#Adam may be somehow occ
iu-xo · 7 months
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"Like we've always hated each other"
Adaptation and confrontation.
intro part 1 part 2 part 3
God Adam is super ooc here, but I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoyed writing it! I accept constructive criticism to improve!!
Note, this is the longest part so far!
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In the hotel livingroom, spread across the sofa's, were all the members of the Hazbin hotel discussing an apparently important and delicate topic..
..while a lamb demon waited sitting on the stairs as if it were a child waiting for the adults to speak, needless to say, he was not happy with it at all, but it's not like he had any say in it, But that doesn't meant he like it tho..
With his head down looking at the ground, with his elbows on his knees and his fists on his chin, his gaze was tense as if he were an angry child, which made him feel a little... How when he really used to just feel like an angry child.
-Love.. I know you think everyone should have the opportunity to decide to change.. and I love that about you.. BUT WE ARE, TALKING. ABOUT. ADAM. here.. You know..
On the couches there was a discussion which was mostly carried out by the two girls with notoriously divided opinions, The others argued among themselves and thought about how comfortable they would be if the idea that the princess defended was done
- i know.. and I'm not asking you to forgive him... or even to integrate him! That would be something he would have to earn, but vaggie...
The princess put her hands on her bride's shoulders, and in her eyes you could see the hope that her words carried
-He came here. He decided to come here..
-Soooo maybe... I could have had something to do with that.
Lucifer interrupted between the two girls, and the Salvadoran woman was intrigued by what her father-in-law had to say
-What do you mean by that ?
His daughter asked with the same intrigue.
-Well... when I went to put up the flyers I found him in the streets, at first I didn't recognize him because... you know.
The rest of the recidents began to pay attention to the king's explanation, since he was the one who seemed to have seen Adam before, and know why it could help them make a sensible decision, or maybe they just wanted to hear the gossip
-And if I'm honest he was about to get the shit kicked out of him If I hadn't been there... I'm afraid he's only here as last resource char, not because he wants... to change. I mean... honey, it's Adam..
Charlie's face was listening to her father, but she didn't look discouraged or surprised, she may have been hopeful but even she knows who Adam is, she knows what he did and she's not happy with him, It wasn't even in her plans to forgive him soon, even if that was against her recovery program, but still, she firmly believed that he could earn forgiveness, whit time, but for that they had to give him that time.
-I know, I'm not saying that I think... he wants it.
She glanced at the demon sitting on the stairs, Charlie's heart aching at the thought that he is the same one who was directing the massacres that have terrorized her people all this time, the reason this hotel existed in the first place... but... wouldn't that make helping him even more noble and selfless? and Charlie was very good at it, of course that didn't mean that they would have no limits for the comfort of her residents, The sudden static brought Charlie and everyone out of their thoughts.
-Well, look, dear... I'm not the most enthusiastic about leaving this... monstrosity. Within our walls, but I fully trust your judgment, if I don't get bothered of course.
The hotel producer said with his characteristic charisma and mannerisms when speaking, Vaggie reacted distrustfully to his statement, but Charlie gladly accepted his contribution.
-Look kid.. You really gotta be careful with that little shit there, He is a spoiled brat who believes that the consequences will not reach him, so if you want to get something out of it, you'll need more than preschool dynamics, food and shelter, like with legs here.
He said this while pointing to Angel Dust who was sitting on the floor leaning on the couch where Husk was sitting.
- Hey!
Everyone started arguing again while Charlie thought with a lot of pressure on her, but in response she revived a hand on her shoulder making her feel calmer
-We may need... limits, and many conditions... but I trust you honey, you will know what to do amor
Charlie smiled warmly at her beloved, and put his hand on hers, and then stood in the middle of everyone there, ready to anounce the decision made
- okey dokie! It is already decided! He will be given the opportunity to test himself, but for everyone's comfort someone will be in charge of him!
Everyone seemed indifferent to the decision, really no one could have an opinion right now, only time would tell, but in all this there was a doubt that hovered among everyone, a doubt that only angel externalized
-and who will be the unfortunate toots?
Everyone looked at Angel and then looked back at Charlie waiting for The answer to the question, who would take care of Adam?
- MY DAD!!
Lucifer choked on his breath in surprise, looking at her dumbfounded.
-Excuse me?
-You're the one who knows him the best! I know he's mom's shitty ex and all, but... don't you think it would even be good therapy to deal with past conflicts?
She said with an emotion so characteristic of her that only she could be excited about something like that.
Adam kept looking at the floor, he was there but he wasn't quite really there, His mind felt much.. higher. feeling so helpless brought back unwanted feelings, unwanted memories, and a familiarity he didn't want to experience. and a familiarity he didn't want to experience.
He could see almost clearly a young Adam sitting next to a very large door, while he heard voices on the other side of it, imposing voices, giant voices... They were talking about him? They must have been doing it, otherwise because he would be there, he kept hearing that it was the most beautiful creation... the most important, the most perfect, they must have been talking about him.
Suddenly he saw a silhouette in the frame of the big door, He saw a smile form on the unknown silhouette, he just tilted his head to the side in doubt, something that the silhouette copied, and then laughed, a mischievous laugh, but innocent at the same time, Adam He was surprised, also curious, a little intimidated, but the silhouette disappeared among golden sparkles, to which Adam exclaimed disappointedly
- Ow..
Behind him, more golden sparkles appeared, followed by a voice close to his ear at a cautious distance, but not so cautious as not to make him jump.
-hello there!
The man jumped back, slipping on the floor and heading straight to fall to the ground, it is not as if the ground were not clouds, but falling is still falling, The mysterious figure with a soft wing grabbed Adam from behind and helped him stand back up, to which Adam became a little agitated.
-sorry there! I didn't mean to scare you..
He said followed by a giggle, an unmistakable laugh, an angelic laugh, of course, that's what he was made for, being angelic and all that.
-are you... what are you?
The figure blinked perplexed at the question, but then realized
-Oh, of course, of course... you haven't even existed for 15 minutes, of course you don't know who I am.
Adam's eyes widened
-Lucifer morningstar, a pleasure.. Adam.
Lucifer laughed ay his response as he fluttered his wings causing a breeze, a breeze that made Adam's skin crawl, that had been his first sensation
-Don't tell me that I accidentally introduced You to your name...?
-Adam looked at him without saying much, not that he could say much, he had been born a few minutes ago, but he didn't need much knowledge to know that he liked his name, Or maybe he just liked the way it sounded in the voice of the angel in front of him.
- Hey, earth calling Adam.
A familiar voice brought Adam out of his thoughts and he went from looking at the ground to looking into the eyes of whoever was in front of him, much to his dismay.
-What the fuck is it? Spit it out.
He had to admit that he was a little nervous that they would throw him back out on the streets, he was tired of sleeping in alleys and fighting with guys every day since he had woken up in that shitty place.
-You're lucky Charlie is a better person than me. Come on, I'll show you your room, I explain conditions on the way there.
Lucifer began to climb the stairs without looking to see if Adam was following him or not. Adam grumbled at not being able to complain about the arrogant treatment, Karma existed and it was a bitch. He got up from the stairs and started walking behind him With a shitty attitude to say the least, when they reached the hallway the angel started talking.
-Number one, don't cause problems
Adam felt his blood burn at having to listen to someone's instructions... more about fucking Lucifer, the life-stealer himself, at what point had his life come to this
-Number two, be cooperative.
They arrived at a room and Lucifer used the key to open it, he taked out the key and offered it to Adam.
- And number three, at Charlie's request I am your designated babysitter.
He said this with arrogance which made Adam scratch the ground with his hoof and grunt, immediately he stopped seeing the figure of Lucifer and only golden sparkles remained, to hear a voice in his back which made him jump.
-So expect me around quite often, do we understand?
Adam tried to hit him with his elbow even though he was behind him but Lucifer dodged, getting back in front of him, Adam fustrated seeked to grumbleed to grumble at him
- Don't you know another fucking cheap trick?!
-awww Do you remember my tricks then?
Lucifer smiled, raising his ego when he thought that he still remembered things that the now ex-angel seemed to want to pretend to have forgotten.
-Well, enjoy your stay lamb, tomorrow morning you will participate in Charlie's activity. not open to debate.
Adam grumbled as he watched the pale king walk away. Once out of his field of vision, he entered the room and locked it behind him. Once inside, he analyzed the contents of the room, bed, furniture, dresser, closet, Bathroom, quite... decent.
He didn't take any steps and slipped through the door until he reached the floor. Already sitting on the floor, he brought his hands to his face to grunt into the air.
He had no idea what he was doing... really... although his blood burned when he thought about it, Lucifer was right, he had come here because he didn't want to be alone, he had never been alone, he didn't know how to be alone, And even when he was, he really wasn't.
As he walked down the hallway he sighed heavily, he didn't enjoy bothering his opponent when he looked so miserable... it was funny when he came attacking the hotel because he deserved it, but now... If he didn't know what a shitty person he had been he would start to feel guilty, god...
He entered his own room since it was late at night by that point, he closed the door and my good entered the room, he threw his vest in the corner of the room and sat down at the desk next to the window, letting his head fall with a loud "bump" on it, only to raise his gaze slightly to see through the window, a small rubber duck rested in the frame of it, It wasn't a super complicated duck, it was a simple yellow duck with dot eyes, the original model you could say, the... the original.. model.
Wandering in Lucifer's mind, clouds formed, clouds with memories, and suddenly he could see the cold, white corridors, those enormous corridors that filled heaven, He saw himself standing there, listening to such dumb orders...
-And remember, stay at your station, do your homework, and most importantly, don't. Go. To. The garden.
The superior looked at him with the certainty that Lucifer was not listening to a word he was saying, or rather, he was listening to him, but he would not listen to any of the instructions as soon as he turned around.
-No worries!
He looked at him in disbelief, but even so his superior turned around and went to attend to pending matters, things from heaven, and as soon as he turned the corner lucifer was already flying directly towards the garden, once in front of the door he made a small turn and in no time he was a bird, Already in this form, flapping happily, he entered the garden looking for a specific being, once he saw it, he came down and perched on the branch of a tree.
-How are you doing big guy?
Upon hearing those words, the brown-haired human who was at the edge of the lake with something in his hands looked up, searching everywhere for where the voice was coming from, once he saw the little white bird he smiled happy to see it.
-LUCI! Come here you haaave to see this! It's so sick!
Fulfilling the man's wish, the angel came down from that branch, taking his most humanoid form, standing behind him, crouching a little, since the human was kneeling in front of the lake
-What have you got there??
With an excited gleam in his eyes, he opened his hands, first revealing some yellow fuzz, followed by a round head a pair of black eyes and a round, flattened beak
-It's a bird... but swims! Isn't that super cool??
The angel momentarily moved away from him to strike a dramatic pose, while gesticulating as he spoke.
-i wonder who is the great mastermind behind the creation of this impressive creature.. don't you?
Adam looked at his friend in surprise, he was very happy for him since he knew that he was not usually allowed to propose ideas.. very less bring them to life
-oh god really?? That's awesome man!
The angel simply blushed slightly while making a gesture with his hand showing his shyness
-It's no big deal..
The king of hell came to himself when he looked at the clock on his desk and noticed that it was past three in the morning, and then he wondered why he couldn't get out of bed... He opened his desk drawer and took a couple of pills, the ones he usually asked Belphegor to help him fall asleep. In a snap he was already wearing his pajamas and he threw himself on the unmade bed, Tomorrow would be another day...
As the sun rose in the sulfur hole where they lived, screams could already be heard on the ground floor of the hotel despite it being so early in the morning, surprisingly the first person to get up It wasn't Charlie, or Alastor, or even Nifty, Adam was the one who was standing in the kitchen trying to solve the great mystery that was how the coffee maker worked, It wasn't his fault that his exorcists made his coffee all the time... well, maybe it was his fault.
Charlie came down the stairs, like the morning bird she was, and when she saw Adam having trouble with the coffee maker she came over to offer him a hand, although she was a little surprised to see him awake...she would have assumed he would get up more like her father... after two pm or so.. don't judge a book by its cover I guess!
-A little help?
Adam made an annoyed face, not even because of the help, but because he saw him not knowing how to use the fucking machine, he stepped aside, reluctantly accepting Charlie's help.
-In heaven these shits are different.
Charlie rolled her eyes, it was to be expected that he would try to make excuses, everyone knew he was spoiled brat, of course he didn't know how to make his own coffee.
-I want to believe that you know how to serve it... right?
The lamb-demon cheeks turned redish, embarrassed, he snatched the cup from Charlie's hand, which was pointing in his direction, implying that she was offering it to him.
-Of course i do bitch! What kind of assumption is that??
Charlie put both hands in the air, surprised by his reaction, but just smiled nervously, trying to spread her kindness and make the environment not so hostile.
-Sure, sure, I was just asking.
After pouring her own coffee she walked towards the room where she had her plan for today's activity hanging on the wall, with pins and other stuff, Adam lost interest in seeing what she was doing very quickly as soon as she left the kitchen.
Time passed, and he was hungry, but... he didn't know how to... feed himself, it wasn't his fault that he always had one of his exorcists bringing him a sandwich the moment his stomach growled! maybe... maybe a little but that wasn't the point.
About half an hour had passed since coffee and Adam was staring at the buttons on the stove, as if at any moment it was going to turn on, he also opened the refrigerator every two minutes as if he would magically know how to put stuff together to make something edible..
The next one to wake up was surprisingly angel, he hadn't been late from work so he had had a decent night's sleep, Coming down with fat nuggets in his arms and looking at his cell phone, he noticed out of the corner of his eye the problems that the newcomer had with the kitchen, he was no saint who helped others, but anyway he had already planned to eat something, what difference did it make to give an express self-sufficiency class?
He approached without warning and pushed Adam slightly, making his way to the refrigerator
- HEY- what the fuck dumb shit-
Angel silenced him with one of his arms while he took things out of the refrigerator with the others, fat nuggets were waiting on the chair at the table
-Quick lesson on how to make a omelet hot stuff ?
Adam aggressively removed his hand from her face as he watched her do everything with such ease... so many arms made everything look even easier than it should...
-Oooor I can go, and leave you to eat shit.
Angel said with a smile on his face while waiting for his answer, Adam simply stomped twice on the ground, gave a frustrated cry, and looked back at the miserable sinner in front of him, although... right now he looked much more capable than him, but I would never Say that outloud.
Angel smiled triumphantly, giving him a bowl and passing him the eggs
-crack them. Pm m
Adam stared at the egg and then at the bowl, he had seen people do it but he never really... did anything. Please it was heaven! He was'nt supposed to care about this nonsense! When he was alive this shit didn't exist either..
-like this..
Angel cracked a couple of eggs naturally, like anyone down here and like any living person, Adam was simply a special case, but yet strangely Angel didn't seem to be ridiculing him, which... seemed strange to him to say the least.
First it was an egg, then another, they began to beat, while Angel turned on the stove and Adam watched him do it, he stayed chopping spinach at Angel's instruction, At one point Adam was making his own breakfast while Angel was eating at the table a meter away.
Lucifer came down the stairs and saw the situation, as he buttoned his shirt and fixed the collar of it he could see how... calm and cooperative Adam looked, which was strange to see, to say the least.
A couple of hours passed, now everyone was awake, Adam took up the entire large sofa in the living room, He pretended to play chords on an air guitar, He seemed very calm, too calm.. The angel sat on the arm of the couch, next to Adam's head... The angel sat on the arm of the couch, next to Adam's head.
-I saw you very sociable at lunch... is it due to something?
-Yeah, because I wanted to fucking eat.
He got up from the couch and left leaving a lucifer dissatisfied with his answer, there had to be something he wasn't seeing...
-Now we Say something Nice about each other!
The afternoon was falling and Charlie had everyone in a circle in the living room, right now they had to say something nice about each other, and Charlie would decide to make them bond even more, according to her words
-and.. dad! I want you to start by saying something nice about...
He thought for a moment... if he could get his dad to bond with anyone since no one knows him very well... but on the other hand he has been tense all afternoon with Adam... yeah that's it!
Lucifer opened his eyes in surprise, he didn't expect that, and Adam's felt ashamed, almost hurt, which he tried to hide by looking away, Angel looked curious the rest just look them and wait for their answer.
-amm well..
everyone was looking at him, so he felt pressure, and felt his heart sink into his chest, so he tired to look at something else, and his gaze ended in Adam, he was looking away.. he.. didn't think he would have something nice to say? he was mad?? Maybe he was just hiding something from him, oh well, it was Charlie's activity, he has to do it rigth, and.. He was probably the best person to say something positive about Adam.
-He is... a very creative mind, when the situation calls for it... he finds the most ingenious solutions to problems and... he's a very fast learner.
Everyone's faces showed some surprise, Lucifer used to be clumsy in communicating and awkward in conversations, seeing Adam express himself like that was... something unexpected, After feeling all eyes on him, Adam stood up in silence, walked towards the stairs and continued to what was probably his room.
-Maybe we should go after him-
Charlie tried to go after him but a hand stopped her in the act
-Maybe we should give him space honey.
Although Charlie felt bad leaving him alone, Vaggie was right he needed, but then Lucifer stood up too.
-sorry char... I'm going to my room, good luck with the rest of the activity tho
Lucifer said to his daughter with a warm but somewhat tired smile, then he disappeared among golden sparks.
-That... could have turned out better.
Charlie said while scratching her neck, a little embarrassed for putting them in that situation, but in the end it wasn't her fault, it seemed like they had old issues that Charlie couldn't fix with some silly activities.
After the activity that had gone so terribly a few hours earlier, the king lay rotting in his bed, complaining from time to time, It was weird, But having Adam there was as if he had to be reliving a past that he had been escaping from for so long..
-Damn it..
Suddenly the door to her room burst open revealing a rather distraught princess, maybe she should start locking the door.
- DAD! Adam is not in his room, do you think you can see if he is okay?! I really have no idea where he could be and I'm running out of places to look..
She said almost crying because of how worried she was, her father reluctantly got out of bed and cracked his back.
-Yes, yes, I'll look for him, don't worry dear.
He said putting on his jacket to go out to look for it in some possible places, first he searched some empty rooms of the hotel, when he found nothing but dust adorning the door frames Deciding that maybe asking would be a good idea, she asked his daughter-in-law, He asked the bartender whose name he still didn't know, he even asked the strange maid, but no one seemed to know, he thought it was a good time to look outside, So he went out the front door and walked everywhere in case he hadn't gone too far. He was very focused but something hitting his head took him out of his mind.
- ouh!
He saw the object fall to the floor and bent down to take it in his hand, was it... an orange slice?
One fell followed by this one, which made the king look up, to his surprise he saw a certain lamb that they had been looking for for almost an hour by now.. opening its imposing six wings with a single flap, it was already in front of the purpose of his search, he landed on one his side and they remained silent for a good couple of minutes.
- so.. gonna spit it out anytime soon?
Adam opened his eyes wide and with an expression that could not be read as anything other than indignation he looked directly at Lucifer in the face
- fukcing excuse me?
- Oh are you please going to tell me that you don't have something on your mind? You've been all passive and submissive the hole day, you and I know you've never been like that before! What are you up too?!
Adam's face quickly turned angry as he listened to Lucifer ramble on about topics he thought he understood when he didn't
-Isn't that what you fucking wanted?! Your bitch is thinking this shit works because I don't want to kick anyone's ass! or at least she thinks so! Isn't that all you asked for?!
Lucifer's face became irritated at the same time and he stood up and continued arguing with him
-OH PLEASE!! When in your fucking life have you done something because i said so?? What the fuck are you going to do!! Tell me before the people I care about get in danger and we kick you out of here!
Adam couldn't take it anymore, he stood up from his place and with a lump in his throat he lost his temper
Lucifer didn't understand why he defended himself so much. They both knew that he would never do something just to be "obedient" or "correct." It frustrated him that he continued to act as if he didn't know beforehand that something else was happening whit him
The situation was heating up and they had probably already heard the screams downstairs, but they were probably too far away for anyone to know what they were saying.
Adam lost his facade, he couldn't find any excuse and he didn't know any way out of there and I wasn't even looking for it anymore, what he said just came out of him without first thinking about the consequences, like everything he fucking did.
Everything was silent for what had seemed like an eternity, it could have been 30 seconds or 5 minutes in total and complete silence, Lucifer's face showed surprise, guilt... pain, and Adam just pressed his throat with his dark hand to try to stop feeling that stupid lump that kept growing from his chest to his mouth.
-Is that what you wanted? Hear you were right?? to hear that once again you managed to take from me EVERYTHING I HAD?!
The fallen angel looked at him dumbfounded, he couldn't understand... he couldn't believe that Adam had been sincere, he really was so desperate. So cornered, so he was just.. scared? Adam? That Adam?
-Please... you asked for it, I wasn't the one who made you come and kill people for fun all these years, was I?
Adam looked at him with pure anger, he grumbled, he growled, he tried to get close to him to hit him but he regretted it and screamed into the air instead, he hit a box with his hoof and ended up sitting on the edge of the terrace, hugging his knees, and looking anywhere but towards lucifer, He was fucking Adam, the first dick! the fucking perfect creation! He wasn't just going to start crying right there...no matter how much he wanted to.
The angel sat next to him again, another couple of minutes in a silence so loud the entire pentagram could hear it.
-... It seems like we both screwed up a lot.
Adam's gaze softened, and he made a sound that indicated agreement, much to Lucifer's surprise.
-But... I still have one quiestion.
Adan looked curiously at the opposite, what other doubt could he have? There was nothing else..
-why... why did you leave? You know, in the room, with everyone back there.
Adam looked down trying to gather his thoughts, he could easily tell him "it's not your fucking business" but he most likely would never have the chance to tell him what he was going to say.
- It's not easy being around the only damn thing down here that still reminds me of fucking heaven..
Lucifer's eyes widened a little in surprise, as that was a thought that had also crossed his mind... of all the things he could have expected... to find comfort in Adam was not one of them.
-I... I think I get that.
tired of all this commotion, and without thinking too much the shorter one dropped his shoulder on the other's shoulder
- but it's also the only thing that reminds me... that we weren't always so fucked up.
Adam thought about pushing him, maybe out of habit, but... he just sighed, and put his weight on him too.
- maybe..
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