#Absolutely 0 regrets on getting the full bundle *at all*
damiemontclair · 1 year
The tgcf cookbook zine is so beautiful I am in love! I need to make so many of these recipes why do they all look so good?? Also I uh... Have too many tgcf pins for my ita 😅
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nagisa and terasaka with 14, pls ma'am? :0
Absolutely 💜 
“You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do! If I want to eat ice cream for breakfast, I will!”
Honestly, he hadn’t really meant to hear it. Not at all. 
He simply had been passing by on his way to reach the pencil sharpener when he heard Terasaka telling his friends he was going to be alone at home for the weekend. Apparently his dad was off visiting some old friends, and his mom took his sister to visit their grandparents. Terasaka asked to stay behind, since he had schoolwork to concentrate on.
And, uh, an assassination to save the world. 
Obviously, that was left unsaid.
Nagisa hadn’t expected to hear that. He hadn’t expected to think about it when he got back home that day, dumping his school bag besides his bed. And he certainly hadn’t expected himself to be in such an odd position now.
It was Sunday morning, the day after, and he was standing outside Terasaka’s front door bundled up in a hoodie and holding a copy of a Japanese-translated Little Women. 
It was very early, about 7:30am. There was a chill in the morning air that made him shiver, even underneath his layers. The sound of people starting their days, children walking to school, business people on phone calls, trains running in the distance, all were heard.
Nagisa, now eager to get out of the cold, raised his hand and tentatively rang the doorbell.
He instantly regretted it, a pit growing in his stomach as he waited a long 2 minutes.
What am I even doing?
He had half a mind to turn back and dash around the back to escape Terasaka’s view, but it was too late. The doorknob was turning.
He was now face to face with a very sleepy-looking Terasaka, squinting at him with drowsy eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, a necklace that Nagisa didn’t recognize hanging over his chest. 
Terasaka stretched an arm behind his head, still eyeing him. “What are you doing here?” He muttered grumpily, his voice heavy with sleep.
Nagisa gave him a smile. “Morning, Terasaka-kun. Ah, you mentioned on Friday that you were missing a copy of the book we’re reading in English?” 
He held it out. “I just came to see if you still needed one?”
Terasaka raised an eyebrow, looking more than a little confused. “I did?”
“Uh, yes?”
Terasaka looked thoughtful for a moment before taking it. “Ah, thanks, man,” He said quietly.
His voice was so soft compared to its usual gruffness, Nagisa almost did a double take.
“You wanna come in? It’s goddamn freezing out here.”
And now Nagisa was in a position he never ever expected. This day was just full of surprises. 
Sitting at Terasaka’s kitchen counter, idly sipping a cup of hot chocolate and watching Terasaka shuffling around.
“Are you looking for something?” Nagisa questioned.
“Yeah, the damn scooper,” Terasaka grumbled, opening the fifth drawer. 
“Ah there it is.” He pulled it out with a triumphant smile, before turning back to the fridge.
Nagisa watched in curiosity before quickly realizing what Terasaka was seeking. “You’re not seriously gonna have ice cream for breakfast, are you?”
Terasaka cast him a glare. “And what about it?” He challenged.
“That’s not healthy in the slightest. Not at 8am when you’ve barely gotten sleep and haven’t eaten anything substantial in forever.”
“Wha-” Terasaka stepped back. “What are you talking about?”
Nagisa set his empty cup down and pushed himself off the corner. “You have seriously dark bags under your eyes, a pale pallor, and-”
He quickly swiped up Terasaka’s hand and lightly pinched the skin above his ring finger, earning a surprised yelp. He let go of the skin and watched it stay raised.
“You’re very dehydrated.”
Terasaka pulled his hand free and scowled at him. “Cut it out, man.” 
Nagisa sighed and watched him turn back to the freezer, pulling out a tub of pistachio ice cream. “Terasaka-kun, really-”
Terasaka slammed the container down before spinning around, facing Nagisa. “Stop telling me what I can and can’t do!” 
He pointed an accusing finger at him. “I finally get a weekend away from my family, who do that 24/7! I don’t need to hear it from a friend too.”
“If I wanna eat ice cream for breakfast, I will!”
His tirade now finished, Terasaka let out a sigh and leaned against the fridge, closing his eyes. 
His eyes flew open again at the gentle touch of a hand on his shoulder, shaking him from his thoughts. 
Nagisa was frowning at him, but out of concern. There was a look of fondness in his gaze, one that made Terasaka’s chest tighten. “I’m sorry, Terasaka-kun. I didn’t mean to sound pushy or condescending.”
Terasaka felt his vision go misty, but he gave a small smile. “You’re fine, man. I shouldn’t have gone off,” he apologized. “...Guess I’m just thinking of a lot of heavy stuff.”
Nagisa nodded, looking away briefly. “I totally understand that. Wanna...talk about it?”
Terasaka didn’t reply for a moment, before he suddenly leaned closer and ruffled his hair, earning a shout from Nagisa. “Maybe later. Right now, I just really want that ice cream,” he admitted, half-jokingly.
Nagisa batted his hand away and smiled at him. “Okay then. I’ll join you.”
Terasaka grinned, turning to grab some bowls. “Thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it. By the way, what were you doing last night if you stayed up so late?”
“Ah, me and the squad decided to- it was just- you know what, that’s a story for another time.”
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coepiteamare · 4 years
2020 in fic
2020 was terrible year but an okay year of fic considering i didn’t really write till october. 
STATS: fics: 1 fic; i wrote drabbles because i can’t write long fics. but i wrote 8 drabbles? female pov: 8 male pov: 1 (i thought i had more but nope, they’re all wips) both pov: 0 (i haven’t written anything long to justify both pov) total word count: (lol, i’ll update this later but i know it’s absolute shite) OVERALL: Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? both! i started this blog in january, wrote two things, then forgot about it because life kind of took over. because i didn’t write for so long, i didn’t intend on coming back, but i realized that i had a couple wips for the dictionary of lovers that i never uploaded so i came back sometime in october? (i published one and then kind of tucked away the rest because i wasn’t sure what i quite wanted to do with tdol)
i started off this year intending to write and finish tdol (26 drabbles), but that didn’t end up happening, so less. but when i stopped, i also didn’t think i would ever come back to posting, yet here i am! and i’ve posted drabbles and have a bunch in the wip folders, so more! tl;dr: less than i thought but also more than i thought. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? i don’t write cross fandoms anymore (though that was my start in ff, my peak poetry days), but i never thought i would write 2nd pov/memberxreader because i started off writing memberxmember fics for bangtan, so i suppose that!  Did you take any writing risks this year? most definitely. i never thought i would write 2nd person pov, but here i am. and i didn’t think i’d write memberxreader, but here i am! (a bundle of surprises i am) 2nd person pov is actually a lot harder for me to write, but i’m getting better at it. 
pens and paperwork actually has a lot of dialogue and less purple prose: i think it’s the one piece i wrote that was less emotion based and more plot, which is very out of character for me. it’s also a little (a lot) different than what i normally write, so that was also a risk, but i enjoyed writing that one so much: it’s definitely one of my favourite pieces and i want to flesh out that universe a little more. Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? write! longer! fics! i want to rewrite “the dictionary of lovers” and put it together into a long fic. i have a multiverse fic that i’ve been planning out, and i want to finish 9,719km and make it at least 10K: i want to practice fleshing out characters and worlds. my goal in general is just to write a long fic (9,719km, i’m looking at you). and also return to writing memberxmember fics too (i have a namgi fic in the works and there are def taekook ideas). get better at writing openings and closing and titling fics. god, i suck at titles. 
also, i would very much like to publish most of my wips. so, future violet, here’s to hoping you do that.  What were last year's goals? this is my first year, but last year, my goal was to just start a writing tumblr and write! and i’ve managed to do that! so yay  🎉  BEST AND WORST: My best story of this year: nine thousand, seven hundred nineteen kilometers. i love it to bits and pieces and i had it in my drafts for a while? because i wanted to publish it as a full fic but who knows when that will be, so i published it anyways. also this part was so much better than the other parts, so no regrets, i suppose. i think it is my favourite piece i’ve written, along with pens and paperwork, because it’s so different from what i’m used to writing? (both are also yoongi fics, funny enough) i definitely think it’s less purple prose (though 9,719km def has elements of that still; can’t get it out of my system) so hs me would not have approved, but i love it to smithereens. i try to not read any of my fics after posting them though because i’m incapable of letting it be: i have to perform autopsies on it, pick at the bad parts, cut open the good ones for flaws, until it’s virtually unrecognizable and ruined, so i can’t bring myself to reread it, but as of now, from what i remember, i think it’s my best story.  My most popular story of this year: love is a losing game (we played anyways): i’m so flattered and in awe that people actually liked this story because it was so hard for me to write. it’s only 1k and it took me a good week before i could publish it because i kept tripping over the language. and i felt (still feel) like pre-dialogue and post-dialogue are two different stories, which was extremely frustrating for me. i think i can write dialogue (this story is a different beast, just because of the nature of the beginning) but it’s really hard for me to combine poetry/prose with dialogue. i feel like it throws it off but the only other way to write it would be in a short bit compilation (i’ll write fics like that again someday) and i didn’t feel like it would work for lialg. (funny story: it was actually a royalty!namjoon fic where he wants to give her the world but it turns out she was a spy and she essentially burns his kingdom to the ground) i’m honestly not too happy about how it turned out but i’m still glad people enjoyed it!  Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: none! i really didn’t expect to have an audience, so people stopping and reading my fics? wild. Most fun story to write: pens and paperwork. that drabble was so much fun to write and i loved the characters. also gave me the least amount of headaches, probably because it kind of wrote itself once i started. i really do want to expand on that universe, just because i want to revisit it and explore 007′s background (maybe write about 005 and 006 as a spin off though whether i want to make it taexreader or taexjimin is to be determined) and yoongi’s journey in the MI6/NIS as well!
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: probably pens and paperwork? i’ve always known that yoongi was a dynamic and versatile person but that fic really did it for me. i can totally see him being this sarcastic, dry person, but also someone with a lot of love and care for others, like he does with 007 by bringing her alc when she’s in pain and generally trying to distract her as she’s getting stitches. someone who’s as loud as they are quiet. i definitely want to write more soft yoongi though. 
Hardest story to write: i am your ocean (your little mermaid). hands down. i don’t know if tae is just really hard to write (for me) or if that fic was a monster of it’s own, but i spent two+ weeks working on it. it went through so many storyline revisions and changes and then even after i had a decent idea of the final plot, it took me another week to write fucking 1.4k. absolutely awful. do i like it? i don’t even know. but i don’t like hoarding fics, so it’s out there for the word to pick at, to dissect it’s anatomy, to taxidermy it.  Biggest disappointment: the movietheaterworker!oc x marvelnerd!jk fic that i never published. i don’t know if it’s just bad or it’s just not what i wanted but i haven’t touched it since october (and idk if i want to look at it) so that says something. 
in terms of something i published, probably “heart” from tdol. i re-read it recently and it just felt really bleh to me? i should have more attachment to it considering it’s my first drabble on this account but nope. some parts of it are cute but it’s so clunky. i don’t like it.  Biggest surprise: pens and paperwork or monsters under the bed. pens and paperwork because of how much i loved it/how fast it wrote itself and how much i liked it afterwards, even though it’s written in a much different style than i normally write? monsters under the bed because it was written with no direction and honestly feels like a fever dream (though i did have a backstory to jk’s character and his relationship with oc), yet it still was well liked! i kind of posted it as the start to the “things you said” drabble collection and was like here goes nothing, but people seemed to really enjoy it!! which was very surprising. and my butterfly, noor, called me the bob ross of fanfiction (that still cracks me up) so!  Most unintentionally telling story: hmmm...probably anything from tdol. i’ve been so fortunate to have such beautiful, healthy, intimate platonic relationships, but the one (two if we’re being generous, which we most def are if counting it) romantic relationship i’ve had was quite awful and extremely toxic. (ask me about it if you want to: i like to rant about it from time to time) so tdol is a creation of wishful thinking, of what i think a healthy relationship should look like, through the ups and downs, the highs and lows. because i don’t have experience with healthy romantic relationships, i def put a lot of my friendships and bits and pieces from those into tdol. and it’s not published yet, but there’s an unwritten piece from tdol where oc talks about how she doesn’t believe in love but jk very much is a hopeless romantic, and that’s me writing me into a fic so. 
HIGHLIGHTS + WRAP-UP: Favorite opening lines:
(god, i suck at opening lines)
tdol “perfect” + coming back home to you would always be one of the highlights of my day. whenever the sun shined for a little too long, a storm would hit, but this--coming home to and closing the day with you--was one of the few things in life that was completely and utterly mine to have, out of the reaches of whatever was out there that made sure the road was never too smooth. [note: this isn’t THE opening line but we’ll ignore that]
9,719km + paris is much quieter than the places you’re used to, but it’s not a bad thing.
Favorite closing lines: (i struggle so much with these) i’ll be your ocean (your little mermaid) + the enfilade of rain continues and pelts against the windowpane, against your balcony floor. 
monsters under the bed + but when he opens his eyes again, to the blaring 1:01AM of his clock, you’re no longer by his side. 
9,719km + p.s. did you miss me? + maybe he’s just as potent as a habit, just as hard to kill. 
Favorite lines in general: i’ll be your ocean (your little mermaid) + you let the words fall from your lips, dribble down your skin like water droplets, and dissipate in the ocean of your feelings. watch them dissolve into the seafoam of your being and sink down, down, down. + it feels a little like that now as you card your fingers through his sweaty locks, dyed red like ariel’s, bright red against the blue of both your feelings. 
love is a losing game (we played anyways) + he looks at you like you hold the secrets of the universe, even as he tears through the valley of your breasts with the claws of his ambitions and devotion. + (the summary line: he builds cathedrals in your name, whispers prayers into your skin, and you shatter the stained glass windows of his dreams.) 
9,719km + nothing has been able to keep him out: not the gallery treasury in newport beach with its earthquake proof alarm system, not the cartier vault in new york city with its impressive randomized laser grid, and certainly not the flimsy, fickle alarm system of your heartbeat. 
LIST OF COMPLETED STORIES: [note: does tdol count? i’ll put it here anyways. also i suck at titles] the dictionary of lovers: heart the dictionary of lovers: confirmation the dictionary of lovers: perfect love is a losing game (we played anyways) monsters under the bed pens and paperwork i’ll be your ocean (your little mermaid) nine thousand, seven hundred nineteen kilometers you feel like a holiday
WIP TEASERS: welcome to wonderland (we’re all mad here) (aliceinwonderland!au) summary: queen of hearts!jk x alice!reader
excerpt: be careful in the woods, they whisper. so many girls have gotten lost and made it out with just their bodies intact, bones rattling hollow and mind astray. the girls mumble about tea parties with madness, about croquet games with the heads of the executed, before they are wheeled off to hospitals, still talking to the wall. 
be careful in the woods, they warn. it preys on your fear and feeds on your sanity, if you linger too long. 
i know you (i’ve walked with you once upon a dream) (dreamwalkers!au) summary: oc works for the department of dreams: bureau of night terrors as a dreamwalker. jungkook has chronic nightmares.
excerpt: They tell lucid dreamers to look down at their hands, notice the garbled image to recognize they’re in a dream. Your brain backtracks to what it last remembers. A click of the seatbelt, Jimin’s soft “sleep tight,” the cool air inside the tank. Darkness. You grip the wand a little tighter. 
Dreamscapes are weird, you think as you conjure up an ironwood table and a cup of earl grey. The fabric of reality is so thin, so permeable and malleable with the right amount of knowledge. If you think really hard, slip a hand through that curtain, you can still feel the cold air lingering on your skin from the tank. You look down at your watch. 8:44. Eight hours and fourty four minutes left to wander through other people’s nightmares. 
if the world was ending (you’d come over, right?) (au where the world slowly comes to a halt and you find yourself calling your ex. inspired by “if the world was ending” by jp saxe and julia michaels) summary: ex!tae x female!reader
excerpt: The world starts to freeze over when you’re on the bus ride home. 
Pedestrians pause in the middle of the sidewalk; cars decelerate in the middle of accelerations. The chatter in the bus groans to a stop, like a radio after the plug has been pulled, as everyone slowly freezes. Your hair, which once fluttered in the breeze, gently falls back into place. 
The traffic light is red. 
You pull your earbuds out. It’s quiet. Too quiet. 
“Hello?” you whisper, shaking the arm of your neighbor. No response. The silence is loud, almost deafening.
“Hello?” you walk down the aisle to where your driver sits. His face is still. Annoyance clouds his eyes, chest puffed like he was about to take a deep breath. One he’ll never take again. 
You shuffle your feet back and trip on the stairs, back slamming against plexi glass and metal.
The light never turns green. 
untitled (mermaid!au)
excerpt: Jungkook loves the sea, but he thinks he might like you a little bit more. You, with the sea breeze in your hair and summer storm in your eyes. There’s something about the way you sparkle like the ocean top, sun skimming across skin, that makes him think you might be more than human, a trick of light, an optical illusion.
untitled (desert princess x pirate!jk au) summary:  i love you the way ocean clings to shore, the way the horizon wants the sea, but, darling, we were never meant to be
excerpt: you’re pretty sure the ocean is enchanted, bright blue waters glimmering with magic. nothing else could explain how jeon jungkook, notorious pirate and thief, owns eyes that twinkle like the night sky and a face that puts the sunset to shame, unless he managed to somehow steal those too. you wouldn’t put it past him. + they name hurricanes after girls, he tells you. a prayer for gentleness, a hope for small casualties. huh, you reply, whoever came up with that idea must never have been caught in the storm of a girl. 
wow, could i be any more conspicuous about which drabble i like the most? why do i use so many parenthesis? also, i suck at titles and opening and closing lines. but hey, i’m trying, and sometimes that’s all i can ask from myself. i wrote a lot less than i thought but also more than i thought, so cheers to that. maybe next year will be better, maybe it’ll be worse. who knows? hopefully it’ll read easier though.  p.s. if you’ve read this and if you’ve read anything i’ve written, thank you for reading. thank you for sticking through the calamity of my thoughts, through the hurricane of my mind. you have no idea how much it means. i hope i’m able to make your day a little better, a little brighter, a little light in this time of darkness.  p.p.s. i’ve made a few friends on tumblr. i won’t tag them because i don’t want to put them through this awful clusterfuck of words, but if any of you read this, hi. you’ve really shaped my tumblr experience and i’m so glad to have met you all.  noor (papillionsgf): my butterfly, i adore you. you were my first tumblr friend and you’ve been nothing but sweet to me. thank you for talking to me and thank you for our lovely conversations, for letting me squeal about tfua, for  i absolutely adore you.  hana (cutechims): the two of us are awkward potatoes, and i still need to rewatch batman begins, but thank you for always being so sweet, so kind. i love talking with you and reading everything you write. you make me smile when i see you on my dash, with every response you send. jlin (bratkook): i slid into your tumblr dms because you’re so talented and so awfully pretty. i absolutely enjoy our conversations about rich folxs and karens, and i really hope the pandemic comes to an end because i would love to meet you in person and teach you aerial! (also i will bake you lots of cookies) erin (yeojaa): hi lovely. i adore you to the moon and back and to be honest, you still intimidate me because i love your writing so much, but i wanted to say how much i adore you and how i love talking to you. i hope you’re taking care of yourself and staying warm and i hope to get to know you better in 2021!
notes: adapted from lj, where i started writing! i used to see this a bit on lj (or maybe it was the circle of writers i followed) but i figured i’d bring it over here because it’s a good reflection piece and tumblr feels like a good place for that. 
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samsungalaxys8-blog · 7 years
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debrajonesw-blog · 7 years
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EZ Battery Reconditioning Review standard and usually are crafted with cheap answers and imposing a recharge gained do The process effectively and will induce an explosion. Some preposterous hackers declare they handle to recharge this type of batteries by means of chilly cycles and specific electric run driven charging cycles Still is Considerably much also risky and unreliable as methods and desires many your time and efforts and Electrical power and checking to implement some will make utilization of within just your rarely recharged battery EZ Battery Reconditioning Review cell devices, smart phones, individual desktops, and costlier parts batteries, use amplified finish provides and they're created for starting to be recharged a pair of diverse quite a few gatherings making use of their respective charging shops. When their life time cycle is concluded, they change into similar to the principal cells.
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anniedotson-blog · 7 years
EZ Battery Reconditioning Program Review 2017..!!
EZ batteryEZ Battery Reconditioning
EZ Battery Reconditioning Review We take advantage of them in many areas, and it doesn’t former lengthy The vast majority of us won't be critical lovers of investing cash on recurring solutions. I’m one specific person of this higher education or university of imagining … if I need to purchase a little or no one thing several situations, I instinctively find out a method to essentially allow it to be earlier quite a bit considerably more, Or else eternally (yeah, demanding, I realize, but make it possible for me to want rather https://www.facebook.com/EZ-Battery-Reconditioning-120839018524207/you landed on this page Incidentally You Practically unquestionably found my website link on Google internet search engine outcomes or almost definitely clicked on among my adverts on or Google Commercials networks You are literally searching for the best way to recondition, restore or revive a lifeless battery.
The Basics EZ Battery Reconditioning
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 What is Ez Battery Reconditioning Program?
EZ Battery Reconditioning Review that we should always regularly use for gain Regret  ably with our harmful behaviors together with the all-about-the-location moveable programs, we produced them something which Live without EZ Battery Reconditioning Review definitely the seize exactly what The author of EZ Battery Reconditioning e-e-e book, Tom Ericson (a fake find out, we’ll achieve that down the road), noticed as a chance. Use your annoyance and switch it proper into a profits unit for him, and doubtless  the many most disappointing know-how to fit your wants EZ Battery Reconditioning Review to teach you The obvious way to resume, recondition any type of battery, whether it’s Unquestionably dead. And you just don’t will need to get a selected opportunity or be a specialist to really allow it to be occur about.
 How EZ Battery Reconditioning Program Works?
EZ Battery Reconditioning Review chemical reactions to facilitate storing electrical Energy Some sort of batteries might be recondition able beneath particular person scenarios and it’s not a reasonably effortless or Guarded system to perform. In the following paragraph highest up with regards to how restorable is Just about every range of batteries EZ Battery Reconditioning Review reality be restored to some extent by replacing the substances in just them and enterprise through a recharge schooling training course of movement. But there is a set of Problems and techniques to thoroughly realize that.
 EZ Battery Reconditioning Review utilizing solar energy, you proceed to actually need to make full use of the house electrical electricity to recharge the battery. To absolutely recharge a nominal 12v car or truck battery, it could possibly faster or later Value A handful of kilos dependant on how productive the restoring method goes EZ Battery Reconditioning Review tell you about Almost all of what needs to be accomplished in the procedure. http://nw72039.blogspot.in/2017/07/ez-battery-reconditioning-program.htmlbundled it just so The purpose is how intricate the tactic is. Be certain you DON’T Do this At the home Unless not surprisingly not remarkably You now know What precisely You might want to do AND You take Each one of a number of NECESARRY Defense ways.
  What EZ Battery Reconditioning book is about?
EZ Battery Reconditioning Review standard and usually are crafted with cheap answers and imposing a recharge gained do The process effectively and will induce an explosion. Some preposterous hackers declare they handle to recharge this type of batteries by means of chilly cycles and specific electric run driven charging cycles Still is Considerably much also risky and unreliable as methods and desires many your time and efforts and Electrical power and checking to implement some will make utilization of within just your rarely recharged battery EZ Battery Reconditioning Review cell devices, smart phones, individual desktops, and costlier parts batteries, use amplified finish provides and they're created for starting to be recharged a pair of diverse quite a few gatherings making use of their respective charging shops. When their life time cycle is concluded, they change into similar to the principal cells.
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samsungalaxys8-blog · 7 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
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