intercoursefluids · 2 years
Can I get a Jason x Adrien; established relationship?
BAMF Bottom Adrien/Chat Noir going feral when he sees Jason, as Red Hood, hurt and he's having these dark thoughts plaguing his mind, cause the last time Jason got hurt when Adrien wasn't there, he had died. So Adrien was only seeing red when he attacked, surprisingly he didn't kill the goons but left them in critical condition. After that he left a warning in the most seductive/purring/teasing but still deadly voice about 'keeping their paws off what's his'. Then the rumor's start coming around about 'Catwoman having a sidekick?' but she defuses these claims, saying she doesn't. And now everyone is confuse/wary/terrified, about this newcomer that's strangely overprotective of the Big Bad Red Hood; the beheadings guy; the 'shoot first, ask questions never' literal CRIME LORD!!.
Okay, so I may have gotten a little carried away and went off script so if you want me to re-write it I will
Nevertheless I hope you enjoy
Word Count:772
Adrien had been lying in bed, watching Ouran Highschool Host Club for the nth time and waiting for his boyfriend to get home when a live stream took over his TV screen.
“Hello Gotham, I hope you all are prepared for my next batch of Fear Gas. Seeing as how it has been awhile since I have shown what I do, I thought a little demonstration was in order!”
The camera pans over to show Red Hood tied to a chair, slumped over and breathing heavily.
“Today, I will be testing the effects on Red Hood. I caught Gotham’s famous beheader snooping around too close to my territory so he will be learning his lesson today! Hope you are ready, this will be painful.”
The maniac scientist's laughter echoes in Adrien’s ears as he leaps out the window, already transformed and tracking his love through his scent.
Adrien, now suited up as Chat Noir, wastes no time as he rushes to Jason’s rescue, leaving cracks in the concrete from where his pole slammed into it, barely sparring a second glance to make sure he didn’t hit a person.
Pure, unadulterated, panic seized Chat’s mind.
The last time Jason had been in this situation, he hadn't been there. No one had been there and Jason had died.
Chat had just gotten him back, after spending literal years mourning his first love, he wouldn’t lose him again.
He couldn’t lose him again.
The smell of leather, blood, and Jason’s favorite cologne starts to get stronger as he makes it to the building Jason is being kept in.
Chat spots Jason through the window, Scarecrow preparing to stick him with a syringe, and he doesn’t bother stopping.
He barrels straight through the wall, scattering chunks of drywall in every direction.
Immediately, everyone’s attention is on him.
Goons aim their guns at him but he moves too fast, grabbing Scarecrow by the arm Chat throws him away from his boyfriend, launching him so far that he crashes into the table holding all of his Mad-Scientist equipment.
Chat tilts Jason’s, Red Hood’s, face up, realizing it was pointless because he was wearing his helmet and grabbing one of his hands instead, letting Jason rest his head on Chat’s other hand.
“Are you okay? Scratch that, you obviously aren’t okay. Can you walk? Do you want me to carry you? Does your head hurt? Is anything broken? Do I need to call Ladybu-”
Chat’s rapid fire questions are cut off by two bullets, hitting him in his back and making his shoulders jerk forward.
“Give me a second, Love.”
Chat plants a kiss to the top of Jason’s head helmet, and straightens up, slowly turning to face his attackers, a low growl building in the back of as his and Plagg’s shared rage takes physical form in the shadows of pure destruction seeping from his body, his fangs elongnating, and his cat eyes narrowing into nothing more than slits.
Chat fixates on Scarecrow, holding an assault rifle pointed at his chest.
Scarecrow fires several shots as Chat slowly stalks towards him, the bullets disintegrating before they even reach him.
Chat sprints the last few steps to Scarecrow, gripping the barrel of the rifle and turning it to ashes in his grip.
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Unless you want to meet the same fate as this little toy you call a weapon, you will keep your paws off of what's mine. Now run before I change my mind and erase your existence.”
The threat comes out as more of a snarl than anything. The ashes from the rifle floating to the ground leaving Scarecrow holding onto nothing before the words register.
Scarecrow books it out of there, jumping through the same hole in the wall that Chat had put there upon his arrival.
Chat immediately rushes back to his boyfriend's side, who is more or less holding himself upright.
“That was hot.”
Jason huffs out a laugh as Chat’s face blooms in crimson, completely flustered and sputtering as he tries to untie him and talk at the same time.
“That's- I- You can’t just… STop flirting with me, I need to focus!”
Jason is kind enough not to bring attention to the fact that Chat’s voice cracked but he is not kind enough to stop flustering his boy friend.
“Sorry for being such a distraction, Love. Don’t worry though, when we get back home, all of my attention will be on you and all you will have to focus on is trying to remember to say ‘Please’.”
Adrien will forever deny that he stumbled his next step.
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(I wasn't sure if the people in my general taglist want to be tagged for stuff like this as well so let me know if you do or don't)
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monetarilydizzy · 6 years
I think it’s high time to catch up with some angels that aren’t Jasrien, don’t you?
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monetarilydizzy · 6 years
So having read the most recent snapshot, now I'm curious about the hierarchies of angels. Because Vincintanious was the Angel of Winter, and other angels have had specific titles like that as well, but Simocian was just a 'nature angel' according to Glodria's POV. Is that a different class of angel? Very curious about that!
They are different classes, and it all comes down to how they’re made!
In my universe, angels are kinda… byproducts of God. Newton’s Third Law doesn’t really sound like something that should apply to God, yet every time something new is created in Creation, an angel is born into Heaven to correlate. Heavenly beings themselves don’t seem to be subject to this rule, as there seem to be no angels of Seraphim or angels of Archangels, nor is there an angel of the Heavensphere. (But, all angels are technically Angels of Heaven, so there is that I suppose.)
But for some of our angels. Vincintanious is the angel of the first frost of the season. Glodria is the angel of sunbeams. You may ask, why are these two not an Angel of Ice and an Angle of the Sun? Well, angels like to belong to hosts. There are a cluster of angels all related to the phenomenon that is the seasons. Lots of angels that play a part in winter? Boom, an angel of winter. But these are typically angels that represent more conceptual things. Simocian and Jasrien are angels of nature, of the winterberry (Ilex vertacillata) and jasmine respectively. Those are solid, tangible things that are directly correlated to nature.
Angelic rank is determined by how exclusive the group you belong to is and how special your function is. Heaven is nothing if not utilitarian. Metatron is the highest ranking angel in existence because he is unique. Seraphim, Archangel, Scribe of Heaven, this dude’s got it all going on. But he never leaves his spot. Therefore, Michael, General of Armies and Slayer of the Dragon, is the highest ranking active angel. Kalagis is a fairly high ranking angel because she is both a clairvoyant and a Lieutenant in Michael’s army. There aren’t a whole whole lot of clairvoyants to begin with, so that’s status, and the army just is extra icing on the cake. Seasonal Angels aren’t necessarily fewer in number than angels of nature, but their roles are perceived as more important so they are higher ranked. If belief patterns were to shift… who knows what would happen? Things are only what they are because we say they are.
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monetarilydizzy · 6 years
Was the series always the size it is now, i.e. three stories and some snapshots, or was there ever more or less to it?
Well, originally I had two distinct story ideas that weren’t connected at all. One followed Zenthella and her brood, and one followed the angels Safriel and Jasrien. I had gotten into a writing funk (as I am prone to do) and just slapped two new characters– Ophelia and Serine– in a combat scene with Zenthella in what, at the time, was a fun writing exercise. Then I starting thinking that maybe it would be worth making the Monks have their own story, and then I just kinda folded it all together.
There are several plots floating around in my head that I pared down and sometimes think could make more stories, so that’s really why I created the snapshots. It lets me write into the little corners that my mind has suggested (Adaline’s past, the Odyssians, etc.) without getting too locked into any format or direct sequence, and it helps keep everything nice and tidy.
Thanks for the question!
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
Kalagis with 2, 5, 11 and 27! (I miss her)
2 (Daily Rituals): Days are funny for angels because they don’t really ever need to sleep, and Heaven doesn’t really have a day/night cycle. But in what we could understand as a morning, Kalagis meditates, then meticulously checks the fletching on her arrows, and does yoga. She then bathes and braids her hair.The rest of the day is spent doing things for Michael or spending time with Safriel or Jasrien.
5 (Cleanliness Habits): Kalagis likes to be clean, and she likes to be practical. She keeps her hair in a braid because she thinks it’s both stylish and unobtrusive. Kalagis doesn’t really paint her fingernails unless there’s a need for it. She is very neat in her living spaces by necessity’s sake. Her quarters in Michael’s war temple are completely utilitarian, and her forging space has to be clean or else there will be imperfections in her arrowheads. If she ever has space in the mortal world, she keeps it clean so that she can move on quickly if necessary.
11 (Intellectual Pursuits): It’s a common thing among angels to think a lot on free will and the consequences of it. Like, there are angels who have done nothing for Eternity other than sit still and ponder free will in the presence of God. Kalagis personally also likes to think a lot about patterns, how things repeat themselves over time and space. Due to her clairvoyance and wide travels, she’s seen too much of Creation to think everything is unique, so she spends a good amount of time reflecting on the limited base components of the universe, how things are repeated and remixed constantly to create variation.
27 (Biggest Regret): Kalagis’ biggest regret would have to be her inaction before Vincintanious Fell. Simocian and Vincintanious’ Falling is a big complicated mess involving a Phyrrus demon and a gangster, but long story short Simocian killed a mortal that put Vincintanious in a coma. Simocian subsequently was sent to Hell for killing said mortal. Before Vincintanious awoke from his coma, Kalagis had a vision of Vincintanious facing down Azrael. Instead of going to the Archangel, talking to any of Vincintanious’ siblings, or confronting Vincintanious directly, Kalagis stepped back and let fate do its part. Fate’s will was Vincintanious going on a crusade to kill corrupt mortals who had escaped divine persecution, culminating in the showdown with Azrael, and Kalagis will always regret not trying to intervene and try to influence the future.
Sorry you’re missing Kalagis, but she’s coming back relatively soon. Thanks for the asks, and just let me know if any of this is incoherent!
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
A post by @underhandedpenguin made me think of this, but in my original drafts for Here and Then there was a great scene where Jasrien stabbed a succubus off of Davie. Obviously that's not there anymore, but I think of Sibella every now and again and I wonder if I can ever bring her back. Anyways, I hope everyone had a good December 25th.
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
Tonight features one of my favorite characters of all time. She’s the worst in all of the best ways, and I would die for her. In unrelated news, Jasrien can be a butthead. Even if he doesn’t realize it.
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
Finally! Angels have alighted! Go read about Jasrien and Safriel, the first two characters developed for this series. Kalagis is in there too, but I developed her much later, once I realized the boys would be a disaster on their own.
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
A (rubbish) Guide to Here and Then’s Main Characters
Jasrien- Cinnamon roll angel. Safriel’s lover. Wields a spear and is part of an angelic strike team with Kalagis and Safriel. Too sassy for his own good, but his heart is the right place. Likes to dance
Safriel- Likes to remain peaceful, but will 100% kill you if you hurt his boyfriend. He enjoys playing his guitar, cuddling his Jasrien, and splitting open demon’s heads with his giant axe.
Kalagis- Safriel and Jasrien’s field commander. She needs saving from their flirting 24/7. She fletches her arrows with feathers from her wings, and will know four ways to beat you in single combat before you know her name.
Dappled Zenthella Sandoute- Living embodiment of “take no shit.” More powerful than she looks, and is very very scary when angry. Very good at fire and earth magics. Has one other witch friend, and doesn’t think she needs more.
Figaro- Zenthella’s familiar. Hipster with his hair in a bun. Zenthella makes fun of him daily. Figaro is salty all the time but has a lot of love for Zenthella and Charlie under all the salt. Very good at cooking and smelling things.
Charlie- Precious non-binary bby who needs to be protected. Except not really because they can cut you with their sword before Zenthella can get her batons up. Very quiet, except with Figaro.
Ophelia- Very powerful monk. Can sometimes get too caught up in emotions. Is like a big sister to Serine, to Serine’s dismay. Honestly could one day become Arch Sophisticate, if she could get rid of some of those rigid morals.
Serine- Kinda a mess. Likes sand. Needs a lot of prep for almost everything. Loves Ophelia a lot, but doesn’t quite know how to tell her. He has a lot more value than he thinks he does though.
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
*Glances nervously at the 10 months Jasrien aimlessly couchsurfs as a mortal.* Well, time to check in with Kalagis and Safriel
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