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*performs the summoning of the Sandor stans*
Can't let those stannermen beat us, yeah? Last year Sandor made it to the final 4, but this year he's literally the underdog. And what with several of the OP's poll tweets randomly vanishing before their time is up (oh, the fun we have on Elon's twitter), it's best to vote early and often and in force. Go and vote! 💛🐶💛
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greenbardasoiaf · 6 months
Kingsblood VIII: Hidden Dragonseeds
The Bard’s Truth, Episode 7.5 I recently mentioned in a twitter post on #ASongofMadness that I was voting for Gilly, on account of her hidden dragon blood. I got some feedback for @lizdated that she had never heard of that idea, asking if I have a video of that theory! Well, no, I didn’t. I will now, though! While George R. R. Martin gives us details about certain families and bastards in…
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alivealive0 · 6 months
Kingsblood VIII: Hidden Dragonseeds
The Bard’s Truth, Episode 7.5 I recently mentioned in a twitter post on #ASongofMadness that I was voting for Gilly, on account of her hidden dragon blood. I got some feedback for @lizdated that she had never heard of that idea, asking if I have a video of that theory! Well, no, I didn’t. I will now, though! While George R. R. Martin gives us details about certain families and bastards in…
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davosfingers · 4 years
Matt’s #ASongofMadness 2020 Final Thoughts
#ASongofMadness 2020 has ended. What a great and terrible day! As is custom, here are Matt’s end-of-season thoughts (expect Scad’s later!):
First, I hope you will all send messages of appreciation to Scad. He worked tirelessly – like hours and hours AND HOURS – on finding a new format to spice things up this year. It was he that suggested the four groupings and which characters belonged in each group. It was he that wrote all of the matchup descriptions (even when I offered to take a few!). And it is he that truly is the driving force behind A Song of Madness. This head-on, thoughtful nature is his approach to life in general, and I love him for it. I couldn’t and wouldn’t do it without him.
And now, my thoughts.
There are two reasons we do #ASongofMadness only once a year: 1) To preserve its sanctity and the excitement for it; and 2) Honestly, it’s tiring. The good kind of tired, though. Like after a great concert, or finishing that grade-defining essay, or working in the fields all day to support your family (Okay, I’ve never done that last thing, but I hear it’s very rewarding). I’m sure in a couple weeks I’ll be anxiously praying for March 2021 to come quickly, but for now, I’ll happily take the reprieve.
Now, I could recap the tournament, focusing on the 2020 Bot Scandal, “Leaning in” to the criticism of stans, the record-breaking number of votes we received, the new character groupings and their impact on freshening up the tourney, or even all of your fantastic voting criteria. All would be worthy of character count. But frankly, what’s on my mind – where I’m at emotionally at this point in my life – is… Community. Family. Home.
Especially during this time of heightened stress and isolation, community, family, and home is more important than ever. A place where we can feel accepted, appreciated, loved, protected, and supported. One of the primary reasons we do A Song of Madness is to foster that sense of community. To give us all a place to go and be among friends. The “Cheers Bar”, if you will. If you can’t go out with your friends this Saturday night because you are social distancing, for example, you can come see us on Twitter. It doesn’t matter your social status, how you grew up, the number of times you’ve read ASOIAF, or how long it’s been since you last spoke with us. You’ll always have a seat in our living room. We don’t have to think the same, but we all love each other the same.
So, after all this misery, pain, and woe, my final request is that you be that difference for those in our family here. That person that gives a Like, Retweet, or “AWESOME” comment on someone’s art rather than just scrolling on, that responds reasonably rather than snarkily, that accepts rather than rejects, that builds rather than tears down. Humor is a blessing and we all need to laugh at ourselves, but let’s laugh together rather than at each other. This all sounds very much like the end of a Sesame Street episode, but isn’t it what we all need? Community? Family? A Home?
There’s always a place for you in the Davos’ Fingers living room. We will rib you, you will roll your eyes at our 8th grade level humor, and you will be frustrated beyond belief at some of our ASOIAF takes, but you will also be loved, accepted, supported, and protected.
Thank you for playing. Thank you for supporting. Thank you for smiling. Thank you for loving. Thank you for accepting.
Stay Savage, Bloodriders.
Matt, April 2020
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
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“I dreamt of a maid at a feast, with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow." 
#SansaStark #ASongofMadness
By @.ellefoxglove on Twitter
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rainhadaenerys · 4 years
Lol, you guys... remember those #asongofmadness polls on Twitter? Alysanne is against Bloodraven now, and look at what this guy said:
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Yeah, how awful of Alysanne to forbid Northerners from raping their women. How awful of her to listen to the pleas of the Northern women and end the First Night. I guess "respecting Northern traditions" means respecting what the Northern men want, not what the Northern women want.
LMAO, this fandom is a joke.
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bogdevilblog · 4 years
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After a month of one of the very best #ASongofMadness tournaments we've ever had,( and this was the 5th... just in case you're wondering, ) Daenerys Targaryen beat Brienne of Tarth with a mind shattering 11,000 plus total votes cast,the most in any single match in tourney history.
Myself, I'm sure a lot of these were show fans, trying to right a terrible wrong done to her character by D & D. And I get it.
Meera got royally screwed by season 8 too. " Hi, thanks for bringing back the heir to the KITN, but he says you can go home now. Thanks for all your help. No mention that she's brought back Dark Sister, one of the most famous Valeryian steel swords left hin swords. It's infuriating that the same ranger that died for them before, turns up whole and just fine to take them back. Kinda convenient, isn't it ?
I'm sure Bran and Meera have a lot more story coming and a terrifying escape from that cave in TWoW. So next year, Meera will make it past the 4th round brackets, and hopefully she won't have get paired with Sandor Clegane.
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xillionart · 6 years
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Beric about to lose his duel against Jamie on Twitter #ASongOfMadness reduces me into a moody sobbing pile so have my gallant ginger cinnamon roll who is clumsy and callow with both love & war but stays pretty much the favorite hero of ASOIAF kids & teens and too precious for this whole Martin-ish world.
Partly inspired by this warm fluffy cuddly modern au fic, Easy as One, Two, Three!
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romanken · 4 years
Making us vote between cersei and bri and oberyn and sansa in the next asongofmadness bracket ..... This is sick
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poorquentyn · 7 years
Have you seen the #asongofmadness bracket? Based on your favorite characters alone, and I know some are missing entirely from the bracket and your seedings would be different, WILL YOU FILL OUT THIS BRACKET!?
:) I’ve been following along and voting! I’m a big fan of Davos’ Fingers. I didn’t fill out my own bracket, but I’m rooting for Stannis to win.
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It's Song of Madness time again, and in this round of voting, Rhaena Targaryen is just barely ahead of her brother Jaehaerys! Rhaena, as you may know, had her amazing story told in Fire & Blood vol 1, full of heartbreak and badassery (and lesbian rep, albeit tragic), whereas Jaehaerys... did not come off nearly as well, to put it mildly.
So you know what you've got to do if you have a twitter account... vote! Vote like the wind! Do it for poor Aerea! Do it for Elissa! Do it for Dreamfyre! Do it for Maegor's Black Brides! Do it because Rogar Baratheon never wed again! There's 6 hours left in this round, let's get her to the top!
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bogdevilblog · 5 years
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#ASongOfMadness is about to enter ROUND 4.
Yesterday's matches went down to the final votes with Sansa Stark beating the Onion Knight, Lord Davo Seaworth and eliminating him from the finals for the first time in ASOM history.
The battle between Dolorous Edd Tolett and Meera Reed was neck and Neck too, but in the end, Meera Reed won with a 52% to 48% margine ( thanks to all you late night voters and my Aussie / South Pacific pals. )
Please go to @davosfingers on Twitter every day to play with us. #ASongOfMadness is the only tournament that hasn't been cancelled and the posts, songs and threads will make you laugh.
Stay safe, stay indoors, and #VoteMeeraReed2020 🐊🔱
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bogdevilblog · 6 years
If you're a fan of Game of Thrones or ASOIAF, now is the time to be on Twitter, voting your ass off in
#asongofmadness @davosfingers every day. If you haven't read the books, you may not know all these characters but you can wiki of Ice and Fire the info about them. Join the madness now. And please vote for Meera Reed over dead Ned Stark.
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bogdevilblog · 5 years
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#ASongOfMadness begins today, 3/32020. A tourney of book characters from ASong of Ice and Fire, The Hedge Knight, and Fire and Blood. All the Twitteros community come together every year for 6 weeks of agony, pain, regret and misery in this championship tournament of their favourites. Please join us on Twitter @davosfingers .
You can also follow me @beyond_wall for Meera Reed updates, trash talk and general mayhem, which is mostly why I'm into this horrible, horrible, tournament.
I drew a first round bye this year, so with your support, I have a good chance to make a run for it this year.
#ASongOfMadness #VoteMeeraReed2020 🐊🔱🍃💚
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bogdevilblog · 4 years
If you have a Twitter account and haven't voted yet today, please go to @davosfingers and keep Meera Reed in this year's #ASongofMadness tournament.
The Sweet Sixteen is the furthest Meera has made it, so I really, really, really need your overnight votes.
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bogdevilblog · 7 years
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If you aren't joining us on Twitter to vote in #asongofmadness, you're missing out. Why not immerse yourself in this heart-wrenching, soul- crushing tournament devised by @davosfingers for the sole purpose of making readers of ASOIAF chose between their favourite book characters. It sounds like fun, until you see Tywin Lannister beating Gendry, or know that Theon Greyjoy was eliminated by just a few votes. Or a dead character with a 75% lead over someone who is alive in the books. Nearly a 5000 votes per day are cast in this hell on wheels tourney. Who will win ? No one knows, but the pain will last forever. Or until next March, when we immerse ourselves in the fire again.
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