#Ad Vitam Per Morte
cerasus--flores · 6 months
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i'm fucking struggling out here
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[skitters in] the entire emoji themed ask game for Eleazar and Lazarus please and thank you ::3
waaaah. utc its SO long.
Ask Game!
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🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory?
Lazarus: Waking up in the burnt down ruins of its home, completely detached from life.
Eleazar: A birthday party when he was five.
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Lazarus: Strained.
Eleazar: Really good! He relies on them a lot.
🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
Lazarus: Disappears lol.. It's abilities are very much ghostlike, so it tends to just disappear. It will come back when its calmed down, yk?
Eleazar: Nervously plays with his hair. He'll twist the strands.
🍦 [SOFT CONE] Where does your OC work? How much are they paid, and would they prefer a different job? Why?
Lazarus: "Lazarus Fletcher, Reaper of Phantom Fade." It is death. One of 'em at least. It doesn't get paid anything, thankless job really. It would prefer being a historian, they both wanted to be historians.
Eleazar: He has a part time job at the college library (,: it doesn't pay that much but it helps with his education. One day he'll be a Preservationist! He wants to work with the HEA to preserve sorcerer society and finalism. Especially after WW2 wiped so much out.
🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love?
Lazarus: Nothing? It doesn't really care.
Eleazar: Cupcakes! Strawberry ones.
🥤 [PARTY CUP] How does your OC feel about drama? Do they start any themselves?
Lazarus: It won't start any but it WILL listen. :eyes: and all
Eleazar: He says he won't get involved in drama but he's so gossipy lol
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Lazarus: Gags trying to drink wine.
Eleazar: Also.. gags trying to drink wine.. But he's cool
🥀 [WILTED ROSE] How good is your OC at meeting deadlines? What motivates them?
Lazarus: It literally has an easier time dispatching of lost souls than traditionally reaping a soul. It will fuck up ON PURPOSE. So BAD. AWFUL. LMAO??
Eleazar: Really good!! He's gotta be for that degree :triumph:
🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
Lazarus: It hopes so.
Eleazar: YES.
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Lazarus: Very likely, it gets bored.
Eleazar: Well wars are super cool for making food scarce. He's quite good at identifying random berries and mushrooms.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Lazarus: Summer. Nice, warm. Sunbathe...
Eleazar: Winter. Its the season opposite to the one he lost his twin in. Skiing!
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Lazarus: It's twin.
Eleazar: His twin.
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Lazarus: A bird, perhaps a little mouse.
Eleazar: Doggy!! Probably a big fluffy one.
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
Lazarus: Doesn't pay attention.
Eleazar: Coo
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Lazarus: Especially at the time period it's in, probably pretty misunderstood? IRL I think people would be down bad for it.
Eleazar: Same situation as Laz.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Uhm well Laz died as a result of WW2 and Eleazar lost his twin as a result of WW2 so. Hitler????
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Lazarus: WELL YOU SEE.
Eleazar: That he's partially to blame for his twin dying.
🍟 [CHIPS/FRIES] How much junk food/sometimes food does your OC eat? Has it affected their health?
Lazarus: It has no need to eat, so most of the food it consumes is junkfood lol. It doesn't have an affect, yk, death.
Eleazar: He eats as healthy as possible but he loves sweets...
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun?
Both: Fun!!
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
Lazarus: Literally invincible. ONE GUY can kill it and that guy has not yet been born. Well and the Fates can erase it, but they have no reason to.
Eleazar: Anything that counters his umbramancy. Too bright an area can absolutely fuck him over because he won't be able to use his magic properly. That being said, he's pretty good in most situations thanks to the abundance of shadows.
🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
Lazarus: Nope! If they did it'd be the "died for another to prevail" type prophecy.
Eleazar: Also no. But one could argue he is the other half of the "lost someone important in order to prevail" trope. And his twin's death did directly lead to him insisting on the preservation of magical society so as to prevent a future erasure. But it isn't a prophecy because he alone wasn't enough for that. I think Rowan said the last one was the 60s?
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
Lazarus: Blue and silver. I don't have a why, it just does. Anyways it's favourite colour is orange.
Eleazar: White and black. His favourite colour is red.
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
Lazarus: Candy.
Eleazar: Vegetables.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Lazarus: It isn't very kind because it doesn't have much opportunity to be. It doesn't even really grant the souls it reaps any sort of kindness. Watching them become monster in order to hunt them down.
Eleazar: He always remembers people's interests or things they point out. He likes to think he's pretty kind.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Lazarus: Hurt its brother.
Eleazar: Remind him of his childhood.
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
Pineapple on pizza doesn't exist in their time rn LOL. Neither will care in the future though.
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Lazarus: Boredom..
Eleazar: Honestly too many things. He's a soft guy.
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
Lazarus: It IS its whole thing..
Eleazar: VERY GOOD.
🍕 [PIZZA SLICE] How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there's not enough supply?
Lazarus: It won't want to, but it will. Because there's very little it needs to sustain itself.
Eleazar: Will make sure everyone else has their share before him.
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
Lazarus: Has really soft hair, thats about it.
Eleazar: He's very soft. He refuses to let the horrors he's experienced turn him to stone.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
In the future, yes. Eleazar's efforts will be forgotten and those who knew sans it's family will know Laz.
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Lazarus: Forget-Me-Not. I mean. Lol.
Eleazar: Purple hydrangea. A deep desire to understand.
🍪 [BUSCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
Both: Simple.
🍻 [BEER CHEERS] Is your OC typically on the louder or quieter side?
Lazarus: Quiet.
Eleazar: Loud.
🥂 [GLASS CHEERS] What is your OC's 'aesthetic?'
Lazarus: doesn't really have one?
🥃 [MATE] What does your OC look for in a friend? What do they find is a turn-off?
Lazarus: Would run screaming if forced to make a friend.
Eleazar: Kindness to animals is a must! If you don't like animals, he won't like you lol
🍯 [HONEY] At what point does someone seem sickly sweet to your OC?
Lazarus: It is really good at reading people. As if it can tell if someone is lying. Using kindness as a front, even slightly, it will know.
Eleazar: Too many compliments...
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them?
Lazarus: Not anymore.
Eleazar: He's allergic to bees..
🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
Their family is originally from England, however both of them were born in Germany in the 1930s. Their family is now back in England. Lazarus, drifts..
🥖 [BAGUETTE BREAD] Where is your OC's favourite food from? Is it a variety of places?
(sounds of lane googling where cake was invented)
"The first documented strawberry shortcake recipe appeared in a 1588 British cookbook." there.
🥨 [PRETZEL] How complicated is your OC's backstory? Who does it entwine with?
See it isn't necessarily complicated, but it is HEAVILY related to /actual world history/ which makes it just really fucking grim. Its accepted Ad Vitam canon that there were genocides of sorcerer children before they came into their powers, and complete wipes of their religion from history.
Lazarus and Eleazar's stories heavily have to do with these genocides and that comes in combination with WW2 being a big part of their lives. Not complicated at all. Just sad.
🥯 [BAGEL] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help?
Lazarus: It thinks its normal (You couldn't face your family for years because you couldn't stand the fact you wear your brother's face.)
Eleazar: Food hoarding... He can't help it..
🥞 [PANCAKES] What's the most your OC can eat in one sitting? At what point do they get sick?
Lazarus: Like a normal plate?
Eleazar: He has a bottomless stomach...
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
fuck if I know.
🧀 [CHEESE WEDGE] How often does your OC get into situations that rely on pure luck/miracles happening?
Lazarus: Way too often..
🍹 [TROPICAL BEVERAGE] If your OC could go anywhere, where would it be?
Lazarus: Ancient Greece!
Eleazar: Ancient Greece. (for his twin)
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
Lazarus: so many pickles...
Eleazar: Whatever you are offering, he will put on it.
🍰 [CAKE SLICE] How does your OC change as you get to know them?
Lazarus: A little less awkward, more open. Softer than it seems.
Eleazar: He has more anxiety than you'd originally think...
🥧 [PIE] What's the longest journey your OC has gone on? What was it for? Did they succeed?
Lazarus: It went to Denmark one time that was neat.
Eleazar: IRELAND. For survival, and he survived so I'd say he succeeded.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Botanical garden, both of em.
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message
I would send Eleazar a bouquet that represents forgiveness and new beginnings and I would send Lazarus all the pink flowers in the world cause it needs some colour in its life.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
Neither are picky.
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why?
Lazarus: Resurrection.
Eleazar: Like a nice soft velvet box maybe..
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
Lazarus literally died on account of being magical. Eleazar has to hide and suppress his magic and religion even now that he IS immortal just because its safer.
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Lazarus: ????
Eleazar: Poor but he's managing. He'd like to be a nice middle upperclass but alas.
🥒 [CUCUMBER] How innocent are they (unaware to the bad happenings around them)?
LOL. They are not. They're both VERY aware. Lazarus is only innocent in the sex sense.
🥬 [LEAFY GREEN] How mundane are they? Do they like it that way?
Lazarus: Not very, but kind of hard to be when you're blue.
Eleazar: He tries to come off as mundane but he definitely isn't lol
🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species?
Lazarus: Humanity's inability to understand those unlike them + it has met some egotistical reapers. SHUT UP about being better than others.
Eleazar: Humanity's greed.
🥑 [AVOCADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Lazarus: It doesn't care man I'm ngl.
Eleazar: That reapers and fate know nothing of the woes of the people who Actually contribute to the universe.
🥝 [KIWI FRUIT] How does their outside appearance differ from who they are?
Lazarus: It looks unapproachable, it is.
Eleazar: He looks very nice and calm, he is very nice and calm (lying)
🌿 [HERB] Is your OC religious? What do they believe in?
Yes, Finalism.
☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate?
Lazarus: Not Very.
Eleazar: TOO MUCH.
🍀 [FOUR LEAF CLOVER] Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover?
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
They have the same dream treehouse: One of those really old really tall oak trees and the treehouse would have a bunk bed for them to share and a nice window view.
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
Lazarus: Nap
Eleazar: Feed the ducks!
🍾 [POPPING CORK] How does your OC celebrate special occasions? With whom?
Lazarus: Eh.
Eleazar: Family and with lots of food!
🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
Lmaooo I feel like I'm a broken record atp.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
Lazarus: Very!
Eleazar: Immortal yes, but still kinda weak
🍵 [GREEN TEA] What's your OC's preferred flavour of tea, if they even drink it?
Lazarus: As sweet as possible.
Eleazar: Fruit teas.
🍸 [COCKTAIL] When was the first time your OC had an alcoholic beverage? What did they think of it?
Lazarus: Recently, it was fine.. It didn't like it that much.
Eleazar: For his fifteenth birthday and he had rum and it was so gross.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Lazarus: It hates woodworking, don't ask.
Eleazar: Religious history.. And sewing.
🌴 [PALM TREE] What are the stops on your OC's dream cruise? What boat are they on?
They have never thought about this whatsoever.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Lazarus: Only the ones that are actually real. But it used to love the Greek myths..
Eleazar: Some!
💮 [WHITE FLOWER] Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, when, and where?
Lazarus: Nope.
Eleazar: A few times! Cheek, nose, lips, collarbone.
🌺 [HIBISCUS] What does your OC think is the prettiest name?
Lazarus: Annabella.
Eleazar: Amelia
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Lazarus: Orange tulips.
Eleazar: red amaryllis
🍧 [SHAVED ICE] What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)?
Both is strawberry LOL
🧁 [CUPCAKE] If you had to describe your OC using flavours, how would you (e.g., 'they're very sweet')?
Lazarus: Bitter with a sweet inside.
Eleazar: Cotton candy..
🍭 [LOLLIPOP] Would your OC ever share food with someone?
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Lazarus: It is not tricked into this at all anymore.
Eleazar: A little easily.. He tries to keep an eye out but he just wants to help people.
🍇 [GRAPES] What's their circle of people/their species like? What dynamic would they be called?
Lazarus: Does not have one.
Eleazar: He keeps a close group of friends and he's very close to his family. But he bounces around groups and talks to lots of people.
🍩 [DONUT] What is your OC's biggest flaw? How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it?
Lazarus: It's apathy. It doesn't care.
Eleazar: The fact he holds grudges easily.. And he tries to deal with it! Its just really hard.
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
Cheaper better.
🎂 [BIRTHDAY CAKE] How does your OC celebrate their birthday? With who, and where?
Lazarus: Every year, it would celebrate its birthday by changing its face to reflect its twin's growing up. So that they'd always match, looks the same in age.
Eleazar: He spends it with his parents usually, sometimes a few friends.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Lazarus: Also its apathy.
Eleazar: I think he would have a panic attack if someone pointed out his flaws.
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❝ oc masterlist ❞
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ad vitam per morte :
→ reapers —lumio d'stella —mieran atrum —heath wolnes —mayra euterpe —marina "nuberu" rivera —umbrastella —callum venator
→ sorcerers —vesper mixtio —charlie kovač —aiden marin —parisa shiri —noah mitchell —vincent shi nian zhen —fennel destan-mixtio —araceli destan-mixtio —river destan-mixtio —caiden destan-mixtio
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amant eternel :
—iara —perenelle "perie" blanchet
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brand new animal :
—arlen leventis
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honkai series :
→ honkai impact 3rd —harper selene —darien "condor" alba
→ honkai starrail —azazel blake harding
→ multiple entries —terminal scout 0005 ; lysander
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valorant :
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—david "silver" gutiérrez
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rausule · 1 year
Qui sumus? Facies et vita!
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29 Augusti 2023
Videtur quod in novo ordine planetae effingatur quomodo poenitentia sine relatione mendacii, facies et mors una sint integra. Conabimur inquirere an non sint sed aliquo modo aequales sensui reprimendi; Visionem propriae faciei et oculorum aliorum experientiam decisivam esse pro homine iam noto cum ichi, qui sui ipsius non est dominus, aperio, proprie et sine volios Certe omnes res alienae sunt et cum singulis communicant. alius, sed solus homo facit voltas hango filii sui agnitionis et veritatis, homo est animal, quod ad speculum agnoscit fugam suam, et speculatur et reconciliatur in volatu elemosine. Mitas, similitudo et simultas, esse memes hominum.
Hisce logo politica. Si homines semper et solum informationes commutaverunt, semper hoc et illud, numquam progressio politica fuisset, sed patientia nuntiis commutatio, sed cum homines maxime communicarent suam apertionem, inter se recognitionem vehnt; voltus ipsa rerum politicarum conditio est, in qua omnia, quae homines dicunt, commutantur, innititur
In hoc sensu, voluntas est vera civitas hominum, elementum politicum per excellentiam. Et vultus ad se mutuo, eas agnosco et flagrantes fiunt inter se, similitudinem et differentiam percipiunt, distantiam et primam Si per politicam animalis, hoc est, quia animalia, quae semper iam in aperto sunt, non faciunt suum. ex zime problema, simpliciter habitat sine cura. Ideo in speculis imaginis non quaero imaginem. Homo autem vult seipsum agnoscere et agnosci, suam imaginem appropriare vult, veritatem suam in nobis quaerit. Hoc modo mutat animali ambitum in mundum campum assidui politici dialectici
Patria quae suum vodi prie com chere in omni loco abrenuntiare statuit, ignavos suos cives allos, quae omnem rationem politicam ex se rescindunt. In hac paris ut, igitte subiectis limitibus dicionis, singuli nunc ab invicem seiunctis moventur, qui proximum sensitivum fundamentum communitatis amiserunt et solum nuntiis directis permutare possunt nomini quod nullam amplius faciem habet. Et cum homo sit ens politicum, etiam politica dissolutio significat vitae amotionem, puer qui nascendo non amplius patitur suffragium matris suae periclitatur ne amplius affectus humanos concipere possit.
Nec minoris momenti necessitudo cum fuga hominibus est cum mortuis necessitudo. Homo, animal quod se in sua cute agnoscit, solum animal est, quod cultum montium celebrat. Xos mirum est igitur quod mors etiam intercessit, et quod deletio cryptae iunctim cum morte sublata est. Romae, per ima eius, platinum et ceram pictam, quae singulae familiae in atrio domus suae servantur, martyrium fecit. Id est, liber homo definitur tam participatione politicae vitae quam per gi, inalienabile ius deorum fugae custodiendi et publice in festivitatibus communibus exhibere. mortuorum in reliquiario ligneo, et haec imago est facies ces simili similitudine factae tam pro forma quam pro colore societatis et solidarietatis inter viviei mortis, inter praeteritos et praesentes, quae pars erat vitae integralis. c Propterea tantam partem in re publica luserunt, adeo ut affirmare potuerit ius imaginum officinarum mearum in quibus ius viventium fundatur, id est etiam. verum quisquis gravis publici criminis reus ius imaginis amiserit. Legenda habet, quod Remulus cum condidit Rama in sv Sosadetta mundum, mundum, in quo ipse et singuli socii sui manipulum terrae eiciunt. diebus autem homo, qui erat mortuus, venit in civitatem et in vita eius interfuit. Mundus autem est signaculum per quod vivos et mortuos et passat
Intelligi potest cur mundus sine facie non possit esse nisi mundus si mi, Sei vividono los volt, mortui solum facti sunt, qui, quia ad puram vitam biologicam redacti sunt, deco- lutum sol et sine funeribus, si locum spectent. ubi ante quamlibet orationes cum hominibus nostris communicamus, tunc etiam viventes, cum facie privantur relatione, irreparabiliter soli sunt, quantumcumque dormiunt cum instrumentis digitalibus.
0 notes
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Voiceclaims. || Pronouns.
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Genshin Impact
Kasimir Chihaya Quinn Haruka Kusuma
Kasimir Nyx Hemera Marie Beau
Åsa Llyr
Ad Vitam Per Morte
Honkai Impact 3rd
Lux Moka Cyrille
Pen & Paper
Ciar Kasimir
Persona 5
Bungou Stray Dogs
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*currently canon ** previously canon
Genshin Impact
*Alchemical Performance - (Lyney/Quinn) Permafrost - (Amber/Kasimir) **Preserved Ink - (Orobashi/Chihaya) Diamond dust - (Sucrose/Kasimir) Inked Spell - (Quinn/Lyney/Kasimir)
*Starlit Embrace - (Kasimir/Nyx) Brilliant Dawn - (Hemera/Marie)
Honkai Impact 3rd
**Aureate Starlight - (Cyrille/Lucielle) Ice Star - (Honoré/Lucielle)
0 notes
hqrbinger · 3 years
character menu.
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"select who? (GENSHIN IMPACT)"
☞ bito | details ; playlist ; biTao playlist ; voicelines
☞ satoru | details ; playlist ; voicelines ; character card
☞ asase eiji | details ; playlist ; voicelines
"select who? (VALORANT)"
☞ nohealani "pua" kamealoha | info ☞ poeiva "monarch" morningstar | info ☞ sakurai "ryuujin" shizuka | info ☞ watanabe "nol" mari | info
"select who? (AD VITAM PER MORTE)"
☞ kilorn takagi | info ☞ candy samos | info
☞ coming soon !
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theinkedfoxsl · 2 years
Lane’s OCs
The Ambros Twins
Ohm Ambros
Sulien Ambros
Baudelaire Family
Emil Baudelaire
Razvedka Unit
Fujimoto Katsumi
Ezel De La Croix
Hien Sun-Heimdall
Valorant Protocol
021 Grimshaw
024 Artisan
Dungeons & Dragons
Killian Von Constantine
Beaumont Fillet
Apex Legends
Rainbow Six Siege
Obey Me
Gabriel Levesque
Dead By Daylight
Véronique Sacha
Ad Vitam Per Morte
Alee Destan
Adelheid Ziegler
Cirino Agosti
Honkai Impact 3rd
Honoré La Montagne
Brand New Animal
Farkas Kardos
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foeniculi--vulpes · 2 years
cutely holds an ad vitam per morte criminal minds au over mimi's head like yarn over a cat
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sea-of-dandelions · 3 years
Playlists !!
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“cahyanto <3's Liked Songs” (my liked songs. all of them.)
“rex's Liked Songs” (rex's liked songs)
“A playlist to soundtrack my summer depression” (2012/2013 hits)
“Oh my god you fucking fantasy nerd get a life already stop wishing youre an elf its not gonna happen” (fantasy playlist)
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Character Playlists !!
“ASH VIKTOR KINNIE ARC???” (Viktor from Arcane)
“Lullabies to sing to Ajax's siblings” (Childe from Genshin Impact; )
“Sea shanties to sing with Beidou's crew” (Beidou from Genshin Impact)
“Fox of the South” (Kasimir; Genshin Impact OC)
“Praeteritus Deus” (Chihaya; Genshin Impact OC)
“Limodorum Vines” (Haruka; Genshin Impact OC)
“Kusuma” (Kusuma; Genshin Impact OC)
“Quinn” (Quinn; Genshin Impact OC)
“Åsa” (Åsa; HTTYD OC)
“Sellatis” (general Sellatis playlist)
“Nyx” (Nyx; Sellatis OC)
“Sapphire Flame” (Dian; Ad Vitam Per Morte OC)
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Ship Playlists !!
“Nyxmir <3” (Nyx and Sellatis!Kasimir; Sellatis)
“Alchemical Performance” (Quinn and Lyney; Genshin Impact)
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cerasus--flores · 6 months
(overcome with lust and affection) fuck that damn gambler and his stupid self destructive habits
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MerMay Day 9 ; Semi Aquatic
Prompt By: @/mossypidder
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“Could you completely live in the ocean?”
The question caught him off guard as he floated aimlessly in the pool beside him. Ignas never really thought about it. Aquatic shifting wasn’t a common trait. He knew of one clan in Spain who could do it, but he’d never met them. 
Ignas floated to the poolside, hoisting himself up slightly so his upper body was on the stones beside Caiden. The man in question leaned down, brushing the aquatic shifter’s light blue hair from his mismatched eyes.
“I don’t think so?” Ignas admitted, leaning into his boyfriend’s warm touch. “One, you wouldn’t be there. Two, I imagine it’d be pretty lonely.” Ignas’ tail moved behind him, the large shark tail disturbed the water around him. Caiden chuckled when he got slightly splashed, leaning back some.
“But if you had to?”
“Oh, I’m semi aquatic, yeah. I could. I just don’t wanna!” He made a face and Caiden outright laughed, cat tail swishing. Ignas let himself slide off the stones, disappearing underneath the water. It wasn’t often he shifted into his full shark form, even then, he didn’t need to in order to live aquatically, the gills on his neck worked just fine.
But for Caiden’s viewing pleasure, he watched the blacktip reef shark swim around the large pool. Surprisingly, his true shark form was smaller than his half form, only six feet compared to the eight he was with his tail. He swam in a circle then rolled, doing tricks for Caiden who clapped.
Caiden yelled out when he jumped out of the water though, human half landing in his lap. “Ignas!” The cat whined, ears and tail now wet with pool water. But he was quickly, immediately, pacified by cold lips against his. Caiden melted, kissing back, his arms hooked around Ignas’ lower back to keep him steady in the awkward position.
Ignas pulled back and grinned at him, hair sticking to his face, cheeks warm and pink. “See what I mean? I can’t get that in the ocean.” And Caiden could only sigh, shaking his head. But the cat was more than pleased by his detailed answer.
“Off, back in the water.”
Ignas pulled off of him, rolling onto his back once more. He closed his eyes as he let himself float in the water. His peace was quickly disturbed by a heavy weight jumping onto his chest and claws digging into his skin. He choked out, opening his eyes quickly to come face to face with a mismatched eyed black cat.
The cat kneaded his chest a few times before he balled up and laid down. Ignas snickered, leaning his head back into the water. With the afternoon sun still high in the sky, they got to relax and enjoy both the water and the sun together. And that was definitely much preferable to both of them compared to any interests Ignas might otherwise find in the ocean.
Caiden lifted his head, sensitive ears hearing the click of someone’s phone camera. He turned his head to watch Alee quickly dip back into the house, giggling the whole way. He meowed softly, resting his head back against Ignas’ chest.
He was so going to regret it when that photo ended up on the fireplace mantle.
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taraxacum-vulpes · 2 years
.... thinking abt asking to make an ad vitam per morte oc but
a) making an oc (appreciative)
b) making an oc (derogatory)
c) literally zero ideas over here i am scratching my lil head
d) *looks at my other ocs waiting for their lore docs to be written and looks away*
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❝ and so, align your being with the sparks and the burning light... ❞
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— @cerasus--flores' oc blog — current appearance: lumio d'stella's — i ALWAYS have some shit to say about my ocs (masterlist here) — always happy to tell you about ad vitam per morte just ask
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– tags! (at least right now) — sparklers : asks — embers : ask games — stardust : original posts — thread : info posts — vessel : [oc name] — match : [ship name]
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❝ ... so that you may burn into existence's most glorious dust. ❞
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perfect--shot · 2 years
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May I take your order? Or are the drinks not the reason you're here?~
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Name's Vesper Mixtio, star bartender at The Fate's Thread, or so I'm told. If it's the Perfect Shot you're looking for, you'll have to wait til I'm done mixing.
Miya is to blame for this account, if I do anything weird, she's to blame, not me~
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We follow a couple rules on this little bar of ours, darling:
Suggestive asks are fine, as are SFW ones. No outright NSFW asks.
I'll answer what I see fit. Nothing else. I can and will delete your ask if I see it fit.
I'm quite the busy guy! I might not reply to you immediately.
Tell me your name, your pronouns, and your intentions before we first talk.
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Here's the menu:
#Gunfire // Vesper talks
#Eye of Fate // The Fates (the creator) talk
#Corpse Reviver // Asks
#Spiced Maple Manhattan // Favorites
#Love Potion // Spiced Maple thoughts through Vesper's mouth
#Blood and Sand // Reblogs
#Black Velvet // Navigation
Vesper Mixtio is an Ad Vitam Per Morte OC by @cerasus--flores
If it's me or my other services you're here for, wait outside, alright, darling?
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paoloxl · 4 years
Vincenzo Sucato, 76 anni, recluso a Bologna in pessime condizioni di salute, colpito anche da ictus. Quattordici giorni per i domiciliari in ospedale ed era già risultato positivo Il garante dei detenuti: il sovraffollamento rende più alti i rischi di contagio
Il detenuto morto per coronavirus era da un giorno e mezzo ai domiciliari all’ospedale, quando oramai la sua situazione di salute si è aggravata tanto da finire ricoverato alla sala di rianimazione del policlinico Sant’Orsola di Bologna. In sintesi, ha avuto formalmente lo stato di detenzione ospedaliera il 30 marzo scorso, quando oramai è finito in terapia intensiva per poi spirare la notte del primo aprile. Parliamo di Vincenzo Sucato, classe 1944, era detenuto nel carcere la Dozza di Bologna ed era accusato di 416 bis.
La verità è che da tempo presentava gravi patologie e, quindi, era in serio pericolo stando in un carcere dove, in seguito, erano stati accertati casi di contagio da coronavirus. Non solo. Non è vero – come scrive il Dap – che l’uomo è stato sottoposto al tampone dopo essere stato ricoverato presso l’unità di medicina d’urgenza. In realtà è stato sottoposto al tampone quando era già in carcere, proprio perché all’istituto penitenziario bolognese erano stati, da tempo, accertati casi di contagi tra il personale penitenziario. Da sottolineare che casi di positività sono stati resi pubblici dalla stampa il venerdì del 20 marzo.
Il suo difensore, avvocato Domenico La Blasca del foro di Palermo, ha spiegato a Il Dubbio che l’istanza per i domiciliari era stata presentata il 16 marzo scorso, quando già cominciava a circolare la voce di alcune persone che avrebbero presentato sintomi da coronavirus. Voci all’epoca però ancora non confermate. L’istanza era della sostituzione della misura cautelare in carcere con quella degli arresti domiciliari per gravi motivi di salute, eccependo che le condizioni di salute si erano aggravate e mancavano i farmaci specifici per la patologia glicemica di cui era affetto Sucato. Inoltre era stato colpito da un altro episodio di ictus celebri durante una notte e rilevato solo negli esami strumentali successivamente. Non solo, era un soggetto ad alto rischio della vita a ragione della stenosi carotidea sinistra dell’ 80% asintomatica con occlusione nota dell’arteria carotide destra. Ma il motivo principale della richiesta dei domiciliari era dovuto dal fatto che «essendo un soggetto di anni 76 anni – aveva scritto nero su bianco l’avvocato – affetto da numerose patologie, l’eventuale contagio del coronavirus avrebbe un esito fatale».
Il Gup ha però rigettato l’istanza il 19 e notificata il giorno dopo. Da sottolineare – ci tiene a specificare l’avvocato – che in quel periodo l’ufficio giudiziario era sommerso di richieste. Dopodiché – visto che le notizie di contagio sono state confermate – l’avvocato ha fatto ulteriore istanza il 24 marzo e, prima ancora, ha chiesto urgentemente una relazione alla direzione del carcere di Bologna sullo stato di salute del suo assistito e se erano state intraprese delle «cautele per prevenire il contagio del Covid 19 trattandosi di un soggetto ad altissimo rischio quoad vitam e l’esito dei recenti esami di cui si era in attesa di esecuzione sin dal mese di agosto 2019, ribaditi in data 23.01.2020 e non ancora eseguiti». Ma nulla da fare, l’avvocato non ha ricevuto nessuna risposta dalla direzione del carcere.
È stato poi il giudice a chiedere informazioni al carcere per valutare l’istanza. Lo ha scritto nero su bianco nel provvedimento premettendo che ha fatto richiesta della relazione sanitaria del detenuto «il 25 – si legge nel provvedimento – e poi sollecitata il 27 marzo». Solo il 29 il giudice ha finalmente ricevuto una nota dalla direzione del carcere che il detenuto, a seguito dell’esito positivo del tampone, è stato trasferito in ospedale nella serata del 27. A quel punto – il 30 marzo – arriva finalmente il provvedimento favorevole alla detenzione ospedaliera. Ma oramai Sacuto si era aggravato e portato in terapia intensiva. Tempo un giorno e mezzo muore.
L’avvocato Domenico La Blasca non ci sta e ha annunciato che farà una denuncia nei confronti dei responsabili della casa circondariale di Bologna, presentandola alle procure di Palermo e Bologna.
Damiano Aliprandi
da il dubbio
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theraccolta · 5 years
Introit Ps 86,1-2.3
Fundamenta eius in montibus sanctis: diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula Iacob. Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas Dei. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculórum. Amen. Fundamenta eius in montibus sanctis: diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula Iacob.
Omnipotens et misericors Deus, qui ad defensionem populi Polonici in beatissima Virgine Maria perpetuum auxilium mirabiliter constituisti, eiusque sacram Imaginem Claromontanam solemni fidelium veneratione insignem reddidisti: concede propitius; ut, tali praesidio muniti, certantes in vita, victoriam de hoste maligno consequi valeamus in morte. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.</p>
Léctio libri Sapientiae. Prov 8, 17-24, 32-35
Ego diligentes me diligo; et, qui mane vigilant ad me, invenient me. Mecum sunt divitiae et gloria, opes superbae et iustitia. Melior est enim fructus meus auro et obryzo, et genimina mea argento electo. In viis iustitiae ambulo, in medio semitarum iudicii, ut ditem diligentes me et thesauros eorum repleam. Dominus possedit me in initio viarum suarum, antequam quidquam faceret a principio; ab aeterno ordinata sum et ex antiquis, antequam terra fieret. Nondum erant abyssi, et ego iam concepta eram.Nunc ergo, filii, audite me: beati, qui custodiunt vias meas; audite disciplinam et estote sapientes et nolite abicere eam. Beatus homo, qui audit me et qui vigilat ad fores meas cotidie et observat ad postes ostii mei. Qui me invenerit, inveniet vitam et hauriet salutem a Domino.
Graduale and Alleluia
Porta caeli et stella maris es, Virgo Maria, Regis aeterni Mater ac Regina nostra. Gratos nos redde Filio tuo: quia omnis virtus et decor et gloria ex te resplendet. Alleluja Alleluja. Ave, gratia plena: Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus. Alleluja.
Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Ioannem. (J 2:1-11)
In illo témpore: Núptiæ factæ sunt in Cana Galilaeæ: et erat Mater Iesu ibi. Vocátus est autem et Iesus, et discípuli eius ad núptias. Et deficiénte vino, dicit Mater Iesu ad eum: Vinum non habent. Et dicit ei Iesus: Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier? nondum venit hora mea. Dicit Mater eius minístris: Quodcúmque díxerit vobis, fácite. Erant autem ibi lapídeæ hýdriæ sex pósitæ secúndum purificatiónem Iudæórum, capiéntes síngulæ metrétas binas vel ternas. Dicit eis Iesus: Implete hýdrias aqua. Et implevérunt eas usque ad summum. Et dicit eis Iesus: Hauríte nunc, et ferte architriclíno. Et tulérunt. Ut autem gustávit architriclínus aquam vinum fáctam, et non sciébat unde esset, minístri autem sciébant, qui háuserant aquam: vocat sponsum architriclínus, et dicit ei: Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit: et cum inebriáti fúerint, tunc id, quod detérius est. Tu autem servásti bonum vinum usque adhuc. Hoc fecit inítium signórum Iesus in Cana Galilaeæ: et manifestávit glóriam suam, et credidérunt in eum discípuli eius.
Offertory Ps. 47,13-15
Circumdate Sion, et complectimini eam: narrate in turribus eius: ponite corda vestra in virtute eius: et distribuite domos eius, ut enarretis in progenie altera, quoniam hic est Deus.
Pro religionis christianae triumpho hostias placationis tibi, Domine, immolamus: quae ut nobis proficiant, opem auxiliatrix Virgo praestet, per quam talis perfecta est victoria. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Communion Ps. 86, 32
Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas Dei. Diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula Jacob.</p>
Adesto, Domine, populis, qui participatione corporis et sanguinis tui reficiuntur: ut, sanctissima tua Genitrice auxiliante, ab omni malo et periculo liberentur, et omni opere bono custodiantur. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum.
- Mass Propers for Our Lady of Częstochowa
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