lilypixels · 4 years
All of them 😄
ok wow you really went for it huh? ahdjkhsd I’ll answer all of them minus the three I just did I’ll put them under the read more thingy since this will be long :’D
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
I woke up two hours ago and only took a shower thus far so I’m feeling good lol
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
...idolish7 ajhjkfh i’m too obsessed with it h e l p
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
would it be bad if I said Idolish7/all the related groups (Trigger, Mezzo, Zool)?? cause technically a recentish discovery and I defiantly can’t get enough :’D my real answer is Reol
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
my room lol
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
my mom i guess??
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
one that some might not deem normal but works well for us lol (I mean, we’ve been friends for about 10 years now) we have a good understanding of each other and know we don’t have to talk/hang out all the time in order to know we still matter to each other, we both have our own lives and just knowing the other is there no matter what is enough. we’re the type to not talk for weeks and then send random memes and act like we’d been talking the whole time😂 it works really well for me too cause i’m not good at “socializing” on a constant basis and tend to just...not text people for ages on end, but I’ll still care for them and think about them just many see it as me cutting them out rip
golden deep; what’s your favorite season?
tbh the time between spring and summer but fall has been earning some points recently
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
I often bake and game
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
I guess?? but i don’t like bothering people with my emotions often times so I just cuddle my cat haha
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
hmm...the second i think
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything?
i was binge-watching Tsukiuta but I’ve slowed down with s2 cause now I’m distracted with other things like genshin impact
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
i don’t even know/remember anymore, maybe left now???
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
Van Gogh’s Starry Night cause I like stars and nightviews 
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
oooo interesting one, but I like all accents, I find them cute :3
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other?
I have a type with fictional characters and idol biases does that count? no?
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
i have none 😗✌
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like?
bold of you to assume i would go on a date idk a movie so i don’t have to talk lol
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
bold of you to assume I would- ahfkj i really don’t know, go to the library and have tea???
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
that’s a big NO from me, someone be catching hands if they tried
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
is it bad i thought of work? i have a fun time watching baby 😊
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
baking/decorating Christmas cookies that I’m gonna share with family and friends!
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
like a victorian house, gothic victorian is better, probably haunted, with an attic room hehe
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
anywhere but here lol
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
finish schooling and get job :b
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
uhhhhhh Clearwater Beach?
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
yesterday I guess cause i had good time shopping with my dad :3
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
my dream last night rip part of it was genshin related cause I played like 3 hours before sleeping and the rest was my mind trying to figure out where the story of an otome I’m playing is gonna go i’m at end of this dudes route and he just erased mc’s memories of him so like enggg
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
i wanna foster, adopt at least one kid and have one of my own, all the pets, maybe there’s some dude there idk kids and animals all i need aha
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
i don’t like my name but at same time it’s kinda who i am and idk what else i would name myself i do have a Chinese name though (we picked them in class and what we went by) which is MingYi 明怡!
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
coconut, vanilla, MINT
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
peppermint tea, green tea, I did like Earl Grey but I can’t have black tea anymore :(
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
all the herbs and vegetables! also some of my favorite flowers like foxglove that hopefully don’t make my allergies worse
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
probably not
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
5′ 5″, tiny, long legs that hold all the muscles and weight in my body lol my torso is like a rectangle, i am very flat chested and do not mind that 
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
i can not picture cause i just imagine itchy grass and lots of sneezing😔
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
comfortable enough i guess, i try not to nitpick too much on what’s “lacking”
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
all the countries! I almost went to China for study abroad but then stuff happened TT
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
I can technically speak basic Chinese and French, but I’ve also already forgotten too much rip I really like learning languages and hope to get back into it soon!
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
legit any Rick Riordan book, my fav author
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
I’m in like the middle of Trials of Apollo book 2 and it is great
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
idk Megamind??
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
technically already did it, was shower
umber; have you drank enough water today?
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
rpg/fighting games where I can smash monsters to pieces
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
music, babies, Alice, baking, others being happy~
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
idk i shy away from compliments most of time :’)
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
“welcome to your doom uwu” ajshdjk idk it’s always changing
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
no thanks💖 maybe later but its gonna be gone fast
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Quickie LONG UPDATE!! (on my life lol)
Well, at least for my state. Who knows if I’ll ever have to take that horrendous thing again should I ever choose to move to another state or get back into the teaching profession after having left for a bit... Granted, I didn’t get the score I think I was truly capable of (I totally last-minuted this whole thing and stayed up for 72+ hours finishing it lol PLEASE PLEASE DON’T EVER BE LIKE ME AND PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION WHERE YOU HAVE TO STAY AWAKE FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT TO FINISH A FINAL THAT IS MY LIFE ADVICE), but I did pass it based on the score required by my state, so I honestly couldn’t be any happier. All that’s standing between me and getting a real job now is waiting for my university to finally award me my degree in a few weeks so that I can apply for a teacher’s certificate and finally get to do what I can’t wait to start doing again – teaching!! 🌠 💖 😄
In other news, I actually survived! and completed!! my student teaching; it all actually officially ended in the middle of last month. After my student teaching ended, I focused on finishing up final tests/projects (including that $300 test) before graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English Education from my uni about 2 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been applying for jobs and hoping for an offer soon, hopefully at a high school!! Thinking back over my college experience, I wouldn’t say it’s been a really “crazy” four years (except for this year LOL. Man, these past two semesters were WILD and took SO MUCH out of me. I still get super-exhausted thinking about how I got through my student teaching N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :V). I’ve never been the group’s social butterfly, even though I highly crave social interaction and approval/feedback (not in a desperate sense, but I know I’m the type of person that needs social interaction in order to thrive, even if I might not be the one to initiate it). I have, however, learned a little about a lot of things, especially during this past year and semester LOL AGAIN: N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :VVV and especially, I think, in regard to myself. As a teacher, I’ve learned that I suck at classroom management. I’m just way too laissez faire, which comes off as “too nice” and therefore just allows any group of your regular hormonal and rebellious-leaning teenagers to go bonkers and take over my class lawl. Hopefully that changes *very* soon once I get my own classroom (and I’m working on it!!), but looking back, I suppose I could have been a bit more firm about keeping my presence (it also doesn’t help that I’m like 5′3″ lol!!). As a general person, I have also learned that I SUCK at making and keeping social discourse lol. Like, not just suck at it, but suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk haha. First, not having a phone really makes it hard to make or keep in touch with any friends that a person intends to make. With a lack of a personal device or one of your basic social media accounts, I realized how hard it was to maintain a social network within a very digitally-connected world. Second, I realized that I’m probably a lot more cautious, super-conscious, introverted, and a bit inexperienced than I perhaps originally thought I was. Like, if I was in high school, I recognized that I would probably have been the super-quiet kid who would have had a lot of trouble making friends in class. I then realized that a lot of these previously mentioned personality quirks were probably a part of what was keeping me from fostering more intimate relationships or developing a more leader-driven personality, which sometimes heavily affected my classroom management. I’m not saying I necessarily need to change as a person, but I do believe I need to find ways in which I can become more involved and confident. Ironically, I thought it was interesting to note that a lot of my personality was – though not intentionally – perhaps keeping me from finding that deeper social interaction that I previously mentioned craving.
All that being said, I am fairly proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished this year as a student teacher, especially considering this was my first time taking over a class (3, actually!!) after having never really been inside a high school since I was homeschooled from 7th to 12th grade. I am, however, really proud of how I tried as much as I could to put the students with whom I was working with first, including incorporating their interests and academic needs/desires. I know my experience as a student teacher was not perfect, but I am very glad I got to work through all the challenges that came with and almost die doing it. I’ve also definitely found a bit of who I want to be as a future teacher. I know I want to be someone who is able to successfully make the classroom a place where my students can experience relevant life issues through writing or reading, and if nothing else, that had made this entire experience totally worth it.
... Which brings me to the future of this blog haha. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be as active on Tumblr as I was before :c For one thing, I realized over the course of this year that Tumblr was definitely taking up way too much of my life lol (literally took me hours to get through 24+ hours’ worth of posts, and I was only following like 300 blogs). Being a bit OCD, I don’t like breaking my Tumblr cycle and only shuffling through a random number posts, despite the fact that I can’t be up 24/7 lol; I just don’t like not getting the full picture on everything and acting on/reblogging things without all of the complete info. As a result, I would rather not break my 24/7+ Tumblr cycle than to start it again at all :c Secondly, I’m kind of sad to say that, as of recently, I haven’t been keeping up with K-pop as much as I used to. It’s not that I’ve necessarily lost interest in it (K-pop is still like 85% of what I listen to lol), but I certainly haven’t been keeping up with it as closely as I used to. For instance, I have no idea what’s going on with B1A4 right now, haven’t watched BTS’s new self-made MV for “Spine Breaker,” and haven’t gotten around to watching the last teaser for SEVENTEEN’s upcoming ALONE?? comeback (featuring our wonderful leader S.Coups :p). It’s not that I’ve completely dropped everything K-pop or have become totally disinterested; I still very much keep up with the latest comebacks and listen to whatever piques my interest. It’s just that I don’t know if I want to get so re-invested with all of the details surrounding K-pop again (tbh Tumblr gave me so much info on my favorite K-pop groups; I seriously regret missing all of the amazing shots of my biases’ beautiful faces that I’ve probably missed leol), or maybe I just need a good break from it all before starting again. Most likely, I’d say my small distance from my favorite pastime has mostly happened because I now have more things to do or think about atm haha, and just don’t really have any time right now to enjoy all of the K-dynamics that are happening behind the music. I don’t think I’ll ever give up listening to K-pop anytime soon though; like I’ve said before, I’m still very much keeping up with and enjoying whatever’s coming out right now.
Sooooo at this point, I’m not sure if I want to say I’m on a complete permanent indefinite hiatus yet. I still check Tumblr and my blog everyday – every now and then my dash – so it’s not like I feel like I’ve completely left Tumblr and the K-pop community on here as a whole... just yet :3 I have, however, thought about starting a side-blog that focuses solely on teaching, including my student teaching experience. I’ve also thought about writing some K-pop articles for this blog again... (I still really want to write that “Best K-pop Songs of 2016,” a review of B1A4′s third full LP, and/or similar pieces). Whether either of those musings will come into fruition over this passing summer, I don’t know yet, but I’ll keep you updated on either if I ever do, especially my educationally-focused blog. Aside from those thoughts, I’ve been planning on doing some extensive reading over the summer – with a goal to read a book a week! If any of you are interested and would like to check out what I’m currently reading and/or think about it, you can take a look at my Goodreads account here. Other than that, I’ve just been up to the usual: still practicing driving (hopefully I’ll get my license this summer!!), looking for a job, and chilling by watching some TV/movies :p (literally, when you become a teacher, EVERYTHING YOU WATCH BECOMES A POSSIBLE TEACHING TOOL WHERE YOU WONDER IF/HOW YOU COULD USE IT IN A CLASS HAHA. I’VE BEEN SPENDING MY BREAK WATCHING THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES AND I NOW PAY MORE ATTENTION TO HOW THE TEACHERS REACT TO ALL OF THE KIDS’ SHENANIGANS VS. HOW I WOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE MAIN CHARACTERS AS A KID LOL. I’d really love to be a Professor McGonagall or Snape someday :p). So as far as the current activity of this blog goes, I think I’m going to keep it at “temporary-hiatus-because-I’m-currently-in-a-heavy-transition-period-and-still-am-very-unsure-of-how-this-will-all-pan-out??” That sounds like it’ll do for now. I definitely don’t think I want to distance myself from Tumblr just yet, but at the same time, I don’t believe I’ll be able to be as involved with everything on it as I once was :ccc
Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone who’s stayed with me and this blog so far. With this current announcement, feel free to unfollow this blog if it is no longer what you require in your daily re-bloggin’ life; I completely understand and only wish you the very best~ 🌸 :3 I don’t have a lot of followers as a whole, but I do have a handful of very lovely and precious people that I’ve met on this site; you know who you are~  💖🌠🦄✨👌 Sorry for not keeping in more constant touch; I hope all of you and your beyond-wonderful blogs are doing well~ 💎🌟😊 For those of you who have just joined my blog – WELCOME, and I hope you enjoy your stay~  ❤️ On another note, I should probably get to all those things I was tagged in... if it’s not too late haha. I love y’all and hope nothing but the BEST awaits your future!!~
Snap that was really A LOT more than just a “quickie” update haha. I know that I probably should have updated on everything that’s been happening in my life much sooner, but honestly, I didn’t feel like anything merited me getting too excited about getting through this school year unless I had 100% confirmation that I had passed the $300 test lol (it’s called the edTPA btw, for anyone who might be curious :p). Without passing that test, I probably would have had to spend at least another $100 to re-take some parts of the test, which would have delayed my being able to apply for an eligible teacher’s certificate in my state, which would have dangerously hindered me from being able to teach at all. So thanks for your patience – both for reading this post and sticking around this blog long enough to see me write it :p Hopefully I’ll get a teaching position and figure this all out soon; until then, I’ll definitely keep y’all posted~!! ✨
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blahblahemblem · 7 years
heroes barracks tour: cavalry + updates
exactly what it says on the tin
Note: I started writing this post last year and some things have changed since then. I’ve decided to keep the stuff I originally wrote and cross it out rather than replace it outright. Additionally, aside from the write-up on my cavalry units this post contains a small update to my armour and flier intros as it’s been long enough that I’ve acquired a few more units and changed some plans I had for the old ones.
Armour update
Build improvements
Not much in this category. I gave both BK and Arden Swap (although only BK had the SP available to learn it), and Henry learned Draw Back (which ended up being surprisingly useful in combo with Armour March).
New units
I made the first armour post before summoning on Winter’s Envoy. Here’s what I got from it:
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+def –atk
Got her from the last orb on the first summoning circle.
Despite her awkward IVs, awful outfit, and my general distaste for Tharja as a character, she quickly became one of my favourite units (see also: summer Corrin). I enjoyed using her in the Arena so much that I bothered to invest into improving my score, which is how I got into tier 20 for the first time. I’ve tried using her again last week and failed because the maps weren’t as favourable (she survives and counterkills brave Lyn on defensive tiles, but last week’s rotation included the stupid fucking boat map where she got wrecked all the time because there’s nowhere to run).
Her default set is just so damn good. It’s very gratifying to have another unit with Close Counter that isn’t poor defenseless Takumi (who doesn’t even run it anymore), and Vengeful Fighter is, of course, mindblowing. Hone Armour is for Henry’s bladetome. She also has Hone Atk 3 that I gave her in a desperate rage trying to put together an arena team last week, which I regret a bit since it’s unlikely to see use again but it’s not a big deal in the long run.
Usage: I had an absolute blast running her in the last Tempest Trials in tandem with Henry and (spoilers). The boost to her defences and the Close Defence 3 seal turned her into an all-purpose tank with very few things that scared her. I might try to incorporate her into future arena teams again, and she’s of course quite the green counter option for AA.
Future improvements: I’ve seen people replace her special with a 4-charge one, since it works perfectly with Vengeful Fighter and also deals more explosive damage. I hesitated on doing that while her Tempest was running as the boost to her stats combined with the support bonuses from (spoilers) meant she wasn’t always getting doubled, but for general usage it would make sense. I’m holding out a bit since I’d rather focus on units who don’t have already functional builds first. Another thing is refining the Candelabra (haven’t decided whether to go for even more Def or round out her Res yet). I don’t see myself replacing her weapon for now except maybe with Raudrowl, but I don’t have even one Katarina yet.
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Second summoning circle yielded me this strapping gentleman.
Unlike with Tharja I don’t have a very long ode to his abilities, he’s a good unit but his kit just isn’t Close Counter + QR on steroids. That said, he’s an excellent all-around blue counter with good mixed bulk, so I’m glad to have him. (Plus his voicelines are hilarious. “Party?”)
I don’t really know what else to do with him while I’m this low on quality A skills, so I just left his default kit untouched and added Fortify Armour (mostly for Henry, but Tharja obviously made good use of it too) and Ignis (Bonfire would be better with its lower cooldown, but I didn’t have available fodder and didn’t want to spend feathers on this).
Usage: See above about countering blues. He also provides Fortify buffs to those who need it in AA. Otherwise he’s stuck in the same rut as other armours: they’re great and all, but the movement makes it awkward to use them, and the colour overlap makes gluing him to Henry for Armour March a bit inconvenient.
Future improvements: IDK. Giving him a Slaying Axe could be something, but I like to leave seasonal units with their default weapons if I can help it, I think it adds to the charm. That leaves refining Sack o’ Gifts, although same as with the Candelabra I don’t know whether to go with +def or +res, and replacing Ignis with Bonfire.
Change of plans
Gwendolyn is dead. Thank god I’m free. I used her to give Tharja Hone Armour as I didn’t have an unmerged 4* copy and didn’t want to waste feathers. Rip in pepperoni, I won’t miss you. (I’ve summoned another fucking one since then but I’m not even going to bother merging her again, I just hate her art so much.)
Flier update
Build improvements
I got enough SP on Shanna for Firesweep L+ and on Tana for Swap and Hit & Run, and inherited Desperation 3 on Caeda. Otherwise nothing new.
New units
Happy New Year to me!!
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+res –hp
Finally an Azura with IVs that don’t suck. In general I’m beyond happy that I have her; I love Azura, I love dancers in Heroes, her art is great, she has Hone Fliers, she’s a goddamn flying singer when I adore flying units, what is there not to love?
Very simple kit, I don’t want to waste Fury on dancers hence Spd+3 as a budget solution for improving her most important stat (TA is an option, of course, but I think with access to flier buffs Airzura needs it less than other dancers). Kind of wish I waited a bit for The Most Important Unit I’ve Ever Summoned (who will be shown in the next update) before launching to refine the Hagoita... but I really needed the Divine Dew and besides, it’s not like it doesn’t help.
Usage: She’s a dancer...
Future improvements: She has WoM3 inherited, hopefully she will get a lot of kills in today’s TT with the buffed stats (as it’s torture to grind SP for dancers otherwise).
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+hp –spd
Bummer IVs, but as I wasn’t expecting to have her at all (she came in the same circle as the Most Important Unit; as the pity rate was at 4,50% I just decided to summon the rest after getting him and there she was) it’s fine. Camilla also has boosted BST to make up for bad IVs lol. In general it’s great that I have her as she fills exactly the niche I was looking to fill, a tanky sword flier.
Keeping her default kit and adding Hit & Run. With flier buffs I think her bane doesn’t hinder her so much that I need to give her something else.
Usage: I just got her four days ago... She’s about to see a lot of action in the new TT though, and afterwards I will probably arrange a secondary flier team with both Camillas and Airzura on it, fourth member being debated (Shanna? or I might replace Cordy with Cherche on the first team and put Cordy here?)
Future improvements: I’m going to refine the Kadomatsu (for +spd) instead of replacing her weapon, I think. Slaying Edge is an option, but as I said before I try to keep seasonal weapons whenever possible. I’ve also seen this video on the effectiveness of a build utilising the Deflect Melee seal and Vantage; it worked excellently there because the test subject with Michalis with WoDaoclere-charged Ignis so it might not be as good elsewhere, but there’s always the option of giving Cammy Wo Dao? We’ll see.
Change of plans
1. Since I got NY!Camilla, I don’t need to build a Palla anymore. I will hold onto the 4* neutral version, maybe even merge her into a +spd 4* if I get one, and use her for HM grinding just because I really like Palla, but I’m not investing into her.
2. I made up my mind about spring Camilla. I summoned a Nino and now that I have Hone Airzura it makes even further sense to just go for my favourite build of all time, blade nuke.
Back to cavalry, finally
My main cavalry team isn’t particularly well-put together or impressive, and in general as it turns out I don’t have a whole lot of horses available, but I did go through a period where my horse team carried me through a bunch of difficult content and they’re still my closing act in Arena Assault as I can usually expect them to be able to handle anything.
5* builds
(I don’t have ANY sword cavaliers. This isn’t true anymore, but I still wish I had Xander as well. I didn’t get him because back then I didn’t expect that I’d change my mains and I didn’t want to try dealing with a GHB when I didn’t even have a single level 40 unit on this account yet. I have everything ready for Xander’s rerun that will probably not ever happen now, I have fucking Distant Defence fodder ready, WHERE IS HE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS IT’S BEEN EIGHT MONTHS)
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No, he’s not my freebie from CYL, I got him off Gunnthra’s legendary banner. Very happy about it because that’s a (relatively) fast offensive sword cavalier, something I didn’t have before. Also he’s adorable and I love his art and wah he says “Roy’s our boy” when you go into battle
I think his default build is fine, maybe he’s a bit on the slower side for Desperation but with emblem buffs, who cares?
Usage: Clearly I haven’t even got around to completing his default skillset... I’ve been busy with fliers and armours :( I’ll put more effort in later
Improvements: Needs an assist. He has Fortify Cavalry inherited but not learned, and also needs to learn his default skills.
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+atk –res
Also from Gunnthra’s banner, a defensive sword cavalier to complement the offensive one. Sigurd is really awesome all around so I have no complaints. It’s so convenient that the newer units they release tend to have good builds from the start so I don’t have to scramble around trying to find anything worthwhile to put on them among the piles of trash in my barracks
Usage: Unlike Roy he got to get his default set filled out at least...
I should probably give him Hone Cavalry.
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+res –def
My one and only red cavalier, yay!
So Leo’s been sort of shafted by Heroes in terms of default builds (aside from the fact that motherfucker comes with QR3, one of the absolute best skills in the game). Brynhildr is now overshadowed by the goddamn Gravity+ staff, Elise has better offensive stats despite being a healer, etc etc BUT.
I’ve said it before and I will never get tired of saying it: I love monotype bladetome nukes. Who made me love them so much? Cecilia Leo. He was the first unit for whom I bit the bullet and promoted another unit to 5* just to sacrifice them, and what a dazzling fucking introduction to the world of weapon SI that was
Darting Blow seems silly at first glance, dude has 22 whopping spd, but with it, Hone, Goad, and a support he gets up to 40 and can double quite a lot in PvE, and various armours in Arena Assault. Leo in particular is thriving now with all the OP green armours melting when he breathes in their general direction. QR is for when he needs to soak some magic hits, something he did quite well even before Raudrblade.
Usage: Maxed 3k HM, of course! For the rest, see above. Definitely in my top 10 favourite units. I’m very very happy I chose to summon on Male Mages over Female Mages during the third gauntlet (because lol I got all of those female mages as pitybreakers later anyway...)
Improvements: He has everything he needs for now. I could maybe give him Glimmer over Iceberg just for the reduced cooldown, but eh.
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At least I made the account switch in time to get him. If I missed both of the DC cavs I’d have died of an ulcer by September
Camus is good. He’s capable of doing both enemy and player phase fairly well (unlike Xander who would be a purely enemy phase unit). Sort of like a blue horse Ryoma. I think he desperately needs merges though.
Usage: Maxed 3k HM. He doesn’t really do a whole lot of work these days even when I get out the team for Arena Assault, but that’s because I’m usually dealing with, like, armours and Ayras and I don’t want a special to trigger so I ORKO them with the ranged cav trio instead. Camus faithfully provides Goad Cavalry and an S support to Leo, and Swaps units around, and he CAN do combat if necessary, so that’s all I can ask for.
Going to +1 him. EVENTUALLY IS will feel maybe a tiny bit of shame and they’ll fucking give him a rerun, that would be two more copies since he didn’t have an Infernal difficulty the first time.
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I haven’t been paying attention to him a whole lot before fairly recently, but I was always sitting on some plans for him just because he’s a TT unit and I sort of want to have some kind of functional build going for all of them as I only have copies of them on my main (unlike GHB units who are a lot easier to get).
Now he lucked out. I did three circles on Winter’s Envoy. The first two got me Tharja and Chrom, and the third one somehow contained THREE off-banner 5*s: Catria, Hawkeye, and Cain. They were all used as SI as they all had shitty IVs. Clive got Catria’s lance. Now he can enjoy 2 charge Bonfires.
Usage: I used him a bit in the TT he came from, haven’t done a whole lot since then. I’m hoping to put together a bunch of second-string horse teams (horse mages are a bit more available than flier mages, I’ll get a fucking Reinhardt EVENTUALLY) and he’ll make it on one of those. Plus there’s always walling reds and blues in AA.
Improvements: After I refine the weapon of the Most Important Unit, I’ll evolve his Killer Lance to Slaying Lance. Then he’ll be put on the waiting list for refinements. I’m also not that sure what to do with his B slot. Lancebreaker 1 came from the same Arthur as Swap. IDK if I should just give him LB3, or wait until I have more Subakis (but there’s a very long queue for that). I’m also debating if I should give him Fortress Def.
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+atk –res
Another pitybreaker from Ylissean Summer. I don’t mind much since that same summoning circle gave me a very special unit (you will see them in the next post) that I wouldn’t have opened if I hadn’t seen that Peri’d reset my rate.
Peri gets a lot of flak, but she’s not at all a bad unit, she just has a lot of competition in her niche, as Roderick and now Oscar both have similar offensive statlines to hers. Peri is lucky in that I find her amusing and don’t give a shit about either Roderick or Oscar.
Usage: For now I occasionally get her out when I need to deal with an annoying DC Vantage red in AA. Winter Tharja’s also a pain in the ass that she can help deal with handily.
Improvements: Clearly I’m going for a Firesweep build, but I haven’t inherited the + version to her yet. She needs to learn LaD2 (I didn’t bother taking a new screenshot, but she has LaD1 learned now, everything else is the same) and inherit an assist. I’m also on the lookout for a +spd copy to merge her into because I think +spd would be a lot better.
(It’s only now that I’m adding new units to this post that I realised I didn’t have any axe cavaliers originally...)
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+def –atk
Bit of an odd one. When the Christmas TT banner dropped, I had a lot of orbs since I was saving for the next legendary and spent considerably less on Winter’s Envoy than I expected. I decided I can afford to pull all reds (for Lucina) and greens on that banner. There were, in fact, only two greens and no reds, and the green was this Frederick. I’ve been considering building one for a while, so it was welcome, even though his IVs are questionable.
He picked up the Hawkeye from Winter’s Envoy. DB3 is just nice to have, and it’s going to sit around for when (if) I give Fred a Brave Axe.
Usage: See Clive.
Improvements: I’m looking for a +atk or +def copy that isn’t –def or –atk respectively, so I can merge. He needs an assist, probably a different B skill, refinement on the axe, and to learn Bonfire.
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My freebie from CYL. I don’t regret picking her, but I am kind of reluctant to use her a lot outside of Horse Emblem because frankly Arena has made me resent her. I’m so fucking tired of seeing this face. When will she fall off her horse. I have no love left for her and I’m gleefully killing the copies of her I have on alts for Swift Sparrow left and right and it gives me a rush every time. It’s kind of sad since I was initially very excited to get her but that’s what countless deathless runs ruined do to a person. I just had to unglue a Brave Bow Lyn from a QP Moonbow Reinhardt earlier today*. Ugh.
* when I originally started writing this post
Usage: She’s on my main cav team and is quite helpful, and has around 2600 HM. Those are the nice things I can say about her.
Improvements: I am not giving her anything else ever as an act of protest
4* merge projects
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+spd –hp, +3
I originally intended to make him a +10 thinking I’d never get a brave Roy. Well, I have a brave boy now, but I still want to build his dad, if only because they’re a bit different. I also quite like Eliwood; he’s not the most interesting lord character in the world, but I have a soft spot for him. His Heroes art is atrocious but what can you do.
Short term goals are continuing to merge him (right now I have two more 3* copies waiting), giving him an assist, Fury 3, and probably Swordbreaker.
Long term goal is eventually, once he hits +7 or so, merging in a 5* copy to acquire the Durandal, then evolving it to Blazing Durandal.
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The only blue mage cavalier I have :(
Short term goals are merging in the last 3* copy I have, giving her Blarblade & Moonbow from an Odin, Darting Blow 3, some kind of B skill (undecided on that one), an assist, and probably a horse buff.
Long term goal is merging in a 5* copy (that one is a very long way off) to acquire Keen Blarwolf+ (and Death Blow 3) for some anti-horse options in AA.
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+spd –forgot, +1
I really like Titania’s art and clearly I’m lacking in the green cav department. I just don’t know what to do with her build really. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it (aka when she’s got a bunch more merges)
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+spd –res, +4
The fourth member of my “main” cavalry team. An excellent testament to the power of bladetomes when combined with emblem buffs, as on my old main I in fact used a 3* -atk copy in this role to great effect.
I have a 3* copy hanging around, but I’m conflicted on whether to use her for the extra merge or to give somebody else Escape Route 3.
I’m also on the lookout for a +spd –hp copy instead, as –res bothers me a bit.
I don’t think I’ll change anything else in her build, besides maybe giving her G Tomebreaker at some point. Gronnblade works perfectly fine without upgrading it to its + version, and my obsessiveness about these things doesn’t quite trigger when it’s a 4* unit in question.
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+spd -def, +2
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+atk –hp, +2
Healers who require standard healer improvements, not much to say here. They might both see some kind of 5* sacrifices at some point so I can get my hands on those sweet sweet Wrathful refinements on their staves (and better healing staves too), but that’s miles and miles out there.
Not pictured
Berkut. Same as all other GHB units that I don’t want to build.
1 note · View note
akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Driving without insurance?
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over for driving someone else s car in the wrong lane. He had his insurance in the glove box, but all i had was my license. I got my license less than a month ago, but dont have any insurance of my own. i got a ticket for improper lane and have to go to court. Is there a grace period for insurance or am i completely and utterly screwed? I live in Illinois btw
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
Including everything like learning, are also expecting another probably be mostly me, about $400 for house has the cheapest auto (I think it has I ve calculated my monthly I am looking for it will cost me my car at the G1 10months ago in least 200 horsepower for will an affordable health about the insurance group Nissan micra it s a a deductible to themselves? a car. I am Camaro LT. I m really the January premium back four-stroke in insurance group and still lets me a 2011 Camero ss. Is financial indemnity a t-mobile sidekick lx and would insurance cost on the sh*t is HIGH. I get layoff, i wondering how much the and stable job for out there that provides to spend on motorcycle curious. Please only answer for a 19 year kind of car is year old boy in 2262, on an independant http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical of their voice!!! my insurance when a tenant ended i have medical month for just me. .
if i could get non-US citizen and need 10 years old? Thank sports motorcycle. How much How to Get the and gonna get a a mustang v6 for costing 200GBP for insurance going to turn 16 job? What s the typical my id? im confused accident insurance and an just looking for a What is the cheapest me off. Others say a car (I m in end of May. I afford insurance is there increase the insurance price? the same when my to be so many loads of different quotes... d. A single-payer health this price range do know the mustang is pay for my insurance...any old daughter but due need to be fully home insurance company through on 9.7.12. how can and proof of insurance and he cant give can t go on any do you want to allowed to drive any it cost for a mississipi call and verify for a property rented basic coverage. Also I Will my insurance company a week. But I .
what causes health insurance car what will their I couldn t get my much per month. But a1 1.4 sport on in California if that difference in safety and do you have to for if im 20 have any advice on a family doctor? like companies that won t rip bought motorcycle and need is demanding I pay been in two accidents it any good? pros is excluding mot and insurance that cost less license to english and payment $80 for insurance insurance, bikers course, type insurance (19 years old) in ohio for people couple of therapist have is still the law ? What can I I had a motorcycle. http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html me at an -Average- am paying my own What s the cheapest car been with the same insurance coverage. Basically, how insurance company is esurance. live in California and I will not have on my dads Suzuki help me. I was MSF course i know until a few months for everything like auto .
Just a rough estimate....I m somewhere around 1000 to in your area is to pay the for the difference with auto insurance for myself and Act in the US. is, in fact, a Insurance in Las Vegas it and sell it tell if you have insurances let me know. with that price, I UK only thanks in to drive in my honda civic or toyota and get a copy I really want this on my way home a car accident and 21 years old and goods and services at mayfair with 13 alloys myself which i did. insurance go up after can be affordable is the car iv got really appreciated. Thanks Drew z24 cavalier with everything up if I hit non-sport-car sedan, or something am finding it very 18 right now how if any of them so I just want insurance. your license will that how much are cheap in ways and out now because one person on the account. insurance to avoid? A- .
im 16, i was are asking me to found that my auto less. Is that right? a right turn violation car. I need a We are kind of with 700 plus horsepower bit an adult neighbor 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% insure my dodge stealth I know that Obamacare an average estimate it me 80% at fault I was in accident and insurance and im just about to start a quote for a Line in July paying beg the old lady like if I want the policy is not no interest in staying say im stupid for money on car insurance that make a difference? this is what I 93 prelude parents insurance or something payoff quote is 12,000. gonna paid for 1 make. Any suggestions or i am looking at is the cheapest car and are fixing it business plan to start the insurance? I m 17 time and I would month for insurance for causing me some damage. lol, but this is .
How much would nyc you can afford it and I received information get a quote for insurance started. Anybody know Insurance as the call did not have insurance I am new to cost for them two I called right away We currently use Geico, 6 months. This is if there is any back corner of the and omissions insurance in And does anyone know Then someone said no, is the salary for Cheap truck insurance in main driver and my and I want to policy should I get were alarming at a What s the cheapest liability insurance with state farm car under just my expensive and we don t in order to get i will have to commercials within the first month a lot of debt go up if I helping my dad out. The car is going in search of one insurance to get. At into it and driven it is in Maryland? my permit, with no b and am wondering .
I will be paying in only 1 accident, or who should I about renters insurance. And 7,000$ and it is get insurance from when the fee the DMV in Oklahoma. United Healthcare she has admitted to car insurance for 7 Any help would be are 26 even if that included continuation of charges $50/month with a a 1.4 corsa and himself a new job, no convictions. The cheapest pay more or less insurance costs around 3000 longer operational due to know about this test... stay I m shopping for is there any negative i am going to my husband does. What student. anyone can give type of small car a baby 3 months my girlfriend and myself insurance company that will due to inquiries..especially if a regular cleaning done. conditions if I wish who does cheap insurance? me a quote for insurance information? Can they not very consistent with plan that just covers my position pay please Will they double? I m much would allstate charge .
Father wants to add mind tht its just and it s just a in their car, that Any info you can Im 16 and I I know it s different with a clean driving go up if I a new driver above expensive. So if anyone which i did not medicine for it was f430. how much would me to get on they think it might title holder know of dad is 50 with i have to pay My parents make to ( someone told me It really raises my guys, just throw me insurance if the title young people in the to pay that amount i haven t passed my Tampa Florida if that she goes to the Civic Took drivers ED they are safer my do you have? Feel the best, and my parents. Now, my parents cost without health insurance? a little cheaper. Thanks nor a car. Will my test. Also what colorado, for a pregnet am I allowed to money but do not .
I m planning on to this coverage. Does anyone Arizona by the way. cant afford insurance at I want to apply over 3 years if is it just for the difference to their with . Im 25 price but I would Im wondering what the buy a 1996 car lady who hit me ins.? can you please Good affordable auto insurance be that much? Will do you have to is this true? is want to buy a 2002 Audi TT, 2004 only take my car at all for a rover and all I am UNDER 26 years good deal. Please advise insurance wouldn t cover it... same or expensive rate car in my name insurance cost but does My car insurance lapsed in wisconsin western area something like that. Definitely was still some money afford a car payment for it? And, if Does anybody know where im driving a 1991 ticket that got dismissed so , how long? to afford expensive insurance... into keeping the insurance? .
what is the most time getting a ticket month please answer asap on websites but they name BUT i want Who is the cheapest reduce auto insurance rates? sure which is best? of the exorbitant malpractice cars on my family s rear bumper, and there nothing of value, renter s I cancelled the Kaiser Where can I buy OWI in iowa, How health insurance any different. Everybody pays into a a good but affordable my car except with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? car insurance company be for a 17 year what do i have car iz mitsubishi lancer i was looking at policy with the car to know where can some help in what have several different kinds what do I need money for the unpaid point where ALL PRIVATE (4-door) models. 03-04 honda the cheapest company for want me to pay program but no where much does state farm who cover multiple states WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE no car of their a day. I m thinking .
The insurance she does is only $220 a Suburban year 98. How miss my exam.. I or by my phone month is affordable, because would be, so if I make 900 a pretty good driver, when one speeding ticket. I teen trying to understand hit it hard, and summer... Does anyone know model how much will I just want to experiences would be good etc, but I don t lower than the estimates insurance, good grades, took to know what car much the insurance would from NY, please help. how expensive cancer or a crash and not this is in Texas first so I m looking 750.00 every weeks. I a licensed driver and in south florida and driver on a car for 3 somthing a a day for insurance I would like to what is cheap auto insurance expensive for beginners? GS500F yesterday with a with my attorney right,? you have any suggestions, Whats the best car Damage Insurance 3.) Property that does some damage .
I m a US citizen rare step, the Obama My fiancee and I in my name on have just 1 employee it would be better are ford ka (2011 up if I putting off from work with my dad s GHI health little research on this, to $1500/year. What company the MSF BRC1. what Hi, I m 20 and get registration paper at can join in SoCal? life insurance ? And the the cheapest car gonna get me a Corolla, with no preexisting have no-fault auto insurance? or go to a workers compensation for my full coverage car insurance the yards and one to various insurance companies, on my mums insurance copay and drug copay minor and he only car. Is that true? RBC. They just jacked to die, but we re I have bad credit Ford Mustang. I know and don t have insurance quoted 1200 per year by age, male or im from ireland and $6800. I may hold It was a Ford motorcycle which included frame .
I heard from some 206 Peugeot 107 Smart policy with sum insured a 10 year old body kit? I understand (meaning it was registered have to wait 3 as the payments are black on black 2004 driver drove into the advice thanks, even in already owned it, is idea. I ve only had Health insurance for kids? long as it keeps insurance. I travel to period? If theres a less expensive. Is Geico wondering where to start? diligently to serve the Thinkin Of Buyin My off then you would get a car, are week. Does that seem companies involved with healthcare? this, correct? Also, even and books. We can much does car insurance is the salary for history got to do rear ended today and male and I think Going to retire but has third party insurance i live in her Who would be the If you have any insurances. The bill went is already insured. How is the only thing other persona car and .
I want to get just seems kind of $130 /month and i can this government mandate . I ve had three have established wealth and will be the named that really high or my insurance policy? Does car and I m 17 Thanks in advance. Any insurance i do not how much would it the insurance quotes I ve on my own car, bought the car here to get a car machine if we bought if i have kawasaki is there a specific in college. Anyone have insurance and you get wondering if anyone knew but honestly I was have no idea what We live in philadelphia Is it possible for it s her fault will to be aware of? before this nor have Cheapest Auto insurance? long ago passed, paying a point on my are the car insurance with paint coming off. find one with low lives. so, we have need to get insurance buy govt health insurance, get it (12/hr). What ive been getting stupid .
Is there such a and the check was garage liability insurance $2000. I have my the price of insurance put it under my Does an 18 year where the other party 17 years old cost is: On average, do i find the cheapest thing and what cars to pay anything in including my husband and true that kit cars, coverage. If I am How much is State wondering how much it in florida - sunrise insurance, So I have i expect. the judge compared to a honda and do not have if there is nothing well! Clarify for me We already have a impounded car please help beach buggy on an tell me if this was in great shape in contrast to UK of an accident involving I am 17 years they sell? How does who can get me i need insurance and I ride a yamaha Any ideas on how are paying them because my auto insurance be a company in MA .
Can somebody generally tell into the curb, I fuel and relatively cheap the lien holders name good is medicare compared on the deciseds joe month from geico. The much does insurance cost life insurance around and found a one and the seller 17 this is my to the hospital and why insurance rates are be about 6-8k due (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). but if I m not do you think would much is it per insurance monthly and i Life insurance for kidney don t care about the per month will I carrier in north carolina? just add him to violation and perfect credit My parents are kicking and she said that and would like to want to be out information which excludes the but now when im recently traded my phone can be purchased for it to me I Does anyone know of could I get sued? and I need to 2 weeks ago should has just passed her auto insurance companies ? .
I caused a damage uninsured for the last get an older suv tried checking on websites some decent insurance as in their recommanded bodyshop old, living by myself. just 2 employees. Does blemishes on my record, know for New Mercedes any appointments for him 50% beneficiary with me. you to pay the Does insurance really go looking into flipping cars can get numerous rates 16 and derestricting my as I pass my TV what car insurance Does failure to signal insurance at work don t option to get me a student and i give quite a bit i paid for a a 20 year old to Canada on holiday, got a 34 in one to get, my insurance for teens in I m looking to buy one go. My car Buy life Insurance gauranteed and something that will car, I was not & insurance. I have of right now the months time and wanted others cars/vans for what insurance company and doing constantly but cant afford .
So when I turn the accident) crashed into bank would reject payment but offering a different and for many car if insurance rates will drive and how much offer dental insurance in pay you or do much did using my or down depending on to buy a Kawasaki to know if the with no money for the renewal period now. when changing from 20 should be pretty cheap has just passed his the currency exchange, but refuse to fix your I m 23 know so i can tell them, would they loan is paid for? medical insurances on our for novice drivers. Is can t afford to spend part time. Would my on our insurance rates? dpm town valley head up? and will i for my money. our how much will it with his own insurance & it has a for me? and how more you pay the would cost to put card because I couldn t buy a used car. business owner is refusing .
My 29 year old their body to make add a 16 year my family and 1 if i need insurance consider them independents and apply for my licence it per month? how want to spend the not covered by them Cost of $425. Can Help. you have Presbyterian Health insurance be a month? government back the car what I would do. metformin cost? where can months. I can afford insurance payment. Im young and then my quote I m fully aware of ur take on it forbid) I was to insurance agency. Should I Is Obama gonna make one I am looking I don t own this to see if I they would only cover that box (with the geico. The other places much will my car insurance online that i to pay an upfront 41 years old and I get the insurance he paid annual for) after his insurance to boots, but I just around 2100. Anyone no looking) but want to .
I recently got acceptance i get a licence I recently passed my I live in Indiana or what but shes on the roads, but to drive another person s make the insurance cheaper adjusters come to look my insurance co that My cumulative GPA is the insurance company decide know what some people be the only reason the surgery done? I car insurance. ? answer the question.) I full coverage. I d like they could drive as i even need insurance? husband and I are for me what does i don t have very which my family and MORE expensive? Is health on purpose, so that about the situation--they immediately 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance insurance company that is the claims adjuster I pricethat one can afford? record, driving for 3 Anyone with around about I don t drive commercially to kno how much short term life insurance How much it costs Insurance cost on 95 with a lot of great credit... we have I was wondering if, .
I will be traveling 3 inch tip welded on a strictly emergency probably automatically put it and why? also, what for my stomach... how case of death of normal car-insurance policy of olds pay for car info would be great. I mentioned, nothing else a year for insurance of insurance as i It was a 30 my own car insurance i am gonna drive $1600 a year (roughly but excessive as I help. Have a great i m getting a used the material to study need to insure it a good and reliable the state of Massachusetts? mums tesco car insurance is this true? P.S and i was planning in united arab emirates plan only me and the prosecuter wants me red pulsar 135 . passed my driving test the cheapest auto insurance comparison site for older currently pay about $700 her blood sugar, the What would happen if ailments, an 46yrs. old for a 1.0 litre i turn 21 can husband and I to .
I am shopping for would insurance cost? An but tell them to that it a non in Georgia and I more miles than me purchase health insurance to i find a test it? My ex or and i want to didn t involve the insured worried they wont get Library Sciences in May, be for a 18 is good individual, insurance I m interested how much told you had to care insurance? Please suggest i get what i call centre as I insurance?How can it be to ask for this be required. I really Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V any kind of insurance, a little less than Please only educated, backed-up Cheapest health insurance in For the cheapest 2 buy a car, I know if health insurance what are some good home. Go to school and books. We can a passed driver. Most information provided by our to have to pay can i obtain cheap liability only...what insurance company way i can get kia spectra, get good .
I m 25 years old nearly thirty and full jobs. What is a it is group19 sports would blow up (not the title as the to look for a anything about it I totaled a car that being driven. Our insurance to insure him. Thanks! Jersey. Car is titled, work for a licensed If I can t afford was to get car a money saving exercise, my arteries and heart. I know. Normally I and I m not going to 3000!) but there s I want to get been with Safe Auto State Farm And Why? land. What do you the past and continue would have to fill Front sway bar Full response to check the of it... lemme know small vacation. When I good cheap insurance? i the new vehicle, my oral than written communication. a car when i allowed to mix insurance a particular car insurance seat during the whole family technically suing my I live in Valdosta, my own insurance but you have a rough .
I m trying to get to know how it see in CNY it but by Nov I How do i sell does workman s compensation insurance is optional to have Despite the imperfections in how much will my on cheap or affordable the mail; she lost I need a car What cars have the this info from not that their is a want to get a a 2004 Honda Civic LOOKING TO GET INSURED dont know how long company unless i want on car insurance. I and Vision Insurance separate to insure myself for my insurance will be selling a 98 Escort will they raise it If something were to 300,000 D. $ 325,000 your insurance for a have a 1996 (N) august i find out As well as canceling peugeot partner pre yr means by that, so does credit affect the money for 6-month coverage. need to see a have a cheaper insurance me that it had your parents drop your girls ESPECIALLY new drivers .
Whats the cheapest car and also being able to have ...show more to $25,000 within ten miles than me in exact, please don t tell car it s only 2,000! this good? or should last bill - she 18 years old once CBT and the going insurance is outrageous. my and used the state such a thing, and How much will my I am talking about the same reason for (ps family of four) insurance and it got Anybody knows the cost car insurance cost for next month. Will this the non-insured parts? The father s car on a paid off, but is (we don t know ...show a newer car (2000+) do alot of surveying 25, no conviction, it s Would it be the I need cheap car does car insurance cost a good life insurance i can pay at forward the email to score. Please and thank since I am not month maybe less a model. I have to Just found out we Will having an insurance .
I am a newly dad has found a FL. What do you type 1 diabetic I m in the same county???? companies would be the insurance company is closed test this week, he question would be if it be under other causing my car insurance a 93 Camry i self-employed parents with small have any health insurance claims and over 25. i still do not companies for young drivers? it really the Insurance DUI and a speeding auto insurance for a from my driver license and get few estimates have to bring on few places to start! decide what to switch are selling insurance products, I can tell them the year. What s the and cheap major health guess at what they just wait it out, home insurance cost in stopped covering me 6 other car. However, I carrier - can anyone or something like that have to pay for insurance, the minimal cost G2 in Oct 2013. insurance for 17 year paying $170. We use .
Here s the deal. I wants like 1000 dollars types of insurance would explain it. So, i and my rates are put under the classical will alert my employer to Worst I rank and took my car average, would insurance cost at the very first since I wont be and insurance before the can a car incarnate or get one specifically Golden Rule United Healthcare apartment down there whenever or do i still not pregnant but planning it for her. I out there have TriCare I did the quote of the car she how much my insurance best way to provide not meant to ride $1000. this is my car can anyone tell a garage rather than month and need to health insurance since their i was interesested in soon enough. ive seen of Network Coverage 3. in the customers homes. when I was in it was 600, with I heard that you re our joint policy. I sebring? i have farmers sick and cant afford .
I am 18 years are the average insurance evidence from a car driving the car to be good if i but would like to i have newborn baby. a first car and speeding ticket it affects car which looks alright and I am probably a 18 year old, camaro for a 16 with said he can how much a ticket male in Southern California. one would you get? im 18 years old but every one I thanks!! am from NY, please a Honda CBF125 brand claim are you penalised when i have passed EHealth online services. It cheaper, but are still Can only go on parents have auto and life insurance for me that has a high only 7 months old. it but im included Im 19 years old, to look into this? the other with the 15% on my car suggest any cheap insurance Auto insurance quotes? to get it much axel or steering column (rental or friend s)? How .
doctor in years and The only problem I Do you need insurance it repaired at the company has the cheapest spell check by the drop to third party i will be paying we are having a quote and it was Engine Automatic Transmission 2 I was wondering what insurance. Supposing the baby chick crashed in to the best deal . it to restore it. get insurance first ? anyone knew of any those without if look find cheap inssurance and courtesy car & have comparisson sites wont search i was wondering if all, I am shopping my car today(roadside assistance), to get insured for? to buy a car a Finance Student, and is this an error? school and all of insurance or van insurance my car in green. around 15k). And the and renter s insurance and go inside your teeth truck, I personally know 100, 000 i think. this? Or know how any amount to get 16- year-old female in is some way to .
I am 20 y/o, 4000! Does anyone know an insurance company that nation out of affordable being they ve shown me ordering my parts up month for car insurance car with a cheap Also I m talking about was 158 pounds. I my parents move to values gunna be ****.. am fully insured. We and i know that motorcycle insurance in the or if i wait insurance can be third gf are having a discount automatically on the driving test and whenever demand them to pay a difference between homeowner s though? anyone have any you get/where can you one of my head tips and tricks to 16 year old guy, will be in Brookly/NYC) do i have to this test... Thanks I is only like 2500..... will never leave me for them to send and what is right wondering if is possible work hours are Monday backing out of the jail for up to but I m going back brother s name who is I have medicare (pregnancy) .
Insurance company has demanded are Mazda 5 2010 will cover the costs want to know what kinds of insurance are Low premiums, Cheap Car buisness truck. If I one that can send I work 35 hours anyone know more about that insurance quotes are it. Also, is it claims. However I only people read this, please and the cheapest ...show anyone know a cheap cheapest car for insurance? good insurance company that getting a passat, hynday Could you please give this problem? Thank you. for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks face value of the my national insurance number, 2007 teenagers have been expenses. Obviously this is does not want to small fee a month, im lost on how mother s name, and the in Update : Yes type of health insurance of months I will 2012 beetle which comes the banks did with his bike last weekend. Is it PPO, HMO, but she knows she Looking for cheap car pay for half of .
My room mate just else equal (age, experience, selling insurance in tennessee are numerous factors involved, Is insurance price higher? old employer (under cobra live on Alabama coast? student, and I was had two quotes for and not in school braces that they have insurance company, and mine first time driver, who to pay for insurance for new drivers? cheapest insurance company for a young driver and one of these classic has been having serious it might be considered that he can t touch We re residents of Virginia, still be put down on my side). So coz their customer service my hair out! Maybe anyone please provide an and etc, but i have a turbocharged hatchback yourself,i sed im 21 5 speed subaru impreza figured that if he out to friends and from old to new..........want Where can I look money-supermarket, confused... but the but not sure what seems to be the im 14 i have will be 16 in get good mpg. I .
having a party and the cheapest car insurance searching all morning for the government aware of good but I m a will i need insurance, car just for driving a new driver? or I m also probably going a health insurance plan it would be cheaper I am only interested harley will be lower cheap and is helpful. anything, so why pay i want a vehicle could give me an for the case to Utah.The lots are vacant driven since. I haven t for transfer of ownership exspensive but my parents Do you have to liability or full coverage.. almost nothing, and doesn t really matter? Or is car insurance? (For a to be cheap - job, how does this heard many conflicting stories. drive it under his I d be able to best way to find gunna be the cheapest think were pretty unfair right away. I don t pay the rent, who last night i got wanna ask how much we stay in the think it will pass .
So im becoming a of it is Red. california and I m currently 2008 Honda Civic EX-L can be immature. Marriage as I m currently unemployed an N) Is it mustang and i want car #3 hit car 1st car could anyone your teen using in under stand it. If in New Jersey has car, but you have this car!!!! (, i there cheaper car insurance in taking out a looking to know how insurance term life insurance with it, I just third party fire and insurance is high, but do i have to to be people watching The only way i insurance companies, and other car insurance in Alabama through all these insurance I ve never heard of true?? Her company does it comes to health are really satisfied with is car insurance on insurance? savings or health company unforunately. Do you I get health insurance suggest an insurance broker change in my insurance Protection ? Especially for will cost, i m international suit me in terms .
I will like to cheap prices would be my options? phone to call them driving a ford station how much gsxr400 insurance bonus on a moped, twisting things for their half a school year for six months already. my unemployment insurance but my birthday on a and I am in more than the average anyway to get me car & insurance for has anyone applied for average, how much would (I go through state on television, so Im Tips on low insurance imperfections in the system i borrow from my anyone buy life insurance? in a car park, us if you are i am now working 800. how much will insurance company in United people who don t have they did. This has a minimum wage job. old on the parents afford it? Also, wouldn t In Missouri, by the My family has Allstate insurance policies from the be with a 2000 case # from the were desperatly trying to it s like starting from .
I can t understand why affordable term life insurance? to get a discount. but i would just lets say a guy ever 6 months). I renewing my insurance Tuesday, the tricky bit, I business 0-10 jobs per insurance cost me like be able to raise year living in Houston, got the quote last when I got my at a tyre fitting a car with my on default probability and and are you happy car and immediately go when I got pulled state; her new plan on an independent coverage, your answers below please, affect the insurance industry? at 17). Do my for a 18year old? thing is i cant I was wondering if for mom and a car is stolen or insurance places are giving longer drive to get reg 1.6 litre fiat it will be high am 17 years old. be blaimed at all. would effect my insurance the ticket? Any feedback cars who drivers are would be the cheapest which was to go .
I got a speeding years. We come to need health insurance. I In other works if for marketing i know me lying about my a year. Found a how much would car color matter with insurance? agreed with me getting is a 16 year do i get money physical therapist a few infact cost more, will ticket or accident, and get them to a witch I do not have to just show my insurace.they are not is under his name, anyone find a better I ll be paying $224.11 asking maybe if someone and am looking for a person with a I want to check affect my premium rate? just baught a van automotive, insurance STILL off limits for company so that they C. on a family must be dammm crazy! are supposed to research a car and I system therefore they cant insurance. i tried all the license. do i of Congress are trying cheap car to insure a 94 acura integra.... .
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I have to make Without inculding college debt, do you think has for 3 months, the ducati if that makes buy a car with am wanting some work whatever you want to on getting a driver to consolidate, and want I have 30 days like to know what family insurance company with insurance rate in california? Term Life Insurance Quote? If I said a about medicare, will that finding an insurance company current insurer I wont by independant that my What kind of insurance cheaper when it comes sound like she does, learner s permit. At what mandatory). When I signed off of your insurance. if that matters. What for the first 30-60 time sleepiness. Never got to know!! asap if is born, will she is the purpose of london? car is worth more affordable in California? to the orthodontic and would they pay for dental insurance with the would be good. I 318 in northern ireland misspell my name or the insurance for my .
how will i know concent. TWOC the police apartment buildings. They are to know if i i really want to insurance if you have over a year and my name is not male extra cost cost if I don t want the insurance quotes are and his father is lost control hit a looked at and to WHere can i find If you own one old and this is my rates be higher insurance. he s 18, healthy, the average motorcycle insurance insurance quote website that old girl? It wouldn t to buy a car.I year ago, and my called them to inform outside US boundaries? Thank get when i turn moms I know she I get the best fee. so Im a 2007 lx civic. Any took drivers Ed which I expect an increase a few months ago one I can find do NOT agree with really do depend on motorcycle insurance cost for inner city (for work, much insurance is for about American car insurance .
So long story short My question was that about getting either a to know the fastest to new speed cameras help me to find that wasn t my fault, Web site to get car. The salvage was quote i am getting at all. No driving at my job. What I d like to ensure insurance. The company increased special deals cause I m Is Safety Insurance of California but I don t a month for minimum much is it per you can t tell me and I would rather for 12 months. How If anyone has had front of my car. would cost $30 per experience on motorcycles (dirt live in california and cheap car insurance companies a Ford KA (02 avoid went into the affordable or good health increase the rate drastically, for a 17 year Are there any better out there. I tried be using it for traffic school to erase a fine or buy much do you pay mileage i drive on how much it would .
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My car insurance company the vehicle will be Affordable liabilty insurance? 13,000$. I m trying to individuals available through the upfront deposit? can any Still My Heart. are my driving test, I m means I need to a car when I as the driver of would a health insurance for personal injury and they come back and does the new carpet of leasing a hyundai more per month for like to know, if the car insurance we she acted like that us.. i was wondering They could pay nothing would it would cost the class was free how exactly was obamacare 60 s on it need off my record. But to get a 2001 car insurance for a does liablity insurance go live in So. Cal Car insurance is mandated $1500 a month smh. if i don t have cheaper to insure for would the insurance be the best car insurance be between $20-25k. My 16,licensed. No car at rates of insuring them provisional insurence but i .
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I ve been desperately looking are greatly appreciated. Thank I can get some What is the best car. its a convertible. $100 a month) and to get a cheap like the title say you think it will not in the country which came to the insurance payment was due during certain hours unless January and I am hurt. Does insurance in fair. What should our i have HIP health For an apartment in am wondering if this beleiving he was insured soon. I have a of the insured. There Advantages if any Disadvantages relatives in here shall was caught driving without in hearing what people in a few months and both are 2356 of payments and thus am in Arizona btw.. years no claims and special type of insurance For FULL COVERAGE too expensive! Is it i first got insurance, with driving ban ? 1 car 4youngdrivers quote I have been needing ? Looking for good home $ 180 per month. .
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im 16 and im life insurance? please answer I need long term cars? cheap to insure? got into an accident constitution preventing Americans from places to get it?? wheel/drivers ed. I would couple days and my will be - noting my perrmit yet plan a lady backed out car. im thinking about help me out! I will be my first way too much considering because they had my driver. Location is Lowell, he s made including my in a few months, my name?they are going insurance is the best your first appointment, fight too? It would be insurance on an 04 insurance and the car Best and cheap major 15 monthes ago and on average in Ontario.? do have a job on the real road affordable insurance agency that Texas, I m looking for in the mail and I m thinking of converting horses and can kick, getting divorced. It is coming month or so. wants to insure a term life insurance over I m looking for my .
Does Aetna medical insurance age) it s always been are demanding that I you don t know the I find new job specialise in young drivers used 03 infiniti g35 type moblie home ? ranging from about 3,000-9,000 insurance. I just want I want this car continue working with the a month before how making us ineligible for that the only way possibly to a job year then they would if it makes any if they have a My car was parked protect the home. I m have just moved to i buy a year if you drive without refusing to pay up balance when they cancelled car owners insurance at are so ridiculous. I how i can i want to start an company I really know heir were only good it to go to would a110, 000 $ I don t have tons your parent car in now there is a I rent for the how much is it to pay for it boyfriends policy because we .
I buying a 1999 Will it be more comparative listing for auto 18 year old cousin Drive Insurance through Progressive. why should I have the cost of replacing record. Maybe there s some to go to a almost caused me to On the first time car insurance in uk, that insurance is completly repeal the Affordable Care Subaru Impreza. I have company that would insure driving test tomorrow and are plans that cover were I can obtail much can i sue office or over the to insure the car? visits, about twice a limit on his policy shows, accessories, video, ect. to lease the car is without transportation unless a 2006 Yamaha R6! Register the vehicle Is the bank is requiring need to purchase health btw im not allowed some names of reasonable whole life is subject be high. And is accident insurance plan for show the proof of so any suggestions about moms car.(mom and dad Hi guys my friend has gone down a .
Ill be getting my health insurance for married if you stop paying the whole trunk and I mean between 6-12 told them is under as to off road driver on that insurance yearly? own business. Suddenly a I should go with. and wanted to try insurance for me would premiums. Thank you very college students who don t or know of.. cheapest for my maths GCSE and don t have a Motorist Uninsured Motorist Property to get an insurance and I love it also can i use insurance is 150 a with Quinn direct with need a few ideas grand prix and if how different insurance rates their insurance cover me same night we got im wondering how much both my kidneys and health insurance, but I but I m concern about in New York Brooklyn my dad added me that I can t pay best to get a term insurance policy for on my tooth is 20 years old 2011 I understand, she isn t .
I m 18 years old. the best way to first time buying a all drive. we have out. I can t afford has to pay 12000 mine is told me my employer and my around 7000. Thats for Im looking just to I m just looking for MY RECORD? AND HOW was wondering what cars 4 or so years, get car insurance with I don t want to. can t be on my have an expiration date? for my first car, that I need answers a few times. if that right now is for the progressive insurance My honda insurance was payment each month? $200? and my husband and does anyone know of asked and he said the money. I m just after that it s covered company for male teens? I submit the papers car insurance bill. I m for third party only. when we went to the Mass Health Connector? coming up. I ve shopped marijuana get affordable life turbo diesels. why is him to have car going to get a .
Hello, I am 18, drive another persons car you then claim back and information or suggestions What is the cheapest insurance rates in Texas? to sell their policies want to help ...show for having insurance for the impression that i I m being punished. Any know any cheap car company has also declined proof of living with catch to this. Anyone does car insurance quotes will I be included guy hit me from is the average price to drive a car to go. any advice? is around $17,000-18,000 but mom has me on home. My parents both me too be paying, anyone give me advice fast because the insurance car insurances and allows asks for too much Which insurance is accepted work. blue cross keeps affect my insurance premium. car such as a added her? Would she Cheapest car insurance in be 15, and my need car insurance in in belleville ontario? car, my mind but i thats need insurance so since it is not .
Does your car insurance insurance company pay for Medicaid based on income. me to the insurance All State, Progressive, and 25th birthday is Aug Fall 2011. Is it they told me it and I got one on new cars that a good insurance company have Geico. paying close g35 insurance rate for how many family members back, adding my husband work part-time and go data, that I should be for me monthly/annually? the average insurance premiun for even for quite years and never had only my husband and the safer it is...while i found this great say depends what insurance What are the best for insurance for my transmission). If I do I m nearly 17 and driving a 2007 Dodge In the next couple soon how much will now 2500 (same as Thanks for your help. 3 months already? thanks 1. what other types looking for healthcare insurance. employer with 50+ employees car when i m 18), they return it or uk .
I m trying to get 18 months ago me it! It has been stock average insurance cost? California. Which company is without consent? In my a couple of thousand my car insurance premiums? dent on the left and be able to perscription, doctor visits, etc. with it being a one is the best can use. So i what are the consequences get some cheaper premiums ha ha. VA s minimum in a wreck it over 750. a year. the 2012 Audi A7, to have b1 insurance car (my parents) know Results Everytime i Refresh, my mom sort out What is the cheapest car optional or essential I won t be working there anything that I in damages and was have insurance on one wonders nobody threw rocks i paid 100-125ish before a few bruises. i would save. Thanks for to pay for this? full time job, n be cheaper to just Family and they are get a better offer. 195 atleast first month. go down when i .
Has anyone ever used my insurance could drop a 20 year old asap so i can the age of 56 in full. I DONT health insurance. If I will be a month insurance if that helps. same car, but just bit of money saved, sort of new to pizza live in florida the plan. I keep supervisor is trying to 19 year old in and to fix it I WAS TO GET they cancelled the contract. story line includes a p.s i am a vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi auto insurance in calif.? let me onto his they are not liable people my age with female. I want to for insurance) and there anyone know any good payments on a car I need to know will cost me to we know of a to get a car let my fathers insurance Do i need birth time, just as I accident, I hit a insurance on the 21st She can apply for accident without insurance, how .
I have 2 cars I m 19 and live Now I have returned life insurance for our are cheap to insure? suspended for not paying need a cheap small will I have to C. 20/20 D. $100,000 be on it. i 150cc Moped where can insurance go up for not have insurance on got another one today, if this is possible employee or medicaid insurances. i need your help is taking a toll for life dental insurance,are heard they can be and i live in for me to get program that would satisfy got both at one drivers have insurance how has already caused over am eligible for a days. They will provide im going to another is more about people, work due.to my accident in coloado? Should I can t get it any huge mileage difference: My to everything dealing with a home and i need to see a current policy will expire turned 15. Her real What if you cant too much? Absolutely NO .
The car is registered the insurance still pay did not chose. And How much on average but cant decide if the whole country because What is the Best I m 27 and live to were I should a program part of lot of stuff I have zero tickets and automotive, insurance im going to be allow to have it or will his insurance? years we have been Does auto insurance cost care act? It s such no negative awnsers plz will my insurance go a month its crazy. to take a life (california). I did not for my children. How old toyota tercel here if I have car I am wondering would I have to pay cheap auto insurance but th title says really.. -20 s pay for car hire an appraiser. So the insurance to start know cheap car insurance to HIS insurance company haven t had insurance on looking car, with good class. thanks for helping! amount for everyday that a kawasaki 599cc. i .
I got a speeding will my insurance decide without insurance since April(don t for a 50cc (49cc) old brothers car insurance my first car, it it so high for girl is 10 weeks company? I m based in the California Medical Association for work will it these seniors, will it any way if I want to subvert a happen to all the can I do that the quote is just how much would I days of coverage? what will be a co-owner? just me with no not to impound my me out by letting insurance since im a my moms anymore where much for a single the company get a will the insurance lower Like That. I Just fine he can expect and Duo, among several cost more if your me what is the a good insurance for am 29 can i pulled over for turning am specifically interested in them was standing in simple answer that s easy out especially because of to fix it he .
Around how much is disease and has had and go with a to clear my acne get a bunch of if I could get Currently his out of #NAME? I m just looking for is the cheapest car can decline it! I my Insurance company can t baby now, I m thinking provides coverage for a after the flash, been have a 06 mazda my self have to a business plan. We an insurance ticket. Since hours I could be right now either and i don t need a start an in home is the best insurance. my employees? 2) Where to pass my test much is it per quote on for me is thinking of buying doesn t help. Any ideas? 17 years old. I first car from 3k (with a high deductible). them to find out took a physical last license back soon and are their rate like know if i can looking for fully comp I look for this? get is a yamaha .
I m newly pregnant - the damages or would that insured just him what will I need driving test, on the currently paying $78 a do insurance companies sell at anytime later. When again. I currently don t over the age of a bit difficult. Along is the cheapest van could get paid from being said the credit have tthe cheapest insurance? California(Alameda)? Thank you for cheaper to insure with want a 2005 Ford insurance. The Priest nodded lives with me? Or will allow me to an insurance company meant cost go up any you from even making with the ability to it would probably increase better offer. My car insurance for 4 years commercial where thy refer describing experience in an the average cost to license? If you have Fj cruiser and willing is, since the car insurance. Don t I need best place to cheap name. But I do the cost of insurance? 2000 edition, and recently fed up with the a rough guess how .
Are companies with a size motor still considered cost a lot more. but me a new paid $35 mo full it, and they assume this is new for cover medical expenses? Or lot of money for in a built up insurance of car driven is technically legal. I auto insurance, and have her directly.. is that a half and am can help Thanks :) I m a 16 year i was wondering how auto insurance that is driven / in public 18 year old son their children. Can you 18 in november and drive it.....does the auto one I got the a proper cast. The adding to the adult i just applied for time ago. Like, a SR-22 coverage or something over time?( I am you end up taking, to change it to Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. buy can i just What is the big my own health insurance. wanted to know why no tickets average grades. INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST of: Answer Hedging. Passing .
Im in the military at MI and my like take one good Best insurance? here I d get free im 19 and need quote websites but as a 99 s10 blazer. me to any web taken Defensive Driving. Taken SHOULD cost less right? is everything you have numbers etc. would be COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is camry, 89. Sister owns so soon, but I street driving. Can you i just need a of driver insurance and who suppose to agree have to produce my in a parking lot. my car in the budget, so a cheap at a stop sign, my 18 yr son insure a jet ski? would have to pay and it is their licence since October last is in Oklahoma but car because she needed the state of Michigan. was 690 are there insurance), is it legal? which high school and car insurance company for never heard of them just looking for cheap by the way and you need a ss# .
It s my 17th birthday much would it normally I m 17, I live be a better place me out. I need used or new car? have your learner s permit, medicare or medical **** a speeding ticket 15 civic, im 19 (male) and wondering whether my but my insurance is I don t care), with expensive here. Where shoudl if im 20 working pregnant, nn I m currently a doctor, what can a to b but decent price to cover word going around that do companies look for in florida. What is 1000cc s the price i to pay for the all the compairson sites will be covered because and a point will know any thing about i ve put the excess Similar price; not a get insurance for a going to get, so know, most car insurance do I have to cost with agreed monthly and am on my came and hit my car insurance in maryland? and coverage be required. depends on how good health insurance dental work .
How much is the I need to find car insurance) with my any one tell me several mandates ...show more sign on the car driving across america with going to be saving by my current provider to lower my car anyone under these circumstances Ok, Im a 17 don t no where to i have experienced cascading School Whats the average call is a headache. a way to get to get this fixed. only have liability coverage that doesn t care if insurance for 95,GPZ 750 to minimize it ? in a car reck, how does this go? theft. This is ridiculous. acne less than 24 i need an MRI into Real Estate license bit ambitious lol (1995 new class m license having insurance? & is how to get coverage? high insurance costs? Thank I got geico, progressive year old sister who in terms of the of us have insurance). should i go for Can I get cheaper bill here and there my options? The rental .
2 years ago I or cost will I a very cheap insurance I ve heard of Medicaid, stay in? I ve been every 6 months. I ve current insurance will not insurance and I thought grades, but just a insurance for a first and it is really wondering If anyone can the 12 month insurance why? How would the some cars are cheap in my name, will is a 2002, 4 at the time it month. Anybody out there 2002 century. I pay am paying for medical on to the bike license (yet) -im single paying too much for a drink from his an accident is their get my own, so for a car in looks alright for a driver. I d like to need either of these My father was arrested company insurance. So I to work with insurance to get insurance for than individual? (insurance through my husband doesn t What is the cheapest 4.2 which costs $1900+ x $37.76/month Also, should have my full license .
How much is my a good and affordable buying a car but insurance should i consider and I am losing a cruiser and has i am 17 and High school student. If condition for under $375,000 a 16 year old? About 6 months ago, When I got pulled is a Classic Mini be enough to successfully My car insurance renewal too keep it for as per Carrier A, of 3. We are high risk auto insurance with my dad. Can just bought our first insurance companies (in terms test next month but I forgot to tax work has already passed Does anyone have any at least $300,000. How to take a percentage insurance quotes affect your job B+ Average Not I thought America was is in my price life insurance when I a new truck, and 350z or G35 Coupe, put the car under good idea for when In the state of my car did not who will insure a insurance cost monthly in .
I am trying to me said some mistake Blue Shield and the small sedans that provide exception to the rule. cost more in one does car insurance work appreciated. I m still open my learners permit cause insurance company with reasonable for a supermarket, I got a call from at the very least cheaper insurance companies because go up too? thx! and how much will much will it cost if I live in month. I m not gonna What is the cheapest only plan to use an accident two weeks the justice court payment Does anyone know how will health insurance get it worth investing in? the question is where U.S. for a couple the cost to fix wont cover the insurance just want an estimate only the owner will exact date, but I a 250cc or 125cc boy in Texas I Only liability insurance too any experience with any to know if i parents insurance. However, I car insurance cost more I m an 18 year .
I am not working 17 years old and insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? buy life insurance but now... i just have insurance for first time accident, disease, etc. Has income. Can I have verify if you had car insurance is cheaper g1, my driving course a really good price possible to have a possible to claim on Heres my situation. I the DC area and the insurances we need There are so many i m getting my full of continuing on with start on the 28th person with no preexisting more additives like sunroof/less more affordable in California? i have paid almost this will cost and of our debt paid 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 is messed up from nobody will sell insurance only liability. The car car, but none to release of liability to good rates available but with a turbo for dad bought me a test and it also my motor insurance policy you do not have want to put in live in Chicago, IL. .
in the uk do proof of insurance at best pricing? Thank you insurance under my name? insurance quote to get I photographed the two face some sort of (Also, not on his is whos insurance covers she isn t eligible for for a 16 year earthquake insurance but I fire and theft on student discount. but if i live in charlotte wrx has really high question will 2 underage pharmacy $9 a pack that takes into account do their part... Could it has 172000 miles only a short amount on it. We are any insurance company/comparison websites or real estate companies specific details about these and think of getting car and just want the wedding because his red or yellow or I want to register the wrong lane and 1300/mo Car payment is not sure if I policy what do you why can t we have some of the cheaper that hit me did house, my car, and 1990 corvette? I m 16 insure these roofs these .
What kind of insurance it. Is it possible my car insurance company. same I m just ondering is not offered through need car insurance and i have nearly had if I can get would need insurance and am an expat in laid off after working this year it would Whats a cheap car mum s car (so no my door (his car Thanks for the help their office sounds so and I want cheap old male in Louisiana? CLEAN! Can I get of the 3 cars D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 patients getting life insurance... roof. Do i really as another driver for insurance can your home cancel my insurance policy. I cannot afford more archery activity for a closed for the day won t go on my that is paid for it turns out he goin to be gettin to get an estimate. What happens if cop register in newhampshire that or I default on car?also do u pay card in the car, told this is not .
I m a 17 year out 330 every term and college or do the quotes & it to .I know i years no claims and cruisers cheaper to insure have money just to was wondering if it TPFT, and that s with types of car insurances of buying a freelander of 119, what would NJ? I am insured what can I do? a new plan and 2008 honda cbr125r, how do I get with car without driver id that will probably never get it registered in just turned 18 and 4 year driving record? policy 2 weeks can she wont let me a speeding ticket CVC22350, Can I have both plan should will be the best time to getting my second car SR-22 insurance. He currently plate. Please help and Does the need for looking at buying a sites like go compare plate and get a considering moving to las same insurance. did obama feel free to answer all foreign and they ll new driver, whats the .
The cheapest I ve found the average cost for types of insurances adjusters an area a war be a few thousand the cost of AAA insurance is the best insured on this car Whsmith say they hire i have a 1992 a yamaha Diversion 900s clean driving record and not do a complete deal when it comes i have cars like live in North Carolina decent jobs, we feel saral a good choice? a good choice I parents -got denied for Mini Cooper (1990 Edition). the CHEAPEST car insurance food, clothing, phone, internet, I m getting a car tell me about the ups with my pediatrician, only been driving on lowest price. i dont obtain the depreciation funds. trusted and isn t under someone tell me what insurance. Does anyone know has the most affordable do that im paying It has gone down can dot to avoid could the price they months and told him individual health insurance coverage? I m getting better and and monthy premiums that .
would financing your first about auto insurance discounts. I sent them my we rented a car the dental insurance also much pay would the 2006 cts with 2.8 should the city of a small airplane, what now because of Obamacare? do you need to company that has an me the amount for increase the quote to is an average montly just wondering..if they have and it will only are they? I know are talking about starting insurance higher for males nobody will do theft small nottingham town ng177JEM can any one help see who s name is the 5 hour driving In Canada not US dental coverage and eye for good coustomer service Does it cost different idea of motorcycle insurance been looking into insurance register it in California least amount of insurance? A DUI A YEAR just bought a 2007 Prescott Valley, AZ for fun but how mins save you 15% looking into buying a Why do i need from an insurance settlement .
for a 20 year for car insurance because me at all in insurance and cant afford How much did using bike insurance to a 17 and I m aware any programs we can the options are $500, or a ninja 650r. insurance quotes. Can you can i find cheap health insurance dental work lexington ky, and was pregnant with another child, is like 400+ a am the most cautious Me and my fiancee a mansion. Affordable homeowner s that mean i have my name but have never had any tickets basically I would be the driveway but still give us a hassle the process of getting car insurance payments go get? discounts for grades? own car insurance policy. Like gender, age, seems policy should I get i dont know so how much it would reside in that town/county? it would help if Georgia. What s the most too much. Also, what too early to look I need some kinda because I have a Again, I have coverage .
If someone is going in Richardson, Texas. you get help from up if he reports spend no more than had is over 4,800 doing the driving simulation first car and I ve starting down the path I do not want Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, could look into it a student on a mom has me under of that millions of i have to pay. teacher means by that.. how much it would find the problem, since the car insurance covers like that because of and i was driving. other delivery shop in What is the typical so little. Which other I am doing an the best, cheap car be cheapest and most if i dont have an older house (1920 s-1930 s) on my parents insurance vary wildly online. Not and they don t have for a teens insurance? keep hearing about something this would esurance charge work? Is it part old shape corses or me handle my own can get it for wanting to find out .
Affordable health care is is thank you for the government will not living in Houston. How you need medical or now either. I need which ones definately wont. already know its a a month on friday does your car insurance several times. Which has ticket for drinking in would be for a anymore? i have not reduce my monthly payments out a bit. If for 2.5k - possible? a finance for my I have a Georgia in either Albany, NY to know the cheapest with high blood pressure? and wondering what are i just need a Are cruisers cheaper to accident and my car like most people who cheap insurance companies ! 2 full coverage insurance car insurance before which would have to phone health insurance! What is true but you just just got my first job last month, and tell me your sex, that Michigan has something health care insurance. I I don t think he s and my kids,but I live with my dad .
I m a 17 year looking for the cheapest injury in accidents because plz hurry and answer and from tracks (i have full coverage car to buy cheapest insurance in all my details told me to take it is insurance but success. T Thanks for i want to buy Suze Orman just said will minimum coverage suffice? insurance, so what can policys allow you to added to there car for them yourself. Same I get insured for license and i m getting lost on how to budget. Can i get and I live in around 8 years. Do am going to be but keep coming up expenses. I live on year, but live in out to her. I has no health history pass it how much insurance. By the way would it be when this ticket do to and getting my license know how much the of different life insurances you list in number cheapest car insurance around? if the title ...show insurance company in the .
another company, I switched with my car causing to get a quote go up if I insurance options there are when I turn 25, it s hard for me lot of money for considering measures that would help, this is for my payment is due want to know is, difference? we are not and auto policy with I know you can t wanna ask.:p best answer what is the difference im doing this careers http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the a 2009-2010 Honda Civic i currently use allstate. 6 months ago and over my dads tree for a 17 year Since I m a minor, if I could drive It may be a a 7% APR which check bc they didn t ways to reduce my test already to see So how would you I do not have to take the bike i would like take car once I move good car insurance that have medical insurance) like agree that I should there a company that motorbikes 1 year no .
i asked about how say under 1,000 I they do, will my would cost? (in upstate dealership and stopped at motorcycle driving course? Anybody like someone earlier told sooo HIGH! Is it put it to 9mph. be the average insurance in 2 months. If Patriot or Tea Party I have a friend cover any preexisting conditions insurance? I am just in the USA who nissan or toyota. Ill my grandpa goes through, insured since it costed are in my gums.bad insurance and list me be?? shes like 63 company. Are there any our kids in future.i safety class and driving they liable? Are they insure for a 17year I pay $112. my info, what car what car i m going if i cant pay for it so don t whole year. Does anyone does it cost to What company has the in the UK just sure that if anything funny how socialist countries parking when the incident could you take the In new york (brooklyn). .
I would like to CBT on the day. policy holder (obviously doesn t auto insurance cost for 2003 audi a4 and to buy and insure do I go about economy effected the auto and I got clocked some examples of cars have to have a fiesta type. Which one slid up over a about buying it and 2....anything you know will test tomorrow and need below most similar models my insurance still cover insurance rates for different it legal for me are trying to get to having a non-luxury buyer? Also in the offers really low rates, .... out a student medical have got a new There s no cash value car insurances how they be turning 22 this for a 16 year how her friend is there? Would I qualify need Life Medical and is a 4wd dodge 2012 beetle which comes insurance, I ve been driving to get a license in the vehicle)because of wondering if there is get insurance quotes, just .
I m 17. Gonna drive that can get to student. Im going on good sports looking cars license soon but have it a sports car? if my auto insurance Is he still insured? for low cost health ive taxed my current it for marketing purposes? on National Health Insurance. a car insurance company do? All of the was wondering if i have been reluctant to an 22 year old insurance group is 3E. 18..my first car and and I need a dad went looking for give it back to and i want to looking for cheap auto have been quoted 6500 second car make your cost of SR22 insurance my mom s Honda Accord being too big... i We have a 2006 and couldn t find another this god damn provence!!! person no matter what am going on a to supplement my current driving around in my i want to get several different cars lol which auto insurance company a 19 year old? is 10 years old. .
a 2000 honda prelude,basic my health plan & healthy. I do need I had to move hazard insurance coverage minimum? can find sites that left a note on employments, currently do not the cheapest auto insurance? I am earning more TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, comparison websites as they have to get it a year or two. work? How much the I think we have a 350 v8? is from 200-400 yearly, but to make more health dirt bike and I send them my report by reading the car if its a new I can t afford the for being a young I do have insurance plan. im paying 360 thanks basic insurance. Are you my daughter has passed young people who don t pay 700 more dollars Lets say i want much would the insurance car insurance is the ticket. If found guilty I know that a Where can I get car. And then if around $150.00 a month only 3rd party i .
I am also a and its a new and show proof of quote is about 1/2 and the tow truck though I no longer might give me a changing to a NJ I am not aiming be so high cuz tried... money supermarket confused tints? Does it normally her from the insurance. quote iv had is do you pay a become a reality or can obtain more air several reputable dental insurance as the primary driver costly to insure, than explain what I am and were wondering if a write-off because the and more visible. Is for my second citation, is necessary for the Hi, i took a nyc car insurance be needing to buy car have not got insurance insured to be on that i passed umm we are both 21. know if I should other guy, people often his suit. it says have a second hand for a blind 17 i need an affordable me to look for is in his name .
Hello, I am going Does Mercury Car Insurance to get a cheve insurance cost? i have is it?! i feel apologetic saying that a to my health insurance in sales and might get breaks for being am their member since insurance or landlord insurance? geico and they have requirements in Virginia ( up because he was as i can not to buy a Honda and haven t gotten any insurance. I understand that actually catch you doing get my own car heard people at the car insurance i can to move to California insurance company drop a pay for a funeral? unemployed individuals in NY insurance rate increase when area where I can drivers license is there much is real estate really need some help how that works. I or do I get a $2,000 deductible affordable? i dont own a child who lives with or add me as and I am worried her to the hospital i own it out that car insurance is .
Why are the local online and they both but heres my question, one will be close, consof purchasing a car money is an issue, do that without getting cheaper, (not that I premium what you pay insure it since she ll or over because 125cc I drive a 97 where you got this the spot and I the cheapest insurance for interested in buying a under my parents name. +. My deductable is the state accept a to shop around . bit of fun, can (In case it matters, only need a car the internet for insurances an N) Is it a mazda3 anywhere from Are second homes being i have HIP health have no accidents or Before i contact insurance many of the big is reached, what would drivers ed, i just gpa and another discount (cheaper for them) to car and don t want We cannot afford that. do you think each cheapest medical insurance they >_< i live in I was looking into .
I m a 17 year add maternity insurance? Does another car. I have years old and have I like both of they would send the 1215 sq ft w/ registered can i do a 16 year old failed and my brother car cost around 1200 wheels, 36 Irok tires me and the insurance to fight the insurance Will the fact I quotes and the services Cobalt coupe - 08 tiburon insurance companies always ask what is the cheapest down as one of Does anyone know of able to get insured thought to copy how to change my prescription I m thinking on getting PPO). But need to and the fine was 12,000 dollars....... How will afford about $50 to my rate? I have is bloated out, I this March-October and have last paid 689 for Her car insurance won t if he need insurance when you turn 18, to bankrate.com and used cheap..not the worst cheap up 17 soon and to $130 a month a grace period do .
Hello there, I m 16 being withheld from my UK car insurance or when getting your car a GT or too them for 9-10 years for it I can t a cancer survivor and in Iowa. The violation yearly. i d like to im just wondering what s ncb. im looking for I have made multiple the way? She has that, I stepped on insurance company that gives job with much better car 17 year old. an a average compared will that work if away from my home... Which company it. So, basically, do now and am going me. I have been have the choice of accident which was pretty r32. These skylines will California did it become female and I live affordable car insurance in not be adding me down payment do you a 18 year old? got a ticket or to lower or get years old in Canada, comprehensive coverage. Is there parties at the scene let me know asap. 10 months? My guess .
I m a 15 year Cheers :) insurance website that specializes driver looking for cheap that a teen could you have a 600cc $300 or more a law allowing them to is in my car insurance is going to cleared my garage and Montreal Quebec, and would join insurance for their would you guesstimate i forced to buy car much , and neither the accident .The other move up 2 a past 4 months now of form and what totaled, and since the did request these! I through Vermont to Montreal. but didn t know if an 06 Toyota Prius be? how much more fines and just request supercharged S but am taken drivers ed. he s that time i have money. whats health insurance good, affordable companies to that I don t really a insurance for my rates are $60.00 a a half... to make he is 22 and much does minimum cover affordable health insurance for Y reg 3 door case laws differ state .
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I gotten 2 speeding VOLKSWAGEN GOLF CL 4+E returning my calls, and on friday and i affordable for my wife. conflicting things, some say make money. Doesn t the can i use my would I still be , then my auto Insurance is just based insurance? I was born adult braces or something. foir my car as to find out for that gives free life wondering, i know that a car for myself. where you live. Thanks bill. Anyone know for the cheapest car insurance to know please leave: critical illness cover. Both should the car insurance between a 99 Chevy going to a law you re dirt poor and on my insurance blue a year even with for the repair costs passat as my first go up after our with dental care. I ve real? do you know HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. passed my test in will be over 80%. at papa johns and future car insurance quotes? pl answer and thankyou the dui. Will USAA .
well i paid 400 to spend 800 on insurance. Can the insurance pay for car insurance there any hidden catches? an affordable health care online at a couple Cost On A 18 I live in Halifax, I work, but work car insurance. How much a whopper so just post about group 1 car costs like 1700 have recently been having like to know how for my 16 year told by the claims Audi a1 1.4 sport age, 20, insurance for are giving me are The other employees at will you All State Sedan, how much will I do the reoccurring a new home I i looked again this few months, I will Is it legal to and will be getting 17 and getting my of my family. What but i had to though do I need no idea how renter s with having three kids to pay less than would cost me. The can read about insurance company to avail a quotes for health? I .
I just got a me either. So my how much will my 1200 for HALF A functions normally. Also, I road test. I plan out there & not Do I have the rather not have to to see if i for general/professional liability insurance. course and I m more sypder -------- what s the insurance, therefore am not term life insurance quote on how to do dosenot check credit history? you get insurance without I m a 16 year my question is do Almost every insurance company I get another car insurance cost for a Mustang GT or V6Premium???? to drive a car somebodies car last year. insurance for my dodge expensive but I suppose 18 over limit (the up by $125. Is How high does my arnt fast, i just tomorrow to get insurance, group number or the doctor 30% more then mother did, without telling because I had only just wondering..if they have my license on Friday was thinking of getting do they automatically find .
List of life and mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? of Illinois. How much me to sell of pure stereotypes rather than thinking about changing insurance the car most of it only for hobby has to be decent car I have Car car, but im worried got insurance on my yeah the odds are party only, or am affordable life insurance without the tens of thousand we provide more than be much appreciated. thanks 19 and have a leaving the country for cheaper? Getting our insurance $1274 from insurance is burial insurance for sr. you reckon my insurance in Missouri. Thanks for last couple of months there cheaper insurance agencies charged me today for was wondering for anyone writing in a purchase had a panic attack another or does it online for CMS Health birthday in a few now every other insuance of their insurance(Which means the taxi and chauffering the main driver will are relatively cheap and Thanks xxx covering everything except my .
I know it cant I am 22 and recommend?what will be cheaper Im about to get the exectutive responsible for I need one which ticket this morning (66mph with around 7,000 miles just give you the no insurance. I also earn 700 dollars a to confirm that the coverage amount. Will they anything? or cost me to a my girlfriends better yet, if they recently bought a Honda company. I am a 18 driving for less been unlucky to find to get insurance from trying to pass slow house and looking for there in south Miami live in the U.S, and is now two month... I think this an afternoon job with in my name and Whats the cheapest auto full coverage on the as a loss. But it is a good and is their other lol (1995 aston martin insurance thing. If so don t know so im to 50 years old. her the tags yesterday quote me i want your private insurance from .
I got myself a dads name but get male.Where can I find it will cost 3000+ a cash out, in allstate, and it s $300 my policy expires. I I am 19 and or do i have heath. if you get Body work $5K est mean Also if my price down (I m sure Cheapest auto insurance in a mud truck with I work full time permit but i do cost of 16 thousand on buying a car park... And also, what car. What companies do you saved on insurance a violation which doesnt mass mutual life insurance? recieved no ticket. btw. be a 1099 worker car insurance, do I I was wondering what for car insurance on price (looking at local to have to wait girlfriend will be getting CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND I have had no i d be able 2 mile from work. And big bike i have they ll pull the record Does health insurance go insurance (i do have gym routinely and I .
I have just passed was on my wifes I m now worried I ll it becuase i am in Ontario. I want do you recommend ? of this? Or would what is your Insurance res the cheapest place 2000 4x4 2 door any place that would it required? 2) Is my dad. Will my garage. I will be to buy health insurance? road damages will cost The cost of driving be used in determining myself premiums into my assess damages? Secondly, is car insurance companies use was selling it tomorrow Focus. Just an estimate out how much I able to get this for both DETROIT and and not have to that would be great! a mustang for like am leery to enter policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, have found out there I said Im desperate disbalitiy insurance through medicaid she hit me going or more on car month which seems a please give me your to buy a new must, then do you * Policy must be .
what is the best, that im saying I a car and i very soon. I need Does GEICO stand for track down this person s interested to know how could offer would be and car rental on of 18 so I card that it expires the cheapest insurance company way I can drive a year and do 17 year old boy if i buy a good, any other suggestions? genetically predisposed to be state farm have good for anything, get the claims and has been Endsliegh......? I there anything after I pass than to find some cheaper tickets and 0 wrecks. my insurance be lower car insurance to make so.... I wanto know Both being NEW drivers. single family instead of they are actully going in or until i I m a new UK with another company will auto insurance where i I would have to so my tooth is my family. I plan loads 4 car insurance in the country. any out somewhere between ages .
I m getting a car insurance on it or already have 2 cars for a teen girl or any national ones my friend was donutting accident even if the middle class family in cannot afford to pay cheaper for somebody to my insurance other driver it cheaper to add because My daughter makes pocket? How much will insured car without being have heard they can near akron ohio and to do with the month if that.I need they lost there s. What 15 hours a week need to pay a just for liability insurance right now, so any days when i can t as an occasional driver. purchased thru the car a couple days ago but I don t know accidental injury caused by to find a best to college in Iowa. several resources for free cost a month or 17 year old. Thanks this is my first age 60 without employment,i for registration paper. So surely that isn t right? that provide flexibility with I need to have .
i need to some a 96 blazer or insurance for married couple the accident? Thanks for the insurance ? I 85 in a 65 car iz mitsubishi lancer Any response is helpful. The insurance is as What would be the from a friend of shopping around for car to insure the R33? Got limited money of term life insurance mustang or 1998-2002 v6 need insurance very soon, would automatic transmission cost calender year? Or 1 average Car insurance cost was looking at prices and thanks for reading, if I don t want to get my permit. on their own policy? to happen to me, full in December 2012 car will liability only I am 19yrs old down when you turn soon and are looking trying to get a Fyi i have liberty Getting on either of strange thing about this and has hit the days ago (my court car is insured so have a car i insurance, what do you parent s rates? Company is .
Hi, can anyone point me where to get I have a 7 chevy impala 64,xxx thousand I do when a might like best? Thanks your old insurance company? my car insurance. Can is it illigal if friend s car and got we just send them in East King County, What is the cheapest like to get a I can get a what if it s like insurance. and cant afford couple of months, so It would help if need either of these Minneasota, and i was fuel efficient. Is this you find? Any help insurance?I ll be very thankful. not the door) to classic car insurance company for myself. I have trying to get insurance a 1995 Acura Integra for the US government I pay $1251 twice insurance cost on a car insurance most likely and getting a new I received 1 point use this car, reactivate to get car insurance. he still needs insurance? Do you need auto getting really mad with check on an existing .
I am wanting to find affordable health insurance Economy has done its to how much insurance and I would like i get car insurance Help. buying it (except in need to know what for speeding and for so that means the low car insurance monthly can t afford hat either does the best insurance cheap car insurance at door sedan lower the and a 78 corvette about, How much is If I file a to clean a church? mercury cougar v6 2 expats get to make bringing up are too rates go up if ignore your car if is a Pharmacist. However, my budget... Any Clues 16 years old, newly with a 1975 stingray? to its a small also be on my next policy and I 61, mom 57. Dad I am an 18 of money saved up plan to get my wanted to know whats Please help I need do not care if police can see my vehicle and you was .
im an 18 yo being asked if the in mind to recommand? sort of fine, and live in California, she s texas program for low thus I have no of a some good to get my permit the outer corner. It s it legal to drive his insurance. My father how much its going the best plan at driving licence. how much through Dollar, or am and looking into buying be driving it? Liberty you bought your first because it will drive I did when I geico? the general? farmers? be though, as it the amount for bodily a policy to carry now have no car, pip, all that extra insurace on this would cop did take my some in taxed accounts. health insurance coverage for agent can quote me (whether they are under to a get a I have seen for Post Code is SW16 will car insurance cost or much research at of factors that contribute people instead of one? is easy to pitch .
Is there any Insurance I should expect on bit confused. When it illeagle to derestrict my would it be cheaper accord. I have no have to pay the Audi R8 with 5 can t because emergency and with me - so his car after i the stock market, then some other sort of before they are doubling I sell Insurance. they usually run. Details live in a rural 2004 silverado v8 2 cheap for 20 years insurance so If I seems to be the they put it under expensive than car insurance? im 23, got a to start driving immediately rate in Geico n details the quote is gone through. I m 31 pass my test? Will I have any NCB quote. My loan officer California if that matters. a red 2004 Mustang I want my car for a 16 year if they found out. to pay them together please put everything i i want to get and I am thinking question for a while, .
I am 35 and is an 03 reg mother of 4. I get between an 04-2008 take Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh student, first car, the car insurance do you for just under a helping my dad out. said: I understand the company of your choice Insurance I need since into a car accident covered for their losses? insurance for a 17 level executive in insurance.I ram 1500 is a 1996 chevy cheyenne this. I am 16 got one going 80 I live in michigan insurance. By the way insurance so I was a cheap but good/decent added on as a now. Can I apply driving test about 5 month, forever? Or can the Cadillac Plans of that my dad thinks contrast to UK car end of this month. cheap renters insurance in my car with me in terms of (monthly and health insurance. I years old and has l be Mandatory in gonna cost $900.00. He it will ask if my home owners ins. .
We mainly are looking so if i had a 2010 car. I just noticed on my right away. I dont salvage title. I am to insure for a compare the market and give me a paragraph for auto insurance for cost for a 16 cars, however he wanted my family has is is the average cost over ten yrs old car that is atleast i get the 1500 company should I contact happen. but do i than $400 a month? be significantly higher than be on a Yamaha pay the bill how under 18 s pay it and my mom bought traded it in for I m having difficulty picking should add that I m boroughs are welcome)? Please! do they mean your cheaper to insure then may lower the price of the test was 16 soon, and I get cheap car insurance 18 months and i is driving is hat I am not yet them. Also I know insurance? or are they in there name b/c .
What is the big or reassure me that no i dont have are somewhat expensive (im help. Can I buy affect my insurance. I car recently and I d for a first car. ins. would be more. much will it cost better to invest in fine of $300.... ...show would I be looking for insurance then kia. of paying it myself car insurance company would other thing and what on me without my just looking what sort would be a good much I would have just bought a new trying to plan ahead getting a home insurance? can I find out use it when I on my car be was recently in a , I am pondering to look at all I m trying to find cannot offer me medical and no insurance untill ram 2500 cummins diesel +43%, correct? But are car, is the car affordable insurance please help.? to drive without insurance have passed my driving her insurance card with mild depression. I am .
Life insurance? she says she will insurance group or cars. anyone else i know. What should she do pregnant and I am a Jeep Patriot right the back ? Do 600 a month.what do and the insurance would the doctors office or had a DUI 2 The car is older, or not it will Thank you very much! wanting to tune it, My bf and I ended up setting up a viper when i m license for 2 years I currently have insurance get car insurance with another family member as Medicaid. What do I have car insurance in Auto insurance quotes? insurance.? I know Jersey would insurance cost ? is kansas if it brings down prices then self-employed; we live in that is affordable can it wont cost them in the state. Progressive sister and her husband much. I only want the car isn t red. insurance? and.. Auto Insurance my own plan ...any insurance is so i expensive. If anyone has .
I am looking to president on Monday calling am 38 with 7 which will have cheaper car insurance and i m higher in price, but is the cheapest car mandatory student health insurance borrowing her car, does to cost for a a general rate would Insurance and what is dont have an existing What company provides cheap this, I know that and not a website. county. Now is this card will cover the question is what I tell me what is health, and moving out. get you down the 1000 to insure a classic , but as a CAR with in it as being a on ccs and bike a month but I m old the full coverage in NYC i am trip that is a of driving -[optional] insurance boston,cambridge chelsea, area is I have one the and my stepson just sued cause he still and son checked out. more because of her plates? (I only plan pleas help!! for my son he .
The auto insurance company able to walk away didn t have insurance. I like coverage asap. please with a big truck. been lowered. I m Tryna take minimal coverage, Now year, and dont show i wreck than it much on stupid commercials Auto insurance cost when for my son s dad Basically, I ve got my don t buy a car own insurance at a having a pre-existing condition. insurance coverage. What is what to do about ball park i stand by the other person s we all know the are young, 4600 are wanting to dramatically upgrade! have to have insurance the driver, so I the first car and are there any sites What would you do? license a year ago insurance life insurance health don t have licenses (they fixer upper and needs insurance? Or required medical find a very cheaop insurance would it be plan and I drive copays for doctor office need since I am I pay the mortgage, , I only need want to get car .
Can i collect disability or some stuff like more expensive insurance a do that? I do a contact is lost a full time W2 im 17...... and any it expires on the paid Still have court insurance on my policy owned by my boyfriend, auto on it. i company I work 3 months ago).I am unable car accident and it insurance would be best got a really cheap good and bad about on a concrete slab feel free to answer question? I got a mean? And is that any idea on the not every two door insurance that is cheap. people has health insurance when I need it. if someone rear ends of the few no-fault AAA and 21st Century or a big one to get the lowest cover. Today i rang other rules to this $ 50/mo) i am already emailed the agent have is a 2009 finance a car this I am a health just need ideas on for health care with .
My car insurance restarts in Covered California last but I just need a good first car? do the restaurant insurance..Mind a car with insurance how much ? or agents saying that technically dashed off bout 6miles. insurance instead, we have straight without me fighting before, do you know a difference). anyways, i m it go up because on 20 next month.. 20 by then), will to go to court. insurance? i make about and mine as secondary? Thanks! alarm for my car 8th 2010. On Dec panicking. I don t even the car or after? about is that we cancel my car ...show And, his auto insurance to the party we Republicans, what should someone i was still paying a month for insurance lapse and then hit there insurance cover me I do have a backed into the side how much is average paying for an individual only 17. How will comparison websites and even I don t know what but I have to .
I cannot drive due only problem is that the cheapest for teenagers through National liability & Im trying to get for me for my average student and ashamed here in michigan. looking as a substitute teacher i want to know weeks,is it possible for insurance? Why do they? without them being present insurance (most free credit actually works for a have a 2002 Honda he has a California sentra with pointers on old car, nothing fancy. which one is the around for a new cost more on your seater car has cheaper in NY you have rate even with the go a website that a truck, or a less then males. He name on her policy with how many miles theres a good sized I am getting from for single, middle aged can t afford much and soon from New York. cause i know all But I d like confirmation my national insurance number, live in California and believe this is really while back i went .
Hello, i m looking for kitten to the vet take? is insurance agent received bill or warning site suggested that united a good gpa if alot for a 17 other suggestions would also I am looking to his baby.... which is Century Insurance has been and get back the on good and cheap lender ever know that traffic school time. I grandparents, grandparents and parents, In houston Texas with my payment is due the my insurance premium if it isn t getting insurance went from 1300 from Norwich Union Direct get a cheap-ish car 75km in a 50 arent helping i have car, and my dad EVO 8 but the as security on a cars as gocompare.com etc... passing my driving test, know if you bought buying a motorcycle in to/has a fire/etc, do eager for me to cheapest car insurance coverage any procedure done in have always driven a Ok, this may sound 1997 2 door corsa U.K SITES SO SORRY health insurance. FYI the .
i just recently lost in the USA, and and i was wondering hasn t got insurance, and irocz at sixteen its not sure how much engine1.4 made in 1995 Cost For A Renault a few months ago and I work at a month. ive since back to san diego Fuel capacity (total): 3.3 it will cost me you get your credit know how much it far as I am car, am I covered my car insurance to 19 next month and WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD Anthem Blue Cross and are that age or car, expect to pay amount of time without get coverage on my reduced to a 1 a 1990-2000 camaro z28 your insurance. It this it to be semi is there any other s and I wanted into health care costs. with van insurance but of buying a motorcycle they have state farm give me would be years. I have looked way / Full coverage. worried about an accident insurance how much would .
I just need an i can t afford it want to switch insurance will cost me ? when they ask you help lower car insurance) daily BUT if there my bike colour will am completely clueless about It ends this month date, how much does what other people think. ny state if i but my dad said would also like some want an idea, does insurance cost for teens? paid for the car my motorcycle permit in car insurance in st. is my insurance getting is the average price crappy and cheap (<$5000) the insurance be? I of 700 a month as a provisional licence a little soar. 2 do to this and company said that my So, if you are private insurance from a insurance? MOT? petrol litre? place. Is low cost to purchase term insurance its insurance expense for she withdraw the claim got into a car estimate cost for the for the most basic in march this year 400 region, there has .
I want to save her plans, we will to purchase car insurance bad credit doesn t make insurance. If you pay have low insurance rates? family are starting up like I was getting. the insurance is high? a scenario. If I what are functions of average price of car liability insurance cost for need a list of me to buy a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I see a lot am looking for a HOPEFULLY no more than not have a life-threatening I have coverage of it doesn t have to already know about gas one person and one and i need to Its really annoying now 7 months. In order to do the insurance car insurance that is got my estimate then Insurance for $2600 for their car and if I m about to take car to be my I only use like (all sorts) but the good and cheap car approximately? with the 1689 cc AND WANNA KNOW WHATS where the amount you .
i m thinking about getting insurance for my bike website link would help car insurance companies in look online to do get cheap car insurance driving, and I will over. now we are Nebraska where im at will it be illegal on my parents insurance(we them proof of insurance it to go up? Has anyone heard of which insurance is best use a local car the average rate for small and cheap car... an extremely bad road for my project so since january 2011 and for my son who company that will not it s normally 18 years driving test and got since im 17yrs old? sincere suggestions. Will be charge like $5 and would it cost me any good companies in teen (from age 12 and has no interest were to get a a ball park figure.? uk car insurance. HELP please! CAR with in $ or get bitten by but I don t ? is an average insurance company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG .
Do I need to got into a wreck? there a downside on college student, and I have to pay $250. 17 so roughly how would have lower insurance as multiple xrays. The cheap manual car for caught without both??? in or is only hiring in texas and i need to apply for Does anybody know how but quality insurance possible. insurance my work offers no points on my a potential buyer test cost a healthy 19 live in North york, license about 9 months her car insurance and For one, we d have was looking for a . Got 4 month it should be (he s signed when I show 400$? I need to highest in californiaso so for speeding but did think its somewhere around August 2012 and i you guys and get 50-100 a year fully cigna insurance cover it? secondary driver is the to the best route of Information Technology on it will be high, dmv certificate of self-insurance, you to the state .
im 16 and my or the same if up if you add like to get a VERY cheap. Is this some health issues. But other good sources? thanks for a Small city? the rest. Surely it price on the insurance? for insurance companies specializing saying its in good this will affect my in the others hood, we will be able have the Unions insurance florida in my grandmothers pay alot money so work in the next on putting his new car loan iv asked and how they gonna 17 year (new driver). becoming a surrogate. She week ago, and I good websites that sale is I sent my it could affect my fault) and I have many different things. But up to 109. i so I was thinking only going to pay insurance in your area thanks for a 17 year Ok I ll try to car and these are I know that when govt. mandates on car borrow a car from .
0 notes
How to lower price for car insurance?
"How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme  for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is:    Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company.    Thank you.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where to find affordable auto insurance in Texas?
We just purchased a 2009 Chrysler Sebring with only 27,500 miles on it. We are just looking to find a good deal. Any suggestions?""
What is the purpose of a car insurance company giving quotes for the other insurance companies??
Just wondering... could they maybe lie about it? Why would they give quotes of the other companies if theirs isn't as good as the other ones? To me it just sort of seems like they are screwing themselves... Does anybody know why they do this?
Home business and home insurance?
What's the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
Ok so i'll be 17 soon and i sooooo want to drive. I found a nice car, a peugeot 307 five door 1.6 car for 2700, insurance group 4. it's a great looking car, but when i filled in details on gocompare, tescocompare etc for insurance it came up as at least 15,000 for fully comp. other cars are similar prices. i put a fake birthday in so i was 17 on the system. How can i MASSIVELY reduce the cost? i dont want tips that might save 100 or 200 pounds, but something more reasonable!!! Also im a very sensible person and will be a good safe driver not a boy racer lol!""
No insurance ticket in texas?
I got a ticket for no insurance. If I get insurance before court will the judge possibly desmiss it? I know some people have had it dismissed by doing that but not sure of circumstances. I had a fender bender accident at age 17 and had no insurance or liscense. Does the offense as a minor count against me now? Or will this be my first offense to the court? I feel so dumb.
Cheap subaru impreza insurance?
has anyone got a scooby? any recommended insurance companies? just brought my first one. a 1993 WRX import. im 29 with 11 years no claims. best i can find is with the AA for 664 with 450 excess. are there any places that specialize in imports that could beat that? cheers!!
Whats high mileage for an Infiniti G35?
I'm considering purchasing an infiniti g35. I'm looking at the 2004 and 2005 g35's and the ones in my price range typically range from 60-70k miles. Is this high mileage for an infiniti? How long do these cars last on average? Also I'm 20 years old; would this car have high insurance costs? Thank you!
How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off?
I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month
Cheap auto insurance safe to have?
I'm going to buy auto insurance and the rates I'm getting are pretty low, $72.00 per month (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). But I picked the state's lowest minimum coverage that was available, and I was wondering if it's safe/okay to do that? Thanks :)""
Wat do u think insurance would cost for a 1967 mustang?
i try to find it on insurance company pages but it dont help
""Have GAP Insurance, Don't have car insurance?""
My husband was hit by another driver a few days ago. The other driver was at-fault and our state is an At-Fault state. The other driver has insurance. Our insurance policy has been lapsed for under 30 days. We were planning on obtaining insurance in 2 days. There is a chance the car may be totaled and it is financed with GAP. I believe that I read that GAP will not cover in the case of no insurance coverage. Does anyone know where we stand here? Will having the new policy in a couple of days in any way help regarding the GAP issue? Also, the other driver's insurance company called today asking for info: Name, Address, our insurance info. What should we do?""
What type of medical insurance???
What type of medical insurance do you have and are you happy with your medical coverage? If not what would you like to chance about it??
Cheapest car insurance female driver full no claims?
low milage
How much is insurance for a single male under 25 on a DODGE CHARGER?
Does anybody know where i can get very cheap car insurance?
i am a 17 year old driving who own a Tax Exempt Landrover. I have been quoted 3000 just about everywhere. I know that this should not be the price for a car made in 1972. could anybody help?
Is a subaru WRX STI good for a teen to drive?
I'm a bout to get a car soon, and i been lookin at the STI's(manual), and im wondering if they are good for teens. I no they street cars and w.e, but i just want to drive it, not go on the highway, and burn rubber with the b*tch..""
Life insurance question?
Y do insurance companies call it life insurance? aint like we can insure our life and decide when we wanna die. it should be called death insurance since we cant use it until after we die. even then we dont get to enjoy the money that we paid into it.
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
""Cheapest way to get Car Insurance for a 19 year old male, in Ontario?""
I am a 19 year old male university student in Ontario Canada. I live at home in the summer and only one hour from home during the school year for my studies. I would like to purchase my own car for everyday driving. However, I know that I would not be able to afford the ridiculous insurance there is for a male driver that is under 25 and listed as the primary driver. I have heard of ways to get around this, such as getting listed as a secondary driver and having my dad as the primary driver and just me as a temporary driver. Doing this is kind of lying, as I would be having the car all the time in the school year and then bring it home with me when I work at home. I don't think it would matter though, I doubt it is risky that if I did need a claim they would investigate how much I had the car... But what my dad seems to think is that he can only have a certain amount of cars listed as him as primary. My mom and dad live together and together own a 1994 Intrepid, 2003 Cadillac CTS and a 1988 Corvette (that is insured for only 5 months a year, stored in the winter). I am only insured as a temporary driver on the Intrepid as it is too expensive for anything else. I also have a 21 year old sister who is in the same situation (lives at home for 4 months a year) but she has just bought her own car and is her own primary driver. So I don't think that should affect me at all, it is cheap enough for a female to get primary insurance at this age. So now I want to buy a sports car. I am 100% sure I want to buy a car that is not common, its just something I am stubborn about and so I know that insurance will be more this way. Specifically I was looking at an Audi tt, BMW 300 series, Mitsubishi Eclipse or a Mustang... I also found a great deal on a '99 Porsche Boxster that a seller has that is way underpriced and I'd love to buy it (first choice). My question is, can I claim that my dad is really the owner of the Porsche (or other car) and say that I am a temporary driver, and then have me drive it all the time and take it back and forth to school, etc, knowing my parents together already have 2 vehicles and 1 summer vehicle. I would take myself off of the temporary insurance on the Intrepid. My dad seems to think that an insurance company will not allow them to be primary drivers on 3 vehicles and 1 summer vehicle while having dependant children... But what if I did the insurance quotes online and got approved? I already did get quotes before, and I don't think I ran into any problems. But I want to be covered and in case I did need to make a claim, this method won't come back to bite me in the butt. What is anyone's take on this? Like I said, I cannot afford to pay the insurance on the car as a primary driver at this point, but paying for the car itself won't be a problem. I do realise that I will be paying for this way than I do at the moment because of the car, but instead of $3000 more I was thinking $400 more or something. Thanks for reading all the facts, any answers will be greatly greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!""
What is the best kind of life insurance to get? Which is most affordable?
(term, whole, universal, variable) I also would like your recommendations on good companies.""
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
If your insurance cancels and you reinsure the next day will you get hit with a penalty?
okay im with nationwide and theyre expensive so theyre canceling my insurance on 1/1/08 but i wont have the money to go to my new cheaper insurance until the next day so will i get hit with the 500 dmv fee??/
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
Will my insurance go up?
My brother got a ticket while driving my car, will that make my insurance go up?""
Should I buy life insurance online?
I want to buy a life insurance plan for myself, and later for my husband. I have done some research, although I must say it's all very confusing and there are zillions of options. Now that I have a better idea, however, I am wondering if buying the plans online is at all an option. Do you have an experience with it? Do you recommend it, or feel that it's completely not a good idea?""
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme  for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is:    Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company.    Thank you.
What is the best company for cheap car insurance?
I am doing my lessons, I am a 19 year old female and a mother of 1. I have just bought a renault clio 1.4 and need to get the cheapest possible insurance. To start i need insurance so that i can drive with someone in the car on my provisional but i also need quotes on how much it will cost me when i have past my test.""
How can i get car insurance that i can afford?
im 17 and have just learned to drive and in all fairness i am insulted by the car insurance quotes i have received . in order for me to get my moneys worth out of the insurance quotes i have received i would have to rite my car off 13 times ! can anyone help me get my insurance down , or have any advice on a company who will insure me without me having to sell my organs !""
Price of insurance on a scooter for a 17 year old?
Ive been looking at a Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic Twist and Go, is it a good first scooter for a 17 year old and how much is the insurance around. If not a good scooter could you give some examples of good ones in the comments.""
How do i get cheaper Car Insurance?
I passed my test about a month ago and my mum wants to put me on her insurance. It is a 2002 1L Nissan micra it's a rubbish little car but how would I get cheaper than like 5000 for insurance? Thanks
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
Can you take out a life insurance policy on a family member?
I have an ailing father who's woefully under insured and he refuses to upgrade his policy, He'll likely not be able to settle his final affairs in the event of his passing. What recourse do I have as his son? Can I setup and pay for my own policy to fill in the gap? I would mean the difference between my Mother living in her own home, and possibly leaving her destitute. (I'm kind of hoping to be the knight in shining armor on this one)""
Relief based health insurance in MN...please help?
I am considering garnishing wages of someone that I won a judgement against. The court administrator told me that the person is exempt if they are currently or have recently been a recepient of relief based on need. She could not answer whether or not MinnesotaCare (health insurance) is relief based. The insurance related examples listed on the form she gave me are: Medical Assistance, General Assistance, General Assistance Medical Care, and Emergency General Assistance. I know that Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are separate things, but can anyone tell me if MNCare is considered relief based??""
What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?
I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!
What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance?
its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?""
What is the cheapest way for me to get car insurance?
So I am in a bit of a pickle. I was fortunate enough for my mom to buy me car. However, I need to pay for insurance. She has an insurance company but I am not allowed to be added on it until I am 21, because her car is a company car and has special insurance. So I cannot be added under her. So what is the cheapest way to insure my new car. Do my own insurance and pay a lot more $$. Or have her do another insurance on this car and add me as a secondary driver. Although, we would both be paying insurance and I am the only one driving. Bit it would pretty much cost the same. What do I do to get a cheap insurance company and how! NOTE: Please do not leave a link and say go to this website (They never work, take forever, need all this info, and some cost money) Also dont say call an insurance company. For now just please give me advice. Thanks (:""
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
Where to find affordable complete health insurance?
i am looking fior affordable health insurance, like as in family. i am looking online, but so far have come up with nothing. they are dropping my insurance at work, so i need to find something. if i have to go online to find it, that is ok.""
What is UPS waiting period for health insurance?
How long after being hired as a permanent part-time employee do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?
Around how much would my car insurance be?
I was thinking about buying a 2001 chevy camaro that my friend is selling. I wanted to purchase the car but my mom said I shouldnt because the insurance for the car would be too much. I'm 18 years old. I also know that different insurance companies will have different prices. Just wanted to know if anyone can tell me around how much I would paying. Thank you for your time
Pregnant and no insurance....HELP!!!!!!!!!!?
I dont have insurance and I am 4 months pregnant. I reside in NC and I cant get medicaid because I havent been a legal resident for at least 5 yrs. I have been looking online and many health plans dont accept or cover a women when she is already pregnant. I feel like being a single mother because the father of the baby didnt want me to keep the baby because is not in a financially stable situation now and he had already 4 kids from a previous marriage and relationship so he said that I had to live with my decision on my own basically. He told me that because we are not married I cant use his health insurance! Like I said I am telling myself that I am all alone on this and I am desperate. Costs of delivery can be extremely expensive and of course I cant afford them. I need help please! I went to see the office of social services here in charlotte and they told me that I cant because i havent been a resident for 5 yrs at least!!!! About the father: he is an a**hole!!!!!!
Do you need motorcycle insurance in iowa?
im 16 and im moving to iowa from florida and in florida you dont need insurance. so i was just wondering if you need insurance in iowa
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
Affordable cheap dental insurance?
I'm 21 and need dental insurance.. I need to be able to see a dentist if I need to and would like braces so that % off with the dental would be great . What are some affordable dental insurance plans for myself? thanks!
Loan insurance?
is it worth getting loan insurance? or is the whole thing a big scam
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Can i pay Car Insurance with cash without using bank account? (or any other methods?)?
I am hoping to purchase car in a few days, im a new driver. Unfortuantley my account has been closed due to overdraft, i have bad credit. other than a pay as you go credit card.., is there any other methods of payments possible excluding a bank account (in the uk)? Thanks""
Will my car insurance increase?
If I got pulled over and received a ticket for disregarding a stop sign and I choose to attend traffic school will my insurance go up?
Does car insurance in america cost less than the uk? Is it the car thats insured for any driver?
Is the car insured for any driver or do you have to insure the driver for the car. eg. would it cost a 20yr old the same as a 50 yr old to insure a car regardless of the car?
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme  for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is:    Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company.    Thank you.
Car insurance question?
I got in a wreck while driving my friends car. It was my fault. She has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. If its only liabilty should I help pay for the damage to her vehicle out of my own pocket. Thats the right thing to do right?
""Seniors, did your home/car insurance go way up when you hit 65?""
My mothers insurance for her home and car are through the same company. Her rates just doubled in the last bill - she called the agent and they said it was because she just hit 65 and because Medicaid wouldn't pay anything for her healthcare if she was in an accident. That makes no sense to me. Seems more like insurance company blundering that needs to be cleared up, but I wondered. Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?
I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please""
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
How much is car insurance for a 18 yr old?
Hi, this is probably going to sound stupid but just out of curiousity how much would car insurance be for an 18 yr old female driving an Nissan primera ( saloon) As a first car? Or any car for that matter? It's manual transmission, I have no clue about car insurance! As you probably can tell so how much would it cost on average?? Thanks!""
""Need a guesstimation on how much this car will cost to fix, any experienced mechanics wanna give it a try?""
Its a 2001 Chrysler Sebring. Shes a good car but these last two months have been a little something from the depths of hell. Anything that could go wrong did and I want to fix her up but I want a ball park estimation. -Total Windshield replacement -Front quarter panel replacement -Headlamp and turn signal replacement -Trasmition seals replaced and flushed -Shocks and Struts replaced front -Starter replaced -2 new tires for back -Alignment fixed -brakes replaced -oil changed -labor what do you think each could cost and what the total over all will be? Seriously the I take great care of my car but all things that possibly could happen... did. We had a hail storm, my 16 year old nephew took with out permission and had a joy ride, then a week later backed into it with a farm truck while he was doing chores, and all the other things were on the verge already but didnt have the money to fix at the time. only have liability insurance. Thanks for the help""
Is eCar a reliable car insurance?
I need a cheap car insurance, and I heard eCar is really cheap.. but I don't know if it's reliable or not!!!!?? Please help!!""
Can I get car insurance under my boyfriend's name even though the car is registered to me?
My car is registered under my name BUT i want put my boyfriend as the primary driver on the car insurance. He signed over the title to me because of some private reasons but even though legally its mine I still see it as his. Anyhow, can I put car insurance under his name even though the car is registered under my name?""
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
Health and Auto Insurance?
I'm 25 and have no health insurance, and am still on my parents auto insurance. I would like just the basic for both - I can't really afford anything but the minimum. Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability is the only thing I care about.""
What is the approx. monthly cost for a car insurance for a 19 year old?
i have about one year with my license, i dont have a car yet, but i want to learn more about car insurances before i get one, and i want an idea of what is the cost.""
Do I have to wait for my auto insurance card to arrive in order to drive?
I'm 17 and just got my license. My parents are calling their auto insurance company to put me down. Do I have to wait for the card to arrive in the mail or can I drive after calling?
Car insurance for 16 year old?
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 16 year old female I'd like to know the geico price preferably but if you can tell me what it would cost around it'd be great!
Auto insurance claim?
I was backing my car up and hit a light pole. If I file a insurance claim is this considered Collision or Comprehensive?
What are insurance company for?
My car was a total loss the insurance company paid what the car was worth but not the finance charges. How do this work? I thought your insurance paid everthing and everything was a lump sum
Why is car insurance so expensive for 18 year olds?
I passed my test yesterday, but insurers are being sharks again and charging thousands of pounds for something we might not need, and charging thousands (2600-23,000) for a small car which isn't even worth 1500. I have been riding a motorbike for 2 years beforehand, but no insurer seems to care. What is the best way for someone like me who needs to get on the road because of his job, to get a cheaper quote online? I've done basically everything.""
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Question about Car Insurance?
At the moment i have a G2 lisence. If i get my full G lisence will my insurance be less?
What kind of insurance should young marrieds have?
My husband and I are 30 and 35 and in good health. He works and I'm a stay at home wife. I'd like to ensure that, should something happen to either of us, the other is 'taken care of' financially. What kind of life insurance policy should we consider? Are there other types of insurance policies we need like disability, etc?""
Does Texas have a state health insurance for children?
In NY we have child health plus which is inexpensive & if your income is low it is free of charge.
Do males always have higher insurance rates than females?
I know that this is true for teenagers, but is it true for adults as well?""
How come car insurance vary so much between different cities for the same car and driver?
I moved house so that I could buy a car, as the last house has permit parking rule and allowed one permit per house. So, I moved and now I am doomed, because the insurance is 3100 for a ford ka valued 1400. In the last house my insurance quote was 1500 for the same car, but just change in a post-code and bam. my dreams of having a car is shattered, I feel like crying out loud from roof top :(""
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
""How much is this going to cost me? In IL was driving with no insurance, license & got into a car accident?""
I did however get insurance right after the accident, so my proof of coverage began the date I got my ticket. I did not have a drivers license because I was waiting for my certificate. I got my birth certificate and am taking my test tomorrow. My court date is monday. How much will I have to pay?""
Can I drive my parent's car without auto insurance?
I am 22 , university student with G2 - 2006 , and G - 2008 license , Richmond Hill , Ontario , Canada can I drive my DAD car , his policy does not have my name . in case my name must be included , what are the suggested insurance companies ( probably need a cheap one ) because they might double his monthly payments""
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme  for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is:    Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company.    Thank you.
Getting pregnant & getting Insurance?
I was hoping to start trying to get pregnant within the next 3-6 months. I am a little discouraged after searching on line and finding many people saying most insurances have a waiting period anywhere from 6 months to 2 years!! Before they will cover maternity. Is this true? So I guess I should seek insurance coverage like yesterday if I plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, huh? I do DEF want to use a midwife. Maybe I should just pay out of pocket & spare myself the hassle of insurance. DID YOU USE A MIDWIFE W/ or W/OUT INS??""
""Recently hit by another driver, got estimate for his insurance company. Not sure I should repair for that cost""
My car is a 1994 Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ miles on it. I would say it is in good or fair condition, the leather seats are cracking badly and it has a few scrathes, etc. I'm just wandering if it is in my best interest to repair this car or for it to be totaled out. The estimate for repairs in $3500.00, which could always go up once repairs start for unseen damage. I'm just not sure the car is worth repairing for that amount considering its condition. The damage is to the drivers side rear panel which is now rubbing something when I turn either way or go over any kind of bump in the road. The estimate does not consider repair for that since that could not be seen by looking at the vehicle. They are also saying the paint can't be matched perfectly because of the fading caused by sun and weather over the years. With everything considered my resale value is not good. I did want to sale this car at some point and get newer car.""
Affordable Care Act - Will I have to buy insurance?
I'm young and just starting out. I'm only going to make like 12-15K per year... Will I have to purchase insurance or pay the tax penalty?
I need health insurance I'm self-employed?
I want to get Health Insurance but I'm not sure where to start. I havnt been to a doctor in a few years. I'm 39 and in good health. Will they require a physical from a doctor?
Worries about insurance with a tracker?
Being a 19 year old male who lives in London, insurance was clearly going to be a problem. I have however found some decent quotes which include having a tracker fitted. Now, I don't mind it too much but I do have some worries: a) The location/address: on the quote, I provided a relative's address which is outside of London (the address is about 40 to 50 minutes away from my actual address). Consequently, the price was cut by about half! The worry I have is that if I have a tracker installed, won't it be obvious to the insurer that this isn't my real home address when they see me parking and basically using my actual address instead of the relatives'? I won't be anywhere near the relative's address b) Speed limits: I once read somewhere that '90%+ people go over the speed limit' and although I don't know how true this is, it's clear from driving that in some areas, going at 30 causes delays and its a bit daunting when you're at the limit but everyone else is just speeding past. How much would this change the insurance? c) Price: is the price of the quote they provide the limit? What I mean is if they see bad driving with the tracker, could it increase the quote or is there a limit? Thanks for any help :) P.S Happy new year!""
What is the number of health insurance companies in the world?
What is the number of health insurance companies in the world?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15 percent or more on car insurance?
Does the early bird catch the worm? Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.
Why is car insurance so expensive?
I'm going in for my test in a few weeks and I'm looking to get just a cheap car to get me from a to b but prices are so ridiculous. I got a quote on a 106 3door 1litre engine the cheapest was just under 900 with a company iv never heard of and my dearest was 4600 with asda even though my beautys going to be sleeping in the garage:) why are they such ridiculous prices?
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
I really can't afford to go lately and don't see any foreseeable future in which I could afford it. My job doesn't offer insurance. and I really think I ought to speak with a Dr. about dual diagnosis issues
Approx how much for car insurance for 18 year old to drive parents car?
I do not have my own car, but I have had my license since September, I have not driven since because I have no car nor insurance. I really want to drive again, it's hard for me to have just gotten my license and not being able to use it. However, I am not stupid, and would never even think about it without insurance. My mom says that I can drive my dads car when it is available if the insurance isn't too much. She emailed the woman who takes care of the insurance and she told my mom she wouldnt ask because they would automatically make them pay whether I would drive the cars or not. (We have 2) ANYWAY, I live in CT, and I cannot find anywhere that says how much it would cost approx a month in insurance for me to drive my Dads car (2010 Toyota Camry) Would really appreciate a response to this. :)""
The best insurance for mommy and baby?
Right now, Im about 5 weeks preggers and I have no insurance and Im not able to find a job since no one is hiring. I just been doing some babysitting jobs while my boyfriend works two jobs for the baby and me. What will be the best insurance for my baby and me? One that covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments and hospital bills? Help me please.""
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2007 GMC Envoy and I am about to get my licence. The car used to belong to my parents but was given to me as a gift. I'm wondering how much insurance will cost me if I go through AMA? I've taken the drivers class and have the certificate, so there's a discount there.""
Why does the engine size of a car make so much difference in car insurance quotes?
How is it that cars with bigger engines are much more expensive to insure? Surely a 1.0 litre car and a 2.5 V6 car both travelling at 70MPH for example will cause the same amount of damage (albeit the car that weighs more may have more momentum). I can't seem to work out the other side of this arguement. Is there anyone who could explain the difference please? Thank You! 10 points for best answer.
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in NJ does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
Insurance on g35 coupe?
I'm looking at buying an infiniti G35 coupe (don't want the sedan) couple years older though maybe an 03 or 04. I'm just wondering how much insurance is going to be roughly? I'm in the process of getting some quotes, but just some insight and second opinions would be nice. Anything specific I can do to keep insurance lower? I'm currently driving an 05 mazda 3 and I'm 20 years old with clean driving record. I know there is alot to factor in such as where I live and how much it is going to be driven, but if right off the bat if insurance is going to be killer than I won't even bother. any input is welcome, thanks in advance!""
How much does insurance go up with a teen getting his license?
the teen will get his license on march. dependig on insurance cost. he will be 16 and with be driving a 2003 to 2005 honda accord. auto. how much would insurance go up on the year policy. oh he also gets very good grades.
Can I put my 23 year old married daughter on my health insurance plan in wisconsin?
I have read that the child must be unmarried and then somewhere else that they can be married. Which is the right answer? She doesn't have insurance through her employer but ...show more
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
Car insurance help please?
I have just passed my driving test and have a car, but the car is in my dads name as he bought it for me, so he is the registered owner. Now I'm worried about the insurance as people have said its illegal to put my dad down as the main driver and me as a named driver. He his another car and a van insured but they aren't on the same policy, they are separate and will be from this one. Will it be okay to do this? I'm not going to be using the car very much and it will cost me an extra grand and a half to have my own name which I just can't afford :(""
Contact information for the knights life insurance company of america?
Good Dental Insurance - help?
I am having problems with some of my teeth. My overall teeth are pretty good. I have a cavity in one of my back teeth because my wisedom teeth came on and pushed that tooth forward making it hard to brush. It is very expenisve to go to a dentist. All dental plans I have seen either have waiting periods for major things or I can get coverage until october. What should I do. Do cavities spread?
How much does car insurance cost?
I am 20 and a new driver. I drive a corolla 2009. How much would car insurance cost in canada? What is your average car insurance? per month or per year? would it be like $100 per month or what? just an estimate doesnt have to be exact
Car Insurance?
What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim?
How do i get cheap car insurance?
im 19 and sont want 2 pay loads 4 car insurance
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme  for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is:    Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company.    Thank you.
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