itscooltobefanficy · 7 years
A quick lil update on everything that’s currently in progress (because sometimes you just need a categorised list): On tumblr Feeling Alive (Bucky x Reader, dancing, dating and angsting): 11 chapters posted (including introduction), 12 fully written, 1 still in progress. Plans for 15 in total with a reader-elected epilogue at the end! Finish date: by the first of August. Future plans? Have another idea (or several) kicking around for Bucky x reader fics and I’ll run the main one past the readers before Feeling Alive wraps up. On AO3 Be my time-bomb lover (Wolfstar, uni!AU, shitty mental health and healing/growing together): 19 chapters posted, plans for ??? Chapter 20 is currently in progress (about 1000 words in, already cried once). Definitely requires at least a few more weeks to finish because it’s so heavy. Finish date: never?!?! Nah if this is finished by the end of the year I will be astonished but that’s the vague goal. Future plans? Already have one epilogue written and there are plans for two more. A Wish That’s Made With Idle Mind (Newtina, continuing canon with added Fair Folk and Scottish countryside): 3 chapters posted, 1 grumbling along, plans for ??? This fic is seriously hard for me to write but I am determined to persevere because it’s probably good to be challenged. That being said, this is the fic that’s easiest to shelve- which is why updates have been sporadic, even for me. Finish date: lol. Future plans? Idek if I’ll finish before the next film comes out and totally overrides my ideas so… Isaac Scamander and the Impossible Suitcase (Nextgen idiots get up to Hogwarts hijinks): MY BABY. 1 chapter posted, plans for ??? I love this fic but it’s been on hiatus for so long and there was so little interest in it that I’ve just let it sit for several months. But I will be going back. I love that fic. Finish date: hm. Future plans? Finish literally just finish writing it. Just Another Dream (Marauders and La La Land I COULDN’T RESIST): 1 chapter posted, another half written. I will go back to this one. I love the tone and the mood, I’m just lacking a little in direction (although I might truncate it to a shorter fic. Just thought of that). Another one that’s on the back burner. Finish date: um. Future plans? Finish the gd fic. To The End Of Their Days (Bagginshield time travel fix it, Bilbo has amnesia, Dwarves are sneaky): 5 chapters posted, one in progress, plans for 500 probably. This one ground to a halt because the current chapter will not flow and I haven’t yet been able to bring myself to delete everything and start over. But one day I will. And we’ll be back rolling. I love this stupid ship way too much to abandon it. Finish date: UM. Future plans? Finish finish finish.
Original fic
Yes, it’s going. Very slowly, but it’s going. One hundred words a day might be an achievable goal for that one.
Future fic
Wonder Woman. I have to write something for Wonder Woman. Maybe Wondertrev. Maybe I’ll give Diana a girlfriend. I’m not sure but it will happen.
A Flame By Any Other Name. Linny, uni!AU (I KNOW I KNOW) with trans!Ginny and flowercrowns and cute shenanigans.
Wolfstar!Absolutely daft AU. Sirius is in rehab, Remus works at the Welsh Mountain Pony stud on the other side of the hill. They meet, there’s angst, they fall in love. A modus operandi? Me?
Friends at Hogwarts fic. My friends know I write fic. @justkeeplaughing-nevergiveup has specifically requested a fic with us all at Hogwarts. One day I’ll get round to writing it.
And that’s it! This has kind of turned into a masterlist? Now you can see the mad range of fandoms I live in. 
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itscooltobefanficy · 7 years
A Wish That’s Made With Idle Mind got updateeed who’s surprised (me. Definitely me.). Anyway pls enjoy my offering of Very Awkward Conversations between Tina and Newt and maybe let me know what you thought?
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itscooltobefanficy · 7 years
Lol oops just so you all know TTEOTD got updated last night (I’m addicted to writing this there is no other explanation) so the final version of Chapter Two is now live *grins widely*
If you’re reading this thinking “wtf is going on with time-bomb lover/AWTMWIM” I can tell you that time-bomb lover is at the beta’s (sounds like it’s at the mechanic’s BUT LITERALLY THERE IS SO MUCH TO FIX) and chapter 3 of AWTMWIM has hit the 2000 word mark and there’s still so much left to do so... They are both getting written I promise and thank you for your unending patience <3
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