intercoursefluids · 2 years
Can I get a Jason x Adrien; established relationship?
BAMF Bottom Adrien/Chat Noir going feral when he sees Jason, as Red Hood, hurt and he's having these dark thoughts plaguing his mind, cause the last time Jason got hurt when Adrien wasn't there, he had died. So Adrien was only seeing red when he attacked, surprisingly he didn't kill the goons but left them in critical condition. After that he left a warning in the most seductive/purring/teasing but still deadly voice about 'keeping their paws off what's his'. Then the rumor's start coming around about 'Catwoman having a sidekick?' but she defuses these claims, saying she doesn't. And now everyone is confuse/wary/terrified, about this newcomer that's strangely overprotective of the Big Bad Red Hood; the beheadings guy; the 'shoot first, ask questions never' literal CRIME LORD!!.
Okay, so I may have gotten a little carried away and went off script so if you want me to re-write it I will
Nevertheless I hope you enjoy
Word Count:772
Adrien had been lying in bed, watching Ouran Highschool Host Club for the nth time and waiting for his boyfriend to get home when a live stream took over his TV screen.
“Hello Gotham, I hope you all are prepared for my next batch of Fear Gas. Seeing as how it has been awhile since I have shown what I do, I thought a little demonstration was in order!”
The camera pans over to show Red Hood tied to a chair, slumped over and breathing heavily.
“Today, I will be testing the effects on Red Hood. I caught Gotham’s famous beheader snooping around too close to my territory so he will be learning his lesson today! Hope you are ready, this will be painful.”
The maniac scientist's laughter echoes in Adrien’s ears as he leaps out the window, already transformed and tracking his love through his scent.
Adrien, now suited up as Chat Noir, wastes no time as he rushes to Jason’s rescue, leaving cracks in the concrete from where his pole slammed into it, barely sparring a second glance to make sure he didn’t hit a person.
Pure, unadulterated, panic seized Chat’s mind.
The last time Jason had been in this situation, he hadn't been there. No one had been there and Jason had died.
Chat had just gotten him back, after spending literal years mourning his first love, he wouldn’t lose him again.
He couldn’t lose him again.
The smell of leather, blood, and Jason’s favorite cologne starts to get stronger as he makes it to the building Jason is being kept in.
Chat spots Jason through the window, Scarecrow preparing to stick him with a syringe, and he doesn’t bother stopping.
He barrels straight through the wall, scattering chunks of drywall in every direction.
Immediately, everyone’s attention is on him.
Goons aim their guns at him but he moves too fast, grabbing Scarecrow by the arm Chat throws him away from his boyfriend, launching him so far that he crashes into the table holding all of his Mad-Scientist equipment.
Chat tilts Jason’s, Red Hood’s, face up, realizing it was pointless because he was wearing his helmet and grabbing one of his hands instead, letting Jason rest his head on Chat’s other hand.
“Are you okay? Scratch that, you obviously aren’t okay. Can you walk? Do you want me to carry you? Does your head hurt? Is anything broken? Do I need to call Ladybu-”
Chat’s rapid fire questions are cut off by two bullets, hitting him in his back and making his shoulders jerk forward.
“Give me a second, Love.”
Chat plants a kiss to the top of Jason’s head helmet, and straightens up, slowly turning to face his attackers, a low growl building in the back of as his and Plagg’s shared rage takes physical form in the shadows of pure destruction seeping from his body, his fangs elongnating, and his cat eyes narrowing into nothing more than slits.
Chat fixates on Scarecrow, holding an assault rifle pointed at his chest.
Scarecrow fires several shots as Chat slowly stalks towards him, the bullets disintegrating before they even reach him.
Chat sprints the last few steps to Scarecrow, gripping the barrel of the rifle and turning it to ashes in his grip.
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Unless you want to meet the same fate as this little toy you call a weapon, you will keep your paws off of what's mine. Now run before I change my mind and erase your existence.”
The threat comes out as more of a snarl than anything. The ashes from the rifle floating to the ground leaving Scarecrow holding onto nothing before the words register.
Scarecrow books it out of there, jumping through the same hole in the wall that Chat had put there upon his arrival.
Chat immediately rushes back to his boyfriend's side, who is more or less holding himself upright.
“That was hot.”
Jason huffs out a laugh as Chat’s face blooms in crimson, completely flustered and sputtering as he tries to untie him and talk at the same time.
“That's- I- You can’t just… STop flirting with me, I need to focus!”
Jason is kind enough not to bring attention to the fact that Chat’s voice cracked but he is not kind enough to stop flustering his boy friend.
“Sorry for being such a distraction, Love. Don’t worry though, when we get back home, all of my attention will be on you and all you will have to focus on is trying to remember to say ‘Please’.”
Adrien will forever deny that he stumbled his next step.
Tag List:
(I wasn't sure if the people in my general taglist want to be tagged for stuff like this as well so let me know if you do or don't)
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mcccs-blog · 4 years
Ijin melaporkan agenda MCCC Sumatera Barat selasa 7 April 2020 :
1. Penyerahan ucapan Terimakasih kepada Bapak *H. Ali Usman Suka* direktur utama PT. Toko Besi Hidayah Padang Panjang..
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2. Pembentukan MCCC Kota Payakumbuh dan Kabupaten 50 kota.
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3. Pembentukan MCCC kabupaten Agam.
Team MCCC Sumatera Barat yang Berangkat:
*1. Marhadi Efendi (Wakil ketua MCCC Sumbar)*
*2. Adrison Adnan (Wakil ketua MCCC Sumbar)*
*3. Portito (Sekretaris MCCC Sumbar)*
*4. Ahmad Affandi (Anggota MCCC Sumbar)*
*5. Ogi Fathur Rahman (Anggota MCCC Sumbar)*
Demikian laporan kegiatan hari ini ayahanda.....
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cidaderiorj · 5 years
Santíssimo é um bairro de classe média e média-baixa da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro pertencente a região administrativa de Campo Grande. Seu IDH, no ano 2000, era de 0,780, o 101º colocado entre
126 regiões analisadas no município do Rio de Janeiro.
Localizado entre os bairros de Campo Grande e Bangu, possui cerca de 700 mil m² de unidades de conservação. Em 2010, sua população estimada era de 41.458 habitantes. Os bairros que fazem fronteira com Santíssimo são: Senador Camará, Senador Vasconcelos, Bangu e Campo Grande.
A localidade era atravessada pela estrada real de Santa Cruz. Nela ficava o Engenho do Lameirão, de Manuel Suzano, com sua capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Lameirão, o templo mais importante das redondezas. Em 1750, a capela teve permissão para manter em “Sacrário” o Santíssimo Sacramento e, para isso, foi criada a Irmandade do Santíssimo. Esse acontecimento passou a designar de Santíssimo toda a região situada entre Bangu e Campo Grande e batizaria o atual bairro. Santíssimo era próspero na época em que o Rio de Janeiro exportava laranja para o exterior. Havia
barracões onde a laranja era beneficiada para a exportação. Com o fim do período rural na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Santíssimo ficou renegado a um bairro meramente dormitório ou um bairro de passagem para as regiões mais adiantes no mapa da cidade, rumo à zona oeste.
Atualmente o bairro sofre um aumento crescente de sua população de forma desordenada em suas encostas. Santíssimo possui uma área bastante acidentada, formada por morros e pequenos vales.
Encravado no meio do Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca,onde se desenvolvem pequenos sítios, propriedades rurais e casas, a região é, então, mais um exemplo do crescimento da ocupação desordenada do espaço urbano. Essa ocupação desordenada aliada a um acompanhamento fraco por parte do governo, fez com que o bairro crescesse com uma infraestrutura fraca ou inexistente em vários setores. Cerca de 9,84 % dos domicílios dos residentes do bairro estão localizados abaixo da linha da pobreza.
Santíssimo é cortada por duas grandes avenidas: a Avenida Santa Cruz (antigo Caminho Imperial de Santa Cruz) e a mais importante avenida da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Avenida Brasil. Fica no bairro também a famosa Estrada da Posse, cantada em um funk de muito sucesso nos anos 90, a Estrada dos Coqueiros e a Estrada Sete Riachos.
Algumas localidades (loteamentos) de Santíssimo são: Coqueiros, Jardim Terra Firme, Jardim Laranjeiras, Varandão, Vila Mariana, Ecisa, Bairro Roma, Morro da Esperança (vulgarmente conhecido como Morro da Titica), Pousada dos Cavaleiros, Itaquê, Vila Guedes, Santa Celeste, Vila Maria, Morro da Cruz, São Victor, Lameirão, Serra Alta, Bairro N.S. de Fátima,Saúna,Vila Verde e outros.
Em 22 de Junho de 2014 foi inaugurado no bairro o viaduto Marcello Alencar. A obra, extinguiu a passagem de nível feita pela linha férrea, e auxiliou a escoar o transito rumo a Avenida Brasil, realizando uma ligação melhor com a Avenida Santa Cruz além de servir como rota alternativa aos caminhões e carretas que atualmente trafegam pelo centro de Campo Grande.
Bairro Santíssimo RJ CEP
Bairro predominantemente residencial com 93,78% de seus endereços residenciais.
Principais ruas do Bairro Santíssimo
CEP 23092-032 Estrada do Lameirão – lado par
CEP 23092-031 Estrada do Lameirão – lado ímpar
CEP 23010-120 Rua Adutora
CEP 23094-091 Rua Teixeira Campos – até 633 – lado ímpar
CEP 23094-010 Rua Anes Dias
CEP 23010-470 Rua Arlindo Cardoso
CEP 23098-062 Rua Teixeira Campos – de 500 ao fim – lado par
CEP 23010-630 Rua A
CEP 23098-030 Estrada do Quafa
CEP 23094-140 Rua Ivan Pessoa
Outras ruas
Rua Rosa Richa
Rua Ipomeia
Rua Alberto de Oliveira
Rua Teixeira Campos – até 498 – lado par
Rua Arceburgo
Rua Manuel Torres
Rua dos Deputados
Rua Sérgio Cardoso
Rua Alexandre Moura
Rua Cedral
Rua Sauna
Rua Cisneiros
Rua Graham Bell
Rua Augusto Brandão
Rua Itaque
Bairro Santíssimo RJ Pizzaria
Mamma Pizza Delivery
Pizzaria Rei da Massa
Master Pizza – Pizzaria E Esfiharia
Restaurante e Pizzaria Point Santissimo
Pizzaria Momo
Bairro Santíssimo RJ Farmácias
Drogaria Tradicional Santíssimo
Top Farma Drogaria
Drogaria Sempre Mais
Farmácia Droga Adrison
Farmácia Lysias
Bairro Santíssimo RJ ETERJ
Com mais de 15 mil alunos formados, a ETERJ investe na permanente atualização de seu projeto pedagógico, conciliando o melhor de sua experiência acumulada com promissoras inovações, criando melhores condições de empregabilidade e contribuindo na formação de recursos humanos para área industrial com competências e habilidades para a laboralidade.
Os cursos são oferecidos em três modalidades:
Concomitância Interna – o aluno cursa a Educação Profissional junto com o Ensino Médio.
Concomitância Externa – o aluno cursa o Ensino Médio em outra instituição de ensino e cumpre na ETERJ as disciplinas de Educação Profissional.
Pós-Médio – O aluno curso somente a área técnica. É oferecido àqueles que já concluíram o Ensino Médio ou estão cursando a partir da 2ª série do Ensino Médio.
Bairro Santíssimo RJ Fotos
Mapa de localização
<a class="wp-colorbox-iframe" href="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d29407.730578578747!2d-43.537703419220534!3d-22.877702441688214!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!
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From https://www.encontrariodejaneiro.com.br/agenda/bairro-santissimo-rj/
from https://encontrariodejaneiro0.wordpress.com/2019/08/15/bairro-santissimo-rj/
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exoinstyle · 7 years
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[160112] — HUGO BOSS “Adrison” Cotton Velvet Sport Jacket — $545
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