#AUGH I HATE THIS i just wanted to learn this song ๐Ÿ˜ญ
piplupod ยท 10 months
one of my only issues with playing the accordion is i dont know anybody who plays it so if I get stuck on something (like what some music notation means that is specific to accordion and I can't figure out how to play it) and can't find an answer online then I have nobody to ask for help -_-
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kulekrizpy ยท 7 months
fixed stranger things season 4 finale
there was actually a lot i liked about this season! there was also i did NOT like
-russia plot should've been 3 eps at the maximum. come up with something for the adults to do after that
-hopper reunion should've been middle of the season. it was all build-up and so little payoff. i propose he and joyce land back in the states and learn el was abducted and the boys are missing. maybe murray figures out a way to track them. then joyce and hopper go to save their fucking daughter!! perhaps they are a day or so behind the boys, so they still get their little journey. or maybe they land somewhere else and converge on el's location
-after that, one, MAYBE TWO, eps before the NINA plot is resolved
-el and hopper deserved to be a family on screen. their relationship is important. and now even more so. they both understand what it's like to be imprisoned and tortured... they thought they wouldn't see each other again. why do the duffer brothers do this to me
-joyce and hopper could've gone on a date, had a stakeout that sort of counted as a date, something
-too much papa. mf should've been dead ages ago
-i think el deserved to kill him
-just wanted the whole group to be able to coordinate. and the adults to BE THERE AT ALL.
-nancy and jonathon should've been able to meet much earlier in the season to give them time to actually interact in the awkward state of their relationship. to talk...... this goes for a lot of characters. we stick thru the show for the characters, let us see them together!!
this ended up way long... more under the cut
-how do the parents of the rest of the kids still not know what's going on?? they should have some hint
-also erica snitching to the cops ?! cmon girl ๐Ÿ˜ญ
-chrissy and eddie were both acted so well. the duffers keep creating these great characters and wasting their potential ๐Ÿ˜ญ
-eddie cutting the rope and moving the mattress :| bad decision. i guess it was to buy more time but augh. yknow, if they'd had an adult with them..... (also still do not understand how the rope works. wonder if it was a reference to Rope Trick in D&D)
-any of the young adults walking away from each other in the upside down was a dumb move. i could barely concentrate on the contrived romantic drama bc i kept thinking "robin HAS to have stepped on a tentacle by now"
-when whatshisface was yelling about how chrissy wouldn't buy drugs, that she wasn't going thru anything bc she never talked about it, lucas should've had lines relating to his experience with max. that people isolate themselves and feel like they can't talk to the ones they care about. even if it didn't calm whathisface down, i think it would've been a good and true attempt, and it would've tied into the themes of the season
-when lucas punched out that hateful prick and was free, LUCAS' VOICE SHOULD'VE PULLED MAX OUT. if her favorite song works, why not a favorite voice?! he and el pulling her out together would've been so amazing...
-for that matter the decision to take off her headphones at all sucked
-in my opinion max's fate was far too brutal. jesus christ. she didn't deserve that. one broken arm would've been traumatizing enough. if it's for a plot in the future, they still could've made her blind since the process had already started. and i'm scared she is paralyzed. like, just. what the fuck man. hasn't she dealt with enough?!
-not to mention lucas and el watching that... :( i was stricken over that scene. too many tortured kids this season
-someone else could've died to complete the portal. not that i wanted more brenner, but what if they had utilized his character that way? maybe he comes after el (he sees her as his project, his life's work... her escaping while he still lived wouldn't be uncontested). maybe el actually kills him in place of vecna killing max, and the portal is opened anyway. then you could've had a vecna invasion as the finale
-this way you can still have el feel guilty and give her more development (max could be somewhat hurt, but add in killing brenner and completing vecna's portal and vecna has some great manipulation material for next season. "you're just like me eleven, you hurt the ones who hurt you and helped me complete my portal...")
-pacing was terrible. should've put the volunteer scene with robin and the cute girl in the beginning of the season, or at least before the climax. they left so many subplots going so long they had to resolve them all at the end, so it felt both packed in and much too long
-every scene was too long. it's like they were given all this time, and rather than make good use of it, they just stretched out the original hour-long plots
-gonna have an negative pavlov response to joyce wearing a hat now. i cannot explain how aggravating the russia plot was. every episode i thought "it MUST be over by now!" and then THEY DIDN'T EVEN LEAVE RUSSIA UNTIL AFTER THE CLIMAX OF THE SEASON. if it was due to a scheduling conflict they really should've figured something else out
-this show is about mommy issues. lean into it
-if there is not a flamethrower per person next season what is anyone even doing
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