kingspuppet · 1 year
@phantomuheist || x
"Don't go on another killing spree to prove yourself. I support you either way."
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"Who said anything about proving myself? I'd prefer to silence them so they have no room to complain. And while I don't need your approval, it is too late to rescind any offers of your oh so generous support. You're officially an accomplice to my actions."
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willyfarquarsons · 3 years
no offense but dan wearing the same jacket for 2 months straight has me feeling like i'm going crazy pls let the vans sherpa jacket go dan
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kingspuppet-a · 2 years
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
I have no answers for the Russian Robin questions but I would like to point out that liar by the Arcadian wild is a Russian Robin song
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if you break luka's heart I'll- not talk to you for a day or two. so don't. cause I'll be really sad. and mad. I won't break your neck but STILL
Of course I won't break his heart.
I know I'm 15 :)
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
The fact that the bad timeline also fits the "hey dumbass, get over here" "but I thought I was dumbass..." vine from that compilation I made but with different characters pleases me
 Thank you Erin, I am in tears and that vine will forever play in the back of my mind whenever I think of the bad timeline
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40-years-from-now · 11 years
工 ❤ ㄚ◯∪! Send this to 10 blogs that you love and you will never unfollow ♥
fdsgasghfdsahjdgasjhg thank you sweetie!!!!
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onceuponadecemberday · 11 years
Sometimes I feel we are the same person with opposite blogs
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
Sometimes I think about that parallel where Goro is just like, “we could kill Maruki...jokingly of course.” And then during the final phase of the fight Goro tries to take initiative to actually try shooting at Maruki. Because at that point they didn’t know what else to do, but of course his Persona would block Goro’s shots.
Then it makes me sad thinking about how if the deal was taken and Goro would go in there, probably alone unless he could somehow convince at least Sumire (which is an extreme toss-up of getting her to turn against Joker). But that if he did go in alone there’s no way he’d win that fight. Now thinking about it, not only is it a massive power disadvantage on Goro’s end but Maruki, from what we can gather, is the one that brought Goro back (at least in that instant). So what if he kind of knows what Goro’s going to do? It wouldn’t be a stretch given the massive personality switch we get if you pick Maruki’s reality. He obviously can very easily tamper with Goro’s mind just as much, and to a severe degree at that. Or at the very least, he knows what Goro’s capable of by peering into the Thieves cognition.
It makes any trick Goro may have had up his sleeve virtually useless, and honestly? Thinking about that really hurts.
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
Me: Wants to write Also me: Wants to read fanfic Still me: Wants to play more P5 Meeee: Wan––
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
@tricksheart || x
A lot of people think that song fits him so you aren't the only one. ^^
nah it's totally not a stretch. i'm also one of the many people that thinks it fits him so you're not alone here <3
|| That makes me feel better. xD Personally I don’t think I’ve seen anything which is strange considering? But I’m just glad that I’m not the only one that thinks that!!
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
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@ofpariahs​​ || Give My Muse a Dare
Dare: pronounce "meme" as "mee-mee" on live tv.
          This was so stupid. How in the hell did he get roped into this? What an idiotic dare. Of all the things he had to do and this was one of them. Did people really get a kick out of him making an utter fool of himself? Not that he gave a shit, but he did have an image to uphold. So it takes everything in him not to spontaneously combust during his interview.
          The announcer says something that quite frankly Goro doesn’t give a shit about, either. But he still sits there with a polite smile on his face as he waits for the right moment to insert this stupid dare so he never has to think of it again. And he’s grateful when there’s a moment, a question about some popular trend, and Goro strikes.
          “That reminds me about how a co-worker of mine tried showing me a mee-mee related to that the other day.” He takes a pause for dramatic effect, to fake his own mortification, before laughing. “Oh, sorry. I meant meme. He calls them ‘mee-mee’s’ and I don’t think anyone has the heart to tell him otherwise. So it’s become a bit of a joke around the office. A hard habit to break.”
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          Thankfully the clueless audience seems to eat it up so it masks his embarrassment. But Goro’s ready for his revenge now.
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
King you could literally just make Zander a guard dog and act like he'd always been and we wouldn't say a word we promise
 While I greatly appreciate I do think it be a bit too late. But it’s fine though, he gets compared to guard dogs all the time, he do be protective over not only his owner but also his boys, he’s fillin the guard dog role even if he didn’t mean to-
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
Goro’s JP VA had unused lines in Strikers!! Sure we don’t know for sure if it was really for Goro or just for some random Shadow NPC. But damn if it doesn’t give me ideas still asdfghjklkjhgfghjkl
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
@tricksheart || x
I actually like how he's a complete mystery in the game though but hey that's just me. somewhat mirrors Joker's mysteriousness. same side of the coin and all.
|| It’s not that I don’t enjoy the mystery. I just think the issue is that I’ve never played vanilla. Sure, I watched the anime before actually playing the game (don’t come for me I didn’t have the means to play it beforehand and I wanted to play it myself and not watch an LP of it). So I did kind of have this mystery and questioning of who he really was. And I love that aspect! But again, I was kinda spoiled rotten by Royal whereas if I had played vanilla first it would’ve made the experience so much different. If that makes any sense asdfghjklkjhgfghjkl
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