#Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal
thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal: Chapter 9 (Final)
At long last... Adrien finally has the chance to propose. Surely nothing can get in the way this time?
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Read on Ao3
It was time.
The wedding was over. A week had passed. If everything was going to plan, then Nino and Alya were on a train to Switzerland right now.
Adrien had a reservation at a romantic Italian restaurant. The in-house chamber orchestra had been asked to play her favorite classical piece at the right time. Everything had been planned and set up. All he needed to do was go home and get dressed.
Sure, he was a little tired from his shift at the shop, but he had boundless excitement to keep him moving. There was nothing in his way now. By the time he went to bed tonight, he would be engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world.
The first snag came when he got home to find Marinette sprawled out on the couch, cuddled up with a pillow. His good mood quickly vanished. In a few steps, he crossed the room and leaned over the back of the couch to brush the hair out of her face.
“Hey, bugaboo. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said, a little snappier than he had expected. She sighed. “Sorry, I’m just tired. It was a long day of classes.”
“Maybe you’ll feel better on our date?” Adrien smirked. “Provided you don’t fall asleep in the soup.”
A flicker of a smile passed over her face. “Yeah, maybe.” She groaned and slowly got to her feet.
While she was changing out of her school clothes, he took off his work clothes and got into a nice suit. Thankfully, she had gone straight for the bathroom, which left him the bedroom. Making sure he’d locked the door, he pulled the ring out of its hiding spot and slipped it into his pocket. She emerged in a dress and while she was stunning, there wasn’t much energy behind it. It was more like she was only begrudgingly wearing it.
“Ugh, I was hoping to not have to wear a dress for a while after that wedding.” She adjusted herself.
“At least there will be good food?” He replied, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “And now we’re getting dressed up for ourselves.”
“At least there is that,” she replied halfheartedly. “Come on, let’s get this over with so I can go to bed.”
With that, they left their apartment. It was a warm autumn night, an outlier from the cold weather that they had been having, but a welcome outlier. There was a gentle breeze that ruffled their hair and carried the scent of the trees from the nearby park along with it. Thanks to the time of year and the fact that the sun had long since set, they walked the empty streets largely alone.
A few streets out and Marinette was already leaning heavily on him. Not long after that she was yawning and complaining more about her rough day. They were about halfway there when Adrien sighed and stopped right where he was.
As much as he wanted to propose, it was clear that Marinette wasn’t in a good mood. And besides, she was exhausted. The best thing for her would be to take her home and let her rest. After all, there would be other nights.
“Alright, love bug. Let’s get you home.” He tried to say it as upbeat as he could, but some trace of disappointment must have carried in his voice.
“Are you sure?” A fleeting look of worry crossed her face.
“Yeah, we can always make another reservation when we feel more up for it. You need your rest more right now.”
“Well… okay…”
They began to backtrack. After a few streets, Marinette suddenly stopped. He looked back at her questioningly.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been short with you all night.”
He gave a half smile and reached out a hand for her cheek. “Hey, it’s alright-”
"No, it's not okay.” She took his hand in hers. “Because no matter what bad things come my way I've always got you and you need to know how grateful I am. I love you, you're my everything, and I can only hope nothing ever comes between us."
And just like that, Adrien knew. It wasn’t the atmosphere or the planning that made the moment romantic. It was just them. Like it always was.
"Nothing ever will, love bug..." He drops to one knee under a streetlight with a far too expensive ring in a velvet box and big beseeching green eyes radiating pure love, "...and I want to tell the world that. Marry me?"
Her hands fly to her mouth and suddenly she’s crying. She kneels on the ground with him and hugs him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Yes!” She chokes out through her tears. It proves contagious and soon he’s crying too, holding her as tight as he can as they both kneel on the street.
The breeze picked up again and Adrien could almost smell orchids on it.
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landturtlealyce · 4 years
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Commission for @jarl-deathwolf based on a scene from Chapter 6 his fic Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal [Ao3] [Tumblr]
This was a lot of fun to work on and The Lucky One series has been so much fun to read, thanks again for commissioning me Jarl ❤️
commissions info | ko-fi | redbubble | linktree
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mochinek0 · 4 years
Shout Out BONUS (song fic)
NOTE: Lots of people have asked me for a bonus/ sequel to SHOUT OUT TO MY EX. I'm sorry for the long delay. My laptop broke before quarantine. We tried to order one, but they didn't want to deliver since quarantine was new. It took awhile but I finally have a new laptop. I have been making notes on my phone, but I do have more fics coming soon! I hope you enjoy!
Shout Out to my Ex
Nino sighed as he flipped through the channels on his TV in his apartment.
'Why is there never anything good on when I take breaks?' he questioned.
"I have called this press conference today to establish something before rumors are spread. Yesterday, my son, Adrien Agreste, called an end to his long-term relationship with Lila Rossi." spoke Gabriel.
"At dinner, she claimed to personally know 'NETI' and that they were extremely close." he continued.
"My son then called Miss Rossi out on her claims since it is no secret that Marinette Wayne and Lila Rossi have never seen eye to eye." Gabriel concluded, "Yesterday's dinner was suppose to be eventful. My son had planned to propose. Instead, he is now questioning their relationship and wondering what else she claimed was the truth, only for it to be a fabrication."
Nino turned off his TV, grabbed his jacket and hurried to Adrien's apartment.
Nino took out his spare key, opened the door, and made his way to the bedroom.
There lay Adrien, in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, as if it held all the answers.
"Dude?" Nino called out.
"Why was I such an idiot?" Adrien sobbed out, "I was about to propose to Lila and then I saw Mari on the news. Hearing that song…..it hurt so much….I-"
"You okay?" Nino asked, walking towards the bed.
Adrien shook his head, before asking, "Did you see it?"
The DJ only nodded as he reached the bed.
"Why did it hurt so much? Seeing her kiss that guy-her husband? She's married, Nino!" the young Agreste shouted, "I wanted to go into the TV and punch that guy for touching her. She looked so pretty. She-"
"Bro?" asked Nino, concerned.
"I had it all prepared! Dinner with my father. I was going to propose to Lila and she's sitting there, lying about knowing 'NETI'! Father was the one to bring up that I was her ex. She looked so confused 'til I said 'NETI' was really Mari. How could she sit there and lie to me? I couldn't do it! I mean, what else did she lie to me about? I panicked. Mari would never lie to me, but Lila….I….I should have known better. I-I shouldn't have left Mari." he continued, before breaking into sobs.
"Your dad announced your break up in a press conference today. He also called Lila out for her lies. I think it's his way of finally having your back." Nino shrugged, "He basically warned everyone that Lila claims to know rich people, without knowing anything."
Adrien chuckled, through the sobs.
"That's good, I guess. Lila always did like the spotlight. I don't think she'll be out of it for a good long while with that kind of announcement." Adrien sighed.
"How are you feeling?" Nino asked, patting his friend's back.
Adrien sat up and hugged his best friend, tightly, breaking down once more.
"She…She thought I was going to propose and I broke her heart, Nino!" he cried out.
"I know, Man." Nino sighed, letting his best friend cry.
"Di-Did she tell you?" Adrien questioned.
"She was pretty excited. She thought those late nights were you working hard for a ring, but….Alya was the one who put it in her head." the DJ admitted.
"How-How was she; after?" Adrien asked. He needed to know.
"Pretty much like this, Dude. It'll take time, but I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you." Nino spoke.
"I had someone and I pushed her away." Adrien admitted.
"I'll help." Nino sighed.
"What?" the model asked.
"I helped Mari with all of this; I'll help you, too. First things first, you need to shower, Man, and I'm pretty sure your Dad's gonna have a fit for sleeping in those clothes." Nino said.
Adrien looked down to see the same clothes he went to dinner in and laughs.
"Shower and then we'll talk more." his friend said, shooing him towards the bathroom.
"But-" Adrien tried to speak.
"Trust me." Nino stated.
Adrien simply nodded and closed the door, as he entered the bathroom.
Nino sighed and looked down at his phone again. He kept expecting the called id to flash Alya since 'NETI's debut, yesterday. Maybe with his father's press release, she'll finally get the message.
"Feel better?" asked the DJ, as his model friend exited the bathroom.
"A little bit. Nothing's ever gonna be the same is it?" he asked.
"No; it won't. Whoever you end up with will never be Mari, but they'll also never be Lila, either." Nino stated, "Next thing, we're ordering you new sheets."
"What?" Adrien asked.
"Face it. You know you don't wanna get rid of them, but they're bringing too many memories. Good or bad, doesn't matter; sheets need to go!" Nino said.
"Was Mari like this, too?" Adrien questioned.
"Oh yeah, but Alya didn't help." the DJ sighed.
"What?" the young Agreste asked.
'How could Alya not help? Alya is-was her best friend.' he thought.
"Alya….she….wasn't listening to reason. When she heard you guys broke up, she had it wrapped around her brain that it was temporary and you guys were just fighting. I tried to explain that you left Mari for someone else. Hell, even Mari knew cause you told her as much. Alya…..could only see the 'happy couple' from college and knew sooner or later, you'd be back together." Nino admitted, with a sigh, "Mari was hurting. She didn't want to do much. She even stopped designing for awhile and Alya got pissed."
"What do you mean?" Asked Adrien, "Why would she be mad at Mari? I mean, I know you told me that they stopped being friends, but never why."
"Well, you saw the debut and how Mari was saying about people trying to make her 'get back out there'?" Nino said, "That was all Alya's doing. The first time it happened, Alya told her that they were going somewhere and she wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. Alya ended up taking Mari to some café, sat her down in front of some random guy and said she'd pick her up in an hour. Then she left Mari without a thought."
"What?" Adrien questioned, in shock, "Why would she do that?"
"I don't know how she came to her conclusion, but she thought that you'd come running back to Mari, if you thought she was easily moving on. Mari called me upset asking if I knew what was going on. I told her no and that I knew she was still processing the break up. Had I known, I would have tried to get Alya to see reason. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said she just wanted to go home. I told her to explain the situation to the guy. I met her at her place and she just started sobbing all over again. " Nino sighed, "I consoled her and went home to see Alya with a smile on her face. I asked her what she was thinking, but she didn't understand what I was talking about. She smiled and said that Mari was so happy to be out in the dating pool, that she left with a new guy. I yelled at her. I told her how Mari called me upset, yelling that we set her up when she wasn't ready. I told Alya that Mari had been home crying for the last hour and she had the nerve to get upset on how 'Mari could do that to her'. She complained how she went out of her way to set her up with a 'real nice guy' and she had ruined it. Alya did that three more times before Mari changed her locks and refused to go anywhere with her."
Adrien could only groan.
'How had everything turned upside-down by our break up? No wonder Mari doesn't talk to Alya. I'd hate it if Nino tried to do that right now.'
"When Alya found out that I was 'babying' Mari, she got upset. She started saying I wasn't helping Mari. I told her I was comforting her and that was helping her. She kept trying to tell Mari that you would come back. That, eventually, you would see reason. " Nino said.
"I did, just too late." Adrien admitted.
"Later, she started making wild accusation saying how I was sleeping with Mari when I went over there. That I was making sure Mari would need me and was available for her pleasure. All not true by the way. We ended up splitting. " Nino stated.
"What? I had no idea you broke up cause of us. I'm sorry. I-" Adrien began to apologize.
Nino just shook his head and said, "Best thing to happen and I don't blame you or Mari."
"What about you?" Adrien asked, "How did you handle the….breakup?"
"I'll admit that it hurt, but not as much as I thought. I think all the arguing softened the blow. It was more like a …'Finally; I'm free' moment." Nino confessed.
"Have you….moved on?" the model, questioned.
"Yeah. I got a lil spit fire. I guess I have a thing for take charge girls." the DJ smiled.
"Who?" his best friend asked.
"Alix." the DJ admitted.
"Really?" Adrien asked, trying to picture the two of them together.
"Yeah. Alix is super chill. I still have my DJ gig and I make music for her job at the ice rink, where she trains champions. Her father and brother are still trying to get their heads wrapped around my professional choice, but we hit it off when we talk about the history of music. History isn't so bad." Nino spoke.
"I'm glad you're happy, Nino." Adrien smiled.
"Me too." Nino smiled.
His smiled froze as he heard the telltale song of Superman theme song coming from his phone.
"Are you gonna answer it?" asked Adrien.
"It's Alya." Nino stated, "Honestly, I've been sorta expecting her to call since yesterday."
"You can put it on speaker if you want." Adrien said, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
Nino sighed, but nodded, answering the call.
"Hey." Nino answered.
"Nino?" Alya asked with a sniffle.
"Alya?" he questioned.
"You're awake." she stated, suggesting she wasn't expecting to hear his voice, "Um, I was wondering if you saw the news?"
"You mean about 'NETI'? Yeah." the DJ said.
"So…you think we can meet in person? That café we liked?" she asked.
"I'd have to ask my girlfriend if she's cool with that." Nino spoke.
"O-Oh. Uh, it's not that big of a deal. You don't have to tell her." Alya suggested.
"I think she should know I'm meeting with my ex and if she wats to join, she has that right." Nino explained, silencing Alya, "I'm gonna go. I'm here with Adrien and -"
"Adrien? How is he?" Alya asked.
"Hey, Alya." Adrien spoke up.
"Hey, Sunshine. You sound like a rainy day." she spoke, softly.
"Yeah. Nino's helping me get through this break up." the model stated.
"Break up? Who-" Alya began.
"Didn’t you see the news today, Alya." Nino intervened, "He broke up with Lila."
"Lila? As in Lila Rossi?" she questioned, "When did you guys start dating?"
"I broke up with Marinette to date Lila." Adrien sighed.
"I told you this, Alya, but you didn't want to listen!" shouted Nino.
"But, I-" she continued, but Adrien's sniffles broke through over the phone.
"Alya, I'm gonna hang up. Just watch today's press conference." Nino stated, before ending the call.
Alya watched the call end on her screen, before bringing up the Gabriel press conference on her phone.
"I have called this press conference today to establish something before rumors are spread. Yesterday, my son, Adrien Agreste, called an end to his long-term relationship with Lila Rossi." spoke Gabriel.
Alya gasped in shock.
'Adrien has been with Lila all this time, but she never told me anything!'
"At dinner, she claimed to personally know 'NETI' and that they were extremely close." he continued.
"My son then called Miss Rossi out on her claims since it is no secret that Marinette Wayne and Lila Rossi have never seen eye to eye." Gabriel concluded, "Yesterday's dinner was suppose to be eventful. My son had planned to propose. Instead, he is now questioning their relationship and wondering what else she claimed was the truth, only for it to be a fabrication."
'He was going to propose to Lila until he caught her in a lie. I feel like an idiot!' Alya thought, dropping her phone to the floor.
Alya began to sob as the last couple years took a whole new vantage point.
Lila had been the one to suggest that Adrien's long hours were a way for him to propose to Marinette. Instead, it was his way of meeting Lila in secret.
Lila had been the one to suggest that Nino desired Marinette, after all these years. That she was Marinette's placeholder until she got over Adrien.
Lila had been the one to suggest that Marinette needed to get back out in the dating pool so Adrien would notice her again.
Alya sobbed harder as she realized how horrible she was to Marinette all those years ago.
Adrien had truly left her all those years ago. Nino was being a true friend to Mari and helped her cope after she had pushed Lila's idea onto her, about Adrien proposing.
She had broken up with Nino. She had blamed Marinette on her relationship issues.
'She lied to me. She said….she said she was only looking out for me! She….It was never true, was it?'
She had told herself that it was Marinette's fault for being moody and uncooperative in her plans to get her back with Adrien. That if Marinette had only gone along with her plans, Nino wouldn't have fallen back in love with her.
Alya remembered all the times she cancelled on Marinette. She had made up every excuse in the book. At one point, she had just yelled into the phone that she didn't want to hear her whine about Adrien anymore and to call her back when she got a life, before hanging up on her.
Yesterday was proof that she had gotten a life and had one for a four years.
Someone she had once considered her best friend had moved on. Marinette had dated and she wasn't there to hear her gossip. Marinette had gotten engaged and she wasn't there to share her happiness. Marinette had gotten married and she wasn't the Maid of Honor, like they had planned. Instead, it seemed she had also moved on in terms of friends and gotten close with Chloe and Kagami.
Alya picked up her phone and pressed play on NETI's debut album.
'I need to hear her voice.'
She looked down at the song listed.
'Don't Speak'? she wondered.
You and me, we use to be together
Every day together, always
I really feel like I'm losin' my best friend
Alya gasped as the lyrics played out.
'Is this song for me? Like 'Shout Out to my Ex' was for Adrien?'
I can't believe this could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
'Marinette, how could you do that to me? I made sure you met a real nice guy and-'
'I'm not ready, Alya! I don't want to date, yet! Adrien just broke up with me and-'
'I can't believe you dragged Nino into all this! If you had just gone along with the plan-'
'But Alya-'
'Nino and I argued for a really long time yesterday all because of you! Why would you cause that?'
And if it's real, well, I don't want to know
Don't speak, I know what you're sayin'
'All you have to do, is get right back out there and Adrien will see that you never needed him in the first place. He'll come running back to you!'
'I'm just not ready for that. Please, Alya, just drop it.'
'It's real easy, Mari. Just go to a club, get a date, meet a couple guys for lunch. Nothing exclusive. Hell, have a one night stand!'
'Why isn't this easy?' Alya wondered, looking around the club, 'Am I that undesirable?' She looked around the club and saw the meeker girls getting picked up left and right. 'Guess guys are scared of an independent, strong woman.' she concluded, taking a shot, 'Doesn't matter. Nino will come back to me soon.'
"Guess I was wrong. He moved on, too." she spoke, as the lyrics continued.
So please stop explanin'
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
'Marinette are you just gonna keep moping around about Adrien?' she yelled.
'Alya, I just can't-'
'He's probably out there with some new girl and has probably already slept with her. Stop being such a prude and-' but she never finished her sentence as Marinette ran to her room and sobs began to permeate through the walls.
She had rolled her eyes and never looked back.
Don't speak, I know what you're thinkin'
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
'Do you know what? I'm tired of this! You're such a crybaby, Marinette; it's time you grew up!'
'Alya, I am trying to "get out there" like you want, but I'm not ready. I need to move on from Adrien, first. I see him in everyone you set me up with and I don't want to compare them. I was with him for years. I need-' but her words fell on deaf ears, as Alya walked out of her apartment.
The next time she went to try and get Marinette to see reason. She had changed the locks.
Our memories, well they can be inviting
'Who elected you Queen of Seats?'
'Oh, look, Sabrina, we got little good-doer in our class this year. What are you gonna do, Super-Newbie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses?'
'Wouldn't you like to know.'
(grabs Marinette and drags her to the front seat)
'Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.'
'Chillax, Girl. No biggie.'
'I so wish I could handle Chloe the way you do.'
But some are altogether mighty frightening
Alya recalled looking at her phone years ago and after her breakup with Nino, Marinette's name was the last thing she wanted to see on her called ID.
'Alya, I-'
'I honestly don't want to hear it, Dupain-Cheng!'
'Alya? I-'
'I don't want to hear you whine over Adrien or how he "dumped you for another woman". At this point, I believe it! Do you know how needy and selfish you are? I never want to hear from you again! Don't call me unless you've moved on and gotten a life!'
Alya had no idea that Marinette was left sobbing in Damian's arms, who had heard every word. Marinette had called to tell her she had moved on and wanted to see if she would like to meet her new boyfriend and get the 'best friend's seal of approval' like they had agreed on in College.
Now, she wasn't even sure what they were. Sure the last time they had talked was close to a year ago, but she had hoped they were still close. Marinette had guessed wrong.
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands, I sit and cry
Alya was aware of the panic that flashed across Marinette's face when she casually sat her down at the café with the guy Lila had told her about. She reminded herself that this was good for her and that he was a really nice guy. She had thought everything worked out well, until Nino began yelling at her how he had just consoled Marinette for the past hour and she had to apologize to Lila, that things didn't work out.
Don't speak, I know just what you're sayin
So please stop explanin'
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts, no, no, no
Don't speak, I know what you're thinkin'
'If you keep this up, Adrien will never come back to you!'
And I don't need your reasons
'Adrien needs someone confident. Maybe he's better off without you.'
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
It's all ending
We gotta stop pretending
Who we are
You and me
I can see us dyin'
Aren't we
Alya saw Marinette's name light up on her caller ID once more.
'Hey, Girl.'
'Hey, Alya. I wanted to know if you wanted to go downtown with me.'
'Sorry, but I'm bleaching my hair and then I still have to add the dye.'
'Oh, okay. Maybe another day then.'
'Sure Marinette.'
'I can't talk right now, M. Working on something.'
'Can't talk.'
Don't speak, I know just what you're sayin'
So please stop explanin'
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
No, No, don't speak, I know what you're thinkin
And I don't need you're reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
I know what you're sayin
So please stop explaini'
Don’t speak, don't speak
Don't speak, no
I know what you're thinkin
And I don't need your reasons
I know you're good , I know you're good
I know you're real good, oh
La, la, la ,la
La, la, la , la
Don't, don't , ooh, ooh
Hush, hush, darling
Hush, hush, darling
Hush, hush
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Hush, hush, darling
Hush, hush, darling
Hush, hush
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Oh, hush, hush, darling
Hush, hush, darling
Alya let the lyric play, as she cried herself to sleep. Dreaming of how perfect her life would have been, had she not listen to Lila Rossi and reintroduced her to Adrien.
DON'T SPEAK by No Doubt
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supergirl9130 · 4 years
ML Positivity Week-Favorite fanfics/fanfic writers
1st there's a classic, You don't know me by Ferisae (warning: there's allot of angst in this one)
Under lock and key by @edendaphne is really hilarious and has fun shenanigans
Soulmate Survey by @gale-of-the-nomads is a pretty fun read (it's rated t for language)
@galahadwilder 's Memories is a good short what-if situation on the aftermath of oblivio filled with fluffy angst
Secret Santa by @thelastpilot is written beautifully (and was actually one of the first stories I've read when I came into the fandom)
In From The cold by @noblechaton is honestly so adorable I can't even hold my love for it
And Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal by @thewritewolf is a comedic story full of fluff and romance
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rosethornewrites · 5 years
Fic: Love Language, ch. 2
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Wayhem
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kagami Tsurugi, Tikki, Tom Dupain, Tomoe Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Kitty Section,  Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Alec Cataldi, Nadja Chamack, Fang, XY, Lila Rossi, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard
Additional Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Language of Flowers, Gifts, Traditions, Holidays, Cultural Differences, Kimono, Qipao, Family, Love, Romance, Celebrations, Symbolism, Aged-Up Character(s), Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Christmas Fluff, Identity Reveal, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Family Dinners, Airports, feeding each other, sharing ceremony, Anxiety, Engagement, Kissing, It was supposed to be a one-shot, Admiration, Pet Names, Cuddling & Snuggling, yin and yang, Communication
Summary: Kagami is nervous the entire flight back to France, waiting to see Marinette at the airport.
AO3 link (chapter 3 contains smut)
FFN link (chapter 3 contains implied sex)
Part 5 (currently) of the Catch a Falling Star series
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Love Language: Chapter 1
Kagami had asked Marinette and her parents to come to the airport to greet them on their return. The intention was a dinner at the Tsurugi home, with Marinette spending the night afterward.
Really, she hoped to have a late gift exchange. The hitch was that Kagami’s gift to Marinette… was an engagement ring. In truth, she wished to propose to her upon their reunion at the airport.
She had agonized for weeks over design possibilities, quite aware Marinette’s skill in that area and anxious of failure. She had carefully selected the engagement ring and wedding band, custom ordering it from a Japanese jeweler, Mokumeganeya, and choosing the same style for herself with different accompanying stones.
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The diamond cut was special, the Sakura cut, symbolizing the cherry blossom—her desire to spend the rest of their beautiful, fleeting lives together. Her own engagement ring had rubies on either side of the diamond. Marinette’s had pink tourmaline. The wedding bands were tsunagaru-katachi, one connected wide ring cut from the same billet of Mokumegane to be pulled apart at the ceremony, each with three stones: tourmaline on one side, ruby on the other, with the purity of a diamond in between to represent the pure bliss of their union.
The union she hoped Marinette wished to share with her.
The designer she had met with had been confused by the order of two tsunagaru-katachi, one for engagement and one for wedding bands, as normally the engagement ring and both wedding bands were made from the base sheet. Same-sex marriages were new in Japan and restricted to certain areas, but the Tsurugi name carried enough weight for the request to be accepted without judgment.
The engagement rings were still connected by a tiny bit of metal, and should Marinette say yes, they would have a sharing ceremony over a celebratory dinner.
Kagami couldn’t stop herself from checking her bag, in front of her on the floor of the aircraft, for the velvet box again, for what had to be the umpteenth time.
“Kagami, fidgeting is unlike you,” her mother commented in Japanese. “What troubles you? Surely not doubts?”
“I only hope Mari-tō shares my desire to be united in marriage, Mother.” She realized abruptly that made her sound doubtful. “I have no doubt she does, but even with such certainty, I cannot help but be nervous.”
“Ah, I believe that is anxiety, which your chosen mate has much experience with according to her mother,” Tomoe responded.
“I believe hers is quite a bit more severe than what I am experiencing at present, but this experience gives me a new appreciation of her fortitude.”
Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder in a rare show of affection. “Then I have no doubt you will also conquer it and grow as a result. In the meantime, I suggest meditation.”
The rest of the flight passed quickly as her meditation faded into sleep; Kagami woke as they were landing, and immediately understood what people meant regarding butterflies in one’s stomach.
Her mother always travelled first class, so there was no wait to disembark. With other members of their retinue tasked with retrieving luggage and preparing to document her proposal, following a brief check by customs, there was nothing to delay meeting Marinette.
Kagami ducked into a restroom to smooth her clothing in a mirror, having chosen a simple andon-bakama, black with embroidered cranes and sunflowers—symbols of hope—with a red kosode for this occasion. A full kimono would have been uncomfortable on the long plane ride, but she wanted a level of formality for this occasion.
Tomoe waited patiently, not interrupting her as she checked herself in the mirror, likely recognizing this as more anxiety. But she had indicated her expectation that Kagami conquer it, so with a deep breath she left the restroom to continue on to meet Marinette.
Marinette was waiting beyond security with her parents, and she looked radiant. She was dressed in a pale pink qipao with gold embroidery, her pigtails higher on her head, in gentle buns that cascaded.
Kagami thought she might melt at the sight of her.
She met Marinette’s smile with what she hoped was an acceptable one of her own, striding forward at the beat of her own heart before dropping to one knee, pulling the velvet box from her bag, and opening it. She was vaguely aware of the flash of cameras.
“Marinette… Mari-tō… I have been blessed every day by your presence in my life. Will you marry me?”
Kagami could see tears shining in Marinette’s eyes. Instead of an answer, Marinette presented her with a wrapped box.
“My answer is in here,” she said softly.
The box was shaking slightly in her grasp, and Kagami took it, closing the ring box and placing it back in her bag to unwrap.
Inside was a qipao, crimson with gold and silver embroidery. Down the bust was a resplendent dragon. In its claw it held a lotus.
Looking up, she realized Marinette wore its yin, a lustrous phoenix with its own lotus in a talon. She recognized the symbolism of two lotus blooms—shared heart and harmony, hé for union. There were other flowers as well, gently ornamented around the phoenix, mirrored around the dragon. Lilies, orchids, peonies, daffodils, roses, and tulips, and a winding pattern of gentle twined vines.
Marinette had prepared her ‘yes’ in advance, in such a Marinette way.
“Kagami?” She realized abruptly that her mother couldn’t see the symbolism.
“Marinette has gifted me a qipao, embroidered with a golden dragon holding a lotus. She is wearing one with a phoenix holding its own lotus.”
A soft intake of breath meant her mother also knew the symbolism; unsurprising, given she had taught it to Kagami.
Marinette’s smile widened. “Ma sirène, I can think of no greater joy than spending the rest of my life with you.”
Kagami was hardly aware of getting to her feet, only of pulling Marinette into her arms, finding her lips in a public display of affection she would normally not indulge in but felt right in this moment. She was lost in her, their warmth and closeness, in the smell of yeast and cinnamon sugar that seemed ingrained in her hair.
Slowly she was aware of applause, and she broke from Marinette to find that the airport had stilled around them, their engagement having gained attention.
Marinette’s cheeks were red, and she was certain hers were as well if the heat in her face was any indication.
The attention was, thankfully, short-lived, with well-wishers expressing congratulations. Kagami was mostly aware of Marinette at her side as they were led to the waiting limo for the ride home.
It was another kiss from Marinette that pulled her more into awareness, when they entered the home.
“I wish to wear the qipao to dinner,” Kagami told her. “You hand-embroidered it yourself, didn’t you? It’s stunning.”
Marinette blushed happily at the compliment.
“Might I feel the stitching first, Marinette?” Tomoe asked politely. “I am only able to see with my hands.”
“Of course, Tsurugi-san!” Marinette gently took the garment from Kagami to present to her mother.
She tutted. “Please, simply Tomoe is fine. You are to become family. Following the wedding, you may feel free to call me kaasan or haha, whichever you feel comfortable with.”
Kagami thought Marinette might spontaneously combust at the offer, but she stood still as Tomoe’s hand ran over the proffered qipao, finding the shape of the embroidery with ease.
“This is splendid work,” she said softly. “You must have been working on this for some time.”
Marinette giggled softly. “Actually, I started it when I received the package with the kimono.”
Tomoe’s fingers went still at that, and then gently grasped Marinette’s right hand, pulling it out from under the fabric and feeling at the fingers. Kagami could see they were red, calloused, and her heart ached at the sight.
“Have more care with these, Marinette,” Tomoe said finally. “They work magic, and should be treated well.”
She asked one of the servants to bring a salve for Marinette’s fingers to Kagami’s room, and then invited Sabine and Tom to sit with her for pre-dinner tea, effectively dismissing the two of them until dinner.
When they were safely in Kagami’s room, she took Marinette’s hands, kissing each fingertip with reverence. When the salve arrived, she dabbed it on gently, rubbing it in with a tender touch.
They did not have time for relaxation, with dinner on the horizon, so Kagami changed into the qipao, which fit splendidly, falling just above her ankles and hugging her body in a way that gave her a figure. The slits up the sides were something she was unused to, but they did not go high enough to cause her discomfort or embarrassment. The higher collar gave the garment a modest appearance.
Marinette straightened and smoothed the fabric, making sure nothing was creased. She had only just finished when dinner was announced.
The meal was one of Kagami’s favorites, sukiyaki with a lovely variety of vegetable side dishes. It was everything one could want on a cold winter evening.
Afterward, Kagami placed the velvet box on the table.
“The rings are tsunagaru-katachi, cut from one block,” she said, opening the box and pulling out the rings to show they were joined by a tiny bit of remaining uncut metal. “In this sharing ceremony, we will together split them into two rings, to symbolize our eternal bond.”
She heard a sniffle and realized Tom was tearing up, and paused, uncertain how to react.
Sabine just smiled. “He’s a bit of a sucker for romance. Please go on, dear.”
Kagami turned back to Marinette. “Mari-tō, I chose the Sakura-cut diamond, as the cut has more facets, making the diamond as brilliant as you. Cherry blossoms represent the fleeting beauty of life, and I wish to spend the rest of mine with you.”
Marinette’s eyes were wet, and Kagami knew she was just as much a romantic as Tom was. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to make her cry, though it would certainly show her she had hit her mark.
“The pink tourmaline is a representation of your love and compassion, and the way you work to protect and heal those around you,” she continued. “And the ruby represents the passion you have inspired in me, the zest for life you have instilled in me since we met.”
There went the tears; she had absolutely hit the mark.
“Mari-tō, will you share this ring with me?”
Marinette reached forward, letting Kagami guide her hand as they gently pulled the rings apart, gently bending and breaking the bit of metal that kept them together. Then Kagami took Marinette’s left hand, sliding the perfectly-fitting ring onto her ring finger. Marinette did the same.
Together, they let Sabine take pictures, and eventually Marinette pulled out her phone to take a selfie of them and their rings, quickly posting it to her Instagram with the caption, “Kagami asked for my hand in marriage, and I accepted. We just had our sharing ceremony with the lovely tsunagaru-katachi she designed.”
Kagami pulled out her own phone to like and share with her own followers. “I get to share my life with the most wonderful woman in Paris.”
By the time they were done, the table had been set for dessert and tea. The centerpiece was a Bûche de Noël brought by Marinette’s parents, and next to it was a red celebration suama. They were surrounded by wagashi, yuzu castella, manjū and mizu yōkan. Several pots containing different varieties of tea were also on the table.
It was a night of celebration. A night that let Kagami hear her mother’s rare laughter as Tom used puns and Sabine regaled Tomoe with silly stories of Marinette growing up. A night that showed they would be, altogether, a lovely family, both sides together. A night that allowed her to feed Marinette her favorite Japanese sweets, and be fed by her in turn.
They ignored the soft mobile notifications of text messages from friends to focus on each other.
The tea was replaced by watered down sparkling sake to celebrate an auspicious night, and as she snuggled with the best friend who had become her beloved, Kagami found herself more content than she had ever been.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal by Jarl Deathwolf
Adrien had been hoping to take this step longer than he could say, but he'd be the first to admit he hadn't exactly thought it through. Adrien had always wanted to marry Marinette, and everything had finally fallen into place. There was no doubt in his mind she would say yes - all he had to do was pop the question.
What could go wrong?
(While this fic is part four in a series, it can be read without the others. Suffice it to say that Gabriel is in prison and everyone is in a happy relationship. Except Gabriel.)
Words: 973, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Lucky One
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Plagg
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois/Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: POV Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Post-Canon, Post-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Aged-Up Character(s), Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Romantic Fluff, Comedy, Adrien Agreste's patience is tested, Fluff and Humor, Post-Hawk Moth Defeat, Weddings, Wedding Planning, Marriage Proposal
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25317850
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ladysunamireads · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal by Jarl Deathwolf
Adrien had been hoping to take this step longer than he could say, but he'd be the first to admit he hadn't exactly thought it through. Adrien had always wanted to marry Marinette, and everything had finally fallen into place. There was no doubt in his mind she would say yes - all he had to do was pop the question.
What could go wrong?
(While this fic is part four in a series, it can be read without the others. Suffice it to say that Gabriel is in prison and everyone is in a happy relationship. Except Gabriel.)
Words: 973, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Lucky One
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Plagg
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois/Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: POV Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Post-Canon, Post-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Aged-Up Character(s), Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Romantic Fluff, Comedy, Adrien Agreste's patience is tested, Fluff and Humor, Post-Hawk Moth Defeat, Weddings, Wedding Planning, Marriage Proposal
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25317850
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lordmartiya · 5 years
Fox Rain chapter 03
I’m back! Sorry for the delay, but I needed to find information on foreign etiquette-and writing it was absurdly hard. Anyway, I started writing this chapter after the first episode of season 3. I will take some hints from that, but I still remain of the opinion I had when I started writing this: that Lila, when she first appeared, wasn’t evil. That, and in her months of absence she had been the target of a very experienced manipulator capable of using excessive means (seriously, financing a movie just to piss Lila off at the right moment?!)… And today we have the decisive moment. What, at least in my version, would have started pushing Lila toward the one villain that Papillon cannot control, but, due different circumstances, has a completely different outcome.
Chapter 03: Her Holyland
“Salima, was Vorpika hidden inside a half-Klingon, half-duck creature?!”
“I suppose we could call it that, y-”
The suite’s phone ringed, prompting Salima to distract herself-just long enough for her charge to leave.
Natalie took the pre-paid SIM card out of the old burner dumbphone, broke it, and threw it in the public thrash bin. It had done its job to try and isolate Lila Rossi from her oldest friend, and no matter if it worked or not it wouldn’t do to risk it being traced back to her. She had made the call from her car as she went to work for that reason, after all.
As she prepared to go back to Agreste’s mansion she started hoping it would work. She was painfully aware of how they were acting, and would be rather infuriating if it failed.
That the shouter was Chloe Bourgeois, that she was pointing at the sheet of paper in her hand, and she had been cursing were all hints it was something unforgivable and she was beyond furious. Enough Lila glanced around for an Akuma, before grabbing the sheet from a very surprised Bourgeois and seeing it was a printout of a gossip site praising “Vorpika, the Real Wielder of the Fox Miraculous” and shitting on Volpina.
“I take I was being punked when they told me it’s a Parisian tradition to give new students some toilet paper?” Lila replied as she crumpled it, stopping Bourgeois mid-step as she was about to bolt.
“You-you aren’t getting Akumatized? I mean-”
“Just some idiot running their mouth and someone who should deal with I-know-what a better way.” Lila declared. Then, noting the whole class was there, she continued: “Speaking of idiots, I apologize for considering you one, and I think I did call you that, for taking at face value that claim about Jagged Stone. I had no idea it was believable.”
“Huff! As long as you admit you were wrong…” the mayor’s daughter replied. “But for the future, remember that in the class where everyone but two students and the homeroom teacher have been Akumatized at least once everything is believable.”
“And that makes sarcastic claims much more difficult to do.” the Italian girl replied with irritation. She had spent two whole weeks to come up with something unbelievable that would be immediate to the French, only to end in the same class as the daughter of Jagged Stone’s landlord and the girl who designed and created his Eiffel Tower glasses in an afternoon and drew the cover art for Rock Giant… What was she supposed to claim if she didn’t want to be believable? That Jagged Stone had a kitten? No, if what she had heard about his crocodile was true that could be believable too…
“Why don’t you use calling cards that declare you’re the Queen of Sheba?” Rose proposed, answering to the unvoiced question.
“For a very good reason: I hadn’t thought about it. You’re a lifesaver.”
With that Lila went to her seat, near Kudzberg, wondering why did Marinette and some of the others seemed so surprised about Bourgeois’ actions. Obviously she didn’t believe she’d let someone get Akumatized on purpose, so why she was so surprised?
As the class was being let out for the lunch break, Marinette was still having trouble believing that Chloe had been trying to stop an Akumatization. Maybe she was being unjust with her, but with everything she had pulled, especially in the four years before Marinette received her Miraculous, it was just surreal to see her trying to be helpful.
“But seriously, what’s with that stupid name? Vorpika, ha!” Chloe let out as she had been talking with Sabrina of the new hero, putting the world back in place.
“It’s Italian slang for “Fox-themed antihero from Rome”.” Marinette explained.
“And you expect me to believe it?”
“Would a confirmation from a Roman of Rome help?” Lila intervened. “The short version is that, back in the 1960s, the comic book Diabolik and its villainous protagonist made such an impression that it spawned an entire subgenre of Italian crime comics, and between that and Disney, of all publishers, getting in the game, in Italy names that end with “-ik” are reserved for villains and antiheroes of both genders, and “-ika” for female antiheroes(1). And if you add it to an actual word you can also get the character’s theme. For example, an evil guitarist would be named Chitarrik(2), a certain most evil comic book character was named Satanik(3) and Vorpika takes her name from the word for “fox” in Romanesco, the dialect of my beautiful Rome.
“An association quite obvious to an Italian… But not to a Frenchgirl, especially so far from the border. Let me guess, Italian relatives?”
“My grandmother, she used to visit often enough I picked up the language, well, I understand it, and a few other things, including body language. I used to be mistaken for an Italian on that alone…”
“Could have been worse, you could have been mistaken for an Englishgirl.”
Marinette was starting to get worried about Lila’s apparent hatred for England, but before she could even think to ask anything a tan boy their own age, dressed in rather covering clothes and with a pair of dark glasses and the most fake pair of mustache on his face, barged in and started addressing Lila in a language Marinette didn’t understand, with Lila covertly passing her phone to Rose that for some reason, used it to call someone as she left the classroom.
As Lila was calming down the newcomer, Marinette went in a corner and covertly asked Tikki what was happening.
“He guessed that Lila is Vorpika, apparently she “signed” her first appearance.” Tikki whispered. “Also, he thinks she got Akumatized on purpose to cover for it.”
As Marinette tried to process the fact someone could think Lila would do something like that (and noticed that Adrien too was in a corner and looked as Lila as she had grown a second head), none other than prince Ali’s chaperon came in and grabbed the boy with the fake mustache, who was looking at Lila in surprise.
“Had Rose call Salima, because, seriously, you have a crack shot as a chaperon for a reason.” Lila told her friend-who Marinette realized was the Prince Ali. “Seriously you can’t just come here like that!”
“After school at the hotel?” Ali replied.
“After school at the hotel. Stay safe, Lustro.”
“Don’t get into your nickname, Shijjar.”
As she looked at the prince being grabbed away by his chaperon, Marinette went to Lila, trying to speak through the shock.
“Yes, we are on nicknames term, comes with being each other’s oldest non-imaginary friend.” Lila said. “And no, we aren’t dating even if someone seems convinced we’re secret lovers.”
As Rose gave a shy smile at the remark, Marinette started wondering exactly how much had Lila actually lied, and why. It made no sense…
Trixx liked Lila for many reasons. Among others there were her cunning, her ability to use the illusions to their full and devastating effect, the “if I’m smart enough to pull it off” attitude (though that meant he’d have to work a lot to keep it in check. Especially at how she had accidentally used the “I’m half-Klingon half-duck”(4) in-joke between her and her friend and outed herself on the first sortie), the fact she actually knew how to play the dizi (he was a musical kwami, he needed that and instructing the Holder was always a pain), the wealth and related unwillingness to spend too much (by the description of her wardrobe, he’d have cried in pain had he been entrusted to Chloe Bourgeois), and the immense quantity of hair (made possible by the wealth) that allowed the kwami to stay close to her head without being noticed. The latter was especially useful right in that moment, as Lila, after visiting her royal friend, had just been given a potentially devastating news.
“What did you say?” Lila whispered in shock.
“This morning a woman called us and revealed that not only you aren’t friends with Ladybug, but also that you refused an offer of friendship.” Salima, the chaperon, repeated. “I of course reported this and all the very numerous details to His Majesty, who gave precise instructions.”
“Shijjar, my friend, you must make amends with Ladybug.” the prince said, looking pained. Trixx believed it was because he knew Lila well enough to anticipate her answer, or what she was thinking. “You are my sister in anything but blood, but our kingdom cannot afford to be seen linked to the enemies of Paris’ protector.”
Trixx knew exactly what Lila was thinking, who she was going to blame, and how she was going to react. He understood how angry she was, and that she’d blame the wrong person-unless he made her notice something:
“The chaperon said “woman”, not “girl”.” he whispered to his Chosen. And by her slight wincing he knew she had understood.
“It is not His Majesty’s policy to support such foolishness.” Salima said.
“But letting a terrorist use him and his heir to manipulate a girl is?” Lila replied coldly.
“What are you trying to come up with to get out of your trouble?”
“Who were the witnesses?” the prince instead asked, quickly realizing what his old friend meant.
“Only Ladybug, Adrien Agreste and myself were present for the initial encounter, though the terrorist Papillon obviously knows though the same magic he uses to find his victims. As for our later disagreement, it took place above Gustave Eiffel’s apartment in the Tower, with only Ladybug, Chat Noir and myself present-and the terrorist once again knows thanks to his magic.” Lila explained.
“And we actually don’t know if he has accomplices.”
“What?! Your Highness, you can’t believe this girl!” Salima protested.
“Why, exactly? It certainly makes more sense than the alternative. Would you please inform my father about this?”
“There is no need.” an unfamiliar voice announced, coming from an equally unfamiliar man that had appeared in the computer’s screen. Unfamiliar to Trixx, because the humans appeared to know who it belonged to, though both Lila and the prince appeared startled.
“Your majesty, I was not aware of your presence.” Lila said to the man without bowing, heavily hinting what country this man was king of. The following words confirmed it: “And I believe your son wasn’t either.”
“That was the point. I needed to know if he was ready to assume greater duties-though I cannot say I’m displeased to have missed this chance due something we should have suspected all along.”
“In the current circumstances? Easily forgiven.”
“Then I believe you should share the saltiest bread.”
“Of course, father.” the prince replied with a smile.
“I’m grateful for your attention, though I believe your subjects are worthier of it than myself.” Lila continued, in a display that would have likely confused many of the other kwami who lacked experience with the Arabic etiquette.
“I’ll follow your suggestion, then. Just… Please, find an honorable peace with Ladybug as soon as possible. Be well.”
As the king of Akdor left the conversation, Lila turned to Salima with an unpleasant smile.
“And so, we kept you from causing a mess.” she stated. “Though I believe I should be grateful-now I know who I should ruin.”
“Lila, calm down.” the prince told her.
“I am calm. Calmer than I thought I’d be with this mess.”
“That’s what worries me-you were just like this before you started denying non-existing rumors at your London school.”
“I agree, we should all calm down and discuss things around a good coffee.” Salima added.
“I’m not taking advice from you. You almost cost me my place in the world, my trust in people and my friends, my… Uh uh… My Holyland, that’s what you nearly cost me.”
“What did you say?” the woman hissed.
“Nevermind, I’ve read the hotel’s brochure and I see we need one of their services. Follow me, both of you… And please don’t interfere.”
The tone of the last phrase worried Trixx. The prince too, he looked focused and wondering what his old friend was thinking to do.
As she, her friend-currently doing something with his phone-and the add-on went to look for the one she needed, Lila was taking deep breaths to keep calm after being completely manipulated like that. Just a simple phone call from an accomplice and Papillon had her murderously furious at Ladybug, to the point she had almost been about to renounce to what until the previous day had called her oldest non-imaginary friendship just to have a shot at destroying her, and lose all remaining trust in her friends in the process. Sure, Lustro, the add-on and His Majesty had been fooled too, but considering what their realm was going on they had an excuse to not notice on the spot, while she had needed Trixx to realize what was happening.
Still, raging would not help. All she needed was to play along, wait for her chance, and at the right moment rip the Butterfly Miraculous from him and throw him to the authorities-no matter what his reasons were, the Princess Fragrance incident had left the French government and judiciary with no reason but hitting him with the full weight of their laws, and that was without counting Volpina and everything else(5). Maybe the French authorities would consider reopening Devil’s Island just for sake of a papillon pun(6)-that was what she’d do if she could, at least.
For now, however, she’d be content with exposing him for what he was besides a terrorist, and crumble the romantic ideas some people had to have on him. Not personally or by Lustro’s hand, she needed him not knowing she had found out. No, the Tiger would do it-she wouldn’t deny her this favor, and as she was in Beijing and normally lived in Tokyo and showed her location on the Ladyblog’s forum it was unlikely she’d be connected to her, even if the bowtie hebephile could track internet connections.
And now that she had found Bourgeois, she could get the password for the wi-fi and talk to her friend.
“Bourgeois, I need your help.” she asked to the mayor’s daughter, who had been using the phone.
“Uh… Just a moment.” the blonde replied before doing something and turning to her. “What can I do for you?”
“Well, I would need the wi-fi password, even a temporary one. I need to urgently contact a friend who’s currently in Beijing, a friend that doesn’t have the, how is it said in French, well, she’d end up spending a lot if I called her without internet and I just don’t have the time to go back to the Italian embassy or register at an internet cafe.”
“Does that have anything to do with your current collective mood?”
“And it’s a o-”
Chloe was interrupted by her phone’s ringtone, Clara Nightingale’s It’s Ladybug, but touched it and put it away.
“Sorry for the interruption, Lila. Now, this thing that’s getting you furious and that you need need the wi-fi password for, it’s a one-time only, right?”
“Of course. I know I’m not registered as a guest and shouldn’t access the wi-fi, but…”
“Save it, here’s the password.” Chloe said as she pulled out a ticket with a password. “But remember, you owe me.”
“Thanks.” she replied, and web-called her friend.
“What’s up, Zorra?” her friend saluted her in French-one of the languages they shared-except for the chosen word for “female fox”.
“Just a thing that happened today.” she replied in Japanese. A language none of the presents knew, aside for Trixx, so they wouldn’t be able to stop her. “It’s a bit long to explain, and it’s urgent, but… Could you start a discussion on the Ladyblog’s forum and denounce Papillon as a pedophile?”
“… Why aren’t you doing it by yourself? Wait, are you planning to try and make yourself an accomplice to strike him down at the right moment?!”
“Don’t you think it’s crazy?”
“Precisely. And why it’ll work.”
“Uh-uh. By the way, does your Arabian prince know of what happened to make you plan that? Because I was on the forum right now and someone from Paris, username “Fatimid”, has just started that very discussion.”
“Come, scusa?”
“A guy calling himself Fatimid has started this very discussion a few minutes ago. Sounds like Prince Ali to me.”
“Oh. Sorry for disturbing you. I suppose tomorrow you’ll have to work with the movie…”
“Second day of shooting… And he’s even hotter in person!”
“Just… Just don’t make your parents grandparents, ok?”
“Not for another three years-no child of mine will be called a bastard! Good luck in that madpeople cage!”
“And you don’t start a revolution. Good night!”
Lila took another deep breath to calm herself, then she turned to the prince and leveled a glare to him.
“I’m your oldest non-imaginary friend, remember? We may have met before the Pantherhunt, but I still know exactly how you think.” Ali reminded her, completely unfazed. “And I’m not letting you get in that kind of mess.”
“What if I wanted to get in that kind of mess?”
“Then you were too angry to think straight.” called an unexpected voice, prompting Lila to turn-and see Ladybug and Chat Noir standing near a very smug Chloe, who was showing that her cellphone had an ongoing call… With Ladybug.
“Listen, Ladybug, I just discovered that Papillon tried a horrible thing, and-” Lila started, but was interrupted.
“And you’re going to let him anger you and give him power over you?”
Lila stopped, surprised at what she had just been said. She had to admit, at least to herself, she had screwed up. And she should be grateful to Ladybug-but why had she done it? She could have manipulated her so easily had she just let her stay angry…
“Wait, where’s Vorpika?” Chloe asked, jolting Lila from her thoughts.
“She’d been in Tokyo until a few days ago and was too busy investigating a possible trail to Papillon to rest.” Ladybug explained, surprising Lila again. The superheroine was quite good at lying for someone who hated lies so much…
Nathalie Sanscour was a user of the Ladyblog forum, and prone to use it during work hours. “Secretly”, of course-officially she had to keep it secret from Gabriel or risk a reprimand or being fired, something that would come handy if Adrien or the Gorilla (she really needed to find out his real name) saw her while she looked if someone slipped something useful for Paris’ supervillain. And her scouting of the forum was the reason for her current anger.
“Nathalie, calm down.” Gabriel told her, ignoring Nooroo as he chuckled at the irony.
“Calm down?!” the woman replied. “Sir, they’re calling you a pedophile! A PEDOPHILE!”
“And how did we act with Rossi?”
“Well, we tried to manipulate her, and-”
“She’s fourteen. Or fifteen. Between the age gap and teenagers being Akumatizable far more often than adults, it was only to be expected they’d mistake me for a pedophile.”
“Don’t worry, I can shoulder this until I win-and then, it will have never happened. Now excuse me, but I need to set a supervillain on Rossi or the prince as soon as possible-I have a character to keep.”
As she waited for Vorpika with Chat Noir at the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug thought at what she had seen of Lila at the hotel-and the effect of her words. It had been a gamble, based on how close she was acting to certain things she had wanted to do before Tikki… And it had worked. That gave her a different perspective on the Italian traveler-one she’d rather not have, if it wasn’t for the bullet everyone, and especially Lila, had just dodged. If nothing else, Chat had accepted to just follow her lead on that-she hadn’t managed to tell about that even to Tikki, and Chat, sadly, was out.
“Hi, guys.” Vorpika said as she arrived, before coming extremely close to Ladybug. “The thing at the hotel, how, and why?”
“Well, we gave Chloe our numbers due the many Akumatizations she causes so at least she can get us to intervene, and she hadn’t abused it.” Chat interjected, trying to distract the fox. “Not yet, at least. We gave them to the mayor, Jean David the butler, the Agreste’s Gorilla, Marinette…”
“Makes sense… But it wasn’t about that. Ladybug, how did you know what to say to calm me down, and why?”
“I’d rather not talk about how I knew-and frankly, you wouldn’t believe it.” Ladybug replied. “As for why… Why not?”
“Because you could have easily turned me into your pawn, eliminated a future enemy and gained the best attack fox in Paris, that’s why!”
“Maybe I don’t want that. I want you as a friend, not a pawn.”
Vorpika stepped back, thoughtful and curious, muttering something about owing Ladybug her “holyland” (and using the English word). Then, after a few seconds, she asked: “Where did you guys learn how to fight without weapons?”
“I did some karate(7)-” Chat started.
“What style? Goju Ryu, Shotokan, Kyokushin? Was it sundome, or-”
“I was five and mom and father pulled me out after a month. Never knew why.”
“Oh. And you, Ladybug?”
“Well, I try and imitate my cousin, she’s a Savate practitioner and often shows off her moves to try and get me to join.” Ladybug said.
“So, one may or may have learned something years ago and never practiced again, and the other tries to imitate advanced moves without knowing the basics. Explains why you’re so bad. Fists in front of the face, now.”
After that, Vorpika taught them the jab-cross combo, or one-two. The very basic of boxing, she had said while she moved Ladybug’s left arm through the jab motions. Ladybug knew it was her way to not feel indebted for pulling her out of her anger at the hotel, not an actual sign of friendship, but was willing to wait. Maybe it would never happen, but at least she’d make sure to save her from herself and that she didn’t need saving-that was what she promised to herself.
(1)The longer version is as follows: in 1962 Diabolik was first published, and its success spawned the “Nero Italiano” (Italian Noir) genre, comic books characterized by being a rather violent take on the crime genre and featuring protagonists whose name includes the letter “k” (not used in Italian words) or, sometimes, the suffix “-ik”; among the public outrage (including even judicial seizures and trials) also appeared parodies such as Cattivik (created by Bonvi, of Sturmtruppen’s fame, and then gifted to fellow author Silver) and Dorellik, and Disney Italy, when creating an antihero alter ego for Donald Duck, named it Paperinik (also known as “Duck Avenger” in the English-speaking world), adding the suffix “-ik” to Donald’s Italian name “Paperino”, and this being still Disney they also gave one to Daisy (in Italy, “Paperina”. Disney is usually more clever than this…) and called it “Paperinika”; while the genre all but disappeared under moral outrage and the low quality of most of Diabolik’s successors, it and especially Diabolik (who is still published) had already left a standing impact on Italian comics and media, that included the association of the suffix “-ik” with antiheroes and villains and “-ika” with female antiheroes.
(2)That is how Guitar Villain is named in the Italian dub of Miraculous Ladybug.
(3)An actual Italian comic book created to ride on Diabolik’s success, whose protagonist renamed herself Satanik upon getting the power to act on her revenge plans.
(4)Blame Astruc, he said that when he was asked about Lila’s ethnicity. Then again, that and crazier could be applied to all Italians…
(5)The Princess Fragrance incident saw an Akuma villain attack foreign royalty and diplomatic personnel (what the prince’s chaperon would count as), both covered by diplomatic immunity, and he made a full threesome of attacks on people covered by diplomatic immunity the moment he Akumatized Lila, the daughter of an Italian diplomat. Simply put, after those stunts the minimum Gabriel can get is life in jail with eligibility for parole at 18 years.
(6)The Bagne du Cayenne (Penal Colony of Cayenne), also known as Devil’s Island, was a French prison famous for being used for internal exile of political prisoners and the harsh treatment of the inmates (up to 75% death rate). Closed in 1953, the prison is the subject of numerous books and movies, including Henri Charriére’s best-seller Papillon.
(7)Chat said that in “Simon Says”. Given his performance and Gabriel being Gabriel, either his dojo wasn’t focused on combat (more common than one would expect) or he didn’t stay there long.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and The Long Delayed Proposal: Chapter 1
Summary: Adrien had been hoping to take this step longer than he could say, but he'd be the first to admit he hadn't exactly thought it through. Adrien had always wanted to marry Marinette, and everything had finally fallen into place. There was no doubt in his mind she would say yes - all he had to do was pop the question.
What could go wrong?
(While this fic is part four in a series, it can be read without the others. Suffice it to say that Gabriel is in prison and everyone is in a happy relationship. Except Gabriel.)
Hello and welcome to a story I've been meaning to get to since February! It was hard finding time between all those daily prompts, but I finally managed it a few weeks back. Now that the whole thing is beta'd, I can release it on a regular schedule...
...which will be one chapter a week (Thursdays where I am), every week, until it is done. :D
Part 1: Five Times (and the Lucky One)
Part 2: Just Between Us
Part 3: Eating Habits
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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It was late in the afternoon as Adrien walked home, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he huddled in on himself for warmth from the cold February air. It had been a long day, but one that had been productively spent. Months of planning, from finding suppliers, hiring a couple helpers, and working out his budget. Sure, that money he’d inherited from his father was a lot, but it wouldn’t last forever. If he wanted this to work, he needed to do it right.
Which brought him to today. With the final walkthrough of his new store out of the way and the contractor paid, Adrien was in good shape to open his flower shop. He wasn’t free this weekend, but come Monday he could go in and start decorating.
He glanced to the side and his eyes widened when he saw the brightly lit jewelry store. How often had he passed this same place without even really recognizing it was there? For him, it had always just been another part of the scenery and he always kept walking without giving it another thought.
But this time, he stopped. There was no thinking about what he did next - it was his heart that was in control now, not his mind.
Maybe finishing his store had made him optimistic for the future. Maybe it was the leftover romance from Valentine’s Day just last week. Maybe now that his mind was unburdened with things to worry about - whether it be horrible fathers or struggling to build a business - his love for Marinette was free to express itself.
No matter the reason, an hour later Adrien had left the store with a black box housing an engagement ring. It had a gemstone so blue it was almost black except when the light hit it, framed by glimmering white stones on a flowing silver filigree.
“You’re really gonna do it, huh?”
“Yeah,” Adrien said, grinning like an idiot. He leaned a little closer to the pocket of his jacket so he could whisper to Plagg. “I’m going to propose to Marinette.”
Saying it out loud made his heart flutter in the most wonderful way. It was something he’d wanted to do, something he’d planned to do, ever since he was fourteen years old and struggling to ask her out on a date. But nothing was going to get in the way this time. After giving one more look to the beautiful ring, he closed the box and slipped it into his pocket.
Adrien took the stairs two, three at once. Now that the idea was in his head, he couldn’t stand any more wasted time. The faster he got to their apartment, the faster he would be engaged to the love and light of his life.
That was the main reason he practically threw open the door and barged inside - which unsurprisingly startled the two women sitting in the living room.
“Miss me that much, huh?” Marinette stood up and crossed the room to kiss Adrien’s cheek. His grip on the box in his pocket tightened as he looked into her eyes, so much like the gemstone when the light hit it.
“Where’s the fire, Agreste?”
His attention shifted to the couch, where Alya sat with her arm over the side. While normally he wouldn’t be opposed to proposing in front of her, something about the situation gave him pause. He let go of the box to wrap an arm around Marinette.
“Just excited to see my beautiful girlfriend is all.”
Alya chuckled. “You know, maybe I should have expected this then since he spends so much time with you, blondie.”
He gave Alya a curious look. “What do you mean?”
“Show him!” Marinette rushed back to her best friend’s side and looked at Adrien with wide, excited eyes.
“Ta-da!” Alya presented her hand, where a familiar engagement ring was perched.
“Oh wow!” Adrien whistled. “He finally did it, huh?”
“You knew about this?” Alya raised an eyebrow.
“He showed me the ring like a year ago. Said he was waiting for the right time.”
“Well…” Alya glanced at the ring with renewed interest, and a small but warm smile spread across her face. “He finally found it.”
A few long moments passed in silence as Alya contemplated the ring. Plagg emerged from Adrien’s pocket and floated into the kitchen to join the other two kwamis, Tikki and Trixx. Eventually Marinette spoke up.
“When do you want to start the planning?”
“Here in the next couple weeks, if you don’t mind? I think we’ll be doing something with a little Moroccan tradition and some Martinique flare, but I don’t want to get so wrapped up in what our families want that we forget to actually have fun with it. So what I was thinking was-”
As Alya and Marinette started brainstorming, Adrien had a sudden realization. If Nino and Alya were getting married, then he couldn’t propose to Marinette. At least, not yet. He didn’t want to overshadow his best friends’ wedding. His heart sank. At the very least, he needed to wait until they went on their honeymoon. Wherever that ended up being. And who knows how long it would be until then?
Suddenly, the black box in his pocket felt like a hot coal and a heavy weight in his hands. If he wanted to surprise her, then he’d have to hide it somewhere. But him and Marinette weren’t like Alya and Nino - those two didn’t live together. Where could he possibly hide it that Marinette wouldn’t find it?
Somewhere nearby, Plagg began to snicker. As he glanced over at the kwami, Adrien saw that he’d reached the same conclusion that he had. Amusement gleamed in his old friend’s eyes.
Unheard by Alya and Marinette, Plagg muttered, “Oh this is going to be hilarious.”
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 3
The first day of wedding planning with the gang.
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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“So,” Alya said, pushing her glasses up. “Obviously we’ve already got our maid of honor and best man chosen.”
Nino nudged Adrien’s shoulder and Marinette smiled, rubbing her hands together in excitement.
“Let me guess - Ivan as the best man and Rose for the maid of honor?”
Alya leveled an unimpressed look at Adrien even as Nino snorted and Marinette giggled.
“Hilarious, blondie. No, obviously it’s gonna be you two. Which means you’re officially helping us plan all this garbage.”
“Hey now,” Nino cut in, “that's not garbage, that’s our wedding.”
“No, right now it is an unholy headache that will one day be our wedding. Our big goal here is to get from frustration to bliss as fast as possible.” Alya thumbed through the stack of folders and papers she’d brought with her when she came into their apartment. “Where to start, where to start… hm…”
Marinette picked up the folder in front of her. “How about the engagement party?”
“That is the thing that’s going to be coming up first,” Adrien said in support of his girlfriend. His heart fluttered when she glanced his way and smiled. “We, uh, we’ll need to figure out who is getting invited, where to have it, when, that sort of thing.”
“Mom really wanted to host it.” Nino looked at Alya. “If that’s alright with you, babe?”
“As long as you’re alright with my mom doing the cooking.”
“Obvs!” Nino chuckled. “I dunno what Marlena is gonna whip up, but I already know I’ll love it.”
“If you want, I can talk to maman and papa to get some desserts for it,” Adrien said as he tapped his chin. “I’m pretty sure they’d be willing to give you a discount.”
“Probably an even bigger one if we helped out with the baking.” Marinette got a distant, calculating look in her eye. “Unless the floral shop gets swamped. Hm...”
“A weekend baking with you?” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll make the time if I have to.”
“You guys realize we’re the ones getting married, right?” Alya said with a smirk. “Now me and Nino will have to be twice as sickeningly sweet to compensate.”
“Geez, imagine if they were actually engaged right now too.” Nino shook his head. “They’d be totally unbearable!”
Marinette and Adrien laughed, but for Adrien it was a little manic. His proposal was still sitting in his chest, straining to break out at any moment. He cleared his throat.
“So that’s location and food. What about the people?”
“Looks like they’ve already handled it,” Marinette said as she read through the folder she’d picked up. “I’ll see if I can think of anyone else though.”
“As for when my dude, we definitely wanna do it before next month is out.”
“That’s pretty soon.” Marinette’s voice became distant as she split her attention between reading and paying attention.
“Yeah, but its gonna be a little shindig, so it won’t take long to get prepared.” Nino leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “We have to get that hype train outta the station as soon as possible, you know?”
“By the way,” Alya said, putting down the stack she’d been holding. “How’s business with the shop? Think you’ll be able to hook us up with some nice arrangements?”
“Doing a lot better than I was expecting, to be honest. The folks I hired are all great workers.” Adrien pushed his hair back and let out a long breath as he did some quick math in his head. “Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. They might not be the best things ever but-”
Nino shook his head. “Dude, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve picked up Marinette’s green thumb plus you’ve got a good eye for arrangement. You’ll do great, bro.”
Adrien gave a small smile. “Thanks, man.”
“No worries, my dude.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t suppose you have a friend’s discount too…?”
With a chuckle, Adrien replied, “No, but I do have a best friend’s discount.”
As the night wore on, the four of them slowly started to turn the scattered papers and half baked ideas into something much more substantial. The reality of the event started to take shape. At the same time, it began to weigh heavier and heavier in Adrien’s mind.
His friends were getting married. He couldn’t be happier for them and he was going to do whatever he could to make sure that their special day was going to be the best that he possibly could make it.
But as he saw how excited Alya and Nino were, he stole more and more glances at Marinette. The urge to just blurt out a proposal raised its head every time their hands brushed.
Adrien swallowed heavily three hours into the planning. It was going to be a long engagement.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 6
Adrien spends some time with his favorite ladies.
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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“And it’s all just so exciting!” Marinette finished, wiggling in her seat in the kitchen. “Yeah it’s a lot to take in, but it’s also the start of my last year! In less than a year, I’ll be out in the real world!”
“Which is when you’ll be kicking butt and dominating the fashion scene.”
“Yes!” She said with loud excitement. “Exactly that!” Marinette stilled for a moment to giggle and Adrien joined her.
Still chuckling, Adrien turned back around to strain the pasta. The arrabbiata sauce was already finished so it was just a matter of putting it all on a couple plates. One of the plates he slid over to Marinette, who was already staring wide-eyed at it.
“So what about you?” Marinette asked before eating a forkful of pasta. “How’s therapy going?”
“Nothing new to report, which is good news all on its own.” Adrien took a sip of wine. “It still hurts sometimes, but the pain is dull now. I haven’t spiralled for a while.”
“I noticed! I’m so glad you aren’t going through that any more.” She reached across the table and squeezed his hand.
“Thanks,” he said with a warm smile. “But yeah, between therapy and staying busy with the wedding planning, I haven’t even had time to dwell it on.”
“Hm…” Marinette hummed thoughtfully, a frown on her face. “The wedding is really soon. What are you going to do when you don’t have that to keep you occupied?”
Adrien smirked and his eyes shone mischievously. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll find something.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Like your flower shop?”
“That too.”
“How is that going, by the way? Keeping those kids in line?”
“Hey, they aren’t that young. Even the youngest is only a few years younger than me.”
“Still. How’s it going over there?”
“We’re breaking even,” Adrien admitted with a nod. “But business has been picking up.”
“I suppose you do have a lot of competition. But if I know my chaton...” She leaned over the table and tapped his nose, which made him cross his eyes. “...Then you’ll keep at it and you’ll be in a great place in no time. You are a very determined cat.”
“We’ll be in a great place. You’ll have your fashion empire, and I’ll have my thriving flower shop.”
Marinette sighed happily with her chin in her hand. “I can’t wait.”
“Me too,” Adrien said, his eyes locked on her ring finger. “It won’t be long, I promise.”
“Are those for a special someone, boss?”
Adrien glanced over at his cashier.
“These?” Adrien held up the bouquet of Sharry Baby orchids. “Sort of, but not Marinette if that’s what you were thinking.” While the cashier thought about that, Adrien asked, “Can you lock up tonight, Leslie?”
She nodded. “Sure. Do you mind if I close a little early then? I don’t want to be late for my date.”
“Go right ahead. And tell Celine hi for me!”
Leslie laughed. “Sure, boss! See you Monday.”
Adrien left his shop to a strong gust of cold air. It seemed that autumn was definitely here. With a shiver, he headed for the park. It was already late in the day and there weren’t many people left around. Which was good since he liked these visits to be as still and quiet as possible. He’d gotten lucky the last few times and hadn’t been interrupted. He would like to keep that trend going.
How long had it been since he visited? Longer than he’d liked, to be sure, but somehow Adrien didn’t think she would mind all that much. After all, he had good reasons for staying away, what with everything going on.
The dim light proved no obstacle for Adrien as he reached the corner of the park. She was waiting for him there like always.
“Hey, mom,” Adrien said as he stepped up to the statue of Emilie Agreste. He briefly looked into her blank eyes before brushing off the last bouquet and placing the fresh one on her lap. With that done, he took a seat on the bench in front of her.
“Sorry it’s been a while.” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I guess I lost track of time. The four of us didn’t even celebrate the anniversary this year.” He took a deep breath. “I suppose… it's like we’re finally moving on. We spent so long in Hawkmoth’s shadow but now we finally get to live our lives.”
A warm breeze carried the scent of the orchids to him and he smiled.
“That means I have a lot to fill you in on! Before I get into it, let me show you the best part.” Adrien dug around in his pockets, careful not to disturb his sleeping kwami. He pulled out the black box and opened it, holding it up to the statue’s face. He had to stand on his tiptoes to do it, but he managed.
“I got it for Marinette! I’m sure you remember her.” Adrien chuckled. “I mean, I’ve told you plenty about her already.” Adrien smiled as he saw the glimmer of the blue gem and his voice dropped to a reverent whisper. “I’m going to propose to her, once everything calms down a little. I’m going to marry Marinette.”
Saying it out loud sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. He looked back up at the statue and could almost pretend she was smiling a little wider.
At the same time, his smile became a little weaker.
“I just wish you could have met her.”
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 8
It's day of his best friend’s wedding, but Adrien's head is somewhere else as his willpower is on its last legs.
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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The tux fit Adrien perfectly, but he still felt twitchy and hot. At least he could blame that on the lively atmosphere - it turned out that there were even more Lahiffes than he’d ever known about, most of whom had come over from Morocco for the wedding. Granted, he had only known about Nino’s immediate family plus his Uncle Hassan. The Cesaires weren’t quite as numerous, but it was enough to make Adrien feel like he was drowning in the packed crowd.
At least no one would look at Adrien and immediately come to the correct conclusion that he was barely holding together after months of waiting. And this wedding? This beautiful blend of cultures and traditions? This was the greatest test of his willpower yet. Because everywhere he looked made him think about him and Marinette’s wedding.
For example - that banquet of seasoned Caribbean dishes straight from Martinique cookbooks? The gears started turning in his head about what culture would be represented on their banquet table. French dishes? Italian? Chinese?
“Adrien! Great to see you, man.”
He turned around just in time to catch a flying hug from Kim. “Wow! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”
That was another thing to look forward to - seeing all his old friends getting together again. They really didn’t hang out as much after they all graduated. Some of that was because they had moved out of the country, like Mylene, Ivan, and briefly Chloe, but for most of them life had simply kept them very busy.
The one thing he could say would be a definite improvement over Nino’s wedding would be alcohol. Another tradition from Morocco, the only drinks they had were juice, coffee, and water. He supposed that they’d go well with the massive Dupain-Cheng cake that acted as the centerpiece to all the other foods. Who could guess just how impressive the one they would make for their own daughter’s wedding?
While he was catching up with Kim, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Rose rush up to Marinette to give her a hug. Which brought him to the main thing driving him crazy at this wedding.
After all, how could he ignore the way that Marinette looked in a beautiful bridesmaids dress? And could he really be blamed for daydreaming about how she would look in a stunning white one, no doubt one that she’d made herself?
Adrien’s eye twitched as he tried to maintain his facade of not being an absolute wreck on the inside. Turning his eyes toward his best friend, he mentally screamed - Nino, man, I love you, but just go on your Switzerland honeymoon already.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 2
Finding a hiding spot is only the first challenge for Adrien...
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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Adrien looked at all the rings they had in the store. Bands of gold and platinum and silver. Gemstones that shone with all the colors of the rainbow, lighted just right so that they almost glowed with an inner light.
But none of them spoke to Adrien.
At least, not until the last one.
It was a dark blue jewel, dark enough that it would match most outfits she’d wear, but when the light hit it… it was like looking into her eyes all over again. The silver band would make it stronger than gold, and she’d always had a preference for that metal thanks to the accents of his Chat Noir suit. Adrien especially gravitated toward the tiny diamonds arranged around the central blue gem.
The old shopkeeper’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Oh, son, that ring's been there since my father ran this store. Are you sure you're not interested in something more modern for your young lady?"
"No sir,” Adrien said, shaking his head but not taking his eyes off the ring. “I can't explain it... but this one's hers."
And it was true. Now that he’d seen this ring, he couldn’t imagine getting her anything else.
"Ah, I see.” The old man’s face smoothed out and a warm smile appeared. His eyes twinkled with mirth. “In that case I suppose it was waiting for you."
Adrien sighed as he placed the black box in his underwear drawer. It felt almost sacrilegious to do it, but the ring would just have to wait for a little while longer. Escaping from Alya and Marinette had taken a little more finesse than he had thought it would, but he managed.
There was one last longing glance at the box before he buried it underneath his boxers at the back of the drawer. Hopefully it would be safe there for a while.
It was definitely not safe there, Adrien thought as he evaded his wonderful girlfriend.
A solid two weeks. That was as long as his first thought for a hiding spot lasted. And naturally, who else would prove his undoing but Marie Kondo?
Marinette had gone off on a binge of watching her show while sewing and became completely entranced with it. Normally Adrien wouldn’t mind and would even do his best to help ‘Kondo’ their apartment, but not now. Not when he had something to hide and not even his boxers were safe from his girlfriend’s discerning eye.
So while she was distracted with their litany of pots and pans in the kitchen, he used his old Chat Noir sneaking skills to get into their shared bedroom and fish out his little black box. Once he’d palmed it, he looked frantically around the room.
What was held sacred enough that not even the threat of Marie Kondo could sway it?
His eyes landed on his collection of manga and comic books and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief. Once again, manga had saved him. Slipping the box between the stacks, he stepped back and looked at it from afar. Nothing seemed out of place and he knew Marinette wouldn’t mess with it any more than she knew he wouldn’t poke around in her sewing space.
At least not since the great yarn ball incident.
But as the days turned to weeks, he began to realize that finding a hiding spot for his surprise was the easiest part. The hard part was not pulling it out during the little moments where his love for her was almost too much to bear.
The first time was when he had arrived home from a long day at the new shop. She was sitting in the living room with her sewing equipment scattered all around her, so utterly focused on her newest dress that she hadn’t even noticed his arrival yet. He carefully shut the door behind him and basked in the glory of the ‘focus face.’
Thanks to her hair being pulled up into a bun, he had a perfect view. Her eyes were narrowed as she was completely absorbed with the threadwork, her tongue sticking out slightly, her nose scrunched up the way that it always did when she was forming a plan - whether that was on the battlefield or in business. It was a look all its own, but that didn’t surprise Adrien. After all, she never did anything by halves.
Time lost its meaning just as the exhaustion left his bones and brain. He bit his lower lip and honestly debated proposing here and now. Maybe she wouldn’t notice him until he’d gotten the ring?
But just as he thought that, she happened to glance at him and let out a startled squawk, nearly falling backwards in the process.
“Adrien!” She rapidly caught a few of the falling items she’d knocked off from her flailing. “What are you doing just standing there staring at me?!”
He chuckled and helped her pick up. The spell had broken and the ring was safe for another day.
“You know what I find amazing?”
Already knowing what was to come, Adrien sighed and set his controller on his lap. “And what’s that, love bug?”
“That even after all these years… I can still kick your butt at Ultimate Mecha Strike.”
“And is that why you’re wearing my clothes?” Adrien said, gesturing to the hoodie that was baggy on her, and the shorts hidden underneath. “The right of conquest letting you take my stuff?”
“Oh, no.” She leaned forward across the couch and gave him a quick kiss. “That’s just because you love me and I love you.” She put her arm over her face and breathed in. Her face became the image of bliss. “Smells just like you. Almost like I’m being hugged by you all the time.”
“You know what also feels like I’m hugging you all the time?”
“Hm…?” She was slightly distracted, making her easy prey.
He slid across the couch in one smooth motion, scooping her up in his arms. To his surprise, though, she ended up sitting on top of him, undisturbed except for a single lock of hair falling in front of her face. She smiled back at him as she sat in his lap.
“You weren’t the only one who fought evil for years, chaton.”
In that moment, he saw the familiar fire behind her eyes that he’d seen countless times before. Every time they charged into battle or faced down one supervillain or another, he’d seen that look. It was the same fire that he’d first fallen in love with all those years ago.
The fact that it was directed now toward beating him in a video game didn’t change the fact that it made his heart beat like wild, just like it had since that first day.
If it weren’t for the fact that she was sitting on him, he would’ve dashed for that black box already. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around her waist, rested his head on her shoulder, and kept playing.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 7
The prelude to the wedding - a mixture of Moroccan tradition and modern style. Can Adrien survive just a little bit longer?
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Marinette met up with Alya at her place, the apartment that she lived in alone.
Her friend’s face lit up when she opened the door. “Hey, what’s up, girl? Ready to get spoiled today?”
“I’ve been looking forward to it,” Marinette said with a smile.
She looked past Alya to see that she wasn’t the first one to arrive. Besides a couple of work friends that she only tangentially knew, she noticed Kagami and Chloe had beat her there. Chloe looked up from her phone to glance at Marinette before blowing a bubble of gum and popping it.
“Not that I’m complaining-” Chloe began as the gaggle of ladies made their way out to the two cars they’d be taking to the spa.
“I guess there is a first time for everything.” Alya smirked at Chloe through the reflection in her rear view mirror before she adjusted it.
Chloe rolled her eyes. “But what’s the deal with this girl’s day? Is this the bachelorette party or what?”
“I think I would prefer this over a… typical bachelorette party,” Kagami said. Her frown deepened. “From what I have seen through movies, I am quite glad to be rid of male strippers and excessive alcohol.”
“First off, if I was gonna have a bachelorette party, it sure as hell wouldn’t be anything like that.” Alya came to a halt at a stop light. “Second, we're kind of trying to follow Moroccan wedding traditions to make Nino’s family happy.”
“What about your family?” Marinette asked. “Won’t they be upset?”
“Ah!” Alya held up her index finger, pointing up. “But you forget who is cooking for the wedding. My mom looked up a couple of Moroccan wedding dishes, but for the most part we’ve got some tasty, tasty stuff from Martinique.”
“So… this tradition stuff.” Chloe popped another gum bubble. “What’s it got to do with a spa day?”
“Well…” Alya scrunched up her forehead. “How did Nino explain it? Instead of a big ceremony there is like three days of celebration. It starts with a hammam day - the bride and her lady guests go to a public bath and get all cleaned up. Fancy clay stuff for the hair, massages, perfume, waxing, all that stuff.”
Chloe nodded along. “Sounds like my usual fun weekend.”
“I figured a spa is basically the same thing, and I decided to mix the bachelorette party with the hammam. That way, everyone is happy.” Then Alya added under her breath, “including my bank account.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous,” Chloe said, peering over her sunglasses. “How much can a spa day really cost?”
“You said there were three days of celebration?” Kagami leaned forward and pushed Chloe back a little. “What about the other two?”
“Tomorrow is the henna party-”
“Oh, I love henna!” Chloe looked at her fingernails. “Super fun to use.”
“Yeah, well, this stuff is the real deal. It’ll make tattoos that will last for a few days. We’re going to have Nino’s mom over, she’s a real pro at drawing them. His fam is expecting me to be all decked out for it and I’m actually pretty psyched about it.” She nudged Marinette. “So be thinking of some neat ones for me!”
“What, me? I thought you had Nino’s mom for that!”
“Yeah, but they’re supposed to bring good luck and who better to give me some good luck than you?” She glanced at Marinette meaningfully and winked.
“What, Marinette? Lucky? Ridiculous!” Chloe crossed her arms.
“You’ll just have to trust me on this one, Chlo,” Alya said with a snicker. “She’s great with lucky charms.”
Nino pulled into the mosque parking lot and both him and Adrien got out. It wasn’t long before another car arrived and two more people joined them. Adrien held out his hand as Marinette did the same.
“Had a fun time, love bug?” He kissed her forehead. “You look positively glowing.”
“That’d be the spa day for you.” She sighed blissfully. “We need to go there on a date one of these days.”
“Not to interrupt, but,” Nino said, “You guys ready to head in?”
“Right, sorry.” Adrien smiled as he fell in behind the other two, who were also hand in hand.
The imam was already prepared for them. “Nino, it is good to see you. Do you have the certificate of civil marriage?”
“Uhhh…” Nino dug around in his bag. “Yeah, here we go, du- uh, sir.”
The imam glanced at the official document. “Wonderful! I have everything ready for you to sign for your traditional Moroccan wedding.”
Adrien tried to read over Nino’s shoulder as he and Alya put their name on some documents, but they weren’t written in a language he was familiar with. After a few minutes, it was done.
“...Is that it?” Adrien wrinkled his forehead. “Is there a ceremony or something?”
“No way, dude, that’s the cool part.” Nino threw an arm over Adrien’s shoulders and punched his arm. “Now we can just get straight to the actual party, bro!”
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal: Chapter 5
The time has come to shop for the suits and dresses they'll be wearing for the Big Moment.
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Marinette breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped into the perfectly chilled store. She usually didn’t like the cold, but compared to the sweltering mid-July heat wave outside, this was practically heaven.
Besides, now Marinette was in her element. Helping with the schedules and guest lists and venue shopping was one thing, but Alya for the most part knew what she was doing. All she really needed from Marinette and Adrien was second opinions. But fashion? That was Marinette’s entire life.
As they began looking through dresses, comparing styles and colors, they chatted to pass the time.
“Just one more year at university, right, girl?”
“Absolutely.” Marinette paused in her search to give a tired sigh. "It's going to be such a busy year, but I'm so close I can taste it."
"Hell yeah, girl, you're going to kill it!” Alya let out an appreciative whistle and pulled Marinette over to a dress. “What do you think about the drop waist on this?"
Marinette looked it over with a designer’s eye and hummed in thought. "It's pretty, but for someone with your curves, I'd go with something more form fitting."
Alya raised an eyebrow. "I'll give my grandma a heart attack, you know."
"She did see Nora get married in a championship belt, right?"
"Fair point,” Alya said with a laugh. She shook her head and scanned the room, her eyes widening as a section caught her eye. “Let's look at dresses from that Italian label. I've got to try something on today."
The conversation petered off for a couple minutes as they got engrossed in touching and looking over all the foreign label dresses.
"Ooooh look at the satin on this one!" Marinette passes it over to Alya. As she is feeling it, Marinette sees Alya glance at her out of the corner of her eye.
"So…” Alya said in her nonchalant tone, one Marinette was very familiar with from the times she’d watched her best friend try to subtly prob info from an unsuspecting interviewee. “Have you thought about what'll happen after you graduate?"
"I try not to, honestly.” She shrugged and gave a half-hearted smile. “I'll take the fashion world by storm? I hope? I've got my eye on some positions at a few labels, plus there was that place I interned at that I left a good impression at.” Marinette set the dress back where she found it. “Who knows? Maybe I'll even go freelance."
"I was thinking more on the relationship side of things, M,” Alya said with a gentle sternness. “Do all these wedding dresses give you any... ideas?"
Marinette took a deep breath and tried to order her thoughts. "I mean... I've thought about it, sure. I’ve thought about it since like lycee, before we were even dating.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “But we're both so busy and I'm at school-"
"You don't think he might be waiting for you to graduate?"
Deciding to come clean with her suspicions, Marinette said in a low voice, "Honestly? I think all this planning has him freaked out. And he's been through a lot the past couple years. I don't want to push him. I'm happy moving at a steady pace."
Alya kept the pressure up. "But if he were to propose?"
"I'd ask when and where should I show up in a white dress- OH MY GOD YOU’VE GOT TO TRY THAT ONE!” Marinette pulled an exquisite dress off the shelf. “THE IVORY AND THE BEADING ALYA!"
“So how are things going between you and Alya?” Adrien said as they stepped into the tuxedo shop. “The stress of all this isn’t putting any strain on you guys, right?”
“No way, dude! Me and Al are as tight as ever.” Nino hummed an as-of-yet unreleased Jagged Stone song as he walked along the rows. “We’ve even been thinking of moving in together while all this is going down.”
“That’s awesome! What made you want to do it now instead of after the wedding?”
“Well, I was like ‘hey, babe, the wedding is gonna be all kinda stressful with the family and the tradition stuff and the constant partying. Wouldn’t it be chill if we could just go home afterwards and not have to worry about jack?’ And she was all like ‘babe that is the best idea I’ve heard all week. Kiss me you handsome man.’”
“Really?” Adrien smirked. “You’re a modern Voltaire. No wonder she was convinced so easily.”
“Thanks, dude.” There was a persistent grin on Nino’s face as he let Adrien work his magic. “You know, we didn’t take the same path you and M did, but I def can’t say I regret it.”
“Yeah… Marinette and I sort of jumped head first into things,” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You two have always had the cooler heads. Especially you, my man.” Adrien lightly punched Nino’s shoulder. “You two have always had such a close and strong bond.”
Nino sighed contently and looked over toward Adrien. “I’m just so happy, bro.”
Before Adrien could congratulate him, Nino added:
“You should really think about proposing to Marinette, dude.”
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal Chapter 4
The pressure increases for poor Adrien as Marinette gets entirely the wrong conclusion.
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Final Chapter (9)
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To everyone else, things were proceeding like normal on this lovely day at the start of May. This was their fifth wedding venue that they were looking into today. They’d been dodging light rain for the entire day, but it didn’t bother Marinette because she knew that would mean beautiful flowers later in the month.
What did bother her was Adrien.
While everyone else might have been too wrapped up in the gorgeous venues they were exploring, she saw Adrien. And while other people might not have seen past his bright smile and well-timed laughs, she did. She saw how it was a little too wide to be real, the slight mechanical quality to his laughter.
Something wasn’t right.
It clearly had something to do with the wedding planning. His smile would become more strained the moment Alya or Nino would ask him about his opinion on one thing or another. But what was bothering him? It’s not like he disliked their two best friends. Her eyes widened as she realized she hadn’t considered the only other person involved here: Herself.
Now, she knew Adrien’s love was never in question. Just the years alone had given her plenty of evidence to quash that without a second notice. But maybe all this talk of marriage was making him nervous. Maybe he was feeling pressured to follow Nino’s example?
Suddenly the pieces all fell into place and she smiled in relief. That had to be it!
If he was feeling pressured, then maybe he was worried that she wouldn’t say yes. Her eyes narrowed in determination and as she walked beside her boyfriend, she intertwined her fingers in his.
She needed to show him that she was ready if he was. Time to tell Adrien just how much she loves him without the need for words. A smile spread across her face as a plan started to form. That ought to set his mind at ease.
Adrien was going insane.
Well, that was probably already happening before this latest development. Holding in his feelings and reining in his heart’s desires weren’t things that came naturally to Adrien. For once in his life he had to not listen to his heart and just wait. Which is all to say that he was having an awful time just trying to keep his head above the water.
His therapist - the only other human being he trusted with the full story - had been sympathetic but still amused. She had said something to the effect that maybe this would turn out to be good for him, or even make the moment when he finally did propose all the more worthwhile.
Granted, that was before Marinette had started to make everything all the more difficult for him. Why did she have to be so… so… wonderful?
Not that she wasn’t wonderful already, but after they had gotten back from touring wedding venues with their best friends - which had Adrien’s mind whirling - Marinette had gone above and beyond even her usual high bar.
It had started with dinner the following day.
The scent was achingly familiar, but he simply couldn’t place it until he looked into the kitchen. After tasting the soup that was so very close to being finished, it all came back to him in a rush. Memories of barely being able to look over the counter as his mother chopped vegetables and the wonderful taste as all three of them sat down for dinner. His father had tried to replicate it after she was gone, at Adrien’s request, but it was never the same no matter what cooks he hired.
“Did you…” Adrien looked at Marinette with wide eyes. “Did you get my mother’s soup recipe?”
“Recognized it already, huh?” Marinette said with a smile. “I thought it’d be a nice surprise is all.”
“But even I haven’t thought about it in years!” He leaned against the counter. “How did you find it?”
“Well, I called your aunt and she told me it was one of your favorites. I decided I wanted that in our home.” She took his hand and like he had done for her so many times before, she pressed a kiss to the back of it. “If that’s alright?”
Adrien swallowed, feeling overcome with far too many emotions. “Y-yeah, that’s… that’s awesome. Thank you.”
If there was ever any doubts Adrien had about marrying her, then they were quashed in that moment. But there was still months to go before Nino and Alya’s wedding.
Leaving the room, Adrien collapsed face first into the bed he shared with her and let out a strangled choking sound into the pillows. At this rate, he wasn’t sure if he was going to make it or spontaneously explode with love for her.
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