#a film critic with entertainment platform Film Companion
suchananewsblog · 1 year
Eco-anxiety and India’s young
It was December 21, 2012, and 14-year-old Shaarvari Shreenath was satisfied that the world was ending. The date was considered the tip of a 5,126-year-long cycle within the Mayan calendar, and the media was rife with hypotheses of cataclysms that might quickly ensue. “I keep in mind hugging my buddies, and saying to them, ‘If I don’t see you tomorrow, that is how I really feel about you’,” says…
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flixfoxmovie · 29 days
Flixfox: Your Ultimate Streaming Companion
Discover, Enjoy, Repeat
In today's world, where digital content is abundant and diverse, finding something truly worth watching can be overwhelming. That's where Flixfox steps in, your ultimate streaming companion designed to navigate the vast ocean of entertainment effortlessly. With its user-friendly interface and intelligent recommendations, Flixfox transforms your viewing experience into an enjoyable journey of discovery and delight.
A Seamless Interface for Effortless Navigation
Flixfox prides itself on a sleek and intuitive interface that makes browsing through countless options a breeze. Whether you're a tech-savvy millennial or a less tech-oriented individual Flixfox ensures that you can easily find what you're looking for. The platform's clean design and straightforward navigation help you to quickly filter content by genre, rating, or even mood, making the search process not only efficient but also enjoyable.
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One of the standout features of Flixfox is its personalized recommendation system. Using advanced algorithms and machine learning, Flixfox learns your viewing habits and preferences over time. It suggests shows and movies that match your taste, ensuring that you spend less time searching and more time watching. Whether you're into heart-pounding thrillers, heartwarming dramas, or laugh-out-loud comedies, Flixfox has something for everyone.
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Keeping up with the latest releases and knowing what's worth your time can be challenging. Flixfox simplifies this with up-to-date reviews and ratings from both critics and fellow viewers. This comprehensive feedback helps you make informed decisions about what to watch next. No more wasting time on mediocre shows or movies; Flixfox guides you straight to the top-tier content that aligns with your interests.
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Watching and discussing shows and movies with friends can significantly enhance the viewing experience. Flixfox fosters this communal aspect with features that allow you to connect with friends, share recommendations, and discuss your favorite content. You can create watchlists, share them with your social circle, and even host virtual watch parties. Flixfox transforms solitary streaming into a social experience, keeping you connected and engaged.
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So why wait? Dive into the Flixfox experience today and transform the way you discover, enjoy, and share digital entertainment. Flixfox: Your ultimate streaming companion awaits.
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anthonyblink715 · 4 months
Amazon TV The Cornerstone of Modern Home Entertainment
In the dynamic realm of home entertainment, Amazon TV has emerged as a pioneering force, reshaping the way we engage with media within our living spaces. Since its inception, Amazon TV has evolved from a simple streaming device to a comprehensive ecosystem that encompasses streaming services, smart devices, and original content. This article delves into the multifaceted journey of Amazon TV and its profound impact on the modern home entertainment landscape.
The Genesis of Amazon TV: Redefining Streaming
Amazon TV made its debut in 2014 with the launch of the Fire TV streaming device, signaling Amazon's entry into the competitive streaming market. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, Fire TV offered users access to a myriad of streaming services, including amazon.com/mytv enter code, Netflix, and Hulu. Its seamless integration with the Amazon ecosystem laid the groundwork for a seamless and immersive entertainment experience.
The Ascendance of Prime Video: A Content Revolution
Central to Amazon TV's success is Prime Video, the flagship streaming service that has captivated audiences worldwide. Amazon's strategic investment in original content production has yielded an impressive array of critically acclaimed series and films. From groundbreaking dramas like "The Man in the High Castle" to binge-worthy comedies like "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," Prime Video has become synonymous with quality and innovation in the streaming sphere.
The Evolution of Fire TV: Innovations in Home Entertainment
Over the years, Amazon has continued to refine and expand its Fire TV lineup, introducing new features and technologies to enhance the viewing experience. From the introduction of 4K Ultra HD streaming capabilities to the integration of voice control with Alexa, Fire TV has evolved into a versatile and powerful platform for accessing and enjoying content.
Alexa The Smart Companion for Amazon TV
At the heart of Amazon TV lies Alexa, the AI-powered virtual assistant that seamlessly integrates with Fire TV devices. With Alexa, users can navigate menus, search for content, and control playback using simple voice commands. The integration of Alexa transforms Amazon TV into a central hub for smart home automation, allowing users to control compatible devices with ease.
Original Content: The Driving Force Behind Amazon TV
Amazon's commitment to original content has been a driving force behind the success of Prime Video. By investing in diverse and compelling storytelling, Amazon has cultivated a loyal fan base and garnered critical acclaim for its original series and films. With an ever-expanding library of exclusive content, Prime Video continues to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation in the streaming landscape.
The Future of Amazon TV: Charting New Frontiers
As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences evolve, Amazon TV remains poised to lead the way in home entertainment. With ongoing investments in original content, advancements in Fire TV technology, and deeper integration with Alexa and other smart home devices, Amazon is well-positioned to shape the future of media consumption in the digital age.
In conclusion, Amazon TV has revolutionized the way we experience home entertainment, offering a seamless and immersive platform for accessing a vast array of content. From its innovative Fire TV devices to its extensive library of original programming, Amazon TV has redefined the concept of television in the 21st century. As it continues to innovate and expand its offerings, Amazon TV remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of modern home entertainment.
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myfrenzi · 8 months
The Role of Critics and Review Aggregators in OTT Choices
Shaping Your Viewing Journey: The Role of Critics and Review Aggregators in OTT Choices — Best Movies on OTT
In the vast sea of content available on Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms, finding the “best movies on OTT” can be a daunting task. This is where critics and review aggregators come into play, acting as guiding stars in the night sky of entertainment choices. In this blog, we’ll delve into the pivotal role that critics and review aggregators play in helping viewers navigate the realm of OTT content. Join us on a cinematic exploration as we discover how these voices of expertise shape your OTT choices.
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Act I: The Deluge of Content
OTT platforms have transformed how we consume entertainment, offering an incredible array of movies, series, and documentaries.
Endless Options: The sheer volume of content can be overwhelming, making it challenging for viewers to discover the “best movies on OTT.”
Act II: The Influence of Critics
Film critics and reviewers are professionals who watch, analyze, and critique movies, offering their insights to the public.
Expertise and Authority: Critics provide valuable expertise and authority in evaluating the quality, storytelling, performances, and technical aspects of a film.
Act III: The Role of Review Aggregators
Review aggregators compile and summarize critics’ reviews, providing an aggregated score or rating for a particular movie.
Curated Opinions: These platforms bring together diverse opinions, allowing viewers to gauge a film’s overall reception by critics.
Act IV: Why Critics Matter
Critics offer several advantages when it comes to selecting the “best movies on OTT.”
Informed Choices: Their evaluations help viewers make informed choices by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of a film.
Act V: The Diverse Perspectives of Critics
Critics come from various backgrounds and perspectives, resulting in a rich tapestry of opinions and analyses.
Diverse Voices: Different critics may emphasize various aspects of a film, catering to the diverse tastes and preferences of viewers.
Act VI: Review Aggregators: A Comprehensive Overview
Review aggregators, such as Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, simplify the process of accessing critical reviews.
One-Stop Shop: These platforms offer a centralized hub for movie ratings and reviews, streamlining the decision-making process.
Act VII: The Human Element
Despite the convenience of review aggregators, critics provide a human touch to reviews.
Personal Connection: Critics often share their personal experiences and insights, helping viewers connect on a deeper level with a film.
Act VIII: The Impact on Film Culture
Critics and review aggregators contribute significantly to the film culture, shaping discussions and setting industry standards.
Elevating Filmmaking: Constructive criticism and recognition of quality films encourage the industry to raise its standards.
Act IX: FAQs on Critics, Review Aggregators, and OTT Choices
Q1: How do I choose the right critic or review aggregator to trust? Experiment with different critics and aggregators to find voices that align with your preferences. Consider checking multiple sources to gain a well-rounded perspective.
Q2: Are critics and review aggregators always accurate in their assessments? While critics and aggregators provide valuable insights, personal preferences can vary. It’s essential to use their opinions as a guide rather than an absolute measure of a film’s quality.
Q3: Do review aggregators take all critics’ reviews into account, or do they select specific ones? Review aggregators typically include a wide range of critics’ reviews, but they may exclude certain reviews if they don’t meet specific criteria or standards.
Curtain Call: Navigating the OTT Seas
In conclusion, the world of OTT entertainment is vast, and critics and review aggregators act as trusted companions on your cinematic journey. They guide you toward the “best movies on OTT” and offer insights that can enhance your viewing experience.
By relying on the expertise and collective wisdom of these voices, you can embark on a rewarding exploration of cinematic treasures, allowing you to discover hidden gems, engage in meaningful discussions, and appreciate the art of filmmaking from a fresh perspective.
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shannelreviews · 9 months
The Significance of Movie Reviews: A Critical Perspective
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In the realm of entertainment, the cinema has always held a special place in our hearts. Movies transport us to different worlds, invoke emotions, and often leave a lasting impact. As audiences, we rely on various sources to help us make informed choices about which films to watch. One such invaluable resource is the movie review. In this article, we will delve into the importance of movie reviews and why they play a crucial role in our cinematic journey.
Guidance for Decision-Making Movie reviews serve as guideposts for viewers. In a world where hundreds of films are released each year, it can be overwhelming to choose which ones to spend our time and money on. A well-written review provides insights into the plot, characters, and overall quality of the film. This guidance helps us make informed decisions, ensuring that our entertainment choices align with our preferences.
Quality Control Movie reviews act as quality control mechanisms in the film industry. Filmmakers invest substantial resources in creating movies, and audiences invest their time and money in watching them. Reviews provide constructive criticism and feedback, holding filmmakers accountable for their work. Constructive criticism can drive the industry towards higher standards and innovation, ultimately benefiting both filmmakers and viewers.
Broadening Perspectives Movie reviews expose us to different perspectives and interpretations of a film. What one viewer sees as a masterpiece, another might view as mediocre. Reading multiple reviews allows us to appreciate the diversity of opinions and interpretations, enhancing our understanding of the film and its themes. This exposure to different viewpoints enriches our movie-watching experience.
Discussion and Debate Reviews spark discussions and debates among film enthusiasts. They create a platform for exchanging ideas, analyzing storytelling techniques, and dissecting the symbolism within a movie. Engaging in these conversations adds depth to our understanding of cinema and allows us to appreciate the nuances that might have gone unnoticed.
Cultural and Social Relevance Movies often reflect the cultural and social zeitgeist of their time. Movie reviews can shed light on the relevance of a film within a specific cultural or social context. They can highlight how a film addresses important issues, challenges societal norms, or offers a fresh perspective on pressing matters, making us more aware and informed citizens.
Saving Time and Money Time and money are valuable resources, and movie reviews help us conserve both. By reading reviews, we can avoid investing in films that do not align with our tastes or that have received unfavorable critiques. This allows us to make efficient use of our resources, ensuring that our entertainment choices are more likely to be enjoyable and worthwhile.
Supporting Independent Cinema While blockbuster movies often dominate the box office, there is a thriving world of independent cinema waiting to be discovered. Movie reviews often feature lesser-known films that might not receive widespread promotion. By reading and supporting these reviews, we can contribute to the growth of independent cinema, helping it gain the recognition it deserves.
In conclusion, movie reviews are far more than just opinions about films; they are essential tools that enhance our movie-watching experience. They guide us, encourage critical thinking, and foster a sense of community among film enthusiasts. Moreover, they play a pivotal role in maintaining quality standards within the film industry and contribute to cultural and social discourse. As we continue to immerse ourselves in the world of cinema, let us remember that movie reviews are indispensable companions on our cinematic journey.
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felix0434-blog · 1 year
9xmovies 2023: Explore the Latest Punjabi Movies and Hollywood Hindi Films with the App Download
In the ever-evolving world of entertainment, digital platforms have become the go-to destination for movie enthusiasts. One such popular platform is 9xmovies, which offers a vast collection of the latest Punjabi movies and Hollywood Hindi films. With the convenience of an app download, users can access a diverse range of content right at their fingertips. In this blog post, we will delve into the exciting world of 9xmovies and explore the features that make it a preferred choice for cinephiles.
What is 9xmovies?
9xmovies is a renowned online platform that provides a wide array of movies, including Punjabi films and Hollywood movies dubbed in Hindi. It serves as a hub for users to discover and enjoy the latest releases across various genres, from action and drama to romance and comedy. The platform has gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and a vast collection of films from different industries.
Exploring the Latest Punjabi Movies:
Punjabi cinema has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years, delivering exceptional movies that capture the hearts of audiences worldwide. With 9xmovies, you can stay updated with the latest Punjabi releases in 2023. The platform offers an extensive selection of Punjabi films, ranging from blockbuster hits to critically acclaimed gems. From comedy-dramas that tickle your funny bone to soul-stirring stories that touch your heart, there's something for every movie lover on 9xmovies.
Hollywood Hindi Films: A Cinematic Extravaganza:
The magic of Hollywood movies transcends boundaries, captivating audiences across the globe. At 9xmovies, you can explore a vast library of Hollywood films dubbed in Hindi, making it easier for viewers who prefer watching movies in their native language. Whether you're a fan of action-packed thrillers, gripping suspense, or heartfelt dramas, 9xmovies has you covered with its wide-ranging collection of Hollywood movies.
The Convenience of App Download:
To enhance the user experience, 9xmovies offers a dedicated app that can be easily downloaded and installed on compatible devices. This app provides seamless access to a treasure trove of movies, ensuring that you can enjoy your favorite films anytime, anywhere. With a simple interface and intuitive navigation, the app enables users to browse through different genres, search for specific movies, and even create personalized watchlists for future viewing.
User-Friendly Interface and Streaming Options:
One of the key factors that sets 9xmovies apart is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to provide a hassle-free streaming experience, with well-categorized sections for Punjabi movies and Hollywood Hindi films. Users can explore these sections and choose from a variety of movies based on their preferences. Additionally, 9xmovies offers different streaming options, allowing users to select their preferred video quality and optimize their viewing experience based on their internet connection.
In the digital age, 9xmovies has emerged as a popular platform for movie enthusiasts seeking the latest Punjabi movies and Hollywood films dubbed in Hindi. With its vast collection, user-friendly interface, and convenient app download, it has become a go-to destination for cinephiles. So, if you're eager to stay up-to-date with the latest releases or revisit your favorite movies, 9xmovies is the perfect companion for your cinematic journey. Download the app today and immerse yourself in a world of captivating storytelling and unforgettable performances.
Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. We do not endorse or promote piracy or any illegal activities. Always respect copyright laws and support the official release of movies through legal channels.
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abcnewspr · 1 year
The Stars of the New Film ‘Boston Strangler’ Discuss the Notorious Case, the Lived Reality of Working Mothers and the Prevalence of Violence Against Women 
The Episode Is Available Today, March 29, on All Major Listening Platforms 
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ABC News* 
“Truth and Lies: The Boston Strangler,” ABC Audio’s true-crime companion podcast to the 20th Century Studios’ film “Boston Strangler,” released a special episode today with the film’s co-stars, Oscar® nominee Keira Knightley and Emmy® nominee Carrie Coon. Brad Mielke, host of ABC’s award-winning daily news podcast “Start Here,” speaks with Knightley and Coon about what drew them to the roles of real-life reporters Loretta McLaughlin and Jean Cole, respectively, and why the story continues to captivate the public decades later. The episode also features a broader conversation on violence again women and the pursuit of work-life balance for working mothers. 
Episode Highlights: 
Knightley on violence against women: “It’s quite an interesting narrative when you can’t blame the victim because, actually, the responsibility goes onto male violence. And what is that? And why aren’t we talking about male violence? Because when we talk about ‘violence against women,’ we miss [that it’s] male violence against women. And I find that interesting.” 
Coon and Knightley on work-life balance for women and mothers: 
Coon: “We are these women ... women are watching [this movie] and realizing that the work-life balance struggle has always existed, has never been solved, and in fact has been compounded, I think, recently by some factors ... So many women left the workforce during the pandemic because it was actually not possible to do what they’re talking about in that conversation: to find that balance.” 
Knightley: “It’s been a terrible thing to put on women, that idea [that you can have everything], because you can’t; you can do everything at different times, but you cannot do everything at the same time. There was an interesting word that quite a few women have used when they’ve seen this film, and they’ve said, ‘cathartic.’ I thought that was such an interesting word given this film. But I think it’s exactly that because it’s showing these two women struggling with trying to have everything and failing to have everything... It’s all a balance, and there’s loss involved.” 
The podcast delves into the backstory of the 13 victims and the great lengths taken by investigators and journalists to find their killer.  
“Truth and Lies: The Boston Strangler” is available for free on all major listening platforms, including Apple Podcasts,  Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Pandora, SiriusXM, Stitcher, TuneIn, Audacy, and the ABC News app. 
“Truth and Lies: The Boston Strangler” is produced by ABC Audio. Laura Mayer is the podcast’s executive producer.  
About ABC Audio 
ABC Audio, a division of ABC News, is America’s premier source for radio news, entertainment content and podcasts. ABC News Radio reaches more Americans than any other commercial broadcaster through its network of more than 1,600 radio stations and digital distributors. ABC Audio offers affiliates on-demand access to original audio, video, and social media content, as well as news, entertainment and lifestyle digital text stories. ABC Audio is part of a top-ranked podcasting network, along with partners at ESPN, National Geographic and Marvel. The growing podcast portfolio includes ABC News’ flagship daily news podcast “Start Here,” as well as the critically acclaimed, chart-topping hits like “The Dropout,” “Reclaimed: The Story of Mamie Till-Mobley,” “In Plain Sight: Lady Bird Johnson” and the “Truth and Lies” franchise series.  
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.   
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Meryl Streep Musical Performances (Including The Prom!)
Who would have thought 30 years ago Meryl Streep would become the musical diva of our age? Maybe those who watched her bashfully (and beautifully) sing “You Don’t Know Me” in 1990’s Postcards from the Edge. But largely she was associated with the serious dramas of the ‘70s and ‘80s that won her two Oscars (and saw her nominated for three more) by the time she was 35: Kramer vs. Kramer, The Deer Hunter, Sophie’s Choice. Sober-eyed tearjerkers all.
But an amazing thing happened in the 21st century, didn’t it? Streep, the First Lady of the Academy Awards stage, reinvented herself as the prima donna of the musical-comedy. Sometimes that includes performances so rich that they sing even without any lyrics, such as the imperious Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. But often they come with music and verse too, be it ham-fisted kitsch like Mamma Mia! or something as ambitious as playing the Witch in an adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods.
And today she’s back on the musical big screen—or at least the one in your living room—via Ryan Murphy and Netflix’s The Prom. It’s an all-out musical extravaganza where Streep transcends into her best self: a reigning diva of Broadway. So join us as we use the occasion to count down her greatest cinematic solos.
10. “Changing Lives” in The Prom
For whatever faults The Prom might contain, the Netflix film’s vicious satire of celebrity vanity and performative social action is not one of them. And rarely is that better felt than in Meryl and James Corden’s first big number “Changing Lives.” As a pair of tone-deaf Narcissuses, Streep’s Dee Dee Allen and Corden’s Barry Glickman put on a hell of a show, singing from the lights of 44th St. to the glitzy interiors of Sardis about how being a Broadway star is basically the same thing as Eleanor and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Is it a great song? Not necessarily. Is it great to hear Streep exclaim she only wants to hear a review if it’s a rave or mixed-to-positive while downing champagne? Absolutely.
9. “Super Trouper” in Mamma Mia!
We know everyone has thoughts about Mammia Mia! and where its qualities (or sometimes lack thereof) lie. But Meryl Streep’s performance as Donna is inarguably one of its great strengths. Her matriarch of an idyllic little Greek island seems a far cry from the apparent free spirit and hellraiser she once was. Yet in “Super Trouper,” her young daughter (Amanda Seyfried) gets a glimpse of the dynamo Donna once was (and secretly still is) as she takes the disco stage alongside Julie Walters and Christine Baranski.
The trio still make the ‘70s excess of their outfits work, crooning about last nights in Glasgow and reawakening that magic for the next generation. Even Donna’s tuneless exes in the back get swept back in time. It’s sweet, and one of several Mamma Mia numbers to appear here.
8. “Goodbye to My Mama” in A Prairie Home Companion
One of the best films mentioned on this list, A Prairie Home Companion was director Robert Altman’s final film—and the movie appears aware of this. Nowhere is that more tangible in this heart-wringing ballad written in the tradition of early 20th century Country and Western music by Garrison Keillor. An ode to a childhood long gone, and both an aspiration and understated fear about seeing a lost mother again on the other side, the song is an elegy realized in soulful duet by Streep and Lily Tomlin. It harkens the Angel of Death backstage, but in isolation it’s still plenty heartbreaking.
7. “The Winner Takes It All” in Mamma Mia!
We said there’d be more ABBA. And here it is with “The Winner Takes It All,” Streep’s single actual solo. In this moment director Phyllida Lloyd knows exactly where to put the camera, capturing the postcard beauty of a Greek isle at sunset as Meryl sings her heart out, and smashes Pierce Brosnan’s for good measure. Appealingly melodramatic, and with perfect high notes for Streep’s range, the scene puts this Oscar winner in the movie equivalent of a romance novel cover. And who doesn’t want to open that?!
6. “It’s Not About Me” in The Prom
Again rarely does The Prom’s satire land better than in its opening number… but Streep’s big solo “It’s Not About Me” is that rare exception. Strutting into an Indiana PTA meeting in a red mink and extravagant mood, Streep’s Dee Dee introduces herself by belting that she’s here after reading three quarters of an article to ask, “You bigoted monsters, just who do you think you are?” And it’s all downhill from there for her argument, and uphill for our entertainment.
Hijacking a vulnerable teenager’s platform to whine about a New York Post notice and to demand soft lighting and a rainbow coalition of colorful streamers for her Insta-ready moment, Streep is given permission by The Prom to make everything about her. More, please.
5. “Stay with Me” in Into the Woods
Attempting to sing Sondheim is a challenge few take up lightly. With his typically complex lyrics, myriad key changes, and sharp musical bridges, Sondheim has thwarted many a movie star who’s tried. Streep is not one of them. As the villainous and somewhat misunderstood Witch of Into the Woods, Streep dominates the film as an antagonistic force who sees all the other fairy tale archetypes for the schmucks they are.
But that does not include her adopted daughter Rapunzel (Mackenzie Mauzy). As the daughter the Witch never had, Rapunzel is kept secluded away in the woods, but it’s for her own protection. Written years before Tangled, a mother’s fanged psychological warfare and pleas to “stay with me” from the danger in the world is as haunting as it is toxic. And it’s Streep’s best moment in Disney and Rob Marshall’s ambitious, yet bloated, movie adaptation.
4. “Dancing Queen” in Mamma Mia!
Yes, it’s that song and that scene: ABBA’s most overplayed earworm brought to treacly life with maximum cheese, including slow-motion shots of Meryl Streep jumping on a bed and skipping along a Greek coastline. Look over there! Why is that old fisherman playing a piano in the water?! And over here! Where did the hundreds of locals on this tiny, largely uninhabited island come from?!
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Best Movie Musicals of the 21st Century
By David Crow
Hamilton Cast Reflect on Backlash and Criticism of Musical
By David Crow
It doesn’t matter! You know from the first time you heard Streep and company belt this that you sang along. You probably still do, joining in at the parade of empowered women, from ages two to 92, who’ve been liberated by the joy of their youth, now or remembered. As they dance badly across the world’s grooviest pier, it plays as loud; as camp; and as a goddamn delight.
3. “My Minnesota Home” in A Prairie Home Companion
Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin’s other major duet in A Prairie Home Companion, “My Minnesota Home” reworks Stephen Foster’s “My Old Kentucky Home” to give it a Lake Wobegon tenor. It is also the sweetest showcase for Streep and Tomlin’s chemistry, both as singers and human beings. The give and take between the pair, and then Streep’s rousing vibrato during the final chorus, has the air of genuine inspiration and real pleasure. Here are two performers finding harmony together on the stage and before our eyes. It’s big hearted and irresistible.
2. “I’m Checking Out” in Postcards from the Edge
Meryl’s first major musical moment came during the grand finale of director Mike Nichols and screenwriter Carrie Fisher’s wonderful little dramedy. Loosely and nakedly based on Fisher’s own relationship with her movie star mother Debbie Reynolds, Postcards from the Edge is a revealing and sometimes blunt exercise in getting things off a writer’s chest. And one thing Fisher really wanted to clear the air about was her mother’s desire to push her toward musical performance. While Fisher resisted in her own life, she allows the fictional Suzanne Vale (Streep) to give in to mother Doris Mann (Shirley MacLaine).
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Best 11 Classic Movie Musicals
By David Crow
Hamilton: The Real History of the Burr-Hamilton Duel
By David Crow
In doing so, she also gives into herself and sings this full-hearted rendition of “I’m Checking Out.” A country hymn to the bitterness of living in the heartbreak hotel, the song allows Suzanne (and hopefully Carrie) to bury some pain, and for Streep to reveal her formidable stage and screen presence in front of a microphone. It is probably the rawest and most intelligent performance on this list.
1. “Mamma Mia” in Mamma Mia!
Among Meryl Streep’s many songs in Mamma Mia!—including a few we did not put on this list, believe it or not—it’s her rendition of the movie’s title song that works best. Imbuing the tune with an infectious playfulness, and leaning into the impatience that pours from ABBA’s lyrics, Streep pounces around the screen like a cat who’s just spotted a bird… or at least three turkeys in the shapes of her exes (Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, and Stellan Skarsgård).
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How Disney Saved Musicals for a New Generation
By David Crow
Hamilton: Thomas Jefferson Controversy Explained
By David Crow
As she creeps and creaks around their goathouse (don’t ask), debating whether to sneak another peak, the film finally makes sharp use of a movie’s ability to edit together imagery: We cut between Streep, the exiled suitors, Donna’s daughter and friends, and even an honest to Zeus Greek chorus of extras sticking their heads into the frame to chastise Streep. Not that she can resist her curiosity, nor do we resist watching it. In fact, we want to egg it on as Streep rolls around in overalls and crosses herself before embracing the next crescendo.
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Science Comics, FDA Greenlit & Critical Role
Finally, a way to read comics in class without your teacher complaining! Real life scientists are producing educational comics to teach cool science stuff. And they're FREE! Check them out, they have some pretty good explanations for a bunch of different topics.
The FDA has recognised the ability of video games to help with therapy and greenlit a game for treating ADHD suffers. I can't wait for a game to help you deal with idiots, but we'll get there one day.
Where did Matt Mercer's Vox Machina come from? Now you can read both of the first two seasons of the Critical Role prequels in a hardback omnibus. Wait, didn't we already do comics this week? Oops. Anyway, watch Critical Role. It's really good.
This week, Professor took to the skies in Sky Rogue and DJ set us up the bomb in Valorant.
Real Life Scientists making comics
- https://www.sciencenews.org/article/real-life-scientists-inspire-comic-book-superheroes-science-literacy
- https://www.jkxcomics.com/
- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59ab7c15e4fcb5c602a09465/t/5a08e052e2c483d6cb8cf769/1510531187492/JKXComics_EBV+and+the+Replication+Dance.pdf
A video game for kids with ADHD is greenlit by the FDA
- https://www.statnews.com/2020/06/15/fda-akili-adhd-endeavorrx/
Dark Horse to Release 'Critical Role' Hardcover Omnibus
- https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/dark-horse-release-critical-role-hardcover-omnibus-1296484
Games Played
– Sky Rogue - https://store.steampowered.com/app/381020/Sky_Rogue/
Rating: 3.5/5
– Valorant – https://playvalorant.com/en-us/
Rating: 3/5
Other topics discussed
The Last of Us Part 2 game review : Not as Good as It Thinks It Is
- https://www.thewrap.com/the-last-of-us-part-2-review-not-as-good-as-it-thinks-it-is-ellie-naughty-dog/
Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann calls out journalist Jason Schreier for Anne Frank joke
- https://www.ginx.tv/en/video-games/naughty-dog-s-neil-druckmann-calls-out-journalist-jason-schrier-for-anne-frank-joke
G.I. Joe - Give Him The Stick : Parody of G.I. Joe's Public Service Announcements created by Fensler films
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXFdPTaCtkc
Victoria's sudden spike in coronavirus cases could result in localised lockdowns
- https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/victorias-sudden-spike-in-coronavirus-cases-could-result-in-localised-lockdowns-c-1113679
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) (formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epstein%E2%80%93Barr_virus
Once Upon a Time….Life (French animated series which tells the story of the human body for children.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_Upon_a_Time..._Life
Cells at Work! (Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu. It features the anthropomorphized cells of a human body, with the two main protagonists being a red blood cell and a white blood cell she frequently encounters.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cells_at_Work!
Cells at Work! CODE BLACK (spin-off written by Shigemitsu Harada, illustrated by Ikuta Hatsuya, and supervised by the author of the original, Akane Shimizu. Similar to the original, the series is set in a world of anthropomorphic cells working in a body. It follows a the life of a rookie Erythrocyte, AA2153, and a Neutrophil, U-1196, as they work in a poorly maintained, middle-aged body burdened by issues such as stress, smoking, drinking and the like, causing complications in the cells' work and living environment.)
- https://cellsatwork.fandom.com/wiki/Cells_at_Work!_CODE_BLACK
Inside Ralphie (Magic School Bus episode) (Third episode of Season 1 of the animated children's series The Magic School Bus. While Ralphie hosts a TV broadcast from his sickbed, his classmates seek to discover the cause of his illness.)
- https://magicschoolbus.fandom.com/wiki/Inside_Ralphie
For Lunch (Magic School Bus episode) (Second episode of season one of the animated children's series The Magic School Bus. Ms. Frizzle's students explore Arnold's digestive system after he accidentally swallows his miniaturized classmates.)
- https://magicschoolbus.fandom.com/wiki/For_Lunch
Food and Drug Administration ((FDA or USFDA) is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counterpharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines,biopharmaceuticals,blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics, animal foods & feed and veterinary products.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_and_Drug_Administration
Ritalin (Methylphenidate, sold under the trade name Ritalin among others, is a stimulant medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is a first line medication for ADHD. It may be taken by mouth or applied to the skin.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylphenidate
Tali Health (Tali Health creates game based programs to improve attention in children. TALi TRAIN is a clinically validated digital training and treatment program that addresses the world’s leading reported early childhood issue-attention difficulties, a key feature in conditions including ADHD and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).)
- https://talihealth.com.au/
Michele Assarasakorn (comic artist | colorist on ISOLA / Gotham Academy/ Critical Role)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/msassyk
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/msassyk/
Critical Role Wiki (A Place Documenting the Current History of Exandria)
- https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Critical_Role_Wiki
The World of RWBY: The Official Companion (RWBY lore book)
- https://www.amazon.com/World-RWBY-Official-Companion/dp/1974704386
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Library Edition: Series I & II Collection at Amazon
Ace Combat (Ace Combat is a hybrid arcade-style flight action video game franchise mainly developed by Bandai Namco Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_Combat
LUFTRAUSERS (shoot 'em up video game developed by Netherlands-based indie developer studio Vlambeer and published by Devolver Digital for Microsoft Windows, OS X,Linux, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.)
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/233150/LUFTRAUSERS/
Guns of Icarus (Guns of Icarus Online is the original PvP steampunk airship combat game that laid the groundwork for the expanded Guns of Icarus experience, Guns of Icarus Alliance.)
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/209080/Guns_of_Icarus_Online/
PS5 Reveal Event & Every Next Gen Game announced
- https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps5-reveal-event-every-nextgen-game-announced-by-s/1100-6478266/
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster (The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster was a fatal incident in the United States space program that occurred on Tuesday, January 28, 1986, when the Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-099) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. The failure was caused by the failure of O-ring seals used in the joint that were not designed to handle the unusually cold conditions that existed at this launch.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Challenger_disaster
Space Shuttle Columbia disaster (The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster was a fatal incident in the United States space program that occurred on February 1, 2003, when the Space Shuttle Columbia (OV-102) disintegrated as it reentered the atmosphere, killing all seven crew members. During the launch of STS-107,Columbia's 28th mission, a piece of foam insulation broke off from the Space Shuttle external tank and struck the left wing of the orbiter.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Columbia_disaster
The Slo Mo Guys - How a TV Works in Slow Motion
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BJU2drrtCM
Winnie the Pooh could be banned from Shanghai Disneyland as a result of an ongoing meme used to criticize China's leader
Obama & Xi Jinping as Tigger & Winnie The Pooh
- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsXrZ-6UwAUHGRx?format=jpg&name=900x900
Shout Outs
11 June 2020 – Playstation 5 reveal - https://deadline.com/2020/06/sony-playstation-5-revealed-videogames-1202957140/
Sony lifted the veil to reveal the PlayStation 5, the video game console it hopes will be a significant lure for consumers this holiday season. In a live-streamed video presentation lasting more than an hour, Sony Interactive Entertainment  revealed new details for the PS5, including its design and lineup of new games. Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto will be included for free, and there are two dozen other games heading to the platform. The unit’s two-tone design is a shift from previous versions and gives off distinct imperial stormtrooper vibes. PS5 will be available in both a standard model with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive, and a digital model without a disc drive. One of the biggest series of all time, Grand Theft Auto, will be coming to PS5, with enhanced and expanded versions of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online to launch on PS5 in the second half of 2021.
15 June 2020 – Rare stone ginger beer bottle from 1930s-era sells for record price - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-15/ginger-beer-bottle-sells-for-huge-price/12353574
A rare ginger beer bottle from the 1930s, made for a Warwick soft drink company, has sold for a record price in Toowoomba. It has collectors encouraging people to check their sheds and old farm dumps for possible 'buried treasure'. The hammer fell at $17,500 for the stoneware Doneley and Butler bottle. The little green lip at the top is what set it apart from bottles worth a fraction of that price."These bottles are extremely rare, there have only been two or three found in perfect condition," said auctioneer Graham Lancaster."That colour combination of glazes makes it unique worldwide."He said the Warwick bottle set a record price locally, and quite possible a world-record, for an antique crown-seal soft drink bottle of its type.
16 June 2020 – Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins turns 15 - https://comicbook.com/movies/news/batman-begins-anniversary-the-dark-knight-christopher-nolan-christian-bale/
As the '90s progressed, the image of Batman on the big screen began to descend into the realm of campiness previously seen in Adam West's take on the character back in the '60s TV series and movie, which started to sour audiences on the character entirely. After a variety of reports emerged about a new take on the character in the early '00s, fans were given Christopher Nolan's gritty and grounded origin story for the character in 2005, debuting Christian Bale as the Dark Knight. This new take on the character harkened back to some of the more grounded interpretations of the character, while adding just enough whimsy to remind audiences that this was still a comic book movie. Batman Begins went on to take in $371 million worldwide, a fraction of the figures that subsequent superhero movies would go on to earn, That film's success might not have been groundbreaking, but it set the stage for The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, with some audiences considering those films to be the best comic book films of all time, both of which earned major box office hauls and the former earning Heath Ledger a posthumous Oscar for his performance as the Joker.
18 June 2020 – Dame Vera Lynn passes away at 103 - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-53091856
The singer was best known for performing hits such as We'll Meet Again to troops on the front line in countries including India and Egypt. Six weeks ago, ahead of the 75th anniversary of VE Day and during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Dame Vera said simple acts of bravery and sacrifice still define our nation. A week later, she became the oldest artist to get a top 40 album in the UK, beating her own record when her greatest hits album re-entered the charts at number 30. Born in London's East Ham in 1917, Dame Vera's singing talent was discovered at a young age and by age 11 she had left school to pursue a full-time career as a dancer and singer. Lynn devoted much time and energy to charity work connected with ex-servicemen, disabled children and breast cancer. She was held in great affection by Second World War veterans and in 2000 was named the Briton who best exemplified the spirit of the 20th century. Paying tribute, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the singer's "charm and magical voice entranced and uplifted our country in some of our darkest hours". "Her voice will live on to lift the hearts of generations to come," he said. She died at the age of 103 in Ditchling,East Sussex.
19 June 2020 – Sir Ian Holm passes away at 88 - https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jun/19/ian-holm-dies-alien-chariots-of-fire-bilbo-baggins
Sir Ian Holm, an acclaimed British actor whose long career included roles in Chariots of Fire and The Lord of the Rings has died. A star of stage and screen, Sir Ian won a Tony Award for best featured actor as Lenny in Harold Pinter's play The Homecoming in 1967. He won a British Academy Film Award and gained a supporting-actor Oscar nomination for portraying pioneering athletics coach Sam Mussabini in the hit 1982 film Chariots of Fire. His other well-known film roles include Ash in Alien, Father Vito Cornelius in The Fifth Element, Chef Skinner in Ratatouille, and Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film series. Sir Ian was knighted in 1998 for his services to drama. He died from Parkinson’s disease in London.
16 June 1804 – Johann Adam Hiller - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Adam_Hiller
German composer,conductor and writer on music, regarded as the creator of the Singspiel, an early form of German opera. It is a form of German-language music drama, now regarded as a genre of opera. It is characterized by spoken dialogue, which is alternated with ensembles,songs, ballads, and arias which were often strophic, or folk-like. Singspiel plots are generally comic or romantic in nature, and frequently include elements of magic, fantastical creatures, and comically exaggerated characterizations of good and evil. In many of these operas he collaborated with the poet Christian Felix Weiße. Furthermore, Hiller was a teacher who encouraged musical education for women, his pupils including Elisabeth Mara and Corona Schröter. He was Kapellmeister of Abel Seyler's theatrical company, and became the first Kapellmeister of Leipzig Gewandhaus. To Hiller has been given the credit of being the originator of the Singspiel, the beginning of German comedy opera as distinct from the French and Italian developments. The most important of his operas were: Lottchen am Hofe (Lottie at court, 1760),Der Teufel ist los (The devil is loose, 1768), and Poltis, oder Das gerettete Troja (Poltis, or Troy rescued, 1782). The lyrics of all his Singspiele were of considerable musical value, and were long popular. Among his sacred compositions are: A Passion Cantata, Funeral Music in Honor of Hasse, a setting of the one hundredth Psalm; and a few symphonies. He died at the age of 76 in Leipzig.
16 June 1858 – John Snow - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Snow
English physician and a leader in the development of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered one of the founders of modern epidemiology, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in Soho, London, in 1854, which he curtailed by removing the handle of a water pump. Snow's findings inspired the adoption of anaesthesia as well as fundamental changes in the water and waste systems of London, which led to similar changes in other cities, and a significant improvement in general public health around the world. John Snow was one of the first physicians to study and calculate dosages for the use of ether and chloroform as surgical anaesthetics, allowing patients to undergo surgical and obstetric procedures without the distress and pain they would otherwise experience. He designed the apparatus to safely administer ether to the patients and also designed a mask to administer chloroform. He personally administered chloroform to Queen Victoria when she gave birth to the last two of her nine children, Leopold in 1853 and Beatrice in 1857 and was still not yet knighted, leading to wider public acceptance of obstetric anaesthesia. John Snow studied chloroform as much as he studied ether, which was introduced in 1847 by James Young Simpson, a Scottish obstetrician. He realised that chloroform was much more potent and required more attention and precision when administering it. Snow first realised this with Hannah Greener, a 15-year-old patient who died on 28 January 1848 after a surgical procedure that required the cutting of her toenail. She was administered chloroform by covering her face with a cloth dipped in the substance. However, she quickly lost pulse and died. After investigating her death and a couple of deaths that followed, he realized that chloroform had to be administered carefully and published his findings in a letter to The Lancet. Snow was a skeptic of the then-dominant miasma theory that stated that diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague were caused by pollution or a noxious form of "bad air". The germ theory of disease had not yet been developed, so Snow did not understand the mechanism by which the disease was transmitted. His observation of the evidence led him to discount the theory of foul air. He first published his theory in an 1849 essay, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, followed by a more detailed treatise in 1855 incorporating the results of his investigation of the role of the water supply in the Soho epidemic of 1854. By talking to local residents (with the help of Reverend Henry Whitehead), he identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Although Snow's chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not conclusively prove its danger, his studies of the pattern of the disease were convincing enough to persuade the local council to disable the well pump by removing its handle (force rod). Snow later used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate the connection between the quality of the water source and cholera cases. He showed that homes supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company, which was taking water from sewage-polluted sections of the Thames, had a cholera rate fourteen times that of those supplied by Lambeth Waterworks Company, which obtained water from the upriver, cleaner Seething Wells. Snow's study was a major event in the history of public health and geography. It is regarded as the founding event of the science of epidemiology. He died from stroke at the age of 45 in London.
16 June 1869 – Charles Sturt - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sturt
Charles Napier Sturt, British officer and explorer of Australia, and part of the European exploration of Australia. He led several expeditions into the interior of the continent, starting from Sydney and later from Adelaide. His expeditions traced several of the westward-flowing rivers, establishing that they all merged into the Murray River, which flows into the Southern Ocean. He was searching to prove his own passionately held belief that an "inland sea" was located at the centre of the continent. Sturt found the conditions and climate in New South Wales much better than he expected, and he developed a great interest in the country. Sturt received approval from Governor Darling on 4 November 1828 to explore the area of the Macquarie River in western New South Wales. The party faced the ordeal of rowing back upriver on the Murray and Murrumbidgee, against the current, in the heat of an Australian summer. Their supplies ran out and, when they reached the site of Narrandera in April, they were unable to go any further. Sturt sent two men overland in search of supplies and they returned in time to save the party from starvation. But Sturt went blind for some months and never fully recovered his health. By the time they reached Sydney again, they had rowed and sailed nearly 2,900 kilometres of the river system. Sturt believed that it was his destiny to discover a great salt water lake, known as 'the inland sea', in the middle of Australia. At very least, he wanted to be the first explorer to plant his foot in 'the centre' of Australia. In August 1844, he set out with a party of 15 men, 200 sheep, six drays, and a boat to explore north-western New South Wales and to advance into central Australia. They travelled along the Murray and Darling rivers before passing the future site of Broken Hill. They were stranded for months by the extreme summer conditions near the present site of Milparinka. When the rains eventually came, Sturt moved north and established a depot at Fort Grey (today this site is within Sturt National Park). With a small group of men, including explorer John McDouall Stuart as his draughtsman, Sturt pressed on across what is now known as Sturt's Stony Desert and into the Simpson Desert. Unable to go further, he turned back to the depot. Sturt made a second attempt to reach the centre of Australia, but he developed scurvy in the extreme conditions. His health broke down and he was forced to abandon the attempt. John Harris Browne, surgeon on the expedition, assisted Sturt, took over leadership of the party and, after travelling a total of 3,000 miles (4,800 km), brought it back to safety. He died from heart failure at the age of 74 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
16 June 1977 – Wernher von Braun - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun
German and later American aerospace engineer and space architect. He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States. While in his twenties and early thirties, von Braun worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development program. He helped design and develop the V-2 rocket at Peenemünde during World War II. Though a member of the SS, following the war he was secretly moved to the United States, along with about 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip. He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the United States' first space satellite Explorer 1. In 1960, his group was assimilated into NASA, where he served as director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and as the chief architect of the Saturn V super heavy-lift launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. In 1967, von Braun was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, and in 1975, he received the National Medal of Science. He advocated a human mission to Mars. Von Braun also developed the idea of a Space Camp that would train children in fields of science and space technologies, as well as help their mental development much the same way sports camps aim at improving physical development. Von Braun took a very conservative approach to engineering, designing with ample safety factors and redundant structure. This became a point of contention with other engineers, who struggled to keep vehicle weight down so that payload could be maximized. As noted above, his excessive caution likely led to the U.S. losing the race to put a man into space with the Soviets. He died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 65 in Alexandria, Virginia.
Famous Birthdays
16 June 1801 – Julius Plücker - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Pl%C3%BCcker
German mathematician and physicist. He made fundamental contributions to the field of analytical geometry and was a pioneer in the investigations of cathode rays that led eventually to the discovery of the electron. He also vastly extended the study of Lamé curves. In 1836, Plücker was made professor of physics at University of Bonn. In 1858, after a year of working with vacuum tubes of his Bonn colleague Heinrich Geißler, he published his first classical researches on the action of the magnet on the electric discharge in rarefied gases. He found that the discharge caused a fluorescent glow to form on the glass walls of the vacuum tube, and that the glow could be made to shift by applying an electromagnet to the tube, thus creating a magnetic field. It was later shown that the glow was produced by cathode rays. Plücker, first by himself and afterwards in conjunction with Johann Hittorf, made many important discoveries in the spectroscopy of gases. He was the first to use the vacuum tube with the capillary part now called a Geissler tube, by means of which the luminous intensity of feeble electric discharges was raised sufficiently to allow of spectroscopic investigation. He anticipated Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff in announcing that the lines of the spectrum were characteristic of the chemical substance which emitted them, and in indicating the value of this discovery in chemical analysis. According to Hittorf, he was the first who saw the three lines of the hydrogen spectrum, which a few months after his death, were recognized in the spectrum of the solar protuberances. In 1865, Plücker returned to the field of geometry and invented what was known as line geometry in the nineteenth century. In projective geometry, Plücker coordinates refer to a set of homogeneous co-ordinates introduced initially to embed the set of lines in three dimensions as a quadric in five dimensions. The construction uses 2×2 minor determinants, or equivalently the second exterior power of the underlying vector space of dimension 4. It is now part of the theory of Grassmannians, to which these co-ordinates apply in generality (k-dimensional subspaces of n-dimensional space). He was born in Elberfeld,Duchy of Berg,Holy Roman Empire.
16 June 1915 – John Tukey - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tukey
John Wilder Tukey, American mathematician best known for development of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm and box plot. The Tukey range test, the Tukey lambda distribution, the Tukey test of additivity, and the Teichmüller–Tukey lemma all bear his name. He is also credited with coining the term 'bit'. Early in his career Tukey worked on developing statistical methods for computers at Bell Labs where he invented the term "bit" in 1947. n 1970, he contributed significantly to what is today known as the jackknife estimation—also termed Quenouille–Tukey jackknife. He introduced the box plot in his 1977 book, "Exploratory Data Analysis". He is also the creator of several little-known methods such as the trimean and median-median line, an easier alternative to linear regression. He also contributed to statistical practice and articulated the important distinction between exploratory data analysis and confirmatory data analysis, believing that much statistical methodology placed too great an emphasis on the latter. Though he believed in the utility of separating the two types of analysis, he pointed out that sometimes, especially in natural science, this was problematic and termed such situations uncomfortable science. Tukey coined many statistical terms that have become part of common usage, but the two most famous coinages attributed to him were related to computer science. While working with John von Neumann on early computer designs, Tukey introduced the word "bit" as a contraction of "binary digit" The term "bit" was first used in an article by Claude Shannon in 1948. In 2000, Fred Shapiro, a librarian at the Yale Law School, published a letter revealing that Tukey's 1958 paper "The Teaching of Concrete Mathematics" contained the earliest known usage of the term "software" found in a search of JSTOR's electronic archives, predating the OED's citation by two years. This led many to credit Tukey with coining the term, particularly in obituaries published that same year, although Tukey never claimed credit for any such coinage. In 1995, Paul Niquette claimed he had originally coined the term in October 1953, although he could not find any documents supporting his claim.The earliest known publication of the term "software" in an engineering context was in August 1953 by Richard R. Carhart, in a RAND Corporation research memorandum. He was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
16 June 1909 – Archie Carr - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Carr
Archie Fairly Carr, Jr., American herpetologist,ecologist and a pioneering conservationist. He was a Professor of Zoology at the University of Florida. In 1987 he was awarded the Eminent Ecologist Award by the Ecological Society of America. He made extraordinary contribution to sea turtle conservation by way of bringing attention to the world's declining turtle populations due to over-exploitation and loss of safe habitat. He started out as a high school science teacher before becoming a college professor. He published numerous books and articles, including Ulendo: Travels of a Naturalist in and out of Africa, High Jungles and Low, So Excellent a Fishe (about his green turtles), The Windward Road and several Time-Life books such as The Everglades and The Reptiles. He was also the author of the Handbook of Turtles, and with Coleman J. Goin, Guide to the Reptiles, Amphibians and Freshwater Fishes of Florida. While a serious scientific and nature writer, he also had a remarkable sense of humor, which led him to publish the parody of scientific taxonomic keys - his A Subjective Key to the Fishes of Alachua County, Florida, affectionately known as the "Carr Key". Carr was also known for his efforts in conservation, especially for sea turtles, helping convince Costa Rica to establish Tortuguero National Park in 1975. He was a co-founder of the Caribbean Conservation Corporation, which helps to save and monitor sea turtles in Tortuguero,Costa Rica. He was often joined in his conservation work by his wife Marjorie Carr, who was a major advocate for conservation in her own right. In 1952 Carr was awarded the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal from the National Academy of Sciences. He was born in Mobile, Alabama.
Events of Interest
16 June 1884 – The first purpose-built roller coaster, LaMarcus Adna Thompson's "Switchback Railway", opens in New York's Coney Island amusement park. - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-roller-coaster-in-america-opens
Known as a switchback railway, it was the brainchild of LaMarcus Thompson, traveled approximately six miles per hour and cost a nickel to ride. The new entertainment was an instant success and by the turn of the century there were hundreds of roller coasters around the country. For five cents, riders would climb a tower to board the large bench-like car and were pushed off to coast 600 ft (183 m) down the track to another tower. The car went just over 6 mph (9.7 km/h). At the top of the other tower the vehicle was switched to a return track or "switched back" (hence the name). The new entertainment was an instant success and by the turn of the century there were hundreds of roller coasters around the country.
16 June 1911 – IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York. - http://www.techgetz.com/history-of-ibm/
In 1911 the company that leased Unit record equipment, especially Hollerith punched cards and card readers to government bureaus and insurance agencies, became the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR). Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956) took over in 1924, using the name “International Business Machines.” IBM expanded into electric typewriters and other office machines. Watson was a salesman and concentrated on building a highly motivated, very well paid sales force that could craft solutions for clients unfamiliar with the latest technology. His motto was “THINK”; customers were advised to not “fold, spindle or mutilate” the delicate cardboard cards.
16 June 2012 – The United States Air Force's robotic Boeing X-37B spaceplane returns to Earth after a classified 469-day orbital mission. - https://www.space.com/16110-secret-x37b-space-plane-landing.html
The unmanned X-37B spacecraft, also known as Orbital Test Vehicle-2 (OTV-2), glided back to Earth on autopilot, touching down at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base at 5:48 a.m. PDT (8:48 a.m. EDT, 1248 GMT). The landing brought to an end the X-37B program's second-ever spaceflight, a mission that lasted more than 15 months with objectives that remain shrouded in secrecy. The X-37B stayed in orbit for 469 days this time, more than doubling the 225 days its sister ship, OTV-1, spent in space last year on the program's maiden flight. Officials at Vandenberg said the spacecraft conducted "on-orbit experiments" during its mission. Exactly what the spacecraft, which is built by Boeing, was doing up there for so long is a secret. The details of the X-37B's mission, which is overseen by the Air Force's Rapid Capabilities Office, are classified, as is its payload. This secrecy has led to some speculation, especially online and abroad, that the X-37B could be a space weapon of some sort — perhaps a sophisticated satellite-killer. Some experts also suspect that the vehicle may be an orbital spy platform. "This is a test vehicle to prove the materials and capabilities, to put experiments in space and bring them back and check out the technologies," Richard McKinney, the Air Force's deputy undersecretary for space programs.
16 June 2016 – Shanghai Disneyland Park, the first Disney Park in Mainland China, opens to the public - https://www.dw.com/en/distinctly-chinese-disneyland-opens-in-shanghai/a-19332984
Shanghai Disney Resort, the first Disney resort in Mainland China and the sixth worldwide, celebrated its historic Grand Opening today, culminating one of Disney's most ambitious projects ever. The wonder and imagination of Disney greeted the people of China in magical new ways as the gates opened to Shanghai Disneyland, a theme park like no other with the biggest, tallest castle in any Disney park, the first pirate-themed land and Disney's most technologically advanced park to date. Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Iger and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang cut a red ribbon together, signaling the Communist Party's endorsement of the $5.5 billion (4.87 billion euro) resort - one of the largest foreign investments in China. The lavish ceremony featured a children's choir singing "When You Wish Upon a Star," as well as actors dressed as Sleeping Beauty, Donald Duck, and other Disney characters dancing on stage. The entrance of the park is called "Mickey Avenue" instead of "Main Street USA." Stores feature Minnie Mouse in traditional quipau dresses and the Wandering Moon Teahouse is modeled after a building in eastern China. Shanghai Disney Resort is filled with immersive Disney storytelling, thrilling attractions, spectacular live entertainment and memory-making experiences designed to inspire and delight Chinese guests. The world-class vacation destination includes a magical theme park with six themed lands, two imaginatively designed hotels, a Disneytown shopping and dining district, and Wishing Star Park recreational area.
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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deesdiaries · 5 years
AMC Networks is giving a major platform to A Discovery of Witches following its breakout success on streaming services Sundance Now and Shudder. The first season of the series, starring Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer, is getting a linear run in a simulcast on AMC and BBC America starting April 7 at 9 PM, following BBC America and AMC’s previously announced simulcast of Killing Eve at 8 PM.
Sky’s A Discovery of Witches last summer was picked up by AMC Networks’ OTT platforms Sundance Now and Shudder with a planned followup linear run on SundanceTV. In light of its digital success and the series’ compatibility with BBC America’s Killing Eve, a decision was recently made for the linear airing to be on the higher-profile BBC America as a companion to Killing Eve. Since AMC Networks already had announced that Season 2 of Killing Eve would simulcast on AMC, A Discovery of Witches also will air on both networks for additional exposure.
A Discovery of Witches already has been renewed for Seasons 2 and 3 by Sky, Sundance Now and Shudder. Production on the second season is slated to begin later this year.
The debut of A Discovery of Witches smashed Sundance Now records for total video plays, with 30x increase in the streams of any previous premiere during its first week – a record number of minutes streamed – and accounted for more than half of all streaming activity on the platform.  In anticipation of the series’ premiere, total subscribers to Sundance Now alone increased by nearly 30% since the start of January.  In addition, the week ending January 20 saw the largest number of new subscriptions, almost more than double the number added in any previous week. The series was also a monster hit in its Shudder debut, accounting for more minutes streamed than any on-demand film or series premiere in the service’s history.
“Thanks to the critical acclaim and overwhelmingly positive audience response to A Discovery of Witches, the series has found a new legion of fans. We are thrilled to bring it to a wider audience and pair it with Killing Eve on both AMC and BBC America,” said Sarah Barnett, President of AMC Entertainment Networks. “This is a great example of our cross-network strategy; to expose our series to new audiences across our ecosystem of networks and streaming services.”
Produced by Bad Wolf and adapted from Deborah Harkness’s  bestselling book of the same name, which returns tomorrow to the New York Times Book Reviews’ Combined Print & E-Book Best Seller list for the first time since August 2014, ADiscovery of Witches is a modern-day love story, set in a world where witches, vampires and daemons secretly live and work alongside humans, hidden in plain sight.  The Sky original production stars Emmy®-nominated Matthew Goode (The Crown) and Teresa Palmer (Hacksaw Ridge) along with Alex Kingston (Doctor Who), Valarie Pettiford (Being Mary Jane) and Owen Teale (Game of Thrones).
Filmed in the UK at Wolf Studios Wales and on location in Oxford and Venice, A Discovery of Witches was adapted for screen by writer Kate Brooke, who also serves as executive producer. Co-founders of Bad Wolf, Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner and Lachlan MacKinnon are executive producers along with author Deborah Harkness. Juan Carlos Medina, Alice Troughton (Doctor Who) and Sarah Walker direct.
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rankakiu · 5 years
Thoughts of the Droid: Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
Hello, people of Tumblr! How life treats you? As always, I hope very well. On this occasion, I bring to all of you my review and opinions of the film: Pokemon: Detective Pikachu. Although I know in advance that my review is late, I could not resist the temptation to share my opinions with you. After all, this platform serves this purpose.
Finally, continuing with the review, it is surprising that this film is considered the first adaptation of a videogame to the big screen to be totally successful, both at the box office, as well as in the criticism and acceptance of the audience. It is certain that? Well, I invite you to stay and read my review to find out.
WARNING: NOT SPOILER-FREE. Read at your own risk 
Entering already in full in the review, What do I think about the movie? Short answer: fun and entertaining. It does not waste seeing it on the big screen. Now, we go with more details.
Characters: Perfectly constructed to please the spectator. At this point, I would like to highlight the magnificent work that actor Ryan Reynolds did, since he was apparently born for the role of Pikachu. Through his voice and facial expressions, he gave life to a Pokemon as classic and loved as Pikachu is. He plays his role and with that, achieves another interpretation worthy of admiration, just as he did a couple of years ago with the character of Deadpool.
For its part, the actor Justice Smith delivers a character, who is not as charismatic as its protagonist but delivers a character well enough built to care about his life, his decisions and how it unfolds in the history. Justice Smith delivers, at first, a character who has renounced all dreams and has adopted a conformist attitude, where he does not care what happens with his life. For later, that his character, in his journey, evolves into a character that little by little opens his heart, with which he creates new friendships and where he also changes his perspective of life and even finds a new vocation to which wants to dedicate. This duo of actors is those who carry mostly the weight of the film and in return deliver good memorable characters, with whom the viewer can sympathize quite well.
Of the rest of the cast, although they are not as developed as the main duo, at least they are quite friendly, each of them has a charisma that makes it impossible to hate them or that one as a spectator does not feel that their presence is redundant.
History: Entertaining, but a little more effort would not have hurt. Of course, I admit that I'm facing a story that honors the genre of mystery and detectives. It is, in a basic sense, a police-type story, where little by little we are presented with clues so that our characters (and in passing the audience) form a scheme of events that allows them to solve a case. Not only that, but I also recognize that the story perfectly presents motivation to our protagonists to be involved in the mess. We have Pikachu, who has lost his memory, and only resolving the case can find out who he is. In the case of the character of Tim Goodman, his motivation is due to finding his father or to be certain that happened to him. Lucy Stevens sees, in this case, the opportunity to achieve her dream of being a reporter, but as she spends time with Tim and Pikachu, she becomes a true ally and helps the duo, because that's what she wants ... of course, without ever forgetting her goal, which is the story simply goes to the second place on her list of priorities, which speaks very well of the character and that is not just a kind of walking ambition.
As for the villain, Howard Clifford and his motivations ... Eh, I feel that they could work much more, as they deliver an unmemorable villain and in fact what you remember most about him is that he passes his mind to the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo. Although there is something that I liked about the villain and that is that when he uses Mewtwo's body, it becomes a real threat. Basically, it's like a little taste of seeing an alternative scenario of "'What would happen if Mewtwo is a bad guy?" And his plan, in a certain perspective is quite cruel, since the pokemon reduces them to mere bodily recipients, taking away their free will, his personality, feelings and above all breaking the bond of affection that these creatures have with humans.
And as for humans, Howard basically condemns his own race to be trapped in a body that is not theirs and what is worse, in the body than their companions were once. Truly a terrible plan, motivated by a belief, apparently noble, but deep down is a true spectacle of horror, where someone decides for everyone without taking into account the opinion of others.
In general, the story is well thought out, but not without its mistakes. Although luckily or for the good work of the writers, the story works well within what they want to propose, of course, without forgetting the comic moments that work wonderfully and the dramatic moments that serve to further explore the facets and psychology of the characters.
Visuals and special effects: Without a doubt, special effects stand out to give life to the city Ryme, which looks largely like a highly futuristic city, but do not doubt that we could see something similar in a few more years. On the other hand, the city also feels realistic to present several facets of a very large city, where we have different places to explore. Of course, without forgetting that the city also has its dark side, especially the Pokemon fights, where they are totally clandestine. In addition, you can truly appreciate a healthy coexistence between humans and pokemon, where both races work side by side on a daily basis to keep the city prosperous. It is in its purest sense, a kind of paradise, of utopia that shows that both parties can coexist.
As for the design of the pokemon, I feel that most of them work quite well. But there are also some, that despite having respected their classic designs to one hundred percent, definitely not very good, and in this case, I think that the pokemon of Mr. Mime and Psyduck are the most suffer from this problem. Even so, you feel the effort they put in to make the pokemon on a more realistic plane, so to speak.
Action: This is the point where I believe I will be most critical. I do not doubt that the fight between Pikachu and Charizard was exciting and overwhelming since it had a genuinely comical outcome. However, in my opinion, we should have seen more fights in this style. The fight between Mewtwo and Pikachu, that was disappointing, since Pikachu fled more than he fought. Ok, I agree that a normal Pokémon is not a rival to Mewtwo, but I also believe that they could deliver an action sequence that was more developed. In this fight you have to Pikachu only uses an attack against Mewtwo and nothing else. Although that, the various scenes of escape and persecution, such as the forest (where the Greninja make their appearances) are very attractive, they keep you on the edge of your seat and you want the protagonists to escape from such terrible enemies. The action is decent, but it leaves you asking for much more.
In conclusion, Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, despite its problems, is a very entertaining film, it is in its essence, a fun and interesting trip to see. To be the first live action movie of this franchise, the result is a real pleasant surprise. So while I give this movie 3 out of 5 Pikachus coffee fans. If ultimately you are looking for a fun time or want to see a new perspective of Pokemon, without doubt, this movie is for you.
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megaelijah57 · 5 years
Ryan Kavanaugh's Proxicoin, the first safety Token allowing traders To put money into Studio exceptional movie And tv Slates, receives $a hundred Million USD investment From The critical Wealth investment Fund Of Hong Kong And Step Ventures
ryan kavanaugh
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HONG KONG, can also 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Proxicoin and the imperative Wealth organization of Hong Kong introduced these days that the significant Wealth funding Fund of Hong Kong and Step Ventures is investing $100 million USD into Proxicoin, a primary of its type safety token (STO).
Proxicoin, created and owned by means of Proxima Media, is a securities token constructed at the Ethereum platform which permits fractionalized possession in film, tv, song and different IP-pushed content wherein every day certified investors can, for the very first time, participate in the Hollywood industry in a capability previously to be had handiest to massive, elite establishments.
"Blockchain era is enabling new business fashions that liberate price in traditional industries like movie financing. worldwide audiences can now participate as traders in tokenized offerings via a new asset elegance. Having worked carefully with the management crew to shape the supplying, we are confident that Proxicoin will create extraordinary cost by way of organising a market for global enjoyment property," stated Aman Johar, essential at Proteum Capital, who has been an early advisor and representative to Proxicoin.
The token has been built and is fully audited and has already signed a deal with the Fusang alternate.  Fusang is the first crypto trade in Asia that trades protection tokens and Proxicoin can be some of the first safety tokens to be listed and traded on their platform.
Proxicoin holders may also be partial proprietors of enjoyment stock X (ESX), an revolutionary platform working much like a stock change for financing entertainment initiatives.  It makes use of law A of the roles Act permitting every movie or television display to undergo an IPO, presenting liquidity for every production via aftermarket buying and selling. ESX takes gain of the booming international call for for content whilst helping fill the want for new, green sources of financing for filmmakers. There are handiest fifty seven recognized trading systems global, making this a completely unique and noticeably sought-after asset. it will additionally benefit from the $1.6 billion USD, and growing, crowd-sourced film financing marketplace. Proxima has been working on constructing ESX for almost two years and expects to be stay before the quit of the 12 months. presently the buying and selling platform has offers for listings on over 30 main characteristic movie projects and is predicted to have a substantial percentage of the 600 predominant movies and television shows shot yearly.
"this is a sport-changing second for the amusement enterprise.  Proxicoin makes a fantastically sought-after financial product available to many character and smaller buyers. film, as an asset magnificence, is traditionally uncorrelated to capital markets and has been a competitive and sought-after asset class a number of the big hedge funds and banks which include Citibank, Duetsche financial institution, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and lots of others. at some point of the wonderful depression one of the simplest stocks that went up turned into MGM," stated Vincent Tse, CEO of Step Ventures.
"we are inspired with the aid of the Proxicoin crew and their determination to developing cooperation and synergies between the China and Hollywood film industries," said David Lee of The important Wealth organization of Hong Kong.  "we're looking ahead to reaping fulfillment from our investment in Proxicoin and their reputable leadership at the roadmap to developing amazing productions the usage of the brand new era. this is ideal for our LP traders to assist create a wide and rather shielding portfolio looking to create higher than marketplace returns."
"Proxicoin and this transaction dispose of among the hurdles that have held lower back boom between the two countries due to heavy restrictions in currency conversion. Proxicoin removes those friction factors whilst growing total transparency. we've got prepare a stellar team to put in force what we consider might be a critical paradigm shift within the financing and advertising of films. we have pinnacle bankers with a deep know-how of the capital markets, content material creators, operators and emblem experts. Having crucial Wealth investment Fund and Step VC as companions is a superexcellent validation for us that we are at the right track. There could not be better lead investors and companions," said Ryan Kavanaugh.
The the front end of the trading platform turned into constructed via a partnership with Hanzo, a Techstars funded AI marketing platform that has powered over $three hundred million USD in funding for some of the most a hit crowd sales in records. Zach Kelling, founder and CEO of Hanzo comes on board, via an special agreement, to steer development of the ESX trade platform.
The advisory and control team consists of Bonin Bough, Chairman of marketing and Branding; Eddie Ibanez, era and synthetic Intelligence consultant; Jaeson Ma, Co-Chairman of Asia content; Alex Zhang, Co-Chairman of Asia content material; Aman Johar, CEO of Proteum partners amongst many others.
Step Ventures is a Hong Kong-based assignment Capital employer whose consciousness is on investing in emerging technologies, corporations which create and sell modern technology and structures with entrepreneurs with ancient fulfillment of innovation and creation of paradigm shifts inside the generation and media industries.
The Hong Kong important Wealth institution is a publicly-traded, long-established and deeply reputable economic services organisation based in and serving China and Hong Kong. As a comprehensive economic offerings group enterprise, CWF provides 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac services thru an experienced elite and purchaser-centered control group. CWF is a international, sound and efficient economic buying and selling platform for China, Hong Kong and Macau traders which gives new, 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac and secure financial services.
Proxima Media changed into based by using mythical Hollywood producer Ryan Kavanaugh, who collectively along with his government group, have been accountable for extra than 200 films, with a field office of $17 billion. among their productions are Immortals, rapid and the furious, girl with Dragon Tattoo, Salt, desired, countless, The Fighter, replicate mirror, secure Haven, beyond the lighting; and The Social community, which acquired 8 Oscar nominations. different films consist of Mamma Mia! three:10 to Yuma, Grown united states of americaand dear John.
Proxicoin is owned and operated by Proxima Media founder, Ryan Kavanaugh. Proxicoin makes use of block chain technology to offer formerly untapped traders with the potential to participate in tokenized offerings for movie and television financing. Their business model aspires to generate higher marketplace returns with the aid of developing a area for the regular investor to attain worldwide audiences.
Mr. Kavanaugh is likewise credited with originating some of first-of-their-kind deals that changed the film enterprise, together with for marvel Studios, which led to the creation of the wonder Cinematic Universe, that has amassed greater than $17.five billion at the global box office. Mr. Kavanaugh accompanied-up that success with a primary of its type tv pay address Netflix and created what is nowadays known as the SVOD window for Netflix, which boosted Netflix's market capitalization to $10 billion USD. He became additionally commemorated with a 'Hollywood producer of the year' Award and turned into named by way of range as, 'Showman of the 12 months.'  
Mr. Kavanaugh has a intensity of enjoy in China as he become instrumental in launching Sky Land entertainment, which entered into a historical partnership with Huaxia movie Distribution Co. Ltd. to deal with manufacturing and distribution of movies in China and the U.S. The deal marks the most effective strategic alliance up to now between a Hollywood movie production entity and a chinese language authorities-subsidized corporation. Mr. Kavanaugh's other terrific credits encompass what is now called impartial sports & enjoyment, an included sports, media, entertainment and control enterprise that represents three hundred of the quality athletes within the NBA, NFL and MLB, and is the second-largest included management employer inside the U.S. with approximately $2.five billion in participant contacts. He also created the powerhouse television business enterprise, now referred to as crucial content material, which produced hit suggests including Catfish on MTV and endless on CBS and underneath his tenure had over 40 series at the air.
enjoyment inventory X (ESX) is an modern aftermarket-buying and selling platform two years in the making. man or woman film or tv initiatives will adopt an IPO to accept liquidity and be easily traded with transparency, presenting an efficient road for filmmakers in search of financing for the growing call for for brand spanking new content material. ESX presently has deals for listings on over 30 principal characteristic film initiatives and is expected to have a huge share of the 600 essential films and tv suggests shot annually. ESX is anticipated to release via the give up of 2019 ryan kavanaugh.
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jessecrust · 2 years
Oh no, they’ve woked the Batman!
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Back in college, my friends and I used to love watching a handful of fringe, grifty YouTubers whom I will not name here. They were a lot more common back then and it took several years for most of them to get kicked off of whatever platforms or payment processors they were on. This was long before your aunts and uncles heard the word “incel” or “4chan” on cable TV.
The reason these people were so interesting to us was because they always had such insane things to say about movies and culture. They had the same basic political philosophy and belief system of a crusty neocon, but without the veil of respectability. All of their resentment, racism, and general bad vibes were out in the open in a way that was novel to people who had never been exposed to their corners of the internet. Years later, most people would recognize them as the “alt right”.
The things they said were despicable and terrible. Many would openly use racial slurs multiple times in each video. They sometimes analyzed media in a pseudo-Freudian manner, suggesting that, for example, Rey’s companion BB-8 droid in “The Force Awakens” represented a cuckolded white man (you know, because the male lead was black and the droid was white, duh!) It was bizarre, stupid, and wrong, but it was kind of entertaining in a dark way to see these people grapple with the growing diversity of Hollywood mega films and capital’s attempts to appeal to younger, more socially conscious consumers. At the end of the day, almost none of these movies, songs, shows, etc. were doing anything truly subversive. For all the talk of movies where “the villain was right”, I can’t recall a single one that isn’t arrested or killed at the end by the trademark copyright hero person. 
I must admit I feel a little nostalgia for this sort of insane rambling. It was like every week you got to stare into this little pocket of the world’s worst people openly talking about how fighting mad they were that the successful critically acclaimed action RPG game they just bought had the audacity to include a trans character. This was long before “woke Hollywood” or “woke video games” or “woke anything” was a massive industry that directly supported the sale of hundreds of thousands of T-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, etc. 
So I guess four paragraphs in, it’s time to talk about “The Batman”.
The first thing I found out about “The Batman” after I got home from seeing it was that it was just the latest victim of wokeness. I actually predicted it on the car ride home when I was trying to decide how much of it I loved and how much of it I hated. I knew there was gonna be articles and videos galore of how DC’s Warner’s AT&T’s “The Batman” had gone woke. In doing research for this blog, I decided to not read any of those articles or read more than a single Ben Shapiro tweet because I don’t really care about arguing with these people. 
Conservative “critics,” if you can even call them that, are so incredibly poor at media analysis that they think a single line of dialogue that Catwoman says somehow invalidates the core themes of the movie. “The Batman” is a thoroughly pro-cop movie (because pretty much all Batman movies are). It’s a movie that tells you explicitly that the best society is one with strong institutions that people trust. Literally. A character literally says that in the movie right after another character says, paraphrasing, “not all cops are bad”. It is a movie that, in a very conscious way, draws a distinction between the “good” rich people, cops, politicians, etc. and the “corrupt” ones. Without a doubt, legions of Republicans and Trump voters will love this movie and just role their eyes a little at Selina Kyle’s ham-fisted line about white privileged billionaires. After all, who do you know that is pro-corruption? 
“Backlash” at this point feels so manufactured and fake. Maybe that’s why I feel some weird sense of nostalgia for the insanity of those early 2010s YouTube losers and their amazingly terrible takes on massive corporate products. The conspiratorial part of my brain thinks it’s just factored into the marketing of every single giant media product now. It’s just so tired and routine and boring. Yeah, man, I’m sure you think “The Batman” is bad because of how woke it is and not because Selina Kyle is black and something about that doesn’t feel right to you. No, I won’t say it’s racism, but we all know what’s going on here, don’t we? This approach to marketing and art as a series of political signifiers and values leads to a world where we genuinely can’t discuss the positives and negatives of a film because if you didn’t like Marvel’s Disney’s pretty bad US Airforce propaganda film Captain Marvel you’re just sexist dudebro. Alternatively, if you enjoyed Marvel’s Disney’s pretty bad Star Wars fan fiction film “The Last Jedi” you’re a beta cuck soy boy. 
One reason this ecosystem of takes exists on the right is because conservatism has never been an ideology brimming with new, fresh ideas. If you need any further evidence of this, one of the two Ben Shapiro tweets I read before writing this was a link to his video review of “The Batman,” which was nothing more than a Trojan Horse advertisement for Ring Alarm Security:
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Come for the hot take, stay for the 20% discount on bullshit home security you don’t need. Wokeness is the greatest gift Grift Conservatism has ever received. 
Oh, and I guess “The Batman” was an okay movie. Loved Pattinson!
0 notes
whatsnewcartoons · 7 years
What’s New In 2018: The Cartoons
Separated by network. All premiere dates are estimated until confirmed. Timings are in EST. 
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- The Adventures of Kid Danger (January 2018): Based on the live-action Henry Danger, while the live-action hit focuses on Henry balancing the challenges of being a teenager with his adventures as a crime fighter, this new full-length animated series centers on his exploits as Kid Danger, as he embarks on brave new missions with Captain Man to battle monsters, aliens and more. The Adventures of Kid Danger and Captain Man is produced by Powerhouse Animation, which also produced the short-form series.
In the new animated series, brand-new areas of the superheroes’ headquarters will be seen by fans for the very first time, including the Man Cave tube system, which propels the crime fighters into adventure; and the Man Cave garage, filled with crime-fighting vehicles and gadgets used on missions. Along with appearances of fan-favorite characters from the live-action show, new friends and foes will also be introduced.
The 10-episode series was created and executive produced by veteran producer Dan Schneider (Henry Danger, Game Shakers, iCarly) and features the original Henry Danger live-action cast reprising their roles. The series is set to premiere in January 2018.
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Fall 2018): Nickelodeon will be rebooting its current CG “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” series as a 2D animated series with the title “Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, as announced at their upfront in March. 
“Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” will follow Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo on all-new adventures as they seek to unlock the mystical secrets of New York City. From the tallest skyscraper to the dankest sewer drain, the Turtles will encounter absurd new mutants and battle bizarre creatures all while enjoying their favorite slice of pizza. Tapping into mystic, ninja powers they never knew existed, the four brothers must learn to work together and navigate the perils of the modern age and hidden realms in order to fulfill their destiny to become a team of heroes.
The new 2D series is co-executive produced by Andy Suriano (character designer for the critically acclaimed Adult Swim series “Samurai Jack”) and Ant Ward (supervising producer, current “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”) at Nickelodeon in Burbank, California.  Nickelodeon has ordered 26 episodes of the 2D reboot to air starting in fall 2018.
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- Pinky Malinky (Early 2018): Co-created and co-executive produced by Chris Garbutt and Rikke Asbjoern (The Amazing World Of Gumball) and executive produced by Scott Kreamer (Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness), upcoming Nicktoon Pinky Malinky follows the everyday life of Pinky, an infectiously positive hotdog living in a human world who, along with his two best friends, navigates school and life with a unique perspective. Their humorous experiences also will be shared across social media and Nickelodeon’s digital platforms. It will be produced at Nickelodeon Animation Studios in Burbank.
Using the tropes of a mockumentary and reality show format, Pinky and his friends will talk directly to the camera and the audience to share their absurd and silly take on real life. At times, all children feel like they don’t fit in, and Pinky’s undeniably unique point of view as a literal wiener amongst humans will allow kids to laugh at his familiar struggles and enjoy his unusual perspective on the challenges of being a school-age kid. By always reaching for the stars, Pinky pushes himself further than anyone could imagine and proves that being a “wiener” is only one letter away from being a “winner.”  
Pinky Malinky previously was done as a short for Cartoon Network. It is set to premiere in early 2018 with 20 episodes.
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- Glitch Techs (2018):  Glitch Techs (working title) has been picked-up for 20-episodes set to debut in 2018. Glitch Techs is an CGI-animated adventure-comedy following two newly recruited kids as they battle video game monsters that come to life in the real world.  The brand-new series comes from Eric Robles (Fanboy & Chum Chum) and Dan Milano (Greg the Bunny, Warren the Ape), both hailing from Nickelodeon’s Artist Collective, an internal artist-led development program. The series will be produced at the Nickelodeon Animation Studio in Burbank, Calif.
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- 101 Dalmatians Street (Autumn 2018): 101 Dalmatian Street is an original animated series based on the 1956 novel by Dodie Smith and the 1961 Walt Disney film One Hundred and One Dalmatians. It is a fresh take on the two classics and will follow 101 dogs living by themselves without a human owner. It takes place in 21st century London and features the eldest canine siblings Dylan, Dolly and their parents with the other 97 pups playing a supporting role.
The 48 x 11 minute series along with two x 22 minute specials are based on a pitch from Finland based Gigglebug Entertainment’s Anttu Harlin and Joonas Utti. It is being developed by Disney’s original animation team in London along with UK based Passion Animation Studios. The series will premiere worldwide in 2018 and is set to premiere on Disney Channel USA in fall 2018.
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- Big City Greens (2018): The brand-new animated comedy is set to air on Disney XD in 2018. Previously titled Country Club, the show centers around a boy named Cricket Green who has moved with his family from the country to the big city. Cricket’s enthusiasm and curiosity inevitability results in him getting into wacky, fish-out-of-water adventures. 
Emmy Award-winning director Rob Renzetti (Gravity Falls) serves as executive producer alongside brothers Shane and Chris Houghton.
Writers on Nicktoons’ Harvey Beaks, the Houghton brothers are perhaps best known in comics circles for their all-ages supernatural Western Reed Gunther, published by Image Comics. Shane Houghton has written stories for Peanuts, The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horrorand Casper’s Scare School, while Chris Houghton has contributed to The Simpsons, Adventure Time and Kung Fu Panda comics, as well as Disney’s Gravity Falls.
Big City Greens is scheduled to premiere in 2018 on Disney XD.
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- Big Hero 6: The Series (early 2018): Recently premiering an hour-long movie in November 2017, the series picks up immediately following the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Academy Award-winning feature film and continues the adventures and friendship of Hiro, the fourteen-year-old orphaned tech genius and Baymax, his very special plus-sized inflatable healthcare companion. As the new kid at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, Hiro faces daunting academic challenges at the prestigious “nerd school” and the social trials of being the “little man on campus.” Luckily, Hiro has his brains, his ingenuity and his best friend bot to help him find his way. But it’s off campus where things get dangerous. Along with neat freak Wasabi, bubbly mad scientist Honey Lemon, fanboy Fred and no nonsense Go Go, the friends form an unlikely, but awesome super hero team – Big Hero 6. Together they face madness and mayhem as a colorful array of science-enhanced villains threaten San Fransokyo.
Originally inspired by the Marvel comic of the same name created by Man of Action, the Big Hero 6 series will see the return of Maya Rudolph as Aunt Cass; Jamie Chung as no-nonsense, speed genius Go Go; Scott Adsit as huggable robot Baymax; Alan Tudyk as tech guru Alistair Krei; Ryan Potter as tech genius Hiro; Genesis Rodriguez as quirky scientist Honey Lemon; David Shaughnessy as the butler Heathcliff; and Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee as Fred’s dad.
Emmy Award winners Mark McCorkle, Bob Schooley and Nick Filippi (the team behind the global hit Disney Channel series Kim Possible) serve as executive producers. Filippi also serves as supervising director. The series will premiere on Disney XD in early 2018, and has been renewed for a second season.
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- Unikitty! (January 1st, 2018): The new series will follow the adventures of Unikitty as she rules her kingdom. Her daily responsibilities include making sure everybody is happy, promoting creativity and vanquishing any negativity. That all sounds sugary sweet, but Unikitty also has a bit of an edge when anyone gets in her way.
Joining Unikitty at the castle are her brother and best friend Puppycorn, her trusty bodyguard Hawkodile and the resident scientist Dr. Fox.   "Unikitty!" will feature the voices of Tara Strong ("Teen Titans Go!," "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"), Grey Griffin ("Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!," "The Loud House") Kate Micucci ("Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!," "Steven Universe"), Roger Craig Smith ("Regular Show"), Eric Bauza ("The Adventures of Puss in Boots") and H. Michael Croner ("Review"). 
"The Lego Batman Movie" and "The Lego Movie's" Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Roy Lee, Jill Wilfert and "Teen Titan Go!'s" Sam Register will serve as executive producers, with "Teen Titan Go!'s" Aaron Horvath as supervising producer. Edward Skudder ("Dick Figures") and Lynn Wang ("Star vs. the Forces of Evil") will serve as producers.
The series has been confirmed to premiere in a special event on January 1st, 2018 at 6.00AM on Cartoon Network USA, and will premiere new episodes on Fridays after the event.
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- Craig of the Creek (2018): Previously announced at Cartoon Network’s 2017-2018 upfront, Craig of the Creek is an adventure series created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, formerly from Steven Universe. At the Creek, the rules of the outside world don’t apply in this kid utopia of untamed wilderness where Craig and his two best friends have ventured and tribes of children reign over tree forts and dirt bike ramps. 
The series stars Phillip Solomon as Craig, Georgina Colovia as Kelsey and H. Michael Croner as JP. The pilot of the show has been released on the Cartoon Network website and application on December 1, 2017 and will premiere on Cartoon Network USA in 2018.
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- Summer Camp Island (2018): Based on the original short created by Julia Pott (Adventure Time), the Summer Camp Island series will continue unfolding the mysteries that Oscar and his best friend Hedgehog encounter at a magical summer camp. It’s pilot short won the Best Animated Short award at the Provincetown Film Festival in 2017.
Oscar and his best friend Hedgehog have just been dropped off at their first summer camp. Away from their parents, the two friends must summon all their courage to navigate the mysteries and wonders of this camp where the counselors are witches, horses become unicorns and monsters live under the bed. Not all camps offer the opportunity to swim with a talking shark in the pool, crawl under the bed into a different universe or make friends with the moon, but on Summer Camp Island, anything can happen.
The series has been screened and won many awards at various film festivals in 2016 and 2017. The pilot episode has been released onto Cartoon Network’s website and application on December 2, 2017, and will premiere on Cartoon Network USA in 2018.
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- Apple & Onion (2018):  The series centers on two lovable buddies who are new and naive to the ways of the "big city of sophisticated food" as they go on adventures and make friends. The comedy was created by George Gendi (The Amazing World of Gumball), who also voices the character Apple in the show.
The short was selected to be screened alongside another Cartoon Network pilot, Welcome To My Life, at the Annecy Festival in 2015, before eventually being released online in May 2016. The short was picked up for a full series in March 2017, announced at Cartoon Network’s 2017-2018 upfront and will premiere on Cartoon Network USA in 2018.
So that’s the stuff to expect in 2018! Are you excited for what’s to come? Or are you disappointed that you didn’t find some stuff interesting?
With that said, the year for cartoons in 2017 is quickly coming to an end (Christmas isn’t a hot time for premieres). So, to celebrate the end of this wonderful year, I’ve created a poll on the best of cartoons and its networks in 2017! It’s a short one, hope you can fill it in! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tLY-yYXietlgbKq5tLj2N0ibP-AZSPV0vLJPRnCahF0
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ev3v4hn · 3 years
Travel + Leisure Subscription
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funzippyevents · 3 years
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How To Crack An Audition ??
Schedule: Sat 15 May 2021 at 5:30PM  
Venue: Watch on Zoom  
Price: Free Event  
Event Information:  
Synopsis: FC Front Row  
We're excited to introduce FC Front Row - a collective of film and entertainment enthusiasts by Film Companion. We love watching. We cherish the creators. We revel in conversations about craft. We celebrate stories and artists.  
Join us to watch, discuss, dissect and to have a good time!    
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Online screenings, premieres, masterclasses, meet & greet with critics, discussions with artists, industry experts and upcoming content creators, The FC Front Row gives you first access to a range of exciting activities and programs.    
Upcoming Events  
How To Crack An Audition with Tess Joseph, Abhishek Banerjee, Nandini Shrikent and Shruti Mahajan on May 15th, 5:30 pm    
Additional Benefits for All Front Row Members:
👉 3 Months complimentary subscription of the online streaming platform Mubi. 
👉 Rewards and access to discounts from Fully Filmy, Bare Anatomy, Postcard, The Whole Truth & more!  
Click the link for more info: https://funzippy.com/event/how-to-crack-an-audition-o4jch/O4JCHfp25oS
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