#Abel and Selena
pearlprincess02 · 8 months
selena gomez and the weeknd composite chart
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taurus sun: taurus sun in the composite is all about comfort. this relationship exists to remind the parties to slow down and appreciate life. there is a very fond connection between the two, as well as mutual support. this tends to be a long lasting energy, even if people depart. these connections can become sensual as well.
sun in 10th house: composite sun in the tenth house deals with accomplishment. this placement is common in a lot of public/famous couples. your guys connection will be hard to keep secret, and could involve a lot of other people. being together may manifest an energy that boosts your own image or success. you guys may create a lot of grandiose goals together.
aquarius moon: “I have found both a lover and a best friend in you.” you both feel loved and emotionally satisfied because two of you accept each other’s individualities and aspiring qualities. you may find that there is a sense of ease and positivity when together, this lets the both of you enjoy the friendship that was naturally built, even though lovers. there is freedom to express oneself here and the boost to help each other fulfill one’s dreams. emotional detachment is something to look out for, both must learn to open up about feelings to the other to avoid confusion and miscommunication.
moon in 7th house: both people can feel deeply emotionally compatible. they feel assured by the other person. one of the most beneficial places to have composite moon because this two people relate with each other in a relationship context. they are looking for the same kind of environment within the relationship itself. it's easy to relate, to bond, to have support, to feel that the other person is looking for the same things in a context of a relationship."The echo moon - one of them send out a vibe and the other receives and send the same kind of vibe back"
rising/ 1st house:
leo rising: others see you as a flashier and more confident couple. you like to be creative together and are very warm, loving, and possessive. there is a level of pride both of you reach that can hinder addressing important issues. you need attention to keep the relationship alive.
jupiter in 1st house: this relationship will make you feel blessed in many ways, many things in your personal lives will begin to feel like they are going well and you will feel very comfortable in the relationship. you will see life with better eyes, you will feel more vitalized and optimistic, likewise, you will feel better about yourself as a person. they will give each other a lot of strength and motivation to achieve what they set out to do, and they will feel that with each other they are unstoppable. they will see the other as a lucky charm and a ray of light in their life. they will be the advisor, support and driving force of the other, and they will also leave great teachings.
scorpio mercury: intrigue and curiosity about how the other thinks, and absolute wonder when they were able to decipher each other's mysteries. both see talking like the other as something of great value and something fascinating. this couple changes their way of seeing life and thinking a lot since they are together. they may feel an enormous attraction to each other's intelligence and voice. they like to have long conversations on topics of importance to the other, they will feel a mutual trust that they have not felt with anyone before. they may prefer private and intimate plans.
mercury in 4th house: this placement assures us many heart-to-heart conversations, both will find themselves talking a lot about their childhood and in general they will think that communicating with the other is easy and comfortable. they may feel that only with the other they can open up completely. they will consider the other a good listener and both will remember the small facts that the other told them, they will have a lot in mind and memory even if a long time passes. the other's words easily influence the other person and stay with them for a long time. these people may even enjoy being next to each other without saying anything. 
scorpio venus: your relationship is intense, mysterious and highly sexual. you are magnetically drawn to each other. your relationship is sexual, passionate, obsessive and you’ll try to be completely immersed in your love for each other. you’re both drawn to drama and though you may claim to want a peaceful, loving relationship, you both just can’t help being drawn to the excitement of a little chaos. the sexual chemistry in this relationship is high and everyone notices the erotic vibe that you send out to each other. you’re both completely devoted to each other yet you may also play little mind games to try to make each other jealous. you feel like you have to do this because watching your partner’s reaction reaffirms your sense of security in the relationship. that is, until their reaction isn’t what you were expecting. then you’ll insist they were deceiving you and that you were justified in being suspicious. you may both have a heated on-again-off-again relationship because you’re always burning each other out but then returning to each other to try to make things work. though your relationship can seem toxic to others, you both thrive on the cycle of chasing each other in circles, alternating between obsession and jealousy.
venus in the 4th house: same intimate preferences. same needs for solitude or quiet. they love being REALLY close though. this couple love being home watching movies, sitting by the fire, cuddling and inviting friends over. they are more private in general about their life together.
pisces mars: there was something on a subconscious level that attracted them intensely to the other, it is classic that both thought that the other had "that something" that attracted them like a magnet. this couple dislikes arguing, so they will always listen to what the other says, validating what they feel and opening their heart. however, if this mars makes many tense aspects, this couple may escape from the discussions. you both support each other unconditionally and love talking about their dreams with each other, as they always feel supported and listened to. the goal of this couple is to be a safe space for each other in which they are treated with affection after a difficult day. sex can be a magical experience, in which pleasure is shared and equally important, both desire each other from tenderness and romance. you may feel something unique on a sexual level and you may feel very full spiritually and emotionally. you two feel “in your own bubble” at times.
mars in the 9th house: they will have a more positive vision of life and what they can expect from it. having each other will make you grow a lot as people. you will be motivated to express yourself, your beliefs and thoughts more authentically. they will help the other person have more confidence in being themselves and accepting their differences with pride. this couple will seek to have interesting and new experiences together, they can travel a lot or try things they always wanted to try. 
celeb's masterlist / 1H - 6H / 7H - 12H
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising + composite jupiter
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars
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flawlesselana · 2 years
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disarmluna · 8 months
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Abelena ♥
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Really taking advantage of the repost button on tiktok.
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I wonder how these exes feel and their poor views and even her new man knowing she keeps on writing songs masterpieces bops bangers hit after hit about her exes if I was whatever her new man name is I would’ve cried myself to sleep every night knowing she keeps thinking about Taylor Tom daily 25/8 writing hit after hit songs about them! Imagine being that good of guy that you keep getting hitttt songs written about you only Taylor and Tom can relate I feel like if Selena also wrote about Taylor and Abe she too could get hits after hits like she got with LYTLM about bieber! come on Selena do it plz
it’s so funny to me how they are besties writing songs masterpieces hit banger bop songs about their exes! lmao the day they write a song about Taylor together the internet is gonna end I know for sure or weeknd if rumors of him Taylor being a thing was ever true I dont think so!! would’ve sucked and Taylor would’ve been bad person if she did that to Selena her bestie again I think personally but hopefully it’s not true at all! fingers crossed besides don’t think she’s his type anyways he likes them supermodels or singer actress super models nothing in between! Thats the Weeknd for you best boy
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pearlprincess02 · 8 months
selena gomez and the weeknd composite houses
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1st house: the composite 1st house rules the relationship itself and your outward identity together. It shows how people view your relationship, and how you come across together.
leo 1st house : leo is a fun sign, so with the composite 1st house in leo, you can be a pair who has a lot of fun together. it can be a great placement for personal love (romantic, friends, family) relationships since leo is affectionate and wants a personal connection. professionally, this may be a helpful placement if you’re pursuing a creative endeavor together. the downside with leo is stubborn pride, so when you fight, you may get stuck in your trenches and feel especially wounded by any insults.
1st house ruler in 10th house: this placement is another indicator of a person who will get success, fame, wealth, and overall happiness in their life. their career will be a huge success and increase their reputation. their career will also allow them to make enough money to indulge in their life pleasures. a saying that this placement reminds me of: i don’t want to marry a hot, rich billionaire. i want to be that hot, rich billionaire.
jupiter in 1st: with composite jupiter in the 1st house, you can greatly enjoy this relationship/partnership, and you can feel good when you’re together. you may each have more opportunities together than apart, and you can work together to expand your lives in new ways and have new experiences. you can have a more optimistic outlook together, and you can open up doors together than may not open alone.
2nd house: the composite 2nd house can show what you value in the relationship, how you approach money together, and how secure you are in the relationship together.
leo 2nd house : with the composite 2nd house in leo, your values and finances may be extremely important when it comes to security and stability in your relationship. the better your finances, the more you have of value together, the better you can feel about the relationship, but this can lead to being too focused on “stuff” at times. you may like to spoil each other, but need to make sure you don’t go overboard.
2nd house ruler in 10th house: this means a person will earn their wealth through their wealth. this wealth will earn them good reputation and status. possible careers and income sources include financial jobs, speaking, entertainment, sales, modeling (profession which uses their face), and constant studies (higher education). if ill-placed, indicates the fall of reputation through career, lots of career issues such as no promotions or enemies in work place, bad dental of facial health, loss of wealth and respect, and financial losses from working with big companies or the government. 
juno in 2nd house: you both express your desires for commitment and loyalty through your materialistic focus. you may share an interest in each other’s financial stability. you may also make a commitment to each other based on the material resources and wealth you hope to both gain from the relationship. through this relationship you can both find the support and consistency you need to set a solid foundation for financial growth. there’s wealth or abundance to be gained by making a commitment to each other through this relationship.
3rd house: the composite 3rd house can show how you are together in your immediate environment and what you focus on together day-to-day. this is a house of communication, so it can also reflect how you communicate in the relationship, and what you can think about together.
virgo 3rd house: with the composite 3rd house in virgo, you may not be super outspoken with one another, worried about the reaction of the other, and there can be some insecurity to address. you can be highly analytical, reasonably, logical, and practical together, and take that approach to your daily life and plans. you may focus together on getting things done, and tend to the little things and details.
3rd house ruler in the 4th house: this is a very fortunate placement to have since it makes the person wealthy and happy. many entrepreneurs have this placement. it makes one have comfortable and often times, lavish lifestyles. these people are high achievers who are also selfless and caring. so their family life will be stable and peaceful. this is because these people often have the mindset of a spouse because the 4th house rulers cancer, which represents family and early marriage. they’re also quite protective of their mother, once again due to this cancer energy.  finally, these people are well-learned, wise, and intelligent. both in family and profession settings. 
4th house: the composite 4th house can show how we connect emotionally, what we build together from the ground up, and what the base of our connection is (since this is the bottom of the chart).
libra 4th house: with the composite 4th house in libra, you likely need a lot of peace and harmony and balance together in order to maintain a solid emotional connection. you may express emotions more openly when you’re one-on-one, and when you feel you respect each other. there may need to be an equal give-and-take emotionally, and this can help solidify your connection and be the base for it.
4th house ruler in 4th house: the native may find that their early life and upbringing emphasised the importance of their culture and traditions - perhaps their mother was very involved in the upkeep of tradition. the native needs a family dynamic in life in order to feel safe and emotionally secure. the native may express an interest in tracing their family’s heritage. at the end of their lives, they are likely to be surrounded by family or are to be in contact with them regularly.
mercury in 4th house: with composite mercury in the 4th house, you can express your feelings with one another more freely and openly, and find that you can understand what you’re both trying to express even when you’re not saying the right words. talking openly about your feelings can be an important way that you connect. you may have a hard time separating logic from emotion with one another though, and need to watch for being subjective about the relationship and each other, lacking the objectivity you need to see when things aren’t going great.
venus in 4th house: with composite venus in the 4th house, you can enjoy opening up with one another emotionally, and find it easier to connect emotionally. feelings can be an important part of your relationship, and even a relationship that isn’t personal can have a lot of emotions invested in it. this can be an excellent position to build a family or for a family relationship since the 4th house rules the home and family. you may feel you have a solid foundation for the relationship.
pluto in 4th house: with composite pluto in the 4th house, you may struggle over power and control of the foundation of the relationship, and emotions can run high between you. you can get into epic battles at times, and need to be more considerate of what each other is feeling. in a family relationship, you may have great difficulties, and one of you can be more controlling. you have the ability to create deep change in one another with this placement.
5th house: the composite 5th house can show how we express affection, what we love and take pleasure in together. this house can bring creative energy into our relationships and allow us to express creatively together. the 5th house also rules children, so they can be impacted by the composite 5th house with someone you have children with.
scorpio 5th house: with the composite 5th house in scorpio, you may enjoy digging into mysteries together and uncovering what’s below the surface. intimacy can be intense in romantic relationships, and you may get a little obsessed with one another at times and need some healthy space. jealousy and possessiveness may also need to be worked on. if you have children together, you can be fiercely protective of them but also need to not get obsessive.
5th house ruler in 4th house: with this placement, the family tends to be very important for the native’s ability to express themselves. they may take part in hobbies or creative activities that allow other members of the family to join in or the native’s interests may be linked to their culture. the native’s children are a strong source of their emotional security as are their romantic partners. the native’s romantic partner may be someone who grew up in the same area as the native or the same country. 
vesta in 5th house: you may both find it easy to devote yourselves to sacred acts of creativity. you may help inspire each other to make art, music, or theatrical performances that are divinely inspired. you may also share a love of devoting yourselves to helping others discover their own artistic talents. this relationship can be a source of inspiration and you help each other find empowerment and confidence. you may feel as if you’ve both given up some aspects of your childhood but in doing so, you both have sensitivity to the needs of children to have exploration, play and encouragement.
6th house: in the composite chart, the 6th house can show how you approach daily life and the mundane together, how you work together (whether professionally or personally), and the general health of the relationship
sagittarius 6th house: with the composite 6th house in sagittarius, you can give each other a lot of space in your daily lives, and enjoy expanding your daily lives in small ways. you can branch out a little more together, and learning, teaching, or travel can be good for the health of your relationship. you may not want to focus too much on the mundane or whatever you find boring together, so that may be something that has to be worked on.
6th house ruler in 1st house: the native’s daily routine is likely to be a defining feature in how they come across or is important for their own self-expression. the native’s motive for looking after their health may relate to their ability to express themselves or to benefit their appearance. the native may become overly organized and particular about their appearance as a result of an illness. expressing themselves may be a part of their everyday routine or their work. they may have a specific persona which they show to the world because of the work they do (jobs that involve a uniform). their pets may be involved with their self-expression. and can help them develop awareness. 
uranus in 6th house: with composite uranus in the 6th house, daily life can seem unstable in this pairing, and you need to avoid a normal schedule or routine and change things up constantly. this house rules work, so it can be good for a work relationship that allows you to largely work on your own, that focuses on technology or the internet, or that is forward-thinking. you may have bursts of unexpected stresses in this partnership.
neptune in 6th house: with composite neptune in the 6th house, daily life may be difficult to grasp with the two of you. you can miss appointments and mess up your schedules with one another, which can bring difficulties in personal and professional relationships. in a business relationship, you need to make sure you’re not deceiving one another or being deceived by someone else. this can be a good position if you both work in the arts or a spiritual practice.
north node in 6th house: through attending to details and regular routines, you can both help each other expand beyond your comfort zone. your shared destiny as a couple may be intricately related to your work. the routines that bring you both a sense of security can be central to you both finding a path to success. this relationship can help you both find confidence and empowerment as you are encouraged to be true to your higher mission. your work and shared duties and tasks all help you both solidify a foundation that can bring you closer to your higher purpose as a couple. you’re brought together with an important mission involving healing and service to others. you may encourage each other to get beyond your comfort zone and follow this spiritual path to creating healing and stability for others.
lilith in 6th house: you can help each other find your authentic routines and practices that help you express your creative inner power. through this relationship you empower each other to break with tradition. your work, routines and daily habits may be highly individualized. through this connection, you can inspire each other to share your rebellious and quirky nature in the ways you help others. your daily plans and regular routines and even your diet and lifestyle may embody autonomy and independence, you both refuse to conform to the status quo. you also resist being limited by highly rigid schedules or routines that require conformity.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard / 7H - 12H
1h + 1h ruler
2h + 2h ruler + composite juno in houses
3h + 3h ruler
4h + 4h ruler
5h + 5h ruler + composite vesta in houses
6h + 6h ruler + composite north node in houses + composite lilith in houses
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flawlesselana · 2 years
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astrosky33 · 1 year
Are there any indicators in a composite chart that guarantee a romantic connection happened? I saw your Mac Miller & Ariana Grande post and one of the points said "Lova Asteroid aspecting Sun indicates a romantic relationship happening" so I assume there's more like that?
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♡ Chart Ruler in the 7th/8th house - Ex: Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson
♡ North Node in the 7th/8th house - Ex: Tom & Zendaya
♡ Libra/Taurus ascendant - Ex: Kim Kardashian & Kanye
♡ Libra/Taurus stellium - Ex: MGK & Megan Fox
♡ Venus-Saturn all aspects - Ex: Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler
♡ Venus-Neptune all aspects - Ex: Kaia Gerber & Pete
♡ Venus/Jupiter/Saturn in the 7th house - Ex: SG & Abel
♡ 2nd/7th/8th house stellium - Ex: Rihanna & Drake
♡ Juno-Sun all aspects - Ex: Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez
♡ Juno in the 1st/7th house - Ex: Timothee & Kylie Jenner
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the-mourning-sun · 3 months
Name moodboard masterlist --> in alphabetical order
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♡ Abby Byrd ♡ Abel ♡ Aelin ♡ Aislinn ♡ Amber ♡ Amrapali ♡ Andrea ♡ Andromeda ♡ Anna ♡ Anya ♡ Arie ♡ Audrey ♡ Augusta ♡ Babette ♡ Barakah ♡ Batoul ♡ Berna ♡ Ceili ♡ Charlie ♡ Ciel ♡ Diana ♡ Eileen ♡ Eirian ♡ Eleni ♡ Elizabeth ♡ Estefanía ♡ Eva ♡ Eve ♡ Evie ♡ Giorgia ♡ Gracie ♡ Hanna ♡ Hazel Grace ♡ Heidi ♡ Inaya ♡ Izzy ♡ Ivan ♡ Josette ♡ Julia ♡ Jumana ♡ Kelly ♡ Larissa ♡ Loreta ♡ Luka ♡ Manahil ♡ Maze ♡ Mónica ♡ Naomi ♡ Nilė ♡ Nikita ♡ Parker ♡ Pearl ♡ Priyadarshini ♡ Renèe ♡ Rosella ♡ Sarah Echo ♡ Setra ♡ Shaun ♡ Sebastian ♡ Selena ♡ Toby ♡ Uzay ♡ Vero ♡ Victoria ♡ Viridian ♡ Wardah ♡ Xavier
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Requests currently paused as I work through the existing ones ♡
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khaleesiofalicante · 9 months
LBAF & Etymology etc
Happiest of Name Days to Vicky. Here is a little treat for you @fangirlingismygame because I love you so. 💙
There is a tradition started by Diego and Cristina in the Rosales family where the children are named after the letter A. Cami and Theia were almost named Athena and Aurora respectively. 
Gwen was named by Lance as such because Lancelot and Guinevere is one of the first love stories David taught Lance. 
Joan and Atlas don’t have a middle name. Cami and Arjun’s middle names are Rosales and Iris’ middle name is Jazmín.
Iris was named after the particular flower because it’s the flower Mallory left over Selena’s ‘grave’ when she buried her under the snow in LBAF IV. Gabriel picked it because it’s the flowers that helped them find and save Selena during that day. 
While Joan was named after a combination of Jonathan and Julian, she is also named after Joan of Arc - who is in fact considered a national and feminist hero in France. 
The name Madeleine derives from the biblical character Mary Magdalene. 
It's mentioned that Joseph and Madeleine are the 'It Couple' in the Clave. Their ship name used to be Belleheart (Bellefleur + Goldheart) meaning beautiful heart.
Régine’s middle name was going to be Davina, a female variant of the name David. Madeleine and Joseph kept it as secret to reveal it to David after she was born, but Madeleine ended up not naming her daughter that way. 
The name Silverstone (Lance and Arthur’s school) is based on a Formula 1 Grand Prix in the England. 
Harry’s surname Anh (Vietnamese) means intellectual and bright. 
Arthur names all the animals he cares for and brings home after characters from his school plays and favourite musicals. 
The Lightwood-Bane, because of Max and David’s mundane wedding and now mundane life, is one of the only names that is registered and documented accordingly to mundane law. It means mavid family can vote in mundane elections - among other things. 
Prince of Darkness is a name actually used to refer to Lucifer in Manichaeism (a former major religion during the the 3rd century). Prince of Darkness, in LBAF, was inspired by the Shakespearean quote in King Lear (Act 3 Scene 4) “The Prince of Darkness is a gentlemen” hinting that devil will disguise himself as a good man in order to deceive you.
The Crimson King, in several interpretations, refers to a malevolent and evil force - including in Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series. 
Both Iris and Hermes are names of two famous greek gods both known for being messengers.
Hermes last name Cain is similar to most warlock names - single syllable and has a dark/sad meaning. Cain refers to ‘first murderer’ from the bible after Cain and Abel. 
Everyone in the family pronounces Lance’s name with the British pronunciation (David was adamant about using it) while everyone in his school (including Harry) uses the American pronunciation. 
The only people (whom he knows) who don’t refer to Arthur as AJ are David and Kincaid.
Joan’s dog’s full name is Oliver Twist - named after a famous fictional character like all Herondale/Fairchild pets.
Other Max no longer goes by Lightwood-Bane and has a different surname in the Other Timeline (his present/our future).  
Arjun is named after an infamous archer in Indian mythology. 
Before Lance found about Kincaid’s destiny, Crimson King used to be one of his favourite bands - they’re a famous rock band from the 1960s and 70s. 
And finally, Lance and Arthur were the names I had picked out for my own children, but I gave it to Mavid because I love them so much and wanted my unborn, imaginary children to have two wonderful parents. 
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whatiwillsay · 7 months
let’s lighten up the feed! bilor, how are we feeling about her!? (not talking about any relationships or any specific person, just about tay)
still think she’s queer tho i haven’t heard any super recent info on miss bi pride makes me me lol
BUT here’s something fun and uplifting
rumor from a good source i heard a couple days ago that is renewing my faith in the up and down journey that is taylena:
justin and abel worked on a song together, ostensibly ab selena, and the misogyny vibes of them working together and teaming up on selena pissed off taylor so much she made a call to the heads at umg and got the project shelved
grain of salt as always but i hope it’s true!
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czolgosz · 1 month
i went to a used book sale today... procured:
railroad color history: new york central railroad (brian solomon & mike schafer) — i'm not actually that into trains but it appealed to me.
the complete guide to the soviet union (jennifer louis & victor louis) — travel guide from 1980
an anthology including the big sleep (raymond chandler), "the undignified melodrama of the bone of contention" (dorothy l. sayers), "the arrow of god" (leslie charteris), "i can find my way out" (ngaio marsh), instead of evidence (rex stout), "rift in the loot" (stuart palmer & craig rice), "the man who explained miracles" (john dickson carr), & rebecca (daphne du maurier) (i already have this one..) — it's volume 2 of something (a treasury of great mysteries) which annoys me but whatever
an anthology including "godmother tea" (selena anderson), "the apartment" (t. c. boyle), "a faithful but melancholy account of several barbarities lately committed" (jason brown), "sibling rivalry" (michael byers), "the nanny" (emma cline), "halloween" (mariah crotty), "something street" (carolyn ferrell), "this is pleasure" (mary gaitskill), "in the event" (meng jin), "the children" (andrea lee), "rubberdust" (sarah thankam mathews), "it's not you" (elizabeth mccracken), "liberté" (scott nandelson), "howl palace" (leigh newman), "the nine-tailed fox explains" (jane pek), "the hands of dirty children" (alejandro puyana), "octopus vii" (anna reeser), "enlightenment" (william pei shih), "kennedy" (kevin wilson), & "the special world" (tiphanie yanique) — i guess they're all short stories published in 2020 by usamerican/canadian authors
an anthology including the death of ivan ilyich (leo tolstoy) (i have already read this one..), the beast in the jungle (henry james), heart of darkness (joseph conrad), seven who were hanged (leonid andreyev), abel sánchez (miguel de unamuno), the pastoral symphony (andré gide), mario and the magician (thomas mann), the old man (william faulkner), the stranger (albert camus), & agostino (alberto moravia)
the ambassadors (henry james)
the world book desk reference set: book of nations — it's from 1983 so this is kind of a history book...
yet another fiction anthology......... including the general's ring (selma lagerlöf), "mowgli's brothers" (rudyard kipling), "the gift of the magi" (o. henry) (i have already read this one..), "lord mountdrago" (w. somerset maugham), "music on the muscatatuck" (jessamyn west), "the pacing goose" (jessamyn west), "the birds" (daphne du maurier), "the man who lived four thousand years" (alexandre dumas), "the pope's mule" (alphonse daudet), "the story of the late mr. elvesham" (h. g. wells), "the blue cross" (g. k. chesterton), portrait of jennie (robert nathan), "la grande bretèche" (honoré de balzac), "love's conundrum" (anthony hope), "the great stone face" (nathaniel hawthorne), "germelshausen" (friedrich gerstäcker), "i am born" (charles dickens), "the legend of sleepy hollow" (washington irving), "the age of miracles" (melville davisson post), "the long rifle" (stewart edward white), "the fall of the house of usher" (edgar allan poe) (i have already read this one..), the voice of bugle ann (mackinlay kantor), the bridge of san luis rey (thornton wilder), "basquerie" (eleanor mercein kelly), "judith" (a. e. coppard), "a mother in mannville" (marjorie kinnan rawlings), "kerfol" (edith wharton), "the last leaf" (o. henry), "the bloodhound" (arthur train), "what the old man does is always right" (hans christian anderson), the sea of grass (conrad richter), "the sire de malétroit's door" (robert louis stevenson), "the necklace" (guy de maupassant) (i have already read this one..), "by the waters of babylon" (stephen vincent benét), a. v. laider (max beerbohm), "the pillar of fire" (percival wilde), "the strange will" (edmond about), "the hand at the window" (emily brontë) (i have already read this one..), & "national velvet" (enid bagnold) — why are seven of these chapters of novels....? anyway fun fact one of the compilers here also worked on the aforementioned mystery anthology. also anyway Why did i bother to write all that ☹️
fundamental problems of marxism (georgi plekhanov) — book about dialectical/historical materialism which is published here as the first volume of something (marxist library) which is kind of odd to me tbh
one last (thankfully tiny) anthology including le père goriot (honoré de balzac) & eugénie grandet (honoré de balzac)
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I don’t know anything about the weekend but now I’m intrigued. Do you have any recs?
Wow that’s a plot twist HAHA. Never a dull moment on tumblr.
Actually, if you like Matty, especially if you liked the BFIAFL era, you’d probably like The Weeknd.
He does the whole persona thing. But to an even more insane level than Matty. Like he created the “Starboy” character in his 2016 album by the same name. And he pushed it to the limit in the 2020 album “After Hours” where the character kind of becomes unhinged. The whole face covered and the red blazer thing. Throughout the music videos he’s telling a story. Finally he announced recently that he’s finished with the character. I think he’s not even going to release under “The Weeknd” anymore. He’s gonna just use his real name I think?
Anyways I wrote about this extensively for an academic journal. I’m not gonna get into it on here lest it offend some snowflakes. Plus this isn’t a Weeknd/ Abel blog so I doubt people wanna hear it. BUT I will say
Imo “After Hours” is his best work. Listen to the deluxe album cuz it has 2 alternate endings.
If you’re a pop girlie though “Starboy” and “Beauty Behind The Madness.” Are probably gonna be more your vibe.
If you like sad shit, his 2018 “my dear melancholy” is so short and so to the point. It’s all about Selena and how he loved her and she left him for Justin Bieber. “call out my name”? Masterpiece. Used to listen to it and sob when I broke up with my ex lmaooooo.
BUT, if you’re truly into R&B you’d be better off starting with his mixtapes. From way before he became famous. Some of his best writing is on there even if it’s not quite mature enough yet.
Yeah anyway. Abel is brilliant tbh. Doesn’t give interviews either so there’s not a whole lot of drama and unnecessary garbage around him. The first time people ever heard his real talking voice was just a few years ago. Like that’s how private he is. That could be changing now though. Idk. Yeah HAVE FUN! You’re lucky. I’d do anything to experience that music again for the first time.
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glamrpevents · 5 months
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Hailey Baldwin • Sebastian Stan • Justin Bieber
Tom Holland • Zendaya Coleman • Mason Gooding
Taylor Swift • Travis Kelce • Jake Gyllenhaal
Sabrina Carpenter • Rudy Pankow • Barry Keoghan
Niall Horan • Liam Payne • Kylie Jenner
Sydney Sweeney • Jacob Elordi • Luke Hemmings
Nick Jonas • Romee Strijd • Chris Evans
Zayn Malik • Perrie Edwards • Hunter Schaefer
Gigi Hadid • Ryan Gosling • Joe Jonas
Blake Lively • Ryan Reynolds • Aaron Tveit
Shawn Mendes • Barbara Palvin • Madison Beer
Drew Starkey • Madison Bailey • Odessa A'zion
Madelyn Cline • Aaron Johnson • Ella Purnell
Dua Lipa • Callum Turner • Anwar Hadid
Bella Hadid • Abel Tesfaye • Selena Gomez
Chris Hemsworth • Candice Swanepoel •
Joe Keery • Camila Morrone • Renee Rapp
Dylan O'Brien • Hailee Steinfeld • Cindy Kimberly
Hayley Williams • Glenn Powell • Ana de Armas
Margot Robbie • Pedro Pascal • Melissa Barrera
Louis Tomlinson • Danielle Campbell • Elizabeth Olsen
Jennifer Lawrence • Charles Melton • Alexa Demie
Florence Pugh • Andrew Garfield • Anya-Taylor Joy
Kendall Jenner • Harry Styles • Theo James
Henry Cavill • Kim Kardashian • Sophie Turner
Nicholas Galitzine • Taylor Zakhar Perez • Jessica Alexander
Jeremy Allen White • Dove Cameron • Addison Timlin
Elsa Hosk • Damiano David • Grant Gustin
Joseph Quinn • Suki Waterhouse • Jade Thirlwall
Ashton Irwin • Olivia Rodrigo • Kaia Gerber
Ariana Grande • Jack Martin •
Michael Clifford • Lily Rose Depp • Cara Delevingne
Austin Butler • Andrew Hozier-Byrne • Darren Criss
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pearlprincess02 · 8 months
selena and the weeknd composite houses
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7th house: the composite 7th house governs how you are as a couple, how much you’re focused on the relationship, how you move together as one, and the other people that you interact with together.
aquarius 7th house : with the composite 7th house in aquarius, you may be a pairing that interacts with others in an unusual way, and there may be something about your relationship that is unusual, or the people that you attract together may be highly unusual, unconventional, independent types. you may be more open to change together. it may be difficult for you to see together when you’re not connecting enough emotionally, and you may encounter more distant people.
7th house ruler in 6th house: circumstance: meeting them during your daily routine. at work, at the gym, going to the dentist or at the spa. meeting them at a time in your life when you’re focused on your health and wellness. meeting them while you're handling your responsibilities. this person can be your coworker or employee. person: someone who is hardworking, dedicated, service oriented, humble, practical. someone who helps you handle your daily tasks. someone who is dedicated to the routine. a person invested in their health. the kind of person who is “virgo-like” in nature. relationship: a union where you are of service to each other. a dynamic where you feel like coworkers. a relationship that is healing mentally and physically. a practical relationship, that is purposeful.
moon in 7th: with the composite moon in the 7th house, this is the house of relationships, so this can be a good placement for virtually any relationship, personal or professional. you each can focus on the relationship a great deal, feeling more secure and confident when you feel the relationship is solid and strong. you can work extra hard to make sure you’re each putting in your fair share of work to maintain the relationship, but you also need to make sure the relationship doesn’t become an emotional crutch for either of you.
saturn in 7th: with composite saturn in the 7th house, this is the house of relationships and so it can go either way. saturn can help to strengthen your relationship placed here, and help the relationship endure. but he can also make it more difficult for you to treat each other with respect, create disharmony, and make you feel unbalanced together if you’re not focused on the same things and both taking an equal share of the responsibilities in the relationship.
pallas in 7th: you are both likely to inspire leadership and collaboration in partnerships. you balance power well in your relationship and you may both be passionate about helping others to share initiative and creative power in their relationships as well. this connection can help you bring together the best of your shared intellectual and intuitive powers to help each other solve problems that arise in the partnership. you have a gift for seeing nuances and patterns that others miss and as a couple you may easily advocate for others based on your own problem-solving gifts. you may also both feel drawn to help lead others to improving the balance, harmony and beauty in their lives.
8th house: the composite 8th house shows how we use what we have together and share with one another. this house also governs intimacy and sex, so it can also show how we connect on a physical level in romantic partnerships (in a way that may be different from individually in the natal chart).
aquarius 8th house: with the composite 8th house in aquarius, you may use the resources you have together to pursue your dreams, and you may go about using them in unusual, unconventional ways. this can be fine if you do your homework first and don’t jump into anything that is too far out there, otherwise you may squander what you have. in a romantic relationship, physical intimacy may be a little distant, experimental, or may come after a foundation of friendship has been built.
8th house ruler in 6th house: you often desire the picture perfect marriage concept once you commit with someone. to you commitment has to be a wonderfully knit construction, effortlessly falling in place the right way every time without fail. the thing is love is never a perfect run all the way through and your lover can often shy away at the thought of having to adhere to your ideal of perfection. they’ll likely still adore your attentive and deeply servicing nature towards them and the commitment itself. you value give and take and don’t have much of an issue sacrificing for your lover and in fact you enjoy doing so as to see the smile on their face! albeit you can be a stickler for having things your way, once committed you don’t mind loosing your grip on having everything the right way if it can even for just a moment can make your lover happy. much physical touch is often desired in your committed phase and you likely need a constant physical expression to feel as though you are healthy emotionally as well as your partner. once committed sex is often an everyday thing as they need to express their desire daily otherwise they can feel a bit uneasy about the inner workings of the union! they become very attentive and hardworking when it comes to your body and will make sure to hit every point after years of research.
9th house: the composite 9th house can show how we expand, explore, and experience life together. The composite 9th house can show how we share our wisdom as a pairing with the world, and how we find meaning.
pisces 9th house: with the composite 9th house in pisces, your beliefs together may be very important for you, and you may be a very spiritual or religious pairing. this can be used to expand your lives together. you may not travel too much together unless it’s for spiritual/religious reasons, or around water. you can be very giving together, and can freely share your wisdom, but may need some boundaries to avoid being taken advantage of.
9th house ruler in the 6th house: shows success in career, could be a little late and would require work, shows fortune and gains from workplace and superiors and managers and authority figures, shows someone who is conservative and traditional, you may take traditional routes of learning, that is school, degrees and qualifications, less likely to be unconventional in terms of higher education, life lessons and philosophies are influenced by father figure, or just authoritative masculine energy, you may look up to authority figures or mentors, your teacher, uni professor can help you with your job, father or grandparents can help you with your job or influence it, can travel for career, work in MNCs, there may be anxiety and stress due to religious and spiritual influence in life, shows obstacles and hardships with metaphysical subjects, may not believe in astrology and occult subjects or just things unknown and unseen, you may be critical of things that need pure faith and belief than logic, your faith and beliefs can cause obstacles and stress, you may some of you be religious and spiritual and incorporate such practices in daily life so could do yoga, prayers, meditation, you are someone that can find signs in normal things in daily life, you can study subjects of healing, accounting, finance, special skill requiring subjects, fashion in higher education, you may not even do a master's or so and start job after minimal education, luck may come a little late of afflicted, luck will come before marriage possibly, could be more pessimistic than optimistic, travel for hospital treatment, could marry co worker's sibling, can do or take up occult healing, there can be benefits or gains from enemies, maternal uncles, defeat over enemies or misfortunes can also happen if afflicted, arguments with religious/spiritual figures or over religion and spirituality and philosophies and beliefs, can have moral superiority complex due to belief that you have better understanding and beliefs than others, arguments with bosses, teachers, unwillingness to accept teachings of others if afflicted, disagreement and arguments with father
mars in 9th: with composite mars in the 9th house, you can feel driven to expand your lives and have new experiences together, and this can be a good placement for traveling or learning together. you can debate over beliefs and outlooks, and you try to keep things light, but you may fight over your beliefs at times, so you have to remain open. if you have the same beliefs, this can be a strong link between you.
ceres in 9th: you can nurture each other’s philosophies and beliefs. with each other’s encouragement you can both find greater inspiration and expand your point of view. you may also help each other create abundance through encouraging each other to expand on your plans and ideas. you may stand out as a couple that nurtures others’ higher ideals and help each other to maintain hope in the midst of challenging times. you both understand that each other needs to enjoy changes of scenery, taking classes and writing or traveling abroad as a means of nurturing your own inner strengths.
10th house: the composite 10th house can show how you present yourselves as a pair, how you step out into the world together (your public life), and what you work toward together.
aries 10th house: they are seen as a dynamic couple before others, people may think that you never stop having plans, outings and they definitely see your relationship as something very fun. you can feel that spark rekindled in both of you like never before, people sense the passion and desire between you, as well as how motivated and content you can feel being in each other's presence. everyone sees them as a power couple, as the dynamic duo. people also see you as a very independent couple, you know that you will not try to control the other in any way, but the love is very evident between you. it is very likely that people noticed that you were interested in each other long before you knew it. people may think that both of you have a hot temper which may lead you to have some differences, they give the impression of being very playful and fiery when they are together. 
10th house ruler in 9th house: the activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems. you choose a profession that allows you to travel. you choose a profession that allows you to interact with people from other countries. you choose a profession that allows you to continually expand your horizons. you choose a profession that falls in line with your faith. you choose a profession that allows you to be academic. you become a priest. your vocation revolves around your relationship with religion. you receive awards for academic achievements. you receive awards for your religious work. you choose a profession that allows you to search for higher meaning. your vocation leads you to find meaning. you social status and standing in society revolves around your interactions with the church. you bring an authoritative approach to religion, faith and belief. you bring an authoritative approach to academic learning. you bring an authoritative approach to traveling. you approach other cultures as an authority. you become an authority on foreign culture. you become an authority on religion and faith. you seek recognition for your religious work. you seek recognition through discovering higher truths. you have a parental approach to people of other cultures. you become a parent to someone from another country. having a profession gives your life meaning. having status and recognition gives your life meaning.
sun in 10th house: this couple gives the impression of being very focused on the relationship, of having it as a priority and fighting daily to give the best of themselves. people may think that this couple makes each other happy, that they love each other as they are and help them to better develop their personality, they may feel that both are more authentic since they are in the relationship, that they are clearer about what they want and in general they are more focused. many may think that both want to commit or take the relationship to something more serious if it is in the initial stages. they both admire each other deeply and love being together, and that is something that many notice. 
eros in 10th house: there’s something somber in this couple something aged and refined yet so cool and almost focused and iron eyed. this couple may be intimidating to those looking from the outside and often due to the 10th house influence their sexual nature could be visible but not in the way you’d imagine-dare i say there more sexual nature is seen in a very earthy and almost lusty way. there’s a low rise horniness to this couple and often they mask it well but often in the quiet of home they’re very aggressive and at times like an old movie-the characters a cop and a his plant. most people say this eros in the composite signifies love lost while I beg to differ many with this eros in the composite are extremely loving and devoted to one another but their sex life just takes on a more serious and sensuous platform. touch is so important to both here. sex often occurs a lot here despite saturn’s influence be it afflicted or not the only problem here is that the public duties get in the way of intimate moments.
11th house: the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. with the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision.
taurus 11th house: with the composite 11th house in taurus, you may have quieter friends together, and focus on groups where you don’t have to participate too much together; or, you may the grounding pair in your friendships and groups. you may take your time with change together, but stick with it once you get started. you may be less inclined to do anything too unconventional until you feel confident about it together.
11th house ruler in 4th house: ideals and having children merge with this placement, leading the native to desire one of the following scenarios: adopting children, be a father or not have children in order to fulfill their goals. these people may end up living in a place somewhat far from their place of origin. their home will always be in constant change, changing the color of the walls frequently, changing the furniture, etc. these natives may have constantly changed residence or have lived in an unconventional or difficult to explain or coexist environment. these natives tend to overthink their emotions and are prone to anxiety. when the ruler is unaspected or poorly aspected, the native may find it difficult to understand his emotions or find a way to handle them appropriately. some of the native's parents can be very strange, uncertain, indescribable or strange to the native's eyes. parents may have ideals, personalities or ways of acting incompatible with those of the native. however, it can also be the opposite, and the native may perceive the parents as friends or people they fully trust. there is a quality of camaraderie and freshness in the natives' relationship with their parents. people with this placement may feel an emotional distancing from some members of their family, particularly their parents, and they may be the ones to break a certain role / pattern of behavior between them. it's highly probable that these people felt extremely lonely as kids, or that they were the family's black sheep. their intelligence may have surprised them since infancy, and it is highly probable that they were deemed gifted in some particular hobby or topic. they are people with a very pleasant and friendly approach, and precisely this way of being so warm, fraternal and affectionate makes them able to have friends quickly. however, this placement also indicates a very strong tendency towards introversion and towards wanting to be alone with those they fully trust. they are somewhat private people, but of course, without losing their manners. they tend to attract many people who want to connect with them in an emotionally deep way and people who want to be very close to them. they tend to be and attract very protective friends. it is not surprising that they tend to assume a protective role with their friends, and believe me, they are capable of doing the impossible to maintain the well-being of those they love the most, since they usually have friends that they consider family. this placement indicates that the native is happy to serve others, prepare the place, open the doors and provide what is necessary for people to meet or to feel at home independently whether they are close or not. the natives are highly susceptible to rumors, mood swings from their friends and social movements that may exist in the world. they are people who are very aware of what is right and wrong, the good and the bad of their friends, of the world and especially of themselves. they are very fair people.
12th house: the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of.
gemini 12th house: with the composite 12th house in gemini, it may be difficult at times for you to come together mentally, and to be fully open with your ideas and opinions. you can subconsciously have a meeting of the minds (and may even feel like you can communicate telepathically at times), but this may come out in times of crisis and be difficult to find outside of that. there may be karmic issues with understanding that has to be worked on, and too much intellectual focus may need to be let go of.
12th house ruler in 4th house: shows detachment towards home, birthland, roots, culture or even religion, your mother or the feminine guidance in life may live away from you, may be absent or is distant emotionally, there may be resentment towards mother and other family members, shows interest in exotic/imported cars, you may be more spiritual than religious but certain spiritual practices may keep you attached to working with the beliefs of your religion, you may be more introverted and like solitude, you are more artistic and passionate in private than openly, you may have sexual relations with someone you know from young age, you look for comfort and familiarity and homeliness in your sexual partners, you are demisexual - you want an emotional and romantic connect with partners before proceeding with sexual matters, unless moon/venus is afflicted, you gain creative inspirations from your surroundings, normal daily life or even homelife, you may use your talents and artistic abilities to feel happy or make others happy, your charitable acts may stem from lack of security at home, you may spend a lot on house or family members, family could be in debt if afflicted, or your childhood was not materially rich or family was in debt then, your charitable acts may focus more on acts that provides home, happiness and security to others, for people that may have been underprivileged due to their families or even people impoverished due to conflicts in home country so refugees/immigrants, you may donate or do social service related to a particular religion/race/nationality, you may feel imprisoned in your homeland, with cultural beliefs, family of even just at home, you may have interests in travel, you are sympathetic, Intuitive, aim for happiness and comforts, are emotional and Sensitive if unafflicted, otherwise there is tendency to suppress emotions and fear vulnerability, you can spend a lot or may even incur debt due to expenditure in comforts and luxury, if Afflicted this could prove troublesome, mother may be artistic or your creativity was influenced by her or supported by her, dissatisfaction and discontentment with life in general, possibly related to past life deeds, you may dream to be living a materially rich life with luxurious, dream of happiness and security, you may feel dissatisfaction in domestic life and even education, health issues related to chest, breasts, womb, stomach, may live in a different country than ancestors or had early education in a foreign land, there may have been lack of emotion nourishment
chiron in 12th: you are both brought together to help each other overcome wounds related to illusions and perceptions. you may have both had traumas in the past related to betrayal of trust among healers or spiritual guides. through this relationship, you both help each other discern intuition from fantasy or wishful thinking. you can also both be instrumental in helping each other achieve spiritual and emotional healing. you’re both able to share your empathy and compassion with the world but may struggle to bring this empathy to your own circumstances. you can help each other become more receptive to the kind of love you shower on others.
pholus in 12th: you are both likely to come into each other’s lives to help each other find purpose and meaning in the midst of unprecedented spiritual changes. this relationship can be a source of intense change and transformation as you both have to help each other navigate milestones and turning points that have a lasting impact on your emotional connection and empathy toward others. your relationship can be a source of awareness and wisdom that helps you both to navigate unprecedented crises. you can help each other release fears and insecurities as your intuition and higher awareness helps you both find purpose and meaning in the midst of cataclysmic changes.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard / 1H - 6H
7h + 7h ruler + composite pallas in houses
8h + 8h ruler
9h + 9h ruler + composite ceres in houses
10h + 10h ruler + composite eros in houses
11h + 11h ruler
12h + 12h ruler + composite chiron in house + composite pholus in houses
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