blueeyedgrlwrites · 5 years
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Cross posted to Twitter, a peek at chapter 5.
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viktuurificwriters · 7 years
Authors mod Andi has checked out this week!
Welcome to this week’s works! Or last week’s actually. However you want to put the technicalities of it, let’s go!~
kasumichou – @kasumi-chou
Feverish + Phone
KasumiChou isn’t an author of few long-term chaptered works, rather one of short one-shots that most definitely leave an impression. Their most popular work, the on-going Twitter War AU, alongside their other one-shots, clearly demonstrates their ability to focus on their writing in all of its forms, for which I applaud them. Although sometimes their content leaves for more to be desired, I believe that’s a simple side effect of the fact that their works are all mainly one-shots. ‘Feverish’ and ‘Phone’ both demonstrate a wonderfully expressed love for fluff, and are astonishingly cute!
 katsukifatale (trumpet-geek) – @katsukifatale
i was yours before i knew (and you have always been mine too) + we were together; i forget the rest
The flawlessly intriguing plotline in IWYBIK(AYHABMT) was what truly grasped me the first time I read trumpet-geek’s work. The way their words are sculpted is meant to make a reader clearly envision their story; a whole universe being brought to life through their descriptive sequences and characteristic dialogue. They did tend to get slightly flowery (pun intended) with their descriptions, which meant harder reading as the story progressed, however their work inspired strong emotions and promises a lot of potential!
 marvelist (ardent) – @marvelist
(Un)Fairy Tale + The Devil Went Down To Ice Castle
I couldn’t help but be captured by the wonderful storytelling narrative voice that marvelist has, as a writer. Their works are clearly written, funny and lighthearted humour sprinkled here and there that polishes off what is an already wonderful read. Despite being presented with a stereotypical Extra!Victor and minor plotholes, I immensely enjoyed their AU ‘UnFairy Tale’ as it embarks on a quest to uproot the stereotypical “Disney” princess story.
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 5 years
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Magnus and Alec start putting their plan into action. And no, they are definitely NOT flirting with each other, why do you ask?
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 5 years
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And You Have Always Been Mine Too - Chapter 3 *re-edited and re-posted*
Can an old flame be rekindled?
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 7 years
Hey Meg 🤗 are you planning another chapter of AYHABMT soon ? :) I'm not speeding you, just wanted to know, take all the time you need x 💛
The short answer is yes. I am. 
The longer answer is that there’s been a lot going on irl lately, namely that my depression and anxiety got out of hand and as a result, I just found myself lacking the mental energy and overall desire needed to write. I’m only just now finding my way back to it, but I still have my days/nights where I am mentally (and in turn, physically) exhausted and the words just don’t come.
At the moment, I’m solidly in the headspace for the next chapter of A Tiny Spark. But chapter 4 of AYHABMT is outlined. It just needs to be written. I need to get back to my stupid pining idiots. I miss them. 
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 7 years
I just found your Single By 30 AU. Thank you so much for creating this beautiful piece of writing. You're doing exceptionally with the characters, pacing and story telling. You have an excellent balance of dialogue and introspection. I look forward to see where you take it and how you will change it from boy source materials. I love the support the two have for each other and the relationship hangs for their friends. Very realistic. I hope we have a happy ending with minimal miscommunication 💖
I’ll be honest, I’ve been in a rough place writing wise over the last several weeks. And I’ve been largely avoiding tumblr except to queue posts and such after each episode. 
But this is exactly the type of feedback that can and--more often than not--pull a writer out a funk. So thank you for the really amazing feedback. 
Can promise a happy ending and I don’t think there’s too much miscommunication outlined. But it’ll be a slow burn, so I hope you enjoy the journey.
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 7 years
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And You Have Always Been Mine, Too: Chapter 2
“Of all the places I could have imagined bumping into you again, Alec, I never thought it would be here,” Magnus said.
Read here on AO3.
Chapter art by the immeasurably talented @notbeingcryptic
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 8 years
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NEW FIC: And You Have Always Been Mine Too
New graduates and best friends Magnus and Alec have both graduated from the University of Idris with top honors. Graduation and family expectations, however, carved out two very different paths for their lives.
Making the age-old promise on graduation night to get married if they were still single by thirty had been an easy agreement to make. There was no chance it would, or even could, ever possibly happen. It simply wasn't legal.
When Magnus coincidentally re-enters Alec's life eight years later, each are confronted with the unsettled reality of their lives, and the rekindling of long-buried feelings for the other. They decide to reinstate the promise they had made as motivation to get back into the dating scene.
But can they push aside their own feelings for each other as they go on this journey of finding true love?
Or: the "Single by 30" Malec AU that nobody asked for.
Chapter 1
Amazing artwork by @notbeingcryptic 
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 8 years
I need more of and you have always been mine too! When is the next chapter coming?
Hey anon. Funny you should ask that. I’m currently in the revision/cleaning up process of writing chapter 2. Once that’s finished it’ll go off to my betas. I don’t know how long that will be, but I’ll reblog chapter 1 as a refresher a day or so before chapter 2 goes up.
Thank you for the fic love!
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 8 years
Hey ! Just gotten into your new fic and I'm here to say THANK YOU ! The plot is a great idea, and that first chapter.... sexual tension at the most.... *im now dead* this is bookmarked and I'll be there EACH TIME !! 🙃 You plan on making regular updates or you haven't scheduled it ? 😉 (I'm the same user here and on ao3!)
Hey Camille! First of all .... THANK YOU for reading it. I’m really glad you’re enjoying it right out of the gate. That chapter was something else, right?
As for updates, I don’t have a set update schedule because I don’t want to be that writer who promises my readers one thing and then can’t keep that promise. I would feel horrible if I couldn’t stick to it. Especially since my day job has weird ebbs and flows and is sometimes busier than at other times. Plus, life has been known to happen and take me away from my writing at times. 
That said: I have the bones of chapters 2 and 3 written. I need to work on fleshing everything out with revisions and then send them off to my betas. I also have a one shot that I’m working on for The Malec Network’s February challenge that looks like it’s going to be monstrous (you can thank @otppurefuckingmagic for the prompt). So for the moment, my focus will be on that. 
Seriously, thank you, thank you, thank you for the fic love.
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