#Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy
gettothestabbing · 7 years
In Canada, El Bahnasawy was portrayed as something of a victim. His lawyer Sabrina Shroff told the CBC he was young and “vulnerable,” adding, “It’s a very difficult situation undoubtedly — not just for him but also for his entire family.”
Syed Soharwardy of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada told Global News that El Bahnasawy’s views could be found at some mosques but that anti-Islamic sentiment in Canada could make Muslims more likely to support a terrorist organization. “Islamophobia helps others to be radicalized,” Soharwardy explained, and until the Islamophobia “which is going on in our communities” stops, the radicalization is “going to continue.”
On the other hand, Amarnath Amarasingam of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, told Global News: “We have a young man from Canada receiving bomb making instructions from operatives linked to ISIS’s Khurasan province and financial assistance from ISIS networks in the Philippines. This has huge implications for how we approach ISIS’s loss of territory in Iraq and Syria, since it’s clear that their networks elsewhere could pose an equally serious threat in terms of attack planning in Western countries.”
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ISIS-Inspired Plot Against NYC Concerts, Subways
ISIS-Inspired Plot Against NYC Concerts, Subways
Three men were charged in connection with an ISIS-inspired plot on Times Square, the NYC subway, and concerts, according to court records unsealed on Friday. One was an American citizen, one a Canadian, and one from the Philippines. Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, is a Canadian citizen. Talha Haroon, 19, is an American citizen living in Pakistan.  Russell Salic, 37, is a Philippine citizen. All…
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Pennsylvania: Corrections officer loses eye after jihad knife attack by Muslim immigrant serving 40-years for terrorism
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MIDDLEBURG – The Allenwood Federal Penitentiary corrections officer stabbed in the right eye a little more than a month ago says he is “trying to move on.”
Dale Franquet Jr. still is recovering but said Tuesday he has gotten good reports from doctors.
Mentally it is a struggle at times, he said, but added he tries to stay positive for his wife and two daughters. “What happened is water over the dam,” he said.
Although he still has stitches in the eyelid, he said he has been told the socket is healing well. He eventually will receive a prosthesis. He has returned to coaching the Midd-West High School wrestling team.
Franquet remains on medication to address blood pooling in the cranial cavity that landed him in the hospital a second time but he said the results of his latest CAT scan were positive.
He is limited in what he can do but it does not prevent him from watching his wrestlers practice or in matches.
At practices and after matches Franquet says he talks to them on the techniques on which they need to improve. “It makes my day to see their smiles,” he said.
“I want to show them we’ll get through this together. I’d like to get back on the mat but I don’t know if it will be this year.” Assistant coaches are running the team.
Franquet was present Sunday when wrestlers from Midd-West and 15 other schools participated in a tournament at Selinsgrove.
Coaches from the other teams made an effort to show their support by shaking hands or hugging him, he said.
Midd-West did not win any matches because it entered wrestlers in only seven of the 13 weight classes.
A number of them did very well individually including one who was undefeated, he said.
Franquet was stabbed after he opened the cell door of Kuwait-born Abdulrahman el Bahnasawy, 22, who is serving 40 years for plotting to blow up the New York subway system and detonate bombs in Times Square on behalf of ISIS.
The corrections officer was stabbed first in the area of the jugular and then in the eye during the struggle that ensued.
Bahnasawy, a Canadian citizen who has not been charged, has been transferred to the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary.
The FBI has yet to interview him as part of its investigation, Franquet said.
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thejewishlink · 6 years
Canadian sentenced to 40 years for ISIS New York City plot
Canadian sentenced to 40 years for ISIS New York City plot
Canadian sentenced to 40 years for ISIS New York City plot Stewart Bell and Brian Hill
A Canadian who confessed to plotting terrorist attacks in New York City for the so-called Islamic State was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years’ imprisonment.
U.S. prosecutors had asked for a life sentence for Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, who pleaded guilty to working with ISIS to attack Times Square and the…
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marketprdaily · 5 years
National security review agency looking at complaint over arrest of Canadian ISIS recruit
National security review agency looking at complaint over arrest of Canadian ISIS recruit
Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy was arrested in New Jersey in 2016 over an ISIS plot to attack New York City.
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purpleavenuecupcake · 5 years
Usa, i terroristi entrano dal confine con il Canada
Dall'elezione del presidente Donald Trump, la questione della sicurezza delle frontiere tra gli Stati Uniti e il Messico è stata uno dei temi principali del dibattito nazionale. Ma l'attenzione incessante al confine meridionale degli Stati Uniti è dovuta ai media e ai politici che ignorano le preoccupazioni di sicurezza emanate dal Canada. In un editoriale interessante pubblicato sul giornale degli Emirati in lingua inglese The National, Stephen Starr utilizza alcuni dati statistici  per sostenere che il flusso dell'estremismo dal Canada verso gli  Stati Uniti potrebbe rappresentare per Washington una preoccupazione per la sicurezza  maggiore rispetto ai flussi di immigrazione dal Messico. Secondo fonti del governo degli Stati Uniti, sei stranieri i cui nomi erano presenti sul Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) - la lista di controllo terroristica centrale gestita dal Federal Terrorist Screening Center del Federal Bureau of Investigation - hanno tentato di entrare negli Stati Uniti dal Messico nella prima metà del 2018. Starr sottolinea che nello stesso periodo, non meno di 41 stranieri che erano nel TSDB hanno cercato di entrare negli Stati Uniti dal Canada. Negli ultimi tre anni e mezzo, quattro residenti canadesi sono stati accusati di aver compiuto o cospirato per compiere attacchi terroristici sul suolo americano. Si tratta di un palestinese che vive a Toronto e un tunisino che vive a Montreal, che avevano pianificato di far deragliare un treno passeggeri per il viaggio dall'Ontario a New York. Entrambi sono stati arrestati. Un altro abitante del Canada, Abdulrahman el-Bahnasawy, è stato condannato a 40 anni di prigione per aver tentato di piazzare  bombe a New York a Times Square e su un treno della metropolitana di New York. El-Bahnasawy, che aveva 20 anni quando fu condannato, era stato guidato direttamente dai seguaci dello Stato islamico nelle Filippine e in Pakistan. Starr nota che si ritiene che circa 200 cittadini e residenti canadesi abbiano viaggiato all'estero per combattere per lo Stato islamico e che circa 60 di questi siano tornati in Canada. Nonostante queste preziose informazioni, l'agenzia di controllo doganale e di frontiera degli Stati Uniti (CBP), la principale organizzazione di controllo delle frontiere dell'America, che opera sotto il Dipartimento della Sicurezza Nazionale, sembra ignorare il confine settentrionale del paese. Vale la pena notare che il confine lungo 5,525 miglia è il più lungo del mondo, ma è monitorato da non più di circa 2.000 agenti CBP. Al contrario, oltre 16.000 agenti del CBP tengono d'occhio i confini dell'America con il Messico. Rispondendo alle pressioni politiche della Casa Bianca, il CBP continua a mandare più agenti verso il confine meridionale. Nel frattempo, le richieste dei supervisori del CBP lungo il confine canadese di aumentare la forza di 200 agenti rimangono inascoltate.   Read the full article
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trmpt · 6 years
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Canada: Syrian immigrant teen admits allegiance to ISIS, plotting bomb attacks to kill Christians
He needed an Arabic interpreter so we have to presume he is a Syrian refugee or immigrant.
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A teenager admitted in Ontario court on Tuesday he had pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State and worked with an attack planner based in Syria to plot bombings.
From his home in Kingston, the Syrian-Canadian youth collaborated through social media with a figure known as "Abu Umar Ibrahim," who encouraged him and guided his bomb-making.
Nightclubs, churches and sporting venues were discussed as possible targets. While he was preoccupied with bombs, police also found materials referring to poisons, vehicular attacks and burning people inside their homes.
“All those ways are good to kill Christians,” according to an audio file uncovered by police.
The youth, who was 16 at the time and cannot be named because he is a minor, pleaded guilty to four terrorism offences and breaching his release conditions by removing his ankle monitor.
The Crown is seeking an adult sentence.
The RCMP said almost nothing after the high-profile Kingston terrorism arrest in January 2019, refusing to respond to questions about the suspect’s motive and never acknowledging it was an ISIS plot.
But the guilty plea provided the first public look at the troubling details of the case, one of a growing number involving Canadian ISIS supporters.
The plot has the hallmarks of a “remote-controlled” attack — one conducted by an operative living inside a Western country, but with encouragement and guidance from ISIS figures in Syria.
An agreed statement of facts was read into the court record, with an Arabic interpreter providing translation for the accused, who is originally from Syria.
Asked by the judge if he admitted to the facts detailed by the Crown over several hours, the youth simply replied, “Yes.”
"In an Agreed Statement of Facts filed with the court, the young person admitted to manufacturing an explosive substance, Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP), with the objective of manufacturing an explosive device to place either in a public place or to place under a police or military vehicle with the intent of killing innocent people," the Public Prosecution Service of Canada said in a statement.
"The objective was to commit terrorist activities for the benefit of a listed terrorist entity (that called itself the 'Islamic State'). A search of his residence resulted in the seizure of all the necessary materials to build an explosive device."
"He also admitted to creating a PowerPoint presentation detailing the instructions on building a successful pressure cooker bomb, and disseminating it through various communications application," the PPSC said.
"After providing the instructions, he counseled an individual to build the device and place it in a bar, a public place, in order to kill innocent people."
The events took place in late 2018 and early 2019, as ISIS was collapsing in Syria. Despite his age, the Kingston youth repeatedly expressed his support for ISIS, and his determination to kill for the terror group.
Building bombs was his main focus. Using social media channels, he communicated time and again with Ibrahim about bomb-making, and indicated he was in Canada.
After he asked Ibrahim if he knew any "brothers" in the U.S., the Syrian-based jihadist connected him with a U.S. contact he thought was a "lone wolf."
The youth then began communicating with the U.S. contact about targets and sent him detailed bomb instructions, but the American turned out to be an undercover informant working for the FBI, which tipped off the RCMP.
When police searched his bedroom following his arrest, they found an assortment of chemicals and tools used to manufacture explosive devices.
His online search history and electronic devices also revealed his involvement in terrorism.
He is now 17.
ISIS has repeatedly tried to incite and direct attacks in Western countries, including Canada, which was singled out because it is part of the anti-ISIS military coalition.
The Kingston case is similar to that of Abdulrahman El-Bahnasawy, a Mississauga youth who connected online with ISIS to plan a bombing in New York, unaware the FBI had infiltrated the plot.
An 18-year-old with mental health challenges at the time, El-Bahnasawy was arrested during a family trip to New Jersey in 2016. He pleaded guilty and is now serving a 40-year sentence.
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Convicted ISIS attack plotter will likely re-turn to Canada due to Trudeau’s ‘ISIS reintegration’ program
New Post has been published on https://www.thepostmillennial.com/convicted-isis-attack-plotter-will-likely-re-turn-canada-due-trudeaus-isis-reintegration-program/
Convicted ISIS attack plotter will likely re-turn to Canada due to Trudeau’s ‘ISIS reintegration’ program
Abdulrahman El-Bahnasawy was born in Kuwait has a Canadian Citizenship and describes his goal as wanting to “create the next 9/11.” He may get to return to Canada.
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latestcanadaposts · 7 years
Canadian who plotted terrorist attack on NYC pleads for ‘a second chance’ in personal, hand-written letter to court
Canadian who plotted terrorist attack on NYC pleads for ‘a second chance’ in personal, hand-written letter to court
A Canadian who admitted to plotting a terrorist attack on New York City is pleading for “a second chance” in a letter submitted to the court ahead of his upcoming sentencing.
In the letter filed to a New York court on Friday, Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy of Mississauga, Ont., outlined his personal history with addiction and mental illness, and explained that he felt American airstrikes against the…
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mtariqniaz · 7 years
Canadian convicted of terrorism in U.S. asks for 2nd chance
Canadian convicted of terrorism in U.S. asks for 2nd chance
A Canadian who was convicted of plotting a terror attack targeting Times Square and the subway system in New York City is asking a judge for a second chance ahead of a sentencing hearing in April. 
In a 24-page handwritten submission before his sentencing, Abdulrahman El-Bahnasawy said frustration with how the West treated Islam turned him toward extremism.
The 20-year-old, a Mississauga, Ont.,…
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Canadian teen convicted of Manhattan terror plot takes on Khadr-linked legal team
Canadian teen convicted of Manhattan terror plot takes on Khadr-linked legal team
After a year of strange back-and-forth, a Canadian teenager convicted of plotting to bomb the New York subway and Times Square has taken on a new legal team linked to Dennis Edney, the celebrated Alberta lawyer who acted for Omar Khadr.
Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, has been represented by federal public defenders since his secret arrest in May 2016, but faced pressure from his own parents to…
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trmpt · 6 years
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cranfordpatch · 7 years
Man Plotting Terrorist Attack In NYC For ISIS Arrested In Cranford: USDOJ - Patch.com
Man Plotting Terrorist Attack In NYC For ISIS Arrested In Cranford: USDOJ Patch.com CRANFORD, NJ — A man arrested last year in New Jersey had plotted ISIS-inspired attacks on New York City subways and at concert venues, among other locations within the city, the U.S. Department of Justice announced. Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, a ... Department of Justice: ISIS Sympathizer Arrested in Cranford, Plotting the "Next 9/11" with Two AccomplicesTAPinto.net Canadian man pleads guilty to terrorism in plot targeting NYC landmarks: unsealed recordsCBC.ca NY Concerts, Subways Targeted in Alleged ISIS-Inspired PlotNECN Department of Justice all 251 news articles »
via Cranford - Google News http://ift.tt/2kH0oHc
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latestcanadaposts · 7 years
Canadian who admitted to plotting terrorist attacks asks for ’second chance’
Canadian who admitted to plotting terrorist attacks asks for ’second chance’
A Canadian who admitted to plotting a terrorist attack on New York City is pleading for “a second chance” in a letter submitted to the court ahead of his upcoming sentencing.
In the letter filed to a New York court on Friday, Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy of Mississauga, Ont., outlined his personal history with addiction and mental illness, and explained that he felt American airstrikes against the…
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goodailynews · 7 years
Ahead of today's Chicago Marathon, a traffic stop by the city's police on Saturday morning near O'Hare Airport led to the arrest of a Wisconsin man who allegedly had a pressure cooker in his trunk and a pistol and an AR-15 rifle in his possession, according to police. At around 8 a.m. .................................................................................................. [] Donald Trump is playing zero-dimensional chess : ♫ https://youtu.be/EnxHgtdoBVU [HOT] Kendall and Kylie Jenner DropThree: Every Piece, Ranked on Kardashians | E! News UK : ♫ https://youtu.be/qebdAND1h6Q [HOT] Nina Dobrev Defends Leaving 'The Vampire Diaries': 'I Wanted to Prove Everyone Wrong' : ♫ https://youtu.be/2USpCZ_H60Q [HOT] GoT stars Harrington, Leslie 'engaged' : ♫ https://youtu.be/qrivsFcNez0 [HOT] The PM was behind bringing Playboy magazine to Australia : ♫ https://youtu.be/qhHBB6lUHmk .................................................................................................. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/Gd5aaC FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/ybp8jQ TWITTER: https://goo.gl/o24hEF ✖ Follow GOO Daily News channel(SUBSCRIBE) to look for that. GOO Daily News - New videos evreyday! MONDAY - SUNDAY. Thanks for watching! Background music video is allowed by FreeBackgroundMusic. Please visit their channel to view more: FreeBackgroundMusic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzdbJ_mnXo5tf-4hVNgJ5Wg Thank you! .................................................................................................. ...[continued]... ding to the statement. Tannen Maury/EPA The pressure cooker, the statement added, 'was not intended to be weaponized.' The investigators made this determination after detecting 'food and grease' inside the device. The accused driver told police he made the trip to the airport to 'drop a friend off at the airport' and after 'lengthy questioning' it was concluded that the driver 'posed no threat to the upcoming Chicago Marathon or events in the city.' The man's name has not been announced, as prosecutors are still drawing up aggravated weapons charges against him, according to the statement. The arrest comes days after the Las Vegas massacre where 58 people were killed and hundreds were injured by a lone gunman, and after three men wereformally charged for attempting to 'create the next 9/11' in New York in the summer of 2016. That foiled attack in New York, according to a federal complaint, named a Canadian man hiding out in a New Jersey cabin who allegedly shipped 40 pounds of hydrogen peroxide to an undercover FBI agent. Abdulrahman el Bahnasawy, 19, referred to the Brussels and Paris attacks, which were both ISIS-inspired, and vowed to detonate bombs at Times Square and in the New York City subway system, the court documents revealed. 'We really need a strong bomb,' El Bahnasawy was quoted as saying, according to the court documents. US Attorneys Office, Southern District of New York Bahnasawy, along with two alleged accomplices -- 19-year-old Tahla Haroon, a U.S. citizen living in Pakistan and 37-year-old Filipino citizen Russell Salic -- were all named and charged, but neither Haroon or Salic has been extradited to the U.S. yet, according to the court documents. Bahnasawy is awaiting sentencing in December. Last Sunday, 64-year-old retiree Stephen Paddock launched a massive sniper attack when he unloaded over 20,000 bullets on country music concert
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