possible jealousy from a previous polyamorous relationship I was in years before. I was also worried because I was only twenty-eight, and they both have a bit on me when it comes to age. Despite all of the possible ways, this could go wrong it didn't. They both treat me with the utmost respect, and we are all truly equal.
Even though I met Luke casually first, Spencer and I are more similar. Luke likes to call us both dorks, yet he's still here putting up with our dorkiness. When I first met the boys they were going through a rough patch. Spencer was yet to be reinstated into the BAU, and he was still getting adjusted to life as it was before. Luke also had to take some time off to help out Spencer and that's when they told the team. Since they had so much free time Luke found a new hiking trail he took Roxy on every day that was pretty close to Spencer's apartment at the time.
I also happened to be new to the area and I decided to take my bloodhound Bruno for a run every Saturday and Sunday. That's where I first bumped into Luke, but it wouldn't be the last. I was running with Bruno trailing behind me only by a little bit. I remember the crisp cool air hitting my face as we both ran on the trail with leaves crunching under us. Once I got into a clearing I decided to take a quick drink break. When I stopped I looked over and saw Luke for the first time. Roxy wasn't far behind him, and she ran right past him. She then turned around stuck her but in the air with her front closer to the ground, and started wagging her tail like she was challenging him.
"Hey come over here show off!" He called out to her. Patting his leg and then adjusting his baseball cap.
I giggled at how he talked to his dog like you would your kid. He must've heard me because he turned to me and flashed a big smile.
"Hey, I'm Luke and this is Roxy," he said before he walked over to me and gestured towards Roxy.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) and this is Bruno."
"Well, it's nice to meet you two," he says before bending down and scratching the top of my dog's head. Luke must've found a scratchy spot behind Bruno's ear because he started kicking his back leg relentlessly before falling onto his side like a goof. We both giggle, and we find ourselves walking together out to the end of the trail.
"So I haven't seen you here before granted I haven't been jogging here for long either."
"Oh yeah I just moved to the area for my new job and this is my first time going on this specific trail," I tell him.
"That's nice where do you work?"
"I work for CPS, how about you?"
"I work for the FBI the BAU to be specific," he says with a proud smile on his face.
That memory will live with me forever because this brings me to today. I'm in the kitchen cooking with Luke as we playfully bicker as to what we're going to make for dinner. Spencer quickly flips through all of the recipe books and reads off any dishes that we have ingredients for. Luke seemingly gets impatient after a while and decides to kick him out. He's definitely the most impatient and stubborn one out of all of us. I'm the most impulsive and Spencer is the healthy medium that keeps us from spiraling into chaos.
"You know what this is my kitchen. This is basically my personal space. (Y/N) you have your art room and Spencer you have your office. This is my space and now I hereby kick the peasants out." Luke jokingly says as the dogs, Spencer, and I all give him very unamused looks.
"Didn't you hear me?"
"Oh yeah trust me we all heard you. I'm just choosing to ignore you," I spit back and Spencer gets tired of our daily banter about dinner. I know we do this everyday but it never gets old how me and Luke bicker like an old married couple. I know deep down Luke finds it very amusing that I try and fight back a little bit even though it means I never win the argument in the end. I normally end up winning in a different type of way though.
Spencer walks off towards the living room and both of our dogs follow him clearly just as done with the playful arguing. I decide I'm going to start on dinner while Luke is distracted, but I don't get far because as I'm about to reach for the fridge he picks me up by my waist and throws me over his shoulder. I scream and shout as I wiggle my legs trying to escape in any sort of way. The dogs start barking and running around the house, and he carries me to the living room.
Spencer has a horrified look on his face. I can practically hear him thinking about all of the different possibilities of us breaking something. I scream and kick while laughing so hard that I start crying. Luke throws me onto the couch next to Spencer and lets me catch my breath. I start to catch my breath right before Spencer starts mercilessly tickling me. Roxy and Bruno become spectators in me getting tickle torture from now both of my boyfriends. The dogs start to jump on and off the couch as we all start shouting once more. We all take a moment for a breather once more and we all slump over one another on the couch.
"There have you learned your lesson to not mess with my kitchen space," Luke asks after we all stop for a breath.
"Yeah, but only if we can compromise and order pizza."
That's how I spent the rest of my night, with both of my boys and our dogs cuddled up on the couch. Eating pizza and arguing over what movie were going to watch. I swear the bickering really does never end.
Taglist @rexorangecouny @haylaansmi
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dcforts · 4 years
[monday 4: bet]
Four times Eileen thought Dean and Castiel were more than friends and one time Sam (finally) saw it too.
Eileen likes the bunker. As a hunter you learn to be grateful and appreciative of things that others give for granted. Like waking up feeling safe, knowing that nothing can jump right through your window and attack you. Like pressing your cheek on a soft pillow without having to worry about bed bugs and filth. Like opening your bedroom door and smelling coffee.
She smiles and follows it right to the kitchen.
She doesn’t expect to find Castiel standing next to the coffee machine. He is in his usual attire, looking exactly as the last time she’s seen him. He looks up as soon as she enters and smiles politely at her. “Good morning” he says, “Would you like some coffee?”.
She smiles back, nods and waits for him to fill her a mug. 
Then she sits at the table and watches as Dean appears on the door, his eyes sleepy, his hair messy, the belt of his robe loosely tied. He waves lazily in her direction then goes straight towards Castiel, holding out a hand to grab the mug that he was already offering him. No words between them, just soft smiles, as if it’s a thing they do every day. She has not been around the Winchesters that much but she is fairly sure she’s never seen a more content expression on Dean’s face.
He sits down next to her and closes his eyes, lost in the smell of the coffee.
“Good morning to me” she reads on his lips, with his eyes still closed, as if he’s talking to himself.
 So, you know, Eileen is a very good observer. It’s a crucial skill for a hunter, especially someone who hunts alone and has no extra pair of eyes to rely on.
Later that day, Eileen and Sam are pressed against each other on a couch, both ignoring how “sharing a laptop” is a such a lame excuse for two adults to sit closely together. But whatever. Sam is showing her a restricted online archive about lore in European historical findings that he was able to crack into when she catches Dean passing by the door and she remembers about that morning.
“Sam,” she interrupts whatever he was saying on some magical old stones. “can I ask you a question?”
He nods. “Sure.”
“Castiel and your brother,” she signs, hoping that that’s enough input for Sam.  Clearly it isn’t, because he keeps looking as if he’s expecting her to go on. “Are they… together?”
He frowns and ask: “Together? As in…?”
In response she signs: “Love.”
Sam has the funniest reaction. His face goes blank and he starts staring into the distance as if he’s processing a word he is not used to hear. He snaps out of it right when Eileen is wondering if she should wave a hand in front of his face. “No,” he says, “it’s not like that.”
She gives him a look as if to say “Please”.
“Really, they – they are like brothers.”
Eileen makes a disgusted face and signs: “Brothers?”
He makes an annoyed face back. “Yes. It’s not like that,” he repeats.
“They act like a couple,” she signs.
He shakes his head. “You are wrong.”
“It looks like there’s something more between them,” she insists in the face of his blunt denial. “Wanna bet?” she signs raising her eyebrows.
Sam frowns and signs: “I’m not betting on my brother.”
“Come on.” she says, then signs “If I win, I want you to cook for me.”
Sam laughs. “I can just do it. No need for any of this.”
She shakes her head and smiles: “Don’t worry, you will. When I win.”
They’ve been working like crazy, taking all kinds of jobs up and down the state. It’s tiring but as a team of four they can get it down in a fraction of the time it would take if they were on their own. Plus, it’s definitely more fun even if it feels like they barely have the time to put down their bags before something else comes up and they’re out of the bunker again.
This time, it looks like a simple enough job that could take two days top. Sam is checking their supplies once again and Castiel is sitting at the map table flipping through a magazine when Dean finally appears in the room.
“Alright, let’s go” he says clapping his hands together.
Sam looks up and makes an horrified face: “Wait. Dean, what are you wearing?”
“What? Oh, yeah. It’s a cowboy shirt.”
“You can’t wear that. With that thing on your shoulders. We are not going trick or treating.”
“Hey! Don’t insult the shirt.”
Eileen laughs at the exchange so Sam addresses her. “Eileen, please tell him.”
She just shrugs amused and Sam looks betrayed so Dean keeps going: “It’s not my fault we’ve been out all week and I didtn’t have time to do my laundry. This is the only clean thing I have left.”
“Well, you can’t come dressed like that. Just take one of mine.”
“You have freakishly long arms, Sam, I’m gonna look like I’ve shrunked in my clothes.”
Eileen turns to Castiel who seems engrossed in his magazine that has titles on the cover of the kind “Top 10 poisonous plants you can find in the jungle” right next to “What colours should you paint your garden shed”. It looks like he is used to it and knows that staying away from their arguments is the safest strategy to survive with the Winchesters. She taps him on his shoulder. “What do you think?” she signs, interrupting Dean and Sam who are still going at it.
Castiel looks up but Dean cuts him off before he can open his mouth: “Why are you asking him for? He has never changed once in his life.”
Castiel shoots him an annoyed look but doesn’t respond to the provocation. “Did you check the laundry room?” he says calmly instead.
Sam glances over his shoulder to look at him.
Dean just stares, seemingly confused.
“You always forget your clean clothes in the laundry room. There should be a red one that you haven’t wore this week yet. I assume it’s still there.”
Dean thinks about it for a few seconds, then nods: “Yeah, you’re probably right. Be right back.”
Castiel sighs and goes back to his magazine without another word.
Sam’s gaze meets Eileen’s. She raises her eyebrows and signs “Cute”.
Sam mouths back. “It means nothing”.
She just laughs and takes the stairs.
It’s a rainy afternoon and they are keeping busy cleaning their weapons and filling shotgun shells of rock salt. At some point Sam looks up from where he is sitting right next to Eileen.
“Hey Cas,” he says “remember that book that you were reading last week about sigils? I wondered if I could borrow that. I wanted to scan it and send it around to other hunters.”
“Sounds like a good plan. I’ll give to you later.”
“Oh, no, there’s no rush if you are still reading it.”
“It’s not bother. I’m not reading tonight anyway. I’m watching a movie with Dean.”
Dean, on the other side of the table, lifts his gaze for a moment at the sound of his name then goes back to his gun.
“O-okay, thanks.” says Sam.
Eileen meets his gaze briefly and holds back a smile.
Only when they are left alone she nudges him with an elbow and Sam knows immediately what she is going to address.
He grumbles: “They watch movies together all the time, they are friends!”
Eileen shakes her head. “But why haven’t they invited us?” she signs, then answers her own question: “Date night.”
“No, you don’t understand. Dean has been showing him all the stuff he doesn’t know.”
“I understand very well that I won the bet” she says challenging him.
Sam sighs and signs. “There is no bet. And it’s not like that.”
They are on a hunt. Well, actually they are at some kind of fair. The spirit they are chasing has shown up in all the towns that the travelling fair has hit in the past few months, so the safest bet is that it’s somehow hunting the place.
For now, they are just walking around in the crowd, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. They have a duffel bag full of salt, shotguns and blades but from the outside they just look like four people that have come out to enjoy the fair on a fine evening.
Dean is in a very good mood. “I can’t believe they still do these things” was his comment on the way there and since they’ve arrived he has been complaining that he can’t stop at none of the games before the job is done. Eileen finds endearing the way he manages to protect that part of him that makes him excited for things like that even with the life he has. It’s not easy to reconcile the image of that man with sparkly eyes with the one she has seen swaying a machete a couple of days before.
“Hey!” he shouts at one point, jogging a few feet ahead of them and waving to get their attention. “Guys, look, it’s Cas!” He stops at one of the stands and grabs a tan teddy bear with a blue tie that is on display. Sam snorts and Dean keeps grinning like it’s the funniest thing ever and points at Castiel who has an expression on his face that seems to say Did we really stop for this? “It’s you!” Dean laughs again “I bet you didn’t know you had a twin, uh?”
“Alright, let’s go,” Sam tries to get them moving again and Dean jogs back up to them and falls in steps with Castiel.
Eileen looks his way in time to see him put his arm around Castiel’s shoulders and pull him close. His lips read: “What? It was adorable. Wanna win it for me later?”
She turns her face to look at Sam and finds him next to her.
“Adorable” she mouths at him. He rolls his eyes. “He just likes to joke”.
It happens again and again. Eileen looks pointedly at Sam when Dean pops into the kitchen to say “Me and Cas are going out. Need anything?” or when they find them engaged in a serious conversation or sharing a drink. She looks at him whenever Dean calls Castiel “Sunshine” and whenever Castiel asks “Where’s Dean?” before he even gets both of his feet in the room.
Sam dismisses every moment, finds every excuse for them. They’ve always been like that. Can’t two friends do it? Does it have to mean something? It’s just the way they are.
Now, Sam is in a sticky diner with his brother who is across from him and can’t seem to sit still. A couple of days before they got two calls in a matter of hours and they’ve gone north while Eileen has gone south. Coincidentally Cas has been contacted about a lead on God’s position so he’s gone too.
So it’s just the two of them again and Dean is tapping on the screen of his phone every two seconds as if he doesn’t trust that it will let him know if he has a new notification.
“Dude, what’s up with you?” snaps Sam when he can’t take anymore of his fidgeting.
“Cas.” he grumbles. “I texted him last night and I got no word back yet. We said we would check in with each other every night, so...” he frowns.
“I’m sure he is fine” Sam says, before thanking the waiter that brings them their food.
Setting down his plate his gaze falls on his own phone, and he is reminded of the last time he texted Eileen and she has taken a long time to reply. How he worried, how he needed to know she was fine. How he feels on his fingertips the need to type something to her right now. How he can’t wait to see her again.
He looks up at Dean who’s taking a bite of his burger.
“What?” he says with his mouth full in response to his staring,
Sam smiles a little. “Nothing.”
Dean takes another bite, still watching him so Sam sighs. “Dean,” he dares, “with Cas. I mean… is there…”
He gets interrupted by Dean’s phone lighting up with an incoming call. His brother drops his burger and picks it up without a care for his greasy hands.
“Finally.” He says, then presses it against his ear: “What did we say, uh? How many times I gotta tell you?” he barks in lieu of Hello.
Sam watches him while he listens to whatever Castiel is saying on the other end. He sees his forehead striped with worried lines relax by the second.
When Dean speaks again his voice is definitely softer. “You are an idiot, but alright. Yeah, we just got here,” the frown disappears and his voice goes quieter still, “Okay. Yeah, I’ll see you at home.” his eyes flicker to Sam and he clears his throat so when he speaks again his tone is back to normal. “Remind me to kick your ass for making me worry.”
Castiel says something back that Sam assumes sounds like You can try because Dean’s eyebrows rise comically. “What? You don’t think I can take you?” he says. “Yeah tough guy, anytime. Wanna bet?”
Sam tunes out. He touches his phone and opens up his conversation with Eileen. He types:
Alright, what do you want me to cook?
I am participating in the spnstayathomechallenge by @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen @helianthus21
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gayger · 3 years
"Summer in Konoha was ending and it was ending fast. With the end of that came the beginning of the end of Sakura's journey in high school. While it wasn't too rambunctious or anything of the sort, Sakura did have one regret: a high school sweet-heart. She didn't get to experience that all encompassing adoration being shown in the school halls, being yelled at by teachers for showing pda, or even the awkwardness of a first kiss. A part of her longed for that feeling - for that experience.
Those thoughts penetrated her mind as her eyes bore outside of her window, over at the open water of the ocean. Sighing, she dares to look away for a second and to her journal on her desk.
'Sakura's Dream Book!'
She smiles softly. She definitely got to cross off some of those dreams, though she wasn't sure they were the ones that she found of importance now.
Knock, knock!
"Sakura! Hey, Sakura!"
Sakura sighs, looking over at her window where one of her best friends was waiting outside patiently, perched up on the old oak tree that was beside her bedroom window.
Making her way over to him, she scowls at him slightly. Why couldn't the blond just knock on the front door like a normal person? Opening the window, big and honest blue eyes stared into hers excitedly.
"Did you forget? We're going to the beach today!" He shouts, a grin on his face. Taking in his tan sleeveless top and neon orange swim-trunks, she could only smile good naturedly. She forgot how much he was looking forward to this.
"I didn't forget, you're just early," she says as she shakes her head. "Go back down the tree and I'll get ready." Sakura pauses before she turns away, giving him a serious and dangerous look. "And Naruto?"
He gulps slightly, knowing what she was probably going to say. "Yes, Sakura-chan?"
"Don't even think about peeking or you are dead meat." She smiles sweetly, flexing her knuckles slightly. Naruto nods quickly, repeating a mantra of "Of course, anything for you - not that I was going to peek because that would be creepy!" And other things of that sort.
Eventually he had made his way down and she could hear a few of her other friends yell "Watch it!" and "Don't fall, you idiot!"
She laughs softly before getting ready.
Her highschool life may not have been everything she had hoped or wanted, but at the very least she had gotten through it with some of the best people.
~ ` ~ ` ~
"Mom! I'm heading out with some friends, we're going to the beach!" Sakura shouts, opening the front door and not stepping out until she hears her mothers resounding "Okay, be careful!"
"It's about time, forehead," snarks her other best friend. Sakura's eyebrow twitches, but she ignores the pretty blonde's snarky remark anyway. "Are we all ready to go?" She asks, a smile on her face as she adjusts her bag. It isn't like the walk is very far, it's pretty much just across the street so if they did forget something, her house was just right there. Pretty convenient if she's honest.
As they start walking, Sakura can't help but notice that a little ways down the street there was a movers vehicle in front of a big house.
"Hey! Someones moving into old man Madara's house!" Shouted Naruto, apparently spotting the same thing that she did. "Yeah, I guess so," Sakura hums out. She wonders if they were family members of Madara's or if it was simply sold. He passed away about a year or so ago, so it has been vacant for awhile now. Whoever it was, she hoped that they enjoyed living there. It was a beautiful house, Sakura had to admit.
While she was gawking at the house, her other best friend, Ino, let out a squeal.
Plugging one ear with her finger, Sakura gives her a look. "What the hell, Ino-pig?"
"Oh, come on. You aren't telling me that that super perceptive eye of yours didn't notice the really cute guy over there?" Ino swoons, "I hope he's single." Sakura rolls her eyes, but decides to take a look at who she could only assume Ino is talking about. It was just her luck that when she did, he decided to look over in their direction as well.
Her heart pounds and her cheeks flush slightly when he smirks at her and winks. "Ino, oh my god.. He saw me look - I'm screwed!" Sakura whispers quickly, pointedly looking away. The blonde could only laugh at her friend's predicament. It was just like Sakura to be put in a situation like that.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," Naruto says with a confused look. "I mean, he's super pale and his hair looks like a duck's ass."
"Nice one, Naruto," Kiba snorts, high-fiving him.
Feeling pretty embarrassed, Sakura just quickly starts walking towards the beach again - to their usual spot. Ino gave one last look in the mysterious and handsome boys direction before following her. "Hey, wait up!"
The two boys were left to follow once they were done laughing.
"So, why couldn't Hinata come?" Sakura asks as she lays out her beach towel next to Ino's. The blonde sat down, digging through her bag while answering, "Her father said that they were having family coming into town. She probably won't be able to hang out with us for awhile, from the sound of it."
Sakura juts out her lip slightly, "That sucks. She's really good at keeping Naruto calm."
"Yeah, I know - but, hey," Ino grins, "You've got me. I'm sure we can handle these two morons on our own for awhile." Both teens laugh, stretching their legs out as they applied sunscreen.
Off in the distance, Sakura noticed Naruto and Kiba going ahead into the water with no hint of sunscreen at all. She shakes her head, willing herself to not think about the atrocious sunburn both boys would be sporting later on today.
"Can you believe we are going to be seniors this year?" Ino says off-handedly, moving her blonde bangs away and behind her ear. "I feel like it was just yesterday that we were in middle school fawning over the band Akatsuki."
Sakura nods in agreement, "I know. It's honestly crazy but.." She trails off, a troubled look on her face as she recalls her journal. "I feel like it all went too fast. I didn't cover nearly all of the bases that I wanted to."
"You mean from your journal?" Ino questioned, looking at Sakura in interest. "What was left unchecked? I'm pretty sure you made it your mission to have everything done and dealt with. I mean, you have been the top of our class and our student body leader practically every year."
Sakura's cheeks turn slightly red as she looks away from Ino, hurriedly standing up. "It's.. Just stupid stuff, you wouldn't understand!" She says quickly, trying to exit the question. She practically runs to the water, Ino following after her trying to protest the abrupt end to their conversation.
As soon as the cool water reached across her feet, Sakura let out a soft sigh. She slowly walks out deeper until she's about knee deep, letting her head fall back as she relishes in the feeling of the cool water. Sakura loves the ocean. It was her calm, it was her escape. She can't count how many times she came out here just to wade in the water whenever she was troubled.
Off in the distance, Sakura could see Naruto on his surfboard riding the waves. The guy was a total goofball, but she had to admit that he was one of the best surfers at their high school. He genuinely enjoyed it. It was the only thing (other than the lovely Hinata) that he would give 100% his focus.
"Hey, Forehead. You can't just take off like that," Ino shouts with a scowl on her face as she finished tying her long hair into a bun on top. "Why wouldn't I understand anyway? We've had many of the same experiences, I don't think there is much that I have done that you haven't."
"You would be surprised, but even so.." Sakura sticks out her tongue at her, "You will never know."
"Fine!" Ino pouts, "Be like that."
Sakura laughs, shaking her head and Ino joins in. She really was her best friend.
~ ` ~ ` ~
A few hours later, the four teens are all sprawled out on their beach towels laughing.
"I can't believe you wiped out just right after you were boasting about how you are the best," Kiba howls.
Naruto scowls, shaking his fist at Kiba in protest. "Hey! It happens - you wiped out way more than I did today, anyway dog-breath!" But even with the name calling, he too cracked a grin.
Sakura only watched with a fond smile on her lips. She looks up at the sky, noting that it would be dinner time soon.
"We should probably get going soon," She hums out. She lived just across the road, but she knew that Ino lived quite a walk away and she didn't want her walking in the dark. She knows that Naruto lives a block away from her and would walk her home if it did get dark, but Sakura would rather be safe than sorry.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm beat!" Ino yawns, covering her mouth in the process. Despite all of the sunscreen she plastered on, the blonde was still beyond burnt. Sakura could only imagine the horrified look on her friend's face when she looked in the mirror later.
"But, but-" Naruto pouts, hanging his head. "We've barely seen each other the last few days."
"Hey, Naruto, look at me." Sakura sighed, shaking her head fondly. "How about we all have a sleepover tomorrow night, okay? Then we can all spend plenty of time together."
He immediately perked up, but Kiba rubbed at his hair some in thought. "I wish I could, but Akamaru is going to the vet tomorrow. He's going to need me all night." Naruto gives him a disbelieving look but Kiba quickly waves his hands. "Don't give me that look! You know how much of a baby he is."
"Well, whatever the case may be.. I will be there and I'm sure Shikamaru and Ten Ten would be down to go, too. Ten Ten especially, she was really upset that she hasn't been able to spend so much time with us because of college and her job."
"Sounds like a plan, then." Sakura says, clapping her hands.
Heading towards the sidewalk, Sakura slings her bag over her shoulder. She's chatting away with Ino when she hears him.
Ino nudges her slightly, shutting the pinkette up for a moment and pointing in the direction of the voice. "Is he talking to me or you?" She asks, softly, before putting on a big and flirtatious smile.
"Hey yourself, I'm Ino," she introduces herself while holding out her hand.
The black eyes of the boy from down the street doesn't even spare Ino a glance, instead focusing on Sakura's own emerald orbs.
"I was hoping I'd catch you, I'm Sasuke." He introduces himself, giving her a small smirk and offering up his hand. Ino huffs but looks Sakura over and notices her red face. Sighing, she nudges her in the small of her back trying to get the pink haired teen back on track from her short circuit.
"I'm, uh, Sakura." She finally says, lamely, while holding out her hand. He takes it and she goes to shake, but instead he bows down and brings her knuckles up.. And he presses a small, light kiss.
Sakura could have fainted and Ino picked the worst time to pat her on the shoulder, "Well Saks, I'm gonna go ahead and head home. Text me, okay?" Before the blonde bounds off, waving cheerily.
Sakura retracts her hand, trying to regain focus, not even registering that her friend left her.
"Well," Sasuke pauses watching her face as he spoke, "I was hoping that I could maybe get your number and perhaps an agreement to meet me tomorrow?" Sakura couldn't believe her ears. For once, in her life, a cute guy was asking her and not Ino or hell, even her asking him.
"Uh, um.. Sure," she says as she pulls out her phone. She fumbles with it slightly nearly dropping it which draws a laugh from him as he effortlessly pulls his own phone from his pocket. She was starting to feel bad for all of the times Hinata has gotten nervous or messed up in front of Naruto or anyone, really. "Here," she says as she hands him her phone and his in return. They place their numbers in and once done, he gives her a cool smile.
"Alright then, I will talk to you later, Sa-ku-ra."
"R..Right," she says softly as she waves bye and he turns to leave. After he's long gone, she just stands there kind of dumbly. She couldn't believe that really happened but her mother opened the door to their house and shouted "Sakura, stop standing there like a dumbass and get inside!"
Snapping out of it, she immediately crosses the street to enter the house.
"Why were you just standing out there?" Her mother asks, shutting the door behind her. Sakura smiled sheepishly, tightening her hold on her bag.
"I was talking to someone and I was just lost in thought. No biggie, really."
"Talking to someone?" Her mother questions and Sakura nods, starting to head up the stairs.
"Yeah! But it was no one important, honest!"
Mrs. Haruno was unconvinced but let her go up the stairs. She was sure she would be able to get some information from Ino if needed.
Plopping down on her bed, her bag on the floor, she lets out a sigh. That really just happened. Pulling her phone up to her face, she notices that she has two messages. One from Ino and the other… from him.
Her face slightly pink, she opens up the one from her friend first.
From: Miss Piggy
Subject: Duckbutt
To: Billboard
Girl, you better tell me all of
the deets! Not a single bit of
information left out (6 p.m.)
Sakura snorts at the subject line. She figured that the comment Naruto made will not be forgotten anytime soon - especially since he was right, to a degree. Quickly, she writes out a response before opening the message from Sasuke.
From: Sasuke Uchiha
Subject: Meeting
To: Sakura
How about tomorrow at the ice
-cream parlor up the street at 1?
(6:10 p.m.)
Sakura thinks to herself quietly, trying to map out a time-line for tomorrow. She knows tomorrow that it is the sleepover which means most of them will be coming around 4 or 5, but she also knows that Ino likes to get a head start above everyone else which means she could pop in at any time.. This was tricky, but maybe she could time it just right. Besides, it's just for ice cream. It's not like they are going to be there for hours.
Quickly, she types out "Sure! Sounds great :)".
She deletes the smiley face a couple of times, but at some point she accidentally sent the message while it was on there. Innerly she cursed herself, but what could she do? It already sent.
"Honey?" Sakura's father knocks on the door, opening it up. He was finally home and Sakura couldn't help but smile as she stood up from her bed. "Dinner is ready, come eat."
"Coming!" Sakura says cheerily, meeting her father to walk down the stairs.
Her father worked in the oil field, so he was only home one or two weeks out of a month. So family dinners were precious to her heart. She just wished he was home more, but she understood why he chose that field. While it wasn't reliable, it paid pretty decently. It paid the bills and allowed them some luxuries. One of those being Sakura's growing college fund. It is because of this that Sakura felt a little more pressured to make sure she succeeded and did something worthwhile. She didn't want all of his hard earned money to go to waste.
She just hoped it wouldn't be for nothing.
~ ` ~ ` ~
Sakura knew what she was expecting to see when she woke up in the morning. The very same view that greets her every morning: her ceiling with her stars and solar system stickers. Instead, she got bright blue eyes staring her in her soul and a cage made from blonde hair. Accompanied by a headache, of course, because why would Ino do anything quietly?
"Get your lazy ass up, forehead!" Ino yells, hands on her hips as she pulls back from her face.
Sakura groans, rolling around onto her side and stuffing her pillow onto her head. "Go away."
Ino tsks and the only thing running through Sakura's head is shit. Ino grabs a hold of her foot and yanks as hard as she could, dumping Sakura on the floor by her bed. Sakura glares up at the blonde, scowling. She was having a good dream.
"Damn, it is never this hard to get you up. You're usually up before sunrise to watch it," Ino mumbles out. Sakura blushes, shaking her head. Ino didn't need to know that she stayed up practically all night with anxiety as an obnoxious bubble in her chest.
"Sorry," Sakura mumbles nonchalantly while her eyes look for her clock. Her eyes widen when she realizes it says 12 p.m. Hurriedly, she scrambles up, panic clear on her face.
"Woah there, what has got you so eager to get up all of a sudden?" Ino questions, eyebrow raised as she watches the pinkette hurry to her closet and pull out outfit after outfit. Then it clicked. "Oh. My. God!" She squeals before enveloping Sakura into a tight hug. "You're going to meet him aren't you?! That's why you were acting all weird last night when I was trying to see when I could come over!"
Sakura's face is bright red and she taps her arms to get her to let go. "Fine, yes. We are supposed to meet at the ice cream parlor at 1."
"Then there is no time to waste! Here, let me help!"
~ ` ~ ` ~
It took a matter of 30 minutes, but Sakura was well on her way down to the ice cream parlor. She didn't want to run because she could just hear Ino griping in her head about how her 'perfect' work would be absolutely ruined. Nervously, Sakura tucks a loose strand behind her ear. The parlor comes into view and she quickens her steps, grateful that she opted for simple sandals that fit her comfortably instead of Ino's bright idea which was heels. Her feet would be killing her, she is not like Ino who could dead-sprint in stilettos.
She could see him outside of the parlor, leaning against the wall. His eyes catch hers and her heartbeat quickens as her cheeks flush. Sakura stops in front of him and he gives her a small smile.
"Hey," he says and Sakura's genius murmurs a quiet, "Hi."
Sakura looks anywhere but him for the simple reason she felt very self conscious, but it all stopped momentarily when he offers her his hand and he leads her inside the parlor.
"What kind of icecream do you like?" He asks her as they approach the cashier to order. Sakura hums, thinking, and she smiles before answering: "chocolate as of right now."
Sasuke laughs quietly, "As of right now?" He questions and looks at her amusedly.
"It changes," she supplies before looking up at him, "How about yours?"
They didn't stay at the parlor long, instead they found themselves at the beach. They walked along the waves, Sakura's sandals in one hand and the other hand locked with his. The sunlight against their skin was refreshing and added to the warmth of the situation, the wind carrying her laughter as they talked.
"So.." Sakura trails off, her eyes slowly looking up towards his, "What brought you and your family here?"
"My great uncle left it to my brother Itachi in his will, but it's a big house and he wanted to share it with the rest of us." Sakura hums, watching the brief coldness flash in his eyes when he mentioned his brother. She didn't question it, this date… Was that what it was? This date was going well and she didn't want to ruin it by prying into his family life.
"I had no idea he had any relatives, if I'm honest," Sakura says thoughtfully and smiles. "But, I'm happy to find that he did. My friends and I made it a habit to drop gifts and say hi during holidays." Sakura rambles, leaving out the 'because he seemed so lonely' due to her not wanting to offend him.
"Yeah.. He wasn't much for big family gatherings."Sasuke shrugs and then looks down at her, taking in the way the sun brought out the many different shades of greens and spots of blue in her eyes.
"You have very pretty eyes."
She blushes, looking away. "Thank you," she says softly and can feel her chin being lifted up by him. His gaze was heavy and the world stopped around her, nothing but their breathing and her heart beating ferociously could be heard with the gentle lullaby of waves.
"Don't look away from me, Sa-ku-ra." His thumb gently rubs against her cheek and she half expects him to kiss her but instead, he drops his hand and re-takes her hand in his.
"Shall I walk you home?"
Her mind is blank and it takes a minute for what he said to process. A little bit of disappointment bubbles in her, a fear that maybe she said something wrong. "Oh, uh, sure," she says softly and she guides him to her home which is across the street.
Once they arrive, she lets go of his hand and fidgets, unsure of what to do now. Sighing, she looks down at her feet before slowly looking up at him. "Look, I'm sorry if I said something wrong-" Her words die on her tongue because he does something so unexpected and peculiar.
He poked her forehead with his index and middle finger, effectively catching her off guard.
"I had fun, Sa-ku-ra," he removes his fingers and Sakura watches, dumbfounded. "Let's do it again sometime."
"Okay," she replies and a pretty blush forms on her cheeks, she shyly watches him leave with a small smile on her face.
She turns around and briefly catches blue eyes peeking through the blinds of the living room window and she sighs, shaking her head. Of course she would get no privacy.
Stepping inside the house, she is greeted by her mother and Ino laughing obnoxiously on the couch. Not at all suspicious. Sakura places her hand on her hip, looking at them expectantly.
"Did you guys sate your curiosity looking outside the window?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," her mother states innocently before her expression turns devilish. "Buuuutttt, since you're here. Mind sharing the details?"
Sighing, Sakura gives in and decides to tell them about everything - with the exception of what happened near her front door. That, she had decided, would stay secret for her sake. Or as secret as it could, considering she was being watched the entire time they were out there."
- "A Proclivity for Love" chapter one.
Want to read more?
You can find it on AO3 and Fanfiction,net. There are 23 chapters!
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Ahsbejsnfjr Mia!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
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I'm so Happy for you :)))) 💛💛💛😁😁😁😀😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Anyways can I get Sirius and Lily brotp please......💛💛💛
You can't tell me she wasn't bestie with Sirius before James. They are so amazing!!!!!!
@secretsongdeer thank you!!!  to celebrate a very exciting/big reader milestone of We Can Be Heroes on fanfic.net (I still can’t get over it, I much prefer ao3 but anyway!), I asked for prompts and so... Okay so this got out of control and ended up being more that just Blackevans brotp but I hope you like it...
   Prongs, what did you do?
 “I hate men!” Lily said, flinging her bag onto the floor of the Gryffindor common room and throwing herself onto the sofa.
Sirius Black, who was already seated on said sofa and had been pretending to read when she came in, looked up briefly, raising his left eyebrow.
“What?” said Lily.
“I am a man, Evans,” he said.
“And?” Lily said, sending him a petulant scowl.
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Sirius said, trying not to smile as he went back to pretending to read said book.
“Very like that,” she said, sliding down the sofa and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Any particular chap bothering you today?” he asked lightly.
“I told you, all of them!” Lily said, rolling her eyes at him.
“All of them in particular?” Sirius asked.
“Well... I can’t tell you about one of them,” she said, kicking her foot against the low footstool.
That had to be Snape. Sirius made a mental note to hex the bastard as soon as the opportunity arose.
“I can’t tell you about the other two either,” Lily said, throwing her head back against the cushion and sighing again.
Snape’s friends. The six mini Death-Eaters Snape hung around with could all do with additional hexing, the bigoted bastards. He clenched his jaw.
“And?” he said.
“And your stupid, infuriating friend!” Lily said, looking up at him again and glaring.
Her emerald eyes were utterly beautiful, but most people found them scary as fuck when she was angry.
Sirius Black was not most people. He knew Lily Evans like the back of his hand. This was only a recent and rather startling discovery.
“Ah, Prongs?” he said, failing to keep a straight face. “What’s he done this time?”
“He’s... well, if you must know, it’s more a case of what he hasn’t done!” Lily scowled.
“You’ve lost me there,” Sirius said, putting down his book and turning towards her. “Evans?”
“I’m notoriously impatient.”
“That’s not a virtue, and you need to work on it,” Lily huffed.
“Duly noted,” Sirius grinned. “You’re pretty impatient too, by the way, old thing.”
“So, à propos de rien, what did Prongs do?”
“French doesn’t suit you, Black.”
“I think it does, actually,” Sirius said, flicking his hair and settling back into the couch more comfortably.
Lily glanced up at him briefly.
“Oh fine. I’ll allow that.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius said, with a smug grin.
Lily gave him an exaggerated eye roll.
“Name once!” she snorted.
“I said you fancied Prongs and I was right,” Sirius said, casually biting into the apple he had been holding in his right hand.
Lily’s cheeks infused prettily.
“You’ve literally never said that!” she yelped.
“I did just now, Evans,” Sirius said smoothly. “And I was right.”
Lily opened her mouth to protest and then closed it.
“Kneazle got your tongue, old thing?” Sirius said, grey eyes sparkling.
“Fuck off!” Lily said, jabbing his shin with her foot.
Sirius folded his arms and stared back.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this!” Lily said, covering her face with her hands and groaning dramatically. “If you tell him, I swear to-“
“My lips are sealed,” Sirius replied, taking another bite of his apple. “Do tell!”
“I’m going to die of-“ Lily said, still hiding behind her hands.
“High stakes. Sounds like Prongs,” said Sirius, taking another bite.
“Listen, you’d have lost it too if you have just worked up the courage to ask Remus out and another person beat you to it at the last minute!” Lily said, flinging herself back against the armrest with force. “Two seconds ahead of me! Two bloody seconds!”
“What?” said Sirius, looking mortified, and pointedly ignoring the reference to one of his best friends.
“James, Prongs, whatever you call the useless, dorky git.”
“He didn’t say yes though, surely?” said Sirius, who still seemed a bit flummoxed.
“Didn’t he?” Lily said, her voice rising. “Desdemona asked him to go to Hogsmeade on a date. He said, and I’m quoting here, thanks very much that’s so kind of you I’d love to go only in his stupid polite voice.”
Sirius winced.
“And?” said Lily, cheeks bright red at this stage. “And then she said oh James, that’s, like, so amazing? I’m going to, like, die of happiness? I can’t wait to, like, tell all my friends, they’re actually, I’m not going to lie, going to scream?” Lily said, putting on a highly convincing version of a snooty pureblood accent. “And then she kissed his cheek and ran off! He stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights! And she’s not horrible or anything, she’s actually quite nice despite her snobby voice, and very attractive to boot, and I’m just being mean and-“
“Fucking hell!” Sirius said, staring at Lily. “What the fuck was he thinking?”
“I know, right?” Lily glared. “Tosser!”
“Blithering idiot!” said Sirius, growling.
“Stupid git!” Lily added.
“Wanker!” said Sirius.
“Gobshite,” Lily said.
“Merlin’s sake, man!” said Sirius.
“Well at least we’re on the same page,” said Lily, shooting Sirius a small smile.
“Blindingly incompetent...” said Sirius.
“Incompetent what?”
“Incompetent flirt? He’s meant to be asking you out?”
“He is?” Said Lily, staring at him in confusion.
“Hand on, when did this happen?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“Merlin, fuck!” Said Sirius, pacing up and down in front of the fireplace. “He’ll come flying in through that door in the next few seconds, Evans, mark my words, so you need to leg it upstairs and let me handle him, alright?”
“Is that wise?” Lily asked, biting her lip.
Sirius stopped pacing and stared at her momentarily.
“Well. I’d say wise would be pushing it,” he said. “but still preferable to your future husband pulling a Prongs.”
Lily raised her right eyebrow.
“Fucking it all up monumentally,” said Sirius, resuming his pacing. “I shall fix this, old girl, leave it to me.”
“What have I done,” groaned Lily as she hurried upstairs.
 The door of the Gryffindor common room flew open and James Potter stormed inside.
“Spot of bother with the fairer sex, Prongs?” Sirius said, lounging against the mantelpiece looking suave and sophisticated.
“Why, Padfoot?” James said, slamming the door so hard that the Fat Lady shrieked in fright. “Why is this happening to me, eh? What the ever-living fuck am I meant to do now, eh?”
“Prongs, care to enlighten me as to why the fuck you said you’d go on a date to Hogsmeade with Desdemona Demelza de Mimsy-Porpington?” said Sirius, his voice hard as steel.
James glared back at him and then threw his arms into the air helplessly.
“I have no idea, Padfoot! Literally no idea what possessed me, okay? I’m disgusted at my absolute barminess! It’s like I can’t be rude to a girl and then I can’t tell her she’s wrong either? I’m a disaster, Padfoot! A walking disaster area!”
“I agree. Your idiocy has risen to stratospheric heights, Prongs,” Sirius said, folding his arms crossly. “! just had Evans in here, in literal tears, all your doing!”
“In tears?” Said James, looking appalled and tuggi8ng at his hair with both his hands.
“Howling,” confirmed Sirius.
“Merlin’s tits!” Said James, turning white. “Do you think I-“
“I think your mother shall hear about this,” said Sirius primly, pursing his mouth shut and shaking his head with a disappointed sigh.
“What!” James shouted, looking horrified. “You are not telling mum, Sirius Black, you traitorous turd! It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to-“
“All you have to do is ask the damned girl out, Prongs, it’s not exactly rock ’n’ science.”
“Rock ’n’ what? Oi! Now listen here, you little shit! I won’t have you chastising me like a bloody two-year-old when you are literally doing the exact same thing when it comes to Moony!”
Sirius’ elbow promptly slipped off the mantelpiece.
“Ouch!” He yelped, digging his elbow into his side. “What the fuck is that meant to mean!”
“Oh don’t you try this palaver on me, Padfoot! I damn well know you’ve had the hots for Moony for at least the last six months, and you’ve done fuck all about it, so don’t get on your high horse and-“
“What?” Sirius croaked, his voice shrill with fear. “I haven’t ever-“
“Oh shut up, Pads! I’ve had to listen to all sorts of Godforsaken moans coming from your bed as you call out Moony’s name. Darling Moony! Remus yes! Moony don’t stop!”
“What?” Sirius is now white as a sheet. “B-but I put up silencing charms every single night?”
“Yeah, about that, you never learnt how to cast a very effective silencing charm, mate. Which was fine, I covered for you, until you started mouthing off this gross stuff about Moony. I sent a remedial charm so don’t worry, Remus didn’t hear you mooning over him. He just thinks you are obsessed with Benjy now.”
Sirius stared at him, momentarily speechless.
“Excuse me?” he croaked. “He what?”
“Yes, well, I may have charmed your voice to say Benjy every time you said the word Moony or Remus,” James said, not looking at all apologetic.
“What? Why? Why would you do that?” said Sirius, looking at James with abject horror.
“Because I was sick of you both! Useless gits!” said James. “You’re both besotted and doing fuck all about it!”
“Fuck all? I’ll have you know, you may not have noticed, but I’ve been flirting my arse off with Moony for MONTHS now Prongs, months! And where has that got me? Nowhere! I don’t think I could be any more bloody obvious!” Sirius said, looking affronted.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You and I may think it’s obnoxiously obvious you fancy him when you send him  origami notes telling him stuff like Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? Or even Guess what's on the menu? Me-n-u, but Moony,” said James.
“But Moony what?” said Sirius, looking frazzled. “What the fuck could he possible think that relates to?”
“I bet he thinks you’re joking around, old chap,” said James calmly. “I did at the start.”
“Merlin, what the hell could he possibly think when I said Here I am. What are your other two wishes?” said Sirius.
“It’s Moony we’re talking about, not an ounce of sense in him when it comes to you, Padfoot!”
“He doesn’t like me!” said Sirius, his voice rising. “The time I sent him that note saying Are you French? Because Eiffel for you, do you know what he did? He turned around and told me, and I quote here, You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Merlin’s tits, Sirius!” shouted James, grabbing a hold of Sirius’ shirt collar. “That’s Moony’s way of flirting with you, you imbecile!”
“What?” said Sirius, eyes as wide as saucers.
“You’re blind!” said James heatedly.
“But how the fuck does Moony thinking I fancy the pants off Benjy help me?” Sirius said, grabbing a hold of James’ Quidditch top in turn and shaking him.
The door of the Gryffindor common room burst open once more. Remus Lupin stood there, eyes narrowed, lip curled, fists clenched, looking as though he planned on taking on every single wannabe Death-Eater in Hogwarts at once and could easily beat them. Sirius drew in a short breath, suddenly aware he was standing very close to James.
“Pray continue, don’t let my presence interrupt the snogging session you two had planned there,” Remus said, in a voice so icy that the dripping disdain had solidified.
“This is how it helps,” said James pleasantly, beaming at Sirius proudly.
“Oh fuck,” whispered Sirius. “Prongs, what did you do?”
If you liked it I can finish it??? It’s basically Jily & Wolfstar both oblivious idiots with wingmates Padfoot & Prongs (major Jily & Wolfstar shippers respectively) to the, ahem, (supposed) rescue....
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akumanette story “Marikuma”
Is this danganronpa? Yes. Is this class salt? No. In fact it’s sugar in a way. Room for Lila redemption I guess, she regrets it, but for now she’s like super evil. They’re bumped up to 16-17 in this.
Okay: So Marinette akumatizes, and lately she’s been drowning herself in just books, games, and stuff to distract herself from the Lila shit. She feels practically dead and is absolutely despair. So being given the Power of Judge, Jury, and Executioner, she decides to be creative.
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She creates a copy of civilian self sends her off. The next day happens, regular shit, everyone falling for Lila’s lies, when suddenly they all fall asleep and wake up to a corrupted and locked in version of Chloe’s hotel.
Marikuma introduces herself to the Marinette Copy(Who’s the like the Chiaki rn) and the class. Talking about the killing game and whatnot.
They all are mortified and someone recognizes the game. Marikuma cackles and is like “YEP!” - no one realizes this is Marinette though Her time limit for the first murder is by the end of the day, and the class is dead set on not killing anyone. Fakenette rallies everyone together and is doing her best to keep everyone’s spirits high as they try to escape, but of course, this is Marikuma just setting them up for failure.
Alya is freaking out and Fakenette promises that they’ll all get out alive. 
Pffft.. Yeah right.
Lila has been silently freaking out this entire time, and now, getting desperate, she decides to do what she thinks she should’ve done a long time ago.
Lila lures a purposefully made naive Fakenette into bathrooms, and kills her. She panics, realizing what she did, and uses a rope to hide her somewhere. She throws her into Chloe’s room, and whips the body a few times so it looks like she didn’t get dragged from somewhere and instead beaten with the rope.
Marikuma is giggling with despair. Absolutely excited to see things working out.
In fact, Marikuma low key helps by planting evidence pointing to everyone in the class(All red herrings of course), all to make Lila feel lucky and smart (”haha wow I’m on her good side!”), only to rip her down because she did it to distract Lila from one of the biggest clues that she left that points directly to herself.
A bracelet she showed off the day before, that she used to hold the ropes around Fakenette’s body, Alya is mortified when they find the body. She falls to the floor and begins to sob and scream in despair.
Nino and Kim break down because they’ve been with marinette for years. The class is horrified and crying, Chloe is shaking with fear  and Adrien has come completely catatonic, falling to his knees as he realizes.. she wasn’t just a friend.
Lila is silent the entire time, so backhanded words.. she just quietly realizes that she did this.. she did something irreversible but she can’t back out now.. because she has a life on her hands.
Then, they all are thrown into investigation.
They all find the red herrings and begin to stare at each other in suspicion, but Alya sucks up her tears, and gets down to business, burning with the desire to find the murderer. 
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At first, everyone’s pointing at Chloe, as Marinette was found in her room. This goes on for a while until either Sabrina or Alix(Chlobrina and Chlolix both works for this situation) speaks up and reveals Chloe’s alibi being that the two were.. uh.. making the most of the last hours of being alive.. and were playing super penguino together in Sabrina/Alix’s room during the murder time.
There’s a few beats of awkward silence and Kim breaks the silence with  “wait.. Chloe’s gay?” So this crosses off the biggest suspect, and Chloe’s pride breaks down when she admits how much Marinette meant to her. How she was shitty to her because of jealousy and spite over their different lives. The walls just crumble and she swears she will rip the murderer a new one for hurting the girl she looked up to so much (whether this means Chloe knows who LB is or she just love/hates Marinette in particular is up to you)
Alya realizes that anyone could be the murderer then and because she doesn’t suspect Lila, everyone is distrust worthy(because if Chloe can act like this, anyone can simply act nice), and Adrien won’t speak up either because he’s still broken.
Chloe then points out one of the red herring things and they all go through circles, before Alya realizes that they’re red herrings meant to throw them around. The class is enraged by the fact that the murderer did this to break them specifically and Lila is silent. Marikuma provides hijinks and cackling at every horrific realization.
Eventually they hit a rock where they’re staring to loose hope and Marikuma is starting to get bored, then Lila mentions something that they hadn’t mentioned yet that Alya is able to untwist the timeline finally and yells out the inconsistency realization
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This all leads into Alya screaming at Adrien to open his damn eyes to the truth and to snap out of his pity party because their friend is dead and they need to fight for her memory.
Adrien’s eyes snap open and he reveals the overlooked clue everyone missed. Unraveling the mystery to be Lila’s doing.
The Italian girl screams that she didn’t do it, that she isn’t a murderer, and throws out every trick in the Lila Is A Bitch book.
And Alya? Oh. Alya is pissed.
She rips down every single one and Marikuma is absolutely thriving, they do the whole ‘explains the entire murder’ thing. Lila falls to her knees and for the first time.. she means it when she says she’s sorry.
She’s genuinely horrified. She’s only a teenage girl, and she doesn’t know the consequences to her actions, but that doesn’t excuse shit because she killed their classmate. She killed their friend. And she did it because she was spiteful.
Marikuma is cackling with madness, completely corrupted and unhinged at this point, laughing at the despair on Lila’s face, before suddenly Alya adjusts her glasses and points to her- and says that Lila isn’t completely at fault here, because the trickery was orchestrated by Marikuma too, and the reason why Marinette is dead in the first is because of her.
Marikuma scoffs and is like “well sucks to suck! I don’t give a shit! Lila’s gonna get what she deserves!”  Alya is like “No! Not until I figure out who you are!”
And thus a whole new half part of the trial opens up as they try to figure out the ‘mastermind’ aka the akuma. Lila pushing her perspective too, before they piece together the true identity.
What happens next is up to you guys I’m done writing this damn thing
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eevee-eclair · 4 years
Don’t Look Me in the Eyes
Written by Eevee
Things to look out for: Blood, stitches, bandages, fighting, screaming, Ranboo goes feral, Unsympathetic!Dream (just incase), Dadza, Big Bro Techno, a long day, mention of L’manburg (RIP), mention of death/torture, spoilers for a book (Eragon), hunger, fever, (please tell me if I missed one)
Random side note: The small mini fic I planned for this to be was thrown out the window. Have at this, I guess. This is my first time writing for this fandom too, so if I get stuff wrong (more specifically the characters wrong) please forgive me. (More at the end)
Also consistency? Who’s that?
Ranboo walked outside, feeling weighed down by everything. It had been a long day. L’manburg was gone, he still didn’t know if Techno was gonna kill him or not—let alone trust him—, and even though he was living with Phil and Techno he didn’t have a house, just a small shed. Oh, and on top of it all, he promised one of the most powerful people on the server something he might not be able to provide.
Ranboo sat down in the snow and covered his face, trying not to scream or cry. He heard the soft crunch of snow under two pairs of feet coming closer.
“Ranboo?” He recognized the voice as Phil’s.
Someone crouched next to him. “Hey, you good, bro?” That was Techno.
He let out a pathetic sigh. “It’s just too much,” he mumbled.
Ranboo registered Phil putting his wings around him, trying to comfort him. If he was being honest, it was making him feel trapped.
“Yeah... We’re sorry about that,” Techno said, messing with his braid. “But it had to be done.”
He lifted his head, still not looking at them but he could feel their gaze. It made him feel uneasy, so he let out a small grunt—almost Enderman like. “Just because it was necessary doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt,” he grumbled. There was a slight edge to his voice.
Phil sat down. “It’ll be okay. Healing takes time so you’ll be okay eventually!” He was trying to cheer him up but it was only making him feel worse.
Ranboo pulled at his hair, his eyes glowing a little. “I’m tired of waiting!” he wailed. “It hurts!”
Techno sighed. “We know, Ranboo. We’ve both been there,” he said, looking at Phil. “It takes time, but it’s worth it in the end.”
The hand he placed on his back was the final nail in the coffin. Ranboo stood up and let out a cry that sounded exactly like an angry Enderman. His eyes were bright and he looked almost in pain.
Phil jumped away and drew he sword while Techno drew his rocket launcher. “Ranboo, i-it’s okay!” Phil tried to reason. “Just-just calm down!”
Ranboo drew his sword and screamed again.
Techno put a rocket in. “Put the sword down,” he said, aiming for his chest. “Don’t make us do this, Ranboo.”
Phil was going to say something else when he made the mistake of looking at his eyes. Ranboo ran at him, almost as if he wasn’t controlling his actions. He blocked every swing he threw but was quickly tiring. He was just too fast. Techno fired the rocket and it hit Ranboo square in the back, trying to help Phil.
Ranboo screeched loudly, causing the other two to cover their ears. He ran at him, angrier than ever.
“Techno, log out!” Phil cried, following his own advice and leaving the game. Techno quickly copied, leaving Ranboo alone.
When they got back, Ranboo was face down in the snow. His sword was stuck in the ground next to him as red and green blood soaked the snow around him. They ran over, horribly worried.
“Oh god,” Techno muttered, crouching next to him. He noticed blood coming from his mouth as he flipped him over. “Shit, what did we do?”
Phil covered his mouth and fell next to him. “Ranboo, please wake up!” he begged, shaking him a little.
“He’ll be out for a while.”
They turned to see Dream standing over him. The sun hit his back, making him look more powerful than he was. The axe in his hand dripped with the blood that definitely belonged to Ranboo.
“What did you do?!” Phil cried, hugging the unconscious body of their friend.
“I saved you,” he said simply. “He would’ve killed us all if I hadn’t stepped in.”
Techno stood up. “We’re miles away from everyone and we had already logged off. Who the fuck were you trying to save?!” he spat.
Dream turned to him, that mask blocking all emotions. “Myself? Himself? Couldn’t you see how unstable he was?” he asked, shoving his axe into the ground.
“We had it under control,” Phil hissed. “Go away.”
Dream laughed a little before grabbing his axe and shrugging. “Alright. You’re welcome by the way,” he said over his shoulder as he walked away.
Phil and Techno watched him walk away before they turned their attention to Ranboo. They just realized the large cut that stretched from just below his collar bone to just above his hip.
Techno quickly ripped his cape to stop the blood that was oozing out. Thankfully, it wasn’t one of his good ones.
“It doesn’t look that deep so he might be fine,” he told Phil, looking up. “But I can’t promise anything.”
Phil nodded, running his fingers through Ranboo’s hair. He was being horribly reminded of Wilbur at the moment. “Okay,” he whispered. He wiped tears from his eyes. “J-just try, please...”
Techno stood up and tried to pick him up and pry him away from Phil. “Come on, I can’t help him if you don’t let go,” he said gently, keeping in mind how Phil must be feeling.
Phil reluctantly let him go, his wings drooping as he watched Techno carry him into the house. He looked away from the red and green trail that was left behind.
Techno quickly put some slabs down to lay Ranboo on. He dug around for bandages, water, and a healing potion before walking over. He peeled back the cloth that had stuck to the wound before he started to clean it.
Phil walked in and leaned against the wall, watching him work. He was silently crying and became more worried when Techno drew in a sharp breath.
“What is it?” he asked, running over.
Techno looked at him and frowned. “It’s gonna need stiches,” he told him, digging through his chests.
Phil started to bite his nail as he watched Techno pull out a needle and thread.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
Phil looked up. “What now?”
“I have nothing to numb the pain...”
“He’s unconscious, he won’t feel it,” he said, but he was still just as nervous.
Techno but his lip. “I don’t want him waking up in pain, though.”
Phil sighed. “Then splash him with regeneration after.”
Techno nodded and grabbed another. “Okay then...”
He threaded the needle before walking closer to Ranboo who was still out cold. He managed to get six stitches in before he let out a heavy sigh and stepped away.
“I can’t do it, Phil... I can’t risk hurting him,” he said, rubbing his eyes.
“And I can’t risk losing him!” Phil responded, picking up the needle and finishing what he had started. “I lost Wilbur and Tommy! I’m not losing another son!” he cried as he sewed.
Techno decided not to mention him calling Ranboo his ‘son’. He looked at the fire and sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Phil tied the thread and started to wrap Ranboo in bandages. “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay, you did nothing wrong.”
He wanted to argue that all three times he lost a ‘son’ was his fault, but he decided that was a conversation for another day. Instead he walked over with the splash potion. He threw it at Ranboo and they watched his face that was previously screwed up in pain, melt into relief.
“No we just gotta wait for him to wake up,” Phil said. Then he turned to Techno. “Come on, let’s go find something to do while we wait.”
Techno followed him downstairs, both worried about whether or not Ranboo would live. They were praying he does.
Ranboo woke to a pounding headache and a horrible pain in his torso and back. He tried to sit up but immediately fell back down with a strangled cry as the pain in his chest flared up in protest.
Breathing heavily he looked down to see bandages wrapped around his whole chest. He shakily reached over and touched them. He hissed in pain and laid his head back down.
He looked around and came to the horrifying realization that he was back in Techno’s house. A million different senecios raced through his head at once.
Had Techno tired to kill him and Phil saved him? Did he do something stupid and since Techno needed him to get the axe back he saved him? Did he save him to do something worse to him later?
Ranboo was pulled from his spiraling when he someone snapped in front of his face. Looking over he came face to face with Phil with Techno right behind him.
“Ranboo, it’s okay. Calm down,” he soothed, sitting next to him.
“W-what happened?” he asked quietly, lifting his head. His voice felt raw and cracked horribly.
Techno looked at him in sympathy. “You don’t remember?”
He shook his head. “I-I remember you guys trying to h-help me with... something...” he mumbled, looking at the ceiling.
Phil bit his lip. “You kinda... Snapped. You tried to kill us, too,” he added hesitantly.
Ranboo’s eyes widened. “Phil I-I’m so so sorry!” He looked at Techno. “I-I didn’t mean to! Ple-please don’t kick me out,” he begged, trying to sit up.
Both Phil and Techno phushed him back down. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay!” Techno reassured, grabbing his shoulders. “I’m not gonna kick ya out, dude. Don’t stress yourself.”
He dug around in one of his chests and pulled out an empty bottle. He jumped down the ladder and filled it before climbing up and offering it to Ranboo. “Here, drink this,” he said, helping him sit.
Ranboo winced as he was sat up and leaned into Phil for support. He took it the bottle, almost afraid of it, before drinking. It was empty too soon but he felt better anyway—even if it burnt a little. “Thanks,” he muttered. “That’s a lot better...”
Techno took the empty bottle and Phil wrapped a wing around him. “How do you feel?”
Ranboo looked at him tiredly. “Not good... I’m sorry again, by the way. If you guys want to kick me out, I understand.”
Phil started to run his fingers through his hair, earning him a soft content hum. “It’s alright, we won’t make you move. Can I see how you’re healing?” he asked, changing the subject.
He nodded and laid back down. Phil got up and looked around for scissors. He couldn’t find any so he settled for a diamond axe and walked back, ready to cut the bandages off.
Ranboo took one look at the sharp object and a frightened Enderman-like croak came from him. He stopped moving and lowered the axe. “Ranboo..?”
“I-I’m sorry, the axe just makes me nervous...” he muttered. Again, there was a slight darkness in his voice.
Techno nodded. “Understandable. After what you just went through, I’m not surprised. Use a hoe, Phil,” he said, looking at him. “They’re still sharp.”
Phil quickly tossed the axe in a chest and dug for a hoe. He found a stone one, deemed it sharp enough, and walked over. This time, Ranboo stayed still but he still looked nervous.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you,” Phil said, slicing the bandages away. As he peeled them back he took a good look at the stitching.
Ranboo’s eyes widened and he went a little pale. “Wh-what happened?” he stammered, not taking his eyes off the thread holding him together.
“Well, after you started to attack us, Phil and I combat-logged to see if that would calm you down. I guess in that short time we were gone, Dream found you and almost sliced you in half with his axe. Which explains why you were nervous when Phil tried to use one,” he explained while Phil checked the wound.
A small ‘oh’ was all he could say. He looked shaken, in Techno’s opinion.
Phil stepped back. “I hate to interrupt, but it’s not looking the best. It needs cleaned so it has a less chance of being infected,” he said, looking for something to use.
Techno handed him the rest of his torn cape. “Just use this, it’s ruined anyway.”
He took it and went downstairs to wet it down. When he came back, Teachno looked panicked. He quickly ran over.
“What’s wrong?!” he asked. “Is he okay?!”
Techno stepped away. “I don’t know! He said he was tired so I grabbed a pillow to put under his head and when I went back I touched his cheek. He’s burning up!” he said.
Phil quickly ripped the soaked cloth in half and laid the smaller bit on Ranboo’s forehead and used the other to clean the wound.
Looking down, Ranboo had fallen back asleep despite the chaos. “Hand me a healing potion,” he said, looking at Techno.
He nodded and handed on to him. Phil popped the cork and poured it over the wound, hoping it would help. “Bandages,” he requested, holding out his hand. Techno handed him some and he wrapped them around Ranboo’s stitches before tying them off.
“That should work. When he wakes up again, he can eat.” He turned to go outside when Techno stopped him. He looked scared.
“Please don’t leave,” he mumbled after a moment.
Phil pulled him into a hug. “I won’t,” he said, putting his wings around him. “I won’t leave, but I have to get a bucket of water to keep him cool so the fever doesn’t get worse, okay?”
Techno nodded and let him go. When he returned with the bucket of water, he was sitting next to Ranboo and reading a book. Phil smiled and put a block down to sit on.
“Whatcha reading?” he asked as he took the cloth off his head and wet it back down.
Techno looked up, his reading glasses slipping down his nose a little. “Eragon.”
Phil nodded. “Care to read to me?”
He nodded and started to read out loud. That’s how they spent the next hour, Techno reading to Phil as he tried to keep Ranboo’s fever down. As he read, Techno started to forget about his worries and focused on Eragon and Saphira’s adventures.
“A dark liquid dripped from the tips of her fingers. Eragon knew it was blood,” Techno read. He yawned and closed his book. “I think it’s time for me to go to bed,” he muttered.
“But what happened to the woman in his dream?”
Both men jumped and turned to see that Ranboo was awake. He looked tired, but there was a small smile on his face.
“How long have you been listening?” Phil asked, taking the wet cloth away.
Ranboo shrugged. “Just that last bit.” He tried to sit up and winced.
Techno went to put his book away. “How do you feel?” he asked, taking the glasses off.
“Like shit,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. “I’ve got a headache, my throat burns, and my chest feels like it was ripped apart. Oh, and my back aches.”
Phil dipped the cloth back into the water and laid it on his head. “That’s to be expected. Would you like some water?” When Ranboo nodded he helped him sit up. “Okay, I’ll be back.”
Techno looked at Ranboo before digging through a chest and pulling out a baked potato. “Hungry?” he asked, offering it.
Ranboo nodded grabbed it, eating quickly. Phil returned and gently took the potato away, handing him the water. “Slow down, you’ll hurt yourself,” he said, smiling.
He started to drink and winced as it burned a little again, but kept drinking. When he was done he went back to eating the potato.
Techno and Phil pulled out their own food and started to eat with him. When they were all done, they sat back with Ranboo.
“Feeling better?” Phil asked. When Ranboo nodded he smiled. “Good. Can I change your bandages before you go back to sleep?”
He nodded again and laid down. Phil set to work with changing the bandages quickly. Afterwards, he saw that Ranboo was back asleep.
“We’ll have to remind him about this later,” Techno said after a while. “And I don’t think he’ll be happy about it.”
Phil sighed. “I know, but he might thank us later. At least he’s safe.”
Techno nodded and started to walk downstairs. “At least he’s safe...”
Phil watched him go before turning to the sleeping Ranboo. ‘He’ll be okay,’ he thought. Who the ‘he’, he didn’t know.
I hope you enjoyed, please forgive me if things are wrong! I hoped you liked it!!
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hotchley · 4 years
the first christmas
please don’t judge the title or quaity of this, it’s 00:50 and i’ve not proofread it. we’re just going to go with it.
summary: it’s baby hotchner’s first christmas that he’s actually going to remember. it’s mostly pure fluff with like the smallest amount of angst, but the ending is happy and nobody dies or gets hurt so we’re classing it as a win. and fluffy.
trigger warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
read on ao3!
Christmas was fast-approaching, and they still weren’t ready. Initially, Dave had wanted everything to be perfect. Now… he just wanted everything to be ready before Aaron woke up. SSA Hotchner had taken a tumble into a river and emerged from it as an eight-year-old. Well, a sort of eight-year-old. He had memories of being an adult, but they were fuzzy at best. And his speech, the way he did things, and his size were that of an eight-year-old.
Jack seemed to be having the time of his life. Dave was just worried they were going to do something horrifically wrong. Like Christmas. Hotch never really opened up about his plans for the holiday season, and now, every time someone tried to get him to open up about what he wanted to do, he clammed up. Or he’d change the subject.
One time, Spencer had asked, and he’d run out the room before he could even finish the question.
They stopped trying to ask him after that. Jessica had no idea what his Christmas traditions had been growing up as her family had only moved when he was going into his senior year, and after him and Haley got married, she still never really knew what the two of them got up to. Jack had seemed uncomfortable when they asked him. After much prodding and gentle confirmation that there would be no judgement, no matter what he said, Emily managed to pry the information from him.
In the years between the divorce and Haley’s death, Christmas was spent with Haley and Jessica, with Aaron there but not really there because you could cut the tension with a knife. After she died, Hotch had always sent Jack to his grandparents for Christmas because then he could see his cousins and spend time with the family he rarely saw. Which meant Hotch usually spent Christmas as an adult alone and sad.
He couldn’t believe none of them had ever realised, but then JJ and Will would always go and see her mom. Spencer would go down to Las Vegas. Derek and Penelope would go to Chicago and then to visit her parents grave. Dave’s plans varied on who was in the area and Emily usually went as far from her family as was possible. But they had all at least had someone. Hotch had nobody.
Rossi suspected that was how he spent a lot of his childhood too. There was no other reason that he would be so small. Because Rossi remembered Jack and Henry when they were the age Hotch now was. They were both healthy and lively. Hotch seemed far too small and far too nervous for a child that was supposedly safe.
He shook his head and stared at the sight before him. The tree that he had gotten at the last minute was still bare because every time he tried to decorate it, something just wouldn’t look right. Garcia was going to come round with cookies and the rest of the team would also be arriving at various different times with assorted items. He knew that meant presents.
Garcia arrived thirty minutes early. When he opened the door to her, he was greeted by bags. Lots and lots of bags.
“Penelope, what have you done?”
She walked in with the two smallest and lightest bags. He sighed and picked up the rest, following her into the hallway as she toed off her shoes and hung up her coat.
“Well Hotch won’t open up about Christmas so we don’t know what traditions he remembers or did. Which means we need to do all of them. I have decorations, cookie ingredients, stockings, films, books and of course, everything you need for the perfect hot chocolate. And he may still believe in Santa so there are some carrots and mince pies.”
“Wait. Cookie ingredients? I thought you were going to bring them?”
Garcia didn’t respond. She’d walked into the living room whilst she had explained what was in the bags and Rossi suspected it was because she hadn’t heard him. He sighed and followed her in. She was staring at the tree.
“What is that?” she whispered, seemingly horrified.
“Look don’t judge me. I tried to decorate it. Multiple times. But every time, something just didn’t look right and I had to start over. I’m a perfectionist. Sue me.”
She turned and stared at him. “Rossi, I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on, but a Christmas tree isn’t supposed to look perfect. It’s supposed to be fun. And I know you want to surprise bossboy, but I think he should be involved. After all, he probably doesn’t remember a single Christmas fondly.”
Rossi realised she, as always, was right. “I guess I got so caught up in trying to get everything to be perfect for him that I forgot it was meant to be fun.”
“Would you look at that? He’s willing to admit when he’s wrong. Where is baby Hotchner at the moment?”
“Upstairs, napping. I don’t think he slept well last night. I also don’t think he likes being called baby Hotchner given that he’s not actually a baby.”
“Well what am I meant to call him? If I say Hotch, then it sounds like I’m referring to the big, mean to unsubs but sweet to the rest of us, federal agent. And Aaron just feels wrong.”
Rossi smiled at her antics. “Maybe. We’ll come up with a better nickname at some point. Do you want me to get him or will you be okay?”
“Oh I’ll get him! Kids that have just woken up are the cutest thing ever!”
Twenty minutes later, Garcia came down the stairs, her hand being held by Aaron.
He looked tiny, even for a child. His pyjamas, which consisted of a green dinosaur top and matching bottoms (only the bottoms had different dinosaurs all over it whilst the top was a single red one) seemed to swallow him up. His hair was falling in his face and incredibly floppy, only made worse by his recent waking up.
It was an adorable sight, watching him rub one eye to get the sleep out.
Dave crouched down, even as his knees winced. Aaron stared at him with wide eyes.
“How are you feeling little one?” he asked.
Aaron shrugged. “Miss Penny said that we were going to do something fun because of Christmas, so I guess I’m okay.”
It took Rossi a moment to understand what he was saying. He doubted any of them- aside from Will- would actually be able to understand his accent immediately for a long time.
“Yeah. We are going to decorate the Christmas tree that’s over there, and then we’re going to bake some cookies. Then, we can all sit on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watch a film that you’ll get to pick. And after that, when it’s time to go to sleep, we’ll read a special Christmas story!” Garcia said, more excited than the actual kid.
Aaron turned to stare at her, a little disbelieving. “Really?”
She nodded. “Yeah baby Hotchner. Really.”
He still seemed suspicious. “No catch?”
Garcia’s smile faded and she sat beside him too. “No baby. No catches.”
Hotch regarded her for another moment then turned to Rossi. “Promise Mr David?”
Dave’s heart cracked a little. “I promise.”
“Okay. How do we decorate the tree?” he walked over on little legs to stare at it in awe, before moving onto the bags. He looked at Garcia for permission to look through and when she nodded, he smiled so brightly that Dave wanted to freeze the moment and live in it forever.
Garcia turned to Dave. “Rossi, I-”
“Don’t. Not now. He’s very perceptive. Aaron, we can decorate it however you want. You’re too small to put some of the stuff on, but if you tell us, we’ll do it for you. You can do the branches that are lower down.”
Aaron dropped the tinsel. “However I want?”
Garcia nodded. “It’s your tree.”
Aaron grinned and immediately started dragging all the decorations that he wanted to use towards the tree. Both adults got the hint and stood up, walked over to him and started talking about where the best place to put the various items was.
JJ and Derek came in halfway through the decorating process. Aaron froze momentarily, but when they both smiled and complimented the very hectic tree he relaxed and carried on like nothing had happened.
Morgan lifted him up so he could put the star on and Hotch let out a childish squeal that none of them were ever going to let him forget, and just like that, the tree was done. There was tinsel in all the colours of the rainbow draped over random branches, and baubles hanging off every available surface. The lights were wrapped around each section, going the opposite way to the tinsel and the star at the top was crooked. In Dave’s honest opinion, it looked horrific. But Aaron’s smile and pride in his creation made it beautiful.
When Spencer joined them, right before they started making the cookies, Aaron went into shy mode and hid behind Dave’s legs, peering out from behind him to see Spencer joking with Morgan and Penelope.
“Do you want to go and say hi to Mr Spence?” JJ asked gently.
Aaron shook his head. “Last time he was here, I ran away so I don’t think he wants to be my friend.”
JJ looked shocked. “Of course he wants to be your friend! He gets why you ran away, it’s okay darling. You don’t believe me? Okay. Hold my hand, and I’ll show you how much Spencer wants to be your friend. Come on, let’s go.”
He looked doubtful, but Hotch liked and trusted JJ so he stopped hiding and went over to where Spencer was.
“Hotch! Hi there!” Spencer greeted.
Hotch looked up at JJ who smiled encouragingly.
“Mr Spencer, are you angry at me for running away?” he asked.
Spencer frowned. “No. Of course not. I was a little bit upset, because I thought you didn’t like me, but now I get why you ran away and it’s okay. We’re still best friends forever right?”
Hotch nodded, face very serious. “Forever.”
“Well now that’s been established, lets make some cookies,” Derek said.
“You just want to eat mine,” Garcia scoffed.
“I’d rather eat something else of-”
Garcia hit him. “Not in front of baby Hotchner.”
“Miss Penny? When is Miss Emily going to be here?” he asked.
As if on cue, the door swung open to reveal her. “You really shouldn’t keep the spare key under your doormat. Anyone could just waltz in.”
Hotch threw himself into her arms and she stumbled back slightly. “Oh hello child.”
He looked up at her, cheeks slightly flushed. “Hello Miss Emmy. We’re going to make cookies.”
She smiled. “I love cookies. Do you?”
He nodded. “Miss Penny made some a week ago, but these are going to be special because they’re Christmas cookies. She decorated the tree as well, but I got to tell her what to do. Come and see it!” he said without breathing before dragging her to see it.
The others just shrugged, not willing to dampen his spirits.
“I love him as a kid,” Derek commented as they watched him explain the tree in extensive detail.
Baking cookies consisted of Garcia telling the others what to do and then doing it for them because they couldn’t do it right and Aaron giggling at all of them for being silly. His eyes lit up when Garcia gave him the bowls and a spoon before telling him to eat the cookie dough.
He watched the oven very intently. Reid sat beside him, and before anyone knew what was happening, Hotch was running over to them and asking if they wanted to hear what Dr Spencer- not Mr- had taught him.
Garcia let him decorate a whole batch. More icing ended up on his poor countertops and Aaron’s clothes than on the actual cookie, but if you didn’t look too closely, his reindeer and snowman actually looked like they were the things they were meant to be. And then Derek let him have two, which led to Spencer chasing him all over the mansion- not the house- to burn off the energy.
After several hours, they both collapsed on the couch. Aaron climbed into Garcia’s lap, eyes bright and cheeks red.
“I had so much fun Miss Penny!” he exclaimed.
“I’m so happy for you. Do you want a hot chocolate? We can put… marshmallows and cream and cinnamon in it,” she said.
He smiled. “Please Miss Penny.”
“Okay kiddo. One hot chocolate coming right up.”
He settled onto the couch, nestled in between Dave and Penelope when she came back and handed him the mug, full to the brim with cream and other assorted toppings that were definitely going to ruin his teeth.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had,” he whispered to her, as though it was a very important secret.
“Even better than Mr David’s spaghetti?” she teased.
Aaron paled and seriously considered her question for a few moments before giving the slightest nod. Garcia squealed then went silent when Dave shot her a strange look. It was halfway through Nativity! that Aaron drifted off, the events of the day finally catching up to him.
Derek was the only one able to carry him up without waking him, so the moment they all realised he was indeed sleeping, they switched the film off. Whilst Derek took the sleeping Hotch to Dave’s guest room that they were going to redecorate as soon as possible, Emily grabbed the first book off the pile and followed. The rest stayed downstairs to wrap the presents that Garcia had left in her car, just in case.
Upstairs, Derek and Emily were watching Aaron sleep. Emily read him Stick Man, deciding it was the best story they could have picked.
“He’s so small,” she whispered.
“He shouldn’t be,” Derek said, switching Aaron’s nightlight on before stepping out the room, leaving the door slightly open.
Emily sighed. “Why are we so full of sadness on Christmas Eve?”
Derek wrapped an arm around her. “It’ll all be fine. There. Optimism.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled at him fondly. “Let’s just go help the others wrap, and by that I mean eat the mince pies meant for Santa.”
It was Derek’s turn to roll his eyes.
Dave woke Aaron up slightly later than normal, deeming the events of the previous night reason enough to let him sleep in.
“Merry Christmas little one,” Dave said.
“It’s Christmas?” Aaron said.
Dave nodded. “And I want you to come and see something. You don’t need to get dressed or anything like that. Actually, do you need to pee?”
Aaron nodded, so Dave let him go.
When he came back, Dave stood, ready to just go downstairs when he picked up on Aaron’s hesitance.
“What is it?”
Aaron stared at the carpet for a few moments.
“Little one, you can tell me.”
Aaron didn’t say anything but made grabby hands.
Dave smiled. “Of course.” He picked Aaron up, regretting it almost immediately but only setting him down when they were about to go into the living room.
“Close your eyes. I promise you it’s a good surprise.”
He only hesitated for a moment before complying and walking in, both hands covering his eyes that were almost certainly squeezed shut.
“Open your eyes,” he said, flicking the light on at the same moment that Aaron did.
“Merry Christmas baby Hotchner!” Garcia shouted.
The others chimed in with their own festive greetings.
Aaron seemed overwhelmed, so Spencer went and knelt beside him, explaining exactly what they were going to do, which calmed him down as he started smiling and seemed very excited for all the presents that were under the tree and addressed to him.
Hours later, when Aaron was resting his head on Spencer’s lap so his hair would be played with, Jessica and Jack arrived, having left her dad’s house early. They watched the scene play out from the doorway, smiling when Dave walked over. He nodded in acknowledgement, not wanting to disturb the scene they were all watching.
“He looks so relaxed,” Jack said.
“I still can’t get over how well you’re taking this,” Jessica admitted.
He shrugged. “I’m just trying to not think about it too much. If it means Dad is going to smile and have some better memories, then I’ll choose to focus on that instead.”
Dave smiled at that. They would worry about the cure later. For now, they would give Aaron some better memories.
When they were winding down for the day, Aaron went up to Dave and Penelope, Spencer holding his hand as the two of them were Best Friends Forever and had to do everything together- Aaron’s words.
“Mr David? Miss Penny?”
They paused in their washing/drying duties and turned to face him so he knew he had their full attention.
“Yes?” Penelope said.
“This was the best Christmas ever.”
Penelope scooped her into his arms, and when the others realised they were hugging a definitely touch-starved Aaron, they all came running over and in that moment, there was no evil or bad in the world because for the first time, child Aaron Hotchner felt completely and utterly safe.
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