#Abhayraj Naik
suchananewsblog · 1 year
Eco-anxiety and India’s young
It was December 21, 2012, and 14-year-old Shaarvari Shreenath was satisfied that the world was ending. The date was considered the tip of a 5,126-year-long cycle within the Mayan calendar, and the media was rife with hypotheses of cataclysms that might quickly ensue. “I keep in mind hugging my buddies, and saying to them, ‘If I don’t see you tomorrow, that is how I really feel about you’,” says…
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webart-studio · 5 years
Specialists write to MeitY, spotlight key issues
Key dignitaries from analysis, academia, and media have written a joint letter to Ministry of Electronics and Data Know-how (MeitY) relating to issues over sure provisions within the Draft Data Know-how [Intermediaries Guidelines (Amendment) Rules], 2018.
The letter was addressed to MeitY Secretary Ajay Prakash Sawhney.
These Draft Guidelines search to amend present Intermediaries Pointers Guidelines, 2011 and emanate from Part 79 of Data Know-how Act, 2000, which offers safe-harbour safety to intermediaries from legal responsibility because of third occasion content material.
Nonetheless, the letter highlights the next issues relating to a number of the proposed amendments.
Disproportionate use of presidency regulation
The Draft Guidelines, regardless of being focused totally on social media platforms and messaging purposes, would apply equally to all intermediaries together with TSPs, ISPs, Cyber Cafes and so forth. This can be a disproportionate use of presidency regulation.
Obscure phrases leading to ‘chilling impact’
One of many grounds for the Supreme Courtroom putting down Part 66A of the IT Act, 2000 in Shreya Singhal was the vagueness of the phrases used within the provision resembling ‘offensive, menacing and harmful’ as these disproportionately invaded the proper of free speech. Nonetheless, phrases with the same stage of vagueness, resembling ‘grossly dangerous, harassing and hateful’ nonetheless exist within the Draft Guidelines.
Privateness and breaking encryption
The Draft Guidelines require intermediaries to incorporate a traceability function to help regulation enforcement companies. Such a traceability requirement might result in breaking of encryption on apps resembling WhatsApp, and this will likely be a significant menace to the privateness rights of residents as enshrined within the Puttaswamy judgement of the Supreme Courtroom. Addition of a requirement of traceability in a subordinate laws can also be past the rule-making energy of the federal government.
Pre-censorship and automatic content material filtering
The Draft Guidelines require intermediaries to deploy automated instruments for proactively filtering illegal content material on their platforms. This is able to end in a pre-censorship regime, violating the proper to free speech and expression, the place AI know-how would crawl via social media to filter and take away content material, which it deems ‘illegal’.
Whereas nationwide safety pursuits are vital, there’s additionally a necessity for web laws which are much less invasive and proportional. Therefore, it is very important defend the rules of open and accessible web, and the basic rights of privateness and free speech of the web customers in India.
The organisations that had been signatories to the letter are Alternate Legislation Discussion board, Digital Empowerment Basis, Esya Centre, Free Software program Basis Tamil Nadu, Free Software program Motion of India, Free Software program Motion Karnataka, HasGeek, Web Democracy Venture, IT for Change, Level of View and Software program Freedom Legislation Centre, India (SFLC.in).
The person signatories had been Abhayraj Naik, Researcher and Visiting College at Nationwide Legislation College;  Faisal Farooqui, Founder & CEO, Mouthshut.com; Geeta Seshu, Journalist and Founder, FreeSpeechCollective ; Karma Paljor, Editor-in-Chief, EastMojo; Nikhil Pahwa, Founder, MediaNama.com; Pankaj S Shah, President, Affiliation of System Integrators & Retailers in Know-how; Rahul De, Professor at Indian Institute of Administration, Bangalore; Shamnad Basheer, Founder, SpicyIP and Honorary Analysis Chair of IP Legislation at Nirma College;Shishir Ok Jha, Professor at IIT – Bombay; Sridhar Pabbisetty, Public Coverage and City Governance Specialist; and Vikram Vincent, Analysis Scholar, IIT-Bombay.
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source https://webart-studio.com/specialists-write-to-meity-spotlight-key-issues/
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legalseat · 6 years
Crafting Justice through Ethical Experiential Education
(Guest Post by Abhayraj Naik) Justice, experiential education, and an ethical vision and practice of social justice (for educators, learners, governments, universities, NGOs, research institutions, and ethical corporations in India and everywhere else) remain on top of my mind (and on top of my to-do list!) for 2018. I recently had an opportunity to participate...
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Crafting Justice through Ethical Experiential Education published first on http://ift.tt/2vSFQ3P
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