#ANYWAYS sgdgdggd
bunnyb34r · 4 months
I'm actually really glad that post is getting a lot of positive attention, bc I really needed that mood boost 😭
Walked into work to find I had EIGHT NEW ITEMS that dropped all at once (did they REALLY have to put everything on one truck??? 😭) AND I couldn't even work on them bc we had to do an audit
The audit wasn't hard, but I WAS irritated during it bc NewLady didn't ONCE ask if we needed help, or even what we were doing (if you see me not in the kids section it gets questioned. Like the last time I had to do hardlines and my delivery friend was like ???) But yknow we weren't in HER area so it didn't involve her apparently
But I guess they're going to do her area overnight (thank god) and I think she's coming in to do it. Whatever as long as I don't need to do it bc i was dreaaaading even talking to her let alone have to "mess up" her area during the audit
Anyway all that left me in a super cranky ass mood and I'm ngl I'm kinda anxious ab the new items bc where the fuck am I supposed to put them?? (I mean I have the SPACE but I don't have enough to keep brands together and put out everything thats new. Like ALL the spring Sharter's are in now 😭 why all at once... whyyyy) so seeing other people's crabs and seeing mine getting love really was a welcome sight 😭💕
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bunnyb34r · 18 hours
Anyways I finally took pictures of some of the tie-dye
These were the random t-shirts of mine that I grabbed to use up the extra dye. The kenough one is my fav
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bunnyb34r · 15 days
Staying home from work feels vastly different than staying home from school
Like missing school always felt like compounding interest against myself. I was the only one who could make up the work I missed, I was the only one being punished by missing bc my grade would be affected
This feeling (amongst other things) caused me so much stress that I missed like a third of the school year one year bc it just kept adding more and more work and I felt like I was drowning
But missing work is like "theres other allegedly competent adults who work there. I am not responsible for my whole dept. If I died they would just replace me anyway so I shouldn't kill myself to work for them."
I mean I still feel guilty bc of the trauma of school and that feeling may never leave me completely, but I feel different. I don't feel like I'm drowning or like this is MY fault and solely MY problem.
Idk I just think that's wild
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bunnyb34r · 1 month
Playing acnh and I wish we could have like buyable/craftable terrariums/aquariums and you could put your catches in there
Like I want to have a hermit crab tank 🥺
Rn I'm keeping them in my bathroom in game bc I want more figurines of them from Flick (I want at least 3 but 4 if I have the patience bc hes like never here and I have other bugs I want figurines for)
Rn they're just vibing in there, I gave them a jewelry stand to look at and a switch to play with, along with a Squeakoid to keep them company, but I'd love to have them in anything but the critter carrier they're in :(
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
I didn't cure the fishbowl in layers and it's hard but bubbling 😬 hmmm
You'd think I'd have known better after watching Evan and Katelyn's struggles with too big pours but... alas I have flown too close to the sun bc I didn't want visible layers 😔 now it looks like my fishie is gurgling sgdgdgdgdg
I made a desert/cake...bowl (not just a cake, I threw a spoon in it) and I like it! I didn't wanna waste the leftover resin and god was there a lot so I just whipped up a little thingy
I used: the donut resin, the drink resin, the donut sprinkles, the gravel from the cactus lifestyle one, and some clear resin from the fishbowl. Oh and it's in the bowl the fish came in bc I didn't want to waste more plastic, I used the spoon from the cereal? Popcorn?? Idr I used a spoon. So it looks like cereal or something...
Then with the remaining resin of the cereal one, I mixed the rest of the gravel bc im not using it, and the sprinkles from the unicorn popcorn, just threw that in the cheesecake container bc why not maybe I can pop it out maybe ill add to it over time who knows!
I'm gonna finish the bird feeder one, clean up, and then I'll post the pics
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
👀 last night I saw little red crab leggies pressed against the glass and they were still there when I saw Gurkle later... aaaand they're not there now 👀
Scupa proof of life!!
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Bleugh I'm tired of being tired and needing to sleep so much
Slept 16.5 hours last night (and went to bed at like 7:30 like a grandma) and had to nap or at least doze for an hour maybe closer to two. Idk if I ever fell asleep or not but :/
And now I'm falling asleep when I wanted to snuggle in and read! Come ooon
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Lmao why the fuck was the met theme that??
Oh a theme based around a person who was fatphobic as hell and racist? Groundbreaking.
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
Yay the crabs gifts came! I really hope this food I got them is good, it had good reviews. The "color enhancer" one is just dried cherries, blueberries, and grapes lol I've been bamboozled! (Not really lol this is just cheaper than buying those ingredients individually)
Mom's package arrived too and she forgot she ordered that shit sgdgdggd like I can assure you I did not buy them myself. I'm trying to forget what it was so I'll be suprised lol
Just waiting on: skates for mom (after Christmas atm :( ), 2 of those kidney bean shaped food bowls for the crabs bc I broke one and I really like them sgsgdgdg, knee pads for mom's skates, and the cat hat for our kitty/bean (she's not gonna tolerate it much so it's "also" Bean's)
So I SHOULD be done, but I might stop at a store or two to pick up some small things
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bunnyb34r · 8 months
Oh I was like why did the crab tank light come on so early? Huh guess it must be 11 that it comes on, thought it was later
Forgot to adjust the timer for DLS ending 😅
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Idk why I thought that working + going to the movies + going to the mall WOULDN'T completely wipe my ass out, but.... 🙃
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Hmm well bad news is I flooded the flowers on top the rain barrel bc I was trying to flush old standing water in the outer ring out
Good news is that barrel is full lol
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Used my wheelchair for the first time today! I'm sure my arms will be super fucked up tomorrow but I feel really proud :D
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Lmao NewLady was mad at [relative coworker] (and probably me) bc last week I had told RC that there was a bunch of pallets in basics bc NewLady had said "I sure hope that new girl (who quit) comes in today bc im not doing those! I don't have time for that!"
Bc I thought it was both funny and stupid like you're full time im not so uh it IS your problem
And I guess RC had mentioned something to BratBoy ab it and NewLady got a talking to ab it
I guess she went up to RC today and said "I didn't say I wasn't going to do the basics section. I said I didn't have TIME to do the section THAT DAY" and RC just stood there like 😐 bc they honest to God didn't give a shit shdhdhdhdhdh
Anyway NewLady didn't say a WORD to me today so I think she thinks i snitched and it's like no I was annoyed with your attitude and mentioned something in passing. Not my fault you pissed off the wrong person by making RC do what is technically your job. And that she went to the manager ab it bc you have an awful habit of only working your section and taking pallets to the back instead of doing your job and wrapping them first/attempting to do basics yourself
She gets so peeved that SHE'S not allowed to only work her section but I am. Bitch that's bc no one else ever helps me do my section!
Anyway lmao
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Oh I forgot to mention we got a new manager and he looks damn near IDENTICAL to [formally]GoodManager dgdggdgdgd we were all like ohhh!!! Hes back! I thought he wouldn't be back for months??? Oh... that's that's not him :/ who the fuck are you?
And I was like "see this is what I experience daily. I cannot remember faces and it takes me at least 6 weeks to register faces. You could have told me that NewMan was [formally]GoodManager and I would have believed you. I dont read name tags and I can't 100% tell people apart most times. Yall could have pulled the funniest joke if/when [f]GM came back and NewMan worked the same shift sgdgdggdgdgd
Anyway I dont think he's gonna last lmao I'm betting 5 months.
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