spookyboywhump · 10 months
AITA for keeping this guy my dad kidnapped prisoner for 7 years?
So my (20s, M) late father was taking care of some business about 7 years ago, and sort of killed this guy's (20s, M) dad. Since he had no where to go, my father kidnapped him and gave him to me as a sort of pet.
I could tell neither of us were too thrilled at the arrangement at first, but I figured we could make do. I force him to fight in cage fights for entertainment, and to keep his mind off his dead dad. I even let him see broadcasts about his family looking for him, which I'm sure made him feel loved. I thought we might be ok now, especially since he's been my emotional support during tough times.
However, he is not grateful at all, and has been very rude about it. He doesn't offer constructive criticism, just yells at and insults me, which really makes me think he doesn't notice everything I do for him. My friends, boyfriend, and employees all say I'm in the right here, but this guy just won't budge on thinking I'm some kind of AH. Is he right?
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brutal-nemesis · 3 months
Random thought I had today: A restaurant but all they serve is Castys
hey @whump-queen it's your favorite thing
It's a very lovely idea (❁´◡`❁) please peruse this crazy post about the prospect at your leisure
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galaxy-creationz · 7 months
help me choose an online name
I mean yeah you can still call me galaxy but It's about time I get a name-name so
@consistantly-changing @legallylibra @mx-yippeee tagging for reach since you’ve known me the longest and are pretty much the only ones who still talk to me
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fairieboywhump · 3 years
Tumblr media
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whumpzone · 3 years
Could I be added to Colton's taglist?
You're on! Thanks!
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anya-dev · 4 years
Congratulations. Scout has ruined all other games for me. It's one of the best games I've ever played, if not the best. I absolutely loved seeing how my choices affected the character sheet. And the writing was superb enough to get me, a person who usually skims text-based games, to read it and hang off every word.
You can’t know how lovely this is to hear!!! Thank you so, so much 💚 I’m so happy you liked Scout and hope you continue to read!!! 🥰
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orange-is · 4 years
Orange is the sponsor for today's video, HelloFresh
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galaxywhump · 3 years
Drugging, sickfic, and historical whump?
YES. I love drugged whumpees, and not only those tranq-drugged - but those who are drugged just enough to be confused and dizzy, especially if the whumpee is defiant and the drug makes them softer, more docile, which they think back to with dread later. It’s amazing to render a whumpee helpless.
I don’t read or write sickfics on their own, it’s just not my thing in whump, unless it’s a part of a captivity whump story.
historical whump:
there are exceptions, but for the most part I just prefer modern or futuristic settings for whump.
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Janus is the best character, yes or yes?
woah there corner, nice to be backed into you
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🥺 right back at ya
You're looking for a blog that satisfies a bunch of different needs ranging from beautifully written lady whump and cute animals to cool Sims houses and game stuff? Look no further and just follow Erin! She's the personification of uwu and will brighten up your day just by being the loving and caring person she is 💕
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spookyboywhump · 10 months
If you wanted to, or if someone else wanted to, the AITA thing could be a fun tag game.
One person writes an AITA as one of their whumpers, and then tags people, who respond to the "post" as their own whumper and then has the same character make their own "post" for the next group of tagged people to respond to
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brutal-nemesis · 3 years
For the prompt thing: making dinner together <3
Ayooo it’s fucking. Death and gore and cannibalism time. Because Of Course It Is
“Come on. It’s what he wanted us to do.”
“I know, it’s just-”
“You don’t have to watch. Just give me the glass.” He handed her the shard of broken glass they’d been using as a knife, turning away from his friend’s corpse as he did. He covered his ears against the soft sounds of glass slicing through skin, the slight saw against muscle fibers. 
She handed him a piece of...meat. It was bloody and greasy, little bits of gristle clinging to it. He really didn’t want to know where exactly it came from, but even then he wasn’t sure if he could eat it.
“Could we...cook it or something? I...I don’t think I can do it. Not like this.” She looked worriedly at the small pile of snow-soaked wood they had scrounged from the surrounding woods.
“I…” she sighed. “Alright.”
The fire was pathetic, but it was enough to roast their dinner on. If he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine they were roasting hotdogs together at summer camp. 
He hoped this wasn’t their last meal.
Cannibalism tag: @hearse-song
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amonthofwhump · 4 years
If you haven't already used these: Left out in the cold, blood on the snow, hypothermia, whumpee given as a gift, whumpee tied up with tinsel/lights, hot wax (from candles), forced to sing (holiday/winter songs), poisoned by a plant such as holly or mistletoe, whumpee used as a decoration, whumpee forced to touch a fire (like a fireplace),
ooohh these are wonderful, thank you!!! what great ideas! 🎁
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6, 7, 28?
6 and 7 are already answered!
28. What type of music do you like?
My music tastes are kind of all over the place, but it's mostly sub genres of pop!
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ohmywhump · 4 years
1, 6 and 18 for Jonah; 4 and 13 for Vincent?
1. What is one word to shut them up?
His name, pronounced in this very threatening tone Vincent uses to address him.
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
Vincent touching him, especially when he's chained to the bed at night so he can't get away from him...
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
Strawberries. Really don't know where that came from 😉😁
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
Hm, his worst nightmare... Probably waking up and finding that Jonah is gone - if he really managed to get away and call the police, Vincent would lose everything. He'd have to leave everything behind and try to leave the country to avoid getting arrested, but he really doesn't want to do that...
There's another thing that would be straight up horrible for him, but I can't talk about that without massive spoilers, so... 😉
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?
When I read this, I thought 'oh, that's an easy one - wrath, obviously'. Now I'm not that sure anymore... He's very good at controlling his emotions, but once in a while he snaps for minor reasons (e.g. when he almost drowned Jonah just because he refused to undress in front of him when he wanted him to take a bath).
It might as well be pride, because he considers himself superior compared to others (though he is very, very good at his job tbh).
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coffee-butler · 4 years
2, 7, 50?
Salutations, disciple.
2. How old are you? 21, I’m gonna be 22 soon. I am in my twilight years.
7. Do you have any pets? No, but I had a kitten once for like. A week. But my mom gave it to a friend because she hated cats. D: I’d really like to get some cats when I’m on my own. Even though I’m terrified of losing a pet.
50. Left or right-handed? Right-handed! Otherwise, I’d be a Satan sympathizer. Satan uses his left hand in Islam.
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