#Adeline Drosselmeyer
artsynoova · 2 months
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 for Benjamin and Cassandra?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc’s immediate family? how many people are in your oc’s extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Ohohoh okay! So sorry for the long way but this is actually a beast of a question cause their families play an important part on the story, and I was actually debating a lot of things regarding their families members, son changed, a few were cut. But I have figure a lot of things out so let´s go!
So, let´s get something out of the way, cause of the way Ben and Cassy got into their “adventure” , being the night the Mouse Queen attacked the toy kingdom, all their family members believe they are dead, so yeah, fun times Let´s begin then
Ben´s Family
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This is his immediate family. In extended, I have just planned for him his grandparents: From his mother side they are alive, but live far away, and from his parental side, they die when is father and uncle were young.
Ben has a complicated relationship with his family. He was really close with his mother Adeline, he helped a lot with his siblings, and they used to play the piano together when they had time. Ben was the light of Adeline´s life, when he “died” she took it very hard
With his father…Their relationship is complicated. Cristobal cared for his son, of course, and when he was younger, they had a better relationship, but his ambition led him to use the talents of his son. He was the one who ended up pushing Ben to try to be one of the candidates to break Pirlipat´s curse, which would end in the tragic end…The guilt still haunts him.
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Ben had another parental figure, and that was his mentor and uncle: Christian Elias. Elias is the royal clock maker, Ben looked up to him since he was little, Elias notice Ben´s curious looks when he was working, so he started to teach Ben what he knew about his work, and so Ben became his apprentice. Ben loved spending time with his uncle, even when the social events he had to attend got him nervous, it was worth it.Elias took him to new places and let him be a dork about things he likes. Elias was involved in finding a way to break Pirlipat´s curse, and when Ben was chosen as one of the candidates, he tried his best to stop it, since he didn´t want Ben to lose his freedom. He was distraught with Ben´s fate, he is the only one who knows he is not dead, as he saw him turn into a nutcracker, and he is doing all he can to find him, but no one believes him when he tolds thim he is out there,they think he has gone mad with grief
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Ben loves his siblings, he took care of them a lot. While close with Bruno when little, Bruno grew jealous of Ben,for being talented with dolls and clocks, it became worse when Ben got chosen as a Candidate. Really close with Luka and Marie, although the later doesn´t really remember a lot of him in the present.
SO yeah, complicated relationship with his birth family, does he has a found family? Kind of. He lived with a few free Nutcrackers when he was just turned into one, Maxim, their leader, found him and took care of him. While grateful, the fear of what happened the night he got curse still haunted him, and he couldn´t live when them, and decided to leave. They still have a special place in his heart.
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Now is Cassy´s turn
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This is her immediate family. From her extended family: Maternal side, she has her grandparents, whom had 7 children, Alma being the oldest daugther. From his father side, her grandparents and two uncles. Don´t know how many cousins, but they are a few!
Cassy ADORES her family,both Birth and Found family (We´ll get to the found in a bit). Growing up, she was closest to her father,Samuel, he is a fun and caring man, they cook and goof around together, she got her big heart from him. Cassy loves her mother Alma ,but she also wanted to prove herself to her. Alma being a respected sorceress in her town, Cassy wanted to be just like her, and Alma took her daughter ambition seriously, and push hers to be her best. They took her “death” very hard. Alma started to resent the Toy Kingdom in general,and Samuel became a lot quieter than he was
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Cassy loves her siblings very much, and think constantly about them. She was really close to David, he was like her right hand man, if she had something important to share, David knew about it first and vice versa. With Hortensia, well, they had the most common sibling relationship, they loved each other but they constantly fought, but they always reconcile (The Song sister hate always makes me think about them) Thomas being the youngest, she treat him as the baby of the family he is
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Now, after getting curse, Cassy got separated from them, and while she tried, differents reason made it almost impossible for her to reunite to them. But don´t worry! She wasn´t alone! She made a Cursed family, cursed in the magical sense
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We have Aziel first! he has been cursed since he can remember, and for this, he was abandoned when he was really young. He managed to survive on his own, but then he found Casandra, after she had just been cursed. He took care of her, and with time, they became a family. They trust each other with their lives, and Azi is one of the few people that Cassy trusts to treat her wounds without hesitation.
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Then we have Damian, he is also cursed. He was on his own for a while, He struggled to survive, he didn't know what to do for a while, desperate, he started to steal and con people, He lived like that for a while, when he met Azi and Cassy, he tried to scam them. Telling them he knew more about their curse, and that he would help, for a price of course.
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And they have been together since! They have their disagreements and misfortunes, but they do their best
So yeah! That is it! This was a long one! Thank you for the ask!Sorry for the wait!
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parabelhq · 3 years
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Sejam bem-vindos ao mundo de Parabel!! Esses são nossos aceitos nas últimas 24h:
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de LUIS MAYKEL ATAW WALLPA, filho de IMPERADOR KUSCO (A NOVA ONDA DO IMPERADOR), e parece que a cocheira inej acaba de ajudá-lo a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de ORION MOJA JENKINS PENDRAGON, filho de FEITICEIRO HOWL E SOPHIE (CASTELO ANIMADO), e parece que a cocheira inej acaba de ajudá-lo a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de MARZIA RUSSO, filha de CHAPEUZINHO VERMELHO E LOBO MAU, e parece que a cocheira mirma acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de CASSIOPEIA MYRDDIN LE FAY, filha de MERLIN E MORGANA, e parece que a cocheira mirma acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de NIKOLAOS UNDERWORLD, filho de HADES (HÉRCULES), e parece que a cocheira knives acaba de ajudá-lo a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de ABELLA MARIE DE CHARMONTIER, filha de CINDERELA E PRÍNCIPE ENCANTADO, e parece que a cocheira kyosh acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de VIOLET ADELINE LIRIUM DOCKENDORF, filha de PRINCESA AURORA E O PRÍNCIPE PHILLIP, e parece que a cocheira madu acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de ROSALIE ROBERTS, filha de GENEVIEVE E DEREK, e parece que a cocheira poison acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de JOY BELL, filha de TINKERBELL E PETER PAN, e parece que a cocheira poison acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de VIKTOR LEV YULIAN DROSSELMEYER STRAHLBRAUM, filho de PRÍNCIPE QUEBRA-NOZES E CLARA, e parece que a cocheira luna acaba de ajudá-lo a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
Olha só quem acaba de desembarcar de uma das Carruagens de Lifiths! Trata-se de CIERRA RUBY CARMESIM LE ROUGE, filha de RAINHA VERMELHA e REI VERMELHO, e parece que a cocheira luna acaba de ajudá-la a descer da carruagem! Espero que não se esqueça de deixar o blog do personagem na secretaria em até 24hs, antes da queda da última pétala!
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artsynoova · 3 years
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for Benjamin?
A big Happy Family
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Also here´s a version with their names under the cut
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artsynoova · 3 years
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Happy Mothers Day Friends!(At least in my country it is today) Have a nice day and take good care of yourselves I leave you some drawings of Ben with her mother Adeline, and Casandra and her mother Alma
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