#ANYWAYS I'm on the eng server and don't go out of my way to find out like spoilers so I am lost
the-cowardly-cheese 4 months
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thelazyhermits 11 months
hey! i'm the one who asked about the length of the halloween fic, and i decided to start twst! it'll be a lower-priority game, but i wanted to let you know bc on the tutorial 10 roll i ended up going with (after way too long of rerolling bc i kept getting dupes when i got my preferred ssr), i got all of diasomnia in a row, and then ace and deuce back to back, which i thought was really funny and coincidental. guess i know what dorm the game wants me to favor!
Oh hey!! That's awesome! I hope you come to enjoy Twst as much as I have!! ^^
I actually can't remember all the SRs I saw when I was doing that first free 10 pull. I rerolled so many times because I refused to proceed with the game until I got my best boy, Jack, whom I eventually pulled after getting pretty much every other available SSR in my previous pulls, some of which I got multiple times lol I didn't care what the game said. I wanted my boy, and I made sure I got him 馃槀
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Right off the bat, I'd recommend checking out this. It's the pinned post for an account that I often see get a lot of questions about the game, and they have masterlists that should be really helpful to you.
As far as the content gap is concerned, at this point, there really isn't a large gap between the JPN & ENG server cause ENG has been doling out new events like crazy to catch up 馃槀 However, there are a few events that we haven't gotten in the ENG server, and we're only getting the first part of Book 7 of the main story at the end of Nov while JPN has like 5 parts out so far for Book 7.
Anyway, you can click here to find the wiki page that shows all the Twst events for ENG & JPN. Unfortunately, by this point, ENG has pretty much already done reruns for all the events, and you can only read the stories for the events in the game if you were playing the game when those events came out, so if there was a certain event you were hoping to see, like the first Halloween one, you'll likely have to look for it on Youtube since the chances are low that it'll get another rerun in the game, although I won't say it's impossible since you really never know lol
As far as advice is concerned, I'd say save your gems for event banners, ergo the cards that are only available for a limited time while an event is ongoing. The dorm uniform SSRs will always be available in the standard showcase and in every event banner. The only banners they don't appear in are the birthday banners, which is a good thing since that means any SSR you get in the birthday banner is the one you're aiming for haha
I'd also recommend against spending your gems on LP since the 10 you get regenerates after 2.5 hours. It's better to just wait and take your time as you're progressing through the main story which will likely take a while for you since we currently have Books 1-6 and Book 7 Part 1 is coming.
Book 6 is especially brutal cause of the battles , so by the time you get there, make sure you have strong cards for Riddle/Azul/Leona/Jamil/Vil/Epel/Rook. You're gonna need them lol 馃槀
I can't think of anything else right off the top of my head that might be helpful, but feel free to send me another ask if you have any specific questions. I'll be happy to help! 馃槉
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they announced that book 6 will be coming out for us soon! (not sure how soon, I've been seeing people talk about it though) we honestly haven't waited that long considering how long the Japanese server had to wait between books lol also we got the room feature today? (I haven't checked the game yet) which is a little weird bc it came after book 6 (bc it's actually relevant to the story) and while I'm excited to finally use the room feature I do find it a bit off that they out it out for eng server so soon
but anyways, I would look up some guides for book 6 before it comes out and prepare, not only is the story incredibly long and so much different than what we've seen before (at least from what I heard) but it's also hard. a lot of people were having trouble, and apparently you're only allowed to use certain characters in battle. I know a few people made good guides that are spoiler free! I can't remember all the characters bc I already had some upgraded cards for some of them so I haven't been worrying about them but I believe
(slight spoiler? maybe?)
vil, rook, epel and riddle will be cards you'll have to use? there's a couple more as well but I can't remember who exactly it was.
the good thing is that the harder battles don't come until closer to the end of the book so there's plenty of time to prepare!
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@iameliseposts wait next month's just a week or two away馃槓
And yeah i saw the room feature! Im gonna make the ugliest most mismatched room known to man馃
The only thing I knew about the book beforehand was that it's supposed to be harder than the previous ones - can't wait to struggle and curse and cry my way through this one while what little sanity i have slowly slips away
But thank you for this! It was honestly helpful and it gives me an idea of what I should do so I'm not going into it completely blind
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