#AU where girls are allowed to flourish complexly outside of a male narrative
Okay. ALRIGHT. I saw THIS picture:
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and immediately reblogged it with THESE tags:
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which @graciebirdie then reblogged with THESE tags:
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to which I responded with THIS message:
YES. YES YES. The BEST part of this idea is that while Allison looks like a Bad Girl™ and is an actual facts badass when it comes to brass tacks, she's also definitely still that girl who's gonna cry when she accidentally hits a dog. She absolutely listens to "Backstreet's Back" on a loop. So when she and Lydia hook up, first Lydia's like "oooh, she's so mysterious, she’s probably killed a guy, that shouldn’t turn me on but it totally does” but then she sees Allison trapping spiders and letting them go outside the house because -they’re important to the ecosystem, Lydia- and Lydias like “oh my god I have to protect her.”
And APPARENTLY I’m not done with this yet, come with me on a journey:
Allison leaned against the building, stubbing the last of her cigarette out on the brick and flicking it in the trash. “I need a vape pen,” she mumbled to herself. Secondhand smoke was nasty shit.
So was firsthand smoke, but whatever. She’d quit… someday.
She adjusted her shirt, ensuring her favorite tattoo was showing so as to make an accurate first impression, and walked into class.
She handed over her transfer card to the lit teacher and idly glanced around the class.
Bored looking students zoned out around the classroom, staring out the window if they had a view- except for one. A goofy looking shaggy haired kid was staring at her with his mouth slightly ajar. Great. There was already a dude who wanted to take a walk on the “wild side.”
She held in a sigh when she realized the only free desk was directly behind him.
Just as she slid into her seat, the boy turned around and wordlessly offered a pen.
She looked from him to the pen, surprised, but didn’t take it.
After a moment he got a confused look on his face.
“Didn’t you say you need a pen?” he asked.
She stared at him, astounded that someone would so blatantly admit to having heard something that should have been impossible to hear with normal human ears- even if he had actually misunderstood her.
The teacher stood up to get their attention, and the boy finally turned back around, still holding his pen.
She watched closely, trying to peg what exactly the guy was, and it didn’t take long. The way he cocked his head every time a car drove by outside, the way he obviously sniffed when a late student arrived with their closed coffee thermos: he was a werewolf, and an absolute shame to the stealth supernatural community.
When class was over and the students were spilling into the hallway, Allison took off her jacket, revealing what would hopefully be a full tattoo sleeve on her left arm someday. If she could find another artist to pick it up, anyway. She draped the jacket over her bookbag and headed out, considering whether she should just bluntly approach the kid about his wolf-hood or try to sniff out information on why he was so blasé about it first.
Just as she stepped into the hallway, she was accosted by a short red-headed girl who was followed by a beefy “I Strut Because I’m Insecure” type; clearly the boyfriend.
“That jacket is killer!” the girl gushed. “I’m Lydia, this is Jackson,” she jerked her thumb over her shoulder at Buff and Insecure.
“Allison.” She stuck out her right hand to shake, but Lydia reached for her left one and pulled it straight to look at her tattoos. Allison twitched as she suppressed the reflex to put her in a choke hold.
“Oh, these are beautiful! What class do you have next? How did you get these? You can’t be eighteen already, do you have a fake ID?” Lydia threw question after question at her, and Allison had the feeling that it was more calculated than it seemed.
“I knew an artist,” Allison said vaguely. “And I have…” she checked her schedule, “U.S. History next.”
“With who? Ms. Masi?”
“Um,” another quick check. “Yes.”
“That’s my class! I’ll show you where it is. Bye Jackson,” she said flippantly without looking at him, hooking an arm into Allison’s and trotting along.
Allison side eyed her and glanced back at Jackson, who she caught checking out her ass. She rolled her eyes and faced forward. God, that could turn into a ridiculous mess in half a minute if Lydia turned out to be a possessive, blame-the-girl type.
Lydia chattered as they walked along, and Allison tuned in and out, keeping an open eye for any students who were preternaturally attractive/strong/whateverthefuck.
“-and we’re supposed to do a project on a landmark supreme court case, I was thinking Roe v. Wade, does that sound good to you? There’s a lot to explore since nine states have trigger laws in the case of it being overturned, with three of those criminalizing-”
“Wow,” said Allison, surprised. “You know a lot about it.”
Lydia’s stride broke for a single step before picking right back up.
“Oh, yeah, there was an episode of ‘L.A. Boys’ about it,” she said breezily.
Allison was almost a thousand percent sure that wasn’t true. Why on earth would she pretend to be uninterested in Roe vs. Wade right after suggesting it as a research topic? Why would she pretend to be dumber than she really was? Jesus Christ, what was wrong with people at this school?
“Well, you know what they say,” Allison said casually. “Smart is sexy.”
Lydia looked at her with a sharp smile. “Is it now?” she purred, pulling a classroom door open and swaying her hips as she walked in, looking over her shoulder at Allison.
Oh God, Allison thought, mouth dry and heart racing. 
Maybe it wasn’t Beefy Boy she needed to worry about.
(imma throw in a tag for @areiton cause I think you were interested in this too?)
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