7rashstar · 7 months
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scungledfiles · 1 year
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 119
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Special thanks to Nilxis for the usage not only of Plavi Raj, but for his Rila Monastery build which was used for Rhodope Monastery.
Also thank you to Murfeel for your fortuitously timed transporter for Simblreen 2022 ...
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iinkxerror · 3 months
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Meet Aarin! Did you know that she's helping her friends publish their very own cookbook? Boyer cooks the food, Aarin writes the captions, and her BFF Selly is the food photographer! The best part? They get to test all the yummy recipes after! Grab a fork! They'd love to share!
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male-thirst · 6 months
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Max Sargent and Aarin Asker
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gayarmpits · 1 year
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Aarin Asker (2017)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 2 months
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don't worry they're totally posing willingly don't even. don't even worry about it mate
also I've wanted to use this template for so long because all the ones I've seen are GORGEOUS. anyway teehee aarin time
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aarinxduskin · 3 months
starter for @marcelvaughn
location: their home
Aarin walked into the living room, "I come with drinks," she grinned at Marcel, swaying her hips as she walked toward him with his requested drink and one for herself. "As far as wedding planning," she sat down on the couch next to him, "where do we even want to start? I mean are we thinking starting small and talking about who we are having stand up in the wedding first?"
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oldfilmsflicker · 1 year
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new-to-me #162 - Dreams of Passion
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transbookoftheday · 25 days
Rabbit Chase by Elizabeth Lapensee, KC Oster & Aarin Dokum
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Anishinaabe culture and storytelling meet Alice in Wonderland in this coming-of-age graphic novel that explores Indigenous and gender issues through a fresh yet familiar looking glass.
Aimée, a non-binary Anishinaabe middle-schooler, is on a class trip to offer gifts to Paayehnsag, the water spirits known to protect the land. While stories are told about the water spirits and the threat of the land being taken over for development, Aimée zones out, distracting themselves from the bullying and isolation they’ve experienced since expressing their non-binary identity. When Aimée accidentally wanders off, they are transported to an alternate dimension populated by traditional Anishinaabe figures in a story inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
To gain the way back home, Aimée is called on to help Trickster by hunting down dark water spirits with guidance from Paayehnsag. On their journey, Aimée faces off with the land-grabbing Queen and her robotic guards and fights the dark water spirits against increasingly stacked odds. Illustrated by KC Oster with a modern take on their own Ojibwe style and cultural representation, Rabbit Chase is a story of self-discovery, community, and finding one’s place in the world.
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7rashstar · 7 months
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alliannahvaughn · 7 months
who: Aarin Duskin @aarinxduskin where: Patty's Cafe
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"Order up! Another leftover sandwich!" Was all Alli heard before she grabbed the plate of food that had been placed in the window separating the kitchen and the rest of the cafe. It wasn't unusual for the cafe to be packed this time of year, but for the life of her, she'd never understand why anyone would want Thanksgiving leftovers on a sandwich this close to the actual holiday. It would never make sense to her, but it was one of the best sellers they had this time of year. As she turned, nearly bumping into Aarin in the process she moved, raising her arms so the warm plate in her hand was now over Aarin's head as she walked around her, making her way towards table 5 with the plate. "I don't understand the desire in this.." she muttered. "I mean, come on. We sell at least two an hour it seems."
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Yeah, Yeah, Switch-Cloverstardropper and Aarin, Stop Gloating
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Congrats, we suppose, to the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California for being the first to do fusion power that generates more energy than was required to do the reaction ahead of our one here in glorious Blighty.
No, we’re really happy for you that your smelly laboratory got there first. Honest.
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And this time, don’t immediately run off and try to make a bomb with it first, okay?
Something useful like a power station first - play nicely with your new toy and don’t be big meanies.
Commiserations to the Arabs and everyone else with oils and lots of fossil fuels, if your economies weren’t already in trouble from climate change reforms, you’re really on your last life before Game Over, Insert Coin now.
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the-ultimate-squish · 9 months
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adhdedrn · 1 year
In the spirit of @trisexyual's post:
Reblog and respond with your top romanceable video game character/s that you think should NOT have been romanceable
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thejospring · 11 months
closed for @aarinxduskin
where: in the street downtown
Jo wasn't the kind to go take a stroll for the hell of it. She liked hiking and being outside, but taking a walk in her neighbourhood, or any neighbourhood for that matters, was simply not her thing. So she wasn't simply walking around. She had just came out of a doctor's appointment that had been pushed and then needed, and she was now walking to where she had to park her car since the street had been quite unusually busy. Or, to be fair, maybe busy as usual. She tended to avoid going to the doctor as much as she could so this wasn't her usual route. As she turned the corner, she recognised the person that was coming towards her. "Aarin? well, it's surely been a while."
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